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11-10-1968 Kabul Times (November 10, 1968, vol. 7, no. 192) Bakhtar News Agency

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Recommended Citation Bakhtar News Agency, "Kabul Times (November 10, 1968, vol. 7, no. 192)" (1968). Kabul Times. 1904. https://digitalcommons.unomaha.edu/kabultimes/1904

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•., "~I '··WO~ER 9,·' 1968::·' PAGE' 4 ." I ; '· , . . ;:~~ ,',,:, 'Middle·Jl;·p-~t ... .', ,..., ;- """ j" ":fl .. , • .EIiIB t. ,. loi;t'\"'~ ..... ,...••.. :.,~ 1. i( I.', of. i'" (, 'f'ltf~.\· ,I ').;, ',;t·f. -'. _~:,h'CO··h"l.:..t.l;..L~"'_':{ " .', It,: ,. '.,,.. •.,.... \ ~ ,.#\,1T\: "~~.~ ,I -,., ',,~ 'UTI ~~I;;"-" ,~;. ;), " ;pjai-1.amentlu'lW· '11 ES " to~~fll/ .'t:' ": ·lUf81· ,"-'011..\;:1· ...... " , . .~ f:'···'" iii·" ':\''1~~ ..,... ''t''(~ . :.'. ) " 'II t "I' ,W. ,l!,.•~!",,~~~'ii'P:;;' ~ '.""' t· .' ''''~ ., ,the,A:tiij.,aral1U..." 1< l. '. }.- ' .. 'c,hi1lliefo'f Vi~;(nr·'ii-• I I' > ·f ·0· . ,. TC:'-"·-'~_· '. .. .. 50 .~~ O. ~!l"":rt'.~g....-~..,,~, f ..... t. ;,'. velfallm, wu·tolcLllY·' '. , ':_...... l,.,} } ...officl8ls :that" I In, ~iitlllJJ !~~: p'~~ , ,.:' livemhhig must be, dolild~~ -. ~ '.. !4BUL, SUNDAY, NOVEMBER· 10, 1968 (AQRAB 19, 1347S,H.) PRICE AF, 4 'lien!" ':!' a fallUre.:, in· .'::JAffliil'.'{;·: --"~-_Ii·_-_"_--;'----~IIIiI----Illi"'---=-"~II.,!! -"';~~:;;:'~~"-- 'w'". ,.1' '. .., ',f'1'\ t· .. " : \", ;! ml on~'r-"'" ~J,',., ,'.. .1 '''i;:t~ :~ ':;~"I'" .. They 'sir-~ thAt :iti ·the\:'llg;};:,· tlsh ··view UiT~oD rePrelieiti!d .' ·Hew Housing tli~ionly. ~uri'ent·' rrllfan":~'·:eew.~·!:· . ing:.the •'Ai:a~IstaeU'\:eOOiIl~ ao·o;I· ·It 'W4s' hoPed ;flliit tliiHillks With· , DistrIct. To J arrl.ng" woiild resUme shortJy, Meanwhi!e" l!ceordlns' f9 11~ AFP dispatch ·troJll· Amman two Israeli planes . :dropp\!d~, napalin Get· Water .., bombs on JordanIan· troo~ dltt-. ; , •ing a clash yeilterdaY morning·, By A staJ1' Writer ., ,n~,ar Ohta!, In the ,no#hei:n' :~o­ .. NEW Yonk. N<1". 10, (AP).-Two Yemeni men were seized Satu~ay l~ dan VaJley,· a military spokes-,_ night Brooklyn in connection with a plot to assassinate KABUL, Nov. to.-The Town .1l!8n said Iq·Aminan,,·· ,. PresIdent-elect R,chard M. NIxon, the Secret Service said. Two ri­ Planning and Housing. p~partll'ent . ..,Thls was the third hi" a- series fles were coqfiscated. has embarked o~ a tentl1tly~ project . '~'f hlcldents rel'Orted yesterday . The Yem~nis, adds AFP, were identified as Ahmad Ralleh to supply Water to Khalrkbana Ma­ ,. nl~nli '~~e .:.Jorqll,n border," Namer, 46; an.d ~'3 s~n Ahm~d Namer, 20, and were charged with ina located 12 kilometres nQrtb of '~. ,:t, ,.' ...;,;' criminal solicltahon 10 the first degree in illegal posSession of fire Kabul, and the city's newest and aI:nis. The elder Namer arrived in the Unit~ States 13 years ago largest residential district, .. High school and university st· but never became a'citizen. His son came to the country two years The district which will house Thom~n, HOlit'~II..;'. 125,000 people wlll be buJit in three I udents, teachers and faculty me· Smith ago, Nixon' To Stay··O.ilt Of. Viet· The .~sts were announced by Albert Whitaker of the Secret phases. Last year 3500 plots· of mbers marked HJs Ma:lesty the susPec~ land, each 200,300, or 400 square MeetingTIO Break Detniloelc· Sel'Vlce. Whltake,r sa;d tne two were arrested about 6 p.m. metres large. were distributed to fil A~ked ·Iate Kine Mohammad Nader Sha.­ (23000 GMT) 111 warrants issued by acting Brooklyn district attor­ (Continued from page 3) Talks i Vnles . ... To Hetp SALISBURY, Nov. 9, (Reute~).- - to have put ~f> alternative ~~gges­ 2800 persons who have started buil- bushieamen become inte~sted in uJ h's ann!vers,ary . of martyrdom neY Elliot Golden ding homes. . the fruit trade. One of lbem instaL. KEY BISCAYNE, Florida, Nov. OfficiaL snurces doubted whe- British and Rhodesian ne~?tlators tio~s to the ilriUsh, and a furtber issu~tbe A reporl pUblished by 1Y{~h loday led a· plant for cleaning, sorting and 9, (Reuter).-President-erect Ri- ther . P""sident Johnson would Thursday with a Wreath laying went into a crucial fourth plenary attempt to resolVe lbis session yesterday that could decide issue on which the current ta1k.s Meanwhile Nixon announced yes6 Nixon's news conference was saId recently the people in the dis­ .tandardi$ln8 raisins wilb a limited chard Nixon has. firmly . ruI~d discourage hIS succesor f~om ma-· ceremony, Here K~huJ UnlvetsJty pe~nal the succeS& or fairure 6f current will succeed or, fail~was likely to terday Uiat Spiro Agnew, his choice held on lh:: ocean front lawn at trict started strongly petitioning the capacity. Another followed suit and' out any lOteryentlon 10 krng the triP. but they also won­ Rhod~s ,~de- for vice-president would be given 'he home of his friend Charles Re­ Trwn PlannlO2 and Housing De­ now we will have four plants in the shaKY VIetnam peace negot- dered whether he would actually RectoT Abdu1lah Wahed.I, and de· talks to break the ..n be a major task· or" yesterday's pie- more responslbillty In pffice than bozo in FloridB, Agnew stood beside pHrtment 10 speed up plans to bring KabuL Kandahar Balkh and Par- iations unless President Johnson encourage it. ans of the Collcge of Economics pendence deadlock. , nary session The meeting between teams head· . _ past U.S. vice-presidenls. the president-elect as he spoke fO water and electriCity 10 the district, wan which are to be completely ·.xpreSsly WIshes it. Final returns in the electIOn, and the" Polyteehnlc Ins· ed by Premier Ian Smith and Gro­ Full delails of· the ·plan would be reporters. The housmg deoartment IS now within two IDOnlb to increas the Instead, the .victorious republi· meanwhJ1e, are still trickling in UA~ announced. later, Nixon told repor-' cons'flle'lng a 1000 cubic metre re­ total preoent capa \y f m ~ 000 can ca!'didaite in last Tuesday's and latest figures showed Nix- tltute pose ,with the studenl. (Continued on page 4) being probably the most deciSive Complete Air state governors and local govern~. nate and as a member of the Na· lent loeal mUIs the department Is h~lng a DeW 200 too per dlQ' fwur mOl. Flour pTesently This will drastically raise the pri- placing the yresent Democratic H~bert Humphrey. in the popular sole,.... of'the late king. v~ q~ty so far, menU lban vice-presidents had tional Security Council but would distributed by thj! department In Bt'cordlng to the honesty of fiolD' mID owners ces Of our raisins, but who woulu administration and fanning his vote, p~viously. be much more closely related to the and operators, When the ne" mtD. goes llito operation, the depart:ment wID have a fiolD' gain ,from It most? Definitely th. own cabinet. which possibly will , -:-----,.---__------Defence Cover The plans are apparelltly in line office of the president. milling capacity of 370 tons per 4Y, . (Pholo By Moqim Tho Kabul lim.,) Strong Quake traders who do not allow, by hook contam one or more prominent o· 0 I S'h h VO R d with Nixon's campaign statements SymbolisIng Agnew's position in or by crook, lbe producert to deal democrats. I'ICInlOn O· 1·5ItiS ,iia·h To the mainstream of the administra­ " with their own prodUce. Nixon's firm stand against be- ..( lbat Alrnew would play a irealer role In domestic affairs and thaI he tion, the vlce-president's offices wo­ Shakes UP U,So ('oming involved in the Vietnam C to ""'-Ik WOth F 0 I Kabul Silo's, 2nd Flour Mill Ready Soon Grape producers in the Kohda· negotiations was made known la· on Inue' I,g 5 I O,ISO would concentrate on foreign df­ uld be moved to the west wing of fairs. the down the corridor producc~ man area .'.!)ave joined forces to st night, shortly after South Vi- T EH RAN, Nov 9, (Reuter).- al. The second flour mill now un· By Our Own Reporter a bakery which various Midwest States rorm a cooperative in order to ~x· etnamese President Nguyen Van from the president's office. kinds of bread, cakes, biSCUIts, The Shah of leaves here to- Relations between the two co.. Nixon also said he may later send der construction in the Kabul 5110 port their grapes and 'raisins. The Thieu sent him a cable inviting day ( Saturday) for a state..visit untries appear to be friendly ago rk is supervised by 20 Soviet ex· a flouring mill which Droduces NEW YORK,· Nov. Ill,' (l\FP)­ emissaries abroad, site will start test operations fn· fi.:1'~ A strong earthquake shook AmerI­ draft slalue of lbe cooperatives has'" him to Saigon. to Saudi Arabia which is expect· am and they entered into nego­ ur .months before schedulo. said perts. 'rhe Afghani expe'Hlitule regular as well as verJ flnur been prepared in cooperatioo w"h Press aide Ron Ziegler told ad Nixon hinted he may want his for baking purposes, a:In a wheat ca's midwest and south yesterday, to consolidate the recent irn· tIatIons' to cooperate on issues PM Continues Own men overseas during the trans6 Dost Mohammad Fazl, prpsiJen~ for the project is provided by the lb. Ministries. pf Agriculture and reporters Nixon felt the negotia- such as Persian Gulf security and state and ,the foreign currenlY silo with a combined st.:>r ~g(' ra­ but apparently caused little damage provement in relations between iIional period of the new Re~ubll­ . of the Food Procurement Depart· Irrigatlon and Commerce. ti.ons must be clearly handled by th two countries after nearly :expenditure from a SOVI~t C'red- pacity of over 60,000 tor., ~ and no casualties e a sharing the waters of the oil-rich can administration which will take ment. ~e present chief executive, Pre- year of strain. Tour Of USSR '1t. It was originally scheuuletl to The second wheat Sli,\) ..\.\'..iItl a The quake. of intensity 5.5 on the Pcrsian Gulf continental shelf. office January ·20, but he s,"d he The mill which csn turn 200 to­ While it is still under discussion sldent Johnson and would only Shah Mohammad Heza Pohle· They signed an agreement last be completed around March 1970 storage capacity of 3I),OIlO~l()ns, flchter scale. was felt In the morn­ would take no such actiOn without ns of wqeat ~r corn to flour in 24 whether a middleman should be make any trip to Saigon or Pa- vi will spend SlX days in Saudi month .democrating the gulf con­ 'but.it is now expected to open the macaroni and spageUi plan.l, 109 by about 50 million Americans President Johnson's approval. hours will bring the total flour entitled to get a fruit export lic­ ris If the White House sugested Arabia before flying on to Kuw­ tinental shel! border line and set­ around September l%~, Fazl and the S Itt process r-g: plants In 19 states, from Kansas in the Nixon conferred with Agnew ear­ capacity of th Kabul silo and ba· ~ere adde I later. midwest to the Carolinas in the ence, lbe Miniitry of Agriculture is "it would be helpful in further- ait on November 14 for a three· tled the status of two disputed keries comDlex to 370 tons Per said, expected to expedite the procedures jng negotiations toward peace." day visit at the invitation of the ly in tbe day, tben met Heory Ca­ The new,',t additIOn 15 the fl- east, and from M icbigan in the gulf islands. the Arabi and the bot Lodge, his vice presidential ru­ day. The Kabul silo, the countrY' as millions of people in Kohdaman NIxon's stand is consistent with ruler, Sheikh Sabah Aslam as­ Farsi. They recognised Iran's so­ first food, industry comple", was ouring m'll under c.