
PLAINFIELT. W. Mlllllam.Ja1aaia»aTl.prlilaiD. OMW.ILIEVEN NEWS. ESTABLISHED 1884. PLAINFIELD, H. J., "THE COLORADO OF THE TUESOAY. APRHI 5, l8o2. PRICK TWO CKHT&. cm COMMON COUNCIL. g&x^£^.£srsrt£.£j BOARBOARDD OOFF EDUCATIOEDUCATION.N SEUNIO M OP THE OLD EXCEUUOB8L, LATESTLATEST NEWNEWSS BBYY WIRE WIRE.. AHaadredaaeaiDennrOea. Bicklra* AM IMFOBTANT MECinO LIST Brigale Avnawd Ike Caaaa-Flre THE WESTERN BTOftH. After iMiog aeparated for tweat y-et« Kwam. ear* tba memlHTs of tbe Seventieth New York Tolatrtem, of Ora. Dame) 1 Grading; Onnttaot Oraated—Bill Sickles Brigade, held a re-aotoa at U nanawjuau D. CL April 0-(8peciaL>— Ordered Paid—Tax Bate Piked, "Jocotu Port room*. Broad street, Ne- Oaaaa an Mewing throughout tbe irk, ymarday. Th« re-unlon wi The Pl«i nticld Board of •aaaattau brought ahoat tbruugb tba rSorU of M»a1**l»ul Valley and tba take regular eeetioa In tbe High School Comrade. Joan W. Bomaloe, of Newark, vegiaaa. and also In Minnesota aad WI ad WlUtam Downing of Brooklyn. la, Tbe wind waa nail lug fafty- Art—— About one hundred meaanwra of old •eoo of tbe Board, and principal of 1 1 miW an boar at Chicago tbla m •rr pri —lit. They came _M#. cbarlea Flak Elected cboel*. Mia. Bulkley. ware 1 inatlfylog tbe playful appellation Mt aa BMlon and aa far Tbe tax rate for tbe year 1 fluunawnr -- Clean tbe Bwati (•braakaand New Mexico. An whitb U *oa»etlBae* given to tbat oity. IOMU Erery Day—Tbe New sti Wt nweptton wa* given until «J0 The oentraet for grading tbe 1 Kail war-A Grade for Waat *B«_ rbeu a baataeai meeting was and the lake regtona. It was snowing Street—Mr. Mareb Woald Hatar acM.' ~ - Minnesota tul. morning. Warm weather U general in tbe Atlantic State*. It will lUwIgn I ban Have tba Blander* The fact tbat Mlaa BulltK-y, tbe prlaol decided to form a Ibe Cowjblae Coancil Bepeate. Tbe local for New Jeraar I*: Bho < *1OO ftor Memorial Oaj—The •w ad W Mt 8OBM of tbe latter* HKMIIIK, Theappololmeotof a worthy leopwarwai prove dMoatt. Bontloe . Pliaaaamii. Aprils. (Special.}—Tfala MmtbeC waa thuewa Into lataaae exelteaoea* nlo executlvi U*t Might by a terrMe exploatea. doe to an accident at Ifce State fa I aw j far Ma -Head Van Emhanrb * Wblnv* new BnoanoemeM to-day. —Engine Company No. » will hold meeting Thursday tor tba Mantel and Cabinet blown Into apllnter*. Nine workmen iw« tod Ktbaequentlr granted. t Mawa to pleeea. Some of tbeir pviR a r Mn. MarPonald ml other*, In > _ s went found •» yanta away. Tbe 'f ^w lion, requeued Council to extend the i tt i f to tb opening and widening Of Peaoe atree t. tbe fact that tbe lo*. of life waa not On motion or Mr. Caae the request wa* 4omplled wltb. •rack gi eater. Mr. Fraaee thought a preoedi Bon. Jaoob Klrkner aad other* peO- •ould be eatabllabeii; tbat anyone et«* tlmi.-d for a arumwatk aorom Eighth ahead and build a bouse and y, •trust at tbe Interaeetton of Division C boot* waa up Ih.-ua.lt for roprietonof the Central Hotel, are ha v na; lh.- front of their hotel re-patnU-d. Tbe petition waa referred to tbe Com *A vote waa thru taken on Mr. Marata'* Bouaea a mile and a quarter away from —"Peooltar Ideaa, or Bow to Think mlttee on Street* wltb power. motion to prant tb« petition, hut the A petition rtgued by Mr. Hermann •wtton wa* kMt; only Meatra. Binl will be the Mhject of the popular talk U •hook. Window* wi Great ComfortComfort Weber and other* requesting CoonoU to be dven a) th« Y. M. C. A room* oi IS HOT WEATHKK order two oroarwalk* laid In tbe Fourth leasra. LoomU k, Bloe would To know yon can avoid heating ymr bow. Invited. ward, one arrow Liberty street al briek wall ou tbe aide of flic Hut ^3fc:::::::::::::::::::::::::::! Tbere w no way of ascertaining bow abn do away »itli (be -KILL or looitfira by «od and the other arrow Becowd afreet eat Mr. Bookweu"* property tber -Mr. JOOD Peterson ha> opened a ahop tbe exploalon occurred, aa every man In «t Liberty waa referred to tbe Commit- >e no Objection to th»u proceeding; wltb t M Oraodvlew avenue. North Plain Me gun cotton iHiBdlng hi dead. It U "rTlxKHnla mid that he did not think fid, where be win make mantvb aot tbougbt tbat it waa due to oareleeMeea Arnold Steam Cooker. tee im Street* with power. COR RENT. Mr. P. A. Dunham and other* peli tnt-iutxT of Council would want to other One carpenter work. Hts advei Id a bousn wuli oo*> aide of It brick liiiiit-i! for a oroaawalk aoroaa Mm tne otber frame. elaewbere will give farther avenue at the Interaeettoo of Sixth r. Marsh reUMted that it * pirret. The petition wa* referred to tbe , J( now to have 000 atory briok and ft Bumps, for Street Committee with power. The application of Jobu H. Btaat* for a la New York N. J~ April 6, (8periaL)-tiov ENT Inquire Htmry bgerdtng and others petitioner to-day took poasoastoa of tbe atore No Iquor lioeune waa next taken up, Ahbett to-d»y vetoed Bill No. 4tt. known R S7 C S 2trt for three electric light, on Arlington Mr. FnuKe moved (hat it be granted. U W.