-.... >


„4l8t YEAR NANAIMO, VANGCIUVER ISLAND BRITISH COLUMBIA. FRIDAYt^gLY 17. 1914 niKIIBMF FAMOUS H ASiini'S HAi emsi»f 8LASfi£BW Intar- (tot., July W.-r*toM.-r*»jfaa. aarday wlpad outt thetba teamtown of MTK . OtUnra, July17AHi« r^mri-trom Manning Uonienmi. NOTMII M m -- tba function o, tba^ A^ ^ Ucui^ anW to. VaMCouvar ol an attempt to bring a- SOFFRAOtllE ol.ual wUb tba .r- batweon MO and 600 paopla treat law agatoaa tba mremwre work, tba Kontreal elocUic Uamcar dared bonataaa. Tba only . |,|i,nnBooalted halibut wmt. wbtoh 11111^81 Tica tboa npoka ol tba Talua of tog mao of BritlA ColumbU ovar London. July 17—A miUtant auf- leftlan atandtogaianaunr are tba«w "* ti« balibat oaagbt In tba 'tba Vancouver lataod coal atrika alt- TOMS ^ ud the atorea of Jm- AUantie, north Tacito and iMEME IraaevM riuam.o 2? ?r — m- to - Urn 1 nation la not taken very aerloualjr ^ ^ UBtuvm poruait ol 'fhomaa O., July 1«.— Two "'n>e auceaan of tba Loi lo. train arrived here ttoa altareoon London. July W-Pwanlar Aagultn It la ballavad that tba uniona (torbla. acDttiah toatorian, paintod atrlklng mlnen marched to- with dbout tbrae hundred rafugM < tna incmanma^ai^ niaptoaag boa in largnly credited by today to tba HouM ol will vote agalnat a general atrika. ^ Thar^ mu toriaa ol a a«bt_atold. i Jaiw Oapartrefcl- fce- tb* ’ I

' waek to contodar the Iriah altuatlon, reaoltttlan do not aOeet tba Federal ond the allocation btadnaaa lor tba govenunent at all. and It U a mya- u,* woman reinoindar of the pireant aeaaion. tary bare why tba ranolution eriti- Mntttogbut------was- eventually handed over to Huacroft*" flnaUy drove oil the atrikora „rJ u»«».. the polloe. She bled profuaHy Iron ^ ^ ^ tPAMSMMFOe ES from any rafarenoa to tho Itoee T. * U OOWCIL'8 VIEWS. cuu on her hand, cauaod by break------“T^llT^-lV^ emr- which be would abn at a aottl ^ ___^_____; nniiinrn iiinni/o not nnd a b«a umt wui amt ©ur /aaeouver, July 17— OfBoars of the Clatey that won’t be too ^vy. tte Home *>y POIER WORKS Lorda’ that won t.ebfrtoN, notay. and that Tha need of ayatemal BIU coma, before toa CouncU ‘* ’ tba Itobor Temple laat night. M. P.’S Will RAISE Commona at tba beginningof next I both to J.H. IlcVaty waa a NOT IN DANGER,^ week. Jamt night it wna reported that a deadlock had arisen, but F. L. IHEIRiNDEMNiIlESinun inuLiftniiiLO ^ provincial'^ wanton. POliaiANI(llfl)M report to not conflrmad today. tnnua ,. «. ______, atafl aanlaied b> Uie I'rorinclal police Itony reaullad in thair angtoeare and icipal Couaffi, Ha urgM t^t- the cnMffiKi HES amendingWU. It to «*•» of the evwolng activ. atep. wUl be utoan by man- of Ktrehln . W an the weat ride ditiona impoaed by the m-etotorn kreo the road, to a goodatata of re. o each aeotkin. They lour Ulster aonnttoa be excluded, ^ unoeraiaiaung w. *^jji,reault of a revolrer baatta batoa-m the NaUonaH^ rafnaa to give ^,1,^ ,1,^ .tjU o* ao general the advlaabilUy of toereaal ■ felt In the city that » a period of yanre for the part that was tak. road, had the pohoa aod montiwi a long In-'-^ •“»“« th, worirere of B.C. too»I im«i»Ey which' ragtob end that the «« ““«* < msEtoipaJTisttaaittae of the to *2,600. Tho mgKaUon powder work, wafi'iw^dangrr.