> \structi~.m north to Mississippi in the deep nolng mate in 1960, now U.S am' The mill is being built by thc and Kobistan areas pin their nopes the pbsition he took throughout Sabah. ".. vereignty over Farsi and Saudi opened 11 years BRO. It consist> A now. ' south. bassador to West Germany. -"The Kabul______Construction Unit. The.:...-wo-__~ ' .______The National Earthquake Re- on the formation of much coopera­ his election campaign, that for It will be the Shah's first state Arabia's sovereignty over Arabi. tives, anyone other than the present visit to Kuwait and his second ambassador ,bas agreed to under­ Isearch Centre in Washington put Among the subjects expected to Aller these organisations comc president to discm;s the peace ta- state visit to Saudi Arabia. The take in the new administration so-· the :epicentre in southern IUinois, be discussed in Riadh during the -me··speclal ' ~ts", ··Nw,o: n.a(· the Indiana Bll/toillne .. Into being, the producers will have Iks "would be . inappropriate and first was in 195? at the invitation Shah's visit are Persian Gulf oil For·-Xmas a voice and bargainini power with highly- irresponsible." of former King Saud. Said. ..U.S:' Mel)' -rit Moon Flight Thousands of anxious Americans navigation and trade. And the ar: . He said they had discussed in de­ the more established traders and The White House declined co- ,. The present visit was schedu­ CAPE KENNEDY Nov. 10 to this being cbanied to' a sever.- If the Apollo 8 astronauts do or­ jammed the switcbboards of radio ea's s~curity ag,ainst outside ag­ CAR FOR SALE tail \hj! current Vietnam ""ace talks bit the moon and all goes well, the stations, newspapers. and fire and industrlalJsts who will not be allo­ mment on Nixon's reply to the led to take pllce last February, gressIOn, as well as Iran-Saudi 1 (Reuterl.-The U.S. ISP~oe agmcY~y Lunar orbital rught starting on wed to exploit them anymore. South Vietnamese cable but dip- but it was cancelled at tbat time and the situation in the war' zone. Apollo 9 mission wlll be an earth, police stations trying to find out economic and cultural coopera- Mercedes. benz 230 Model 1966 "He Is one of my top consullants may give the go-ahead next week . tember 21. lomats and government officials in because of King Faisal's declara­ for a Christmas day fligbt around But tight-lipped National Aero· orbital test of tbe Lunar 'modulc­ .what, had happened. tion. . in this field," NIxon said of Lodlle, rn the 51. Louis area, where the According to a survey by the Mi6, Washington found the idea of a tion of support for tlle ruler of 6 the moon by three American astr06 riauUC:S: aiid Space Administration tbe tiny craft Ibat will take t",o Discussions on the seven-mo In exceDent condlUon. In~ who formerly was U.S. ~mbassador men from ~be orbiting 'Apollo to quake lasted about 30 seconds. a nistry of Commerce. India and Saigon trip by the present-ele<1 the Persian Gulf Island of Bah­ nth-old Persian Gulf Federation­ He,use ,Discusses nauts. . ASA) cifficials wlll nOI make a Pakistan are the only markets for intriguing. rein' which Iran claims as part to SaJgon. Althougb the A1?01l0.8 miSSIOn final clecis.!on UIltii some time next the moon and back. number of telephone lines were br­ of Aro\> emirates will also figure persons, please contaet Kabnl Do" NIxon again mled out oversea!i Dr. Thomas O. Paine, acting ad­ ought down. Afghan· fruit exports. The Soviet Some saw il as an opportunity of her territory. \ largely in the talks. , is scheduled as a mapned e!irth-or6 week, after gomg over every stngle UnlDn, Czecboslovakia, Poland and to make Use of Nixon's known' po- But even when the rift came travel before the inauguration, un­ btlal night powered by the giant proof information on last month·, ministrator for manned space flight, Housewives in Princeton.. Missou­ tel Room 218 alter Wheat, Edible (C and J a1a1­ relations discussed the 200,000 rested. The Latter owrts a suiting ,.From here they were to drop us time-, IS posed on Its launch pad for exports and for their own would increase if there was grea­ bad wIth hl&:h of 27 F, which makes you so damned com­ a bnef meetin~ with King Fais- tally insyired and controlled. a C, 80,5 sterling loan from England'. It material shop.. off in front of the Khyber Rest- near the shores of Cape Kenncd} domestic markets. ter financial collaboration tn The coldest areas were Nortb Sa. fortable thal you would not M,e- to The police also said the licence aurant, however, they made tu­ In was decided that representatives a 5hlgeo 1 Nagana, preSident settmg up enterprises India lang, Lal and Bamtan with a low leave It even If you J'have to. plate with an "atef" number of rn,on Ansari Wat., going· east With December 21 the most pro­ of Fuji Iron and Steel Company, and if more project aid was ma­ of -1 C, 19,5 F. Today's temper· But the most anCient and stili of the Ministries of Planning and Finance should testify to the co­ the car in which Ahmad Shah which made us SUSPICIOUS. pitious date for a lunar flighl, they who led the Japanese delegation, de available. In Kabnl 11:30 a.m. was practical way js "tawa Khana" AZMA,YESH ature at mmittee on the matter. was apprehended after letting out "Then the driver. stepped on could arrive near the moon on told a press conference it was also 13 C, 55 F. Wind speed was re­ which means a room as hal 3S Ihe a 16 year old dutch hlDDie girl the gas and \\f! dectded the best Christmas eve. Circle around It du­ felt that Japan and India could fryang pan. It really gets tha~ hot, The committee also continued corded In Kabul at 2 to 5 knots. w,as not forged. The pLate thJng to do for. t~~ t,me bemg ring Christmas day and then head get together successfully for 10­ yesterday's IIemnperatUftS: and sometimes steamy too Our products are its diSClJ,ssions on regulations per­ taining to ~ourist visas and sent belongs to the car does not bel- was to keep qUIet, she added. back for home. ternational tendermg, UN Committee Kabnl 18 C 1 C 'In colder climes like that of Lo­ Minor changes being made as a The Indian delegation was led tempefatur~ with sJl servicing free of charge: a request to thl' Ministry of in­ mig to Ahmad Shah. Most licence In Sarobi, the girl went on, the 64F ·34F gar where the mmimum result of the Apollo 7 f118ht include by G M. Modi, president of the drops as low as -32 Cenhgrade­ terior and the Tourist Bureau to plates with alefs belong to the driver had to stop for a herd Maaare Sharif 20 C 7 C modificatlions to the medical har­ Federation of Commerce and Discusses sea almost as cold as L.eningrad-pco.>­ Frankfurt Last year we received mo~ ar­ send their representatives to the state. of sheep which blocked the way. 68F 44F "We are still looking for the Here one of the girls threw her· ness, by which SCIentists keep trac;k Industries, Kpndablr pie have got to take refuge lo tawa cOl\1mittee for further hearings. 24 C 5 C of the aSlronaut's .phYSical condi­ A statement issued here said ~o ders than .we could fill. But this The committee on Legal apd third youth whose name is Dost self out of the car and ran to the Bed Resources 15 F ,41 F khanas whose construction is tion, and alternations to space !tuJls the the Japanese delegation had 23 C 13 C Slmple The outlet of the oven in Legislative Affairs continued its Mohammad, the police officer sa- poliee. Hent (d. The police hurried her to ({a- and various items of equipment In said that India's proposed patents 13 F 55 F the kitchen is con~ected, throug~ a was because tbe orders Were pla6 debate over the education law UNITED NATIONS, Nov. 10, and the univetsities constitution. A/lmad Shah said he and Tour, . bul where she gave a descrip­ the spacecraft. bill would weaken patent pro­ (Tass).-The first committee. of Gbam1 15 C -I C hole. with channels built underneath Lunar orbital f1ighl would pro­ tection and obstruct collaboration 59F 30F the floor allowing the accumutatin;l: Daliy jet 1IIghts from ced too fate. If you want a diesel In the Meshrano Jirgah (Sen­ ialal were introduced In tbe two hip- tion of the boys and the car. The the UnIted Nations General As­ at~) pie girls from England and Hol- police spotted the car a few ho­ vide valuable clues on what prob­ agreements. 21 C 7.C smoke and the. accompanying heat Te.h{an. superb service, the Committee On Legal 'l"d sembly IS discussing the peaceful ~islative Affairs apProved arti­ land hy Dost Mohammad. The urs later as the other girl got lems are likely to be encounlNed They said there should be gre. uses of sea-bed beyond national 70 F 44 F to to travel round and round tiIJ it stove. or an automau.:, glsal-l1- during a moon-landing mission bll1ngual cabID-a.tteDdnnts, cles 45 to 94 of the land survey girls said they were invited by out in front of Bamian hotel, and ater mdemnification for patent­ boundaries and the use of its re6 21 C 5 C is all consumed there, nees or the inflow of foreign te­ 70 F 41 F nect I boiler, please and statI!tics law. • the three boys to see their poos- arrested Ahmad Shah. sources Thus the house-wife does all her cu,fsine by Maxlme's of pints, order earlier. chniques to India would be dIS­ cooking on top of the oven while The Committee on Budgetary The. discussion has shown that ~nd best reason of all tor and Financial Affairs dis-. couraged. her room IS heated up (ree of All orders placed up to 45 days most states are sincerely interes­ 'flying Pa.n Am! the good teeHng cussed jhe imbalance in The lnd,an deLegatIon said that ted in the constructive decisions charge. (W. 'Berlin· Rebel Youths Lo ·unch Cam'pa, some of the points had already If lhese people learn how to build that yo'u've chosen the 'very arter tl)e appearance of this ad- 1346 blfdget which occur- Leathe4-jacketed youths wield­ aimed to increase peoples, So­ I red because of the lack of WEST BERLIN, Nov. 10, (Reu-gallery and studenls overcame mo­ been talten up with the Indian viet representative L.I. Mendel­ flush toilets adjacent to thiS warm best there Is. ter),-Llke a battalion commander meots of boredom during turgid po· Ing clubs, who led 'he assault on government n ..1 l'evenues l'IlUcipated by tlte. Fi­ evich saId yesterday. room and not be forced to ~o a vertisement are lu" rBo..~- ... de_Ii pollee guarding a court house. are ~ For further IlrtormaUon and nance Ministry. The president of briefing troops before a batlle, the Illical haragu~s by peltlng eacb Shinobu Ichikawa said the J a· The Soviet repreSl!ntative dw· long way. on nature's call. they WIll the heroes of the hour, They are r~servatioDB a~ ~our Pan Am very. the TreasUry Department in the pretty girl In sweater, Jean, and olher with paper balls. panese delegatIOn believed meet­ elt in particular On the need fClr I be mu(;h more comfortable and no boots described the next target for There was a squabble On the plal­ regarded by the student revolution­ ings of this kina would lead to complications would arise from the 'Travel '~geDt ~ caU us: Finance MinIstry testified before aries as the forerunners of worker t11e~sures to prevent the use of the committee,' students setion to the . assembled form as speakers grabbed the mic­ ,closer economic relations betwe-. sea-bed in military purposes. sudden chanS' of temperature re­ Kabul Hotel, Tel.' 2473i warriors in the great hall of lbe rophone out at the liands of a s1u­ partlclpatio.n in the "revolution". en the two countrIes and further sulting In pneumonia. The passing of three-year $enten­ He pointed out that' it is ne­ • Technical University. dent who appealed to the throng recognition in Japan of the eco­ I don't want to dwell upoo dIesel ~l'lIh• Prodaeta, Mobtlai.