-it Front street, vacated by the FELL FBOM A THAlN. in tin** ~" a* the Heading KIL on the ground thai erenuc Tbe petition wa* referred A petition requesting Coaaatl loUj • Plenon Hardware Co. Tbe new Or Plaaaa tall and aw it at61 P*rk a -— aoroaa Seventh street at Ar- 1 TUr t door to C. H. Hu«» coal onV». the Committee on Public Light* with euue waa referred to tbe wilt eonduot a general hardware bui oa btrenta with power. <«, and will no doubt br their enera rpo LET-For the M. E. BEACH, Ageal. An ordinauof to am«D amouu « Park aveaue and tarttaa all to com 1 TO-NIGHTO-NIGHTT Mkk Mr. Marab muved tbat when the Couo and *ee him. Tbe dinner will be on ex He ruthed to tbe platform and Jumped DANIEL FROHMAIT8 il Bbould adjourn It would be to MM lulUon all tbe afternoon and evening. again in one ' week. Tbe motion pre- VTEta ANTOaT of 1 3>nt Krtet vailed. -Boadmaater* snould trim overbana> v A resolution offered by Mr. Frasee g branches of treea at leaat twelve feet mata> » ppSaJty'of ehndnn^ TlothlneT tbe efleot that tbe street hUiorvrt «ve the Highway. The town of Wall- raaaeaafalrpriow. 41 •eml-moathly «m retired to 1 II In Orange uounty. K. T... bioompelled r* and UrdlnanoUrdlnaooe ComCommitti e nay *a,000.beside heavy costs, for one NBV YOB*. April Mb. (8peokaL)-T«le- rooms" approved Marob 14. 1879, and the _ oonmunicaUoa from the 1 Held •ent BOBM on tba 5JB p. m. train. am imr tiding thereof approved March (ml H*U way Company reque 1 j^*^^ nt —•.,,•• • * mi _ f. , ramafreai various potato abow that tbe CHARITY BALLBALL!! i 1 inn Mnim ti rr i T i> rmaan Rttolfd, That tbe Prealdent s.,i.s? i.-?.K ssrrssS£: of Appeal* ha* afflrmed two previous de- tarrfbrr fatal eyolone ha* extended over Isioaain the caae, and nearly all tbe *MX!!Z»j*lt)m PhyTH ^'^ "*" he amendment WM to make several ^omalartonetatn tbat vicinity, ihrntce* In lha propoeed route. The on aUc Friday at UM Ceaaral Pbar- g tbat It might have aulta •tety held Ita anuual meeting In tbe naum> of aaid liitrary and reading: _ broogbt agabMt them, had baaxment of Ueforai Hall laat evening. Tbe resolaUon waa referred to tbe altna printed and sent to all their path- Mr. Oeorge B. Carpenter, tbe Vioe Praai- directing great oare in ren Flnanoe Committee. eaiabUab a *jrr>dK "eat fourth WaUap* V. MlUer applied for a Iloenae The minute* of tbe laat meeting' MUSICMUSIC HALLHALL!! to keep an Ion and tavern on North ave- read by Me Secretary, Mr. John WUaon nue and to artl liquor therein. and approved aa rend. -ThU la a great country. WbU* Kan aa yd atwry «o man who caa faara is, alnKMt In tbe heart of tbe United Tba Tiaaanni'i raport, wbkih a-aa latea, la MnTering from cyolonea *o ter- TtbaTreaaarar, Mr. Henry C Hoaaen Saturday, April 9th, HL, 4nr«l ath. -To-day T— ilmnaul if Tml TT imperative In ooawlaafcoo be Mid: "Mr ter flanneli too hastily, and for their ua- 600 men. nembera of Trade Unions, Aokennan ha* errved UM wtty faithfully After tbe ontaer* were elected, It" struck In tat* elty agalaat tbe »ml tin. made • mod ooonoUmaii Bed to bavea petithm presented t la better to suOer a IHUn than to make Hod-HoUtlug Company, more to aeoept the reatgnMioa." radical ohangea thus early In the HUM Beott for a bair holiday on Satu rday, NEXNEXTT AUCTIOAUCTIONN SALSALEE O F OF The motion prevailed. especially in a olinMte ao tickle aa in I*. CovtxHlman Kripkaon moved ttiat Mr mad aubjaot to the call of tbeobalr. >Cbarie* Fttk be appointed to in the Tbe Coupling I>in Brake. HORSEHORSESS vacancy namrii by the nwj.in.tlnn 01 1 of Mr. Mareh the Preaident An empty coal train, booad we* _ they were ready to treat parted near the Madleon avenae rai Mr. •. It. Koch of Me Board of Sd lib the property owner. In r«rer»noe la at Atuntic city, N. J. AT : METROPOLITAMETROPOLITANN : STABLES: STABLES,, appointed a* tollers »the opeulug and wldeuiug of Peace road bridge shortly aTter six orlork mat A vote wa* taken: Mr. Ftsk received Tbe Mr. J. N. Make*, tor—rty »t SaM WILL BX HKLD APRIL •. nine votes, one Uofewt being vetod btaak. •ftSktai Murray of Fourth atreet, ha* removed to Mo. • eat Froat atreet. Oaa ear load of ehoke Mr. Praaee atatad that he bad voted hay was noticed. A broken ooupllng pi unUI April Uta, the Mank ticket and tbat he therefor* all tbat resulted troaa tbe aooident. Tbe annaal meeting of tbe Hilletde •nlaChib will be held to-morrow ei at tne dab boawe. Mr. IX L. HuUok, fonaerly of Soaae ed hia plaoe of raaV UT what is THOMPSON, Propriator. B HO. walBw mm* Mr. PWfc. ML him to the maror** oMoe. wfeer* be took The one perfect ENTLBE STOCK AT COST. tb ouk ef II mm. aad laiani to oat-foodoat-foodforbody for body,, I bonebone anandd brainbrain.. Uterary fotea. ImitatedImitated everyevery-- ' Beaded o(TnSm lbn> with the naaai at WUUaaiO"•blagl *mhargb where.where. EqualEqual-- j lAiutwooon A pot ifD •obolarir. mtovwm, KASQCB. jcra or North •aalaaaW.mnaakka GkaalaM. H|iai I IIJ iiagag BM yet oharawag eoaCiibutkMM ledled nevernever.. Heaaajaat amhlbaM•d a pla] aatMiad ••Uiecoaaa: A VnanthMTala,- f >"*qNSf ANT IMPROVEMENT ELECTRICITY SILVER INTHE SBttTE. ^ has characterized the histor 1 Interesting Speeches by Messrs. of die REMINGTON 'STANDARD Morgan and Sherman. TVPEWRTTER. The changes in- DR. GRIFFEN troduced into die 189a mode -D» had tan a •tadrat iflhkitf STEIOT EXCLUSION 01 OSTJESE. : represent the carefully teatet fa**, and whs* he di«l b« w»* y« results of expert study of various tkaaanyof them.' Ho