BUCHANAN, MICH'., THURSDAY, JANUARY 4, 1872. Established 18
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The Berrien County Record, The Berrien County Record UTERTylS OF ADVERTISING, A REPUBLICAN NEWSPAPER. (T©nlineBorloBS,makeaSquarc.) SPAQB. Hi w-I!2 w.[J3 -W.H4 W.JS3 m.£Q y e PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY, 1 Square.........J 1 00I$X 60J$1 76|$2:001^i 00i!W 00[tl0 AT 2 Squares.. ......J 1 7611 2 60J 3 001 8 60[ « 00J10 00J 16 C 3 Squares... .....5 2 251 3 261 8 751 4 251 7 00112 0Q( 20 U BUCIIANAN, BERRIEN CO., MIC1I., .4 Squares........J 2 75J 8 75f 4 261 4 60J 8 00116 00{ 26 0 BY 5 Squarre... 3 601 4 00] 4 501 6 00(10 00117 001 26 % Column.,.... 1 4 00|| 5 601 7 00J 8 00[14 0OJ25 00J 88 W AGNER & KINGERY, ^ p o ln m n ., 6 00J 8 00J10 00112 :00120 00(30 00J 60 r T E lS M S s 1>. A . W A O JT E K ; V ..—18 OOflO 00(12 00J16 00125 00186 001 65 IV. 1>. KtXQ>23tY,JyEiHtom. Vigilance is the Price of Liberty!' LS2.00 Yes 3 «W In Advance 14 Oolunm. T E R M S : 1 C olum n... .... 110 00114 00J17 00(20 00535 00(60 0 0 p i5 Business Cards of fiTelinesorles8,$6.00 per annum. §2.00 Par Annum, in idvaace, il notPaid in AdYance,$2.50. y o L U M K y jq-USIBEB ^_0. Legal advertisements atstatuterates. jKJtcusss Tsaats stbiotv? aduered to.^5* BUCHANAN, MICH'., THURSDAY, JANUARY 4, 1872. Transient^advertising,payable in advance. Yearly advertising,payable on demand* Matterin localcolumn, fifteen cents per line for first 45?^Na paper fo discontinued^ except at the optionof Insertion, and ten cents per line for each subsequent in ttopubU3her,untUaUan:oamge3arepuid,,-©Si cious habits, or secure to me any of years I shall return a very hero in sertion; but no localB taken for less than $1.00. Established 18@5. MORTGAGE SALE. Poetry, Miscellaneous; Obituary Notices—more than the announcements—w U my father’s estate, was becoming to your eye3,” he said, laughing, “ and be charged for as advertisemen ts. * OFFICE—In. “Record! Btlcfc Building/* north side of EFAULT' having been ranne In. the pavment o f the Advertisements not accompanied with directions as to Float 3ireet>foar doors, east o f Main* Dsum. of one hundred ($100) dollars, and the interest XJM»CBI.iSS03JE YElGJinOKS. them every day a matter of greater then you will marry me, eh, Ann-?” MARX A3sl> iffER..nlTXZ,E LAKE. thereon, at ten per cent, from the 23d tlay o f January, time,‘will be inserted Until forbidden, and charged ac 1870, which amount is claimed to be due and unpaid, at doubt. “ N ever/’ I answered, as soon cordingly. SELECTED BY TIM. THE TRUTH OS’ THE STORY IT LAST. Doublecolumn advertisements, 25 per cent.above reg.» lav s ofJrevspnpcrs, the date of this notice, on a certain htortgHge and. note nccoinpanying the same, (reference thereto being made,) I had never before heard my father as astonishment would let me alar column rates. 1. Subscribers nrhOi do not giro; express notice to the bearing date, tho 23d day o f January,. A. D. 186G, made First Mrs. McGinty came over to know speak.- I Ayas then going on to give BY JINGO. Special Notices, 50 per cent.above the foregoing rates- contrary are conaldared as wishing, tocontinue the sub and executed by Henry L. Seaman, o f the County o f criticised. I was much grieved; it Yearly advertisers allowodfour ch&ngeB without extra scription. i t : Berrien and. Stnte o f Ml Ulgnn, to Jesae B. Slight of the If a pail fall of coal sbe could borrow, also made fresh my great loss.. I saw my reasons for refusal, when he inter charge. 2. I f au^seribers-vriah their papers diacoutlnned, pub** Her husband had ordered a ton from the yard ; Mary had a little lamb Single copies of the Reoobd, ready for mailing, five> same place, and given to secure the purchase money of him again pale with approaching rupted me with, “ Bless me, child, who cents. Haheramay continue to send: them until ail arrearages- the land in said Mortgage described, which said J/ortgage She’d return. It again by to-morrow. That did caress and fawn her, Allkinds of Job Printing executed in the latest style* are paid. DBALER IN was duly acknowledged, aud recordedin the office of the will marry such an ugly little thing if He followed her to' Sunday School, 3. t f subscriberamove ta other-places