• ...


'; , , ' , I ,' I I " ) , 'V ...... M ~ ,~,!" ,~ ~BPL NovEMMl\'lJ.o, i~68 PAGE 2 . ,,, "" I.! I" I THE TIMES r' f .. , -.. I I \ ! ,1 tj.~" '& I • ',o-'.r .. \ lor Jr .~--~,""'~r---~I~,,~""'~~-""';-,."..;,....."..;--,..,..;.,...:..;..;-'-.,.,..~--"':;"...... , ' . ., ;.;fJ$l~ ....~ ~J '" 1>1"" ",.Y, ~J 1 , J I ~- f'~ l,~ ~~; ~ir:~ r\'~~~':'~' , , " 1 t \ '''/t\ "J" ' ,"1 ,, h, ) :: ,/:1\ .:: 0 'fhs''''' \ 1 " ., ~ti.G ".jX~ .t\J<'1I~"Il.~f l1lil~.~l· ~"l~.W' < < i1 ',' ~.Ji:11 ~:~~ '~~" I~ '~,(b;' ~ 't"'/ ~ ;..~;," ,9 1 • • '.. ., I. • !t ....., l!!1'!.' j ~ ~. '1I')j.·74;.~ I f'~ ~ii .~ da~'" " ..., "v'" , M ...... , Staffl Wdter 'U':J - ,i,' l'5t i ~_de~. ~_" , .. ( I •I •I Many If lIIan who lD8018 ce aJcdIieS T n _,. "j ''''I Two.,ENn)lII/Y\lulbS, ha,Ye' Ana,lly 14 lIl\ln~ ~JW,.'11iey>,expect to sp. However, a week is now ,reduced tp groom .Wna away from among the • 'not been idle. :raJdng the O~~j" ,,',' west ebh. . ~iif,f,U'.lllUr,.!!!i?n\!.JS, of walli!lSr atJ!iev· end anoiher year; and, 'ii half" bcl'ore une I daY, in most parts'of the COll/1' riI~' aIter iYihic!i' hIs friends' and " a homE' discovers thai he has merely Cambodinf,.isterday celebrated tunlty to' allow' foreign' pre!fjmen"'!, ....1 ," • , pula~s ei/',llielra1m 6Y aetUng ,m/jU{ed m. t!\ey .linish..pteparJDg 'a ,serW of th!( pl/riicularly 'In tlle 'cIties. The relatives go look for him and bring " , I{', , 'If Its 15th anniversary of independ­ m for their usual onc!! a year 10- 'the pfifger ptiwers,'li 'a him for "" ~a!Jlpllln, tWice, once.lInODl/ ihe - TV fllm~ ,for' ,the French, television 'Koochis however still mlllntaiD~d him back to tire camp. . opened a tavern for hts fneruis l I I' ence from French rule with a rna' ok at his country. h~ has taken tlil!' ~l1efit o~, hlsl: &~....country I"" "," Ii IheIdi'pt),soJ1et' '~efif boat their sixth. and, sevenili, ~radftlona~ and other oceesslttfes which made mlOgle wltb the woinen on such oc· ceremonies, I fro," surrounl:l1ng provinces pou­ TJii'OdilJlout ,'thIl';"1mJtlngs :one1"'\B~ea"lWerW01' od~p bor­ marriages 'amoDS the Kooc,llls alld ou( mamage ,colourful aDd the way cosion, have thbir gettogethor·, On When asked wbat are their feel· 'ting mto the capital lb see the theme has characterised the pr- der on the'Mekig River from ,Tutkm~ns. " ' we wanted", said Tebekov the third and last day of 'mamage ing each time they gct married both ~ublis"" ~ every dIry _ Fritliq D1ld i1.fPluziI pub water festival RegatttiS'/' '~work ince's remarkS: The iUtiitl!d StateS I: Sout!l''Vti~b1arii1 July 7. ,. ,:Their oOrigina~,plllJ;l ,to get married "They thought that,we were rea" ceremomal meals to Doth 'men and agreed that their only concern IS to IIC ~y by,t/fit Ka6ul ri.aib 'Pub JURi"ll A.l1eniu':' thsplays and national 'bhU\\t, must not leave Asia or-',Cambod- ,i 'He"lh~ .pi:Q!#ls" to let them go in Blu:niao .rl\efof~ tilmed -eollosi of lly !letllng marrledl ThIS- helped to women are served and at th€ end sec that they make good and perfect .111111l1l11111111l11111111111ll1l1111UIIIUIIIIIIlIIIItIIIllIIIIIIlllllllllltlllllllllllllllllllllllflllllllllllllill 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I1111/11111111I111rlllrl'tll1111111111111111111111l11 Phnom Penh's population has la wJ1l be at the mercY of 'the as soon as'the trnlt'ed States gua­ ,fJuddba .falled because the Koochls make our mamage ceremonies look of the day ihe bflde and bride- films and take Interesting prctures swollen from 600;000 to nearly Chinese. , ". • " • '. ~an~s~ilo'Wiij._ ;;n\l':,~!pnger homb th<:re did ,p))t ,want io be boihered. real and perf«;t", be added groom riding on ll"parate horses are They Will leave Kabul m three or ~.fe ooe mllhon for the week,which WHili/i desiring comjllete ni!ut-, ,Cambddlllh, b~rnil1ages, hut , AbOUlia month ago ihey set out In the old days'marriage ceromo· led to the grOOm's home four days and get marned next In , Water StiU Inadequate has seen dozens of colourful boa­ raht:\' and' even Isloation' for this' he'wilOtt to1rl!eP"tlfelT ,ship until for northern Afghamstap where the nles practically Ii' every, part of It 's a tradll'on among the Koo· PakIstan and then lO Nepal two Frencb youths were gIven all MghanlStan lasted about ,a Week ohls that durinl/ the thlfd day lhe Sai)j1ary water supply Is iii_yo ... prohJem!IUpply system. ts with 30 boatsmen a pillCe com· country Prince Sihanouk stresses the United States also recognises • "t, \ in eWes aud 10_, 'l'he nlagnitUdtl IIf the prob- Those houses wIlfch are connected ~ tile ,,,,. petlng m races On the Ton Le tliat unless the balance of power all Cl'mbodias,frontiers. necessary help by the Kunduz Go- lem grows with the size 01 the city, 'l'hil ~ty ef stem are nslng drinking water,to water ,DOWel" Sap river At the end of the rai· Is mlrintained Iil Asia Cambodia One sombre cloud on the hori· vernor Dr, Mahlilood Habib! TheIr ny season the course of the Ton as a neutral state and as an In- zorl has \leen a "1hrellt'!tr the pro I, Kooch, marriage took place in Da. Kahul never !!ad enough sanitary water to meet beds lltld lawns and wash ear&, ete, while11I'tlumI Le Sap changes as thf', 1_1 of dependent race of people wil1 dis- ioce to hmit viSiIs bY journalists sbti Archl and TurkmaD mardage I~ Iota1 requirement. In tIleli' vicinity still have ~epend on tIIelr to 'the loke rise~ and the stream fl· appear to onCe every 'five'Yellli! instead 10 Asqalan. A1ih01igh the munle:lpal elforla with the as- own unhygelilo 'lrilUs. pws-oack Into the Mekong. which Wherever he goes he is enthus- of annually. '[he French youtbs" who plan to lIiatsncc DC Japanese IlDlds and teeIuilotans halJ Tbere Is.DO 'easY lormullflte overcome tIuj\ ift, joms at Phnom Penh Iastically and reverently received He shakes hljl head ' Babdly as get married 22 tlmos left France during 1he l'eCleDt years Improved the situation; problem, To bring ,ebough 'wldt\r for drlnklllt'UIc1 by the crowds. who flock round the explalns this. and Bail's' I just the cl!)". aetuaI requirement Is flU' poeater than general purposes wlU requJftl', enormous _ounts him hoping just to touch him. HIS want my countrY f'o be Jeft al· wbat Is available at the present. ef money and lOng term plaDillng, HQ\V8ver, so- securIty 'precllUtions on trips Into one, why do yoU all want.to co· American .Center tbe mnnlejpotJ corporation opeaed the fom1h me Immediate steps ean and should be tak~ by the countryside appeal" somewhat me and write about me 8I\d find deep Well in AIOUddln last week ... 18 ]iIamI1ng the 'munJclpaUtj to regulate tbe dflitrIhi\1lon .ani! lax and he allows anyone in the fault with me? here plans .u.S. crowd to approach him, often But as he also said after a five to dl&' DeW ,,",Us near the eentral sI10 but as the coosumptlon of the preselll oU1lplles on a..Jost Jia. ~ breaking sway from his offiCial hour running press commentary e1t)' grows naturally there will a1w.,. he for si•. eSClOrts and running with open al Battambang. "thank heavens I music week more ..ater, Right now some of the Dewl,. bnllt arms towards hiS subjects only have to do this once aye· resl.tential lU'e2B in the city such .. tile Sayed But If PrInce Slhanouk's perso- ar" The soun<\ of music wlll be beard Noor Mohammad Shah MaIDa and the Kane 8eh nal populaflty IS hIgh his trust of (REUTER) In Kabul all next week when the American Center presents "USA In lU'e confronted with an aeute shorbP of sanitary ------_.:...-_,.;,- NUl Music", a weeklong festival of con­ drlnk1nc water Even In Share &lid the eld ce~ts,' f9m,~ cioy ....b.... new piPe Unes have ~ e.xtended and dlscusslons of the , mUsiC sce",,' In >the udtted States man,. honses go wlthont sanitary water aDd have Th~ "USA In MUSIC" week opens to use :Jhallow wells dug In the baall\vards. Wodlll'Bday,>' No,vember 13. WIth a film, "J'>.mei'ld'h Music from Fall> to This Is bJghly dangerous to the public health Jazz to Pop" The film traces the Tehekov and Brigitte dressed In Koocbls weddJng 'Costumes. in view of the fact that there IS no proper sew development of modern Amencan The bride's dress COlH~S I]own to her feet and IS adorned with silver age Dnd drainage system In the city. AU the hou­ popular lDUS1C fr.om Jts Orlgms 10 COIns and long si:ver nlcklaces. She also wears long earrings and ses have elth... open sewage system or e1ae have New Orleans with scenes from the IS made up With la,hitJl.able blue beauty spots on her face. The famous JBZZ sessions In the French c~iCIag V""T close to the wells. The system groom is armed as seen dl the picture but not for the purpose of Quarter, coverage of a national folk of waler lIistrlbutJon Is also full of defects. There laking HIS brld.' bl forI e According to tradition even during the muSIC festival at the "Grand O,e 10 Oil 'W1lll' of contro1l1ng tbe quantity 01 water to ceremon~ Opry", -In NashVIlle, Tennessee, and wedding n'en !'ohould go armed. Bfl~itte among Turkman \fomen In their summer villa as the latter adorn her with tradJtional tie ..!Il!d by those eDiloy the benefit of puhllc water recordmg sessions and mtervlews With modern Jazz groups and pop wedding cosmetics and jewelry. This gathering is as festive as the aclnal marriage ceremony. UNESCO publishes SIngers In New York's "Tm Pan Womer sIng and dance. In the backgrOUnd one woman beats daera (looal tombourlne). Atley" endmg on a re$Ouncling note catalogue of as smger Tony Bennett recorL 5 "OME'PRESSAT A GLANCE ''The Trolly Song" In the course of the hour~long L!iterary scene: Art an'd )philosophy Art Reproduction Islah, Heywad and A ms yester- trucks and cars were parked and supply of water IS stilI far short of lilm, performan""" by dozens of day carned editonals on the elect.. several other were unloadmg goods the demand, It saId • By Mrs. N.A Butt UNESCO has published the el­ Amea.ca's great Jazz muslwans and Ion of the 37th preSIdent of the ". asked the nearest policeman I The impulse to art IS one of thebe termed as the WIll to live Plant ved him mto constant stofe WIth sdl, whJlc philosoph studLes the pal gth reVIsed editIOn of the Cata Undoubtedly the corporatIOn Will IntervIews with Duke ElllDgton United States, Richard Nixon blah could find why nothmg was beIng be lookmg tor ways and means of obscurest human Impulses It IS the life has however no knowledge nature tlcular In order 10 arrive at the g(> logue of Colour Reproductions of Richard Rogers, and others ,Ilus saJd now tbat the election fever IS done to Improve the sItuatIOn? He redUClOg the shorlage In lime But most persistent and yet the least since It has no conSCIOusness Similarity neral The arlIst expenences the PaIOtIOgs pnor to 1860 trate the development and Signifi­ over It lS Important to make a few said several times he had per,sonally It IS Important to note that some of explamable of all Impulses Phlloso- The animal, on the other hand, IroDlcally enough man's effort world and then transmits the so­ Each of the 1249 paIntIngs hst· reflectIOns aD It reported defaulters and slubborn the Citizens are hIghly IrresponSI­ canCe of AJiJ,encan JbZZ phy. on .the other hand, IS under- combInes the Will to hve With con- to rIse above thiS strife was even unds, the forms the pictures plus ed-200 more than In the prevI , Three