“ danger. bnt « »y tba •?»V tbh quretlon brifly and tho general wUI receive some aupporl Irom tne on en.iuiry -t the ofllre of the Cana-, to tbiao. w hna jcartaln mileage adWoing their tmram. varioua acoonata af tbn Wtoat .T^ir dutlre%ould_toe to keep ^ by dUtorant pmhtolpwta^ aa« BOYCOmNO BEUAST. I Watchnfan. cohi.'a conatttueney which he baa the railroad track horn tba «®“'j^^^ed in Loal^tomtaT* ^“*1^ dar” gangtoare. to to h- aigned by two magta- of the B.C. Ttotoratton of lAbor an! reprimwUd to the Houa. of Com- pany's Work., and that to anv ea.e that run to th. . refiaira bnmadtote-; levad aaveral ,ty ootmclllor, and the; Sardtary-Troumrer Welrii of the nioo. for fourtem yeare, on the the wind to blowing K away In • ^congaated part of London all tba afHxmt bole to Uw --red them tahtob bM Wore of Ca-- aamr organlaaUon. ground that be rannot afford It. oontrarj' direction. The tee to now ^ ^ tutwad out towmroa tba is a abort time, develop ^to a ^ 1^44,0 i_ tbair Mawda Sir K. Bortbn intimated...... a le time at the: hour of going...... t country on Sundew holldaya bm;^« n^ ------wbich It to staieo tw ago that there would bo no toci^ ed to be well under control and no , proof of tba ftoxitHllty «f ^iXJmd and tredere of tbto c at that time, but roerobere Ualtova danger to antlripnted. the arvice there. and it to greatly , 1 and the »4.f» thirt wo«^ RAHWAY STRIKE MAY they can overcome hia oblection next CARPQITERWiLL ■K' ana get badly wanted in a great municipality. rlabw peraista to her attitude of op- BE AVERTED > four tbouaaod Uollara. DRAMATIC TREAT iKaea wbbto wBorda tbai ,, proartng the n^oPt^ «l the poaiUon to tba Home Hula BiU. Tlila ■ rtumlag put patrol ayntem Cm •ieefnion baa „ .b.«« -! ATHI flPHIAUrUlN HOUSEIIUUuL ir> on Sunday and holiday,^ ^ and ------. bl. Ubd, II tr,b,Mt,d witb Ibd- « —T _ ------that abould contribute to a batter g* moot oOrient method of taktag awl kto i N,i bbu hi bbbbib. .«■^ rlERA OF BIOOOSHED tba V^Moore Company toate of btoflth. which wo W all mtta of tte reada CWtolh^^Pa^ ^ t .or one periormano. on nrfvtog lor to .11 oor -untolpall-. T.eltrim. to wbicb every parttoi naa waateni rmilroadarailroad, waswai taV^ today OVER IN MEXICO'-"'ly, (toorge Broadhuret a omaatloual Uaa. tow»*iit Bmlth. who------it. oomnanv of volunteer.. Thia uUl- ______of tho by the confepence coma aueceaa "Tha Man o- the Hour.” a' The advent ol the bus. I Mould a vwy valunble idea. mature to Utoter la bringtak« railroad. In a letter 1 times to lour big ,ay also, should be wolcomod by tba j in p-itrlr reerv town in Tjeitrlm. and definite atatament of the i Vin-Moore Hectric cai= companiea. as It allorda.• ' M.85. i„«i-. -hb,« the north ------, “u«’r , tire puna or gatemosi^. Hs l*b of traffic XY WRATHEH KBPORT developing to <4- slsta that the foal Mow hs gawa wss tory for w< “n-ermrn:- h T.; -r ™‘^“irrr •^rr:‘rr“:^^i»Tr ,14ti, 1914. DOOBTFOl lETlER LIT,—- I-Cderel.TLT lor th.LZL'rLi-'s: paaceful trenefer of -. ,,r ,“ drwnatlc treat. ------p- » .™.i — __„ reaponae y>_____-r*... nndar- ""for a of linre lntO-l„^25S!r'« bomw the fonrnl notification ' ale rreult Power lo L‘t.v. Thi. under- night thla____, olated atburbe. whtoh eau Hair .82 toeh; hlgheot tom READ.IN C0URT'“of “the"" vote’ -in which nearly all the taking la reganUri oa a ptiicUCal playoni igiaring 00 eflort t„ -ne nt Me urge «Mof^ 79 ™ ■Ousboat^ at wiy ttaa. _____ iptoyre favored a -trike, provWc a hlgh-ci... entertalnmatt tonmjas.MO0 per ringlcsingle mile. The ^ ,g , i The letter ww aigned by A. W. bloodahed i. now .1 on end. ^ ^ A nomewbat T,„ho,m. chairman of the mimagere Watoimgton. July Hi - Ftwncmco ^ priT« are only 25. 