V O L N < m iV . NO. 78 (FOURTEEN PAGES—TV. SECTION) , CC^NN^ SATURDAY, JANUARY 2, 1965 (CUMifled Advertlsinc on P»fe it) PRICE SEVEN CRNTI X LBJ Seeks Democrats pebate Ei^enfs i Perusal of Ousting Bar air In State Steel Hike WASHINGTON (AP) .^Foreign Commerce Oonunlt|ee, Danbury ^tarts while vyatson is far down the JOHNSON CITY, Tex. House Democrats scheduled line on the same committee. IVew Government ^ (AP) — President Johnson a cauctiB of the^ir 295 mem­ Williams also is on the District bers today -to dwide of Columbia Committee. has asked his council of eco­ DANBURY (A P )— Dan- whether td liberalize House The study group claims that nomic advisers to take a by their action, Williams and bury’ ralig out more than rules and deny party privi­ UNITED N A ' n O N S , hard look at ‘'recent steel Watson "have deliberately cho­ the old'year. It rang out its N.Y. (AP) — 'The,deputy leges to two Southei'Tiers sen to leave the Democratic price increases to see old setup of two foi-ms of who supported Barry Gold- party.” It noted that when Sep. chief of Indonesia’s U.N. whether they are'inflation­ local govenimentl With the water’s Republican presi­ Strom Thurmond of South Caro­ delegation said today his ary. lina endorsed Goldwater,' the start of the new year, only government ha*< told tb« Prew Secretary Oeorfe Ree­ dential candidacy. \ senator withdrew from the dy said Friday the President They Also will go through the ^ the city form of govern- United Nations it intends to has asked Gardner Ackley, routine of choosing John W. Mc­ * ment survived in Danbury. pull out of the world or­ •hairman of the council, “ to Cormack of Massachusetts and Blatnik's group also Is spear- Before then, since 1889, two ganization. look into this matter" and re­ Carl Albert. of Oklahoma as heading the drive to change forms of local government If Indonesia withdrew, it port back promptly. their candidates tor speaker and some House rules and some — town and city— existed. would become the first member Johnson was .scheduled to majority floor leader, respec­ Democratlo leadership machin­ nation to do so in the U.N.'s 20- Danbury's citizens. In a refer­ his ’two-week vacation at his tively. ery. year history. The sudden move Texas ranch and fly back- to Election of McCormack and endum Sept. 24, voted 5,608 to Its major proposal would curb 5,510 to consolidate the town and came diiring a grave crista for Washinfton today to put the fin­ Albert, the incumbents, is as­ the United Nations, caught in a the power of the Rules Commit­ city governments into a single ishing touches on his state of the sured when the House itself tee to stall leglslatton approved deadlock over peacekeeping union message. votes for its officers Monday city government. It went into by other committees. The rules effect at the stroke of midnight dues. The Soviet Union has The mesas4;e, to be delivered sdtemoon because Democrats group now can Indefinitely pre­ threatiened to quit if it loses Itfe .Monday night to a Jo*ot session outnumber Republicans by a 2 that ushered in 1965. vent much legislation frbm The town of Danbury was es­ General As.sembly vote because of Congress and TV viewers to 1 margin. reaching a vote of the House of failure to pay Its share of the across the land,,will sketch in Any rules changes approved tablished In 1687. But in 1886 the itself. most heavily settled section was asse.ssments.'■ broad terms what Johnson b y the caucus must be voted oh The change, supported by Indonesian President Sukarno hopes to accomplish ln*the next by the entire House. Incorporated as a city. The city, Speaker McCormack, would occupying^ 4.6 square miles, had said Thursday night his country four years. But caucus action in the cases limit the Rules Committee's would quit the world body - If And it will list the legislaUon of Reps. John Beil Williams of a mayor and council form of stranglehold to 21 day.s, after government. The town, an area Malaysia were seated In a Secu­ on which he wants early action, Mississippi and Albert W, Wat­ which the Speaker could decide rity Council spot vacated by such as aid for the depressed son of South Carolina will be about 10 times larger, had a whether legislation involved Board of Selectmen as the gov­ Czechoslovakia. Malaysia was Appalachian area and a stepped final. should come to a vote. selected for the seat by the Geiv up educational program. The Democratic study'group, erning body..- . Also on the study group's* pro­ The change to city govern­ eral Assembly on Wednesday. But Johnson., has indicated headed by Rep. John A. Blatnik gram of changes is a proposal There was no vote because of many of the specifics of the of Minnesota and claiming a ment will be felt more fully aft­ to require caucu.s approval of er the March 29 election, at the truce agreed on to forestall "Great Society'’ he envisions membership of '128, wants Wil­ ail Damocratic commitlec^ a.s- a showdown between the U.S. will await special message's to which a mayor and 21-member liams and WaWon thrown out of signments rather than approval council.will be chosen to govern and Russia. Congress.. the party because they openly only by a committee on commit­ ail of Danbury. There was no official an­ Even New Tear's Day was a supported Goldwater. tees. nouncement from Jakarta today work day for the President, Some Democrats favor a rep­ Other proposals of the group but the newspaper Indonesian Reedy reported. He said John­ rimand only, with official cau­ would: Deaths Mar Holiday j Herald, which usually refleoto son worked on the state of the cus notice that any party disloy­ 1. Give Democrats more -and By THE ASSOCIATED PR'e SS the viewpoint of the foreign of­ union message in his final full alty in the future will call for a Republicans fewer seats on ' The New Year's holiday week­ fice. said Sukarno had decided day at the LBJ Ranch. political purge. House committees, to reflect the end has already been marred in to make good his threat. On steel, Reedy said it would If the study group has Its way party ratio in the House itself. Connecticut by two fatal high­ Sumarjo Sosrowanlojo, minia, be up to Ackley to. decide wheth­ and the caucus kicks Williams 295 bemocrat.s and 140 Republi- way accidents and two fatal tqr counselor of the Indonesian er to recommend action. and Watson out of the party, cans. One effect of the chariilange fires. U.N. delegation, said Ambassar Since there ar.e no price or they would lose their committee | would be to give DemocratstS'l7 The weekend began Thursday I dor Lambertus N. Palar has wage controls, any action presu­ assignments as Democrats and' and Republicans 8 seats on the night with a smashup on Route I communicated orally Indone­ mably would have to be in the have to seek them from Repub-,..powerful Ways and Means Com- 138 in Griirwold that claimed the sia's intention to withdraw to nature of persuasion. licans. ‘ .'...altiee now contposad of 15 life of 19-year-oId George Daw- I General Assembly president Johnson is known to be con­ Williams ranks next to the ------ley of Jewett City. Two other i Alex Quaiscn-Sackey of Ghana cerned over inflationary pres- chairman on the Interstate ahd I (See Page Three) Jewett City teen-agers were hos­ I and to the office Of Secretary- cures of the steel price in­ : ^ — ------——s------'— pitalized in Norwich as a result General U Thant. , * creases and to have urged the of the one-car accident. The Indonesian delegation wiU eteelmakers t6 put the national On New Year's Day, Norman meet later today to figure out Interest first. Major, 27, of Columbia was kill­ the next step for qulRlng the In a' New Year's message to Nigerian Leaders ed when his car swerved off organization, the Indonesian hundreds of thousands of Amer­ Thompson Hill Road in Colum­ diplomat said. icans stationed in more than 100 bia and struck a tree. ^ The U.N. Charter makes an countries around the World V The fire deaths, both on New provision for the resignation mt Johnson said “ they serve their Fight Against Crisis Year's Day, were both biamea I a member. _ country's Interest and they on cigarettes. , I Sukarno refuses to recognise serve the cause of peace." Mrs. Edna P. Weldon, 60, suf­ I Malaysia! a federation of form- *T sun proud of our military LAGOS, Nigeria (API —- Po-'S’ “ All Nigerian patriots must focated Tn her Meridkn apart­ I er British colonies that bordera forces, our diplomatic officers, Htical leaders of''Africa's most hang their heads In shame to­ ment. The fire chief said she i on Indonesia, and has threat- our peace corpsmen, and all populous nation were desperate­ day. The first national post-in­ appareptly fell asleep on her ' ene'd to crush it. other Americana in our overaeas dependence general elqption has couch while sntoklng; ly trying to negotiate a solution 'The Herald said the seating ef serricca.” J been the signal for assaults On The Thompsonville fire chief Malaysia in the Security Oounejl He said they "are striving so today to the government crisis the constitution and various acts listed the same, cause for the “ was not the whole picture” e f unselfishly — many at great triggered by Wednesday's con­ of lawlessness hitherto unknown fire that killed 42-year-oId John Sukarno's decision. personal risk and sacrifice — to troversial election. in this Intensity in the history of Simmons. A fireman, Francis Withdrawal from the V.N. President Nnantdi Azikiwe this country." Crowley, breathed In too much Prohahly First Bahy in State would free Indonesia from Um (Bee Page Twelve) Friday canceled a' broadcast The 6i-year-old U.S.-educated smoke while fighting the blaze obligation to hold a plebiscite la whose advance text said he president mentioned curlews at Simmons' apartment and had Mrs. Bruce Lunsford proudly holds Manchester’s first baby of 1965. West Irian, a former Dutch col­ would resign rather than form a and refusals to allow open cam­ to be admitted to a Springfield ony, the newspaper said. new government on the basis of paigning in certain areas, road­ hospital. 'Ihe plebiscite — to decide Cubans Await the election. blocks to .prevent the entry of whether West Irian la to become He .met with Prime Minister political opponents into towns, Ask to Cut Train The first baby of the an Independent state or remain Sir Abubakar Tafawa Balewa mass arrests, intimidation and year, named Rebecca Jean a province of Indonesia — waa and other cabinet members at appeals to old tribal hatreds. NEW HAVEN (A P )-A n appli­ Castro Speech cation to curtail commuter ser­ Lunsford, is the daughteV British Move Close part of a U.N.-mediated settle­ the state house. A terse govern­ ■The partly Christian, partly vice .'Into is of Mr.' and Mrs. Bruce ment of a dispute between hi- ment announcement said “ ef- Mo.siciii and partly pagan \Vest donesla and U]6 Netherlands. HAVANA (AP) — Fidel Castro (orts were being made to bring African country got its inde­ expected to be made by the Lunsford of 20 Knox St. New Haven Railroad, by tl^ end West Irian, formerly Dutch * celebrates the sixth anniversary about a compromise.'' pendence from Britain in 1960. and might be the first baby New Guinea, became a province of his takeover today with a dis­ The ruling Nigerian National of January, ' .v - To Troubled Area The opposition parties had Harry W. Dorigan, chief trus. In the State. of Indonesia in 1963, after a sev­ play of troope and tanks,. but Alliance, backed mostly by asked for a month’s postpone­ en-month Interim U.N. adminis­ most Cubans hoped for encour­ the M oslem' north and ment of) the election to inves­ Mrs. Lunsford is the for­ LONDON (AP) — Gen. Sir^l0,(XX) troops already taking (See Page Three) tration. aging words on the Island na­ west, won a majority of seats in tigate thjir charges of nomina­ mer Hee Jin Kim, a native James Casillpis took off for Sing­ part in the .defense of Malaysia The seating of Malaysia “ was tion's economic Ills. parliament but opposition par­ tion irregularities In the north. of Korea. She met her hus-' apore today to study the Ma- against Indonesia's campaign to Indeed one important considera­ Thousands of Cubans con­ ties, which draw their support laysia-Indonesia conflict at close crush that anti-Communist fed­ But a meeting Tuesday of top band While^ he was on duty tion, but this was not the who la verged on Havana to watch the from the south, boycotted the officials, boycottell'by premiers I range while Britain builds up its eration of former British colo­ picture. The Malaysian case ntrade of military equipment balloting. and governors of the northern j Holiday Over, with the Army in Korea. armed fSrdes in Southeast Asia nies. constituted a manifestation of m m the Soviet Union and Incomplete returns gave the and western regions, decided to She was born two sec­ toward thei’r highest level since A spoke.s'mani for the Com­ the Increasingly reactional^r Czechoslovakia and to hear the National Alliance 173 of the 312 go ahead with the balloting as onds after the new year be­ the Korean War. monwealth Office called the air­ character of the United Natlona prime minister's speech billed seata. The United Progressive Natioij Turns “ I’ll be taking a really close lift a prudent.reinformcemen^ in scheduled. \ gan. Two other babies Itself,” the Herald said. as hie most Important each Grand Alliance, a union of oppo- The opposition Progress Un­ look at the Malaysian situa­ view .of Indonesian troop con­ “ Consequently It was a rejec­ year. altlon parties, won 26 seats de­ ion charged that^many of its .came into the world on tion,” said Cas.sels, who will centrations in Sumatra, across tion of Malayeia’s existence, as Cubans have been waiting spite the boycott but pro^es- candidates were prevented from To ’65 Affairs 196S's first' day. Both are lake over next month as chief of the Strait of Malacca from Ma­ well as a protest against the use anxiously for pom« sign of sive spokesmen have said their running in the north. The party girls. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard the British general' staff■ ' laysia. ' of the United Nations by neo-” ’ change In the financial crisis victorious candidates will re- als6 .Claimed that the 1964 cen­ (Prime Mlni.ster Harold Wil- The government also ordered NEW YORK (AP) - With the King of Hazardville and colonialist, colonialist and iih- - which has plagued the nation •slgn. sus was falsified to show 29 ml) New Year now under way, .son returned to London fr.om a six warships four minesweep­ perialist power#, notably the for the past two years. •In the text of his later with­ Hop of the country's 55 milliofliy many Americans settled down Mr. and Mrs. Forest Skillin Christmas vacation, in l)ie Scill- ers ‘ ami •. two coa.stal defense United Stat^ ahd Britain.’’ The government-controlled drawn speech, Azikiwe de­ people living' in the north. Thee hto the serious business of trying of Wapping are the par­ ly Isles'! for talks with his key craft reactivated from the resi which usually ushers In nounced the violence that took number of parliamentary seats to make 1965 better than 196f. ents. ~ , advisers on the crisis. ) , , , British mothball fleet qt Singa­ Sie new year .with Ueades place during the tieption. a region gets 4s deteriplned by Ib wasn’t always easy, partic­ All three girls are listed A Far East (Command 's)x)kes- pore, which is one of Malaysia’e against the Unlteid States and “ In spite of the'solemn under- population. ularly for fathers. in good condition at Man-' man in Singapore announced states. And the commander of Imperialism, has concentrated laking given by political leaders Northern leaders denied the San Francisco school teacher Chester Memorial Hospital. Britain has moved a battalion of the aircraft carrier Eagle — on the Cuban economy over the to conduct the electioneering charges and said the election Elmer Anderson Jr. got so ex­ troops into Malaf^.sian Borneo in Britain's mo.st powerful — was News Tidbits paet few days. campaign lawfully, a wave of could not be postponed because cited over the birth of triplets the latest of a .series of moves to ordered .to _ speed repairs to a "Ttia first slogan is to win the violence and lawlessness has it could not be held after the right after midnight Thursday bolster Malaysia's defen.ses damaged turbogenerator and Jfjom the AP Wires battle of the sugar crop," said enveloped our beloved repub­ Moslem holy month of Rama­ thut he forgot the three girls' F i r S t Babies again.st expected Indonesian join the Far Elast fleet as soon the newspaper Hoy. “ Beginning lic,” the text said. dan begins Jan. 3. names he and his wife Lisa had attacks. as possible. In 19M, all Cubans will give picked out. The ^battalion, belonging-to the This will' bring that fleet to American Telephdnd-and TM- ttiemeelves with revolutionary He had to return home to In Louisville Scots Guards Regiment, began 'more than 80 vessels. egraph Co.-aays its Bell T e l^ oaaslon to work, study and de­ name iVacy Delia, Mia Marie the shift to Borneo this week Government sources said- sev- phone System logged record fense." and Marsha Jeaneen, who were from its base ; camp at Terert- erql squadrons of Javelin all- msrterly ' earnings of f664L* The balance of payments defi­ Baiily Hurt Climber San Francisco's first babies of To Get $100 dak, near Malacca, in the south­ weather fighter planes will '690.00' or 83 cents a share, cit facing Cuba has been esti­ 1965. west sector of the Malaysian leave' early next week for the Late Conseulo Vanderbilt Fa)- Far East and jet V-bomber mated , at more than |500 mil­ For some' the Nqw Year be­ mainland. •san, unhappy pawn in marriage lion. Two years of poor sugar gan with new gestures of friend­ LOUISVILLE, Ky.; (AP) —. Approximately 1,(X)0 para­ units have been alerted Xo fly to Each year Kenneth Albert Mill­ troopers and Infantrymen are Singapore if needed. The V- between American wealth and' acne harvests and a . sharp dip Brought Down Slope ship. Bnglisfi royalty, leaves bulk ' In Port Clinton, Ohio, a young er gives about $100 in coins to being airlifted from Britain', bombers cap be used.Yof con­ the first New Year's Day baby ijtarting today, to reinforce the ventional or nuclear attaok. . Vanderbilt millions to her 'fa ­ (See Ph(e Two) father of three and His wife left vorite grandchild. Lady Sarah JAFFREY, N.H. (AP) — A f named Kenneth born in the Burke made the decision late with two truckloads of toys, food Russell, New Yotic Dally Ne#a courageous band of volunteers Friday night to take Sylvester Louisville area. This year he and clothing for the needy tn a Aays. lashed a critically injured off the mountain. part ■ of Kentucky where both gets three for his money. N ew Floods mountain climber to a sled in "He's had brain injury," grelv up. It all stai;ted because Miller, More Large Scale Battles More space and cheap reii| a pitch darkness early today and Burke told the Aesoclated Press "I think the best' way to start 61, (> supper club host, got a lure young arttsts and soulpton - brought him down an ley, wind- after the hardy rescue party the New Year andenl^ke it hap­ handful of Indian head pennies into moving to the Bowery, 10% Batter West Mfhipped elope of Mt. Monad- had brought Sylvester down. pier for some back home is to in change in 1943. He said the Hinted by Events inViet a haven for human derelicts.'— nock. "He needs to be in the hands of Show them we haven’t lost the pennies started him saving John F. Jelke, 77, retired olqjH Gary Sylvester, 22, father, of a Neurosuigeon and if we’d spirit of kindness, and good change and at the end of that margarine manufacturer, d ies./ BAN FRANaseX) (AP) — two and a Watertown, Mass., waited until morning he might vrill," said Carl Johnsoh, 29. year he had a gallon jar of By MAU30LM W. BROWNE •^lightly wounding him. A terror­ V. Y. Dalhnan, editor eme^ Winter’s cold hand dealt anoth- resident, was taken from the have been dead.” And 1965 provided a good coins. He decided- to give the SAIGON, Viet Nam (AP) — ist grenade also exploded in itus of Illinoe State Regiatar, •r blow today to the five west- base of the mountain by ambu­ .._Six men helped carry Sylvest­ start for a flop-eared mutt nick­ coins to.'’the: first baby named Two fresh government battal­ front of the home of a U.S. Em­ fatally injured In auto erash.' om states still reeling under Kenneth horn each year in this bassy employe, but no one was lance to a Boston Hospital. He er down the ice-covered slopes named Angel. He had moved ions sought today to recover • Police In Otouceatar, Maaa. CSirlstmsa week’s |1 bllHon had suffered a brain Injury, a in darkness. into a Nativity scene in Gilbert, area! dead and wounded scattered hurt. floods. doctor said. The rescue party was led by Arlz., and refused to budge for a Miller will present three gal­ about Blnh Gla as fighting in Latest reports said five Amer­ Inveotlgate New Year’s Ksw Oals (ores winds csrryUif A hospital spe^ssman In'Bos­ Dr. Charlea Groesbeck, the Con­ week. lon jars of coins to-Kenneth Pa­ the embattled village entered Its icans died at Binh'Gla, two oth­ party following .death .of LT- mors rain and snow swept into ton said later that Sylvester was gregational Church minister in Ansel waa adopted by Nina tricia McDaniel,' Kenneth Chad sixth day. ers were captured by the Viet old youth, wnoae body Wik Wuhlngton, Oregon, northern In poor condition and hla name and an experienced Trltnole and her two teen-eged Undley and Kennethia Gale New Intelligence reports of a Oong, and at least 11 we're found frosesi to death oa IWito aulfbrnia, Idaho and Nevada on the danger Uat. It was climber. daughters and renamed Ga­ Howlett. Each jar contains major Communist buildup SO wounded. The Amerlums In­ league baseball dhunoad —. Friday night, and the Weather not detsrmlnsd immediately "I made the decision to bring briel. about $100, he said today. miles north of Saigon coupled cluded four killed In a helicopter Brockton, Maas, dniggtot sheati Bureau expected the storm whether surgery would be per­ h ^ down," said Dr. Burke, "Prom the way he acta,” said The McDaniel, youngster waa with the heavy fighting at Binh crash Wednesday and another 22-year-old maa wlM attsaspM would go on through tonight. formed. "but we could never have dotie Kathleen Trimble, 16, "you bbm at one second alter mid­ Gla led some sources to predict killed Thursday in the ambush toikoU ap druipatore.;. .Rksk* California’s flood death toll The rescue psurty had only the It without Dr. Groesbeck to get would think he had always lived night, at a LoulavUle hospital to that t large-scale hatoes nhght of a Marine contingent trying to ard Thoniaa, Tray. N.Y. ■bice Dec. 22 roee to 21 Friday light of flashllghta for the him down." ^ '(lere." ... Mr. and Mrs. Thomas MoDan- beconve more common In the check fresh graves believe'Ilevea to alave. marka IMth. when a ^ ear-old girl was gruelling, three-hour deMent. Dr. Groesbeck said he had For mahy Americans, how­ lel; the Llndley child cune one war. The military reports said contain the helicopter crewmen. witli greetings , ttiat ■tnidk 'and killed by a dump One flashlight remained burning been on mountain rescues be­ ever, after the brief celebra- second later at • - New‘ Albany, the buildup was taking plgce In The contingent recovered the card treat Prealdi truok, and a Rad C i ^ official when they reached aafety. fore, "bdt this .waa really tlona were over, (t was business Ind., hospital, to Mr. and Mn- a densely wooded area^uaed for body oLqnC of the crewmen. Ooifununiat China olatma it i waa fatalljr Injured by a hellcop* Sylveater was hurt whei) be tough.” M usual. Lelle) Llndley. Ahd the Howlatt years as a base of (Operation by The numteb of South Viet-' dsWB tmBAMM ter Made. (ell about SO feet Into a crevasse "There Is half an inch' to an President Johnson spent New bom at 6:60 a.m. at a the Viet Cong. nameae troope either dead, ptaae flying over central, In If^aahlngton State, winds while climbing the S,160-foot- Inch of ice stuck on the rocks," Year’s Day at his Taxaa ranch, hospital to Mr. and While .aeemingly shitting ‘ to wounded or missing mounted to em China. •Unf to Si mUsa an'hour top- hlgh mountain with two com- Groesbeck sgid, "and those k i^ working on Ua budget recom­ liam Rowlett. conventional mihtary warfare more than 600 and more casual- ttee were Mpected. Viet .Oong Feoaer Ktog Ukaterto ( water tower at Tatoowi pankms Fridsy,. ' . weren’t equipp^ for it." mendations and on tala gtate of ’la the first time In 22 involving large troop ooncentra- wtohi i naltoa tore im aeveral rooft, Dr. Oraftdn Burk#, IS, of Dkib- One of diyhreeter’s friauds, tho Union massags, which tas years that I’ve, had to pay off tions at Blnh Ola the Oomjnu- teases , were unknown, but gov­ id loioeked down power and Uit, NM., went up the mountain David Kajerdk, to, of Pator- wiU -dallvsr to a Jotht aeaaion of for three on the drst day of the nlsta kept up a cam pain oi ter­ ernment offlclala eatimated toe py aew year aad eate (or i Clephone lines. to re'a,ch Sylvester tn ' what aham, Maas., made Ms way to Congress Monda;nday. year,” said MUler U, a native ror and sabidafe in Saigon. emmy dead at more thai) $00. forcenteat ef oounDya Tbs World’s Fair Hotel Ship Buriie described as "burtal’ ’ t)M bMO of tho mountain to aaek He alao sent greetlMs to of How Albany: ' Snipers fired three ataoto at A fleet of U.S. hellcoptore fer­ etette taatttutkms . . . fW alla fUlsd with water m cgodltlona. • . ha^ after Bylvastar (ell. 'The Americana alNted ama an­ "Put it la worth It,’ ’ he ddded. U.8. asrvtoeman ried the two fresh battattam. Blake, 19 year old Week f n k att Waahtogten State. Tba tomparaturs 'waa naar tlil^ man, Ittotaufl LgroQ Jr.* M. aouDoad llink ha te d naked the "Ttey snra so etoaa together wmtar akUng ea tte latem lit Aktut SOO Bung to '1 \ .4 ^ \'r *4' ^ ’■/.X ' ' ustod to er and flnin touted i ipinade i (■m luge Two) il ») (flan Faga nivtoM i) ah hnraeUgating VJ.IT olflci r •) % '.Y

PAQB TWO MANCHESTER EVENING BE& AIA MANCHESTjiB* CONN* SATURDAY, JANUARt 2, 1266 1 / MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN., SATURDAY, JANUARY 2, 1965 ■Wonders of the Universe- HoKdayOver, Shdlnwold on Bridge AV4HD EWABUSHIM South dealer Columbia IH E SETTINO TRICK Both lides^temUa U. S. Accelerates Nation Turns ALFBED gHEWWOLD Democrats Debate National Men'e T e « n OiampleB Norman Major Jr.-Dies When you can win enougn f ilV* To ’65 Affairs trick* for your contfact in a Matmed Moon Shot ■Uigle eult avoid monkejwg . ' « 10^73 WOT BABT After Auto Gnash Friday (Continued .fi'bm Page One) about with a eWe fOU- you may succeed only 1" B I 3 ML I. M. IjrV'lTT, ter. Included In the Instrument­ ing the setting trick for th? 5 i M32 ?Q107, (Contianed fron Page One) ^sent or Rules, Commttte* ap> ation must be some type of de­ chairman of his Q>uncll of Eco-: Norman R. Major 3r., Old 3Til-4charge o t thf ihveaUgatlon is proval. ,, MBECTOir menu. 0 14 Q K962 Umantlc Rd., weis pn^unced troop commander Wilfred^ nM Fein PlBnet*rlmn vice Tor detecting meteoroid im­ nomic Advisers to look into re-1 Democrats and Iff Republicans. 5. Reduce from 218 to 175 tbe .cent selective steel price in-; .^uth dealer 80UTH dead on arrival gt Windham Bellefleur. number bf slgnaturee required r \ Y Of H i* FnuikUn ImtHtnte pacts oh the moon and some Both sides vulnerabe ' Oomniunlty Memorial Hoepital 2. Establish a Democratic methods of Chaining a short- crea.se.s. . , A A K 7 Major was bom Aug. 9, l9!37, to fqpCe a house vote on l^ala- B«cmisc of the ate«dy prog- There were the traditional Opening lead—Three of Hearu ^ K 8 y , -yesterday after his car struck the son of Mr. and Mm Nor­ policy or steering committee to tlqnTDlocked by any committee, reas in th« Apollo »ch^u1e,.the terrtt-thermal hlstoi^ of the lu­ West opened the W'f** a tree on Thompson Hill Kd.'^ln man Major, now of 0)ventry. nar svrfade. football bowl games and par-1 0 A Q rw rs consult party leaders on legisia- if the leglalation le part of the program for providing: the lu­ ades. Hundred.q o(. thousands j hearts, and South,won in dum­ ♦ Q8>r an early morning accident. He was employed at P rttt and majority party’s program. —- nar aurface experiments, to While the LEM can carry 250 my with the ace. He returned His waa the first recorded tive policy. ^ pounds of in8trUii\ent8 to ,the lined the streets in Pasadena for' Seath Wset North Whitney Aircraft in East Hart- The study group will meet undertaken by the .astronauts the 76th annual Tournament of i a diamond to win a finesse 1 0 P)t« 1 .4 .FU6 automobile fatality In the state fobd 3. Create a Joint committee to la now being accelerated. lunar .surface. In all probability with the queen and then looked 3 NT All Pan for 1965. modernize Senate, and House before the caucus to review Its the total number of instruments Roses parade. Ih BMdee hib parents, he Is sur­ procedures. program. Indications were' it tk a Ranger and Surveyor ae­ mofa than IS.OOO gaily costumed for a way to repeat the dla»- Your hand Is barely worth one State :^Uce report that Major, vived *t?y his wife, Mrs. Janet being developed for this project mond finesse. 37, apparently lost control ot his 4. Allow bills pasoed In differ­ might modify or abandon'Bqme ries of kmar epaewraft. to be will make this weight totally .^umrner.s cavorted down Broad response, and response Eldredge Major, a daughter, ent form by both b itc h e s to go of Its demands, but not those ’ launched in advance of a, man­ Street. ^ Since the queen of spades shoiild be the rale* In part­ car as he was driving west on Michele, and e son, Steven, all inadequate. .Succeeding LEMs was the only entry to dummj^ Thompson HIU Rd. east of Ma­ to conference, Committee* by dealing with major rulfs ned landing will have perform­ may be necessary to. fulfill the But thcotfgh all the 'activities ner’s major suit.' of Columbia;, five'brothers, in­ majority Houle vote. Existing changes or the WllUanu ahd ed many studies and researrhes in America, and around the South cashed his own high ch* Rd. at about 6 a.m. on New aspirations of the participating spades and then led the low Year's morning. cluding Robert and Gerald Ma­ rules require unanimous con Watson cases. ' to pave the way for in.-rtalling world, there '"shone the high For Shelnwold’s 16 - page jor of Coventry and Ronald' scientists.. hopes that always mark the ad­ spade to dummy’s queen. This The auto ran off the right side scientific instruments. How­ .Compare Ltinar-Egrtb booklet, “A Pocket Ouide to Major of Monchedter; three sis­ vent of a new year, ^ e y were esUblished Esst’s Jack of Bridge,’’ send 50 cenU to Bridge of the highway and traveled ever, it wiH still neceaaary to Readiness spades but did not help develop about 90 feet before' hitting a ters, including Pierette and Su­ land a man or the- moon and typified by Pope Paul VI^'who Book, Manchester Eve. Herald, zanne Major, both of Coventry, . I hope the astronauts' can said in hi.s. New Year's Da^"j.^ the diamonds. tree, according to police reports. Tfensib Polls permit him to exercise judg­ take with them some-tfigenlous The second diamond finesse Box 3318, Grand Central Sta­ The car was totally demolished. and his maternal sqid paternal Events ment in positioning, adjusting mes.sage: “Will the world have tion, New York 17, N.Y. form of thermometef which will in this new- year the neces.sary worked, but i the king did not Firemen from the Columbia grandparents. and monitoring the.experiments Copyright 1964 'Volunteer Fire Department had The funeral will be Monday Under Guard provide a temperature profile of , prosperity for Its life and well­ drop. South had to give East General Featbrea Corp. being considered. Despite the the lunar eurfacft. Given a being? We wi.sh It. We hope It. a diamond trick. Meanwhile, to pry Major, pinned behind the at 9:15 a.m. from the Potter In State not Inconsiderable controversy sophisticated temperature rc- West discarded low heart* at steering wheel, from the ear. Funeral Home, 456 Jackson St., -Which has developed in scientlf- Will the world have the thoughts cordlng^ystem. it may prove and purposes of goodne.ss, of every opportunity to show that He was alone when the acci­ Wllllmantlc, with a Mas. 'of In Pakistan .(Gontbni^ from Page One) •Ic circles concerning the value Iniefesting to measure tempera- ju.stice, ' honesty, freedom and he really had no Interest In the dent ocourred, police said. requiem at 10 at St. Mary’s of manned lunar exploration, it RAWALPINDI, P ak istan ktire on the .surface and on an concord . . . We wdsb' It. We Taken to IVlndham Hospital Church, Coventry. Burial wUl (AP) — Pakistan was quiet but tee of'tbe banknqrt line, has con­ is believed that a man on th« area above the surface which hope it." ,/ Cashes Spade by the Andover ambulance. be in St. Mary’s Cemetery. tense today as troops guarded firmed that the railroad plans to moon may result in discoyerfM will be affected by reflected en­ Upon being given the king of Major was pronounced dead Friends may call at the fu- the. polls for the nation’s first make the Ibng-threatened move of ineetimable vtUue to actence. ergy. It may al.so prove mo.st dlamond.s East cashed the jack upon arrival. nerafl home tonight from 7 to 9 presi^ntlal election amid fears to reduce Its “ west end”, com­ The Lamar E xim rs^' Module Intriguing to measure the sur­ Corentry / of spadesj. Then fie-led a club, State police said that there and tomorrow from 2 to 4 and of bloodshed. muter nuis. (LEM) payload v^'jigbinit the face temperature and then cre­ and West’s three club tricks de­ was evidence that excessive 7 to 9 p.m. Aides d tx ^ th President Mo­ Already on file with the astronauts to Jind about 250 ate a large shadow and measure feated the contract. speed was a contributing fac­ hammed Ayttb. Khan and rival Interstate Commerce Commis­ pounds on the surface of the the drop In temperature in the Churches Plan South began correctly by tak­ tor In the accident Manchester Evening Herald csindidate M lss'-^tlm a Jinnah sion is an application to trim the moon. This payload to be car­ shadow. Those figures could be ing the ace of .hearU and try­ Investigating are Trooper* Colutnbia correspondent, Vir­ predicted violence'-would erupt New Haven’s “east end” cbm- ried inside and outside the LEM compared to those which have Study Sermons, Wind-Felled Tree Interrupts Utility Service ing the diamond finesse. Then Michael Whalen and John Jaco­ ginia M. Carlson, telephone 228- If the other wins the presidency. muter service to Boston. will primarily comprise Instru- been obtained by studies at our he should continue with the by of Colchester Troop. In 9224. In the dusty. streets hod ba­ Seversil things, Dorigan said mentatton. The instruments tc major observatories during the Special Orders Emergency crews from both power and telephone oompAnles work to clear awray debrle ace of diamonds and lead the zaars people reflected the'Nten- Thursday, must “crystalize” be­ be carried inside the module time of total lunar eclipses to that resulted after an enormous tree on the Benge prop«:ty off Rolton Rd. was toppled by Jack of diamonds to force out sion of a politically awakenihg fore the New Haven application be those most sensitive to see whether our confidence in heavy winds Thursday afternoon. The tree took put untlllty lines and broke a telephone jpole the king. ial will be In Grove Cemetery, country about to choose a leader' dealing with curtailment of the the earth-bound instruments is COVENTRY (Special) A on the opposite side of the road, interrupting service in the area for several hours. Even if East return* a club, Naugatuck. for the next five years. tamparature variations. Those new program of the study of the New York service can be filed instruments carried outside the merited. ^(Herald photo by Oflara.) the defenders can get only Obituary There will be no calling Grizzled old men puffing with the ICXJ. It is hoped that the passive Book of Genesis is being under­ three club* and one diamond. hours. water pipes crouched in the sun The New Haven has petitioned LEM must be able to withstand taken through a series of eight Plus PoUy Borgea The Potter Funeral Home, temperatures which range from experiments will operate for a munion meditation topic will be South will r’egain the lead Ih expounding their -views to any for inclusion in a proposed sermons the Rev. James H. time to take four diamonds, “CARETAKEB8” Bev. Harold M. HlHngtiaet 456 Jackson SL, Wllllmantlc, is who would listen. People stood merger of the Pennsylvania an d . minus-200 degrees to 240 de- minimum of six months and Ameling will preach from the "A New Spirit". In charge of arrangements. greea F. without suffering dam­ perhaps -for as long as a year. Junior Pilgrim Fellowship'will two hearts and three spades. ' ^ The Rev. Harold M. 'nilin- in small groups discussing the New York C enti^ Railroads. A - pulpit starting Sunday during Dally Question The family suggests that election, and In the dimly-lit age. some instruments must .This means that ‘these instni- the worship service at the Sec­ be at 5 p.m. and Senior Pilgrim Badly Hurt Climber fdiaat of Meriden, a former those who wish to do so may recommendation still Is awaited withstand nominal accelera­ ments -must be provided with a Fellowship at 7 p.m. Sunday, Partner opens with one heart, East Windsor Manoheoter resident, died sud­ coffee houses the topic was the by the railroad's three .trustees ond Congregational Church. and the next pUyer passe*. contribute to the Heart Fund. Sign constructed by State Prison inmates clearly expl ains new hours and njks at Olcott St. Disposal Area. same. from KJC examiners. tions of 6g for 140 seconds source of power. It is contem­ The suggested reading for the both in Quandt Hall. DRIVE-IN Rourj 5 denly TVienday at Meriddh Hos­ plated that a radioisotope pow­ Tue.sday there will be a spe­ You hold: Spsules, J-9-6-*: pital. No disturbances were report­ Asked about reporta that th e . while equipment which li re­ congregation, along with the ser­ Brought Down Slope Hearts, Q'I0-7t Diamonds, K-9- Daniel T. Gross ed on election eve. In recent turned to earth, much wlth- er source of 25 watts will be mon for the 11 a.m. service Sun­ cial meeting Of the Pastor's Bom in EasA Greenwich, R.I., COVENTRY — Dantd Todd Henry Anderson of Emanuel Andover examlnera intend to recommend' . used tp extend the life of the Council at .8 p.m. at Kingsbury S-2: Clubs, 6-6. be was pastor of the Main Lutheran Church officiated. Bu­ Weeks, informed sources say, Inclusion only of the New Hav­ atand high decelerations of 20g day, will cover Cjhapter 1, verses m iat do you say? Gross, three-month-old son of Police Arrisls \ Sky Diver about 60 people have been slain en’s freight service, leavihg the for 120 seconds. experiments and permit them to 1 through 24, with the sermon House. Btreet Baptist Church, Meriden. Dwight and Dorothy Trundy rial was in East Cemetery. relay their results to the earth Zoning Board of Appeals (Conflhiied from Page One) ‘^miles along an unplowed road to Answer: Bid two hearts. Bearers were Arthur E. P.eter- in political riots In West Pakis­ deficit-ridden conunuter servica Experiments placed on the lu­ topic of the Rev. Mr. Ameling to. Route 124 where an ambulance He 'was a graduate of Wesleyan Gross of Waterford Park, died Columbia Seeks tan and uncounted others have for the hoped-for year. be •'The Oeation of the Uni­ ,The Zoning Board of Appeals' STATE ■Unlvenslty. The Rev. Mr. Tll- suddenly of natural causes Bon, Alan . Peterson, Arthur Od- The police department start­ out of the merger, Dorigan re­ nar surfaee •wUl be of t-wo types. "Will have a public hearing at 8 of Hubbardston, Mass., stayed waited. DonsChiite died in East'Paklstan, one thou­ plied: The first are active experiment The limitations as to the stay, verse". Monadnock Park Mgr, Unghast waa a member of the Thursday at the home of his m an,. Ludwig Odman, Albert Blood Donors ed the new year quietly with of the astronaut on the moon p.m, on'Jan. 11 in the Town Of­ with the injured man. f r e e in-cor HEATERS Robinson and Ernest Sodaburg. sand miles away across India. ”We don’t know anything Ilk* in which the astronaut plays a The other seven serfnon topics Charles Royce,' who assembled M ^ Street Baptist Church paternal grandparents, Mr. and three arrests. West Pakistan schcwls have that.” I have placed a tremendous pre­ will be continued through Jan­ fice Building on Rt. 31 to hear A rescue party inched its way Men’s Club; Meriden YMCA; Mrs. Alvin Flint, Glastonbury. Jablon Stephan, 22, of RFD major role in the execution of , one appeal for a variation to the the rescue party, said conditions The first bloodmoblle visit of In Mid-Air been closed indefinitely because Ever since Westchester Ootj mium on the ea.se with which uary and February. The Rev. up the slippery slope, pulled on the mountain were so bed Meridian Lodge, 77, AFAAM of He was born at Manchester Mrs. Rose Nlnilrowskl 2, was charged with speeding the experiment. The second is ■ local zoning regulations. MEADOWS'"’" The funeral of Mrs. Rose the Columbia chapter of the of widespread student demoa- ty, N.Y., failed to provld* the passive tyi>e in which In­ these instruments can be de­ Mr. Ameling said this Is the Sylvester from his p re c io u s Friday “it was like trying to Meriden;' Keystone Chapter, Memorial Hosmtal on Sept. 21. at 1 a.m. after police observed a RVIN, Calif. (AP) - Sky strations against Ayub’s regime ployed so that a minimum of first time he has attempted to Mr. and Mrs. W, H. Pfeiffer Her Idea of Vacatloa Fun Other survivors Include a Nlmlrowski, 79, of 345 Hllls- American Red Cross is sched­ 3#)0>000 subsidy of commuter struments will record and tele­ of Silver St. are asking permis­ spot, and carried him to a' shel­ walk on a lake of Ice at a 40-de­ Royal Aireh Masons; St. Elmo him pulling out of a Center St. ^iver Rod Pack says he leaped and the army has been placed o^raUons, the New Haven has’ time will be required to activate study the Bible with his con­ ter. gree angle." Annette Funloello Oommandry, 9; Knights Temp­ brother. Robert Gross of Cov­ town Rd., waa held this morn­ uled for Monday, Jan. 4. in service station at a fast rate i ^ p^l- meter data back to the earth. the experiments. sion to place a 59''trailer on entry. and his paternal grand­ on alert. Soldiers were ordered been expected to take some kind OoUeet Samples, Data gregation through leading topics their land. With Sylvester comfortably A state ’ conaervation officer, “Pajama “Beach lar; and Sphinx Temple of ing,from the. .lohn.F. 