- PLAINFIELT. W. Mlllllam.Ja1aaia»aTl.prlilaiD. OMW.ILIEVEN NEWS. ESTABLISHED 1884. PLAINFIELD, H. J., "THE COLORADO OF THE TUESOAY. APRHI 5, l8o2. PRICK TWO CKHT&. cm COMMON COUNCIL. g&x^£^.£srsrt£.£j BOARBOARDD OOFF EDUCATIOEDUCATION.N SEUNIO M OP THE OLD EXCEUUOB8L, LATESLATESTT NEWNEWSS BBYY WIRE WIRE.. AHaadredaaeaiDennrOea. Bicklra* AM IMFOBTANT MECinO LIST Brigale Avnawd Ike Caaaa-Flre THE WESTERN BTOftH. After iMiog aeparated for tweat y-et« Kwam. ear* tba memlHTs of tbe Seventieth New York Tolatrtem, of Ora. Dame) 1 Grading; Onnttaot Oraated—Bill Sickles Brigade, held a re-aotoa at U nanawjuau D. CL April 0-(8peciaL>— Ordered Paid—Tax Bate Piked, "Jocotu Port room*. Broad street, Ne- Oaaaa an Mewing throughout tbe irk, ymarday. Th« re-unlon wi The Pl«i nticld Board of •aaaattau brought ahoat tbruugb tba rSorU of M»a1**l»ul Valley and tba take regular eeetioa In tbe High School Comrade. Joan W. Bomaloe, of Newark, vegiaaa. and also In Minnesota aad WI ad WlUtam Downing of Brooklyn. la, Tbe wind waa nail lug fafty- Art—— About one hundred meaanwra of old •eoo of tbe Board, and principal of 1 1 miW an boar at Chicago tbla m •rr pri —lit. They came _M#. cbarlea Flak Elected cboel*. Mia. Bulkley. ware 1 inatlfylog tbe playful appellation Mt aa BMlon and aa far Tbe tax rate for tbe year 1 fluunawnr -- Clean tbe Bwati (•braakaand New Mexico. An whitb U *oa»etlBae* given to tbat oity. IOMU Erery Day—Tbe New sti Wt nweptton wa* given until «J0 The oentraet for grading tbe 1 Kail war-A Grade for Waat *B«_ rbeu a baataeai meeting was and the lake regtona. It was snowing Street—Mr. Mareb Woald Hatar acM.' ~ - Minnesota tul. morning. Warm weather U general in tbe Atlantic State*. It will lUwIgn I ban Have tba Blander* The fact tbat Mlaa BulltK-y, tbe prlaol decided to form a Ibe Cowjblae Coancil Bepeate. Tbe local for New Jeraar I*: Bho < *1OO ftor Memorial Oaj—The •w ad W Mt 8OBM of tbe latter* HKMIIIK, Theappololmeotof a worthy leopwarwai prove dMoatt. Bontloe . Pliaaaamii. Aprils. (Special.}—Tfala MmtbeC waa thuewa Into lataaae exelteaoea* nlo executlvi U*t Might by a terrMe exploatea. doe to an accident at Ifce State fa I aw j far Ma -Head Van Emhanrb * Wblnv* new BnoanoemeM to-day. —Engine Company No. » will hold meeting Thursday tor tba Mantel and Cabinet blown Into apllnter*. Nine workmen iw« tod Ktbaequentlr granted. t Mawa to pleeea. Some of tbeir pviR a r Mn. MarPonald ml other*, In > _ s went found •» yanta away. Tbe 'f ^w lion, requeued Council to extend the i tt i f to tb opening and widening Of Peaoe atree t. tbe fact that tbe lo*. of life waa not On motion or Mr. Caae the request wa* 4omplled wltb. •rack gi eater. Mr. Fraaee thought a preoedi Bon. Jaoob Klrkner aad other* peO- •ould be eatabllabeii; tbat anyone et«* tlmi.-d for a arumwatk aorom Eighth ahead and build a bouse and y, •trust at tbe Interaeetton of Division C boot* waa up Ih.-ua.lt for roprietonof the Central Hotel, are ha v na; lh.- front of their hotel re-patnU-d. Tbe petition waa referred to tbe Com *A vote waa thru taken on Mr. Marata'* Bouaea a mile and a quarter away from —"Peooltar Ideaa, or Bow to Think mlttee on Street* wltb power. motion to prant tb« petition, hut the A petition rtgued by Mr. Hermann •wtton wa* kMt; only Meatra. Binl will be the Mhject of the popular talk U •hook. Window* wi Great ComfortComfort Weber and other* requesting CoonoU to be dven a) th« Y. M. C. A room* oi IS HOT WEATHKK order two oroarwalk* laid In tbe Fourth leasra. LoomU k, Bloe would To know yon can avoid heating ymr bow. Invited. ward, one arrow Liberty street al briek wall ou tbe aide of flic Hut ^3fc:::::::::::::::::::::::::::! Tbere w no way of ascertaining bow abn do away »itli (be -KILL or looitfira by «od and the other arrow Becowd afreet eat Mr. Bookweu"* property tber -Mr. JOOD Peterson ha> opened a ahop tbe exploalon occurred, aa every man In «t Liberty waa referred to tbe Commit- >e no Objection to th»u proceeding; wltb t M Oraodvlew avenue. North Plain Me gun cotton iHiBdlng hi dead. It U "rTlxKHnla mid that he did not think fid, where be win make mantvb aot tbougbt tbat it waa due to oareleeMeea Arnold Steam Cooker. tee im Street* with power. COR RENT. Mr. P. A. Dunham and other* peli tnt-iutxT of Council would want to other One carpenter work. Hts advei Id a bousn wuli oo*> aide of It brick liiiiit-i! for a oroaawalk aoroaa Mm tne otber frame. elaewbere will give farther avenue at the Interaeettoo of Sixth r. Marsh reUMted that it * pirret. The petition wa* referred to tbe , J( now to have 000 atory briok and ft Bumps, for Street Committee with power. The application of Jobu H. Btaat* for a la New York N. J~ April 6, (8periaL)-tiov ENT Inquire Htmry bgerdtng and others petitioner to-day took poasoastoa of tbe atore No Iquor lioeune waa next taken up, Ahbett to-d»y vetoed Bill No. 4tt. known R S7 C S 2trt for three electric light, on Arlington Mr. FnuKe moved (hat it be granted. U W.