concerts will be presented Fust of all Jt IS tnlerestlng to dnvers to the traffic department but ble 10 makmg use of the drmklOg stood to be an attempt to unders- SClousness and hence some knowled- farther removed from the anImal his feelings On to p.tper lanvas ous edition-IS reproduced 10 bl at the American Center durmg tand hfe, the world, the universe ge of ItS environment But know- world than hiS ongmal dcvJatlOn stone plastiC or mLtslcal Instru- note the enthUSiasm of the voters by paying a few afghams they ma- water supply It had now doubled ack and whIte and InformatIOn Its normal "l:JSA Iii MUSIC" week, followlOg and everythrng else pertalOlng to ledge In the anlm~l world remams from ammal-like hvmg patterns ment IS glcn tn three languages (En ThIS IS obVIOUS by the heavy turn nage to get away With their actIons Some of the public outlets seem populatIon to between seven and tbe tbemes developed dunng the the three subserVient to the Will The am- He sought refuge In Intellect To ghsh French and SpanIsh) on out, almost 811 the 75 million anh- only to resort to them agaIn on lo be runnmg all the time wasting l nme mIllIons maugural film The first concert, on !1a~ Clpated voters cast their votes leavlOg the traffic department over~ mal knows what 10 eat and eats]t stili the stnfe between wfll and He perceives the general throu­ the angInal work oi art (name of thousands of gallons of good water In hIghly concentrated fOrln, November 15, on the theme of Yet the two Impulses often The orderly manner 11l which the Can the traffic department make ThiS happens because a person for­ But hIS knowledge does not de- ture, he mshtuted a second category gh the partIcular and depicts It by paInter, title, date, Slze and med­ the baSIC daJ1y need for each me­ "Amencan Folk ~ MUBlC", Will in­ laps We have artIsts-philosophers whole voting procedure was condu- the fines really forbIddlOg? Asked gets to fasteR the tap after lakmg tach Itself from bis food, so that of knowledge-wIll-less knowledge the particular The phJlosopher po IUm of pamttng) as well as the mber of thIS enclosed populatIOn clude performances of -traditional and philosophers-artists. Ie, phJlo­ cled IS also something to be learned the letter hiS reqUIred amount of water or sophers whose works are so spon­ food should become an object to In the first category of knowledge ndcrs Over the particular hll he can process used In the reproduction, was 25 grams of proteIn and 225 American folk muslc--eountry, hIm, whIle hiS mInd IS the subject where man learnt how to cook, arnve al the general behlOd It and Its SIze, pubItsher and pnce from But even more Jmportant. the Yesterday's Ants carried an Inte_ elSe someone has a better use for taneous that they are call~d "works grams of starches Western, and mountain ballads-­ Thus It IS that he IS content to eat construct, bUild, weave and sew, then express If expllU1tly Apart from its obvIOUS useful­ editonal went on IS the fact that as reshng edltonal In welcommg the the tap Itself whIch leaves the out­ of art' It may be IOtereStlng to In­ In other words one metric ton and instrumental and vocal selec· readymade and raw thlOgs around knowledge though free of the WIll Pnmarlly the artIst's Job IS to ness, the catalogue makes for ta­ soon It became known who the wln- murucipality's InauguratIOn of the let open and the water runnIng of food was enough for 4,000 peo, qUire as to what constitutes the slm­ ner IS the looser WIthout any hesi­ t~onS In llie ~tyle of Joan Baez. him and has no warnes about wh- was yet In the service of the wlil ill ntalISing br:owsmg the pIctures 11anty between the two and what depIct the world as he sees It all Peter. Paul, and Mary, and other ere the next meal would comef"fram CIVIlIsed man went one step for- Its sIgmficance The philosopher ,llustrated and descflbed range tation of lil feeling congratulated makes the difference contemporary American tolk Sin­ _ ward and put Will In tbe service of the WIDner as a geslure of good­ Participation in talks:, STARTING POINT would not only see It but also pon­ from prehlstonc cave-palntmgs, will gers In human beings, the emanclpa.. I knowledge, so that while the ave­ der over the why and wherefore o~ from France, Austraha and Afn­ On tbe '

._._- -...... -~ , ' , I ,' I I " ) , 'V ...... M ~ ,~,!" ,~ ~BPL NovEMMl\'lJ.o, i~68 PAGE 2 . ,,, "" I.! I" I THE TIMES r' f .. , -.. I I \ ! ,1 tj.~" '& I • ',o-'.r .. \ lor Jr .~--~,""'~r---~I~,,~""'~~-""';-,."..;,....."..;--,..,..;.,...:..;..;-'-.,.,..~--"':;"...... , ' . ., ;.;fJ$l~ ....~ ~J '" 1>1"" ",.Y, ~J 1 , J I ~- f'~ l,~ ~~; ~ir:~ r\'~~~':'~' , , " 1 t \ '''/t\ "J" ' ,"1 ,, h, ) :: ,/:1\ .:: 0 'fhs''''' \ 1 " ., ~ti.G ".jX~ .t\J<'1I~"Il.~f l1lil~.~l· ~"l~.W' < < i1 ',' ~.Ji:11 ~:~~ '~~" I~ '~,(b;' ~ 't"'/ ~ ;..~;," ,9 1 • • '.. ., I. • !t ....., l!!1'!.' j ~ ~. '1I')j.·74;.~ I f'~ ~ii .~ da~'" " ..., "v'" , M ...... , Staffl Wdter 'U':J - ,i,' l'5t i ~_de~. ~_" , .. ( I •I •I Many If lIIan who lD8018 ce aJcdIieS T n _,. "j ''''I Two.,ENn)lII/Y\lulbS, ha,Ye' Ana,lly 14 lIl\ln~ ~JW,.'11iey>,expect to sp. However, a week is now ,reduced tp groom .Wna away from among the • 'not been idle. :raJdng the O~~j" ,,',' west ebh. . ~iif,f,U'.lllUr,.!!!i?n\!.JS, of walli!lSr atJ!iev· end anoiher year; and, 'ii half" bcl'ore une I daY, in most parts'of the COll/1' riI~' aIter iYihic!i' hIs friends' and " a homE' discovers thai he has merely Cambodinf,.isterday celebrated tunlty to' allow' foreign' pre!fjmen"'!, ....1 ," • , pula~s ei/',llielra1m 6Y aetUng ,m/jU{ed m. t!\ey .linish..pteparJDg 'a ,serW of th!( pl/riicularly 'In tlle 'cIties. The relatives go look for him and bring " , I{', , 'If Its 15th anniversary of independ­ m for their usual onc!! a year 10- 'the pfifger ptiwers,'li 'a him for "" ~a!Jlpllln, tWice, once.lInODl/ ihe - TV fllm~ ,for' ,the French, television 'Koochis however still mlllntaiD~d him back to tire camp. . opened a tavern for hts fneruis l I I' ence from French rule with a rna' ok at his country. h~ has taken tlil!' ~l1efit o~, hlsl: &~....country I"" "," Ii IheIdi'pt),soJ1et' '~efif boat their sixth. and, sevenili, ~radftlona~ and other oceesslttfes which made mlOgle wltb the woinen on such oc· ceremonies, I fro," surrounl:l1ng provinces pou­ TJii'OdilJlout ,'thIl';"1mJtlngs :one1"'\B~ea"lWerW01' od~p bor­ marriages 'amoDS the Kooc,llls alld ou( mamage ,colourful aDd the way cosion, have thbir gettogethor·, On When asked wbat are their feel· 'ting mto the capital lb see the theme has characterised the pr- der on the'Mekig River from ,Tutkm~ns. " ' we wanted", said Tebekov the third and last day of 'mamage ing each time they gct married both ~ublis"" ~ every dIry _ Fritliq D1ld i1.fPluziI pub water festival RegatttiS'/' '~work ince's remarkS: The iUtiitl!d StateS I: Sout!l''Vti~b1arii1 July 7. ,. ,:Their oOrigina~,plllJ;l ,to get married "They thought that,we were rea" ceremomal meals to Doth 'men and agreed that their only concern IS to IIC ~y by,t/fit Ka6ul ri.aib 'Pub JURi"ll A.l1eniu':' thsplays and national 'bhU\\t, must not leave Asia or-',Cambod- ,i 'He"lh~ .pi:Q!#ls" to let them go in Blu:niao .rl\efof~ tilmed -eollosi of lly !letllng marrledl ThIS- helped to women are served and at th€ end sec that they make good and perfect .111111l1l11111111l11111111111ll1l1111UIIIUIIIIIIlIIIItIIIllIIIIIIlllllllllltlllllllllllllllllllllllflllllllllllllill 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I1111/11111111I111rlllrl'tll1111111111111111111111l11 Phnom Penh's population has la wJ1l be at the mercY of 'the as soon as'the trnlt'ed States gua­ ,fJuddba .falled because the Koochls make our mamage ceremonies look of the day ihe bflde and bride- films and take Interesting prctures swollen from 600;000 to nearly Chinese. , ". • " • '. ~an~s~ilo'Wiij._ ;;n\l':,~!pnger homb th<:re did ,p))t ,want io be boihered. real and perf«;t", be added groom riding on ll"parate horses are They Will leave Kabul m three or ~.fe ooe mllhon for the week,which WHili/i desiring comjllete ni!ut-, ,Cambddlllh, b~rnil1ages, hut , AbOUlia month ago ihey set out In the old days'marriage ceromo· led to the grOOm's home four days and get marned next In , Water StiU Inadequate has seen dozens of colourful boa­ raht:\' and' even Isloation' for this' he'wilOtt to1rl!eP"tlfelT ,ship until for northern Afghamstap where the nles practically Ii' every, part of It 's a tradll'on among the Koo· PakIstan and then lO Nepal two Frencb youths were gIven all MghanlStan lasted about ,a Week ohls that durinl/ the thlfd day lhe Sai)j1ary water supply Is iii_yo ... prohJem!IUpply system. ts with 30 boatsmen a pillCe com· country Prince Sihanouk stresses the United States also recognises • "t, \ in eWes aud 10_, 'l'he nlagnitUdtl IIf the prob- Those houses wIlfch are connected ~ tile ,,,,. petlng m races On the Ton Le tliat unless the balance of power all Cl'mbodias,frontiers. necessary help by the Kunduz Go- lem grows with the size 01 the city, 'l'hil ~ty ef stem are nslng drinking water,to water ,DOWel" Sap river At the end of the rai· Is mlrintained Iil Asia Cambodia One sombre cloud on the hori· vernor Dr, Mahlilood Habib! TheIr ny season the course of the Ton as a neutral state and as an In- zorl has \leen a "1hrellt'!tr the pro I, Kooch, marriage took place in Da. Kahul never !!ad enough sanitary water to meet beds lltld lawns and wash ear&, ete, while11I'tlumI Le Sap changes as thf', 1_1 of dependent race of people wil1 dis- ioce to hmit viSiIs bY journalists sbti Archl and TurkmaD mardage I~ Iota1 requirement. In tIleli' vicinity still have ~epend on tIIelr to 'the loke rise~ and the stream fl· appear to onCe every 'five'Yellli! instead 10 Asqalan. A1ih01igh the munle:lpal elforla with the as- own unhygelilo 'lrilUs. pws-oack Into the Mekong. which Wherever he goes he is enthus- of annually. '[he French youtbs" who plan to lIiatsncc DC Japanese IlDlds and teeIuilotans halJ Tbere Is.DO 'easY lormullflte overcome tIuj\ ift, joms at Phnom Penh Iastically and reverently received He shakes hljl head ' Babdly as get married 22 tlmos left France during 1he l'eCleDt years Improved the situation; problem, To bring ,ebough 'wldt\r for drlnklllt'UIc1 by the crowds. who flock round the explalns this. and Bail's' I just the cl!)". aetuaI requirement Is flU' poeater than general purposes wlU requJftl', enormous _ounts him hoping just to touch him. HIS want my countrY f'o be Jeft al· wbat Is available at the present. ef money and lOng term plaDillng, HQ\V8ver, so- securIty 'precllUtions on trips Into one, why do yoU all want.to co· American .Center tbe mnnlejpotJ corporation opeaed the fom1h me Immediate steps ean and should be tak~ by the countryside appeal" somewhat me and write about me 8I\d find deep Well in AIOUddln last week ... 