'h um BOLU^ BTAKBS. found in hi. coat pototot woihed in committee. Carbajal, mKC«»orto tlener.l Uucr- ^ ^ crowded houae a ,b 1-b.b. 'aunaistoe 47 hours and 21 mlnatea; tho atm fine ol J30 . and eoaU Lalng ------^ provtoional proaident ol Mex- tonight, as the pre-1 ------r ,, „„ 'rwto .14 loch; .highest temperature June 17. -Tha HeMpas -...... ragwlar I’l.OO gj,Gon 1 54 ■takas lor aM.OM. ware wna tO«i^ for *2.95. Powera * Povle Go. _ . . ^ lalb that he in- the company’s repertoire. New favor of tJooorsJ higliret temperature *4 „ liS: Er H-H?is-^a!ciijUlGES AGAINST ” eat 63 on Sth and »tb. Hapsburg; Sol Joal’a Hoamywood the charge that be wy found' t arranni. the ConaUtutionoliat chief W On waa second, and Sir John Thttreby’s forbajal wiahea only that IIU1th. lowest 52 o |K«nymore third. Thirtean res. r. r^! PREMIER_____ OF N. B, amnesty bo i>roclatmed ‘jb zz'^- ANOTHER HAYTIAN I obituary I acting to town tf the repreaentati.e tempreatuTB 94- on ICth. lowest 6* on . tion given to the property of those of a woU-known-----Him--- of------' Sth. rb_ K-i .lead whs- ®* “ “"I- ,.ho opposed the ConaUiutlotialiBls. Prince Kuoer^-Haln 4.Ml tocfaaa. ?!? oommtoalon to tovretlgala the Ou- ,ui,^,e..t of the attUiHl.. oi REVOLUTION TODAY'-----OBOROF,------WILLIAMS -- highest temparnture SO cn 12th. low- 50, on 9th. 10th and 11th. ther he had Huerta's .ucc-amr. together with the of Urn late GeorgeWU- __L'-oLS-’SrS: Port Au iTince, llayU, July 17 — aald that be had. announcement from Monterey, that le family reaklaice on C'’ I 10th and llth; loan ^ ____ Chief of Polloe alntad th^^ to liito Pn“9= wy caused today by a rovo- 'mtolon day. outpototad Chartto Iwo- had‘»rh^'iiJM”fr^ tbei •>«*“ c.rranre was wllHtig I of a twam- ^TtLlattar found to Morrow, potkat. .b*a “ 4T.”'r-T,ir;. Tr rr—LLr.:' >L” —riTiTrrT.;b,-. ib..H.,b. -i^bT.czJAr,'" ».ibb^.b^__,,. 1 Blair____ 0 the accuaod by partiaa op- [of Spokane.' called. He oiid ha *.. a lumbar- ^ ^ r,-»„i>on r-!tho decision to a t was rvs.oiw “ FLEWETT eratlrei to Vancouver, who appeared ----- vily and with —- to be planning to use the American ^iirion^ h.' held 72» ajuara mile. I " '"^rwTiairn" TiTytT ji^‘ IT. -1 Th. Mmw.1 ‘h-^ “• Two-Pleca Sulta-Bewular JH firm’s name for thair own pri^^to 63.00 Strew ^laU tor 11.00. Pow­ ers A Doylo Co. ' or W.90. Powers A Doyle Co. purpoaea. Conaidering that tbase .agents were not wpra- “T —r.T T I. ibi.s. - - -- Lb.. ItoT fitir^errad to. M^ow ,xtre os preaidcnl of the reiniblic. unable to pay tbs amount, was do- naked to pay anything extra, ° orals Hut-rla and lilanuurt departed r , rvi VI.NO EMPUBSS (BicAdie. the local under­ Glasses at Half Price tataed, but will be allowad to eom-i*ltne«i then told of receiving tonight lor l-^iroiw. I desire to DlsAITEAHCT TO STATF,.i. taker. has received won! from M muaicato with his prindpola to Van- Dominion Pulp Comyny s e it krown with empbm.ls that' -J„dds. undertakers ol n^ing the information His Regular $10 for $5.00 dreft for M.500. cashing it, ,nd turn p„rpo»-is to fociliUte a a. Onuno._____ Cal., July toe- Mr. Hau- ronto. eouvap. the hwly of ‘he^lste $360f r $1.60 Ing tho proceed, over to Mr. W. H. probleina which wm.e d. oar. having «« not the H ii-onto. rivod in good at Northflald on y -fiernoon. IComimny’. contributl.m nf M255 • • in.l-'miil conflict ol our ciuntry. r . a . Honoen and