'nemey at i-. yeomans Hall 8queati,ng wa. tires, j.iay-without a paraoh’iVi. posted today at 417 polling sta­ of action. Following the deploying of and h^pes to continue such a parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dwfght Funeral Home, 219 W. C enter‘d “ According to police he was The astronaut will carry geo­ School Menus settled In a heated cabin, a call KennetlT Warren of , Peterbor­ Party” Party” Hartford. He had also served as Gross of Waterford. , from 12:45 to 5:45 p.m. He rode safely to earth, he tions around the country. these Instruments, one of the study for a better understanding was sent out for Dr. Grafton ough. was among the first to post aasoclaie grand chaplan St., with a solemn Wgh Mass clocked at 55 to 60 miles an The outlook Is lor a close race logical hand tools including most important functions of the Local public schools will re­ Graveside services will be Mrs. Paul Bramhall, Long Hill says, on a parachute handed to WILLIAM MULCAHY DUBS picks, boring devices, drills, a by the congregation of the Bible. open at the regular' time on Burke. 46. of Dublin, a physi­ reach Sylvester in the crevasse. I With With of Most Worshipful Grand of requiem at the Church of the Rd., blood program chairman, hour as he headed ^ast on Cen­ him by a fellow sky diver who between Ayub, 61, the handsome astronaut d measure of economic able to make visual observa­ pudding; Wednesday, New Eng­ tary of Che Baptist State -of Bluefleld Dr., died yesterday at the conrunittai service. ors.) Anyone else who wishes to pear in court Jan. 18. plane confirmed Pack’s ac­ The Mulcahy Stadium in An­ face material can be returned The Rev. William H. Wilkins, should be moved to a hospital In the first group which went CflSTUlOO Manchester Memorial Hospital donate a pint of blood may con­ West Hartford Police notified count. So did two-sky-divlng progress. He remains basically chorage was named in his tions using optical aids. Flnal- to the earth for analysis and pastor of the Prince of Peace land pot roast, parsley potato, Ooimectlcut oon'vention, will of­ Bearers wei;e John Keiuiedy, buttered com, bread and butter. during the night, despite the up the dangerous trail to help after a short Illness. Bronoslaw MaJlta, Valorie Len- tact Mrs. Wroblemski or Mrs. police here that they has taken photographers who said they a popular figure, especially with honor. h'. he can take pictures of liUle- study. Lutheran Church, is initiating a perilous route. Sylvester were state and local ficiate. Burial 'Will be In East the peasant masses. ’ 1 l_iown phenomena which may Nathan Hale cake; Thursday, Cemetery, Manchester. Bom In Belgium on April 24, art, Albert McNeil, (Carles Bramhall. Walk-ins will, as al­ Meacham and a car belonging followed Pack’s descent and Mulcalw 'is survived by hla Meanwhile a manner landing program of establishing groups Near zero temperatures and police, conservation officers, THE 1884, he lived here most of his ways, be welcome. to Barry Noonan of 57 Saulters took movies and still pictures of Miss Jinnah, the nominee of widow/ a son, a'daughter, a be of immediate interest. He on the moon may b^ five or six within the church, the traditiofi johnnie iriarzetti. toised salad, sharp winds up to 35 m.p.h. add­ and George Miller of Peterbor­ HAPPY Friends may eall at the Fla- Ulmschneider and Stephen five opposition parties, has been of which date back to early Lu­ com square, geletain dessert life. Prior to his retirement 15 Nimirowskl. Rham Alumni Rd., into custody. Manchester the feat. sister, several grandchildren, will also be able to investigate years away, scientists are to­ ed to the discomfort of the res­ ough, considered an expert HOLIDAT tow Funeral Home, 48 Cook years ago, he was a weaver at Tonight at Rham high school police phoned Noonan shortly Pack, a blond ex-carpenter running strong and has given and three other brothece In ad­ phenomena -which he can report day givii^serious consideration theran policies. One such ju.st with topping; and Friday, cit- cue group, which began the long mopijtain climber. , F l’N HfT: A've., Meriden, today from 3 to Mrs. Nimirowskl died 'Thurs­ Ayub much stiffer opposition organized is the Order of St. ms juice, school-baked pizza, (3ieney Bros, for most of his life. day at a Manchester convales­ there will be an alumni house after, at 4 a.m., and he then re­ who took up sky diving because dition to the state police oosn- to earth; in turn, a group of to the ex^rim ents which they descent with Sylvester on a With them went along several B and 7 to 9 p.m. A'veteran of- World War I, he and basketball game sponsored ported the car as stolen. The "floating around in the air has a than he ever expected. mlsaioner. •arthbound scientists commimi- hope will \ield a maximum of John, Acolytes, comprising of calico slaw arid fruit cup. stretcher. young seminarians from the Rock Doris Tony cent home after a long Illness. She has mtuutged to focus al­ boys who will be assisting him was a member of the American by the student body. The Seniors car waa freshly damaged, po­ thrill of Its own,” told how he Funeral eervlces were to be cating -with him can recommend information ahput the moon. In Coventry High School Patri­ The rescuers slogged through . Queen of Pesce Seminary of the Hudson Day Randall Mia* Lena B. Schlott Legion, the VFW, the Army She was bom In Russia on Nov. will meet the junior varsity in lice said. thought up the stunt more than most every form of discontent private. further directed stujJysMd de­ the next few yeanv this Infor­ with the worship services and ots basketball team will play the snow and ice toward an area ^ cred Hear^ Fathers at the 25, 1885, aird lived In Manches­ the preliminary game. The main a year ago: "You always hear in the country, upbraiding Ayub any other areas relating to the an away game at 6:30 p.m. “Send Me No Flowers” ROCKVILJLE — Miss Lena Navy Club and the Christoforo ter for 33 years. George A. Branagan of Rocky tail for him various pro);eduree mation must become available called Halfway Hot^se, then two | base of the mountain. ______(In Color) Bertha Schlott, 85, of 181 Pros­ Columbo Society. game will see the alumni from Hill was charged ■with Intoxica­ somebody joking about jump'lng with blistering charges of cor­ UAC GETS CONTRACT This long range oo; to make our landing on the church's program which *re ^Tuesday against Ellington. Sunlvors Include three sons, ruption and dictatorship and feasible for the youths to par­ ADDED JUST FOR FUN pect St., died early Friday at a Survivors Include his (vife, the clsLS.ses of 1962 through 1964 tion at 7:40 p.m. after his arrest out (tfa plane without a para- WASHINGTON (AP)—United program will provide moon a scientific success. The next home game will be gional director for the Office of Plus—Eriieet Hemingway's Rockillle convalescent home. Mrs. Josephine Bontno Gubbels; John Nlmlrowski. Walter Nimi- pitted against the Rham varsity outside a Main St,- tavern. He chuterThen I got to thinking, decrying poverty, political and Aircraft Oorp. of East Hartford, ticipate in. at 6:30 p.m. Jan. 8 against Port­ "THE KILLERS” tn Color I# nowskt and Michael Nimirow­ civil restrictions and press con­ naut with a new dl The Rev. Mr. Wilkin* has to Emergency Planning. She was bom In Stafford three nejAews. John P. Bonlno team. Immediately following the will appekr In court Jan. 18. 'why couldn’t it be done?’ ” Conn., has been awarded two his eMJioration of the surface. land. NewFloods Seventeen of 28 air force heli-< Lee Marvin, Angle Dickinson Springe on Nov. 6, 1879, daugh­ and Peter Bonlno, both of Man­ skl, all of Manchester; three game there will be a reception Four cars were stolen dur­ He and his sky-diving buddy, trols. contracts—one for 39.6 million date six active youths’ assisting The high echool's library daughters, Mrs. Harry D r^ Ie r The choice Is in the hands of The passive experiments com­ Cubans Await him in a general manner; Steven copters returned to Staed Air/ ter ot the late Herman and Ber­ chester, and Alfred^ Bonlno of fbr the teachers, alumni,«and ing New Year’s Eve and the North Hollywood carpenter Bob and the other for 31,4S2,OOff—for prise a complex' of instruments study program 5*111 be from 7 “Flowers” 6:40 10:05 New York City; sind a niece, of West Hartford, M rs.^ohn slndents. The student body urges Allen, *25, made a few practice 80,(X)0 "Basic Democrats,” Sanelli, whom the boys elected Force Base, Nev., late Friday “Killers” - 8:20 tha Relchter Schlott. She lived following day, police reported. preliminary studies for the pro­ which will be poeitioned on the p.m. to 9 p.m r Monday for Cov­ Ba t ie r West after flying 32 fuel missions in Rockville moet of her life. Mrs. George Rosenkl of Green­ Mlynek of Wcthersflelrf and all alumni to attend this special All were returned by the end of jumps, passing back and forth members of an electoral college posed giant eSA tranqxirt plan*. as Regent , Jonathan Trask. entry residents. the light-weight reserve chute Ayub set up in giving the people hmar surface by the astronauts. Castro Speech Alan Schutz, Alan Aho, Edward from Yreka, Oilif., into Happy Bu n . ConL from 2:00 .Before her retirement, she was field, Mass. Mrs. Genevieve Track of Rus­ event. the day. United Aircraft wtis one of fi-ve Thes will comprise aelamome- Volunteer mothers assisting (Continued from Page One) Cjamp. Fifteen flood and storm ..KU ' employed for many years as a The funeral will be held Mon­ sia; to grandi^hildren and a Public Records that saved Pack Friday. "as much democracy as they companies named 'Ihursday by, Peterson and William Eichner. Friday they and the two pho­ are ready for.” ters, magnetometers, s moon- The Order will meet at 2 p.m. with the classes of South refugees were taken out. "Flowers” 8:40-7:00-10:15 TUBS. "TOPKAPr * Co-Hit clerk In a Rockville music store. day at 8:30 a.m. from the W.P. great-grandchild. Property transfers for Decem­ the Defense Department to share tide meter and an instrument (Continued from Page''One) CJo.ventry Cooperativje Nursery The Weather Bureau and William M. Gerson, directing “Killer*” 2:00-5:25-8:40 She was a member of Union Qulsh Funeral Home, 226 Main ber as recorded in the office of tographers circled at 14,600 feet The Basic- Democrats were total of 342 million In contracts Tuesday 'in the church to fur­ over a plowed field, a sky di­ elected by the people a few for detecting smd counting par­ ther discuss the possibility of and Kindergarten at Kingsbury. Highway Patrol Ckimmissloner j-nperations in the area, said the Congregational Church. ' St., with a Mass of requiem at the Town Clerk were only three Events for the "definition and demon­ ticles in the solar wind. There In world sugar prices last year House for the coming week will Bradford M. Crittenden warned ! major part of the task was com- Survivors Iniilude a nephew, 9 at the Church of the Assump­ Two Accidents In number. Sixty-six acres of vers’ drop zone about 80 miles weeks ago as uncommitted can­ stration” i^iase of the project. had a devastating effect on contacting .similar area groups ’ pleted. Eleven helicopters will northwest of Hollywood. didates. They vote by secret will also be a proton flux ooun- to form a chapter to sponsor include Mrs. George Rogers III, California motori.sta against Richard ScMott\of Torrlngton. tion. Burial will be In St. James' land, in three parcels, was sold The (XK is envisioned as a Jet ' Cuba's economy. Mrs. William Curtis. Mrs. venturing into the northern ' stay on over the weekend, the Funeral service* will be held Cemetery. by George S. Brady and Mr. < Then, Pack said, he jumped ballot, and unofficial results are capable of carrying more tlm High government officials say joint projects for their church Air Force said. Over New Yea^ In World out, wearing a parachute hai^ expected to be known tonight. denomination. Thomas Small, Mrs. Donald mountain ranges as heavy tomorrow at 1:50 p.m. at the Friends may call at the fu­ Brady Jr. to Robert C. Hunt, 600 men or 250 tons of oeega v a M TtW FOB LESS AT the future -of Cuba's economy Chase of Storrs and Mrs. Mark snow, strong winds and poor In Happy Camp, 12 civilian Ladd Funeral Home, 19 Elling­ neral home tomorrow from 2 to Jr. The area involved lies to the, ness but no chute. It was his Whoe-ver wins the presidency, depends on the results of the The Ladies' Aid Society of the choppers shuttled back and with the long New "dear’s MADRID (AP) — Spain will 634th jump as a sky diver. the United States i s ' likely to Chirrch has voted to provide Spink. visibility added to already poor TONIGHT ton Ave., The Rev. Paul J. Bow­ 4 and 7 to 0 p.m. ^ southwest of "Townsend - ESCAPE INJURY 19W crop now being harvested. road conditions. foui^ with supplies to families weekmd about half over, police Gladys Boucher Wood sold lot build five new missile-ffring fri­ ”I flared out, lying on my emerge the real loser. U.S. One sign of the shift away v'estmenls for this Order of St. In charge of cleaning thi man, pastor of Union Congre­ prestige on the wane in recent ■raOMASTON (AP)—Thomaa classrooms on Saturday will be still -cut off by washed-out or JS g P C tf! en d s SUNDAY gation^ Church, will officiate. Frank N. Dailey No. 38 at Andover Lake to Nl- gates based on . the plans of the stomach with my feet and arms J. Cas^y, 19, of piatevine, and BOWA from invective against the Unit­ John. Acolytes, to include a Rain struck the Oregon coast snowdrifted roads. The town’s eldenU, both on the last day of chola.s J. Panelll. Ruth Krzew "USS Charles F. Adams” with out, grabbing as much air as years in Pakistan, dipped to a ed States was the disappeamce cassock and cotta for each mem­ Mrs. Small. Mrs. Donald Vo’ing and became snow as winds car­ Burial will be in Grove Hill ROCKVILLE — Frank N. 1964. technical assistance from the new low during the election Robert G. Jacobson, 19, of Bris­ ried the storm into the interior’s lights went on New Year’s Eve Cemetery. Dailey, 68, of 125 Orchard St„ ski sold a house and land on Rt. possible to slow me down.” tol escaped injiuy Friday when from revolutionary square of a ber. The Society will meet at and Mrs. Joseph Nllsen of Willi- for the first time in 12 days, and Milton W. Porter, 26, of 50 United States, the Catholic daily Allen followed him out of the campaign. mantio. , mountain ranges. Temperatures There will be.no calling hours. died yeetertey at his home af­ Milford Rd., was charged with 87 to Muriel J. Davidson. a light plane made an emergen­ < hOPPI 1) ''■P. <> huge lighted sign demanding 8 p.m. Tue.sday at the home of officials said the mountain re­ Building permits Issued dur­ “Ya” said today. They will be plane immediately, wearing Jr Both Ayub and Miss Jinnah cy landing In a field off Rmta U.S. acceptance of Castro's five- MjC-s. Owen S. Trask on‘Ripley NCVF'D Auxiliary dropped to zero in the eastern ter a long tilnees. reckless driving following a constructed in Spanish ship- made it plain they did not want part of the state. sort community was in g(x>d ing the month were mostly for regulation back chute and a re­ 8. The- twx>-seat Cessna, vriiich point doctrine. \ Hill Rd. The Women's Auxiliary to the shape despite losing 60 homes. J S R f Edward C. Smltii He 'woe bom in EUihgton on two-car crash at East Middle •yards. serve chest chute. to be linked' to the United North Coventry Volunteer Fire June 12, 1904, eon of the late Tpke. and Benton St., shortly ad^tions to existing houses. had jiin out of fuel, 'waa set The doctrine c a ll^ fo r with­ During the worship service at Idaho wBLs back to its normal "Except for a few isolated- COLUMBIA—K d w a r d E. Selection of the U.S. model Pack, who weighsri67 poimda! States. ^ . down, successfully by Cassidy B v l r 99^ drawal from Guantanllmo Nav­ 10:15 a.m. Siinday, the Rev. Mr. Department will meet at ,8 p.ra. winter of drifting snow and tem­ John and Martha Ladlsh before 4 p.m. Both James Devlin, Lake Rd., followed abandonment of nego­ The United States has sunk 35 cases, we’ll be pretty well off by LEWIS Smith, 45, of East Haddam, and (Charles Goulette, Shoddy wore a skin-diver belt with 30 but caught a wing on a utility OM aU K WITH C M m . _ al .Base, an 4nd to scout flights Wil'kins will use "The Bread of Monday at its firehouse. A Har­ peratures hovering Just above Monday," said Jim Jones, Civil former representative to the Dailey. He was employed as an The police sqid that Warren tiations with Britain for help In pounds of weights to approxi­ billion in aid to Pakistan since tcrrucc. H. Boyton, 57. of 98 Benton Mill Rd., were granted permits pole shortly after landing and ov«jr Cube, lifting the economic Life " SIS his sermon topic. There ry W. Ol.sen Jr., fire chief, will zero. The cold eliminated fur­ Defense spokesman in Yreka. asTfct ^ General Aseembly and brother assembler by the EJmhart Man­ ' building frigates in Spain. mate the weight of the para­ 1961 but Pakistan recently has lurched to one side. The left blok;kade. stopping “piratical will be instaHation of officers ^ve a demonstration on the use ther threat of flooding. Presi­ Snow prevented all but four- of Mrs. Marcia Hall of Ck>lum- ufacturing Oo. of Hartford. St., had begun to make a left to add an upstairs to their Spain called off its discussions chute-laden Allen. Otherwise, he been drawing elewer to Red Chi­ dent Johnson declared 26 Idaho turn Into E. Middle Tpke. from homes. 'Wing and the nose landing gear Open 7 Days 11:30-9 attacks" and ceasing support of elected for tn« year: Aaro A. of the resuscitator. Fi'irther in­ wheel jeeps from traveling the bla, died of a heart attack yes­ Survivors Include his wife, with the British Admiralty Ijist said, Allen might have passed na. were damsiged. M7 West Middle Turnpike internal subversive activities. Aho, president; Charles Rausch, formation may be had by con­ counties stricken last week as one-lane route through the Kla­ terday at his home. Mrs. Annabelle Dutchess Benton St. when he saw Port­ year, blaming offensive re­ him up In the air. vice president; George Qber. sec­ tacting Mrs. A. Harry Olsen at disaster areas. Sen. Frank math Forest’s southern Interior. Other survivors Include his Dailey; t'wo brothers, Charles er’s car approaching and stop­ ..Manchester Evening Herald marks by -labor leader and now Allen “doubled up tight” to retary; Thomas G. Welles, treas­ her home on Rt. 31. Church's office reported. A dogsled team was forced back mother, his wlfj, a son, a A. Dailey and Thomas E. Dail­ ped. Boyton told police that he Andover correeponedent, Law­ Prime Minister Harold Wilson. cut air resistance and overtake Deaths Yesterday urer; Harley W, Rowland, finan­ Public Records Nevada's Ovil Defense by S^foot drifts near the top of brother and several nieces and ey, both of Rockville; and a saw Porter’s car begin to skid rence Moe, telephone 742-4796. Subsequently, a mission was Pack. Firemen Called * director. Claude U. Shipley, said toward him and he threw him­ LAKE FOREST, lU. (AP) — cial secretary. Warrantee deeds filed In the 6,300-foot Etna Mountain where a m t nephews. sister, Mrs. Charles Carnes of sent to Washington to negotiate They maneuvered their bands John F. Jelke, 77, retired oleo­ Also. David Forbes and Owen town clerk's office recording he would urge Gov. Grant a county radio repeater had inoM C ouvl Springfield, Moss. self down on the seat. Accord­ with the U.S. Navy. and arms until they were side Sawyer to ask that a four-coun­ Funeral senloes will be held ing to police Porter skidded margarine manufacturer.^ died On False Alarm* - S. Trask, elders; Raisch and property transfers include Es­ gone unservlced for more than a The funeral will be held Mon­ Bolton New frigates represent only by side, 4,000 feet below the Friday. He retired in 1948 aa Happy Welles, deacons and Eklwln V. ty area of western Nevada be week. tomorrow at 3:30 p.m. at the 168 feet before ramming Into one phase of a defense moderni­ ther M. Angelo to Norman C. A First Church of Christ, Ckmgre- day a t 8:15 ajn. from the plane. Allen handed Pack the chairman of the John F. Jelke Peterson and John Klein, trus­ Sylvia M. 'Thurston, lots 23 and ! declared a federal dtsasier Damage In the forest to camp ------Boyton’s car. zation program here involving reserve chute. A false fire alarm at Benfc-4 !area. rational, Blast Haddam. The Burke BVneral Home, 76 Pros­ Porter and his passenger, Co. when it was purchased by* ley School, at 10:20 last n i^ t. ^ New Year! tees. 23A, section L, Waterfront Man­ grounds and forest service in­ n i ^ g y------i IGQIWGAII* JRJHPMK pect St!, with a Mass of req­ Dnyer Charged sea, air, and land forces of “He wouldn’t let go of It until Lever Brothers. At 2 p.m. Sunday there will or; Claude F. & Leona F. Ar- I Friday’s deaths in California stallations was set Friday a Rev. Charles Duncan will offi­ Richard Mazur, 20. of 307 N. Spain. I gave him the nod,” Pack said. has town police and Diatriet' S! ' came while flood relief w<^k close to 310 million, Jones said. Bonus “MARACAIBO” — Color — ^ m e l WUdo — At dtSO ciate. Burial will be in the Con- uiem at 9 at St. Bernard’s Main St., were taken to Man­ The program reportedly calls fire officials seeking whoever m be a church meeting to review cha^bault to I.rfiwrenre F. Fiano Church. Burial will be in St. After Collision He got the parachute package , HOLLYWOOD (AP) — Ger­ it wag who pulled box 2591, the work" of the building coni- of Bolton, lot 17, Section C, j was undi. rway beneath sunny In Oregon, preliminary surveys grMational Church cemetery. chester Memorial Hospital and for 9 other warships, at least a under him, so that wind pres-' I skies. Indicated more than 7,000 homes Twere will be no calling Bernard’s Oemetbry,. treated for cutd and bruises.' squadron of FT(M supersonic trude Michael, a film star of the set on a pole, in fnmt of theZ! mittee and its recommendations Waterfront Heights; Ronald H. sure pushed' It up against his 1930s, died Thursday. She was Auto Discount Boisvert to Walter E. & Bernice At the advance .base in Happy were destroyed or damaged, the hours. Friends may call at the fu­ Porter was given five etltches. Michael Rothwell, 20, of RFD jets, and a battalion of missile- school. » for a ^uildirlg and choice of ar­ Although advised at the emer­ 2, Manchester, was barged by horizontal body, and fastened 53. Miss Michael co-starred in Except for Jhls alarm, and^ chitects. M. Decker,, or. Goose Lane; Don­ Camp in Klamath National for­ Red Cross reported. Officials at TTie LoPlaoe, Zt^rra and neral home tomorrow' from 2 to equipped anti-aircraft troops. the chute’s hooks to ^the two D est a Red Cros official, Paul.R. western area headquarters in 4 and 7 to 9 pjn. gency room to be admitted, he state police with failure ,to such films as “Farm er’s an automobile fire that caused 7 Sunday School classes are ald S. A Mary E. Bombard to Price Vomeral Home, 216 Main refused hospitalization. He will rings at abdomen level on his Daughter,” "Sailor Be Good,” mlaor damageythe holiday pea> w House. Inc. held at 9 a.m. Sunday in the Lawrence F, Fiano of Bolton, on Gillis, 40, of Tarzana, Calif., San Francisco said ths Red Bt, Deep River, la in charge of grant the right of Way ftiter a MOSCOW (AP) — A Soviet harness. This maneuver ate up near , died Instantly Cross probably >■ would spend 30 appear in court on Jan. 18. two car accident at Rt. 44a and scientist charged today that “The Lost outpoet” and "Sophie tod was quiet for both fire de-5 church. Wright’s Mill Rd. funeral arrangements. Harold N. Henry, 40, of 6ft another'4,000 feet, he said. Lang.” She returned to the p^rtmantA. C ^ e church has a niw choir Also, Carmelo CalVo to when a truck on which he was million to aid the 17,000 families The family suggests that in Tolland Rd. on New Year’s Eve. Russian bureaucrats ' are ham­ Meanwhile, free-lance photog­ Charles L. Faulklngham, lots standing was backed up into the affected by floods in California Fnneralfl Seaman Circle, was hospital­ According to police reports, stringing this country’s scientif­ movies In 1960 as a character tfolunteeni of. the 8th Die-* dlreHor, Mrs. Robbrt Coburn of lieu gf flowers, contributions ized following a crash at 11:50 raphers Doyle .Fields, 30, and actress and also performed on trlct Fire Departmoit VeiM S Bolton. The choir meets at 7 242, 243. 244 and 245, Actors rotating blades of a helicopter. and Oregon. may be made to the Middlesex Rothwell was .b^lnnlng a'Teft ic progress. Bob Buquor, 29, falling free OPEN In the coastal town of Orlck, Donations to volunteer relief p.m.. Involving six cars. He was V. V. Parln,' a member of the television. called out to the car fire at as p.m. Wednesday in the church. Colony Estates Addition; Lau- Heart Fund, South Main St, Trlesta P. Paganl hand turn onto Tolland Rd. from the plane, were taking pic­ 4:45, nm rsday afternoon. J* : The church haa two organists: ! rier DeMars to Roliert C. and 44 i.iiles north of Eureka, organizations from many parts Middletown. A military funeral for Trlesta given about 40 stitches for when he struck a car driven Soviet Academy of Medical tures with cameras strapped to Yvonne . Marie Cavan, 9, was of the country continued to plU^ mouth and chin cuts and ad­ SPRINGFIELD, HI. (fP ) — The call came from 361 Sum- I Mias Carolyn Tj»ak who will be ' Janet' M. Simmons, lot 85, Corn­ P. Pagan! of 128 Eldridge St, from the opposite direction on Science, complained in the their helmet'. mlt St., and proved to be noth- •* wall Dr. In Cornwall Acres; Rob­ killed when struck by a dump up in the stricken areas. mitted. A Manchester Memori­ Communist party newspaper V.T, Dallman, 91, editor emeri­ All Day playing during January and Mrs. Anna S. Cnirler waa held this morning from the Rt. 44A by Paul DeMars. 21, Pack, white-clad against the tus of the Illinois State Register, Ing but a short dreuit in the^ Miss Susan Welles, who will be ert H. A Holly K. Gantner to truck at work on a flo^^project. Two United Air Lines planes RouU • and 44A. Bolton—04S-3S43 W. P, Quleh Ftmeral Home, 226. al' spokesman lists him In good Wtlllngton Rd., Storrs. The ac­ Pravda that Soviet officials blue sky, "looked around to see Isolated cases of flo ^ and set down In Yreka with 30,000 COLUMBIA — Mrs. Anna S. condition today. were timid about embarking on was fatally injtired in an auto wtoing of a 1960 model a u to -* playing during Februsu-y. Each RaymdTIO' H!'" Sr. and Allde A. Main St., with a solenm high cident occurred about 11:16 where everybody wis. I smiled mobile. Bradley, on Wrights Mill Rd.; storm peril' were reported Fri­ pounds of canned food. In Port­ Currier. 91, of WllllmanUc, The accidrtit occurred when research projects unless they accident Thursday night. DhU- ^ rl will be t^ in g turns for. a day, but for the most part It was land. Ore., 83,000 pounds of mother of Mrs. Bernard Potter Maas of requiem at St. Jamea' p.m. Both cars were moderately up at them — and pulled the man was editor of the Register Today month at a time. Northfields Construction Co. C“ h^ta !h. Henry was passing a car driv­ damaged. could produce guaranteed re­ rlpeord. Sunday Mass at St. Mary's Inc., to Edward S. A Rose M. a nmtter of rebuilding from ths clothing collected by the Salva­ ' of Ootumbla, died yeeterdajr at en by Renhold N. Bengstpn, 18, sults in the foreseeable future. tor 35 years before retiring in 31 billion disaster. tion Army in Buffalo, N.Y., be­ Windham Ontimunity Memorial TOele Rt. Rev. Msgr. Edward . Rothwell is scheduled to ap­ 1960. Church-wiU b« at 7:30 a.m., 9:30 Dzladus, lot 1, of Suburban J. Reardon was x the celebrant of Eoat Hartford, on W. h(id- pear before Circuit Onirt 12 in “Without the element of risk, Home'Const. Corp, on Rt. 44A; "We are going from the no- gan arriving by plane. HoifpitaL dle Tpke., west of Dover Rd. there is no genuine science but a.m. and 10:30 a.m. with the holds-barred search and rescue Otheher eurvivoni Include two assieted by the Rev. John J. O'­ Glastonbury on Jan. 22. Troop­ 'Contulate Bombed WITH OVER 7$ CHOICE children's Masa at 10:30 a.m. in Northfields Construction Co., Te CroM Friday asked Brien, deacon, and the Rev. Eu- After passing Bengston, Hen­ only an accurate, tidy 'plan of HaPLES, Italy (AP) — A For Hangovere , Inc. to General Water Service stage Into a period of damage that no more food be sent into ----- two etepdaughtws, a ry crashed Into four unoccu­ er Robert Peterson Investigat­ scientific work' which satisfies the church hall. The Sunday assessment and home restora­ steiNKa, eeventeen grandchU- ine F. T o ^ y , subdeacon. Mrs. ed. large) plastic dynamite bomb \ r a w HAVEN, Conn. (AP) — Maas at 'Bt. Joseph's Mission Co., on Tolland , Rd.; North- northern Oalifomla'e flooded alph Maoearone was the organ­ pied care parked on the side of all bureaucratic , requirements explooM today in front of the Iflyou’ve tried all those heme CARS TO CHOOSE FROM AT tion,” said George Grace, -re- areas. dnm and fourteen creat-grand- and in which everything is Church In Eaglevllle will be at 'fields Construction Oo.,. Inc. to ehUdren. ' . ist and soloist. Burial was in the the street, police said. His car Spanish Oonsulate In Naples, remedlea for a holiday hangover 8:S(i a!m. Robert G. A Barbara G. Woods, Here’s Your Land^nark For—. veteranr^fecUon of East Ceme­ then spun around and struck known, in ad'vance — ‘expected smashing the gateway, damag; and| aren’t aatlafied, here'i on* Funeral oervicea will be held results’ and 'economic effects' First CoogrfgatioSRt Church lot 10, Swamp Rd. FINE DINING. COCKTAILS and Tueodiw at 10 a.m. at B t tery where Father Torpey read Bengstra's car, police Zaid. hlg walls and ahatterlng win­ from an expert. DISCOUWf PRICES! The Men’s Club of the First Rambler Homes, Inc. to the committal e«rvlce. Three of the six care involved About Town and so on,” he wrote. dows of other buildings. No one Mix milk with some undiluted Wayne Irvin A Bessie A. Badg­ n^mu66isramr/imo/T£va Paul'4 Episcopal Church, Wind­ Parln bemoaned Rubeia's - . ; " I** Congregational Church will have Facilities tor BANQUETS and W EDDINGS.., ham. Th e Rev. Donald E. EU- Honorary bearera represent­ were towed away. Police are was reported Injtured concentrated orange juice a breakfast at 7 rtO'a.m. Sunday er. lot 18, North River Rd.; « TOUCKTHESCREatWnHLmna! Ill ing the MagUanase Society were Inveetigatlng the accident 'Sunset Rebekah 'Lndge will "acute shortage" of advanced afir In some plain powdered ge­ wood, v ^ , will ofticlata with electronic computers' and other Police said the pre-dawn ex­ in the vekry. Ronald Aronson. Rambler Homes, In6. to Ray­ tha Rev. Jerim E. Montw, Bur- Juliua DubiUdo, Amerigo Gue- meet Monday at 8 p.m, at Odd plosion waa the work of Spanish latin. State 4-H Leader, will speak and mond E. A Theressa M. Du­ NO' DANCING TONIGHT! tinelU, Peter UrbanetU, Thpmaa Cm r- INBBT FREE Fellows HalL Refreshments will devices which he said scientific extremistir'A- large scale hunt "On second thought, maybe show slides on the past 4-H Con­ quette, lot 2, North River Rd.; BASTROP, U . (AP) - This be served. reaearohers require “Juat os ,fi AUTO DISCOUNT HURT jPagani, Romoto Pagan! -and Ra: man needs bread."' waa begun Itt an.attempt to you ehould Juat ouftef ter gress in Chiesgo. Rambler Homes, Inc. to Robert niero FinuocL northeast Louisiana city of 14,- round ud persong believed asao- while." aaya Dr. B; Robert Church School, will be at 9:80 C- A AUce-Mae Nelson, lot 14, MMR i Bearera were Cheater A. Vaml 000 anjoypd unique etatua today. . A daui^ter, Paulin*' Attiee, clatod with Mob groups. Greenhouae, who baada a atate •.m. and 10;4fi a.m. In Kings­ North R ^er Rd.; Mabel A. WoU i Porsoiial NoUom NpalM Mh» 9 Jr., John Vami, Robert Vaml, I t . d o m ’t owe anybody any was bom this inomihg to Mr. GETS ARMY CONTRACT PoUcs sBld they found two aloohollam chplc tn New Haven. bury Houss; Junior choir «t 1Q:40 to Arilngton O. A Evelyn 1. M at 3 PJM-jl Wallaee Iriah Jr., Robert BoreUo money tor tbe tint time in'44 and Mn. W. N i^laa lbilght.of HOUSE. Inc. ^ Eve.' ■ placardB posted on walls nsnr “If you really M lar.'nffJbe a.m. hsre. Smith, on Cedar Swamp Rd. In BAqioriain and William W yue. years. Bloomington, Ind. Nick ludgjit, WABHtNGTON (AP) ~r An tlM acenaqf the blast Oge read: you’ll think twice about getting Ths Rev. Mrs. Pauline C. , ii3ff * • 1 131* last of Baatrop’f bonded a 1957 graduate of M ano^ter army ceoiraot for |UJKM,(I68 toy "Long Uve LBftaratsd Spain." drunk next tlmb." 478 CENTER STr-443-9581 Hutchlneon oC Manafleld will be Man Chester Eve ■eraM ArllHir OaiHa ^ indebtodneaa wdi paid ot( with High School, U the aon at Mr. construction of barracka (jU F t the qtber rend: “Until tbs Greenhouae aaya he haa “ aav- gdest mlnleter during the 11 Coventry nt' F. BURNSIDE funeral serrlcaa for tha end of 1044. and Mrs, N- VfUltam Knight of Jiacluoti, B.C., baa bs«n agnarded Iberian peopls oaas* to be op; •r had a haa«ver In my .Ufa.” sjn. wonbiP servioee Suhday Panllae Utila, T4S- of Qlartonhury City ufftclaia told Bastrop 16 66 Whita S t HU wife U 1 ^ for­ to F.D. Rich A Oo. 4ff 860 lum- * and nbuMd by tbp las> im ed y ? I clniick Hie Holy Com- •ML / tha o d y olty In th* stata -e and mer Busan AtUs HarrUon of nar Bt, Stamford, Ooan. Ben. olst dloUtonlitp^ djniw U wtu oiM of £ very few in the nation WelleaUy HUU, Maas. ThU U Thomas J: Dodd, D-09an.,.msd* m nind . . A m ^ way of lib­ BUM Emm a o M |^ ot — that standi tre e ot debt tihe couple’s tlrri child. ths amminoement T te a n S e j. erty oamet brauOoeii^" QfMBlMNUW Mide '' ^ ^

'- n r


