TUESDAY, FEBRUABY lt«| fA G B FOURTEEN X, A venge Dnflj Nat Pnas Ron i 91ttn rl|p 0 ti?r lEo^nina For the Week Baaed F eb ru i^ S3, 1964' Mrs. Barbara D. Thomsen, so* Temple Chapter, Order o f World War I Barracka and dal consultant for the Statler Eastern Star, will have an In­ Auxiliary are reminded of the . 1 3 ,9 1 1 About Town Hilt


by Merrill Unooln, planner ior liti axhlhlt in N«w York, at tha Richard J. Daley and Negroes tary for poUticiti affEtirs and an time ago to seoapt bit rwifiuf Rw:kvUle4^ernon lie firs distrtet, wUl be.glvm RitckvUle-Verrton tion and was considering oircivr Swiss Block H iism ^ Switch Seen Hebron time. Tile next meeting of toe wbe- opposed the boycott . Hilsman Resigns expert on Southeast Asia. > selectmen for- additionei in­ board will bo hold March 12. Fewer Pupils Negroee eplit into factions pri­ There have been reports of from torts untrartititt. formation on the “total pic­ Stamps^;?j2r or to the boycott. Alderman Diplomatic Post differences in the government BACKS 4rotnH s k i l l s Town Moves ture.” Blazan Fund Town Hall Repairs Slated; Bvaoisg tierM Kenneth E. Campbell, a Negro, on how to intensify the U.S.- :losi^ The poasibiUty of aprcadlng Mrs. Porter Join B oycott and aaaoclatee of U.S. Rep. Wil­ NBW HAVEN (AP) "Tbt H ebran neersepenimt. WASHINCraON (AP)^Aasist backed war against Communist father who does not taarti his the coet of the road improve­ BERN, Switzerland (AP)— A Typical LBJ Move liam L. Dawaon, veteran Demo- guerrillas in South ^ et Nam. ments over a two-year period The Swiss government blocked I PEEidleSBEi, telephone 224> ant Secretary of State Roger boy a trade, taachaa Um to For Rosedale Petitioners Fail to File eratic Negro leader, joined oth- Hilsman said hla decision to was discussed by selectmen; , the funds of the Balzan Founds- Names Aides In C h icago era in opposing the second boy­ Hilsman, a key designer of U.S. ateal,” taya Bacretary of Latwr (Continued from Page One) resign as assistant secretiu^ for Ihe Rosedale section tlon today, but the $161,000 pre cott on grounds it would serve policy in South Viet Nto> luui W. WUIard Wilts. Road Action originally a colony of summer a«nted to the United Nations as A n icted petitkm from^Doberty and Mrs. Ftonat resigned. Far Eastern afl(tirs "was not The reaaon, he aald, ia auto- CmCACK) (^ )^ v il rights no useful purpose. related to any poUcy issues.’’ homes. In 1957. those living in the foundation’s 1963 peace T toe fire district was ’Turgeon. brought home to Americima the For Canvass Earlier this month, tha board His reetgnatlon, announced miUion Which now makes "un- realization that dezidte all the S k atin g 11 Earn Honors groupa have thraatenad more '3 r ' By KDWABD J. FREEMAN toe area requested that roads prise Was not affected, not prMented to selectmen at BtaspHal N etes of education voted in favor of a Tuesday with a "Dear Roger” In making public the Johnson- skUled Uvss absolutely use­ Admitted yeeterdey: Charles tJ.S. aid to South Viet Nam, it demmiatrationa and,blnt6d o f a Immediate action was started be accepted by toe town. The Swiss Interior Ministry, their meeting last night. The aiunial Red fund policy of integration. But some letter from President Johnson, Hilsman letters, the White le s s ." Moller, West WlUington; Mrs. waa the other side that w im mak­ Report At Central State Negro voter revolt against city laM aicht by selectmen to com­ Town officials ruled that, be- Mjq)ervisor of the Swiss-Itallan ’The petition, drawn up under drive is scheduled for March. civil r^hta groupa were not sat­ came a day after the lulmlnis- House said the 44-year-old offi­ "Machines now have the FLOWERS Helen Jewett, TolUuid; Kathy ing progress. Johnson Iz vary Democratic leaders after iiiore equivailent of a high school edu­ ply with yesterday’s Supi'eme cause toe roada were only 32 foundation’s finances, said all provisions of (tote “home rule" Mrs. Kenneth A. Porter, chair- than 172,000 pupila miaaed their isfied and called for a timetable tration disclosed a shakeup In cial waa leaving to return to For Bvaay Ocessli K u rt of SiTors decision regrard- feet wide instead of toe re- prise money will be withheld statutes, would initiate action Grant Tolland; Muriel Colee, AP Newefeatarea senaltive to public reactioh. A tota l a t 11 atudants fixm on demands. Its Viet Nam pc^cy making. academic life. cation,’’ Wilts said. Ellington; Eugene Backea, Tol­ This week the State Depart­ m(ui, hiM appointed toe follow­ claaaea 'Tuea^y in the second P o r i i H f l - tny roads in the Rosedale sec­ quired three rods (about 49% from the organization’s direct- to strengthen the government By SYD KRONI8H Good ice skating weather. ing captains to serve in the this araa have been named to The boycott was a costly one The State Department re­ Hilsman, a West Point gradu­ He spoke at a meeting of toe in Vernon’s rural district. land; Mrs. Matilda Kaufman, ment announced all matters in­ public school boycott in four ate, holds a doctor’s degree in New Haven CStisens Action tion of Verhon. feet), toe road were unaecept- ing council until it resolves dis­ The John F. Kennedy me­ As a result, both Center oampaigh: Mrs. Albert Cool the academic hoixirB list for the months protesting alleged de for th) Board of Education. The vealed the formation of a new JeycG FlowGr Shop The decision, upholding: a able. sension between its Italian Selectmen Robert Deming and Gerald D r. morial stamp will be issued qn volving Viet Nam would be school system loses approxim­ tosk force to "sharpen the focus international politics from YiJe Ciommisslon yesterday. 661 M ats fit,, MbUMhester placed under William H. Sulli< Springs Annex anti Chartor Oak Idge, Mrs. Francis Condon, flaU sem ester mt Central Con' facto segragation. fln d^ made last year by Tol­ After requests to the town In director and a number of^ prom- John Daigle, appointed by First Birth yesterday: A^'daughter May 29, the 47th annlversaty Parir will be open tonight until ately $2.50 a day In state aid of handling Vietnamese prob- University and taught that sub­ Wilts profKMed a program Nest ta Bwtfaad Selectman Samuel Pearl to look van, acting as special assistant Miss Amy Hooker, Mrs. Victor School officia ls B(tid 173,350 land County Superior Court 1907, 1958 and 1959 were de- fnent Ekiropeans who had lent to Mr. and M rs Richard Bisson, of his birthday, announced Rychlkig and Mrs. Betty neotkxit Btata OoUege in New funds for each absent pupil. The blems." TTie new committee je c t at P rinceton from 1963 to that would send back to school N ottoaid a e O k into necessary repairs of the to Secretary of State Dean 10 o ’clock . pupils were absent from classes two milHon of the .46 million Judgre Alva P. Loiselle, re­ nled, 30 residents formed toe their prestige to the newest of 66 Ward S t; a dau^ter to Dr. Postmaster General J<*n A. Tomorrow, hours at both ni- FUiault. Assisting canvassers; B ritain. muse o f the boycott o r fo r boycott cost the school brard an was put Under WiUiam H. Sulli­ 1956. 64S-07S1—649-1448 Town Hall, submitted their re­ Rusk. becaui He told a friend recently that working teen-agers in the Unit­ quires selectmen to put the ac­ Rosedale Veirioh Assoelation. the international prize givers. and Mrs. Frederick Proee, Gronouski. The date of Issu­ perviied areas will b* from 10 M rs. EUleen M assey, M rs. John TTw honor Hat, aiurounced b y other reasons. estimated $810,876 in state funds van, a special assistant to W. port last night. In addition Sullivan wlU head he hiul (Mked Johnson some ed States. ceptance of three roads in the Walter C. Karsky was elected spokesman for the interior Kingsbury Ave., ToUand. ance was chosen by Mrs. Jac­ ajn. to noon and 1:80 to 10 p.m . Horton, Mrs. G. ESeutI P orter, Dr. WiUiam D. Chatflrid, direc­ A Board of Education spokeS' officiitis said. Averell Harrlman, undersecre­ Present budget calls for an queline Kennedy. a new committee to examine Rosedale sectlqn' on a call of a president. , ^ , I Ministry said the prize money Discharged yesterday: Mrs. Supervised coasting is allow­ Mrs. Donald Berry, Mrs. Henry tor of admiaaiona and regis­ man sitid the normal absentee­ town meeting. In 1957, Vernon’s town coun- freeze "affects only future appropriation of $2,000 fo r Shortiy. after President Ken­ and pull together American pol­ painting and other maintenance, Shirley Ziemba and eon, 47 Vil­ icy in Viet Nam. The committee ed dally in Center Sprlnga Park Pimm, Mrs. John Hibba, Mrs. trar, ladudea atudenta fkom all ism i.t this time of year la usual­ Legal action was taken by, sel, now Judge Harry Lugg, in awards; it is not retroactive.’’, lage S t; Mrs. CarmeUa Bifolck nedy’s death. President John­ from 8:80 to dark. Aram Damarjian, Mrs. James see who have achieved ly about 46,600. The c ity 's 450 residents of the Rosedale sec­ answer to a petition, ruled that 3 ^^ ),« said that any member and $2,500 for construction of a son requested the postmiuter includes senior officers from the vault for town records. A show­ and son, 43 Daly Circle; Joseph State and Defense departments BUis, Miss Alberta Wallen, Miss either a semeater point average public ‘ elementary and high tion beginning in November the town could not legally put me foundation is free to con- Oeiser, 126 Hlg^ S t; Mrs. Amy general to issue such a stamp e x e c u t i v e d i e s Connie Staplies, Mrs. Erwin o f 3.60 or a ciumtiatlve point schools have an enrollment of 1962. Residents of the section the question of the town’s ac- . mat the award last week to the er room tai toe basement of the and consult with Mrs. Kennedy (uid other agencies. Symonds, 5 Allen Dr.; William Tuesday, one day after toe DELRAY BEACH, Fla. (AP) Waltz, Mrs. LeRoy B. Kinney average of 8.25, both of which som e 465,000. were alarmed over the fact that, ceptance of the roads on toe call united Nations “and the pos- building is under consideration. zs to the date and the design. Lewis, RFD/1; Dwight WUlla, announcement about Sullivan, and Mrs. Robert Butts. are hi^er than a “B" average Officials said the heaviest ab­ because of the conditions of the of a town meeting. slbillty cannot be excluded that The eelectmen suggest no The new stamp will be of —William O. McCarthy, 68, o f Burbank Rd.; Marietta Ketch- Hilsman, a key official in toe Canvassers for this campaign o f 8.00. senteeism occurred in the pre- roads, unattended in the win­ The association hired the a court would decide to annul changes to faculties used by S-cent denomination and of Greenwich, Conn., reared as­ am, Stafford Springs. past in developing U.S. poUcles are (tiso to be responsible for The area Mat bidiudeB eight dombumtiy Negro districts on ter, emergency vehicles and Manchester UnV firm of Qryk It.’ ’ Tolland County Superior Court, commemorative size. As soon sistant vice president of the although the report indicates a on Viet Nam, rertgned. New York Telephone Co., died obtaining information needed atudenta from Mancheater, and the South and West sides. school buses could not get and Gryk, and in November Some members of the founda­ as Mrs. Kennedy approves the Authorities said the boycott, carpet in the courtroom, on the Advertisement nisman said his resignation Monday night. He waa onoa sec­ by Mrs. Harry Kiticham, vdio one each from Rockville, Ver­ through to them. 1962 writs requiring selectmen tion’s prize committee have design, «t will be released to heads the local Civil Defense sponsored by the Coordinating to act on the petition for a tovin charged that they were not con­ second floor, is “badly worn and Wanted—^newsboy or newe- the preee. waa "not related to policy is­ retary to New York Gov. Na­ non and Wapping. JuiisdicUon has been return­ girl for Bolton Road, Cemetery sues" and the White House said health service. The information Manchester honor students Council of Community Organi­ ed to Judge Loiselle. He is ex­ meeting were served. sulted about the award and ragged.” The report says that than L. Miller and served as as­ Road, Bamforth Roa^ Route 30 he w(uited to return to teaching. sought la in preparation tor a and their major flelda are as zations probably kept more tium pected to set a date by which Judge Loiselle ruled eariy that it was therefore Ulegal. a very hazardous condition ex­ This year’s 5-cent otmunemo- sistant secretary of tho Recon­ area, Vernon. Route available But there is no indication possible hostile emergency, ;foUowa: Carol Aim Chace, 138 126,000 students from school. time the town meeting must be last year that toe Roaedale This Rwlqi government’s ac­ ists and .suggests "Town coun­ ratlve stamp In the "fine art” struction Finance Corp. Survi­ immediately. Call Mr. Wilson or Johnson is going to do anything giving names of registered Cooper St., (Mnlor in ^ementary 'Tuesday’s absentees were 52,- KLI NC roacb question must be present, tion came one day after the sel determine liability u d take series wiU feature a Charles M. vors Include his widow, Helen 430 less tluui the 224,770 who held. Mr. Anderson, Herald Circula­ new about Fidel Castro’s Cuba nurses, licensed practicEtl education; Ourol A. Ouzaviteb, ...... I \ Atty. Robert Kahan, town ed to a town meeting. presideats of Italy and Switzer­ tanmedlate action to protect the Russell ptUnting of cowboys in Ann, and two daughters, Louise were absent during the first tion Dept 875-3136, or that there is anything new he nurses, trained attendants and 126 Walker St.. Junior in tie- counsel, told selectmen last ’The tow n appealed the lltHl- land announced they were quit­ town and advise what steps to action at roundup tone, lit will and Mrs. Constantsa Dunna of those who have taken first Edd boycott Oct. 22. ing on the basis that such: a take to eliminate the-hakard” be issued Martto 19 at Great can do. Tuesday night Rusk R ow ayton , ^ Conn. mentory educatian; Joanne G night that he will ask for a date ting as honorary coprestdents made a speech. courses. CCCO officials, who said the far enough in the future to move would be ikegml, aiiioe toe of the foundation created in Others items in the report in­ Vernon news ie handled by Falls, Mont., home of the cele­ McHugh, 209 HiUatown Rd. lesser participation was caused The Herald’s Rockville Bnreau, He spoke almost mournfully Town HsU for Recreation junior in eiementiuy edttcation, permit action on the roads to roads, according to town atait- memory of an anti - Fascist clu de: brated artist and will coincide The Hebron selectmen have by several civil rights groups S ^ l KUNG COLONIAL BEDROOMS li|||| ute. were of illagal width. Pigeons: Take atepe to elim­ 5 W. Main St., telephone 8T5- with the lOOto anniversary of of the fact that the British and Bernadette M. Pareiak, 77 be taken by Vernon’s board of Italian newspaper executive French peraiat in selling trucks voted to discontinue the general which opposed the boycott, ex­ ’The Rosedale Association, inate them. Recommend an 3136 or 643-2711. Russell’s birth. The stamp col­ North St., inphomore in matoe- finance, planning commission, who made good in Switzerland and buses to Castro and he said use of the town hall and town pressed satisfaction. their tressury down to about as a financier. ors are brown, blue, yeUow sad TTprafT maitics. town road foreman Andrew Trl- awning or similar device to pro­ "there will be no retreat from record building for public meet Police said some 1,600 pickets $16, began a series of poUucks, white. A ieo, K aren B . R ivard, 2(M B to suit your needs, your taste, your space earico and State Highway De­ Ool. Aldo Danieli, secretary- tect passersby. our policy toward Cuba" so long Ings. The new town office build­ marched (uxnmd city hail and partment engineers. auctitms, rummage aiid food general of the governing body, Fire escape: Very badly rust­ ITie illusbration on toe stamp Middle ‘Tphe., junior , fei elemen­ the Board of Education’s down­ 2 Are Treated is entitled "Jerked Down." The as it is a threat. First R«m Area Showing ing will be av(tilable for group A fourth road, Cubels Dr., sales to raise money to fl|^t denied there was a crisis. He ed and in need of paint. This, like Hllsman’s speech on m eetings. tary education; Claire A. Sa- town offices, but there were no was voluntarily added to the the appeal. said his late wife, Angela Lina Roof: Leaking badly and term applies to a hazard of the VlnoMit Prioe-Boris KarloA poriiti, 470 Center St., senior in China, wasn’t new, either. The town hall, a fomer Metho­ incidents. Exclusive With Keith's In Manchester! Ust of three roads to be acted Last April, Karsky said it Balsan Danieli, the original should be repaired immediate­ For Snow Hurts cowboy roundup. A ooiwboy hiuy Peter Lorre - in elementaTy education; Carol A. Police Supt. O. W. Sllson and upon. The roads are Juniper WM the first time any of us foundation president who died thrown his lariat over a cow, dist church bought by the town Srihrinsz, 46 Fairfield St., jun­ ly. Last repairs six to eight ARMY BEACHCOMBER "THE COMEDY M* State’s Atty. Daniel P. Ward Lane, Llynwood Dr. and Sun- in 1967, specified In her will The combination of plentiful but a second cow has become for public use, town meetings, ior in element(u^ education. had 8(tid that persons who kept have been forced'to raise money y e a n a g o. TERRORS” Bing regarding alleged aegre- Etblc. Here’s all die pracdcali^ a ^ baai^ of bodt-ias. . . prove the acceptance of the the selectmen’s . actle- The master clock toerd Will ing toe position of bass soloist SIX-DRAWER DOUBLE DRESSER AND MIRROR tween Rt. 83 and the back of (ore it became a state. Accord­ ACCOMMODATIONS IT'S trol (jommiasion hiul abuaed its NAMENTASHEN give the year, date, day, hour, ing to her, "People had no trou­ In the Willlmantic First Con­ discretion when it denied the a project on Merlins Rd. One minutes, second and tsnto of- a gregational Church. He served of toe roads prcqxMed in the ble telling where we came from. application. second. The Time Center will My four brothers were named here for the last time on Sun After hla application waa development would be a con­ show the exact time any place day. He has served here eight $ .5 0 tinuation of Merline Rd. consecutively Okla, Homa, Ter­ turned down, Vichi, in August in the world as weU (us “out of ri and Tory." years as choir director. of 1959, bought an existing 299 Selectmen will set a figure on at an this world" sidereal time, or ^X^illie’s Mlotel The Rev. John N. Ooss, Con­ package store on Bisaell St. a performance bond for the de­ true astronomical time. The Pa­ gregational pastor, says of him, Ezperdy ended, anthendcally designed, heantifidly'debdled veloper. 10 Henderson Rd., Manchester He said this morning that be mayrofi*s . . . this fiornitnre abo has all die storage ^ c e you need. Ids vilion will house a $2 m illion that he has been more than has nothing to say about the On hand for last night’s collection of watches by Switzer­ STANLEY WARNER (Behind Willie’s steak House) loyal to his task while serving new turn, and will have no gracefully and generously prt^xxtioned for yoor master bed­ meeting were Charles Brown, land’s leading msnufacturers. the two churches here as choir bake shops ch(tirm(m of the district pl(ui- Complete with: e Television e Air Condltioaiag pl(uis to reve(U until he checks room, guest room or youngster's room. Yot^ love dw director. When weather and into the matter. ning commission; John Lelum, e Individual Thermostats personal health would have smooth, hand-rubbed Buckwheit brown finish and dw chairman of the fire district TATE e Ample Parking e Private Bitth FaoUltlsa kept many at home, he was at feather-touch action o f die individually fitted dravrers (toch commission, and district com­ his post to lead in the musical is equipped widi patented gHdes to assure smooth acdoa for missioners Percy Spicer and MATINEE DAILY < TEL. 648-6068 part of worship, and has con­ a llfo d m ). Donald Freeman. Town Counsel 2 SHOWS at 1:00 A 8K)0 sisten tly 8^ to it that there Robert Kahan and District EVE. SHOWS at 7:00 A 8:80 Complete Telephone Servlee Installed waa inaplrmg and comfortinc; R eg. Sale Counsel Robert King were also music services of worship, in* present. eluding those services tlUL’ Five-Drawer Chest ...... 109.60 96.50 P(tintings Selected many would consider extra. Pictures to be hung in sev­ What arrangements will be Panel Bed ...... 59.50 52.60 eral area libr(uries were select­ made to fill his place here is not ed at a recent meeting of the yet stated. 60’’ Six-Drawer Double Dresser 139.00 119.60 Tolland County Art Association. B riefs Framed Mirror ...... 39.60 84.60 They include "Bass Rocks," THE CHORUS OF Mir. and M rs. R aym ond Smith an oil by Mrs. Myrtle Carlson Plus WALT DISNEY’S were at the door Sunday morn­ of Bolton to hang at the Bol­ You Get Green Stomps Kling 4-Piece “MYSTERIES of the DEEP” ing to greet church goers at With Every PnreiuMe ton Public Llbr(uy; "Old Shed," First Congregational Church. (ui oil by Jennie F. Batz of El­ Friday and Saturday Gilbert and Sullivan Mr. and Mrs. Karl Links per­ . . . tiegaat and giacioaB lington for toe Rockville Public formed the same pleasant task Library and "Sails,” (m oil 2 DAYS ONLY — 2 at the Gilead Church door. painting on wood by Mrs. Eva PAUL'S A few books suggested for CROUP MCLUDES: Dambeck of Vernon to h(uig at OONTTNUOUS Workshop FROM 12 NOON Lenten reading are on display D0UBI2 NSSSBl, MIRROR CHEST the HaU Memorial Libr(u-y in STEAK HOUSE at Douglas Library. They in­ AND TWIN OR FULL SB£ BED E llington. clude biographical and histor­ ROUTE $0 — VERNON Thtif tac9 an unknown Atty. and Mrs. Edwin Lavitt ical novels as well as a few de- of BlUngton and Rockville are ReaervaUons! 87S-1S4S world o f advanturo HAS OPENINGS vc‘'oTia' books of non-fiction. presently exhibiting their work The project' of redecoration • 3 9 4 .5 0 at the Ladd (uid Hall Furniture wKh instinct AMPLE PARKING their only of the First Congregational Store gallery le stonge room In dw TO YOUR TASTE PLEASE C A U : S49.4439 sanctuary but no contract h(ui smoodily fioAcd and f i ^ dnmran. Gome see it today. . . Great Pocahontas Rose NoI(ui been given at the Ifust in for­ of Southington (uvd her Board mation announced. The project and save! Todll love ^ rest nf onr opta stock ooBecdon, of Great Chiefs wtil make an EVERY WED. * FRL had Its start about six months too... furnhure for bedrooms, Brihg.roeai^ dtoing rooms offieiiti visitation to Kiowa DDRlNa LENT ago. The cost is estimated at Council, Degree of Pocahontas, . . . in s ^ maple dr soHd dw ny. FViday at the Knlghte of Ck>- about $16,000. R eg, S ole TWIN LOMTER A meeting of the board of lumbus H(U1 on School St. Mrs. 52’’ Eight Drawer Double Dresser 184.50 164.60 ONLY education, appointed for tomor­ Rose Wilson, Kiowa Pocahontas, Framed Mirror ...... 42.50 S7J10 row, waa c(uiceled, owing to the can be m i^ y iiiq[K)rtaat.’ MOHAWK CARTIER tQ .50 will oonduct the- 8 p.m. .meet- D IN N E R Walt Disnv Five-Drawer Chest ...... 149.60 127.60 kig. AMAJfS roEA j s ; fact that elementary school Spindle Bed ...... 89.50 76.50 Members are asked to bring $3.50 ' principal (Charles Oervaae, Supt Night Table ...... 39.60 84.50 eeefliadf <\f 1007o Cumuloft^uylou pile ^ Aram Damarjian and Helen artirtea for the Great Poca­ PUTNAM & CO. YOU GET GREEN hontas’ project, donations to the McDoEiald, elementory super- STAMPS WITH EVERY PURCHASE Enjoy our Sizzling Steakz, OF A ** visor, ara Gua to attend a apeo- iN R sIM S i Mansfield State Hospital and Deliclouz Seafood, Itf Coun­ INCREDIBLY STRONG. . .Tongh, duroU*. . . no fibor eon outwoar nylon. Training School. After the try Atuoaphere. Oourteeua meeting, refreahmente will be And no oxdinory nylon oaipot &bor con boat tho stiongth of Cumuloft nylon. Service. Call ne for parties, C X ncHMoioiio ^ served and a penny table con­ etc. — -106 Maximum. GOOD LUNCH C mnnWt 19I011 is a continuous filaaont tssrtuiod yom that lotains nylon's lull ducted. stre n g th . Mrs. Florenoe Lynto, Kiowa DINE AND DANCE plus Disney Featurstte RIGSILY LUXURIOUS . * . You have to losl tho hub doptb undoiiooH You Wenonah, is In ohaige of spe- Every Frt., Sat S pjiu-l ajn. "THE WATER BIBOA” LAST 3 DAYS of Keith’s clsl entertainment features and That*$ tha kind that tea sarva YOUR OWN FIRESIDE! havo to 000 tho rich suxfooo . . . tho fabulous now dopth o ^ clarity of oolorl refreshments. She wiU be ae- Caxpot oi Cumuloft nylon pilo Is liko no eazpot you'vo ovor ewnod. It has siated by Mrs. Anna Barbero, here! Food to $uit every mood uraiuSi and seftnoss that is nnbdiovdblo. Mre. Aima DevUn, Miee Agnee • tM o f the fine$t quality^ pro- Can't beat it for inspiring that deep-down solid sense of contentment and security. Start RE8TBT8 FU2SSINO AND PILLING . . . Cumuloft nylon is a continuous Come and snjpy tho delightful pared by a matter chaff Carved in Mid-Winter FURNITURE filoBiont n^doq, widt no short looso fibors to pill up or fun. T^t's why oarpot of mtlodies of the man-tieed portione. , , in a mod saving now to join the ranks of happy hofee- Onnuloft n)don doesn't shod. Personal Notices congenial and relaxing atmoe* ow nersl MEBIUENT ... Stop on it. lump on It Caxpot of Cumuloft nylon hoops "VERSATNUES" ) phere. Open 6 Days Just For Your Convenience . • • back foe aorot Tho xosilisat B)doa yom sprii^ book, losisis motUng o ^ rotains Card Of Thanks fkatartag—Voealt DON MOORE -Ct t t ik IIb Inzuxions tssfuio. Mo n . thru SAT. 9:00 A.M. to 5:30 P.M*— THURSDAYS 9:00 A.M. to f KW F.M. We wUh to thank all of our Guitar: HANK EKK . EASY TO CLEAN . . . Booouso tho smoodi, non-obsorbont Cumuloft nylon neigtabora, friends, and retaUras (or Drum : BOB GAGNON the many acu of klndneaa and vS AVIM G S ^ yam zooisis dirt ond dusf, soiling stays right on tho suifooo whoro you sympathy shown us in our recent J bereavement. We especially thank Xhweday„ F it and Sat Nights "MbuudMataFa CHOOSE FROM OUR FOUR CREDIT PLANS: FREE MAIN ST. FARKMO oon whis it off with dm vacuum dUKmor. Spills am no cotostropho all Ihoae who sent the beautiful IvOAlV oithor. Just spot doon with a doloigoat and water. floral tributes and loaned the uae \ .silt J \ I I ( ) V. Oldest Financial (1) 80-Day Sagular Oharge ( 8) Dp To Two Years To Pay of aars. tastttattoB” — or — Mia. Oeorss T. Waahburn (2) S0-60-i6-Day 4-Pnyment Chiurge Plan (4) Young Homemakers Lay-Away and femlly RAY'S /eiMajrjraZee vter mm ytssat riBasaiaL (satiTSTias C sm at Aimnal IN OUR LOT NEXT TO STORRI MANCHESTER CARPET CENTER Card O f Thanks U E. CEN'l’ER ST. Dividend On jOOtm Hm be Xnaatum aadcJiioaibJBttaae /'I RESTAURANT Insured Bavinga We wish to thank all ef eur BBAI7T1FDL AND BXCKTINa gHOWPLACM f r # V KAMOUS RUOC AND CARPETS” N the many aete «f kittihtaea aa i ih n t itu •ynipatJiy ehoera ue la our reoeat lYIRY MOOD" 6REEN STMIPS tU MAIN SnUBBT OPPOSITE STATE ARMOKT bereavenitaL We cepeelaUr oaiikuiaiik 3 7 - 3 f OAK STRIRT 4e O svw OPENTILLSPJL mon-tuis-w ^ 1 1 1 > M A I N 5 T. MANCHESTER WITH IVIRY DIMR YOU SMMDI OUMUD SmiDATS Extra Hours Ymmdsy 6 AiML to • PJNL~arad. CtafS* AiNoon Opposlto Besnwt d u ^ nigh SclMol «a Lovver (Sdo^ Ktod) BfataStedk W ’x' >’' r - t