Tt. H. „reat nwlit on the local undertaker Attroo atktod'Borry-, fund, as -he had to end Provinclai Cor ______“^“'7* k''* Horn. , nleo of Toronto Tho two for tl«- wav in which the ho*- hod Spectacles that tba two ears weta avidently jtho check, anti he also had a hern prepared for ahlpment. * the situaUon in Wiishingion ' „^re held on a charge ol hrtng In order to establish his re­ ractag, and had gone about twenty- for 65000 from Bathurst caohe “"'*1 Seorelarv llr)nn thnnkid Mr. Cos-|Mr* Willetts from ranada and putation here, and a#be five mlieo an hour poet tha toterseo- gat tho procewla o'er to Berry. 1 for the i n he brought d,.tained. the (bollre s Uon of tha Dep’ortura Bay nnd " »-[iwitne»w' said he got no explannt him that while reccognllion j,.,, „ known whether a rherge DUKE MAY VISIT manufactures all his own c roads, though then ware IV'as to what fund the monies « •c,»-ould not be accorded Parhajai. the '„, vlolatlog the Mann White Slnv, glaBses. poopta about tba roads at that jl nitiri Stotes was nmlcahly dispowri „j,| ^e plnred arain"d them ov hour. lownnl h m and would aPPlniid - Fed.TuI authorities. Mr. Dramlay waa not on the car (^WLEH-McrUTYRE ^ ’patrlollr efToris lo hrtng nbour+ DB. PEROT KING- at tha time, but ha was bald reapoo- BOUT DATE CHAN'GEn r^tellnl leR the state H im. the Duka of Connaught aibla as tha car was Uoeoaed to hto Vancouver. July 17.-Tho date of ^ j„ „ hapny mood and 'scheduled to arrive in Victoria Proprietor of tha King Oiitleal Compaay. 12* Bototogs streat. Warn, Cowln-Mctotyre flfto-n-round triegrni.h.ri the rr-nilt o( iThureday. Aug. 20, and will stay at Vancouver, lor Saturday and Monday ohly wUl «lvar at tha at the Brighotmearena hna been », F. E'rSKIl if. ngticf . is eonferemce t„ Mr Corbalal. 'the C.P.K. hotel there lor emastly fchangwd from Saturday afternoon. the Uw had baoi doubly bPokmi. In ord.r to a«siire a transfer of wiilaTa of lltaclclona wwsk bafore rctumlng to the ahovy-BwnUtmed prices Thto toeludm Exmntont^ X-aaaaa. Fremaa both^by rering and also by spaedhig Suly as. to tl^ Friday night preeeri- ^,.r disturbance, however, the Ameri- 5 I OOF arel^,^,^^,, t, Uk,lv that an Cf- anti Oaoc. ’He U noted throughout Canada loJ hia obtUty to o»re tha iMtoa. and imj^aed Bnew as above Ing at 8.S0 o’clock'. 'nuthorlt.'v without further bloodshed ■ the Io.lg«woom, to have tho Oov- luadacbe. atralghten crooked eyas, and relieving mrvona atreto. Saa stated. -n-re will be on eight-round pro- „„re to uw* iereor-uenerar Milne Hv ue-.-we > — llmtoary bottrsMi Sammy Good and Oenerel C«r- her rieiir t 'nairoo to hlB programme while him at onre. Room 3 Wilson Hotak Konafano; TUdle Shannon, which srill preeli- .Vancouver laUnd. eally gfre a double card for the, ' —------lodvamlth. Visiting breUwen are OFFICF lim ns : 3 A. M. -to * F.M. Face paeilUg a apaclal night. Hie wtoner of the Good- suits for Men-Regulor tloulora writs M. Folej Bovs' Suits, reirulnr 67.00 tor tS.Wi tv. For pa- Shannoo bout wOl bo matched with I, 25 for 75 cents. Poweeh t Poyle. Lorgfi Stock of Artificial Eyas at Half Prioa. ■ :ir SuitaIts 1, MMd Sixth Ava.^^et, Von- Reeordlngritecretory. towers A Doyle Co. Bourer. Johnny O'Lsary for t UUer ' • i'KU>AV. JtJ.^ ii. IVU. M JVhtot rwM aie beat OB the un-noo’ wttoia tba botttuUriM narhat. Biaol XUU bc Cv .. EsQQiBialt & \h Mtitoo taaa (Moroa^ oa . Phone 258 OUTHBOUlfS IXAVK >CT«wL^lk£U» 9:8b and 14 4A DAItV. Klrtwar ol Wwnel'jwv------. Florence ^Uy wm* duiKttptivm U tht rott Vena_ ol 11*. TlmberUnde.TlmberUnda...