JUmrl^^Bter W by, than, did wa nirii to with thdt Connecticut Yankm tin t tnaUnetlTa "Oo away, ItrUaea RodcafallarT” Churches This Is the News That Made 1964 History in Manchester Enmitig V^nilb B y A A O . Not becauaa ttt hla marital atfWn. Cbnrte ot ilie Aseompltoa Oomimmlty Baptist Cbi jMb. They ware paver more than an axeuao OeaberAa ImOtoteB^Ctareh Adams BA and IkoamMu Rd. ■88 lA Oeator SA poUtldana had for aeaktnc aoma other 4S Plttdn BA ory Oouneil reacinda dselaleB to Rav. Paai C. Raiser. Pastor Rev. Ptands J. Matolek Rav. Atax B. lllswBC January cMdldate. Whatever frlAce Importanoa Pastor gambits In ths carssf of John posing tbs threat of March bar prasa and pubHc from fta they may have had cwi eaally be cured a.m., H<8y Communion, ' Rev. Enieat J. Ooppa Bailey, and ones wo— begin jffniq.irinii o f revolt If hla oom- meetings. Clinton J. Hendrick­ 8:80 turn.. Church School for tosiata waran't hadrd most rym - t. Town wina first prlsa in 2. Striking union employes at son la awkrdad Silver Beaver with the passafife of time, and tha ple^ Bcbool SM Nursery. thinking of thorn wo tooBao ita population class in New Maaraa at T, 8, 9,40:16 ^ d aU agaa. Oassah terough Grade pathetlosny. ' Carlyle-Johnson Machtna <3o. for outstanding leadership, by ture of new domestic felicity. . 10) a.m., Holy Oommunion, thore have really been quits a England -Council town report dig in for long fight; plant School and Nurser^. 11:80 a.m. 4 wlu have an expanded ses­ And once again, for tee same (Charter Oak CouHeil. of Boy Not becauu t^else isn't a pleasiny and sion. fow, otote of team afuU flodfod oontaaA Glen >Ian HunnUrord, hirea replacements. Church of Scouts of America. DavM P. 8 p.ik, Christmas Choral Vea- Individual, Btata Chaitmaa son of Mr. and Mrs. Alan Hun- Jesus Christ o f L a tte r-D a y 10:80 lum.. Worship Ssrvloe. ■ta^ In Ifoolf. ' Bailey went to aome parttoular Hlnchey wins SoroptiiMste lovable fellow. He Is still a (reat bly per Seryice, Oonterdla Choir BA Barthotomew’s Oburch Oommunion. Reception of mem­ fotord, la first New Tear’s Baby Saints plans $260,000 churte on and Ommrdia Youth Choir. palM to provlda a rory special Good CHtixenship Award'. teddy bear of a man. .And he had a (reat Rev. Philip Hneeey, Pastor bers. Sermon: “ Our Covenant: But tha other day ha puUod at Manchaater Memorial Hoa- Hlllstown Rd. Kendall R. Rich­ W ednem y, 7:30 pm., Epi­ Bev. Richard C. Bollea the oama kind o f gomWt pn tee kind of audience. Ptiq). ' ardson named.one of 96 senior 15. Democratic majority o t big noble, beefy moment when, before God’s People and Our ReaMn- board of directors rejects gen­ ___*••••••••••••••••« phany Ber^ce with Holy Com­ Assistant Pastor ^ alblUty." A nursery la provided ■amo Individual for the oocond ' TMa time Bailey, who haa » 3. Supt. William H. Curtis high school teachers in nation fonilia the San iSancisco con ven t!^ he stood munion. tlmo In bote of their c » r ^ eral nlanager’s request to hire BBtb •••••••••••••♦•••• -..during the worship service. been known to dlscuse and de­ aubmita school budget of $6A to will John Hay Fhllqwship. up there and taunted the BlKhera In Masses at 8:45, 7:8hs^9, 10:16 4 p.m., Junior and Senior High Tkla wao, In our. own oonolderoa cide a few things behind closed million for 1904-06 to board of Five-Day-Stop-Smoklng '^Clinic , personnel director. Board sets ' " M M fW ft* Ike SaHptlOn Army and 11:80 a.m. and iw aya charitable opinion, June 9. for formal review of their dens. I ___ Baptist Youth Fehowshlps. doon, suddenly decided teat ha education. Fire destroys interior at niing Junior High S c | u > ^ Tim AflBOCUTSID PBiaB ...... 881 Main BA putting It on Ablt thick. General Manager Richard Mar­ Governor Rockefeller is never defi­ wanted ell tee prtas of tee state of Bralnard home, 77 N. School attended by nearly ip o 'per­ CApt- WtUlankD. MacLean BA Bridget’s Chorte Bote In the 1980’*, one Ar­ sltU ^ in wMla Barbiert pfeas- sons. tin’s performance, and May 16 cient in heart or feeling. He hM a great Officer InNcharge Second Oongregatloiial Ohurte -S t. Francis B. Bray, Main SA Rev. John J. Delaney, Paetor 886 N. Mala SA thur Borbleri, Domocratlo ;^w n •d his complaint So, this time, . Jeweler, diaa- after brief lllneaa. 3; Board oalal la Illustrated by the khid of art he col­ l^v.'Dennto R. Rneeey Rev. O. Boaald Wllsoa, Itevan, sought and wa* granted fronted with tee gfeatest fosse needs new acceai fnmi S. Alton Commission's recommtnd- oral nmnager announces he will . fiSShmbifla mi* ilao n mrrtd. ______ah ages. . an appointment with Demo- audience ever aaeembled -.to ejjU'tearter changes. let garbage collection contract lects and the things he says about it 10;46'4i.m., Holim Service.- Aasoclato MlBlstor to Haynes SA aaya traffic engi­ Tha H«mM PrlnUBs OottDABj, jne.. »*■ Massea at 7, 8, 9:16, 10:80 and cratie.rata Chairman BalWy in watte a sofoewhat Isolated ' 4. Board of directors votes to to Leaseway Sanitatiem Serv­ BO ttauctai Cr type- He has great Surging instincts. He la Sermon by Capt. Mai lan. neer Arnold A. Hlrvala Jr. - Noon. 10 a.m., Worship Service and tha^atter’a Hartford dTflca, town chairmen try to work a 4. MaJ. B. Walter Lamle la plan two new firehouses on ices. Green Manor CtoiMtrucUon ---- •-■-ij otrorp aitpaulnc Id «lvertlpem«itp Richard The Uon Hearted; a Paul Burf- 8:30 p.m., Pmyer irvlce. or n a m e mattar la Tba lUaebaalar Church School. Nurse^ timxigh t6pic New Haven patronage. rather small opoar Into ths hide chosen to mpreaeilt eastern McKee St. and in Green area. Co. propose.-- building own tem­ 7 p.m., Salvation eeting. Republican town director aak [ Harald. ______■ yan o f the budgets; a Superman of the Special missionary pn ntation 8A James’ Church Grades 7. Service-of Holy Com­ Barbleri, reportedly, sought the Of a tough state boss. lilt e d States at Salvation porary sewage treatment plant Msgr. Edward J. Reardon, munion. Oommunion Meditation consultation o t the behest and Parhape Bailey knew, from Mayor Francis Mahoney to In­ In Parker Village. waim. handshake. on work of the Stivatloi Army Army International College for vestigate 'relocation of Man­ •^iSSrSLSItilht He is weak only in those regions above in Nairobi, Kenya. Pastor by tee Rev. Mr. Davla. with tee backing of Mayor axperlenaq o f his own, test It dmcera, London, England, Feb. 16. Matthew M. Moriarty fe- p g ffA jS S r ^ N p * Toifc Ch*. Rev. Eugene E. Torpey 8 p.m., Pilgrim Youth Fellow- Richard Lee of New Haven, and chester office of State Ehnployr oeives Chamber of Commerce 'Sod Bftftff*! . the heart He doesn't think very bril­ Thursday, 7:80 p.m. Bible you are going to beard aomaona 6 to April L ment Service from Main St. to atoit buiusad or aMoatUi- Bev. Joseph H. MoCann ahip win meet with the Rev. Mr. for tee expreaa purpose of 1^ annual ”M" award at dinner atudy. ^ vaiUy superior power, It Is 0. New Temple Bpth Sholom Parkade.- .Ice skating, season liantly for himself. He doesn’t make sen­ Rev. John J. O’Brlea Wilson. forming tee etato chairman of safer to do It in secre t That la dedicated In stirring cere­ featuring speech by Gov. John sible choices among policies. 7:80 p.m.. Mu Sigma Chi the peaty that henceforth aU ends at park department areaa. Dempsey. Manchester YWCA ____ _ eloaUif booM> Jehovah’s Vltneesea way, you can be as genQa as mony attended by over 600 per­ Leaseway • ^ it a t io n Services None of this means he can't make H. Kingdom Hall Masses at 6, 7, 8, 10:16 and Group will meet with Mr. and patronage decisions concerning you wiifo inslds, and as bold as sons. Siipt. of Schools William celebrates 20th anniversary at :S0 a.m. Mrs. Staqlmr Matteson. New Haven ahould be deared Inc. bids low to collect gar­ luncheon. The nature o f' politics says that it is TOAMaln SA you dare to be hi your own lub- H. Curtis is named by Gov. bage and rubbish twice-E'^week L-iVgy%a&. 8 pjn .. Young adult group through Town Chairman Bar­ sequent outside report-to your John Dempsey to commission 17. Town park and recreation quite possible that, if he woriu at it wlU mSet In the church parlor. bleri and Mayor Lae rather teen At the streetline. board -reaffirms vote to charge ___ 4:80 p.m., Bible group-dlacus- United Pentecostal <3hurte constituents and aseed etee. for allocating federal funds for 6. General Manager Richard day ol hard enou(d>> be can make it That’s the aion of the Watchtower article: 187 Woodbridge SA Tuesday, 7 :80 p.m.. Church through Democratic Neitlonal higher education in state. Mr. family fee of $5 for season at M daodUna: 10:10 am. aaofe School fo r Grade# 8 through IS. John Golden, Anyway, tor tee second tens Martin recommends cutting town swimming pools. Mrs. ppcipt atartay — 0 am. possibility we have to watdi. Worse and "O u t of tea Tombs to a Resur­ Rev. Robert L. Baker aind Mrs. F>ahk J. Vichi named $143,000 from board of educa­ rection of Life.” oo-chalrmen of March of Dimes Melvin T. Jochimsen is in­ stranger things have already happened. tion's $5,243,000 budget and stalled chairman- of YWCA BAturdar, January » Wednesday, 8 p.m., Group ^10 a.m., Sunday achool. Emanuel LnflMrea Ghnroh „ tee Democratic bOe. o f New e||S“^ o^ ce*^ ?S S h E .campaign, $35,000 fiom Community Col­ ABk any Republican. disouasion In the B ide aid: a.m., Worship. Revl O. Henry Andersen, town committee. Chairman Barbleri. so smsMied ths whols play. 7. Charter Revialon Commis­ lege’s request for $140A66. Pine 18. Two Manchester High “ Babylon tee Great Has Fallen 1 :30 p.m., Evangeliatic Serv- Pastor sion says it will persist with tree blown down by strong God’s Kingdom Rules!” at 87 lca\ Rev. Melvin T. Petoraon, the legend-like account soon School Seniors, Clsiire Levesque H m Gnat Toy Gap recommendations < for mandato­ ■winds blocks traffic at Hart­ and Richard J. Sullivan, are Blrte SA, 18 Chambem St., and idnesday, 7:80 p.m., BiUa Anrietasi Festor went arrived at Bailey’s offlee ry review of general manager ford Rd. near South Terminus. * m thhi oooatiy this year the most fre- H ie Junior Higrh School Fad 387 Oakland SA; also, 144 Grif­ prayer meeting. on schedule tor his appointment named wlnniers of first tmder- ■ every two years, and strip him Robert W. Ferguson elected graduate state scholarteips. - ^BsnUy voiced comment on the produo- fin Rd., South Windsor, and 8 a.m., Service of Hp^ Oam- and was welcomed warmly by Herald o f many duties, deabite crit- most excellent high priest of Those who have never been able to French Rd., Bolton. munlon In' the cbapeA Sermon the state tealrman who escort­ John F.. Jackson Is appointed H Hon ter the Christmas toy market has SA John’s PoUah National IciM leveled by State's Atty. Delta Chapter, Royal Arch assistant librarian at Mary make up their minds that the Junior Friday, 7:80 p.m., Theocratfo Catholic fhurte by Pastor Petereoa: ’’The Word ed him to a comfortable chair Yesterdays bean that there has been something of Jten D. LaBelle at public Masons. Mrs. John Z i e m a k Cheney Library. high school system was desirable will Ministry School. . . , Bev. Walter A. Hyateo- Became Flesh." and then, remarking casually meeting. Mrs. Beverly Jenklna elected president of Manchester 8 p.m.. Service meeting. 20. Atty. John F. Shea an­ . • Bsw oortreme in the encouragement of not be surprised that the current recom­ Pastor 9 and l0:sp a.in.. Divine Wbr- that he had someone waiting Installed noble grand of Sun­ Emblem Club. ahi]^ and Churte School. Nurs­ who might fit into their consul­ 25 Yean Ago nounced he will resign as chair, ' Tkilwirt and tn the design of toys and mendation, down in New Toik CSty, te set Rebekah Lodge. 6. Joseph P. Kennedy Founda­ man of Republican Town Com­ Chorte of the Nazarene Masse; at 8:;80 and 10:80. ery for Infants. Sermon b f Pas­ tation, walked to another dter 8. Bruno DeMarco dlamtssed, tion approves grant of $3,000 Matthew Moriarty won the Big M Award ' aimed at the theoretical deatruo- m Main SA Local oontribaUona to hlna- mittee at end of term in May. for wtiat amounts to its sboUtlon and tor Anderson; "Guidance for tha and opened It to admit National but study of highway depart­ for summer day camp for re­ eC beinga and countries and Bev. Robert J. Sboff, Minister Unknown Pate." Committeeman Golden. Ih the ite Relief Fund near 6300 total Griswold A. (Oappell is elect­ tee restoration of tee four year high \ Gospel Han ment may continue. Proj^sed tarded children. Town Planning tional Machine Trades Contest. I Republican Director Francis P. dvlUwtknw. Rev. R. Alfred Swain, conference that ensued. Bailey aa five mors donations report- ed chairman of Manchester In­ schooL 1|5 Cemter SA sewer projects for Keeney St., Commission appoints Joseph John C. Dougan elected presi-1 DellaFera assails actions of terfaith Social Action Com­ - Over in Russia, the New Tear bringa Associate Minister Zion Evangelical ^ and Golden reportedly cut Bar­ ea New York Ctty’s proapective move Lutheran Church northeast treatfhent plant and Tamsky, graduate city planner, dent of Manchester Rod and Democratic majority on'^Char- mittee. Mrs. CaMn Vlnlck • is bleri foto amiable tereds. Just Memory of Hlldur Oonall relief truck for Bigelow Brook Boasiaiia thdr traditlanal season for 8:80 a.m.. Church School 10 a.m.,\Breaking bread. (Mlasoori Synod) to fillj)ost of planning director. Gun Club. ter Revision Commission rever­ installed as president of Ben away from the Junior high school idea with their smiles, ^ t h aie gen­ Hanson perpetuated la dsdtea- area are approved by town di­ -g ifta , and thare too there Is orltidam classes for all ages. 12:15 p.m., Sunday School. Cooper and High Sts. Uon of new paramenls and vaa- Manchester area Heart Fund 17. Break in ranks of Demo­ sal. Mayor Francis J. Mahoney Ezra (ThXpter and Seymour a being prompted, tn large part, by the 7 p.m., w spel meeting. tle men; both had an idea that rectors. Mrs. Donald Gray of Drive collects $12,468 to date. cratic majority on Charter Re­ € t the irind o t toys being pcodooed ter 10:46 a.m., Communion Serv­ The Rev. Panl O. Prokopy, Barbleri, on this occasion, was sela at Emanuel Lutheran chosen to head ■ citizen’s com- Kudlow/M presidenb'of Char- civil rights issue. H i^ schooU are never ice. Nursery and Children’s Tuesday, \ 8 p.m., Prayer Second O>n8;regatlonal Church, 7. Manchester Redevelopment vision Commission defeats pro­ njittee and Lt. Col. Henry Don­ te r -C ^ Lodge at B’nai B’rith " ItaMhm chUdien. on an errand for somebody else. Churte aa several epeakere la re>«lected president of Map^ Agency asks to'wn directors to quite BO “neighbortiood” in character Church. meeting. 9 a.m., Sunday School. laud faithful Oiriatlan eervlce vision for mandatory two-year ovan to head military cominit- joint installation dinner. M t fat Ruasis, Interestingly enough, Friday, 8 ,m., Bible reading. This iaddenA as ws say, be­ Chester Council of United develop program to Improve and location as the elementary sdtooUi; 6 p.m., Youth Servleas. 9:80 a.m.. Adult Bible Time. of Mre. Hanson during twenty review of general manager’s tee for May 16 Armed Forces 21. Francis P. DellaFera and came one of the classic stories Churte 'Women. Union Pond along with North - the erltIciBm, with good old NtUta tee sooner telldren are sent to high 7 p.m.. Evangelistic Service. 10 a.m.. Divine Worship with yeara teat her father served as* performance. Day celebration. Roger Bagley are named can­ o f the BaUey career. 9. Town school system is In­ Ehid renewal work. Ehctra tax didates for Republican Town o Khrushebav ones again the scapegoat, la Message by the Pastor. Center Con^ragatlonal Ckurcta Communion. Text: Exodus 14: Just the other day, whan tee pastor at church. 18. Fire at 436 N. Main St. 28. Jay P. ^oris is awarded schools, then, the sooner the goal of Wednesday, 7:80 p.m., Pray­ United Cmrch of. Chijat 18-16. Theme: "TeU the People vited to Join New England Ed­ in special downtown district Committee chairmanship. Mrs. ’ Cram a different angla special session of the General leaves four families homeless. graduate fellowship of 84,300^'in integration ean be attained through er, Praise and Bible study. 11 Center SA to go Forward!” Connecticut Company which ucational Data Systems to be- may be six mills, according to Philip E.- Sumner is elected pres­ Assembly was atm under tea eome regional data processing North End Renewal project sciences by National Sciehce At nsw^Mpar articles dlseuasing enr- proceasea more natural than teat of Bev. Clifford O. Mmpson, Thursday, 8:80 p.m., Adutt was last week g l ^ parmlsaion General Manager Richard Mar­ ident of Woman’s Auxlliaiy ot gentle and charitable spell of to extend its hue services center. Elva Tyler la installed may Include low rent apart­ Foundation of U.S. Governfhent. aent toy produotian-fat Ruasis, Khnish- using bus transportation to get a mix- First Chorte of diritA' StlnlstSr information hour. tin. Doors on record vaults in ments In residential area. Atty. Robert A. Carson wins third Manchester Memorial Hospital. Scientist' Rev. Joaete H. Dudley, its pra-C3uriStmaa mood, this through certain streets in Man­ president of Manchester Board Municipal Building declared ob­ . ahav la batng Identified with this altua- same Democratic Town Chair­ David Barry gets backing for prize ot $75 in State Hire the Manchester League of Women tune o f races in schooL 447 N. Main SA AssoclMe Minister Cbnrte of Ohriat chester to run to plant o t air­ of Realtors. solete by state examiner of pub­ Voters opposes proposed char­ tfen: man Barbleri came up to KaiA- craft company In East Hartford , 10. Theodore Powell is ap­ Democratic nomination f o r Handicapped poster contest, But, although tee elvU rights issue Rev. Francis C. Hawes, Lydall and Vernon Sta. changea. Manchester Redevel- tlon for health Insurance for re- \ 070, according to Manchester lic records, Rockwell H. Potter. state senator from Fourth Dls-1 3®- Manchester families un- ter revision for mandatory re- *Tb tbs last few years, the prodtic- may be one thing white makes the pro­ 11 a.m., Sunday service, Sun­ Minister of Christian Iklncatiaa Eugene Brewer, Mlnleter tord again. atarta this new service today. pointed head of committee to 9. Eldward H. Olenney ik elect- -view of general mankger’s per­ on ce again, he came with aa plan development of Manches­ i^ment Agency opposes recom­ tired town employes. Edward i RedeVelopment Agency. Special . . . trict to succeed retiring Fred | able to reach relatives in earth- Uon of so-eSUed military toys was cut posed restoration o t tee four year high day school and nursery. Over 400 parishionen sur­ mendation------of------Director The- — J, Tomklel is appointed legisla-■ Central Taxing District sub- ed chairman ^ fuel division of Doocy. Town is denied federdl i quake-stricken Anchorage area formance. How the First Comijaandpient 8, 9:10 and 11 a.m., Worship 9:46 a-m., Bible claaaea for Intent and a mission of totingto prise Rev. J. Stuart NeU and ter Community - Ctollege. ^bask without Justification. Tuika, ar^ school seem desirable in New York a ty , set Bailey right on a New Ha­ 'l l . Phillip Harrison is hon­ odore Powell to increase its Ove committee chairman o f , "^Its $16,355 budget based on Chamber of Commerce. John grant to plan Parker Village Alaska. 22. Manchester Herald wins gives purpose and direction to Service. Holy Communion. Sub­ all ages. MrA NeUl at tea and reception staff. Republican Town Chair- state Town Clerks’ Association 4-mlll rate within district. . Bamlni is elected president of basoied ears, planea and armored trains, there are other eonsiderationa white human endeavors will be a cen­ ven problem—this time red!*- ored by testimonial from mem­ sewage treatment plant. Town 31. Reli^tives of town resi­ "Best Idea of the Year” award ject: “ Now My Eye Sees Thee.” 10:46 Am., Woral^. “ Plan­ given tn honor of the two who man Atty. John Shea appolnU g D ^ l l U o r of W c k C ii I 21. Miss Esther Pickles is Rotary Club. at - convention of American *' rifles and tommyguns have almost dis­ tral teems at all Christian 9:16 and 11 a.m.. Church ning A Work and Working a trictlng. bers of Temple Beth Sholom I Building Committee approves dents get Word through that they seem likely to clinch the proposition. have been at bead of parish tor Francis DellaFera his admlnls- homestead begins. Board of ed- ^o*" scout work in Pox 10. Manchester Redevelop- are safe in earthquake - ravaged Newspaper Publishere Aseocia- appeared.” Science churches. The subject School. Crib Room (9:15 only) Plan." This time, however, it seem­ for years of service. Mr. and plans for $540,000 addition to Itiere are some educators who think 33 yesTA ...... and Re- ucatlon votes $5,243,364 school R*''®*', Wls., area. ment Agency chooses Raymond Highland Park School. C. El­ Homer, Alaska. Nell Ellis of tion. Miss Barbara E. 0>leman of the Bible Lesson is “ Gte,” through Junior High. 6 p.m.. Worship. "Behold the ed that he waa operating on hla Snow falle on Manchester as Mrs. Johiv Dewart Jr. are re- Xhnishtibev’a Council on Toys had, ao- that the 6-3-8 scheduling of school years own Impulse and not as an er­ ported safe In. strife-tom Pan- publirans approve J ^ t study of budget for 1964-65, and $140,- 22. Mrs. Barbara P. Atwood and May Associates aa planning more Watkins elected to 25th Green Manor Oonstruction <3o. receives 1964 Connecticut Young The Golden Text Is from Deu­ Hands of Jesus.” temperature rises and falM. sordlng to the same article, rejected a winds up with neither the Junior high teronomy 6:4. Oorrelatl've read­ Calvary Clmrte Tuesday, 7:30 p.m.^ Ladlea rand boy for anybody else. j towns voting districts. High- 566 for Manchester Community wins one of 12 Freedom Awards consultants for downtown re- consecutive term as president asks General Manager Richard Democrats award. Raymond A. 'proposal to manufacture a game with ings from “ Science and Health (Assemblies of God) Study and Service Group. It seemed to be prlndpaUy 18. Town snowplows keep | . department’s overtime coU e~, Board also votes re- state by Freedom newal project Ejlghth District of Verplanck Scholarship Foun­ Martin to solve sanitary sew­ Strickland enters National Old- school nor the senior high school doing BtreeU open as snow . ^“ ^ ® t J ^ » “ rted by ^s^^ p^y p ,^ department Foundation V a 11 e y Forge, dlrectws give qualified endorse- age problem in Parker St. area Time Fiddldr’s (Contest In Wels- llq soldiets In It because such a game with Key to tee Scripturea” by 647 E: Middle Tpke. Wednesday, 7:80 p.m.. Mid­ Barbleri who waa unhappy with 10 Y e m n Ago dation. a full and thorough Job with Its share certain possible dlstHct Uses and schools cl6*e early. Citizens "™oval work. Maimhester Heart heads, principals, and club ad- '-•eorge Washington Birthday ment of North End renewal where firm is building. Joseph ner, Idaho. Edwin Edwards la - T one counter to the aim of bringing Mary Baker EMdy include: p. Rev. Kenneth'X- Gnetafsoa week Service. 19. State earmarks $239,- o f the curriculum, and with aomelhlng 487:18. - Pastor Report by Postmaeier H. Advisory CouncU of Mantetoter cardlo^r- Pioneer Parachute Co. ‘’“ t cold on early | project ’ Citizens Advisory 760 for North End Renewal' S- is named assistant pur- elected commander of V7W and t o ebOdien In tee spirit o f tee peaoe- leas than an ideal coordination between Wednesday, 8 p.m.. Testimony OUa Grant ehows teat Msn- Community College and liaison I M«ncnester Memorial shoppers seeking apecials offer- Council o t Manchester Commu- project.Pleas to aid 10 victims chasing agent by general man- Mrs. Raymond Hagenow presi­ dent o'f auxiliary. lovhig policy of our Government” their respective plana of study. meeting. 9:45 a.m., Sunday School teester Poet Otflee handled eommittee with board of educa-, ^ land. Jo-Linda Lelb will spend t>y Manchester merchants, nlty Ckillege finds 87 local high of N. Main St. fire art issued Heno; Janssen of \Trinlty The asme article denied tee theory Readteg Room hours at 749 classes for all ages. over 400,000 more pieces of tba Rosstan oooaomy, and in fact tea Pastor Trinity Covenant Churte 10 a.m.. Worship Service. fect whereby ail regional blood John H. Hyde chairman ofj McGuire, teacher of English a t . er Influencee of tee “high achool caowd” Communion Theme :"T h e New” Aaalatant Pastor William Malkenson and Morton board and Robert J. Boyce | 10. Manchester Bdr Associa- Rtrthday Sale attracts steady Jartls Construction Co. bids elected president of French ‘ lltla at tee article read “Toys Are Hackmatack SA near Keeney SA oenters will act as. agents tor Rosenthal to retail executive Manchester High School, and —haa proved weirdly false in practice, • and 10:30 a.m., Worship Bev. K. EJnar Bask, Paator Reception of New Members. each other In collection and dis- her sister. Miss Catherine G. . Csrioua Busineas,” white is Just about and teat what haa really happened is 7 p.m., Junior High Fellow- Masses at 6:45, 7:48, 9, 10:18 aommittoe. April Service. Communion Sunday. tribuUon of blooa 16. Charter ^ vision Comml* McGuire, teacher of BlngUah at wbat wa Americana would routinely sx- Sermon: .. "New Possibilitiea 9:30 a.m., Sunday School with ahtp. and 11:80 a.m. foonTOtes 't o r C ’me"nrd'J^IlJI^^^ North End R e y a l Proj- IlUng Junior High, plan to re­ that some of the children in the Junior r-rtco 1. First Hartford Realty * pest from a grim Oonununlst regime. Through Christ.” classes for all .ages, kindergar­ Monday, 7 p.m.. Executive tire in June. Northeast Refusa high school age group have suffered ba- Board. SA Maurloe CImroh. Bolton amendment tor town’s manager- 2il»t^*^arShrllieauh. by Manchester R^eJSopment ^^“'“Ivs^he^^wnf ° re1o?nX°s Corp. and town settle dispute ■tin, it is pleasant and infonhative to 9 a.m., (3iurch School. Nurs­ ten through adiilt. council government. Hartford AfontJerov Ri/«vi towii CHArtcr, &t publlc hc&rincT tcnd&ncc. cr&t_» s&ys n6 will rejoin nis , navment of re<v t&x Sidii Committee hears plans of two cause they have been deprived o f the Rev. Bernard L. MeOuik, 38. Manchester Jayceea pick ery and Grades 4 through 12. 10:46 a.m.. Morning Worship. Blood Center concerned with wdlilwtm S e r tf ffiiec- directors on pro- 12. Town Park and recrea- party’s majority on Charter j^/^^^g^Xtion of n^'Glo^ contractors for ttve-town refuse ' read, aa one of tee postscripts to the example and pull of some of the good 10:80 a.m.. Church School. Sermon: "What Makes for a United Methodist Churte Paator Flrat Lnlheraa Chnrah Atty. David M. Barry as "The blood shortage; town donor* tow to r o v le ^ U Two- tlon advisory commission re- Revision Commission and move Bathhouse top ailoca- incinerator. Ktatuteteev career, that the old boy took Nursery, kindergarten and Happy New Year?” Nursery Rt. 44A, Bolton i Rockville Outatandlng Young Man of the 25. Manchester Chapter Al­ leadership present fai the senior high 7, 6:80, 10 and give only half of monthly quota y®®*" working agreement be- jects proposed cut in size of to reconsider provision for re -, chamber of C ^ m erce f his posture of peace seriously enough Grades 1 through 3. facilities provided. Rev. Abram W. Sangiby, Maaaes st Rev. WUUam H. Year.” Citizens’ Advisory coholics Anonymous colebrate* schools. at bloodmoblle. Park depart­ education and new Globe Hollow bathhouse, view of general manager’s per- 1 pm. Young AduKs at the 7 p.m.. Evening Service. Ser­ Minister 11:80 Am. Oouned of Manchester Com­ elects Allen F. Behnke, Xxfois 20th anniversary. State highway ^ to try te ksep the toys of war out df the ment and union offlclala resolve r ^ m m w d s to tov^ directors cugtojiana jg accepted by Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Kings- formanoe. United Aircraft There is a faddism in education, as In Parsonage. mon; “Prayer and You” The . 8:46 Am ., Sunday ' School, munity College accepts revised l ^ t town join Hartford Area board. bury Jr. arc elected worthy pa- Corp. awards scholarships to Chorches, Joseph G. Garman', aid funds will finance $68,800 . hands o t Russian children. Sacred Heart Churte at Faiington Canter School. work rules dispute. Nicholas A. Dr. Charles E. Jacobson Jr., some other phases of living, and once 8 p.m.. Senior Methodist Sacrament of Communion will 9:15 a.m., Sunday School. budget for the college after ^**^*"'' 26 State Sunreme Court and matron o f ’ ’ Temple thrrt -Manchester High School road pa-vlng program for town •ate a poUey had, of course. Its price. Yputh Fellowship. be observed. 9:15 and 10:45 a.m.. Worship. RA 80. Vernon 9 a.m.. First Lutheran Simday Laltonta Is Installed chancel­ heated discussion. St. Mary’s 76, affectionately known as Court ^ Qrder of Eastern Star, seniors. David Hlnchey. Ronald Louis Olmsted and W. Godfrey a fad atarta, It haa to nm ita coursa. Rev. Ralph Kelley, Paator streets. ' It created a toy giqi, between the Unit^ Monday, 6:80' p.m.. Woman’s Monday, 7:30 p.m,. Board of Sermon: "What Time Is It?” School. AU ages. lor commander of Memorial Episcopal Church plans survey “mayor of North End." dies at 13 Fred J i W y decides Jodoln, and Patricia Rackow- Gourley to board of dlrrttors. 37. Thomas Melbert receives The junior high school haa long aiiice Rev. Patrick SnlUvaa Mrs. G. Alton Perrett, Robert ' ad States and Russia in white, at the Society of Christian Service Mis­ Christian Education. 6:80 p.m.. Youth Fellowship. 0:80 Am., Pastor’s adult L ^ e . KnIghU of Pythias. of need for new parish, honow his home. D e ^ Frederick ^ W e ^ „ot to seek re-election as fourth *ki. Republican town caucus Fulbright Scholarship for year begun to loae favor in aome of the com­ sion Dinner Speaker, Mr. Jose Wednesday, 7:30 p.m.. Univer­ Aaetstant Pastor class. 16. Board of Education votes Lyons and Alan Lyons win amment, nursery America could obvlous- retiring treasurer John H. Hyde reports 120 students registered ^ ^ “ rtmento .jjgtHct’s State senator. Gen- authorizes new town commit­ of atudy at University of Mu­ munities white were first to adopt it. M. Santiago. sal Week of Prayer Service. First Congregational dm roh 10:80 Am ., Church service. S-1 to ban student smoking at with testimonlaL Center Con­ tor second semester at Mon- ^ “ta Dern^ra- Manager Richard Martin tee of 74 to take office in awards in Salvation Army's nich, Germany. Federal Court , I f Mast nim ery Russia right off the Masses at 7:80, 0:80, 10 and Some communities, like our own, came Tuesday, 7 p.m., Ghristian Vo- Thursday, 7:80 p.m., Unlvor- United Church of Christ Nursery for pre-schoolara. Manchester High School; board gregational Church!huroh adopUadopts larg­ lwg- Chester Community College.College^ increase■ „ „ ! J " iW ^ r s h ln to 70 and Mayor Francis Mahoney May. National Music Compoeera’ orders Spencer Rubber Products 11:16 a.m. also rejects double seeelons at Contest. aarswy map. to it ao lata one regrets the surrender eatlona and- Scholarship Com­ sal Week of Prayer Service. Andover est budget inn .history, $96,670.W .670. 12. Three Manchester High decide■ ■ ■ not to cut original plans 25. Jury------r finds fine Roy F . Darwin Oo. sold at auction. Wilfred Des- '' Ifcw a win now ha time out ter a nurs­ mittee. Rev. Raymond H. Bradley Jr,, SA George’s Epieeepal Ohurte Highland Park and Keeney St. First awards ceremonyc« of Worn- School seniors, David Hlnchey, totals S ll V o for . Globe Hollow Bathhouse, guilty of secoisecond degre murder 2. Mayor Francis Mahoney rosiers installed president of was finally allowed to take place at all. 8 p.m., Methodist Men's Cabi- Pastor BA Bernard’s dinrte BA 44 A, Boltoa Bchools, and pupils will be en’s Auxiliary will recommend spring referen­ ery strategy debate as to wheteer our BA Bernard’s Ter., Roekvflla Lu®f. 27^ LRepublican S i c ‘ L f Town Com- ,-uiuicvi.iwui. v-o, cusfiB Permls- pcrjlIlB-I lil aiajriiig of Hope Rothwell. French (Jlub of Manchester. No other great experiment and idhova- Mt. Rev. EdWaid W. Johnaoa, “farmed out” during construc­ Memorial Hospital honors 42 Williams are named finallsU In mittee^adoDto “ Ullty cimmls dum ori proposed charter re'vl- ______kite should be first to blast, now when A Thought foil, Today Rev. Patrick P. Bfahoaey, Sion of public utility cemmis- William M. Frank is fourth 28. , Manchester Community tion in .education haa ever taken ao long Wednesday, 8 a.m., Men's 9:45 a.m.. Church ScboOl. VloarN^ tion' work. Phillip Harrison volunteew for service. 10641964 NatlonslNational Merit SrholarshlnScholarship aqopis resolution en. . sions. Edward W. Krasenics' College Advisory Council ap- Sponsored by the Manteeater Pastor chosen chairman of Chamber '•nntest.^ , - UUIBIIIKdorsing «orinNorth emoEhid iironnurban extend bus routes to Manchester High School senior they are sure to win, or wait for tee to produce a result aa Inslgnlflcant as Bible class. Communion. 29. Town seeks K e n n e d'V to win 1964 United Aircraft takes over management of Sar­ ives bylaws and renames Mat- 7 a.m., Senior Youth Bible Council of Churches '' Iluardan toy manufacturers to catte up^ .11 a.m.. Worship Service. Ser­ 8 Am., Holy Oommunion. of Commerce retail division. Foundation grant for summer 14. Dwight E. Perry, head o f ; ^ J ^ sky named chief clerk and asota, Fla., office o t Shearson thliw M. Moriarty chairman. the present growing consensus that It Masses at 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 Scholarship. Republican lead­ elan. mon: “ The Nations Shall Come 10:18 a.m.. Holy Oommunion 17. Special SUte Republican day camp project for mentally Hammlll & Co. Ernest H. Lar­ Mlm Catherine Shea, principal ki which ease tee nurseries might have might better never have been tried. 9:80 a.m., Christian Growth a.m. ^ -- Manchester High School mathe- malw for^North^il?*ra^wl^ ’1®‘“ N. ” Lombardo as- ers in Fourth Stkte Senatorial Our God, Our Help in 1966 To Your Light.” and Churte School. Convention raises to'wn delega­ retarded cfiildren. Green Globe matlcs department, says h« wUl'force rate son buys Manchester Plumbing of Verplanck School, and Miss - ta iMMk to eoeodst. grwq). 7 p.m.. Pilgrim FelloWshfo. Wadnooday, 10 Am ., Holy tion to OOP parley* from four newspaper of Manchester Green District choose Raymond Cox Christianity is all about help. plan, to retire in June. Quarter, Circuit Court 12.‘ delegate to congressional con­ Supply Co. Marjorie Leidholdt, principal of Untiaday, 7:80 p.m.. Finance Slides of Hawaii shown by Jar, Vernon Methodlsl Ohurte Communion. to ten. Dr. Frederick W. Lowe School wins fiwt prize In school 3. Charter revisions must be Sometimes we forget this. When nonorshonors won byoy 214sis siuaen«studenU aiat | gjj^ves ghove. $21,476Ml 476 offI f t (»and LUt Company ai and union ofii- vention. South School, announce plans to Commiaslon. Outlaw. BA 80 8 p.m., Bxooutlvo oommHtee Jr. subpiltB $142,000 budget re- press project of Connecticut combined to fit on voting ma­ we do, worship loses its Im- Rev. Morton A. Magee ming Junior High SchooL i makinv flnki ^ cials at Carlyle-Johnson Ma- 26. Miss Paula C. Adams is retire In June. Luts Junior Mu­ *790, Ho, Notoer? The Greet SraaBhop 8 p.m.. Mission Commission Tuesday, 8 p.m.. Deacon’s mee ' ‘ quest to board of educatioa for 'Tuberculosis and Health Asso­ chines, says Town CHerk Ed­ seum honors Mrs. WUUam portanoe and the church loeea Northeast Refuse Committee 44^'r?w^8linS%'rkin?t£!il ehlne Co. reach tentative agree­ named one of first ten winners Friday, 8 p.m., CSirisUan So­ members. Such a plight cells Meeting, Social Room o t Church. Community College. Family ciation. faces problem . of finding site ward Tomklel. Moore as volunteer of year. 0 and-io Am., Worship Serv­ ment with local 901 of American ment on contract to settle 37- of $750 State ScholaiYhips un­ Wbsa tee presidehtial nomination of Last summer in Haddam, Xk>nnecticut, cial Concerns Commisaion. forth new help. Wednesday 8 p.m., Christian TalcottvUlele Oongregatieaal membership system for town 30. Finance committee of tor propoaed five-town inciner­ day-old strike. 7. Roy F. Darwin given life 30. filing Junior High School 32 automobiles were wrecked deliber­ Saturday, 8 p.m.. Come Dou­ ice and child care. Holy Com­ Federation of State, County der 1963 State Legislature’s b tea Republican party goee to a Barry Troubles .end trials, constant Enlistment comntittee. Churte pools is rocoromeqi^ed by ad- board of education recom­ ator. 16. “Manchester Interfalth prison sentence in slaying of announces 343 students on third ately. They were run into each other bles Club. munion. and Municipal Employes. Man- program. Democratic Town Qoiibvater, that proves that politica la and ot every nature plague Thursday, 8 p.m.. Women's Rev. Robert K. yiaory park and recreation com­ mends cutting $4S,(XX) from 16 Roltort Macri signs con- T h M t ^ ^ Action Committee” U Hope Rothwell. William Slelth quarter honor roll. Mrs. Joseph and into stationary objects. This last Fellowship in Social room. 0 a.m., Church school. Nurs­ Paator mission. 1964-66 school budget requOst. Committee endorses North End ' a game .in white anything can happeiu mankind. Man looks for help ery, kindergarten, Grades 1 P*“ ** one-story ufots for West 1 '«>»™ally created by 60 repre- makes plea for lower taxes at Swensson installed president of week, in all solemnity, the Research SA Mary’a Eplaoppel Church but finds none that satisfies 8 p.m., Trustee’s meeting at 18. Dean Frederick Lowe of Teacher organisations criticize renewal project; committee also Women’s Club of Manteeater. company which supervised the testing Churte and Park Sts. through 4. Senior high. W. a .] « « “ ^Mve from 10 town public nearing attended by 150 ‘ And If one wants to take a snap analy- That is because men seek help Church. 11 a.m.. Worship Sapyico utd Mancheeter Community College plan to drop ratio method for endorses Atty. David Barry as persona before town directors 30. Bennet Junior High School made Ha report After a atudy o f fllnu Re.v« Oeorgq F. Nostrand 10 a.m., Church School. Sunday SchooL Sorraoii: Commit McNally and Sons Co. gets churches at meeting at Temple ' ^ of how almost anything can happen, from Man;^ but humanltarian- says budget hike Is needed for principals' salaries Edward J.. Beth Sholom. Striking employes candidate for Fourth District on reported 1964-65 budget. announces 300 students win hon­ the following points were made. Rector Jehovah’s Witnesses Grades 6 through 8. On Tha Naw Man." one can guess that the best asset of Um le to no avail and philan- salaries, staff additions. Holl, dean of Manchester Real­ of Carlyle-Johnson approve con­ State Senate post. Miss Bar­ ’ 8.' Town directors approve ors for third quarter. Cars with front motors prevented the Rev. John D. Hughes tropy succors not. "Whence Kingdom HSU 7 p.m., Methodist Youth Fel­ 7 p.m.> Pilgrim Fallowahip. 30. Town’s first traffic fa­ tors, celebrates 90th birthday. all may be a aort of certain grim dog- Bev. Jamea W. Bottoma lowship. 29. Bi-partisan town redis- tract and end ... walkout...... North bara Coleman and Ted Oim- charter changes and set May other vehicle from entering the passen­ oometh man’s help?” BA 80 Wednaaday, 11 Am ,, Laolae tality of year, Mr*. Mary Con- 31. Mr. and Mrs. Louis J, 17. Six tnchis of snow falls Bl-oartlsan town . mlngs as state central commit­ gednesB, white kMpa hanging in there ger area better than cam with motor Bev. Ronald E. Haldeman End resld«ats voice,' opposition 19 for referendum, along with Christianity affirms help to b# Missionary Society. . soU of Eaat Hartford, died from Tuttle celebrate 65th wedding over weekend. Storm causes iS i tee representatives. mounted In the rear. Glove compartment Union Congregational dm reh to renewal plana, at meeting North End Renewal and school and refuses to concede any past battle, In the grace of God. The Church 8 p.m.. Public Bible talk given 6 p.m., Council maotiiig. Injuries Suffered Jan. 7. Mr. anniversary. car accidents, three serious. ' 27. Miss Helen J. Estes, head May doom opening from the top became im- 7 :80 a.m., .Holy Communion. by a representative ot- the Bockvine called by Eighth District Direc­ additions. Klwanls Club cele­ , ao long as there is one more battle up also teaches that many other and Mrs. WUUam Bralnard Bonnet Junior Hjgh School an- ^ of Manchester High School brates 40th anniversary with fastened on impact and wem dangerous. . 8:46 a.m., Nursery and Kin­ Watchtower Society. E. Brag- Bev. Fanl J. Bowman, Pastor First Oongregattonal Ohnite of chosen to head Veterans of tors. Edward Perkins, post­ helps . than we recognize are nounces 170 on second quarter English Department since 1935, luncheon attended by 166 at 1. -'Mrs. Anna Klein, Mrs. ,, ahead still to be fought Body harnesa should be of the shoul­ dergarten in Children's Chapel. don. Hla subject will be: "How Rev, Jamee L. Anstin World War I Barracks and honor roll. Paul Dodge elected/ graduate student at Howell “ by the grace of G oa” Chrift announces plans to retire in Country (31ub. Martha J. 3alo, John f This grim doggedness, plus lota -of der type and himg from the roof or side 8:46 and 9:46 a.m., Morning Did Man Get the BiblaT" BBnlater of Chriattan Education Rev. John R. Laoey, Minlslor Auxiliary. Miss Patricia Cart­ Felmiary preeldent of Manchester Auto-/ ^ Cheney Technical School, wins la Grace Incarnate. He la our first prize in state final* of Na- June after 37 years of service. 9. Chamber of Commerce Zvaigxne and Mrs. Elfreda hard and detailed groundwor]^ and prep- of the car. It never should touch any Prayer and Church SAuxiliary. lowed by tee “ November to P. Lea installed exalted ruler B’nai B’rith. Bsw dagrea of dogged determination, heavy car received more damage than source of relevant help, mean­ 48. Pago 717. 10:40 Am., Worship Senrlcc. Of DatoT" floods, washout on Garden vised plamon extra pay. 13. Tolland County Superior Easter Series.” This week’a'aub- of Manchester Lodge of Elks. 2. Republican toVrn directors " wall financed, and still ambitious, set- the heavy Thia is a feaearte dis­ ingful worship begins to die. Wednesday, 7:80 p.m., Group Holy Oommunion and reception ^ 8 j 9.m.. Junior Pilgrim Fel- Grove RA Burst In water main 3. MS'inChester Oommu- Court Judge Alva P. Lolselle aak that tax rate be cut one- covery which brought amazement to the Ject “ Tha .Sarvlcea of tee Bible studies In the book "Balv- of new mombors.' Communion bsuis evidrace taken In uhwar- Elmer C. Anderson is awarded ting out on a projected long-range iui- Hien wa degenerate Into merely snaps Eighth District, sewer nlty College Is accepted as half mill. University of Connec­ I - minds of those who never took seventh Chiuvh.” lon the Great Has Fallen: God’s Moditation: “ You Can Ba Freo," 7 p.m.. Senior Pllgilm Fal- ~ Une at HolUster-N. Elm Sts. member of American Associa-1 J^ted coroner’s search of Roy 50-year jewel by Linne Lodge, Wednesday, 8 and 10 a.m., “going throug^h the motions.” ticut School'Of Nundng gives ' Bautt on the Republican presidential grade physics. This is a toct which has Oftsa as not, the. vei^ ones Kingdom Rules." held at the Tha Rav. Mr. Bowman praach- krarahip. ., leaving 16 homes without wa­ tlon of Junior Collesies. Arnold 2**''*?® * home Eilghth District Knights of Pytfoas. and 7 p.m.. Pariah.Bucharista. 10. Chester Elertronlcs Corp. caps to eight area girls: Loi^ nomination for 1968: one doesn't dare been known since aome cave man dla- who do this know great burdens Kingdom HaU. liig. Wednaaday, 8 p ja ., Qfaiinh ter nine hours. Town’s per pu­ Lawrence Is Invited to join directors call mass meeting of raine Bessette, Elisteeth Gart- Dally, 7 p.in., Evening 4 p.m., Junior Pilgrim FaUow- PouncU. is awarded $ 1 5 ,9 ^ contract for " quite give way to one's first strong im- covered that a heavy club did mors on their heart They are weight­ Friday, 7:80 p.m., Thtecratlc pil cost of $460 tops state aver­ American Arbitration Associa­ North End residents tor March side, Judith Holmea, Marilyn damage than a light, one, if you had the Prayer. Ministry School. ohlp. 1 to protest propoaed renewal language laboratory at Man­ pulse,, and say ; “Go away, Nelson ed down with unresolved prbb- age by $7. Concordia Luther­ tion. Phillips, Carolyn SuteeckL Pa­ power to swing it In short this re­ lema. Ironloally, they feel re- 8:80 p.m., Servics meeting. 8 p.m., Sonior Pilgrim FaUow- an Churte votes to buUd new project and demand Informa­ chester High Bchool. Roekefellar, you’ll be wasting your Sooth Methodist Cbnrte 4. Teachers voice opposition 11. Plans for retirement are tricia Krawsld, Diane McCall search project “discovered” an elemen­ qMOslble to carry their own ship. Rockville Mothodlat parsonage. Atty. James M. Hig­ tion. Marriages, births and and Mary Hills. Rev. J. Manley Shaw, D.D, to board of education’s extra tro u n ce d by teachers, Mias ’ moasy and your time and tee party’s tary law of phyaics. .1 Pastor 'burden*. Pride disallow* an ad­ Wapplng Oommunlty Cfanreh ■A Joha’a BaliBopal Chorte _ Ofova BA, gins Is eleqted secretary of deaths In town during 4. State Sen. Fred Doocy It did nqt discover any facts about mission of, or appeal to help. Coogregatloiiel BA Rov. WUlard B. COoklla town pension boanL Mrs. Alex­ .pay plan at bosu'd’s finance ■how Increase over 1963. Ehther J. Anderson, Bentley Hbm.’* ' ^Rev. Richard W. Dopea committee meeting. St. James’ declares himself candidate for automobile safety. Thoaa have been Few things are more hypocriti­ Rev. Roy R. Hntteeoii, Ml iris tee ander F. Mannella Is Mected 19. Town dlrectore and Clhar- School; Mi*e Marion M. Casey, renomination after reconsider­ , fbr polities is stlU a game In white Asseeiato Pastor ' Holy Nam^ Society honors Manchester High; Mrs. Julia pretty well worked put by tnsurance cal than people “woranlpplng Rev. Theodore Booheler, 6:10. a.m., Churte Sohodl for Mcsldcnt of executlvef board, ter Revision commissioners ex­ ing withdrawal of six weeka Srr**‘* "f ean happen, and a game la Rev. James M. <^ga Mlifoiter . _ T:46 a.m.^ Hfoy Oommunion, Matthew M. Moriarty and press varied opinions on ten­ Duhring, L liic ^ ; Henry H. actuaries and are reflected in Insuiv OsoBselor God” who neither, 'admit to aurao» thraugh sdulta Manchaater Public Health ago. ‘Tomorrow In North Man­ - whleh dogged pendstenoe can count for ance rates. Ttala proves that far from being sinful or of needing hislp., 9 a.m., Morning Prayer, atr- 10:48 Am ., WonUp Soqrleo. Nurses Aaooctatlon. Mrs. Nor­ Ohaste'r W. ObuchowskL ure-removal olMUM for genual Miller, Bennet Junior High; cheeter” exhibit on urban re­ mon, classes, babysItUng. managers post Walter E. Fox, ^ Bwra teaq any other single factor. being more dangerous, light cam suf­ ^ and 10:48 a.m.. Communion The Christian admits b^w ful 0:80 and 11:00 a.m., Worship Sermon: "C M of tha. UnkBown man Larson and Mrs. Nelson Knights ot 8t. Gregory, at testi­ and Mrs. Roscanna M. Mitchell, newal at Whltpn Ltbraiy draws fer less damage than heavy cars. This Worship Ssrvlcs. Dr. Shaw sin and wonderous grace. Be­ Service and Church Bcbool. 10:46. a.m., Holv Oommunion, Road." Nuraary through Chrada Richmond receive . Thanks monial dinner. head of Town Advisory Park Hling Junior High. ], Bo wo do see Gbvemor Nelson Rotee- and Recreation Cqmmlsston, 600 persona. Pastor Paul Kalsar Is because heavy cam with great prsachipg. Sermon: “ What God cause he has experienced hshh Sermon: “Oystal Oasfog." ’ sermon, classes, babysitting. BadM from Connecticut Val­ . 6. Strike begins at Oariyle- 13. Former pupilA graduatea honored on fifth anniversary at ; M Isr tiyliig to put oo a nbw and still Monday, a p.m., Bpiacopal dies while operating snow blow­ horaepower are more powerful misailes Has Given," Ctauroh School for ha assembles with others to 1:10 mm.. Junior Ogb and ley GHrl B ^ t Oounclt Johnson Machine Oo. after con­ and friends of Robefteon School Concordia Lutheran Churte ^ Eostminstor Church Womon'a apaghatti aup- er. O. Albert Pearson, music dH- ' amra. Tlgaratis pansonaHty as Gbvamor than light but mors maneuverable ears. nursery -through Grade 7. praise hie Helper end to pray Ruitor High Mathodlst Youth S3. Town dlrectan order En­ tract negotiations fall. Town celebrate ita 50th anniversary 300 people at raception. Mrs. par and eaite. rector at Manchester Hite V t t H mt Tjwk, and: wa do heqr teat be is In a head-on smash the' driver and pas­ GradtoS ana 8 attending teat He wlU help othera. Hi is Unitod Frastortoitaa FallowaUpA gineer Walter Fuss to prepare dlreetoni vote to continue high­ at open house. N ^ White la In- Eleanor Vlbbert adna. Bast of O ntoh, USA Tuesday, • pjn., Vlsltatioa by School, aaya ha plana to retira ; MrinB hiliwsif a n r image-makers, and sengers In any kind of car Is a poor teurch. attentive to the egplenatlon of “ wtay. 706 PJA, Twatar «e«t eatlmates for poaoibla ao- way department effIclancy atalled Oonneetiout Department Show at U th annual Fine Art risk. Probably,. In this' ease a truck 10:46 a.qi-> Sonlor Htgb Ikr-, taeb by A mtnlster of helps Georco 8. Bteeel, rsprosantativas’ of ' Nttionti and dUfliiaalnn tiioA eaia routes to Maaohaster Me­ in June. ”l 4ingu*ge pool" list oommandar at Ymtkee Dlvtsten, < am de haar ikat a few key party pec- Coifocil Dlvlslan of Rasaaroh atK ^ under modified oontjraet. by'Wonwn'a Auxiliary Asaoclattoa exbIbHton. T h a driver has the advantage. Does tela um. Second Mile Club for T bn Umaelf, he goee torth to KingiMoa Dr. aoar Oak BA. »:*o p.m„ Oommtaslon an morial Homital. IBvsrett J. Diraotors also sot public hoax­ Veterans Asspclatlon. Rev. WUUam F. Gender m , ai- ^ SWBMl aaKiM tee wmatry are being re- Eaat HaritorB with vestry, wardana and parish hoa-Batete epeaklng pa­ mean that wd^should all driva tiutesT Grades S md 0. help. M6y tee new year find mambarablp and afoingoMofo- Ltvsssy la sleeted pi^ssldent of ing on S3 proposed charter 14. Riteard Day and Mrs. alataat a t Bt. ypu seeUag God’a help em y Bev. OetdHi B.'BaOss, Vhotor onanlaatkm rapraaahtattvf a Barings Bank of Manteester to tients at Mafoiliaitiir MoncNTlal '! B B # id kMk kitb aa informal kind of This report was prepared for the Con- 7 p.m., Jtmlor and, ■•Blor . 'n H ^ y . • P.BA, nwitfoiaifwi changes tor Fte. 34, aotahiloh Frelda^ Parsons are named to Chwch, ^ neetlcut Btate PoUoe, whlqh If paid for High Fallowships. Tbs ‘nvsottss etap of the way. m ------Wadniiaday, 10 A m ., B(Holy oa Bdueatloa.. ■ snooaad tdfowood K. BtanonL rs- H^UaL TUef. robe '^Holbbjr sipein. And, aotieing all o f f le ^ y 31«mambar Cltiaens staff of Kennedy CHnp tor Ity by taxpayera* money is another axamp' ^ Thirties rsorsatfoa niglit Bubmtttiid by 10 ajM., WonBtip BorTleo aad Mriag SO. ■ h o rn o f eaili, oonadfora’ that It might J^odOMdagn » a b a ,^ WosidB'o AdrisosY -Oouaflll. to assist Retarded Children. Atem tlve pal A. hf 'buteaiiaratie warto. — BTi 7:10 p.m., MsmbsrsUp nsm- Rev. Junas Raaeon Church BehooL Ifonary tenngh IMdagr, 0 a.m.. Holy Ogmam------r 6 l ^ / v n . Mayor Franeto Mahoney botaa. town to nrixm raaoeral eonmtttee o t Maaeheoter Oona- a d v o c a t e ^ lasr at t^inlr^^ Wssisy BdL Preebyterlea Ohuroh Junior High. T B I p jA.,lMhodiat^: yglsdgas DteBoantlo dteaetorF 30. Ratoeatfiu; U te tb . plans, and epprave gppraiiria- trict-owned B^tiaa aoat Bon •‘R«d’ won th« New S sf tand m ii StnU Asiatm ^ golf tItloB uunlty Ooltafe Cltli— f Advto- 4 :■ ' .. support Ite ptopoasd eharter / O H