beating the fallen man when por The doors opened for the fljAt ty. This wae organized last gather , to protect ththe Americans th^ Hartford oCflee o ( ttw b - telecast 45 minutes later.''Aie Mfo8 ^ Speaks ' HUlUlf • AID South Windsor tenwl Revenue Service at 460 hi i Ousted Patron lice arrived. Jacobeon was Fight Broadcast Panamanians month by eome 400 leaders of during last month’s violence, Two Tax ^ents taken unconscious to the prison fight fans could not bear the ■ATTBUIt — f ■ ' national eivie, huetoeae and pro- Ustaf tlis coouicommittee te a or by oalUng 244-6480. Town Workers Ask ward of general hospital, where Dro:vniis Concert symphony, but the ajTOiSio^ To Contractors faeeienal anaalaatidna «u a (rant, toe Castroltee have begun Here Tomorrow ■lit Kills 2 in B ar he was booked on suspicion qf &M heaM■ plenty from the fight members of tiw Roman Catiwllo to organise neighborhhod sub- VANI8H1NO (W(XmEN) murder. fans. George Mroeek, CPA, win sd-' PINE PHAIUllAeY Report Reflects Greater Must, Uphold clergy, to support and guide the groups for the ‘'defense of sov- INDIAN HOLLYWOOD (AP) — Two MEW. ORLEANS, La. (AP)— Two agents of the Internal dresi the Oontrsetore’ DIvialon 14 O BN m STA-MMUd gmremment m the Panama ■reln ty.’ ’ NEW YORK (AP) — The d- More Pay, Benefits men ware shot to death and For all -the fight fans knew or Revenue Service will be in Man­ ar store Indian is a vanitoing Pope Get» FUm cared, thq. New Orleans FWl- H No Polip CoMet a t the Manchester C9tamber a t Canal iasuea. With a eenneUmes cooperative chester tomorrow to assist local another critically wounded Commerce, st a dinner meeting Fire Protection Demand Hard Policy Within a memth at ite crea* press and radio, the Castroites Sreed, but there ore etill from barm.onie Symphony concert taxpayers in the preparation of 250'to 300 in existence, the Ci­ early today in a Hollywood bar, ROME (AP)—A Irish of the could have been beld-across the NEW YORK (AP)—For this at 7 tonight at WUlle’e Reeton- tion, the Castroite takeover was appear to have suOceeded in their 1963 federal income tax. R«praMntatiTe8 of five town employe groups aired rant. PANAMA (AP)—From Presi- evident and complete. ’The com­ wippping up an intensive wave gar Institute oA America esti­ when a disgruntled customer, late President John F. Kennedy MiaalsslKS River.. fifst' time since Its establish­ Steadily Increasing demanda<^vlaioii following the Tfae men will be stationed in mates. A robust six-foot their requests for pay and fringe benefit increases for Mroaek’s topic, "Contractors for townwide fire pn d6nt Roberto Chlarl down, Pan­ mittee called for expulstm- of of anU-U.B. sentiment. opeet- previously kicked out, came has been fulfilled with the deli­ -But muelo lovers heard plenty ment in 1988, the Natiobal Foun- protection spearean performance at the the hearing room of the Munici­ men in top condition is worth the 1964-65 fiscal year at a public hearing with General very- to Pope Paul VI of a of. the heavyweight boxing dstion-March of Dimes was able and TTielr -Accounting Prob-. GOINO were epelled out in uie annual high aohool. Inquiriee may be am a’s poUtlcel leaders appear the U.S. Peace Corps, which it back shooting. to be prisoners of the tidal wave labeled a threat tb national ^ c- OETAlLfi WITHHELD pal Building from 9 sum. to 1 more than $8,000. . Manager Richard Martin last night— but will have to movie of their meeting last clmmplonahip fight at Mtmlclpal to aimouce today that no polio lems,’’ wUr be followed, b y a report of the South Windsor made a t Sadd and Wood Memo­ p.m. Rtaitr I Advbir question and answer period. of ultranatlonallam created here curity. The Castroltee are POINT ARGUBLLO, Calif. These wooden figures were wait uBtU the tentative budget<: Detectives said Arthur Jacob­ summer. • Auditorium, case was reported in the United SKIING? Volunteer Fire Department cov­ rial Ltbrariae. They will not be in town Private roadlnge by ' son, 42, had been ejected be­ last. month. This explaina the known to fear the 60 Peace (AP) A satellite vehicle em­ orglnally carved by ships’ car­ is publiidied next month to see Frederick Rrinhudt, the U.S. The - symphony bad tried to States for three weeks. r e n t A CAB ’ ering the flacal year 1962-63. M e fe again until the last Thursday in penters during sailing days to at an increased rate, its allot- cause of disorderly conduct. He block-the closed circuit telecast Never previously had a week SUED FOR AUMONY During the year, the report tough atan(t of . the government Corpsmen In the interior be­ ploying an Atlas-Agena rocket bow tb ^ teade oat. ambassador to Rome, called on For G wfi^m d or M b a f Tha -American Legion and March. pass the time at sea. ’They . MRS. MARIE menU to employes who use came back shortly before the 8 the Roman Catholic ruler Tues­ of -the fight. The symphony had passed without at least one (AP) — Actor ■aid, there was an increase of on the Panama Cuial dispute cause they could become an ob­ combination was launched Tues­ Martin has already supplied Ita auxiliary and the velunteer day by the Air Force from Point Local reeidento may also ob­ wer- sold to tobacco merchants 912 Albany Avenue their own cars for town work. a.m. closing time, threatening day and delivered a film docu­ one of Hs regular subscription polio case, a spokesman said. Vic Morrow, 88, wae sued for M y o n U M . 24 elarma and 6 miacellaneoua firemen and their auxiliary an­ \ 1th the United Btatee. . stacle to creation of CAatrolte town department haads with a Arguello. No other details were tain assistance on any weekday, in England, and came to sym­ Hartford, Oonn. 4. That all employe groups to kill everyone in the place. menting part ot Kennedy’s 8iun‘ concerto scheduled and sowed The week that ended Jan. 4 was $3,QdO a month alimony sqd^ Can availaUa wittt Nd detaila, while tha number of nounce that tickets are atlU A related problem is the pre­ peasant leagues, drateful peas­ set o t instructions for comput­ be invited to discuss, as well as that noisy boxing fans would In­ fahlld support Tuetdsy p e n ^ cise boundaiy between ultrana- ants in some villages banded to- released. from 8:16 a.m. to 4:45 p.m., at bolize that product. ing employe pay increases for Detectives said Joe Durando m>.r trip to Europe, including the Initial breakthrough on ab- man hours logged by the de­ available for the O eo^ e Mullen request, proposed personnel pay terfere. s ce of polio. Since then, settlement of s divorce actico ndcB GltaelMd. tionallsm hnd (Castroism, whose • the coming year^ but noted that Sr., 69, owner of the bar, and his visit to the Vatican on July partment increased by 1,582 benefit dance Saturaay night and benefits each year. .The concert was held in one “zero’’ weeks have been repeat­ brought Feb. 5 by his wife Bar- influence In T>anama is much there could be further increases a man identified aa Dominick 2. over the total for 1661-62. at the Legion’s Main St. Hall. General Manager Martin's U.S. embassy officials said wing of the | auditorium, the ed for-Jan. 18 and Feb. 1. P o n t D o t e greater than was earlier ap­ if next year’s costs don’t in­ Christiano, 49, were slain in the The total number of man Reservations may be made with proposal for the following year shooting that followed. Kennedy, before his assassina­ fight telecast in another. A thin Eight cases were reported in The Morrows were married in INO. parent. crease too much. calls for a one step pay increase hours put in by tfae department Mrs. Albert O v g , Graham Rd., Panamanian nationalism’s Police said Jacobson was dis­ tion Nov. 22, had skid he want­ partition, with no soundproofing 1964 toreugh Feb. 15. The seven- 1967 and have two daughters, a n l l A i R or any numpfiir of the fire de- Last night’s hearing set a in all white collar posts at the over the year amounted to 4,- biggest moment came Jan. 9 armed by a husky, young patron ed a copy of the movie sent to divided the 'wings. week period normally is a non­ age 2 and 5. 266. Fire -calls answered by the liiii liijjllAtTii legion. precedent. It was the first time individual’s p re se t rating— the the Pope as soon aa one was The ctHicert got under way at polio'season, but there were 27 His wife said Morrow had on when Chiari, under seveto pres- that personnel requests—affect-, at the bar, Frank Cotta, 22. department Included; House Town Committee (Chairman MEG has asked that all em­ Detectives said Cotta was. still nady. 7 :30, an hour earlier than usual. such cases fat 1968. Income of $10,000 a month. BUrea from hla advltora, severed ing aU town departments—have ployes move up one or two steps fires, 16; commercial building Russell Trotman faas appointed diplomatic retationa with the been heard apart from depart­ on the rating schedule — and fires, 7; bam fires, 4; grass, a nominating comhilttee Includ­ ing Mrs. Elsie Plank and Joseph United States after An unprece- ment requests. the addition of a new top step brush and dump fires, 61; mo­ dented wave o f’ violence along y ’ The five groups that present­ for individuals at their maxi­ tor vehicle fires, 22; school fires, Miles. The conunlttee is to the border of the U.S.-controlled “ find and encourage aa many ed requests last night included; mum pay. 1; still alarms, 13; false alarms, Canal Zone. « v- , ...... The Municipal Employes’ Atty. Eugene Kelly attended 6; and mutual aid, 1. as possible to run for, the town Time -enough has passed for committee.’’ Tfae Republican Group (MEG), an unaffiliated the hearing tor MEG, but did Miscenaneous activities of the the natloneIli(tlc tide to reach organization of the town’s not comment on the proposals. caucus will be helcj March 28. Its crest, SB others have in past departifaent included: Drills, 27; The Women’a.. Society of white coUar employes. MEG had Union local 991 was repre­ crises, but there is hardly a sign work details, 23; station stand­ Christian Service of- Wesley the most comprehensive set of sented by William Czuckrey, a pf slackening this time. by, 3; and mutual aid drills, 2. Memorial Church, Main St.i requests among those heard union field representative. The department was organ­ Buslnesk and civic leaders, de­ last night. He said the town’s blue collar East Hartford, will hold a rum­ clining to speak for quotation, ized In 1938 with a SOO-gallon- mage sale March 7 at 10 a.m. employes “do not necessarily say it would be suicidal under *> Unten local M l of the Amer­ per-mlnule pumper and a one- at the church., ican Federation of State, Coun­ contest" the 10-cent per hour stall engine house. To the origi­ present circumstances for the ’Truck-Car Cteeh government to soften ita canal ty and Municipal Employes pay Increase that Martin has nal piunper have been added a One man was afi%B|ea after (AFLrdO), reptesented the proposed for hourly-wage work­ The Board of Directors of the Savings 600-g.p.m. pumper In 1948; a poUc'’k eVen if it wished.to. trailer truck colfided with a “ We are not overdramatizing ' town's blue collar employes. ers. but asked other fringe ben­ 760-g.p.m. pumper In 1968; a car on Rt, 5 afaout 5|20 p.ni. The union approved the pro­ efits as well 1,000-g.p.m. pumper In 1962; toe Internal crisis for bargain­ Monday. ■ ing purposes,’’ said an import­ posed 10 cent per hour pay in­ He specified full payment of and a new emergency truck in Willie Hineeley, 80. o f (Car­ crease set for employes ppid by Blue Cross and CMS for the em­ 1963. er. "Tfae'truth Is that any move Bank of Manchester has voted an thage, N.C., driver of the truck, smacking of appeasement on file hour, but asked extended ploye and his family. The to'wn Department apparatus is was arrested and Charged with fringe bmefits; now pays half of both programs presently housed In two fire sta­ the part of Panama woifid cer­ making an improper left turn. tainly result in a violent reac­ Town Firemen’s Club, which for the individual alone. He also tions, one at Ellington Rd. and PpHce said the truck' was had submitted two requests but suggested a town-paid $2,000 Foster Rd., and the other at El­ tion that could topple the gov­ tra'vellng sout)^ on Rt. 5 in ernment and bring on extremist found them both denied: group insurance program. The additional BENEFIT to all depositors. lington Rd. and Beelzebub Rd. Town Police Club, which the right hand lane when a car solutions," town now pays for a $1,000 pol­ The department's radio com­ driven by Barbara Coddington, plugged for an extension of the icy, and is considering adopting Besides showing the depth of town’s group insurance plan: munication aystem, Inaugurat­ 37, of 61 McGrath Rd. started national feeling against the 1903 a sliding scale plan for which ed in the early 1960s, recently to pass. The trailer truck be­ Hie Pension Group, the or­ it would pay more than half. treaty that gave the United has a base station with three re­ gan to make a left turn to States perpetus^l’ rights over ganization of retired town em­ In requesting the family pay­ mote keying points, five two- pull Into an empty gas station ployee. The pensioners asked the Canal Zone, the crisis has ments of CMS and Blue Cross, Beginning March 1st way mobile units, one two-'way for the night. 'The front end exposed the range of Castroite that they be included in the the union differed from MEG, of the Coddington car was de­ town insurance plan, as they portable unit and 33 tone-oper­ Marxist influence in this coun­ which asked full payment for ated receivers In the homes of molished as It became hung up have been included in the m ^ - the indl'vddual employe only. try. is far more extensive, various firemen to alert them underneath the trailer. particularly in tbe educational leal Inaurance program al­ With such emphasis already ready. to an alarm. Police reported no one was and professional ranks, than in placed on pay equality, Martin injured. Hineeley posted $15 Moat far-reaching in its re- OHHoers of the department any Central American or Carib- pointed out that full family pay­ bond for appearance in Cidcuit quearts Vms the Municipal Em- want to build a new fire sta­ bc' ' country this reporter hu ment of the medical program Court 12, East Hartford, March ^yas’ Group (MEG), which tion In the northwest aecUon visited outside of Cuba. would not give single town em­ 9. asked far a wide range of o t the town. The department Documents prepared by diangaa over the entire per- ployes an equal share in the The euxddent 'was investigat­ American authorities for an in-, town boieflt plan. SBM will pay Dividends has recommended that the new ed by Patrolman Alfred Cow- ocsmel plectrum. They includ­ etation be located at Rye St. and quiry of the Organization 6l | ed: Czuckrey said he thought perthwalte o f the town polioe American States attenmt to that the single employes would Sullivan Ave. rather than on depaitment. Salary and wage: Rt. 5 because of heavy traffic ■bow the extent of this Influence 1. CMaticn of a new post— not object. Oueat Preacher hi the* Jan. 9-11 violence. If left- Martin also asked if the union . there. Minlmiun requirements ’The Rev. Ronald LotMar, secreNuy to a department head for the proposed station are be­ vring extremists were not in the —tn adi^on to the inasent top would consider a moratorium pastor o f the Lsitheran (Church van of violence at the outaet, the ing worked out by the depart­ elerioal post; on new demanda next year if of the <3ood Shepherd, Windsor United Statea contends, they i . UJaating of a number of full payment of Blue Crooa and ment and the public building Locks, will be guest preacher were very much in evidence ifMoiflo Jobs; CMS were granted this year. commiasion. ’Hie commiaeion la today at the 7:80 Lenten wor- later. from FIRST day of deposit requesting an appropriation of S. A longevity pay program, Czuckrey aaid he ooidd not ^ p service at Our Savior I/i- Material turned over to the with payments ranging from oonnmit tive mt^/haym to a po- : $1,600 from the Town Council theran (Church. ’Ifae Rev. Mr. OA8 group conaiats of tran­ glTO to $880 a year depending attion. tor preliminary plana. Loncar, until recent^ served aa scripts of radio broadcasts,' on th e . employes’ length of The only group tiwt went Chief of the department is miasiona^ to New dulnea. ’The monitored and taped in the ■srvlee with the town; borne oatnplertely unhappy last PhilUp E. Oromble. Sunday Bchool Ohoir, compos­ Canal Zone, In which some ra­ A A genecal realignment of nlglit was the firemen’s club, Ronnie Fund Report ed of primary and junior daas- dio commentators sought to in­ Gw bom ’s pay structure. If the Which loet on both ite requeeta. Roy R. Browning, executive es. will sfaig. cite Panamanians to violence longerMy pay program is re- Firemen had been asking for 'Vice president of the South The adult information daaa -agaihet American prcqierty and iadoA, Ttw realignment would a 48-hour week to replaoe the compounded and credited Windsor Bank and ’Trust Co. will meet again on Friday at security forces. eliminate the present bottom current 56-4iour week, and tor and acting treasurer of the Ron­ 7:30 p.m. at the church. Tfae hard-core, militant Marx­ wage tAUng, and move the olb- a aurvivor’a benebt penoioa nie Fund, annotmeed that he Cfaurch Community Notes ists In Panama number about ers 1 9 otw or two stops Cri tbs plan. has turned over to Mr. and Mrs Tfae jimdor choir of the Wap- 600, according to th* test local ■atlng^Mate. . . Martin told fireoMn James Roland Berard. a check for $1,- plng Community (Church will estimates. Tfaere are several & A tewwlard. Incraaped basic iFoganty and Chaiiee Genovese 666.9il. ^ rehearse today from 6:45 to thousand sympathizers and fel­ pay fo r part-ttans e m p k i^ -r- that, ‘T can’t figure out bow to Tile ftonnWFund Drive was 7:16 p.m.; the intermediate and low travelers. A Cuban exile fa«imskw at par put the firemen on any dllfer- otgiihlte4 b]^ realdenU of South •senior choirs at 8 p. m. In the leader, Heriberto (Jorona, con­ ent hoars ttnn they are on Windsor afteV Bonnie, 8-year- chapel. tends the Communist flftii col­ said a sat yeaibV VV umn exceeds in size the names Ateo w lw d to a bop now.’’ quarte old son o t the Berard'e, was A film “The Long« Stride’’ 'wiU be shown at 7:30 p.m. dur­ In the Panama telephone book. prevent port-tiins e m p lo y e s "Conqwumises can be worked cr ltic ^ y burned in a flaito fire in the c e llv of hla home In May ing the Lenten service in the Although outlawed, the 0>m- firom earning more than fuH- out,’’ Fogarty replied. “W e’re sanctuary. munists operate out of two main Gnw employes per bouf. more interested in the hours 1963, R on n ie hea spent 10 The (iruj^s and Dolls tciub wUl organizations. One Is the tradi­ A A 1 0 cent per hour tocresse change than in money.’’ Gen­ months In Manchester Memorial Hospital recovering from severe hold a Western Jamboree tional Communist party, the yaaily ^or seasonal workers. ovese added that “we ate wiU- square dance Friday at 8 p.m. People’s party headed by Hugo Oeoerkl Manager M a rtin iQg to take a oompromise.’* bums and skin graft operations. ’Thus far Ronnie has hod 39 in the Community Hoiwe. Bob Victor and Francisco Cfaailg Ma­ ephnied irepresentettvee o f sG MsrUn siaid tiw pe^on re­ Orandpre will be caller. rin, the latter a poet who is the quest could not be granted be­ operations. me employe g r o u p s about on Total Savings your The Jimior PYF will leave the main organizer of Castroite I I Mrs. Charles Maurer, gen­ lOBXrW kmgsvMy pay proposal, cause the state law uaider which peasant leagues in the interior. eral chairman o f the Ronnie Community House at 7:15 p.m. after imring Norman Ely — the fixe department pension is The hard-line Peiping wing. Na­ Fund, expreesee her thanks to Friday to ■viait Congregation ■m smiileye of tiw saseaBor'sof- aidministered w ss nfia-writtan, Kodlmoh, Springfield. tional Action Vanguard, is Gps — diwcatbe tiw MEKl stand. 80 that the town fire depszt- the many individuals, organiza­ bossed by Alvaro Menendez tions and area newspapers who There will be no recreation X ly abld tile longevity plan ment la eoechided from increas­ activities this week as schools Franco, a city councilman. contributed so generously to the wouU snoourags goM wotkscs ed benefits. The law as writ­ YOUR SAVINGS EARN are closed for vacation. A third important left - wing to stay with ttw town. When ten sppiles to fire and poGcs de­ success o f the Ronnie Fund. extremist group is the Federa­ the boWn rsisas its wage scale, partments, and reads that any Shakespearean Sampler Manchester Evening Herald tion of Panamanian Students, ks atol the bottom pay levei changes must apply to both. In Account! The (Children’s Theater of South Windsor correspondent, led by Victor Avila and consist­ la dropped and a new toplevel MianOhester, however, only the New Britain will present Brownie Joseph, telephone ing of equal numbers of repre­ la siMKl. Hiue, some new em- fire department is under the Shakespearean Sampler April 644-0148. sentatives from the Union of ploym) . are hired at a rate state plan, wtth the poUce cov­ 12 at 3 p.m. at South Windsor University students and the squid to the rate that others ered by the town plan. It may High School. ’The performance IMPORTED FIREMEN high schools. ’The rank and file receive after some years in the require a hUl in the next Gen- will be under the direction of SANA’A, Yemen (AP) — In is composed of school gradu­ town empbiy. The longevity pay er^ Assembly to straighten the Mrs. Mary Hartney and is spon­ past years in Yemen, If your ates, dropouts and the le^on of would leoognlae empicyes . fqr situation out, Martin said. sored by the library board and house caught fire you Just Panamanian unemployed and years of servtoe by disbributing Firemen also questioned ttie the board of education. watched It burn—or did your unemployables. sztea pay bonuses. $4 per week raise that Miartin In conjunction with the per­ best with a bucket. The country ’There is ,no Indication the . Tha other empl<^ groups has proposed tor them and the formance, which marks the neve, had a fire departm'bnt. groups are working as one or supported the plan as wall. police department. opening of National Library But under Its new development have a single command. Nor is General Msmager Martin’s ’The firemen, wboae work Week, an essay contest is being rogram, the government is now there agreement on who the top comment on the plan eame in week is longer, aay that the po­ sponsored. ’The theme of the E*alnlng a firefighting corps for Castroite Marxists might be ex­ licemen are getting a better bhe form of an analogy: contest is “Reading Is the Key.’’ the capital of ^na's. They are cept that they number at least houriy wage Increase. "I Just barely got up to eam- CURRENT ANNUAL DIVIDEND The contest Is open to school still faced with the problem of 25. kog a three-week vacation; now Mutln contended that no children of South Windsor. the lack of running water in tbe Their efficiency was demon- you (MEG has proposed three- hourly comparison should be The contest will be Judged in city which draws Its supply strated when they infiltrated week vacations after five years made, because of the basic dif­ three categories, elementary, from a few wells. Until the i and assumed control of a group ference in the types of work. jmiior high and senior' high. corps Is trained, impoited fire­ called the Committee for the to the town employ) want to Firemen are on call for fid- give tills to almost everybody. Prizee vrill be awarded In each men from Egypt take over. Recovery of National Sovereign- "I don’t know how you’re go­ hour shifts, while police are on patrol or other active police ing to avoid this— you're always work on a recently g r a n ts 40- going to give the same thing to aomebody who hasn't worked as hour week. Samuel Maltempo repeated i.long.” FIRST QUARTERLY Paid from the FIRST day of Fringe benefit requests: the poljce requests tor the com­ ing fiscal year, including; Marlow's Furnifure Dept, Says: Spring Inspiration... 1. Three weeks vacation after An allowance for uniform five -yaaLn, with an additional cleaning and laundering; DIVIDEND will Deposit on all Regular Sav­ day eadi two years thereafter Fully paid Blue Cross and for a maximum of four weeks. CMS; G NOW IS THE TIME! At present,' three weeks vaca­ Longevity pay; tion is awarded after !Kyears An Insurance plan that would be P A ID ings—>No W ailing. employ, with an additiqBl day provide policies of St least $8,- G MARLOW'S IS THE PLACE! for eaiA two years. ^ 000, with one half of the cov­ (j 2. An increase in sick days to erage paid by the town in re­ 15 days annually from the cur­ tirement. M A R C H 31sl I n a d d it io n , oH depmlts mxKle rent 12. Ely said that school Former Police Chief Herman • FOR WHAT? board secretarial employes now Schendel, speaking for the pen­ get 15. sioners, asked that the town during the first five business days of bz2—bzz—bzz—that'$ all you hear in the fashion world today. Martin said he was not op­ pay premiums equal, to that Just everyone's talking about the CHANEL inspired suits, new posed to the suggestion, but paid for present employes on A NEW TELEVISION (THAT'S WHAT) added that he thought nobody life insurance, for tite retired EACH MONTH will eom dividends looking with' their detail of braid, pockets, agd brags, comfortabU bad been hurt by the present employes as well, although he ear su> o f y o u r o l d t i r e d s e t n o w i arrangement. as a suit should be with their easy to wear jackets, and beautiful recognized that the face 'value (AVOID (»8TLY REPAIRS) t 3. A n Increase In emergency of the policy would be much from the FIRST of that month. time off for death or sickness lower because o f the age o f the as you like it in their soft, fluffy looped mohair and wool. in the famliy to five days from pensioners. He said he thought three days. The additional time the pensioners ought to he over the besie three days would granted any benefits that tha be granted if the employe must town employes gain as welL A—Double breasted, self trim looped closing, chain travel to reach the family mem­ Schendel joined MEG in ber, Ely suggeeted. asking that dog warden L«e Trade In Now! back. $ 6 0 . Beige and White, Pink and White. -All (NO DOWN PAYMENT NEEDED!) A Ocpildete payment by the Fracchia be made a full-time suit sizes 6 to 13. town of premiums for Blue pol!ceman.> At present, he Is Croee and OMS. The town now paid from fees collected during m OUR DEAL — YOU WILL RE SURPRISED-HOW LITTLE A paye half of the two medical In- his work, and for part-time 99 Mirance programs,= pKis the employment with the water de­ **Alert to Serve — 18 Complete Savings and Lending Services B— The new low neck line in looped mohair In white wiiole ooet of major medical in- RRANO NEW SET WILL COST WITH TRADE. partment. A recent state law and blue. Trimmed in navy braid. $ 0 0 . aurance. requires that the dog warden Wotkfog oonditiona requests: be a full-time poUoe emidoye; rWfWiaite 1 . Tbjit “idana (be) drawn up in Manchester, Police Chief TV SETS IN STOCK INCLUDE. touaediateiy for a new Munici- James Reardon holds the tltta MOTOROLA a EMERSON • PHILCO OLYMPIC C— True Chanel with its braid and fringe . . . IN Bafidiiig.” Martin said he Schendel said that, because not'argue on the need for Fracchia is on a fee basis, he (OUARANTEED) four pockets. . . creamy white (mly. $66« aGte usto building. has gained neither credit on the & That the town hire a fuU-i town pension plan nor federal thne jbcnonnel director, to social security during hia town S^aMnSn^Hainm manege, pereoooel matters, rec- employ. D«pendabl« emtetoW toMeiwes whsre Sei^ce For matttedi admislatef teste and Travel by Jet aircraft in­ O F M a n c h ^ t e r > oomifiataits be- creased from LI per cent of all M Am om eg MAMrmuMOM w m m uuteH 52 Years! peaedeeMr mnea flosn In tha iia.' sesewieeaiwaA' MANLO UnltedBtates In 1968 to w per katewdaiidiae. cent in mid-1968. I

