The Berrien County Record, The Berrien County Record UTERTylS OF ADVERTISING, A REPUBLICAN NEWSPAPER. (T©nlineBorloBS,makeaSquarc.) SPAQB. Hi w-I!2 w.[J3 -W.H4 W.JS3 m.£Q y e PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY, 1 Square.........J 1 00I$X 60J$1 76|$2:001^i 00i!W 00[tl0 AT 2 Squares.. ......J 1 7611 2 60J 3 001 8 60[ « 00J10 00J 16 C 3 Squares... .....5 2 251 3 261 8 751 4 251 7 00112 0Q( 20 U BUCIIANAN, BERRIEN CO., MIC1I., .4 Squares........J 2 75J 8 75f 4 261 4 60J 8 00116 00{ 26 0 BY 5 Squarre... 3 601 4 00] 4 501 6 00(10 00117 001 26 % Column.,.... 1 4 00|| 5 601 7 00J 8 00[14 0OJ25 00J 88 W AGNER & KINGERY, ^ p o ln m n ., 6 00J 8 00J10 00112 :00120 00(30 00J 60 r T E lS M S s 1>. A . W A O JT E K ; V ..—18 OOflO 00(12 00J16 00125 00186 001 65 IV. 1>. KtXQ>23tY,JyEiHtom. Vigilance is the Price of Liberty!' LS2.00 Yes 3 «W In Advance 14 Oolunm. T E R M S : 1 C olum n... .... 110 00114 00J17 00(20 00535 00(60 0 0 p i5 Business Cards of fiTelinesorles8,$6.00 per annum. §2.00 Par Annum, in idvaace, il notPaid in AdYance,$2.50. y o L U M K y jq-USIBEB ^_0. Legal advertisements atstatuterates. jKJtcusss Tsaats stbiotv? aduered to.^5* BUCHANAN, MICH'., THURSDAY, JANUARY 4, 1872. Transient^advertising,payable in advance. Yearly advertising,payable on demand* Matterin localcolumn, fifteen cents per line for first 45?^Na paper fo discontinued^ except at the optionof Insertion, and ten cents per line for each subsequent in­ ttopubU3her,untUaUan:oamge3arepuid,,-©Si cious habits, or secure to me any of years I shall return a very hero in sertion; but no localB taken for less than $1.00. Established 18@5. MORTGAGE SALE. Poetry, Miscellaneous; Obituary Notices—more than the announcements—w U my father’s estate, was becoming to your eye3,” he said, laughing, “ and be charged for as advertisemen ts. * OFFICE—In. “Record! Btlcfc Building/* north side of EFAULT' having been ranne In. the pavment o f the Advertisements not accompanied with directions as to Float 3ireet>foar doors, east o f Main* Dsum. of one hundred ($100) dollars, and the interest XJM»CBI.iSS03JE YElGJinOKS. them every day a matter of greater then you will marry me, eh, Ann-?” MARX A3sl> iffER..nlTXZ,E LAKE. thereon, at ten per cent, from the 23d tlay o f January, time,‘will be inserted Until forbidden, and charged ac­ 1870, which amount is claimed to be due and unpaid, at doubt. “ N ever/’ I answered, as soon cordingly. SELECTED BY TIM. THE TRUTH OS’ THE STORY IT LAST. Doublecolumn advertisements, 25 per cent.above reg.» lav s ofJrevspnpcrs, the date of this notice, on a certain htortgHge and. note nccoinpanying the same, (reference thereto being made,) I had never before heard my father as astonishment would let me alar column rates. 1. Subscribers nrhOi do not giro; express notice to the bearing date, tho 23d day o f January,. A. D. 186G, made First Mrs. McGinty came over to know speak.- I Ayas then going on to give BY JINGO. Special Notices, 50 per cent.above the foregoing rates- contrary are conaldared as wishing, tocontinue the sub­ and executed by Henry L. Seaman, o f the County o f criticised. I was much grieved; it Yearly advertisers allowodfour ch&ngeB without extra scription. i t : Berrien and. Stnte o f Ml Ulgnn, to Jesae B. Slight of the If a pail fall of coal sbe could borrow, also made fresh my great loss.. I saw my reasons for refusal, when he inter­ charge. 2. I f au^seribers-vriah their papers diacoutlnned, pub** Her husband had ordered a ton from the yard ; Mary had a little lamb Single copies of the Reoobd, ready for mailing, five> same place, and given to secure the purchase money of him again pale with approaching rupted me with, “ Bless me, child, who cents. Haheramay continue to send: them until ail arrearages- the land in said Mortgage described, which said J/ortgage She’d return. It again by to-morrow. That did caress and fawn her, Allkinds of Job Printing executed in the latest style* are paid. DBALER IN was duly acknowledged, aud recordedin the office of the will marry such an ugly little thing if He followed her to' Sunday School, 3. t f subscriberamove ta other-places without inform-* Register of Doed* in and for the County of Berrien aud death. I felt the