wrrrt* Theodora Ljrcaan, on* of th* great natnntufi oW points deemed capable of im provement. They present ad Prwaidmt David Starr Jordan, of Leland waa alao « vantages in the quality of the I i-twitt." He contribute* to 18921892 1 work, and ease as well as coo Tba Popular bctenca Monthly an *d 1 venience of. operation whicl awiraUs sketch ot the man wbo gav* biology IU Impeto. in America. will readily commend them- im- wed by Mr. Wofcott tomor- ModelModel Prmti'ient Jordan write* especially Mr. Teller and other* insisted that selves to all users. about Ag***iz> summer school at ~ tto ipiattkw sbouU wt be downed, *nd Mr. fcsa», the pioneer of summer schools in Of the CRUSHED ST0NE1 IT, ,n m a vtgoroo* Dttle sf America- Pentkese to a desolate ii that b* had any intention of at sixty acre*, eighteen mllea south of tb* debate, only be warned it to proceed in Hew Bedford, off Itio Mn-aehi taaatkey RemingtonRemington coaat. In tbe month of June, end'in view. Tbe entire day wa* occupied they intended to be brard. Agaarai began hi* *cbool here, the in by the disrawion. Mr. Morgan, in referring Mr. Sbennao, *peaking with all hi. Light Bin* Color, •traction* being given in an old barn. to tbe act Of 1*0, asked Senator* Sherman time force, aaid h. defied any man tosh is now and CsrUal* what they were going to do that be bad ever endeavored to stifle de- fflyekoff,(Qyekoff, SeamansSeamans & Benedict,Benedict Brwxt Ingersoll and Edward 8. Morse when the silver bullion piled up in the were among the pupil* that *ti nini treasury to the extant of hundred* of mil- npon which inch an —iiilhm could be on0:1 thethe marketmarket 337 Broadway, Nrw York. Peoikese. Perhaps from Ajraariz Mr lion*. Mr. Sherman p*kl tbe language ot "1 have never in my life." fa* Morse learned his dexterity with chalk th* law wa* very plain. It required tbe government to maintain tbe parity of gold and blackboard, for the mast«r wai ' NEW YORK'S FINEST ACCUSED. Asm without a piece of chalk in bissod silver coin. Mias Blanche Fellows Smalley Bros., hand. Above ail things, Agaaati op- Mr. Teller—No, It doesn't. Miss Blanche Fellows posed the u*e of book* in natural *ci Mr. Sherman—Well, of gold and aitvei VOCALIST enco. Nature, and nature only, aboolt ,Mal*-tn# same thing. Nsw Tone, April s.-Thare'* at toast •7,000,9*0 collecW annually Cren tfee keep- be tbe volume the learner studied. For Mr. THW—No. quite a difference. Mr. Morgan averted that the lart cl*oae er* of gambling dena. aaloon-, oooosrt halli Election is Over! the zoology committed to memory from if the Uw ixmkl not be interpreted by any for not coming tbe stiver bullion into dot and boa*** of ill repute Bad Election is Over I tb* printed page he bad no respect rule Ot construction or inference or any pro- It was worth more as bullion than a. cw of reasoning except by a knowledge o< If coined there would be tb* added He looked on the acbool at Penikese as what wa* in tb* heart of cost of cotnage, ana it would have to bt • mii-hi"in work of tbe greateat tmpor Ohio (Mr. Sherman). -upinbag*. Why should it be coron) taaoe. He waa an enthusiast all hi* life Mr. Cartkle—The senator front Alabams _ aoceot tbe necessity cr demand ft. Heury M. later, foreman of tbe March grand Jury, made tbe " long. pictnrewine in all he said and did. w referred to me. I dastr* to say, in re- uset Taw senator bah d ctossdhfc «o»- to that allusion, that I did not sop- Be oppoaed Darwinism vehemently I brpraklng tbe act of lMO-Js-Ux peaking port the act of WBO, either in the committee tt-becaa** that act, with proper amend plagny sOk cm perhap* on account of tbe natural rev or hi tbe senate. it-, could be made tohf a (Mr. Bh erence of hi* character. His *ayingsi Mr MorgBB—No. I know be didn't nip- worn on the top of tb* hair, lins wings •yMem of the nation. l designed), and two white ducS! THETHE BEEBEE HIYE!HIVE •pbortanu in themselves. Among so >rt it in tht- senate, but I have a lettei Kis use of wings fn a oostoma a* ifaown quoted by Mr. Jordan are the {of lowing ..m the senator before me which shows be K this dadgn eould not, poMlbty b* itn- •upportvd something wort* than I hut. No bank in the world wa. *o Dnanciallj - Yon cannot do without one specialr. Mr. Carlisle—It i- possible I have sup- ' and 1* tfv.n U.ncnw- Thorn wbo have succeeded beat hai strong aa tbe treasury of the United Slat** ancr oostum* suitable On many ported a good many thing, worm than that. today. Every one of il* treasury notes bad a*lo> followed for years some «lim threat Mr. Morgan—Ten, I think yon have, and a dollar", worth of gold behind it. BOOM MM W. HMOSD »x. which has once in awhile broaitenec ' Ih-lnwbW nt it. appeared to think that tbe Uw of 187B wat A MrtH.r-. • Hy. oat will •IJMCkKed *ome treasure worth a isrosri •till in existence. InntPad of that every on* A warm beoald* wrapper and soft allp- lifelong search." "Lay aside all L-OD then notes wa* bsaed upon enough silvei which msy be e*»ily Hipped on should cMt.' "I feel lea* agony at imprupri beeqnal to gold. Bat then lay b '" K part of t b* ontfl t oi every is act Uw fundamental principle eUca in cbarchea than iu a scientin. and child. Many a sever. Cold • to » Catal termination BarkaltwBarkaUw & Dunn, laboratory." • Jl our monry abould be of eqnai on wa* the senator going to m*k« of itT - t only here but in th. Perhapa the best evidence of Agaseiz' Bums* IIIHI Hllver in.lli.t-. 