University of Nebraska at Omaha DigitalCommons@UNO Kabul Times Digitized Newspaper Archives 11-10-1968 Kabul Times (November 10, 1968, vol. 7, no. 192) Bakhtar News Agency Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.unomaha.edu/kabultimes Part of the International and Area Studies Commons Recommended Citation Bakhtar News Agency, "Kabul Times (November 10, 1968, vol. 7, no. 192)" (1968). Kabul Times. 1904. https://digitalcommons.unomaha.edu/kabultimes/1904 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Digitized Newspaper Archives at DigitalCommons@UNO. It has been accepted for inclusion in Kabul Times by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@UNO. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ,( ., 1 , ,. , ,. ,. .. ' • ·1 "! I, '. .. , .. \ .,. ~ , ., >' , ,. I' I ,-. .. ,. ., / \. .' , " , , . .; " I. , J 1 • ,. /" ' : . ': .' .. •., "~I '··WO~ER 9,·' 1968::·' PAGE' 4 ." I ; '· , . ;:~~ ,',,:, 'Middle·Jl;·p-~t ... .', ,..., ;- """ j" ":fl .. , • .EIiIB t. ,. loi;t'\"'~ ..... ,...••.. :.,~ 1. i( I.', of. i'" (, 'f'ltf~.\· ,I ').;, ',;t·f. -'. _~:,h'CO··h"l.:..t.l;..L~"'_':{ " .', It,: ,. '.,,.. •.,.... \ ~ ,.#\,1T\: "~~.~ ,I -,., ',,~ 'UTI ~~I;;"-" ,~;. ;), " ;pjai-1.amentlu'lW· '11 ES " to~~fll/ .'t:' ": ·lUf81· ,"-'011..\;:1· ...... " , . .~ f:'···'" iii·" ':\''1~~ ..,... ''t''(~ . :.'. ) " 'II t "I' ,W. ,l!,.•~!",,~~~'ii'P:;;' ~ '.""' t· .' ''''~ ., ,the,A:tiij.,aral1U..." 1< l. '. }.- ' .. 'c,hi1lliefo'f Vi~;(nr·'ii-• I I' > ·f ·0· . ,. TC:'-"·-'~_· '. .. .. 50 .~~ O. ~!l"":rt'.~g....-~..,,~, f ..... t. ;,'. velfallm, wu·tolcLllY·' '. , ':_. .... l,.,} } ...officl8ls :that" I In, ~iitlllJJ !~~: p'~~ , ,.:' livemhhig must be, dolild~~ -. ~ '.. !4BUL, SUNDAY, NOVEMBER· 10, 1968 (AQRAB 19, 1347S,H.) PRICE AF, 4 'lien!" ':!' a fallUre.:, in· .'::JAffliil'.'{;·: --"~-_Ii·_-_"_--;'----~IIIiI----Illi"'---=-"~II.,!! -"';~~:;;:'~~"-- 'w'". ,.1' '. .., ',f'1'\ t· .. " : \", ;! ml on~'r-"'" ~J,',., ,'.. .1 '''i;:t~ :~ ':;~"I'" .. They 'sir-~ thAt :iti ·the\:'llg;};:,· tlsh ··view UiT~oD rePrelieiti!d .' ·Hew Housing tli~ionly. ~uri'ent·' rrllfan":~'·:eew.~·!:· . ing:.the •'Ai:a~IstaeU'\:eOOiIl~ ao·o;I· ·It 'W4s' hoPed ;flliit tliiHillks With· , DistrIct. To J arrl.ng" woiild resUme shortJy, Meanwhi!e" l!ceordlns' f9 11~ AFP dispatch ·troJll· Amman two Israeli planes . :dropp\!d~, napalin Get· Water .., bombs on JordanIan· troo~ dltt-. ; , •ing a clash yeilterdaY morning·, By A staJ1' Writer ., ,n~,ar Ohta!, In the ,no#hei:n' :~o­ .. NEW Yonk. N<1". 10, (AP).-Two Yemeni men were seized Satu~ay l~ dan VaJley,· a military spokes-,_ night Brooklyn in connection with a plot to assassinate KABUL, Nov. to.-The Town .1l!8n said Iq·Aminan,,·· ,. PresIdent-elect R,chard M. NIxon, the Secret Service said. Two ri­ Planning and Housing. p~partll'ent . ..,Thls was the third hi" a- series fles were coqfiscated. has embarked o~ a tentl1tly~ project . '~'f hlcldents rel'Orted yesterday . The Yem~nis, adds AFP, were identified as Ahmad Ralleh to supply Water to Khalrkbana Ma­ ,. nl~nli '~~e Israel.:.Jorqll,n border," Namer, 46; an.d ~'3 s~n Ahm~d Namer, 20, and were charged with ina located 12 kilometres nQrtb of '~. ,:t, ,.' ...;,;' criminal solicltahon 10 the first degree in illegal posSession of fire Kabul, and the city's newest and aI:nis. The elder Namer arrived in the Unit~ States 13 years ago largest residential district, .. High school and university st· but never became a'citizen. His son came to the country two years The district which will house Thom~n, HOlit'~II..;'. 