Free APRIL 2021
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St Michael & All Angels, Bude Haven St Winwaloe, Poundstock Our Lady & St Anne, Widemouth Bay St Mary the Virgin, Week St Mary St Marwenne, Marhamchurch St Anne, Whitstone APRIL Free 2021 MAIN CONTACTS FOR OUR BENEFICE: Please contact any of the following for information or enquiries about Anglican Church life in the Benefice: Our Parish Priest & Rural Dean: Father David Barnes,The Rectory, The Glebe, Week St Mary, EX22 6UY Tel: 01288 341670 [email protected] Our Churchwardens: St Anne’s, Whitstone: Mervyn Collins: 01288 341598 Phyllis Walter: 01288 341699 St Marwenne’s, Marhamchurch: Rob Corney: 01288 359754 Angela Grills: 01288 361247 St Mary the Virgin, Week St Mary: Lesley Booker: 01288 341221 Dick Sowerby: 01288 341348 St Michael’s, Bude Haven: Our Lady & St Anne’s, Widemouth Bay: Judy MacDonald: 01288 362254 St Winwaloe’s, Poundstock: Hilary Kenny: 01288 361504 Barry Smith: 01288 361716 Stratton Deanery website: Editor of Voices Together: Clare Hicks, Trelowen, Lynstone, Bude EX23 0LR. 01288 352726; [email protected] Copy deadline for May 2021 issue— by Friday 16 April please ELECTRONIC COPIES OF VOICES TOGETHER If you would like to receive a copy of this magazine please email Lesley Booker: [email protected] 2 PARISH NEWSLETTER Dear Friends, We all know why the tomb was empty! Mary Magdalene, Peter, John and the other Mary didn’t. They were still living with the awful memory of Good Friday, the day when their world came to a stop. Then little by little the dawning reality of what had happened filtered into their minds. Jesus had risen from the dead The Easter experience dramatically changed the lives of those first disciples, for them nothing would ever be the same again. From then on, they lived in a new freedom, which only the resurrection could bring. As the resurrection experience permeated throughout their lives, so it should with us. It should affect our worship, our prayers and our actions. Our whole Christian faith is based on the resurrection experience. It is through this experience that we will be able to see more clearly God’s will for ourselves and for his Church. Therefore, this Easter let us not be afraid to rejoice and thank God for the gift of eternal life he has given us through his Son Jesus Christ. Some of our churches will be open on Easter day, come and join with us as we give thanks for the great and glorious feast of Easter. Details can be found in our magazine. Wishing you a happy and joyous Easter, David 3 HE IS RISEN! ALLELUIA! This month’s magazine has been kindly sponsored by anonymous donations. A message from the Editor: Following the APCMs, please could I be notified of any change in Churchwardens, PCC Secretaries etc? Many thanks Clare Hicks 4 April details for “Zoom” Services at time of going to print All the details below are subject to change depending on circumstances prevailing at the time and to the internet being willing. Easter Sunday service will be on zoom from Week St Mary’s service at 9.30 am. It is intended to zoom services on following Sundays but details of this were not known at time of going to print. Every Wednesday at 9 am there will be Morning Prayer on zoom. See pp 14 & 15 for Sunday services and readings. Please contact Lesley Booker if you wish to be included on the zoom service contact list: [email protected] Voices Together during the Coronavirus pandemic As the churches still have limited opening, there are various places where you will be able to collect your magazine. David Williams has kindly offered his house, Rock Haven, Upton, as a collection point and you can also collect one from the Crescent PO and shop in Bude, the Beach House shop at Widemouth and usually in the village shops. The magazine will also be available on the Voices Together facebook page and St Michael’s facebook page and also on the Stratton Deanery website. Lesley Booker will also send out as a pdf attachment to emails (see bottom of page 2 for Lesley’s details). Any problems with obtaining a copy please contact either Heather Whit- lock (07771 964672) or Clare Hicks (01288 352726) Week St Mary HUBS House Group This group is now meeting for a Lent Course on Thursday mornings at 9.30 on zoom. Everyone is most welcome to join us. Please call Sue Dickenson on 01288 341016 if you would like to receive the zoom connection. 