1818 NorthNorth Avenue,Avenue, •occesK a* a teacher lies in the fact that Mr. ttbennan—I anppose we wMtonake the every one of the men siwcially tn une deposition of it sn wa do of those should be maint FinFinee Groceries,Groceries, are* or (onr bnndrvd million* of silver dol- a golld standardd , if gold were tht by him went over to tbe rank* of Dar ix% wiini Utj in the trt'AiMU'y and caunot be higher: at* silvw ttaDdard if, as bad hap- win and the evolutionist*. He taught oroed out into cirralatioii. pened brfore and mi^it happen again, atT bU pupils to think for themselves, "not Mr. HorKan awvrtcrt that there was dot a should line above gold. And we could d PIPTONIZED New Line of Ties THREt SLA* 1£A to think as ho did." rnyn Mr. Jordan. ilvrr dollitr >a tbe treasary today unlexs The sUver dollar was now only worth ui: Tb* invalid hu not strength to will i» ufeord en Satsnlaj. Conseiinentty they thought out this d f UM or received ID mine KDCD nine rout*. He asserted that on this i-nn weight of a heavier shoe than • light not repreeented by silver cer- ' " of maintaining a dollar behind question for themselves and became toilet slipper ol wool, or to endare a Beef; Iron and Wine dollar rrincate the Uni1 Stateaconk) closer dreas than a soft woolei LouisLouis Callman,Callman, evolutionist*. maintain • parity between tbem two metals. that i* warm and light. Such At Penikeaft that one nmnn By tba free coinage of adver it w«*4*act» sod *boe* are also •specUlly vatnabto a* a rally proposed to take off SI per cent, front taught teachers bow to instruct th Mr. Morgan disputed tbe rtatemeot. Tbe every pemdon granted, to take thirty-one pupil*. How they abould teach natui .fiver dollar bnd MB more power to flyawa y cent* from every dollar earned by tbe arti* 50c* history, botany or any kindred topic be ,han hifcd the silver bullion. an who depended on hi* daily labur for hi COALGOAL andand WOOD,WOOD, illustrated by this anecdote: Mr. Hiscock interpoaed with a question brmd, and to take thirty-one ceut* in tbr Cleaner Goal I about eilver oeniBcatea, to which Mr. Mor- doUaroffallttebtaMntnictedtngold. When tn aU the delicate Unta, a In is*; I (»n an addrsai at Newton. Uaai replied that silver cvrtiflotUat had aavod irttre af.ked to pny one iiiillnr for irks, •llmanne- ol knoUsnd bows lor the hair, PePerr PintPint BottleBottle.. 1 low paid sixty-nine cento, evtrry lostini EE.. H.H . HOLMES,HOLMES, beforo • leather*' imtliintc rood mi«1 by Hoi senator * great metropolis from hank- for the watch, or for toe nock. About K '.BROADWAY A. Rheaume,, 00X. Ag't raptcy and ruin within the lawt nine te pnrcbaflvtr i-ln#i roue against it. H every third woman that i* teen In thess at r pusni uruuml » luttfu jnr uf tb«e ImwUm months. He (Mr. Morgan) believed tbe nil- repeated that he WVM» not averse u> illnruai Lenten days at tb* open has a band of ROADWY 0 mad. every Maeber taka one aod bold It wbi] fog tbe silver question, but he wanted tin I waa speaking. lf*nr oo» dropped Uw Inert- v»r cprtu1cHte« bad a valor invr and above ribbon about her head half hidden in th* 1 stoppad till b« picked it up. Thb was at tin any uthvr rircnlatiug medium. He would done in an orderly manner. Tbert- wer iva* of hair, and tied ia a pert, up- WILLIAMS' Una a *»at iattmmtloa and excited nun giv^ ihr ownwr of nilver bullion tbe optkxi the appropriatuai bill" to bs di^uwd of _ little bow on one side. These ' "sktn. Then can t* no in r« it coin«d into carnsnt-y and made Bat It was for tbe atnate to decide. He ribbon* have • satin smooth finish and •liinjt of natural wrlenes ui >f tbn rirculaTion r>f the country, or to only wked them to flx a day wnen tne qont most dainty coloring, but tb* flOst is Of ake silver ctrtifl<-;ili-« tor it. H*-1 Wonld con- ■ Marsh,Harsh, AyersAyers & Co.,Co. , nect this option with it, but ileean. Hw- ild never stay in JohnJOHN Johnston,JOHNSTON, ' Agassis died in December, IB73. oock and Shenniui would rc(a*-> it, bt*»n»e Very prstty girdle* for uuusl the Kuminer of 1874 there waa an *t- tliatL-ai« Kilvcr wituld force iu way into j made of thi* metal ribbon tied tvmi't made to continue the school, bai .tutl circolaiion anil become tlio competi- Into bows, which sxs gracefully bent and Decorators | f the master spirit waa gone. -The lift- - of gold. AMHIKU-TUN, April 5.—Tbe boose passe tinted into soft-looking DECOBATOBS \. t t liin.Tie exclmuua «<-t by a vote of 17V 1 quit* like tb* silk ribbon*. QUALITYQUALTTY"COA COALI waa gone out from Peuikeee. and at tbe Ur. Mi.Tiiinn—1 wlHh to say that this end of the summer the authorities of the 43, and alxo a bill reppounp g the law rvqm X ||II § PAINTERSPainters.. option in now given every roan who holds i t n ttbba UUU H, bayb * d BATTLE OVER A BIGAMIST. museum cloud the doors of the Ander- one Of thew MIVM- cvrtinc*te*r be iau U,>- the Dnited SUtes to !•• provideid d with lin. sen school forever." Tbe building* re- nancl a ulver Ui^liar for it, ancl if mur« arryiug projectiles nod tbe me*na of pro .olijin are dwikanded than we have coined, SOUTH AVENUB. 