June 11, 1998 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1111 the National Under- College embodied its founders antislavery Neil, George Passmore, Joseph Passmore, ground Railroad Network to Freedom program sentiments, and the school's location, atop the Ervin Queer, Hiram Smith, John S. Van to facilitate partnerships among Federal, state highest hill in the area, was a physical and Cleave, Jared Van Cleave, Henry Waddle, and local governments and the private sector symbolic statement of the community's beliefs. James Waggoner; RushÐTristan Cogeshall, to identify and commemorate the Underground Near West Franklin in Posey County, run- John H. Frazee, Johathan I. Gray, Henry Hen- Railroad. Commemorating the Underground away slaves were helped across the ley, Milton Hill, Sidiman Jessop, Henry Macy, Railroad Network is well-deserved and will River. Lake, Porter, and LaPorte counties all Robert Patterson, Zachareal Small, Abraham help every American understand what the Un- had places where slaves could be hidden until Small, Elisha B. White; SteubenÐLewis Bar- derground Railroad was and how it helped they could be smuggled on boats and carried nard, Capt. Butler Barry, Henry Butler, M.B. thousands of slaves to secure their freedom farther north on the net- Butler, S. Seymour, S.W. Clark, Allen Fox, and their place in history. Through the pro- work. Denison Fox, J.A. Fox, Judge Gale, Hendry, gram, structures, routes and sites which were Evansville was another place where the Samuel Jackson, Augustus Kimball, S. significant to the Underground Railroad will be slaves crossed the . The McGowan, Nelson Newton, Rev. E.R. Spear, identified. The National Park Service will cre- city was the home of many freed slaves, who Waterhouse; TippecanoeÐLewis Falley, ate a logo to identify these sites and distribute provided places for the runaways to hide. An- Moses Hockett, Benjamin Hollingsworth, John interpretive information for visitors to under- other crossing of the Ohio River was between Hollingsworth, John Robinson; UnionÐWilliam stand the use of the Railroad. Owensboro in , and Rockport in Indi- Beard, Dr. Casterline, J.P. Elliott, Edwin Gard- The Underground Railroad stretched for ana. Rockport has a regular crossing at the ner, Joel Hayworth, William Huddleson, John thousands of miles from Kentucky and Virginia mouth of the Indiana Creek. Maxwell, Gabriel Smith; VermilionÐWilliam I would like to praise the individuals on the across Ohio and Indiana. The Underground Beard; WabashÐAvery Brace, William Hay- following list of names of Underground Rail- Railroad movement was responsible for help- ward, Maurice Placo; WashingtonÐJames L. road Operators from Indiana, divided by coun- ing approximately 70,000 slaves escape and Thompson; William Penn Trueblood; WayneÐ ty: BartholomewÐJohn Hall, Willis Newsom, journey safely to freedom. Attempts made William John Charnnese Charles, Daniel Parker, Willis Parks, John Thomas, Wears; through the Underground Railroad were made Clark, John Coe, , Gogshalls, BondÐJames Douglass, Anthony Hill, Robert at tremendous risk for those fleeing slavery George DeBaptiste, Thomas Edgerton, Thom- McFarland, John A. McLain, James and anyone who helped along the way. as Frazier, Reuben Goems, Jonath Rosbrough, James Wafer; BooneÐSamuel Mr. Speaker, I am proud that the people of Haddleson, Harris, James Hayworth, Daniel Johns; CarrollÐRobert Montgomery; CassÐ Indiana were an important part of the national Hill, William Hough, Daniel Huff, Zimri Huff, J.E. Crain, Dr. Ruel Faber, Jim Hill, Barton R. effort to help slaves attain their freedom. Indi- Dr. Johnson, Lewis, Malsbys, Mareys, Maxwell Keep, William M. Kreider, W.T.S. Manly, Jo- ana contained several routes and stopping family, Samuel Moore, Samuel Nixon, seph Patterson, Jeptha Powell, Josiah O. points of the Underground Railroad. The Beth- Overman, Daniel Puckett, Able Roberts, Dr. Powell, Lemuel Powell, Lyourgus Powell, Wil- el African Methodist Episcopal Church, in Indi- Benjamin Stanton, Ira Stanley, Luke Thomas, liam Powell, Thomas T. Tomlinson, Turner, anapolis, founded in 1836 by William Paul Lewis Thornburg, Jonathan Unthank, Dr. Capt. Vigus, Batley White; DearbornÐJohn Quinn and Augustus Turner, became active in Henry Way, John Whippo, David Wilcuts, John Collier, Ralph Collier, John Hansell, Thomas the antislavery movement, often harboring fu- F. Williams, Martha Wooton; WhiteÐJames Smith; DecaturÐCady, Capen, Luther Donnell, gitive slaves en route to Canada. Their pro- Lawrie; MiscellaneousÐHonorable Isaac A.W. Knapp, Taylor; DelawareÐSwain; Elk- motion of the abolitionist movement and their Brandt, Maxwell, Dr. A.J. Smith, and Talberts. activities