^ DA7 02 moM vioTORu ^Cart«. NIGHT -1 19 00 DAILY. Jtort ShMu asd jftHioB !■:»•.«• HACKS knd rMonUaa’ dl^-Mon*. Th»rt f^puu^toth. Port Albemi l betm a Urg* tenaad for thaw i JIAVK MONDAYS. WESlNMDATi VELLERS* CHEQUES pkUu. which art repVrto with > FBUUYS ht 0^48 Ma^: ABRTVB TUESDAYS. 1 rtooo, the dletrlct with Btol SATURDAYS a* : this booklet dealt, haa beta njtchjed the dajra whan goU waa We’rotasyiBSlJlllBg m •801 m «W done that broogiit the ai«oai ■. 0. FIRTH t ■dwf'iiil Im •> mnwy cf y were plonaen ol the divUri Ag«t Tbtjrmn •coMofa maar laada hy way ol f-ut- JEPSON BROS. ma. CalUhraia, and acroto the iber ^MBoBrucb. - E. Hi BIRD, Managei Canadian ___ !the Cariboo we«oa road. Ihe >a | Pacific tu th» Wmainm on Pay Day until 9 o'olcoh: «uk»oeant jBaatem rauroad la Select StoYe and Heater Stoves &Wat«r Wood; You can’t equal ______I—i--iTTEi--T-n ****** to «roea the jifan aorth and aonth tuKni^ it - Quality and Quantity It. or to poor ooU water valley ol tha ftaaar ihle flANflTIINNIi for 76oBigLoad atMiU. Heaters- 0* tha aarrlea they art oOeriiv. At | ailroad. with many latwal and er j»i S.S. Princess Patricnsl aa»a time It ia only right that ;lataral roada, wiU giva eooaa. ^ j No better Flour than lurlty Flour tend to our 0 - „ water heater to etty^dh^uts^^to get the beat' lii^ie^dMa ol Und HMOU ftoi-W ahape. phone, ecjiiysato/* ae fee luaif la laakingany ' guaraatae on aaeka Hm Oitadaato Barkley School know in Borne arv end wUl at­ Ota Utie ground Much of tte land to thia dlviaton U Tufting, Bwltley, Cal. . raekatatt-Kar MlUtog Co., phone 485 tend to It. We Rjw out to giro goodaernoe. databt eothrta a* to the wtedom ^ pen. roHteg graea land and nplaadt ' Raaldtnce-, Kemtady St. S.S. Ohanner glMMtog a ton year trancUaa to a Fhona S-7. aooiM- that could at any ttatM tnd »aat areal ot paeUnege there— Comox Tueaday. Ttowi^ ot |9S.- and tfaara a>« wide etretchea ol par*- J. B. McOREQOR Nanaimo City Gas Saturday at 1:15 p«. ^ M ^ of town alt a Uka oounuy with Uttla clumpa ol Uita hatact. and uaa it to aotae othar------lioplar------and othar light Umber. Company %•. A toanchte would earttaimiy ®f the dietoict. A new pair ol bhoea lor J3.90 at k^TMODm. o.p.A.°‘'*^i McBae A LuUar’e Big Ban ‘ ~ ■ for e# • aiaetrie trantwey ]*raat it Ji- wlUfS.SO and SC.OO on Hon Ceotral Bestanmt i I ■ouaii.

If lt*s Scotch '•-VTsasr- ftOTtOM to narNg givew'nat mm ^ You4/VarriN Ask for—

■ 'V-

; - ' ' - ---- K’ - OIL Shares V-'T M.8T0RHT 436 rmn atmub . shat. CALaARY aokmtpob Royal T>a AnuUgminatod OU OomptoQ

NEATS Alexander ^or a l^wdw. Juicy BOAST, James Bevan M nOOL ST. NatanDno. ■■ tW You’ll Like It > We haw* lust raotorad a new MsA Trunks, and Suitr COME AND BEE TBSH. O. F, BBYANT. c:,: SB, the OrwMt.

' V HORSES FOR Tm heed ef hem Mr nlhi fSB and up. Anptr A. a IS. biM. Waltoee •toSrKMHtaM ; s;r-'. Sold by Nanainio G ing&DyeWorkai SdO |1

ffirSTOHE WIIIE CO. Ladiss’ and Ctottts* i SUITS Phone 494 11.10 _ 76P OleaniDg LadiW Fucy Dreaaei ShopJDn^^W^QrayY THE WfiAITS BAM OF CANADA BaUUUhed 1804 Head OiBoe Montreal tototo. HtoMt w*. ftSS •»*!* A General Bankingr Business Transacted Mto mT^ SdTo*S Special Attention Given to Savings Bank Accounts A, MITTLI F. L. RANDALL, Managrer, Nanaimo Branch 7^ ■^1 ?'.;r.y i7. i»m. TBS RAWAMW rREl-: VHMR.

