


Submitted to the Board Examination In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement For Literary Degree at English Literature Department





           

             

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         You who have believed, fear Allah and speak words of appropriate justice. He will amend for you your deeds and forgive you your sins. And whoever obeys Allah and His Messenger has certainly attained a great attainment. Indeed, we offered the Trust to the heavens and the earth and the mountains, and they declined to bear it and feared it; but man [undertook to] bear it. Indeed, he was unjust and ignorant. (QS. Al- Ahzab: 70-72)1 Hai orang-orang yang beriman, bertakwalah kamu kepada Allah dan Katakanlah Perkataan yang benar, niscaya Allah memperbaiki bagimu amalan-amalanmu dan mengampuni bagimu dosa-dosamu. dan Barangsiapa mentaati Allah dan Rasul-Nya, Maka Sesungguhnya ia telah mendapat kemenangan yang besar. Sesungguhnya Kami telah mengemukakan amanat kepada langit, bumi dan gunung-gunung, Maka semuanya enggan untuk memikul amanat itu dan mereka khawatir akan mengkhianatinya, dan dipikullah amanat itu oleh manusia. Sesungguhnya manusia itu Amat zalim dan Amat bodoh. (QS. Al-Ahzab: 70-72)2

1 Sher, M. (2004). The Holy Qur’an, United Kingdem: Islam International Publications, p. 642. 2 Akhun, N. (2007). Al-Qur’an Terjemahan, Semarang: Thoa Putra, p. 543.


First of all I would say the grateful to Allah SWT

always gives me health to finish this thesis.

I would like to dedicate this thesis to:

My beloved Father, Zulkarnain for your love, supporting and praying

My beloved Mother, Hasiah (alm) for all your patients to educate me so far, gave me a way to be the student, for your love, supporting and praying

And My beloved brother, Rian Setiawan and my young sister Rizkya Tri Nabila also for your supporting and praying.

Thank to You for the great support to finish my thesis

All of you are my diamond who Allah has given to me. I do really want to make you happy and proud of me!

Then to Dr. Diana Rozelin, M. Hum and Mr. Minsakutra, SS, M. Hum as my supervisors, for your patients as long as you guided me to finish my thesis for your help and praying.

My beloved gengs, ELITE 2015 B. Thanks for the advice, love, help, support, ideas and great experiences that we have made together.

for your help and praying, for your inspiration

All you are the good example for me. I am so happy and grateful because living around the skilful and wise people as you all.

At last, for all people who have helped me in this thesis.

I would like to proclaim;



Firstly, the writer would like to say Alhamdullilahirabil’alamin, all the praise to

Allah SWT the lord of all creatures, for His Blessing from the starting point of my study until now the end of my study. After that, Shalawat and salam be upon to our

Prophet Muhammad SAW, hopefully we will get His syafa’at later at The Last Day.

Secondly, I would like to express her deepest gratitude to people who helped the writer in accomplishing this thesis. I would like to thank my supervisors Dr. Diana

Rozelin, M. Hum and Minsakutra, SS, M. Hum who have helped, adjusted, supported and suggested me in writing this thesis. I also would like to say thanks for all classmates ELITE 2015 who have given additional suggestion and support to finish this thesis.

To accomplish this thesis, the writer had been given one great deal to many people. So, the writer would like to say thanks for their contribution, they are:

1. Dr. H. Hadri Hasan, MA as a Rector of the State Institute for Islamic Studies of

Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi.

2. Prof. Dr. Maisah, M.Pd as the dean of Adab and Humanities Faculty.

3. Dr. Alfian, S.Pd, M.Ed as the first Dean of Academic. Dr. H. M. Fadil, M.Ag as

the second Dean of Finances, and Dr. Roudhoh, S.Ag., M.Pd.I as the third Dean

of University Student of Adab and Humanities Faculty.


Ria Karmila, 2018 : The Language Functions Used by The Main Characters in White House Down’s Film by Ronald Emmerich. English Literature Department Adab and Humanities Faculty, The State Institute for Islamic Studies Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi.

Supervisor I : Dr. Diana Rozelin, M. Hum

Supervisor II : Minsakutra, SS, M. Hum

This thesis analyzes about the language functions used by the main characters in White House Down’s film by Ronald Emmerich. The main characters used language function to achieve the purposes of their speech to get out from white house down. Moreover, this study was designed to find out the types of language functions used by the main characters in White House Down’s film by Ronald Emmerich, the use of language function by the main characters in White House Down’s film by Ronald Emmerich, the effects of language function used by the main characters in White House Down’s film by Ronald Emmerich. The writer used Jakobson in Holmes theory (2001) to find out the types of language functions used by the main characters in White House Down’s film. the used of language function by Kierkegaard theory that used by main characters in White House Down’s film, the effect of language function by Sarul Asdar used by main characters in White House Down’s film. This study was qualitative research, to collect the data the writer used documentation technique. The writer used a technique of data analysis. The study was descriptive because it tries to describe the types of language function expressed by the main character. The data of the research were the pictures and dialogue, which contains types of language function expressed by the main characters. The research result shows that first, there are five language function that used by the main character in White House Down‟s film by Ronald Emmerich. They are: Expressive function, Directive function, referential function, Metalinguistic function and phatic function. All of language function they used when they do a communication. Second, there are two ways the use of language function by main character in White House Down‟s film by Ronald Emmerich. They are: Direct Communicating and Indirect Communicating. All of them they used for do communication each other to get out from the white house down. Third, the effect of of language function used by the main characters in White House Down’s Film by Ronald Emmerich getting knowledge, giving command and asking for information.

Keywords : Language Function, White House Down, Film


Ria Karmila, 2018 : The Language Functions Used by The Main Characters in White House Down’s Film by Ronald Emmerich. English Literature Department Adab and Humanities Faculty, The State Institute for Islamic Studies Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi.

Supervisor I : Dr. Diana Rozelin, M. Hum Supervisor II : Minsakutra, SS, M. Hum

Tesis ini menganalisis tentang fungsi bahasa yang digunakan oleh para tokoh utama di dalam film White House Down oleh Ronald Emmerich. Para tokoh utama menggunakan fungsi bahasa untuk mencapai tujuan dari apa yang mereka utarakan. Selain itu, penelitian ini dirancang untuk mengetahui macam-macam fungsi bahasa yang digunakan para tokoh utama dalam film White House Down, penggunaan fungsi bahasa oleh para tokoh utama dalam film White House Down, dampak penggunaan fungsi bahasa terhadap para tokoh utama dalam film White House Down oleh Ronald Emmerich. Penulis menggunakan teori Jakobson untuk menemukan macam-macam fungsi bahasa yang digunakan oleh para tokoh utama dalam film White House Down. penggunaan fungsi bahasa oleh teori dari Kierkegaard yang digunakan para tokoh utama dalam film White House Down, dampak penggunaan fungsi bahasa dari Sarul Asdar yang digunakan oleh para tokoh utama dalam film White House Down. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif, untuk mengumpulkan data penulis menggunakan teknik dokumentasi. Penulis menggunakan teknik data analisis. Penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif karena berusaha mendeskripsikan macam-macam fungsi bahasa yang diungkapkan oleh tokoh utama. Data penelitian adalah gambar dan dialog, yang berisi macam-macam fungsi bahasa yang diekspresikan oleh para karakter utama. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pertama, ada beberapa fungsi bahasa yang digunakan oleh para tokoh utama di dalam film White House Down oleh Ronald Emmerich, yaitu fungsi ekspresif, fungsi directive, fungsi referential, fungsi metalimguistik, dan fungsi phatic semua fungsi bahasa mereka gunakan ketika mereka melakukan komunikasi. Kedua, ada dua cara penggunaaan fungsi bahasa yang digunakan oleh para tokoh utama di dalam film White House Down oleh Ronald Emmerich, yaitu, komunikasi langsung dan komunikasi tidak langsung yang mereka gunakan untuk berkomunikasi satu dengan yang lainnya untuk keluar dari gedung istana president. Ketiga, dampak dari penggunaan fungsi bahasa yang digunakan para tokoh utama utama di dalam film adalah mendapatkan pengetahuan, pemberian perintah dan meminta informasi.

