
Arcragc Daily Net Preee Ron The Weather For tba Week Boded Firu—B of O. a. WmOmr »m m May tSrd, l»Se Fartly elmidy wtth little idiaoe In temperature tonlekli Lmo dk^ 12,925 TWaMlay muaideraMe lilwiidtweaa, Member of tho Audit ' little warmer. Hlcti near IM. Bureau of OIreulatlon Mnnche»ter——A City of Village Charm

VOL. LXXVIII, NO. 2«4 (TWBLVE PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN„ MONDAY, AUGUST 10, 1950 (<;iaeetfled AdrertMAg aa Pago I#) PRICE nV B CENTS Formosa Flood Strike Hits Ike Will Visit K en n ecott Bonn First on Cuba Awaits Castro’s European Trip Deaths at 773 Operations OettysburK. Pa., Abg. 10 (/P) | ^highway and railroad were Impas­ — President Eisenhower has i By 8PENC5ER MOOAA Salt Uke City, Aug. 10 sable for 70 or 80 miles. (IP) shifted his European .schedule | Taipei, Formosa, Aug. 10 — Picket lines went up this it local supplies were rushed to the flood Kennecott employs about 11,.500 White House press secietary While a Rovernment blacknut. obscured many details, Ha­ JameS'C. Haggerty came here to weathermen said the rains on sufferers. persons in its western operations vana newspapera said Castro will report to the nation by radio Formosa resulted from a storm in The government estimated there in Utah (6,*29), Nevada (1,1421, Eisenhower's vacation headquar­ the South China Sea, not from was enough food on hand to cope Arizona (l.OCO) and New Mexico ters yesterday to tell reporters Eis­ and TV at an opportune moment. They didn’t say when that Ellen. with the crisis and threatened (1,4361.- enhower had accepted Adenauer's might be. Taipei, the capital and home of severe punishment for anyone Last year the division produced invitation. An official source said Sunday up to 200 men— civilians and most Americans stationed on the boosting food prices. 3ia,‘?32 to IS of copper. The President is looking forward to the opporlunit.v to meet with the regular army men— had been arrested to smash a military Nationaiist island, suffered little Food Commissioner R. C. L,i ex­ Play rates ranged from 115.55 a plot against Castro’s revolutionary regime. from the storrn. Some low-lying pressed hope that the crops might day for laborers to $24.78 for chancellor and discuss with him streets were flooded Friday night, be saved if the waters recede skilled workers. "current problems of interest to the Today the newspaper Revolution, which frequently speti(S but there was little damage. quickly. Kennecott offered an 18-cent United States and the Federal Re­ for that regime, said possibly more than 1,000 persons were A spokesman for the tl.S. com­ Despite the threats and appeals package 'vhloh included a 5-cent public," Hagerty said. Eisenhower who came here Fri­ detain6lH i" connection with.C‘thp counterrevolutionary con­ mand on Formosa said there were to business leaders, prices of vege­ general hourl> wage increase each spiracy.” It reported they inopded several large landowners. no reports of American casualties. tables, fruits and meats rose in year to the steelworkers plus some day, goes to Washington late today Elsewhere, the floods wreaked Taipdi, which normall.v gets much provisions to meet union demands to keep some appointments. He will The.se were not named. haVoc, sweeping away roads, rail­ of such foods from South and Cen­ for suppleraentj.ry uneraiployment return here tomorrow' to begin a Both Revolution snd El Crisol way beds and telephone and power tral Formosa. compensation and elimination of denied without attribution reports Heavy Selling lines. geographical pay differentials. (Continued on Page Four) of abortive sea and air strikes at The island's main north-south (Continued on Page Seven) Mine-mill asked for a general the Isle of Pines, off Cuba's south­ wage ihcl'ease of 15 cents an hour west coast. plus other demands in a package Military sources aald most of Guts Prices on whose total cost was estimated at Faubus Delays the persons detained are held 45 cents. under-precautionary arrest or for Stock M arket Governor Doubles The USW, which represents further Investigation rather than about 2,300 employes, sought much Moves ill War on solid charge*. the sar..e as Mine-Mill which rep­ Castro leaders, they said, decided By ED MORAE resents alxiut 5,000. to make s clean sweep by detain­ (AP Business News Wrltar) Railroad Brotherhoods represent On Integration ing anyone within the armed New York, Aug. 10 i>p)—The Polio Shots Funds about 9.50 men and about 1,880 are forces who,might conceivably have sharpest atock msrrket correction in in craft unions, mainly the Inter Little Rock. Ark., Aug, 10 (>P)— had a part In the alleged con­ about two montha ataggeredjirlces national Association of Machin­ Gov. Orval E. Faubus has ap­ spiracy, then weed out and release early this afternoon. Trading was New Haven. Aug. 10 (ffi— Two -at the homeowners' group's sug­ active. ists. parently squelched persistent re­ thoae not implicated. new cases of polio were reported gestion, would have given the A conservative estimate of the A similar roundup was staged Key stocks took losses running here today, bringing the city State Health Department the ports that he would take a hand from fractions to 4 or 6 points. daily payroll for the 11,500 work- against approaching school inte­ last month just before the anniver­ total to 34. amount it sought. era is $200,000. At an average pro­ sary of Castro's 26th of July Rome of the Space Age issues The new cases brought to four l.«aming recently of the cut, the gration via a quick special leg­ were down aa much as 10 points at duction of 1.000 tons of copper a islative session. revolutionary movement. 'At that the number reported In the past association met with Sen. Alfano time military and civilian -de- times. 34 hours. None of the four had and it was his suggestion that the The governor said he still had Tha electronica-mis(slle-rocket fuel taken anti-polio shots. (Continued on Page Four) tentative plans to call a special fiaineea were estimated to total governor allocate money for vac­ 1.500. A majority of them were group which suffered a severe Miikr Meantime, city officials were cine during this polio emergency seesion "within the next one to six ing spell last week continued Itf re­ planning a series of inoculation months." But he said it would deal Puts All in Speech released quietly two days after the from the contff gency fund which celebration of the annlveraary. treat and was joined by steels, mo­ clinics, using mobile units. The was embodied hi the association Safe Drivers primarily "with industrial financ­ Gov. Earl K. I-ong tugs at suspender-hung trousers as he blasts tors, chemicals, rubbers, tobacco units will visit 36 school districts letter. ing and perhaps some other 'minor opponents in his campaign for reelectlon during atop at Des Familiea of a number of civilians and oils. starting toinorrow. Meanwh.le, four new polio problems.' Allemands. La., yesterday. Ijang observed that a suit of clothes seized over the weekend, including The ticker tape was late twice In llty The city recently obtained ad­ were reported over the wi Get Cut in He indicated he had plans con­ of opponent deLesseps Morrison, well-dressed mayor of New that of President Armando Cainas early trading:'sd^^mimber of iasues ditional vaccine by having New. Iwing-mg-the total so far thisIs yeaff“'^ yea nected with desegregation Orleans, would appear on him Ilka socka on a 'rooster. (AP Mllanes of the Cuban Cattle Rala- were delayed In opening due to a Haven county declared an emer­ for the state to 37. scheduled to start in two Little Photofax I. era Assn., were seeking habaes pile-up of sell orders. gency polio area. ThU made It The homeow’ners' group, In their Auto Insurance Rock high schools Wednesday — corpus write for their releaae The decline was eomparsbia to easier to purchase the scarce letter has asked the Governor to but wouldn't say what they were. "But our problem is to Ann our that of June 8 which was prompted vaccine. lestore as much as possible to the He said he had "no concrete re­ relatives," one man said. "They've by President Elsenhower's request state health department for polio New York, Aug. 10 iA>l —Penn­ ports at this time" aboiit impend­ just disappeared and no court- ran j to Congress for a scrapping of tha By THE ASHOCIATED PRESS sylvania will soon have a new' in­ House Unit Again Bars prodiiM them." | interest ceilln on U.S. government Governor Ribicoff today doubled vi-ccine, without nentioning a ing trouble over the integration. specific figure. surance plan thatjWill save money Faubus closed the four public Best estimates here were that i bonds, the amount of money available to for safe drivers. only a few dozen of thoae detained | Some of the electronics cut their the State Health Department for However, the association's polio high schools last fall to block in­ chairman, Jean Berard, said at The plan was announced toda.v would be formally held as conspira- losses. Texas Instrument*, which purchase of polio vaccine by allo­ by two insurance underwriting tegration but the law he used U.S. Gas Tax Increase cating $10,000 to the department the time the letter was sent he has been struck down by federal lor*. dropped io 3-8 last week fell 11 1/8 hoped that tl.e Governor would al­ groups, the National Bureau of Some sources said they believed to 115 on a late opener of 10,000 from his contingency fund. Casualty Underwriters and the court. Violence accompanied the locate "at least $40,000." initial integration of Central High Vashinglon. Aug. 10 UP)—The^gain of-two vote* over the max- disclosures made by Rafael del j share* and then pared it* losa-to 7. The action came following a let­ National Automobile Underwrit­ Pino, 32, Miami, Fla., a Cuban born , points or so. ter to the Governor last week from Ribicoff .said today he will write School by nine Negroes in 1957. Houae Ways and Means Commit­ imum given anv of the tax propo , , j . the Connecticut congressional del­ ers. tee today rejected for the second sale, first considered two weeks naturalized Amencan wounded arid Polaroid and Litton Industries the Old County Manor Homeow-n- The plan has been approved by Three of the nine who went to arrested July 25, led to the roiind- ers' Association in Windsor Locks egation urging them to back the time an increase in the federal I the Pennsylvania Insurance De­ Central then have been assigned ((kistlnued on Page Eleren) suggesting that the Governor might stand of the recent national gov­ there again by the school board. gasoline lax to keep the interstate The proposed one-cent tax boost I “ P' ,, , take this step. ernors conference in Puerto Rico, partment. effective Sept. 1. highway program from coming to it was estimated, would permit' Polk-*'ambushed Del Pino a rent- It is tied in with a new "pack­ Three Negroes also have been as­ The (iovernor made the alloca­ calling for continuation of federal signed to Hall High. a halt for lack of funds. apportionment to the states of P'»"« ""^*’*” *’* tion today after conferring with highway construction aid. age-type" of auto insurance. This insurance, the undei-writers say, ,The board used a pupil-place­ With the financing deadlock still $1,100,000,000 in the fiscal yekr h* State Finance Commissioner ■•ailing the planned multi-billion ment law In holding dow'n integra­ unbroken, the committee sched­ ending June 30, 1961 and $1,300.-| Castro s. he George J. Conkling and learning nationwide joint state and federal combines the different types of i is accused of plotting against the Bulletins auto insurance in a single policy tion. Some 55 other Negroes w'ho uled another effort to-morrow to 000,000 In fiscal year ending June that the State Health Department highway construction the "num­ solv'e the highway financing crieis. 30. 1962. I governnnent. A National Police with savings as much as 20 per applied to enter white schools were ' spokeanian said his conviction from the AP Wires felt it could Use the money to ad­ ber one problem facing the states," By a reported 1.5-8 vote, the This would be roughly only one vantage. the Governor said he would be cent of the cost of the type, of in­ wuum .enj: — ' might mean death before a firing surance bought separately. (Gontiniied on Page Seven) committee turned down a proposal half the rate of spending called | The Health De. artment request­ expressing "Connecticut's and the by Rep. Joyce W. Bj’rnes (R-Wis.) for bv the House Public Works ed $50,000 ifor Its polio vaccine The safe driver plan will drop Del Pino broke with Castro in BOYCOTT IN LITTLE RCNIK governors' concern about this" in In boo.st the motor fuel tax from Committee, which voted to sched-1 bearded revolution- Little Rock, Ark., Aug. 10 OP) account for the present biennium, his letter. 1the rates as much as another 15 three to four cents a gallon -for ule constniction at a rate of $2, — IMehard aegregationlata de> btit this was cut to $10,000 by the Adopted unanimously last! per cent for safe drivers. A point ary leader accused him of tipping system baaed on the drivers' rec­ New Exploreri aining 21 months of the 200,000,000 a year for the next 13 Mexican authorities of a Castro dared an economic war on Lit­ recent General Assembly. ' - Wednesday at San Juan, P. R., by next two fiscal years which end Legislation introduced by Sen. ords could also work the other years. This would be at about Its - p ,^ an expedition to Cuba, tle Rock's Main Rtreet today June .30. 1961. pre.sent rate. ' - Charles Alfano. Suffleld Democrat, ((tontlniied on Page Eleven) way, driving the cost up to double Castro charged that Del Pino be- i over s c h o 6 I integration. A the normal premium for drivers Offers Bonus On this vote, ft was reported The Ways and Means Commit- i trayed him for $10,000. spokeeman for the Capital Olt- with bad records. that 12 of 15 committee -Demo-. tee. which Is charged with raising camp Llbertad juat ouUlde Ba­ tzens Council declared Its boy­ Under the safe driving plan the crats and 3 of the 10 Republicans the funds to satisfy authorization* j van*, where a number of those ar-1 cott of downtown meeeluMlta Washington, Aug. 10 i/P. - voted against the lax increase. Democratic Race Tightening driving records of all drivers in Explorer VI la cutting a wlder- set by the public works commit- | rested were reported being ques-1 was on "right now." Amla Outti- the household for the past' three Two members were absent. tee. thus was back where it start-1 tinned was closed off to civilians ridge, council attorney, called than-expected swath through The eight votes for the tax in­ years would be examined. Points ed Julv 29. ; gy midnight even telephone call* a news conference In a parking space. crease, however, represented a are given for certain types oif acci;^ Scientists said the extended By Its action toda.v, it recon-1 went unanswered. -! lot near his office to hand out a dents or convictions. Premiums“ orbit was a bonus factor. They aidered and pul aside a plan vol-j One official source reported ear-j list of stores, profesaional Favorite Sons Face would range from a 15 per-cent re­ announced these statistics on ed on that date to issue billion ; lier that 200 or mora men were ar-1 people and others who should duction in normal premium for no America's newest satellite: of revenue bonds to tide the high- rested on suspicion of plotting | be boycotted. points to a 100 pey cent increase Orbit 26.400 miles at its way program*over the short-range against Castro's 8-month- .^ re- j for six or more points. Drunken «r highest point. 