*r, HV ao* rw 7 The True Sevree u>ok buB fraid a totatr for Ml part D • —------— ------*------Ptctuio. utormtw of Beauty w, while the crowd hoot- would Mow hw Igunrw. SPOKT'S •n,* decUed that! "Progrmn, too, to blocked by thu loudly. cuaoni ud molt ______Smith twmoin 'gfuol Civic, raligioaa oad poUticol in- SaUowaldn •re w. in th. rtag. H. and nil Msoode letwata, imporitlM ^ th. dudsion. 1 -I would roU*w uwid my child to r'^^lwnn sws ‘ lo temdier with o soul thor tBim VAKGOt vBi* iaLABB-> k»d-lmpiiriti« vWA aide cauae headache, backache, Ian- brain., whose only ob)eot la to ” fumbwland Peurl-..T lh-A U«U, ,22 aixth round the utmort confusion arbltraUon. rma oabe mubt w. tried i mlgiud. The ring was crowded wm, «>dltioD and pubUe -vlotonea Unr HARDWARE STORE Tb. Uuun«'«.d uroonln*. In SCHOOL INSPFC10R A ;••• Md doJnty piMo U wi Car»«lier. .fl«r pUyinR [iwcsoos who have been actuaUy eon- .U.V opo-4 «a MV. Good EM. •" SUo 1. mat b. coaTtBCwl. wotehlnjc tbe Amncn a rtgni, urn OENOONCESIEACHERS vlcted of the crime, metitionad in' « i_x ii foinUd clev«-ly wltb hi. Wt and the cUuse. and In which cua th. A<£l‘nrro. Oyster Oocktails u.«o brought . po«rrfui right .r court has rteomroeoded deportation. jT'SrsaS miUdin Mr. w.. l*»ul. July 1«—Denunciation of t op 0.4 MTrwM to ooy polot ‘crom Smith'. J.w. The punch did Mr. D.!-W«t, miniatcr of JuatlOB. wn- Ido OUrko- OTSTESS bj Pt., Qt. W Got 'not lutd wjuorrty. but glanced ofl, (the prem-nt whool aj.lenf, uttered ly oepted the Drat portion of the amwd lOM ua P. O- Bo. nas and carried by the force of the Wow, Dr. J. H. FVancU. .ulwrintendent of ment, but declined the httor on the CW., cauaid. a md that tt-threw the most odl- laa O«nm«olal St.. NaoWo, ic*n«Uer .wung round and -UppM at'ye.terday ’.' oua duty -One ocre. cleared. Bve- Iq Order to Introduce once, and the referee imlnlcd t,. Coi- petilier. indicating ibut the French- Shamrock lan woa the winner, did b^ location. Price coly ll.- twm.. MMllndale A iietwecn twelve and thirteen tboua Block. N.°ai°»0- and persons wlineaaod the fight Pure Lard mong them five hundred women. Pro­ bably another auh aaaembly ref-re- Out Price Clothing Store, 83 Commercial VioTouly MS on peg; In Nanai- KOting all cloanea in BnglUh life, terms. iUrttpdah»-a-llBiB, s will Mil many French enthuMtaale and Amerl BOSTM following WlWbor Block. Ntfiol d^g Jul; can ireveller*. has never gathered at prices : FOB SAlA»-Vuung pi^. a prise ring. ^e benefit ofthe^cre^ The finesl^and best makes CImm Rtvwr Dlutrlet. I Hound tme—Smith got two Hght jabs to the Frenchman-, body, of merchandise going at prices never before heard of i®S=3i the Brat clinch which followed ^ Caipootier gave Smith a in this community. Clothing, Furnishings, Hats, for BAIa B-Oo. driving bor~. lour abort-hand drive on the ch«k with .150: ol«) one Boots and Shoes are being almost given avay. Come yuan oKJ. ‘‘ *** r.llWMlID. the left. Both dodgiMl nght-handera Apply "BO* O " EYw I Smith gave the Freochnam a bard 'right to the face. A right and ffet vourshare ofthe sensationalbargains.Its asale 'body blow in in-lighting were Lb. feripgs of Smith. His blows alt gether differentfromanythingeverheld in the harder thao the Frenchman'., whose city before and the one you cannot afiford to miss if I footwork had not yet boon in —Read the few prices below, then hurry Sale op6fia atf I Hound Two- farpentiel- took CANCiUJbmON OF BEaEmVB laggreUBive but made no lmi»r _____ on Smith. tiiCh again ducked liard Notion la hMMy glv«i that tha Ha- Iright-handere. Smith landed on the i9« aerva noUct of which .appeared m the ...... 9 8 «• B.C. OaawtU x>n the mb-mb ofOf ' d^n*^a• far oa It Ion. led i ... . 31.85. bur, 1907. is Sale .. FOR REirr-A it ___ tba East half of - lotion I*, ghe face. l'ari>cntier was ploying ...... >6.45 L^ueU------Uland.------and that “ for u4a body at short range when ‘''T,.r,'7L.r..»...... t.o.on“S^.y^«^297h‘'”‘iJ> for fouling Con-nlier lanJ ...... se a may b. ob- eil left on face. Smith got “‘SU acre-- 89.85 lM)dy blow, at close range. l'nn>en “••sjKia?r«...... ‘*9« *• R. A. REaiWICK. b.rely mio»d a left. » Days Doputy Mtnlater of La^ on hlB che.-k This round .a. moal- Oepartmeuit, Vlotoria. B-°" ..... ^ ...... 1-98 asth Aprl. 1914. Iv clinching. Round fJour—Smith m 960 swing to the fare i'nrpenlier land­ ed on Smith's face with a left, nnd Only ...... t‘-8 9 Synopila of Coal ad agoin. Smith again mi»s ...... : (Hi „ml sr w) IPUYTS and SHOES. ■ining Regulations body blow vrtth hta rlgh MEN'S PANTS. n«nl.r IS.SOvalure, 91.^ Smith was knocked down with ^ssriSTrsir-...... **--95 right on the Udneye. Smith took six count, and wn. ridng when the Hurry ......