Kata Kunci : Fungsi Bahasa, White House Down, Film


SWT : Subhanahu Wata’ala

SAW : Shallallahu Alaihi Wasallam

UIN : Universitas Islam Negeri

US : United States

STS : Saltan Thaha Saifud


NOTA DINAS ...... i APPROVAL...... ii LETTER OF RATIFICATION ...... iii ORIGINAL THESIS STATEMENT...... iv MOTTO...... v DEDICATION ...... vi ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ...... vii ABSTRACT ...... ix ABSTRAK...... x ABBREVIATION...... xi TABLE OF CONTENT ...... xii CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of the Problem ...... 1

1.2 Formulation of the Problem...... 6

1.3 Limitation of the Problem ...... 6

1.4 Purpose of the Research ...... 7

1.5 Significance of the Research ...... 7


2.1 Related Research Language Functions ...... 8


2.2 Types of Language Functions ...... 9

2.3 The Use of Language Function ...... 15

2.4 Previous ...... 16


3.1 Design of Research...... 20

3.2 Source of Data ...... 22

3.3 Technique of Data Collection...... 23

3.4 Technique of Data Analysis ...... 24


4.1 Finding...... 26

4.2 Analysis ...... 27

4.2.1 Types of Language Functions used by the main characters in White House Down’s Film by Ronald Emmerich ...... 27

1. Expressive function...... 27

2. Directive function ...... 30

3. Referential function...... 34

4. Metalinguistic Function ...... 35

5. Phatic Function ...... 37

4.2.2 The Use of Language Function by the Main Character in White House Down‟s film by Ronald Emmerich ...... 38

1. Direct Communicating ...... 38

2. Indirect communicating...... 41

4.2.3 The Effects of Language Function used by the Main


Characters in White House Down’s Film by Ronald Emmerich ...... 43

1. Getting Knowledge ...... 43

2. Giving Command ...... 45

3. Asking for Information...... 46


5.1 Conclusions…………………………………...... …....….... 49

5.2 Suggestions…………………………………………...... 50





1.1 Background of the Problem

Language is a communication tool which has an important role in human survival. The study of language is the study that is not endless to be discussed, because language is the whole existence of the human person and civilized society there is no human‟s activity is not accompanied by language. Language is a system that relates sounds or gestures to meanings.3 It means that there is a wide variety of languages are used in communication is that good Propagated by using print and electronic media.

Language is a system of symbols that arbitrators are used by a community to collaborate, interact and identify themselves. Language is very important tool to help addressee in understanding messages that conveyed by addresser.4 As we know, language plays an important role as a bridge to communicate with someone to another.5 It means that a good language and communication are very influential to get satisfaction. Language has some functions, for example: agreeing, greeting, giving command, taking leave, describing, asking for information, etc.

Language is always used to communicate and interact in getting what someone needs from others, and although human have many cultures and races in this world but

3 Fromkin, V. et al, (2011). An Introduction to Language, Los Angeles: Universitity of California, p. 324. 4 Chaer, A. (2007). Linguistik umum, Jakarta: Rineka Cipta, p. 32. 5 Yule, G. (1988). The Study of Language, New York: Cambridge University Press, p. 3.

6 this case will not change anything because each human has way to communicate.

Hence in this case, language is very important in life and language will not be free from human. In doing communication, people may not realize that spoken or written sentences also carry a function.7 However, the hearer may get confused if people speak without a purpose. It means that the language function leads the hearers to achieve the purpose of someone‟s speech.

Sri Devi Arista and Sri Minda Murni propound that function of language refers to things the speakers do with their language in communication and it could be seen in the film likes; agreeing, greeting, giving command, taking leave, describing, asking for information, etc.8 in the film the language function emphasizes the interaction of both speaker and listener. This function is clear in daily conversation. For example, in interactional spoken discourse are debate, interview, and discussion; while written discourse in interaction is like correspondence with friends, and polemic.9 It means that the functions of language in the film include expressive, directive, phatic, poetic, referential, and metalinguistic function and language function emphasizes the interaction of both speaker and listener.

The researcher is interested to analyze White House Down’s film as the object of research and film script as the source of data because there are many languages

6 Victoria Fromkin, et al, Op.Cit, p. 326. 7 Mesthrie, B. (2011). The Cambridge Handbook of Sociolinguistics, New York: Cambridge University Press, p. 159. 8 Arista, S. D., and Murni, S. M. (2011). “Language Functions Used by the Main Character in Sherlock Holmes II: A Game of Shadows Movie”, Journal is partial fulfillment of the requirement for degree of Sarjana Sastra, p. 84. 9 Holmes, J. (2001). An Introduction to Sociolinguistics, London: Pearson Education Limited, p. 337.

function that used by the main characters in the White House Down’s film because of they done a good communication used language function both Jhon Cale and President

Sawyer could get out from the white house down. In that film the researcher interest with the ways the main characters lead each other to achieve the purpose of their speech to get out from the white house that under attack at that time. Language itself consist of some functions which are to give information, deliver massage, express feelings, persuade people and share opinion. White House Down also is one of the attractive and interesting‟s film. White House Down is a 2013 American political action thriller film directed by .10 This film has wonderful story because this is real-life film where this film tells story of Washington under attack.

White House Down is an action movie. White House Down had awards and nominations for some events and categories in independent day. White House Down gained recognition and won numerous honors, including: White House Down was well-received critically and earned more than 205.4 million worldwide at the box office, it won the 2013 Saturn Award for Best Fantasy Motion Picture, received two nominations at the 65th Golden Globe Awards and three Best Chutzpah Award

11 nominations at the 80th Academy Awards.

There are some possible problems that occasionally happen related to language functions used by the main characters in White House Down’s Film by Ronald

Emmerich where There is a man detonates a bomb at the center of the US Capitol

10 Rotten, “White House Down”, https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/white_house_down/, accessed on 1 Septermber 2018 at 13.32 11 Powell, A. (2007). Deleuze, Altered States and Film, Edinburgh University Press Ltd, p. 3.

building causing the White House to be on lockdown. John Cale as military and

Sawyer as president of US try to get out from the US Capitol building but they cannot make it. In this situation John Cale used language function to communicate with the

President Sawyer when they tried to get out from the white house down. Expressive is one of Language function, Expressive means express the speaker‟s feelings. This function is oriented toward the addresser. It can be seen in the picture and dialogue below:

12 Picture 1

13 President Sawyer : I ain't doing that shit

From the picture and dialogue above it can be known that President Sawyer as the speaker tried to convey his emotion the addressee. President Sawyer felt surprised with the condition when John Cale jump to other place and he must do the same thing

President Sawyer uses another exclamation word “I ain't doing that shit” to emphasize the content of the message to addressee. It was also followed by the use of mimicry and certain intonation which belong to paralinguistic features. That is way this function being categorized into expressive.

12 Duration: 00:49:11,689 --> 00:49:13,179 13 Duration: 00:49:11,689 --> 00:49:13,179

14 Picture 2

15 Picture 3

16 John Cale : Run, Mr. President!

From the picture and dialogue above it can be known that John Cale as the speaker used the directive function to attempt the addressee to follow his command.

“Run, Mr. President!!” is one of the functions used by the speaker to convey his commands. He said so because he needed the particular reaction as it was oriented toward the addressee. It means this function categorized into directive.

Finally, based on the reasons above, the writer will analyze this thesis under the title “The Language Functions Used by the Main Characters in White House

Down’s Film by Ronald Emmerich”.

14 Duration: 00:41:55,887 --> 00:41:57,946 15 Duration: 00:41:55,887 --> 00:41:57,946 16 Duration: 00:41:55,887 --> 00:41:57,946

1.2 Formulation of the Problem

Based on the background of the problems above, the writer makes the formulation of the problems arranged as follows:

1. What are the types of language functions used by the main characters in White

House Down’s Film by Ronald Emmerich?

2. How do the main characters use language functions in White House Down’s

Film by Ronald Emmerich?

3. What are the effects of language functions toward main characters in White

House Down’s Film by Ronald Emmerich?

1.3 Limitation of the Problem

In this research, the writer focuses on language functions used by the main characters in White House Down’s Film by Ronald Emmerich. While there are five types of language function used by main character, they are Expressive function,

Directive function, referential function and metalinguistic function. The main characters in this research are James Sawyer and John Cale. Writer takes James

Sawyer because he is the president and he need to be protected from the enemy and

John Cale as the soldier which gives the protection to the president. The writer will take the dialogues and the pictures of James Sawyer and John Cale to answer of the problems.

1.4 Purpose of the Research

The purposes of the research are:

1. To find out the language functions used by the main characters in White House

Down’s Film by Ronald Emmerich.

2. To find out the main characters use language functions in White House Down’s

Film by Ronald Emmerich.

3. To find out the effects of language functions toward main characters in White

House Down’s Film by Ronald Emmerich.

1.5 Significance of the Research

In this research, the writer would like to find out the language functions used by the main characters in White House Down’s Film by Ronald Emmerich. The writer hopes this research will develop the writing ability and give additional information and knowledge to the writer and the readers, especially to the students and lectures

English Literature Department wants to read and watch the film and even who wants to analyze the same film. The writer hopes this research will make other people easier to identify the benefits the main characters in White House Down’s Film by Ronald

Emmerich and takes the positive side of this film. Last but not the last, this research can give contribution to the society, and it will be useful to the next researcher



2.1 Language Functions

Language function is a language that is performed for social purposes.

