TUESDAY, FEBRUABY lt«| fA G B FOURTEEN X, A venge Dnflj Nat Pnas Ron i 91ttn rl|p 0 ti?r lEo^nina For the Week Baaed F eb ru i^ S3, 1964' Mrs. Barbara D. Thomsen, so* Temple Chapter, Order o f World War I Barracka and dal consultant for the Statler Eastern Star, will have an In­ Auxiliary are reminded of the . 1 3 ,9 1 1 About Town Hilt<Mi Hotel, Hartford, will pre­ itiatory meeting tomorrow at all-day worluhop meeting to bA Next Curriculum Meeting 8 pjn. at the Masonic Temple. Member of the Audit I Til* Ifancheater Jaycees sent a slide program previewing held 8atur< t ' et 10 a.nl. In the the New York World’s Fair to­ Officers are reminded to wear English Room of the Bond Ho­ Cosmetics Bureau of Clmdikttoa mves will have a lobster sup* white gowns. For Teachers on March 3 Uwuthmsttr— A City of VUIagm Charm per tomorrow at 7 pjn. in the morrow at 8 p.m. at the iVhiton tel, Hartford. ’IlKMe attending Robbins Room at Center Con* Auditorium under the sponsor­ are also reminded to J | | g ig pen ITS ship of the Fine Arts Associa­ Supt. of S d i ^ William H. or pencil and paper. gr^stional Church. Dcmald The third In tMa yoLr’a seria^Arlina Kanyon, Grade 8; VOL. )LXXXIII» NO. 125 (TWENTY PAGES) MANCHESTER* CONN., WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1964 (OIUMWIid AdwtW ug en Pugu IS) Briggs, a registered reptesenta* tion. ’The show is open to ths Curtis this afternoon addressed of four released Uma curriculum Martha Lord, Grade 4; Mdsa Ja­ PRICE SBVIM ttve from Shearson HanuniU public. some 170 student teachers at The final class of tbs Rsd meetinga for all Manchester net Adcock, Grade 5; and Mrs. ahd Oa, will speak on "Invest- the Univeralty of Connecticut’s Cross Standard First Aid teaelien will be held ’Tuesday, Patricia Ouaort Grade 6. Her­ Uggetfs nents.” Reservations are still open ScKbol of Education at Stoirs. Course, postponed last week be­ March 8. bert Pagan! will chair the aec- for the smorgasbord, sponsored Dr. Curtis’ talk was aimed at cause of the stomi, will be held AU schools win hold half-day ondary. level dlacuaalon. At Tho Paricado X limited number of tickets by the Women’s Fellowship of the ethics of the teaching pro­ tomorrow at 7 p.m. at the Teen aesslons In order that teachers While the English curriculum Boycott on Wheat-Handling Events are available for a smorgasbord Second Congregational Church, fession and the teacher's re- Center, 39 School S t may att<^ the meetings vrtiich meetings are going on, second­ MANCHESTER Simday from 5 to 7 p.m. at to be held Saturday in Fellow­ sponaibilltiea in upholding them. beg^ at 1 p.nt or shortly there­ ary teachers in other subjects Edward D. Kelly, son o f Mr. the Masonic Temple. Chapman ship Hall of the church. There after. and special teachers will) hold Tax Cut Bill Approved; and Mrs. Walter A. KeUy, IS In State Court, Order of Amaranth, is will be two sittings, the first at St. Christopher’s Mother Cir­ The major seaeton wiU be a individual meetings at various spcmsor of the supper. Tickets 5 p.m. and the second nt 6:30 cle will meet Friday at 8:30 p.m. Laurel PI.; and Alfred R. Meek diacuaslqn of tho fikigllah curric­ Ended by Maritime Unions II. son o f Mr. and Mrs. Alfred schools throughout town. may be obtained from Mrs. p.m. Reservations may be made at the home of Mrs. John ulum which will be attended by Cfiiairmen of these meetings O’Niel, 54 Marshall Rd. Mem­ R. Meek I, 10 Congress St., re­ O u ^ v e A. Anderson, 710 W. by calling the church office, all elementary classroom teach­ are: Social studies, William Mrs. Lionel Nadeau, 29 Doane bers are reminded to bring cently enlisted in the United $287,086 P roject Middle Tpke., or Mrs. Charles ers and aU secondary English Dowd; mathematics, Leo Dh^^I WASHINGTON (AP) .^tbe agent for the Inmil eaid im ’ The agreement was worked St., Or Mrs. Edward Timbrell, canned goods. States Navy and are now under­ Lambert, Hwnlock Dr., Vernon. teachere. ’Thia will be held at science, Donald Warren; music. C A SH FU EL was certain it would bo hiaded out in s series of telephone calls 19 Indian Dr. going recruit training at the Waterfront unions are Invol'vlng Johnson, AFL - CIO On Army Drugs the Buckley School auditorium, Miss Martha White; art. Miss this week, afUr the Umran ia LBJ To Address Nation St. Margaret’s Circle, Daugh­ Naval Training Center at Great ready to resume loading beginning at 1 :45 p.m. Sally Frobisher; phsralcal edu­ SER V IC E filled. Both are to carry Conti­ President George W. Meany and ter of Isabella, will sponsor a Lakes, 111. 