'Networking Peace' Comprehensive Strategies for Sustainable Conflict Management in a Complex Security Environment – the German Approach

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'Networking Peace' Comprehensive Strategies for Sustainable Conflict Management in a Complex Security Environment – the German Approach 'Networking Peace' Comprehensive strategies for sustainable conflict management in a complex security environment – the German approach. Jael Aheram, “War & Peace”, creative common license Master Thesis by Frauke Seebass s4837800 Supervisor: Dr. Bert Bomert Radboud University M.A. Human Geography Conflict, Territories and Identities 2016-2017 Contents Page Figures and Tables iii List of Abbreviations iii Acknowledgments vi Executive Summary vi 1) Introduction 1 2) Methodological structure: data collection and research design 2 2.1) Literature Review 4 2.2) Semi-structured guided expert interviews 4 2.3) Focus Study: Mixed methods 6 2.4) Evaluation of the research process 7 3) Literature review: theoretical framework and conceptual outline 8 3.1) The Security-Development Nexus and International Peacekeeping: critical assessment on 'global security' 8 3.2) Of peacekeeping and nation-building: current intervention culture 9 3.3) 'Nation-building': reconstructing 'fragile' states 10 3.4) Civil-military interaction for peace and security 12 3.5) The Comprehensive Approach 15 4) The German discourse 18 4.1) Timeline German Comprehensive Approach 19 4.1.1) Preventing Crises, Managing Conflicts, Supporting Peace: Guidelines of the Federal Government 21 4.2) National actors 25 4.2.1) Foreign Office 29 4.2.2) Interior Ministry 31 4.2.3) Ministry of Defense 34 4.2.4) Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development 37 4.2.5) Non-governmental actors 39 4.3) International Cooperation: NATO, EU, UN & OSCE 41 5) Practicing Comprehension: The Berlin Center for International Peacekeeping 45 Operations 6) Discussion 47 6.1) Focus on prevention: anticipatory politics versus political diffidence 48 6.2) Focus on sustainability: national, international and human security 50 6.3) Focus on ownership: top-down vs. bottom-up 51 ii 7) Conclusion 53 Bibliography 56 Appendix 68 Figures and Tables page Figure 1: One version of the Grounded Theory Approach. 3 Figure 2: Civil-military interaction matrix. 13 Figure 3: German involvement in international police missions. 32 Figure 4: Foreign deployment of the Bundeswehr. 34 List of Abbreviations 3D-Approach: Defence, Diplomacy and Development AA: Auswärtiges Amt / German Federal Foreign Office AG IPM: Arbeitsgruppe Internationale Polizeimissionen / Working Group International Police Missions AIZ: Akademie für Internationale Zusammenarbeit / Academy for International Cooperation AKNZ:Akademie für Krisenmanagement, Notfallplanung und Zivilschutz / Academy for Crisis Management, Emergency Planning and Civil Protection AU: African Union BAKS: Bundesakademie für Sicherheitspolitik / Federal Academy for Security Policy BBK: Bundesamt für Bevölkerungsschutz und Katastrophenhilfe / Federal Office for Citizen Protection and Disaster Support BfV: Bundesamt für Verfassungsschutz / Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution BKA: Bundeskriminalamt / Federal Criminal Police Office BMF: Bundesfinanzministerium / Federal Ministry of Finance BMI: Bundesministerium des Innern / German Federal Ministry for the Interior BMJV: Bundeministerium für Justiz und Verbraucherschutz / Federal Ministry of Justice and Consumer Protection BMVg: Bundesministerium der Verteidigung / German Federal Ministry for Defense BMWi: Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Energie / Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy BMZ: Bundesministerium für Wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung / German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development BSH: Bundesverband Sicherheitspolitik an Hochschulen / Federal Association for Security Policy at Universities BSV: Bund für Soziale Verteidigung / Federation for Social Defense CA: Comprehensive Approach CDU: Christlich-Demokratische Union / German Christian Democratic Union CIMIC: Civil-military cooperation iii CMCoord: United Nations Civil-Military Coordination CSDP: EU Common Security and Defense Policy DEval: Deutsches Evaluierungsinstitut der Entwicklungszusammenarbeit / German Evaluation Institute for Development Cooperation DNS: Deutsche Nachhaltigkeitsstrategie / German Sustainability Strategy DPA: UN Department of Political Affairs DPKO: UN Department of Peacekeeping Operations ECHO: European Civil Protection and Humanitarian aid Operations EDAP: European Defense Action Plan ENTRi: Europe’s New Training Initiative for Civilian Crisis Management (ENTRi) EU: European Union EUGS: European Union Global Strategy on Foreign and Security Policy EUISS: European Union Institute for Security Studies FDP: Freie Demokratische Partei / German Liberal Party FES: Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung / Friedrich Ebert Foundation