According to Sri Devi Arista and Sri Minda Murni the functions of language can be divided into seven categories.17 Language was a part of speakers‟ life. It is the epitome of the speech sound system which used to communicate to the public. Good language develops based on a system, the set of rules followed by the speakers. Fundamentally, the using of language is not only as the medium of communication, to convey or deliver information, expression of thought, feeling, or ideas but the other side, language actually has many functions that wider.18 By knowing the function of language includes its purpose, its use, and what it does.

We can see according to some linguistics that that divides function of language into some kinds like Ronald Wardhaugh divides function of language into five functions.19 They are informational functional (this function uses language as a tool to carry information), expressive function (this function uses language to express the speaker„s feeling or attitude), directive function (uses language to influence the behavior or attitude of the hearer), aesthetic function (the use of language to create an

17 Sri Devi Arista and Sri Minda Murni, Op.Cit, p. 85. 18 Trudgill, P. (1984). Applied Sociolinguistics, London: Academic Press, p. 8. 19 Wardhaugh, R. (2006). An Introduction To Sociolinguistics, United Kingdon: Blackwell Publishing, p. 27.


aesthetic effect. It can be found in the poetry) and phatic function (it is used to maintaining social relationship).

2.2 Types of Language Functions

Jakobson in Janet Holmes classifies language functions into six types. They are expressive, directive, poetic, phatic, referential, and metalinguistic function. Those six

20 types of language will be explained as follows:

1. Expressive Function

Expressive function means express the speaker‟s feelings. This focuses on

addresser; it means that a speaker addresses a message. The aim of expressive

function is to convey the speaker‟s emotion or expression. The aim of a direct

expression of the speaker‟s attitude toward what he is speaking about. It tends to

produce an impression of a certain emotion whether true of feigned.21 It means that

the addresser‟s own towards the content of the message is emphasized.

This also tells about the expressing pleasure, expressing displeasure,

dislike, inquiring about interest, expressing surprise, expressing hope, expressing

satisfaction, expressing dissatisfaction, inquiring about satisfaction and

dissatisfaction, expressing disappointment, expressing fear or worry, expressing

20 Janet Holmes, Op.Cit, p. 337. 21 Janet Holmes, Ibid, p. 339.

inquiring about worry or fear, expressing want and desire, inquiring about want

22 and desire.

2. Directive Function

Directive function means attempt to get someone to do something. It means that language used for the purpose of causing (or preventing) overt action. This function is most commonly found in commands and requests.23 Directive function focuses on the addressee; it means that the speaker needs the reaction from the hearer or to make someone perform a particular action. The aim of directive function is to convey the speaker‟s commands.

This also tells about the expressing agreement and disagreement, denying something, accepting an offer or invitation, declining an offer or an invitation is accepted or declined, offering to do something, stating whether one knows or does not know about something or someone, inquiring whether something is considered possible or impossible, expressing capability or incapability, expressing whether something is considered a logical conclusion (deduction), expressing how certain and uncertain one is of something, inquiring whether others are obliged to do something, giving and seeking to do something, inquiring whether others have permission to do something, stating that permission it withheld.

22 Janet Holmes in Sri Devi Arista and Sri Minda Murni, Op.Cit, p. 84. 23 Janet Holmes, Op.Cit, p. 338.

3. Referential Function

Referential function means provide information. Essentially, referential function is the communication of information. This function affirms or denies propositions, as in science or the statement of fact. These sentences have a truth value; that is, the sentences are either true or false (recognizing, of course, that we might not know what that truth value is). Hence, they are important for logic.

Referential function focuses on the context; it means that referent or subject matter of discourse, and what it refers to. The aim referential function is to convey the information.

4. Metalinguistic Function

Metalinguistic function means comment on the language itself. This function is the use of language to discuss or describe itself. It focuses attention upon the code itself, to clarify it or negotiate it. This is the function of language about language. Metalinguistic function is also predominant in question like

“Sorry, what did you say?”, where the code is misunderstood and needs correction or clarification. The aim of metalinguistic function is to convey the code analysis.

5. Poetic Function

Poetic function means focus on aesthetic feature of language. It is in which the particular form chosen is the essence of the message. Messages convey more than just the content. They always contain a creative „touch‟ of our own. These additions have no purpose other than to make the messages „nicer‟. The word

poetic does not refer to the ability to write poetry, but the ability to manipulate language in a creative way. The aim of poetic function is to convey the pleasure.

6. Phatic Function

Phatic function means express solidarity and empathy with others. The phatic function helps to establish contact and refers to the channel of communication. It opens the channel or checking that it is working, either for social reason. This function is used for sociability. Therefore sometimes vernacular words used in this function. The phatic use of language is characteristic main lynn of speech, however, in a certain types of writing it can be also notices as in letters for example, where the beginning Dear Sir/Madam and ending Yours

Faithfully also serve that purpose

Based on the explanations above it can be concluded that there are six types of language functions. The writer will use two both of them Expressive function and Directive function because these are always used by the main characters, so the writer will use this theory to find out language functions used by the main characters in White House Down’s Film by Ronald Emmerich.

2.3 The Use of Language Function

Kierkegaard said that the use of language function for communicating can be divided into two ways, they are: the direct communicating and indirect

24 communicating.

1. Direct Communicating

Direct communication happens when a speaker‟s true intentions are

communicated in his/her verbal message. It expresses the speaker‟s/sender‟s needs

and desires explicitly. When a direct communicator wants or needs something,

he/she will „come right out and say it‟. Direct communicators take the other

speaker‟s words at face value: they will not analyze the message for underlying

meaning. They value the effectiveness of short, direct answers, and expect and

respect honesty and frankness.

Direct communication involves saying what a person thinks and feels, and

it is marked by active listening and effective feedback. It is clear, straightforward,

and involves the two-way, free-flowing sharing of thoughts, feelings, and ideas.

There is no pretense or hidden messages in direct communication; its purpose is

quite simply to get or give information from one person or group of people to

another. Direct communication is more common in areas that are considered low-

context, which means they are more culturally diverse and emphasize such traits as

individualism, independence, and self-reliance. People in such environments are

24 Pattison, G. (2010). “The Theory and Practice of Language and Communication in Kierkegaard‟s Upbuilding Discourses”, Journal of Mercer University, p. 85-87.

accustomed to encountering a wide range of people with differing communication styles, so the directness helps in accomplishing interactive tasks and making social connections.

2. Indirect communicating

Indirect communication happens when a speaker‟s true intentions are hidden. Indirect speakers will not make a direct statement or directly answer a question that might cause tension or result in an uncomfortable situation. They are more likely to say “maybe” or “possibly‟ when the true answer is “no”. Indirect communicators believe that being polite is more important than giving a true response; this belief is related to the concept of „saving face‟ to avoid hurting another person‟s self-esteem. Indirect communication is acting out rather than directly saying what a person is thinking or feeling using facial expressions, tone of voice, and/or gestures.

Indirect communications are another significant block to meaningful communication. Without direct, open patterns of communication, people cannot get to know each other successfully; what they do not know, they will make guesses about, the site says. And this, of course, lays the groundwork for making inaccurate guesses as to what an indirect communicator is trying to say.

Ultimately, having to analyze and infer the motives, meanings, and intentions of others discourages the growth of close relationships built on trust.

Based on the explanations above, it can be concluded that there are two ways to use the language function for communicating the message they are direct

communicating and indirect communicating. The writer will use this theory to find

out the main characters use language functions in White House Down’s Film by

Ronald Emmerich

2.4 The Effects of Language Function

Sarul Asdar said that there are three effects from using language function in

25 life, it can be seen below:

1. Getting Knowledge

People can get knowledge when they do communication with the people

around the world, because they can understand about a subject that they get by

experience or study, either known by one person or by people generally. When

the people have knowledge they can teach children, associates and friends.

People can learn from everything around them. It need not even be intentional

but they need to catch it before it fades.

2. Giving Command

People can receive suggestion to make their life better, it could be for one

person or a group of people to do the right things in life, it can be happened

when they have communication each other. Brown and Yule also added the

language function could give them suggestions, without language function

26 people cannot give command to make progress in life.

25 Asdar, M. S. “An Analysis of Language Function in BPEC (Benteng Panynyua English Club) In Fort Rotterdam”, Skripsi: English and Literature Department Adab and Humanity Faculty Alauddin State Islamic University Makassar, p. 16. 26 Brown and Yule, (1983). Discourse Analysis, New York: Cambridge University Press, hlm. 2.

3. Asking for Information

People could receive information from other people when they do

communication, Information is any entity or form that provides the answer to a

question of some kind or resolves uncertainty. Information is conveyed either

as the content of a message or through direct or indirect. That which is

perceived can be construed as a message in its own right, and in that sense,

information is always conveyed as the content of a message.

From the explanations above, it can be concluded that there are three

effects from using language function in life. The writer will use this theory to find

out the effects of language functions toward main characters in White House

Down’s Film by Ronald Emmerich.