in the Underground Railroad were hartÐDr. Matchett; GibsonÐRev. McCormack; The Underground Railroad Network to Free- not well received by some members of the GrantÐCharles Baldwin, Nathan Coggeshall, dom Program will provide an educational pro- local community. Promoters of slavery are be- Aaron Hill, David Jay, John Ratliff, John gram dedicated to preserving, displaying and lieved to be the culprit behind the fire that de- Shugart; HendricksÐHarlan Harvey, Dr. T.B. distributing the history of the Underground stroyed this church in 1862. Harvey, Dr. William F. Harvey, Elisha Hobbs; Railroad, and therefore allowing Americans of The town of Westfield, directly north of Indi- HenryÐIsaac Adamson, John Bales, Jonathan all walks of life to understand the important anapolis, was known as the ``North-Central Bond, Charles Burley, William Charuness, Jr., contribution to the history of the Underground Station of the Underground Railroad.'' This Roger Edgerton, Seth Hinshaw, Dr. Iddings, Railroad. The Underground Railroad is a story town was the last hope for slave hunters to re- Jesse Jessup, Tidaman Jessup, Enoch Macy, of great courage and determination and the capture a slave. Once a fugitive slave traveled Jonathan Macy, Lilburne Macy, Phebe Macy, struggle for freedom in this country. It teaches this far north, he or she was considered safe. William Macy, Alpheus Saint, W.D. Schooley, us the important lessons about liberty, under- The home of Levi and Catherine Coffin in Mrs. Jane Small, Caleb Wickersham; How- standing, cooperation and reconciliation. Fountain City was referred to as ``The Grand ardÐDaniel Jones; JacksonÐRichard Cox, f Central Station of the Underground Railroad.'' WIllis Parks; JeffersonÐJames Baxter, John Three main lines of the Underground Railroad Carr, Robert Eliott, Louis Hickland, Judge Ste- HONORING PETE MORRELL AND from , Ohio, and in Indiana, Madison phens, Rev. Robert Stephenson, Isaac MORRELL AND ASSOCIATES and Jeffersonville, converged at Fountain City Waggner, Jacob Wagner; JayÐBaird, Brown and the Coffin's home. They helped more than family, Thomas Gray, Haines Family, Hopkins HON. BOB SCHAFFER 2,000 runaway slaves escape to freedom, family, Jonah Ira, Enos Lewis, Mendenahll OF COLORADO using their home as a principal depot. A Ken- family, Joshus Puxon, Williams family, Wright IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tucky slave owner was the originator of the family; JenningsÐBland, Aaron Deney, Thom- name ``Underground Railroad'' when he re- as Deney, Jacob Hale, Felix Hicklen, James Thursday, June 11, 1998 ferred to the Coffin's home and said, ``they Hicklen, Dr. John Hicklen, Louis Hicklen, Mr. BOB SCHAFFER of Colorado. Mr. must have an underground railroad running Thomas Hicklen, Marshall, Eli Stanley, James Speaker, I would like to call attention to a hereabouts, and Levi Coffin must be the Presi- Stott, Samuel Stott; KosciukoÐGordon, Thom- company that is proven old mine of wealth for dent of it.'' Simeon and Rachel Halliday, char- as Harpers, Chauncsy Hurlburts; LaPorteÐDr. the city of Greeley, Colorado. This wealth is acters in Uncle Tom's Cabin are based on the George M. Dakin, Harper, Rev., W.B. Wil- not only monetary, but is also includes a Coffins. Its heroine, Eliza Harris, also stayed liams; MontgomeryÐSamuel Clarke, Fisher sense of pride and spirit inspired by Pete with the Coffins as a fugitive for several days. Doherty, Elmers, Emmons, John Speed; Mor- Morrell, founder of Morrell and Associates. I classroom and chapel ganÐWilliams; NobelÐWaterhouse, Stutely rise today to honor Mr. Morrell and his associ- building, located on State Route 250Ðjust Whitford; ParkeÐAlfred Hadley, W.P. Stanley; ates for business excellence and a commit- east of Lancaster, Indiana, constructed be- PutnamÐParker S. Browder, ``Singing'' Joe ment to public service. tween 1854 and 1856, was the first college in Hillis; RandolphÐAlexanders, Amos Bond, Morrell and Associates offers the business Indiana to admit students without regard to John H. Bond, John Clayton, Willis Crane, community much needed guidance on effec- race or gender. Three of the college's trust- Bury Diggs, Jr., Daniel Jones, John A. tive management techniques. Founded by ees, Samuel Tibbetts, Lyman Hoyt, and Moorman, Soloman Rinard, Samuel Smith, Pete after several years of public service with James Nelson, were among the most active Lemuel Wiggins, A. Worth, Soloman Wright, the City of Greeley, Morrell and Associates is participants in the Underground Railroad in Zimri; RipleyÐJames Bland, Dr. A.P. Cady, giving back to the community at every turn. and around Lancaster. Lancaster was a Dautherd, Francis Holton, Henry Hughes, Wal- Pete