ICANCRESTEl^^VEmMti H E R A L D . lOVNGHESTBR. CORN^ SATURDAY, JANUARY 2. 19flB ■AMCBSSISB -BVSmNO HEBAID, lUtICHSSTBB, OONK, BAIUBDAY, JANUABY 2, I M S r A O B s s r a l This Is the News the News That Made 1964 History in Manchester

n r a ) I I I audit after. iocepUng reereaUaa' tram Pagei*Slx) j department’s r^brt Hgblli: al CathoUc Church’s 85th anid- ^ Meyer Tober of Manchester on versary. June 16. Zoning board of ap­ ■cyacM m i9 d«|Mrtiu«nt heads DUtrtet Taten tara down psU-f liquor n r Nov. 8. Arthur E. tion of qortbera Bowen tract l o r . 25. Fire levels storage shed peals re-elects John F. Clifford ibr ICaaCheater SDfh School: Olbaati, . veteran towii meat chairman.. Manchester Country fire protection Vieter Swanson dealer Slaa at age 93. Citizens' on Hartman Tobacco Co. prop­ dOMn B. Runt, Knclish; Rob* Club receives clearance from N^enamad president of dtotrtcL for Ooldwater Club elects erty bn Windsor St. with dam­ mt C. y * t«r , music; and Louis ; 2B A to apply for restaurant W ayne C. Hoftmaa presldenL age estimated in excess of $20,- i*. VIsnioBtaa, mathematics. t'quor Ilcsa»e from State Liquor S; Kennedy Day Camp com­ 000. Manchester's Republican • 5. T te flrat time in et|1it Control Commission. Horace P. mittee ■votM to make oamp per- Town Committee votes unani­ vaara town directors vote to Murphey, town -miperintendent KoM Una on tax rata, now at 42 manenL and plans for next mous support for. Recreation Superintendent James Herdlo of parks since 1928, appointed ibflla, and cut down fire diatriet Atty. Joha F. summar. > y i uid hip Lodge o f MaObns while Town’s Advisory Park to combined post of superinten­ tax rata hr .1 min to S.S mlUs; She* named iqr torn direeton to 4 1 8 reoelVM dispensation papers a n d Recreation Commission- dent of parks -’and recreation. town budfet net at $8,7SS,M1. taka pUca 6t RapAttMa Atty. Re.<;idents of Leno::-Benton Sts. Camwood K. dm ora feted on from OrtUMl Master of Masons gives its unqualified endors^ Thomas Bailey oa lH^ehartar ment to him and uhanhnHRMly call block meeting to chart new Mtirament as preoident o f Sar* reviaion conwnlafioa TO tC ). in ConnedUcut. Calvary Church. passes resolution requesting edt^rse of action in fight to have tn n y n i t o f Mancheater. Ar* Henry Wienbidd eleeted coas* Assemblies -of God, celebrates General Manager Richard Mar­ Bigelow Brook partially en- £ w C. Jr. riectad Ruusder of Americea Leghai to 10th annlvertoxy. tin to withdraw his acceptance closad. Dr. William L. Oonlon, president of Holy Name So- succeed Kenneth Teomana. 5. Francis J". Happeny plans of Herdlc's 'resignation. 54, chief of radiology at Meii- alaty, St. Jamaa Cfiurcli. Rob­ Rev. C. Ronald Wllaaa bagla< to sue town to get back 325 36. Msinchester Chamber 64 rhester Memorial Ho’tpltal, die." ert W olf ret elected president of hia aervlce aa aasodate mbila-. depositposit ha^ made wH|i to«m for prlmppy^tiUons. 'x, Commerce recommends defeat after heart attack. Maa^eatar BdncaUon Aaaocia- tar of Second Congrogatkaiel 19. Dean Frederick Lowe of tfonTverplanck Chapter of Na- Church. .a.^ntodor Girl Scout ^IflteP t (or proponed chA'rter revision dealing with mandatory. review Manchester Community College tvtei Honor Society at Man- 2. Henry J. Zatkowakl elect­ 'uTiwda home today aftoi' sum­ of general manager every two and Matthew Moriarty. chatr- dMOter High School inducU M ed Hose.Oo. 2 captain at Eighth mer trip through Europe, -Es- tsje o f late -Willard Rbgers ea- years starting with Nov. 1965, man of college’s Citizens Advi­ students. MIohaal Johns and District' Fit* DepartmenL sory Oounnil- 'elected recretr^ isiM Nieki Aarestaa awarded 3. To'wn Planning Oommiiaioa ttmatod to be valued at about bpt endorses all of other 11 pro- (Msed changes. and ■vice preafdent, respectively, Lauftf Music Camp Scbolar- (T P C ) aska Joeeph Tamaky Co $80,000. 28. Manchester Democrat of new Conn. Assooirtion (or Atps hy Cbamliiade Musical remain on Job as tosra planning 9. Town Building CiomihlUee Kickoff Dinner hosts U.S. Itobllc Community Colleges. Onb. Erik Jobhaon elected pres­ dtrdctor. Jack R. Hunter I b Cm (TBO takes first step toward Emilio Q. Daddario and 20. Francis P. HgP'ic-.iy. 53 ident of Instructors of the low bidder for Robertoon School a p p r o ^ g "sUndard” design Thomas J. Dodd. Democratic is dead on arrival at'Manches­ Haadicappad. wing, agrees to aDotr town nd- for two new town firehouses. Town Chairman Ted Oimmings ter Memorial Hospital alter suf­ dttloaal so days to prepara lor I d Town board of directors Board of directors iutthor- raps Republican le'adership '-‘tor fering heart attack. Action com­ conatructlon proJeeL votes J to 2 to delay aacUon on 'ssa sewer department to in- conducting << smear campaign mittee aimed at "forcing town , stall sewer in Kllsida Rd. area: 4. Fire o f undetarmtood ori­ exchajv* sewer service in Goldwater - Miller tradition" , dlrectora to allocate funds Ip en­ areas with town until report Board tables action of forgot­ gin guU interior of Stanek on rec issue. close Bigelow Brook” formed ten town law forbidding sel­ made on possible alternative by about 4 0 re.sidents of Lenox- Electronic Labdratortoa on 29. Manchester Herald wins ling on town streets. Junior July 4; damage eaUmatod be­ by Democratic Director Theo­ Etenton St*, area. Century Club wins first place award from New England As­ tween 390,000 and $100,000. dore Powell. The Rev. John D. 21. Manchester Democrats to in Fine A rU Dielslon at con- sociated Press News Executives Flreworka diq>lay at ML Ndm Regan, assistant at SL James’ hold "Victory Party" despite ▼ention of OonnecUcut Federa­ Association (or Dec. 20, 1963 edi­ for 4th o f July oeeo largest Church and principal of SL threat by AFL-CIO Hotel, Res­ tion of Women’s Cluba. Jantea’ School apixfintsd as­ torial page. Town introduces crowd ever; fireworks preced­ new appraisal of Spencer Rub­ taurant Employes and Barten­ 7. Ronald E. Jodotn named sistant to Ct.unch of Sacred ed b y b dl ringing ceremony ber Co. plant on Chapel St. into der* Union to have picket line saladietorUn of Manchester Heart m Watsrbury, being re­ atop Lookout, Mountain, and mortgage foreclosure proceed-i to protest nonoinion cptering. High Bcdiool ClaBB o f 1964 and placed by Rev. John J. O’Brien Hootenanny. ing, in effort to win full payment 23. Guests numBei1?B w Patricia A. RackowAi of Waterbury. MU* Helen Thb lOH won honors and -Gov. Dempsey’g conyratnlations 7. Contracts for eoostruetlmi of overdue property taxes. Man- ebrate Democratic vHctoriea Ir named saluUtorian. Mias Car- of additions to Keewnr SL.and Estes elected editor of teacher town and national elections a' olanM Gryk and Gary Gunas publication, 'Teachers' A d v^ cheater Republicans and’ Demo­ Highland Park schoda dgned crats conduct hurriedly con­ party, at Knights of Columbur win second asrards in National American Veterans. Mark "Man of the Tear” award at charged with first degree mur­ at Municipal Building, ’roum cate." Home. 'Pickets leave before Scholaatie W riting Contest. vened debate on charter Issues Kristoff named president of Arm y-Navy Oldtiraers Night. der at Manchester Circuit W ater Department < InsUtutea 11. Manchester, 'Vernon and but no new developments or dls- party gets m ^r way. Towr A t^ Darid M. Barry with Connecticut Beta Chapter of Mrs. Leona Darling, retiring af­ Court. Jack R. Hunter Inc. ap­ ban on outdoor watering be­ South Windsor vote to form Chairman Ted ^m th in gs jlrom- draws from race for nomina­ closurea produced. The Democrats won a resounding victory Phi Delta Kappa. Dr. Richard ter 39 years teaching service, parent low bidder on Robertson tween 4 and 9 pjn. aa result Northeast Refuse Disposal Dis­ 80. Manchester Herald marks ises union business agent tion to past of sUte senator C. Olmstead and Richard Bog- feted by pupils at Manchester School wing srith price of 3523,- of intensifying water abort- trict (NRDD). Leonard LaPert’* th'C p'r:*''. tram Fourth District; Dem­ SOUi anniversary as daily news­ ner Sr. reappointed town meat Green School. Miss Catherine 500. Town R^ublicans honor ago. 12. ' Miss Barbara Brownpaper. Ne-Afly appointed Man- 16. Town Water Department since Oct. 16, 1967, and, unlike one of about 40'voting precincts historic sympathy for labor ocratic Town Committee backs inspectors. Robertson School McGuire and Mrs. Roeeanna Atty. John F. Shea. Mrs. Mary namad fun-time curator of edu­ begins pumping water overland previous appointments made by that American Broadcasting Oo. FradJ.Dooey. Efficiency study 8. General Manager Richard clicster Human Relations Com­ moveiprut would be recognized 'I'he Kilties went to the Wprld^s Fair P T A presents friendship ring to Mitchell, retiring teachers at D- Jayne Crandall and Aldo Pa- Martin ratimatea that at least cation at Data Junior Museum mission names committee on to supplement water supply in board of directors (or two years (ABC) used to predict outcome in ''futwe event*. of Tbwn Highway Department Mra. Edytha Coffin, third grade Ung Junior High, are honored gani, out-going officers of ■ni4 director of Oak Grove Na­ each, this one made by gen­ of Connecticut b^loting on elec­ a month's delay Ik apparant in "problems of youth" and two town reservoirs in effort to 24. Board of education reject.* Chester Memorial Hospital kledt Jls dtiisared to town dlrectora. teacher retiring in June. Mias at reception by 100 friends. town oommitte. at testimonial ture Center. Alexander F. Maft- counteract effect of prolonged eral manager and is (or unlimit­ tion night.- Residents of McKee St. area relocating six familie.s living chooses Chester W. Obuchowiki motion to rescind policy of Arthur E. Smith and Alfred W. V g. Harry 8. Maldipent re- Martha Vennart wins highest 6. Town delegation at Demo­ dinner at Cave/s. Connecticut nella, general superintendent of .summer drought. Ernest R. Ma- ed tenure. ., 6. 1964-65 United Fund consider taking appeal from in apartment north of Robart- as chairman. State Tax Com­ teacher negotiation and goe.s Cavedon to membership oji ceiTSa "DistlnguWied Service Sunbeam award. Commissioner's cratic State Cemvention finds Oo. abandons bus service to Mrs. Rdne Keimedy visited KMinedy Day Camp Hamilton Standard Propeller chell Jr., town aaaeasor’s aide, 28. William McGonigal. 76. achieves two-thirds of its goal; court ruling that-opens way for aon School; possible delay — missioner John L. Sulllyan re­ along with suggestion by Atty. board to fill two un&pirad from Hartford County little to do; party chooses Dr. Parksde. after three - month typesetter emeritus of "Die Her- total of 376,740.54 of fund's an­ pair of new apartn i^t buildings' Badge. two montha New wings for at Windsor Locks and top man quests meeting with town offi­ chosen from among 40 ap­ William Collins of separate ne­ terms created by resignations. TMCA. Theodore Powell delegate to tria l Howell Cheney Technical Morrison/of Yarmouth, Maine plicants to be town collector of Md, dies; with paper 64 years. ticipated 3115,(XX) received, at McKee and Sum'mpr Sts. 22. General Manager Richard Keeney SL and Highland Park mlngs says he won’t seek re- dation of town and 8th District In entire United Aircraft Corp. cials to see how wen reported gotiators with teachers organi­ Dean W. Cronlcite elected Grand ». Albert Pearson ^ Martiu says reorganisation of Democratic National Conven­ School graduates 27 at com­ achooU get start with groond- election to board o f education; sewer systems. Forty part- named topervlstng principal of seniority-wise, honored by fel­ deficiencies in rec department revenue. Atty. Vincent L. Diana designat­ 7. Hiomas D. Faulkner named zations. Mancheater Housing 4. ' Manchester's two political parties each invested more than Tall Cedar of Nutmeg Forest, oeivea l«ig oration from crowd highway department must wait tion from First District. Town mencement exercises, first to breaklng ceremonies. Atty. Richard C Woodhouse time summer employee threaten Nathair'Hale School. Town Rep. low employes ^ and friends, accounting and administration 17. Interest fc-four-year terms ed chief moderator for national vice-president and general man­ Authority elects Theo- en girts of PMnney-Hunt Edu­ exchange student and is on a proved by Manchester Housing by Bennet Junior High School Now Britain. Miss Catherine Canada, to board, to Westhill Gardens housing tions, and to be voted at town's 13. 1.19-inch ralnuUl In 45-min liam C. Mason to abandon plans 19. Knights of Pythias and Capitol Region Mental Health of 177 Sudents jnake up first jib r leadeikhip. Gilbert cation Tour return to Manches­ 1. Ma,nchoster's Recreation one-yea’r visit sponsored by Na­ 10. Mrs. Katherine D. Bourn Authority. Town's assessment pupils. Shea, retiring principal ofV er- ■•Empress of England" for project for aged. Manchester Oct. 6 elections; approval of ute period caueee flood on Ben for construction of new fire­ Pythian maters from all sec­ Assn., Inc., serving 30 towns. quartet/honor roll at Illing Jun­ Sullivan workshop j>re- Superintendent James Herdic tional Catholic Welfare Confer­ re-elected board of education of King’s Depatiment Stose 23. The Rev. John D. Hughes plan(A School, and Miss Mar­ three-month tour of Europe. ' Pipe Band penorms at World's proposed questions passed by ter, completing 28-dsy tour of ton 8L Republican director Har house oh town-oaoled land on tions of ConnecUcut gather at 27. Ralph Buschmann, Andov­ ior H » h School. Everett Ken­ SLOOO proceeds from 22. Mrs. Mary Aceto honored receWOs Connecticut Recreation ence of Washington, D.C., and chairman. Atty. Wliliam B. Col­ property at Pine St. and Hart­ o f SL Mary's Episcopal Church jorie V. Leidholdt, reUrlng Fair and receives rousing wel­ vote of 5 to 2. country. Ian D. Taylor urges that toam McKee SL and seek another Masonic Temple for pre-conven- er, Mass., ■ receives Ferguson nedy/elected president of Amer- ^Taoraen of the Guard” to In- by Democratic Town Committee Society’s aarard tor hla "out­ East Catholic High School. lins, chairman of board of edu­ ford Rd., overturned by Hart­ elected president of Manches­ principal o f South School, hon­ come despite rain. 20. Manchester Lodge of Elks 28. Town’s three swimming prepare water supply plan. looaUon. In greatest local out­ Uon banquet. Francis J. Ennis Memorial Trophy, awarded an­ icaiv Legion Post Commanders' gtnieton o f tha Handicapped for years of dedicated service standing contribution to the Rec­ named construction inspector (or George J. Rlngstone, engineer­ cation’s personnel committee, ford County Court of Ckanmon ter Ministerial Association. ored at receptions at their 10. Area officials from three paint Bunce School for Retard pools stay open pending ap- 14. Representatives from three pouring of applicants in twenty nually by The Herald, for finish­ tion. Mrs. Neal Miller reation MovemenL” Joseph W. town engineering depurtmenL ing aide in town engineering de­ reports that his group to stick Pleas, also reversing 1963 aq- Pool Fund. . Mias Claire M. Olds name(l schools. The Rev. Paul Dana hear plans for r a g ^ ' ed^Chlldren. provkl by 13 life guerds and area towns support proposed re­ years, 547 new voters made ing first In Manchester’s annual elated royal matron of Chap- » 0*. Fira of mysterious ori­ Matthew Moriarty. Summer ses­ McGonigal, long - time foreman Total of 514 new electors added partment, elected president, of with rules adopted' concerning tlon by town’s Board of Tax dean of studeiita at Skidmore Simpson ordained into Chris­ serving rsfuce incinerator b e-' 2i. Town Democrat.s endorse two ticket taken of General gional refusa dlspoael district with Democrats outnumbering five-mile Thanksgiving day an Court, Order of Amaranth. gin eats away cellar of Ar- sion at Manchester Community 15. Fave's, Building Wreckei.i of The Herald'a press room, re­ to Manchester’s -voting lists rais­ 100-member Municipal Employ­ negotiation procedures with Review v/hich increased assesq- College, Saratoga Springs, N. tian ministry at Center Con­ fore carrying proposal for Joint all o f its incumbent town of- Manager Richard Martin's re­ Republicans 2H to 1. race. Inventory of Investments 7. Town’s three recreation thut'a Drug Store, causes College may be canceled be­ demoHsh old South Manchuter tires after more than $3 years ing town's eligible ■voters to 32,- es Group (M EG ). teachers. Adolph Snyder elected menl of property. T. gregational Church; his father, disposal facility to th dr con- flcials for re-election with ex- concilistion offer. Savings Bank IS. FYanda DellaFera, town and effects of late Willard Rog­ centers may be shut down if lin a g e throughout cause of small enrollment, says service with newspaper. Demo­ 987,' new local high. M ra Jay SO. Francis Happeny wins suit captain of Manchester Police 18. Mrs. Mary Shaw Taylor, 25. Instructors of Handi­ the Rev. Clifford O. Simpson, sUtuents. Robert P. FliUer, ception o f two new nominees, of Mancheater receives final Fire Co. No. 3 behind Lincoln director aad Republican town enough part-time employes Dean FVederick Lowe. crats and Republicans voice dif­ E. Rublnow named "Im a " (or return of |25 plus 36 court Auxiliary. Manchester foot pa­ ers puts value of his estate at 88, retired society editor ^ holf-mllUon dollar block at capped hold open house at end participates in service. prosident of Colonial Board Town Republicans endorse slate Schod. James F. Herdic, loom's chairman, asks that toarn rec don't show up to man them; 23. Board of education votes to approval from Federal Deposit ferences at League of Women (Mother In Israel) (or 1964 by costs from Republican Regis­ trolmen get walkie-talkie radios 386,217.81. Thq Herald, dies. Endorsement nr«tti and S t James Sts. Finn- o f eighth season; parents of 9. SUphen T. Penny elected Cq., named drive chairman for o f candidates including ail fn- recreation superintendent, pro­ facilities be opened Immodiate- fourteen of part-timers who cancel plan for summer school Insurance Corp. for o p ^ n g Voters election year quia at Bow­ Manchester Chapter of Hadas- trar of Voters Frederick Peck to keep in touch with Police 28. Lighting ceremony in o f town fisceJ procedures issued ota P. DellaFera elected chair­ handicapped thank teen-agers master councilor of John 1964-65 JJnited Fuad Cam- cumbents plus many newcom- moted to rank of major In Army ly in effort to halt disturbances work at centers say tl^y won't at Manchester Community Col­ third branch office, this in East ers School; Democrats arlsh to and Town of Manchester, in suit Headquarters. down toam shopping area offi­ by auditors Barry, Macri Sc Co. men of Republican Town Cam- with plaque. Mervin, C. Clem- Mather Chapter, Order of De- 6rs. Reserves. , caused by town youngsters. In­ sah. return to work until uiay re­ lege. State tax commisiaoner Hartford. expand Importance of board of ■ 20. Manchester Education o'ver (Wing petition for town of' cially opens Manchester holiday in anmial audit for 1963-64 fis­ Biittoe. W. Craig. Heston elect­ eon receives first ‘Fireman of Molay. Board of education 11. 1,315 studsnts, record 22. After four years of nego- 17. Petition filed with board structors of Handicapped (lOH) 11. Mancheater observes Vet­ ceive pay due them from last asks more data on audit of Town directors. Republicans pleased Assn. (MEA1 votes by large ma­ (ice. season. Capt. Douglas C. Fin- ed president of Manchester the Year” award from Eighth names Mrs. Lillian Van,Zander number, enroU in Manchester’s ' tlatlons, town and 8th District 29. Paul A. Cervlnl, Man­ of directors requesting ordlnanc' nominated by Vernon Junior erans Day with keynote speech two-week pay period. cal year. . * Recreation Department. with present balance between jority to refuse to accfpt new 31. Herald cited (or represen­ gles, U.S. Army, formep Man­ tfaycees. District ^ r c Ikepartment. Shensie to replace Miss Mar­ chester's collector of revenue, permitting Sunday sale of liquoi by Edson M. Bailey. Town fire­ 8. Tile Rev John T. Delaney, 19. Winfield M. (Pop) Chase 24. Board of directors ap­ Summer School; increase seen agree to towmalde sewer swap, Women's Club to compete with directors aind town's administra­ personnel policy of. board of ed­ tation on its editorial pages of chester High School sadmming 13. Manchester Oonununity 26. Board o f education ap­ jorie V. Leidholdt as teaching of 90 over 1963 cnrollmenL Savings Bank of Manchester named "State Tax Collector of in Manchester's restaurants. three other service organiza­ men and highway department pastor of SL Bridget's Church, celebrates 95th birthday. proves new Charter Revision 18. LiUi Concepcion, American tive team. Joseph P. Dyei ucation. art/6( photography and pictures star, awarded bronze Mar with College workshop at Manches­ proves summer program for principal 'a t . South School. 13. The Rev. James WUllanl announces plans for alteration the Year'’ and placed near top tions (or . two-year, monetary workers fight stubborn under­ throws first shovel of earth 21. Both Manchester’s teaclt- Commlasion. Board also awards named director of Office.of Eco­ 21. Red Cross officiaU alarmed of 'museum exhlblta and palnt- "Victory” device for mroic ac­ ter High Sdiool bears keynote Manchester Community Col­ Board also approved budget .cut of consultant Hit for State Tax Field Service Filipino exehang<’ grant, awarded by Connecticut ground fire which raged through during groundbreaking cere­ er organizations express dis­ contracts totaling 31.3 million Bottoius o f Gardiner, Maine, I and complete modernisation of nomic Opportunity, new state at continuing high rate of “ no- inga; award presented by Man­ tion fighting in South^iet Nam. 'l^taeker, Dr. Finis Kngleman, lege. 'Dr. Philip E. Sumner of 3173,364 to meet allocation accepts appointment as curate i bank's main office at 923 Main Department student, arrives in town to ■pen'", Federation of Wp^en's Clubs night at Town Dump off Olcott monies for construction of six- pleasure over proposed 1965-68 for alterations at Keeney St., year at Mk»chester High. Demo agency which, will coordinate shoara" (or the bloodmobile chester Liana Cluh at Fine Art This year’s United Fnnd drive, fbrmer stole education com-' elected president of Lutz Jun­ of town directors, adopts re- at St. Mary's Episcopal Church. SL Mrs. Joseph P. Kennedy Sr., Junior membership. Miss Mar­ SL Democratic-ccu^olled board classroom pariah school and teacher salary schedule drafted Robertson, and Highland Park I 30. David Melendy receives and integrate Connecticut’s par­ vlaits. FeeUval at MHS. although not yet cqmpleted, al recommends more ior Museum. Miss Esther An­ ■ vised extra pay plan for teach­ 14. Charter Revision Com- mother of late PresidenL spends cratlc IMrectto Theodore Powe . jorie Williams, director of Chris­ of directors re^polnts Atty. convent. Town to pwiy 3.05 per by personnel committee of schools. Raymond Strickland Eagle Scout badge. State Civil withdraws as candidate for re ticipation In naUonwlde war '22. Town officials told they ready .solicited pledges eommunlty colleges for state; derson, retiring sixth grade er advisors of roorts and clubs, mission (CRC) votes a recom- several hours viearing Manches- tian Education at South 'Metho­ Irving Aronson /as town coun­ cent interest on $1 .7 million in board of education. wins 2|rd spot among country's Defense director criticises Man- election to town board of dlrec against poverty. have another 90 days to pre­ than 1963 campai] g roup reeoiyee to form Com- teacher at Bentley School, hon­ and appoints I f new members mendation that same 12 char- tor Kennedy Day Camp for Re­ dist Church, resigns to accept sel and keeps services for an­ general obligation bonds sold 22. General Manaiger Ric|- 100 best fiddlers at Weiser, diester CD Director John J. tors. CAC approves motic . 2. Over 21,(XX) townspeople reg­ pare new applicaUon (or pur­ totttee for Community Colleges ored by friends at social. Mari­ to Community College Citizens fer revision .questions ■voted tarded Children, call t o be associate executive other two years of to'wn’B aiidi- 30. Frederick /t. Hartenstein for additions and alterations to ard Martin reported plannl:^ Idaho, Old-Time Fiddlers Con­ Merz for "not carrying out the ! recommending that toam pur­ istered ,to vote plan to go to the chase of old Nike site off Keeney November In Connecticut Town directors an Medal aw'arded to 17 Ca- Advisory Council. upon at May 19 referendum be 23. Hartford National Bank secretary and director of chil­ tors, Barry, Macri and Co. More Jr., 67, long-tiine foreman of three schools and for its share to seek leave of absence, lead­ test. re-iponsibHlty of a O vll Defense chase Nike site for public use polls Monday, Oct. 6 to cast bal­ 8L FYed Hartensteln of Rock- than dozen re; Idents of Lenox- ing toward retirement, somi- hand problema of highway de­ dette Girl Scouts of Troop 813 10. William M. Warner giv­ submitted at the O ct 6 town and Truet Co. announces ap- dren’s work for boards of-educa­ 2. Francis Happenv j/leads not The Herald’s Composing room, of the cost of North End Re­ 25. Leaseway Sanitation Serv director." and consider It for community lots for men, party or phUoeo- vUIe. (or many years foreman Benton St. un cash five-minute dies after long illness. Chester time 'within coming year. Re­ partment outlined by eSidency at St. James’ Church. en rank of Chevalier, highest ice of Wethersfield becomes new electlcn,s. Directors of Eighth I polntment of Matthew M. Mori- tion of New ESngland and New guilty in Eastast Hartford Circuit newal. Park and Rec Supt. 31. First Hartford Realty Co. I college. phy they feel beat to govern of Herald’s composing room, M. Ferris rroeives Legion of publican Everett T. Keith •tody aver to general manager. 27. Miss Barbara Lupac- service award, by International Manchester garbage collection District boycott meeting with I arty and R. Bruce Watkins to Bhigland Southern Confertncdirbf Court to charge of evasion of tirade against Democratic ma­ Horace Murphey^ refuses to chino wins first Catherine C. announces signing of lease with I 19. Oliver J. Kinney becomer Msnche.ster (or next two years. reUres after 44 consecuUve jority of town board of direc­ Honor, highest award in Order elected chairman of Manche Mrs. Paul Tucker installed Supreme Council, Order of De- agency. i town d'rectors to discuss te- i Bank’s Manchester Advisory Methodist Church. Harry F. tolL commci?t on status of seven Shea Scholarship awarded by < six-gallon donor at Rod Croei. 6. Voting in Manchester town years with newspaper. Leonard ter Redevelopment A g e n c J president o f Guild o f Our Lady Molay. Board of directors re- | 26. State Tax Department will ries of proposed sewer service ' Board. Manchester residents State Welfare DepL for 3.500 Smith, named project director tors after board votes down R e­ of DeMolay port;time rec employes who. by Verplanck School PTA. { Bloodmobile visit Maj. E. Wal- elections is high; predictions as T. Vardon of Lebanon appointed S. Mayor FYancls J. Mahoney halting at least temporarily ef i t S t Barthoksnew. fers special audit of recreation | meet with town officials to clear area cxchangto. coutribute 159 pints of blood to sq. ft. of office space in llan- for federally financed hospital publican plan to enclose portion staying off the Job, forced shut- e|: 28. Horace Seely-Brown asks I ter Laiple of Bsilvatlon Arm y ep- to outcome of elecUon vary. tonen personnel assistant. Gov. re-elect^ to his second consecu­ pf Bigelow Brook. Town board fort to shift control of renewal 14. Jay R. Stager awarded department to general mana-, town recreation department au-1 15. Manchester’s Kennedy area blood bahk topping quota chester- Shopping Parkade for improvement program at Mans­ do\^'n o f Ea.st Side Rec and dou­ new emphasis on youth in GOP I pointed to staff of Eastern Ter a. Democrats carry Manches­ John Dempsey announces ap­ tive term as chairman of town's board into new hands. Dr. Flilbright Scholarship to teach ger after careful three-hour re-1 diL Ron Smith wins State Ama-1 Day Camp rsted among top of 150 pints. Town winds up fis­ SepL 1. Arthur J. Anderson Sr., field State Training School. of dlrectora endorses proposed bling-up of supervisors at Com­ at Manchester Women's Re­ ritorlel School for Officer'; ter town elections by pluralities pointment o f Mayor Fl-ancis J. board of dlrectora. Local voting C^ecember Nicholas A. Marziaio, in ’Dirfcey for 1964-65 school ■view. Kiwanis Club awards teur Golf Championship at Weth-' three of 21 such camps sj>on- cal year's operation with sur­ 74, Swedish Consul In Boston la. General Manager Richard merger of town park and rec­ munity Y. publican Club annual dinner. Training In' New York. Secooi. as large and double thoee of 1962 Mahoney to ConnecUcut River recorded at 1 p._m. on today, health officer since January year. Chamber of Commerce Bcholarshipe totaling over 32- ersfield Country Club. plus o f 3233,000, which U 3100.- and former resident of Man­ Martlo and Jack R. Hqnter sign reation deteftments. 9. Board of directors, in spe­ Manchester Redev e I o p m e n t sored by Joseph P. Kennedy Jr. Masonic Lodge, called Friend­ election, and dozen propoeed Valley Flood Control Commis­ election day, noted as substan­ 1. 'AD Manufacturing Co., 1963, reappolnted—to hia fourth opposes proposed charter 0 ^ to Mirochester High School 27. Arthur H. House leai 000 above May estimate chester, dt$a.after short Illness. contrafit for construction of new 12. Kiwanis Club of Manches­ cial se.Ssion. unanimously ap­ Agency chooses Bloomfield's Foundation by Dr. William ship Lodge, formed in Manches charter questions upon which sion. tially leas than at same time in 334 arter Oak St., will begin ConsecuUVFTour-year term. ’’ seniors Robert Carson, William Tufts University students S| 24. Data processing system Miss Norma V. Johnson ap­ wing for Robertson School, al- ter banks 32,542.39 from its Two- proves additional 37,000 ap-; chaise on mandatory review of town assessor Peter R. Marsele Freeburg, consultant for foun­ ter. they had pacllally based their 23. General Manager Richard 1960 presidential elections. John nalarketing its own line of golf ■ 23. T'own oy Manchester Dixon, Cathy Hubbard, Donna Corps to Weal Africa to teach proves its worth after printing pointed to post of acting collec­ nton 60 days after original date Dav Radl,-> Auction. propriation for current budget g;eneral manager. Eagle badges to appraise properties to be dation. 20. MRA starts coiniamnation campaign are passed. John MarUn considers plan to con­ yv.’omWy. 8(^homore at Man­ putters, designed by George promises to do qrorythlng with­ Gulbinas, Diane Gee, Doreen sports this summer. school system paychecks In rec- tor o f revenue, serving until for contract signing. Miss Jill 15. The Northeast Refuse Dis­ of Manchester Community Col­ •warded to ten Senior Boy bought for Robertson School 17. William F. FVeeman ap- of North End properties by fiUn; Reinartz, 70. of Aptos, Calif., solidate park and recreation de­ chester Community College, re Low, one of world's greatest in its power td guarantee Pio­ 29. Area girls leave town on new collector chosen. Dlakan and David A. Williams trict (NHIRD) becomes reality lage, with grant to be financed 46outs: Ridiatd Ames, Alan addition. Peter A. Thorne elect­ Golas ■’ind Kathleen Vennart. pointed supervisory principal of orA time and recording kbseo' four statements of compenaatior who founded Manchester Radio partments under one head. Wal­ elected president of college's putters. neer Parachute Co. ne-.v in­ leave for Brasil and Turkey as with dismissal of 11-month-old from estimated increased tui­ -Baxter, Gordon Hurwltz, Gary ed president of Manchester 11. Edgar H. Clarke elected annual Phinney-Hunt Education­ Vetplanck School by bosuA of toes in school minutes after with Hartfr Parks. 'chester Herald, honored at din­ 1. state PubUc Works Com- Town CkimmUtee chooses Ray to 1, Mancheater voters declare mail out checks totaling 3630,- lage's Advisory Council votes asters like Hartford Hospital iary of Children's Services of 17. General Manager Richard agreement with Eighth District. nls Club. Mrs, FV6d BHsh HI and adds 26 beds to its facili­ fire in 1961; is actually radio 15. Norman Fendell elected ner by management and fellow missibner Timothy J. Murphy mood L. EUis as candidate to Martin sends memorandum to themselves squarely behind 482 to 7,049 Christmaa Club unanimously to recommend that Connecticut. Board of educa­ board of directors to repiac Pressure is on town )>oard of and Mrs. P leric Marteney chos­ ties, bringing to 91 total bed communications system which president of Man^ester Asso- employes. Seven retiring Man- confirms report local offices of town directon saying if town presidential ticket of Lyndon B. members of Mrocheater'a four town acquire Nike property for cheater High School teachers tion honors 16 retiring veter­ State Eraplojrment Service not three -term director Theodor;. dlrectora to enclose Bigelow en co-chairmen of two-week long capacity. William R SanAterg, allows hospital to contact in­ „eiatioa for Help of Retarded officials willing to wait until Johnson and Hubert H. Humph­ major banking lilstltutiona. educational use. Town directors an teachers at reception at­ moving from Main SL, but wel­ Powell who announced hla with­ Brook, where it (lows above fund drive (or Manqhester Civic elected worshipful master of stantly any other hispital with Children. Manchester League of with total of 250 years service 1966 to hire any new firemen, rey. Mancheater remalna dry on 14. Green Manor Construction unanhnoualv approve town- tended by 2 0 0 ^ t Manchester fare department office in tame drawal from election. ground between Lenox and Ben­ Orchestra Manchester Lodge of Masons. similar setup. lO H temporarily Women Voters Installs Mrs. feted by colleagues at annual Town Fire Department could be Sunday as result of 67 per ce Co.tiea aewer line from Ns new owned McKee St. site for con­ Retirement Banquet. High School. . V block adU move to laiger quar­ ton Sts. Mrs. Mary D. Robs, 24. Miss Betsey Lyde wins ConnecUcut Company increases withdraws its application before Jerome Nathan to second term 21. Town Clerk Edward Tom ' put on a 46-hour week some­ ■vote against proposal to permit Forest Hills subdivision into struction of town's next new 12. Paul A. Cervini. ahr ters in Parkade. kiel okays petition for Sunday chairman of Manchester Hous­ 35,(KX) for lOH from Connecticut frequency and cuts price' of its General Services A g e n 6-y ,6e preeident' Miss Patricia time after January. sale of aleohollc beverages, be­ Eighth Utilities District sewer firehouse. Federal Urban Re­ nounces retirement from post 3. Tlje Rev. Richard W. Dupee sale of liquor. ing Authority, cited by Federal State FederaUon of Women’s Main St. run in Manchester on (GSA) for acquisition of Lihs Rboada elected vrorthy advlaor I 18. Republican Town Oialr- tween Sunday hours of noon and system. newal Administration give* pre­ of collector of revenue he held of Washington (R .I.) M eth o^t Public Housing Administration. aubs (CFWC) at its tail con trial basis to see if improved SL Nike Site while it awaits tv- -Bf Rainbow Girts. 