Jul17-1914.Pdf (11.31Mb)

Jul17-1914.Pdf (11.31Mb)

-.... > CT^iNANAIMO-FREE TRE§ „4l8t YEAR NANAIMO, VANGCIUVER ISLAND BRITISH COLUMBIA. FRIDAYt^gLY 17. 1914 niKIIBMF FAMOUS H ASiini'S HAi emsi»f 8LASfi£BW (tot., JulyW.-r*toM.-r*»jfaa. Intar- aarday wlpad outt thetba teamtown of MTK . OtUnra, July17AHi« r^mri-trom Manning Uonienmi. NOTMII M m -- tba function o, tba^ A^ ^ Ucui^ anW to. VaMCouvar ol an attempt to bring a- SOFFRAOtllE ol.ual wUb tba .r- batweon MO and 600 paopla treat law agatoaa tba mremwre <d thd bout a ganaial atrika of Um> work, tba Kontreal elocUic Uamcar dared bonataaa. Tba only . |,|i,nnBooalted halibut wmt. wbtoh 11111^81 togmao of BritlA ColumbU ovar Tica tboa npoka ol tba Talua of London. July 17—A miUtant auf- leftlan atandtogaianaunr are tba«w "* ti« balibat oaagbt In tba 'tba Vancouver lataod coal atrika alt- TOMS ^ ud the atorea of Jm- AUantie, north Tacito and iMEME IraaevM riuam.o 1 nation la not taken very aerloualjr ^ ^ UBtuvm poruait ol 'fhomaa 2? ?r — m- to - Urn O., July 1«.— Two lo. train arrived here ttoa altareoon It la ballavad that tba uniona "'n>e auceaan of tba Loi London. July W-Pwanlar Aagultn (torbla. acDttiah toatorian, paintod atrlklng mlnen marched to- with dbout tbrae hundred rafugM < tna incmanma^ai^ niaptoaag boa in largnly credited by today to tba HouM ol will vote agalnat a general atrika. ^ Thar^ mu toriaa ol a a«bt_atold. i Jaiw Oapartrefcl- fce- tb* ’ I<i;X*ri*orvr«t cangwd Taat i^l ,, ad a copy ol the treolution, but no and llxod the data provlalonally lok oOcial aUtamant . — uu, u« 1. »..-*« «'»r .«i“ ' waek to contodar the Iriah altuatlon, reaoltttlan do not aOeet tba Federal ond the allocation btadnaaa lor tba govenunent at all. and It U a mya- u,* woman reinoindar of the pireant aeaaion. tary bare why tba ranolution eriti- Mntttogbut------- was- eventually handed over to Huacroft*" flnaUy drove oil the atrikora „rJ u»«».. the polloe. She bled profuaHy Iron ^ ^ ^ tPAMSMMFOe ES VIEWS. cuu on her hand, cauaod by break- ---------- ------------------- “T^llT^-lV^ emr- from any rafarenoa to tho Itoee T. * U OOWCIL'8 which be would abn at a aottl ^ ___^_____; nniiinrn iiinni/o not nnd a b«a umt wui amt ©ur /aaeouver, July 17— OfBoars of the Clatey that won’t be too ^vy. tte Home *>y POIER WORKS Lorda’ that won t.ebfrtoN, notay. and that Tha need of ayatemal BIU coma, before toa CouncU ‘* ’ tba Itobor Temple laat night. M. P.’S Will RAISE Commona at tba beginningof next I both to J.H. IlcVaty waa a NOT IN DANGER,^ week. Jamt night it wna reported that a deadlock had arisen, but F. L. IHEIRiNDEMNiIlESinun inuLiftniiiLO ^ provincial'^ wanton. POliaiANI(llfl)M report to not conflrmad today. tnnua ,. «. ___________, atafl aanlaied b> Uie I'rorinclal police Itony reaullad in thair angtoeare and icipal Couaffi, Ha urgM t^t- the cnMffiKi HES amending WU. It to «*•» of the evwolng activ. atep. wUl be utoan by man- of Ktrehln . W an the weat ride ditiona impoaed by the m-etotorn kreo the road, to a good atata of re. o each aeotkin. They lour Ulster aonnttoa be excluded, ^ unoeraiaiaung