presence of his cold of the art,and atreasonablepricos. log the publisher* and the paper- is sent to the former State o f Michigan, on the ffSd day of January, A.D-1.8C0, Then came Mrs. Martain from over the way, hand, and his dying words breathed I don’t? ” And then I answered, A t "the Hide church’roundthe corner.” direction* they are held responsible. Notice? should in Libor It, o f Mortgages, on page 176; uud no? proceed­ W ho said she stepped over to see always be given o f the removal. ing* at law or otherwise, having been instituted to fore­ faintly in my ear— “ I can trust you, moving aAvay, “I will never marry The teacher tried to put him out, 4* I f subscribers neglect or refuse to tahe their papers If f would oblige her till that afternoon close said. Mortgage, or collectAuld money or any part But Mary at him flew, * Dyspepsia. from the ciBco or place to which, they are aentv they aro thereofr Now, tboreibre, notice Is hereby given, that, by With only a drawing of tea. my child. Be true to yourself, Ann, you, Mr. Lander. X will neArer speak hold respoasiblo until they settlebllls and gltd notice to Virtuo o f tlio power of solo in said Mortgage contained, Said she, “ how dare you touch that lamb ? FIXE FRENCH AXU AMERICAN and to G od!” and with a burst of to you again.” And then I heard the I f a man wishes to get rid of dys­ discontinue. the preui5si»s tU scribed in and covered by anld Mortgaco, Next came Mrs, Johnson tvlio’d like very much “ I ’ll put a head on you.” 5 Tho courts, haye decided.that refbsingt© take a paper to-witr AU that certain: piece or parcel of land, situated tears I left ths room. tones of a singularly swent voice say­ pepsia, he must give his stomach and t^ m theetB»*e«or removing and leaving, itr uncalled for,, iiL the County of Berrien and? State of Michigan, and If I’d lend, for an hour or two, iam lm a /actcevldenca ot" intentional fraud. described ns toilows i Being a part of the west half o f the A couple o f irons, as she had on hand Mr. Lander had thought me a strange ing, “ in just three years we Avill be Now Mary’s lamb would butt like sin, brain less to do. It will be o f no ser­ 6. Any person who receives a newspaper and makes? southeast quarter of section number eleveu (XI), of town­ Some work she was hurried to do. None knew him but to fear, use of it. whether he has ordered ito c not will be held in ship six (0), south o f range eighteen (IS) west and. des­ child, I think, and his observations married, Miss Annabel Gray.” He quickly broke the teacher's back, vice for him to follow any particular 0.W to be a subscriber. cribed as, commencing at a point where the west line of The incidents of the evening I Then “ walked off on his ca r” the above described lot strikes tho Berrien and Saint Then came Mrs. Thompsou, my neighbor, next had been made a probe. The next regimen— to live on chaff-bread, or Gold and Silver "Watches, Fine Joseph road; theuco north ou said lino: to tlie northwest door, day lie made every attempt to concili­ thought 0Arer in my chamber .that any such stuff—-to weigh his food, etc., coruon of said lot; thence oast on. the north line of said And then he pulled down all the books. A troublesome, cranky old dame— B u sin ess D ir sc tar v, Jeweliy, Ladies? and Gents’ lot thirty two and one hftlf (S2)»<C) rods; tlience due south ate me. But I received his kindness night. That Mr. Lander was quite That lay upon the shelf, so long as the brain is in a constant to- the above named, roadt thence a north westerly direc­ W ho wanted to borrow, for that afternoon, Then bleated out in, thunder tone, Gold and Silver Chains, tion along said road to the place o f beginning, contoiu- The loan o f my large quilting-frame. with repulse. X could not forgive him serious in what he said I could not state of excitement. Let that have iugtwen»y acres o f b»ud, will be sold at public auction, “ Tbu know how His yourself .” T. MOKXEY, star foundry. A ll a f the hour of one o’clock in the afternoon o r Monday , the conversation his last night’s re­ doubt. But AA’hy he should have se­ proper rest, and the stomach, will per­ »■ kinds otcjwting.auehasplow poini^.
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