r“,r. OP THE STOCK OP THE y Minister of Mines. on the ch.vk Thos- mixed C for the lace v everybody 2 rlghu. Smith got a irvne BVEK Y w HERE ~ worst of it. Smith landed with right toniio face which Jurred Sh,.uM avail themselves t.f =fM€E-STeSB thi* a.>taier(ul oPPori'initv lo CASTOR IA Frenchman. Honors were even. ...w money. Out-i.f-toa n 83 Commercial St. Next to Jas. Hirst Grocery. For InlAnU and Okildraa. Round Six-r„nwnller dipped wh.m U.UI.HO.UI KAHKS HI-'F' ''D trying to land a hard rlght-luinder l-;i* to purehaaiw. of JIO.OU en- jti.g held hU han^ apparently wm . :r nuDAy, Jvx.\ li. isi*.

VtUMB CWrtDtM ^ tM bi*Sk Mh Let ua have your order Sm iMt ay^ >» ^oyai Cleaning The BIJOU & %e Works NANA1MQ,*8 NBW THBATRl for Preserving ^ " SHOWING THE LATEST IN U «A b* a U>ac tte* baton you Phone 616 vffi a«^ M *Ma t* buy olotkAv aa ly 1 B&stiou St., NanRimb,B. C iruPrr- you W for tha aaxt t»« ►tOVINO PICTURES 1 ymrmt^mmmTam^rnmymmr Apricots^. ItoBaa 4444 Cbaogo of Frogtaw Dailf ♦ 4 ♦ WANTED-Girl for gaorntl boui Feari •Apply Free Preaa. 7S. Ailemoon 2:30 to 5 Evening 6:30 tqj^l O’clock^ .. , - “ndlUon^|.2^2ef?ta Tooth tkat tka Damiaioa Boyal Cocuntoatoa Four - Piece Orchestra in Attendance w« alt la VJetorta on Octubar »th Qua'ity to be First Class and Powder I«tk to taka oijtenoejto^ tU Prleed the Lowest Possible ITee* and paying tor thU advt. ADMISSION: ’xV&jnSrsi."‘ss CHBRRIES FOR SALE at 16e par Afternoon...... Children 5c; Adults, lOe ' pound. M.-a. T. Brj ant. Albart St. Evenings—Children lOo; Adults lOo 1 ♦ ♦ ♦ Tly oar Ptfttjr Braakfaat Food. It LOST-From Nawt^Ua Inland, Box Seats, 25c ki Sm. Bcaekaaaa-Kar KiUloc Co., Geo. S. Pearson & Co. foot row boat, white painted out- fStf. aidayrith yellow rinor Knen Inaida. ♦ ♦ ♦ Particular Oroooni Press Block Also amaU dinghy. Finder plenae Haapita n^Mrt to Free Pma Ofltoe m(. Buy at the T. 0.8. Stores Telephone 86 MflWJSKB WIU, CLASH COMBIMEO FlChilC WAS BI1TC3- .. . r - .uio- A JiECOfufVCTJCESS. WsTlX BAUBLEUS WBOttUOW ’1^ Eatlng'S’herrtes 41bs for 26o " » yw aaa ai^ TEK bl». oofo “aa. ISM Joint Sunday achools ot St. 345 Fresh Tomatoes Itb for...... 15o o»a£^’ a. a. ault of ototkaa at lwWb Freabyleriaa and WalUeo tka Xdtoa k Locier BIc Baa Sale. Strsst Uethodiat charcbaa, which It afok* Saburtay tO((fct. baU toam to the Saiusiiao Bjuia,iara. Leave orders now for “PreservingApricots' ) ♦ ♦ ^ W.B held yaaterday on Ml. IMW last fcaviai baen prompUy pk>ad up. and Tumar'a groundo at NaooOM Bay, laU iwelimloaiy wcnagtmmim eoaa- eooaUtutad a raeord both in P<»ni ^jdstod. Uds Uc aveol ia now sche- IPAISlEyoyElRIiS waa tanaohad by Haaahr aOr- t of ovoty event it Thompson,Gowte E Stockwell Two uadna of fifteen cars ones phone 140. Baeldooee 3U MCh took tha azci . OPEN DAY AJfD NIGHT ths pknic grounds, "I going b. -i I this dty and Iran Wslliivton. New Boteber 8bcj fiiat-rata progtani ot aporta Waa Mo Adi ► . ^ «r. Jorfillartin. €d Status, a na- tha BaR «»nd tiM lot tor two hours! A full supply of Fresh Masts nig ’ carried throu|^ without a hitch, Alb tie. Hieri The Undertaker ba kept ia stock In our Brraxh Bb .9 notahie event being a tug-of-woz 30- eoruarFlUwllllam and Kanaady Bu!] twea tha Methodlata and STeabyter- The Undertaker Plone 180 AI' ert ‘it. A. J. SMITH, Pr< ; U»a In whlcli tha tough CahTnWts trailed their Ugbtor opponeota tha Hae tour timea. Amifia and eo- Idou. nippllaa of rafraMuDanta avallabls to atam the mah of h« ‘and thirat that kspt surging in Nanaimo Opera House * “• !day long, and SUb Unde Waugh. D. J Jenkin’s Aflar thia ganra the Ranfotera ara and thMr n«m Undei-takingParlora _oo»Bt^lor n«atoh s^ the «toUaUL wwe Jwt.jw were of WortWWd oe Sunday nrtrf. opcraUng the Tarione bootha. ^ "‘FfiMff 124 MONDAY md AU Week bagtelng .t a.TF. Bm Beattie rard iri.