2.5 Previous Related Research

The writer is the first research in English Literature Departement of Adab and

Humanities Faculty UIN The State University Islamic Studies Sulthan Thaha

Saifuddin Jambi, who want to analyze about the language functions:

First, from English Study Program Language and Literature Department

Faculty of Culture Studies University of Brawijaya, Jakarta 2011, they are Sri Devi

Arista and Sri Minda Murni with the title “Language Functions Used By The Main

Character in Sherlock Holmes II: A Game of Shadows Movie”.27 This research focussed the language functions used by the main character in “Sherlock Holmes”

27 Sri Devi Arista and Sri Minda Murni, Op.Cit, p. 84.

movie. The aims were to find the use of language functions and describe the dominant types of language functions used in “Sherlock Holmes” movie. The data were the dialogue of the main character in “Sherlock Holmes” movie in the first forty minutes of the movie. The research was conducted by using descriptive qualitative research.

The findings show that there are six types of language functions used by the main character in “Sherlock Holmes” movie. They are expressive, directive, referential, metalinguistic, phatic, and poetic. The most dominant type of language function is metalinguistic. It means that the main character conveys code analysi s by asking questions to the people so that he might invent clue for the sake of his investigation.

Second, from English and Literature Department Adab and Humanity Faculty

Alauddin State Islamic University Makassar, Jakarta 2017, he is Muh Syahril Asdar with the title “An Analysis of Language Function in BPEC (Benteng Panynyua

English Club) In Fort Rotterdam”. 28 This research focused Language Function in

BPEC (Benteng Panynyua English Club) in Fort Rotterdam. This research aimed to find out the types of Language Function. This research was actually conducted in order to make people understand about the function of language function that they used to communicate each other. This research based on Jacobson„s in Herbert theory about the language function. Then, this research was descriptive qualitative method.

The researcher used observation sheet as the instrument to find out the valid data. The findings showed that there were four types of language function and most dominant

28 Muh Syahril Asdar, Op.Cit, p. 4.

language function used in BPEC is referential. The participant only used Expressive function, Directive function, Phatic function and Referential function.

Third, from English Department the Faculty of Teacher Training and

Education Mahasaraswati University, 2013, she is Luh Ayu Andayani with the title

“An Analysis of Language Function Found in English Used by Receptionists in Bali

Brasco”29. This research focused language functions used by receptionists in Bali

Brasco. The subject of this study was four (4) receptionists working in morning, middle and afternoon shift. The researcher implemented a descriptive design in the study. The researcher concluded the language functions found in English used by receptionist in Bali Brasco were “ asking for information, giving situation, denying something, offering something, certain or uncertain, permission, expressing hope, repeating, suggestion, offering assistance , greeting and thanking . For examples

“receptionists used language function asking for information such as “body massage how long?”, “for the room separate or together? “, how many voucher do you have?”, where are you come from?”, “ what time you will do”?, how many person of you?”.

Besides, the teacher could apply the result of the study towards in teaching English In teaching and learning processand the result of this study can used as references who wanted to study about tourism industry especially about language functions used by receptionists

29Luh Ayu Andayani, Op.Cit, p. 6

From the preview related research above, most of them analyze about language function in the film, the same points of their research with the writer are in the theory and the method of the research and the method is analyzing about descriptive data such as writer or spoken, at the person who is observed in this research. The different of this research with them is the purposed of the research, where the writer focuses on language functions used by the main characters in White House Down’s film by

Ronald Emmerich.



3.1 Design of Research

In writing this thesis, the writer used descriptive qualitative method that is suitable with the aim of this research. Qualitative research may be in descriptive form.

The data collected in the form of words as a descriptive explanation than a number.

The result of the research contains quotation from the data to illustrate and substantive the presentation. Descriptive research is a research which aims to describe a phenomenon accurately based on the characteristic of research, where the data are analyzed through interpreting, not statistical analysis. According to Denzin and

Lincoln define:

“Qualitative research is multi method in focus, involving an interpretive, naturalistic approach to its subject matter. This means that qualitative researchers study thing in their natural settings, attempting to make sense of or interpret phenomena in terms of the meanings people bring to them. Qualitative research involves the studied use and collection of a variety of empirical materials-case study, personal experience, introspective, life story, interview, observational, historical, interactional, and visual texts-that describe 30 routine and problematic moments and meaning in individuals‟ lives.”

From the quotation above qualitative research is a method in focus, naturalistic approach to it is subject matter. It means that qualitative researchers study thing in

30 Denzin and Lincoln in Creswell, J. W. (1997). Qualitative Inquiry and Research Design, (United States of America: California, p. 15.


their natural settings, attempting to make sense of or interpret phenomena in terms of the meanings people bring to them.

In collecting data, the writer uses the library research. The writer watched film and read the books, articles, journals, and cyber data, as the second data that relates to the topic. It is clear that those data collected by the writer in form of words or quotation that taken from the White House Down’s film by Ronald Emmerich and other sources. Descriptive is: “Data yang dikumpulkan berupa kata-kata, gambar dan bukan angka-angka, hal itu disebabkan oleh penerapan metode kualitatif.”31 Umar stated that “Di dalam penelitian kualitatif yang mana tidak didasarkan pada sampel statistik, namun pencarian fakta dengan interpretasi yang tepat dalam meneliti status sekelompok manusia, suatu objek, suatu set kondisi, suatu sistem pemikiran ataupun

32 suatu kelas peristiwa pada masa sakarang”.

In this theory, qualitative research in research procedures which produce descriptive data as spoken words of the person or behavior being researched. Moh

Nazir stated that “Metode deskriptif adalah ini bertujuan untuk membuat deskripsi, gaambaran atau lukisan secara sistematis, faktual dan akurat mengenai fakta-fakta, sifat-sifat serta hubungan antar fenomena yang diselidiki”33. It makes easy the research to get the right data. It means that qualitative method is analyzing about descriptive data who are used documentation in this research, by using this qualitative

31 Sugiyono, (2009). Metode Penelitian Kuantitatif Kualitatif dan R & D,Bandung: Alfabeta, p. 19. 32 Umar, (2011). Metode Penelitian Untuk Sekripsi dan Tesis Bisnis, Jakarta: PT Raja Grafindo Persada, p. 22. 33 Nazir, M. (2011). Motode Penelitian, Bogor: Pnerbit Ghalia Indonesia, p. 54.

method, the writer felt easy to analyze the film. It means that, qualitative method used to get the deep meaning from the data. It will make easy the research to get the right data. Sugiyono stated that:

“Metode penelitian kualitatif adalah metode penelitian yang digunakan untuk meneliti pada kondisi objek yang alamiah, (sebagai lawanya adalah eksperimen) dimana peneliti adalah sebagai instrument kunci, teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan secara triangulasi (gabungan), analisis data bersifat induktif/kualitatif, dan hasil penelitian kualitatif lebih menekankan 34 makna dari pada generalisasi”.

It means that qualitative method is analyzing about descriptive data such as writer or spoken, at the person who is observed in this research, where qualitative method also analyzing about the data from outside which the data still not right. By using this qualitative method, the writer felt easy to analyze the film. Based on those statements, it can be concluded that qualitative research is analyzing about descriptive data that is collected is in the form of the situation of the natural object. Where descriptive data such as writer or spoken, by using qualitative research a researcher will have a rice answer about the question in analyzing the language functions used by the main characters in White House Down’s film by Ronald Emmerich.

3.2 Source of the Data

The source of the data in this research the writer took data from the White

House Down’s film by Ronald Emmerich. White House Down was well-received critically and earned more than 205.4 million worldwide at the box office, it won the

2013 Saturn Award for Best Fantasy Motion Picture, received two nominations at the

34 Sugiyono, Op.Cit, p. 9

65th Golden Globe Awards and three Best Chutzpah Award nominations at the 80th

Academy Awards. The writer downloaded the film from Movie. Com and the writer took the script from Subscane. Com. The writer used the dialogues and the pictures from the film to find out the language functions used by the main characters in White

House Down’s film by Ronald Emmerich.

3.3 Technique of Data Collection

In other get the information in this research, writer used library research. The writer used documentation technique to get the data because the data was written, as

Sugiyono stated “Dokumen merupakan catatan peristiwa yang sudah berlalu.

Dokumen bisa berbentuk tulisan, gambar atau karya-karya monumental dari

35 seseorang”.

There are some steps of the technique of the data collection that will be done by the writer in this research, these are:

1. Collections all data from the film that has been taken from scrip film and other

sources which are closely related to the aim of the research and also watching

repeatedly and comprehensively for some senses, dialogues, and symbol that

exist in the White House Down’s film by Ronald Emmerich and articles in the

cyber data as many as possible which show a form of problem.

2. Reading the data repeatedly, after getting all important sources, the writer read

it to make sure that the data are correlating with the research.

35 Sugiyono, Ibid, p. 240

3. Marking on the words or sentences and all the important statements and

information, as well as afterwards, making a note of data. After reading the

sources carefully, the writer marked any important statements to make the

writer easier in the analyzing process for the research.

