
09/25/21 FT2PTG: Popular Television | University of Reading

FT2PTG: Popular Television Genres View Online

Agger, G., 2013a: The Killing: Urban topographies of a crime. Journal of Popular Television, 1.

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Allen, R. C., 1992: Channels of discourse reassembled: television and contemporary criticism. 2nd ed. Routledge,.

Altman, R., 1999: Film/genre. British Film Institute,.

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Arvas, P., and A. Nestingen, 2011: Scandinavian crime fiction. University of Wales Press,.

Bennett, T., and Open University, 1981: Popular television and film: a reader. BFI Publishing in association with the Open University Press,.

Bentham, J., 1986: Doctor Who: the early years. W.H. Allen,.

Bernardi, D., 1998: Star trek and history: race-ing toward a white future. Rutgers University Press,.

Bignell, J., and A. O’Day, 2004: Terry Nation. Manchester University Press,.

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Biriotti, M., and N. Miller, 1993: What is an author? Manchester University Press,.

Booker, M. K., 2004: Science fiction television. Praeger,.

Bore, I.-L. K., 2011: Laughing Together?: TV Audiences and the . The Velvet Light Trap, 68, 24–34, https://doi.org/10.1353/vlt.2011.0011.

1/9 09/25/21 FT2PTG: Popular Television Genres | University of Reading

Bould, M., 2009a: The Routledge companion to science fiction. Routledge,.

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Johnson-Smith, J., 2005: American science fiction tv: Star Trek, Stargate and beyond. I.B. Tauris,.

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