FRG: Federal Republic of Germany / Bundesrepublik Deutschland FriEnt: Arbeitsgemeinschaft Frieden und Entwicklung / Working Group on Peace and Development FüAk: Führungsakademie der Bundeswehr / Bundeswehr Staff College G7: Group of seven major industrial countries + EU (G8 before expulsion of Russia in 2014) G20: Group of 19 major industrial countries + EU GdP: Gewerkschaft der Polizei / German Police Union GIZ: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit / German Society for International Cooperation GNI: Gross National Income Grüne: Bündnis 90/Die Grünen / German Green Party HIPPO: UN High-Level Independent Panel on Peace Operations IA: Integrated Approach ICD: International Capacity Development IcSP: EU Instrument contributing to Stability and Peace ICRC: International Committee of the Red Cross IHP: International Humanitarian Partnership IPP: Integrierter Planungsprozess der Bundeswehr / Integrated Planning Process of the German Armed Forces ISAF: International Security Assistance Force (NATO mission in Afghanistan) KfW: Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau / Reconstruction Credit Institute LKA: Landeskriminalamt / State Office of Criminal Investigations MENA: Middle East and North Africa MINUSMA: United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in Mali NATO: North Atlantic Treaty Organization iv NCW: Network-Centric Warfare ODA: Official Development Aid OECD: Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development OECD DAC: OECD Development Assistance Committee OSCE: Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe Polizei DBT: Polizei beim Deutschen Bundestag / German Parliament Police PRTs: Provincial Reconstruction Teams R2P: Responsibility to Protect SDGs: Sustainable Development Goals SDIP: EU Implementation Plan on Security and Defence SPD: Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands / German Social Democratic Party TPP: Training Partner Platform UN: United Nations UNCTAD: United Nations Conference on Trade And Development ZFD: Ziviler Friedensdienst / Civil Peace Service ZIF: Zentrum für Internationale Friedenseinsätze / Center for International Peace Operations “Effective peace-building also requires concurrent and integrated action on many different fronts: military, diplomatic, political, economic, social, humanitarian, and the many imponderables that go to make up a coherent and stable social fabric. These efforts range from demilitarization to building up national institutions, including police and judicial systems; promoting human rights; monitoring elections; encouraging formal and informal processes of political participation; providing sustainable sources of livelihood to demobilized combatants and returning refugees and displaced persons, through training programmes, the reactivation of the economy and the provision of social services; and stimulating the normal process of economic and social development which will benefit the population as a whole and provide the most secure basis for lasting peace.” -– United Nations Department of Political Affairs, quoted in Cutter (2005) “For the human mind absolute continuity of motion is inconceivable. The laws behind any motion become comprehensible to man only when he breaks that motion down into arbitrarily selected units and subjects these to examination. But at the same time this arbitrary sub- division of continuous motion into discontinuous units is the cause of much human error.” --- Leo Tolstoy: War and Peace, 1869 v Acknowledgements For their invaluable support in the process of my research, I am highly grateful to Ulrich Wittkampf and Andreas Wittkowsky, who provided me with an extensive introduction to the German theory and practice of comprehension for peacekeeping missions. Their support and the encouragement and openness of the entire team at the Berliner Zentrum für Internationale Friedenseinsätze opened many doors for the progress of my master thesis research. Other important contributions came from Julie Brethfeld, Friederike Dahns, Ute Finckh-Krämer, Sebastian Gold, Volker Halbauer, Sabine Jaberg, Jörg Knoechelmann, Hans Scheen, Simone Schicktanz, Bodo Schulze, Christine Schweitzer, Niels Zimmermann (in alphabetic order) and those informants who preferred anonymity. Their open and critical insider assessment of procedures within state and non-governmental agencies provided key findings throughout my investigations, and the conclusions of this thesis would not have been possible without them. Professor Jan Pronk is mentioned here not only in memory of the many stimulating discussions in the classroom of Radboud University but especially for his kind enabling of my participation in the Common Effort 2017 conference from 29 May to 2 June in Berlin, which was only made possible through his personal recommendation. Further thanks go out to Felix Rüdiger whose distinct angle coming from a background of political science added fruitfully to the reflection of my own normative
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