1 pelllUK tbpm. The Ciiiunte excliuiuu bill at main exactly tbe same to tbia day, how LOUTS- more wiU have to l>- Lt>ined. ie senator desire* to havu tbia optjon it pju-wd I li- bmse abdoloU'ly prohibit* tlu F. a BOX IMT. iy other way I shall be jjiiid to give it to coming Into tbe L*mi,.l State* Of Chint-t J'SSSUTS him, although be nan it now. pt-nufu, whether subjects of the Chine* Vgtr L-blgh.«nd ofesar cbotce on empireorotkerwiM,** well a* those whx Mr. Uorgan then onutkally referred to w leads a considerable faction of tbe 'mocratic party on tbe silver : expenditures to Jan. II, 1MK tbe wool mannfactanr, bat tl !• eepHaaO} . .Ml, kwvwMi lilancs oa huJJu «bilitated Niver to - "-•— -* "-- ' SI. IBMt, of WUt.sMa.an. Tka total amount • ba> a leader Mr. MorgMa « of your committee im ca * " ta amkh the work ef tk* abould never throw blame on his aubor wheat as be ing _ , 1 will be seen that tbe irmitoB when Mr. MiUa, taking part iu sf the last unanw mt a esatawy of _.. dilute* when thing* go wrong with him ;bate tor the first time sues his ~*—isrriit prutective tariff* oa wool and high protec- That ia what Emperor William did ntu tbe senate, lnMmpted that tbe price tive tariSa o* wool™ good* as* proved t ssrsr. blaming hi* minister* when hi* favontt gf wbeat had. be*a -affected by the famiae wool power, btt «iuc«u,m bill could not be rammed Earope. down German throats. Be said the Ur yor^vn admitted that this wa* in rt t rue. B«t be aaid there ministers misled him a* to the public BOEHM’S SSL mind. Thereby he proved that he people had rrea invaded tbe palare of tbe not only a amail man. but a mean emitror: Frene* w*« boiling wiUi troabla*; tax of forty-four cent* •poa tha amoaat ul a* well. Tbe miniaters could not longer Aostria had K> ksap h*r aray oa tbe field, sack wool hi a aouad of doth, win ouav- in remain with him with any sell respect. aad so it waa Hmj.1 il ~ s taw ArfemgHBt aat orally retired nader * eam divtdmid* The beginning of wisdom ia to know ' rbscam* scanxria bropa aad as it «sw'a self a fool, and if William ran •e snutvr it* p*irr>—ing power de- •TTake ,.fl tbe tak on foreign wo. loan thi* U-ssou there ia Kill hope fi r tigion or to -use iu property or credit . Ohio in ltna kad had tka affart of put- I and tnooey raised by i m »ti on for Battou.T*, April i—Tb* purpose of aiding any church, relig urtrtc p ISmsiO. 0. M.M . DUNHAM,DUNHAM , def><*nin*tion, religion* society or any its faar price and we oaghttonMsit *~I««a«s: HW.J.M MtT-tW. .-.n., „ insbtntton wholly or in part under Lth it to prew it down. He (Mr. Mur fKttma or ecclesiastical cootrtj." '•Mid Wrt tb* set of 1WU stand, but •sat B.V. A- Cooos. lawrDr. Kin, h>>«g .Wa (1s U Ik "watmtiBsnt, aWd from Uw charge of kavtag BATS and GESTS1 Woman’s V the Drayfan-Borrow* it™ to ttat be wonkt fartogagai n into wp- aoaadal. th* Dncheai of aUriborougm, eiatio* to* nroTvaoo* of the act of l*Oi tut who wa* a passenger on ibe Majestic, r*> .VT UKDKBWKAR, •aarked: "It is much better that • WINTER CAPS, rrc. dal *booU nerer be printed- Tnto aort of thing doerat get into Eagii*h paper* Beet $800 Derby •tall." TUiknmlDdesd. rivSSSs?^ O. R CLARKE, UTTLE BHODY'S FIGHT. THEfVSEFJULEOOEVIT. A. M. SEGDINE, AT BAN DO IiPH'.S Closing Speeches in a Great vuo JUT omit* State Campaign. Laing's HotelMs, THE FAMOUS PEACH

STBAWBERBT CRUSHES. ««*ie. L. W. BAKDOLPH, Pl«8cription Dmggist, '•DUMB? IUUO.D Iran C«n«l aiui « iu. Mr. tl WaWT FBOST 8TBXKT Clan (apoo !h« innnnvmrat of her frierxl'a rnKMrrawnUn tbe Duke of Dead- fln* tell Too that fa* tored

nof iwdin ••LHUeB p. r. , IT IS NOT A SECRETSECRET !! : :: : Bhard nuopaig"- Both sides ai CAKPCHTBK AXD BTJILOIB, m «, the outcome. MM. M WsslPiisH—-»,1 tVW'im, if »"T. bss an election in tbe NOTNOT AA SCHEMSCHEME!E 1 M...... (Ute in tbe Union attracted aoch ID RECEIVE A gvs^Tad attention, Never hav« snch dflappr- STrfforts b«n m*da by tbe (rent partiss Ucarry.L Tbe stgnmcsuosof tb*lightsa CASH DISCOUNT, i, opmlng skirmish of the pnaidenfM •»««»•» b«A or wt» !!•»»• of«.»^ TLX .rtunali until tb. party leader* Clara (impatiently)—The* I know wbM the fellow did aay. K Hand—Be didn't say a word. Thr Demoerata of the IUM bare been •»> WUilam C. Smith, B. W. BICE & CO., «B«I»((Bdw.thl««edo«. of tariff nCorn. GROCERS, #, BMILT BTIUnCT. Whsrs yon csm alwjy« irty opon gBttb»x ths b»st of ifjltln in ow Hns, at bottom ..Gor Campbell, of Ohio; •as McAdoo, nt New Jurwy; a* Secretary ^TWtwr an1' other*, while Gorenor Me- KlalrT, of Ohio. Md Congressman Tbomaa r, April .'