Volume 50, No. 5 (May 1951)

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Volume 50, No. 5 (May 1951) WHERE THE i CURTAIN FALLS i By Jan Valtin How to Win a Contest How to pamper a husband When a grass-cutting luisl)and lies down on the job, it's a wise wife who hurries Sciditz to tlie iiamniociv. More foli<s (including husbands) like the taste of Schlitz than any other beer. In fact. Schlitz tastes so good to so many peo|)le that it's . The Largest-spUing Beer in America Hear Radio's Brightest Comedy: Mr. timl Mrs. Rounltl Colrnnn star fur Selililz a- "The llnlls of Ivy" every W. dni i-ilay over NBC © 1951, JOS. SCHLITZ BREWING CO., MILWAUKEE, WIS. 5i There's a big difference between walnut, i. walrus —and there is a powerful difference, foo# between gusnline and ^^ETHYL^^ gasoline! There is nothing like "Ethyl" gasoline . for bringing out the top performance of a new cor ... or making an older one feel young again! When you see the familiar yellow-and-black "Ethyl" emblem on a pump, you know you are getting this better gasoline. "Ethyl" antiknock fluid is the famous ingredient that steps up power and performance. Ethyl Corporation, NewYork 17,N.Y. (technical) Other products sold under the "Ethyl" trade-mark: sail caks ; : ; ethylena dichloridd . sodium (metallic) . chlorina (liquid) > : : oil solubis dye : ; t benzene hexachlorido ! !— - vol. M Ml. B Vitalis ilVfc-AeriOlfcare givG5 you LEGION HandsomQr Mair Coiitvnts for 3iuy 19!il The poppy scene on nvir eover lof)Us like so many Main Streets PEDRO THE GAMBLER (fiction) that there'll protiably l)e a goo<i (leal of guess- BY JIM K.TELG.'^.4RD 11 ing as to the actual He never knew what a long chance he look. locale. The truth is it's a composite illustra- WHERE THE CURTAIN FALLS tion. The right side of V.ALTIN 12 the painting is from BY J.\N a photo of Main Street, Violence and death are common where East faces West Wilkes-Bane, Pa. The \n Germany. buildings in the back- ground are based on BETTER GOLF WITHOUT PRACTICE photos of Omaha and BY OSCAR FRALEY 14 Indianapolis. How to chip a few strokes off that miserable score. POSTMASTER: Pleass DOES VETERANS PREFERENCE CRIPPLE CIVIL send copies returned under labels Fornt 3579 SERVICE? to Post Office Box BY SAM STAVISKY 16 1055, Indinnaitolis 6, Indiana. A question that directly affects millions of ex-G.I.'s HOW TO WIN A CONTEST The American tegion BY WILLIAM SUNNERS o.s told to Lester David 18 Magazine is the official publication of The Ameri- This may help yon win that grand prize of .$10.00(1 can tegion and is owned or $25,oiin. exclusively by The Ameri- FEELtfie difference can tegion. Copyright MASS PRODUCED PATCHWORK FOR MEN IN 1951. Published monthly at 1100 W. Broadmoy, UNIFORM 20 in yourscalp-SEE the difference touisville, Ky. Acceptance Hon-'s h(i\v thoy make those ornaments that make the for moiling at special rote unilVirni. in your hair of postage provided for in Section 1 103, Act of Oct. GO SOUTH FOR FUN AND PROFIT 3, 1917, oufhorized Jan. a wonderful wake-up glow in your 5, 1925. Price single copy, BY WILLIAM LA VARRE 22 What 15 cents; yearly subscrip- If you'r e an exjicrt they can use you in Latin America. scalp — when you use "Live-Action" tion, $1.50. Entered as second cla:s matter June Vitalis and the '•60-Second Workout!" 30, 1 948, at the Post THE NEW MARINE CORPS 24 50 seconds' massage with active Office at touisville, Ky., Four pages of pictures showing how Leathernecks get under the Act of Morch that way. Vitalis (1) stimulates the scalp (2) pre- 3, 1879. Non-member sub- scriptions should be vents dryness (3) routs flaky dandrufl" sent to the Circulation Depart- YOU SHOULD KNOW ABOUT THIS BOOK (4) helps check excessive falling hair. ment of The American BY BURTON RASCOE 28 tegion Magazine, P. O. and An example of how a key book is slanted left. Then 10 seconds to comb Box 1055, Indianapolis 6, your hair is neater, handsomer—set to Indiano. stay that way all day! Natural looking EXECUTIVE AND never "slicked down." Vitalis contains ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICES no greasy liquid petrolatum —just pure, lndiana|iolis 6, Indiono natural vegetable oil. EDITORIAL AND SOUND OFF I 1 NEWSLETTER 37 For a scalp that feds its bc-^t and hair ADVERTISING EDITORS' CORNER . 