22. Mias Mildred Blmpeon, 59 man Francis DellaFera accepts • p.m. in local restaurants, clubs 16. Willis P. Hoyt elected com­ liminary approval of plans for June for 13 years. State tax office Church accepts csUl to become head Ubrarlan'at Whiton Memc Ninetieth anniversary noted by ference. Mrs. Mary D. Ross re­ service will attract more cus­ port of Dr. Franklin Footse, Democratic challange to debate and hotahi. Mrs. James Elliott mander of Manchester Bar­ Manchester's North End re­ " 16. Crowd o f 10,000 views delays action on audit of town associate minister of South rial Library, dies suddenly a. Watkins Brothers Inc. Francis signs as chairman of MHA, tomers. state health commissioner, be­ series of pnmoaed charter revi­ honored aa "Burton’s Woman of racks,' Veterans of World War newal project. • Armed Fbrcea Day Parade. . 1. Crowd joins Col. Milton recreation department until Methodist Church. Lowell (Maas.) General HospI Happeny keeps, date with Stato moves to Waterforil. Members 10. United Fimd winds up its fore whom lO H presented Us sions. Army-Navy Club honors L and Mrs. Mary J. Mathieu 8. John J. (Jack) Sanson an­ Town Fire Chief WflIiam C. E. Kaplan to saliite war dead “vagueness” cleared Up. State 4. Renewal agency needs only tal. Police and Is arrastod (or at­ of Chancel Choir of South MOto Ui4 Year” In ceremcaiies at 1964 Fund drive with 3M.- proposal Dec. 1. i 63 volunteers of Manchester’s elected president of its Aurill- nounced retirement as manager Mason acoq>ts keys to new in Memorial Day ceremony at Public Utilities , Commission ^ ten mlnutos to outline purchase 34. The Rev. Paul C. Kaiser, tempting to croks Charter Oak odist Church host reunion for store. 756.68, largest sum kv*r col­ 24. Town political * parky Oamp Kennedy with roast beef ary. 'Ernest R Machell Jr. as­ of State 'Fheater after fiO years Central' Firehouse from Mayor Center Park. Dr. Joseph Kris- approves Manchester Water ! plana to public at bearing on pastor of Concordia Lutheran Bridge without paying a tol). former choir members and 5, If town board of directors lected by fund in its three-year chairmen reach agreement upqn dinner, plus gift of travel alarm sumes Job of town collector of in theater. Officer and advisors "Francis Mahoney a t dedication ton of Rockville elected prtoi- Co. stock *--• issue. ’ • properties needed for Robertson Oiurch, officiates at dedication U.S. District Court In New Hav- friends at church on 40th annl- approve, General Manager history. Dr. Glenn C. Forrester, district lines for three legislp- ckKk for each. Jamies (Dutch) revenue, filling vacancy created of Manchester's lOH meet in ceremony. Church of Christ dent of Manchester Area Heart 13. Manchester Chamber of School addition. Mimehester Me­ cnraccepts $S2,(K)0*bld (or sale of versary of founding of Chancel ^ Richard Martin to probably con- co-lnventer of new Instrument tlve' assembly districts. Vajji- of new parsonage at 27 Pitkin Fogarty elected president of when Paul Cervlnl retired from Hartford - with State Health opens new h«us»‘o f worship at Association. Commerce moves offides to 257 morial Hospital will replace sup­ SL old Spencer Rubber plant of Gboir ky late Mra. Maytle C ase' aolldate town park and recrea- for determining degree of in­ ance granted last summer pfif- A rm y ^ a v y Club, suceeadlng Mi­ Commissioner Franklin M. Lydall and Vernon Sts, The 2. Barry and Maori Co. criti­ F'.' Center St. Dr. David M. ply cabinets with new cart sys­ 25. General Manager Richard Chapu St. Growell. fion acfivlUea under single de- po6t July 30* I toxication of drivers suspected raittiite Chorches Mofora tp — chael Ntmlrowakl 17. C^umelo AndiDo R eyei i Foote, to brief him on tbeir Rev. Ray C. HoUis Jr. of South cizes oractlces of lecreation Caldwell Jr. re-elected presi­ tem to streamline central sup­ Martin not satlsflad with Recre­ 8. Manchester entered in Look 27. Town Aasesaor P. Joseph I portment with Park Superlnton* of operating motor velilcle large its service area at re ^ 19.- Diractor Theodore Powell pleada guilty to reduced charge proposed use of 2 6 -«c « «han department in audit delivered plies and give nurses more time ation Department accounting a( Magaslne’i annual AH ■> America Miiiphy receives fifth conaecu- dent Horace Murohey as iU white under influence o f liquor, o f 80 Oakland SL has be) M*GK>dl8t Church accepts pas­ dent of Manchester B ra n ^ of announcea chat to town, an es> of manslaughter in shooting o f ' doned Nike Sit* off Una St. to board of directors. G. Albert for patients. tor meeting with Superlntenden a t y conteaL Preston R. Sage five appointment to post Jie held head. Manchester a District I demonstrates its use before aa- thrown out by Hartford Ooim- torate of Federated Church et American Cancer Society. Umated 360,000, for buildli]^ Port Fairfield. Maine. Pearson, Manchester's "Mr. 15. St. James’ School gradu­ 5. Board of directors pass hu­ James H e i^ . Ftva members o elected to receive MSoenry a aerably of Manchester, East ty Court of Common Pleja aewar from developing ForOat because Zoning Board of Ap­ • > 19. Proposed North End Re- Music," honored by 300 friends ates 76 pupils, 17Vlth honors. man relations commission or­ U.S. sport parachuting tean; 33rd degree,/an honor bestowed Hartford and Bristol police­ HUU Subdivision to projected upon tbosa Masons who haro peals. did not show sufficient ■•ewai and Robertson School at testimonial dinner. Jack R. 16. Meyer E. Tober, 82. presi­ dinance; vote purchase of public visit Manchester's Pioneer Para­ men. Hunter, Ihc., is low bidder’ for address sjrstem (or twarli^ chute Co. sewage traatment plant to be contributed distinguished -serv­ 11. Town Park and Rec Super­ cause ■ for its actions when lit ■ 'p ro)e^ encourage heavy early dent of Tober Baseball Mgnu- conatruetod in Parker Village wing at Keeney St. School with room. Rankwal agency approves 26. Salvatore Lopes leaves ice to the order. intendent Horace Murphty aaya granted. Louis Chorches vari­ turnout at off-aeason referen­ facturing Co. in Rockville, is Area. price of 1309.000. baying four parceU in North with 181 volunteers to *oin Peace 9. State Tax ObmmUalonar that “ In view of the (act that all ance in July. 7 dum. Tad Cianmings re-elected shot and wounded critically 21. Judge T. Emmet Ctorie 3. Associated Construction End In oonnecUon with redevel- O i ^ and teach In Ufcerla. John L. BulUvan aaya he ia peraonnsl were on the Job last 28. Body of 34 - year - Old '"Chairman pf Democratic Town while working at plant; police contlnuea hearing on proposed Co. bids low tor construction opmeol And school expansion. 27. Northeast Reftisa Oommit- "weU aatlafled" that hookkoep- night and aU rsc department ac- James Taylor draggad (tom ' Committee. Menchester Lodge sale of Spahoer Rubber Products o f addition to Highland Park says Carmek) A. Reyes, em- 6. George Elliott agrees to con­ tee representatives and Man ing xeforms required of town , UviUes operated op schedule, west end of Center Springs Co. ptafit on Main 8 t ; Eighth ■bf^EIks burns mortgage at of­ School at 3477,700. Town di­ pldye of firm, fired ahots. w n tinue as town safety director, Chester Chamber of Oommerc rec deparfinent "have been put. there will be no recrlmlnaUoiu Pond by two state police, ficial ceremony. Dlstriot and town fight sale at rectors revoke ban of selling Uam Oagood of State Highway and General Manager Richard discuss possibilities o f cenniioet aubstantlally Into effect or are against six part-time employes SCUBA divers. firm for an auetton bid of 332,000. ’ ' 90. North SMd urban renewal on town's streets; permit Ice Department tells town planning Martin agrees that an assistant In the process of being put Into wito stayed away Monday, Tues­ 30. General Managar Richard » . Matthaar M. Moriarty teUa 'p ro je c t and Robertson School cream vendors to return. Civi- and development cooimlariona should be named and advanced More than U perjMns meet effect.’’^ Ooocordla Lutheran day and Wednesday." Martin predicts that town faqF* OUkO to kaep Oomrounlty Con ..t 'addition approved by voters at tan presents 3600 proceeds that Federal Bureau of Public each year to directorship. to form local "Cttisana tor Gold- Church celebrstea its 70th aa- 12. Henry (Hank) McCann two-miU rise in Its 18I5 66 tax Wferendnm; (^barter changes Roads approvas widening of 7. Willard B. (Bun) Rogers, water tlhib?’ out at poUttaa. Directors of nlvenary. rhfisen as chairman and Jamas from travel lecture aeries to Eighth Dutriet decide to make rate *no cover eetimato at pas­ -Bail to draw la ^ e anough votes laitz Junior Museum. Mrs. Wilbur Ct m Highway in Man­ colorful and controversial politi­ 29 .Town BniJneer Walter 10. Mr*. James E. Elliott chos E- Murtay aa secretary by Ad fonrial proposal to buy Manches- sible Increases In appropr*- 'nnB suggested by audltora Reyes on two counts o f asanult blown out. ^ as long ago aa 1907 wlU be t e * to out firemen’s work week to. Arthur J. LeCtolre qualifies their support with •ASupia awardad Eagla ^ Scout were made at first o f year. Dl- with intent to kllL 8. Rastauratoura circulate , ------.18. Atty, ------this month aa court okays set- ^ September 4|4x>ur week aoon after bagtn- j r „ 59, (ortoer town pqiinMl tar cause: that m axpendituro^ f lMdge by Troop 47. Kathleen recton of town and E i^th Dis­ Memorial Hospital tnistoaa IMo MUUooa again, asking ordinance Uemeot. to allow Sunday sale liquor. 6K ne«ryear. Mrs. Raebol Manchestar-ond aoUva la ctoto funda te amBo uefil fiM ral Shd - yenaart v la s flrat MadaUne trict appprova half of general Dr. Amos Friend, rsceafiy rtf at . L Hacibatton 15. Board at education spUU 10. Federal Urbah Renawal .jSSmoa r o tii^ as auBsnrlsor service, soffera fatal heart at state tmkm are Mite avaU ^ MOUtmtt Bcholarahip gjran by manager's proposals, for qx- tired chief of tgre, ngot aad James Herdte oa three at «»iMg party Upaa and votes 6-2 Admtadatratom approval final JlEichaatar Pfiblie Haalth tack. G e a « « l Cam:.jalga at U64- ..lOkMB Bchoel FTA,. cksnge of sswer serriee arsas. throat Town directara w dact montiM probeUMi by Q a i m i i to roeomaaend to beard at dlrac- parehdae pHeoa for four North as United Bind Drive beftoi* p L Wunam Bond atoctod Mea'c Club o f Center Oongrega- formal rvHew oC General »* r — .ftentoa AMD.; taatlmifiyal dln- tora that Keeney 8L Ifilin 8lte End proportiao needed ter addi- >2 ru« mart < 14; Camolo A. Reyaa la te tlonal Ofiirch plan to sponsor gor Riehnnt Martoi ttat romlto unpeoTMUMt fai bufllBici) I^ fiv e a IMN hy hegrd mam- be aoqulrod by tosm lo r ediira' Inanr- Sioux Indian boy from North tton to Robartaan School dlctad Uk fint dMrea' m M ** ttonaluoe. Prtvntoiy rity. 4ua8~loee» annMBM HW in workshop •ositoa wiUi nottli- U. Firo owoipa through Bot- -'"‘■‘O T irrdS aj^ In death of M eyer 'teber • ( Man- as« p u e teO J. Von- Dakota for year at Manchester er censurg nor rocommrodnttOB. l l ^ r d of dlraetora eaU R t M r. 46661* Sol- cteatortei^Oo. ir of School ton Laka Hoto!; laavtag tt a Ncsih 18. Mograr Toltor tiUm of jctiamd NiaU nfth dainagaa aa- ■^toWsSuM «a 8il|^ of O N i i ^ o f Edward Copeland wins wounds^ .Carmoto Itoyto, 86; I nrartSate VB t J W iJ B g i A lb ^ ffis M , sMts^' ^ g giiKNv tssehws who ntind ^m jm . Mmptm o . Dte-£i B te * Dirtrtot ato in colebra- Jamco Hkrdle (arovw gift, now 15. Board at teuataaa e l Maa- • I * w t m , ■ ’-•“'*t w«tch. During the drought;, water was pumped from Porter Reservoir up to Howard Reservoir to aapply . t ). ■ iUSCHBBW UANCEBSIKB, C»NN, SATUBDAY, JANUAEY 2 , 1965 P A Q S i m


ACKOSf MBcIgUn WHAT'Ei UnULU A'^LOMdASWE'RB • THAT T_ BUSTEf?/B(JTI MUST ■2L“K i'^ JaR S!a'“ rACINS tH' HRlNfi •iECRET W«OOM* ' 6 AY YOUR NEW INTEREST < a « » s it _; k | ^ Sit taker Udm to ha/m SOWAD ANVWAX V«3U'Ve BEB»0 IN CULTURAL APPAiRfi mak^thlt WNlihUbeforo ReATJlMS, „ avanU WE WAV A^'WB-L REWARDS MB APTER » Hawaiian m 40 Sm bird TAKE dPP TK‘ M A30R A MEW, MY LONS EFFORTS/ WAV TO . 41 Before BUGUS BUNNY ei.lNDPOu|*~ HOW We l l x r e m e m b e r i s f s r ASk: IH' MA30R In «H<|h *“ «• OUR PlRST MEBTINS/ 14 ??**•Tlnie la a factor 4swilMutdar • tM h W«^ Im. about Ml6 SOU W ERE SO fUUn) IVJLJLJ hetw^ ke. T- BOOK/ UNLBTTBRED You ^ ISBnrSonl?^” 40 Ephemeral (Oveneer of S7D oei_____ TM.5it.UXHt V* THOUSHT REMBRANOT ** ?5i ^ *> American jihnorality SSStMoth ^ WAS TW O . 82Briliah princeaa TCompeaa point SspBanean 63Lar*e plant 8 Paira of horaat 31 Indian hnwiae Job fuid Commerdal iBSnboting marks iu t w s v SHaaculine S3 Cubic UMter 20»Shn„.r....n. Show feeling appellation SSIneat P rin tliig ^ i i s r 21 Art (Ijitin) cement 10 DlatJnct part 40 Fork pieesi 22 Rowing M O ne who llSpeed oonteat 41 Penetrate Prompt oad Eflletart implementa lauffix) Unitei 421ndoneeiue et 24 Detest Mindanao Prlnttaf Of AH Kteda 26 Broken cliff 57 V ' * 43 Marine flyer 27 Highway aign DOWN high piieet 44 Rare (var.) 1 Seaaoning . 46 Arrow poleoa Gommanify Press 30 Fly 2 Iria part 34 Sunken fence 47SUtoe 32Pauaed 3 Tale 35 Shekeapetrean 488ope 9 East Middle 34 Imitated an 4 Viaage* ftreim SOPob eertri Telephone 643-5'727 - owl'a call 5 DIemounted 38 Lebtnetc tree r " i 3 4 5 6 7 Manchester , J6 a I3 rr Rug ' WON'T Cleaning ALLY OOP [L E T 15 15 BY V. T. HAmUN Company • For Auto Wliidsbielda THEM T Ul Hnmiawoy a For Store Fronts oad all r u s h , 15 IN i J Street sizes of windows Dei RbowUb, o For Table To|ei •- WI~ Prop. B A R O N E T V O OoU 648-0013 DPEN 8 A.M. to 5 P.BL SAIES ond SERVICE SATURDAY 8 AJtt.-NOON 5T FRENCH BRANDT zT W W w 3-DAY c a r n iv a l BY m n? TtTRNER SERVICE! P A U L D O D G E J. A. W HITE $ & 2 5 F iM — Alao — rCBNmiBE CULANINO PONTIAC, ING. G U S S C O . Fera, owners of Manchester heavy-duty truck heads as well II Btasea St^-Td. 4M9-7S2S VICHI'S Auto Parts, 270 Broad St., are as all American motor vehicle m Mate St— TeL 649-3681 pleased to inform their custo- engines. One set up, one pass, PACKAGE StORE mera that they are now author­ one cut! That Is all it takes to j M BIS8ELL 8T. U n itedw. Rent-CUtA. wiaiii , ized jobbers of TRW Toledo resurface the average cylinder MANCHESTCR Products engine, chassis. TRW head for perfect gasket seal in w rnimmurMUT urrumsw TOURAINE ML Toledo parte carry an unprece­ less than ten minutes from SS8 BURNSIDE AVE. dented reputation for their en­ floor to finish. It offers miirom- MEMORIAL GO. CUSTOM MADE EAST HARTFORD gineered excellence and, tn the eter control stock removal, PAINTS positive work holding fixtures Opposite Eisst Oetnetery PRISCILLA’S POP CANVAS AWNINGS opinion of the Drila Ferae, are BY AL VERMEER 289-6333 the finest In the replacement permit machining of warped FOR BEST RESULTS Power oBd Hauad Toole field today—for quality, cover­ cylinder heads and blocks. You Dickson Expert at Business Painting QHoRty Momoriob TH AT'S You ALWAYS Polntlitg and D^rattng age and service. Through To­ are assured of precision accu­ ALL I NEED_ SH E'S A ST racy and proper surface finish, Over 18 Yean Exyerlenea SAY THEY'RE HEADACHE AND, Tpote ledo it to possible for Manches­ AN EVENING A PERFECT for this is accomplished with The firm of Wiliam Dick.son<&that all furniture, desks, ma- PAUL'S WITH THOSE ■ ^HE'S A PILL.' Garden and Land Toole ter Auto Parts to stock and A Son is celebrating its 50th chines, etc. will be covered with Col 649-5807 -7 MATCH.' Baby, Hotuehold, Party servcie original equlpm^t pre­ multiple cutters. , TWO.' OUT OUR WAY BY J. R. WILLlAMii Would you like to have an anniversary for back in 1915 ample, all - enveloping drop PAINT SUPPLY and. Banqnet SnppUee cision parts for all vehicles. William Dickson started the cloths to protect them from any A. AIM Em, Prep. TT IhVaUd Need! automatic ^levelizef that Is 7ES,«R, With a full line of TRW Toledo business and In 1922 his son, stray paint spots. Frankly, the 645 Main Street , OH-OHJ-I , I DID SELL HIM Products parts in stock they are built to outlast your car? If so, Harrison St„ THNSOUR I CAN'T LOOK/ TO A KIND MAN, purchase a Columbus automat­ James Dickson, joined the firm. men rarely do have need for Tel. 649-0.300 OLD NEP- AND 10U TOLD BUTICANT prepared to grive you quick, ic levellzer from Manchester Fifty years of serving the pub­ such elaborate protection of fur­ OH.THE M EH X J6 0 LD^ oourteous service, either to re- HELP WHO HE Auto Parts and you will have lic has earned this firm an niture, but Mr. Dickson never POOR HIM INTDA •< •OLD HIM TO? Call 644-1111 sponae to a telephone call, enviable reputation for integri­ THINO; SBE CB FOB: one with d lifetime guarantee. takes a chance. Another Item OOOPHOMC— mailed orders or pickups at ty, superior work and lair that is most pleasing to home J Upholstery B m-h-HOO— iBodCa FOB REPAIRS, ThW Is the only ride control prices. As a matter' of faot, HMOO*-- AwaliMS Manchester Auto Parts. These unit guaranteed for life and owners and industry alike Is the and IVI Shop STEVENSON’S HEAINT REPLACEMENT are a list of chassis parts during this fifty years' the fact that all the drop cloths used • Door OaooplaB this is guaranteed in writing service offered by this firm has RE-UPHOLSTERlNG SATIN'RE6ULM--1 o Storm Dooto ON AT.I. t y p e s o f stocked; king bolts, ball joints, by Columbus as long as you are absolutely clean and soiled IU.BAVTHW- ..Tilt' never been altered, only the and daubed cloths are never ORHEAINT Wladowa tie jo d ends, upper and lower pwn your car—labor charges * Modem Furniture ESSO ) ||IN|ImV|b'\ control arm assemblies,* torsion bast Is good enough. There Is u.sed. ■AriN'MUCH/ Manchester Awning Co. are^not Included. a quality of workman.ship that 405 MAIN ST. bars, coil springs. Elngine parts No other ride or load control The Dickson Company employ and Antiques liB WBST CENTER ST. ia evident on any job that they The Dicl^son Company em­ 0 a»wet.M«.«T LjJi Iw la bt 0e.f±Z TelepkidBO 64S-9091 stocked; Piston rtrigs, valves, unit m.skes this offer, no other • Store Stools and Booths TEL. 649-5533 do and their services are en­ ploys six jo eight men on a full­ e Custom Furniture BONNIE EBtaMRhed IMS valve lifters pistons, piston pins, unit delivers a smooth, level gaged because everyone knows water pumps, valve guides and ride automatically, whether you time ba-sis and every one of Slipcovers and Draperies * Tune-ups BY JOE Ca m p b e l l ! that w'hen William Dickson & them with sixteen to eighteen Made to Order r springs, camshafts, crank are driving alone or carrying a Son do a job it Is done to per­ years of experience. This means Complete Selection ot * Engine Cleanhig H6U-0> SPOONEY. WOODCOCK shafts, connecting rod bearings, heavy load. fection. m a c . f PHOOIE that you are ketting the ser­ Materials B E c z ^ COULD YOU c o m e REFRIGERATION CO. main bearings, connecting rods, No original equipment shock More and more Industrial * Minor Ropdrs NOBOOV WILL COME TURNPIKE absorber was ever designed to vices of experts in their field FREE ESTIMATES CPtNTCDWEEIIWER OVER-- HUH1 rocker'rt as k Free laetallatloB / RAVIOLI Norman Model 670 Rotary the all-new levellzer to smooth ends. When this Is the case, Just phone him at 649-0920 for Speciolidng in ( ■fih' *TMve Down or OalT . Broach is, mechanics and ga- out heavy loads as well as give, you can depend upon James any work you wish done. rfeeeu OPEN DAILY las Middle Taraplke West ragemen fully appreciate its a comfortable'empty car ride— Dickson to handle all the de­ There Is no worry virtues. The “dry grinder” ap­ and they adjust themselves to tails, see to It that the work BRAKE SERVICE 7:30 AJL to 11:00 PAI. THE ^HOORAY FOR OUR SIDE! about decorating when you have u paratus does precision machin­ all points in between auto­ is done before regular business James Dickson do work for you > SUNDAYS IHORT RIBS Basketball i even the busy w .casey ing of cylinder heads, engine matically. Why not enjoy real hours with' no interrupting to Front End Alignment BY FRANK O’NEAL STARfJW y KNOWS WHO he IS! for no interior decorator could ♦ 4 PAI. to 10:30 P.M. w& «> blocks and other aiurfaces with comfort with a Columbus level- the business itself. Each job do a better^job for you. Mr. CHUCK /SURE.I WATCH HIMIN ’N ' Mawohostor Moving one soL\y>, one pass, one cut, izer, ask about it at Manches­ presents Its individual prob­ General Repair Weric CLOSED MONDAYS RALAAERJ / ALL OF STATED HOME GAMES') **INUTE... Dickson has an eye for color and Wou WAN1H 310 while rosurfacini: tor a perfect ter Auto Parte, they will glad­ lems, but you can be sure that harmony that simply cannot be ■ SEE ME,S\(2E? ^^^AREVtWA and Tnicldng Co. gasket seal In less than ten ly show them to you and you they will be handled expertly g p r i r n duplicated and you can follow t- 5 minutes from floor to finish. It can see for yourself how well by James Dickson and his his selections secure in the 9*-. will also perform the same taak they wotk. staff. knowledge that when your room a* James Dickson Is always ^Vlll- — or the entire house — will ABC APPLIANCE Ostnnsky r* ing their paper work and Ing to give an estimate on the be a symphony in color har» watching over the patients like cost of any job and what f6 mony. P^lU insurance coverage REPAIRS DEALER IN WASTE Ml NO, P R , C A S E /, Open Forum more, you can depend upon his mother hens with many little is carried by Mr. Dickson’s firm. 41 O A K ST. MATERIALS ■d J NOACCID04T Phono chickens, punctual and polite estimate as to the length of time $100,000 Workmen’s. Compensa- MY RAPER'S OPENEP ‘Beat Place to Be but firm when they are ad­ It will take to do the job. 'The jtlon, $300,000 Public- . .. _Liability . . Tel. 649-8879 TO THE SPORTS 643-6365 To the Editor, ministering medication. length of time needed to do a and $25,000 Property Damage. RA 6S , I R O N * I p a s e . m y b r o t h e r One Of the best places to be 'Mrs. Jeannine Richard, job is 4 >artlcularly Important in For the finest in workmanship REPAIRh ON— M J ± . ...CHUCK BUAAER.^ when you are sick to the Man­ Dietitian, with her assistants, business. Industrial or commer- call William Dickson & Son, re­ Grills, Electric Irons, « chester Memorial Howital. We, ____Mra______Eileen __ A. ______Holliday,______Mrs. clal work. You can rest assured member that large or small, any Toasters, Percolators, SCRAP METAL y BUZZ SAWYER [morty m e e k l b Reuben Pien’s ot Manchester, Should certainly Rena Sagllo, Mrs. Arm” Kleln->th*t your business activities will job you give them receives care­ Vacuum Cleaners^ Heaters, 19 BY ROY CRANE be proud of the. fine service It achmidt, Mra. Emma Townsend, have a minimum of upset and ful attention. Fans, Sewing Machines, a n d P A P E R id BY DICK CAVAIJ i renders to the community. Mra." Alice Kloter.i and Mrs. Lamps 731 PARHEE ST. Texaco Sfafion Bhreryone — the nurses, the Helen Kulpa, all do''a wonder­ Oak Hill, the only school in the Tel. 043-5785 or 643-587* not A KICH MAN, «UT MAVBE I CAn'^ THey PiPNraAyANVTHfNa ful job. Tbey carefully check All work guaranteed ^DOUBLE WHAT THEY'RE PAYIN6 VDU. 'A6 LL,IRNALL'/ '...I FDOMPAU-MYTHINefl telephone operators, the dieti­ state devoted solely to the ed­ Radio Today BUTTHie M OZNINQ.. 381 Mohi Stroot tians, the kitchen staff, the the mobile food units and 'keep ucation and training of blind 1* Gorup&*yjiGH our ON The e/pewA/j^ a watchful eye on the trays so flC a m p A ‘accM maintenance men, the office children, and to help operate a WDke—138S NSeveTDSHOVV WHATPIO Phono 643-9149 qkaff — all have a smile and that each patient will get his sheltered workshop for the em- 1 :UU Chip Thompson MY (^FCCrCACD ■T>de/sA.y? prescribed diet. The food to well 4:00 Long John Wade ~ "Peasant word. pl03rment of blind adults. 8.06 Oick Ro’jinson WATKINS-WEST CAMPIKG TOMVflkCeNK IS marvels at the nurses as prepared by a very efficient We are grateful for the 1:00 News. Sign Off L yeeiazcAV, ■ cn a u ia f they go about their duties, do­ ataff. statewide community support WHAV-S16 FUNERAL AH Work Onaraataed For the -very Ul, the Special given to our comprehensive 1:00 Gene Anthony EQUIPMENT a- Care Unit provides extra nun- 4:00 Fred Swanson Show dr Tteaea Lobrlcatlaa Serrlca program, the continuance and 6:25 News. Sport. Tents, Cote, SlecyiM Bnga, W E HAVE ing aerviCe. This gradually extent of which.depend in large 7:00 Dave Arthur Show SERVICE Air Mattreesea, Stoves, works down to the Self Care measure upon the success of 12:00 Sim Off Laaterna. fl­ Wa Olva J t f C On«> Btampa MACHINE SHOP Unit which offers an excep­ WTio—issa our annual fimd drive. 1:00 Newe ORMAND J. WEST ic SERVICE tional opportunity for recupe­ Sincerely, 1:16 Honlfor MANCHESTER rating to convalesce, Dorthy F. Haynes, 2:00 Met Opera * DirecttH* a piston Pin Pitting While helping themselves. 6:00 Monitor SURPLUS SALES CO. Typowrlfor Sonrico Dlrecto-Publlc Information. 6:00 News. Weather, SporU a Boring Cyllndani The entire administration of 6:30 Monitor 142 E. CENTER ST. 109 N. MAIN ST. a Valve Batacing thl$ hospital to ao planned and 7:06 Keynotee at Depot Square 10:30 USA Yale a Haad Grinding carried out as to make the pa­ 'Largeet AmoOnt* ^ 11:00 f^wa Manchester’s Oldest Open Dally to 9:00 PJM. tient aa comfortable and con­ To the Editor, 11:16 Sports Final - MICKEY FINN l^pawiltaia Bapatrad a King Pin Fitting tented^ possible. May I through the medium 11:30 Starlight Serenade With Finest Facilities J. FAKR — 64S-7111 BY LANK LEONARD ®^SY and OvatlHHilad a Braka Drum* Tornad 1:00 Sign Off I certainly appreciate everyr of the "Manchester Herald” ex­ WPOF—1416. ntaadarda and PortablaB a Ganafator and Starter thing that was done for. me press my sincere thanks to 1:00 Jim '-McLaughlin WELL, THAT? NO AMLK WAGON "iu ^ SHOULD HEAR TODAV. THEN EU PICK UP Work (off the oar) during nay r,ecent «tay there. everyone who participated in 7:00 Ken Griffin ONBi.WHICIL'WU HAD INSfSTHl Wodk ndrad Dp A DaUver^ 13:00 Sal LaRoea horse. AMSTER/ THAT'S A a Eto., Etc., Ete. ■ Sincerely, this 1964-66 United Fund Cam­ WINS—UW Painting—Decorating Far Rant William J. Skoneski, paign. 12:10 Weekend Greater Hartford ForelfB A Domaatio Cam i . 43 Edward St., In this, our third. Annual 8:00 Northwest at East Cathollo PAINTINeS HAS ladnstrlal 9:30 Weekend Greater Hartford THE GALLERV Manchester. United Fund Drive, the laigest 12 :U 6igr Off COMMERCIAL • INDUSTRIAL • RESIDENTUL ad CHOSEN TO amount of funds has been lO" KlCHIBir? Speaks for InsUtuta raised with the least amount of Interior—^Exterior—CoIoY Consuiting Service I's Manchesfor FLYING MONEY To .the Bklitor, expanse. Comiilete Insurance Coverage . ■or Baoausa Inquiries'from mapy Although our goal was not •l4 nenroiis MUSCATINE. Iowa (AP) —A sources continue t|S reach us reached this yeeu* we are very Eat 1915 Lt- m BROAD STREET during (mr annual fund drWe, hopeful that, If our present drive-in bank at Muscatine . TaL diU-tfSe about Service? call I btileve an explanation of the plans materialize next year's found a sure way to put money 2 status of the Connecticut In- drive will be successful. into circulation — but does not stttuta for the Blind wlU clear recommend it. Winds with near- a We are diligently . working hurricane velocity smashed WM. DICKSON & SON m a miaeoncoptlon in the minds with employers, to the West of Sunoco of soma petals. four of the bank windows and TeL 649-0920 — Mancheeter, Conn. us, to allow Manehester resi­ several thousand dollars w^th Contrary to a baltoC held by dents, under payroll deduction, A C|UB|ity haating oil dalivarad many. The Omnecticut Insti­ of currency went flying down! tute for the Blind, a privately to favor*Vhe Manchester United the street. All but $50 of the automatically! Burnar sarvica 24 operated, nonprofit cxuriwratlon, Fund in their giving. This one money wai| recovered. MS. ABERNATHY gesture on their part would as­ BY. RALB'rON JONES and FRANK RIDGEWAY hours a day! An aaay-paymant to liot aasoctalM with, nor doss R benefit from, any drives to sure the success of the future TIP plan! (iat tham all-Q at Sunoco raise funds for glaucoma re­ United Fund drives in Man- WATCH OUX AIR. ABERNATHY I Haating 01. U f a talk. search, the prevention of bllnd- cheater. A SPARK JUST FLEW naaa, or almllar atforU In the It to apt an easy taak to so­ ONTO yOUR OOIHESj ^ field of bllndn^ However, licit funds, but all can derive 25'% O F F N b y ’ei" '» our program in In a job "well done." r R U O O L E M U m many ways. - To be s part of a humane ef­ For Cash and Carry! h a m b u r g e r s Naithar I# The .Oonnbctlout fort such as has been concluded InsUtuta iba the ’'OUiid 'A par- this year, to of no small conae- NEW CABPETINO! Ud|iatln^aMralHr<«r, ju r does qusnee. [ ] R;rsaltaa any benUtti', ft«m, Again my ainoere thanks to oB wlw worked and to all w b o rn tM o m HBATINO PU. United Fuada -«r -Oanomnfty CStoBt 'eampaigOA ' 'gave.” grary ilMwy rapftvM M Ra ■ Vaey totdy y«i»e, " M OHrM li' fiH ii ' taM W. G. GLINNEY CO. fund drive M used bgt, 4toB< Oi- Bkwipett n. Ybanedy. MS 9 . m a in ffC MMnta hare tat : - . . .4t ' . w i s i . IPUSASAUS eat to M p I Uflltod thm & ad - m l plato whKwtkdel. .llaaeiMStor, Bmh PAGl 1 W MANCHESTER EVENING tDERALD, ItANGHEBTSS, OONM« SATCIBDAY, g^ANUASt t, 1MB I r MANCHESTEli EVENING HERALD, MANCHHfftER, OOMM« SATURDAY, JTANUj^ Y 2 ,1 9 6 6 PAGEK^BVRIf

pBUmng—A yerbig 2 1 H>lp W « n tid -r —Ml» U iPrb Leagues in Contract PAINTXNO and papaifiaaclok, TOURS smoisaDLT. ATok foodoworli, rsaennable rates, COBMVnCs. We t t a e o n t r CLASSIFIED 30 yadrs III Mdnehestar, your believe yon win earn more Attractive Hoop Schedule money, meet mote wonderful noi^bor to my raoemmenda- tlon. Raymond Flake, #48- people and enjoy your work 9287. more a* an AVON Reprooent- S i g n M e n Sports. Viewing atlve than you eould In aar ADVERTISING EXTERIOR and interior paint­ oUior part-tlnM work. Com- oa< ing. WhUpaper hooka. P a p o r- plote training. ExeoUoiit com- In Gollege Msts Schoolboys at Home "CLASSIFIED ADVERTIHING DEPT. HOURS hanging. Ceillngk. Floors. riiUy 'miaoion with bonueee and S:M ( S) FlorNfa State .Okla- 8 A. M. to 5 PJf. lnsure«r Workmanship guar- g prtaea Can today. 3gB-4932. hona anteed. Leo Pelletier, 649-8336. Prematurely SiOO (SO) OhaMpioBsliip By PETE ZANARDI If no answer, 648-9043. Bowihif Basketball buffs in this COl»Y ClXifHNG TIME FOR CLASSIFIED ADVT. INSIDE imd outrido patntliit. TRANSCRlPnONIST NEW YORK (AP)r-The 4:00 ( S) GoU Olasaia City of yUlage Charm will MONDAY Thro FRIDAY 10:W A.M. — ftATURDAV • AAl. You name your own price- • bitterly competitive pro Tounumiteiit ' I hayb two attractive offer­ 649-7863. 87IS-8401. Permanent. fUlI-tUne posi­ (80) Sporta Spaolal tion avallshle for eXiMrl- football leagues found 4:80 (SO) East-WasMHutaa ings within a few miles of PLEASE READ TOUR AD PAnmNO. EXTERIOR MM to enced claims trandcriptlon- themselves in more contract PootiMril X. one another tonight, both tenor, paperiianglng, waU- ' 1st. High School education, trouble today following dis­ 8:00 ( S) Race of Week Claeelfled or ’’Want Ads” are tsken-ri^r the phone as a piper removed, dry wall work good knowledge of gram­ of which'are expected to ooaveidence. H m advertiser shooM read his ad the FIRST closure of premature player ( S) Wide World of attract capacity crowda. ResMonable rates. Fully In­ mar and spelling, plus Sports DAS IT APPEARS and REPORT. ISRORS in time for the sured. Free estimates. 649- speedy, aocurate t y p i n g re­ signings th^t have put theii* Getting off to a belated start next insertion. H m Herald Is reepaoeible for only ONE toeor- S:00 (18) Kyle Rote’s 9668, Joseph P. Lewis. quired. Some knowledge of In the Hartford County League teri or omitted inaertlon t o r any advertisement and then only medical terms helpfuL atatus in jeopardy with col­ Worid will be Blast OathblVo's (8-0) un­ lege officials. to tho oxtent of a "nlalte good” Insertion, Errors which do not INTERIOR and exterior paint­ Liberal empl03ree benefits Sunday defeated Eaglee against North­ leeeen the value of the adverttaepMnt wlD not bo corrected by ing, wallpeper removed, ftilto and excellent working con­ At the same time, quarter­ 1:80 ( 8) NFL Playoff west Catholic. Action starts at "make good” ineertlon.______Insured. Rene Belanger. 646- dition*. Call Mrs. Peterson, back Joe Namath of AlaDama’s V Bowl, St. -Lonls Cards 8 o’clock at tJie Eagle gym. 0613 or 6444)604. tarnished national ebampiona 643-1161, for appointment. ^ vs.' Packers i' Several miles up the road, YOUR COOPERA-nON WILL n i A l A A l - 0 7 1 1 had a contract that epitomizes SKM ( 8). NBA Basketball, Manchester High s t ^ back in­ BE APPRECIATED UIMI. I I ..f.. the extent to which the fiercely Celtics vs. Ciaciimati- , Electrical Services 22 fought war has driven the Na­ to OCIL pJay by entertaining BABYSITTER wanted, days. In A - ♦# tional and American Leagues— Conrad High of West Hartford FREE ESTIMATES. Prompt my home. Two children. Ref­ a piece of paper worth more at the Arena. Tap-off time la service on all types of elec­ erences. 649-7929. Uian $400,000. 8:15. ' '• trical Wiring. Licensed and In­ "When pro clubs tamper with And in a natural meeting be­ Troubit Rmhinn Our Advertiser? sured. Wilson Electrical Co., our players before all the varsi­ tween arch rtvBla in RockvlUe, Manchester, 649-4817, 648- PAYROLL ty competition ends, they de- Coach Canavari’g' Rams, win- 24-Hour Answering Service 1,388. 'stroy the entire Intercollegiate netw o f aB for gamto, entertain Manchester High TOM LODGE JiM MARTELLO RECXMlri TOUCHDOWN— fullback Mel Anthony (37) heads for goal K n ock sP ros Old, established Insunnce football program,’’ said Coach Klttii«ton High (2-^). at CARL HOHENTHAL Eaet OathoUe Rockville Free to Heraid Readers Bonds—Stocks— line and the longest run from scrimmage in Rose Bowl history as he galloped 84 Corner Jones Friday after he company hZM opening ' in o’clock. Want Ittfermatlon on ono of our clasatfled advertlsemonts 7 No Mortgasres 27 Payroll for woman with yards. A 220-pound tackle, , made the run along with him. — declared four of his Oklahoma The Blaglee are having no answer at tho telephono listed 7 Simply eaU tho players ineligible foi; today’s For Actions good figure aptitude and trouble finding the hoop this 8EfX)ND MORTGAGE - Un­ light typing. Office to in gams with Florida season. ’They are averaging 76 limited funds available for sec- 'Rqse Bowl— Michigan 34, Oregon State 7 '9tate. JACKSONVILLE, Fla. (AP) downtown Hartford, easily point* a gwne in victories over UConns Without Kimball EDWARDS accessible to buses. Small Tackle and three -r- The intensive rivalry between Glastonbury, Waterford and St teammates were dropped from professional football teams for office, an company bene­ Bernard’s. Cfoach Don Bums ANSWERING SERVICE fits. Call for kn interview the squad when it was learned college players changed the has four equadmembera averag. they klpeady had signed con­ complexion of today's Gator appointment at 637-079L, tracts with teams in both Bowl game. Ing 13 points or bette^r in Paul Set for Virginia Tonight 6494)500 - 875-2519 Help Wanted— Female 35 Aak t o r Personnel. ^ Watokowskl, Tom Malin, Ray Strong Ground Game leagues. The heart of the Oklahoma OFF AND RUNNING—Texas tailback Ettiie Koy is off on 79;yard TD jlnint ■ad leave your meesage. You’ll hear from our advertlsor In jig LaOaoe and Frank Ktnel. Mtr»i ^gHbont spending all evening at tiM telephone. IC 8. (Bud) Adams, owner of ground game, its primary ’The Hartford Steam Boiler the AFL Houston Oilers, dis­ threat, waa stripped from the in first period with Alabama.— (AP Photofax). Manchester hopes to return Crippled Connecticut, itsAftw the cause of eheet pains that^Hiursday, would be a difficult LPN or RN, full or part-time, closed that Neely bad signed a line-up Friday after It waa to whudiig ways after Tues­ struck him during a practice teqt for a healthy Connecticut 11-7. 876-2077. I. & I. Ck). day’s loss to Hartford BuUceley. casualty list almost as im­ sesaUm Hiursday. squad. Lost and Found Bunnen Semcea four-year contract with Houston learned four players had signed WAITRESS WANTED, expenl- A good fight ie expected from pressive as its eight'game Sophomore Dick ’Thompson, Although It* records is unim­ O ffe re d 13 66 Prospect Street, Hartford Dec. 1. Signing with the Min­ pro contracto.- Orange Bowl— Texas 21, Alabama 17 L08T-/Bleck male angora kit­ ■ ence preferred, hours 10-2. nesota Vikings of the NFL were ” The tMtn will play u well the lofty West Hartford five winning streak, meets a Kimball’s understudy, spent Fri­ pressive, Virginia looked good in Rips Touted Defense losing to such national powers ten with white stortach and LAWN Mv‘'WERS— Sharpened Walter Anthony’s Luncheon­ fullback Jim Grisham, receiver as it Mh play,” said okhiho- which has beme the Sharp edge strong Virginia team to­ day in bed flf^tlnf a virus. as Duke and Davidson. paws, iriclnlty of Parker St. and repaired, winter stofai^ ette, 130 N. Main St. WOMAN WANTED to take and end Wes ma’a ' young coach, (Jomer o f the league early this season night in the finals of Buf­ Hiompeon, who scored 13 649-8731. J^ es. ” I don’t know how the Without Kimball to contend • Sales and service — Ariens, care of eemi-invaUd eroman. PASADENA, Calif. (AP)^ Oregon state Coach TommyA Fullback Mel Anthony, named Skidgel. chalking up a .1-3 record. They point* againat Comsll in the. Snowbirds, also rental equip­ __ 9WtfVlTVtProthro said••l/f >1Ahe WAawaa Hlaan.disap­ fhathe game’saravMa’a top wlaeraaplayer, raced Neely’s situation was com­ team’will react. We’re not going have beaten Maloney and lost to falo’s Queen City Invita­ tourney’s opening round, was with under the boards, Virginia FOUND—Springer, male, liv­ 640-7828. ______—Michigan’s running game, tional Basketball Tourna­ is a soUd favorite ^ hand the ment L A M Equipment Cforp., pointed that his team’s strong­ 84 yau-ds midway through the pounded later in the day when to drop over dead juat because Upset Platt and Bristol Blastem. considered doubtfiil for tonight’s er and white. Call Lee Frac- Route 83, Vernon, 875-7609. NEW YEAR’S of the loss of four players,” Defense Keys Huskies their first'defeat. •i^ilouTe at times and con- est point through the season second quarter to score and he signed with the Cow­ The Indians have a 3-0 league ment. game. chla. Dog Warden, 643-8594. Manchester Exchange—Sinter- Help Wanted— Malt 36 stw tly ripped through Ore­ was ita weakeeft on New Year's bring Michigan to within a point boys of the NFL, contending his Jones -added. record putting them fai a second Big Tol^ Kimball, the nation’s So was ' defensive specialist Yale, on a Southern tour, prise 1946. RESOLUTION Day. of a tie. The run was the longest pact with Houston was not bind­ Another eligibility problem third leading rebounder, wiU BIU Della Sals, who strained an meets North Orollna State to­ FOUND — Beagle, female, DEPENDABLE MAN to worft el- gon State’s highly touted place, a half gSme behind Platt black, brown and white. Call Oregon State got a break in from scrimmage in the Rose ing. General Manager Tex knocked Florida State’s kicking A ‘ball-hawktog Bulkeley definitely be out of the lineup aa ankle againat Cornell. night to round out the action in­ SNOW PLOWING — You name on poultry farm. Call 743- ♦ defense, proved to be the volving Connecticut college Lee Fracchla, Dog Warden, the aecond quarter when a Sowl. Schraum of Dallas said Neely’s specialist, the nation's third- ped a XIancheeter quintet that he was Thursday night when the BIU Holowmty, hobMsd by an your own price. Sidewalks also A NEW JOB? 6233. leading scorer, out of the game. teams. 643-8694. difference in the 51st an­ Michigan player was called ta ^ Carl Ward’s 43-yard scoring Houston Mntract had no legal -wae averaging 70 points against fired-up Hufklea defeated Cor­ ankle Injury sines the start of cleaned. Telephone 649-7863, Jones' began shuffling his Of National Champs Hie Bulldogs nipped Furman FIRST-CLASB MACHXN1ST8 nual Rose Bowl game'Fri­ clipping before the Wolverines run later in the same period put standing. nell, 75-83. the season, is still not 100 per 876-8401. Hall, Windham and Bristol LOST; — Passbook 16166. No­ and mold makera Must be ahle could take possession of a Bea­ Michigan ahead to stay. Oommisaloner Pete Roselle of players to fill the huge gaps and Kimball remzdna in a Buffalo cent sound. 