Margarita 'Arishata' Pozoyan Is a New Rising Singing Star Ani Garmiryan Joins Calouste Gulbenkyan Foundation

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Margarita 'Arishata' Pozoyan Is a New Rising Singing Star Ani Garmiryan Joins Calouste Gulbenkyan Foundation JULY 24, 2014, THE CALIFORNIA COURIER, PAGE 5 Arts in Linguistics and Pedagogy Ani Garmiryan Joins Calouste from the University of Heidel- berg, Germany, where she also Margarita ‘Arishata’ Pozoyan Gulbenkyan Foundation worked as a research assistant in second language acquisition. LISBON, Portugal (Asbarez) - Is a New Rising Singing Star Subsequently, she earned a Mas- The Calouste Gulbenkian Foun- ter of Education in the field of The Armenian Weekly dation's Armenian Communities Educational Leadership from the By Sarkis Balkhian Department has announced the Bank Street College, New York, appointment of Ani Garmiryan as known for its progressive educa- “Without music, life would be Senior Program Officer. She will tional approach. a mistake,” said Friedrich Ni- be responsible for the promotion She is the founder of MGNIG, etzsche. Several months ago, in of Western Armenian, a priority an educational bilingual (Arme- an attempt to rectify the mistaken for the Department as highlighted nian-French) workshop in Paris, path of my life, I started surfing in its recent Five-Year and has been a lecturer in Meth- Programe. through YouTube in search of odology of Second Language Garmiryan will be in charge quality music. Somehow I stum- Acquisition at the University of of managing diasporan school bled upon a video of the Russian- Paris III since 1994. She offici- grants, the teacher preparation Armenian singing sensation Mar- ated at the Hovnanian School in program and other projects aimed garita Pozoyan. Her vocals were New Jersey since 1997, first as a at strengthening the Western Ar- captivating. With each passing Curriculum Coordinator for the menian language. song, her voice kept getting better Armenian language, and later as She will join the Calouste to the Department as it contin- and better. the Principal of the school since Gulbenkian Foundation on 1st ues to support students, teachers, Several months ago, in an at- 2000. She has published numer- September, bringing with her schools and other organizations tempt to rectify the mistaken ous articles on bilingual educa- years of experience working in to help safeguard a strong Arme- path of my life, I started surfing tion. multilingual education and de- nian language and culture." through YouTube in search of “The Voice.” During the show, veloping innovative pedagogical Martin Essayan, Trustee re- 39 European Countries quality music. Somehow I stum- singer Dima Bilan, the winner of approaches. sponsible for the Armenian Com- bled upon a video of the Russian- the 2008 Eurovision competition, Garmiryan has written and lec- munities Department added: "The Armenian singing sensation Mar- coached Pozoyan. Under Bilan’s appointment is an important step Will Compete in Archery tured extensively on the subject garita Pozoyan. Her vocals were guidance, she reached the final of forward for the Department in se- of language preservation through captivating. With each passing “The Voice of Russia.” education, with particular focus curing the expertise to carry out Tournament in Armenia Growing up, Pozoyan fervently YEREVAN (Noyan Tapan) song, her voice kept getting better on Western Armenian. its mission: to create a viable fu- listened to pop, jazz, soul, R&B, - 272 athletes from 39 coun- and better. "We are very privileged to have ture for the Armenian people in rock, and blues. “I studied the tries will compete in the archery Aside from performing in nu- Ms. Garmiryan join us," said which its culture and language are works of great artists such as tournament next week in the merous countries and on different Razmik Panossian, Director of preserved and valued." Whitney Houston, Mariah Carey, Armavir sport center located in stages, Pozoyan also composes the Armenian Communities De- Garmiryan was born and raised Christina Aguilera, Celine Dion, Armavir. The winners will be her own songs. partment. "Her superb knowledge in Istanbul and has lived in Ita- and of course, Cher,” said Pozoy- ly, Germany, England, France, chosen from team and individual During the Great War, Margar- and experience set her apart from an. “Later on in my life I discov- and most recently in the United competitions. 