>—Minister Egsn g. K*M1, of Maine were here last week and Onaol McCroery hava been granted tWlinir ant ttae ilnctrinr of protection with of absence by Secretary Blame and SECOND-BAND FURNITURE Bbrr»l tau'l'. Tbe campaign for UM B«- •ablicvw *•*• practically clonod by Secre- that Minlatet BOUGHT Aim BOLD, * Urr Tnuy iart niglit. Tbe voW promisM ui is expected to return to this country. attack the rich with all com*. Table to be b. ary. It in no certain Ticlory for hsa not been in America since ha went with fire. Knife ud poison. Ownership > AATT 3377 SO.IIER.SEBOMEBHETT STREET STREET,, (Thorn' (Thom’ss Block. Block.)) sltb*r ride The onntf*t will be All the more l the diplomatic service throe years ago, theft! Death to " stttT firrauw it will hinge lar#»Iy upon tbe t it is quite natural that be should desire lsgi»iati*e tkknt. and is. In reality, many „ return borne. Hii work there hsa been hrluon•mall bnttl mtk-krl. merge d «idinto oneKin. reality, manyanythin g tat easy, and I bare Do doubt that Other papers contained the details OS G.G. RR., MusgraveMusgrave,, Troprieto Proprietorr Mall battle m*r**d Into on#. reels the need of a vacation." The next iegiatatnre win elect rarely • plans to blow up with dynamite the cham- Th* a#«» k***atnm will alact aorajy a'Do n this mean, Mr. W barton, that the Ocii.-il Stat™ w-nntor to succeed Nelson W. ber, tbe Bronte, the palace and the open P»lt*d Htal« »D«tor to •omed Kalaon W United States intends to never diplomatic AWrtcb. If tbe Republic™ win, Mr. Ald- house, aa well as several municipal build •thnntss cbetrfnUy fiaklml for all fcinria of earfussr work, and rspalrlna done at AUrvh If the Kopahlicana win. Mr. Aid-relation s with CbDi.c wn asked. richrich wilwiUl *in-iT«-ore***I himselfhiiaaalf;: I ftf th thee Democrat Dmotnus ings. 11M police think that tbe plots wen controleontrul ththee JopnlatnrfafrMaMrae th etba eenlo aawtorr senato araatorr at all, not at all," bs mid. "Any laid by snarrhinte in Paris in collusion witt (mftum "Littl• I.lctlwe K!.ndyRliodf*" wil l willbe gentlba ygrotty bat sncbath assumption would be totally an war member? <.f UM Miui., ftfgn in Spain, and JJoh ohnn PP.. EmmonsEmmons,, Musgrave's - Carpenter - Shop, trmlirmlyy lailaidd upouponn ilieshplftba ahalf,, an andd a Democraa t Our diplomatic r. Lit inns witb that Devtit wax sent to lead in tbe execu- 1 1 ln Cbili nn thoroughly Hatwfiu.-tory, and tin tion, aa bs knew tbe country, yet was nol So. BS Wart Front Street, or at store OA Bonarit staast. willwfll taktaine bibwf Tpla.x^' -' m Wa-shingiaa Washington.. Benatv Senatorr MABOH AS--D BUIUWlC AVliT L it •"«]•• that he will remain In tbe inly question now at issue between tbe tw< known to t b> • potk-a. AWrvh u aura that ba will remain la tba OM o<" indemnity for tbe Bait i • A Ltobon anurchut named Ftrrelrs, wat **Th« Dfmnrrat ir ticket to beaded by Vi\- caught lurking near t bam T. C. Wanlwell, who was lieutenant buildiu >w at tbe time of Devat'a wan taken to tbe atune polict «*at.cm. He * (arernor uinl«r Governor Davis in l*tu. CHICA.OO, April S.-"President Hart, ot Ite othi-r Dtmocratlo caodiiiateB are: For thought to be Devat's accomplice. Getddet B01CE,B01CE, KUNTORUNYONN & &QL . OH. the Chicago clnl>, says tbnt tbe story that several incendiary placard* be had a plan ol the new twelve dab league la governed the palace and the senate chamber. The and controlled by a combination composed Succsannta. of tbe American amtoeintion element is all police think be nuiy have been selected to Mow up them bafldlngs in accordance with Carpenters & Builders tbe plans of Denvt. Tin* Ksimi>]i>-»u flaudidate lor governor U last league meeting show it to be lain. In The Est. D. J. Boice and A. D. Cook& Bro., I) .::":, Bniwn. The other candidate* Eactt of the bombs sfiwd had a three r. a BOX r. the ncouil plsco no tombination o( seven minnte fuse attached to it. Both wen Denlera w •re: For lieutenant governor, Molville :u» triil l lie league, as nine votes are tbe W. 4, l-sancw. So- 1ft VMS—us. H. B. m» of Miilciletown; for secretary of state, made in this city, it is believed, and bonaet •nty. In tbe third place Byrne has DO of anun-hirt mxpecta arc being sewr-hed Uj George H. Utter, of Westerly; for attorney »t alt in tbe league councils. In the grn, nl. Kuhcrt W. Barbank. of Providonw; the police in a> effort to find tbe factory. CoalCoal,, LumbeLumberr anandd MMasons’a sons' Material Materialss - fourtb place Pbelpa has no vote." j The news of tbe discoveries haa excited tht (oTKeneral treasurer. Samuel Clark, of LtO- 43 ton PARK AVEITOX. Tr.rf. Appeal for AMrih. ce is doubly guarded and extra EWARX, N. J., April .>.—tH-neral Stckehr n have been placed on duty at the •iaei-BBjed faeilttM. (barisf: He big meeting of last nlgbt was the one .•iiumiaiKl. in reunion bere, organised Daniel Hulick, IB tlitt city and Secnitary Tracy waa tbe ieyeutiuUi New York Excelsior Voron- ; of Ma—» A D. Cook * Bnx,) to OB all orders promptly, m central figure ot it, though Congmwnian assodation, with tlie following officers.' BDTTOWH WM MHO nLpnnlt-U as a strong card. President, Colonel Tboman Hoyt, Water ' , April i.—1 CAEPENTEB Hern-iiiry Tnu'v's speech iraa an nppeal iu burr- CODD. ; VIAJ presideut. Captain G miiniiif tpd here in tbe trial of Mr*. Annie sshalf of Senutor AMrtcb, and be devoted a and treuBtu-eT, John W. CTttUflerBbif! poTtSon of bi.1* time to urging Margaret Montagn, wife of Mr. Robert Kai - executive coTninittet, Acneaon Cromie Montagu, of l.'nunori tb L' ;TT 11 ~ T !. 