South Coast, Western Australia

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South Coast, Western Australia Biodiversity Summary for NRM Regions Species List What is the summary for and where does it come from? This list has been produced by the Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities (SEWPC) for the Natural Resource Management Spatial Information System. The list was produced using the AustralianAustralian Natural Natural Heritage Heritage Assessment Assessment Tool Tool (ANHAT), which analyses data from a range of plant and animal surveys and collections from across Australia to automatically generate a report for each NRM region. Data sources (Appendix 2) include national and state herbaria, museums, state governments, CSIRO, Birds Australia and a range of surveys conducted by or for DEWHA. For each family of plant and animal covered by ANHAT (Appendix 1), this document gives the number of species in the country and how many of them are found in the region. It also identifies species listed as Vulnerable, Critically Endangered, Endangered or Conservation Dependent under the EPBC Act. A biodiversity summary for this region is also available. For more information please see: Limitations • ANHAT currently contains information on the distribution of over 30,000 Australian taxa. This includes all mammals, birds, reptiles, frogs and fish, 137 families of vascular plants (over 15,000 species) and a range of invertebrate groups. Groups notnot yet yet covered covered in inANHAT ANHAT are notnot included included in in the the list. list. • The data used come from authoritative sources, but they are not perfect. All species names have been confirmed as valid species names, but it is not possible to confirm all species locations. The list summarises the input data, so errors in the data received would be reflected in this document. • The scientific names and taxonomic concepts used in this report reflect an ANHAT view of the data and not necessarily that found in government censuses, databases or other authoritative lists. Species list for South Coast WA Page 1 of 146 21-Jan-11 Species List for NRM Region South Coast, Western Australia This list was produced by the Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities using the Australian Natural Heritage Assessment Tool (ANHAT). ANHAT is a database and decision support tool which uses over 33 million specimen and survey records for vertebrates, selected invertebrates and 137 vascular plant families (over 15,000 species). This species list does not include exotic or extinct species. Species are shown only if they belong to the families covered in ANHAT as shown in Appendix 1 and ANHAT holds records of the species from this region. Proportion of Most EPBC sampled range recent Common Name Status in the region (%) record Vertebrate fauna Actinopterygii Atherinidae Hardyheads, (1 out of 20 species in Australia) Silversides, Whitebait Atherinosoma elongata Elongate Hardyhead, 19 1970 Clinidae Snake Blennies, (1 out of 1 species in Australia) Weedfishes Cristiceps australis Southern Crested Weedfish 2 1988 Galaxiidae Galaxias, (7 out of 23 species in Australia) Salamanderfish Galaxias maculatus Common Galaxias 5 1970 Galaxias occidentalis Western Galaxias 30 1966 Galaxias rostratus Flathead Galaxias 3 1966 Galaxias truttaceus Trout Galaxias <1 1966 Galaxiella munda Western Dwarf Galaxias 38 1966 Galaxiella nigrostriata Blackstriped Dwarf Galaxias 50 1966 Lepidogalaxias salamandroides Salamanderfish 40 1966 Gobiidae Gobies (2 out of 99 species in Australia) Favonigobius lateralis Southern Longfin Goby 4 1966 Pseudogobius olorum Bluespot Goby 2 1966 Labridae Wrasses, Parrotfishes, (2 out of 2 species in Australia) Rockwhitings Haletta semifasciata Blue Weed-whiting 5 1988 Neoodax balteatus Little Weed Whiting 6 1988 Species list for South Coast WA Page 2 of 146 21-Jan-11 Species list for South Coast WA Proportion of Most EPBC sampled range recent Common Name Status in the region (%) record Mugilidae Mullets (2 out of 18 species in Australia) Aldrichetta forsteri Yelloweye Mullet 3 1970 Mugil cephalus Sea Mullet 1 1970 Percichthyidae Australian Freshwater (1 out of 17 species in Australia) Basses, Australian Freshwater Blackfish, Australian Freshwater Cods, Temperate Seabasses Bostockia porosa Nightfish 33 1966 Plesiopidae Blue Devil, Longfins, (1 out of 1 species in Australia) Prettyfins, Roundhead, Roundheads Paraplesiops sinclairi Western Blue Devil 100 1986 Pleuronectidae Right Handed (1 out of 3 species in Australia) Flatfishes, Righteye Flounders Ammotretis elongatus Elongate Flounder 18 1986 Plotosidae Eel-Tailed Catfishes (1 out of 19 species in Australia) Cnidoglanis macrocephalus Estuary Cobbler 12 1970 Scatophagidae Butterfishes, Scats (1 out of 1 species in Australia) Selenotoca