October 2014
Consultation Document Future Provision of Hospital Services for Older People Consultation from 12th June 2014 until Friday 31st October 2014 1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Trust is committed to supporting older people to live as long as possible in their own homes, living independent lives and being able to choose how their needs are met. We are now caring for more older people at home with the support of a range of community teams and services and making best use of the latest technology. We want to ensure that when older people do need hospital care, that they are able to quickly access care in a hospital environment that is high quality, delivered in an appropriate setting by a team of compassionate, respectful and expert health professionals with access to all the necessary diagnostics, specialist knowledge and treatment. Currently, the Trust provides hospital care for older people at Craigavon Area Hospital, Daisy Hill Hospital, Lurgan Hospital and Loane House (South Tyrone Hospital). Patients admitted to Craigavon or Daisy Hill will have the support of teams of specialist staff; access to a range of diagnostic services; and have 24 hour pharmacy and laboratory support available. In Lurgan Hospital and Loane House, which are small stand- alone units, there is not the same immediate access to all of these services. This means that if a patient’s condition deteriorates they have to be transferred from these hospitals, usually to Craigavon Area Hospital, for assessment, diagnostics and treatment which can be distressing and upsetting for older patients and their families. It is also becoming increasingly difficult to maintain the right level of medical cover at evenings and weekends at Lurgan and Loane House.
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