11;' '• of keeping a man of soch it, Juliu Ouuk» and John Houae, townland of Ballykaoe, who GeneralGeneral JobberJobber.. NEW o°o STOKE! azperience and ability in the aenate. Tbo dieted hen- on Saturday fur k« of *urh S man, he claini.il. would be not ter Tor killing ber thw sal? to iti- -t.t»- but to the nation. The Rubber Trait Altar Thesa. Helen. Mrs. Montaga Tin- nut ot tbe speech was an eloquent n K«w YORK. April 5. -The United Stan-. jnaniUiighier and seotenoed to imprison dot>>-tu<-Q t of tbe iidinuiiKtntt inn from Proe Rubber company elected ibe fullowins; offl ment for one year at bard b^bor. Tbe veP o>iit Hirriwn down. Each depHitment wu : Prenilent. William N. Trenbolm: diet waa aocompauied with a recomnwnda ptnt- into and landed. Thfn the speech aecratary, John I. Waterimry; treasurer, tton of mercy on the grouad that the pris- Window Screens Baosnl wi [h «Dutber appeal on lwhalf of £ John P. Townsecd. The coinpejiy will par oner believod In paniahJnc her children and &BGS33 lor Aid rich. B tbe property of tbe New Jersey Enl> act«d nnd>r a mistaken sense of dnty. Tbe judge orden-d that Mrs. Muutafi. be given H. P. RALDWIH, AMttteo Fw» Aat. K. York Ex-SprakeT R«ed ircpivedan ovation. Be Shoe company, the I.. Candee com- * J. facrirtor*. Mr. RMHJ wannudinpplaudc.1, !•»•*». •tHl » be tliiiHbM! hia Bpeerh many people The KalM-r Sent Her Ml. Pletan. ! I ivr Vtriiiu. sf n SaleMs i ibi-present mayor. The BepublicaD-i lifeboat's men who diatiti^iUKbed himself in when his lot was drawn. The- gor«mi REALRRAT, ESTATESTATEE hsvt> IJ OUUIK.-I.UU-U null the Democrat* 30, a the reecue. The girl has not tent her photo- will makt) an inqairy into tha wllst. _ 4343 WESWESTT FRONFRONTT STREET STREET.. gsio of 2 tor tbe Brpalilkan*. The board graph in retnrn. tbe cadets at the school belong to oM sf alili-rmen stand* II Dvuiucnta to 5 Re Boumanian fan.ili.-s, and tbe inatiMtioa it so.bl.vaiM. Tbe total Tote cast waa abut" Mt>n.»i«l bj ih. n-Mut, watched witb -xpecial interest by King I,;*"1 jivutfr KI «ANn. April 5.—Tbe co baniiu of medk-ioe, with the rank of ctn> ',«•*. Isr nTlhinnrti nf TThls>lis.nsl_ Ihjislln. —il ITwOili V* nodore. Commodore J. A. Oreer, to be • rear aUmirai. Captain Henry Krbeii, to be Mnrpby J. Pouter tbe Democratic lor governor, throwing oat the Joseph T. Vail, from same precincts, where there were ro*- BfcKPiw of crookedness. Tbe McBnery S*L.»«MA. N. ¥., Aprtl .-..-Old raft* nittiviut'ii refused to abide by the dec men predict that tJua spring will wit new REAL ESTATE s*.Qr majority and bolted. tbe g»at«t floods ever known in t be hi. F. LINKE, 4nti-Hitl Mas Mm. covered with from sii to twenty Coftnna, N. Y.. April 5.-A meeting of snow, and if the nmww' meBAHOB. •W -uti-Hill Democrata of Stenbea and denly tbe river will create tM BLUB 6TOI« FI^OGIMO. Tat« conotm wss held in this city. Charlxs F. Kinsaley, a prominent Uwyer of Barb. was cbtwu rhairtnan. AH of tbe tprmken toaounml the action taken in cavliing tbe Manaary rouvrntioD. and openly aunountvd IhatUrewrOveUndwaa tnc'ir Unrt choice by Btabop Howe, who seal fcSSi, con far tbs presidency. tribated by the p^opl* of hs) diooaM ia M.M. MM.. DunhamDunham,, SoaU farolum, and a draft from tb* tnayoi Dr»os. Aprfl i—' .»— of Coni-urd, S. H., for f loo. The fcody of > gM has 1MM ahnTnnd say der tbe Hoar of n eotsag* ——• BssdnSM REAL ESTATE twenty tnilM •oathwsst of Cork, coven* with cwiit, in much tfes as «f PhamiHria. tor uatloa*1 d plum Major EUmilton, of Mmmokit ; T h»ar, of .__ Clara Hftw. has bean recelTed hare wftli anaflrcted horror bj penon* eon- Mount CarmH. and Josrph or Mii- tan, wn «I«UM1 daiagilUt tSf nected witb tbe court. The dnke'» wift died only four month* ago. April i-lt ia vqnrtod that tba to the at _^_UiB«li»iha.i»Jor--d Mr. Btaios Will M«( Job, ik* r*» Pi.-. Fa«tJ. that indemnity for ths loss of Ursa d* Cwcioo, Aj.nl .'. -C airrinn Hall, ot th* Italian Mbj fctm in New OrlwiM rJoM wfll FrnhibittuD *tat« ceatnalii.'nmittee, ssya it lIBU, ^ a), ttaa* Oauuiiui..n» dti-wi 11 Uf tbeoo«MUttee tear fire d.'jmrtiuent went out of existence T that in,, tii.i*- has not yet arrived for the last -UtflU aod the oew paid dipMtMBl > •taunicd tnntrocontrolL. TbThe citizent s care the re- WmWm.. AA.. WoodruffWoodruff,, idtto unit* with the Psople't tiring department a bwiqnet at which e» MUuk. «I Ual.. •*.«•*, 7Ii.lt. Secrnary of UM »avy BObMOB i ' April 5.—Th» fforid'i fair oost- BVHUgattnc cotmaitto. la tta lB- q»ry in to tbe cost of buildings har * diseoT- 71 PI AT. ESTATESTATEE Us* lf..isi», April 3,-The entire Be; ,.rwl that Pmtdent Baker bad left ou OM Mow tidni WM elected bw*. «i, April 6.—Ufa* adnoM item of M.6K1,7^4.15. Machine Works. ex-Prewtant Ptorota, who i* oncani* Ihifmnl Mithtr1! WmM ing a ivbeUion in soathom Pern, ia believed Cmc...... April 5 -Margaret Mather, tbe to be financially backed by Enroll"—, who MiCDLXTOWs, On., April 5.-Mrs. Mtv Spicer & Hubbard, Mi LI, Im applied for a divorce frosn her anxhma to effect a change in tb* Psr» hit*b*i Dajto*. o* bat Hsi-rtsi, is dead, Spicer & Hubbard, •fcUaJ. Euiu Uaberkora, leader ot an or- agedl«yiaria^ll •K-.ths. Ba, to saW moomt TO UMI "*» ID p>tunan. it i« dwrgsd that to have bee* ths oldest person in Oausctt Electrical Machinery. •a* J..frcd-nt, without reattonabU «UH, *, April 5.—Wallace Brnoe, UniUd >n»al at Edinburgh, nss breu inrited to ddirer tbe annual sddreaa bstotw the Grand Army of tbe Brpublic th* Isaac Brokaw & Son, REAL ESTATE AND (MMM HCsT J. N. SCHENCKJ *£ Tbe man boldjittMia e-pi sw-I Oal kjr • \aoi North i AprU 5 —The town of Kline's ExtracU. -4. entirely wiped Mt y, . Umam, April &-JoI» Bptsri Ti •*>.**«— of tte wttle—t In art. >r- thsart pibl-b*r.is da-d. Bs wss a ^V F TWi Ikt. b Ertwjr-Aprfl 6. ^^«CtoHalm. Vawtos &I tkaiiiaWUt kwaaa> H