8 .retaiy of Labor W. Willard ’Hie executive board of the About 300 teachers at this cation, Mias Julia Case; lan­ ships with U.S. wheat for nental wheat Starts at UConn showing of spring hats and Save 18*00 On 800 OalloM Left uncertain was whether Wlrtx. Ladies Aid Society of Zion seaaion will hear OUbert Hunt, guages, Michael Guadano. the Soviet Union • by the jewelry tonight at 8 at the ’The family swim night regu­ the agreement would apply to a Here are the major pro­ HALL Lutheran Church will meet Manchester High School English Also, Industrial arts, Nell 24-Hodr Bamer Serrtea end of the week after end­ Thursday at 7:30 p.m. at the Knights of Columbus Home. larly held at the Manchester teacher and chairman o f the 700,000-ton udioat sale by Car­ visions: STORKS (AP) — The Mrs. Eugene F. Klely, chair­ High School on Wednesday eve­ Lawrence; commercial, Russell ing a 10-day boycott. gill, Inc. Cargill has an export ’There will be no waiver of the University of d!onnecticut Senate Votes home of Mrs. Irvin Secor, 144 English Curriculum Reviaion Wright; home economics. Miss High S t man, reminds members that nings, sponsored by the recrea­ The White House announced Ucense but no final shipping ar­ 50-60 rule on any future grain Committee, report on the prog­ Isabelle Regan; guidance, Mrs. has received $287,086 from F O R R E N T they may bring g^uests. tion department, will be can­ ress made by the committee r.o McKinney late ’Tuegday that the uniona rangements have been made. shipments to the Soviet Union. celed tomorrow because of Alice Hammar; librarians, Mrs. the Army Medical Research Inquire Llthnaalan Hall Members of Story Circle. date. Following the report. Hunt Lumber and Supply Oe. had agreed to load the wheat J. V. Lundgen, euperintendent In the case of shipments to 74 to 19 for Miss Milllcent Jones of Bol­ school vacation. It will be resum­ Evelyn Gerard; social workers. after President Johnson pledged of Cargill’s F o rt Arthur, Tex., Communist Satellites, as well as and Development C!om- 24 OOLWAT ST. South Methodist Church, will will teach two illustrative les­ meet tomorrow at 10:30 a.m. ton will represent the Manches­ ed next Wednesday evening. sons in linguistics, which pio- Miss Beth Hoffman; nurses, Est. 1947—Bolton that--in all future grain deals grain rievator eaid he expected to other countries around the mand, the largest research 642*0618—648*8400 at the church to work on braid­ ter Garden Club at a meeting vide a revolutionary new ap­ Mrs. Mary Hilditch; reading. with the Soviet Union—half of to start loading part of the Cer- world, the agreement will apply Key Measure of the Central Connecticut Miss Daisy Pilcher. project ever tackled by the FOB ALL OCCASIONS ed rugs, aprons and knitting proach to the teaching o f the Tel. 643-2141 the cargo would be carried In gill shipmentit la te tithis week or bags. Flower Show, Inc., next ’Tues­ Vocalist Heard structure of the EngliMi lan­ ’The fourth amd final released U.S. ships. ec 'y next week. (• e e Page Ten) state university. day at 10 a.m. at the Senior InKpfCShow guage. time curriculum meeting—for The late President John F. ’The money Is to be used, the WASHINGTON (AP) — Citizens Center, 7 N. Main St., By Women’s Club Ralph Lundberg of 26 Red­ Afterward, the teachers wlU science—is scheduled on March Kennedy had agreed to ship half university said today, to deter­ The Senate passed the tax mine how the Army’s 100 most West Hartford. Plans will be ding SL will be one o f the fea­ break up into groups arranged 31. of the grain in American ships cut bill today 74 to 19 and discussed for a flower show when the sales were ammged common drugs can beat be About 100 niembers of the tured artlata in the "Grand according to the age levels they sent it . to President John­ next year. teach to continue their w ork or. last fall. But the way was left shielded from the ravages of ad­ Mencheoter Women’s ClUb at­ Night of Muaic" to be preaented verse climates. son who immediately ar­ tended a m ating last night at the preparation and revision of open then to waive the require­ Two More Picked The 134th Military Police Co. by the Knighta of Columbua on the English syllabi, begun ment. Harold M. Beal and Paul J. ranged to sign it and ad­ Benny Goodman of Stamford of the Connecticut Army Na­ Fellowship Hall, Second Con­ Ftonf End Jannke, both professors in the gregational Church.
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