OFFICIAL STAtus AS A Tool OF LANGUAGE RevivAL? A StuDY OF THE LANGUAGE LAWS in RussiA’S Finno-UGriC REPUBliCS KONSTAntin ZAMYAtin Researcher, PhD Candidate Department of Finnish, Finno-Ugrian and Scandinavian Studies University of Helsinki P.O. Box 24, FIN-00014, Finland e-mail:
[email protected] ABSTRACT This study explores the legal and institutional position of Finno-Ugric languages according to the language laws of the national republics in post-Soviet Russia. The aim is to understand whether the republican authorities intended to use the official designation of state language as a policy device with which to ensure the revival of titular languages. The approach of the study is to test revivalist theories that estab- lish a link between official status and language revival by comparing the number of institutionalised elements of official status in the republics. For the purpose of comparison, the study focuses on education and work environment among the domains within the public sphere of language use. The results demonstrate that the framing of official status in these sectors provided only some additional oppor- tunities for the expansion of language use, while the extent of their institutionali- sation directly correlated with the level of political representation of ethnic elites. KEYWORDS: official language · language revival · language laws · Finno-Ugric peoples · Russia INTRODUCTION Change in language behaviour is an outcome of a complicated variety of sociolinguistic, political and legal processes, and the study of language policy alone cannot explain all tendencies in language practices. Yet, without doubt, the impact of state language policy is among the most important causes for change in a sociolinguistic situation, although this change will not always be one that policy-makers envisage as their goal.