18 ]iIamI1ng the 'munJclpaUtj to regulate tbe dflitrIhi\1lon .ani! lax and he allows anyone in the fault with me? here plans .u.S. crowd to approach him, often But as he also said after a five to dl&' DeW ,,",Us near the eentral sI10 but as the coosumptlon of the preselll oU1lplles on a..Jost Jia. ~ breaking sway from his offiCial hour running press commentary e1t)' grows naturally there will a1w.,. he for si•. eSClOrts and running with open al Battambang. "thank heavens I music week more ..ater, Right now some of the Dewl,. bnllt arms towards hiS subjects only have to do this once aye· resl.tential lU'e2B in the city such .. tile Sayed But If PrInce Slhanouk's perso- ar" The soun<\ of music wlll be beard Noor Mohammad Shah MaIDa and the Kane 8eh nal populaflty IS hIgh his trust of (REUTER) In Kabul all next week when the American Center presents "USA In lU'e confronted with an aeute shorbP of sanitary ------_.:...-_,.;,- NUl Music", a weeklong festival of con­ drlnk1nc water Even In Share &lid the eld ce~ts,' f9m,~ cioy ....b.... new piPe Unes have ~ e.xtended and dlscusslons of the , mUsiC sce",,' In >the udtted States man,. honses go wlthont sanitary water aDd have Th~ "USA In MUSIC" week opens to use :Jhallow wells dug In the baall\vards. Wodlll'Bday,>' No,vember 13. WIth a film, "J'>.mei'ld'h Music from Fall> to This Is bJghly dangerous to the public health Jazz to Pop" The film traces the Tehekov and Brigitte dressed In Koocbls weddJng 'Costumes. in view of the fact that there IS no proper sew development of modern Amencan The bride's dress COlH~S I]own to her feet and IS adorned with silver age Dnd drainage system In the city. AU the hou­ popular lDUS1C fr.om Jts Orlgms 10 COIns and long si:ver nlcklaces. She also wears long earrings and ses have elth... open sewage system or e1ae have New Orleans with scenes from the IS made up With la,hitJl.able blue beauty spots on her face. The famous JBZZ sessions In the French c~iCIag V""T close to the wells. The system groom is armed as seen dl the picture but not for the purpose of Quarter, coverage of a national folk of waler lIistrlbutJon Is also full of defects. There laking HIS brld.' bl forI e According to tradition even during the muSIC festival at the "Grand O,e 10 Oil 'W1lll' of contro1l1ng tbe quantity 01 water to ceremon~ Opry", -In NashVIlle, Tennessee, and wedding n'en !'ohould go armed. Bfl~itte among Turkman \fomen In their summer villa as the latter adorn her with tradJtional tie ..!Il!d by those eDiloy the benefit of puhllc water recordmg sessions and mtervlews With modern Jazz groups and pop wedding cosmetics and jewelry. This gathering is as festive as the aclnal marriage ceremony. UNESCO publishes SIngers In New York's "Tm Pan Womer sIng and dance. In the backgrOUnd one woman beats daera (looal tombourlne). Atley" endmg on a re$Ouncling note catalogue of as smger Tony Bennett recorL 5 "OME'PRESSAT A GLANCE ''The Trolly Song" In the course of the hour~long L!iterary scene: Art an'd )philosophy Art Reproduction Islah, Heywad and A ms yester- trucks and cars were parked and supply of water IS stilI far short of lilm, performan""" by dozens of day carned editonals on the elect.. several other were unloadmg goods the demand, It saId • By Mrs. N.A Butt UNESCO has published the el­ Amea.ca's great Jazz muslwans and Ion of the 37th preSIdent of the ". asked the nearest policeman I The impulse to art IS one of thebe termed as the WIll to live Plant ved him mto constant stofe WIth sdl, whJlc philosoph studLes the pal gth reVIsed editIOn of the Cata Undoubtedly the corporatIOn Will IntervIews with Duke ElllDgton United States, Richard Nixon blah could find why nothmg was beIng be lookmg tor ways and means of obscurest human Impulses It IS the life has however no knowledge nature tlcular In order 10 arrive at the g(> logue of Colour Reproductions of Richard Rogers, and others ,Ilus saJd now tbat the election fever IS done to Improve the sItuatIOn? He redUClOg the shorlage In lime But most persistent and yet the least since It has no conSCIOusness Similarity neral The arlIst expenences the PaIOtIOgs pnor to 1860 trate the development and Signifi­ over It lS Important to make a few said several times he had per,sonally It IS Important to note that some of explamable of all Impulses Phlloso- The animal, on the other hand, IroDlcally enough man's effort world and then transmits the so­ Each of the 1249 paIntIngs hst· reflectIOns aD It reported defaulters and slubborn the Citizens are hIghly IrresponSI­ canCe of AJiJ,encan JbZZ phy. on .the other hand, IS under- combInes the Will to hve With con- to rIse above thiS strife was even unds, the forms the pictures plus ed-200 more than In the prevI , Three concerts will be presented Fust of all Jt IS tnlerestlng to dnvers to the traffic department but ble 10 makmg use of the drmklOg stood to be an attempt to unders- SClousness and hence some knowled- farther removed from the anImal his feelings On to p.tper lanvas ous edition-IS reproduced 10 bl at the American Center durmg tand hfe, the world, the universe ge of ItS environment But know- world than hiS ongmal dcvJatlOn stone plastiC or mLtslcal Instru- note the enthUSiasm of the voters by paying a few afghams they ma- water supply It had now doubled ack and whIte and InformatIOn Its normal "l:JSA Iii MUSIC" week, followlOg and everythrng else pertalOlng to ledge In the anlm~l world remams from ammal-like hvmg patterns ment IS glcn tn three languages (En ThIS IS obVIOUS by the heavy turn nage to get away With their actIons Some of the public outlets seem populatIon to between seven and tbe tbemes developed dunng the the three subserVient to the Will The am- He sought refuge In Intellect To ghsh French and SpanIsh) on out, almost 811 the 75 million anh- only to resort to them agaIn on lo be runnmg all the time wasting l nme mIllIons maugural film The first concert, on !1a~ Clpated voters cast their votes leavlOg the traffic department over~ mal knows what 10 eat and eats]t stili the stnfe between wfll and He perceives the general throu­ the angInal work oi art (name of thousands of gallons of good water In hIghly concentrated fOrln, November 15, on the theme of Yet the two Impulses often The orderly manner 11l which the Can the traffic department make ThiS happens because a person for­ But hIS knowledge does not de- ture, he mshtuted a second category gh the partIcular and depicts It by paInter, title, date, Slze and med­ the baSIC daJ1y need for each me­ "Amencan Folk ~ MUBlC", Will in­ laps We have artIsts-philosophers whole voting procedure was condu- the fines really forbIddlOg? Asked gets to fasteR the tap after lakmg tach Itself from bis food, so that of knowledge-wIll-less knowledge the particular The phJlosopher po IUm of pamttng) as well as the mber of thIS enclosed populatIOn clude performances of -traditional and philosophers-artists. Ie, phJlo­ cled IS also something to be learned the letter hiS reqUIred amount of water or sophers whose works are so spon­ food should become an object to In the first category of knowledge ndcrs Over the particular hll he can process used In the reproduction, was 25 grams of proteIn and 225 American folk muslc--eountry, hIm, whIle hiS mInd IS the subject where man learnt how to cook, arnve al the general behlOd It and Its SIze, pubItsher and pnce from But even more Jmportant. the Yesterday's Ants carried an Inte_ elSe someone has a better use for taneous that they are call~d "works grams of starches Western, and mountain ballads-­ Thus It IS that he IS content to eat construct, bUild, weave and sew, then express If expllU1tly Apart from its obvIOUS useful­ editonal went on IS the fact that as reshng edltonal In welcommg the the tap Itself whIch leaves the out­ of art' It may be IOtereStlng to In­ In other words one metric ton and instrumental and vocal selec· readymade and raw thlOgs around knowledge though free of the WIll Pnmarlly the artIst's Job IS to ness, the catalogue makes for ta­ soon It became known who the wln- murucipality's InauguratIOn of the let open and the water runnIng of food was enough for 4,000 peo, qUire as to what constitutes the slm­ ner IS the looser WIthout any hesi­ t~onS In llie ~tyle of Joan Baez. him and has no warnes about wh- was yet In the service of the wlil ill ntalISing br:owsmg the pIctures 11anty between the two and what depIct the world as he sees It all Peter. Paul, and Mary, and other ere the next meal would comef"fram CIVIlIsed man went one step for- Its sIgmficance The philosopher ,llustrated and descflbed range tation of lil feeling congratulated makes the difference contemporary American tolk Sin­ _ ward and put Will In tbe service of the WIDner as a geslure of good­ Participation in talks:, STARTING POINT would not only see It but also pon­ from prehlstonc cave-palntmgs, will gers In human beings, the emanclpa.. I knowledge, so that while the ave­ der over the why and wherefore o~ from France, Austraha and Afn­ On tbe ',18, will be "An ven- tempted man to change the natural Art and philosophy differ In that and he begIns to see-not the spe- At tbat the responslblhty for the delay had not so far helped the NLF, but Asked about "the neutrslity , 1I0t be' a 'comPletely wIU-fess con­ mittees of exnerts deCIde whIch had success m the elections they tbe textile mills of Bombay and Ah- SSIS to carry food cargoes to Ci:}'- .. ~Ing of J~n, featunng cho mu templatIOn of tbe truth while phI­ form of thmgs and thereby mvol art depicts the particular which cltk aspect of thtngs but the unl­ enJoy a lot of popular support and m startmg the talks, due to Saigon's who would agree wltb It. pr"gra­ wbich' the Froot bad SBld Soutb reflects the general and the unlver-versal reproductIOns 'should be Included medabad had fJred Mahatma Gan- Ion on several occasions It saId absen~e, ( IC, 1'!M""fI\4nlSt oPlW1Ip Ho~man losophy IS a philosopher-Idea rela­ as su.ch have a conSiderable part of feU On "tbe UDlted States mme "We wl1l not take account of VIetnam would enJoy In future, he 10 the two catalogues publIshed dhl to make prohibItion one of the The disputes centered round losses and their proteges" He added d a~ JOZZ'group' jl tIonship and as. such may complete­ the public OpinIon 10 the Dnlled the past", he s8.1d, answermg a qu. said that South Vietnam li\!Ruld Tagore's Play bv UNESCO-the present one, "Congress Party's sacred obJecuves of 25 to 30 pounds sterling which For our part we have gives proof estIon as to whether neutralists and • Iher ·t,i:nljj planollil, :€pr tie ly transcend the will (In Ihat sense States behmd them be ,part of no military al!,lanoe, Wllh Am~­ and the catalogue from 1860 to "The recent history of tbls cause under normal cIrcumstances would of our good wlll" nationalists not compromised WJth n In..J'iiuSIC" week j)tt'the of the word In which Schopenhauer no fONllUl bases or troQps, ncaU'~Qnter date (whIch last appearcd In Therefore their Views and op1n and the Congress Party s handlmg be shared by both parlies the Americans would be lDvited to include, a:" fllmshow of uses It), 1e, the will to lIve) It would have frie,t!dly ""lalloa AmerJtini~aiaal 1966) Ions count Jo the nahonal and In­ of It make a microcosm of a con- But on each occasIOn Onassls wo- j ' mUSIC18ns and He declined fo say whether In p:lrtlclpate wltb the peoples of,IndochiDa and in West Berlin Their declslOns are based on ternatIOnal affaIrs In the develop_' fused India", the edItonal said uld prepare to go to London for hIS view the election of Richard Prof Hleu added that ihe "na­ all coulltl'ies, wIthout diSCflmlnatlon tbe" perfaIInances (November /41, If art-and phllosophy-dellver