:vr,- n}


manpower for the Sugar harvest now in “Sitbt tor a Lifetime,” wfiB be dled by Misa DorotiMe Ray­ Leo Cohen is ths local tlekat A m d f f B t r r proceas he can hardly spare people to Open Fortun CoUunbia shown by Mre RUby Moss Hop­ m ond o t Andover. Anyone tak­ chairm an. Maine Fire KiUs spend their .time in uniform. Sheinwold on Bridge kins, eoeouttva director o t the ing the course will be qualified ^ T on T gh t’s Cmigrsgatlonal HUS % • jM sm s sf tta Batqqaa to oeelot Mia* Raymond. Fur­ Church Council meeting has Four Children ' S n w ' ■ Eimibtg Ifrralb But one correspondent touches -on the Ed Vasko, 13, Oonneotlbut Socitty tor the Tb ths Editor, . Ay ALfBED SHBIMWOU) N «ifc dsatar Prevention o t BUndne**. Dr. ther information .may be ob­ been csuiceled. N t o t ' particular clrcumatance which may have Mr. Orubtr, in to eoturnn NoftMoeUi wOMiabls tained from Mrs. John Pringle. First Selectman Clair Robin­ • •T^re qpmea a time In every Top Scorei^ in Morton Acnedd, ofihtoemologtet, W EST GARDIN BR, XCaine moro than anything else to do with Cas­ lost Monday, brought forth NOKIH will anawer any queation*. Miss Janies CUric of Oolumbta son ia s patient at Windham (AP)—Four children died in an ____ men’s life when he. must gueia A $ $ 2 M ltW H I h«0t«r. Coon. tro’s instinct to make 1964 a year of some excellent comments on ths Dues for to* auxiliary art now is ths new executive secretary Community Memorial Hospital. exifiosion and fire in the cellar n d i i ^ r reproduction of Baroque muirif an4 guBs. right. Fortunately Men> Shoot for ths WUUmantle cbi^itsr. WAI Pltm S - ^ Whether or not this had anything It Is hlso charactorlsad by toe 3 NT AU Part Ronald Beam, 026; Dick Schoen, Public Roads, United SUtes De­ :1 Ih « AaMdated Ptm» to •«chwh;ely uitlUed ■padf ^nora. This would Indi­ the piuiy which will be held at The Air Force reported that the cellar had contained a gas­ It 1 l ( i \ l \ 1 K to do with the fact that the Republican uss of small snsemblss; a group cate an entiy In clubs, the low. 528 and Dave D’Aleasendro, 518. partment of commerce. oline and oil mixture used In a to th* OM o t rcpaMicatlaii of all n««a dto Yeomans Hall at 6:80 p.m. The both missiles hit targets more ti )M I ( )i ; t Bfttciwi cnditttd 10 It or not otOorwiM credU* administration then in power did go out of two to six pHtyers Is often er ot the two unimportant side of presentation of formal' pa­ Oenora Fora was first again Paul Lucas orchestra will play The infant’s maternal grand than 6,000 miles away, near As­ chain saw. S liit td a paper and otoo tbo local ntwa pub- able to provide all parts and ,sn- parents are M r. and M rs. Msu-- Thompson, a self - employed mIk^ hen. of office bequeathing to its successor Suits. pers. In the women’s Instinctive di­ for dancing^ cension Island In the south At­ MtANS All Tigbta u t repobUeattoB ot apeclal dia- joy an svsning of music writUn At the second trick South led How can anyone become vision with 484; Sharon Ruassll, cus Garrison ot Columbia. The contractor, was living in the administration a plan for an invasion of Red Cross Course lantic Ocean. patehaa ncrofai ara alao reaervad for them. In ths XVI and a 'diamond to dummy’s ac* bored with books when they second with 304 oi^ Judy Bfo- The WKUmantlc Chapter ot paternal grandparents are Mr. The Atlas carried a slender, cellar pending construction o t a Tha Barald Piintliis Company. Inc., aa- Cuba by Cuban refugee forces, it quite XVn cehturlss, ths record­ ThM he returned a diamond to come in such endless variety to gsn, third with 248. Free style and Mrs. Gene L. Bailey of tapered warhead designed to re­ bouse above It. the Ameriban Red Croes is ------^— « ------i —im— DO financial reaponalbility for typo- probably had something to do with the er occupied much the same fineiue' with the jack. West won fill every mood and every need? winneis were Marcia Hall, 2 ^ ; qx>nsoring a course In home Mansfield Center and there Is enter the atmosphere faster and AMamOANCoMb I naablcal arrors appearing In advertiaementa position* as toe strings also a great-grandmother, Mrs. SPOTTY p a i n t j o b Sdfotoar raadlng matter to Tha Mancheater decision of that Democratic challenger with the queen and tried to Lu Day, 218 and Ruth SmaU, service on March 4 at the Wil- to reduce the Image which ap­ did later, being part-of the foim- guess which ace his partner Emily Potter of WCllraantic. JCrenlng Harald.______to authorize that invasion attempt, after Retearch Fund$ Sopr 110. llmantic Red Cross Headquar­ peared on tracking radar ORLANDO, Fla. (AP) — It’s dation o i ehamher music. The held. AnxlUans to Heat ters, one at 10 a,m . and an­ The spring concert ot the screens. strictly the latest. James Noble for fuel oHf, tanrloi^ Weanesday. February S6 he had become President ease of playing the reeo'rder has West tried thinking, but. this NEW YORK — Spending for The Women’s AfixlUacy of other at 7 p.m. The course will Eastern Connecticut Symphony As the Mlnuteman dived back is sporting a motorcycle with a heating aquipmant In short, the mere fact that we were restored an interest both in it didn't wbrk. He next tried Ibok- research and development in the Windham Community Hospital be conducted by Mrs. Mary Orchestra will be held March 8 through the atmosphere, it was leopard-skin paint Job. Young holding a presidential campaign in 1960 and in toe original musle writ­ ing at the celling for inspiration, UTilted States has Increased will hold its annual m e e tin g Ginnan, field representative, at the Schafer Auditorium in to unleash several rocket-pow­ Noble parks the vehicle in front phone 522-8151 Edoeatlon, Not Jobless Statistics but he was not msplred. Finally produced sharper talk about Castro and ten for it. But it U nearly im­ nearly 25-told since *1940 and March 0 at the Ctxmectieut and- run about two hours. Willimantle. The program Is for ered decoy warheads. of the supermarket, where he is possible to accompany to# re­ he led a heart. tight imd Power Co. auditori- All home service calls for the the benefit of the Marie Blan­ There was no report on how employed. In the Pine Hills 170 PEARL STREET ' niara la litUe queation what was tha probably helped produce sharper action. the number of workers in this cord er w ith a piano, and th'> Wrong Guess field has grown almost tenfold tmi in WlHmantic. A movie'. Columbia Ohapter are now han­ chette scholarship fund. Mrs. either system performed. Shopping Center daily. HARTFORD. CONN. l«atTi oonaideration in the mind of Secre­ Yet the 1960 campaign was oBvioiuly harpelehord “erase” la a logical It was the wrong guess. De­ tary of Labor W. Willard Wirtz when, a rather mild affair, so far as American clarer won in dummy with the the other day, he proposed that compul- attention to Castro was concerned. In The fugitives from Splinters- queen of hearts, cleared the 935 MAIN STREET - TEL. 643-5171 - OPEN 9 A-M. TO 5:30 P.M. - CLOSED MONDAYS vine, which Mr. Gruber casti­ king of diamonds, got back to pory education be extended to the age the presidential campaign of 1964, we gate*, bear the *ame reaem- dum m y 'With the king of hearts MUSIC STORES: 241 ASYLUM ST., HARTFORD (522-7201) - 17 OAK ST., MANCHESTER of 18 and that free public education be haven’t even produced the opposition hlance to the two-manual con­ a d ran'the diamonds. Then he WATKINS-WEST FUNERAL SERVICE - 142 EAST CENTER STREET - TEL. 649-7196 provided two years beyond high school. candidate yet, but two of the leading cert harpsichord that the spinet led dummy’s low heart to get Ha wee thinking of some way to get csuididates for that post are specialists bears to the Steinway, both mu­ two more heart tricks, scoring about 2,000,000 people out of the national in taunting the administration in power sically and economically, and game and rubber. the maker admits this, atressln.v There was no way tor West labor force, and thus cut down on our 'With being soft on Castro. One of them the limited hut useful character to know which ace his partner unemployment statistic. would loose the Marines immediately. of the Instruments. Yet to com- held. Nevertheless, he should W" That ia what some people have been The other has foimd that audiences he are the least of one breed with have led a club. This would ob­ thinking, too, when they have been cam­ has been boring rather habitually wake Sle champion of another la not viously work If East had the ace of clubs, but it would also paigning against the “drop out” or in fa­ truly fair. Nsw harpsichords of up and clap whenever he promises to tue superb tone and beauty are work even if East had the ace WATKINS vor of longer free education. “force if necessary” in Cuba. available at the same price aa o f hearts. They have been thinking of at least Such campaigning carries two dan­ new Stelnwayi, and even those Suppose West leads a club and "outh A-J-x-x of clubs. one way of keeping people from looking gers. One of these, of course, would be who dislike the harpsichord must admit to the difference in Declarer vws with dummy’s fo r jo b a that the individual campaigning this music played on it, as opposed queen of clubs, clears the king Always, of course, there la a mudi last days! w a y ml|d>t g « t to he President and then to the piano. ’The transparency, of diamonds out of the way, and O prettier subsequent thought make some bungling and immoral at­ singing quality, and ^delicate returns to dummy with the king of clubs to cash the rest of the What they really have in mind, it de­ tempt to make good on his own cam­ phrasing offered by the proper si< :3 u - harpsichord, and deemed neces- diamonds. But then he cannot Thursday ... Friday ... Saturday ... (open velops, is not so much the business of paign bombast. get out of dummy to take the keepln|[ these young people out of jobs eary for the music by some, are Thursday and Friday till ^ p.m.) offer the last The other danger Is that the adminis­ things of beauty fully as mucli rest of his clubs. right now, but the business of educating tration in power may mistakb the maud­ as toe solidity, robustness, end In short the club return Is opportunities to choose furniture, bedding, and preparing them so that they can fill lin clapping of some casual political sustenuto of ths piano. sure to defeat the contract no The major difficulty In th6 .matter which ace Bast holds. floor coverings and lamps for your home at better Jobs and earn higher salaries audience for the will and sentiment of The heart return works only if when they do get ready to go to work. column is this: It tends to dis­ Semi-Annual Sale prices. Hurry! the American people and so proceed, as courage persons now limltsd in Ekuit happens to have the a ce But that is the afterthought That is a piece of campaign strategy for itself, musical experience from ventur­ o f hearts. Dally Question the pretense. The prime object is not to to devise something particularly harsh ing Into new realme, because an acknowledged authority ha", Partner opens with t NT, and help people get better jobs for them­ and tough to do to prove it knows how the next j^ayer posses. You selves, but to keep them out of the to pick and win a quarrel with Castro. made his statement. The prin­ hold: Spades, 9; Hearts, 10-9- II ranks of the jobseekers for as long as cipal purpose of music is enjoy­ Sa; Diamonds, Q-9-8. Clnbs, 10-. Yea, any smart little Caribbean dic­ ment, whether through llateninr p osslb la tator, sniffing an American presidential 9-8-7-2. What do you say? or participation, and no serioun Answer: Pass. Partner’s bid And this is just about the Cheapest, esunpaign on the wind, would batten study of the musical literature.'! is highly invitational, but not most cynical argument ever used in fa­ down his big mouth and lie low, mighty can be harmful. Although i'. to.jli^. If you make any re­ vor of education. may be that tome will never en­ sponse at all, you will get to quiet and low, until the ordeal by ora­ joy baroque music played in For all of that it is an argument being torical tquglmeas had subsided, over on game, and then you will be something approaching the worqe off. . used more and more freely these days. the mainland. original aetting, others will, and Adoratiop-T^ist gives floors Ironieally, also, it ia an argument This would be. what a smart little dic­ may even more fully enjoy mod­ For' Sheinwold’s 36-page book- ern music as well, as a result whldi comes straight up against two tator would do, and even Castro may ’let, “ A Pocket Guide to Bridge,” of widened horizons, for nearly ether Oieories ' about the educational send 50 cents to Bridge Book, have some conscious, adyuce idea of ' ^ ^ Photographed by Bylvlsa Oflsra all our muaical tradition Is root­ Manchester Eve. Herald, Box new beauty-comfort process vdiich are prominent in our time, trying to behave that way. Ten to one. DAVID HAYES AT WORK: In 1960, At Hartford Forge, On ‘Toreo, Steel.” ed in the baroque. In either 8818, Grand Central Station, which at least have the decen^ howwer, he will prove unable to resist event, an enlarged appreciation N ew Y ork 17, N .Y . A u and sincerity to address themselves te the temptation to play with our election TH E MANNCHESTER of music by all .would lead to p Copyright, 1964, Adoration Twist does wonden wider variety of performance o.’’ GeneMd'Featates Corp. for your floors. Gives a nubby the problem of education Itaetf rather fire . SCULPTOR, who now works, • • ' g ■ N, >-•»«’< ^ _ . , , t and resides in Ekuls, is shown musle of All periods, and allow plain effect that resists foot­ t*iyn to the problem of unamployment the individual better to judg" hero in this ham m er and forg e .89 prints and shading; easy to care > 1 One o t these somevrtiat contrarT Lawyer For The Ghoet stage of one of his better known for himself the appropriatenesr. views about the American educational pieces. A more advanced phase (rather than “authenticity” ) of for. Choose from 13 decorator Bievitably, by the very nature of its rendition. 9 sq. yd. prooese arises among educators them­ Gibes And Jitters o f h'la w ork in the sam e sculp­ colors, 12 or 15 ft. widtiis. Wall- own mission, the Warren Commission in­ Very truly yours, selves and reflects their sense of profes- ture will be shown here tomor­ to-wall including cushion and vestigating the assassination of Presi­ Pierre J. Martsney. sional futility in trying to give schooling row , and on F riday w e wiH insfalled labor, or, room size rugs bound, dent Kennedy is going tq render a report B reslin present Sylvian Ofiara’s picturs to those who neither want it nor know with cushions! which will have to be something of a of the finished piece. how to assimilate it They resent, such verdict on the guilt or innocence of Lee Desk educators, having to spend their time BEACH, Fla. — The nothing and tihen walk opt and a mature man go into a kid and Herald H . Oswald. 80-inch solid maple and debase their curriculum in Order to gas station was on Fourth Ave., try to take him apart with their give him a bad beating. I’ve, On This Date > ? This the Commission itself admits, in Captain’s desk with 59.95 take care of everybody up to the age of somewhere along 12th or 13th hands. That’s the boxing busi­ seen bartenders come over the In 1615, Napoleon escaped Yesterdays One of the most interesting the very statement in which it appoints S t. in N ew Y ork, 8uid it was from the Island of Elba to storage box under the 16. And rather than extend the oompul- ness. But this stuff yesterday, bar and go after some 18-year- and stimulating facets of li­ a special, counsel to defend the interests snowing heavily when Cassitis this frightened boy in an arena old and kick hell out of him. whuih he had been exiled In brary work la .the endless varie­ lift top. The thum]^ soxy age to 18, the instinct of some of 25 Years Ago ' ii of Oswald much as if some part of him Clay rallied in ■with his Cadillac with palm trees in front of it, It always turned the evening 1814. ty of bookq which flows steadily ba^ Windsor chair is -these educators would be to cut it to 14, to get gas on this ivlght a couple this was all new. into a mess because the thing In 1846, famed Wesbem fron­ AU time record '97 psAients from the publishers. were still alive. in maple 817.96. Black in many individual cases. of years ago. The attendant was It was no good. You stood in was no good to look *t. tier scout "Buffalo Bill" ■was 30 fibove ospoclty, crowd MMK One of recent appearance has In the statement announcing the ap­ and gold, 819.96. The second opposite direction thought slow in coming out and by the, front of this place and thought This is how you 'iyaited for bora. B u ffalo BUI, ' named wards. the arresting title “Monstrous Old maple charm pointment of Walter E. Craig, president time he had the gas in the car of fighters you have seen at last night’s fight You thought William Frederick Oody, was About $25,000,000 ‘worth of Depravity,” which might lead comes from a number of people, both in the snow covered the windshield weigh-in. Ezzard Charles, when bom in Scott County, Iowa. hurrioane-felled timber is you to expect another volume of the American Bar Association, to you were going to see anotiier C and but of the educational field^who of the Cadillac. he had to make his return fight In 1648, the French Republic signed over to the Northsast- on juvenile delinquency or one Give your dining room a tnle old tiine TaU e and serve in protection of Oswald’s theoreti­ bartender gdve it to a kid. are concerned with the quality of Ameri­ against Rocky Marciano. The was proclaimed from the steps ern Timber fiolvage Am the vagrant and al­ group on "Thirty Days in Skid prepared packaged and instant with the husky look of and is serving—to remove every last changed. When he spoke,, the I couldn’t do, no way.” of his giant sptritu^ sacrifices most lost his eyesight.” black or white. • debunking the very popular American Row,” using wateroolor illus­ foods. His despondency at this < v Early Americana haa a words came out softly. “What­ Charles laughed. And that but never showed a whine nor After a few subdued mo­ Pick a sofa size'“that fits your Early American room . . . shadow of doubt that can be removed trations he mads while visiting state of affairs is balanced by a "•vt:,’ 28x19 inch top. Idea that the mere expenditure of hours ever you say,” Cassius said, night, he walked Into Maroiano a whimper. Instead, his almost ments the first student quietly 72-inch model shown; 52-inch love seat $99; jumbo 91-inch about anything. the Bowery and workins' with loving recall tit homemade do­ and years in a supposed posture of “you’re the boss.” and got a right hand free in­ bouncing good cheer brought i^Mke: "Well, I guess a man size $139. All pieces have genuine foam latex rubber cush­ to e A A . nuts, real oatmeal and cakes The Commission has apparently real­ “Now, you can tell me,” the side and ripped Mm\;iano’s nom overtones far aurpaasing others doesn’t say a great deal 29.95 school attendance means very much. made from “scratch.” Since'the 14.95 ions! Custom covered in a choice of fabrics. ized that it can hardly achieve its own fellow sitting with Olay asked, and nearly had everything won of ils who think we have much when he’s hanging on a cross.” There shoidd be some great priority in xmtil he caught a bad -rig^ht American. woman is to blame goal if it does not extend to the ghost of “why you let a guy like that more to be thankful for. He had And another, greater, said be­ Today's Birthday* the educational process, sucdi theorists hand in the eight round. for tile present deblQrable situ- Oswald the right to ask questions, raise toUc to you that way?” but part of one lung left at that fore: "Blessed are “they that Comedian Jackie Gleason ia are likely to claim, for the real education But Charles .was a fighter, a time, an aftermath of voluntary hunger and tMrst after right­ atloq; we can obviously hope for points, challenge assumptions, and de­ “He looks just Uke Sonny professional prize fighter, (^ y 46. AlCtraas Betty Hutton la no help from her. It Is, there­ •llr 'i l '- ’ . ioi the truly educable. Ustm,” Clay said. living in the alums. He was par­ eousness, tor they shall be 63. bate ooncliuions. Again and again, in seemed Afferent yesterday. Be tially blinded by trachoma fU led." fore, the mission of the male to Mot much ef any of these theories, It was good for a laugh that rescue American cookery. the flow of the news, one has noticed a seem ed Uke a b oy wtx> wAs A f ter he had spoken in a uni- Dr. James V. Claypod qnotatton either way, ia going to get into practice. night. But early last evMiing being throw n in w ith an, a d u lt Mr. Gould .is convinced that questioning of this or that detail, a criti­ 'versity chapel, a student grtped; Superintendent It ie Impoaslble to vaduoe hu­ fri- M We are going to continue tb worship 'at v.rh«i you stood under the palm There is nothing that con dio- “X an^ disappointed. Aniong Norwich District man society to one levri—Pope ths currant popularity of cook- the shrine of mass education, but we cism of this or that conclusion, some­ trees outside the Miami Beach turb you more than wistdiing other things I noticed, when He Methodist ^uroh Leo toe 18th. outs, barbecues, camping and !jii| times from some extremist trying to put auditorium and waited for Cas­ b oa tin g 'Will provide the salva­ ara not going to make it compulsory be­ tion of too American palate. his own stamp on history, but some­ sius Ckay to come down and yond the age of 16. We Are going to be­ fight Sonny listen for the Since at these affairs: male gin providing two years free education times from apparently disinterested but heavyweight championship, that 7 cooks are not only permissible 10.50 beyond high school for those who want puzzled news correspondents. Any of night back on Fourth A've. in put indeed expected and vene­ these questions with any slightest chance New York was ail you oould l! rated: 'Ihls should be the be­ it, and, at the same time, we are going ginning Of general I'ecognition of importance or validity would have think of. And now you were not two for to take increased pains to see, as Eu­ thlnMng of it as being funny. of male supremacy In matters been asked in the trial of Oswald if it culinary and then It will be only rope sees almost automatically, that Because earlier in the day, at lliese students of real talent have the hisd been held. Something close to such ifn ii. one st^ to a return to real food. the ' wel|^-ln. Cassius Clay / As yoU'can gues* from the pre­ 19.95 doon of really high learning wide open a procedure should now be assured. And cracked up when they made him »// ceding resume, Mr. Gould, as before them. the more vague questions are pinned stand only a few inches away usual. Is amuidng—almost far­ from Sonny Liston. The fear But let us at least try to kebp an down and answered, the better and more cical at times—but there Is nev­ Colonial salt shakers turned Clay into a man who this an educational policy, first, last and satiafjdng the Conunission’s final report ertheless a continuous imder- inspired these 31 simply was not normal and af­ current of fact and conviction a n the tim e, designed tjo provide the ter a terrible explosion, t'wo H lamps. Mellow Flemish that add a somewhat wry flavor. bronze finish, beige finest and ‘‘^ e s t and longest possible 0 Teropora! O Mores! doctors from the Miami Beech As part of bis campaigning, he AUUetic Omunlssion stood out educational opportunity to thoee - who includes oSveral recipes to prove fabric-covered parch­ In West Haven on Thursday, long af­ in toe lobby and talked about want and deserve it, but never, we hope, ter the worst of Feb. 19th’s snowstorm how simple It is to produce ment shades, three- not letting this frightened really food and genuine food. designed to keep people in school purely conditioiu had subsided, soma 400 stu­ young boy fight against Uston. way switches! dents of that city’s high sriiool were For pure entertainment. It because to let them out would make a b sen t “In my opinion, he Is too would be hard to beat "The Spy Quilted them another unemployment statistic. Most of this number, it is reported, frightened to be allowed in an * J t Who Came in.J7»m ^ Cold” 44. stayed away from school because their athletic contest,” Dr. Alexander by John- Le Carre, which Is the parking lot had not been plowed. Robbins was saying. pseudonjrm of a Whitehall civil luxury each pioco A Year To Lie Low Now isn’t that something? As the doctors talked, the I 1 servant This IS a spy; story of As a commentary on our times (and whole thing seemed strange 0 : recognieablo superiority. It Is Nm n eorrespondenta tn Cuba seem to manners, too, if you will) this takes The arena, with Its big, slick- a fasvmovlng, complex story, fioorsd lobby, and the pehn trees think that Fidd Castro is determined to th e cak e ( m they used to say in an but it is much more than that Deluxe Ortho Posture earlier age). outside, dtttai’t seem like tha O r , It explores toe mind and feeL: Solid cherry for a mellow look! asUeve a period of relaxed tension so But to our mind; icing is put on said kind o t place where you put on ings of to r agent and the ethics 'fhr as Us relations with the United cake by this conunent from a Student -a fight. You need something like of the enUro inteUisance tradi­ For the‘rest that helps you feel vibrantly lltsUs are concerned. Council spokesman after it had been Msdiaon ^uore Garden for a tion. The agent Leamos, fr one You get the rich, moHpw-brown beauty of solid cherry when alive, choose quilted Deluxe Ortho Posture fight. You need panhandlers • /> e29.95 n iey give several possible reasons for ted out that teachers used their of toe moat believable and sig­ Bed, Dresser you woose your bedroom from the Old Lexington oi^n stock bedding by Stearns k Foster. It provides the king lot sven though it too, was waiting by the ticket windows nificant figures of "Bpy”'fictlon group. Here’s the biggest way to buy it.. extra firm support you want with a com­ ,thia, Chstro has trouble enough at home, wnplowedto and hums in old clothes selling of all time Mple dresser with 42 x 82-inch,mirror ($162.50); 82 x 49^8’ A cocktail table with jiiyiag to' keep tha revolutionary fervor “We have newer cars than the teach­ boxing magaalnae on the side­ And M the strictly practical arKi Chest the solid look of early fortable body-yielding sleeping surface! Ma^ 'dClde peapM qpk tiying to make the ravo- ers and don’t want to get them damaged w a lk . A n d 3TOU need fighters for side Is "A Manual for Writers inch.'Chwt-on-chest»n-cheot with 6 drawers,drawen: ($117.60);(tll'7.50); and a fimfull sizesue trees or box spring, full or twin sixes, $44 cars skiddbigiln the lot” n fight Tha khid fighten who New England pieces is laptfe; hTtog to gat the paopla o t of Tsrm Pspors, Tbesesond Dis- imin

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MANCUBSTKR EVlbNiNG u f i a i u D . MANCHESTER. CONN.. WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY 26, 1964 .i;,v ; ■;-.•■ :r{r. ' MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1964 W K « EK3H T Qusbsc Republican party, which 1st, stalked off an Oporto stage and set three, heavy river IIII "ji~ HEAITH CAKIIUES Events • wants to separate the French- Tuesday night in the middle of barges adrift in uie port of Lis­ Events in Nation hr Michael A. PcBl, M.tfc eplMtklng proirince from English a Beetboven sonata after pitting bon. ' epeaklng Canada, told, a Toron­ his piano against the banging of >i»er Author Omits *' - Her* it* IS rr IMPORT/^ to audience this week “ some of windows and other noises from DOWN TO EARTH kxM* plate WASHINGTON (AP) — In the^by the surgeon general's advis­ IN Hie Jo's OB soil Yd tn World m y own people are ready to let a hard wind and rain storm. FORT WORTH, Tex (AP)— aa Impi Gunnars Vinkels - news from Washington ory committee that concluded CyERCiSE RfiCUURLV 1 her know—brutally—that she Is The capacity crowd that had “ How do you always manage to uppar ai Bequests to cheered him at intermission ap­ get SO' dirty?” Carolyn and Don finnar so CUBAN TRADE: Secretary of cigarette smoking la a health, TAIPEI, Formosa (AP)—For­ no longer welcome in French forteUa. ro .gammy., jjSnt^rs Air Corps hazard. mer Japahsss Premier Shlgeru Canada.” plaud*^ Kempff as he slammed Graves asked their young son, ntsw or Ttellnf . lYs r Slat# Dean Rusk declared Thies- the piano lid with a bsmg. Bob, as he came in after play. add). Doaa l . Her Children The surgeon general predicted Yoshida reported today that he odor braatb”. Oat t S , _ day that non-Oommuniat nations that the tobacco In du a^ would OPORTO, Portugal (AP)— The storm raised Portugal’s “ I’m a lot closer to the ground at d iu c MOBteta afwywBoMa Gunimni Vlnkel* of Wales and President Chiang Kal-ahek Wilhelm Kempff, German plan' three main rivei^s to flood levels than you are," was the reply. Rd., will leave tomorrow for illSV a SILVER LANE. EAST HARTFORD selling important gooda to Cuba be "perhaps our most effective fCocttlBiied tram Psc* Om > '•re Interfering with the hemi- ally*' In such efforts as “ devel­ had cleared up all misunder­ New Haven to enlist In the Air standings between Nationalist h i ^ OcM^ and will proceed from apliere'a efforts to protect itself oping a safer cigarette and oth­ confidence that they will be pro­ “ALL MEATS PRESH CUT—NONE PRE-PACKAGEPr against Cuban subversion and er safer forms ot tobacco use.” Chins and Japan.' then to San Antonio, Tex., as vided tor by John Rees should The Japanese government a candidate for Officen Train­ aggression. “ In any event," he added, the need arise.*’ “ the handwriting surely Is on sent ’ he elder statesman to see ing School. . Mrs. Metallous entered the . Other governments should un­ Chlsng,, an old friend, after re­ ^Ounnars came to Andover so STORE HOURS: TUES.-WED. 9j^«%IURS.-FRI. 9-9 derstand, Rusk said, that Cuba the wall—either the industry it­ hospital Sunday night as Grace self takes some action to bring lations between the two coun­ a young hoy in 1951 with his Rees, but' firned the will as stUl has the potential of endan­ tries were strained by Increas­ parents, Mr. euid Mrs. I^lnholds SATURDAY 8 to 4— (CLOSED ALL DAY MONDAY) gering "the security of the en­ Its own house in order—or ebme- Grace Metiuiout. It. named one else will do it for them." ing Japanese trade with Red Vlnkds and his older brother Rees arid Cremena as ax- tire free world” as it did in the Chlnr. and Japan’s deportation On Spring mcmeuvers at D&L's Valdes. -The family had been missile crisis of 1962. ecutoca. REDI8TRICTING: The Itouse to Peking of a Chinese defector caught in the twin invasion of Other books written by Mrs. Rusk, addressing a world af- who changed his mind after ttieir homeland, Latvia, by the teirs Conference held by the Judiciary Committee launches Young World of Fashion... Metallous Included' “Return to hearings March 18 on proposals saying he wanted to go to For- German and Russian armies. Peyton Place,” “The \ -ht uitematlonal Union of Electri- '/K . EVEN AT THIS STAGE THE mo*a. NEVER A BUM cal. Radio and Marine Workers. making congressional dls The family came to America WUte Collar,” and “No Adam I'^CORONARV IN THE HEART hi 1949 and, except for brief pe­ said. “There will be no retreat tricts more uniform in popula­ ARTERIES AtAV BEGIN TO in Eden,” ^ e n she 'finished tion. TAIPEI, Formosa (A P)—The I ! riods in Woodstock and Hebron, No AdAm in Ekien” she said from our policy toward the Cas­ THICKEN. REGULAR EXERCISfi HELPS 1b PREVENT THIS, United States bolstered Presi­ have lived in Andover all o f that it would be her last, STEER WHEN tro regime in Cuba ae long as The hearings stem from a Su­ dent Chiang Kai-shek’s Chinese time. Gunnars was graduated It continues to threaten the se­ preme Court ruling Invalidating ImM Cremens identified Rees as a 1.41.111. id. »i Nationalist air force today with from Rham in 1959, and like close friend who was col­ curity and stability of other na­ a Georgia redistrlcting Taw be­ .UkMibiMnMMto** more than 30 F104G Starfight. Ws brother Valdes went on to laborating on a book Mrs. Me- tions in this hemisphere.” cause of a wide range in popula­ ers, fighter-bomber • intercep­ the University of Connecticut. tallous was writing. YOU SHOP AT tions assigned to each district. tors capable of speeds in excess He was graduated from there “Peyton Place” put^rted to POVERTY CAMPAIGN: Rep. of 1,600 miles an hour. last June with a bachelor of be about the Intimate life, of a Ojto Passman says President ROWAN: The Senate has con­ Emanuel Women The exact number of planes i i science degree in mechanical New England vUlge. When the MEATOWN! Johnson’s “war on poverty” has firmed Carl T. Rowan as di­ waa not disclosed. engineering. movie of it was made, It waa been so misunderstood abAiad rector of the U.S. Infonbation To Hear Florist His many friends in Andover, filmed in Camden. Maine. tt)at some immigrants in his dis­ Agency. LONDON (AP)—The House of at Rham, and at the University trict are getting “CARE pack­ old records building next to the Town Hall tan’t really In as Townspeople of Woodstork, Vt« Rowan, 38, former prize win­ Robert Milikowski of Flower Lords mutinied Tuesday night will be pleased with this ad­ Andover children know the and Gilmanton, N.H., refused to ages” from relatives back ning reporter on the Minneapo­ first glance. They have been entering it through a hol^ln the Fashion will give a floral dem­ agalost a government proposal vance in the career of this good repair as it seems at permit filihihg in their towns. HtESH WESTERN borne. lis Tribune arid author of four to change the name of the i : young man. back wall for some time now. (Herald photo by Satemls.) “It’s a real reverse twist," books, will be the first Negro to onstration for the Emanuel ------—— ^ Her husband, George, waa British Admiralty to the Navy 7 Voters Blade principal of the school in Gil- said ths Louisiana Democrat in ait in regular sessions of tbe Lutheran Church Women Tues­ Board. la the two-hour voter making msmton. an Interview, “ The President’s Cabinet and National Security day at 8 p.m. in Luther H411 of Parliament’s upper house •easiora held Monday evening at Burton Returns Andover He divorced, her in 1958, re­ statement that 20 per cent of Council. the Church! He will make" sev­ voted 66 to 57 for an amend­ the TVwm Office Building seven married her in 1960 and then Americans are poverty-stricken Rowan, who before his ap- eral arrangements while ex­ ment urging that the time- ‘ i new voters were made. Three To Shakespeare separated again. He lost his to s led some people abroad to pQjntnjgnt ambassador to plaining how flowers may be honored name of Britain’s navy elected to enroll with the Re­ school principal’s job when believe we’re all starving to Finland, succeeds Edward R. used to the best advantage in department be retained. The publican party and four made Old Probate Records Vault “Peyton Place’’ became a best the home. After the demohstra. House of Commons must ap­ (AP) — Richard , ,'M urrow who resigned from the no party designation. seller^ Passman said he ^ r e e d , 21,000 job to recover from sur tioh there will be a question prove the amendment to make tho This is the season for talking Burton returns to the Shakes­ Gilmanton officials said It with the President’s whole con-1 cancer. and answer period. it effective. I 1 and planning next year's school pearean stage In Toronto tonight May Yet Be Useful Again wasn’t because of the book but eept in the campaign against Committee meetings will be The Conservative government budgets. On Monday, there will after three years o£ moviemak­ [Mrs. Metallous said: PORK LOINS poverty. held at 7:45 p.m. Mrs. George proposed the change as part of be a public hearing at Rham I “ To a majority of the people “ The great majority of these Monument Planned Wilson Jr. will lead devotions. a n unified defense setup. high school on the proposed ing that Involved him in one of By LAWRENCE MOE

I MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN, WEDNESDAY^ FEBRUARY 26,.1964 i-EACHi'' PAGB'TEiN IfANCHESl'^ EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1964 W esthill Tenants Tunisia Pleased D octors Say' Employment Service ICOMlNa^ SOON TO SiRVE YOU Events Boycott on Wheat-Handling ,^ d Spal Drive Two More Picked Hoover Better Criticized hy D ellaierd By Peace Corps Ended by Maritime Unions RealdenU of Weathlll QXr- QuiltatloM Fundshad by TUNIS (API—Tunisia is heap­ In State denfl, the Mancheater Houalng Cobuite Mlddlebrooh, lae. ing pralsb on the - U.S., Peace (Coattaued from Page One) Meany, ^Irtz and Nicholas (Continued from Page One) Town Director Francis ~56lla-tpartn»»nt’a P*’ Authorlty'a houalng project for Bank Stocks Corps and asking for more Por Darwin Jury Johnson, maritime adminis­ vision, from wliere, after aiMmy the. elderly, are aaalatlng the \ Television (Coatiaued from Page One) fera haa asked Mayor Frm n^ ^ Bid Asksd young Americans to help In the too, but the government can trator. Hoover remained strong and Mahoney to Institute an investi­ analysee, it waa eeitt t6 the C ^ecU out .Society for Crip­ North African country’s strug­ 6:W I 3) Big I Theater (la proM (8-;(8-13) Chronielk ^ ^ \ ------Helen Delioh Bentley, Sun alert "despite his age and ill­ Boiton regiohal offlMfl ot the pled Children and Adulta In ita Conn. Bank and reeei t 140-40) OsMa and Harriet (OwMtaned trom Pmw Oim) gray suit,' glanced briefly at the She la in har aacond term in grant waivers. gation into the reasons for the “Trust Co...... 71 Vi 75Vi gle toward development. (33) Movie at 6 (in progreia) l;00 (84) DeetrucUon of Indian maritime editor, wrote in this ness” but had spent ” a rather imminent move of the Connecti­ F e d e ra l.L a b o r Oeptutonant, current fund canipalgn, It ..waa Die Tunisian government has (81*) kiarlir Show (in progreee) (8) Conn. What'a Ahead? dead girl’s parents, seated in the Senate. 8li:e previously Machinery is being set up in restless day due to Ills respira­ where It w u also approvad. announced today by Arnold Hartford National (13)(•> Cloee-Up eourt after he teetifled that hia the third row, as he was led In­ served three terms in the morning’s editions that the cut Employment Division of­ Bank Co...... 64 - 68 asksd for at least 200 rndTs (10) Bye^nUfy the Labor Department to handle prime responsibility of the com­ tory dlfflculty,”' fices from one Manchester loca­ Atty. Kaplan aald that offi­ Lawrence, Mancheater General Peace Corpa members this year (18) la the Public latereet (8-30-40) Patty Duke eonsclence would trouble him to court today. He sat with his House. ”H lr temperature is lower. cials of the State LAbor De­ Fire Insurance Companies (40) Laramie (M) Appalachian Spring fcy bringing in a death penalty. any union protests over walvet's mittee will be to review ship­ tion to another. Chiirman. to bolster the present contln-^ (8) Newe 1:10 (8-30-40) Parmer’s Daupter arms folded, showing no appar­ ment of American grain to His blood pressure remains partment, whose lease at the TOe Volunteer program, ar­ Hartford Fire ..,, 68 72 (34) Hufic (or the Young ( 8-13) Tell It To Camera The defenae exercise* three ent emotion. Darwin’s wife, of the 50-50 rule on sales of The division presently on a National Fire .,.,121 129 gent of 00. Peace Corps officials Hearing Re$cheduled commercial or suplus grain to Ctommunist satellite countries: normal. His heart beat la .some­ month-to-month lease basis In Jarvis Bloiflc had expired, were ranged through the cooperation say all they can hope for Is e:iuf:lU I( 91 8) neweNewe aSporte. Weether (34) Lyrics and Legenda more of its peremptory chal­ Marion, was also present in the Communist satellites. The committee will determine what rapid, but the rhyttuh Is seeking more suitable spabe, of Leon W. Enderlln, aecretary Phoenix F ire ...... 125 133 4:16 (33) gub HoHouse 9:00 (33-80) Eaplonage' lenges today and excused three courtroom. HARTFORD (AP)—A 8tata the Jarvis Block on Main Bt., Life and Indemnity laa. Coa. another 90 In September. 6:IU ( S) n th Pre"*reclnct ( 8-3040) Ben Caai nb s Special Asst. State's Atty. well parents and the slain girl. which his gall bladder had been N. B. Machine ... 20 H been working here since August (Tbit Batteg ladudes oaxg thoip W broadeuta ot 10 or 10 Etalo Gnutti objected, saying names. On Tax Cut area,” and “the two bus serv­ will be a lot of red facet as a glad to give of their own time 22H 1962. It includes architects, Mhttito leagth Sumo otattons carry othor sliopt arworasts). The defense used one of its Doctor Says removed in 1958. ices which go directly past the result of It.” and efforts In this worthy North and Judd .. lOVi 21 Vi mechanics, physical educatio) 'The implication is that the de­ preemptory challenges to ex­ "The present illness,” his Peter P a u l...... 32 36 WDBC-U6I A 7:01) Buf Sugbea fendant was hypnotized.” He Haircutn Coat $2 Jarvis block.” Mayor Mahoney would not cause.” teachers, building construction 10:00 Mad Daddy Show cuse William F. Regan of Tol­ Voted Today three doctors reported Tuesday, Atty. Seymour-Kaplan. s e c- comment on Dellafera’a request The Manchester Rotary Club, Plastic Wire Cable 11 13 6:UU Long Jobs Wade said it was prejudicial to the land who testified that he did BRIDGEPORT (AP) — Bar­ DON’T HAVE TONSILS OUT “is due to bleeding from the Standard Screw .. 32 Vi supervisors, nurses and agricul­ 8-00 Raynor Bhiau WINP—im •BECAUSE THEY ARE retary-treasurer of "the “until I have had tImS to Study which sponsors the local cam­ 35 Vi tural experts. 1:0b News Sl|pi Ott • :un Maws.I. v’eatiMr. Sports Every single pur­ State’s case. not want to serve on the jury. bers in the greater Bridgeport right kidney, with that cause First Hartford Realty Co., paign, Is greatly appreciative of Stanley Works ,. 20% 22 Vi 'The beginning of the program w luY -nit Atty. Shea replied "I fully The defense counsel a.sked the area today voted to raise their (Oontinned from Page One) THERE’ probably secondary to a kidney the letter." Veeder-Root ...... 47 Vi 6:uu kuisy Ed Show Lomirl^inas said this morning that the He said, however, that he was the time, effort and good will 81H was difficult: Many of the 6:30 News Weather and Sports I to Sporte Time chase you make at expect to Introduce testimony court to excuse Regan for prices 25 cents effective March By Wayne O. Brandstndt, M. D. stone. 'The clinical picture has expended by Westhill Gafden The above quotations are not ' N«ws Sbowcaae relevant to one or all of these effect la to cut corporate tax li­ lease had been approved not sure that the matter ooo* Americans complained they 7:00 Edward P Morgan i: cause, but Judge Loiselle re­ 9, with haircuts going up to $2. Newspaper Enterprise Assn. been complicated by a respira­ by the State Labor De­ cemed town offlelala, slnos' It residents, Lawrence said. to be construed as actual mar* were not being properly utilized 7:16 Ed Hayea Stiow 7:85 ^ biblic Affairs Program CRISPINO’S SU­ fields.” fused and said, "I wouldn’t seek The barbers in Bridgeport. abilities 17 per cent. Your child’s tonsils were tory infection.” kata. 10:80 Tonight At Mv Placa -js World Tontftit Atty. Gnutti also raised an to serve on a case like this.” plac' 1 in his throat lor a pur­ partment and had then been Involved a move wlthlh Man- and that their time was being 1-80 Alan Off |;16 UU-jlfa Line * PREME FOODS Stratford, Fairfleld, Monroe and Final action on the bill comes They also reported that Hoov­ sent on to the Washington of­ chtster luelf. from onS local ad­ AOTOR ARRESTED wasted. WTIU-lSiS „ ^ 8:80__ Showcase. 8ho< objection to use of the word He said hia impression was that Easton also voted increased pay almost exactly 13 months after pose. They should not be re­ er had been bedridden with fe­ LOS ANGELES (AP) — Actor THINKING THIEF Newe Sports and Waatbar 9:05 Rest ot Broadway brainwashing, terming it a Regan would serve it asked to. moved just because they are ver for 48 hours before the an- fice of the Federal Labor De- dress to another. __Music 10:05 Showcatt and Nawa is unconditionally rates for journeymen and ap­ the late President John F. Ken­ Abel Fernandez, 34, was arrest­ SANTA BARBARA, Calif. MAYBE HE’S MARRIED S:45 Three SUr Extra 13:35 Sign Off______slang expression. He was over­ Atty. Shea used one of the prentice barbers. nedy sent hi.s tax message to there. i npuncement. ed Tuesday on a charge that he (AP) - 7The sheriff’s office is HOUSTON, Tex. (AP) — It 7:06 Conversation Pieca guaranteed to pleaae ruled by Judge Alva P. Loiselle. defense challenges and disqual­ They approved a 5 p.m. Sat­ Congress calling for a reduction 'This short - sighted practice Though he had not appeared failed to pay state income tax looking for an Intellectual bur­ murt have been some sort of 7.35 Chet HunUey PERKY PAINiS Darwin, dressed In a dark ified Regan. urday closing time, one hour in Income taxes. is fortunately not as common As ; in public In recent months, GOP Wm Hear on $84,200 earnings In 1659-62. glar who ransacked Richard D. unlucky day for the thief who 7:80 Newe ot the World you or ive ■will re­ it once was. The tonsils, actual­ . Hoover had kept busy writing, About Town 7:46 Sing Along Save the bottles from liquid earlier than at present; a five “The largest single barrier to The itax, with penalties, Neill’s home. broke Into the locked car of 8:06 PopS/.ConcIcert shoe polish and clean them and fund your money. day July 4 weekend and consist­ full employment of our man­ ly lymph nodes, form with the a talent at which he has been Renewal Plans amounts to $4,742. The Intruder opened every George Morlqy, a clothing sales­ 9:06 NIghtbeat the daubers thoroughly. Add wa­ ent Wednesday closing regard­ power and resources 'and to a adenoids a protective circle in I prolific. Miss Barbara E. Baker, Fernsndez, who appears In dresser drawer and passed up 10:30 Thirty Minute Theater the throat that amounts to a man. ' Jl:00- - Ne Yews _ ter and pure, food coloring. What better way to Supreme Court Rejects less of holidays. higher rate of economic daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred­ The RepuMlean Town Corn- the "Untouchables” series on guns, cameras and stereo equip­ The loot? One hundred twen­ U:16 Sports Pinal The children now have a paint ■Under the new rates chil­ growth,” said Kennedy, "is the miniature filtration plant. erick E. Baker of 34 Lilac 8t. television said, ”I don’t know ment. He took only 12 magazines 11:30 Art Johnson Show I’ convince you that Like lymph nodea elsewhere mlttee will prepar# a eutemant ty-three maternity dresses, all WPOP—I41S set that is easy to use, and con­ dren’s haircuts go up to $1.50 on unrealistically heavy drag of South Windsor is on the dean’s list at Wheelock much about bookkeeping.” and a $5 pencil. size 10. 8:uu Joel Cash tains washable paints. i Ansaldi Apartment Bid weekdays and 11.75 on Satur­ federal income taxes on private In the body, they keep disease College, Boston, Mass., where of its position Oh the propeaed our quality is the days and the day before holi­ purchasing power. Initiative and germs trom entering the she is a sophomore majoring North Ehd urban renewal proj­ blood stream during the early Bankruptcy Bid in education. best? The State Suprame Oourt^Counsel Aronson participated days and shaves will cost $1.25. incentive.” ect at a meeting ait for I to­ The new minimum pay scale Johnson gave the bill an equal­ years when your child Is slow­ this week eustained a lower only as an observer for the ly building up Immunity. night at tha Manohaater Oeun- town, the co-defendent. As for journeymen barbers ivill be ly high priority after he took Filed by Couple The VFW Post will sponsor eourt action overturning a 1M2 over the ^ I t e House, making it Every encounter the tonsils a Post Award Night dinner at try Club. town counsel, Atty. Aronson is $70 a week plus 60 per cent of have with disease germs causes Mancheater Redevelopment town sonlng board of amteals paid a flat salary and not for everythmg earned over $88. the centerprlces of his economic A' voluntary petition in bank­ the post home tonight at 8. program. the tonsils to enlarge, so it is Continuous service awards and Agency executive dlraetor Dd- continued by popular demand! (ZBA) ruling that would have each action. They receive $60 and 50 per qent not unusual for a child to have ruptcy was received in Hart­ over $72. ford by U.S. Bankruptcy Ref- citations . will be given- , Frank ward Rybexyk and Cltlaena Ad­ The freshest, most appetizing pro­ permitted the oonetructlon of Secondly, Bennett objected to large tonsils throughout most of Wwtertniry, visory (Committee chairman K JUNIOR WORLD eree Saul Seldman today from| duce under the sun is right here two apartment buildings at the construction of the soning his childhood. When the infec­ departmmt commander, and Alexander. Penny wlU deabetbe a M • last a a ll.. .tala tads sat., fall. 29th Summer and MdKee Sts. regulations, and asked the town CLARENCE HUTT RlTEfl Budget Hearings tion Is overwhelming, he will Dominic A. Angeloni and his under our roof! Picked in the early directors to Institute a study wife Jeanne D. Angeloni, of 295 his staff will be among the the project to the p4trty ia6in- T O T i w on main facing oak But the Supreme Court action NEW HA’VEN (AP) — Fu­ have acute tonsillitis with sore guests attending. bers. ■ '.b iiii rooming and rushed to us in re­ — which was not unanimous — to see ”if the rights of prop­ neral Services will be held to­ throat and fever. When this hap­ Hilton Dr., South Windsor. It erty owners are being adequate­ morrow for Clarence Seymour Today, Thursday was filed at District Court in Both Rybosyk and Penny, ap­ trucks . . . then care- was based not on the lower pens he should be kept in bed peared at a Democratic’Town court decision but on the re­ ly protected.” Hutt, retired advertising execu­ and the doctor should be called New Haven yesterday. nil groomed assure you the view of the ZBA's 1M3 deUber- Although the board ex­ tive and former city editor of Budgets for seven town ac­ so that steps may be taken to The Angelonl’s report assets Welfai^e Costs Committee meeting Idat i)lght, very freshest pressed general approval of the the New Haven Joiimal-Courler. counts for the 1964-65 fiscal of $10,800 equity in their home, but diacuaalon of a party atand ations. prevent such complications as waa delayed until n u t moiitli: eenj fruits and idea last April, no action has Hutt, a 1906 graduate of Yale $800 of which is in household 'T In the written decision. Judge year will be aired before Gen- rheumatic fever and kidney In­ Up in January 'iii (FANTASTIC WINTER SALE v e g e t a bles subsequently been taken. goods. Liabilities are listed at Aleo on the agailu for to- James E. Murphy . . found the College, worked for the Old erkl Manager Richard Martin fection. One or even several at­ I 'V ^ c ^ ZBA's original ruling should Meanwhile, the Town Plan­ Danbury News and then joined tacks of tonsillitis is, however, $35,169.93, with $22,000 in se­ ifight’a meeting I r fliedueaion of available any­ have been denied siiice it was ning Conunlsslon Agency has the Journal-Courier in 1907. He at public hearings tonight and not necessarily a reason to have cured and $12,940.93 in unse­ The Town Welfare Depart­ new etate laws anil party rules where! inconsistent with the soning had a new set of regulations was city editor of the New Ha­ Thursday. the tonsils removed. cured claims. ment spent about $700 more which will effect the ejection regulations. in the works for more than ven newspaper from 1910 to If, on the other hand, the ad­ Secured creditors are as fol­ last month than it did in Janu­ of party convention delegates FREE PARKING LOT a year, but has made little Set for 8 tonight are hear­ save The court’s decision comes as 1917. In 1919 ha joined the ad­ ings on the proposed budgets ot enoids should become chronical­ lows; Society for Savings, ary of last year. and town reprseCntativsa for a victory for property holders progress since losing its j>ast vertising d^artment of what the park and recreation depart­ ly enlarged and obstruct the Hartford, $16,000; Martin the forthcoming state eleetlons. Adjoining building as much as and m o re l The rise was reflected In the in the Summer-MoKee Sts. area, planning director to a renewal is now the 'Wlnchester-Westem ments. pas.sage of air through the nose, Gross, New York, N. Y., $4,000; post last year. Division of Olin MathieSon Jack Rosenblitt, West Hart­ fact that the department serv­ EMBEZZLINO O HA ltoi who banned together for the Tomorrow at 10 a.m. the your child will be ., forced to iced 53 cases, involving 118 per- court fight after the ZBA Chemical Corp. 'and in 1926 board of directors, general man­ through his iiouth and ford, $2.cipo. W A. XHs R T O N (AP) —^ all sales final...charge it, or uss on famous moke apparel granted a special exception for was inade m anner of the de­ ager’s and town coun.sel’s budg­ his susceptibility to Infections in Unsecuted claims over $500 wns this January compared to Joseph Varsallone, 81. of Oak- the apartment project to An­ partment. He i'etired in T04B. ets will be reviewed in the gen­ the nose, sinuses, and' middle are lisU d ^ follows; Associated cases. Involving^ 103 persons ^ yi]]e, will appear In .Circuit Hospital Notes Survivors include his widow, Discount West Hartford 52,. during January 1963. jcourt^ March^ 1. to answer X your ‘‘uni-oard” plate H m iM quantities... while tfioy last drew Ansaldi in A{^1 19fl2. ...'i- ■.... . eral manager's office. ear will be Increased. Removal “ ■■ h’^, to In March 1»63 the neighbors Mrs. Minnie Joudrey Hutt. and Then at 3 p.m.. the plannliig of the enlarged adenplds at an 574.56t' aohdik- .of Connecticut, ' Of the 53^8868 serviced, last chlii;g« of smbesalbrnent by ■ w Vtslttng hours are 2 to I p.m. hia daughter, Mrs. Robert S. earljTage is sound practice. But HarWirar'’ $700; Household Fi month, 50 vyqcp.lor family re? publia-offlotal. ■ Varsel1eis6r-]f ■iUa won the first roimd, 'hiheh the in all areas excepting mater­ commission and zoning board of Hartford County Court of Com­ Beecher of Hartford. appeals budgets udll be discuss­ unless the tonsils become ab­ nance Corp., Hartford, $600 lief (115 persons), and three collector for the OakvlUs toddlers’, ' girls’, boys’, sizes 2 orig. 2.50, 2.98 val., nity where they are 2 to 4 p.m. scessed (quinsy).______It _ _is better______not Riverside Trust- Co., Hartford were hospital cases. j District, waa arrested last night. mon Pleas ruled that the ZBA and f :S6 to 8 p.m., and private ed in the Municipal Building to 6. toddlers’ 1 to 4 IDMHHI W ORUUept had acted Illegally in granting 5-DAV FORECAST to tamper with them until your $2,140; GE Credit Corp., $1, The department spent $4,496.- He was charged with em- rooms where they are 10 a.m. hearing room. ciiild is 9 or 10. Many a pair of 758.40; Car Credit Corp., $580;. 68 in January of this year, com- bezzllng some $1,600 in Are the exception. to 8 p.m. Visitors are request­ WINDSOR LOCKS (AP) — The hearings are part of a '3*pc. snowsuits But Ansaldi took an appeal The U. S. Weather Bureau is­ series conducted by General tonsils that bumped together in Moran’s Inc., New Britain,! ~ pared to $3;796.89 In January district funds. He wM held ih knit sloo|ion with foot junion, pedfM 5 to 1,3 and prt-feaas ed not to smoke in patients’ a 5 or 6-year-old haa retumi. d $628.94. 19\33. $2,500 bonds. from the Common Pleas de­ rooms. No more than two vis­ sued this flvCrday forecast for Manager Martin each year, Orig. to 14.98 orig. to 17.98 cision to the Supreme Court— itors at one time per patient. Connecticut today; prior to his preparation of the to normal size as the child ap­ to the chagrin of the area resi­ Temperatures over Connecti­ tentative town budget. proaches puberty. 1*69 SforgS dresses and jumpers dents, who said they already al­ . ^ Patients Today; 267 cut during the flve-day period The manager's recommenda­ If after observing your child 6 . 9 0 8 . 9 0 most had exhausted their avail­ Thursday through Monday, are for several years your doctor, plastic soles, cotton knit, prints, solids group ^ group orig. jP A A a d m itted y e st e r d a y : tions must get to the town's di­ recommends tonsillectomy, PERSONALIZED MEAT SERVICE able funds during the first court Mary McNamara, 6 Charter expected to average 2 to 8 de­ rectors by March 28. ■W orig. to 8.98 10.98 to 14.98 9 « T U appearhnce. grees below normal wHh the have the tonsils out. The old Fussy about meat . . . enjoy the best! Dis­ The five-man Supreme Court Oak St.: Mary Chace, 169 Wood­ coldest temperatures on Thurs­ bugaboo about not having this orig. 10.98 to 14.98. girls’ 5 to 14. land St.; Paul Duckett, Mans­ done In the summer because orig. to 5.98 . .. toddlers’ 2 to 4 cover the tenderness and luscious flavor . . . T u s d ^ of Errors panel took up Ansal- field; Mrs. Ruby Christiana, day followed by alow modera­ group: parkas...dres8, easuai coats dl’s appeal—to which the town tion the remalneder of the week ot the danger ot contracting \ the kind of meat you can brag about . . . East Hartford; Mrs. Irene Har­ Polly’s Pointers poliomyelitis has been laid to ski parkas, car seats otoii suits, dresses ' choice^ was a partner since a ZBA ac­ vey, West Willington; Kathleen and turning colder again about ADVERTISING orig. 14.98 to 19.98 orig. 34.98 to 39.98 the kind you remember long after dinner is tion ■was being questioned— Monday. rest by the availability of po­ over . . . at CRISPINO’S SUPREME FOODS Klldish, 28 Union St.; Cath­ Some normal high and lows lio vaccine. sraadsr and overall sots this month. '* erine and Deborah Pitz, RFD 2, •YEA’ FOR DRESSING UP Following tonsillectomy, it Is 4.90 T. 7.90 8.90-M0 M7-’20 . . . and when you purchase meat, you receive f INtSI QUALITY Only three of the judges con­ Manchester; Mrs. Diana Rob­ in Connecticut during this peri­ od are Hartford 40 and 21; New not uncommon for some tonsil­ the personal attention of a courteous, experi­ curred in the decision handed ert, Coventry; Mrs. Amelia By POLLY CRAMER lar tissue to grow back again. DOLLARS nylon reversible parkas, down this week, however, since Mickewicz. 120 Avery St.; Mrs. Haven 41 and 23, Newspaper Enterprise Assn. wool, corduroy coats enced butcher who’ll delight in showering Precipitation may total one This is not a sign that the opera­ group 2 . W Judge William J. Shea of Man­ Dolores Coulombe, 147 Edger- DEAR POLLY — My letter tion yfi.s inadequate and that all Wool skirts and slacks you with personalized service. He‘11 be happy F chester had disqualified himself ton St.; Barbara Shepardson, half inch melted occurring as Is prompted by the one from and Judge Howard W. Alcorn snow flurrias Thursday morn­ the tonsil was not removed. It ARE LIKE to help you with your choice, and custom- Bayberry Rd., Bolton; Wayne the gentleman who likes to dress is rather a sign! that nature group ... girls’ 3 to 6x, 7 to 14 orig. 3,98, 4.98,5.98, sizes 8 to 18 5.98°"*98 3 v T 0 8.98°’ l'o.98 5 . 9 0 cut to your order, chops or steaks extra thick dissented. Adams, Willimantic; Cynthia ing and again Sunday with a for an evening out. How re­ means for us to have the pro­ Concurring were Judge Fortier, Willimantic; Mrs. Hil- more general precipMation freshing to hear of at least one tective filter if it can possibly or extra thin, or a roast cut your favorite BUYS James E. Murphy, who wrote ma Anderson, Wapping; Law­ about Saturday. man who believes in being ele­ arrange it. The. tonsils that SEEDS — dresses, skirt sets boys’ sleeks Included way, or. . . . who’ll even suggest a cooking you con t CiHoicJ the decision. Chief Justice John rence Kilgore, 112 Prospect St., gantly dressed for the theater grow back never get to be as wool or mohair sweaters hint that will turn youi* regular dinner into H. King, and Judge John M. Rockville; Nancy , Rhuda. 158 COMMUTER TOLL CUT or a dinner party. I have seen large as the original tonsils, and lumpers, slack sets Comley, who found Ansaldi's Tanner St.; Mrs. Deloris Brown, HARTFORD (AP) —• Reduc­ men at summer theater wear­ a fe a st. . . assuring you of the utmost qual­ tion of commutation tolls on the they almost never, have to be 2 For F.r ’ ■ 59 t.59 eafh ..T98 3.90 t.^8 5 90 original application Inconsistent Wapping. ing short -sleeved, open - neck removed. all by famous ity and satisfaction. with the town zoning regula­ ADMITTED TODAY: Mrs. Raymond E. Baldwin Bridge, shirts. _____ Perhaps we girls are to .The tonsils, once blamed for cottons, corduroys, dress, slacks tions. Virginia Queen, East Hartford; spanning the Connecticut River, blame by walking the streets frequent colds, arthritis and oth­ makers 1/2 p r ic e Ansaldi had asked to con­ Mrs. Elizabeth Campbell, 1633 between Old Saybrook and OJd' sheep dog hairdos and er Ills, have been exonerated by sizes 4 to 7 . . . NOW 1 ,9 9 shirts, blouses, dorm-shirts struct two homes on a tract at Tolland Tpke.; Mariano Mls- Lyme, was authorized today by tight-fitting pants which look ri- careful unbiased studies. Your WATCH FOR OUR Summer and McKee Sts. where tretta, 110 School St. Gov. Dempsey. i diculous on most women. Some child's tonsils are his .friends, 1^ Chicken houses now stand. He empowered State High-; ©f us forget what a dress Is for not his enemies. girls’ 3 to 6x, 7 to 14 ' group. . . sizes 6 to 20 hooded' orig 3.98 to 5.98 1 . 9 9 - 2 . 9 9 He included as part of the BIRTH YESTERDAY: A way Commissioner Howard 8. until we go to a dance when DON'T THROW daughter to Mr. and' Mrs. Ron­ Q—M,v 2-year-oId daughter 1 property a lot on which a ald Miller. Coventry. Ives to put the reduced rates we stretch our means to buy has had lumps in both groins house now stands. into effect May 1, from 2>4 I an expensive dress. Isn’t there flannel lined slacks boys’ winter jackets BIRTH TODAY: A son to for over a year. My doctor zip-out lined raincoats Ansaldi had sought to in­ cents to cents a ticket for'a happy medium? This man says she must have a sore originally 14.98 to 39.98 v«v- clude the house into the appli­ Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Cloukey, books of 40 tickets. I says he owns, two tuxedos. orig. to 2.98, 8.98 orig. to 6.98 Includes orlon pile-lined, GRAND OPENING somewhere but he didn’t find cation as a third building in 84 Orchard St., Rockville; a The • rate fo’r two-axle com-j which certainly make a man sizes *1 AA daughter to Mr. and Mrs. It. Will the lumps go away? Them To The Winds - $ to 6x ■ •T T 7 ■“I to . 2 . 9 ? 7.50.T. IT .99 fur-trimmed poplin coats also to*25^bo 1 0 a 9 0 the proposed apartment group. Charles Keegan. 14 Goelee Df. mercial vehicles will be reduced | look his best, but, lacking those, What can be done for them? As such, it would not have with the purchase of' a ■book ■ of ' a plain dark suit is a'wavs A — The commonest lumps in dorduroys, wools, tartan plalda wools, corduroys, combed cottons DISCHARGED YESTERDAY: 60 tickets from $12 to $9. needed so much land as it would Mrs. Julia Wrubel, 149 Lydall proper. There is too much ne- the groin are lymph nodes. Any WE GIVE under the zoning regulations as St. The individual car rate re­ gleet In dress these days by kind of Infection, in the feet, legs SHOE depf. SAYINGS a single-family dwelling. The mains at 10 cents a trip. both sexes. —BLANCHE or thighs will cause these nodes toddlers’Y tq‘4, girls’4 to 6x extra land could then be credit­ DISCHARGED TODAY: Bar­ ---- ^------GIRLS—The following letter to swell. After the Infection has ori^g. 3 .9 8 ,.. sizes 6 to 12 discontlnutd stylos only! bara Solomonson. 39 Oliver Rd.; came from a gentleman who ed to the other proposed bulld- Thomas McKeough Jr., 135 subsided the nodes may become not avory size or wIdA in avery stylo Inga in order to meet the total operatee a chain of stores rent- small, firm and easily felt. Your PLANT THEM! llrls’ weidf 4rlnc ^ats boyii’ ilnod jeans lot size requirements. Hollister St.; Thomas Scanlon, Victim of Fall men’s formal attire. He, doc to- probably could not find But the court ruled that there Broad Brook; Stephen Doyle, too, feels we could do a bit the infection because it had 207 McKee St.; Mrs. Emily Hurt Seriously more to help this 'cause. —POL- orig. 10.987— 11.98 women's, toons' la no pro\'ision in the zoning Bostick, 73 Ludlow Rd. long since' disappeared. The orig. 14.98 to 17.98„ 8 , 9 0 2a59 2 for os regulations for the inclusion of LY lumps will do no harm and no A little hire . . . a little there . . . a faw an existing building in an ap­ Richaid N. McLagan, 62, of treatment is required. ^ toddlers’ with hats; girls’, coat alone western style, blue only, famous make leather shoe boot$ plication for group dwellings. 54 Oxford St., who Sunday DEAR POLLY t- We agree may taka root and grow, but when you all grow styles, in solids and tweeds sizes 14 and 16... 2.99 WORLD Hence, the judges said, the Dr. Gram Shows night was found in shock sit­ that it would be delightful if existing house must be consid- ting on the sidewalk near his "all” men liked to wear formal Public Records plant your advertising dollars in your orig. 7.98,8.98, group, glrls'i toons' dered as any other single-fam­ Slides of Greece home, after an apparent fall, dress when the occasion re­ group. . . girls’ 8 to 14 orig) 3.98 . . . sizes 3 to 7 ily dwelling. And. they continu- today was reported in critical quired it. We do feel that in condition at Manchester Me­ many instances the woman Warrantee Deeds hometown newspaper, you're seeding a t the total land in the tract Dr. Peter Gram of Bolton could be more insistent that her Lulu E. Goldberg to/Kenneth skirt an< slack sets school or dress shoes Green Stamps Is not enough for both the sin­ morial Hoqdtal. wsol ikirb, twaalsn will speak and show slides Sun- McLagan was admitted to the escort ^ess at least as correct­ G. Harley and Carole M. Har­ big, fertile garden of sales right in your gle-family home and the pro­ da.v at 2:30 p.m. at Lutz Junior ly and formally as she. After ley. property off Helaine Rd. posed g:roup apartments. hospital’s special care zone orig. 9.98,10.98 - women's SVa to 9 Museum. His subject will be late Sunday. He had been out all, a-lady's finest accessory is Joseph G. Morriasette and own backyard. "Herald" advertising lets orig. to 7.98 2 . 9 9 The Supreme Court decision "Highlights of Ancient Greece.” walking his dog and the dpg a formal escort. Formally Alice Morriasette to Cfluurlea E. 2o59 fforsk. differs considerably from the The speidcer has been inter­ returned home alone, causinig yours. —R. A. F. Bettinger and Patricia G. Hub- skirts; solids and plaids, lined or unlined slacks, Common Pleas action, wiiich ested in the culture of the an­ concern for Mrs. McLagan wtm hard, property at 52 Devon Dr. you know where you're doing your seed* sweaters in slipovers and cardigans matching shirts arpeggios mid-hoel thoes reversed the ZBA’s decision on cient Greeks for many years, went out and found him. Police DEAR POLLY — When we Grace -E. Beetor to Leonard the grounds that Ansaldi’s ap­ and has collected numerous arrived and called an ambu­ wrap presents for a family J. SpiegeM>erg and Oeertruyda ing; lets you concentrate your efforts. It's plication for the group dwell­ slides during frequent visits to lance. An examination revealed birthday perty, we decorate one Spiegelfaerg, property at 12 orig. 3.00 and 4.00... orig. 2.50 to 3.98 .; . sizes 4 to 7, orig. 8.98 -10.98, sIm s 5 to 9 tM ispi\trs j ings was not subsUntially dif­ his native lands. a brain, hemonhage and a con­ big box to hold all the gifts. Sterling PI. not a hit-or-miss method, it's planned. You ferent from the two requests During intermission Dr. and cussion. Ektch jjlft has a long ribbon '' Quitclaim Deed sizes 4 to 14 8 to 20 submitted eariler. Mrs. -Gi^m will sing native that comes 'out ot the box to Jean S. Thibodeau to Herman know— (in f#ct, guaranteed) tha sise of firli’ llasitl paisffltt sandlers Although Judge Alcorn sub­ Greek folk songs. HERE COMR8 THE BRIDE create a sort of grab bag. A. Thibodeau, property at 65-67 boyt’ pol**! shiiit mitted a written dissent, it was The public is invited. NEW YORK.(AP) -T- “Get me There are no more “Open mine Lockwood St. your stake-out, and you KNOW what you not provided to Town Coun­ to the church on time.” pleaded first” arguments In our family 1 . 9 9 orig. I -BA orig. g AA orig. 3.98,4.98 -^ris', boys' 8 to 4 sel Irving Aronson, ■ to whom BOGUS ROBBIES bride-to-be Laralne Scheuler, 21, —SUE, the oldeat of six. •V VP THE LADDER 2,60 l « 9 7 the majority finding was sent, LONDON (AP) — Complaints can reasonably expect in harvait. Nfxf fan(K>us makers, sanforized 2.88. 8.88 .1*77 SUPREME to city officlala after the worat SPOKANE,' Waab. (AP) -Jt floral prints 2 for $8 snd its content Is not yet avall- here charge it is so easy to Im­ snow of the season clogged the DEAR POLLY . — I cannot Miss Vee Nealey, who took a children’s sno-boots Sbie to The Herald, f personate a police officer that street in fremt of her house. wear rubber gloves so I always "temporary’’ Job at Glover time you're tempted to spread, your wing'l. When Ansaldi announced last withUi one month bandits dis­ Her wedding to Ihcmaa Don­ keep worn cotton gloves and use Grain Oo. 30 years ago, now la jrear that he was gtdng to ap­ guised as bobbies have stopped ohue, 28. had been planned for them for household tasks such president of the firm. stop and consider costs and rosulft. If you group. . • orig. 5.98 to 10.98 group. . . orig. 5.98 to 9.98 orig. 4.9 8, B.98 . . . oypr iHio iMoo peal the common Pleas action. lorries, committed almost 1,000 almost a year hut it appeaHd as painting, and paring fruits She originally went to the FOODS McKee 8t. resident Wilbur Ben­ crimes against private property that the limousines carrying the and vegetables that stain or grain wholesale company to fill shskhsHs drsisat / nett made two specific com­ and taken security firms by bridal perty would be unable have a strong odor. Peaches are what was e;mcted to be a short­ do you'll eoncludo that "Horald" odvVrflii ksyt’ 4 B 1$ S D i^ women'i, teen^ sno-hootsi 469 HARTFORD RD., MANCHESTER plaints. surprise for over $68,000. , to get to A^enslon Church .^for not so slippery when held in a term need 4or an extra book­ Ui First, be objected to the llte coihplalnts say that used the ceremony. gloved band. Any holes in the keeper and messenger girl. Be­ ing gets tha bast results at less cost. sail ipsrliwsar ' . town’s participation in the An- police uniforms, minus easily A call to Michael DlOiovan- gloves are covered with iron-on fore long she was working the I orig. 3.98. .stats B to eVa aaldi suit, clMming the tax­ replaceable buttona and num­ na, superintendent of the Sani­ tape. 1 waab the gloves in the telephone as a grain buyer. Just NOW! 2 . ^ J 3 . W payers' tax dollar should not bers, can. be ojbtained aimply, tation Department’s District $3, machlna with bleach, and they after World War H Mlm NaSI- Vzpriee 2.90 to 5.50 Ipqlted quantity, whUa they last FORMERLY BURSACK’S SUPER MARKET be used against them , add ami policeimU< cars, stripped of proved that even City HhR hda come out’ clean. If'my hands ey became manager of the com­ women’s "Velco” clippers 'fiult was pressed by Au'I - RUilcniga but including reglstra a 'sentimental streU. A plow or itallt are rough, .1 wear cot­ pany. The fimi inrarporatad jLiesaner and” tion numbera, can be Mught for was sent

■ i T: '( i- it- ■I ■/■ 4 ’ i. ‘-f: rTT *•' • '' V. V.