boat/, ^ratb aadZT-ttboat -- lIV^w— k. —ah*4 •»« T^r atotfc. *!•>»•• k>r !• HI I, ll 11 Hill >•» waak*. M« kaa« 4,ttilM*| wa*a«

—VPT- . WHlk4««kUv .tthar, II I* a a doaea UBM-a day, . ther bmo. deaMadtaa- In wl Ahf«k«p*<«Tk«iMH.MlMtkt «prUl —dielne, »d alntoat fawlaXr ^at. I Mul tbawhefci bod7 l« water aabot aafac* *aUH. ajTiiilS'ri t~J !lia?^ tUak wttfe ••««, tmlNH: "Ho,

aWfcbiaw wfch • • IMIJ ••• BSIWZ •JfrtTwl. ba» A* awbnal ma. • ta gat UMwTaU. TWawaaTVM. wailad nmtkwZ •boa* krawa, hi altawtaal to , tbe Ha* parted an.1 bbbopaia-d. of hie n.hraa; Tartk TanUhnt ••nl He Ma amilig for nbaoN* •klaefe, and tnea taratas M kk friend n-

; which- litll* !!•• — !• » ha> b Brmhtn* the Uetb with the Aa—% pt»l- lHd willow ebareoal wOl mate tbem

Utttt of tba Mbrtan m pMaWa, • •t nl to eoeaa In by tbe fire. Aa tb* Ud* •I with a daaa, allckUjr e4U of tbe bOBM butted about ah. watched aaaaa Mttoa waata. la atu* , Un» and final n don't look •taaa OTa^Uab alaM, a ataipl. rakbla. a» •oaaas tbla thaa«H fc» BBC mii^ •••mam t here are that •hOdkal be," atbetagcall •W to thaw Utah) bade. *«tj apod ta With a lore 1 cannot .peek. m him eat on boade, pabMai «3tlufW oolorad pi i' .. Ibax r«flwt, aad do not abaorb ibahMt. r i iij "in i ii r i • TIF God help those who do not PIHypet or Tfppyto.! • •'•"••• "••"• root, ol joaag fra t tr«w, currant MM amptj millipa wa. . BIMpla«aMd aatt .....b-liJ baah«a. It teelllUta* OH the floor, alone *ba hall M«b lady'* piat* IaawM—4—ipihMi •••are tomemdapo n tbe wall, >h7,aad .POD aakta. warn toM M wa. There are proof* ieanry with y*« hand*. Do not wat too •• Why," abe a«U i* anrprtee, "that tathf Of tbe ha Toe t be j be Te UiUm. If av aasall Mhi are nama --». T. Lodger, w, pernape eome of tbe following , 6 7 8 9 mlxtan lnloaqaart ol milk, poar «*at 3 4 6 twolncara,a> thin u a •bm of paper. l b; of paper. ttaUaai aoMUMMki and la tb. uM tacteaa •«» •-« ?"'"" *** ^" **"* *^ -•**•• one tmaaral «< ptM bnad tnnta, Wbn tt i. doaa ta*7 nta. it o.Tfoao.Tfoarr ol the eitMaM «rth and aoalh. B.U, JTffc*rf-_- i7 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 eorner-poaM,UHlltliaplMt.«retl0Be*,lt too,-re w(d*lT dl.trib.t-d, and are. In- <*. 1*^ afcay* at aaaai-w km-* to totoj prewriptlon routine ..Tcral dollar.: "For Uble»po«iifui» of .ugur and • 1 >lM < h> aoaipleta, and a — whea tb* lantern, dtapaaii thaw »lt'»'«"F*i I tfll joa.-b. rap will be form-d. T.he a table- I A lump , turn and Foarth Btrcat, KIC.HTU* NntRKrRntRKT ANDAND PAR* fABK AVKMUR.AVLNVF. Aemf TallnrliiK Cn. and enaiae hta line nt wheeb, botU an and mood band. Wbeek attend from »W to Sebwt nmtlyrami ly bowLliotpl. Ciubion or PnennwUc Ttaa. twruln todn. and prn- SEEDS ^LL KINDS. 6AEDEGARDENN TOOLTOOLSS Xeirly famhJnl and Meam heat through- dnce a Perfect Fit w no SEEDS AULJ KINDS. BB8T EQUIPPED REPAIR SHOP IN THE STATE AW.1 UUIFBBfl. LAWN l ntw to |«r>nuait pnl*. •s W.harc the Iaraaw Lawn Mowers. PTATM rmUQ AMD SAVED! BLUCHERS! Era If Ton ihlok P Weba«eaddedalhMf ettn quattty H. GRIFFEN, fASPAR'S HOTEL, Acme Tailoring Co., CalfCalf WeltWelt PicadiUyPicadilly Bluchers,Bluchers, Dairy and Creamery Butter, ThM aw an aabaj to adl kr So 1* VI.ftrYnntatr.-t. t'.> tvwperliir u> that *>>ld tn moat Mure* for EJirfo Cn-mrty. ^^4 &&26E. 26 F. FtontFiont StSt John H. Freneta. Prta. and Treaa. 84.00 Just Received! S4.00 o, wid.h.B, CuxlD. OCR 11.-lyyiKi.n, N. J. OletinU>] HUDMriui O. f>. riour, try . !•*. Mnton ehi|» rt per ID. NENEWW FirsFirstt ShipmentShipment DOANE & VAN SpringSpring DunlapDunlap StyleStyle OFor BABBABYY CARRIAGESCARRIAGES ReasonableReasonable t1 Rates.Rates. DERBY* WHY IS THIS? Oat CALL t AKD : 8KB • THEM. Three r«n ago the SaMta Inpcrial barrel, of Soar » daj. A. W. BAND, c MUO bamai daily, T O,D AY . CEWUL iflltU WMFMtlM abj b^aatr • barret of fn^i ilal iMk No. //11 ti.K, Ft Fiont out St.St. pLAurma 18 to 30 More Loaves Hallock & Davis, WheWhenn YouYo u WantWant

Wiiidham & Crowley, USE THK BEST! George H. Bremmer, FRENCH BROS., DOMESTIC . I

SEWING MACH1MBB * PATTEBS* Something About Decorated Dinner Sets at Half Price ! Something About Decorated Dinner Sets at Half Price SPKCIAI, SALE OF 8BKKT MC8IC JusJustt ReceivedEeceived atat Werner’s,Werner's, I Have Cnt Prices Real Estate ! Real Estate ! 4 & 5 cents per Copy. M•O WmtWBST nOHTmOfTT 8TMXJET.STHEBT, IIff YouYoa WantWant "«& A-»••• M., ha * Vanderbeek’s,rnettca Booby, Tta-am, ate. 606000 FainFain ofof Tailor TaUor WaA>Hade Trousers,Trousers, Burnett & Mflligan, A. M**. PARKVanderbeek's 4VTC3CE , GaawawaJb.ax.ofow.,,, I r ll i. ** PARE AVESCE RanginRangingg inin Price Price fromfrom M$4 to to 18.$& MAW>HS aad BUILDERB, u£s»s?e:=; 28 East FrontFront Street.Street. . RIK2R & CO. M work iraaraBtraB- 11" EA^T FROXT SIRBaX nabBd lor awrklaoroato* J. a ALLEN. 28 West Front Street Snits to Older $15 and Upwards,