6 VETS IDEAS 51 580 Fiflli Avenue WITH that looks its best, get Vitalis today. At York PRODUCTS PARADE 8 P VRTING SHOTS 6! any drug counter or at Nevj 19, N. Y. your barber shop. WESTERN OFFICE Manuscripts, artwork, cartoon.s submitted for consideration will not 333 North MIchigon Avenue be i"cturnod unless a self-addressed, stamped envelope is included. • Many skin specialists Chicogo 1, Illinois prescribe two of Vitalis' ingredients for dry, basic Erie Cocke, Jr., National Commander^ I ndianapol is flaky scalp. John Stello, Mc Leans Long Armstrong, Spo- L. Sears, Toledo, Ohio; Please notify the boro, Illinois., Choirman kane, V^osh.; Chorles George D. Levy, Sum of the Legion Publico- E. Booth, Huntington, Circulation Depart- ter, S. C; Roland Coc ment, Publications tions Commission; Dan W. Va.; Dr. Chorles R. reham, Baton Rouge W. Emmetf, Ventura, Logan, Keokuk, Iov,'a; Division. P. O. Box Lo.; George D. Boron California, and Ear! L. Dave H. Fleischer, St. Indianapolis, Bethany, Conn.; Her 1055. Meyer, Alliance, Ne- Louis, Mo.; Emmett schiel L. Hunt, Austin Intliana. if you have braska, Vice-Chairmen. Saf ay, Jacksonville, mis A Product of changed your ad- Tex.; Earl Hitchcock Members of the Com- Fla.; Clovis Copeland, Brisfol-Af yeis Falls, dress, using notice mission: Max Slepin, Little Rock, Ark.; Paul Glens N. Y Edgar G. Vaughan, Si antf the form 22S which you Phi Indelphio, Pennsyl- B. Dague, Downingtown, may secure from vania; J. Russell lar- Po.; Josephus Daniels, Paul, Minn.; Harold A your Postmaster, Be combc, Malta, Mont.; Jr., Raleigh, N. C; D. Shindler, Newburgh, I nd sure to cut off the address label on Director of Public at ioi}s Adriiory Editor AdrfTtising Director your Magazine and James F. O'Neil Alexander Gardiner Fred L. Maguire New York. N.Y. Muriiifiing Editor paste it in the space Eii^tein A dr. M^r. Cffuinlldiit Boyd B. Stutler For Cream Tonic Fans... provided. Always WilliamM.OeVitalis NEW! James F. Barton give your 1951 A rt Editor Hair CREAM... lighter-hodied Weitern \iy.r. VITALIS membership card Indianapolis, Ind. Al Marshall Adv. Fred E. Crawford, Jr. oils! heavy tilm, < s than ordinary cream No number and both A t in Director Aiiocidte Editon Lisiecki no sticky comb, no messy hands! your new and your Frank Robert B. Pitkin Detroit A dr. Rep. old address. Editor Joseph C. Kcelty Irving Herschbein Charles D. Hepler 2 • The American Legion Magazine • May, 1951 I For a Navy fainily you can't beat « Says Chief Petty Officer C. R. Stevens, Special Services, Great La fies iSa vu I Trai ning Station, III. "Our trailer coach is more com- The Japanese Passed fortable and complete than any In a Blaze of Glory apartment ive^ve lived in or seen. It's our secontl TCMA coach." From the torn wrapping the Cap- tain extracted two small, bright- colored, cloth-bound volumes of Spanish grammar, and then a sheet of paper — an assignment of sen- tences to be translated from English into Spanish. He couldn't restrain a laugh. The Correspondence Course Division of Indiana State College was spilling its jiggers of culture into the jungle. He had nearly for- gotten subscribing to the course during the long lull in the fighting that had made any diversion seem attractive. Before he put the lesson and the books into his pack he had time to complete two sentences. Several days later, an American convoy was less than three miles from a small, jap-held island, north of New Guinea. At daybreak, the Captain's "B" Company hit the beach and drove inland. Later that day. Battalion Headquarters or- dered "B" Company to dig-in and hold the captured ground. That same night the Americans were forced to withdraw under a fierce banzai charge and during the as- sault the Captain lost his pack that "I DON'T HAVE TO SEND MY WIFE HOME whenever I'm transferred," says Chief Stevens. "My wife has a feeling of independence for with our trailer coach she always contained the Spanish books and has her own home . even if I'm sent overseas. Also we find community spirit is better lesson. in a trailer park. Our neighbors are friendlier and a better class of people." Several days later and after bit- ter fighting the Americans knocked PRICED FROM $1033 TO $4995, including out the last Japanese machine-gun furnishings, these new TCMA coaches nest that was fii'mly entrenched at provide attractive, reason- the crest of a hill. When the Cap- mobile and tain dropped into the sand-bagged ably-priced housing for members of the nest he saw three dead Japs — he Armed Forces, young marrieds, retired saw at the same time, tucked neatly couples, defense and construction work- out of danger, the bright little cov- ers. Make the TCMA emblem your guide ers of his lost Spanish grammars. As for the assignment — the remain- to quality and satisfaction. For the mem- ing eighteen English sentences, bers of TCMA are the leaders of the which he had left unfinished, were industry . pioneering improved de- neatly and carefully translated into signs, building to high standards. Spanish.
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