125,000 people wlll be buJit in three I udents, teachers and faculty me· Smith ago, Nixon' To Stay··O.ilt Of. Viet· The .~sts were announced by Albert Whitaker of the Secret phases. Last year 3500 plots· of mbers marked HJs Ma:lesty the susPec~ land, each 200,300, or 400 square MeetingTIO Break Detniloelc· Sel'Vlce. Whltake,r sa;d tne two were arrested about 6 p.m. metres large. were distributed to fil A~ked ·Iate Kine Mohammad Nader Sha.­ (23000 GMT) 111 warrants issued by acting Brooklyn district attor­ (Continued from page 3) Talks i Vnles . ... To Hetp SALISBURY, Nov. 9, (Reute~).- - to have put ~f> alternative ~~gges­ 2800 persons who have started buil- bushieamen become inte~sted in uJ h's ann!vers,ary . of martyrdom neY Elliot Golden ding homes. the fruit trade. One of lbem instaL. KEY BISCAYNE, Florida, Nov. OfficiaL snurces doubted whe- British and Rhodesian ne~?tlators tio~s to the ilriUsh, and a furtber issu~tbe A reporl pUblished by 1Y{~h loday led a· plant for cleaning, sorting and 9, (Reuter).-President-erect Ri- ther . P""sident Johnson would Thursday with a Wreath laying went into a crucial fourth plenary attempt to resolVe lbis session yesterday that could decide issue on which the current ta1k.s Meanwhile Nixon announced yes6 Nixon's news conference was saId recently the people in the dis­ .tandardi$ln8 raisins wilb a limited chard Nixon has. firmly . ruI~d discourage hIS succesor f~om ma-· ceremony, Here K~huJ UnlvetsJty pe~nal the succeS& or fairure 6f current will succeed or, fail~was likely to terday Uiat Spiro Agnew, his choice held on lh:: ocean front lawn at trict started strongly petitioning the capacity. Another followed suit and' out any lOteryentlon 10 krng the triP. but they also won­ Rhod~s ,~de- for vice-president would be given 'he home of his friend Charles Re­ Trwn PlannlO2 and Housing De­ now we will have four plants in the shaKY VIetnam peace negot- dered whether he would actually RectoT Abdu1lah Wahed.I, and de· talks to break the ..n be a major task· or" yesterday's pie- more responslbillty In pffice than bozo in FloridB, Agnew stood beside pHrtment 10 speed up plans to bring KabuL Kandahar Balkh and Par- iations unless President Johnson encourage it. ans of the Collcge of Economics pendence deadlock. , nary session The meeting between teams head· . _ past U.S. vice-presidenls. the president-elect as he spoke fO water and electriCity 10 the district, wan which are to be completely ·.xpreSsly WIshes it. Final returns in the electIOn, and the" Polyteehnlc Ins· ed by Premier Ian Smith and Gro­ Full delails of· the ·plan would be reporters. The housmg deoartment IS now within two IDOnlb to increas the Instead, the .victorious republi· meanwhJ1e, are still trickling in UA~ announced. later, Nixon told repor-' cons'flle'lng a 1000 cubic metre re­ total preoent capa \y f m ~ 000 can ca!'didaite in last Tuesday's and latest figures showed Nix- tltute pose ,with the studenl<i on rge Thomson. British Minister in WorIcs On Nixon 6aJd Agnew would con­ , . 