157. miles at its News Tidbits financial crisis. j gime. Official* at the Presidential i M 8AFE IN B53 CRASH Coupled with this, the com m it-! Palace had denied, however, that' Shove to Sidelines lowest. Original estimates on Culled from AP _Wires Candla. N,.H., Aiig. tO e Distance 91,140 miles in State Police Commissioner I>eo completion of the 41,000 network, unconfirmed reports: erashed In a heavy rain storm lose there, he probably Would be Pope Explains each sweep around the Earth. J. Mitlcahy say* this pa.st wfpkend | Under thls.plan, apportionment* | An sntigovernment plot was > tightening, \/ith Indications that out of the race quickly and the today In southeastern'- New l(>p contenders ma,v be able to push Speed 22,957 miles an hour wa.s the se<'ond fatalltj' free week­ lo the states this .year would be | nipped at an army camp near Ma Hampshire. All eight men aboard Stevenson supporters who now end on Connecticut highways since some favorite sons out of the run:; at-lowest altitude, 3,125 miles para^uted to safety on a farm are giving him cautious backing Council’s Aims an hour at peak distance from he look- over his command.. .Prof, (Continued on Page Bleven) (Continued on Page Two) ning early in 1960. ■ould revert quickly to their near this town — .80 mllee west The annual governors' confer­ earth. John G. Kirkwood, .52 chairman of of Portsmouth. None was re­ ^ginal choice. ■Vatican City, Aug. 10 (/P)-^Pope Time 12 hours, 45 minutes 5'ale's Chemistry Dept, dies of can­ ence in San Jiian, Puerto Rico, ennedy,, on the other hand, ported injured. last week gave little apparent sup­ John XXIII sa.vs the main aim of per orbit. cer at . Grace-New i Haven Hospi­ Unlikely Result, Hoover Says robably won't even have to con­ the forthcoming ecumenical coun­ Space Agency officials said tal.. . Auxiliary State Policemen port to the. aspirations of Demo test with Humphrey in New HERTER ON WAV TO CHILE cratic Govs. R^ert B. Me>mer of cil will be to strengthen the Ro- the satellite appeared to be in have ' begun water safety patrols j Washington, Aug. 10 (,Tt—. Hampshire's March 8 primary, the j man Catholic Church as a first smooth flight, with no evidence on Candlewood I-ake and Long Is­ New Jersey and G. Mennen Wil­ first to be held. Secretary of State Christian A. liams of Michigan. I step toward an appeal to Protes- of wobbling or tumbling. It is land Sound. Khrushchev Could Win Herter left today for a meeting Kennedy is almost^„oerCtin to I tants for church unity. relaying valuable .scientific in- Gov.' Lero.v Collins foresees a j Meyner anil Williams were un­ challenge Gov. Mitlhael V, Di- nl foreign ministers of the usually vocal in conference ses­ I The Pope made this statement- __ formation needed, for sending siiiajl amount of integration In | Salle in Ohio's May 3 primary If American Republics In Chile, sions, expressing their views on j in a speech more than one week man into Space. - rioiida Schools this fall...Rea-| 'uggesting they make a "can­ nearly all subjects that came up. the latter assays a favorite son I ago to a group of Italian Catholic The 142-pound satellite was taurant owner Philip Schickler. 65, Imortality with Peac.e did e.vamination" of Caribbean But it was not noticeable that role. The Massachusetts Senator i Action leaders. The speech was launched Friday at Cape Ca.- slain In his New York CIt.v Res-1 political tensions. It was these they made any political headway.^ is determined also that Gov. J. published in today's issue of the naveral, Fla. taurant b.v three men who wanted i tensions that brought about But neither was there any out-' Millard Tawes shall not block ■Vatican's newspaper L'psserva- r. more money than was in the res- | New York, Aug. 10 'Ah—Her-#tles, «aid Hoover. It could lead to the extraordinary conference In ward surge of support for any of Mainland ,off from hlA with an tore Romano. A date for the .coun­ laiiranl's cash register. bert Hoover, 85 today, say* Nikita a decrease in tension that might Santiago starting Wednesday. the other potential candidates. uninstructed delegate slate. cil meeting has not been set. Red Viet Nam Sees .More than 200 persons from four] K ^ishchev could- bring with him "tide us over for a period In which The ministers will seek wa.vs to Among the Democratic gover­ There have even been hints that "The main aim of the ecumen­ states attend / snake handler's ' tcf'The United Slate* tlje greatest there may be hopes of (freater calm the constantly bubbling nors there was a recognition that Kennedy might Uke on Meyner iii ical council will be that of Peril ill I^os Aid "homecoming" near Fort Payne, i gilt mankind has received in I'JWO steps in peace." he said. unrest. Sen, John F. Kennedy (0-Ma.ss.) New Jersey's April 19 primary, al­ strengthening and invigorating Ala., with four poisonous snakes 1 years peace. Meanwhile, he said, "We must has at least secondary support Ih though the result of the vote would the Roman Catholic Church," the handled by cult leader*.. .Pres- "But this is unlikely to be the not be lulled Into any complacency.: FRENCH SET A-TEST HATE all the favorite son states. There not be binding on the delegates. Pope .said. , Tokyo Aug 10 Ig*/--Communist Ident Eisenhower setsi up businese ; result of this visit," the former We must be alert and armed to ■ •Parts, Aug. 10 (/P\—Fretich of- Pennsylvania, where Gov. David L. the teeth." ! wasN'also an awareness of a con­ "Then, when the Catholic North Viet Nam .valued today that headquarters in Hotel Gettysburg j President added, flolals said today maxlraom tinuing -.trong sentiment for Adlal Lawrence remains publicly unde­ it would consider intervention by for his semi-vacation stay out of "He could interpret his oft-re- ^ l y one other former Presi-1 security precautions have Been cided, also ma,V offer Kennedv a Church is in its full splendor, we E. Stevenson, who aa.ys he isn't will say to Orthodox, Protes­ a foreign army in neighboring Washlngton. . .Uneasiness spreads - peated statement as to peaceful deBL John Adams, celebrated fixed for a French atomic bomb target in its April 26 non-binding moffiP>birthda.vs than Hoover, He making a third try for the party's tants. etc— : ‘you can see,'"broth- I^os an act directly threatening over Ij>ng T.sland as police step up . coexistence," Hoover said yester- test In the ..Sahara. There was no primary. North Vie. Nam's security.' died when he wa» 90 nominat.on. " ers, this is the Church of Christ. search lor killer they say has 1 day, "as eliminating all Interna; . ladlcatlon when the test might The one state that seems to be The ruddy-faced, white-haired; . Gov. Orville L. Freeman of Come, come! This is the way open "In s'K«h a dangerous situation, struck three times — anti may} tional demands, all warnings, all be held. The Ixndon Sunday Kennedy-proof, so'jto speak, is Cal­ the Viet Nam Democratic Repub- Hoover has a simple formula for : Minnesota got a polite reception to a meeting, to a return! Come to strike again. | threats. and all conspiracit* Times said Pre^dent Charles de — but no public recruits — when ifornia. There Gqv., Edmund G. lio governmen- wjll not stand idly Rome Court of appeals confirms I against {ree people. ’ ' longevity — work. He illustrates Brown has erected a fence against take, or take back, your place (iaiille might witness the test he sang the praises of Sen. Hu­ by," said Pei) ing Radio in a that the slim figure of Soprano i Such am ove, said Hoover.'could it today by spending his birthday ! during his rtslt to .Algeria Aug. outside candidates in the primary which, for many of you, is that broadcast noting Deputy Defense at his desk. bert H. Humphrey (D-Mlnn). of your ancient fathers. Maria Meneghini Callas doesn't win the Soviet premier "immortal­ 37-.80. that neither Kennedy nor Humph­ Minister Ta Q\iang,^Bun. owe anything to Prince Marcan- He keeps six secretaries busy i Hiimprey is billing himself these "From a religious peace, from ity among the leaders of all men. rey seems ready at this point to at­ The warning lapparentiy was lonio I^celli's. nonfattening »pa- with his massive correspondence i days aa a sort of favorite son of tempt to leap. a re-united Christian family, oh, But. he added, the possibility SPEtTAL OISPENS.ATnN • aimed at the Southeast Asia ghettl , . . New Jersey Assembly, that Khrushchev w’ould make such: .and activities in‘ various organ-' vancan tsty, Aug. 10 (AV— the Middle West. In a reversal of what appears to what joy! We can expeqt prosper­ There was discussion, but again Treaty Organization (SEATO), clinsiders Gov. Robert Meyner'* a move Is remote because "the tac­ izations. Pope John .