4. Identifying and classifying the data, after finding all the data completely, the

writer processed the data to analyze them. Finally, the writer made a good

arrangement for the thesis itself as the last in finalizing research.

4.4 Technique of Data Analysis

The writer has several techniques from the data analysis, in order to make this research more specific. In qualitative research, technique analysis data is used to answer the formulation of the problem.36 In analysis the data, the writer used a technique of data analysis. In this thesis, the writer uses documentation technique descriptive analysis because this research is descriptive. It is why the writer described, analyzed the data that has been found in the White House Down’s film by Ronald

Emmerich to find the answer the formulation of the problem that have been formulated. The steps of techniques of data analysis were:

1. Identifying

The writer identified the data and made the assumption or finds the language

functions used by the main characters in White House Down’s film by Ronald


36 Sugiyono, Ibid,p. 243

2. Classifying the data

The writer classified the text of language functions used by the main characters

which had correlated with the source and combined in the film.

3. Analyzing, describing, explaining

The writer analyzed, described and explained the data about language

functions used by the main characters in White House Down’s film by Ronald


4. Making the Conclusion

After all the data had been analyzing, describing and explaining in the

research, the writer made the conclusion of the research.



4.1 Finding

In the White House Down’s Film by Ronald Emmerich used as the sources of the data, there were six types of language function according to Jacobson‟s Theory but the writer just found five types of language functions, they were: expressive function, directive function, referential function, metalinguistic function and phatic function that used by the main characters. There were 8 (eight) data indicated as expressive function, 17 (seventeen) data indicated as directive function, 1 (one) referential function, 3 (three) as indicated as metalinguistic function and 1 (one) data indicated as the phatic function. Moreover the writer found the directive function as the most data more than other the types of language functions. It because in the film the main characters more dominant used command to the other character to get out from the white house that under attack at that time.

As the ways of use language function, the writer found 2 (two) ways that used by the main characters. They were direct communication and indirect communication while the data showed the main characters used many direct communications more than indirect communication when they do a communication. For the effect of language functions the writer found 3 (one) effects they were getting knowledge giving command and asking for the information. Where one of the effects was giving command. Command was form suggestion from Jhon Cale who make their life save from the enemy.


4.2 Analysis

4.2.1 Types of Language Functions Used by the Main Characters in White House Down’s Film by Ronald Emmerich

The function of language that used by the main characters in White House

Down’s Film helped them to achieve the purpose of language itself where Jhon

Cale and President Sawyer try do a communication used language function to

helped them go out from the White House that under attack at that time. There

were some language function used by Jhon Cale and President Sawyer some of

them are: Expressive function, Directive Function, Referential function,

Metalinguistic Function and phatic function. After collecting the data, the writer

then analyses the data based on the types that are showed below:

1. Expressive Function

Expressive function means express the speaker feeling. This only

focused to the addresser which means direct expression of the speaker attitude

toward what he is speaking about. It happened both of President Sawyer and

Jhon Cale. It can be seen in the explanation below:

37 Picture 1

37 Duration: 00:41:30,361 --> 00:41:34,331

Jhon Cale : Oh, sh... That's the library Don't go in there. Just...Oh, this

38 is so stupid.

From the picture and dialogue above showed about the Jhon Cale as a speaker tried to convey his emotion. It proved with their speaking “Oh, sh...

That's the library Don't go in there. Just...Oh, this is so stupid.” That is suitable with the Expressive function that express what the speaker felt. It happened when Jhon cale tried to find her daughter in the capitol building that was under attack at the same time he also heard the conversation of the enemy in the earphone that President Sawyer also in the threat. When Jhon Cale should choose who he helped first between his daughter and Mr. President then he choosing the president then the speaker used exclamation word “oh, sh..” to express his feeling. It was also followed by use of mimicry and certain intonation which belong to paralinguistic features. That is way this function being categorized into expressive.

39 Picture2

40 Jhon Cale : that was close. Shit

38 Duration: 00:41:35,400 --> 00:41:38,927 39 Duration: 00:39:35,613 --> 00:39:36,910

From the picture and dialogues above showed about Jhon cale express his feeling with the words “that was close. Shit” it happened when he tried to find her daughter and that time he met the enemy and shoot pistol to him, then the missile concerning to the hand phone of Jhon cale. It can be seen in the explanation below:

41 Picture 3

42 Jhon Cale : Shit. I'm empty

From the picture and dialogue above told about what Jhon cale felt.

Used expressive function to communicate her inner state and her emotion of the addresser “ Shit. I‟m empty sentence used as exclamation with follow with his mimicry and some feature of paralinguistic. It happen when he wanted to shot the enemy with his pistol but his pistol there was no missile.

43 Picture 4

40 Duration: 00:39:43,822 --> 00:39:47,758 41 Duration: 00:42:23,982 --> 00:42:25,142 42 Duration: 00:42:25,350 --> 00:42:27,284

44 President Sawyer: Jesus! Oh, my God

From the picture and dialogue above showed about President Sawyer who expresses his feeling. It happened when he tried to found the phone that save in his room. He will use it to call Carol to announce that he still life and give his position in that capitol building at that time he detected by the enemy.

The enemy tried to shoot him. He expressed his feeling with come right out

“Jesus! Oh my God”. While this expression categorized into expressive function.

From the picture and dialogues above can be conclude that there are expressive function that used by the main characters in White House Down’s

Film by Ronald Emmerich. It happened when Cale should choose what he should help first between President Sawyer and his daughter. He decided to help president Sawyer with used exclamation word “oh, sh..” to express his feeling. It also happened when the pistol there was no missile.

2. Directive function

Directive function means attempt to get someone to do something. In this case the main character was President Sawyer and Jhon Cale as the speaker needed the reaction from the hearer to make someone perform a particular reaction. The aim of directive function is to convey President

43 Duration: 01:58:16,463 --> 01:58:20,126 44 Duration: 01:58:16,463 --> 01:58:20,146

Sawyer and Jhon Cale as the speaker‟s command. It can be seen in the explanation below:

45 Picture 5

Jhon Cale : Can you please just open it? Emely : For me? What is it? Jhon Cale : It's a pony, baby. I don't...Come on, for me, please just... 46 Emely : These are White House passes

From the picture and dialogues above showed about Jhon Cale asked his daughter to open the envelope. Jhon Cale as the speaker used the directive function to attempt the addressee to follow his command. “Can you please just open it?” is one of the functions used by the speaker to convey his command.

He said so because he wanted particular reaction from the addressee.

47 Picture 6

Jhon Cale : Move! Move! Move! Move! Let's go, let's go, let's go! Stand behind me and do what I

45 Duration: 00:11:47,046 --> 00:11:48,980 46 Duration: 00:12:01,761 --> 00:12:03,285 47 Duration: 00:42:03,528 --> 00:42:05,291

48 say

From the picture and dialogue above, Jhon Cale as the speaker tried to give his command to the addressee in this case Mr. President as the addressee.

Jhon cale asked Mr. President to follow his command because he want

President Sawyer act and give the reaction to do his command. That is way it categorized into Directive function because is to convey the Jhon Cale

Command to President Sawyer

49 Picture 7

50 Cale : No, not that way! They're up there!

From the picture and dialogue above explain about Jhon cale and Mr.

President that want run from the enemy then Mr. President run to the wrong way who there are enemy in the journey of President Sawyer then Jhon Cale asked President Sawyer for did not run into the wrong way the command of

Jhon cale to Mr. president categorized into Directive function.

48 Duration: 00:42:15,206 --> 00:42:17,902 49 Duration: 00:42:35,126 --> 00:42:36,150 50 Duration: 00:42:36,861 --> 00:42:38,488

51 Picture 8

52 President Sawyer : Elevator's here, let's go!

From the picture and dialogue above showed about the command of

Presideny Sawyer to run to the elevator it include to the expressive function that seeking to affet the behavior the addressee in this situation President

Sawyer as the addresser and Jhon Cale as the addressee. President Sawyer wanted Jhon Cale to direct to do what he wanted. That is way the function categorized into Directive function.

53 Picture 9

54 President Sawyer: Get your hands off my Jordans!

51 Duration: 00:42:35,126 --> 00:42:36,150 52 Duration: 00:43:13,531 --> 00:43:15,294 53 Duration: 01:03:54,738 --> 01:03:58,037

From the picture and dialogue above explained about President Sawyer

under attack and he tried to move and release himself from the enemy. He

successes to shoot that enemy but in the sometime when he want to take his

shoes back the enemy hold his Jordan at the time he command the enemy to

get the enemy hands from his shoes.

3. Referential function

Referential function means provide or convey information. This

function is oriented toward the context. It means President Sawyer and Jhon

Cale as the speaker carry the information about their speaking. Referential

function focuses on the context, it means that referent or subject matter of

discourse, and what it refer to.