w. *^jji,reault of a revolrer baatta batoa-m the NaUonaH^ rafnaa to give ^,1,^ ,1,^ .tjU o* ao general the advlaabilUy of toereaal ■ felt In the city that » a period of yanre for the part that was tak. road, had the pohoa aod montiwi a long In-'-^ •“»“« th, worirere of B.C. too»I im«i»Ey which' ragtob end that the «« ““«* < w^dangrr. bnt «»y tba msEtoipaJTisttaaittae •?»V of the to *2,600. Tho mgKaUon powder work, wafi'i“ danger. to tbia tbh quretlon brifly and tho general wUI receive some aupporl Irom tne on en.iuiry -t the ofllre of the Cana-, o. w hna jcartaln mileage adWoing their tmram. varioua acoonata af tbn Wtoat .T^ir dutlre%ould_toe to keep ^ by dUtorant pmhtolpwta^ aa« BOYCOmNO BEUAST. I Watchnfan. cohi.'a conatttueney which he baa the railroad track horn tba «®“'j^^^ed in Loal^tomtaT* ^“*1^ dar” gangtoare. to to h- aigned by two magta- of the B.C. Ttotoratton of lAbor an! reprimwUd to the Houa. of Com- pany's Work., and that to anv ea.e that run to th. refiaira bnmadtote-; levad aaveral ,ty ootmclllor, and the; Sardtary-Troumrer Welrii of the nioo. for fourtem yeare, on the the wind to blowing K away In • ^congaated part of London all tba afHxmt bole to Uw --red them tahtob bM Wore of Ca-- aamr organlaaUon. ground that be rannot afford It. oontrarj' direction. The tee to now ^ ^ tutwad out towmroa tba is a abort time, develop ^to a ^ 1^44,0 i_ tbair Mawda Sir K. Bortbn intimated....................................................................... a le time at the: hour of going..................................... t country on Sundew holldaya bm;^« n^ ------------------------------ - wbich It to staieo tw ago that there would bo no toci^ ed to be well under control and no , proof of tba ftoxitHllty «f ^iXJmd and tredere of tbto c at that time, but roerobere Ualtova danger to antlripnted. and it to greatly , 1 and the »4.f»thirt wo«^ the arvice there. RAHWAY STRIKE MAY they can overcome hia oblection next CARPQITERWiLL ■K' ana get badly wanted in a great municipality. rlabw peraista to her attitude of op- BE AVERTED > four tbouaaod Uollara. DRAMATIC TREAT iKaea wbbto wBorda tbai ,, proartng the n^oPt^ «l the poaiUon to tba Home Hula BiU. Tlila ■ rtumlag put patrol ayntem Cm •ieefnion baa „ .b.«« -! ATHI flPHIAUrUlN HOUSEIIUUuL ir> on Sunday and holiday,^ ^ and --------- . bl. Ubd, II tr,b,Mt,d witb Ibd- « —T _ ------- - that abould contribute to a batter g* moot oOrient method of taktag awl kto i N,i bbu hi bbbbib. .«■^ rlERA OF BIOOOSHED tba V^Moore Company toate of btoflth. which wo W all mtta of tte reada CWtolh^^Pa^ ^ t .or one periormano. on nrfvtog lor to .11 oor -untolpall-. T.eltrim. to wbicb every parttoi naa rmilroada was taV^ today OVER IN MEXICO'-"'ly, (toorge Broadhuret a omaatloual Uaa. tow»*iit Bmlth. who------------ - waateni railroad, wai it. oomnanv of volunteer.. Thia uUl- _____________of tho aueceaa "Tha Man o- the Hour.” a' The advent ol the bus. I Mould a vwy valunble idea. by the confepence coma mature to Utoter la bring tak« times to lour big ,ay also, should be wolcomod by tba j railroad. In a letter 