\XI11 has granted be the static fortunes of other fa­ ity even in the civic and social or­ which has put I..os under its pro­ no burst of support, for Sen. ^tu- der of the entire world." transit plan, with Soeaiker WHliam tic* of the Commonists may Room fpr Improvement dispensation to Roman OathoUoa vorite sons. Brown now gives the tection although the. little Indo- Kurtz saying he thinks approval art Symington (D-Mo) and Senate appearance of a man who has Pope .lohn granted the audience change, but their determipatipn to i ’ He indicated in yesterday's in­ from the obligation not to eat c 'ina kingdom is not a member of "la in the hag.’’ . . . Ku Klux Klan dominate the world contihuea.” Democratic Leader Lyndon B. thought the matter over and has to the Italian Catholic Action terview that ha was confident of meat on Friday, Aug. U, the Johnson of Texas. that anti-Cpmmunist alliance. shipping anti-semltlc material! Hoover appeared on ''Meet the America's ability lo meet any Vatican announced today. Thn come to the clnrcluBion he is about leaders at his summer residence ’)Tiere, has been no indication Of Humprey is pitching his entire as well qualified for first piace on from United State* to Brazil. Ar- I Prea*": over NBC-TV. Crists that might occur, and to dispensation wan given hernuM at Castel (jrandolfo, in the AJban gentina and Chile, apokeeman for 'riie forthcoming visit of the So- Mfflpaign on the assumption he the ticket as any o< thr others. Hills south of Rome. Friday wtU be the ewe nf t)M (CooHaued M Page H u m ) World JewiBi OongTMa aay«. vlet leader haa hopeful poealblll-

A PAGB iW 'i MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN- MONDAY, AUGUST 10, 1959. PAtHB TW O MANCanCSTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN„ MONDAY, AUGUST 10, 1950 where the nearest Red positions cation of Lap|i. Tha plan may call Urns to Urns, goM to an automobUs HockvUle-V ernon Red Viet Nam Sees are 85 miles away. They found pia for a United Natlona commiaaion dsalST, trios out a ear, and doos not area calm although the Commu­ to make an inveatigation «f rebel Five Injured taka U back. Plgsoirt said modteal peril in Laos Aid nists were reported gathering acUvitlea. Some New State Bills authorities attribute his conduct to Sheinwdld on Bridge strength to renew the attack,. Britain and Ruasia were ro-chal- brain damage at birth. Young Democrats Ask Action (Continued from Page One) Sam Neua, a town of 2,500, is a men of the 1964 Geneva Confer­ KEITH'S AUGUST SALE In 2 Crashes O'Connell aaid he aympathized supply base for Laotian forces. ence which ended the Indochina ' Affect Zoning Rules with anyone who doea not have POOR FISH SWALLOW BAIT < any Laotian appeal for REATO aid Equipment brought in by plane la War and eaUbUshed the independ­ Five people were hospitalized complete control over his conduct, Smoli tlMlar In Police Head’s Suspension againat rebel tribea and Laotian taken by mule to government po­ ence of Laoa. Bv A l t ^ Mielnwold Norib-SonOi aalMnUe A Foreign Office apokesm « after a pair of accidents Sunday but he said the court has a duty to 11.9. M aster Team ChampkNi. NOKTH Communista operating against rtions between the mountain rim- Keep Ltglilatton by tha 1969^ BUI Umlts Pee morning lind two of the vleltma the public. The public ia entitled to m ^ town and the North Viet Nam told a newa conference tc^y: "We -O f FRICIDAIRE How rich a fish are you? When 49 Q 10 9 Rockidlle Democrats have been make tha Bloodmobile visit BUC- government forces In northern Oonr.^tlcut Onerml AMcmbly In the redrafting of the regula­ were arrested and charged with protection against a, person so the bait Is dangled Irt front of your urged by the Young Democratic Laos. .The Laotian government border. have been dlscuasing probable tions. which is now going on, this following too closely. V A0852 cessful. The town controls the oniy road couraea of action with the LAOtian wtileh aSaeU pluming, aoning and likely to hurt them, the judge said. nose, do vou swallow it first and ♦ A K 2 Club to/take action on the suspen- Transportation will be provided claims they are being armed and provision rsmalns. However, un­ Russell T. Corcoran, SI, of 208 Li the July 29 chase, McCrystal think about It later? Or do you look aion of Police Captain Peter Dow- trained by the Vietnamese Com­ In northern Laoe. The unpsved government. We have not yet redtvelopmenl. throughout the der Hnusa Bill 2981. fees for pro­ Charter Oak 8t„ received a pos­ led two cruisers in a pursuit in If necessary for any volunteers. highway, running almoat to the made any proposal as a co-chair­ More it over carefully for signs of a ■AST ge'wlcz. Anyone who has not been contact­ munists. Slate )i now under atudy by Town cessing and Inspecting subdivision sible concussion after he crashed speeds reportedly reaching 110 hidden hook? 4 652 At their annual picnic yesterday, Ta Quang Bun charged the border, connecta with a atrategic man, but plajx,t6 do so shortly.” APPLIANCES! plans and Improvements are lim­ against a utility pole at 2:30 a.m. m.p.h. ▲ A ed who would like to become a airfield. The Sam Neua garriaon He said It wRa reasonable to as­ Planning Bngtnear Rdw.ard J. * Declarer took the first trick in # 99 4 4 WKJ1069 club members approved an open donor ia requested to call Mrs. United States with an "imperialist Ryboayh and Aaaiatant Town ited to $2 per Ipt with minimum on Hartford Rd. near Palm St. Au­ dummy with the king iof diamonds, ♦ 10------9 I 7 5 ♦ J letter to the 'Vernon Democratic scheme” for foreign army interven­ baa been reinforced slightly, but sume that this wduld involve con­ Floor Samples Of Brand thorities at Manchester Memorial « K 106 3 2 MacGranor,. who with Mrs. Hoh- most reinforcements have been sultations) with Moscow. Oounael Riohard Law. cost to be $23 per subdivision. noting the fall of East's jack. ♦ QJ94 Committee in which the club says tion in Laos. New 1959 Models At Keith Money Rybrxyk explained that, under Hospital toda.v said his condition Rugs Gangewere South wasn't alarmed, however, SOUTH mann. Is co-chairman of the local French, British and U.S. military stationed at surrounding Jungle Communist Pathet Lao parti­ Locally, ont of the bllli will di­ It Is "very much disturbed by the drive. Sale Prices That Mean Out­ this provision, a $23 fee would be la not serious, b\it police said he because the slam was cold it either ♦ A K J I 7 I attacks on the public servant by attaches flew to northern Laos and .mountain outposts. sans are resisting Laotian troops standing Savings For Tout rectly affect a |13-a-lot fee for charged aa a minimum even could remember no details of the In Hospital Here he'arts or trumps broke favorably. ♦ 7 Pobllahea Socxtnd Novel yesterday to study the situation. and have pushed some 50 miles the Republican administration of Stephen Birmingham's second Newest Features, Newest subdlvidera provided for tn Man- though the subdivision had only accident when questioned. Declarer cashed the ace of ♦ Q643 Their reports may prompt the London, Aug. 10 (JP»-Britain la Into tho northern section of the ■ Economies. Every One A ohaatar'a nrv propoaed subdlvlaion Hospitalized after a 3-car chain 49 A 7 Mayor Olson." novel, "Barbara Greer,” has just expected to consult with the So- In Your three lots In it. A hundred lot Mr. and Mrs. Russell Gange- hearts and ruffed a low heart, got «49 'ne young Democrats ask the three powers to ask the United country. The Laos government Splendid Choice For Tour regulations. Another rlariflee subdivision, however, would only crash on E. Middle Tpke. near Cook to dummy with the nine of spades So Wtat JNstOi KjHt been published by Little, Brown Nations to send observers to Laos. ■viet Union In the next few days charges that Communlat North Home! allgtitly, but atill doea ,not ipell St. were Charles W. Mayers, 69; his were, of 38 Conway Rd., and Mrs. 1 « Pass 2 # Pass senior party members, to take and Co. of Boston. The Boston concerning a new. plan for pacifl- cost $200 in. fees, he said. Gangewere's mother. Mra. Anna and ruffed another low heart. If 2 49 3 4 ateps to prevent further attacks The attaches visited Sam Neua, Viet Nam ia helping the partisans,. out, another controveraial pro- Several of the contractors In wife, Florence, 65; and a passen­ both opponents followed. South Baas Pan firm also published Birmingham's vlalon regarding the providing of ger, Mrs. Mabel Fitzpatrick, 62, Lewis, of Council Bluffs, Iowa, 4 4 Baat 4 # Paia on Dowgewicz, who they say has first book, "Young Mr. Keefe," In Pockets town had objected to the $16 fee vlctima of a serioua auto craah in could get to dummy with a trump 6 4 All Tm BIG II FOOT open apdcea for parka and play­ all of Peekskill, N, Y.. and Ken­ for another heart ruff, thus setting reaped "abundant criticizm" aa his the spring of 1958. grounds In proposed subdivisions. and it drew fire from Atty. John neth V. Anderson, 26, of Coventry. New Jersey June 22, returned to Opening lead — 410 reward for SO years of faithful Um D. l.