Morrell is a leader in the Chamber of known stop for fugitive slaves traveling from ter Hulse, Henry King, Duncan McDowell, Commerce, and has served on the Board of Madison, Indiana to . Eleutherian Washington L. McDowell, F.M. Merrell, Willett the Greeley Philharmonic Orchestra. He is E1112 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks June 11, 1998 well known in the community as a leader and million over the next five years and the agency Holbrook will begin his term of office on the role model for others. would be targeted for another $500 million in Board of Directors for the American Associa- It is for these reasons I happily rise today to unspecified cuts. And funding for the National tion of Retired Persons (AARP). honor Mr. Morrell and his staff at Morrell and Science Foundation would be frozen, instead In addition to his work in behalf of postal Associates. I hold them up to the House, and of receiving the 10% increase called for in the employees, Douglas Holbrook is a champion to all Americans, as a shining example of the President's budget. in the crusade to find a cure for diabetes. He best of America's businesses. They exemplify Many of the supporters of this resolution has worked with the Juvenile Diabetes Foun- the industrious spirit, can-do attitude, and claim that these draconian cuts are necessary dation for many years and served as its Labor community involvement that made America to fix the marriage penalty. I am a cosponsor Chairman in 1995. Since 1996, under Hol- great. of legislation to ensure that married couples brook's guidance, APWU has been actively in- f don't pay higher taxes than similarly situated volved with the American Diabetes Association singles, and am fighting to ensure that this (ADA). Holbrook is currently the Labor Chair- CONCURRENT RESOLUTION ON Congress addresses this issue. But this budg- person for ADA's Walktoberfest. He also THE BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR et proposal goes way beyond what is nec- serves on the National Joint Task Force for 1999 essary to fix the marriage penalty and by mir- Child Care and Dependent Care and APWU's ing the issue in controversy may make it less Safety and Violence Committee. SPEECH OF likely to achieve this necessary reform this Douglas Holbrook has demonstrated the year. That is a shame because our working deepest dedication to his work and to his com- HON. LOIS CAPPS munity. He is a distinguished citizen who has OF CALIFORNIA families deserve relief from this onerous and unfair burden. earned the highest respect of his peers. It is IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES I urge my colleagues to vote down this reso- my privilege to offer Douglas Holbrook my sin- Thursday, June 4, 1998 lution and support a fair, balanced budget res- cerest congratulations as he retires from the olution. American Postal Workers Union. I wish him The House in Committee of the Whole and his family many years of health, happi- House on the State of the Union had under f consideration the concurrent resolution (H. ness and prosperity. Con. Res 284) revising the congressional A TRIBUTE TO DOUGLAS C. f HOLBROOK budget for the Government for THE KING OF THE ROAD FOR AL- fiscal year 1998, establishing the congres- MOST A CENTURY: THE HARLEY- sional budget for the United States Govern- HON. WILLIAM (BILL) CLAY ment for fiscal year 1999, and setting forth DAVIDSON MOTOR COMPANY OF MISSOURI appropriate budgetary levels for fiscal years CELEBRATES 95 YEARS OF UN- 2000, 2001, 2002, and 2003: IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES PARALLELED EXCELLENCE Mrs. CAPPS. Mr. Chairman, I rise in opposi- Thursday, June 11, 1998 tion to this budget resolution. I am deeply dis- Mr. CLAY. Mr. Speaker, I want to take this HON. WILLIAM F. GOODLING appointed in this proposal especially in light of opportunity to pay tribute to one of our na- OF PENNSYLVANIA the bipartisan agreement that this Congress tion's outstanding postal employees, Mr. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES was able to reach last year. That agreement Douglas C. Holbrook, on the occasion of his Thursday, June 11, 1998 encouraged education, prolonged the life of retirement. As the former chairman of the Mr. GOODLING. Mr. Speaker, Saturday, Medicare, cut the death tax and capital gains House Post Office and Civil Service Commit- June 13 marks the 95th birthday of one of the ratesÐall while balancing the budget for the tee, I came to know Douglas Holbrook and to most unique and remarkable manufacturing first time in 30 years. witness his deep commitment and tireless companies in the United States. Founded in The budget proposal before us today threat- service to all who work for the United States 1903 in a small shed with borrowed tools and ens Social Security and Medicare, and would Postal Service. a grand vision, The Harley-Davidson Motor require cuts to a wide variety of critical areas, In 1981, Douglas Holbrook was appointed to Company's enduring image has emerged as including education, environmental protection, service as Secretary-Treasurer of the Amer- an America icon. NASA and research and development funding. ican Postal Workers Union which represents As the only major American-based motor- The proposal would allow using the budget 330,000 postal workers in every city in the cycle manufacturer, the Harley-Davidson surplus to begin privatizing Social Security. United States. He was elected to that office in Motor Company has endured significant tri- This is the wrong approach. Instead, I favor 1983 and has been reelected in every subse- umphs and failures that epitomize the Amer- reserving that surplus to ensure the long term quent national APWU election. Holbrook's fifth ican experience. But through the ups and viability of this most critical program for Ameri- term of office will conclude this Fall. downs, Harley-Davidson has remained the ca's seniors. And, up until last night, this pro- Holbrook began his career with the U.S. hallmark of the world's motorcycle industry. posal has called for cutting yet another $10 Postal Service in 1956 as a part-time clerk. He From its early days when Harley-Davidson billion from MedicareÐon top of the $115 bil- later founded SOARÐSave Our Annuity Re- produced only three motorcycles, to today's lion in Medicare cuts that Congress passed tirementÐa coalition of 40,000 active and re- production of more than 105,000 motorcycles, last year. I cannot support any budget that will tired federal and postal employees in Michi- their innovative manufacturing and manage- continue to weaken the historic protection we gan. He was also elected Chairman of the ment philosophies have always driven the afford our senior citizens. APWU Local Presidents' Conference in 1980± company. In its first twenty-five years of exist- While the proposal before us makes very 81, and went on to serve on numerous na- ence, the fledgling venture constantly re- few specific recommendations on how to tional union committees. invented the motorcycle by creating innovative reach the $100 billion in cuts called for, earlier Before he arrived in Washington, Holbrook improvement after innovative improvementÐ versions of the budget have spelled out where was President of the District Area the Teardrop fuel tank, the twin-cam, and the the cuts would come from. This budget would Local of the American Postal Workers Union front brake, to name a few. Many of these im- mean severe cuts in environmental protection, and its predecessor, the Detroit Local of the provements are now fundamental designs of housing and education. It would mean a five National Postal Union. all motorcycles being manufactured today. year ``freeze''Ðwhich is really a cutÐfor Head Douglas Holbrook has also served as a By 1920, Harley-Davidson's leadership in Start, Veterans' medical care, Section 8 hous- member of the Board of the Metropolitan De- the industry enabled it to become the largest ing and the Women and Infant Children's nu- troit AFL±CIO. He was elected to the Fitzger- motorcycle company in the world, with dealers trition program. And if that's not bad enough, ald Board of Education in Warren, in 67 countries. Clearly, Harley-Davidson was this budget would freeze almost all Federal from 1971 to 1980, serving three years as King of the Road. But their premiere stature law enforcement funding, including the FBI, President and two years as Vice President. In did not last long. Sales plummeted after the DEA and programs covered by the Violent 1990 he was appointed by Governor Wilder of October 1929 Stock Market crash, slowing Crime Reduction Trust Fund. Virginia to serve the Department of Children, their sales to only 3,700 motorcycles in 1933. Mr. Chairman, I am a member of the Com- State of Virginia. He also served on the Board Harley-Davidson bounced back just in time mittee on Science. Also on the list of ``sug- of Directors, Security Bank of Maryland. In for their 50th Anniversary, in large part be- gested cuts'' that originally accompanied the March 1997 he was elected to serve as the cause of their continuing ability to improve mo- budget resolution, NASA's aeronautics and Vice President for the Union Lable & Service torcycles, and also because their quality prod- technology program would be cut nearly $600 Trades Department, AFL±CIO. This month ucts did not go unnoticed by the United States