1 in p-itrlr reerv town in Tjeitrlm. and Vin-Moore Hectric cai= companiea. as It allorda.' definite atatament of the i • M.85. i„«i-. -hb,« the north -------------------- , “u«’r , tire puna or gatemosi^. Hs l*b of traffic XY WRATHEH KBPORT developing to <4- slsta that the foal Mow hs gawa wss tory for w< “n-ermrn:- h T.; -r ™‘^“irrr •^rr:‘rr“:^^i»Tr ,14ti, 1914. DOOBTFOl lETlER LIT,—- I-Cderel.TLT lor th.LZL'rLi-'s: paaceful trenefer of -. ,,r ,“ drwnatlc treat. -------- - p- » .™.i — __„ reaponae y>_____-r*... nndar- ""for a of linre lntO-l„^25S!r'« bomw the fonrnl notification ' ale rreult Power lo L‘t.v. Thi. under- night thla____, olated atburbe. whtoh eau Hair .82 toeh; hlgheot tom READ.IN C0URT'“of “the"" vote’ -in which nearly all the taking la reganUri oa a ptiicUCal playoni igiaring 00 eflort t„ -ne nt Me urge «Mof^ 79 ™ ■Ousboat^ at wiy ttaa. _____ iptoyre favored a -trike, provWc a hlgh-ci... entertalnmatt tonmjas.MO0 per ringlcsingle mile. The ^ ,g , i The letter ww aigned by A. W. bloodahed i. now .1 on end. ^ ^ A nomewbat T,„ho,m. chairman of the mimagere Watoimgton. July Hi - Ftwncmco ^ priT« are only 25. 'h um BOLU^ BTAKBS. found in hi. coat pototot woihed in committee. Carbajal, mKC«»orto tlener.l Uucr- ^ ^ crowded houae a ,b 1-b.b. 'aunaistoe 47 hours and 21 mlnatea; tho atm fine ol J30. and eoaU Lalng----------------------------------------------------------- ^ provtoional proaident ol Mex- tonight, as the pre-1 June 17. -Tha HeMpas ------ r ,, „„ 'rwto .14 loch; .highest temperature -.......... ragwlar I’l.OO gj,Gon 1 54 ■takas lor aM.OM. ware wna tO«i^ for *2.95. Powera * Povle Go. _ . ^ lalb that he in- the company’s repertoire. New favor of tJooorsJ higliret temperature *4 „ liS: Er H-H?is-^a!ciijUlGES AGAINST ” eat 63 on Sth and »tb. Hapsburg; Sol Joal’a Hoamywood the charge that be wy found' t arranni. the ConaUtutionoliat chief W On waa second, and Sir John Thttreby’s forbajal wiahea only that IIU1th. lowest 52 o |K«nymore third. Thirtean res. r. r^! PREMIER_____ OF N. B, amnesty bo i>roclatmed ‘jb zz'^- ANOTHER HAYTIAN I obituary I acting to town tf the repreaentati.e tempreatuTB 94- on ICth. lowest 6* on . tion given to the property of those of a woU-known-----Him---of------------ ' Sth. rb_ K-i .lead whs- ®* “ “"I- ,.ho opposed the ConaUiutlotialiBls. Prince Kuoer^-Haln 4.Ml tocfaaa. REVOLUTION TODAY'-----OBOROF,------WILLIAMS -- ?!? oommtoalon to tovretlgala the Ou- ,ui,^,e..t of the attUiHl.. oi highest temparnture SO cn 12th. low- ther he had 50, on 9th. 10th and 11th. __L'-oLS-’SrS: Huerta's .ucc-amr. together with the of Urn late George WU- aald that be had. Port Au iTince, llayU, July 17 — announcement from Monterey, that I 10th and llth; loan Chief of Polloe alntad th^^ to liito Pn“9= wy caused today by a rovo- le family reaklaice on C'’ 'mtolon day.^ outpototad____Chartto Iwo- had ‘»rh^'iiJM ”fr^ tbei •>«*“ c.rranre was wllHtig I of a twam- ^TtLlattar found toMorrow, potkat. .b*a “ 4T.”'r-T,ir;. Tr rr—LLr.:' >L” —riTiTrrT.; 1 Blair____ b,-.

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