«Belle when he appeared for Manchester during the weekend. up dummy's last heart. service. British rights to the first novel 17111 latter provision has been Jarvis at the court hearing. All suffered bruises in varying de­ Aa it happened, the hearts broke were aold almost immediately Y o u r refrigerator grees and are In good condition Gangewere waa brought Satur­ The letter says of Dowgewicz: after p^Iication in this country. under stu'jy by Town Counsel Also under fire by LaBelle was day directly from St. Clare's Hos­ badly. South put the second string queen of diaKonds. He would then "He has sacrified himself financial­ Chargo Plan I Philip Bayer who is aiding the today. ,. or his bow by leading a trump to have to draw trumpa to safeguard Blrmuiginam ia the ton of Mrs. a provision In the subdivision reg­ A fifth person. Mrs. Rita Mac- pital in Denville to Manchester ly and In many other ways to serve TowtT Planning Comunission In ulations that a subdivider should, dirnimy. If the trumps broke 2-2, dummy's ace of diamonds, and he Thomas Birmingham of Long Hill Fo r Bantly Fuel Club Members' low fuel bills are the envy drawing up tha new ragulationa. Neil, 36, of 4 Clyde Rd., suffered a Memorial Hospital, where he has us. While men left to work in de­ Rd. and the late Mr. Birmingham, "in places deemed proper by the been admitted. He was transport­ he could take the top diamonds would wind iq> losing a diamond fense plants and to secure more D olivoriot A provlaidri that a $13 fee be wrenched neck In the crash but safely and ruff hie last diamond a prominent Hartford attorney. $ 2 2 9 9 5 of tlie neighborhood. By keeping burners oiled, adjusted commission, show spaces for was taken home by her husband, ed by a Morristown,' N. J., am­ and a club. lucrative positions, he remained NOTICE Tlia author U a vice president charged tubdivldara for every lot parks, playgrounds, and other bulance. with dummy's' third trump. Bast \ 'ouid be able to work this faithful to the people of Rock­ Just telephone your order for and cleaned they get lop operating efficiency. Cleaning In propoaed mibdlvtilons waa in­ public grounds." Lloyd W. MacNeil, 44, one of the West discarded once again, and all out if he stops to think when with an advertising firm in New drug needs and cosmetics—giv­ REGULARLY $259.95 three drivers Involved. Mrs. Gangewere and her mother South saw that his second plan ville.” York and has written a number WE WILL BE CLOSED ing your Charge Plan num­ burners and boiler? at regular intervals keeps more heat corporated in the TPCa new aub- This provlaion waa baaed by the returned to their home here Sun­ tha low diamond is lad from 'um- Dowgewicz suspension ends I>!aded with Features! Big diviaion regulatlona which were TPC on. the wording of a State Mayers and Anderson were ar­ would fail. Declarer "careleeriy” my. When an expert opponent of short stories, and articles which, ber in the house and less up the chimney. Fuel saving tips rested. and each is charged with, day. led the deuce of diamonds from Wednesday. He was suspended have appeared In leading national 11 Cu. F t model with full later declared Invalid In the Court enabling act. following too closely. The.v are due Mrs. Grangewere today aaid her seems to have lost count of trumps without pay for two weeks after FOR VACATION width Freezer, Twin Vege­ reduce waste of heat. of Common Pleaa when they were LaBelle had arpied that the dummy as his third try for the and is offering ywi a trick for magazines. Get table Qrispers, tremendoua in court Aug. 24 and 27 rrapective- hueband li "'doing very well," but slam. being charged with "failure .to challenged by builder Alexander town should pay for any land re­ ly. Mayers poaVed a $25 bond. will probably have to remain in nothing—look for the hooUci! properly execute"Ws command.” Immediate shelf capacity . . . PLUS Jarvie. served for a park, playground or Chance to Ruff Mancheeter Evening Herald An­ AUG. 10 to AUG. 24 Delivery Keep more money in your pockets. Join the Bantly The crash occurred about 10:20 the hospital for aeveral weeks. This gave East the chance to Dally Question TTie Police Commission charged dover correspondent, Mrs. Paul D. Shelves In the door, keep all similar purpose, and also pay part a.m. when MacNeil. driving weat, Visitors are allowed to see him that the captain had ordered a pa­ smaller Items right at your Fuel Club. For details, phone. MI 9-4595 or TR 5-3271. of tha cost of instslling any utlli- niff with his worthless six of Partner opena with one heart, Pfanatiehl, tdephqne Pngrim, 2- fingertips! Newest lacewobk tiea. stopped to make a left turn. His during the regular hours. trumps. This was a trick for and the next player passes. You trolman to report to a local bar­ 6856. OPEN AUG. 25 car was hit in the rear by Mayera' Mrs. Gangewere aaid she has hold: Spades Q 10 9; Diamonds tender his reasons for having styling, greater economy of Says Rule Vague car, which, in turn, was hit by An­ nothing! Issued a warning in a traffic vio­ operation! At a meeting with the TPC been walking for short distances Actually, Bast's ruff gave South A Q 8 3 2: Diamonds A K 2; derson's car. Mayers told police in the past few days and the only Caubs 8 6. What do you say? lation case. Theory later to revise the court-rejected MacNeil made no signal, and An­ the slarn. South won the club re­ World War I Vets Nobody knows where the Per- Libsrai Term$ *'Our R«autatleii subdlvlaion regulations, Bayer told troublesome injury ia a broken turn, led a diamond to the ace and Ansrwer: Bid three diamonds. CORNELL BAKE SHOP (M io^ DELCO-HEAT derson said he saw no brake lights arm which Is still in a cast. The 'fiiJ.'l is a little too strong for Hockanum Barracks, Veterans ■eld meteors (August's "shooting PRESCRIPTION PHARMACY 1* Your AMuranee” the commissioners he felt this on Mayers' car. MacNeil aaid he got to his hand ruffing c heart. of World War I will meet Tuesday ■tars” come from, |but It is the 44# HARTFORD ROAD State provlaion wai "weak and Mrs. Lewis is still resting and Then he cashed the queen of dia­ a jump to three hearts. Yoti can 901 MAIN ST— Ml 8-6821 did make a signal for a turn. is walking only experimentally at offer a mitd slam suggestion by In the GAR rooms at 8 p.m. All theory that they are leftover par­ vague" In that it failed to spell All cars were heavily damaged monds. discarding dummy's losing World War I veterans are invited ticles from a long-dead . out whether the town should buy In the crash, police said. present. club. The rest easy. the jump in a new auit, followed the land or get It free from the The three were hospitalized in If Eiaat refused the bait by de­ by a raise to four heartc. to attend to hear the reports of subdivider. Investigation of the Corcoran Denville after a crash on Rt. 46 In (Copyright 1959, delegates to the Department con­ FRICIDAIRE crash, police said, threw no light clining to ruff the low diamond. vention in Bridgeport July 24 and BANTLinOIL CO. What doea "set aside" and Parsippani-Troy Hills. They were Soiith wwild have to take the General Featiirm Oorp.) "■hall be shown" mean, he asked, on its cause, Corcoran waa driving 25. Plans for fall and winter ac­ A ai MAIN STREET MANCHESTER. CONM west, police aaid. and hit a utility returning from a visit with rela­ tivities will be discussed. The bar­ TIm Mortiofif M yoor adding he thought it could be at­ pole which waa held to a second tives in Allentown. Pa. Police In ELECTRIC RANCE TELEPHON'F Ml 9-469S—ROCKVILLE—PHONE TB S-S271 tacked in court If allowed to stand New Jersey said Gangewere's car racks