three cntena the fldehty of thc Ing counlnes this attJtude has not The echtonal added that Congre.ss arbitratIon rather than part WIth a diSCUSSion of American jazz­ NIxon as US pi1!sldent would ch­ tIonal !!OIty" government would ha_ This would be "someihina IIke tbe knoweldge from the bondage of the colour reoroductlOn the slgmflc­ yet become popular Differences of members had now left the Goa even one pound sterlmg the paper ange the Situation Nor did he have ve to conform to the NLF .pro­ polley of CambodUl". "What is Jazz?" -Illustrated by WIll then perbaps the two Impulses ance of the artIst and the Impor­ opinions are otten allOWed to reach to be staged meeting, most of them confident that saId any idea when a ceasefirc could gramme "Any government which Prof H,en said at lb,s pomt that mUSIc and films (November 16) spnng from some Imbalance or tance of the ongmal pamtmg the border of personal enmIty notbing WIll come of the deCision The New York 1,me\ reported take place and a dIscussion of the problems strife between WIll and knowledge If went against that programme would he was speaklDii: in his personal BERLIN NoV 10, (DPAI-CI,,, The final.. selectIon for thiS vol­ Such enmity does not do ellh own prohlbltion that the Soviet Unton has assured The "free elections" called for by not be VJable and would be over­ capacity. and prospects of musIc education the wlll to lIve IS mherent In all sical IndIan dances, theatre plays ume was made by SIr PhIl,p He­ of t~e partIes or the nahon an~ it pOinted oUt that m 1955 a go- Egypt It would defend the AswaD kNovember 1)1) hVIng bemgs then knowledge must the FrOnt could not take place be. thrown" The professor pBld tflbu~ to the films and lectures Will be Included ndy, until recently Director of vernment mqwry proposed 1958 as hIgh dam should It be attacked by '~Vitles begm by beiDg ~ubSj'rvlent tbe wlli good, d'mpIe In ihe developIng cool fore an American withdrawal, he Asked what would be tbe fate of "moral and diplomatic support" ldI dUring "USA 10 in the programme to mark Indl,1O the NatIOnal Gallery London 01 unrrles should learn from the tole­ tbe target for total prohibition 111 Israel Mtllilc" Wi!'ek wnl be scbeduled at In plant life th~re IS a perSistence sa,d addlOg "We want the USA the SaigOn government army. he glYen ihe NLF by <2ambodia, un­ culture week to be stnged III We~t A van Schendel D,rector of the rance -end political maturity of the India and by 1956 two-Ihlrds was In a dispatch from Cairo attri- the Amencan Center 10 Shar-e-Nau to grow and regrow and thIS may to Withdraw their troops as soon as iet 't be understood that he be. der tbe leadersh,p of Prince No­ 'Berlin from November 15 \0 21 Rl]kmuseum Amsterdam Chal­ adVltDesd countries U'Red th ed as It were under water buted to "highly-placed mformants" tonal ~ I~ poSsible" He d,d not see any need lteved In a broad-conciliation, even Jts orgamsers Said here Fnd<1v les St~rhng, Curator at the Lou· Tunes correspondent Enc Pac said 'rodum SibaDo\>k. He hoped tbat to recall the 1954 Geneva confer­ With last-mmute converts He said Drgamsed by the "Shornt M,l]IIS vre Museum and Fme Arts Pr(1~ Xhe same ISSUe- of tlie Moscow s Willingness to defend the this polley would ,.olllinue. By 1957, however the health ence 10 view of the Paris ta:ks that the oldemocratlc allIance for Berltn the event would be declaf{~d fessor at New York UnIversltv ~ed a letter to the edlt:ape~igC::d dam had been "qUletely passed to (AFP) mlOlster was urgmg abandonment, noen In the West Berlin Congres'\ and Professor GlOrgJO VIgm In­ fi eena about the congestIon of trat- obserVing that prohJbItion had been CaIro" by Soviet Ambassador Ser­ Hall by prnfessor Paul HIlbIg of pector-General of FIne Arts, Ro­ c on the narrow road In front of gei Vmogradov 'European Movement' a faIlure 10 every country where It the City'S Technical University me centra! fOOd market In sp,te of th had been mtroduced" Accordmg to the Tunes Vmo­ (UNESCO FEATURES) fact tbat several Urnes various new~ gradov 'made Moscow's POSition The edltonal Said Ihe Congress lViersa~y On November 16 the two fnmolls splipers have mentloned tbls b Party was stili toilmg on clutching known recently tv a high-ranking - \Meeting to mark.20th anl1li opens Indian dancers SIt.trd and Sumll 10m urging the Trafflc Depar{m":,n; Egyptian diplomat In roughly these the ancIent panaceas Queen JulIana of the Nether- gth and authonty, nobody could saId the tragic events ,in Oacbo­ would perform the claSSical north let not anow cars and bIg lorrIes to words to "Oddest of all 1fi this ritual lands Fnday opened a gathermg Ignore slovakia should provide addl!d Indian Kathak dance In their first park there dUTlng the day the Sit­ "The ASjYan dam wdl be defen· ProhibitIOn IS a state ISSue and there of prominent mmlsters and parli- 'rhe organIser of the congress, unpetus for overcommg disUnIty West QeIman appear,tnte uation has nor Jrnproved dedi even If we have to defend It IS the Congress Party, thrown out amentarlans 10 the Hague from former Bnhsh Commonwealth m Europe, Saara, one of rndIi1's leadmg dan­ Your th Speaking of personal experJence ourselves ~n III half a dozen states In the last 17 Europl!l1n countr,es devoted 'to Sf'CI1!tary !;)uncan Sandy, warn- At the /irst working of cers was recently In the SOViet Un­ te author the letter the The Ttnres said thal although ot said electIOns and With poor prospeet~ the caUSe of uOlted Europe ed the gathlmng of what might the EJur.epean eobgress ha d ton with an Indian cultural delega a her day he was passing that road there has been no offiCial t.:onfirma­ In the next planmng measures that Bntaln, as one nf the countnes] happen If Europe did not restope "May tbe aggression agaulSt ~~e. tIon while SUnita IS an Instructress when he fell he Was being crushed tlon of the Sovlet messagc, It lta~ Friends It has even less chance of putlIng applYing for membership of the the strength and mdependence of choslavakla awakon among the at the Indian Dance Academy 10 by fellow pedestrians who could Into practlce 10 tbe 1970s tban It sprend through Cairo's diplomatiC European Common Market Europe as well as its lnfluen~e In nattOnB of Burope :tIte thaught of communIty "as was believed mteri­ Bombay not move an lOch because several bad In the heyday of ItS power In (EEC) has sent ItS strongest de· the world how neccsslU'jr it is to,ttea,ie sp. Producers SatyaJl Ray's FIlm "Mah­ ded by the ambassador' legation. willie Franc~ has under- He said sacrastlca\ly that na- hdaf1t:f ,within, a Europe8I\ 'rom­ aOir" whlcb was first shown at the In, 1IIIII1I1II11I11I1l1ll1I1I1II1II11II1II1l1IIIIUIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUII1I1II1l111 hned her obJectio'}s to thiS forum turally Europe eoUld accept a 61t· mUnlty" West Berhn fIlm festival two years DlIpIGI/: Column Ineh, At. 100 ." (minimum ._ line. peT I...... tlon) bY refu!ang to send any delega- uatlOn where It was played out Referrmg to the situation of ago would be shown on November ,-~~'~n( , • (~J ~ ,. I tes at all. . by economIC competitors. West Germanys police towards '~l , Clonifled' per bold II/pe Af. 20 17 , t une. The two·day conference IS be- Ealito bloc .countnes .Hertl NOBEL WINNERS IN l.oHEMISTRY, PHYSICS-'Two l'.tneflcans . inS held to ma~~ the 20th anm· "Wr- can look,on and see how Id thellE~ I!llm»elPi co~tn":; have ~n Q.l':arded the )'lobel PIlZOS '" Cbemlstry ~nd Pbys,cs 1 hey The play "Four Cbapters" by Ro.­ sUbscription Tates versary of the European move- our m~jor industries, one after 'Were trying to..mak the B afe'l.tm ,iiln.l/ili?r; NilllWegiln·born professor of Itheol1l!tlcal chemls" blndranath Ta~ore was scheduled The ment" the 0ther, are bought up byth e government the wh!9pinge boyonnfor Iry at Yale Umvcrslty 10 ConueclJcut, and LUIS W Alvarez, profes- for November 19 while on Novem~ . A!. 1000 Qu~en J uhana stressed In her Amf'ricans, and later perhaps the errors of the Soviet Union. -"rllOll~,iilif1llo~ a,1.,lhe"JIn.lver:iity pf Cahforma D~, OIl."\\&T~. ~ W:l\s , "er.21 prpfessor Laus Bruhn of Ihe A! 800 ,~penmg address that European also by the Russians and J apan- They were t1ymg to drlve a honoured for "dlocov~IY of recIprocal relations bearIng his 'Pame West 'Berlin Free l'Inivers,ty would ... 9ta~s 1<1. aoo should be Ilware of the speed eoe wedge :l;>etween the of we- which are fundanl speed which Just as essential to conquer outer space We c8l) W'¥lt :GermanylS, m­ "I~tt.lelltary phys~cs~~,'TIte\4~r~, TIlhekov and BnglUe, rlde- III comfort en 80ft lllUIdiehags on FOREIGN as Unity, >Itself, look on .while others take .mlljor cludes Foreigh 'Ml!t'1 ter," 'W'11y , .part""e, IncIui;ling' $,70,QIlO for 1'I\e cultural week would clo,e Gives A 10 Per cep.t al~r ~t­ e~.iti'rl!c1plent, wlif he'vresented .:nJceinIle» 10 In StockhobJi. Three the back 01 camei< on lbelr way to the IIIlIiTIage CleftmOIl¥ among PrOreSBOr W Hal1stem, for political' and· It)illtary decisions Brandt Minister Fi'aJi .idsef with tbe play udowntram" bv the Ihe Turkmans. A numher of ladleo on the hack 01 the camels ac­ discount to Every lJI!1Oy years.presldllnt of the Com- which.determine Jleace or war,'" .Tauss. lower IjQ~ ~pea~ Euge­ Americans earlier were ~nnounced CO-WInners of the Nobel p.~e YOllng IIBengall author Sale.! Sen New Subscriber mISSI!!n, saId that at ~e Hague Australian Foreign MiniSter ne. CkrseIlDlaler liild,,:t;hal,Mnan of 'n MediCIne and PhYSiology ThiS IS the first time ~he United ,States Botli ploys would be performed company them. '£ho Freneh bride. aDd 'lll:OOlf 111'19, eac?rted by the r Ds ~ Introduced by meetmg the western nations wan- PaUl Hartllns. one of ellIht for- 1M OPoosltlon fl1'e,' demtJrr t has swept the three sc"nce awards sinCe 1946 In German by a group of lndlan re­ whole village oL TurIquano alung wltIl mJllilah ,plaYing .urnaIs ted to plead for' a Europe which, elgn ministers representirlg coun- Walter' SCheel a s (Photo from IPS) sidents m West Berhn (nutes) and drum. an old • by VIrtue of ItS collective stren- tfles wa'lting to join the EEC, '(DPA)