PAGE TWELVE MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. llANCHESTER, CONN. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY .26, 19M MANCHESTER EVENING HERALJ). MANCHESTER, CONN- WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1964 dieoff Peabody are In Boston. Brooke is on a vacation trip to Quiek Relief f n n the potluck at 6:80 and the the iet could have reachqA a Lake Divers Hunt height of some 16,000 feet ahtr Barry Cuts Goal Coventry Boston Pupfls the Canary Islands, and Pm - B olton meeting at 8 p.m. Pllt IrriiatlH Two Hearings Set Tuesday The program will be on safe-, it got over tha lake. body Is /'Vacationing in Puerto In Granite State Rico. 40 vears ago a Buffalo drug­ ty in city, country and factory. Downed Airliner Eastern said the plane made Chief W. ClUford Mason of the tha routine checks after takeoff, In ‘Stay-Out’ Clergymen and groupe of edu­ gist created an ointment to , , r , — Finance Unit Sugafests Two Rooms, Town Fire Department, Mfcn- and gave no alarm bafora it cators from local- colleges and relieve itching and (OoBtlMMd trsaa Pag# One) (Ooaftauad from Page One) WED. * muM k w a x universities have announced of plies. It brought such quick, eheater, Chief Peter Massolini disappeared from radar contact Bias Protest their support of the so-called cooling, soothing, "t^togent re- Towa dlraotom will conduct^ Greater Hartford traiwit dla- o f the Bolton Fire Department paMengers, was on the second A 14 - man Civil Aeronautics dor to South Viet Nam, may Study Unit oj^UHS Wing Lab Sjhort and Donald Tedford will bo the make a creditable showing as "freedom stayout.’ ’ Uef that its fame two publte baarlngs—one on ad­ trict, after a study rsquested by lap of a flight from Mexico City Board t4am, hMdad by William (Oontinaed from Page One) A boycott of junior and senior the land making Peteraons ditional appropriations to four ths town directors last yqar. opeakers. L. Lamb, came from Washing­ a darkhorse write-in candidate Ointment a favorite In thous- Thoee attending the supper to New Orleans, to Atianta, to ton to Investlgata tha crash — in the state’s voting. New York The board of finance haaf this p u ^ s e that high schools was staged last town acootjnts and one on an Membership would not commit On Budget PURIM an overload, or at least a heavy June 18. Absences that day were ands of homes. Ask your drug’- thb town to anv substantial ex- ehould bring a hot dish or sslad. Washington, to New 'York O ty. the first major air disaster of Qov. Nelson A. Rockefeller re­ recommended to the board of schools are located In pre^pm- ordinance officially astabliahing portedly tried without success burden, on the rest of our edu­ inantly Negro neighborhoods. an eatimaUd S.OOO above gist today for 90c box or IJendlture, but wduid psrmit Rolls, desssrt and coffee will be It had 61 passengers and a c r ^ 1964, The CAB set up InvasUga- education specific steps to be cational system before the town applicator tube. Peterson e the ettizMU Advisory Commlt- Manriisster a voice In the' dis­ Sobqol Supt. C, Liguorl provided. tlon headquarters a t another to get Lodge to titice himself out The Rev. James P. Breeden, normal. of seven. followed In order to expedite a has adequately provided for Ointment delights or money tes (CAO—at their next meet­ trict’s operations; Tha recom­ told the board of education last Pomona Orange will meet Ne'w Orleans airport on the lake- of consideration. HAMENTASHEN program involving capital ex­ future facilities that will become co-chairman of the boycott, said For months after the first boy­ March <7 at 8 p.m. at Coventry By nightfall, which forced Sven with a good showing in cott, the National Association back. ing, set for 9 p.m. March 8 ih mendation will oome to the di­ night thst. with the exception front. penditures and voting of future necessary within the next few schools in Negro neighborhoods suspension of the search, only It waa Eastern’s first fstol New Hampshire. Ooldwater for the Advancement of Colored the Municipal Building hearing rectors next v t t k . Orange Hall as guests of Bol­ bond issues. The action follows years.” On this basis, the rec­ "are old . and overcrowded.” of two dassrooms and the pliy- crash since Nov. SO, 1962, when said he doesn’t think Lodge People and the school commit­ room.. A recommendation from the ton Orange. Members are asked bits of the wreckage had been a request by the school board ommendation for postponement Dedicated teachers and prin- sics-chemlstry laboratory, the to note the change of meeting recovered, along wHh what was a DC7 crashed while landing in could get any aubstantial sup­ cioals, he said, "are often over­ tee could not agree.,to a discus­ On the bame agenda are a town’s repreaenUtlves to the for a planning and building of the kindeigarten was made Capitol R ^ on Planning Agen­ entire junior-senior high sciiool place. Bolton Orange is putting described as bits of bodies. a fog at then Idlewild Airport, port outside New England. whelmed and demoralized by sion of alleged racial imbalance. RANGE propoaed allocation of $86,000 On a nationwide basis Gold- mimn committee for additional facili­ to the education members. to zuuuica construction of a new cy (dtPA), that Manchester oen be equipped within the on a variety ehow at the Com­ A Coast Guard boat snagged N.T., killing 26 persons. In still a third letter to the inadequate facilities and impos Last week, the two groups got \ MV water viewed his eunpalgn as ties at Coventry High School. class-1 together to discuss the issue. bathliouse for the town owned sljm an open-space agreement budgeted amount. The putolic munity Hall March 7 also. something Mg near the north The FBI joined the investiga­ m a y r o n * a ■Rie finsmee board termed the board of education, the board sible conditions in the building commission has allo­ Minister Arrives shore of the lake, which ia proceeding satisfactorily. He rooms. I The NAACP proposed creation FUEL OIL Globe Hollow swimming pool; with other regional towns tion. A spokesman said an at- request for the new committee, of finance asked the school cated $34,850 for the purchase The Rev. J. Stanton Ckinover about 80 miles in diameter, )nit tsmpt was being made to "de­ said that U he beats Rockefeller b a k a s h o p # board to review a school budg­ Plans for the boycott received of a six - member commission An< allocation o f-$26,000 from making aU eUgible for 80 per In California, as he fully expects as well as an appropriation of with three representatives from GASOLINE the fire district reserve fund cent Federal grants for open of movable equipment for the and hla family moved into the darki.esa prevented divers from velop any information indicating $8,000 for preliminary plans, et proposed for the next fiscal strong sqpport as well as some new school. Congregational parsonage on further investigation. a possible violation of federal to do, former Vice President year In which the preliminary each side of the issue to devise for nevv fire apparatus and a space purchases — Instead of Richard M. Nixon "la the man “premature.” criticism from educators, clery- liquori said he will ask the Bolton Center Rd. yestM'day. The Coast Guard said ths ob­ law." Information indicates an in­ men and public officials. a plan for Integration of the roposal that thS town build- the current 20 per cent, will I’m going to have to run The finance board further ad­ schools. Sig committee be assigned to re­ slso be presented. PSC at Its meeting Monday to The Rev. f^nover assumes the ject might be a main part of vised that it feels no action crease of $200,000 more than the against" at the GOP convention Atty. Gen. Edward W. Brooke, ’The school committee voted B A N TLV O IL view plaiw for a new firs house Ipave an additional $4,000 in pulpit Sunday. the fuselage. should be taken until “we have present budget. Other items on the agenda Ready for Testing in San E'ranclsco. a Negro, ruled recently that the 4-1 to table the plan. Inolude; the account. This amount was The jimlor choir of the church But chances of finding any had an opportunity to analyze Allowing a school budget In­ (OMI' W'l . INC. on McKee Bt.; If It should develop that he T 5 I 5 T 5 T boycott was illegal and that its A report on the coat of aJ- intended for equipping the oaf' will rehearse tonight at 6:46 large part, which could have the overall neqds for future crease o f $170,000, an estimated leaders were in violation of the 1. A routine recommendation and the senior choir at 7:30. SAN DIEGO. Calif. (AP) — CMi’t get the i»:esldential nom­ WHO WAS WHERE? m m .'n ternatlva new roads in the area eteria-auditorium, he sitid, a trailed most of ths bodies, (school) facilities.” five per cent Increase In the state compulsory school attend­ from Tax Collector Paul Cer- feature deleted from the school Pilgrim Fellowship girls will An experimental two-man air­ ination—and he remains confi­ selectmen’s budget and In­ BROWNWOOD, Tex. (AP) — of Manclieater Memorial Hos- vinl for the transfer of various seemed remote after reports in plane that takes off and lands dent he will—Goldwater ob­ FUEL CO . The board of finance Is rec­ ance laws. Ei;i,. Miiuuii plana in the interest o f ' econ­ assist at the Easter hat party dicating the airliner exploded. ommending that the board of creased indebtedness payments, There was an agonized silence ltal to faoUltata traffic circu- unoolliscted taxes to the aus like a helicopter and flies at jet served he would have to "flip 867 MAIN ST. Richard Cardinal Cushing, when Roy Simmons, introducing Illicit \ i Ilf IK IJ I I g omy. This would bring the March 7 from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m Several persons at Mandeville, education call a meeting of the the board of finance said a 47 ition. penae account. In the education building. The speeds will be delivered to the a nickel” to decide whether he EAST HARTFORD mill tax rate could be expected Roman Catholic Archbishop of a speaker at a meeting of the budget to $38,850. on the north shore of the lake would give his backing to Nixon two boards and the selectmen Recommendations that the ,2. A recommendation from Hie board of education vot' ■ale Is sponsored by the Ladies Army next week for testing at next year. This compares with Boston, called the -boycott "a Brownwood Industrial Founda­ and about 10 miles from the or to Pennsylvania Gov. Wil­ within the next 15 days, and very, very dangerous thing.” town join the newly organized Cervlni and Town Counsel Atty. ed not to award any bids until Benevolent Society. Edwards Air Force Base, Citiif. the 37.5 mills for the 1962-63 tion, couldn’t remember the Greater Hartford transit dis­ Irving Aronson for a tax abate­ apparent crash area, reported The plana called "vertical and liam W. Scranton. that the three boards be re­ In addition to the Boston stay- the total picture can be studied, B riefs hearing an explosiim about the FUEL OIL sponsible for appointment of a year and the new tax mill rate man’s name. Recalling that he trict' and partloipate in a re­ ment of $87.42 on a strip of short takeoff and landing air­ Ths Arizona senator said liis out, some 1,000 children from had the speaker's business card so that "overages” and "under- Cub Scout Pack 73 will hold time* the craft disappeared from study committee to analyze of 40.5 mills. gional open space agreement. Center St. land of undetermined craft," was rolled out at the talks with Scranton had con­ suburban Wellesley and Newton in his pocket, he got it out, put ages”^ can be brought together its Blue and Gold dinner tonight contact. available data on future addi­ The board of finance suggest­ The four new appropriations ownership: at the Three-J’a Restaurant Ryan Aeronautical Co. plant vinced him the Pennsylvania ed that the school board espe­ schools—which are on vacation on his glasses and read it. and- priorities established. Mandeville Police Chief Al­ governor doesn’t want the nom- tional facilities needed for edu­ Munson's w o i^ sRmpIement the budgets 8. A re-subdivision, already Bids tentatively awarded lu t starting at 6:30. Tuesday. cially review all areas in which this week—planned to board Vern Lemon, executive vice approved by the Town Planning fred Knight said he had several A Ryan spokesman said it limtion "unless It’s handed to cation. busses to attend the Boston free­ president of the Waco Industrial o t the highway department, night Were in the furniture area A special town meeting will It further recommends that no commitments have been reoreaiUoa department, tax re- Oommlsslon (TPCl, of two lots reports of a thimder-Itke explo­ will fly at tree - top level at him on a silver platter.” made to date; including a re­ dom schools. Other groups were Foundation, got right into the and were decided upon sffter be held tomorrow at 8 p.m. at the proposed study committee Amd aooount and claim settle­ at Parker and Nye SU. The dl- the Ckimmunlty Hall. ' sion, but no one reported seeing speeds up to 600 miles per hour. He added that if he were analysis o f the pupil per room to attend freedom schools set up spirit of things when he finally much discussion by all members. report back no later than May CANDY ment account. rectors must approve all eubdi'. a flash of fire. It consumes relatively little fuel Scranton, he would be looking ratio, re-examlnatlon of all in­ in churches in Newton and Well­ stood up to speak. "1 am proud Some members' had seen sam­ for second place on the ticket. If 1 with recommendations on vlsloh requests; ples and some had not tmd hence Manchester Evening Herald A worker on” a dredge and has a range of more than GALLON creases where additions are be­ esley. to t ; here in BrownFIELD,” he The amounts inulude: 4. Accepptance of Autumn St. 1,000 nautical miles. the governor were the vice pres­ space requirements, as well as For ths highway department, did not think they could judge. Bolton oorreapondent, Cleme- anchored in the lake, however, CASH ing made to ths present staff. Neither Brooke nor Gov. En- said. from Porter to Highland Sts. in said he saw a "bimch o f green Large fans mounted in the idential nominee and the ticket the proper timing for new KITCHEN $30,000 to finance overtime and The samples had been submitted well Young, telephone 643-8081. 150 OsL Minlmam building construction. Also that Briefs accordance with an engineering fire” near the 27-mil« long Lake wings, driven by jet exhaust, lost, Goldwater said Scranton The Coventry High School equipment rental for snow re­ by various companies before the provide lift for takeoffs ard sut)- would be in a "wonderful posi­ 24 Hour Burner Sendee by June 1, the combined boards description mmittee puts the It was voted to have New education, the finance board white blouse and matching navy SAVE DOLLARS free to marry Elizabeth Taylor. Walker. All area club dancers group’s membership at 21, with England Specialties supply 15 bum everl Drips dry in 7 minutes, nev^ needs iraningl Mid it is well aware of the in­ hat with red band. Susan Leslie A lot of wives admired the terest of the town^>eople in in­ are welcome. members appointed for over­ teacher’s desks at $69.50 and 15 shows the bright gold lining of stand Mrs. Burton took original­ teacher’s chairs at $10,95; and corporation of the kindergarten her gold coat, which she wears lapping three year terms. Maocheater Evening Herald ly and held onto for a long Wolkins, Yo all-purpose chairs SAVE 52« TO 1.02 * as part of the school program. over a gold and white striped ■ m a r l o w II S A L E * The CAC la now Informally time — that she intended to However, the letter said, "our Coventry correapondent, F. AT ARTHUR’S r URNITURE W n lo a la a at $6.60 each. top and navy skirt. Young FURNITURE DEPT. erganized with a 15-man mem "wait out” the much publicized present concern is in the utili­ Pauline Little, telephcme 742- Ladd and Hall of Rockville Pamela Lambert holds an East­ bership, although it is not fully romance. Instead of rushing sation of our present space for 8281. will furnish the teachers’ lounge er bunny by the ear as she manned. The increase in the into court for a divorce 24 V 30 V 36 ' CAIES membership was asked by Di­ for $441.63, waits to show her yellow and Mrs. Burton-^ln the minds of orange print coat and natural REMODElHia SALE! Come In Let Us Prove This Fact... You Aro rector Th^ore Powell, chair­ St. Maurice Notes man of the directors’ subcom­ many women—was just keeping Members of the CYO of St. 12th Circuit straw hat with yellow velvet her head in keeping her right Heart Fund ribbon. All items drastically re^ c^ to make v^y for mittees on urban renewal. Maurice Church are urged to Plans for the Globe Hollow ful title, ' "Mrs. Richard Burt­ aasieit at the 6 pm. Mass to­ Other models will be Susan new fixtures soon to arrive . . . Paying TOO MUCH For Quality Furniture, if it on.” They figured that at last Court Cases Hubbard, Susan Johnson, Susan bath house were completed this day. Supper will be served, SaleU 7 At $11,070 . Hollywood’s m ost publicized fpUowbd by regular Ingtructiqn Lambert, Debbie Avery, Linda month, and ■|]plUsl^niPiM>trower had- met 'hSr T* t lM U R t Y 199 Gallichant, Loma Haberem, ted for a projmsnoiiu ea^_ ifir 7'ipm . ■ ' ' ROCKVILLE SESSION Dee$n*t Come From M ARLOIM ^ m^Ich tn'a wife who was de­ The parish school of religion The first tally of the 1964 Cindy LoMaglio, Nancy Lam­ of construction cost. ^ • termined that the "other wom­ IMofching Valoncat avoilobfel Heart Fund campaign in the Thomas Hickey, 47, of Elling­ bert, Stephanie Zarbo, Susan The expected price la about is canceled this week. an’’ would have to remain ex Oonfemioha will be heard to­ Manchester area totals $11,- ton, was fined $5 for intoxica­ Marg;arido, Mrs. Malcolm Lam­ MAIN ST., MANCHESTER—DEPENDABLE FOR 52 YEARS! $36,000. The cost would be ARTHUR DRUG aclly that—the other woman. day from 6:30 to 6:50 p. m, 070.25 which is $1,895.49 more bert. 942 MAIN ST.— Comer St. Jmnes St. covered by reductiims in. four tion and $10 for breach of peace But Mrs. Byrton called it Study Reeltal COORDINATED, MATCHING PINCH-PLEATID SHORTIES than a year ago at this time. Also, Mrs. Peter LoMaglio, cat>ltal reserve fund allocations, quits, and thereby let down a The residential canvass has so by Judge Nicholas Armentano Mrs. Thomas Thompson, Perry totalling $27,000, plus $8,000 re­ Mrs. Edith Petersen held the SUiOUWIDTH f 45',54*long,REG.2.99------So te1.9r* yesterday in Rockville session lot of women who were proud final piano study recital in a se- far yielded $3,911.99, with mail Margrarido, SuzAnpe Monette, maining unallocated in the of her for taking the stand that (44* evwell plaetwl fep «dddd ] fig* long, ] REG. 3.99. ^ f e 2.97 contributions still coming in of Circuit Court 12. Nancy Riley, Lolls Ryan, Donna fund. ,rles Sunday. The discussion Hickey was arrested by state a wife and mother doesn’t liave among the intermediate stu­ from families not at home when Sharpe and Betty Thmnpson. The $25,000 allocation to be to turn over her husband to any DOURLI WIDTH 45* long, REG. 5.99. jSole 4.97 the ■volunteer called. Addition­ police after making several asked from the fire district re- dents was on listening to music. complaints about neighbors woman who cqmes along and Participating were: Colleen 194* emell pltoled tep width) 54* long, REG. iS.99. .Sole 5.97 ally, other campaign divisions ■ervsi fimd would be for the decides she wants him. have repwted $7,158.26 to date. which investigation proved un­ purchase of a new pumper, to Roblfins, Barbara Murphy, Hoi 63* long, Reg. 7.99. JSole 6.97 founded, police and court offi­ GET YOUR SHARE OF The Irony of it all was that ly Gorton, Debbie Porcheron, replace a 22-year-old unit how Miss Eva Johnson, chairman cials said. one story of the divorce began: o f the drive, coftimenting on the R. E. Wandell stationed at School St. Fire­ Kathleen London, Marilyn Ellis, ********** Mrs. Hickey told the court "Sybil Burton, the other worn re^xmse of the people, said OUR house No, 4. Ursula Trieschman, Ruth that she and her husband have an In the Richard Burton-Ellza- Trleschjnan, Patty Steele, Shir­ that this is “dramatic evidence The proposed McKee St. fire­ MNPS.» put their house up for sale. Building beth Taylor affair ley Wwdron, 'Vesta iValdron, that they (the public) under­ house, which would replace the In such a situation the wife Nancy Chamberlain, Kathy NO JUIK.W stand the seriousness of the Charges of breach of peace Confraefor present Firehouse No. .1 at Is "not” the other woman. She N o s v r s .. heart problem. It also demtm- against David A. and Ethel Wil­ FEBRUARY BONUS! Hartford Rd. and Pine St., has is the one woman with a life Darwin, Ruth Elsesser and Lois strates their strong conviction liams, of 16 Oak St. were Residential-Commercial been planned, but the plans time claim on a man. Elsesser. that the Heart Association’s nolled on recommendation of Alterations-Remodeling REMEMBER...SATURDAY LAST DAY must be reviewed and final It looked for a while that GOP Hair Style Show program of research, education Prosecutor James Mirabile. specifications and design draw­ Sybil Burton was going to hold The Tolland County Republi­ and community service consti­ Virgil C. Williams, 100 Vil­ •imm ing prepared before it can be onto her claim. It’s too bad she can 'Women’s Association will ‘'Business Built On present a hair style show at tutes the most effective way to lage St., was given a 15-day put out to bid. didn’t. combat, and eventually to con­ suspended sentence for breach Customer Satisfaction” 11 The building committee muet It’s too bad that like so many Fiano’s Restaurant'March 3 at COIOR-COORDINATE YOUR BATHROOM AT trol, the leading health men­ of peace and placed under pro­ be assigned to the job. wives In i similar—though less 8 p.m. The show will be from ace.” bation for two years. A condi­ Full Insurance Coverage STAMPS M g r e e n STAMPS The report on the costs of public triangle, ;Mrs. Burton the Penthouse Beauty Studio of tion d the prototion was that 10^1 Hartford under the direction of Bie SAVINeSi NEW DEEPTONESI PASTEUI Volunteers in Manchester are five alteniatlve street improve finally cleared the way for the Williams refrain from the use Tel. 644-0450 Given with the purchase of any new 1964 car—NOW Given with the purchase of any Used Car priced at $195 ments to provide easier access "other woman" to get exactly the style supervisor, Mr. Marco. reminded to return their kits, of alcohol. The piogrram is open to the pub­ after completing collections, to After 5:00 P.M. through February 29. or moi!»e— N O W th rou g h F ebru ary 29. to Mancheoter Memorial Hoe' what she set out to get. Earl F. Chandler, 35, 70 Un­ pltai, released by General Man As long as wives allow them­ lic. Tickets may be purchased SAVE 237 EXTRA any branch of the Connecticut ion St., was fined $150 for op­ from Mrs. John McCarrick, Bol­ Bank and Trust Co. during the 82 BALDWIN ROAD ager Richard Martin’s office selves to be pushed around In erating a motor vehicle while tills week, was reported in such fashion, there are always ton Center Rd., or at the door. day. Rockville, Vernon and El­ his license is under suspension. Grange Sets Open House lington volunteers may bring yesterday’s Herald. going to be plenty of "other” Grants-own brand Bonita Dziadul, 23, 32 ViSlage The Grange will hold open SAVE 1.02 The Town Development Oom' women to do the pushing. their envelopes to either the St., was given a 15-day suspend­ house Friday at the Community Connecticut Bank and Trust mission has recommended that All Rights Reserved mNT MAID* racKn-mi ed sentence for breach of WHEE! WATER’S ECONOMICAL. . . . POWERFUL.... LUXURIOUS! Newspaper Enterprise Asen. Hall. Everyone la welcome to Co. on Elm St., Rockville, or peace and placed imder pro­ the town join the newly formed lAfH fOWEL DY aNNON SUPER-WIDE FIDERGLAS* to the Vernon National Bank, bation for two years. Vernon Center. Bolton residents Priscilla H. Lyons, 28, 12 H0T-H 0T..AND DRAW DRAPES may leave their kits with Grove St., charged with failure either Mrs. Richard Dimock, to observe optical restriction THERE’S A LOT! S « l e 7 7 ‘ Dimock Lane, or at the Bolton on her license, was fined $15. Pharmacy. COMET Stanley Long, 27, of 63 Village Special Order Sei^ce - '1 8 4 f Pattern Favorites REGULARLY 1.00 Sale 297 St., had a charge of canying a •202" 2.DOOR SEDAN N ow ! F or on ly 9>/2C* a 43* long, r e g u l a r l y 3.99 dangerous weapon nolled and Heavyweight cotton terry Pllcicei^ Feast of Purim was fined $26 for breach of the day fo r fuel... hot water Price includes: Standard transmission, 90* long, REG. 4.99______Sale 3.97 peace. Long was accused Oi5^ Free dobby border won’t shrink or » for all— all the time! heater, defrqsters, oil filter, air clean­ TrMsurtd Patterns of Begins Tonight peeping in the bedroom of a pudeer^ washing. 24x46' aim. 54* overall pleated top width, Rockville couple. er, dual signal lights, wheel discs, 2 year ytstetysarsno# If you live in a typical I Tew*l____$94 Wa«k a*tli------294 6* wider than usual drapes at Eldriok A. St. Pierre, 19, Mel ivalllb^^ainand The Jewish Feast of Purim rose, was fined $3 for failure to house, you could easily run coolant. . .and Ford Motor Co. 2 year this low price! White, colors. will begin tonight at sundown carry his drivers license: out of hot water several or 24,000 mile warranty. FEDERAL add on piscss to sxpand times a week. DELIVERED IN and end at sundown tomorrow. Charles Benson, 64, Somers- your ssrVice. Orders DOUBLE WIDTH Special services will be held ville, was fined $5 for intox^a- LABEL LIST PRICE $2178. Now you can have all the MANCHESTER 63* leng, REG. 9.99— Sale 7.97 tonight at 7:30 at Temple Beth tion; Walter Krechko, 37, T ol­ hot water you need at one accepted through Sholom, and tomorrow at 9 a.m. land, $10 for operating without time for only 9%c* a day. March 14,1964 for 90* leng, REG. 11.99____Jala 9.97 Purim commemorates events lights; Harry N. Hansen, fined Think of it—only 9V4c* a which took place in Shushan, $10 for breach of peace. dsHvsiyin day! nSlRGUS* DRAPES IN MODERN PRINT the capital of Persia in ancient Victor Slmpscm, 44, Glouoes BRAND NEW 19M MERCURY MONTEREY 'SapismbarrUCd. times, as described in the Bible. ter. Mass., forfeited $50 bond Yes, thanks to MobUheat 43' ’ iMif, RIO. 4.**__ SnU 3.97 90* lanf, RIG. S.99— Sale 4.97 They happened during the reign on charges of operating with­ —and an oil-fired hot water o f Ahashverus, or Xerxes, in out a license and disregard' heater of correct capacity— 4-DR. SEDAN WITH BREEZEWAY WINDOW 1147 lOSERS NOS.* SAVE 557 the fifth century B.C. ing a stop sign. Simpson failed your family can take care of SAVE 52< The book tells of a plot by to appear in court. all their washing needs at Grants-own brand Haman, prime minister of Per­ one time. EAST HARTFORD SESSION FIRERGIAS* T in s sia, to destroy the Jews in the On diH>lay In our showroom. empire, and Queen Esther’s dis­ Dean A. Campb^, 64, of 1633 Mom can do the family h M $31*3.10 'm m MAID* DATH MATS covery of the plot and her suc­ Tolland Tt^e., Manchester, ar­ wash. Sis can do the dishqs Dquipp^ with MulU-Drivt au­ W RRAND NEW STYLESI cessful intervention with the rested at his home last night at the same time Jimior tomatic transmission, power ivan^wiroakwn takes his bath, and you en­ king, which resulted in the de­ for iqtoxioation, today pleaded SALE PRICE ateering, pushbutton radio, boat­ ITEit EACH guilty arxl was given a 10-day joy a shower. crees being revoked. er and defroster, signal lights, T tu p oM $ u e The day Haman’s order was suspended sentence at the State • Don’t delay—phone us to­ Sale 1.47 Jail at Hartford. front seat belts, 800x14 tube- DiiHMr'Forfc 2J 0 S a l e 1 4 4 to go into effect has been an oc­ -d a y . Find out how easy it is 3 0 ', 36* long, REG. 1.99 casion for rejoicing the past 2,' Campb^l waa picked up on a I to switch to a Mobllbeat- lOM UrM. 24,000 mu* or 24 Nnmr KsHe, H onv- lU w fls SJC R^LARLY 1.99 600 years. On Purim each year complaint that he had been ilred water heater. month^ factory warranty.' Buy A . Ruffled style in Riberglaa glass throwing and breaking diMies in IdD dF O k I M the MeglUah, scroll. Of Esther is this one or place your ovdar Machine waah. dry; rayon pile; fiber net In white and pastels. repd in the Synagogue. Psalms Ms liome. He was detained 'Average family of four. DMNit«rOn(loiipS|ioM m overnight by police at the State for SOHlay dalivety. Scott “Securi-Tee" polyurethane of thanksgiving are recited in Iten d Bawl Soap SpOM I J t 1. Tailored atyle widtpand print { praise o f God and His salvation. Jail at Hartford for presenta­ foam baddng. Home-jhahion colors. in simulated crewel embroidery. This day has become a time tion In court today. W E GIVE ^ M tar Spraadar 2J 0 $•• Mr MW 'CeiWe' Ihevrar Cvrtalii for merrymaking and carnival wirii RMlthlnt tow«li end baHi mal* MakMng Ud Caver— -.1.00 (Matching Valancai avUlobla) for the children. IF THE PARKING OREEN STAMPS OadiMFMi t» fer • fmhien-CMrdlRetad IferitrMM. ------— $------SPACE FITS IMDiMSpc 24B LONG lASTlNO SUIT ORLANDO. Fla. (AP)—The SAN ANTONIO, Tex. (AP)— troopa at McCoy Air Force Base . *CHAIOl4r SERVING N. L MORIARTY NO MONIY DdWN...30 PAYS W.T. G RA N T CO When Mr. and M n , Chester A. have A aanse of humor. On the ^ f N i imtmmatioma V my** comAMv POR 57 YEARS Slimp Sr. celebrated their Gold­ parking lot in front of the Of- Vo**.**. en wedding anniversary, Mr. ficer'a Club, the' VHag Com­ MANCHESTER Slimp wore the same black mander’s space is ' clearly BROTHERS marked adjacent to the drive­ bmadcloth suit be wore on his UNOQLN CONTINENTAL—MERCURY MONT8RBY. matiOUBT BfCTBOR, MSiKlintir € 0 B q ^ — W ILLY* OBEP wedding day. way. Between his pariclng place .The suit has never been and the drive is a tiny triangle M 3-513S VERNON CIRCLE ■tond away and has nq moth which might hold a toy cqr. It 301-31S CENTER STREET AT BAOAD STREET—OPEN EI^NIN6$-443413S PARKADE MAIN ST. bolai; Iw t It did iMWb tq be let Is eiaarly maifced alao "For any 30I-3IS Cmrtw St. «Qt 8 to wen 8 n d U ." VER^ON A 917 MAIN STREET—MANv aESTFR MAN^HEStER

V • I O H I t « r X -'V ■ Tfl* I t \ ’ ... ' W ’ -’.-'y’