will also consider what ac­ pole by straps. The second pole E^.XT.iairoiri 'i ki oi:i 4 'K t tion it will take on the National REGULARLY $190.95! Big Even Heat Oven, high speed iMNit RMy h t ioioroJ, the wa.v it Is. was a recent replacement for the waa hit head-on by a car which Bayer volunteered to study the Convention scheduled in LouLsvlHe, broiler, four super efficient surface burners with quick clean first, police said. sustained a blowout and careened Ky. next month. bowls, chroma rings. Newest sheer look styling to add bvt wfcot oboM fSSF provision with an eye to coming The crash ripped the straps looae out of control across the espla­ £flSTUIOOD MANEFIELD up with something which would • lAW H.YHirOHIt ^rmwnorn mr 9* -J* rr Painters Incorporate charm aa well as efficiency to the kitchen. Choose jroure and the supported pole crashed on nade. The passengers in the other A new painting company. Quali­ now at only— iBVfdBtt! k HT be aa fair as possible to the sub- the hood of Corcoran'g car. The car were not seriously hurt. JjiineR Gordon Scott divider and the town. l>on M nrra>’ *'Tarzan'ii HELD OVER! ENDS TUBS. ty Painting, Co., Inc. has been in­ The bolder of your moft- car wag considered a total loaa, Gangewere suffered a fractured ^*SlimkA Handn Greateiit rEATURK"’8Ht>WN FIRST corporated by three Vernon resi­ The new wording In the bill police said. pelvis and thigh bone and possible With The Adventure'* gage ia sure to ^ v c hit in- passed by the General Assembly dents. |.95 Besides the damage to the Car internal injuries. ^ Devir* In Color apparently won t be much help. A "Anatomy of a Murckr" TTie incorporators are Robert vMtineiit insured. But what and pole, a transformer attached Mrs. Lewis suffered a compound Melendy, Helen Melendy, both of portion readfng, "and that In to the pole was knocked to the fracture of the left foot and serious pins “Here Comes The Jet" about the part of your home places deemed proper by the plan­ ground. Wed. •noN’T niVK. rp t h k s h i p ” Hatch Hill Rd„ and Robert head injuries. J e r ry l«ewU W. Melendy, of 64 Elm St„ Tal- you’ve already paid for? Are ning commission" has been deleted Mrs. Gangewere suffered the OPEN AN ACCOUNT and the regulation now reada, cottvllle. you protected? Mike sure Rockville broken arm and multiple bruises. Starts W6d.! It’s A Blast! Capital authorization is for $26,- "Such regulations shall also pro­ "All in all," she said, "we're do­ * A A "BLUE DENIM" you are properly iniured. vide, that the commission may pro­ ing pretty well. R\iss Is quite hap­ 000 in 250 shares at par value of Can m for ajcomplete prop> vide open spaces for parka and Court Continues py to be bark home where his A A A " of the Hills" $1,00 each. €iiy insurance checkup. playgrounds when, and in places, friends are." File Jobless Claims deemed proper by the planning Twenty persons from the Rock­ FRICIDAIRE commission, which open spaces for McCrvstal Case ville area filed claims on the week parka, and playgrounds shall be ended Aug. 1. for new spells of un­ Shown on the subdivision plan." A 'Vernon youth pleaded guilty Building Group cmip»iM> NOTCH employment, according to the C3on- The question as to who will pay In Rockville City Court thia morn­ necticiit Employment Security Di­ AUTOMATIC for what remains unanswered. ing to three charges stemming a Meeting Tonight \ j n n J/lT£S.6iuu/444 STOmiOWTON vision. Some In Practice high speed cha.se July 29 through TONIGHT .. MUSIC run There were 106 continued claims Twenty-three bills affecting several towns, but the court con­ on file bringing the total to 216. tinued the esse pending the out­ The Building Committee tonight Swim Olaasea Ending WASHER planning, zoning and redevelop­ will consider an alternate bid on The final! series of swimming ment v.’ere passed by the Legis­ come of a possible trial against individual heat regulators for Sinii|filiN& AvfiMf 10 fWoagK II 1 Full.y automatic operation with big B-lb. ca­ lature. the youth in Manchester Town classes starts today as do new Court, classrooms in the North End CONITANCI MNNITT classes in junior and senior life pacity, patented three ring agitator for clean­ In man.v cases theee do not ap­ junior high school. s living S4rl|s $ b-gg4$t $'*'•$» saving. er, whiter wash! Automatic Llnt-Away. built- ply in Manchester, some of the Thomas McCrystal. 20, of Maple in Suda Saver, Wash Water Selector! It's a St., pleaded guilty to charges of The bid offers a credit of $2,- i»6'RiO CAU M l MADAM The li e saving classes are from 175 >rovisions made under the new 300 to substitute Powers Regula­ •XI w'tl) WJ.fbur EvtM 6 to 6 p.m; ,-nd anyone who wants •Must’ for every home at Kelth'e low eale fawB have been In practice here operating a motor vehicle while his tors for tha heat regulators stipu­ price! Enni Center for some time, and still others will license is \inder suspension, reck­ in tiRANKGAPMS to join the class should report to lated in the base bid. Horowitz pool In Henry Park at Street have' to be incorporated in the less driving, snd disobeying An of­ At first, the Powers Co., through Aufvif 17 ffcfnafc 31 local regulations. ficer. He also pleaded guilty to in­ 6 p.m. the healing subcontractor, K. R. llliO li . JUUI WILSON The.swimming team will prac­ REGULARLY $269.95—NOW Phone One bill provides Uiat steno­ toxication, a charge lodged Aug. 2. Graham and Co., submitted a bid Judge Edward "Y. O'Connell of tn • n«w produefion tice today, Wednesday, and Thurs­ Ml 3-1126 graphic reports be made in hear­ of $800 credit on the alternate iiim D * 4Ad Harfi groafotf show ings before the "aonlng commis­ Stafford presiding in Rockville day from noon to 1 p.m. healing unit. lA ilS IN ARMS CSiurch to Meet j sions" and Zoning Board of Ap­ thia morning, agreed with counsel General Manager Richard M V'tin peals. This Is already. done' in that the beat disposition of the esM iiii- Bids on a new parish house for notified the Powera Co. that the M him oH um Ty»«t Nm AvOaU# Af Manchester. Rockville case Would be to wait amount of the credit was not ac­ St. John's Episcopal Church will 1 9 9 '®^ Another requires a majority and see if Manchester decides to ceptable. and suggested the amount PH 'S' ACTION OO-HIT be opened tonight at a meeting of vote by the zoning board members. execute a Cheshire Reformatory be raised to $2,300 or $2,,300. 'Tm Days To Tuloro" *###rveS#oii nipwUk ]>liat the vestry of the church. The Easily Arranged Terms TOP ROUND This has been the usual practice sentence O'Connell was told the Building Committee Chairman group also hopes' to complete de­ locally. A State provision that a Manchester court has imposed on Harry Howroy-^ called the meeting tails of calling the Rev. James L. panel of three alternate members him. for 8 tonight, after the Powers Co. G^anl of Bridgeport to become of the zo ling board be provided Judge O'Connell agreed to the complied with the general man­ rector. STORE HOURS . . to aerve in absence or disqualiflca- continuance after Atty. Robert F. ager's wish today: SIR C 0 N [) I T 1 0 N 1. I ■ ,aST HARTFORD . Hospital Notes ^ tlon of a regular member will be Pigeon told the court examinations Before the meeting with the gen­ Admitted Saturday: Cora Borje- Open Monday -Through Sat­ incorporated in local regulatlona indicate McCrystal has some type eral manager and the representa­ ■on, 37>i Park St. urday From 9 A.M. Until OR CUBE Ryb zyk aaid. of brain damage which causes him tives from the Powers Co., the STATE Admitted £. unday: Emma 5:80 P.M., Open Every tiviih 9'iirnitiirtt One ZBA hearing in Manches­ to take off with motor vehicles Building Committee will meet at F tS IlW Holmes, 68 Union St.; Anna Bas- Thursday Night Till 9. TOMORROW 2 P.M. IN COLOR tek, 134 Union St.; Helen Gessay. ter a few months ago had to be every now and then. the Lincoln School to look at the Doors Open 1 :S0 P.3I. n a io iT T lc lll)MAIN5T. MANCHESTER postponed becausie no alternate McCryatal has been confined to lighting problem there, and will go •punnel Rd.. Vernon; Edward Weld, Cheshire Reformatory and to Nor­ BAR1K)T 67 South St.; Angelo Milanese, 96 FREE PARKING. •R iA T N i w could be supplied in the