75 men teams and ita’s great grandparents moved a strong field of candidates and ered the incredible talents of Bil- States. She received a Master of 47 women teams have already from Akhalkalaki to the village of she will undoubtedly be an asset lie Holiday, Dionne Warwick, and been formed. Both team and indi- Otradnaya near the city of Kras- Etta James. Today, I closely fol- vidual competitions will be held nodar in Russia. When she was low the works of Beyonce, Alicia Mesrobian High School Graduating in Olympic, campout and mixed 2 years old, her family moved Keys, and Jennifer Hudson. But formats. Olympic champions, re- from Krasnodar to Artyomovsk my idols have always been Steve Class Shows Unparalleled Success cord-holders, multiple world and in Ukraine. Wonders and, the late Michael versity (New York), California Europe champions will take part Her passion for singing started PICO RIVERA, CA – One hun- Jackson.” Lutheran University, Woodbury in the tournament. during her kindergarten years. “At dred percent of the 2014 high Eight years ago, Pozoyan’s University, Santa Monica Col- VivaCell-MTS, the leading home, I used to sing every day, school graduating class of Ar- friends gave her the nickname lege, Pasadena City College, and telecommunications operator in while imagining myself stand- menian Mesrobian School will Arishata. Arishata became syn- Rio Hondo College. Armenia, undertook the general ing in front of large crowds,” Po- be continuing their higher edu- onymous with Margarita Pozoy- “These students took advantage sponsorship of the tournament, zoyan reminisced. “At the age of cations at various colleges and an. “Arishata is just a name. It of the opportunities that Mesro- providing technical support for 13, I entered the ‘Bakmutskaya’s universities. Students have been does not translate into a specific bian High School offers includ- the event. VivaCell-MTS has in- Starlet’ singing competition. It accepted to outstanding programs word or meaning,” said Pozoyan. ing honors and AP classes as well stalled a Wi-Fi hotspot, providing was the first time in my life that I and institutions throughout the “Over time, Arishata became my as the personalized attention pro- internet speed of up to 50 Mbps in performed in front of judges and a United States and have been of- stage name.” vided by the school,” said Neil the area of the equine sport center, large audience. I won the compe- fered what amounts to hundreds Arishata is currently working Dodd, Mesrobian’s Academic and has supplied the center with tition. ‘My family’s uncondition- of thousands of dollars in scholar- on two different albums, one in Director and College Counselor. 6 computers and 2 printers. The al support has been instrumental ships. One of the seniors was ac- English and another in Russian. He added, “These students al- high-speed Internet will allow in my success.” cepted directly from high school She hopes to release the Russian ways showed great potential and broadcasting the competition on- Not long after, Pozoyan entered into law school with an offer for a album by fall 2014. But while they certainly lived up to it.” line on the international web-site Yevgeny Martynov’s “Father’s scholarship. The institutions and Pozoyan primarily listens to and Armenian Mesrobian School, of the Archery Federation, and House” lyrical singing contest, programs to which students in the sings Russian and English songs, established in 1965, is fully ac- enabling representatives of mass and after numerous rounds of 2014 high school graduating class she is a fan of many Armenian credited by the Western Asso- media to cover the event more competition emerged victorious have been accepted are: artists, including Sirusho, Hayko, ciation of Schools and Colleges operatively. Furthermore, Wi-Fi in the “Young Voice” category. U.C. Berkeley, U.C. Irvine Tata, Shushan Petrosyan, Andre, and has Nursery School (2 years Internet will serve the sportsmen Her winning streak continued Honors Program, U.C. Santa Sofi Mkheyan, Sona, Christine old) through High School (12th as handy means of exchanging when she won the gold medal at Barbara Honors Program, U.C. Pepelyan, and Arto Tunchboya- Grade) on the same campus. Be- information and communicating the Youth Delphic Games of Rus- Santa Cruz, California State cian. sides this being a major conve- with their families. sia and of the Commonwealth of Polytechnic University, Pomona, “My family was a traditional nience for parents, who may have VivaCell-MTS, having signifi- Independent States. California State University, Long Armenian family. They instilled children at multiple ages, it offers cant experience in supporting var- “I have a wonderful family. Beach, California State Univer- Armenian values in me and my a unique perspective and oppor- ious sport tournaments, has pro- When I first started singing, my sity, Fullerton, California State siblings,” she said. “I am a proud tunity for students, teachers, and vided not only a Wi-Fi hotspot, mother did not believe that I University, Los Angeles, Whittier Armenian. My favorite Armenian parents to grow together, and for but also a mobile service center could become a professional art- College with $26,000 per year song is ‘Krunk,’ which I per- scholarships as John Greenleaf students to get the attention and which gives the tournament par- ist, but over time I proved to her ticipants and the spectators the formed during the 2013 Tashir Whittier Scholars, Drexel Uni- nurturing they need to be success- that this is exactly what I was opportunity to use the services of Music Awards. I am thankful to versity School of Law (Phila- ful in school and in life. meant to do,” Pozoyan said.
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