multifasciata 3 Sillaginidae Sillagos, Whitings (1 out of 6 species in Australia) Sillago maculata Trumpeter Whiting 6 Sparidae Breams, Porgies, (1 out of 5 species in Australia) Seabreams Acanthopagrus butcheri Black Bream 5 1970 Terapontidae Grunters (1 out of 33 species in Australia) Leiopotherapon unicolor Spangled Perch <1 Tetraodontidae Blowfishes, (1 out of 18 species in Australia) Pufferfishes, Puffers, Toadfishes, Tobys Torquigener pleurogramma Weeping Toadfish 7 1969 Species are shown only if they belong to the families covered in ANHAT as shown in Page 3 of 146 21-Jan-11 Appendix 1 and ANHAT holds records of the species from this region. Species list for South Coast WA Proportion of Most EPBC sampled range recent Common Name Status in the region (%) record Tetrarogidae Fortesques, Sailback (1 out of 4 species in Australia) Scorpionfishes, Waspfish Gymnapistes marmoratus Soldier 1 1988 Amphibia Hylidae Tree-Frogs (7 out of 81 species in Australia) Cyclorana australis Giant Frog <1 Litoria adelaidensis Slender Tree Frog 38 2002 Litoria caerulea Green Tree Frog <1 Litoria chloris Red-eyed Tree Frog <1 Litoria cyclorhyncha Spotted-thighed Frog 73 2004 Litoria moorei Motor-bike Frog 17 2000 Litoria rubella Red Tree Frog <1 Myobatrachidae Myobatrachid or (24 out of 121 species in Australia) Southern Frogs Crinia georgiana Quacking Frog 32 2002 Crinia glauerti Glauerts Frog 22 2002 Crinia insignifera Squelching Frog 2 1985 Crinia pseudinsignifera Bleating Frog 26 2004 Crinia signifera Common Froglet <1 Crinia subinsignifera South Coast Froglet 58 1992 Geocrinia leai Leas Frog 17 2000 Geocrinia lutea Nornalup Frog 33 2001 Geocrinia rosea Roseate Frog 7 1986 Heleioporus albopunctatus Western Spotted Frog 10 2002 Heleioporus barycragus Western Marsh Frog 4 1976 Heleioporus eyrei Moaning Frog 23 2002 Heleioporus inornatus Plain Frog 8 1981 Heleioporus psammophilus Sand Frog 27 2002 Limnodynastes dorsalis Banjo Frog 28 2002 Metacrinia nichollsi Nicholls Froglet 40 2001 Myobatrachus gouldii Turtle Frog 15 2002 Neobatrachus albipes White-footed Trilling Frog 45 2002 Neobatrachus kunapalari Kunapalari Frog 7 2002 Neobatrachus pelobatoides Humming Frog 8 2002 Neobatrachus sutor Shoemaker Frog 2 2002 Pseudophryne guentheri Gunther's Froglet 15 2002 Pseudophryne occidentalis Western Froglet 3 1973 Spicospina flammocaerulea Sunset Frog Endangered 100 2001 Species are shown only if they belong to the families covered in ANHAT as shown in Page 4 of 146 21-Jan-11 Appendix 1 and ANHAT holds records of the species from this region. Species list for South Coast WA Proportion of Most EPBC sampled range recent Common Name Status in the region (%) record Aves Acanthizidae Scrubwrens, Thornbills (11 out of 43 species in Australia) and Allies Acanthiza apicalis Inland Thornbill 5 2003 Acanthiza chrysorrhoa Yellow-rumped Thornbill 2 2003 Acanthiza inornata Western Thornbill 23 2002 Acanthiza uropygialis Chestnut-rumped Thornbill <1 2001 Calamanthus campestris Rufous Fieldwren <1 1970 Calamanthus cautus Shy Heathwren 7 2001 Dasyornis longirostris Western Bristlebird Vulnerable 93 2002 Gerygone fusca Western Gerygone 5 2003 Pyrrholaemus brunneus Redthroat <1 2001 Sericornis frontalis White-browed Scrubwren 4 2003 Smicrornis brevirostris Weebill 2 2003 Accipitridae Eagles, Hawks and Kites (13 out of 19 species in Australia) Accipiter cirrhocephalus Collared Sparrowhawk 1 2002 Accipiter fasciatus Brown Goshawk 1 2002 Aquila audax Wedge-tailed Eagle 1 2002 Circus approximans Swamp Harrier 2 2002 Circus assimilis Spotted Harrier <1 2001 Elanus axillaris Black-shouldered Kite 2 2002 Elanus scriptus Letter-winged Kite <1 1994 Haliaeetus leucogaster White-bellied Sea-Eagle 1 2002 Haliastur sphenurus Whistling Kite <1 2002 Hieraaetus morphnoides Little Eagle 2 2002 Lophoictinia isura Square-tailed Kite 5 2002 Milvus migrans Black Kite <1 2000 Pandion haliaetus Osprey 2 2002 Aegothelidae Owlet Nightjars (1 out of 1 species in Australia) Aegotheles cristatus Australian Owlet-nightjar <1 2002 Alcedinidae Kingfishers and (2 out of 10 species in Australia) Kookaburras Dacelo novaeguineae Laughing Kookaburra <1 2000 Todiramphus sanctus Sacred Kingfisher 1 2002 Species are shown only if they belong to the families covered in ANHAT as shown in Page 5 of 146 21-Jan-11 Appendix 1 and ANHAT holds records of the species from this region. Species list for South Coast WA Proportion of Most EPBC sampled range recent Common Name Status in the region (%) record Anatidae Swans, Ducks and (13 out of 20 species in Australia) Geese Anas castanea Chestnut Teal 4 2002 Anas gracilis Grey Teal 1 2002 Anas rhynchotis Australasian Shoveler 2 2002 Anas superciliosa Pacific Black Duck 2 2002 Aythya australis Hardhead <1 2002 Biziura lobata Musk Duck 3 2002
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