Report on Matters of National Environmental Significance 13 October 2008 Job No. 7800/41 Shute Harbour Marina Development Pty Ltd SHUTE HARBOUR MARINA RESORT REPORT ON MATTERS OF NATIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL SIGNIFICANCE Cardno (Qld) Pty Ltd ABN 57 051 074 992 Level 11 Green Square North Tower 515 St Paul’s Terrace Fortitude Valley Qld 4006 Locked Bag 4006 Fortitude Valley Queensland 4006 Australia Telephone: 07 3369 9822 Facsimile: 07 3369 9722 International: +61 7 3369 9822
[email protected] Document Control Author Reviewer Version Date Name Initials Name Initials 1 31 July 2008 Monica Campbell MC John Delaney JD 2 13 October 2008 Monica Campbell John Delaney "© 2008 Cardno (Qld) Pty Ltd All Rights Reserved. Copyright in the whole and every part of this document belongs to Cardno (Qld) Pty Ltd and may not be used, sold, transferred, copied or reproduced in whole or in part in any manner or form or in or on any media to any person without the prior written consent of Cardno (Qld) Pty Ltd.” Shute Harbour Marina Development Pty Ltd Version 2 13 October 2008 Matters of NES V2 (2).doc Commercial in Confidence Page i SHUTE HARBOUR MARINA RESORT REPORT ON MATTERS OF NATIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL SIGNIFICANCE SHUTE HARBOUR MARINA RESORT REPORT ON MATTERS OF NATIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL SIGNIFICANCE TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................. 1 2. DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSED ACTION ................................................................