ISSN- 2394-5125 VOL 7, ISSUE 10, 2020 Analysis of High Speed Trains

Varun Mohan1, Santosh Kumar2

1,2Dept. of General Science,Sharda University, Greater Noida, U.P. Email Id- [email protected], [email protected]

Received: 6 February 2020 Revised and Accepted: 21 May 2020

ABSTRACT: This article introduces the concept of great-speed trains in simplistic engineering terms. High speed trains are those that have high running velocities and require specific construction and equipment for their operation. This review aims to discuss how the high speed trains function and what implications they have on public transportation. The objective of this review is to introduce to the reader the functions of a great-speed rail. The scope of this review only extends to reviewing the relevant material provided. This paper does not involve an experimental or simulation study. The paper is organized into four sections. Types of tracks, Power, Flow field around the train and economic efficiency of the train. In the depth of this paper, the detailed explanation of the track system, power generation, aerodynamics, and the economic efficiency of the high speed train are provided, which will give a perfect visualization of the mechanism [how it works] of the whole system. KEYWORDS: Aerodynamics, Efficiency, Speed, Tracks, Trains

I. INTRODUCTION "High speed rail," experiencing this process, offers several citizens a vision of a train that runs at an incredible speed (e.g. Japanese Bullet Train, the quickest train in the world). But is it really simple idea of high speed train? Is it just going at a fast pace, because it's obvious? The reaction is no. As intellects say that the idea of high speed train looking straight path is in fact a complicated labyrinth. To grasp the concept of it (high speed rail), individuals need to be fully aware of it and have a proper understanding of every particular detail, i.e. working procedure, and sections to focus mainly on. But it will be more understandable to get a proper definition of high speed train before getting a vivid explanation of the concept. Great speed Rail is a type of train that uses a sophisticated rolling stock system (a system by which vehicles move on a railway, specially designed train sets) and a specialist track to maintain a very high speed. High speed train has no worldwide norm over its pace. But a Great-speed rail will reach speeds of up to 200 to 220 km / h in existing systems and lines (newly proposed track would elevate it to 250 km / h). Keywords such as induction, aerodynamic derailment drag etc. are very simple concepts in engineering that need little detailed explanation. The article can still be considered helpful by an individual with non-engineering experience and expertise as the terminology used in this paper apply to all. High speed rail is known to be an important transportation in this modern world, and will play a very important role in the near future (in terms of speed and travel). Ergo, the main goal / objective of this article is to present it to the citizens and to suggest some useful ideas towards its growth[1]–[3]. 1. Types of Tracks: High speed trains require different styles of tracks to operate, as it is greatly affected by the damage on the rail from high speed trains. Therefore, there are several different forms of railway which are intended to be able to handle the burden from the moving trains as well as to avoid accidents and to make sure the passengers are healthy. 2. Maglev: Maglev technology was first developed and used in Japan Maglev tracks which operate on a magnetic levitation device to shift the trains without the individual train being in contact. The magnets allow the train to pass by traction, allowing the train to travel at speeds that are extremely fast. Guang Yang & Zhenmin Tang describe this principle as " The maglev rail is supplied with the pull of the operated suspensions electric motor to the commutator container, as well as the interstice balance is retained steady by regulating the thrilling current suspension." The principle can be seen in magnets when opposite poles attract, but there is a gravitational attraction as 744


ISSN- 2394-5125 VOL 7, ISSUE 10, 2020 adjacent poles come close together. The repulsion allows for levitation by the car. When mentioned earlier, by stimulating the current, the continuous polarity change enables the train to be pushed by the magnetic field and this forces the train to push forward. It allows for fast speeds to be reached due to the lack of traction leading to no interaction with the surface. It technology has allowed trains to reach a speed of 600kph in Japan[4]. 3. Rail and Wheel: Rail and wheel is a device where it is connected to the axle below the rail as a flanged plate. This system has long been in use but the first high speed rail and wheel network was developed in 1960. The wheel has to be built to have sufficient rail contact, or this will cause complications and inefficiency. Discussing protection in using these trains coincides with the development of high-speed trains. A big frequent occurrence is train derailment. Derailment will happen for many different reasons such as:  Broken rails  Broken wheels  Improper interaction between rail and wheels  High speed banking With high-speed trains, the speed at which the train would bank would be a major concern in the derailment. If the train moves at a speed above the required velocity at a given area, it may overturn. The indication of this might be the 2013 Santiago de Compostela derailment in Spain. Measures that are being introduced are that every morning the train operators require a low speed train that holds no passengers to do a round trip and test for any problems that may arise on the tracks. 4. Power: The high speed trains, like every other system, do require power to operate. There were trains running on gas or diesel engines. But electric power conversion is required to support a high-speed train. This segment would address the numerous ways to power the high-speed trains.

