March 2011 Newsletter the American Physical Society
APS Forum on International Physics March 2011 Newsletter page 1 The American Physical Society website: March 2011 Newsletter Ernie Malamud, Editor IN THIS ISSUE View from the Chair, Harvey Newman 2 APS Office of International Affairs, Amy Flatten 5 Serving our International Membership, Barry Barish 6 From the Editor, Ernie Malamud 9 Announcements FIP Sessions and Events at the APS March meeting, Harvey Newman 10 FIP Sessions and Events at the APS April meeting, Harvey Newman 11 Global Science and Technology Initiative Launched, from Harvey Newman 11 Friends of the Committee on the International Freedom of Scientists, Noemi Mirkin 12 India-U.S. Travel Grants, Michele Irwin 12 Brazil-U.S. Exchange Program, Michele Irwin 12 Prizes and Awards FIP Members Recognized as APS Fellows 13 Noemie Koller Receives APS Nicholson Medal for Human Outreach, Herman Winick 14 Schools and Conferences The ICFA2010 School/Workshop on Instrumentation in Elementary Particle Physics, Bariloche, Argentina, January 11-22, 2010, Marleigh Scheaff 15 The First African School on Fundamental Physics and its Applications, ASP2010, Christine Darve on Behalf of the ASP2010 Organizing Committee 16 The Fifth Linear Collider School, from Ernie Malamud 19 The VIII Latin American Symposium on High Energy Physics, Valparaiso, Chile, December 4-12, 2010, Marleigh Scheaff 19 Articles The Music of Physics, Lidia Smentek 21 On the Genesis of the Sinfonia de motu (Symphony on Motion), Jerzy Warczewski 23 University of Minnesota Undergrads Visit Middle East Universities and Laboratories, Marvin Marshak 24 Physics in the Republic of Armenia, Ani Aprahamian 26 News from the Canadian Association of Physicists, August 2009 to December 2010, Robert Mann 29 Training European Scientists and Engineers to Manage Research Enterprises, William A.
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