IIANCHESTEB EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. OONM« WEDNESDAY*. FEBRUARY M. 1964 ..■■ ! FACE FOUBTEEN MANC3IESTEB EVENING HERALD, BiANCHESTER. CONN,. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 26. 1964 Always In Sfylal Manehaatar Pmrhada Storaa DAILY CROSSWORD PUZZLE B f r o u s 6 n OUR BOARDING HOUSE with MAJOR HOOPLE m u r n Wools / i Chang* J< LRTLE SPORTS WlthoutT ! J m flTTER'S WORLD” fcaa Bargains Ilia soft flattery of pastel drees, y w can Antwtr to Pwvlow PiMBli WOOLENS, in all ttae aaW in te r r in:tng g and spring oolera to fashion into a mocphere withinin your IH L E T M E 6 0 ,D R A T 'K A i! V ^ E T O m / ^ Shouts and Murmurs lovely suit, skirt, separates for W: T. GRANT OOMPANT hda - S R A V h a i r ;? FAW/ rYOl/Wt POT yourself or your family. Step HOLT5 OM/UrT’tf 6 S T A ^T M eBE HASN'T BEEN A ENOOSH ACROSS SEngllfh rlT«r uirer out this spring in an ensemble LOOK AT y A GRAY HAIR IN TOUCH-UP 4 Deludo you tailored yourself (or had A H -H A -*- 6 AV6 IT TW& ICbatter 8 GUI /HOOPLECLANFOB \ f a X J ^ C < 0(A lluUscreetly cuatom-made for you) using t y ^ o f Window. What A dHtor- ANNUAL •SPK/VYvfrrH e Curve put ICeNTURies/ IN FACT.RYOURHWR IN Ovine bleat any one of the "VOGUE” or ence a fresh, flouoey pair at ^ D t A i n k .'t N o t ic e d I Sooiul Tliummer TTHE HOOPLE n a m e J S '^ T M 'l A S T S IP S a Expunges “ McCAiLL” PATHBRNS avail­ “Jodi” TIERS, reg. $1.8G now =EW D A Y S A 6 0 T H A T repetition able here. You’ll find tewing $1.47 can do for a roOm Insida 1H ' F R O S T W A S O N 1K >. D E R IV E S FROM f T S E A R S T O DO 13 Roof edge 8 Garment lORibbit aooaaeories here: Ztppera, but­ and out. You needn’t spend a PUMPKIN, BUT YOOWE ,THB LATIN HOOP- V oVER EVERV ISOrsmpus Main Straal iStoraa LPiXUM , m e a n i n g KSCRAPSO FENDER 14 Wander 11 Hebrew Storea Arontnd Totm Mafeti-Mstss Art Fun tons, ornaments, threads. fortune to dramatis# a wiodow «TOOD ON TOURHEAO measure r a v e n b l a c k . 'J i n n e w Y O R K A(4o , 18 Ann of Black "KNITTBR’S WORUJ” will with curtains and drapertos, IN TK'COAL BIN/ 19 Speaks sotUf NaOnaaawark ♦An Wael WUtoh, flL S i Ig. YA now that PINCH PLEAT -I'M N I JUST HAVE TIME TO CHANGE / I 21I»mr rurntilied with CEiarm end < Utmt bat Leant I make buttonholes, create cus­ I THOUGHT YA'D,' I WAS le Fall month (abj 21 BSwIa as Tdog 34 Hauteur 48 Son of lane Comfort BOUSE A' HALE SHOE Juet in time for your epring tom belts and puraea to give SHORTIES, 54” long, reg. $3.80 CLOTHES AND RX NH HAIR 17 Belgian river 23 Urging LANE OinTAR AND MU­ HEiaE B E iC ^ P y / TRYING TO 40 Gossip (Bib.) THOilFflON HOUSE, 47 SERVICE apeciallaea ia OR­ redecorating, comae the mVit- your outfit a professional are now $1.87. 'TIm 6i8” Isngtlis T' DRIVE FINISH AW WHILE YOU RNISH 18 Fame 24 Small vehicle 49 Singing Tolee SIC OENnat. IIIH CanUr 20 Legal expulsion 28 Continent 42 Airplane Oottase Street, le the nevWy- Street, ia muaioal h a ^ u a rte r s THOPEDIC WORK. You eaa ing newi that. MANCHESTER aplomb. You’ll need a SWHIAT- regularly $3.88 are $2.87 d i ^ g YA TOVER HOUSEWORK THE DISHESl Inventor 80 Beloved be sure that your doctor's pfa« C A R I ^ CENTER, 8 ll Main 22 Exclemeuon 28 Meadows 61 nrat word el opened m oM In Um heart at tor ALL INSTRUMENTS. ER in your spring wardrobe, the HOME FURNISHINOS WOMEN'S BEFORE I : OH, DEAR!. YOU'RE 2S Mystery writer, 27 Nothing 44 Weird scription ia foUewad to the let­ Street offem ALL WOOL WIL­ SALE at W. T. GRANT COM­ 46 Assay Idaho'! motto town, doM to bug eervloe, Laam to jNay your favorite one. Tbe summer - wei^t LINEN- CLUB LEFT! RlSHTl — S. Gardner 29 Go by aircraft 82 Let It stand .rtoree, rwrtaurwit*. The large, ter so that you’ll feel iMttar TON broadloom, $11.85 a aq. COTTON YARNS are In to PANY. Stock up on thick, f l u ^ MEETING, 34 *Somowbere a SO Growl 47 Early Irish Launch your youngater (or tenant 85 En^snd (sb.) airy rooma are ftimlahed for ’self) upon a musical hob- and your loot troublaa will dl- yA Add a charming background cHck up into daahlng Jackets, TOWELS, reg. $1 now 77c. Add kPETUNIA voice if — " 31 Biblical well 8 1 9 2 minlMi. “Daavar bam” will re­ to any room; wool gives you a harmonizii^ BAIM MAT in 38 Custom r 1 r “ w !T the oo«y comfort of OVER­ that will have lowaiYBng sheaths, wosklts. S2PeerGynt’a I” T~ 5 " 1“ j NIGHT or PBRMANBOVT benaOU. B48-78S6. 13-30 move painful preaaum from great wearability, service and 21” X 26” oblong or 27” octa­ mother r your matatamal. Custqm-mada raslUenoe. WOOL resiaU mat­ gonal, reg. $1.88 now $1.44. It’a Add a Gourmet Touch h i 14 g u e s t s . Keep THOMPSON 33 Signet 12 Cover inner or outer heel wedgee' can ting end crushing. Choose To your Lenten meals when like waving a magic wand that 36 Abitract being h o u s e la mind, when you get cigar boxes with 1! o^.of-«Ute oompeny which gummed waitwall paperpa border to correct walkiag dafacte. “Cookie cameo l^ e , or moss green, or you serve a WINE SAUCE with can glamorize your room when 36 Narrow inlet IS f r gold to accent. or un^ your 37 Fold of akin vour own gueet rooma oan't ac- make pretty containers to use {arches” offer powerful cupMrt white fish. Get the recipe and you add FIBEROfLAS DRAW 38Scottiah !l ^onunodata. THOMPSON in dresser drawers fop small Platform solas wlU, camounaga decor. All 1$' aridtha, give your your dry white wine at HAR­ DRAPERIES, 72” length, reg. If heme a new dimension of lux­ explorer h o u s e wlU serve m an exten- items like stockings, gloves any Irregularftiaa. HOUSE ds VEST HILL PACKAGE $4.98 now $3.87. The 63” length 39 Savor or handkarchlafs. Children wlU HALE SHOE SjlRVICE wlU ury, comfort and over-all satis- STORE. While you’re here, en­ is reg. $3.99 now $2.87. Make 41 Radio broadcaat eicn of your own hoepitallty. faetim. Put the emphasis on » M Spotleee and orderly through­ also like several such boxes for win and hold' your conddanea roll for "Adventures In Wine your home lovelier and prettier aystem lovelinesa for your home, when for pennies during the SALE 43Deiert landa out, a gueet aenaea that friend­ their rooma. because of the guaranteed work­ Club” by having your name put A C O U P L E manship which ie careful and you buy an ALL WOOL WIL­ On mailing list to receive free at'W . T. GRANT CO. 48 Suffix ly concern for hie well-being TON thisr spring from MAN­ i fr** ,1 OF CRITICS* 46 African fly ‘Please Stay Open’ painetaking. each month the HARVEST ALLY OOP BY \ . I. HAMLIN . tiiat ia evident in 9o many hom­ CHESTER CAIWBT CENTER. Sprinkle a few pastel-colored 49 Stage whitpert W 3 T ey touches at THOMPSON Because so many cuetomera KILL adventures In Wine Club S3 Direction selection, with descriptive ma­ after-dinner mints on top ot 84 Unit of 41 h o u s e . S4B-2368. made their desires known, lYee Soqvenlm This Week YES, OSCAR, w YOUR VARN SHOP will con­ Before you put a part ot can terial booklet, "French Wines,” warm chocolate pudding. The I THINK reluctance Thera will be a GIFT SOU­ mints will melt and create a 186 Adventure Here’! a clever gift for a lit­ tinue to serve you at the new VENIR with each HAIRCUT of paint r.way do Uiese few eaay the Wine Journal, club maga­ W E CAN things. Cover the top surface zine ”Bon Appetlt” and an up- pretty marble effect, as well as M A K E A CARNIVAL BY DICK TURNER 87 Faaten tle boy. Take two wash clotha location, 88 Cottage Street.' this week for the girls from 5 5 9 9 -N 88 Premium on H o ' the naint with linseed oil. to-the-minute vintage chart. adding flavor. This can be used TRY TO IT II and draw the pattern of a mitt YOUR YARN SHOP features kindergarten through high A bo..y IcCM-fltting jac,;e,. 1j money (abJ This will keep skim from with other aimllar desaerta.' FIN D O O P on them. Cut out the pattern, "Bem at" yam s and "Busan school age at SCmULTZ BEAU­ a always so in style, especially Call 848-0446. 891/wthe 83T fo*nnlng atop, the paint and the NOW.' 60 Genuine sew on the wrong side and Bataa" aoceasoriea. OfPBN TY SALON, BBS Main St The when it is quickly and easily 61 Self-esteem MONDAY TimOUOH FRI­ oil can quleldy be poured off knitted! ST u turn. Using a blanket stitch, talented staff is skilled in shao- V h' I you go to use it again. 63 Equine gait hand hem the edge with colored DAY 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. ing and coaxing your hair into Pattern No. 5580-N has knit ‘Scoot* Your Banker Is Your Friend rSuurr/Ms I Any time i« a convenient DOWN U S2 embroidery thread and the CLOSED SATURDAY. Come a becoming style. It’s not too JOHNSON PAINT CO., 723 1 Tolerate stitching will make the bath to browse and buy needlework iocluqjve; aUtch Illustrations Main Street, has “SCOOT” the time for the helpful ataff hero early to book an appointment a perfect seal. Also paint a SLoaf mitt look like a catcher'! glove. items, to enrich your wardrobe for your spring PERMANENT To order s,end 35c in coins product made with silicone and to talk over your financial, prob- l^ d of thr aame color around, to; Anne Cabot. The Manches- and your home. W AVE vditle the Inviting price wax which makee it ao effec­ lema and answer your ques­ Im p rorovement v e Upon Nature the can so ttat y NENT at SCHULTZ BEAU N. Y „ 10036. CONNECTICUT BANK AND thoroughly before cutting, then have to pry the lid off tmtU you For Ist-class mailing add 10c IshM. Uae "SCOOT” on every TRUST COMPANY. They, too, nCIAL FLOWER ARRANGE- TY SALON. 643-8851. are ready to use it. ments, blossoming at the peak rub with talcum powder If the for each pattern. Print Name, surface you want clean and are vitally concerned with your ihining: Leather, marble, tile, t h a t s tw l a st O’ ITS A HAH.'THEVENJDy ot full-blown petfectlon. They material seems sticky. Hold the When making dresses from Address with Zone and Pattern aifhs In providing a secure and rr-THEV HAVE , pattern flat on the plastic by Sale Ends Saturday Number. your cabinets. With the spring sattofylng life for yourself and TH’ WILD cattle, BIT are more beautiful than "na­ 8193 a sheer material, sew in a wide Three more days remain to SUGAR-THAT FATHETIC THEM MOURNIN16' ture’s own,” so reel-looking using small weights, instead of Only 60c — our '64 Sprlng- housecieaning season descend­ family. You are always wel­ BY AL VERMEER REGIAR'WHEN 4-10 yn. hem, at least three inches. The ing upon every conecientious PRISCILLA’S POP MEANS TH'END HOWTH' you'll want to. sniff to be sure. pins and use paper clips in oth­ skirt will hr:-r better and the Summer Album! Naw-Cuatoin come at 896 Main, 15 North O'TW'GOOD OLD OLD THIKKSS T H ’ U S T B U FFALO J er places pins are needed. Use homemaker, "SCOOT” can help PASSING W AS SHOT, TH’ Invite spring into your home hem will hide the lower edge ot SEMI-ANNUAL ’ p^ ^ ^ I t TOE ' o ' Main and the Parkade. "k N O V ^ WH/CT'S SO SH E S TILL CAYS-eONE a very fine sewing needle and Shoulder - buttoning d: c3ses patterns; also our r^ular fea­ you whiz tiurough the tasks that FOREVER.' AFFECT LAST SCOUT with one or nuwe colorful ar­ for mother and daughter that th'' .-lit) ” '!ilch would .-how SAXE continuing through Sat- \NHY I LIKE OLD-FASHIONED PLAYS WITH HER OLD STIFFX, D IE D --O H , mercerized cotton thread.. for tures and 4 free patterns. result in a fresh and invitingly Check whether soil is too rangements needing no water­ match exactly. through one thickness of cloth. irday, Feb. 38. For yourself or I PRISClLLATy A B O U T HULA HOOP AND THERE’LL BE , ing oare, no dally attention. smooth seams that will not clean home. damp for ploughing or digging SUGAR.' MORE-WE HAVE) No. 8192 with Patt-O-Rama tor gifts there are big and little S H E 'S HER There Is a alze and a color com­ pucker. Never double stitch It's Shamrock Time „ . ... up for a vegetable or flower gar- , A N O L D - ■3 CXMOTES YET// seams, but pink them instead. is In sizes 12, 14, 16. 18, 20. B ust! There Is Still Time items on all four floors at Keep sick children amused by ^,y pjcimig up a handful bination that, you’ll agree, is 32 to 40. Size 14, 34 bust, 3% I Place your order for CUS­ ' worthwhile savings especially Irish or not, Begorra, U’s ^FASHtof^D exactly right for every area in time for celebrating. Both making your own J^saw puzzle ^ squeezing tightly In the Taking a Winter Vacation yards of 35-lnch. i TOM - MADE DRAPERIES, ; for this event. Do see the for the.n to play with. Type or .part when re- '^ ^ Q I R L I 1 your home. Buy for your own choice collection of SOLID FAIRWAYS have ST. PAT­ Whether you’re going away No. 8193 with Patt-O-Rama SLIPCOVERS or UPHOL­ write a short story on a piece cru m b ^ easUy, it buffet, entrance hall, kitchen STERING with WATKINS MAPLE TABLES and CHESTS. RICK’S DAY party supplies, for a week or a weekend, re­ is in sizes 4, 6, 8, 10 years. Size ' of paper. Paste the story cm is fine for gardening. shelf or mantel. Have one de­ 6, 1% yards of 35-inch. Two DRAPERY SHOP. 16 Oak $28.85 to $69.95 that add beauty greeting cards, favors (hats, cardboard, then cut into sim ple. livered by FLOWER FASH­ member that LENOX PHAR­ and convenience to living. bow ties, arm bands) plus MACY, 288 Bast Center Street, patterns. Street, and you share in SUB­ shapes. The child can then read | ION. to cheer a ahut-ln, or to To order, send 60c In coins for STANTIAL SAVINGS while | ------OLAY PIPES and emerald the story while putting the pus-1 The Inquirer briglhten a bedside table. has the “CELEBRITY” line OC the sale conUnues through Sat- lump charcoal, or bits JBWHLJIY. beauty aids for home and trav­ each pattern to;— Sue Burnett, zle together. T The Manchester Evening Her­ urday, Feb. 28. Take advan- of charcoal briquettes, are use-1 el. If you're not taking, a va­ tage of the professional serv- placed In closeta to cut If you want your round table- I cation at ail, feel and look ald. 1150 AVE. OF AMERI­ CAS, NEW YORK 36, N. Y. Ices of the ___ HOME___ CONSULT-1 humidity - and dampness*. cloth to keep its shape through glamorous right where you are ANt T 64^5V7l" \vqiaTV dlstinc-1 *“ *** water In plant contain- laundering, let It dry stretched with a "Oeletority” PIN-CURL 10036. out on a flat surface, over pS' I H For Ist-clasa mailing add 10c tive array of decorator fabrics ers to keep scum off the water; BONNET to hide the makings or put in refrigerators to cut pers or an old sheet. Do not • HMfcfRlA.lit.TJ4.Wtttfht.Clt. for each pattern. Print name, are here, for your choosing. You NEW HOURS of a glamorous coiffure. A can be sure of meticulous tailor­ down odor!’ . Charcoal will ab- fold while ironing, but press by address with zone, style number starting from the center and frtUy 'nSSU E CASE, $2, can ing and guaranteed workman­ sor about 170 times Its own and size. working toward the edges. BEGINNING MARCH 2, 1964 BONNIE BY JOE CAMPBELL dreae up milady’a boudoir, aa ship. at WATKINS DRAPERY volume. • NUtrNU,lK.TM.I.f.«lNtM. will a hand painted WHQSK Ready for your new-season sewing. . .the spring and sum­ SHOP. ------WO BRUSH, $1.26. You'U want a ______I Easter Coats and Hata Planning to Invest? lUHm mer '64 issue o f our pattern ”We suggest the purchase of **Wall, I’ll aay amoking Is harmful! The last time 1 triad WIND BONNET, $1 to guard When making a dress with With the Eaater bunny hop- book Basic Fashion. 50c. SECURITY IN SU R A N C E MONDAY CLOSED it I couldn't M down for three dayel" a meticulous halrsetUng. For kimono-type sleeves, sew a one- Plng closer, MARI-MAD’S, 2- » J.(f w il l ia m ^ bon-voyege gifts, the "Celebri­ OOMPATTY OF NEW HAVEN THE LASTING LASTS fourth inch wide strip of sel- «®1 ' Main Street, has 1964 Stock. Information Is available ty” line kidudes SHOWER CAP Flano’s Restaurant vage In the underarm seam to spring COATS and HATS ready at COBURN ft MIDDLE- TUESDAY ...... 9 - 9 ft MATCKINO SCUFFS kl a On Route 6 and 44 in Bolton keep the sleeves from ripping for your flrst-come-beet-selec- BROOK, 629 Main S treet travel case, $2, or a TRAVBIL offers everything pleasant and or tearing under the arm. tion choice. Sunny yellow, the MIRROR, $2 encased In flow­ satisfying for your dining and high-fashion color tUs year is 643-1005.” W E D N E SD A Y ...... 9 - 5:30 BEN CASEY er-strewn frame. For only $1 Saturday night dancing enjoy­ very evident in apparel for 5 REMODElp A Beehive of Activity For an imusual planter make you get several packages ot ment What a rapturous way There was much "oohlng” girls up to size 14 at MARI- THURSDAY ...... 9 - 5:30 Your old fo r coat Into JIFFY TOWELS to freshen up to end the day, or begin the MAD’S. These quality COATS a hole in the bottom of a cof­ and “aahlng” at YOim GIFT fee can, run a wick through the ^ Y'KNOW, PR.CASEY, CAD COUIO BE WELL, LIKE THE OTHER EVENING,ENINS. Y (with no soap or water needed) evening with dinner and cock­ FOR SPRING are handaomely 2 STOLES GALLERY as new arrivals were hole, leaving the end inside the ' F R ID A Y ...... 9 ’ OVER-TIRED. I'V E NOTICED HE NAPS FOR EXAAAPLE, SIT DOWN, pkla a number o t Ingenious clips tails at FIANO’S. Here they lifted out of tissue wrappings tailored of fine fabrics. Many A LOT LATELY, AND AT ODD T IM E S ^ TELL you a b o u t IT. are equipped to handle all the have the popular feature o t can and fill the can with ver- i A CAPE-or and hangers to dry your dain- and placed throughout the shop. miculite. Plant flower seedlings | SATURDAY ...... 9 - 5:30 tiea overnight. Tuck into your details of planning and provid­ Individual-size ASHTRAYS of add-a-year hems that lengthen like magic for extra season’s or cuttings in this and set the ^ A JACKET luggage a SEWING KIT, $1.60, ing for your WEDDING RE­ copper, fashioned into an orien­ coffee can over a pint Jar filled i For Aa and a KEY CADDY ft PURSE CEPTION. A rich background tal slipper, 85c each, make ideal wear. SPRING HATS of atraw are sugared with bows and with water near a window. The I tr U Uttle Aa • 1 9 . 9 5 KIT, $1. Give yourself an of experience, a capable staff bridge prizes. So decorative and and an earnest desire to please blossoms. Part of the Joy o fjY '“ =>' feed water into toe MANCHESTER "OGILVIE” HOME PERMA­ practical are the klng-plze Ash Easter is seeing litUe girls to™‘fultte .nd ^1 you wiU | NENT, complete with FREE ycu are qualities that are Trays from Italy. Add me right, nicely outfitted the MARI-' to do is give toe see^gs SHORT RIBS BY FRANK O’NEAL TRIAL SIZE conditioning (piickly evident to you at FIA­ bright touch to your spring and MAD'S way. It costs no more an occaaicmal dose of liquid SHAMPOO with protein, a NO’S. Come to relax and to Easter entertaining with color­ to have first choice of the peak plant food. Repot as soon BOOKSHOP relive your spirits. rMORDeSNeANEW' A MAILORDER) CHESTER $8.25 value for $2.50, for aU ful serving pieces featuring a selection. Use the LAY AWAY toe plant is large enough. SUIT OP MAIL. CATALO©. types o f hair. Buy a "Dorothy cocky rooster motif. "MONKEY PLAN. 67 E. CENTER ST.—643-1086 /^W ARE'^DOMS?) FURRIERS Gray” LIPSTICK in the V. I. There are several ways you POD” WOOD bowta, handsome­ Investment Headquarters V------f O P ROCKVILLE PINK shade or V. I. PEACH, $1 can tell if a cake is thoroughly ly scalloped, serve up salad or Need investment advice or and the velvety flattery will put baked. Insert a toothpick and if hors d'oeuyres with a flourish. Before You Shop for a apeekers for your meetings T 246-2478 Spring Chapeau f spring into your heart. LENOX it comes out clean, the cake is When you acquire EGYPTIAN Call Manchester investment or call collect PHARMACY has the products probably done. It is also ready WASHED COPPER, or give it Come to CREATIVB COIF­ center, SHEARSON, HAM- 875-5928 if the cake has shrunk from the as a gift, the pleasure is enilur- FURES. 695 Main Street, for MILL ft OOMPANY, 813 Main to keep you looking well and a smart hair shaping and a edge of the pan and springs ing: Candle holders, $8 a pair Street, a member of the New feeling well permsnent wave. Then it will back when lightly touchei) with shaped like a bell are especial­ York Stock Elxchange. Call MORTY MEEKLB BY DICK CAVALLI a finger. be no trouble at all finding a ly appealing. There are vases, spring hat, because every one 649-2821.’ , ash trays. For that Amerloe’s Favorite Deeaert you try on will look becoming. spring wedding, the WROUGHT The experienced and helpful For an extra-special dessert AND TWe FLOOR PLAN OF THe OCT-THAT LOOK o u r OF'>COR It’s ICE CREAM, you guees- IRON CASSEROLE with a t-Xb I RNALLV FIGURED OUT beauticians here are chalking try adding two or three spoons­ AWAY TD BMANCeiHE HIN60ALE ©AVINS6 BANK; eye... I WA6 ONtyKIDCXN0 / ed it. And when you serve warming candle, $8.60, would ful of honey to softened ice ROYAL ICE CfftEAM, either up for themselves a growinfr. BUCXSEn ALL IN E H ? 16 AN delight an establiahed hostess, list of satisfied customers who cream. Put ice cream back in BUZZ SAWYER BY ROY CRANE the fancy STENCIL SLICES or too. Hand-blown. sparkling freezer. When firm, top with ACeTVLENETDBCH... T a bdg, generous ICE CREAM keep returning because they like r clear, 8-oz. GLASSES, $2 each, the beautiful results achieved coconut and serve. CASUALS E TOSSES ROCKS OVER THE PRECIPICE,. THE SOUND OF THE WATER, HIS THIRST BECOMES MAPDENING. CAKE, well you’re offering a have an Eagle or Indian Head aUTCAN'T HEAR THEM STRIKE here plus the friendly service. 0 dessert that is sure to please embossed in gold to make a It’s not too early to BOOK Doing Business at. New Location BECAUSE OF THE KUSH OF WATER young and the yo'.'ng-at-heart. striking beverage set. So much YOUR EASTTIR APPOINT­ "MARTTNIZING” is proud of SOMEWHERE BELOW. 'S l / m l a o l i ‘ITie pleasure shows in the hap­ to see at YOUR GIFT GAL­ MENT. Decide now which morn­ the way you look, which is why py amiles around your table and LERY, do come to browse soon. ing or afternoon would be most they take such good care of the in the twlnkMng eyes. Try It and Pick up youi EASTER CARDS convenient for you. Dial 649- garments you entrust to their m ade with see. ROYAL lOE CREAM has and for the kiddies the magic 5224 to reserve the hours most care for thorough cleaning and year-round favorite Spumoni EASTER BUNNY that GROWS suitable for you. The "early smoo^ pressing. The entire LYGRA* and dozens of fresh fruit fla­ FUR of soap. Tlie beauty and robin” gets her pick of the staff brings experience and vors. You’ll find ROYAL ICE the color of YOUR GIFT GAL­ nice blank aiqmlntment page. training to the Job. They are CREAM at fine grocery and LERY proclaims a hopeful new Feel ill tune with a fresh new then supplied with the most 1 4 days o f modern equipment available, OOC . drug stores. season is at hond. Rejoice! spring season. rMALU Z‘ 2b using, most dependable methods. f)UZ SLEEPS~ HE HAS NO IDEA HOW "MARTTNIZING” TJIB ONE ei'U)N6'*-THEN WAKES UP MORE HOUR DRY (XKAN IN G plant IUHGRT and THIRSTY THAN EVER. is ■ how located, at 777 MAIN sheer bliss! HE RELI6HTS THE LANTEpN. For a trim waist CAPTAIN EASY BY LESLIE TURNER STREIET, OF BIRCH I (formerly, at 20 East Center ( ^nil rely Different For The Street). The "MXRTTNIZrNG” ''Feature'* by plant at 299 West Middle Tpke. .FOUMDED IN I5G S. ST. AUGUAtiNB VMS S5 VaNWOtoj T H B O lp a T Y » t VAGUELY A DRAWBRIDGE AND MOAT OUTGIDE THIS OLD CITY can take its share of credit for MICKEY FINN BY LANK LEONARD WHBN THR PILGRIMS LANDED AT PLYMOUTH ROCK.2I0 RBINE RESTORED TD i GATE HBIPEP PROTECT THE WALLED TOWN PROM keeping a large and growing WHEN t h e AMERICAN REVOLUTIOH STARTEPi THE PERIOD OF I788i ENGLIEH CDLONKE-TD THE NORTH. NOW LSTE GEE Woman Who Really CaresI FROM PETAU.EP OLD “ THE OLD EPANI9H FORT number of Manchester’s popula­ AIN'T ACTIN'LIKE MAt SUKe? Hunt] MAPS AND PLANE» tion so handsom ely well- ANY ANXIOUS GUY TO TWO YEARS IN THE groomed. The "MARTTNIZING” SIZES FIDO ISSICK, PHILIP/ HE'S ME! ARE YOU SURE SAMECELL-V TWO HOUR SHIRT SERVICE TO 10 JUST LYING AROUND AND YOU'RE RIGHT ABOUT TALKIN'IN HIS SLEEP Tha coUar amooths the here keeps the men in the fam­ WON'T EAT ATHING/ “THE STYLE WAVE” ALL THIS, SPUD? EVERY NIGHT/ , waist and th* "Sllmlook Touch” ily looking their- best, which suiE m suite! \ Can ba combtd smooth, or with plonty helps them perform effectively if l*c» o9*f-**tln on th* on toe Job (and that’s the way V Mtin alasUeBont adds I of curls. Natural loolcing, yat full of promotions are earned). Get acquainted with "MARTTNIZ­ touch nf finnnaas to this body... ING.” You'll wish you had done ilgurwglimming panty. so sooner. — CX)LORS Will outlast tha convantional waval s Mocha FREE ' s Bone • White MMs. Blaw 36N. Consultations... • Glove $ ] _ 7-50 Complete Leather BUSTtCBATINiABSlala. Raren, Rubber Hare's how ft works: lust buy • B*lr of DAVY JONES BY LEFF and McWILLlAHiS l—elueiwi of deooraMan) "Fsaturos” by Vinar. Wear them for two waaks; enjoy "barsfoot” comfort wKh full HR. ABERNATHY BY RALSTON JONES and FRANK RIDGEWAY hael-to-toa cuthionad innarsolst and springy toABTIC NITi Hylon, cushion crap* tolea and heels. Fall in lov* HE'S FINE N WHEN HE TRIMS g o o d n e s s ; OH, MY... AND T H S m KEEP Reetata, liera •sender with buttar-soft, specially tanned leather PHYSICALLY, DOWN, HEXL BE W H A T S A L L THEY’RE AT Z G O T H IT W IT H A d o n Y b e u p s e t - NO,HEWASN*T, A T IT, TOO. UNTIL MARLOW’S and auppi* fit that tlipa on Ilka a glove. Than —If KELLY. I GAVE BETTER ABLE TO TH AT CO M ­ IT AGAIN ' TOAflATO DURING H E M U S T H A V E A B E R N A T H Y . T H A T S AUTHOR* OLIVER CAN these are not tha most comfdrtabi* shots you've *var HIM THE NAVY COPE WITH HIS MOTION OUT HANDLE HIMSELF. * ”ly w " ft Ou Peare kedieert: . FREE T H E i B E^ACPAN K. W H Y I F IT N E S S OTHER PROBLEMS, THERE? worn—just bring them beck and we’iirofiind every pennyt T H IR D F E E L EXERCISES, lariliqMadWiflUr PARKING ACT. S O epMWiima'.it ^ EXPBBIBNOIBD itlT lWCra BAD. Front 4nd YBB IHINO AND aatVICIB ffU B AY Rear of Store' COIN OPEBATBE WA8H-*N-ORy CLEAN 11 MAPLE ST. I Aoreaa fTon Plrat Natloael atere Parklag Lot .. .WITH OR WITHOUT AN APPOINTMENT.., OPEN 7 LAVE SHOES CORSET SHOP la-IA. Weeli IB* 881 M AIN ST •t * • •61 M A IN STREET. MANCHEST|R PHONE 649-3991 •■“A _ fS l M AIN ST-—44 *-W 4 « • O ib .t lJ i

