2020 no. 11 £6.50 (free to members) 2020 Isaiah Berlin Lecture Turkey Ethiopia Balkans Nuclear Weapons Brazil EVENTS CONTENTS 7th December LIBG Forum The US Elections: Has LIBG 2020 Programme page 3 the international liberal order been saved? 6.30pm by Zoom. See page 3. 2020 Isaiah Berlin Lecture: The Ten 7th December Hong Kong: The Decline of Commandments of Isaiah Berlin, by Henry Hardy pages 4-9 democracy and how young Liberals can help. 6.00pm by Webex. See page 21. Erdogan and Turkey, Guy Burton. pages 10-12 20th December IFLRY – 47th General Assembly Online – 2.00pm Berlin Time. International Abstracts. page 12 18th- 21st February - Young Liberals online Conflict in Ethiopia: LIBG Briefing, by conference. Rebecca Tinsley. pages 13-14 19th-21st March – Liberal Democrats Spring Honduras & the Prohibition of Nuclear Conference. Weapons, by Sandy Jones & Kevin White pages 15-16 For bookings & other information please contact the Treasurer below. Blowing his Trumpet in the Balkans, by NLC= National Liberal Club, Whitehall Place, John Martin. pages 17-18 London SW1A 2HE Biden, Brazil and Bolsonaro… & COP26, Underground: Embankment by Keith Melton. pages 19-20 New LIBG Executive page 21 Young Liberals International Officer page 21 Hong Kong: The Decline of democracy and Liberal International (British Group) how young Liberals can help. page 21 Treasurer: Wendy Kyrle-Pope, 1 Brook Gardens, Barnes, Tightening the Grip of the Iron Fist Rule London SW13 0LY (Hong Kong) by Larry Ngan. pages 22-23 email
[email protected] Reviews pages 24-28 Photographs: Liberal International, Christine Graf InterLib is published by the Liberal International (British Group).