83-78 Thursday night in a game Have you made up your day. Brilliant^otes to play and tour atralght^ Bryant said his team played a Baatem. tice is hereby given that Pass­ REPAIRS O b an makes of re- to read blueprints and do own ver punt. Both Prothro and Michigan the NFL said he was InvesUgat- blasted profeseional recruiters. (AP) Hospital where doctors search Virginia, victors over Canlslus at GreenviUe, 8.C. mind to seek new o p ^ r- That the WolTeriaaa wore able Instead of giving the ball to "When pro clubs tamper with Umes the Texas defense stopped courageous second haif and (hat OCBL gfTANDINOS book No. 16156 Issued by the frinrators, washers, ranges, setups. Apply Trlsiu^e Manu­ Coach Bump Elliott agreed tjmt ing the signings and hoped to offensive play by Eraie Koy PHrst Manchester Office Hart­ tunlty, new surroundings to lalh SS3 yards oa the ground Michigan, the play kept it in the Anthony’s nm waa the turning our players before all varsity the hard charging 'Bama backs. he could hgve asked no more W. L. P ot and dryers. All oil burners facturing Company, 95 Brook­ have a stateinent later today. and s^ave Texas ford National Bank and Trust in 1966? Something more fa Um^ S4-7 triumph may not hands of the Beavers and they point. * AFL C6mlh(8ai6ner Joe -Foaa competition ends, they destroy A few plays later it was Pete from them. FlaM ...... 4 • LOOO cleaned and serviced. All work lyn Street, RockvUla have Been aurpriaing to fans three touchdowns, but it Lammoni who Intercept^ a Koy’a 79-yard touchdown run Manchester ...... S S 1.000 Michigan Out to Protect B.ating C o. ha* been loet and appli­ guaranteed. Oosme Appliance satisfjrlng, more interest­ went on to break a scoreless "This waa a great game,” waa not available for comment. the entire collegiate football ing? "Try CMK EXPERIENCED meat cutter, who bad saen Um Wohrerinat deadlock. program,” Jones said. ’ ’The ws£ the crashinsf defense of Naiaalh pAaa on the Texas 82 to -with 28 seconds left In the flr.<'t Bristol Omteal .. 8 1 .780 cation ha* been made to said Service, 606 Center. 049-0066. EUlott said. "I couldn’t My it The Oklahoma Incident added bank for payment and issu­ good salary and eoicrilent handle eight of nine regular aea- Prothro agid the OSU touch­ was our best this season, but it to the earlier case of All-Ameri­ professionals’ callous disregard five Longhorns that gave kill the^'Crimson Tide’s chance quarter and a 69-yard ^touch­ MaldiMy ...... Z t AOO Come in and talk over aonfMB. for' a tikuchdown. down pass by Hudson to George ance of a new book. YOU ARB A-II Truck to A-1! w o rk i^ conditions. Apply down, instead of giving his team was a good one.’.1 ca tackle Jim Wilson of Geor- for the welfare of college foobali the Texans their 21-17 up­ Bristol Baeterw .. 3 3 J(00 Oellars, attics, trash, small what the future holds for First Food, 646 Center- Street. But' the fact that Michigan a lift to carry it through the Michigan has v/jai all four of who signed with Boston and is shocking.” . On the goal-Uhe atand,’ Na­ Sauer about five minutes later O o n a n ...... 1 3 MS St. Joe Giant Killers you. We have good posi­ set of national champion math tried to punch it over, him­ put Texas In a- commanding po­ trucking done A-1 right! Call geiiied the yardage with such game, aeemed to relax them. its Rose Bowl , games. Oregon San Francisco. It also brought Hie four said they had aipied Hall ...... 1 3 ASS RESTAURANT—Ed Doucette ‘AnnoRnc— ilB 648-3928, Tremano Trucking tions .available now for the DIE MAKERS wanted familiar earn againat one 6 t the Weat Michigan, on the other hand, Slate is now >7 in the country’s words of wrath down upon th# undated contracts In December Alabama in the Orange self from the naif-yard line, but sition. WetherafieM...... 0 8 .000 138— 392, Don' Logan 139—369, qualified high school grad­ with Job diop. Aircraft work "Never In all my coaching Servicei Onaafa top dafenaea came aa a got the spark it needed in eai^ oldest post season- football two leagues. after being assured that it Bowl. he was stopped inches short and Windham ...... 0 4 .000 Frank Cal'vo 162—383, Ken BLB(7rROLUX Sales and serv­ uate. preferred. Good pay. A p ^ in aevere blow to OSU loUowera. half. game. wouldn’t affect their eligibility. Texas took^iver on downs. career do I remember a team Face Unbeaten Friars TYPEWRITERS — Standard Prof. Robert Ray of Iowa, The Texas defense — rated Non-league play finds Elling­ Waahbum 139—362, Don Sim­ ice, boodad representative. Al­ person 334 Hartford Road, J. president of the National Ckille- However, the signatures made Both Alabama Coach Paul hitting me with two cuch big ton and Rockville meeting. mon* 362, Leo Rivers 160-166— fred AipeU, UO Bryan Dr., and eleetric. Repaired, over­ Mancheater. them pros under NCAA rules. the fifth-best in the land—took Bryant and Darjell Royal of shots, so close together," the hauled, rented. Adding ma­ Typist giate Athletic Association, all the sting out .of a brilliant Ellington Coach Bob Healy has NEW YORK (A P )—St. Joseph’s giant-ldllers go after 441, Lanky Walckowskl 168— Mancliester, M4-tl4L called the developntent ’’a trag­ Oklahoma’s 261-pound offen­ Texas said the Longhorns’ val­ Alabama coach laid. "Texas is a two-game winning streak and 337, Dick DlBella 139-142—381, chines rented and- repaired. sive tackle, Ralph Neely, signed passing performance by Ala­ iant goal line stand was the a fine team — and Royal a won­ unbeaten Providence while mighty Michigan seeks to INCOME TAX returns, busi­ Pickup and delivery service. ic thing.” bama’s great Joe Namath by Don ZabUansky's 10 point aver­ Ed Burbank 144— 367, Carl Clerk-Typist PARAGON’TOOL 0 0 „ Said Walter Byers, NCAA ex­ with the Houston Oilers of the thing that preserved Texas’ vic­ derful coach who deserved the age going for him. Ellington has protect its No. 1 ranking tonight in the wind-up of col­ Bolin 144— 365, Ken Seaton ness and Indi'vldus], prepared Yale Typewriter Service. 649- coming up with the big plays. tory. INC. ecutive secretary; League. Hie victory.” never beaten RockvlUe in a var­ lege l^ketbairs_^ld week.^ 146—366, BIU Wlerdak 164— by fuU-tlme income tax ac­ "H ie professionals’ calldus other three — backs Jim Grish­ Clayton Lacy, Diron Talbert, Bryant said' on that series of Namath, who completed 18 of sity basketball game. countant New laws effecting Figurer Olen Underwood and All-Ameri­ 37 passes for 255 yards w d an St: Joseph’s of -Philadelphia, InterssUng of th# • night. St. 367, El Fish 146, L an y Bates LAND CLEARING, tree re­ Mandi«6t«r disragard for the welfare of col­ am who had gained '725 yards downs he called all the plays. Paced by a one-two punch of 368, Rodeo Lupacchlno 140-145, retirement Income. Raymond and Lance Rentzel who had ca Tommy Noblis stopped Ala­ "Our line dived in there and Orange Bowl reeg;^, was voted not content with two major up- Joe'a No. 10 in ths nation, sur- Girard. Call collect 876-7362. moval, and chain saw work. lege football la shocking. For Allan Puts and Joe Van Ouden- peU in its (Quaker City Tourna­ prissd No. 6 Illinois 75-71 and Moose Finnegan 354, Ed Pagan! A. Michaud, 743-8096. more than three years we have gained 491 yards and sub end bama and Namath six inches stacked them up,” Royal said. the game’s Moat Valuable Play­ hnve ROckvllle shows no signs Stenogrrapher Ftret end seeoad riilftopMiliigst from the Texas end zone In the "It was-great work. But I sure er, but the loss had taken all the ment trliqn^, takes on Provi­ No. 3 Wichita 76-60 in winning 146-160— 418, Ed Doucette Sr. INCOME TAXES prepared in had conversations and meetings Wes Skidgel — signed with Min­ of weakening. Coach John Cana- 139— 359, Dick McConvUle 136 LAWNMOWER Aiaroiing; re­ nesota of the NFL. fourth period. didn't feel good to give them joy out of It.for him. dence 1^ an important regula# the (Quaker City Classic and now your home or by appointment with officials of (both) leagues vart’a Bams are scoring dt a season game, while Michigan sports a 10-0 record. —369, Jack Coflell 146—383, Experienced tax work. 24- pairs, ealee, rotor madea ’Transcn^ptlonist Tool Makers urging them not to do this very Florida State officials -said Alabama marched to the Tex­ three runs at us from two yards "I don't feel like I won it or rate of 75 points a game in buck­ ■happened; bicycle ealee. serv­ they believed their kicker, Les as six-yard line -with six min- out.” deserved it,” he said. meet* St. John’s of New York in Providence, idle atace. a Dec. BiU Evaahonaky Sg?, Vic Abrai- hour service. Call 643-4728. thing. It Is clear their words of ing Wilson, Middletown, Wind­ the finals of the Madison Smiare 31 victory over Bowling Green, tla 353, Walt Suchy 362, Dick ice. Manchester Cycle Shop, Brldg spurt Operators ! assurance have meant nothing.” Murdock, was eligible under a FEDERAL INCOME taxes 149 W. lUddle Turnpike, 649 Good salariee. liberal bene­ sor and Glastonbury. Putz Garden HoUday Festival Ibur- U 7-0, including victories over Krlnjak 860. Bill Sheekey 351, Turret Lathe Operators I ExecuUve director Wayne strict reading of NCAA regula­ reached the season’s high mark prepared with your aairlngs in 3098. fits, Including financial as­ tions l^ut decided against play­ ney. Creighton and Iowa. Tony MatiniSni 360, Jim Bell I Duke of the Big Eight, of which Tuesday with 83 points. He is 867, Pat Ldngo 355, Tiny John­ mind. Reaaonnable rates. Ed­ sistance for self-improve­ Mselilntots ing him anyway. That one, along with the Oon- ment through evening Oklahoma is a member, called averaging better then 30 points necUout-Vlrglnin match in the son 361, Paul Donnelly 368, ward J. Bayles, 649-6346. Murdock went to Tampa Uni­ HonsehoM Seiriess studies. Five day week. for the NCAA to take action at a game while Van’s 33 point finale of Ehiffalo’s Queen City Neil ReUly 450, Don Les'vitt Overtime tdus Ubacal fringe I its upcoming convention in Chi­ versity in 1959 and failed to noti­ average la the area’s beat Loss Skein Seven Offered IS-A Free parking. Moeflta fy FSU when he transferred. He Tourney, finiah off the eeorea of 861, Ed ^ijauclu* 864. r araonato cago. major tournaments that have was eligible under the old 10- of BURNS, moth I Adams said a mutual draft is been in action all week from And Coach Cries Mixsm DOUBLES — Ruth REWBAVma the ansi.'er to the situation, pdd- eemester rule, which requred STATE LICENSED rest home holes. Zippers repaired. Win­ THE CONNECTICUT 969 Adame S t, MnOheeter Ing: that varsity eligibility be com­ coast to coast and aa tor west as Ostrander 132, Martha RandaU centrally located, reasonable dow riuides made to measure, MUTUAL LIFE pleted during that time period, CardsBank Honolulu. Ths San Francisco Warriors 141, Al OmWes 160-379, Joihn rates, friendly atmombere. aU slses Venetian bllnda Keys ’’There would be no need for Only a handful of gamss were INSURANCE CO. ail this fudging on signings. This the school w d. have lost seven straight Nation­ Cuphtog 141-872. ’TeL 675-1011. made while you wait. Tape ra- OPENINGS t o r two aoepert- layed Friday night, Including al Basketball Aaaociatton games oordera tor rent Marlow's. 867 140 Garden St. «Dced painters, steady work, *hing has to come to a head. It 'exaa Western's 81-63 trium i» 18 getting way out of line. We On Johnson and O oa^ Alex Hsnnum is less Main., 649-633L ' pay for right men. 649- over Rhode Island in El Ps m , Hartford I don't make a practice of signing Top Paid Gridder than completely happy about it. Aatomobne6 Pmt 8 b I« 4 Tax., the only major game. He charged the league had a Sellout Asgured players early, but we have been Michigan, big, strong w d ex­ NEED CART Tour credit turn­ WANTED — Oil burner ser­ forced to do so_if we are to sign Now Set to Sign Passing Arm double standard for defensive Buildlii]^^-C onitractiiic 14 perienced, has four starters ed downT Short co down pay- vice men, SKperienced. good players in competition' with the play after the Warriors were For Shrine T ilt BAKERY SALESLADY to back from the team that fin­ Msten Friday night by the New mentT Bankrupt? Repoasea- CARPBNTRT\r R T \ — Bathropms work evenings, 4-9, experi­ wages for good med isnie. NFL.” MIAMI (AP) — Joe Namath. MIAMI (AP) — The St. LouU slaaT Don’t deqialrt See Hqn- Call 649-8516. ished third in the nation last ,Tork Knlcka 101-100 and Uie SAN FRANCTSOO (AP) — A tiled, recreation rooms, remod­ enced preferred. Apply in per­ One player the AFL has com­ son of a Beaver Falls, Pa., steel Catdlnals, strapped by the loes ■et Douglas Inquire about low­ eling, garages,' additions,- ce­ peted successfully for is Na­ year and was solidly favored Warriors’ Wilt Chamberlain and son Mayron’s Bake Shops, 658 worker, joins the capitalist class of their hard-running backfield over St John’s in the finals of the Knlcka’ Jim Barnes almost sellput crowd of 60,000 'waa as­ est donn. emiuleet payments ment work. Cali Leon Cleszyn- Center Street, Manchester. math, who passed brilliantly in today — the highest paid foot­ anywhere. No small loan or ft- star John David O ow , were the HoUday Feetival In New got Into a fight. sured 'today for the 40th playing skl, 649-4291. Alabama’s 21-17 Orange i^wl ball player in the history of the of the Shrine Ekist-West Game, nance company plan. Douglas Handy Kitchen Aide loss to Texas. The son of a ,-axpacted to depend on the pass­ York. "H iere's a double standard game. Both bad major dUficuIty for defense in the pivot, one for figured to be a rough-and-tum­ Motors, m Main. DION OONSTRUenON—Roof­ Beaver Falls, Pa., steelworker The Alabama passing wizard ing of Chariey Johnson to coun­ ing, aiding, alterations, cell- Colorful Jackstl making it to the finals. Michi­ the rest of the league and one ble affair in the air and on the 1960 RENAULT DAUPHINE, was to sign with the New York is scheduled to sign a $400,000- ter Green Bay’s twin running turf. in n , gutters and aluminum Jets of the AFL today for terms threat of Jim Taylor and Paul gan g ^ past Princetoo 8D-78 on for defense sgainet WUt,’ ’ Han- rebuilt engine slid transmis­ s^dow s. e4S-4M2, 6484)696. M CK THAT MADE THE DIFFERENCE— Tom McKnelly >^rkansas’ field goal plus contract with the New York a jump shot by Cassis Russell num said. Expected to take the aerial previously unheard of in football Jets of- the American Football Homupg In the National Foot­ sion, need college funds. $300.' specialist, sends ball toward the goal post in first period. It Was the three point history. with three eecimds left,,over­ "Everybody can sheWe and route aa the Weat shot for its 649-3760. QUALITY. CARPENTRY— League in formal ceremonies at ball League’s Playoff Bowl Sun- 19th victory were two of the ^Iqck that gave Arkansas the first score and the difference''Jn victory/ Namaltt reportedly is to re­ coming a sensaUonal, 41- point push and maul Wilt and get Rooms, doraera, porches, 11 a.m. EST at a swank Mianli trtormsnco Prlncetoq’i Bill away with it We probably feel finest peuisers in West Coast an­ 1963 FALCON, 4-door sedan, basements reflnlshed, cab­ ceive $100,0(M a year for three Beach hotel. •^Sow. who was hurt in the nals, Craig Mor­ years plus bonuses -adding to Bradley. St. John’e edged Cin­ It more now because w4're los­ blpck with red interior, excel­ inets, built-MS, formica, tile. ItjA more than double any final regular season game ton of OaUfomla and Bpb Berry lent oondltton, extras. 644- Cotton Bowl— Arkansas 10, Nebraska 7 another $1(X),000. Even more cinnati 66-64 on two tree throws ing, but It’e not fair.” No job too small. RfiUiam fi^iu-e ever paid for a college againat Ailladelphla, wllT sei Hie 7-foot-l Chamberlain and of Oregon. 1497. unique, he supposedly will re^ only limited duty. St Louis also by Jerry Houston with two sec­ Robmns carpentry service. rookie and a few years ago, you onds left Bamee, a e-foot-8 rookie for­ Hie East had won 18 games 649-8446. ceive $5,(X)0 a year for life.affer could buy a whole football team wlU be without Joe Childress, and there have been five tlee. JAGUAR HARDTOP coupe, he retires from football. St John’s takes a 6-3 record ward, were pried apart by their for that amount. who also Is Injurad. teammates after a shoving ses­ ’Ihe East depended on quar­ XK120, new tiree, new bat- CARPENTRY — 83 yezurs’ ex- The players ' who sinied con- HuU leaves the Oardlnals of- into tbs game, Michlgaa 8-1. I First Win in Four Tries The signing comes after a Princeton and Cincinnati play sion in the third period. terback , all- tenr, new paint $1,000. 649- rlence. Ceilings and floor tracts yt« after Friday’s bewl dazzling performance by the 6- fonee pretty much in the hands everything for Navy .in 1968 who 9. led, porenes, rec rooms, ga­ games rbgeived^liotWng .Dke for third place. Cincinnati whipped Baltimore X fopt-2, 190-pound of Johnson, the slick passer, 140-134 in in the only was shaded by Injimes much of rages, additions, attics fin­ Namath’a pot ^ "^ Id . All-Amer- acclaimed one of the moet who toloted St. Louis to its sec- The St Joseph’e-Provldence CHEVROLET, good me- match looms as one of the more other game scheduled. 1964. ished, rem odel!^, concrete Ica Ron (Jave^ess promising passers In the history ond-place Eastern Division fin­ Ical condition, body excel- work. No job too small. Imme­ HERE COMES TROUBLE— Floyd Little of Syracuse rounds the LSU end for it. Call after 6 p.m., 643- i,Adds Lustre to Big Year and ei>d Jerry Lamb of Arkan­ of the game. 23-yard gain in first quarter— (AP Photofax). ish behind the NFL champion diate estimates. 643-2629 sas signed with (Kansas City There were unconfirmed re- Cleveland Browns. 1. while guard Remi Prudhomme port* that Namath would get G r e e n l y will counter with (3ARPBNTRY—Reo rooms, for­ of Louisiana State ‘chose to go 1966 (3HBVROLET. 6 cylinder, mica. ceilings, closetd, remod­ DALLAS (AP)—Arkair-t The Porkers, ranked second^reserve tailback Bobby Bur­ fringe henefita never before Sugar Bowl— Louisiana State IS, Syracuse 10 Homung and Taylor, a pair of automatic, very good condi­ to Alabama in 'nie Associated nett’s three-yard touchdown with Buffalo: heard-of. tough runnars and Bart Starr, eling, hatchways, attics ftor ■as had its first Cotton tion, new snow tires. Call 649- Ished, concrete steps, floors, Press' poli during the regular burst that stretched Arkansas’ who led Ihe NFL in pasaing laat 2564 anytime. ' Bowl victory in four tries season, reeled off some spectac­ winning streak to IS games. season. porches, gard es. TI6 job too small. 649 today—a l(k-7 victwy over ular plays in a rallying victory Arkansas’ defense conti;lbuted The game, 'Which benefits the 1968 FORD, 3-door, V ^ . sUck, ^Nebraska— to add more lus­ in the last quarter. heavily too. Field Goal Margin of Win players’ pension fund, is expect­ needs, clutch, very clean, rea­ a. A. DiON, INC. Roofliw Qimrterback Fred Marshall tre to a flittering undefeat­ The Porkers knocked Nebras­ ‘Big Red Is No. 1— ed to draw 66,000 to the Onmgo sonable. 649-6439. stdlng, painting. Carpentry. Al- engineered an SO-yard drive in ka back ao far In the first peri­ Bowl and wlU be nationally tele­ teranons ana additions. Call­ ed, untied football season. the final' Quarter, climaxed by od, the kickout against the wind vised over NBC at 3'p.m. EST. liiTl BUICK ~ 4-DOOR sedan. Model 8A0. Needs work. Good ings Wororkmanahlp guaran- waa short and it act up a field teed 299 Autumn 8t. 848-4860. goal. Comes in Final . Minutes for restoration or parts ear, And Alabama Is Not’ $30. Call 643-7977. Tom McKnelly booted It for 31 BIDWBLL HOME Improvement N E W O R L E A N S ( A P ) — fhacking behind an LSU man to^ oon . 8yraouee’e offaiue which D o u b 1 e Trouble Company—Roofing, siding, al­ yards and the three-pointer was • • SB js • > « • iie«1mmeil«unleash the pass. _a .a x«_ _ . .. _ weaavii CHEVROLET 1967 convertible, the eventual margin of victo: NEW YORK (A P )— “Big Red is No, 1 and Alabama Charlie McClendon grot his entered the game with the ton terations. additions and re­ From Hull Boys V-6, standard shift good oon- modeling of all types Excel­ Nelfraska got a touchdown I n is not . . . Sooie!” kicks fn»n the SugaivBowl Ezell loet control of the ball statistics in the nation, was'una- dltlon, new tm , brakee, etc. for a moment after b eii« hit by lent workmanship. 646 6496. the aecond period with a'10-yard Those were the final lyrical strains of Little Rock’s but his biggest bwt^canje ble to score a touchdown tor the Best offer. nease call 649- dash on third down by sopho­ the Syracuze guard, ’raen he first time all season. . H tha CMeage. Blaek Hawke most popular l(ew Year’s, night ballad after Arkansas* when Doiig.. Moreau deliv­ 0967 between 6-6 Ipjn. PsM. to A .M . more Tom Wilson getting the arched the long aerial to Mor­ It was the first ftUly integrat­ were to reach flrat place in the 9 1 Red Razorbacks capped a perfect football season with a ered a field goal to give eau tor LSU’s only touchdown. ed Sugar Bowl and SIthouih a Roufing and OUmneys 16- A Mil to the one. A 38-yard pass National Hockey League, it by sophomore Bob Churchich to Cotton Bowl victory over j^ebraska and Texas stars fell Louisiana State a thrilling Ezell promptly tied the game few pickets carrying pi^est Auto DrtYlnff SeBool 7*A ROOnNG - Spsclailatng re­ $ Ptr Ptrson Wilson moved the hall tn .posi- with a two-point paaa to Joe La- signs paraded la the Weinlty of figured that HuU would put pairing roofs of all kinds, new 2.10 on national champion Alabama in the Orange Bowl. 18-10 victory over underdog bruzzo. the game, there ware no inci­ LEARN TO DRIVE - Bpeetol Uon t o r the clutch nm that gave ITie Porkers, runners-up to^ them there. But who would have roofs, gutter work, -chimneys Nebraska a 7-8 lead at intermis­ Syracuse. • dents. attention to nervous and eld- Alabama in the season>end The victory for MoCaendon tabbed rookie Dennis as the 4^y. Classroom for teen-agera cleaned, repaired Aluminum sion. polls, stormed 80 yards in the day’s other post-season spectac­ Moreau, a left-footer junior mpiked the first time that a A crowd eatlmated at 66,000 hero Instead of big brother Bob­ aiding. 80 years’ experience. ulars. saw ths nattonally telavlaed by? Pldnip service. Day or eve­ BasketliaU fans reading a box The play that tuimed the Ude closing minutes for the touch­ who learned the art by booting a headi coach who played in the ning leesona Reaaoaabto rates. Free estimates. Can Bowtoy, for ArkanMa was a 28-yard pass Arkansas Coach Frank football over a low-hanging tele­ Sugar Bowl has come back and g m a ^ It WM the first time in a But it was Dennis HuU w h o 6496S61. A/ghan-equaree are aeay to A neat bib apron that’s a Mg down that beat Nebraska 10-7 a t > Manobeetar Driving Academy. help about the ntohen—and ^or B IlllA fiD S from Marshall to Jim Lindsey. Dallas. Broyles' said the Rasorbacka’ phone line in his back, yard, got w(Mi. MoOeiidon, was a star the Sugar Bowl wasn’t a scooped in the winning goal late 749-7249. crochet and quick to eet togeth­ TlMt sat the ball on the Nebras­ come-from-bebind victory, cou­ off a perfect 28-yarder with 8:61 comerback on Paul (Bear) sellout. In the final period Friday night, er to form Thta attractive Jack­ all your choree. IPs slme le ^ i Wiether it’s straight bil­ Ernie Koy’s 78-ySrd scoring pled with Alabama’s loss, left In the Sugar Bowl game Bryant’s Kentucky team which brinihig the Hawke a 3-1 victory Kadlo-TV RcpQlr e t This to ideal pick-up wmk complete and wear, nim w ka five aa less than five minutes bolt and a W-yard Jim Hudson- liards or pocket billiards, remained. “ makss us ths only major unde­ New Year’s Day. defeated national champion Ok- over New York and moving MotorcyclaB Btcycka 11 Serrless 18 for leisure momenta and paye have on hand for tofts. Oaorge Satur touchdown bomb No. 1886 with M t-O -R am a enjoy an evening with the That was part of the 10-yard feated, untied team in the coun­ "It was a beautiful kick end I laiioma 18-7 in the IW l Sugar them into first lUaee, ona point oft with a .*big dividend.’ keyed fifth-ranked Texas to a BowL OONNIB’B TV and Radio Berv to in alSMi 84. 86. 88. 40. 48. 44. at Man-' drive Marshall ensMscred in try. We hope the people voting was reaUv praying for Doug to ahsad of Idls Montn*L BOY’S 36” ENGLISH bicycle Pattern No. 6060-N has cro­ gang or your date 21-17 upset of the Crimson Hde for ths Orantland Rice Trophy make it,’’ said L&U quarter­ It sxtended ’s unbeat- with coeater brakea new(eeat ice, available all hours. Satis- chet direction* tor eispe 32, 84 <46. 4A Slses M, 1% yards to 83- Chester’s largest and finest the fading minutes that j^ le d it at Miami despite a phenomenal When K onau, whose IS field Csctioo guaranteed. Osfi 449- out. will name ue national ebampt- back BilW Ezell, who hbld the goals in the regular imason tied •a string to 18 gamts.. Boston handle gripa carrier, side bes- and 86 inclusive. inch. billiard hall. passing performance by Ala- one." ball for Moreau. shut out TWooto I d in the only kets, fenders, etc„ $16. Call 1U6. To order, aend 86c in coins To order. senK 80e in Hie Rasorbacka, who bad pama tycoon Joe Namath. a national record, booted the The trophy-winnlng team Is Ezell got a eecond chance oo other game scheduled. 648-7977. to: Anne Cabot The Manchae- to: Sue Burnett H m Mi------been stopped on the ground, one that pOt LSU ahead, Me- ' . ) > , r.h Mlehlgan'B awesome ground ■elected by thq Football Writers a pass pattern with LSU trailing Dennla, whose brother BoDto ter Evening Herald. 1169 A'VE. tor Evening Herald, 1169 AYE. were behind 7-S and tba crowd C9endon covered hie face with MuYteg-TmcUiif— attack, led by fullback Mel An­ Association after the bowl 10-3 and it turned into a beauti­ has a faatastto 81 m ale in n o r AMWOAB, NEW Y<»K. OP a m e A o a s , n e w t o m e . of 70,BM’ Just wasn’t sure they his hands. Stong* 26 thony, carrlad the fourth-ranked gamee are completed. ful 57-yard touchdown play for Was he afoald to look? games but tolled to score a flsnric N. Y..„W9it. M. T . 19g66 . could change the situation. Wolverinea to a 84-7 Rose Bowl It took a eeriae of laat-dltch' the Tigere. . “ No. I saw the baU go point Frhtay, soortd the wtnnar THEY LED MICHIGANFqllbMk Offarad U MANCHBFTHR DhUvwn. UgM For Ist-class mailing add lOo For lafe-olaaa,aiattliig add 10a Manchester Bowliof GrMii Put Marshall passed for C3 runaway over Qrefon State and paaeee by quartertiack Fred ’But 1 was scared I was-going Araugh, had a epUtUng at 14134 on an unlikely shot Mel Anthony (left), holdinsr the tro­ troektiic and package deltveiy,> for each paitem. Print Nama for each pattern, nmat r yards and raiCfor 10 as Arkan- Doug Mbroau'e paas-catchiiif Manhall aiand Bobby Buraatt’e VB,’’ said Bsell, also a junior.' Hanger goalie Jacques Plants MAWnDNONI^BirrtM - dam, Addrees with Zone. StyW : phy for the Rose Bowl’s player-of-the- kOfVitq > WMs Muiltps Betrigeratots, wariieni and Addraas with Zone and Pattern ass ralllsd. He easily won the ■ad place-kloklitt gave Loufaf tbrea-yard soorlng nm with 4:44 He eiq;>laliied that h4 was hit had gont down to defisot • PUS store moving (faWalty. Folding Nlimber. her end Itas.. ’ *34 emm STRifT at ADAMS smifr aaa State a U 40 Sugar Bowl j'f ..Chinese’ BitoilUs ware liitens M his quifftorback. Bob ralanr tUdei- Quieli asrvtot. trophy as sutsfandlng hack sf on the Ootton Bowl clock to give by a Syraooee Player and al- to Sts^rNwnM’s vaontad across ths goal mouth. HuU, atodrs lor fv’ Now- ’#4 FaR-Wlnter A** ths gu ns. Syraeuse fa FM- X telUnf y Oatok.' Binlpauat 16 tliat Mo. feeUM. i mitook Bust ■( the sftor- * 'ce, dAKribed W ^ e r in r ^ ^ / Ibtoi St. ■■aelMaMr. Jiain burnt AriMss: eustom -uDso* w t L ^ 'i S a i and niM&ed It Into tbs eonwr cT i b e n t ^ fas loaL fast bevond Planto's d6 0 r T4 . Ttondw M ■ rsacblng gloTs- A JL

' MANCHESTTO BVBNING HERALD, MANCHESTER, C O ^ , SATURDAY, JANUARY 2, 1966 im B T E B M .4a.------^------;------^ ^ ------PAGE TWELVE MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTEI^ OONN^ SATURDAY. JANUARY 2; 1965 76 Wuited— Iteal Brtste 77 Census Bureau Automates Aftartmenis— Flai»— THERE OUGHTA BE A LAW By FA6ALY and SHORTEN SabnrlNur For < Tenemonta 68 ispor CASH paid temwa TOLLAND a«m* and acreage, News Releases for Press mortgage, save oloBingJpoata. S v le a Hayea A ««w y . 648- S p o ^ 6H .room Ctotontel CLASSIFIED FOUR ROOM apartment, sec­ 4808. ,y- ond floor, redecorated, gas Ranch, built-lniMt 9®** wood­ - The YT. A- Omsua B u ^ u , plo-^ 1., Stetlattcs are stored in "m a­ furnace, adults, no pets, rea­ ed lot Hurryl BaJ^Agewoy, neat’ in the uge of olectn^ c chine memory" on the ruunber sonable. Ready January 1. 300 648-4808- •qulpmant to tabulate date and of retail and wbolaaala astebliah- to prapara statistical.tables, has Spruce S t MANCHESTER VUDDOTT;^ ttiente, kind of buolneM, loca­ ADVERTISING another first to its cfMlt. tion, sales volume, employmeiit, FOUR ROOM apartment, sec-, 8 bedroom ranch on a^ country- Its computers now 'hrepari alM wen atuiibbed » t , huge LBJ Seeks etc. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DEPT. HOURS ond floor, 178 Maple Street. N6 trade data about each County in 2. Names and addressnews­ -furnace. $66. Tel. 648-4781.^- Uvlng irom with flnpU ca the U.S., from tabulations of the 8 AAL to 5 PAL famlfy alae kH«ien, papers,’ magazines arid broad- -1968 Census of Business, insert caating atetions ate • stored, THREE ROOM nnfurmsh^ apotleSe condition, $16,800. Perusal o f the figures in news stories, and Wolverton Agcney, Realtork, cod6d by counties.' COPY CLOSING TIME FOR CLASSIFIED ADVT. apartment^ seconA flQdr, Por­ type out the releasee at eye- ter Street area, (8p monthly 649-3818. 3. A>«et of instructions is add­ blinking sp«Bd. ed whicq causes the computer MONDAY n ra nUDAX 10:M A.Bl^-8ATI}BOAy* t AM. Includes heat hot water, elec­ SteelJEffliAe The oomputera hurtle out news tricity and gas, no appliances ANDOVER—4 room home tor to select -Statistics concerning sale, $10,000, or rent at $100 dispatches at a fantastic rate of each county, to enter them at furnished. Call 643-6040 for 10 lines per second, sending out appointment. monthly. Bel Air Real BaUta (Oonthmed from Fat* ®<*9) the proper points in a news DIAL 643-2711 648-9382. y — I ■ stimes to each one of 16,(XK) stojy, and to address the correct 4~ROOM apart- help create order and progress news outlets in the nation’s 3,000 story to the retard news media floor, basement South Windsor in a treuWed World." coimties. -in each county of The nation, steam heat, opposite In his two weeks on the ranch The Bureau’s electronic equip­ The department reports that it CoafhiMd From Proeoding Pogt Park. No pets. Adults FENCED IN Johnson received a steady ment uses three elements to pro­ has perfected, the equipment and ‘ 640-7529. duce them "machine • made” process with no additional per? Household Goods 51 j ; 8H room Front-tb-back stream of offlOials aa ha worked Help Wanted—Hale 36 on the budget and conducted a news atorfes: sonnel. LARGE ONE ROOM with MulU-level. Big, big play­ MACHINISTS tt/r Bridg^eports, 24” SQ-VERTONE coniole TV, stove, refrigerator, heat, hot ground for tots, paneled world-wide review of the foreign gix required. Miiet be able to in good condition, 3SS. 649- water. Apply Marlow’s 847 playroom for wiQre family, situation with Secretary d 6tate set up and work to blueprinte. 2556. Main. 3 baths. Handy location, Dean Rusk. Apply In person GTK Corpor- TMI trORM young neighborhood. $16,- At last report, work on me More Large Scale Battles a t l ^ 678 Tolland Street. NATHAN HALE solid maple M PEARL STREET. 3% room CLOUDS OATHIR AT 500. Terrific buy. CaU A. budget was about 90 per cent bed, dresser with mirror. 643- 1 apartment, first floor, front Foraker 649-5306. completed. The goal for the re- 2986. and back poren, remodeled In­ THt LOCAL CHOP IUEV - - 11 malnder Is a week or 10 daya. Hinted hyEvents in Viet Help Wanted— side and out Heat hot water, PAR10R.>» B a r r o w s ^ W a l l a c e ; of the ‘‘bj* 40” COOLERATOR electric stove, refrigerator and park­ Male or Female 37 push button raiige, double to Congress in January, only the (Continued from Page One) <•' There was still no word on the ing included. glOO. 649-6544. Manchester Parkade, time of the state of the union FUXXr-TIME SALiES Associ­ oven, magric deep well cooker, fate of two other Americans automatic timer, excellent Manchester 649-5306 message la definite at this time dsy to beef up government ates wanted for expanding FIVE ROOM duplex, gsrage, — 9 p.m. EST., Jan. 4. missing in a spotter plane that Real Estate Firm. Will train condition, glOO. Phone 643- atrength in the rubber planta­ 7474. $95. Cali 649-1946. The budget is due Jan. 19 and tion area 40 miles east of Sai­ took off on a reconnaissance but m ust be U ce n ^ and VERNON — 7 room Split Level the economic report Jan. 30. But ready to go to work. Ebccel- Furnished Apartments 63-A | Houses For Sale 72 Houses For Sale 72 and garage, outside patio, bar­ gon. TTuee other government mission Thursday from Da Johnson is considering asking battalions were already at Binh Nang near the Laotian border. lent management potential, THREE ROOM apartment. In­ 1% ROOM, light housekeeping,! becue pit, % acre lot, near Congress to extend these two Wanted—^To Boy 58 quire 136 Blssel} Street. FOUR BEDROOM Ranch with school, assumable mortgage, Ola, but Viet Cong forces in jun­ They were identified In Wash­ J liberal commission arrange­ finished apartment, central­ ONE BLOCK from Main, two a neat rec room. Prime loca­ deadlines because of the inaugu­ ments and draw can be ar­ $18,500. 19 Gerald Drive, Ver­ gles around the Roman Catholic ington as Capt. Kurt C. McDo­ WE BUY, SHILL or trade an­ ly located, reasonaMe. 649- family, 4-4 duplex, permanent tion. Two fireplaces, combina­ ration Jan. 30 ranged. Can Mr. Werbner, MODERN THREE room, heat­ siding, two recent heating sys­ non. Owner 875-6745. refugee 'viUage were, believed to nald, the pilot, son of Mr. and tique and used furniture, china, 8404, 12 noon-6 p.m. tions. IH baths. Needs redec­ total at least 1,600 troops. Jarvis Iteptty Co., 643-1121 glass, silver, picture frames ed apartment stove, refriger­ tems, garages, clean. Hiiayes Mrs. Craig W. McDonald. San ator. gas and Ughts furnished, orating, owner anxious for ac­ ANDO'VER — Bolton line. $11.- The Viet Cong's apparent ob­ Bmno, Calif.; and Sgt. Edward for an ^pqlntment to discuss and old coins, old dolls and Agency. 643-4803. tion and the price is negotl.- this fine opi^brtunity.' first floor, Ideid for working 900. Privacy, two acrea, trees, jective wan to lure, government R. Dodge, aon of Mr. and Mm. guns, bobby coUecUons, attic couple. Call W - r ■ ‘ Business Locations able. Started in the twenties. Manchester telep h on e ex­ Events contents or whole estates. Fur­ 1-8448, 5-9 p.m. PORTER STREET Arm — 6 troops into Jungle trap.s. The James H. Dodge, Norfolk, Va. room' Cape, fireplace, 2-car Vacant T. J. Crockett Real­ change. room Cape Cod, Communists fired heavy mor­ Meanwhile, Communist China niture Repair''Service Talcott- SIX ROOM duplex available For Rem 64 tor, 643-1677. Situaflons Wanted— vUle, Conn. Tel. 643-7449. garage, large tii«4'shaded lot 4H rooms down, upstairs tars, recoilless cannon and ma­ charged today In a broadcast February 1st Sp'ruce Street.. framed and Insulated, large 3- In Nation Female 38 FOR LEASE—Excellent loca­ $17,900: Philbrick Agency, TRANSFERRED to Pennsyl- chine gun fire at the marine monitored in Tokyo that the $90 monthly. Adults. Box J, 640-8464. car garage with workshop and unit drawn Into a trap. Of more WANTED TO BUY—Antlmies Herald. tion for doctor’s office or ■vanla—5 room ranch, modem United States was planning "to and good used fumlture. VU- beauty parlor. 415 Main Street storage area. Easily financed. WASHINGTON (AP) — Ben. than 600 men in the contingent, Spread the flames of agg^’esaion MANCHESTER — West Side. kitchen, fireplace, dishwasher, Lawrence F. Flano, Realtor, WILL DO Ironing in my home. jsge Peddler Auction House. Cootpletely renovated and am­ vanity tiled bathroom, oil hot 'ntomas J. Dodd, D-Conn., will more than half had bo fight ah from South Viet Nam to South­ Can 643-7028. Route 83, BUingten. 870-8711. ple parking. J. D. Really. 643- Older 6 room Colonial, new 643-2706, Charles Nicholson, seek stiff laws curbing what he the way to escape. ern I.AOS.” FOUR ROOM apartment, sec­ siding, garage, quiet locatldn. [ water heat, basement garage, 742-6364, Dolores L Merritt Bob FhKddger, and Son. ond floor. Call 643-6838. 6129. 18 treea Ken Ostrinsky, R e c ­ caUs the wide open mail-order Only M3.500. Hayes Agency, 646-0434. D ogs— Btrtto— Pete 41 643-4803. tor, 643-6159. sale of handguns to teen-agers, Ick Hesse. 48 Scott Dr., Vernon; Rooms Wlthont Board 59 Criminals, drunkards and drug Hospital Notes Mrs, Pauline Raum, E>mt Hart­ PART GOLDEN RETRIEVER FIVE ROOM apartment for Houses For Rent 65 MANCHESTER GREEN AREA IN-LAW QUARTERS — addicts. rent Call 643-5838. ford; Mrs. Mamie Belalr, 71.3 E . pups, 6 weeks olA Can 649- THE THOMPSON Bouse, Cot­ A 6 roMn Ranch with 3 gener­ room ranch, 2 batha, 2-zone A Dodd prcqx>Bal ealilng tor FOUR BEDROOM raised ranch heat, garage, drastic reduc­ restrictions on mall order gun Visiting hours are 2 to 8 p.m. Middle Tpke.; Mm. Marie Gag­ 6100. tage Street, centrally located^ 41i ROOM garden apartment ous bedroom^ dining room, Traffic Toll non, Staffordvllle; Mm. Neva .completely decorated, 2-car spacious living room with fire­ tion to $18,500. Mancheater. sales died last year in tha ten- In all areas excepting niatem- latge pleasantly furnished Includes heat hot water, tty where they are I to 4 p.ix!. Oosby, Stafford Springs; Peter OROOMINO and boarding, wUl roams, paridng. Can 649-2358 garage, one year lease with place, large kitchen with for­ Hutchins Agency, Realtors, 'ate Commerce Committee. stove, refrigerator and park­ and 8:M to 8 p.m. and private' -Saukaitls, 91 Birch St.; Marvin conect and deliver. H. C. for overnight and permanent option to renew, $195 per mica counters, oil hot water 646-0103. In the new Congress, Dodd Chase, ECarmony HUI Ken­ ing. Rent $120 per month. Of­ month. 742-7004. Goes Higher rooms where tfiey are 10 a.m. Feir;'-16^ Arcellia Dr.; CTlfford guest rates. fice 16 Forest Street Phone heat, plaster walls, attached SIX ROOM, modem Ranch, plans to renew this proposal. nels, Bolton, 643-5427. g a r^ e . Owner- transferring. to 8 p.m. VIsItora are requested Jarvis.: Ss-Eya pr.; Mra. Bar­ 643-0000. Available Jan. 1st. COMPLETELY furnished 4 100x200 lot, near school, 2 But he says he also wants a ROOMS FOR RENT, monthly $15,'900 Wolverton Agency, CHICAGO (AP) — After a study of why no federal law pre­ not to smoke in patients’ moms. bara Wodal. Wapping; Law­ room house, automatic beat fireplaces, full baaement, ga­ No more-then two vltilors at a v a i l a b l e n o w ^ rooma Realtors. 649-2813. alow start, traffic deaths across vents the sale of hes'vier weap­ rence Kovaeik, Ellington; Kath­ Articlee For Sale 45 street Contact Mra Izish. 1 adults only. 649-1794. rage, immediate occupancy. one time per patient.. secemd floor, automatic hot Bel Air Real Estate, 643-9332. the nation increased to an ons. such as the antitank cannon leen Lav'oi^ Wapping; Robin THREE BEDROOM ranch. 125 Warren, 31 Garden Dr.; Mra. CLEAN RUGS, like new, so FURNISHED ROOMS, com water, stove, convenient to | VERY CLEAN and nice, 6 adarmtng pace Friday with half which some New Jersey teen­ everything, one child, $601 .foot frontage, fireplace, full TRANSFERRED — Must sell. agers recently fired at a bar, or PA'nBNTS TODAY 218. Judith" Morton and daughter, easy to do with Blue Lustre. plete li^ t housekeeping facUi- room Cape, with garage, full cellar, -aluminum storms, car­ Rent electric shampooer |1. monthly. 643-7094, after 3:30 ^ cellar, excellent location, $150 Large, new Garriaon Colonial of the three-day btaw Year’s the basooka from which a shell ADMITTED YESTERDAY': .■>51 'VVoodbridge St.; Mra. San­ ties. .Cmtrally located. Mrs. i port. AU for $13,900. Don’t Harold Henry, 86 Seaman Cir.; The Sherwin-WiUlams Co. ' Accomazzo, 12 Arch St., Man-' p.m. « I monthly. J.' D. Realty, 643- in beautiful and con'ventent hoUday stlU ahead. was fired at the United Nationa' dra Ziebsrth and daughter, wait. Hutchins Agency, 646- WoodhUl H e ig h t s $19,800. Frank Sedlacek, 324 Hillstown Chester. 643-6948. 5126, 643-8779. . 0103. WhUe the death toll for New headquarters on Dec. 11. Franklin, Mass.; Mra. Margaret CENTER STREET. Manches­ 649-0721. Year’s usuaUy ii relatively low, Rd. ;Ma . Whiteside. 899 W. Gamer and son, Glastonbury; SAND and gravel for COMFORTABLE ROOM in ter. 3 rooms, heat hot water, COVENTRY — Year ’round WASHINGTON (AP) — the Middle TT****-: Marie Hakmiller, garage. Reasonable. Call New­ Manchester MODERN, centraUy located fateUties Friday climbed to a Mrs. Valerie Rychling and son, sale. Can 640-8974. private home for one or two home, 4 rooms, fireplace, at­ rate equal to that of last week­ White House has brought its Storm; Regina Szczygiel. 