5 MOTHER* & CAMEO TODDLER COFFEE POT CLUB Come And Meets every Tuesday 10am— Meet Each 12pm in Other Week St Mary Parish Hall. Contact Emma Woolfe or Kathy Jef- Next meeting: frey 2-4– pm (Search for Coffee Pots in Fa- Contact: cebook Groups) Sue Dickenson (*Grannies, Grandads, Carers etc) All Welcome 01288 341016 Widemouth Bay Summerhouse Activities We meet on the 2nd & 4th Friday of each month Join us and off load any prob- lems, have a cup of tea and cake. Some- times we play a game. Whatever we do it get us out of our house to enjoy time with friends. Ring Hilda on 01288 361323 for more details 6 Meet ’n’ Eat STRATTON Next Soup and Sweet DEANERY Lunches BOOK CLUB We are reading: 'WHY' writ- Held in WSM Par- ten by ish Hall at Russell Stannard. 12.30pm on the First Monday of each month first Mon- day of 14 Monterey Close, Bude, each month (not EX23 8DX at 7.30pm August) Gail Brace: 01288 352412 Everyone is very New members always welcome Locally reared, pasture fed beef and lamb Restaurant quality, rare breed beef and traditional lamb. Low food miles, supporting local jobs, local delivery available. 10 or 15Kg Beef boxes, mixed joints, steaks & mince etc. !/2 Lamb packs approx 10 Kg Email [email protected] or phone 01288 361 666 to order 7 BUDE, STRATTON & DISTRICT BRANCH Dear Friends At the beginning of February, the Trustees invited all the Branch Leaders to join them in an informal zoom meeting to catch up how members are coping during these difficult times. It was an opportunity to share ideas and encourage each other with uplifting stories. It was heart-warming to see how well members are being looked after with telephone calls, cards, letters and of course emails. It was clear that despite not being able to meet as branches the Branch Leaders are working hard to keep members connected and up to date with news. Members are still busy knitting, sewing, and reaching out to their communities in any way that is safe. Many are also using the time to think of new ways to encourage people to take up membership of Mothers’ Union. Knowing that in small and caring ways we can uphold each other with kindness and our prayers, I believe makes our membership of Mothers’ Union so special a message we should share with as many of those around that we can. In March we usually have our Lady Day service for the diocese in the cathedral. Unfortunately, we are again unable this year to meet in the cathedral, but we are hosting a virtual service for all those who can access zoom on Saturday 27th March at 11am. Dean Roger Bush will be our preacher and Alison, our Chaplain, will be leading us. I do hope that as many as possible of you will be able to take part, if you let Sandy have your email details she will be able to send out the link nearer the time. I continue to hope that, with the lockdown slowly beginning to ease that we will be able to meet soon, but we must still follow all the guidelines and not rush into any decisions. I will close this letter with a verse from a favourite poem called Cast All Your Care by Rev. Dr John Davey. Cast all your care upon Christ our Redeemer, and trust in his promise to be by your side. His love will uphold you, his arms will enfold you, let him be your Saviour, your shepherd and guide. With love, Sheila Waring – Diocesan President 8 Christian Persecution in North Korea The Korean Peninsular has had a chequered history, mostly at the hands of China or Japan as their respective empires ebbed and flowed. In 1910 Japan annexed Korea and it remained under its control until Japan’s World War 2 defeat in 1945. Korea was then split along the 38th parallel. The south administered by United States, with democratic elections, and the north by Russia and the imposition of a communist regime. In 1948 Syngman Ree was elected President of the Republic of Korea (South) and Kim Il Sung became President of the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea (North). In 1950 the North, with Chinese support, thinking US/ United Nations would not defend the South, attacked it, starting the Korean War, with massive destruction and loss of life on both sides. In 1953 an armistice was signed and is still in force today. In 1991 both South and North joined the UN, though technically still at war with each other. In the South, with massive injection of capital, the country forged ahead industrially and, with freedom of religion, the Christian Church grew enormously. In the North, with an ever stricter control of the individual and central control of the economy, the country struggled to grow, with poor harvests, and low industrial output. The ruling hierarchy, headed by the Kim family, developed the Juche (self reliance) ideology, in effect an extreme cult of personality, which venerates the Kim family, presently Kim Jong-un.