._._- -...... -~ • , , , '.' .j 'I, , ., ~ I , , , . ; ., , .' PAGE, 4 I; , . THE KABUL~ TIMES... NOVEMBER 10, 1968 -' ,;. , • , . . . ..: ,'" :::'E".,::,,_. . tJ'.\.., "":E:'...:.:1,:...... :.:, / Envo~ 'Two-Tier Gold .Afghan Week 1»,Re.v~w: u.s. MeMs thieu OVer .. -, (' f.: ' 'r:·.. .\' .'" '... ." "~I ....' 't-I . .. ,'; . f ., , .':, .:' 1T~ . System Said ." ~'ks FRG'LqQ~ ,,~ Saigon's. PCitis T Pr()posa' .. ;For3r" Fivey.,r'Plan .,. .'.- ..'. .. ,.,f SAIGON, Nov. 10. (Reuter).- Hanoi's immediate "con'demnotion The Federal RepUblic of Germany'·' '. Slatt ;"~k. ·~ir.thla FR'o expertS Ire .. ~ . ES ,B, A Writer . In U.s. Ambassador E1lsworth 'Ilun- in Paris of the South Vietnamese, Help World Econ. agreed 10 provide a 50 million mark tion of thl~ detii~. ,'worlt!nl:on a Vllt IfforestatiOn pro_ ker had an hour-Iollll meeUna y~- 'proposals. credit to, Afghanl.tan under conces- . During Its Stay liere the FRO de- tramrie.· .' ". ' '.: ',", .'.' Nilu~n WASHINGTON. Nov. 10 (DPA) terday with President' 'Van' There has been no official South slonal con!litions. The loan-the fi- legalIbn also dlscusSed with autho- Du"'n,' the week Mlhlinist8ti and .' " Thleu, after tl:>e SoutH Vietna11)ese VI~tnamese reaction so for on Ha­ -Creation of the two-u'er gold ·i,' nal ,agreement between ~ govern_ dties In the Ministry of Planning Czechoslovakia slaned commerclll I Leade~ system and establishment of a 1 .. announced his proposals for \ noi's'rejection of the proposals, ments of Afgllanistan and the Fe-. scm" of Ihe pr:ojects already im.- agreemenfs on exchlnge of loods t " the Parls peace talks. " I Presidcntial officials have . been new international reserve asset ~ ·have played a major part in ma­ deral Republic will be:. staned la- plementtd in .Afghanistan with FRG prices, and paymentS covering The meetina, announced 'by the unavailable' for comment and a Iss~stance ~ VOL. yrr,·NO. 19 I MOr¢DAY:, NOVEMBER iI, 1968 I'j';",, "On~' intaining the str~ngth and stabi­ ter-will gO 10 financing some of and, certain questions period of yiiat'5. '. ' 2 KABUL; (AQRAB U.S. mission here, is the first ... spokesman for Prime Minister Trnn the dej'elopment 1Pr0ject,,; Included which have an8i!n about them. " The al1"'Cments Stand.out due to ::~-;iii!ioi. =:.~,~~~=~~~=~~~~~20~, .!.13~4~7~S~.H~')!.. ~8IIIIII!I~~':"~.tP~1U~CE~"~,AF~. firmed halt announcement nine ~\Van Huong said he was too busy lity of the world economy resi­ ii, -::':r,. :'4_ days a,o. . ( to make a statement: ' gning treasury secretary HenrY in the' Third Five Year Develop- The FRG extended a Iban of the fact that in the Iisi' of Mgbao ment Plan. 260 million mark durlnl the ge- export commodlttes cotto'! ilnd wol. Details of what was dlscus!le.d, Until the bomhing halt, Thicu H. Fowler said Friday. Puring the two weeks the,. FRG cond fIve Year. Plan period, to len,"'xtll.. and minerills are in­ 'L.'E:N1N:G!L\b" 'F'rTES!" Umctti'To Assist: were not disclosed but observe~! and Bunker held about five meet­ , Fowler made the remarks in a . delegation spent in . Afgbanl.tan, Afghanistan. Thts !oan lUis stili not eluded. _ , ,. ... ".' ,I Pre ',Pak 'Paper;;,'" . here feel the t.wo men probably ex-( 'ngs in two weeka a few days bcfo,c summary of the' world and U.S. economic outlook presented to talks were also held On subjects of been altolether .pent. The reniain- With the commissioning of the chlin'ed vIews' on President Thieu's I the bombing halt came into effect. ~i11 PRI'~~"E M:I,~.iliST' Steppe~ ~ West German private capital in- !ng part o( this loan go to pro- Baaraml and P.1azare Sharif textile ds' proposal that the Paris Peace talk.~ A U.S. mission official annOUnc­ President Johnson along with JER . .'. l'tnary' Teacher Training Up Sp"'ea' Lt';:;:, the secretary's resignation. eff­ veSlment In Afghanistan. Jects ~hlcb are still under imple_ factOries .rld with the inc!'ease in m I~ KAB~L, ,No~. l1:-The .Educs- By Our Own Reporter Health Ministry authorities and L' ~ should !like place between South', ed at the dally Saigon press bricf­ tb~' .tion Mmistry 's stepping up pr- 'c ' :' a~d North Vleloam, with other Pa- ~ ing that the mission would no lon­ ective December 20. The FRG governinent ha. agreed mentation.. production caplclty of' Pule to encourage private West German The new 50 mdUon marie loan Khumri and Oulbabar textile mlll. ograrnmes aimed at, filling the to ilrovinclal to)Yns and smaller ~ feeling here is to spend rtles, such as the Americans Bnd(~ ger confirm or' deny meetings bet­ Fowler said measures taken to Abo strengthen and give confidence to irtvestment in Afghanistan. Afler' agreement wlU be concluded now Afghanistan will be able to export ..;,.,-~: ·..:I~, gap in training leachers for pr- districts," he said. more money protecting the pop- Viet Cong representatives. as part ween thc two men. Ariana Afghan Airlines which was in order 10 haYe time for fesslbllity textile products. te L'.a..~i Courageous ut Khan of the two delegations. , The mission spokesman said yes· the U.S. dollar were reflected "in E "f,f,f,(I;" imary schools. The programmes fie also praised Afghanistan', ulatlon tb:rough vaccmation and floated jointly by the 'state and and other pre-Investment studies ne- However. the need to Import cer­ are now being discussed with a malaria --adt'cations programme b bl ki The observers also felt that Th- terday in reply 10 a question that the decisions of private investors . 11 k' '" y oC'ng the spread of the di- and the conduct of Central bank­ an American,trader. came on FRG necessaqr before actually. making taln tyP'!s'of textiles still exi.ts. W lYeU,o. a.un' W·ty ', lll8 ran 109 Ui'/il";l!ib' official in as one of tile most successfu1 on- ase Thi KABUL, Nov. 11, (Balthtar).­ ieu and Bunker may have discussed th~ mission would once again give It "" ,'10' 11K,.' It Kabul. . es in the world de.nite the fa- ~e . ·s is the most appropr- ers the world over." private Inveslm~nt In the form of expend~tures. Thus the~ will'be two way traffic C ti Of F d C The Pakistani newspaper Shabb~ notice of meetJngs as they felt ap­ UNICEF - late way of curbing the disease" propriate. The creation of a neW world building and operating a woollen C:;0ntlQuation of FRG technical of "'xlll"li between Afgbanlstan and is assisting the gov- ct that the work turned out to be he said. ' in tts No. 856 issue of O<:tober 30, Alleged Plotter asset to supplement gold and dol­ textile plant. , a~S1.tance to Afllhanl.tan was also Czechoslovakia. , LENINGRAD" Nov. II, IBakhtar).-Pririte Minister Noor emment of Afghanistan in the more dilhcult than It was oriki- - "It is much more costlY to let 1968 In a propaganda campaign ag­ lars in inte'1'ational trade-Spe­ The Afghanistan Wollen Indus- dISCUSsed at the meeflng between Although Afghanistan hll been establishment of teacher training nally thought. people contract the disease and ainst Pashtoonistani leader K4ail' an~, Ahmad Etemadi Saturday night attended a dinner receptiO!1.'given oial Drawing Rights, (SDR)-"co­ trie Limited, now Its fourth year the FRO Afghan authorltles. seiling ITIIrble and lapis lazuli .ti. in his honour by the .'xecutive committee of the Leningrad city academies ,in Kabul, NjtDgarhar Now that in Bagblan, Kimduz, then try.to cure them as has I'e- Abdul Ghaffar Khan writes Iliat Cold Spell Hits··· of operation, i. now an ~siablished FRO del~gatlon liead Erich Illson road for a lonll time the Mines Pakthia, Parwan, Herat and Ku~ La."ar, Balkh. Pakthia ."~ Kap- d strong demoitstrations have taken Accuses Greek nstitutes the greatest forward st­ counclllors. Sunday t".e prll~(? minister toured historical monu­ ...... en one in the past", he add- concern with markets at home and befo~ hl~ departure In \a press and Indu.tries Ministry will start nduz by providing equipment, isa the work is in its se<:ond sta- ed. place .gainst Khan Abdul Ghaffar ep in the improvemnet of the in­ me~ts an.d places in Puskino' and Pavlosk 'near Leningrad and sin~ abroad. The company's pmducu release saId ~at ~Is aoVernment exploitatil'n of certain oth~r mlne­ supplies, and by coUaborating wi- ge of surveillance and consolida- The attempts of the governrn- in Af,hanlstan and the demanda .. wndon, Delays", ternational monetary system new housmg preject. in the city. ' Authorities ce the cteation of the Internatio­ have eVen been sold In the United wants ~ cont~nue .•ls cooperation In rsls In the CoUrse of next two to Ith UNJ!:SCO in bringing over tioll it becomes more difficult lind ent of Afghanistan to pay great- by the people tbat the P.shtoonls­ Slates. economic and SOCial development in three years. III a sPeech lit the city councilloI'll reception the prime min­ advisers. expensive. tan leader be ousled· from Afgha­ ATHENS. Nov. 9, (AFP).-Ale­ nal Monetary Fund itself", he Th t h . er attention to establishing and Outgoing Flights added. The government of Mghanistan AfghaD~tan.. The Afghln-Cze<:hoslovak agree- ister expressed his pleasure to have had the opportunity to vialt th.. e eac er traming program- "Personnel have to fight the ph- developing basic health centres nlslaD i. gatherlna momentom be­ kos Panagoulis, the alleged leader ~anls e~pecially of the groilp behind the August LONDON. Nov. 10. (Reuler) ~ The secretary pointed out that to see the likes of Such pro- Agreements for contmuatlon of ment will probably be one of a ser­ USSR once more at the time the Soviet Union is mark­ mes in Afghanistan, which is one antom of malaria rather than has a sound economic reason be­ cause he creates hatred for PakiS. Eighteen people died in accidents 20 IMP-member countries had Jects launched by industrialists fr- FRG.technical assislance for the les of agreements with varJolII cou­ ing the 51st anniversary of the October Revolution. of the first countrles UNICEF the disease itself. r appreCiate the hind it he said. lan In Afghanistan. 13 abortive attempt io kill Prem­ P~kthla , started to assist in this field is difficulties of the health author,'- h ier Col. George Papandopoulos, on icy roads and 40 flights were natified an nmendment which om the FR;G and other countrle.: Regional Development Pr- ntrles which will provide for export , "suc centres can extend div- PaklstanJ newspapers and radio diverted or delayed at London's Vjould establish the SDR·s. Sixty­ The new pnvate investment law pas- O)ect and the Kabul Police Acade- of Afllhan minerals to provtde nlar- liMy participation in this anni~ S . t a successful one and is fast pro- ties here in' securing funds for ersl.fled medical services to the Peshawar have also quoted We,st yesterday accused authorities of ed with assistance from Mobam~ forgery and lies and renewed the Heathrow Airport because of dense d~ven countries accounting for sed last year ,Is a clear manifesta-my was signed In Kabul durIng the kets When exploitation heains. versary ia important in view of Union. OVle gressing in fulfilling its obJecti- the malaria campaign in these people which in many cases wa- Pakistan Governor Gen, ves, said Gordon Carter. UNICEF provinces," he said. uld be sufficient. charge that he had been tortured fog yesterday 80 per cent of the fund vote is ,---=------.....:==------~---=--....:...