55 Picture 10

President Sawyer : Do you know that was the first U.S. president who was in favor of women having the vote? He wrote a paper on suffrage while he was still in the Illinois legislature Carol : Yes, I did know that because you tell me every time we 56 do this

54 Duration: 01:03:54,738 --> 01:03:58,403 55 Duration: 00:01:58,725 --> 00:01:59,817 56 Duration: 00:02:51,278 --> 00:02:54,247

From the picture and dialogues above, President Sawyer as the speaker conveyed the information to show the fact to the addressee about Abraham

Lincoln was the first US president who was in favor of women having the vote.

It was suitable with the meaning of referential function that had the function to provide information. President Sawyer as the speaker carried information to the addressee.

4. Metalinguistic Function

Metalinguistic function means comment on the language itself which is used to discuss or describe, focuses attention upon the code itself, to clarify or negotiate it. It means that President Sawyer and Jhon Cale used Metalinguistic function to clarify or negotiate. It can be seen in the explanation below:

57 Picture 11

Jhon Cale : So how is your blog coming along? 58 Emely : Nobody says "blog" anymore, John

From the picture and dialogue about showed that Jhon Cale focused on the code analysis by asking the question to dig the information from his daughter. The speaker thought by asking the question he might find something

57 Duration: 00:15:19,625 --> 00:15:22,355 58 Duration: 00:15:22,528 --> 00:15:24,792

as a clue or answered her question. From the reason, that sentence is categorized into metalinguistic function.

59 Picture 12

Jhon Cale : Are you okay? 60 President Sawyer : yeah

From the picture and dialogues above showed about Jhon Cale make sure that President Sawyer in good condition after they have attacked by the enemy. The metalinguistic function is focusing attention upon the code itself, to clarify it Jhon cale clarify it with used the question “Are you okay?” to the

President Sawyer.

61 Picture 13

Carol : Go down the hallway. That should be the entrance to the c atacombs Jhon Cale : Are you sure?

59 Duration: 01:04:26,236 --> 01:04:27,760 60 Duration: 01:04:34,978 --> 01:04:38,436 61 Duration: 01:12:05,395 --> 01:12:08,762

Carol :Yes, I'm sure, You should then be in a big oval room. There'll be five tunnels Take the second tunnel, follow it all the way out 62 and we'll be waiting. We found it

From the picture and dialogues above explained Carol give a clue to

Jhon Cale where the road heading out of the white house down. But Jhon Cale still doubt about the information who gave by Carol. Jhon Cale tried to make sure that information was true then he asked the question “are you sure” to clarify the information. That is way this function categorized into metalinguistic function.

5. Phatic Function

Phatic function means express solidarity and empathy with other. The

Phatic function helped the main characters in White House Down’s film by

Ronald Emmerich to establish contact and refers to the channel of communication. It opens the channel or checking that it is working.

63 Picture 14

President Sawyer : Pretty please, Carol? Carol :Leader of the free world saying "pretty please"?President Sawyer: That ought to count for 64 something

62 Duration: 01:12:08,931 --> 01:12:10,694 63 Duration: 00:01:58,725 --> 00:01:59,817 64 Duration: 00:02:02,462 --> 00:02:04,327

From the picture and dialogues above, it can be known that phatic

function was used by President Sawyer as the speaker. He intended to ask

Carol to do something he wanted flying with lower. As the speaker President

Sawyer„s purpose in the function firstly was to maintain the contact with the

person he was talking with called her with the pretty where the phatic function

help to establish contact and refers to the channel of communication that is

way this function being categorized into Phatic function.

From the picture and dialogues above can be conclude that there are

five language function that used by the main character in White House Down‟s

film by Ronald Emmerich. They are: Expressive function, Directive function,

referential function, Metalinguistic function and phatic function. All of

language function they used when they do a communication.

4.2.2 The Use of Language Function by the Main Character in White House Down’s film by Ronald Emmerich.

There are two kind ways the use of language function that used by the main

Characters. They are Direct Communicating and Indirect Communicating. It can be seen in the pictures and dialogues below:

1. Direct Communicating

Direct communication happens when the main characters direct say

what they want or needs something, he will come right out and say it. There is

no pretense or hidden message in direct communication.

65 Picture 15

Jhon Cale : Is your family in the complex?

President Sawyer :They won't be here till tonight. Your daughter, where's your daughter?

66 Jhon Cale : I couldn't find her. I hope she got out

From the picture and dialogues above showed about direct communication that doing by Jhon Cale and President Sawyer. It proved with direct communication that Jhon Cale and President Sawyer think and feel about the family each other while Jhon Cale asked about the family of

President Sawyer and President Sawyer asked about Jhon Cale daughter‟s it is mark by active listening and effective feedback. That is ways the communication of Jhon Cale and President Sawyer categorized into direct communicating.

65 Duration: 00:45:53,691 --> 00:45:56,683 66 Duration: 00:46:00,064 --> 00:46:01,827

67 Picture 16

Jhon Cale : Do you know these men?

President Sawyer : That old son of a bitch, his name is Martin Walker He's the head of my Secret Service

Jhon cale : You should have a conversation about how serious you take your protection.

President Sawyer :I didn't pick him

Jhon Cale : Why is he doing this?

68 President Sawyer : I think it has something to do with his son Kevin

From the picture and dialogues above, explained that both of Jhon Cale do a communication with the ways direct communication where President

Sawyer answer the questions of Jhon Cale were explicitly. Both of them communicate what they want to know clearly they come right out and say it.

69 Picture 17

Emely : Mr. President, this is my dadJohn He's gonna be on your Secret Service detail.

67 Duration: 00:46:15,279 --> 00:46:18,043 68 Duration: 00:46:01,999 --> 00:46:03,330 69 Duration: 00:26:44,043 --> 00:26:46,204

President Sawyer : Secret Service detail. Is that right? Uh...You know, I take my protection detail very seriously. Jhon Cale : Yes sir 70 President Sawyer : Stop lying to children

From the picture and dialogues above showed that Mr President tried to

convey his feeling to Jhon Cale that direct communicate to Jhon Cale. He

wanted Jhon Cale did not lie to Cale own daughter. It was explicitly spoken by

President Sawyer that is way it categorized into the direct communication that

happened when President Sawyer done a communication to Jhon Cale

2. Indirect communicating

Indirect communication happens when a speaker‟s true intentions are

hidden. In this film indirect speaker will not make a direct statement or directly

answer questions that might cause tension or result in an uncomfortable

situation. It can be seen in the example below:

71 Picture 18

Jhon Cale : I'm with the president. We're in the White House Jenna : That's not funny, John. Does this sound like a joke to you? President Sawyer : Yeah, he's... Jenna, this is James Sawyer For the past 10 minutes, I've been getting shot at with this young man If you could connect me to whatever control

70 Duration: 00:26:53,552 --> 00:26:57,511 71 Duration: 01:01:09,873 --> 01:01:12,569

structure we still have left. I would really appreciate 72 it Hello? Thank you

From the picture and dialogues above explained that President Sawyer believes being polite is more important than giving a true response. it happened when Mr. President speak with Jenna with a hand phone Mr. President did not direct say what he want. He explains first what they have done then he asked

Janne to help them. The addressee should guess at the underlying meaning of indirect communication by President Sawyer, and this may create a block to meaningful communication. It can be seen in the example below:

73 Picture 19

Emely :Did you get the job? Jhon Cale : Yeah, I think I got a shot. Emely : Really? Jhon Cale : You know how it is They gotta go talk amongst themselves and... These... Look, these things, they can be really 74 political

72 Duration: 01:01:28,191 --> 01:01:30,216 73 Duration: 00:19:27,607 --> 00:19:30,201 74 Duration: 00:19:30,376 --> 00:19:34,369

From the picture and dialogues above showed about Jhon cale just

interviewed by the carol as the secret service presidential. He gets out from the

Carol room then met her daughter. Emely asked to him about the job then Cale

answer that he got the job but actually he did not. She answered the questions

of his daughter with the indirect communication with the reason that hidden

who should guess by the addressee.

From the picture and dialogues above there are two ways the use of

language function by the main characters in White House Down‟s film by

Ronald Emmerich. They are: Direct Communicating and Indirect

Communicating. All of them they used for do communication each other to get

out from the white house down.

2.2.3 The Effects of Language Function used by the Main Characters in White House Down’s Film by Ronald Emmerich.

In this research the writers found some effects of language function used by the Main Characters in White House Down’s Film by Ronald Emmerich. It will explain in the pictures and dialogues below:

1. Getting Knowledge

One of the effect language function was getting knowledge. It can be

seen when Jhon Cale do a communication with his daughter that get the effect

of Jhon Cale got the knowledge. It can be seen in the explanation below:

75 Picture 20

Emely : Did you know that the president travels in an 18-ton military-armored,modified Cadillac CTS built to withstand gas. Jhon Cale : Heh, heh. That's on the Internet? 76 Emely : Wikipedia From the picture and dialogues above showed about Jhon Cale and his daughter who the first time came to white house. Emely was a very excited when she entered to the white house she was very proud to her father as the man who want to get the job as the secret service presidential detail that was

Emely was very interested about politics. She tried to share her knowledge to her father about president that she got from the wikipedia website on internet.