6 ,pull~ng charge of the Rhodesian i~5ue, was ters bere, but Agnew would assume tinue the vice president's present servOIr on one of the surrounding to 24000 tODS CI ro , electIOn is concentrating on gra on was away from his de- Tape Mara.OJJUl next to the· Mau· To tillmtnate the necessIty of 6avJoc FOOd Pt'oourement Department wbeat mlUed In Inelllo· .. _~_ ... ~ 21.,ap ppling with the problems. of re- mocratlc rival. Vice President seen by political observers here as a much closer relationship with role as presiding officer of the SE>. (Continued on page 4) being probably the most deciSive Complete Air state governors and local govern~. nate and as a member of the Na· lent loeal mUIs the department Is h~lng a DeW 200 too per dlQ' fwur mOl. Flour pTesently This will drastically raise the pri- placing the yresent Democratic H~bert Humphrey. in the popular sole,.... of'the late king. v~ q~ty so far, menU lban vice-presidents had tional Security Council but would distributed by thj! department In Bt'cordlng to the honesty of fiolD' mID owners ces Of our raisins, but who woulu administration and fanning his vote, p~viously. be much more closely related to the and operators, When the ne" mtD. goes llito operation, the depart:ment wID have a fiolD' gain ,from It most? Definitely th. own cabinet. which possibly will , -:-----,.---__--------------------- Defence Cover The plans are apparelltly in line office of the president. milling capacity of 370 tons per 4Y, . (Pholo By Moqim Tho Kabul lim.,) Strong Quake traders who do not allow, by hook contam one or more prominent o· 0 I S'h h VO R d with Nixon's campaign statements SymbolisIng Agnew's position in or by crook, lbe producert to deal democrats. I'ICInlOn O· 1·5ItiS ,iia·h To the mainstream of the administra­ " with their own prodUce. Nixon's firm stand against be- ..( lbat Alrnew would play a irealer role In domestic affairs and thaI he tion, the vlce-president's offices wo­ Shakes UP U,So ('oming involved in the Vietnam C to ""'-Ik WOth F 0 I Kabul Silo's, 2nd Flour Mill Ready Soon Grape producers in the Kohda· negotiations was made known la· on Inue' I,g 5 I O,ISO would concentrate on foreign df­ uld be moved to the west wing of fairs. the White House down the corridor producc~ man area .'.!)ave joined forces to st night, shortly after South Vi- T EH RAN, Nov 9, (Reuter).- al. The second flour mill now un· By Our Own Reporter a bakery which various Midwest States rorm a cooperative in order to ~x· etnamese President Nguyen Van from the president's office. kinds of bread, cakes, biSCUIts, The Shah of Iran leaves here to- Relations between the two co.. Nixon also said he may later send der construction in the Kabul 5110 port their grapes and 'raisins. The Thieu sent him a cable inviting day ( Saturday) for a state..visit untries appear to be friendly ago rk is supervised by 20 Soviet ex· a flouring mill which Droduces NEW YORK,· Nov. Ill,' (l\FP)­ emissaries abroad, site will start test operations fn· fi.:1'~ A strong earthquake shook AmerI­ draft slalue of lbe cooperatives has'" him to Saigon.
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