without inform-* Register of Doed* in and for the County of Berrien aud death. I felt the presence of his cold of the art,and atreasonablepricos. log the publisher* and the paper- is sent to the former State o f Michigan, on the ffSd day of January, A.D-1.8C0, Then came Mrs. Martain from over the way, hand, and his dying words breathed I don’t? ” And then I answered, A t "the Hide church’roundthe corner.” direction* they are held responsible. Notice? should in Libor It, o f Mortgages, on page 176; uud no? proceed W ho said she stepped over to see always be given o f the removal. ing* at law or otherwise, having been instituted to fore faintly in my ear— “ I can trust you, moving aAvay, “I will never marry The teacher tried to put him out, 4* I f subscribers neglect or refuse to tahe their papers If f would oblige her till that afternoon close said. Mortgage, or collectAuld money or any part But Mary at him flew, * Dyspepsia. from the ciBco or place to which, they are aentv they aro thereofr Now, tboreibre, notice Is hereby given, that, by With only a drawing of tea. my child. Be true to yourself, Ann, you, Mr. Lander. X will neArer speak hold respoasiblo until they settlebllls and gltd notice to Virtuo o f tlio power of solo in said Mortgage contained, Said she, “ how dare you touch that lamb ? FIXE FRENCH AXU AMERICAN and to G od!” and with a burst of to you again.” And then I heard the I f a man wishes to get rid of dys discontinue. the preui5si»s tU scribed in and covered by anld Mortgaco, Next came Mrs, Johnson tvlio’d like very much “ I ’ll put a head on you.” 5 Tho courts, haye decided.that refbsingt© take a paper to-witr AU that certain: piece or parcel of land, situated tears I left ths room. tones of a singularly swent voice say pepsia, he must give his stomach and t^ m theetB»*e«or removing and leaving, itr uncalled for,, iiL the County of Berrien and? State of Michigan, and If I’d lend, for an hour or two, iam lm a /actcevldenca ot" intentional fraud. described ns toilows i Being a part of the west half o f the A couple o f irons, as she had on hand Mr. Lander had thought me a strange ing, “ in just three years we Avill be Now Mary’s lamb would butt like sin, brain less to do. It will be o f no ser 6. Any person who receives a newspaper and makes? southeast quarter of section number eleveu (XI), of town Some work she was hurried to do. None knew him but to fear, use of it. whether he has ordered ito c not will be held in ship six (0), south o f range eighteen (IS) west and. des child, I think, and his observations married, Miss Annabel Gray.” He quickly broke the teacher's back, vice for him to follow any particular 0.W to be a subscriber. cribed as, commencing at a point where the west line of The incidents of the evening I Then “ walked off on his ca r” the above described lot strikes tho Berrien and Saint Then came Mrs. Thompsou, my neighbor, next had been made a probe. The next regimen— to live on chaff-bread, or Gold and Silver "Watches, Fine Joseph road; theuco north ou said lino: to tlie northwest door, day lie made every attempt to concili thought 0Arer in my chamber .that any such stuff—-to weigh his food, etc., coruon of said lot; thence oast on. the north line of said And then he pulled down all the books. A troublesome, cranky old dame— B u sin ess D ir sc tar v, Jeweliy, Ladies? and Gents’ lot thirty two and one hftlf (S2)»<C) rods; tlience due south ate me. But I received his kindness night. That Mr. Lander was quite That lay upon the shelf, so long as the brain is in a constant to- the above named, roadt thence a north westerly direc W ho wanted to borrow, for that afternoon, Then bleated out in, thunder tone, Gold and Silver Chains, tion along said road to the place o f beginning, contoiu- The loan o f my large quilting-frame. with repulse. X could not forgive him serious in what he said I could not state of excitement. Let that have iugtwen»y acres o f b»ud, will be sold at public auction, “ Tbu know how His yourself .” T. MOKXEY, star foundry. A ll a f the hour of one o’clock in the afternoon o r Monday , the conversation his last night’s re doubt. But AA’hy he should have se proper rest, and the stomach, will per »■ kinds otcjwting.auehasplow poini^.