Based on the explanation above proved that getting knowledge was a include to the effect of language function that conveyed by Emely when she do a communication with her father.

75 Duration: 00:14:38,484 --> 00:14:41,976 76 Duration: 00:14:47,460 --> 00:14:49,826

2. Giving Command

Giving command was the effect of language function that used by the

President Sawyer, he used it to ask the people who fight in front of him. It can be seen in the example below:

77 Picture 21

President Sawyer : Freeze! I said freeze! Jhon Cale : Shoot him! No, don't shoot him 78 Shoot him!

From the picture and dialogues above told about Jhon Cale was under attack and fight with enemy then President Sawyer tried to help him. In this case Jhon Cale gave the suggestion to President Sawyer about when exactly the time to shoot the enemy Jhon Cale successes to make a communication with President Sawyer. Because one of the effect of language function was giving command. President Sawyer receive suggestion from Jhon Cale to make their life will save and their life better without under attack from the enemy.

That is way giving Command categorized into the effects of language


77 Duration: 01:04:08,451 --> 01:04:10,612 78 Duration: 01:04:18,895 --> 01:04:20,294

3. Asking for Information

Asking for information was the way of people that could receive information from other people. It also happened with Jhon Cale who tried to ask information to his ex-wife. It can be seen in the explanation below:

79 Picture 22

Jhon Cale : I literally just walked in the door. What did I do ? Melanie : You missed her talent show. Jhon Cale : No, I didn't Miss it. That's, like, next Thursday Melanie : No, it was last Thursday. It was on the school calendar Jhon Cale : What did she do? Melanie : She was a flag twirler. Jhon Cale : That's a talent? Melanie : She practiced for like six weeks, John. She thought you were gonna be there. Jhon Cale : It would've been really nice to have a bit of a reminder. Melanie : Come on, I'm not your secretary, John. I'm not asking 80 you to be my secretary

From the picture and dialogue above told about Jhon Cale who tried to ask information to his ex-wife about their daughter who look like angry to Jhon

Cale. It was because Jhon Cale did not come to Emely talent show that is way

Jhon Cale tried to receive information to Melanie when they do

79 Duration: 00:10:28,368 --> 00:10:30,802 80 Duration: 00:10:56,463 --> 00:11:00,365

Communication. Jhon Cale asked several questions to get information about

Emely based on the explanation above asking for information was one of the effect of language function when information is always conveyed as the content of a message it showed when Malanie tried to explain the reason

Emaly got angry to Jhon Cale

81 Picture 23

Donnie : Oil painting by Tom Freeman to commemorate the

burning of the White House by the British in 1814.

Jhon Cale : Wait, the White House burned down?

Donnie : Yeah, yeah, in the War of 1812 Practically had to be

rebuilt from the ground up.When I look at this painting,

82 I get very emotional.

From the picture and dialogues above explained about Donnie as the tour guiding tried to explain about the information to Jhon Cale when he look the white house down painting on the wall. Jhon Cale was very curious about the painting then Donnie come and explained the information to the Cale.

81 Duration: 00:27:15,140 --> 00:27:17,734 82 Duration: 00:27:26,151 --> 00:27:29,245

From the picture and dialogues above can be concluded that there were three effects of language functions used by the Main Characters in White

House Down’s Film by Ronald Emmerich they were; getting knowledge, giving command and asking for the information.



5.1 Conclusions

Based on the chapter IV, the writer can conclude the result of Language function used by Main Characters in White House Down’s Film by Ronald Emmerich by from the each formulation of the problem.

1. There are five language function that used by the main character in White House

Down‟s film by Ronald Emmerich. They are: Expressive function, Directive

function, referential function, Metalinguistic function and phatic function. All of

language function they used when they do a communication.

2. There are two ways the use of language function by main characters in White

House Down‟s film by Ronald Emmerich. They are: Direct Communicating and

Indirect Communicating. All of them they used for do communication each

other to get out from the white house down.

3. That the effect of language function used by the Main Characters in White

House Down’s Film by Ronald Emmerich they are getting knowledge giving

command and asking for the information.

5.2 Suggestions

1. The writer would like to suggest to the next researcher especially who wants to

analyze language functions in literary work to understand well the theory of

language functions. Language functions help people to express their feeling and

language function can make the addressee more easily to understand what the

addresser speaks about. Also, the writer would like to suggest to the next

researcher to analyze the language function not only from the White House

Down’s film but the other film or object such as novel or song.

2. The White House Down’s film is a 2013 American political action thriller film

directed by Roland Emmerich, Also, White House Down had awards and

nominations for some events and categories in independent day. This film is one

of the attractive and interesting‟s film has wonderful story because this is real

life film where this film tells story of Washington under attack. The main

characters in the film used language function in doing communication that make

this film more interest to be analyzed.


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1. Expressive


Jhon Cale :Oh, sh... That's the library Don't go in there. Just...Oh, this is so 00:41:30,361 --> 00:41:34,331 stupid. 00:41:35,400 -->00:41:38,927

Picture 1

Jhon Cale: Shit. I'm empty 00:42:23,982 --> 00:42:25,142 00:42:25,350 --> 00:42:27,284

Picture 2

President Sawyer: Shit 00:53:38,956 --> 00:53:42,289 00:53:47,031 --> 00:53:48,794

Picture 3

Jhon Cale: that was close. Shit 00:41:35,400 --> 00:41:38,927 00:39:35,613 --> 00:39:36,910

Picture 4

President Sawyer: Shit 01:04:26,236 --> 01:04:27,760

Picture 5

Picture 6 Cale: That's it 01:11:23,200 --> 01:11:23,738

President Sawyer: Jesus! Oh, my Picture 7 God

01:58:16,463 --> 01:58:20,126

2. Directive Functions

Jhon Cale: Can you please just

Picture 8 open it?

Emely : For me? What is it? 00:11:47,046 --> 00:11:48,980 Jhon Cale: It's a pony, baby. I 00:12:01,761 --> 00:12:03,285 don't...Come on, for me, please just...

Emely:These are White House passes

00:42:03,528 --> 00:42:05,291 Picture 9 Jhon Cale: Move! Move! Move! 00:42:15,206 --> 00:42:17,902 Move!Let's go, let's go, let's go! Stand behind me and do what I say

Picture 10 Cale:No, not that way! They're up there! 00:42:35,126 --> 00:42:36,150 00:42:36,861 --> 00:42:38,488

Picture 11 President Sawyer :Elevator's here, let's go! 00:42:35,126 --> 00:42:36,150 00:43:13,531 -->00:43:15,294

Picture12 Jhon Cale:Hey, just don't touch anything or wander off 00:27:41,967 --> 00:27:44,333 or talk to anybody that you 00:27:47,206 --> 00:27:48,833

shouldn't be talking to

emely: I make no promises

hon Cale: Why aren't you texting me?.'Em, as soon as you get Picture 13 J 00:33:51,547 --> 00:33:52,588 this, call me back 00:33:52,737 --> 00:33:55,069

Picture 14 President Sawyer: Get your head down

00:54:13,290 --> 00:54:14,814

Jhon Cale: Get off, get 00:59:43,387 --> 00:59:44,945 off, get off

Picture 15

President Sawyer: Kick it in. Harder 00:59:48,959 --> 00:59:50,449


Jhon Cale: Mr. President, stay on my 00:59:55,532 --> 00:59:57,193 hip.

Picture 17

President Sawyer: Get your hands 01:03:54,738 --> 01:03:58,037 off my Jordans!

Picture 18

Cale: let’s go 01:06:55,085 --> 01:06:57,3 Picture 19

Sawyer: Through here. To the left. 01:11:25,988 --> 01:11:27,683

Picture 20

President Sawyer: Cale, come check 01:13:12,995 --> 01:13:14,485 this out

Picture 21

Jhon Cale: We need a location right 01:13:44,293 --> 01:13:45,851 now!

Picture 22

President Sawyer: We're in, let's go! Picture 23 01:14:36,846 --> 01:14:38,211

3. Referential Function

President Sawyer: Do you know that

Abraham Lincoln was the first U.S. 00:01:58,725 --> 00:01:59,817 president who was in favor of women 02:51,278 --> 00:02:54,247 Picture 24 having the vote? He wrote a paper on suffrage while he was still in the Illinois legislature Carol : Yes, I did know that because you

tell me every time we do this

4. Metalinguistic function

Jhon Cale: So how is your blog coming along? 00:15:19,625 --> 00:15:22,355

Emely: Nobody says "blog" anymore, 00:15:22,528 --> 00:15:24,792 Picture 25 John

Carol : Go down the hallway. That Picture 26 should be the entrance to the catacombs Jhon Cale: Are you sure? Carol:Yes, I'm sure, You should then be 01:04:26,236 --> 01:04:27,760 01:04:34,978 --> 01:04:38,436 in a big oval room. There'll be five tunnels Take the second tunnel, follow it all the way out and we'll be waiting. We found it

Picture 27

Jhon Cale : Are you okay? 00:36:15–>00:40:05 President Sawyer : yeah 00:36:15–>00:40:05

5. Phatic Function

Picture 28

President Sawyer: Pretty please, Carol? 00:01:58,725 --> 00:01:59,817 00:02:02,462 --> 00:02:04,327 6. Direct Carol :Leader of the free world saying "pretty please"?President Sawyer: That Communicating ought to count for something

Picture 29

00:45:53,691 --> 00:45:56,683 Jhon Cale: Is your family in the 00:46:00,064 -->00:46:01,827 complex?