time al­ to the Nathan Hale School to see • THAT NAI OHTV GIRL" run on lowed by law. wich State Hospital in the past. the toilet facilities. The first meet­ (Mam'xell PIfAllel in JRaalltli Davis Ave. OIVILOPMINTI Another State law pertains to Atty. Pigeon said McCrystal from ing will start at 7 o'clock. — Ploa — Birth Saturday: A son to Mr. ^glBBEMBfBJBWIBJBBmiaWBBIBIBlBiBBISIIIIBIIMiWWIUBIIIIIBIIUlUBBBiaBMB^ *‘NAKKD PA K A D ISR* • nd Mrs. Harold Levesque, RD 2. the number of times notices of To lat Men .. hearings shall be advertised, and A l■•Ha«ll Phatn Rockville. still another would allow the TPC M AGIC! RRIGITTre RARDOT Birth Sunday: A son to Mr. end to pass on requests for special SUSPENSE! Imported From FrAnre Mrs. Ray Zira, 76 Grand Ave, exceptions as well as the Zoning Cuba Awaits Castro’s ( 4. / E X C IT EM EN T! Discharged Saturday: Margar- Board of Appeals. ethe Clayton and daughter, RD 2, LOIN Under another State provision ^^Alladin and ■Rock'ville; Anita Amiot and son, concerning the flllng of maps and RD 1,1, Rockville: Bernice Perzan- SIHIS plans, notices, hearing and assess Invasion, Plot Report owski, 31 Nyke St.; William Wil­ HURRY! HURRY! ments, persons having a recorded Hit Lamp” cox. 65 Davds Ave.; Anna Pnicha, Interest (mortgagee) must alio re­ In Color ■ ^WINDSOR IWest Willington. ceive notices which are now re­ (Continued from Page One) '^Th# gunmen escaped despite po­ T RIMUm FRSM Discharged Sunday: Mildred quired to b e ’ given each record lite roadblocks, ciastro reported­ PLUS IMT HMTrOmil Miner, 11 Lawrence St.; Herbert BONELESS owner by the planning commiaaion. nagua, about eight miles south of ly waa away at the time. Krause, 62 Mountain $lt. Havana. This brought about mass - Heavy firing also waa heard CARTOONS 1000 This appllea to the planning com­ ALL COLOR arresta there and at Camp LIbertad early yesterday morning in Ha­ Vernon and Talcottvllle newa la JUICY AND mission's power of making as­ of military personnel held over ^ G A L O R E KIRK DOIJULAR TRIPLE-S BLUE STAMPS sessment of benefits and damages. vana's Country Club section. Po­ Anthenv Quinn handled through the Manchester from deposed dictator Fiilgencio lice refused to comment on it. ALL "LAST TRAIN FROM Evening Herald Rockville bureau, Rybezyk said considerable time Batista's army. G I N H IL L " DELICIOUS! ' will be necessary to interpret snd After weeks of Indecision, the CHILDREN 7 W. Main St., telephone TRcitiont Small armed bands from the cabinet finally decided .veslerda.v riUK G e o rie M nnlsfim ecv 6-8186. j then incorporate, if necessary, the Dominican Republic landed by sea 25c ■KINO OF w’lLD NTALLIONS’ SUPER-RIGHT HEAVY new Slate provisions. to send a delegation to the meeting I And transport plane late Friday this week in .Santiago, Chile, of the WED.: “HERCULES’’ WESTERN CORN^FED I 28-P»ge Bulletin and early Saturday in a futile ef­ M tot PricRi IffRCtivR TuRiday and W*dnRiday, August 11th and 12th Only. LB To bring the local officials up to Organization of. American Stales Andover STEER BEEF fort to free prisoners on the Isle (OAS). An announcement said date on the current changes In the of Pines. Castro forces broke up Foreign Minister Raul Roa would law, most of which will take ef­ both attempts and captured a fect Oct. 1, the State Development head a 7-man delegation. REGULAR fTCATURE NOT Benefit Show Cast number of the raiders. The Santiago meeting stems from Commission's planning division Twenty-eight mechanics of the SHOWN THIS MATINEE compiled a digest of all the pew charges by the Dominican Republic Plans Rehearsal rebel air force are being held at that Caalro ia aiding Dominican a^SA Compare . . . ^enSatidna i Jou, P n e J legislation affecting planning and Camaguev after the crash of a exiles in Cuba who ar plotting to c zoning. bomber that killed the pilot and This 28-page bulletin, Including overthrow their homeland's dicta­ The first rehearsal for a benefit- UNDIRWOOD injured two others. Rebel troops tor, Generalissimo Rafael Trujillo, STATE ■how for the Andover JVar Me­ summaries and texts of the 2,1 there have been restricted to Castro, who has denied such NOW and TUESDAY EVE. morial Fund will be held at 8 p.m. : actual bills passed by the General quarters. Scallops Holpt IcMp your charges, for a time considered boy­ COMING Continuous From 8:30 tomorrow in the Town Hall. About Assembly and signed by Governor Two conspirators were killed cotting the conference. 30 acts are lined up for the mu­ VU 0 1 Ribicoff, was mailed to 1,800 per­ and 13 others captured in a battle OLDEST GREATEST burnor cloon a t it sons throughout the State, includ­ The cabinet announcement said sical variety production which will CANS with rebel troops at Clenfuegos, Caatro himself might go to Santi­ be presented at the Town Hall Deviled Hanr»~ hoatf your homo I ing members of planning commis­ about 130 miles east of C?uba. 34‘2 ago later. He had been expected to sion. zoning boards, redevelop­ Aug. 24 and 25. FRIED 7 0Z Although Raul Castro, Fidel's lead the Cuban delegation, and his Tickets are now available from STRONGHIART YOUR AUTOMATIC RT-98 la the moet completely ment agencies, planning consult­ brother and commander tn chief decision to remain in Havana waa HEAT ^nd SERVE PKG . effective fuel oil additive in use ants and other town officials. Mrs. John Hutchinson. To stim­ of the armed forces, denied inva­ seen by some as an indication that ulate ticket sales, first, second FUEL OIL today. Thia beipa your oil sion attempts had been made, re­ the situation at home required his FOR A HEALTHY, 16-OZ D«JVERY CONTRACT burner deliver more dean, de­ liable' sources insisted that coun­ personal attention. and third prizes will be awarded to the top three ticket-sellers. HAPPY PET CANS TOW pendable beat. You get pre­ SIGN terrevolutionaries made the at­ But if the government was Complaints Mount tempts on the Isle of Pines. Radio­ The War Memorial Fund drive mium aervioe, too. All deaigned nervous, man.v of Havana's citi­ waa originated by the GVangS and to make heme heating eaay. telephone communications with zens weren't. Thousands flocked to FRUIT FLAVORID And Receive At Absolutely No Extra Cost On Waste Service the island were out. hut commer­ the long Malecon seaside drive last has been expanded to a communi­ cial air connections were pormal. jilght to escape the stifling heat of ty-wide project. It la estimated that about $1,500 will be needed jCoR fetfcry for I An iinuauall.v high number of Among civilians detained after one of the summer's hottest nights. PINT 1,000 Triple "S" Blue Trading Stamps* Yellow Coro oomplainta waa received concern­ discovery of the plot at Managua, The general mood was festive. to erect a suitable memorial at ing garbage collection In Manches- reliable sources said, were Ar­ the new parking lot site on Rt. 6 JUGS * Stamps leaned upon paynn«nt of firet fuel delivery. M obilheat eT^s I ter in July. ★ PLUS ★ across from the Town Hall. Ed­ Za-Rex Syrups mando Cainaa Milanes. president I General Manage,r Richard Mar­ of the National Cattlemen's Assn, lOlfc CioMry Pat prRunii win Lindholm's Corners is chair­ CRISP AND TASTY MONTHLY 0|l BUDGET PAYMENTS tin sald~368 complaints had been and Qutspoken critic of Castro's man of the memorial comn?ilttee. FRESH TENDER DOZ 33« WE GIVE received in all. Of this number, 332 land reform, program: Roman WIUIAM Mrs. Robert MacGranor and concerned skipped pickups. All HOLOm^HiJONM Mrs. J. Tansley Hohmann Jr., both GREEN STAMPS Maestre Giitierpez, successful can­ Thursday, Aug. 13 Heating 24-Hour were taken care of within 24 hours didate for congress In the last Cu­ of Hebron Rd., have announced 12 0Z PKS , after the complaint was received. ban'elections; Arturo Hernadez HELD OVER! L O V fc' I A Ad A N Y th at 29 blood donors have signed Burner Samuel Lombardo, who has the Tellaheche, a senator during Pres-| 2 p.m. and 8 p.m. S P l CNnoi4l n (MiMf. Up to visit the Bloodmobile at Educator Crax SpecialiftK Pmpi olftclivt in (Nil cemmumty Rud vicinity ; contract for the garbage collection ident Carlos Prio Socarras' tenure, CIRCUS GROUNDS r. oPC Yeomans Hall in Columbia Aug. ».