o T 'i-V

-/•ir /I' •“I' V ■ '■ t'I I A


THE Liston Hurt Shoulder in Trainine (?) . . Ptw»e Ortfereff Bel Hartford Defeiats Indians ...... I ------1m . .... ■ . r - r * - - ...... tierald Angle By UConn Five EARL YOST 65-48 W in SpojrU E«Utor MIAMI BEACH (AP) tmzazwarad fuee-wtaeular victory eyen befmw wy^tosightog * 6 Pti^ul* to Uiewcfaaaiphtt’a Ikoe Qinches Tie had been offloially cast. chaUenger’s 310^}i merely with a righUeft-cltht oh liU tm - Eliminates CfiBsius Gay, the fascinat­ How did It bappm? When Unsettled by the ringing boos pawed at Ms baric-pedaling and tlon ahock up tbe cImmi- One Minute Commercials Expensive ing Louisville blowhard did K happen? w h y didn’t that rocked the arena, he apparently helpless prey. pion (md fasouffat a kx4c o f mb** Ever wonder how much an advertiser has to pay Eor League who proved his fista'talk Llstqn, ths awesome ring killer, screamed to all wtthin earshot: Once during the round. Clay prise to Ms dark, broodlBg sypa. CCIL Entry demolish tbe loquacious Ksn- ”TMs no tix. I closed both of stopped flat on Ms heels and Liston Unproved ki tba ssd- for a one minute commercial during a time out period as loud as his words is the reached out and pedtod Uston ond round with a strong, pribi n e w HAMPSHIRB (AP) — tuoUan as he had done to hi* his eyes. He didn’t touch me. I for a National Football League team? The going rate hew king of the heavy- o t ^ rivals Ip the last three didn’t stop the fight. The doc­ gently on tbe nose with Ms left ing attack but In the thirds By HOWIE HOLCOMB It was almost ambarrasiinc,.bui glove. Liston, made no effort to Clay opened a gsali mtder ths for a commercial minute on a CBS NFL telecast last sea­ Connecticut has clinched a tie weights. yearn tors did.” son was |45,000. Next season the one minute tab will be Pre-game form was neifer The boxing World still buzzed Series of X-ravs Why wasn’t Liston, the sid- rejrty. chainphi’a left ^ e with a sting­ for the Yankee Oonfareaca bas­ "That man put liniment m ing left jab. proven more accurate than today over the bizarre event# Uston > a s rushed to len destroyer who twice put between $60,000 and $70,000. , ketball crown. that led to the dethronement of his gloves and aknoet bMndoa It was obvious to sR In the Lowly New Hampahln, paced Bt Franels Hospital where away former champion Floyd CBS plans exclusive coverage'^------^------last night at the Conard the champion who wouldn’t lose. me," Clay sold afterward far the arena that Ctoy waa growing M d--«nd I know the only their agreements, even at a sub­ CXMuiectiout, 13-8 overall end out—:one of the most aatound- ment His aides said he planned went through the crowd when the CCIL qualified for the Class shooting difficulties. ful of dynamite? God." stantial increase. Pro football is 8-1 in the conference, can clinch ing ring Upsets of all time but to go to his Miami Beach tern Liston failed to answer the bell A Basketball Tournament, the Hartford’s win did not, how­ porary home and would nudte Even if his shoulder was He went to hia dressing room considered a prestige buy. greatest number in the league the crown Saturday night by one*that left miUions o f fans for a brief reunion with Ms for the seventh round, and Clay After all, it has been estimat­ ever, obliterate a tremendous no statement immediately. painful, why didn’t Liston, a history. Qualifiers were Man­ defeating Rhode Island. Nev. brute of a man, try to bull his father, Morcellus Clay Sr., a began dancing his victory donee ed that 15 million persons effort by the Indians, particu­ His purse ftom the gate at­ hands high over his head. chester and two schools from larly slender Randy Smith. The Hampshire Is 8-14 and 8-7 Iri tendance had been ordered held way through, vvaitlng for per­ Louisville sign i>ainter; Mother watched NFL telecasts last sea­ R ost o f Cheers each Meriden—Platt and Ma­ blond backcourt specialist led a the conference. ' up by the Miami Beach Boxing haps a liKky punch, against a Odessa an^toriher, Rudy, be­ son. And another 6.2 million loney—and Bristol Central and Central Conneettoit remained fighter renowned as a powder- fore moving lovar to a special Then there was a roar of watched the APL attractions. third period surge that trimmM Commislon pending outcome of Elastem . . . Bruno Sniders, Hartford’s big early lead to a unbeaten, winning its 21si the doeton' examination. puff Mtter? room set aride for interviews. cheers and finally boos. * * • sports editor of the Meriden mere two points, 36-34. straight this season, 91-65 over >ear Rematch likely It was several minutes before Journal, will leave shortly to Jack Nilon, the ex-cham- Doesn’t this amazing develop­ the spectators knew what had But the powerful Owls came Pratt. Jim Muraski scored 19 to ment set the stage for a return He immediately announced Profits Due take a post in the Hartfoi-d plon’s adviser, . said Liston happened. right back on hoops by Bob iead the Blue Devils. wrenched his shoulder In train­ bout, which might set financied he would toe ■wlUlng to fight U s- It’s interesting to note that Times sports department . . . In other games Tuesday, ton again—or any other fighter BUI MacDonald, the Miami the annual overhead of a pro Turner and Willie Gilmore to ing but thkt the tw o o f them records yet undreamed of in the Jungle Jim Loscutoff, hatchet- Bridgeport downed Brandeis 7i- —but added: "That old bear Beach millionaire who lost team (either NFL or AFL) is up the lead to 40-34 and from SaL decided to try to bluff their way sport? man deluxe with the Boston 69 in overtime. Trinity dumped fights like an amateur. He’S go- $400,000 on the promotion, was between $800,000 and $1 million, then on it was all Hartford. through "because we thought Even this fight, a turkey at Celtics, will be given a “day” Worcester Tech 85-62 and New Ing to have to work Ms way up bitter. most of it in salaries. Under the Sunday when the Celts play Shooting Big Factor we could get away with it.” the gate, was an astounding Haven crushed Danbury State MIAMI BEACH, Fla. again, I want to fight Doug “Tbe operation was a suc­ new lucrative video packages . . . Oscar Robert­ GUmore’s outside shooting— Otbere recalled that Sonny success financially by a closed he led both teams with 22 points 96-41. (AP)—The "Big Bear” sat riiowed no slgna of an ailment television network that broke Jones or Eddie Mariien." cess, but the patient died,” he for each league, the TV melon son of Cincinnati has hit on 670 said, adding: ‘T didn’t mind los­ will pay the overhead, leaving of his first 784 tries from the —was the big factor in the New Haven at one time en­ and cried. and even dedared himself "in the old record of 560,000 viewers Olay, who produced a 'wUd, ing all that money. But I do re­ stadium gate receipts for net foul line for a .855 percentage, Owls’ triumph. Another Owl joyed a 40-4 lead. Sonny Liston’s ooUL dark the best riupe ever.” and more than $3.2 million re­ almost mstniocal weigh-in best in the NBA . . . How many star, Johnny Joiner, was riiut- In games tonight, it wlU be eyes, whose icy stare re­ This was Just one o f the ceipts at the box office. scene at which he was fined sent the fact that so many peo­ profit. out for the first three periods With CBS offering a double- basketball fans, and coaches, Fadirfield at St. Peter’s, Cbasi portedly paraly^ many of many contfametory aspects of A second day-Llston battle $2,500 for Ms conduct, brought ple gave me a zinging." but got hot right at the key Ms past ring opponents, Clay, meanwhUe, stood on the header of football on 14 consec­ know that the three second Guard at Wesleyan, St. the bout, wMdi was a financial conceivably could gross $10 mll- the crowd to Its feet immediate­ point to finish with 10— all in Interview stand, and asked the utive Sunday afternoons start­ count in basketball for a player Michaels at Hartford, Wllh- glazed over with tears. I flop at the gat* with 8,000 pay­ Uon over-oil. ly after (Im opening toeU by to stand within the key does not the final quarter. mantic at Rhode Island College And the mighty left arm ing only 6400,000 for the pri'vi The fifth round of the fight stondbig up to the awesome assembled reporten: ing in October, pro grid buffs Neither winning coach, Joe ^Floats Like Butterfly^ Stings Like Bee’ can look forward to five hours apply when the ball Is being re­ and Central Connecticut at which was snpposM to have lege of watching — half of the was indeed a mockery. Liston and swapping punriiea. "Who’s the greatest?” Kubachka nor loser Phil Hyde every Sunday of continuous bounded o r batted around, not Montclair State. paralyzed CassliiB Olay, I figure needed to break even. Clay, blinking and stumbling Circling out of danger while "Clay,” they answered in uni­ expressed much surprise about viewing. in control of a team or play­ hung limply at Uston'a C3ajr, the almoat berserk new from one end of the ring to the Ms handleirs in the ooroer yell­ son. their opponent’s play. If this NFL twinbill fails to er? Most fans have blasted of­ aide, swollen and nomb. I champion, hbnself sought to other, looked like on easy tar- ed "rumble, man, rumble,” he This time, there were no "We didn’t expect Smitty End Sudden and Without Warning hold the interest, one can turn ficials for not calling a violation Eight doctors worked on erase any stigma from hu spec- I get But tbe massive Liston, fidriced a stea«|y jab hi the lau$^. when they see a player in the (Randy Smith) to score that Liston trying to pinpoint the dial and bring in the AFL well,” said Kubachka. “ We fig­ lane for more than three sec­ scoiS s k ^ The end came suddenly and-^riousness of the shoulder in- the aliment wMdi robbed game over the ABC network. ured Quashnitschka. Escavich MIAMI BEACH (AP)—< onds, under the above men­ METRECAL SHIFT — Manchester’s Bob Evans QUASH-ED!—Paul Quasnitschka’s try for a bas­ jury, Liston of his knookoat Tip to the lady of the house and Evans to be the heavy Y JUNIORS wlthout warning. A painfully tioned situations. (white jersey) tries to take inches off his midriff ket is effectively blocked by Hartford’s ' Lionel Sonny Liston, the ugly bear Never for one Instant in this punch and cost him Ms or the non-pro football fan; scorers and set our defenses to Second place Bolton Phar­ slow Liston bad been plodding * • • sat in his (x>mer, claiming around tbe ring in the sixth bizarre conteet did Liston re­ world heavyweight oham- Bone up on the sport for it’s stop them.” and miss a personal foul as he covers an unidenti­ 'Thompson. Bob Evans waits in vain for a rebound. macy opened last night’s pro­ semble tbe menacing killer who plonsMp when be tailed to here to stay. And it will save a End of the Line The Job on Quash and Elski fied Hartford player during last night’s action. (Herald Photos by Satemis) gram with a, M -Z l trampling of he had suffered an injury round last night while Clay New All-New All-Weather...Now wifii s s a few arguments, too, on a Sun­ sprayed Jabs at Sonny’s swollen had knocked out Floyd Patter­ come out for the seventh was near perfect as they man­ Fletcher Glass. Psgani’a Cater­ to his left shoulder. CaSsius round In last nlikf > hoot. day afternoon next season, A1 Boggini, at 53, is the old­ ers followed with a 59-30 vic­ face. In the background the son in two minutes and six « * * est referee in Manchester as aged only nine points between Clay, the brash young man seconds to win the title in 1962. After nearly three and them. Poor Shrans did most of tory over the Elks and Miller's Clay comer men yelled, well as the Central Connecticut Package Plan May Be Offered who boasts be "floats like a "rumble champ, rumble,” and Or the man who repeated the one-half honra o f eniamlna- the rebound battling and he was Pharmacy wound up the a^on Top* in Viewing Board of Approved Basketball Kacey Sports Rockville Tix butterfly and stings like a bee" "dance.” job in 2:10 of the first last tlon, along with oonDOesa outnumbered two or three to by beating Nassiff Arms, 56-35. was the new heavyweight X-raya, tho doeton an- Biggest sports events of the Officials in service. The Bast Mark Oakman and left-hand­ Then it luq>paaa6* Ltoton was July at Las Vegas. Or the man Sider started calling court one most of the time. He man­ ehamplon of the world. nonneed in n Joliit report year, accortUng to the A. C. Night March 16 Now on Sale ed Bob <3odin combined for 35 bidden from the view of rlng- who had won 28 straight figdits games while still In his teens. aged to corral 10 points and What happened? Boxing fans and lost only once in 86 pre­ that Liston had suffered aa G O O D j ^ E A R Nielson Company, in 1963 were lead the Manchester rebound­ Lucrative TV Pacts points to pac^ Bolton. Jim Patu- Biders by a swarm of handlers. as follows; Boggini is also president ^e Mayor Francis Mahoney T ickets for Rockville wUl be kicking this around His personal physician and a vious starts. arm Injnry snfflelent to pre- ing. lak caged 18 for toe Glsssmen. vent him from defending World Series (Simday) ..39.5 Manchester Chapter of Ap- has been named general High’s tournament game Four of Pagani’s crew made for a l

W l ' : >»' I V

KANCHESTER e v e n i n g h e r a l d , KANdOBTEB, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY SS, 1 9 M iBiNoagesTEK e v e n in g h e r a l d , Ma n c h e s t e r , c o n n , w e p n e s d a y , Fe b r u a r y 26, i964 PAGE EIGHTEEN Apartments—Flats— Wantod--RooiBE—Board 62 IPaniished Apartments 68rA For Sale 72 72 Bousss For Skis 72 H« iHbrSkls 72 MoTtaiK— ^Troddne— THERE OUGHTA BE A LAW By FA6ALT and SHORTEN Tenements 68 Girl Sbakw WILL DO mbmellwieoua m HUBB h e a t e d room s toiC ITOQB SPOTLE88 ItANCH. nOCaELEDOB - Porter street MANCHESTER—8 flunlly. «x- 7 v Storaga 20 nlsbed, private entrance, deilr- oM 8 room Baker’s Secretary mnhMim for roooi and hoara. t h r e e a n d f o u r room tene­ fa ^ y da# Mtehsn, walnut raneh, S biths, finiihed rsc elde. T room epUt, SH hatha, ceOent return on Inveetment, Struck by* MANCHiCSTHIR D eliv etr. Light ments, first floor. Call 648- cabinets, three twta slse bed­ room, stoiM fireplace, 1-car ga­ complete Waatoigbouae hitch- small down payment. PAsek m CLASSIFIED trucking and packageI deUvary. 6016. rooms, recreation room, Man- rage, one acre wooded lot, con­ an, 8 fireplacee, lovely feinUy R ealty, 3$84476, 649417S, 648- Aa elghb-yeaMiia ReCrlgerators, waaben and % 0 0 - N o r r B R WANTBD-Room MO. OhUdren welcoms. QA 9- venient location, y A R Realty room opening to a beautifiAly 7306.______m a r c h 1ST occupancy — S wily 118,990. Carlton apparently uiihnrt Wfia. atove moving apeclalty. Folding dGxiy gentiem an. Call 64g-084a 9939. W. Hutchins, 049')|18X patio. Belflare Agency, Refuses to Testify rooma, heat, hot water, stove, O o., In c., 84S-388X R . D . M ur­ chaira f o r ren t 640-0762. between 6-7 p .m . ______dock, 648-8473. 8484181. STONE FRONT ranch, living day ottenioon wtam i and refrigerator, large poroh, CBOICB, BtECUTTVE type, room, redwood paneling, flre- into a cor OB Cooper ADVERTISING central location, adulta only, ^iX ed. furnished S-bedn^ r o CKUBDOB-6 room Ranrii, ace wall, $ bedrooms, den, (Continued from Page Ooe) MANCHBSTBRp-Lookout Mdim- Curtiz etmtended that girls R idge S t. ' i- --h -- Apartmento—Ftatfi— $72. 643-6896. snw’tment fhrst floor, center IH hatos, l4ar garage, com­ tchen with huilt-ln oven, Painting— Papeiing 21 jtockvlUs, Aftolts, teO weekly. ]jlANCH LOVERS tain. Seven room Colonial, 3 were solicited on government P^ee eodd tote CkMie ^ CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DEPT. HOURS Tenements 63 flreplacee, IH filed bathe, hot pletely autemaUe kitchen, edishwasher, garbege dtspoaaC,old lawyer replied In a eort of telephone lines, entertained Goff, daughter of IBlto CMla a v a i l a b l e m a r c h 18-Idurge S75-9liu. PAINTING, HDCTBRIOK and In­ t i water oO heat, S-car garage, rqiaed bearth fireplace. Im­ large famUy room, fireplace, ■tern-father tone: prospective customers and thus Goer of 38 Division St. - 8 AJML to 5 P.M. 3 room apartment, heat, hot 34ar garage, terrace, excel­ terior, paperhanging, wall­ WE HAVE CUSTOMERS wait­ TWO ROOM furnished apart- Are you Interested In ex­ large tamUy room, city ufil- maculate quality home In a "The committee Joins you In were part of the "buslnese pro­ by motorist Deniite Keria. 28^ o( water, stove, and refrigerator, . ------lent condition. 6484387. paper removed, dry wall work. ing for the rental of your apart­ ment atove, refrigerator, heat, changing your In-town homo itiee, large lot. Immediate oc- neigtaboriiood of fine executive ydur appeal that the public with­ motion apparatus.” 31 HoHlstar Bt, at alMmt S:20. COPY CLO.SING TIME FOR CLASSIFIED ADVT. Reasonable rates. Bank financ­ ment or homa. J. D. Realty, tile bath and ahower, many hot water, private bath. for one delightfully sttusted cupieney. Bnilt by Anealdl. and profesalonal properties. hold Judgment on you." and was tak-en home by Kerta, 1 ing arranged. Fully inaured. closets, convenient location, Ap Scott sal(i he also believed 5 MONDAT Huu FBIDAF 10:80 A.M.—8ATCRDAI 9 AJM. '3 643-8129. ply Marlow’s. 867 Main. In Bolton? H so, le t's hear Chisrlee L esperance, 849-7630. Betfiore Agency, 6484121. "You are not on trial, and apparently infiiurt but toaken S49-9658. Joseph P . Lewis. adults only, $98. 648-6896. from you. South Windsor "the use of call girls" for busi­ JUST OVpt the Manchester NEW L18TINO—T room spUt in never have been. There have ness promotions was well Within up. NEW LUXURIOUS 4 room b e d r o o m and kitchen fur- SPIC and SPAN been no criminal allegatione PLEASE READ YOUR AD INSIDB AND OUTSIDE paint­ apartment, carpeted, heat, hot MANCHESTER — DelUX Ittnr line In Vernon. room ranch quiet residential areg. Prssent- the scope of toe Baker investiga­ Mrs. Goff reported toe meat- ing. You name your own price. nlriied for two adults, Includ­ againet you." tion. dent to police at 6:80. KOrta. water, refrigerator, atove, room apartment with ceramic ing gas, electricity, private WARREN E. HOWLAND which providea 4 bedrooma. W used as 4-bedroom hmne. Ranch, rooms, work sav­ Olaaelfled or “Want Ada” ate taken over the phone aa a 649-7863. 875-8401. Modem kitchen with buUt-lns, He said the committee hae no who was not charged with traf­ waahlng machine, garage. tiled bath, modem kitchen Iwth, heat, hot water. CaK Realtor 23 foot Uvlng room with fire­ ing kitchen, 3 bedrooms, A reporter’s efforts to reach convenience. Hie adverHaer ahonld read hla ad the FIBST 860 Main St., Manchester baths, aluminum storms, evidence that "you have com­ fic violation, told police, oa PAINTma. PAPERHANOINO Adult couple only. $116 month­ equipped with refrigerator and •a-7686. place, panels den, family wall to wall carpeting. Nice Scott for comment proved fruit­ DAT IT APPEARS and REPORT ERRORS in time for the 648-1108 screens, doors, big lot. St. mitted any crime against toe queationing, that he had noticed Good Work, reasonable rates. ly . 742-8090. stove, completely redeconUed. dze kitchen. UtiUty room. big lot, be your own land­ less. (^ U s suggested It was too imTf hiaertl4 acres, outbuildings, W. Classroom for teen-agers, Private Instructions 28 for appointment in your hom et- pointed for a term ending the tice In toe DIetrict of OoltunMa Unemploiyinent ooinpenaation Police sold that J(dm F- Phone for appointment fir. 648-6277. , first Monday of November 1964, or unfurnished, baseboard Fine neighborhood. Hayes years (fid. $2,700 cosh assumes Tower in Hartford. O.E. Hot- large center hall with open Browne of Beriln, driver of the Announcements nckup service. Day or eve­ at you r convenience. 289-4922. | PLUM BING and heating men, SAMUEL ALBERT and brother of Ban Francisco blaitane in M anchester dropped ENROLL in our Electronics 7 of whom shall be appointed heat, working adults, two big Agency, 643-4803. mortgage with $129 per month. point built-ins, ceramic tiled stairway, 9 fireplaces, large truck owned by the Breecomb# ning lessons. Reasonable rates. licensed, for new work. Call H artford, 247-0368 EAST OF ’THE River—Charm T. J. (Jrockett, Realtor, 648- lawyer Jeke Ehrlich. Technicians day course or our HIGH SCHOOL Junior girls fo r j 529-8287 fo r appointm ent, for a term ending toe first porches, reasonable. 648-6889. bath, 8 spick and span bed­ kitchen with flrepla(M, large by 8 per cent lost week from Distributors Corp. of Hartford, ELECTROLUX sales and serv­ Manchester Driving Academy. SEE IT DAY OR NIGHT ing new 8 room apartment in 7 ROOM BRICK front ranch 1677. trees. Asking 139,600. Law rence M iss Tylar arrived 10 minutes ice, bonded representative; Al­ Electronics Servlclng-Refrig- waitress work, after school and i Monday of November 1965, and rooms, breezeway, garage, those for toe week ending Feb. wholesale Uquenr firm , was mokp. 742-7249. lovely rural section, heat and COVENTRY — Rent or lease. In an area of choice w ell- alumininn storms, screens, F . Fiano, R ealtor, 648-3708, early for toe hearing. fred A m ell, 206 H enry 8 t„ Man­ eratlon and Air-conditioning or Saturdays, good pay, good tips, INDUSTRIAL GUARD, 48 If you have no means of trans­ 7 of whom shall be appointed for located homes. 4th bedroom MANCHESTER — Largo Im­ 15. ing a delivery to a package pleasant surroundings. Apply appliances Including wrasher Large 6Mi room ranch, hot d(M>rs, a finished family room, Charles Nicholson, 742-6864. Chairman B. Everett Jordan, chester, 643-0460. Oil Burners and Controls even­ hours, 4 nights a week. Must portation, I’ll send my auto for a term ending toe first Monday water heat, a cre lot, $110 could be used as an office. CaK maculate modem ranch, con­ D-N.C., rapped the gavel to store. A witneoa saw the jrouth ing courses. Applications are in person. Brass Key Restau­ have own transportation and and dryer are paid for by only plus other features. City water. Tbe drop of il was two less Motorcycles—Bicycles 11 you. No obligation on your part. $186. p er m onth. Sam uel M. of November 1966. At toe ex­ monthly. References. Hayes for further particulars. Wes­ venient location, city utilities, M ANCHESTER—$23,960. 4 fam - open toe hearing eight minutes take toe cose, run off. get into INCOME TAX Returns prepared______being accepted for spring class rant, Main St. be bcmdable. Apply Conn. State Asstunable mortgage. Truly a than toe totel drop in cialma Lavltt Agency, MLS Realtosr, piration of the term of esch Agency, 648-4803. ley R . Smith A gency, 649-1894. extra large lot. Vln Bogglni, Uy apartment, 4-3%-8Vi-8. Ex­ past the echeduled 10 a.m . z late model vdiite ear with by auditor. Business and In- ? RALEIGH ENGLISH bike, 8- beginning March 2. High E m ploym ent S ervice, 806 Main Best Buy. Belflore Agency, for toe entire state. A—L—B—E—R—T—S at Vernon C ircle. 648-3168, 876- member, toe Board of Directors B el A ir R eal E state, 648-9382. cellent income with minimum starting time. three other penonz and drive dlvidual. Raymond Girard. Call speed, hand and foot brakes, school diploma not required. Street, Manchester. shall appoint a successor who BUSINESS ZONE IH — Eight 6434121. A total of 1,203 cbecke were NURSE’S AIDE, 11-7. Laurel 48-46 ALLYN ST., HARTFORD 6297. SUB-LET — Completely fur­ of experience. Good location. Unlike Baker, Miss Tyler did o ff. ______co lle ct, 878-7362. excellent condition. Call sAer Call 626-3406 or apply to New shall serve thereafter for a term rooms with two offices, sep- drawn locally for the week end­ M anor, 649-4619. OPEN NIGHTS ’TILL 10 P .M . nished 3-bedroom house, SPOTLESS, well kept hom e In L ucille Lyon A gency, In c., 649- not obJeA 5. posal, heat, hot water included, D irectors. CHEERFUL ment. Oarage plus carport. after 6. —he was, he explained, going Fdb. 16, and 152 less than rec­ turns prepared with your sav­ WASHING MACHINES repair­ Mortgages 31 only. large yard, free parking, wash S ection n : Well shaded and shrubbed to leave In five minutes to pre­ orded during the oorresponding Dr. Franklin M. Foote, rtate ed, RCA Whirlpool and Ren- 6>A ROOM RANCH, wall to wall health commissioner. The dis­ ings in mind. Reasonable 8 DAYS 'TRAVEL-4 days at er and dryer in Imsement, min­ nie Citizens Advisory Com­ MANCHESTER Vicinity - Spa­ yard. Reduced to $14,9(X) for side over another committee’s week last year. m ore. Call 648-4918. SECOND MORTGAGES - Ub-1 Wanted To Rent 68 7 room Ranch, 8 bedrooms, carpeting, attached garage, The local office reificed four­ ease was contracted 1^ a Wa- rates. E . J. B ayles, 649-6246. limited funds available for sec-' home. Msui over 46 for short utes to Hartford over park­ mittee shall elect two of its ciou s 6 room ranch built 1969. immediate sale. Belflore session. WANTED—^Reliable babysitter, Mu8i<»] Instruments 53 w ay, $100. m onthly. Call 876- paneled family room, dining fuK cellar, well landscaped. teenth statewide In total (fialme terbury woman. Repaired, ond mortgages, payments to trips near Manchester. Worth members to serve as Ctoairman WANTED TO RENT—6 room Deep treed lot, walk-out base A gency, 648-6131. Owner, 649-6661. Sen. Hugh Scott, R-Fa., said INCOME TAX RETURNS pre- TYPEWOTmtS - days, ca ll after 6, 643-9359. 3748, 876-0260. and Secretary respectively. It L, nice quiet street in a de­ filed last week — it had been The Trichinosis iz zauzzd by overhauled, rented. Adding ma­ suit your budget. BhQiedient up to 38,000 to 312.600 in a 1963 L SERIES Ham mond Cape or Ranch, lease with op­ ment for future rec ixMm, he -was troubled by what he pared by former Internal R ev- - shall adopt such rules and regu- sirable neighborhood, $17,- In tbe thirteenth spot the pre­ toe eating of pork or p ork chines rented and repaired. | service. J.~ D.~ R ^ t y , 643-6129. HAIRDRESSER — Stylist, at­ year. Write S. W. Swallow, spinet organ, m ahogany, $800. tion to buy. Write Box C, Her­ family size kitchen, 8 large COVENTRY — Lakefront home! caUed toe unfairnees of exclud­ enue agent in convenience of Pres., Southwestern Petroleum MGOT ROOM apartment cen- j^tions as It shall deem appro- 600. vious week. products not thoroughly cooked. home. Individual < and Pickup and delivery aervice. tractive, experienced. Top sal­ Cost new $1,040. Call 64312618. trally located, available Im­ ald. bedrooms, paneled living room, $20,500 6 room ranch, firep la ce, 3-aying 999T. program and for such other pro- Contact PhUbrick A gency, 649- bedrcMms, 2 baths, lot 72x161. carpeting, combination win­ moved her Into a swank four- M i^ St., Manchester. Hours tlques. Open every day except lot, 180 feet frontage, $2,700. 3329. overseas Jobs with extras, M onday. 481 E . M iddle Turn­ g;rama as may be designated by 8464, fo r details. Marion E. Robertson, Realtor, dows, good location. $19,9(X). Wolverton Agency, Realtor, bedroom towhhouee where she S P E C IA l dally 7-6. H iursday 7-6. Satur­ travel expenses. . Write only: FOUR ROOMS, central location, toe Board of Directors from 643-6953. U A R R ealty Ck)., Inc. 648- CHARLES LESPERANCE etui Uves. She works in Baker’s INCOME TAXES prepared by day 7-4. 643-7968. Business Opportunities 32 pike. 643-7222, 64*4618. ______Foreign Service Bureau, Dept. Situations Wanted— $60, first floor, adults. 649-9178. time to time. _ 2692, R . D. M urdock, 643-6472. 649-7620 law office. retired Internal Revenue of­ Houses For Sale 72 WEST SIDE CAPE—Six rooms, _ _ 1 ______TWO BUILDINQ lots, mime lo The Rules Committee which fice r. M arvin Baker, 648-6277. LAWN MOWERS, sharpened! B E A U T Y SHOP for sale,' 369, Bradenton Beach. Florida. Male 39 AVAILABLE MARCH 1 — 6 Section IV: 3 or 4 bedrooms, fireplace, MANCHESTER — Ansaldl ’The Citizens Advisory Com­ cation, city utilities. PhUbrick Tuesday heard Baker refuse and repaired, sales and serv ground floor, fully equipped, rooms with garage, no small MODERN, Immaculate 8-bed- porch, rec r? land, ex­ Machine Co. and service. Capitol Equip­ APPROPRIATIONS town-wide basis. The Citizens garage, patio, assumable mort­ Downstairs offers 4 large WE HAVE well qualified buy­ tional grounds, including the Mon? Don’t despair! See Hon-1 au sizee Venetian blinds Keys type suitable for cross country b o w e r s s c h o o l — 7 room bright rooms, fireplace, wall- $25,800. U ft R Realty Co., Inc., Fifth Amendment, for ms re­ cellent gravel bank, thou­ ment Co., 81 Main 8t„ Man­ BOARD QF DIRECTORS Advisory Committee shall meet gage, m onthly paym ents $116. ers anxious to buy homes m est Douglas. Inquln. about low- > made while you wait ’Tape Re trip, reasonable. C all /649-7287. Cape, full shed dormer, fire­ to-wall carpeting, lav. Upstairs, 648-2692, R . D. M urdock, 648- sands of yards, good market HAS IMMEDIATE chester. Open dally 7-6, Thurs- TOWN OF MANCHESTER, with toe Manchester Redevel­ Bel A ir R ea l E state, 648-9332. Manchester. If you want your fusal to answer. est down, smallest payments I corders for rent Marlow’s 88? place, garage, near all schools, 3 extra t^n sized bedrooms 6472. He also hit at the Senate anywhere. No small loan ^ fi- for gravel, good location for Jay 7-9, Saturday 7-4. CON N ECm CU T opment Agency and Its consult- home sold quickly and ef­ SNOW Main, 649-6221. OPENINGS FOR ONE NEW, one converted . . . $16,000. Owner 649-1795. with ceramic bath. Also, an i------Rules Committee’s probe as a . nance company plan. Douglas motel. ’This whole package for Notice is hereby given that involved______in__ developing______ficiently, call Vin Bogglni, EXPERIENCED ),000 B .T.U . gas h eater; 14 Rooms Without'Board 59 ______Comer of Starkweather and excellent mortgage assumption BONABTOE VALUE in a pleas- Realtor, Bel Air Real Estate, "legal Jungle” and an unlawful N%(otor8, 383 Main. $31,500. Doii’t wait. Tom Minor, toe Board of Directors, Town of plans and shall convey Its ideas Green Road. Two homes, one 146 CHESTNUT S T R E E T -T re ­ B roker, 876-5042. OPERATORS: posslblUty; CaU today. Wesley residential area. 6 rooms 643-9332. "legislative trial.” Building—tiontrartifig 14 CLEAN, comfortable room for! <^»pecticuC will Md‘th“ TdeM of'otimw a three down and three up two mendous value. Immaculate 8 R . Smith A gency, 649-1894. plus garage, living - dining Myron G. Ehrlich, Miss Ty­ 1956 FORD wagon Country Se­ motor, never in salt water. gentleman. 4 Pearl St. Call hold a Public Hearing In toe m project to toe Redevelop' Leon P iela, 36 B irch Street. famUy, the other a four and room , 2 bath sem i-ranch, 13 rooms have waK-to-wall car­ ler’s Washington lawyer, de­ dan, 4-door, V-8, automatic, ADDITIONS — Rec rooms, re­ TOOLMAKERS 643-9363. 1 Municipal Building Hearing ment Agency and shall particl- Help Wanted— Female 35 four (new). The smaller one is years old, fireplaced Uvlng TWO FAMILY FLAT—Reduced peting, high assumable mort- vVANTED - B-zone lot. Oall clined in advance of today’s radio, heaterT excellent condi­ modeling, bathrooms tiled, ce­ A L L ROUND room, beautiful heated roc gage, lev el lot 300 feet deep— i 040.4291 tion. <^U 649-5032. DUO-’THERM 3 room gas heat- ---- ZZ ^le same manner with selling for $17,900, the new one to sell immediately at $16,300, public bearing to discuss wheth­ ment floors. Call 649-4291. PILGRIM MILLS has openings MACHINISTS er, 1958 m odel, $40. CJall 843-, M anchester H ousing A u - fo r $24,600. Can m ake an at­ room with speaker system, redecorated and modernized, a children’s delight. Asking BLOWERS er B.ie i.’ould be a more inform- only $14,900. Wesley R. Smith CONSIDERING SELLING your 1983 LINCOLN Continental, QUALITY CARPENTRY- salesladies. Apply to Man- TURRET LATHE ______I thqrlty on lU request tractive deal if sold together. $19,600. Call 649-6661. minimum down, 30 year financ­ Pilgrim Mills, 177 Hart- le proposed change and re- Excellent financing,, t(X). There ing available. Act quick—a gen­ Agency^ 649-1894. ______, si^ie m d(wble home? Or ^ Veporter "she will black with red leather interior, Rooms, dormers, porchei OPERATORS $16,200 — C om fortable 6 room • DEMONSTRATORS 9,000 m iles, like new. $4,600. basements refinisbed, ca' R oad, M anchester, 10 vlsfen may be seen In toe Town Is an assumable $18,800 mort- uine bargain. Wesley R. Smith lot that is Just aceum^ati^ object to televialcm c bedrooms, recreation room, 1961 CHEVROLET Convertible, landscaped yard. Morion E. ENJOY breeseway, garage, ceramic SELJJNO YOUR HOME? Call from toe Senate’s big caucus rages. additions, attics fin­ MILUNG MACHINE Main Street, parking. 69 Birch Settlement of Claims . . necOcut, this 24th day of Feb- standard, black with white top, POSITION OPEN for an ei WATCH AND JEWELRY re­ Street. 649-7129. R oberteon, R ealtor. 648-6963. tllq bath and kitchen, assume Paul J. Correnti Agency, 643- room where the hearing was USED ished, general repairs. No Job $ 4,000 ruary 1964. mortgage, only $16,200. Carlton red interior. Excellent condi­ perienced accounts receivable OPERATORS pairing. Pronqit service. Up to to be financed by 6363. Qualified buyers w aiting heW. tion. Small down payment— too sm all. Call 643-2629. $20 on your old watch In trade. MANCHB8TER-Modem, cen W. Hutchins, R ealtor, 649-6182. CLEAN AND SIMPLE The committee Is investigat­ ^ k eeper Apply Personnel, i q ^NERAL MACHINE FURNISHED ROOM near Increasing the estimat­ Wonderful' suburban living for multiple dwellings, Don’ t take over payments. 643-0201. Iona Manufacturing Co., Re­ Closed Mondays. F. E. Bray, troUy located Cape, near ing whether Baker was involved OPERATORS Main Street. 9 Hazel Street. ed receipts from State in this 6 room Ranch, 8 MANCHESTER — B eau­ delay—call today. BLOWERS UP Roofing—Siding 16 gent St., Mancherester. 787 Main Street, State Theater 849-3170. schools, bus, shopping, fire- in conflict-of-interest business 1955 FORD FAIRLANE, green DRILL PRESS Building. Grants from State of j lace, aluminum storms. Vln bedrooms, 1% baths, din­ tiful Dutch Colonial quality If you want a comfortable deals or other Improprieties ing L, oversized garage, and white, body, transmission A. A. DION, INC- Roofing, )R gentlemen, one Connecticut 1963/64.. |22,000 Septic TiMks iogginl, Bel' Air Real Estate, home, 6 rooms, garage, quiet home with all city conven­ while employed by toe senate. OPERATORS Increasing the estimated j screened rear patio, finished Legal Notice good, engine needs overhaul,! siding, palnti^. Carpentry. Al­ block from BlaLi Street, klttto- g643-9883. neighborhood, handy to schools iences, see this 6 room The investlgaticm was ordered WE STILL HAVE A FEW LEFTr- CUTTER GRINDERS A N D * rec room, beautlfud wooded $76. Call between 4-8 p.m . terations and additions. Ceil­ Garden— Pmrm-—Dairy en privilegee, parking. 848-6137, receipts in property I and stores. Asking price $17,- Cape, today. Located on „ ...... after Baker, 36, resigned from 643-5271. j INTERNAL GRINDING ta xes ...... $1,600 MANCHESTER — Year old 6 setting. Immediate occu­ 900. F rederick M . Gaal, B rok­ BUT WE SUGGEST YOU'D BETTER ings. Workmanship gtmran- HIGH SCHOOL Products •’iO 843-9828 Plugged Sewere Center St., it features 6 a x' ” * "couS t OP “ p r o b a t e 819.600 post after allegations teed. 299 Autumn St 643-4860. OPERATORS Reducing 1063/64 appropria- room ranch, buUt-in kitchen, pancy. er, 643-2682, 648-0381. rooms, garage, nicely land­ holden at Coventry within and tor he was using hlZ Senate pOBl- 1967 CHEVROLET, V-8, 2-door, EXTERNAL GRINDING APPLES — Macs, Baldwins, FURNISHED ROOMS, complete tlons as follows: wall-to-waU carpeting, nat scaped lot. Call Bill Fraz­ the DIetrict of Coventry on the 34th, flon to further hts private for- BE HERE EARLY! 2-tone Green, radio, heater, BIDWBLL HOME Improvement SENfeRS Greenings, Delicious, Bflne- I^bt housekeeping famUes. Police...... $6,000 Machine Gleaned Ural wo(xiwork, attached ga­ INVEST, don’t spend—Buy this ier at our Manchester office day of February A.D. 1964. | whitewalls. (^11 649-6048. OPERATORS income producing 2 family, Present. Hon. Elmore Turkington, tt®*®- Company - Roofing, siding, al­ saps, Romes, Starks. Bunce Centrally located. Mrs. Dorsey, W elfare...... $3,000 Septic Tanks, Dry Wells, rage, $17,900. H ayes A gency WARREN E. HOWLAND to see this bargain priced Judge. ■ terations, additions and re­ SURFACE GRINDING F arm , 629 W. C enter. 648-811A 14 Arch Street, Manchester. Insurance ...... $6,400 848-4808 ideally situated in southeast 1965 OLDSMOBILE, aK pow er, If you are interested in Sewer Lines InataUed—Od- hom e selling for $14,800. On motion of Herman Aliard, Ad- WASHINGTON (AP) — The modeling of all types. Excel­ working part-time .after OPERATORS David M. Bariy, 850 Main St., Manchester Manchester, the wise investor mintstrator, Juniper Drive. Coven- . . v and nartv virla good running condition, $166. lent FURNISHED ROOMS for gen­ lar Waterproofing Done. NORTH CXJVBNTRY - Near will call today. Wesley R. try, Conn., on the estate of Inge- subject o l ^ w a party girts PARTS and SERVICE 643-7198. dp. 649-6496. school or wi Saturdays now, (BLANCHARD) S ecretary 643-1108 bord Allard, late of Coventry ^ h - has finally been brought Into toe during your senior year Household Goods 51 tlemen, free parking; also, Board of Directors P arkw ay. L ike new 614 nx>m Smith A gency, 640-1894. ASSEMBLERS cabins with efficiencies. CaU MoKINNEY BROS. Cofoalal-Ronch, 5 acres, 3-cor JARVIS REALTY CO. ln_sald district deceas^. \ Bobby Baker hearings and Re- O n A ll Roofing and ClUmnevs I6-A and EVERYTHINO IN sterilised re- Manchester, Conn. MITCHELL EXCHANGE—5H then STOCK ROOM CLERK Scranton Motel and Cabins, Dated at MMCheater, Con­ garage, early American. Hayes m ^ a a ll^ !^ 1964 BUICK, not In operating conditicniM] used fundtun and 649-0836, between 6-7. Sewerage Disposal Co. A g o ie y , 848-4803. room ranch on high 1% acre REALTORS MLS IN8UROR8 foe cUtUton of aald:) estata to as- angle that shouldn’t be hushed condition, <3all 876-4928. on SHIPPING AND necticut this 20th day of Febru­ EIGHT LARGE rooms for only hibit their clalma agatnat the aame I up_» MAKES OF BLOWERS ROOFING — Specializing re­ lUances, high quality - low 180-189 Pearl St.—668-6S08 treed lot, 2-car garage, full ^ ...... and dlrecta, pairing roofs of all kinds, new a RECEIVING CLERK LeBlanc Binmlture. 196 ROOM and board, part meals a ry 1964. MANCHB8TBR - Two famUy $17,900. D esirable B uckley cellar, fireplace, 8 b^rooms, 648-4112, 876-0625 to the Administrator M d dlre^ party girl questlcm was full-time basis after gradu­ School Area. Older home, re­ that public notice be given of this roofs, gutter work, chimneys TOOL CRIB Street, R ockville. 878- free for errands, or kitchen 6-6, walking distance to bus kitchen with dining area, oil E ves. 649-7314, 643-4118 order by advertising in a new^ flung into tbe pubUc record FOR SALE—1963 Ford, good for cleaned, repaired. Aluminum ation in June, please apply 217A Open 9-8. privU eges. 640-6469. line, 8 large bedrooms, big cently redone . . . modern paper having a circulation ra in eaia said Tuesday for the first time OS parts. C all 643-4688. ATTENDANT kitchen, excellent heating sys­ heat, $14,900. Wolverton Agen­ siding. 30 years’ experience. to our Personnel Dept. kltohan with d in ^ area. Uv- cy, Rmtitor, 649-2818. ulereof' on""L‘*^b?lc sign ‘port Z the Senate Rules ^mmlttee Free estimates. Call Howley, DINING ROOM set, excellent NICE FRONT room to rant, Ing room, utiUty room, very tem, paneled famUy room. said Town of Coventry nearest the questioned Baker, resifpied sec- conditiafi, table, 6 chairs, china next to bath, free pariting. SPECIALTY SALESMAN WANTED Only one bath but space ga­ Auto DrlYtag School 7-A 643-6361. 643470. CONNECTICUT APPLY condition. Reduced to $31,• BOLTON—Ansaldl Acres. Now _ , place where the deceased last rgtary to the Senate’s Demo- ca M n et C all 849-6870 after 6 Call 6434428. 400. Good Infestment Wolver- lore for another. Vacant, will being open. Ranches, raised SIX ROOM Cape, near school, dweit. — Icratio majority, about his busi­ trade, too. T. J. Oockett, Real­ Certified from R eo<^ MUTUAL .p.m . HICH 4“PIGURE POTENTIAL ton A g m cy , R ea ltor. 849-2818. ranges and Colonials, acre lot bus, shopping, 2-car ga^ e, ELMORE TURKINGTON. Judge. ness dealings. Radlo-TV Repair SINGLE UGHt houaekeeping tor, 64S-1677, (approximately) with trees.! aluminum siding, comWna- CAPITOL LIFE INSURANCE CO. THE Sen. Corf T. Curtis, R-Neb„ room, aU cooking faculties, FoD tiias Job for a Bunily man over 25, to sell fad LONDON PARK — Six room Q uality built h om es b y An- Ocxui, knotty pine kitchen, flrS' E-ZLERN ' Services 18 140 Garden S t, Hartford $14,900—A ir eonditiontait, dlzb- asked Baker whether he hod G. B. 9 CU. FT. refrigerator. w orking la d y only. 648-8888. > nooma finished, 3 years S dl. For further Infomatlon place, wall Lo wall canjet, CARLYLE JOHNSON GaU 843-9044. snd heating equipment to established custraners in waober, fireplace, lAiga Utob- PAPER MILLS SOLO supplied entertainment “ Includ­ Oriving Schoed OONNIB'S TV and Radio Sarv^ wooded lot, $1^990. oall Charles Lesperance, 649- many extras. Must sell, $16,- ing party girls” for various ice, available sD hours. BaUs- MACHINE COMPANY the Greater Hartford Area. Pull training prognun. A gen cy, 849-8484. en, .roomy 8 bedroom ranch, 7eao. I 900. PhUbrick A gen cy, M9-8464, EQUIPMENT Co., Inc. factioo guaranteed. Can 6( SEWING machine operators, 8 BENGAL GAS and gas stove, PLEASANT ROOM for gentle- . 106x260 lot. Don’t wait. Carlton NEW YORK (AP)—Swanee bualneetmen. OMusetleut’s lom st, suto- a.m.-4;S0 p.m. Eiroerience pre­ good condition, $40. Gold 8pot| man, parking. 64 High Street W. Hutchins, Realtor,'648-6U2. Paper Corp. boa acquired the! Baker refused to answer. 1«U . 53 MAIN ST„ MANCHESTER SalaiT sad commisaion. Fuel oil sale experience de­ UANGHB8TER — 6 room Cape ,BO. WINDSOR - 614 Foster' JEN8RIN STREET - New 6 mstic sad stsadiud shift, ferred. Apply Ka-Klar Toy refrigerator, good condition, ------— sirable but not easentiaL In quiet but convenient loca­ Sanitary Paper Mills Inc- of The committee also released 38 MAIN ST„ MANCHBSTB!U.«48.7»88 free pick-up service, tsea- $80. CaU 8494716, VERNON — 6H room ranch, Street. 6 room split on acre nxnn Ranch, near zcboolz and Hortfoid In exchange for 86,000 a tronsorlpt of a Dec. 10 c lo ^ Com pany. 00 HiUJard Street. tion, level let with trees. oU hot ■lumping center, oU utlUUee, ags olsssroom, older scenic view. Immaculate condi­ lot. Not in develMunent. Own­ Bwonee ehona Both finnaj-door sssuon in which Curtis BfiOineiy, Dressmaking (19 Rooms Board 59-A water beat, aluminum stonu F ^ finonci^. Will consider DAILY 7 to IL—THURS. 7 to f —SAT. 7 to i Bsmus students our ' n s- WANTED—Part-time cosmeti­ WANTED M Bxpsrl«)ced car­ BUn/F-ml Fllgldaite disfawash. Wc and aoreens, rec room,,8 bM- tion, wolk-out basement, obi- ers tran sferred. Graod value at vwaira sonltsTy tissu s papsT^-oiid Ssn. Hugh Scott, R * R e - C i^ it. |0» LADIES’ and gentlemen’s cus­ cian, all store benefits. Apply penter’s h^wr to do sheath- w , uaed 6 months. $186; port- ROOM AND BOARD for slder- minum etorma, zereens, city $16,SOOtOan Madeline Smilto. trade. Builders, Ghsriss Pon- looms. Immaculate througn- tlcalll, Barney Petennon, 64*- produotSL Sanitary wlU bs aiguad Om omnintttes’s «^»or- GUI te fm tieofc- tom tailoring and alteraticns. M r. H art, A rthur D rug, 943 tog and ooRdeea, nsaded Im­ able electric pleno imported ly persons. ChU after $ p.m. sai“Sisi •at. S18,800. Woteertoti Ageooy, w ater, o n ly : $3.4,806. H ayee Realtor, 64»-]642, or evenings te siWlOte BiatNW. M t 643-1364. ‘ S t,‘ Manchester. m ediately. C$U 876-1100. ' from Italy, $40. 8444I8A. 649-1430. S 43“4 2 e f Agenoy, 84l'6l08,i 6 t t « ie . M4A. a io ju s a ..' (l I I ( : ■t’