-it Front street, vacated by the FELL FBOM A THAlN. in tin** ~" a* the Heading KIL on the ground thai erenuc Tbe petition wa* referred A petition requesting Coaaatl loUj • Plenon Hardware Co. Tbe new Or Plaaaa tall and aw it at61 P*rk a -— aoroaa Seventh street at Ar- 1 TUr t door to C. H. Hu«» coal onV». the Committee on Public Light* with euue waa referred to tbe wilt eonduot a general hardware bui oa btrenta with power. <«, and will no doubt br their enera rpo LET-For the M. E. BEACH, Ageal. An ordinauof to am«D<t an ordinance and other* petitioned arm a valuable acquisition to tbe baal- med Wood*, who walk aeroaa Orchard dividing Me Fourth Ward WH rand lor 1 tbe Brit time. <•*• life here. , a injured by fall- plane at New atrweC The petition wa* Mr. Saa explained tbat the ordinance —Mr. Beach, agent for tbe Arnold an from the 5J0 train a* tbe North ave- sissr referred to the Committee on Street -'introduced for tbe oooveuleune of •team oooker, says ha 1* aelHng hia The Director* of tne Art Gallery tbe otber aide of Plain- •ookers to aomr of tbe beat famUlea la Fourth Ward. Public Ubrarvpreaented thefoilowiug tbe oity, wbtcb apeak* wen of the oooker a returning to hia borne in Donellen MUSIMUSICC HALLHALL!-! Ha will 000k a whole dinner on SaMr be had feU aaleep In the oars. After tbe Board, anand thU Board day two p. m., In one of tbe oooker* a uino tuat tbi> amouu « Park aveaue and tarttaa all to com 1 TO-NIGHTO-NIGHTT Mkk Mr. Marab muved tbat when the Couo and *ee him. Tbe dinner will be on ex He ruthed to tbe platform and Jumped DANIEL FROHMAIT8 il Bbould adjourn It would be to MM lulUon all tbe afternoon and evening. again in one ' week. Tbe motion pre- VTEta ANTOaT of 1 3>nt Krtet vailed. -Boadmaater* snould trim overbana> v A resolution offered by Mr. Frasee g branches of treea at leaat twelve feet mata> » ppSaJty'of ehndnn^ TlothlneT tbe efleot that tbe street hUiorvrt «ve the Highway. The town of Wall- raaaeaafalrpriow. 41 •eml-moathly «m retired to 1 II In Orange uounty. K. T... bioompelled r* and UrdlnaooUrdlnanoe ComCommitti e nay *a,000.beside heavy costs, for one NBV YOB*. April Mb. (8peokaL)-T«le- rooms" approved Marob 14. 1879, and the _ oonmunicaUoa from the 1 Held •ent BOBM on tba 5JB p. m. train. am imr tiding thereof approved March (ml H*U way Company reque 1 j^*^^ nt —•.,,•• • * mi _ f. , ramafreai various potato abow that tbe CHARITY BALLBALL!! i 1 inn Mnim ti rr i T i> rmaan Rttolfd, That tbe Prealdent s.,i.s? i.-?.K ssrrssS£: of Appeal* ha* afflrmed two previous de- tarrfbrr fatal eyolone ha* extended over Isioaain the caae, and nearly all tbe *MX!!Z»j*lt)m PhyTH ^'^ "*" he amendment WM to make several ^omalartonetatn tbat vicinity, ihrntce* In lha propoeed route. The on aUc Friday at UM Ceaaral Pbar- g tbat It might have aulta •tety held Ita anuual meeting In tbe naum> of aaid liitrary and reading: _ broogbt agabMt them, had baaxment of Ueforai Hall laat evening. Tbe resolaUon waa referred to tbe altna printed and sent to all their path- Mr. Oeorge B. Carpenter, tbe Vioe Praai- directing great oare in ren Flnanoe Committee. eaiabUab a *jrr>dK "eat fourth WaUap* V. MlUer applied for a Iloenae The minute* of tbe laat meeting' MUSICMUSIC HALLHALL!! to keep an Ion and tavern on North ave- read by Me Secretary, Mr. John WUaon nue and to artl liquor therein. and approved aa rend. -ThU la a great country. WbU* Kan aa yd atwry «o man who caa faara is, alnKMt In tbe heart of tbe United Tba Tiaaanni'i raport, wbkih a-aa latea, la MnTering from cyolonea *o ter- TtbaTreaaarar, Mr. Henry C Hoaaen Saturday, April 9th, HL, 4nr«l ath. <Sp«etaL)-A ra Me in for™ that they oaa blow down wa* ordered recorded. It (bowed re- Mama, lift a oow to tbe top of a area, eelpto far Ma year.
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