Christoph Weiditz, the Aztecs, and Feathered Amerindians
Colonial Latin American Review ISSN: 1060-9164 (Print) 1466-1802 (Online) Journal homepage: Seeking Indianness: Christoph Weiditz, the Aztecs, and feathered Amerindians Elizabeth Hill Boone To cite this article: Elizabeth Hill Boone (2017) Seeking Indianness: Christoph Weiditz, the Aztecs, and feathered Amerindians, Colonial Latin American Review, 26:1, 39-61, DOI: 10.1080/10609164.2017.1287323 To link to this article: Published online: 07 Apr 2017. Submit your article to this journal Article views: 82 View related articles View Crossmark data Full Terms & Conditions of access and use can be found at Download by: [Library of Congress] Date: 21 August 2017, At: 10:40 COLONIAL LATIN AMERICAN REVIEW, 2017 VOL. 26, NO. 1, 39–61 Seeking Indianness: Christoph Weiditz, the Aztecs, and feathered Amerindians Elizabeth Hill Boone Tulane University In sixteenth-century Europe, it mattered what one wore. For people living in Spain, the Netherlands, Germany, France, and Italy, clothing reflected and defined for others who one was socially and culturally. Merchants dressed differently than peasants; Italians dressed differently than the French.1 Clothing, or costume, was seen as a principal signifier of social identity; it marked different social orders within Europe, and it was a vehicle by which Europeans could understand the peoples of foreign cultures. Consequently, Eur- opeans became interested in how people from different regions and social ranks dressed, a fascination that gave rise in the mid-sixteenth century to a new publishing venture and book genre, the costume book (Figure 1).
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