{ ■ l it A il V

, N

WEDNESDAY* FEBRUARY 26, 1964 ManrliiifisiFr cvfttitis Herald, Average Daily Net Prero Hna 'I h e , ^ will appoint a committee, hesA- For the Weak Wndad Fmeeaet a € n - i The British Amertcen Club The Guard Club of Mystic Re­ ed by Mimehsater State view , WBA, wUl m eet Friday Democrats Vote F ebruary 2S, 1964 wU sponsor ai dance for mem­ W W toH ost santotive A t^. Paul Groobsrt, DONT dear and as bers and gu e^ Saturday from at 8 p.m. at the home of Mrs. to look out for Manchester In- ■ 'm Joseph Goulet, 829 HlUiard St. Increase to 70 Stai plenty of wear M t 16 to 16. ! nM Mancbcater CbxtoUan 9 pjn. to 1 a.m. Charile Var- tereste in future reapporUon- 1 3 ,9 1 1 rtck’s orobestra will furnish the in your ahfMs when yon cloudy late In 0»a* Toath OouncU wiQ ifxnuor a The DAV Auxiliary will spon­ State Dance m ent to Jthe State L e^ sla tu r^ m usic. In Membership hnve them rebnUt in n Itembar of tha Audit vurleW show entitled “Worid sor a social and games totnor- as w ell as hi the realignment of . Bucaau at CtreulstloB the TLS. CJongresslonal Districts professlonnl shM rennlr n d r Prevlerwa’* at Bailey Audi* row at 7:80 p.m. at the VFW Anderson Shea Post a t th e Maneketter^A City o f VUtago Charm and State Senatorial Dlstrlota shop. ALL W O l H i ■ tpituni o< Miandiester High Mother Cabrini’s Mothers H om e. Veterans el Foreign W an will Tlw Demoomtlc Town Oom- Near tee close of laat nights OUARANTiaDDt SoliodI on March 14 at 8 p.m. Circle will meet tonight at 8:15 host the atmual miliUiry ball of m ittoe v oted lo s t nlgfait to in - r rocaeda WUl benefit the ooun* at the home of Mrs. Charles voM lito m em berahip to 70, meetiiv, the committee was MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1964 (Ofawelfled Advertiring jek-Pnga St) PRICE SEYiRlI C E N ^ * V the Department of Connecticut shown slides, and listened to an VOL. LXXXm , NO. 128 (TWENTY-lJOUB PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) efl’a foreign exchange student Strom, 118 Lioomls St*. at the Aimory on Saturday to make room for "the many, SAM YULYES progtem. Adult and student Three at School able young Democrats, who explanation, o f the prt^poaoj* A nekets may be obtained from from 9 pjn. to 1 a.m, Tony pliuui fo r N orth Hhid Renewm. Same Bide na WattdM The CMden Age Club wlU O’Bright's. oichestra will fur­ light otberwiae lose Intezost in any nanber of the Touth Ooun- duve poMitioal portioipaiUon. The presentation was made 8S OAK STBBrr meet tomorrow at 1 p.m. in the Entering Contest nish tile music for dancing. ohib rooms to celebrate its 11th The move marka the third by BtKnurd Rybesyk, executive OFIOf MONDATM The selection and coronation director of the Manchester Re­ anniversary. Luncheon will be Three students at Howell Che­ Ume in the last ten yean teoit ita . Baibara Sanso of the of Miss VFW of 1064 will high­ the memberahip of the commit­ development Agency; and Alex­ served. light tiie evening’s activities. Maila Horman Studios of Man- ney Technical School are par­ tee has been inoivased— from ander Penny, chairman of the Judging of the nine finalists (heater waa the guest speaker ticipating in the 1984-65 Ma­ 40 to 80 in 1058, and from 60 Citizen's Advisory Committee. laat sfvening at the meeting of Frank J. Mansfield Marine from Manchester, Naugatuck, Corps League Auxiliary will chine Trades Contest being to 60 in 1088. the Manchester WATBS. Tech- New Canaan, Hartford, East The Inoreaoe in oommittee niquea of proper facial cleans­ Oponsor a rummage sale tomor­ iponsored nationally by the Hampton, Guilford, Eaet Hart­ row beginning at 9 a.m. in the “ ilkle Bro.thers Foundation of membera will hecesaHate an im­ Masonic Leader March ing and makeup application W1 ford and Middletown will be F alter mediate change in the oomanit- LEASE were' d'emonatrated, with Mrs. store next to the State Theater, Des Plaines, III. based on appearance, poise and Main St. Members wishing ’They are Edward Perkins Jr., te’s bylaws. The amended by­ T o Attend Whirl THB Beanard TeHier as the model. personality. TTie queen w ill be laws, by state law, must remain pickup service may call Mrs. a post graduate student, Ed­ the representative of 97 VFW Jerry Saplenza, 134 Walker S t; Pardy photo on flic for 60 ds^ in tee of­ 1964 Advertisement— ward Rothe, a senior, and Fran­ Posts throughout Coiinecticut. Moat Worshipful Grand Mas­ Mrs. I^ter Cordera, 191 Eld- cis Staves, a junior, all in the fices of tee searerairy of state Miss Diane Donovan, an In­ Engaged and the town clerk, before the ter and Mrs. Frank H. Llnsley Tour banker Is your friend. ridge St.; or Mrs. Harrison tool and die department. Robert structor at the Hanover Model­ of the Grand Lodge of Connec­ CAR WUson, 80H Bluefledd Dr. J. Pintavalle, tool and die in­ The engagement of Miss Su­ Increase can go into effect Events Any time is a convenient time ing School, Hartford; Bob Ells­ Chairman Ted Cummings ticut will attend the Winter Of Your ChoiM Seventh on Jury V - LBJ Says Tax Cut structor, is supervising their san Bjorlman to Joh H. Mor- for the helpful staff here to talk worth, WTTC radio and televi­ announced tee timetable for Whirl aponaored by Mancheater oVer your financial problems Officers and parish chairmen p rojects. sion announcer; and State Sen­ hardt, both of Manchester, has Lodge of Miasona Saiturday • Yearly The competition, open to all been announced by her peur- the U-snnual election of oom­ and answer your questions. You of the Manchester Chapter of ator Arthur Lucas of Chaplin, mittee .membera. night at the Elks Home. • M o n th ly In State ca n 1m sure of qualified, depend­ students in machine and tool ents, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard the Holy Family Retreat chairman of the Military and M arch 10— ^Publish n otice fo r The announcement was made • Weekly Bolsters Economy able advice at the Connecticut League will meet' tomorrow at and die departments, is being Bjqrkman of 38 Hollister St. For Darwin Trial Veterans Affain Committee, Worahipful Miagter Carl C. sponsored on the state level by Her fiiince, 'who Uvea at 33 possible May 6 primary. Bank and Trust Company. They, 8 pm . at the Knights of Colum- will constitute the panel of March 25—Fuection of 60 ultgren of Manchester Lodge. the Connecticut Vocational As­ Htfi'lister St., is the son of the MORIARTY / too, are vitally concerned with biLs H om e. A rrangem ents w ill judges. Miss Dorothy Fargo of committee membera. (Draes ia aemi-formal. A buf­ Policeman Saved yoim aims in providing a secure sociation . late Mr. and Mrs, Frank Mor- WASHINGTON (AP)—The historic tox biU is signed be completed for the annual East Hampton, who was select­ May 6—Primary Day if nec­ fet wiiU be served ai 8 p. m., BROTHERS By A. g. OHEMA8I and satisfying life for yourself The students, competing to hardt. oommunion breakfast to be held ed Miss VFW at last year’s essary. and Dave Kennedy’s orchestra The seventh juror was selected today In the first de­ After Garroting and sealed, and its big cargo of reductions will begin and family. You are always wel­ Aprils. become the state winner, hone military ball, will be on hand to Miss Bjorkman graduated will provide music. 801 Center Bt being delivered to taxpayers right after March 5. to receive as their prize a one- May 8—Committee membera Manchester gree murder trial of Roy F. Darwin of Andover. He is come at 8B3 Main, 15 North assist vrith the coronation cere­ from Mount St. Joseph’s Acade­ (60) take office. William R. Sandberg Is gen­ and the Parkade. week all-expense. t ^ to the my, West Hartford, and Dean 643-6180 HARTFORD (AP) — A President Johnson signed it into law Wednesday night Members of the cast of scenes monies of the 1964 queen. The town committee will then eral chairman, and Waiter A Charles L. Stewart of Columbia, father of an 18-year- 4, 6, 6, 7 and 8 in the Chil­ New York World’s Fair. Frank A. Sturges Jr. of Wa- Juiiior College, Franklin, Maae. Person Jr., is in charge of tick- Hartford policeman nar­ and told the nation in a radio and television address it is Liocal contest chairman is meet sometime after the 60-dsy old girl.' Stewart was the fifth jury prospect questioned dren’s Wing production of terbury. State VFW command­ She is employed by Dr. Ber­ waiting period (for filling the eta, which ora still evt^labie. this morning as the trial went'^ rowly escaped death early “the single most important step we have taken to Gordon M. Shaw, carpentry in­ nard J. Sheridan. “Toby Tyler’’ will rehearse to­ er, and Mrs. Mildred Rogala of bylaw amendnoents) to elect Into Its third day at Tolland cused by the state was Albert this morning when he was strengthen our economy since World War II.” night frtm 6:30 to 8:80 in the structor. The judges will be Mr. Morhlurdt, a graduate of Saiwr i 0tM t* (•» M msI Middletown, department auxil­ tee additional 10 oommittee County Superior Court in Rock­ Bray of Coventry. He was asked strangled with a length of Noting that John F. Kennedy had “inspired and pro­ Little ’Theater of Manchester Maurice Clarke, head of the iary president, wlll‘ lead the Manchester High School, is an niem bers. by Special Asst. State’s Atty. Howell Cheney machine depart­ ville. Judge Alva P. Loleelle is posed” the $11.5-billion cut—the biggest in history— basement rooms at 46 School grand march climaxing the ball. electrician ai^rentioc' and Is May 6 is also the day chos«i Btalo G. Onuttl if he thought bailing wire in a rear yard ment, and Miller Haugh, works presiding. St. Reservations and tickets may employed by tee Seymour by the State Democratic Com­ the rights of the accused had on John St. Johnson hurried off to the home of the late President’s manager, and Robert Prescher, A juiy of 13 plus two alter­ be obtained by contacting Ed­ Freedman Eaectrlcal Co., Btort- mittee as primary day for the nates Is needed before testi­ been violated. Bray replied he Policeman Leo P. taPage was widow to present her and her two children, John Jr. The Infant Jesus of Prague toolmaker, both of the Mai Tool win Edwiards, Co-chairman, at ford . election ot opposition slates of mony can get underway./ Both didn’t think so. This Is the first taken to Hartford Hospital and Caroline, with three of the pens he hsid used to Mothers CSrcle will meet tomor­ Co. The wedding will take place the VFW Home, 608 E. Cmter delegates to State Conventiems. the state and defense attorneys time such a question haa been where he Is being treated for sign it. row at 8 p.m. at the home of The state winner will be an­ S t at St. Mary’s Episcopal Church Cummings said that there asked of a praspeetlve Juror In Injuries to his vocal cords. M rs. Jam es B lanchfield, 81 nounced during the second week are hopeful that testimony can ’The tax bUI, w hich te e Sen­ Sale . on April 28. has been no year In his recol­ begin by next week. t e e tr ia l According to Capt. Thomas White S t o f M arch. J. Hankard the policeman in a ate completed final congression­ lection when It was necessary More than 60 prospective Jur­ Bight Jury prospects were al action on Wednesday by a 74 TaxFacts questioned by council for the dazed and semi-conscious con­ cepta the CRC recommenda- to hold a Democratic primary FISK ors, about half the available to 19 vote, wUl redu ce taxes for Charter Meeting locally, for either convention defense and etate before court dition staggered through the tions without change, the pro­ Jury list for thia session, have 80 million individuals by almost posals will become final for a delegates or town committee was adjourned for lunch. Se­ rear d oor o f Ehigine Ck>mpany At Glance been considered. About 17 more lection of a jury was sched­ I’s headquarters on Main St. one-fifth, on the average, by Uwmtti tiiAikmH Set for Monday townwide referendum. m em bers. about 9 per cent for 550,000 busi­ A g^b^wAiwM Jury prospects have been sum­ uled to continue this afternoon. about. 4:10 a.m. and collapsed 1 However, If the board rejects Cummings aimounced that he nesses. The cuts are retroactive I «m 3 # j moned for tomorrow if today’s The accused sat quietly at A on the floor. WASHmOTON (AP)—flera Mayor Francis J, Mahoney any of the propoedls, or sug­ Uat of 28 la exhausted. to Jan. 1. has rescheduled to Monday a gests any changes, the projwsed table with two of his attorneys Fireman Leonard Wallace, on a t a ghutoe ace ilaoto oa tto tax fi I The state today turned down watching the proceedings. He Is Johnson In his 15-minute ad­ SMORGASBORD special meeting of the board of revisions win go back to the the night watch, removed the dress said the measure "will day night by President John* !TiiaL entry who admitted she was Is accused of strangling Hope I police. I (CRC). days In which to return the pro­ pretty “soft-hearted” when Roth(9elI o f Bolton on Sepj. 18. ’The theory is, as Johnson ex­ Individaals: 80 million The date originaUy decided posals to the board of direc- Capt Francis J. Foley and plained: “As you spend this Americans get tax cate averag­ •"Helanoa is the registered SECOND CONG. CHURCH asked by the state If she was Hie 17-year-oId rirl was last D et Michael Ckinnane question-1 upon, March 4, Is already tora for final approval or re- SPECIALS agaliut capital puifishment. seen alive when she left a 4-H money at tee grocers or depart­ ing nbout 10 per cent. Pny TM of the Heberleia Patent ed the jraUceman at Hartford ment. store, the grocer and de­ O orp ." scheduled for a meeting of the jeetkm . “I always feel sorry for tho meeting in Rockville. Darwin checks etorting Marrii 5 win SPONtolUBD BYi WOMEN'S FELLOWSHIP boerd of directors, the board of H osp ita l partment store owner in turn be fatter refleeting drop la The board must then set a underdog,” she said, but added had also attended the meeting. He told them that he entered His daughter Lynda Bird stands near as President Johioson picks a pen to sign education and the general man­ will spend it for their own withholding rate from 18 to 14 TWO SITINGS — 5:00-6:30 data for a special or regular Jteat she wants to see Justice M r. and M rs. Jerfin C . Roth- the John S t yard at 4 a.m. that the tax cut bill. Among those at the White House ceremony are, from left ager on tee school budget. referendum on the accepted needs—and in this fashion, the per cent. Betroaettve to Inet b b a *'** " w n e . faces tee rear of the firehouse in front row: Secretary of the Treasury Douglas Dillon; Sen. Everett Dirk- money wUl circulate through the For IteaervatloBa - TelefriioBe 649-0188, 649-0494, 840-1088 Monday’s charter change con­ questions. Healing Soap Another proepsotive Juror ex­ (See Page Six) Jnn. 1. Oorporatloae: Baeletex (X^sIdofL to question a man and a woman sen, R-Ill.; Sen. Frank Carlson, R-Kan.; Sen. Russell Long, D-La. (AP Photo­ economy raising the demand liaMHty for 650,000 corpen^ i sideration meeting win be held Mayor Mahoney nas said that who were seated in a car. DRUG COMPANY TICKETS OHIDLBEN, 6-10. fL UNDER 6, FREE at 8 p.m. In the hearing room he is in favor of a referendum fax.) , for go^s several times tee tions cut by nbout 0 per cent, He said that while question­ amount of the tax cut.” 901 Main 8b—648-8881 of the Municipal BifikUng. In conjunction with tee October for Upset Skin ing the couple he was attacked ’the Treneury estimatoe tha If the board of direct^ ac- or November elections. All told about $800 million over-all effect wlU bo to reduce U year eampluioa b msmd by from the rear and the wire was more a month will be fired into corporate taxes 17 per oent b»> teashiua or cowssini sipsrlilly tt slipped around his neck. He said ALL FOUR WHEELS RELINED Boston Boycott Value the economy to speed it up, en­ caoea a t an inveetment credit brokin'oat In Uotehas or phnpha—giT* that was the lost thing he re­ large It, create more Job sand it tho healing eire of Eeoteriea Soap. EXPERT INSTALLATION Cuba Peeks'French Deny Plot provision and llbMalized do- membered until he amved at Xeotarlea Soap eboiuei Ik* lUm— ta s provide an ecoimmic fortress tee firehouse. ‘ preoiatioo rules eat o f hi lOftt. ■oep b aappoaad to dot And "doeloca*' Prem liun Big Pureba^ for “tee preservation of free­ President’s lewdloa: He haUed it *t the eeme time. Modem inuUyinc Q uality Argued; 10,000 Skip dom In the world.” madieetlone end germ-kiUere make The President urg4d Ameri- tha UU as "te e moot Imporhurt AO” Oversize Soya* Bodiea Found Kepterlee Soap the laat word la heeling, caiMi now put fitis llia o r y into stop wa have taken to a bten gO f elauMing can (or damaged oompbzioiie. H eat W m P HAVJUN (AP) — The Of U.S. Lard en our edonomy stoee Worid BOSTON (AP)—Bducation of-forad apd wbiu children in