President Sawyer :They won't be here till tonight. Your daughter, where's your daughter?

Jhon Cale: I couldn't find her. I hope she got out Jhon Cale: Do you know these

Picture 30 men? President Sawyer: That old son of a

bitch, his name is Martin Walker

He's the head of my Secret Service 00:46:15,279 --> 00:46:18,043 Jhon cale: You should have a 00:46:01,999 --> 00:46:03,330 7. Indirect conversation about how serious you Communicating take your protection. President Sawyer:I didn't pick him

Jhon Cale:Why is he doing this? PresidentSawyer:I think it has somethig to do with his son Kevin

Picture 31

01:01:09,873 --> 01:01:12,569

Jhon Cale: I'm with the president. 01:01:28,191 --> 01:01:30,216

We're in the White House Jenna : That's not funny, John. Does

this sound like a joke to you? President Sawyer: Yeah, he's... Jenna,

this is James Sawyer For the past 10 minutes, I've been getting shot at

with this young man If you could connect me to whatever control

structure we still have left. I would Picture 32 really appreciate it Hello? Thank you

00:19:27,607 --> 00:19:30,201 00:19:30,376 --> 00:19:34,369 Emely :Did you get the job? Jhon Cale: Yeah, I think I got a shot. 8. Giving Command Emely : Really? Jhon Cale : You know how it is

They gotta go talk amongst themselves and... These... Look,

these things, they can be really politica

Picture 33

01:04:08,451 --> 01:04:10,612 01:04:18,895 --> 01:04:20,294 President Sawyer: Freeze! I said freeze! Jhon Cale: Shoot him! No, don't shoot him Shoot him!


Synopsis of White House Down‟s Film

John Cale () is a Police officer assigned to Speaker of the House of Representatives Eli Raphelson () after Cale saved Raphelson's nephew's life during a tour in Afghanistan. Cale is struggling to develop a better relationship with his daughter Emily (), who has a strong enthusiasm for politics. He hopes to impress her by getting a job with the Secret Service, but the interview is conducted by Carol Finnerty (), a former college acquaintance of his who believes that he is unqualified due to a lack of respect for authority. After lying to Emily about the outcome of the interview, she and Cale join a tour of the White House. At the same time, U.S. President James Sawyer () proposes a controversial peace treaty between allied countries to remove military forces from the .

Meanwhile, a man disguised as a janitor detonates a bomb at the center of the United States Capitol, causing the collapse of the building's dome. Raphelson - who was in the Capitol but is uninjured - and Finnerty are taken to a secure command center underneath while Vice President Alvin Hammond (Michael Murphy) is taken aboard . The White House is put on lockdown separating Cale from Emily (who had left the tour group to use the restroom). Meanwhile, mercenaries led by Emil Stenz (Jason Clarke) start killing off most of the Secret Service and take the tour group hostage, but Cale manages to take a gun from a mercenary named Carl Killick (Kevin Rankin) and escapes to go and find his daughter. Meanwhile, retiring Head of the Presidential Detail Martin Walker () escorts President Sawyer and his detail to the Presidential Emergency Operations Center. Once Sawyer gains access, Walker kills everyone else in Sawyer's detail, revealing himself to be the leader of the attack; he wants revenge for his son who was killed during a botched black ops mission. Cale, who fails to find Emily, kills a mercenary and takes his gun and radio. Using the radio, Cale locates and rescues the President.

Walker and Stenz bring in Skip Tyler (Jimmi Simpson) to hack into the defense system, but they still require Sawyer to activate the . Emily, while hiding, records a video of the mercenaries and uploads it to YouTube before eventually being captured by Killick. Walker demands $400 million from the Federal Reserve as ransom for the hostages. Cale and Sawyer manage to get in contact with

the Pentagon, and Finnerty tells Cale to get Sawyer out through a series of secret underground tunnels. Finnerty then uses Emily's video to discover the mercenaries' identities, discovering that they used to work for various government agencies and radical political groups. They are informed that Stenz, a former Special Forces operative, was disavowed and burned on mission, leading to his capture by the Taliban. They also discover that Walker has terminal cancer, suggesting his involvement to be a suicide mission and that the attack is not for ransom. Cale and Sawyer find the tunnel gate rigged with an explosive and are forced to escape in a presidential limousine. After a car chase/shootout with Stenz on the White House lawn, Cale and Sawyer are flipped into the White House pool after Cale gets distracted by the sight of Killick holding Emily at gunpoint. A gunfight erupts which results in an explosion that leaves Sawyer and Cale presumed dead. Aboard Air Force One, Hammond is then sworn in as President.

When Cale and Sawyer reveal they are still alive, they learn Hammond has approved an aerial incursion by Delta Force to take back the White House. Knowing the mercenaries have Javelin surface-to-air missiles, Cale tries but fails to stop the mercenaries from shooting down the helicopters. Cale gets into a fight with Stenz and ends up dropping his White House passes for himself and Emily while escaping. Having already learned of Emily from the video, Stenz, knowing that she is Cale's daughter, takes her to Walker in the . Meanwhile, Tyler finishes the upload to NORAD and launches a missile at Air Force One, killing everyone on board, including Hammond. Raphelson is then sworn in as President and, in a last ditch effort to end the crisis, orders an air strike on the White House. Finnerty informs Cale of Raphelson's decision.

Walker tells Cale over the White House intercom to surrender Sawyer or he will shoot Emily. Sawyer ultimately surrenders himself to save Emily, knowing Cale could still save them both if he was free. Holding the pair in the Oval Office, Walker reveals to Sawyer that his motive for the attack was to convey a message of American power. Because of Sawyer's dislike of military force, as well as backing out of the mission that killed his son, Walker had grown to believe Sawyer was too weak to be President; by launching a nuclear attack on , Walker had hoped to regain international respect for America and avenge his own personal loss. He asks for Sawyer to activate the nuclear football. Sawyer refuses, and tries to convince Walker that his son did not die in vain, and that the peace treaty was a form of victory. When Walker threatens to shoot Emily again, the alarms and sprinklers are activated by Cale setting fire to the Lincoln Bedroom. In the chaos, Tyler tries to escape but encounters the tunnel gate

bomb. When he tries to deactivate it, it detonates instead, killing him. Killick finds Cale and tries to kill him, but is ambushed by Donnie Smith, the White House tour guide (Nicolas Wright), who bludgeons Killick to death with a clock. After freeing the hostages and entrusting Donnie to get them out safely, Cale battles Stenz and ultimately kills him with a grenade belt. Using the explosion to catch him off guard, Sawyer attacks a distracted Walker, but Walker gains the upper hand and forces Sawyer to activate the football before apparently shooting him dead. Using updated launch codes from an anonymous source, Walker targets various cities in Iran, but before he can initiate the launch, Cale smashes through the wall of the Oval Office with a presidential SUV, and kills Walker with the SUV's minigun. Cale warns Emily of the air strike, and she takes a presidential flag and waves it on the front lawn, prompting the pilots to call off the attack. Meanwhile, Sawyer reveals himself to be alive since the bullet that hit him hit a pocket watch his wife (Garcelle Beauvais) had given him. Finnerty calls them to reveal that the mercenaries were not hired by Walker, and that there is another person behind the attack. Cale realizes who it is and asks Sawyer for his help in exposing the person.

Later, Finnerty arrives at the White House with Raphelson. When Cale tells them Sawyer was killed, Raphelson then orders troops to be placed back into the Middle East, which would go against Sawyer's peace treaty. Cale then reveals Raphelson had conspired with Walker to orchestrate the attack because of Raphelson's opposition to Sawyer's treaty and then proves it by having Finnerty call the call -back number on Walker's pager, which was the source of the updated launch codes. Sawyer arrives and has Raphelson taken into custody, treating his taking of the Presidency as a coup d'état. Sawyer then officially offers Cale a job in the Secret Service and takes him and Emily on an aerial tour of Washington, D.C. on his way to the hospital. Realizing an increased need for peace due to the day's events, Russia, Iran, , and other Middle 83 Eastern and Asian countries agree to sign Sawyer's peace treaty.

83 Rotten, “White House Down”, https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/white_house_down/, accessed on 1 Septermber 2018 at 09.39