-Sid. hy 1. 8 and 5 Bastion Street win ba the Banatato tr*b, of atxten earn, leaving Kaaooee aborCy after el|M o'dodk. to he end praSablT i ceaafol aSalr of the Mod A Really Good Tonic THE WOOBE STOCK COMK er gtvuB by the ehwrehea in the etty. ihttd Sjateuj Fortifier In a Drama entitled Kaw Era Beef. Iron and Wine, with Malt Extract—Rorivaa Lotafoni July 1«.-Dr. Goorge E. that tired Ueling. IforrhKgi. the famous A. Bottle • - - Sl.OO clCTt of the Loddon Tlo Man of the Hour Got la at our Drnjr Store alMwaee from bis post aa pollUoal Bill Chnngeti advlaer to tha Praeidaot of tha Chl- P. O SteamiF n n i.l. Popular Prices Chemist by Bzandnatlon Doors Op« at 7:88. Curtain rlam at •:» o'clock (TUBUf nxme no. Opp. Sp.Mer'e rtnoa ha first wwit oat thara twenty years iwo. and the duUook more ------country wan making fat all dlrsetiooa. and there mesw enMghteniinit than than avor thara wee. China bad had SPENCER’S JULY mlar to compare wMh the Preel- __t Binoa the rete o* anperor ChUn Lung, in the Uttar part o( the ISth century, and by sanaral Yuan was the greetaet tin do not mean that tth Praaident any Imperial or monarchical ten- ■----- SALE------dee,* added Dr.,Morrison. “Quite tha contrary. But as a mhw Yuin Shi Kal as muwrpaeaed. That is th« PRICES are LOWER THAN EVER opinion that you hear ly aqHrmead hy those aerv«.. * In nmtariai things. aocordlng to nr. Morrison, prog torn la exeellaBl. more roltway ccaaeai etrortlon now than at anr tUna, and Every day we are replenishing the Sale Lines with more railway roucaaalnni and eon- tracU have been woottotod In the with additional goods taken from onr regular stock. last two yeare than ever bdora. We are also showing many new lines which we were ablAto displays the first days of our sale. Supply jour wants this month—You* pan save money daily iHU ba bald In Board room the hoapHal on July ______reeelTlng of lyorto of ^the ^retirieg Board aMl JirO. SHAW. Secretary. We Sell Tou Drugrs for Less! STOP! Ladies’ Girls’ Good 60 Straw LISTEN ! Tailored Quality Sliapes Dinb^Set Suits Dresses for To Clear Baffet > Set Leather Diners for $10 $1.90 At 60c. Jnet ir Suite left, in tUa lot Our very beat Quality Wash Five doaaa Straw Shapaa in Oak Extension Tabk and at thatPrica wa should not Draaam are included la thla lot. almoet aa many atylaa go on MPiirnorBeiinndBojt' have one left by the cad of Hale Friday morning, te-gs Bo^ WMh Suite Ju.y. They ape Ua aurptue of variety of fine and coarto t). t mMt b« uU b»- ,fOT*way ^ Ih!««y Au OOIIUMid oik : our Spring end Summer Sulu. Chambr.ys. and llollanda, in straw*, soma praimBd and some these SnltoSMetfrooi ______every one man-tailored, every an efiaieas variety of Btylas and band-made ahapea-Ballora. Tnr tea m e ;.viad op this one fashionable and dealcabto trana and 8im Hats, la White. . OsM sad Try «n• pwif ihs S3Ba.-srs, - BED HOT PKICB- IB every way. ^tortal# are ...... "-'SS Block aiu TBseut. .YlMto ax*"* 'TweRla. Smgsa. Venetians, and raartwi to ma U from ll.» prices vfll ptssse yon. Whipeorda, in Browns. BUek, - to »3.50 each. Many wars Navy, Hoyai. Taa_al^ elaarad oot flint dajto^^c^^^ Not oca la tha lot worth lam Tom osnoh iftird to mtss than I17.fl0. T 'sBK’wnroow wbplay the Bstgifais si diH BALI wMieiiksu. sold at ttM. Npw $10 Now - $1.90 Now - 50c

% FH-RefSrm Store -'"•S2S ‘®»- DAVID SPENCER, Ltd.