II. LITERATURE SURVEY Many traveling in other countries will see HSR facilities and ask why a similar transportation system has not been developed in the U.S. The associated fact sheet presents a review of the role of the HSR operation in the world and a short overview of the international high-speed rail initiatives and discusses issues that legislators and businessmen might like to address during their long-haul plan for prospective US transportation infrastructure. Although there is no uniform universal requirement for high-speed trains, new commuter trains with speeds approaching 250 kilometers / h (kilometers / h) or 160 kilometers / hour (mph) are usually called fast speeds, and current infrastructure of over 200 km / h (120 mph). Although some channels include an application express, most Asian and European nations have built highly rail transit for commuter transport.[5]–[9] 1. High rail transportation Born In In: The very first great-speed train system, known called bullet train, was implemented in 1964 in Japan. Today, Japan does have a system of eight great-speed railway lines that connect 22 of its big cities, spread across its 3 primary islands, with another three under reconfiguration. This is the fastest high-speed train operation on an average trip and carried more than 420,000 people. The trains are running up to 320 kilometers / h as well as the railway says that in more over 50 years of service there were neither death nor injuries accident. France became France in 1981 with service between and Lyons at 200 km / h. The first nation to render great-speed railway open to the public. The French great-speed trains already have nearly 2,800 kilometers of tracks des nations’ vitesse (LGV), and can run up to 320 km / h or 200 miles on their TGV. The SNCF regional rail company operates this high-speed intercity rail operation. Russian service of Inter-City share (ICE) high- speed trains began in 1991 thru many German cities. The train started operating in 1994, linking Paris to London via the Channel Tunnel. Because of France has early embraced great-speed rail, as well as the core of the railways among Iberian peninsula, the fare islands and mainland Europe, most of those great-speed train lines in Europe, excluding Germany, have been built in compliance with European speed, voltage and signaling criteria. In the years following, many German countries have developed thorough great-speed rail networks, including many international cross border links.



ISSN- 2394-5125 VOL 7, ISSUE 10, 2020 Paths are being planned and upgraded on a continuous basis to required norms, as the network expands. International ties, including links to Switzerland, Austria and Yugoslavia, are being maintained among Italy and France. These all links provide vast contemporary alpine tunnels. European Union support for high-speed trains Turin-Lyon (€ 25 billion) was authorized in 2015 to link French and Italian systems and link Slovenia. A coalition of European train companies, Railteam, was founded in 2007 to organize and facilitate high-speed cross-border rail travel. The construction of The European Commission has announced its goal as the transport network great-speed rail network most of the transboundary railway lines provide EU funds. In the past fifteen years, high-speed trains in China have risen steadily. thanks to generous support from the Chinese government. In the early 1990s in the aftermath of the Shinkansen system across Japan, China started designing the new high- speed rail system. In 2008, the Chinese high-speed rail line started running from Ijing to shanghai (117 km) at rates greater from 250 km /h until 350 km / h (217 miles / h). The long-term expectations of Asia’s Reach high would be more than 38,000 kilometers (10,000 miles) by 2025 and 45,000 kilometers (35,000 miles). The majority of their HSR structures were fabricated with Taiwan, Germany, and France others by Chinese strategic partnerships. In recent times, however, government has established its own capacity for local suppliers and now has HSR growth agreements for many other nations. In 2006, China started investing more money on the development of new great-speed rail systems (from $14 billion USD to $88 billion yen) following the end of conventional rail systems. In the end, China committed $3 trillion for the development of a 25,000 km Reach high by 2020. Some of the proposed lines are adapted to existing trunk roads which are for rail transport only. Numerous areas of the national grid-binding populations with no previous rail connections and a passenger-freight mix. Great-speed trains will usually exceed 300 to 350 km / h. Traveler train services can reach its maximum velocity of 200–250 km / h on mashed-use HSR lines (120–160 mph). The most successful high-speed train in Asia, which then in 2015 created net operating profit in the region in 6.6 million euros (over one billion dollars), connects Peking to two of Beijing 's key economies. In 2008, for the very first stage, work on the 1.318 kilometers-line started and it started operation in 2011. The desire for a costly high-speed rail network in a largely developed world, in which most of the population can justify charging a premium for quicker travel, has been questioned in China and abroad. The German govt believes that high-speed rail is a fast, effective and convenient way to store massive groups of long range travelers to dense communities, and that the link between job markets as well as the liberating of older freight trains improves economic performance and successful in the long-term.. • In the economic crisis of 2008-2009, maintenance workers were generated and competition for concrete, steel, and asphalt was raised brief-term by the recession. • Promotes economic cooperation thru the societies and pressure exerted by connecting small towns to big towns. • It encourage public efficiency and power autonomy, with rail lines using less power per unit for transporting goods and creating electricity from far more diverse sources (such as electricity generation) than ships and trucks.. • Promotes indigenous innovation, production and products of HSR; Chinese producers have rapidly embraced foreign technologies (in Japan, for example, Shinkansen), developed manufacturing techniques and begun engaging with multinational vendors on the export sector. HSR's demand in India has caused domestic flights, especially on routes of below 500 kilometers, to reduce ties and scrap local flights, but some of the smaller roads were completely concluded. High-speed rail carries upwards of twice that of domestic flights along all China. 2. High-Speed Rail by Country: This nations / markets by their Lrt railway extent of procedure, so from most development to a slightest, predicated on published by the international motorways Union (UIC) and also from both these outlets which provide additional information. 14, 15, 16, a lot of countries have long-term HSR proposals, but to now, their projects have not earned any funding. Furthermore, other reports report that HSR rules are in place in certain countries even though UIC demonstrated that they did not. [8], [10]. 3. great-speed rail lengthy-term opportunities:



ISSN- 2394-5125 VOL 7, ISSUE 10, 2020

i. Financial Feasibility: In fact, critics say that nations may have excessively stretched HSR systems to reduce revenue and profit profits and to exclude certain passengers off their train choices by means of inexpensive airlines and car-sharing schemes. The proof, however, seems to disagree with these considerations. HSR roads have shown their success, and HSR promises a cheaper price and quicker time for some of the shortest routes in East Asia. Counsel claim that the channel impact will geometrically expand HSR’s usefulness to passengers by increasing the number of communities with Lrt hubs or provide everybody with long-term financial as well ad’s scenic. While HSRs within other U.S. cities want to improve their populations enough to make them competitive, they remain unpredictable in the long term. In turn in the U.S. government and public authorities will actively track California's HSR programs, and they will be able to change grant policies depending on the HSR success evaluation of California. Despite the planned cost improvements, California's great-speed rail participation remains strong. ii. Concurrence of other innovations: Rising acceleration on rail is being accomplished by innovations like magnetic locomotion (maglev) and Hyperloop. Besides instance, China operated a maglev railway among Guangzhou and the Pudong airport terminal that can fly up to 430 k.m / h (270 mph), as of 2004. It's a well-proved innovation. The line will cross 30 km (19 miles) inside 7 minutes. China is officially one of the very few three Maglev nations). In the drawing table there are also Hyperloop structures for launching trains into enclosed tunnels, which were drained to reduce aerodynamic drag as far as possible. All Maglev and Hyperloop projects entail the development of all modern railway lines, bringing more progress in more traditional HSR technology into doubt. Nonetheless, supporters point out that, unlike these other rail transport systems, HSR is a mature technology and thus, the politicians and town planners are significantly less costly projects. All Maglev and Hyperloop are quite complicated and confront potential safety and security risks that do not exist in the conventional HSR. HSR as well claims that great-speed rail ability (in terms of area who move from one place to another for a given investment) exceeds that produced by roads and railway stations. iii. Advantages of transport: Some may argue that the only measure of the transport network will not be wealth creation, or that the capacity to transportation individuals and goods must be the top priority. This is how road and airport initiatives are quantified. Any country that builds HSR offers high volume, accessible mobility, in particular, as a aid to economic growth and increased security. iv. Energy reserves: The decline in vehicles on major highways contributes to significant cost savings and decreased demand for gasoline. As per global Railway Union information, high-speed trains are 4 times more environmentally friendly than speeding in cars, but almost seven slightly more effective than attempting to fly.

4. Environmental considerations: High-speed rail is a specific path in terms of transport of transportation for the elimination of emissions. If HSR systems drag things from out their vehicles to offer comfort and health at low cost, they can dramatically decrease urban energy usage and carbon pollution. The California freight rail Agency, for instance, predicts that the Ca HSR network will eliminate car mills in the region by 10 million km a day by 2040 and will slash the traffic of the state by upwards of 400 billion km over a gradient method span. In turn, CHSRA predicts that the country will see the improvement in air safety and quality as a whole with the economic advantages of a more energy-flowing aviation network from 93 to 171 daily flights beginning in 2030. In several countries regulations and policies now exist, and over time a trend towards these innovations is developing, which encourages businesses and customers to reduce their emissions. High-speed trains are a three times the level of sustainable economic, social and ecological sustainability that several elected officials have requested over all the years.



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5. CONCLUSION In the end, high speed train has become very popular in this world due to the speed and perfect safety of the passengers. Nowadays, most countries are trying to grow this technology by developing the above mentioned sectors [tracks, power generation, and aerodynamics]. Interesting research that can be carried out on the basis of the analysis a design was introduced by SpaceX / Tesla's CEO, dubbed "Hyperloop," whereby a train will pass through a vacuum area. The vacuum space is called the train's track in this definition. So, train speed measured at 760 mph or 1220 km / h (approximately same number). It effort has begun working in full swing in many developed countries. The organization proclaims that by the end of summer 2017 the necessary information will be obtained entirely in order to create the pod [train body]. A land object that is going about Mach number 1 at a pace is hypothetical. If [Hyperloop] succeeds, then the fairy tales would no longer be myths. People are going to live in a world that no one can dream about. Ergo, the engineers have an obligation to push "high-speed train technology" further towards its development in order to make the ground travel more enjoyable and reliable in this world.


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