110 Coventry; Mra. Judith Button ington 666-9868. tached garage, partly fur­ Cape, 4 down, 2 unfinished up, Lyneaa St.; Richard Stone, 89 GOLF CLUBS, 7 irons, 2 working girls, board optional. NEED MORE SPACE? end — the second worst three- popular 'guidebook up to date. and son. Meriden; Mm. Esther Call 643-6745. nished. 742-6661. near schools and ahoimlng. Santina Dr.; Linda Niemann. El­ woods, putter, golf bag, |3S- SIX ROOM duplex, garage, Immediate occupancy. B « A& day ChriitmaS period on record. The fifth ediUon of the guide­ Sandenbungh and son, Wap­ Here it is in this 6^-room At latest coimt, 343 motorists book, started by Mra. John F. lington; John Hutton. 28 Benton 649-0152. FRONT ROOM, centrally lo- separate oil furnace, large conveniently located Col­ Real Estate, 643-9833. St.; Sybella Larkin. 'Talcottville; ping. yard, centrally located, adults. have died since 6 p.m. local Kennedy, was released Friday SNOWBLOWERS, new and cated, parking. 59 B irch Suburban For Rent 66 onial. Family-sized kitchen, Albert NackowskI, 38 Lockwood Street 649-7129. Tel. 649-4076. THREE BEDRCXIM modem tima Tliursday. by the Wlilte House' Historical used, Arlens, Snobird, Toro, large living room, 3 big ranch. Bowers School, 3 fire­ The National Safety Council Aasoclatlon. The new edition St ; Diane E.sada. Hebron: Wheelhorse, and Moto Mower. BUILT 1964. Spacious 4 room BOLTON CENTER Apartments, bedrooms, new heating sys­ James Dwyer. 83 Litchfield St.; BEAUTIFUL ROOM in private Comer Brandy St and Bolton places, fuU basement, nicely estimated before the count be­ Includes latest W)ilte House ac- First Babies S quire 27 New Street. 3125. 649-3286. 648-4812. Mghvtey accldants during the With the new edltioir of a half- In Louisville Thursday 7-9, Saturday 7-4. $115 monthly. 646-0103. MANCHESTER — Exception­ 78-hour period, andlng at mid­ mUllon copies, the association ruat St.; Miss Louise Pallier, 14.! FURNISHED ROOM for rent. al 7 room Garrison Colonial, wiU have printed 1.7 million co­ W. Middle Tpke.; Marshall' SUPER STUFF, sure ’nut! MANCHESTER — 3 room SOITTH WINDSOR—Wapplng Barrows &Wallace night Sunday. Friday, the coun­ near Main Street, 9 Haze] center. Four room heated buUt-ln kitchen and wall-V>- cil said deaths were accumulat­ pies of the guidebook since it Granberg, tJoventry: Scott Gaff- j That's Blue Lustre for clean­ Street, 649-2170. apartment located on Center Manchester Parkade wall carpeting, beamed oeU- ney, 437 Center'St.; William To Get $100 ing rug^ and upholstery. Rent Street. Heat and hot water apartment 644-0130. ing three times as fast as during was first Issued July 4, 1863. Manchester 649-5306 ing, paneled rec room, garZge, the 1961-63 New Year’s hoUday, The new edlUon includee a Planteua, Wapping. electric shampooer |1. Olcott and off street parking. Rental ROCKVILLE — 6 room, heat, and manicured fenced yard. (Continued from Page Dae) Variety Store. Rooms With Board 59-A $80 per month. Call Mr. Werb­ when 887 persons ware kiUed in pbotogrM>h of the new Jacque­ ADMITTED TODAY: Mrs. stove, refrigerator Included. Only $21,900. Hayes Agency, line Kennedy garden for the Waiva Wagner.'Wllllmantlr. ner, Jarvis Realty Co., Manag­ CAPE. for $16,000 with an at­ 643-4803. traffie. NEW NBSCO Roaster with Call between S-8 p.m., 875- tached garage. 6 finished Last weekend, there were 678 first time, shown in the fall with BIR'IHS YESTERDAY: A that I decided to treat all SOMEONE to take care of ing Agents, 643-1121. 0577. utiUty table; neV Bell A.HoW- home, yard, sidewalk, etc. in rooms, .new heat, fireplace, ex- WEST SIDE — $17,900. S t traffic deaths, the second worst chrysanthemums in bloom. daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Bruce three." They will receive the coins at til movie cameras, models 220 exchange for part meals: 649- NEW 4 ROOM apartment ANDOVER—Four room apart­ ceUent residential location. Va­ James Parish. 185x146 lot three-day Christmas toU since Lunsford of 20 Knox St.: a a ^ 252; new electric paint re­ 5459. stove and refrigerator includ­ cant T. J. Crockett, ‘Realtor, trees, 2 baths, 4 bedrooms, 1966, when 609 persons died. WASHINGTON (AP) — Praai- daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Ber­ a special party that Miller has ment includes heat, hot wa­ each March 17 — St. Patrick’s mover. 643-5332. ed, plenty of closet and stor­ ter. Call 742-7676 for appoint­ 643-1577. built 1958, spotless. Hutchins An Associated Press survey dent Johnson baa selected Mau­ nard Klnjf of 78 O m ell Rd., age area, second floor. Call ment. Agency, Realtqrii. 646-0103. made, last month for compara­ rice M. Bembaum aa ambassa­ Hazardvllle; a daughter to Mr. Day — In Marengo, Ind., where FOR "a Job well done feeling” Wanted— Rooms— Board 62 649-6661 after 6. MANCHESTER—Spic ’N Span tive purpoees counted 896 high­ dor to Venezuela and Wymber- he received the Indian head clean ca rp e ts with Blue and Mra. Forest Sklllln of Wap- ROCKVILLE—SV4 room apart­ 6 toom Cape, 3 bedrooms, spa­ MAN<3HESTEft—Are you aUU way deaths during a non-holiday ley DeR. Coerr as ambassador plng. pennies. Lustre. Rent electric sham­ WANTED — Room and board FOUR r o o m apartment, heat ment, s t o v a , refrigerator, cious kitchen with formica hanging yobr calendar on a He kept thi original pennies, pooer gl. Paul’s Paint A WaU- three-day weekend. to Ecuador. Both art career DISCHARGED THURSDAY: in private home for elderly and hot water, refrigerator heat, $90 monthly. Adults counter and stainless sink, full wall that belongs to someone diplomats. but he has given a Jug filled paper Supply. Last year, dming a two-day John Muldoon, 235 Highland •vTRtET woman. Good financial return and stove, garage. Very sp^ only. 649-4824, 875-1166. length Uvlng room-dining room else? Why dbny yourself the New YMr’a hoUday in mid­ Bembaum now Is ambassador with coins to the first Kenneth for suitable Eurangement. cial. Adults only. Call 643- combination, oU steam heat, St.; John>Hoekatra. 53 Russell EONICA n 35 mm. camera security of home ownership week, there were 283 traffic fa- to Ecuador. He will succeed C. each year since 1944. The first Please call 649-0987. between 7222. ROCKVILLE — 3 large room aluminum storms and screens, for ancither year? You’ll find Dr., Vernon: Mrs. Elizabeth "Kenneth baby" is now 21. with buUt-in rangre finder, 2.5 $15,500. Wolvertoq Agency, taUtles. The highest three-day Alan Stewart in Caracas. Stew­ 6-6 p.m. apartment, first floor, bath, it easy to like and own this New Year’s toU on record was Kelley, East Hartford; Mm. It has become a tradition for lense, 500 shutter speed, set of FOUR ROOM, second floor, un­ hot water,' heat Tel. 875-4220 Realtors. 649-2813. art has been assigned dutlas in filters, sunshade, carrying fine ranch home on Arcellia 874 in 1969-60. Washington. . Margaret Hutchins, 98 Stark­ him lo check the hospitals Just WNT or furnished apartment. Inquire or ‘643-1203. Driye in Manchester. Just a weather St.; Fred and.Marie case and other accessories, Apartments— Flats— 233 Center Street. MANCHESTER — 2-famlly after midnight, he said. $75. 649-0152. short walk to St. Bartholo­ lannl, Hartford; Leonard Gigllp. MilleF explained: Tenements 63 house, excellent condition, 3- 1 mews and the -Oreei) School. 4H ROOMS, heat, hot water, car grarage, city water, sew­ Coventry; Susan and Sharon "Kenneth means Taader,' LOAM SALE! Dark rich, stone- Business Property Features 8 huge bedrooms, LOOKING for anything In real stove and refrigerator fur­ ers, $2,304. yearly Income. Diiffney, Broad Brook; Kath­ 'man of grace.' ‘handsome’ and free loam regular f|.4 for $12. nished. $126.50 p e r month. For Sale 7fl tremendous Uvlng room with leen Morrison, Coventry; Lynn ‘the greatest among men,' and estate rentals — apartmsnts, Asking $16,900. Call o-wner wood burning fireplace, fam­ Stone fill, sand, gfavel and 643-6105. 649-3579. ___ NEED Johndrow, 18 Knox St.; Joseph I'd like to keep it going." manure. 643-9504. homes, multiple dwellings, call BUaiNBSS ZONE m - mght ily sized kitchen and IH tiled J. D. Realty, 648-5129. rooms with two offioaa, sep­ baths. 1,300 square feet of liv­ Attw, 59 School St.; Karen FOUR ROOM apartment, sec­ arate entrance, ^suiuble for .MANCHESTER — 150 x 360, Augllera, 210 Sktraier Rd.. FOUR ROOM apartment, heat­ ond floor, electric stove, re­ large trees, clean 6 room Colo­ ing space plus full basement MORTGAGE INDIAN HEAD pennies for buslneee or proteaslanal use. and screened-ln car patio. Rockville; David Kaiser, 27 ed, with garage, recently re­ frigerator, lights and garage PhUbrick Agency, 649 8464. nial, double garage, only $16,- sale. Can 643-2215. included. Tile bath, modem Owner’s transfer makes quick Pttkin S t; John Hutchinson Jr.. modeled, Cedar St., Manches­ 000. Hutchins - Agency, 646- 113 Helaine Rd.; Mm. Jean ter. $125 per month. Call W. kitchen, hot water heat. In­ 0103. sale imperative. Call Mrs. ■mm SMALL TABLE Jig saw, used m o n e y ? sirloin Pit No. 88 Harry England, 649-5201, after quire 899 Parker Street, Houses For Sale 72 Babin at 643-1121, Eves., 643- Batea, Hbbron Rd„ Bolton; Mrs. little safe, handy around the PRACTICALLY V A C A NT. 1686, Jarvis Realty Co., Real­ Norma Maloney, 296 Phoenix house, $20. CaU 643-7977. 6 call 742-7883. downstairs. Call 649-1679 af­ ter 5:30 p.m. OONOMID RO - BesutllUl owner movbig. Beauty of a tors. St., Vernon. Sf77i IN' SIHl OtN THKEiE ROOM heated apart­ ranch, large Uvlng room, form­ Cape. 5 large roopis, expand­ Call DISCHARGED) E S T E R- ment, 456 Main Street Call CENTRALLY LOCATED 5 al d l i ^ room, cabinet Uteben. able. brMMway ^ d two car BOWERS SCHOOL — 6 room’ DAY; August Kivlmae, 356 Au­ DiamondA—Watehes— Garrison Colonial. Call Owner. 649-5229, 9-5. room, second floor apartment, •. bedrooms, reereatlaa room, garage. ' Approximately two tumn S t; Mm. Yvette Plhl, 40 STEAK NOTICE of PUBLIC HEARING 649-2104. Jewelry 48 co'mpletely modernized and landscaped yard. Marlon E. acres plus a lar^e building (30 SAVJNGS BANK Brant R d.; Mrs. Shlrely Cos- DINNER NEW DEJLUXE 4% room du­ very clean. $115 month. J. D. Robertson. Realtor. 848:6168 by 100) in r ^ . Located on MANCHESTER—Rolling Park. man, 26 Country Lane. Rock- WATCH AND JEWELRY re­ plex apartment, heat, hot wat­ Realty Co., 643-6129, 643-8779. Route 44-A, Just over Bolton •FtCIAL CUT SMLOIMl pairing. Prompt service. Up to er, appliances, dryer, parking, MANCHESTER — New 7 room' Six room Cape with 8 bed­ OF MANCHESTER vUle; Ehnmanuella Deveau, 322 » EALAO • FOTATO MANCHffSTER RENEWAL PROJECT No. 1 CONN. R-65 lino. $16,000 assumable mort­ rooms, kitchen with buUt-:ins, 8 TBXAE TOAET $20 CD your old watch in trade. full cellar, $150 monthly. J.D. F IV ^ ROOMS, first flTOrT raised ranch, 3-car garage, gage. T. J. Crockett, Realtor. Oakland 81.; John Schwanke. Closed Mondays. F. E. Bray, Realty. 643-5129. 643-8779. hot water, stove and refriger­ buUt-Jps, 1^ baths, % acre In, formal dining room. Hying Phone 649-5 203 Long Hill Rd., Andover; Mrs. Open 7 Days 11:80-9 H m Maaohester Redevdopment Ageaey wUl hold a public hearing at the Man- thenee northerly along the westerly property line of Block 3, Pareel 8 and 3 and 643-1577, room with fi^ la e e , full shed 737 Main Street, State Theater ator, $125 a month. Available tremendous-value. Hayes Agen­ Emstlne Geer, RFD 3: FYeder- 287 Wett Middle Turnpike oheotar High Sohool, Room A-7, 184 Middle Tnmplke East, Manchester, Conneetlont, easterly along the northerly property lines of Block 2, Parcels 3 and 1, to the ta- BuUdlng. WE HAVE customers waiting Jemuary 16. 649-4697. dormer, finished rec room, cy, 648-4808. EXCELLENT 6 room Ranch, OB tlie EIGHTEENTH 4 ^ 4if Janiiwy, 1966 at 6:00 P.M;-to consider a proposal for the for the rental of your apart­ attached garage, built - In beautiful yard, $16,900. Wol­ tersectlon of the westerly line of North School Street; ment or home. J. D. Realty, FOUR ROOM tenement In 2- SEVEN ROOM oidor botne, 4 stove„ dishwasher, disposal, verton Agency, Realtor, 649- undertaking of a project by the Manchester Redevelopment Agency nnder state and thence northerly along the westerly line of North School Street to the intersection Garden—Farm— Dairy 643-6129. family house. Automatic hot bedrooms, 3 baths, lot 72xl6L wall-to-wall carpet, 2 baths, 2813. 'loca l law with Federal flnanelal asslBtanee nnder Title I of the Rousing Act of 1049, of the southerly line of Golway Street; water heater. $40 monthly. Marian B. Robertaon, Realtor. Products 50 rec room, washer and dryer. as amended, to acquire land In the project area; to demolish or remove, jiuUdlngs and thence westerly along the southerly Une of Golway Street to ^ interseetlon at FOUR ROOM flat, second floor, Apply 10 D epot Square, 84S4U6S. Immedlaee occupancy, assum­ Happy APPLES—Macs and Cortlands, central location, heat, hot Apt. 4. able VA mortgage. Hanley Lots For Sate 73 HAPPY NEW YEAR! improvements, to Instell, oonetruct or reoonstmet streets, end ntUlUeo and otiier project the westerly line of North School Street extended; No. 1 and No. 2. Bunce Farm, water, one year lease. CaU SIX ROOM Cape, large kitchen Agency, 643-0030. Improvements; to make land available for development or redevelopment by private thence northerly along the westerly line of North School Street extended and east­ 649-5048 after 6 p.m. NEW 4>A ROOM apai^ent, U vl^ room with fir^latie, Im- We have left behind a record-breaking sales year in 14 Spencer S t New Year! enterprise 4>r pnbUo ageneles as nuthorlaed by law. The Urban Renewal Plan and Re* erly along the northerly line of North School Street to the intersection of the eswt- second floor, stove, parking mediate occupancy, $15,000. NEW 2 FAMILY, under ANDOVER—Long HUI Road. 4 every respect To do better fn 1965, God willing, THREE ROOM • apartment, and full cellar storage. $125 PhUbrick Agency, 649-8464. construction, two heating sys­ loeattqii Program,wUl be open for dleonsslon at said h eiu ln f.. orly property Une of Block Parcel 1 extended; heat, hot water, stove, refrig­ acre buUding aite, best reslden- we’ve got to work, work, work. .. gnd offer genuine Honsebold G oods 51 monthly: J. D. Realty, 8'43- tems, large lot, central loca­ Ual area, orchard aqd. wood­ thence southerly along the easterly property Une of Block 1, Parcel 1 and weeterty erator, $90. 247 No. Main. 649- 5129. UANCHESTPI — New 8 room values on todajr’s competitive market Here is what 5228, 9-5. - Garrison Colonial, 12X34 Uvlng tion. Call Builder, Leon Cles-, land. stone fences, brook. The Urbaa Renewal Plan and Relocation Program for aald project will be a'vallabla along the southerly property line of Block 1, Parcel 1 to the Intersectloli the RUGS, never used, 9x12 gold, zynakl, 640-4201. Hayes Agency, 648-4808. we consider an ideal lead-off BEST BUY: Auto Discount •> $80; 9x15 ruby Oriental, $35; TWO, 3-R(X>MS and bath, cold room, family room, built-in for oxandnatton by any Individual or organization from the date of this notice at the easterly property Une of Block 1, Pkroel 2; TWO ROOM heated apartment fiat, near Main Street, $55 a kitchen, master bedroom with 12x15 off white nylon. 289- and bath. 149 Oakland Street. office of tlM Maaolieeter Redevelopment Agency, 886 Main Street, Manchester, Cion* thonce southerly along the easterly property Une of Block 1, Parcel 3 and westerly 6955. month. 643-0748. dressing room, low twenties. $6^49-5229, 9-5. Hayes Agency, 64S-4006. SIX-ROOM CAPE House. Inc. aeoUeat. and tte oftloe of the Town Clerk, Municipal Building, Maaoheator, Connectlout, along the southerly property Une of Block 1,. Parcel 3 to the Intersection of riw EVERYTHING in sterilised re- BIRCH STREET—Modem' fiat, between the heart at 8:89 A ^ to 4:10 P,M. easterly property Une of Block 1, Parcel 7; THREE ROOMS, tile bath, heat second floor, two spacious MANCHESTER — Ranch 6 Flroplaoe Plastered Walls oondltlonad used furniture ana thence oontherly along tho eststerly property llnea of Block 1, Parcels 7 and IS and hot water furnished, sec­ bedrooms, furnace, $95. 640- rooms, modem kitchen, built FO R S A L E \Vt TIM Baths Front Foyer 'lncee, high quality-srlow ond floor. '16VL School S t The.booadariee of the project to be eonridered at eald hearing are shown on Uie at* I. LeBlanc Fumlture, 195 ______I in stove, dishwasher, etc. Din­ Two Front Donnen Bear Dormer and the earteriy hne of Nelaon Place to the Intersection of tho northerly Une across from East Side Rec. ing room, la rn Uvlng room Treed, landscaped Yard Non-Development OPEN taohed map "MANCHESTER REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY, TOWN OF MANCHES* of North Main Street; SStreet, Rockville. 87S- FIVE ROOM apartment, heat, ( with fireplace, 3 bedrooma, fuU Onatom Bnllt Excellent L i t t o n 2174. Open 9-A NEW 4 ROOM RENT, second hot water, garage. Call 643- TER, COMNH0TIOUT. U.R. Coon. R-65, MANCHESTER RENEWAL PROJECT NO. 1. thence easterly aleng ^ northerly Une of North Blaln Street approximately 55 basement, 1-car garAge. $18,- Fear.Bedrooma Fcoolble Big. Airy KHctm floor, $110 without heat and 9051. 500. PhUbrick Agmcy, 649- PROJECT BOUNDARY, RAYMOND * MAY ASSOCIATES, PLANNING AND UR­ feet to a point; SI” ALL CHANNEL Motorola electricity. Call John Pontlcellt A ll Day T-V, good condition, $85. 649- 8464. BAN RENEWAL CONSULTANTS, NEW HAVEN, CONNECTICUT, WHiric PLAINS, thence sontherly serosa North Main Street and riie NYNHAH Rallread rigbt-of- tt Sons, Inc., 643-6578, after 6. FIRST FLOOR — 5 immacu­ ■ ja 0096. late large rooms, cellar, gar­ AND- NEW YORK. PATE: OCTOBER I, 1068. REVISED: 3-34-64. MAP NUMBER NM-1” way, THREE ROOM, third floor, MANCHESTER — lik e new age, near schools, shopping, 6% room ranch, 23 foot Uvlng With a reasonable anbotantlal. . . but not prohUblttve . . . and ara deoerlbM aa feUowa: and along tho eaateriy property Une of Block 6, Parcel 1, and aeroaa Woodbrldge heated, centraUy located. Call transportation, e x ce lle n t Today 648-0082) between 7-8. room, IH hatha, beautifuUy Street to a point approximately 96 feet east of the Intorsectloa o f tha oontherly neighMrhood, $110. monthly. finished famUy room, large HAIF PER c p r r MAY BE ASI^MXH)! Ninety-one dollars 643-2897 after 6:30 p.m. Une o f WoodbrMga Street and the eaateriy property line of Block 5, Paiitel 1; HOSPITAL AREA—Deluxe 5H woQ<)ed lot Hayea Agency, monthly w o ^ pay principal, interest AND U xm on this Wanted 648-4808. thaace westerly approximately 95 feet along the aontherly Ihte Af Woodbrldge room a p a rtm ^ , built-ins, din- lirnnaem ^ home. Our rate book tells ns that tnmiimii m Begtanlac at a pelat, tha taitanaetloa at the oonttieriy Una at Hudson Street and THREE ROOM apartment WITH OVER 75 CHOICE Street to the Interoectlon of the easterly property line of Block 5, Parcel 1: nette, appUances, tiled bfith, ' with stove included, adults •amtag this mortgage would save OVER $2800 whan coni- S u oastarly pro|Mrty line at Meek 6, Pareal 4 axtsaded;' ydrd, garage, basement. $125 MANCHESTER — BxecuUve thenee sontherly along the easterly property Ibiea of Block 5, Parcels 1, 3 and S CLERK-TYPIST only. Call 649-1603. neighborhood, lovely 7 room p a M to a new mortgage for the same length o f at tlMnra wootarly aleag the eoutherly line at Hndsori Street aeroee Blala Stnet, and monthly. Hayes Agency, 643- today's rates! Colonial, nuunmoth Uvin,; CARS TO CHOOSE FROM AT the southerly ttae of Hilliard Street te the latereeotloa of the eeiitheaeterly Uae at aad atong tho easterly property llnq ef Block 5, Pared 4 axtendeidl, to tha ooothar- tar sinall eagiDeering offlee. 4803. P**> *• tendUar irtte today's real estate maAat. He room, modem Utchen wltS the New York New Havea and Hartford (NYNHAH) Railroad right-of-way; ty Una at Hndson Strost and the point o f beginhlag. Worir nanst be neat and ao- FonitelieN AparteMBte C8*A buUt-lna, 2-car jnurage. SacTt- has t t ^ o t e M on a x t e « ^ reallstlo priee on the p n p - enrate. Latest IBM type- flea at 119,900. t h fe e northeasterly along the eouthsaoterly ttne o f Um NYNHAH RaOread right- «eOMe M YOU ART* TO Hagrea Agcney, DISCOUNT PRICES! 6484801 SSn'ffhxST hatetataa*^ of-way te the westerly line at Mala Street: 2 ^ ROOM furnished apart­ Any person or organiaatton daalilag ta be heard wtth rtfarinei ta aaM prajaek EIC»rr ROOM talaad ranch, thiace Borthoriy along th westerly Hne of Main Street to the amthii'ly Uae of the This ia a 46 boor week post- ment,. a t o V a, refrigerator, -•-And Prefty As The Piefute! tha Urban Renewal Plan and Rdoeatton Program wlU ha aSorded aa eppart-aUty ta beat, hot water. Apply Thom- two y ea n old, laxga Urihg THE W LLIUI E. BEUIORE AEEHOY NYNHAH Railroad right-4if-way: den. SO hour part-time ap- mm(> 38 Now 6H-R>om Colonial C ^ m wtth 4 bedrooms, 1 ^ bafha wHb room with fireplaoe, modem ha Iwaad at aald hearing. pUoant win be eonsldered. as Morrow, 36 Birch Street, Caramlo tUa Formica breakfast counter. (Too many HoSats). 481 MAIN STREET REALTORS 648-5121 thenee nartherly alang tha weeterty Uae at Blala Street to the aerlherly Hne at the after 6 p.m. kitchsa with ballt-tna. CamUy AUTO DISCOUNT te the tataraeetton a( the weetariy pnpertgr Une at aUtek S. Pareel I; room, 4 or I bedrooms, S-mm$ Baseboard H. W. heat, aluminum windows and door. Waabsr AaMMiates: NORMAN 8. HOHENTHAI. Per taterrimr, phone MO- and. dryer outlets laatalled. Completely laadscued with avolM. ateiw weeterty property'Une at Bteek 6. P anel • T . KaUlk s n x , TWO ROOM funiiahed m>ait- hot water beat, larago, 834.806. STEAK 33: ment, atova, refrigerator, PhlUntok Agmer. 6191468. Located at 68 S t John Street LBN CHARBONEATT a t tea Borthwtr Mas af North Biala Street; heat, hM water. A pgfy Mai% M nsrlhiriy Uae o f North Mote S tn at te the w DINNER . loWa, 867 Main S t MANCHESTER-> Luxurious 8 •17JM HOUSE. Inc. PIONEER room tanob, 3 fun baths, matai- Eased at Raatton t. Panel 8i rtL lM l • ja S T U B •eOTSTO , AVAILABLE NOW ^ T h r e e tsoanoe teorredwood eKterior, FOR ArroiMTMINT CALL— . ' KMHpte tlattng Byatan 478 CENTER 8T^48-9M 1. SStM •rnMTOMTj room apartment. Oak Lodge, flainUy room with fireplace, O tem baraf PiUUCHUfE 00. 7 I .Tolland l^ka., Mancheater. aeenie aon lot A Must See for PQRBnr «cw B n Open 7 Oaja X109-* I fXOO>|138 monthte, adults tbs quaUty teMdouai. Hayea ANNULU REALTY-6494S44 M7rWaat only, tttf-n n , 876-1166. Aemoy, ib-iun. f

SATURDAY, JAljrUARY ^ fAGB FOURTEEN iianrlr?Bt?r lEvi^tting if^roU) Winds De>Elminff Elm St. MEGAL NOTICE I f Manchester experiences many more winchi of 60 mile Business Bodies N O ^ I O f F U IU C ^ S rw S ^ R & oS ^ . fOWf MOOK gusts, as it did on Thursday, SAHITARY SEWIR iYSTlM ^ ^ the town fathers may have to change the name of Elm St, NoUoe is hemby given that t ^ Board c i Directors of to something like ‘‘Baldy," to construct a sewer main to be known as the BVJweU-roUy Brook Sanitary Trunk Sewer. Mid One o f the few remaiiithg Sewer wiU be located approximately aa follows: m a soDtherlv elm trees oh Ellm St, was a Beginning at a point in Hartfort m>ad, the trunk Mne casualty Thursday afternoon direcUon through a pYoposed right ef w»y to f potet ^ i d w e l l B ^ t , and blocked traffic on that southerly direction sloi^ Bldweil Street te f street for about an hotfr, thence in a southwesterly direction Along Wetoergll ^ Par)( department employes southerly dlrecUon In the brook and/or through » ^ couldn't removjr'the tree un- in Leland Drive; thence In a southerly direction thrown ■ proposed right o f way to UU power company crews had the intersection of Unwood Drive and Brroklaira Drive. ______.. hist disconneated.\\'ires, entangled Notice iB further giv^n that the in tke tree's branches. the following as the owner or owners of la ^ or buildings benefited by the Installation of said'sewer main. . . j Although birch trees and Walter J. * Christine D. Ide Kenneth B. A Dofothy M. heavy branches were blown Ouerino J. A Claire M. AgosUnelli 34 Server Street Seaton down on private property all Alexander Jarvis 150 Keenly Street * over town, the park depart­ 81 Leland Drive Andrew Ansaldi A Andrew 283 Ehist Canter Street VRObert F. A Dorothy A. n v a ment received only one other Jarvis Realty Company 143 Keeney Street call for help. Ansaldi Company 283 Blast Center Street Russell S. Silvemall A Alfred A portion of Bush Hill Rd. 186 Bidwell Street Theodore H. A Doris M. Arnold Everett H.' A Edith L. ^Johnson H. Corbell .. . loins Law Firm was temporarily blocked by 137 Keeney Street / 66 Granite Road, Olutohimry, two tree branches. The trou­ 393 Bidwell Street Atty. William E. Hail of Tol­ Kenneth L. A Helen J. Atwood Helmar A. Johnson Cjojm. ble here was rectified in a 16 Packard Street land haa joined the Rockville hurry. ^ / 231 Keeney Street Henry F. A U^abeth M.IOully law firm of Pigeon arid Gkiuttl, John E. A Ida B, Bagley Howard A Clara D. Johnson 56 Overland Street S8 Paj-k St. 223 Keeney'Street 57 Seaman Circle Gerard A Dorothy L. Smith A t t /’ Hf^l la a gradute of Donald J. A Janet D. Barrett John J. A Marjorie C. Joy 21 Overland Street 61 Santina Drive, 11 Overland Street (3eorge J., Jr., A Helen A, Hof8ti*a College, Hempatead, Weather Expert Raymond F., Jr. Lucy Ksmm N.Y. where he received his BA Uonel A Antoit^tte Beaulieu Btamler 31 Overland Street » 494 Wetherell Street 696 Keeney Street . degree In history in 1958. He Club Speaker Albert H. Keeney served in the U.S. Army from Lionel Beaulieu - 1 George A Helen Stamkr 31 Overland Street 172 Keeney Street 596 Keeney Street , 1958 to 1961, and then attended Clinton W. Kfeney (he .law school at the Univer­ Henry B. Cochran of 47 Ag­ Augrusta A Louis Beriias George Stamler 695 Keeney .sir*'Street RD 2 634 Keeney Street - . sity of Connecticut. He gradu­ nes Dr. will speak Monday at 252 Wetherellweinercii oc-reei.Street ------a meeting of the Chaminade Harold S. A Gloria M. Bedurtha Harriet E. Keeney Frank M. A Barbara J. Btamler ated in June and was admitted 132 Wetherell Street 158 Keeney Street RD 2 560 Keeney Street >' to the bar in August. Musical Club at the Robbins Room'"of Center Congregational Augusta E. Benson Howard E. Keeney Dwight S. A Beverly 0. Btcnc He is the son of Mr. and Mrs, 143 Wetherell Street 612 Keeney Street 60 Santina Drive Edwtn W. Hall, of Riley Church. A potluck at 6:30 p.m. will precede his illustrated talk, Hannah Dahlman A Augusta Wllmer Keeney Donald J. A Bette l The Rev. Melvin T, Peterson HockvUle-Vernon aim at a movable targetlin one the weekly Sunday club shoots daily from about midday to mid­ Eskel H. A Edith B. Buckland Ralph Kurtt of Emanuel Lutheran Church 347 Keeney Street RD 2 19 Erie Street' ’• > of the nine automatic target re- featuring the New England night. (Herald photo by Pinto). 453 Keeney Street will conduct services tomorrow Harry R., Jr. A Marion B. Richard w . A Joan A. Kuils WallaohR, A EUxaheth P. Tracy , Schools List 476 Wetherell Street St 1:45 p.m. at Laurel Manor <4 Buckmimster 49 Erie Street ■ “ ' Convalescent Home. BUY.S ALLING’S ' vice president of the 5th or­ discussion which included repre­ 45 Overland Street Oscar L. A Victoria O. Kurts . William H. A Genevieve P. Tripr Week’s Menu Francis McCaughey , i>f 15 ganizational district, including sentatives (rom management, Louis C. Bunce 337 Keeney Street 174 Weth*rell Street flrtie Kiwaills Clnb of Manches- Goslee Dr. was announced ITues- Manchester, of the Connecticut sales, propagation, growing and Tunxls TVall, RFD 2. Bolton, Kurts'Brothers. Inc. Sherwood Joseph A Bvn .VlMa -TO- -will meet Tuesday at noon Vernon Elementary School: day as the purchaser of tilt All­ Association of Real Estate- warehousing. The total years of Conn. 347 Keeney Street Tniembn at the Manchester Country Club, Monday, macaroni and cheese, ing Sports Shop at 977 jMain j Boards. McKinney is president service represented by the ^16 Charles T. A Doris K. Bunca Anne Kuteher 33 Server Street of McKinney Brothers, Inc. on J' macaroni and tomatoes, green St. ' i lupevisors present added- up to 6 Leland, Drive 291 Wetherell Street Trinity Covenant Ohureh 4d Manchester Rotary Club will beans, lettuce salad; Tuesday, The sale w;as negotiated by j Main St. 295, an average of almost 19 Norman A. A Patricia A. Burke Gerard N. A Irene LeBlanc Mancheeter meet Tuesday at 6:30 p.m. at loaf, onion gravy, but­ John B. DeQuattro, owrnel- of The association, founded in year* per employe. ' 62 Santina Drive 286 Bidwell Street Covenant Drive -( the Manchester Country Club. tered rice, kemal com, pickles; the J. D. Realty Co. whichl act-1 1921, has a combined member­ William A. A Lorraine D. Burke Andrew J. A Ida Lindberg Samuel J. A FlorMteeM. Allen Behnke is in charge of Wednesday, ravioli, wax beans, ed as the agent for the fotmer i ship of about 3,000 realtors and 87 Santina Drive 63 Erie Street ' ' Turedtte sales associates representing Robert W. Johnson of 513 the program. cole slaw; Thursday, roast tur­ avfrner of the store, Joseph Mott, i Lydall St. celebrated his 25th Alfred J. A Sarah E. Bums Lawrence A Ines Lombardi 65 Overland Street key in gravy, dressing, mashed The supermarket chain en­ 32 realtor boards in Connecti­ 855 Burnside Ave., East Hart­ 69 Santfria Drive.. United Statee Government cut and is affiliated with the anniversary at the Hartford trepreneur had acquired j the Hiram E. A Anna B. Lovejoy potato, peas and carrots, cran­ National As.sociation of Real Electric Light Company this ford, Conn, General Servloee - .V y berry sauce; Friday, fish bites, Ailing Corp.. consisting of eight William A Lillian B. Busch 123 Keeney Street Administration . Rev. Claypool Estate Boards. This year it is week. He is presently employed Manchester Building A Really mashed potato, creamed com. sport shops located in Connec­ sponsoring, in conjunction with in the Electric Production de­ 82 Leland Drive UtllizaUon A Dtsposui cole slaw. ^ r ticut. Louis A Alita K. Butcher Compemy Service, Region I • Will Transfer I the University of. Connectiept, partment. 336 North Main Street . Maple Street Schools Monday, The store w'hich is located in a Certificate Program in Real 13 Santina Drive Boeton, Mas^. bqef- Stew, commeal bread; Arthur V. A Kathleen S. Call Town of Manchester a block owned by Grossman and Elstate. offering courses at The People's Savings Bank AttenUon: R W. Jones. ‘ To Providence Tuesday, spaghetti with ham­ Werbner carries with it a 17 Leland Drive 41 Center Street Regional Director Hartford. Danbury and New with offices in Rockville and! Frank Manner. burg, greed beans, cole slaw; three-year lease with a two- Haven. Information concerning Mary' E. Carlson A Joseph Alice E. VanDyne Wednesday, scalloped potato Vernon, has announced an in-1 281 Hlllstown Road RFD 2 TTie Rev. James Vernon Clay- year option 'on the location. I the Spring series of courses can crease in dividends to 4)4 % Vennard 762 Hebron Avenue, pool, present Methodist Super­ with ham, corn, pickled beets; McCaughey has revealed that 21 Server Street Robert G. A Georgiutne Martin Glastonbury. Conn. be obtained by contacting the per year to be paid semi-an-! 15 Overland Street • ^ intendent of the Norwich Dis­ Thursday, roast beef with gravy, the name of his new enterprise, CAREB headquarters at 962 Claude A Annette Caatonguay Harold D. A Norins 8. Veal peas, celery and carrot sticks; nually. The first increased divi­ Maskel OmatrUctlon Compaiiy, trict, has been named Superin­ will be—The Village::. Sport Asylum Ave. in Hartford. dend will be paid at the end 29 Leland Drive 41 Santina Drive , Friday, baked macaroni and Shop, 'rtie shop, which has been Erne.st G. A Gertrude C. Inc. Stanley A L. Charles tendent of the Ppovidenee, R.I., of June for the six month per­ Route 6, South Windsor, Conn. cheese, macaroni and tomatoes, doing business in Manenest^i if, >■ Chapman 'Vertdoloskl District. The Rev. John E. Post, Assistant Treasurer iod beginning Jan. 1. The bank Arthur A. A Mary M. Massaro spinach, cole slaw... for more than four years, will 440 Keeney Street ,7 Leland Drive who Is just completing his Skipner Road School: Mon­ ■'* The Mutual Insurance recently installed a night de­ 60 Erie 'Street * eighth year as psfstor of Bum- continue to present a full line pajflfy o f Hartford has announced pository at their Vernon Circle George R. A Bernice C. Clalng Emma F. VonEeker day, ravioli, tossed salad, com, 39 Leland Drive Hannah J. McCann side Methodist Church. East of quality sport goods. Mc­ the election of Robert J. Lloyd office. I 509 Keeney Street Italian bread, butter; Tuesday, Alton N, A Ethel T. Oowles 99 Wetherell Street Anna Walek, Katherine Wolek, Hartford, has been named to baked ham, Bcalloped potato, Caughey says. The new owmer Jr. of 166 Porter St. a^ d i s t ­ Woodrow H. A Anna M. plans a formal grand opening ant treasurer. Two Manchester men were 363 Keeney Street Anna Kris toff succeed Dr. Claypool. Bishop string beans, butter and peanut Jbhn A Janet B. Crealey McCann James K. Mathews, Methodist of the shop during the first Lloyd, a graduate of Morse elected officers at the recently ^ __ _ 47 Packard Street 279 Keeney Street butter sandwiches; ,\Wednesday, held annual electien meeting of i W e ^ re ll S ti^ t Carl Robert A Anna A. Widham bishop of New England, has an­ baked beans, potato salad, hot .week of Januarv'. College in Hartford, has been Francis J. A Althea McCartan nounced t h e appointments with the Accounting Depart­ the Connecticut and Western ' 31 Santina Drive dog on roil, cheese sticks; Massachusetts Food Brokers Server Str^t 346 Keeney Street RD 2 which will become effective Thursday, oven-fried chicken, PROMOTFJJ BY AETNA ment since 1954. He is treasurer Daniel T., Jr. A Bernice V. Shirley M. Weiss Feb. 1. candied sweet potato, peas. Two Manchester men re­ of the Highland Park PTA and Association. George H. Smith, ^ Miller 22 Server Street 12 Green Manor Rd., of Smith 234 Keeney Street RD 2 Dr. Claypool was superin- Bread and butter sandwiches: ceived promotions in the Aetna assistant treasurer of the Ad­ 54 Leland Drive Shirley S. Weiss A Roland W. Insurance Company this week. ministrative Management Soci­ MeShain Co., was elected pres-' A Eknest G. Schiller tendant of the Providence Dis­ Friday, cod fish cakes, mashed ident of the association. Thom- ’ Leland Drive William J. Minnick trict from' 1938-40 before he potato, cole slaw, buttered car­ Robert L. Longcrier of 56 ety. Waddell Heights RD 1 22 Server Street Duval St. was promoted to .su­ as E. Toomey, 63 Lvndale St I DeFelice was called to active service as a rots', butter and jelly sandwich­ Roderick H. A Laura R. Theunls A Ann B. Werkhoven pervisor of the special multi­ of the T. F, Toomey Co., was Keeney Street Navy chaplan from 1941-45. es. KMie f s Samuel A Susanna Demko 67 Leland Drive ^ 88 Santina Drive peril department Longcrier, a appointed to the board of dlrec- His scholastic record includes Northeast School Menu; Alfred P. Werbner of the 17 McCann Dfive Emanuel A Violet M. Motola William H. Whitaker Jr. graduate of the University of tors. degrees from Depauw Univer- Monday, hot dogs in rolls, pota­ Jarvis Realty Company in Man­ Joseph E. A Natalie R. DennW 80 Santina Drive _ 79 Santina Driva . , to salad; celery and carrot Illinois, taright high school chester ha.s been appointed to Russell C. A Katherine C. Sadie Wilson rity. Brown University, Temjrfe mathematics for three years be­ Rogers Corporation. Rogerk. ^1 McCann Drive sticks; Thresday, 'shtlls, ham­ the Finance Committee of the Conn., has announced the ap- i Pet®*" * Elizabeth M DeParolls Nettleton 173 Bidwell Street University and Boston Univer­ fore entering the insurance field .379 Bidwell Street sity. burg and tomato sauce, tossed Connecticut Association of In­ polntment to its sales staff of Wetherell Street Edwin W. A Yvonne M. In 1952. He receivetl hi.s Char­ George R. A Vina M. Odelius Dr. Claypool served as Amer­ salad, spice cake with icing; dependent Insurance Agents. Kenneth A. MacLennan, form- Ambrose M. A Helen M. Diehl Wirtalls Wednesday, roast beef, mashed tered Property Ca.sualty Under- Werbner, who resides at 40 Ma­ er plant manager of the Glazon 129 Keeney Street 6 Overland Street 215 Keeney Street ican Bible Society secretary wnriter designation • in June. Andrew A Tekla Ofiara Walter M. A Lorette Woble from 1946-56 and as Norwich potato, buttered carrots, cher- rion Dr., will instruct a course Corp., Morristown, N.J. I Paul A Virginia Diehl ries^ Thursday, oven - fried 1963. and joined Aetna a month in Real E.state Sales Techniques ------1 116 Keeney Street RD 2 102 Wetherell Street 42 Santina Drive Distreit Superintendent from later. Tekla A Sylvian Ofiara Charles A. A Bomicc K. 1962-65 after his appointment chicken, mashed potato, butter­ starting Jan. 27 at-1280 Asylum Mrs. Helen L. McGrath of 24 Elizabeth Dimock Francis J. Lear>- of 26 Bolton Goslee Drive and Raymond W. 384 Keeney Street RD 2 102 Wetherell Street Woodbury by Bishop Mathews. He ha.s also ed green bean.s, cranberry sauce, Ave. in Hartford. The course is Stanley B. A Kathleen M. crunch cookies; Friday, tuna St^. was advanced to underwrit- one in a .series of courses com­ Brooks of 6 Nye St., Rockville, l Francis R. A Jeanne A. Dixon ’ 38 Server Street seived as Captain Chaplain .siipervispr in the fire under­ Ogrodnlk salad in rolls, green beans, pota­ prising the Certificate program celebrated New’ Year's Day by 137 Packard Street John C. Jr. A Helen M. Yavls since 1943 and has authored a writing department. Leary is an retiring from Pratt and Whit- ‘ Philip R. A Rita M. Dorsey 51 Overland Street 18 Leland Drive book, ‘‘(3od on a 'SatUewagon.” to chips, sliced peaches. alumnus of Fordham University in Real Estate offered by the Michael W„ Jr„ A'Eyslyn C. University of Connecticut. 362 Vernon Street Stephen Yencha A Helen O. His last pastoral charge was and taught high school history William L. Duncan Palleln Mutty Trinity Church. New’ Bedford, for one year before Joining 621 Bush Hill Road 8 Santina Drive' 180 Wetherell Street iVeui Year's Plunge Sixteen members of the mi- Maas., from 1956-62. He has Aetna as a fire underwriter in Roland J. I. A Francolse Dupont Abble Palmer Thomas J.-A Mary J. Young pervisory staff of C. R. Burr 248 Wetherell St. R D l served as delegate to General VANCOUVER, B.C. (AP) — 19i8. 54 Santina Drive 114 Wetherell Street Conference in 1936 1940, re- Nurseries were present at a re­ Richard C. A Gloria A. Erler Sarah M. Palmer William H. Jr. A Lois B. Young Two hardy American sailors cent dinner meeting. Charles C. 368 Keeney Street .«er\’e delegate in I960 and 1964, joined 53 cold-blooded Canadi­ IN Re a l t y p o s t ■ ''' 673 Bush Hill Road 22 Santina Drive and as delegate to the Uniting Herbert J. McKinney of 54 Burr of 102 Adelaide Rd., Howard C. A Virginia M. Flavell Emil A Finesla Pantaleo Donald J. A Jeantne P. Ziemak ans Friday for an annual New president of th wholeeale nura-> 153 Wetherell Street Conference in 1939. Year's dip In the frigid waters Adelaide Rd., has been named 33 Packard Street ?5 Server Street ery company, presided over the Fox Grove Realty Company Ekiiil A Finesia Pantaleo Nicholas F. A Antoinette Z. of Vancouver's English Bay. 8 Packard Street Spencer Hoyt, of New Haven, 417 East Center Street WojeWe George J, A Edith M. Fratus Everett A. Patten 138 Wetherell Street Conn., and'Lee Nafrger, of Ea­ -41 Hamlin Street gle River, Wls., said'they loved CHAR-BROILED TO ORDER AT 109 Wetherell. Street Robert J. A Virginia L. Brady Garden Grove, Inc. John A Albina Pavan it, and would do it again. 433 Keeney Street ' 42X^erland Street WESTOWN The two ire petty officers Now Open Box 648 ' ^ U v n H. A Charlotte A. Britt Joseph A. A Jeanne Gauthier Joseph A Allesandrina Pavan PHARMACY aboard the USS Galveston, now m m 433 Keeney Street 44 Packard Street berthed at Long Beach, Calif. •in I'it 30 Server Street Bruce A. A Yvette D. Cantrell 469 Hartford Rd__ 649-9946 VINCENT Harold A. A Eklna Moo Geer Joseph, Alessandrina A John Tliey said they, took the plunge Pavan 121 Wetherell Street In the S4th annual swim as a GIANT 86 Wetherell Street Anthony J. A Anna T. Choma To nutintaiq our continuity 433 Keeney Street result of a-wiag«r< made in a Norman L. A Nancy A. Gerhart 28 McCann Drive ‘ „ of medical sersioe we are SHOE REPAIR 128 Wetherell Street Louis Pavan r Seattle bar. . ^ 620 Keeney Btreet , John J. Jr. A Caroline R. Cmtty Wearing, borrowed swimsuits, STEAK 9 9 Eric A. A Beda K. Oothberg 32 McGann Drive SANDWICH 39 Overland Street Donald J. A Ann B. Pegosh they walked' through foot-deep 1101 M AIN STREET 42 Leland Drive Joseph P. A Helen C. Davis Open All Day p ow and stayed in the 44-de­ Mildred H. Grant 46 Overland Street (Opp. The Old High ^ hool) ON OONANZA OUN 406 Keeney Street • John A Angela Pella gree water for two minutes and WITH SALAD 359 Bidwell 'Street Leslie L A Janet F. Dowd 30 seconds. U was raining and WILLIAMS OIL SERVICE Morgan Mason A Marjorie Ann 36 Packard Street '; SUNDAY Grant Peter, Sr„ John Sr„ A Mary the air temperature was 36 de­ S41 BROAD STREET Pella Albert A Gladys Dumias grees. A crowd of 400 watched. 406 Keeney StrMt Phone 649-4648 Frances E: Gutb'rod 884 BidweU Street 68 Overland Street 210 Keeney Street RD 2 Peter M. A Evelyn R. Pella Joseph P. A CecUlaH. Donald R. A Doris F. Hals 375 Bidwell Street Henderson 122 Wetherell Street Peter M. A John Pella' 20 Packard Street Bdwrard P. A Alma F. Homill 369 Bidwell Street Donald S. A Lcnlca O. lU * SUNDAY BREAKFAST SPECIALS 46 Westminster Road Gina Petrioca 22 Packard Street Francelia O. James , Dine In onr beautiful Colonial Gordon W. A Shirley B. 23 Packard Street. Hampion Joseph J. A Constance Pets 60 Overlaiid Btreet 218 Wetherell Street 468 Wetherell Btreet John E. A nraiiHus ||, __ Howrard James A Jeon Hampton Henrietta Ponticelli Kowalchuk 276 Bidwell Street 12 McKee Street 64 Overland Street Gladys A. Kanson Jerry O. A Barbara A. PeeauiH ComeU J. A BemiM H. 32 Santina Drive 96 Leland Dr. Letoumeau With HI-FIdelUy Stereophonic Mutle Harold A. A Lois P. Harmon Sedrlck J. A Alyce T. Rawlins 129 Wetherell Street 484 Wetherell Street 49 Server Street • ' David O. A Karin T, Odegant Hartford Electric liglit Walter C. A Morfuartte U. Reed 27 McCann Driva 3 PANCAKES Company 63 Leland Drive JuUa Ofiara „S jnip and Coffee 687 Main Street Regal Builders, Inc. * 14 McCann Driva Edward T. A Joan Mt. Itealey 6 RusseU Lans, West Hartford, Mario B. A Rita Pact 383 Keeney Street Conn. 18 McCann Drive 39c William A Christine Hewitt Maitland E. A Sylvia A. Leon B. A Ruth N. Perry 476 Keeney Street v RtcfaurdBOil 26 Packard fftm t ' John W. A BartMU’a A. Higley 588 Biuh Hin Ro«d Ramnond V. A Leona K. Lavery 24 Brie Street George T. Rlecke 40 Packard Btreet William L. A Vera E. Hooker 26 Overland Street < Robert G, A Harriet H. 77 Erie Street Roderick H. A Laura H. Myers Stansfleld H any W. A Brenda M. Hoover 67 Leland Drlvs Route Mo, 4, Valley Lana, 91 Wetherell S tre» Edward CC A Anna C. Rodger CUntoiL TmiL Winston C. A Muriel B. Hudson 170 WetheieU Street C U f ^ ^ A Annie It Bkeof 64Eila8troat Alexander H. A Jeannle P. 80 J>ad|liM Street Fredsriok S.. Jr.,A Frances D. Rydlewlcs Chun^^Q|ciuella BplrttnT t Hunt 48 Server Street n U e C a m W v V •1 Overland Btreet J. Clifford A Oorrtae A. Walter J. A Franoee l t ' John P, A Mary h . Hutdhhisoa Schumacher, Surow ico 28 Santina Drive 177 K e«u y Street 81 U oel,\ 179 U , 19M. SDW i IK lid