--=-.:...::..:...... - the fact that Mghanlatan and "On the other hand a number mad Mousa as saying: direCltor for South and Central "UNICEF w,'11 cont,'nue to pr()- "s h "Khan Abdul Ghatfar Khan's in jail. VISibility On some major motor­ "eeded before the amendment the Soviet Union recognised each of Afghan youths are studying in As uc centres located in the host in Afghsnlstan is fed up with FlatlY. rejecting a whole series ways was reduced to 4.5 metres In goes into effect other before any other countries ia. vide equipment and supplies for midst of the rural population will institutes of advanced studies in "Our experience here have en· this project and others that may I most areas wllh light snow and Ice "It has not been formally rej­ U.S. Prisoners of the world", he said "our tra­ a SO serve. when the malaria er- him and Wishes that he leave; the of affinnatlons by Greek authori­ .!Tholllson: Talks Narrow Gap this city, who, I am sure will be acti~ governm,~n~, ties, the 30-year-old accused told making dnving hazardous_ ected by any member governm­ dition of friendship has its be­ able to render valuable' services couraged us to expand our be taken UP by the adication programme enters its country, blll they would not be rid ent." Fowler said. "Information ginning an half centllry ago wh­ vities in this sphere to many co~ perhaps even in a lare-er scale in final phase of maintenance as of him. the Athens military court that in­ Heathrow airport was closed last in the development of Mghanis­ ce~ vestigatOl's had tortured him on night and flights from Europe were IOdicates the likelihood of com­ Entertained By Between Britain, Rhodesia en both of our nations entered tan On their return home. untries," he said. the future. . surveillance centres. )TIedical' In reply Bakhtar says: several occasions between Aug~ diverted to other aIrports in Britain pletton of the ratification process new phases in their history" he min~ In a further comment On the "But the actual siZe of our "0-~ ntres an d heaIth education ~ent- "We reject emphatically sucb un­ "] am certain," the prime programme, he said the govern- ntributions is directly proportion· res. ust 13 when he was arrested. and and France by the end of the year or early said. ' ister said. "that of vi­ desirable and unfounded propaganda SALISBURY, Nov. 10. Reuter).­ tess summit negotiations on the exchange ment!; efforts to enrol more wo- 81 to the scale of operat,'on a'ld "E h I November 4, the day the trial op­ Passengers on about 20 outgOing JanuarY," "I am very pleased to be able to sits by the Soviet and Afghan ' very ea th worker should by Pakistan and abhor their had Britain's Rhodesian envoy George breakaway colony's independence. men' in these institutions Bnd to expenditure by the host govern- I' th h taste. ened. flights crammed the airport late The establishment last March Prince SihaiJouk p~y ~y first visit to the beauti­ statesmen and their introduction rea Ise at e is also a health Tomson said yesterday Britain Blll the gap was still a very deep assign more graduates to the pro- ment because our organisations educater." he added, He affirmed he had been beat­ I\lst night waiting for the fog to lift of a two-price system for gold and Rhodesia had narrowed the gap ful CIty of Leningrad which has to the people in different parts 0 one, he told a press conference be­ vinces are highly regarded by role is one of a catalyst rather Carter is here for a nine day "Afghanislan 's the home of the en under his feet and had suffe­ Sportmg fixtures In many parts of "has arrested the decline of mo­ diVIding them since the HMS Fear- IuId a speCial place in aU phases our two nations will have a pro­ netary gold reserves and insula-' PHNOM PENH, Nov. 10. (AFP) fore leaving the Rhodesian capital all exPerts. than a doer and organiser," -:a!"- visit to talk over future healt.h people of Pashroonistan aDd Khan rd burns and Ilsexual torture" and the country had to be cancelled and to confer with African common~ of hiatory of the Soviet Union found effection on promoting fri­ ted the international monetary .-Head of state Prince Norodom "Now more people are assign- ter said. Abdul Ghaffar Khan IS the leader had been kept handcuffed night Australian-born Champion Jockey wealth leaders on bis toIles hen' especiaUy in the October Revo­ endly relations between OUf two programmes of the Public HeaIto system from the destabllislOg in~ Sihanouk yestelday publicly shook ed to provincial centres but the The subject of tuberculosis er- Ministry and the contributiuns of Pnshtoonistan. and day since his arrest Scobie Breaslcy was unable to take with premier Ian Smith. lution. countries, II idea is to take out teacher train- adication has also come up ,'n h' h UNICEF "The state and the nation of Af­ part In what would have been the fluence of the pnyate gold mar­ hands With mterned Amencan "The name of Leningrad 1S "The spirit of good neighbour­ . h I w lC can make toward Party Heads To 109 sc 00 s and their graduates discussions between the Pubho their implementation ghanistan have relations of brother­ last race of hiS career because of ket and the speculation in gold," soldiers whom he saId on Thursday announ~ written in bold letters in the bo­ Iy reiations between our two na­ he said. would be released If Washington Earlier, a surprise joint hood and total sympathy with, the fog cement on the Tomson-Smlth talks oks of history not because Its tIOns is m'anifested In the warm promised "to end Its aggression ag­ people of Pashtoonistan. ., NIXON Brcnslcy. four times champion Sc.ln after Fowler roesigned. said the Anglo-Rhode.tan necotia­ people had a major part in Octo­ and cordial welcome which I hs­ the White House announced the ainst Cambodian frontiers". Attend Polish ~r Revolution but slso because McNamara Due "They hope that the peopti1 of P.,,­ Jockey of Britain and wmner of tions would be resumed in Salt~­ Ve received wherever I have go­ shtoonistan in the light of peace (Conlhuud from ""ge I) departure or under-secretary of The Americans, dressed In new its citizens have fought bravely two derbys, was dlsappomted when bury next week after Tomson visited ne in your vast country, Police Nab 3 More In Alleged and understanding will achieve their less it is at President Johnson's re· hiS last race of the flat season at f>tatc Nicholas Katzenbach clothes. were attending ceremonies the African leaders. allalnst the aggressors. quest. "Whatever the President mi~ here to mark the an01versary of "The citizens of this city ha­ Here Tomorrow rights and national aspirations Lke haydock In west Engla.nd was can­ Congress Meet This announcement followed • "In this gathering of friend- other nations and peoples of the ght request ID terms of the Vietnam Cambodia's mdependence In J953. ve set an example in their strug­ Nixon Assassination Plot celled. week of tough talks between Tho· ship I wish to thank you for the world". situatlon. I 'fould, undertake'. he Water Supply The prince told newsmen later gles against foreign aggressors in hospitality which have been eX­ NEW YORK. Nov. II. (AFP).­ ret service agents swooped on the that he was still waiting for a mson and Smltb and was made af­ said. "I don't anticipate that", WARSAW. Nov. 10, (Reuter).­ ter the two men conferred prtva~t:­ the world war," the prime mirhs­ tended to me and to my colleag­ Polie< and federal allents Saturday flat early in the evening and arres­ (Continued from page II "gesture" from Washington, immJ~ "There is a possibility of some U.S. Bank Repo,rt Foreign Communist PIVty d,lega­ ly a few hours before the British ter continued. ues." he said. night arrested five Yemenite ted Abdo Ahmad Namer. aged 20, representation", he said, without hills. Water WIll be brought to the It was reported here that "during tions are arrivin¥ here for the rul­ "A number of experts from the The prime minister made a grants and charged three of them­ as another young man escaped thro­ reservoir from deqp wells which minister was due to leave Salisbu­ Indicating where or in whal :onnec· the }last few days" American armed ing Polish party's fifth congress­ ry. progressive city of Leningrad are toast to the prosperity of the peo­ a father and two sons-wIth plott­ ugh a window, Poor Nations Don't tion.. Says More $ Go n('lw serve (he mines and industries helicopters had machine gunned but three main critics of the War~ working side by side, with devo­ ple of the Soviet Union to the st­ Ing assassination. A few minutes later, Namer's fa­ mlOistry workshop and from Kar­ Thomson told the P..... confer­ There bas been speculation Nixon areas in the frontJer provinces of saw Pact invasion of Czechoslovak­ tion, with other Soviet experts rengthening of the friendship be­ The victim, according to adinr ther. Ahmad Raeeh Namer. 46. I gha dam ence: '·1 think we have narrowed Get Their SIlice might want observers on band 3t To Third· World of Prey Veng and Kratie killing ,a will not be joIning them. the gap since Fearles.... serving In Afghanistan on proj­ tween Mghanistan and the So­ Brooklyn district attorney Elliot arriVed and was arrested In tum. the Paris peace talks on Vietnam. ThIS will only suffice, however. three people and wounding several According to unconfirmed reports ects which are being implement- viet Union and to world peace. Golden. was to have been President­ The youn, man wbo fled was cap­ until the water network designed These Jssue. concerned not only Nixon said, he would take no ac­ WASHINGTON. Nov. 10, (AFP) others here. Soviet Party Chief Leonid fundamental issues. elect Richard M. Nixon. tured later in the evening and iden~ .Of Tourist Trade rion with regard to foreign repre­ American banks are lending less to for. the project IS implemented The Meanwhile the Americans were Brezhnev is lik,ely to lead the Rus­ However, the formal charges laid tified as Hussein Namer, Ig. ano­ network will lnvolve digging five These issues concerned not only sentation until be has talked witb Western European countries and being entertained to lunch at a sian delegation and first secretary Rhodesia's refusal to accept the against the three dld not specify ther IOn.' deep wells in Afshar, near Kar~ French restaurant, and the prince SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 11, Johnson and Secretary of Stale more to developing countries, a Walter Ulbricht the East German British proposal for a double-Ioc· this and In Key Biscayne. Florida, The weapons were found in the (Reute'r).-World Tourism brings Dean Rust. whom he also expects gha and bUilding a larger reservoir said he would arrange for them to \Pro, Anii·Soviet :Union Czechs where Nixon is takin~ a brief wor~ I member of the advisory council to Informed sources said that other king mechanism to safeguard the flat amI seized. in $ 41000 million a year and is see Bnd a more extensive network. Th-is yisit the Angkor Vat temple. "as to Monday. the U,S. Federal Reserve Board ruUng parties. including the Czech­ political' rtghts of Rhodesia's Afri­ kIng hollday, an aide commented: The three were booked on chargps 'growing all the time-but under­ "Anything I do between now and project will be implemented from an , tQUflStS", lesser-rank:~. Pragu~ said yesterday oslovaks, were sending can majority. Clash In Central "It's In 'he hands of the police of conspiracy to commit murder. develoPed countries are not gett- the inauguration would be deared Speaking at an economic confe­ FRG credit. lng representatives. -and Nixon has no concern over it. criminal solicitation and lI1egal pos­ The Afghan Electric Institute. Speaking at the independence day PRAGUE. Nov. II. (Reuler).- lng, and possibly foreshadowed the ing their slice of the cake. . with and approVed by the present rence here. council member Andrew Any idea of a major plot is over session of fjreanns. The second opin~ hc:wever, has not yet included tbe ceremonies Prince Sihanouk saId Clashes broke out in central Prague line of future attacks against Dub­ exaggerated... This was the consensus of administration", Nixon said. Brimmer said that in the three Bnd '-. charge means bringing persons Jnto ion among international tourism "We'can only h.ave one prcsid~nt, a half years from tbe cnd of '1964 districi in areas where it will extend he was sure that "with or without y

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