"'JW Week ’ xtaMlMkViMi ' - Ml’ VIDDO BYiaW vniiEKT-AJCiL MOatft K gsn V D . tL T; pkiklNSO^ AJcoL m TV A Look into ’65 ISaapSerials Half-Hours Leading R e p la c in g Notebook Tow n Life? By GTNTHIA LOWRIT ^roaming the familiar plains piid n e w YORK (AP) _ With a dusty main Streets In search of B r ^ O A t: OBOBBT NEW YORK (AP) — A cdl- fOBW TORK (NIBA.)—WaUy new year just under way, it hla identity, his enemy, or the one man who can prove him league who - recently moved to ! sr t t e IMnka euting the right, ^ m s fitting for 'a television tto city from the sfhall commu­ •etor tor the right port i« a Innocent of tome terrible crime. Iwlter to peer Into the misty It la even' easier to predict nity In rdilch she grew hp hhs a reflhomeht ot amsivtty and In- glaas screen and predict coming theory that televinon’s popular tk fA , but not very often. what will be missing. Per In­ events. stance, there will not be aiiother daytime serials ora the modem *^1iere’B an awful lot of, The only equipment needed housewife’s substitute for small ■Oil yaoh,' how about him?’ newspaperman hero of a televi­ for this guessing gante is a sion series for years and years: town life and big famlUes U v ^ eaoUng that comes about sheaf of old Nielsen ratings and close together. . oouae you walk down , a cor­ ‘‘The Reporter” was a spectac­ an unshakable conviction th^ ular disaster. It wiU also be a Bhe may be-quite r i ^ . Theae ridor pOat eomeone'e office at the television programmers will enormous television ’'families of tlMi moment he la looking to long time before we have anoth­ hot soon change their spots. er slick ‘‘public relations nmn” grandparents, parents, children, fill a pail. I heard about a 72- It is safe to predict that 196S in-laws and couslna — every jraar • old Swlaa cartographer rescuing fair maidens — after television win consist primarily the untimely demise of this last one with horrendous prob­ who walked Into a movie pro- of half-hour comedy shows, with lems — may very well serve aa duocr*a office on buaineaa hav­ year‘s ‘‘Mr. Broadway.” particular emphasis on fantasy The crop of doctor heroes will substitute relaUves to worry ing te do . with mapa. The pro­ and military life. This la based be thinned out — they been over and gossip about in a day ducer tooked up and aald, ‘By bayt on the success this season of over-used, but lawyers will con­ when families often are widely gad, rm glad they finally caat many comedies but particularly separated. ttw Indian chiefl' Now the car­ tinue to be important and so will "BewitchMlBewitched,” “ “” riAmai.(3omer PyleT>via'> law offlcto of assorted types The soap opera may be the tographer haa a ne# career do­ and ‘‘No ‘Time for Sergeants.” and time periods. closet thing a woman has today ing mdlan chlefla." Ihere will be little Interest in There will be a continuing to the bygone! back fence and Mere'Oaiiiie ghewa the hour-long anthology show — the tall tales that shuttled over Wally, well-remembered for decrease in audience partici­ none has done very well for the pating game shows for daytime It. Ma deilghCful Mr. P e ^ r a past couple of years. ‘The diversion accompanied by a The list waa lengthened by aarlea, la taking a leave nom tongue-in-cheek action show, marked increase in ' old-fash­ another operas. ‘‘Peyton “ Flame in the tyind” already pearanraa on Qoodaon-Todman™«®W|ment fad, wUl disappear qmeUyiMeUy PUce,” the evening serial, has bolds great promise for vlewsra game 'ahowa to do a I Into the reruns, after tha calin done so well that it probably who do not find “ Peyton Place" iburlon Brando'a movie Sion- recepUon accorded “The Man wUl be expanded from two to enough on a twlce-a-week baaia. tuH.” When he retuma to New from U.N.C.L.E. and “ The > three evenings a week next Sep- “ The book, “ Peyton I>lace,” Torti. he will do more game Rogues.” I tember, if not before, and there was about the goln^-on, largely A new cycle of half-hour may be mdre like it. f scandalous. In a small town, Wally's first game show ^ .' V Westerns will roll in, each her­ And meanwhile, a busy faol- written by a woman who hap. paarance was 10 years ago. fle alded as a ‘‘new concept.” The day weekend of football and pa­ pened to Uve in a small town. waa m What‘a My Une? He new concept will consist qf the rades is ahead. And a Happy, The townspeople somehow got asiaaBdarstood the deferential usual hero with a fast draw' New Year to all. Barrie Chase and Fred the Idea ane wrote about them. attttuda' adsumed by the per­ Adapted to television by ABC fect panelist and ‘‘instead of Astaire appear in re­ this aeaaon, it haa been a great a substantial oontiibu- ^ • t T a T B T 1 broadcasts o ( ' two aucoeaa. hbur-Iong shoiws to­ By remarkable oolncidenee, ,“s;.pssnr Daytime Host Needs night and next Satur­ ABC's “ Flame in tbs tyind” la •fraM ofof boring peopla ac 11 w about a family living in a smaH triad to make j^ea.” day at 9 on CBS. town with a widowed in>law wha Bn he waa banished from the haa just finished writing a nov* Ctoadaon-Todman files, to re­ Unwrinkled Jackets el. turn riiaatened a decade later. The serlM was only two idaya *Moar 1 get the Idea,” he old Tuesday, but already the MBDad. “The audience wants to NEW YORK (A P) —■ Tom^more big money prizes and Its Coming Shows noveUst’a family is begimfing to aae the game, not a loused up Kennedy, as a large number ot hard to build much novelty into suspect that toe has written venioo. Not that I Intended to about them and their tangiad women and some men house­ games now.” louse tt i » 10 years ago." Like all \ daytime television "i>ag Maqamarakjold: The In­ lives. bound with head colds know, is Of course, there is much more TM ued Into Onrrins periuiuiars.f Kennedy longs tor ward Jopmey,” a comparison Shy, wispy Wally, who bad the. nice-looking, pleasant-man- nighttime exposure. ,of the late United Nations Sec­ on which future story lines will been doing oommerciala before n ez^ fellow who each afternoon retary General's public record be hung — a snobbish, ambi­ “ Daytime: is a different world tious grandmother, a selfish girl hla panel appearantos, sajra be presidea over an NBCliTogram — a nice world ~ but lota of with his private writings, will never really took an acUva In­ during which studio contestants people never see a* television be telecast on CBS’ “Lamp Un­ spurnUig a 'brilliant marriage terest hi Ua oareer until two and celebrity guests team up to to My Feet” tomorrow 10-10:30 for a teatrical qareer, aibliw program before 7 :M in the eve­ rivalries, a father in flnahclu years age. plsv a word game. . ning,” he said.. a'jn. “I let myaelf gat pushed Into Kennedy likes his Job, eqjoys difficulties —. Ah m e! there are anooeni and Jt didn’t like moat riding herd on the players and enough seeds planted to keep Lee Tracy stars In the title the plots growing for a couple of o f the thtoga about i t X' waa hopes “ You Don't Say” will go NAPOLEON D R iU fA of "Ronert A. Taft” tomorrow alsrays uncomfortable in pubhe. on forever. years. ; on NBCTs “Profiles of Courage” Xfoar 1 And I am having a “ Before I got this show,” he An origiiml television drama, 6:30-7:30 p.m. to do the things I want confessed, “ I made quite a good “Eagle in a ‘ Cage," starring The closing of the Brooklyn to do. ~ ' living making bad pilots '— Trevor Howard in the role of Mike Nichols and Elaine May Navy Yard and the plight of “X am 40 now, and If you tiyiiig out game shows that nev­ Napoleon Bonaparte, will be wiU appear on NBC’s ‘"The Jack the untrained jobless wW be have lived that much time as a er went anywhere. I think I explored on “CBS Reports^ human being, you tend to por­ taped by NBC’s . "HaU of Paar Prograhi” Friday .10-11 made a bad pilot for every pro­ Fame” in Blebruary. p.m. Monday 10-11 pjn. tray one. Actors generally don't ducer in Hollywood.” see muoh of Ufa. They only see He worked his way Into the other aMors.” specialized field from ah nouncer's job and doing com­ George Ssell will conduct the mercials. SATURDA Y intension PROGRAM^ OUwdand Orchestra in a con- Now be puts In a couple of eart Friday at 8 p.m. on Chan­ very busy days a week taping Ttaie Ohanel . Kjcptorisz (44) Gallaat Mem Tracy, “ Sea at /ahyirt consists of making certain hla <^ler> “All Atoet Tlwe." 1:to (S) Andy prUtUh Laaia Hayward sports Jackets are wrinkle-free. Bowllas (34) SUrrtaz The Editara (M) Tha DataachaMaa . U;M (l> BFD Na. S liW (Si Jackie Qleaaea Shew lilS (St) Feter Oaaa IKEE “ Nobody sees me from the (i-M) Hoppltj Haaper Uaeala: Cam'lca FaaU Gray, 1:14 (4) Mewseap^ Maasaata af. waist down,” he said. (1S> Oaaaf Oamri riaiaala Johaay Margaa. Blch Little. Camfort aad Hyma “ So I just keep eight jackets 1:W :M (S) Maasaata at 1 3FL0 US) Sab T.V. Ales Barham. A dylag oalaaal at the studio and change them (M) Mayar BapaH valaBtaara, hla. brain far a UNITS between shows.” Bis Thna Thaslra . a Spaalah deabtaea, baadradi. are likely to- turn hp with five "Bamrad” Vaiaalca late. Jaal - af baata oeaverge saarehlagi McOrah, “ ApiU la v a 'V J M far geld;. different blouses. Baaaa, Shirley Jaaes* ^ I:H (Zt-Mi Keataeky Jaaaa ‘T wnd surorised one day — Deaaia Weaver, the brlaga S:W (asaasi Gster BowI OasM heme aa espectaat mare which and to 'vas m studio audlehte naruJstate vf. Uaiv. at Okla- canpileatea Beatacky'a Maw ^ ia n e k — when Lisbeth Scott waUced on i si daeksaavtlla. Qnaraatee B% UUIe Shaw Tear't Bve plaas,- stage for a Show. She waa wear­ . Bawilas t;M (Si GUllgaa’s Islaad . ELECTRONICS ing a sequin tap, very elaborate, liSHS:M. (M) nim Bab Deaver. Sarreaaded by and A pair ot well-wom blue 4:M (Si Oalf Classle water, the asaaiawaya diseavn BllmiBsUea laarasaieBi, fW,- tlien Ua’t a drap^drlaJC LABORATORIES For Survey C o l » . . jeans,’! Kennedy said. Sto fifst' prisa: Oasasieatatar ■ (t.Mtoi Lawraasa Welk, Shaw He observed that vjowera, Cary MiddleeatL ' (tsas) Mr. Magaa’a Baaw partleiflariy the daytime vari­ Sparts Speeial WWte . 2 7 7 BROAD T. P. AITKIN GO. 4iM (tas«) liast-Wert Shriaa raat- (Cater) (Fart Oaa) ety, have become more 80{dilstl- bell -Oama. •iie (Si nia Batartalinera Bentiiif—Cooling oattol about game shows. ~ (tt-S*> Satarday Might At The Fran faa FraaoiSea • Mavles .■ .. Shoot Motal Worii “ Yoa cAn't take off with a |i4« (S) Sat. at tha Bseas ^ (Oalar) “ The East Haat” Beb- i n Tolland' Tpko. half-baked ldea,“ ' Brad Davis Sgaw Oearge Gabel,, Chrelya Jeaee, Sak. T.T. U iM Gaitoto 1Tlaia , V ^ ^ ISANGHfiSl'BR EVBNiNG HBRAJUDr^ JAANGHESISR CONN*. • SATURDAY. JANUARY S, 1066 PAGB*THREB- \Y, JANU ARY 2, 1966 MANOTESTBR'BVEKING HBRALDj M ANCHBST^ OONN^ 1A1 ------' ...... ' ‘g-i.i'i W '' ...... ■ -.11 I P A G E T W O Notes TUESDAY T^ievisi^n PROGRAM ‘ ^ S T A R ^ 4^'\ ' V, SUNDAY t Tei^vision PROGRAM"' ' (84) what’n 4h« Bomb." Fermey Ffooktoat Time OhasasI $;tS (l> Town Oribr (M ) Mavericilk ; _ f H a rry Trantaa Is amaay these <33-88) Wondorfal World Of Van Dykes com men tiny on Hiroshima aad TIm r Clmnnel % OanvemaWon Vfllh 8eere4a>F #1 • :8f (8) Saarise Seatestor ^ (44) BUIemaa,^ State Doha Busk. Color (84) Qaeat Artists ' (8) Newn and WOathey , N a n s a ld events. 7:45 («) 8acre4 Bcari , (Color) John 1 ^ , Haytoy (M »40) McHale’s Navy S:00 (S) Tbe Cfcriitophen (48) Sun. M ovlo • : l i (8) Memeato ot iCotofsrt aa4 (33) Top 33 PlnilO ne . 1:38 (3) Feature » Mills, Louto Ai^streay. 18th Jfewscopo (34) Lovely Lalidscato Binyhsmtfn has a parrot as a (8) Thli U «k« LUe Aanlversary of Bfameylaad Together secret ayent Infermlay ea the (M) Asricaltani r m m t» (8) The Deputy 4:46 (|> Nat. .Edaoagsaal TV . ^ (48) Nows (8-28-48) Wayou 'naln 7 :N (31 FaanUy Llv 0:05 (48) AdvnnluMn la Paradise . men. ■ :IS (3) Davey mad Goliath (38) Film lohu MolnUic, daek I«r d .^ (34) Casals M Altor Oass (88) Am erican! at W ejk 1:88 (3) FCntare (tijOTsday______' (U ow * • •<. 8:08 (3) Sports, Nows and Weather . (8) M ^ ie Spectaoular bora, capture Coop, order him NEW YORK — (AP). Jerry (8) Operatiba Alphabet' “ 8:15 (33) Cldbhense ' 0:00 (8-3040) The Tyeoea l:M (S) Tha World Araaad.V* to lead them to m ety. Walter Brennan, JeroaM Co­ (8) Davajr and OelisUi (28) Sclehce All Stor! Van Dyke, Dick’s . younger 7:15 (8) Weather 8:35 (33) Special Bepert (22) Wild K in ^ o m 8:88 (8) Ed Sullivan Shovr 7:80 (8) Feroepiloa 8:38 (3) News' wan. His aasoclatos Had Wal­ ($8) Science Todap Quests; SM Caesar, Usa Min­ brother who ' was such a ter isn't too keen abont the (48) Bible InitHate (Color) A ^ t to variona wM (8) Frieaa el Mr. Oeeber (8) Wide Country reylon! of th iv world and the nelli, ethers. hit almost three years ago in. his T:4S (3) Aoceat oa LI vis* . (U ) Sub T.V. honorary day roe they‘ to ar- 8:4s (8) Llaht Time 8:88 (1388) BUI Dana Show - SONY I raayed. animals that re ly ! over thorn. 8:M The Anowera (88) Starriny The. Editor 8:80 (8) Exercise With Gloria port 1:38 (3) I'v e Got a Secret ons star. make another appearance — a (40) Coatlaeatal ClassrooiB l34k What’s New • 0:80 (3) Petticoat jnnetun (82) Dina B oar School (3-28-48) Broadside Kate clashes with Joe over (M) Word of Idle , (28) Film two-part episode starting Jan. 8:00 (3) Hap Richards (30).Local News and Weatber (22) Colleye Bowl 8:88 (8) Fred Astaire SpecU (8> ,Glri Talk (30) News fund raisiny for the Bootorvlllo (40) Sacred Heart . (8-1848) Sunday Nlyht Movto 20. After the other appearance, Volunteer Fire Department. t:IS (48) The Chriotophei* i;88 (3) Twentieth Century . ■ (tSDBomper Boom (3) To Tell The Trnth Documentary on the Taetieal •’The MIsflU” Clark Gable, Jerry was signed by .CBS, but , (84) Today ia CoBB. (18) Sub. T.V. (8-3040) Pevloa Plaoe 8:30 (S) Im aac! of America MarUyu Monroe. Story of Radio Dorothy Maioae. A return aad , Air Command filmed at Uylu Television then had a couple ef false starts t:lS (3) Bepnty DaVx . (30) Open Mike (8) In!i|v lA t “Stoner Smith” and MacDill A ir Force Base! . three men and a divorcee hi in shows completely unsuited to 9:30 (8) Leave It To Beaver \ (33) Local News aad Weather a depariare lead to ehalaa' si (SO) Thli l! The Uie the modem West. reaction. (40) Oral Bobeito (18) Spread of The Eayle \ (8) The Yoape Marrieds (34) Colleye Bound (22-38) Meet 'The P r e u ■ . (22-38) Bonansa his talents. . — (SO) Bomperdloem (3040) News and Weather 10:00- (8) The Doctom and the 18:08 (S) Lamp Onto My Feet Lome Greene, Michael Lau- Treasurer Nnraes Examination o) “Marklu!” (20) H all! of Ivy WE SERVICE ALL MAKES OF SETS It’s back In the saddle again U:M (8) News r (33) Backstaye 1:38 (3) World War 1 doa. Little Joe pats Hess on a (33-30) Make Boom for Daddy (SO) Sports Shlrl Conway, Michael Tolaa. the opiritnal diary at D a* starvation Aiet so he’U win the for ■ Robert Horton who only a Hospitalised head name Lla Hammerokjold. .. Robert Byan, narrator. “Be­ couple of seasons back was eag­ (8) General Hospital (40) News hind the (iCrmaa Lines.” annual “ eaUny contest. —< Says — (40) Gale Storm (3) What lathe World proven to be a tonyh paUeaL (8) Jpwixfa N ew ! and V iew ! 18:88 (3) Candid Camem er to get away froih horses and (33-30) Telephone Hour (22) Chalice of Salvation (28) Staye Seven 10:80 (8) M ovie (8-3040) Combat (22-38) Froliles In Conrayo (2388) The Boynes six-shooters after five years of (X^S0) What’s This SoaxT Bick Jason, Anne Lee. Hanley (Color) Barbara Oook, hostess. (38) Sacrifice of the Mao! Qly Yoany, Susan Oliver. T n ^ Jack Cassidy, filchard Tnoker, (40) Thi! l ! The Life Lee Tracy. Store of Bobert A. playing the sc6ut In "Wagoii (8) Flame In the Wind farces a Nasi officer to re­ Taft’ s unpopular opposition to robbbrs Iflde out in the “ white “We wish all our (40) Adventures In Paradise move land mines In' a French Dolores Gmy, Lnclne Amara, 18:38 (3) Look Up And Live elephant” casUe Tony la try- Train.” Duke Ellinyton,-Ethel Ennis. The oocloloylcal and opiritnal the Nurembery war trials. 11:00 (33-30) Concentratioa town. (40) Starriny The Editors iny to Mst on a millionaire. hi the interim, he has played (8)'Hello Pea Pickers (33-30) Mr. Novak (8-3040) The Fnyltive Implication! of denemlnntional- 18:38 (3) WhaPn Mr Line friends and valuable David Janssen, Anyle Dlckla- l!m disca!!cd. 1:08 (8) Lassio in a Broadway show and 11:80 (33-30) Jeopardy James Francisens. Novak tries Bobert Bray, Boanle Dapo. 11:88 (822-38-a) News, Weather, (84040) Price la Blyht to help a 10-year-old yCnins son. Conspiratom try to frame (8) Vidlcon Viewpoint and-Snorts launchecl a singlhg careerbut Kimble in an lasnraniM pay- (20) Beany and ^ c l l Lassie and a nine-year old try • C eustomers a healthy, 13:00 (3) Love Of Life adjust to hlyh school. to rescne a cat and her three 11:15 (22) Shock now he is signed for a half-hour (33-30) Say When (34) Science Reporter (40) Faith For Today “Day The World Ended” B l^ * (1^) In Schiml Preview 10:45 ( 38) Sacred Heart Frofram kittens dnriny a storm. Western series aimed at next (8-3(M0) Donna Reed ) (3) Car 54, Where Are YouT (3) Zoorama ard Denniny, Lori Nelson happy, and prosper­ 13:30 (S) Search For Tomorrow (34) Invitation To Art U:00 (3-8-30-23-3040) News, Weather 11:08 (3) Camera Three (48) Feature 48 seasons schedule. and Sports (8) Mominy Seminar (18) Sub. T.V. (33-30) Troth or Conseqoenres I (3) Bed Skelton Hour (20) Broadway Goes Latin 11:28 (3) Movie Masterpieces ■ Chuck .fJonnors is returning to (8-30-40) Father Knows Beat (33-30) White Paper 11:15 (30) Les Crane (18) Herald of Trath "Jane Byre” Jdan Fontaine, ous 1965!” (30) Toniyht .-tl (22) Social Secnrity UO) Wanted Dead or Alive that old West again, too, after 1:00 (3) Best Seller Special "The Decision to D r^ 7:38 (3) My Favorite Martian Orson Welles (1844) •• ^ (8) Movie (40) Summer Playhouse (30) Sonthern Baptl!l Hoar (38) The Untouchables STANEK one s^a.son in a sack suit and an Detective Brennan comes un­ (30) Hello Pea Pickers 11:30 (3) Tuesday Starliyht (2OA0) Ball winkle 11:38.(8) News, Weather'and Sports “ Adventures of Capt. Fabian” 11:15 (22) Am erican! At Work stuck when he comes In con­ unsuccessful series. H c’lt return (3^30) At Home WlHi KIHy tact with Martin’s molecular U:45 (8) Bly Movie ELECTRONICS ^ (40) News Errol Flynn, Michellne Prelie 11:30 (3) From the Collefe Campa! “ They Died WUk Their Boots in a half-hour series, within a (30) Sports. (8-20-40) Di«covery '85 separator. 1:05 (40) Barbara Bernard Show On” Errol Flynn, Olivia De- few weeks. 1:30 (3) As The World Taras (40) Les Crane A vieit with the Baird Mario- Havllland ' 277 BROAD STREET . Phos* 649-1124 AUTO 11:^ (8) TeU Me, Dr. Brothem aettea. (30) Edncational 1:15 (3) Decoy (33-30) Let’s Make A Deal 11:30 (32) Toniyht (18) The Christopher! 1:38 (8). Nexrscope,''The Christoph­ NO T IM E (8) Les Crane (22) Fassiny Farade (40) Hello Pea Pickers ers', Moments of Comfort, Good Sammy Jackson, star of 1:55 (33-30) News 1:00 (8) Gale Storm (30) Jewish Life Nlyht Hymn DISCOUHT (40) USAF Reliylons Film 11:45 (30) The Christopher! ABC’s “No Time for Ser­ 3200 (3) Password 1:45 (3) News. Weather, Momenta (33-30) Moment of Truth 1:15 (3) News, Weather, Moment 12:88 (3) n rception of Meditatioa geants,” once wfis a clerk in of Meditation (8) Comments and Feople the Traffic Violations Bureau (30-40) Flame in the Wind (18) Fisher Family HOUSE, Inc. 3:30 (3) House Party 1:30 (8) Newscope, Momenta sf (20) Liviny Word of the Los Angeles Police De­ (33-30) The Doctom Comfort, Goodnlyht Hyma (22) Bly Fictare 478 Cwter St. partment where, he Jokes, the (8-30-40) Day In Court 3:54 (40) News (30) Riny Around the World sergeants had no time for him. HIOOOUOHG (40) Beany and Cecil Coming Shows DEMPSEY-TEGELER ond Co., Isc. 3:00 (3) The Edce Of Nlyht 12:18 (3) Aopent on Liviny ^ ' Phone 643-9581 - (33-30) Another World Mel Blanc, who supplies the (20) The Christopher! FRIEI^UY AND HELPFUD TRANSACTIONS HANDLED ON LONG B U N - (8) Trallmaster U:S8 (3) We Believe Before going to HoIlyVd '* <30-40) General Hospital voice of Barney Rubble on ALL EXCHANGES LISTED AND UNLISTED—AIUTDAL FUNDS • E-Z Financing (8) Opinionated Man V CBS’ “Camera Three” will to star In "The Munsters,” Fred 3:30 (3) To Tell The Truth ABC’s "The FUntotones,” was (18) Bible Answers trace the development of syn­ (30-40) The Youny Marriede once reportedly paid $800 to (22-30) Watch Mr. WIsard •4S-1UM • Open Evenings Gwynne enjoyed a long Broad­ 4:00 (S) Banyer Andy Shsdr (20) Film copated dancing in “ Over the CM MAIN STREET way run last season in "Here’s (33-80) Hatch GamtT hiccough like a cat in a cartoon (40) Conversation With Top to Bebop” tomorrow 11- Members of New York Stcek Exekaage Love." (8) Admiral Jack film. 1:88 (3) Your Community 11:30 a.m. ★★★★★★★★★★★ (18) Million Dollar Movie (8-20) Directions ’65 (30-40) TYallmaster ‘■The World of Isaac Lcib Fe- 4:35 (33-30) News reti” dramatised narrative. •The Making of a Man,” a 4:30 (3-33) Movie COMMEMORATION (18) Sab. T.V. twO-part biographical prelude (30) Comedy Time “ Lewis and Clank” , a special (22) Schine 18 Fin Bowl 5:00 (8) BKKmsn (30) Roller Derby to Uie career of Prosidenb (30) Brave StallhuT , full-hour show oonunemonttlng (40) Westover Fresents Franklin D. Roosevelt, will in­ SH O P and (34) Friendly Giant the historic Lewis - and- 1:38 (3) N F L Flayoff Bowl augurate ABC’s “FDR” start­ 7 (SO) Superman (8-20) Issues and Answers SAVE (40) The Admiral Jaek and eSark expedition of 1804-00 that (40) Western Jamboree ing Friday »: 30-15 p.m. Make A DiffMHOCC When Ton Savd Swabby Show opened the way to the Ainert- 3:88 (8-20) N.B.A. Pro Basketball IT DOES WHERE .8;1( (18) Million Dollar Movie Frank Sinatra Jr. is on can Northwest, will be present­ (22) Film \ Clara Bow, the “It Girl” ot “ Salnte For Three” McDonald “A B C ’S “ The Patty (SO) Sun. Matinee ____ Y O U SEE Carey. Betty Bhodes ed by NBC February 23. Lome “ About Face” Gordon MacBae the 1930s, stars in “ Dancing (34) SIny HI Stay Lo Duke Show” Wednes­ Green of the “ Bonanza” aeries, 2:38 (22) FTyiny Fisherman Mothers,” the second in a se­ THIS (8) W; dy Woodpecker ^ will be the narrator. 3:88 (22) Film Debbie .Watson of (30) FUm day 8-8:30 p.m. 3:38 ( 22-30) Concern ries of silent films on Channel SION 4:88 (8) Barn Dance e NBC’s "Karen’T.,*: on' 24a “The Toy That Grew .Up” vS A V 1 M G S 4% (20) Silver Winys Mondays 7 :36-8 p.m. Friday a^ 10 p.m. ^_____ ' (22-38) News Special OOrrcMt LOAM BELMONT RUG \ ‘ X 4 I ( I \ I I 4 » V A m m u I WEDNESDAYrefe^/sion PROGRAM Dirldeod CLEANING COMPANY * 90S M A IN .B T • MS-64MS Time Chaanel 1:96 (9) A* The World Turn* (34) Preview MONDAY Television PROGRAM 8:35 (3) Town Crier (26) Edacatioiial 8:88 (8) My Liviny Doll U l l l l i I .8:38 (3) Snnrise Semester (22”96) Let’s Make A Deal (8-2849) Patty Duke Show (27-M) Alfred HItcheeek Hear ; (46) Hello Pea Pickers Frank Sinatra, Jr. Patty yets (22-30) Newt (38) The Bly Pietom Tim e Channel 4:25 Peter Luwford. Julie l«udou. 4 7 9 8;W (8) Moments of Comfort aad 1:56 (22-96) New* tbe aoUon her parento are try- 6:25 Town Crier 4:30 (3-22) Movie I W M A IN T„ NANCHESm • RODTU tl, COVENTRY 2:66 (3) Password Iny to marry her olt. (SO) Comedy Time Y’enseful executive kills his Newscope • (3) Sunrise Semester brother. ' ^ ' (8) Nat. EdnoaUoaal TV (22-30) Moment ef Truth (14) Chankiny World <36) Airricnlture on Parade (8) ‘ Rifleman <8-2e-te> Bes CuSey (3) Speak Up (26-46) Flame in the Wind 8:98 (3) Beverly Hillbillies i:S6 (8) Moment* of Comfort and (20) Memory Lane S:96 (3) House Party The hlUbinies try theb swa (24) Kindergarten Vincent Ednurds, MusreeS O’- (33-38) Today Show Xeworope SsIlIvsB. Over-protective molhr (8) Operation Alphabot (22-36) The Doctor* brand' ef treatment lor Mrs. 6:46 (8> Nat. Edncatlonal TV (30) Superman (8-26-46) Day la Court Drysdole’s alllay aerrsis srs- (40) Admiral Jack and Swabby er rufes est reality fur her 7:15 (8) Weather 7:tt Operation Alpha.bei 5:30 (8) Y'ogi Bear (22-30) Another World Jim m y O’Neill, emeee. Oaesta: (18) Million Dollar Movie 11 ;N (5d-2»-ll-Se-4e> News, Weather Raquel Welch, bill­ (3) Captain Knayaroo 7:25 (22) Weather and Sperts (8) Exercise With Gloria (8) Trallmaster Sal Minee, Bobby Shermaa,' 7:36 (3) Your Community “Lady’ll From Kentuchy'' PLEN’S TEXACO board girl “ TOe (2646) General Hospital Paris Sisters, The Bliiismi, George Baft. Rllen Drew 11:15 (20) iLcs Crnne on (48) Continental Classroom (8).-Friend of Mr. Goober (M) Ysnight (C) 881 MAIN ST. 9:88 (8) Hap Bichardo l:S6 (9) To Tell The Truth The Blyhteeas Brothers. 8:06 (3) Captain Kanaaroo (24) What’* New Hollywood Palace” is (2040) The Young Marriede 9:M (3) Dick Van Dyke Show (SO) Cheyenne 11:20 (S) Monday Starlight (8) Girl Talk 8:36 (8) .Fsxercise With Gloria “ Chad Hunnn" Henry Feuda, in ABC’s “ The Holly­ (33) Romper Room 4:66 (3) Ranger Andy Show Bob finds he eoa yet bock filb (40) Continental Claioroom (40) Superman tTATE SBRV. STATION (22-30) Match Game script be lost, bat tor a 93899 (8) New* and Weather Linda Dumell (88) Today In Conn. f:06 (3) Hap Rlchardo 6:00 (40) Les Crane 770 MAIN 3T. wood Deb Star Ball” (48) Boso The Clown (8) Admiral Jack ransom. (8) Girl Talk (22) Top 22 Plus One (18) MUIIon Dollar Moy*- (8-29-49) M ickey (24) Danube Countryside 11:25 (5) Tell Me, Dr. Brothere 8:18 (3) Deputy Dewy (22) Romper Room 11 :M (8) Les Crane tonight at 9:30. 9:98 (3) I,eave It Te Beaver (2640) Trallmaster Mickey Beeaey. The Mlek (36) Today In Conn. (40) News (22) Tonight (C> OlARS ETC/1 W Y M A N o n , CO., I>«. (8) The Vonny Marriede 4:25 (22-30) News learns ke can’t ran his hstsi (40) Boco The Clown (46) Laramie 4:96 (3-22) Movie wlthont U n y’s kelp. (3) Sports, W'eather and Newn 1:00 (8) Gale Storm 24 MAIN ST. (38) Romper Room / f:16 (3) Deputy Dawf (80) News — 18:88 (3) News (36) Comedy Time (22-39) Wednesday Nlyht at the (22) Clubhouse 6:66 (8) The Rifleman Movies 9:96 (3) Leave It To Benver (22) Special Report (40) USAF Beligiens Film 763 MAIN STREET — 643-1191 (33-38) Make Room For Daddy (8) The Yonna Mnrriedo 1:08 (3) News. Weather, Moment of RANGE ond DRYER (9) General Hospital (26) Memory Lane “ This Could Be the Nlyht" (36) Romper Boom (3) News Meditotton (49) Gale Storm TURHPIKE AUTO WILSON Our SPEEDY Specialty (M ) What’s Naw 11:89 (33) Toniyht 1:30 (3) An The World Taran bard Nani cult beat oa da- f:4d (38) Local News, Weather (26) Educational TRULY DEUCTOUB 8:48 (28) News (8) Lea Ciane structioD.' MANCHESTER ELECTRICAL CO. 1:88 (3) LIttlest Hobo 1:99 (8) Gale Storm (22-30) Let*o Make A Deal (2t) F'ace of The World SEAT COVERS (89) News (40) Hello Pea Pickern ) (24) The French Chef M6NGHESTER Rastdaiitlar-Coiiun.-Iiid. (18) Snb. T.V. - ' 100 W. Middle Tpkto CHICKEN (38) Memory Laao (49) USAF ReUyiens Film 1:55 (22-30) Newn M 9-4817 — M 8 -M 8S 1:98 (9) News, Weather, Moment 2:00 (3) Pansword I (8-2646) No Time for fop- CYCLE SHOP BrowR in 6 Minntea (15) Weather, Local Nemi (22-30) Moment of T m A geanto OYOL.E 8AUES * SEBVKUl (34) Casals Msster C lou ef MedltoUeh (20-40) Flame la the Wind (24) Bridge BIOYOLE8 m OLDSMOBILE (3848) News and Weather 1:99 (8) Newscope, Memeato at 2:36 (3) Houne Party u (8) Tbe Lucy Show IfeB world's "llnMt eatta’ TtlS (23) 1He Siiaare Set Cemferi, GttMalyht Hyasa (22-30) The Doctom <8-2040) Wendy and Me ^OhristiaM: *n r««r OMsasobHe Dealer" ohlolcen" with iBoompuRble (38) Spofta (8-20-40) Day In Coaii (22-36) State of the VnloB Ad­ Lay-Aw ay- ta ste. - (48) N w s ^ . - NEWLEY PREVIEW 2:54 (46) News dress 1*98 (S) M Uter E d (24) latemattoaal Maganlao 112 W EST CEN TER ST. "AIcor Preview,” a new teie-, 3:00 (3) The Kdae Of NiaM '^CALL IN ORDER Wllbnr’ e Idea to bny a Mstpli (22-30) Anotaer World 6:96 (3) Many Happy Returan W e Oarrr Tfce Don WILLIS Garage mllilarr pUae yives Ed ih8tl vision aeries which previews' (8) TrailmantaF John McGIver, £leaa Verdaro. « » 1 S H gPBOIALUnM I N P le k Vp M Mtarates Ltoer idea to beeesoe tae first ksiiM entertainment cveiits, wIU pt«- (2040) General Hospital Walter trien to find oat why jrAOOBSBN W H E E L ALIGNMENT AND < pilst. Lyna's fiaaoe Iui6 called on Snow Btawar seat th« story behind "Roaw oC (3) To Tell The Tnnh b r a k e SERYIO B U(33-98) l- » The Vtrylolaa (2040) The YotuiR M a r r M i the wedding. (Color) Lee J. Cobb, EkUHl. the Oreasepalnt," * m ' new Am- B ln. ___ . g e n e r a l a u t o r e p a i r ____ DECI’S ORIVE-M (3) Ranger Andy Mm OT f <9-ze-M) b F» OMsby A poetry-lovisy oewhey is a»- thony Newley muajkHtl, w km (22-30) Match O a«M Blue's suj EUto’s nlaus»laan f6r TrailOMt6l«r MiM a(» Beyefto . BRA f AGE POUR MANCHESTER BVENDld HERAL9. MANCHESTER. CONN.. SATURDAY. JANUARY *. IW (AP)- \ ------r - — ------...... " ; vaded t ' P l ^ f6r Old litdliywood of a ba wife At " — i— — - ‘' 4 > ' ' ' •>%:'— 3 THURSDAY felevm^ \ ' I t -,* i •? ter hole W e •i« for 801T1 : ) More toSw l3*iwa«MS^ the bar ______a> AfaUral Jseh -- Besdlhew lice est: I ) M O I I m i DeOu Hevie a a aata taDaa- . >n ^ YORK (NBA) — Rout ___ TV ' TmHieeMMr -1 .wah Mktoa. of ?50,( to pn « OB»«ctnMM cam- ref Uhetir «iW dS-to) Bews (M> Two c paim to Drloc ctoinor back to «>w Nevto ->— ' liM ee> Hy' khiaa Saae. Fredericl DM Itvas of poiforman. Nona of m r ^ M . OMMdr TIsm eg lar.Bet.atam ifads e •tee <■> The B llb ieae aM d^a mia' la apt aa that |1rl-in4)luft-jeana-n«xt-d6or Jiii (C nisl^CM a (W> Whlpiash aaev ft*' poriqr. pwtty Rtrta. 8he - ... S? OMker Prisedbr OtasS (Sm, Vves In a 98-room house in Hol- 453 IjFWood with her p eow ts and • iW |« WtoRatirte ' Oaahhp 1 •iM (en'siar n sug grand mother, and she dresaOs •iM {« ’ iSrlSSdSSa?^***** with an eye to style. o B l Tidk •tie a t Baekl«k«nr''BeaBd > B ea ifer itoMB It aunim Denar Hevie ‘T m fed up with UtUe girts in ) IM a y b Oeaa “ TeaeMewa' Aitea, ■•Mara little ijngfaam dresses,” she *) Bam The CSawe JaekOakle etie (to Psatera tlo aays. ‘7 think it’s tragic that ( M ) F f l a i »M4Srhv>riiokt* (M) f ^ ’a M Weary aT t tatektag______Mr the ______Hollywood to'not adiat it used to Haveriek rIMaa Datria, Baraaatha giras .be. rm for bringing back the (fit The BM aam a hha hie awa pa war at sragle. e ra o f Po)a N e g ^ I think jrau > (to News, W eaiker aa< 1 (M> ay Uaa at Sel e u good hute youfUeU right out Mice ({l.-New* I tee Deady ItM (to Baelslaa Make Tee >* Phn Oaa (S-aMto baytaa .Haea1 o f bUBiness in Hollywood f f yon tto> Oeeeral Past graaraa aad a re too chlO, too un^rstau.... r(M) Nawa N E ^ ated. M:M— ^ the Dalsaiara at someone walking down the liM (to Maws k a ^ jUaa. Baa Plaaaa. A and sur (to fat ' HighWf atreet and know automatically I airta (taast HeaSay Briaklay sssihsr Is eiargsd wMh (he ttiat you are looking at an ao< daalh U hu toM^ymr aM aasT 78-hour p tress. Most actresses today lotto W?.it. W kat’s M aw ( « M ) Parry ^ S a e ’s h S c pausing dumpy, and that's not the image U:M (*>(•> aaeeieh m Per *T»awriew et«e (se> I«a a l Mawa. (Oiiav) Haitfa, mar)c sel X like for Hollywood.” t etU (M> M a w a OarsI I day In 11 _ -z PMher Kaewe Bm I TilC (t> WyaW Eary i » 4Odto M e toBusy Seoa I died, -n Ruta, arho U t front pages ItW ((» » BwBwlAellcr l.__ istai M ta S KSrt. earlier this year when she per- A <•) Hevie Its!(Si) Beal^ ef 'lka Peel ■— BawM. record w eowaHy telephoned Khrurtichev K O T A UEB . Pee Plehen ( t l - i a e e t Mawa aa« Waalfcar «S> to BehMi Pravlaw Before to get her aged, ill grandmother < »M > A** t I wnh UMr (M> The fatoaa Kit— ------* n m ------Haws, WssihW (ht out of nresterns, or off panel . „ heiheia Bemud Mew UiU^ISatohl ad that b . ford all this flash through her Panels in the West rve beenido- ilW (S> As The WeiM Terke S i n : (M ) iM Oraaa cons mig numerous appearances on tele- (Ih WemUeeel ItM (to'The Haaatan Callfon Y ing legitim ate ehowfe in CUitor- (»-W ) b f e Neka A Deal Ba a eauaiay trip (laadpa Ha­ Tteion. aM just flniahed a run in . „ (M> BeOe Pee Plekeie terms klw salflats a waM, than recorded "It has glren me a .very nice ‘Ihe Unsutoable Molly Brown.’ l iK Bewa • esrpsia haw ta ravait te hasMUi deaths a ttving tor the last seveh yean,” ties (Si Feamatd l i l Ks. Br.. \ What I would like to do next to < » ^ ) Keauet a( TiWk (eaiM t Jaaay (fassl New Yea Ruta smiles. "I can’t seem to a musical,on Broadway.” - „ Ptame fa The WTIad (Osisrt -The U iisis rasa* a Uise in 1960. SiM (t) Beaaa P eitr visltes warawia fa lha Caaa A spoil The Dactan •fas wOda. slara. (MMto DaaM Baaoa nia High t A* (m7 b ^ ■* Dtoney — wtttyaa aaetot from Psaa Paifatr, Hadlya Bhaa. ton, said Shou) Marks •lee “ ~ A gaassa "gaddaas* plans to be found cartoon maglc-1c aeeigne hie ani. M Sha fliM sapfais DoaM. factor” toptfd emtoeaiy. Tliikcr Ben, to ( f t ) naaah Ohsf oonduet vlewan on a awit^ sjsrssbjrss: bleak tot 10th__ A • * Year.- of F or c through Disneyland. At the The ASS' Seeping Beauty Castte, a fast: tra ffic dt Disneylatu stenting chorua of dUamey FRIDAY Teievition PROGRAM day thr earaepo wefoom ai M ary Popphu month. T (portrayed by Xnrrl Themaa) *Ptoneytond 10th Anniver- "Aiah at 1-ast V, aa aba aalto in on her open um­ t Tawa Ortor Btfakfay a special program mark* LOearlsa gsssssfar counted htg the sUrt of Htoneyland’a brella. There will be a mam- n AuicaMara aa Parage m WhaTs Msw Chrlstma •eoood decade, wlH be presented aiotti oaks with its precision •iH I Haifaaafa at Oaufaat aad •tM (Mi local Maws, Ira Crara Callfon line of 10 dancing’ candles—and •iM (M ) Msws- U t « | ^ an “Walt Otoney’a Wooderflil It U (to (II Mm'Bdatfailsaal Ms TV 7m (g^Dsalh Ta the next World of Color” tomorrow ftom there wW be maroUng bands, 7 (to The n Baahers — T.V. U iM (11-11) Awmm^ I with 45 U .T:M to 8:30 pm. pom-pom girts, Disney oharae- i a Myrtwr toMw ( to Ira Cmaa Illinois I 'ten led by Mickey Ifousc, and (to OpanSrainS&a Ai lp h M (•to Wealksf sag Ms Watt Disney, emcee of' the (M> A s m M a w s Only eigl program, will review Disney a regim ent o f tfai aokUera (IMU News aag W • (M ) DiA F BsU. ___ the hoUc W=d'farifr.‘« t TiM (0 ) Haas B0hllehta land’s hittory and ten how the marching down the perk’s main i.-ee 8 ... ItM (to dea\h - ! ■aoga.— (M) Jparto Hyraa project once considered by etroet. „ i i i e (It . WMk Olafto (ID Maws HawaU, many to be unfeasible, became Disney will escort a 20-year- ( t e > — letal Ctosaraai ItM (to BawkMa - - old M a ^ Kingdom tour guide, i i i e (to Bicharda a reality. ' (to --- TsBi garaklar trafas yaaag gunMa, Hayley MlBa, wtth her father, Julie Reifam, who hui huu > Bampsr Bsara pus•• Ifcratkai sgafart akf sn o. IN MU81GAL8 actor John Milto, and her moth­ *7ftoe . Disneyland," > Tsday ta Oaaa. (M.- .M M D n Tha Ptfatsisais JuUe Aadnwi. Um o rig iiu d St Baaa The Clawa (Oalar)(Osier) Frag flags toe m BUaa DooUtUg'of BroadwaVg er, will be at the dedication of thPougfi the Disney' studio’s ■iM (») Depaty Dawg kaag s u ka's fcasgfct Is waalig "Rnaginecrijig'Rocm.’’ and de­ •tie (to l ^ r a U Ta W aver kyjawsl faisraa “My ratr Lady.” has o g ^ aoo of the now attractions, with NBC to star on a numbar T8-foot-high tree house. Louto scribe some .of the new attrac- Yaaag Hartlale (tt) As Scksals Matek WMs tiMia now in the works. ({to Basspar Beam (M) of musical opcclala starting Armstrong, The Young Men M (i) News (M) fafarastlsasi •kswilais next Spring. ^ ft«m New. Orleans and The Klre H ak».B aaa far Daddy uaa Araaefce, kaat. "Arairlai <•> Oaaarai HaapMal lea Faafasr.’’ Bouse Five Flue Two are (to) Oala Staras • iM (tt) Nakag OMy among other participating llt N (to Havfa (IIM e) Ihrater's Ifaeghfas s a. Orefa^ST^ Coming Shows ltl| (to Faatars ( | ^ ) Bak Hapa Thaaira SAVE 11 (Oalar) lasrea - -- - Cldrk Gable and Marilyn .. ... ®*Ha Pea Pickers Osbar, get-aai prlvaia ays by installing an Monroe appear in ‘Thd^ M isfits’’ 11 iM itiS S ) Jeaaargy (eels kla w i f e aag______kar twia . . c Price U Bigkt on ABCTs “The Sunday Night U tM (1) Lev# Of Ufe mar fa iaralveg ta maider. M ovie’’ tom orrow 8-11 p.m. (IM -II) Tfa Agdaau Family (M-M> S » Wken Tks pastmu sarraa aS anger-, AMBMCAN's$taiubrd .. „ J!"**^* ifcaBa Seed carer agast la sea if tfa fi The problem of teen-age U (to Searak Per Temerraw fly is seadlng cadeg ragia.B ^M nek <*M I) Tratk ar Caaseqaenoas aages. cast iron, gas-find drinking will b e examined______on (l- t l^ > Father Kaaws Beat N the "ABC Scope" program. “An •iM n-MM) Valentlse’s Day r* ELECTRONICS ItM (I ) Beal SeUer Tara Frsaciasa. Val pasas _ Age to Drtok,’' .Wednesday (to Marie (M> Bella Pea Pickers a Jaga master la aava Becky LABO.RATORIES 10:30-11 pjn. J «P «“ «»a ' glH’s Mala (t--- t )Mews N --- wresUtag kratkera. }:SJ (M ) Open Miag ItN (to As Tka WerM Taras 277 BROAD 8HAGOT UMW ■•I Oasrar aM Chad and Jeremy, two abag- (M) Bdacatieaai t t Ika gaaeinglassau______fa was BOILER (t»M> Bet’sm smmstimHake a A Deal gy-haired Britiah singers, sp- w u k during our off-sosson EXPERT peap ea themselvQs in an up- ItH (tt^ to MaWs"^ Qaaala: Jack iim ss, Tletar liM (to Puswatd Oarrall. ootntng spoof or the current (g-M ) Mamesl at Tratk SERVICE look in pop singers on CBS’ (I-N -M ) U O'Clack Hlgk IlMa a. (to Hasaa Party '■ Jtavaie Mags a faraMr'gM “The Dl<* Van Dyke Show” (»dto Tka D^lara M all makes Wedneedaya. SttE : ,M .“s n s j ” ■■<>” • (t) Feaisre iH^to Jack Farr af TV aid (ius’fjs.risss .(•) TsailsuaiaT „ (MAto Oaaeral HaapMal (ID Danger Man RADIOS PETS <|M (to Ta TaU The T riU T . . . . W-^aad ^few», Waalhar, aag a aa JJMS* **“ Harriads M. C A U 649-1124 4iM ( I ) Banaar Aadr Skew ( g ) M g News P E T F O O D S " f l Waalhae H'W.-Ij!) Ira Craae ^•R adle, Satoe and Service itt) TSaigkl P E T A T T IR E ttH (*6l8(tilS MewsS*»“““ »‘«r U rtt (|) Amariea’s OreataQl Martas «tM (SW Hsvls TfaM Oenbe Saepfar I.M | g : ^ _ GARNER'S m— fa—1_ I ■' rWwTlmMmn '(S^2.5.5S!.**^ PAINTING Clofiii, CKUot S M d s, $Inh Im bterior, Kxtettor • DopoodaUo , Low* McrfiiHwaiwG- Wallpaper B o ^ M rs.. Pape^Nhagtag • Eoonoinicsl as Ma ' Lo w r M o w g k ' I New (-- aytana Sloora aad OelllagB Oporgtkm Mrs. Ropolrads (M, Painted and Beflnlahed PIOCHIPApfUVflQr SharpmeU S isa____ ItM « t o Bkl__ %part Workmnnehlp Onarnnleod NBW.14 n* OAS RATM ItM (to Maws, .IfastkM\______aad Bparts CALL 649-1752- UTTLE& (M> Tspln P lu Ora Pnlly huored K T E R i m n tak Etadleys— Gamer b ((d (lN N E Y • iM (tto V.a~-.C. LEO PELLETIER Ml 18 wooDM inwR flr. SIS Oa-OSMT - , OBsnonS R Qrtowold St Maheheeter MsBehedtui EM SOW •iMa .< (tl> art!;*” Special Bcssit* ■ diM (to M w MS-BOW' H i Mnin St, Mnnehestar To

By I ( B p ^ , NEW linary Ii y e s ttts d i tation t woman Conn.” Hurley, who doe ■upermt