*v MORIARTY I until Aug. ,31. told the General and Uarlos and Jorge Remedios, In Sn »««<«, nUTRWOFiiWSOewle 26. The Bloodmobile will be at the Since 1935 Service V tHB OMAI AnANTFC « PAOPK VIA O Manager that the collectors have described as the sons of a noted I NEGRO’S FARM Hall from 9:30 a.m. to 2:45 pTm. WHEN YOU SHOP FOR FOOD BOLAND been quitting because the.v know Cuban politician, now dead, of STARTS WEDNESDAY ' A goal of 40 donors each Is • • BROTHERS they will be out of jobs in a Pinar del Rio ITovince, where op­ ROUTE 88, BOLTON “The Diary Of Anne Frajik"' ■ought from this town and the OIL COMPANY month. _ position to the agrarian reform Auspices of Bolton Volunteer other two member towns, Hebron THE THING TO SAVE IS MONEY! 369 CENTER STREET T E L Ml 3^320 ^ ^ f)$ v p e r H a rk e ts 301-315 Conlor Sfrbof Another reason, said Lombardo, has been loudest among'- tobacco' ' g ifs im s ’ Fire Department and Bolton and Columbia, of the Columbia is that the trucka are in disrepair, growers. ! COMING IN AUGUST - F 7 i V f (M j.' s tH F t V 0;. L11 10 0 r 1 ‘ » ' ■ ♦ j Constables. Red Cross Chapter, to reach the but sines thsy will not be used in Several ahota were fired from a i “ANATOMY OF A MUROEH” desired total of 120 donori. This Ml 3-5135 a month, it aeema useless to him l!ll T«ck. S;3S-lS:Ii ADULTS fl.25 — KIDS 76e. speeding auto Saturday night at Tsm psoo ■AM Mr " T l^ NUN’S STORY" number is the minimum requlre- to spend much on repairing them. Castro'a 'villa In a Havana suburb. I ■UBt aoosldared ■■Bewaiy M AdTovliM kk Tka Herald—It Pays <


that s regulation may be made the Lightnings; Roger .Cheney Jr.. ents. Dr, and Mrs, R*^ph E Wol- MANCHEarro e v e n i n g h e r a l d , MANOHi y r e . CONN, MONDAY. AUGUST 10. 1969 Columbia and enforced, requiring two people serondL »n»l Carol aementino. mer r SCHOOL EXFEH8ES7_ pAOl rouf to he in any host towing a skier, third. Philip Hopper Jr,, was firit Mr, snd Mrs. Eugene I^esroe snd However, If we develop and one to drive snd one to watch the in the Comets: Sally Hutchins, sec­ three children rtf Whitney Rd ere i Waihlngton Friday and Saturday. maintain an atUtude of faith and ond; snd Kate Hollingshead, third. visiting relatives in ...... CALL THE chairman tha UBlted Itatas A Thought for Today skier. Englewood. Mitchell le acting as fact-finder for expectancy, hoping, draanaing. be­ Boat Rammed The older group had eeven Light­ N. J. t iHanrtfpaUr Atomic Bnargy OommiMden, that Ike wai Visit Strike Hits President Elsenhower In the ateel Sp«M«refi by tbs Maarbeetee lieving. praying, working for the With this in mind, she has noti­ The Baby Has fied the president of Columbia nings out of five Comets. It was the Mr. snd Mrs. John Forrysn. John MONEY NUMBER we wart IqMndlng some tfi.OOO.OOO dispute. Ooaaell of Cfiiorchaa rood, we will create conditions Forbes day—Chsrifs Jr., one of Lake Assn., Mrs. Paul Merrick, Jr., snd Joan, nf Lskeview Park, lEopninQ IjpraUi preparing for new teats. Finnegan said he planned to re­ which make It poeeible for God By Another the newest snd probably the young­ returned yesterday after s week's Mitchell 3-4168 eUBUiUUllD HS nik Bonn First on join the negotiations here tornor- end Hla good to come Into our snd two of the constables on the iNa Wadsworth's task. In such a sit­ ‘Great Expectations’ est In this group, and brother to visit with her sister snd brother- ! Kennecott row, and have hie deputy, Robert lives and into our world. Let us special lake patrol. T. A. I^uigh- j us Uon, la to cbnvincc the world, "M y soul, wait thou only David, led the Ughtnlngs home. In-Iaw, Mr and Mrs. Herbert W||. F O R A N L O A N I MaaclMalw. Moore, take part In today's »es- fill our minds with the positive rev snd W elter Schroder. i Francis Savage was second end ■on, in Richmond, Va. i upon God. for my expectation Been Named... Towing Skier School hella mean school h ilh . . . for THUMAS 5 not especially the Russians, that European Trip Bions. power of spiritual expectancy. This is the type accident predict- j George Pederson. Dr, WALTER R Is from Him."— Psalms «2:5. ed by many on the lake which is clothos, books, hiition. Tim a for an Okay Pabltahdn we are negotlatln/ sinceraly at Ge- Operations McDonald presented the unions 8t. Paul urged "whatsoever j Cheney’s boat, third. Ph ll^ Hop­ Manchester F.vening Herald, J’o- It Is a fact that we get what we A West hartfotd Woman snd now'alive with all type boats snd | I-oan! Jutt call u« . . . upon approval you rouDdaa October l. UPn nsva for a ressatlon of tasts, in (Oontinned tram Page Oae) caM In a filmed Interview yester­ things are true, whatsoever things per Sr., was first in the Comet*, Inmbl* rorrespondent Mrs. Donald \ pick up your rath! Pay hack in tmall month­ I.SMna from day on New York televlalefl ite- are baalcally expecting In life. are honest . . . juAt, . . . pure, s Wiillmantlc man. both with sum­ many swimmers. Mrs. T erw llll-; william Mabb. second snd Henry R. Tattle, telephone A C s d e m y ' 92.5 to 9600 PubUabod liTor? BToniin spite of the McOone snd Anderson mer homes on Columbia I.j»ke. ly inttallmentt r'S»/ rhooto. Holiaari tfinlarjC at tba work-vacation, preparing for hie . (OemtaiiMd tram Page One) tlon W PIX. Ho blamed the In­ Some familloe took for Tllftfiea, mls- , . . lovelv. . . . of good report; ger’s escape was miraculous, Bock third, Stariers were Alfred tuadars an statements. Paula Ann, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Waller E. Tedford, g-S4M. fS iro a_ ieo at lUncbaatar Coo» a» trip to and for Khrush­ dustry for the failure to achieve truat their neighbors, expect per­ . . . think on these things.’'. were Involved in s motor host se- friends say. who saw the incident Brand and -John Forryen Sr, “tJuf lilfAt loy, "Your loon if okcryt" aaaa llatl Matter ______Rl. 31. Coventry. She was born Aug. 7 at Manchester Memorial eident on the lake Friday after­ t oooed Claa In the end, his best recourse has chev's Sept. 15 visit. day, Kennecott would be falling be­ progress in ths negotiations. sonal alelghU. Life is dismal for from the shore. Others say It wss Sweet l« Party A IfM ia n t lirtfl Ml ’f A e r •rRmETly raoo'H M Rev. H. Osgood Rennett Hospital. Her maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Anthony noon. only because s mature, quick MMMBkUl Of to be to accuse the Russians them- Early this morning, the Presi­ hind some IfiOO.OfiO k day on gross McDonald said the steel Industry them. RhIghinI, F o rf Lee. N. .1.. and her paternal grandparents are Mr. Miss Ann Banner, daughter of n u associated p r a m sales. Is earnlrtg the greatest profits in U was not disclosed until yes­ thinking person wss Involved, snd ,Mr. and Mrs. Julius Banner of MESH EGGS DAILY TAa AaMclatrd Preaa la exclual^T sclvsi of insincerity at Geneva. dent got in some golf with his and Mrs. Walter Tedford, 103 Oak St. She has two brothers. Ths lajt strike against Kenne- Its history and "never has been In terday, when having had time to one “who could swim. Jonathan Trumbull Highway, was — Alan — 98.3 Main Street, Manchester antltM to tlie uae '< ire ^ U «U < » ol The Russians theihselvsi may grandsori. ll-.vear-oid David Ei­ Thomas, 14, snd Charles. 7. and two sisters. Patricia, 12. and senhower, and William Robinson of cott's weitern division was in 1S55 a better position to grant im­ recover hei equilibrium, the wom­ fa r Skids, Man Hurt honored at s "Sweet Sixteen” party P t m Ii Dressed Poultry also be spending a lot of money for Call or vint Hooaehold Barbara Jean, 10. George Creighton, 21. nf Willl- New York, president of the Coca and it lasted 47 days. proved wages and other benefits." For EXTRA fun * • • a « an thought the story and the St her home Saturday night. Forty Maneheeter Egg Farm Md aiao th« local o ««» oubiiohod^n today. You’ll do biuinaM mantic, skidded on the wet road A» rtgtito tt ropuWIcadon of of^oU* the resumption o f tests, but they Cola Co. They showed up at the In New York, contract talks "There has been no progress in William Carl, son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter F. Meier, 1.52 Haw­ wrecked boat might serve as a young people from New York. 472 Keeney St.— M I 9-9904 seeking to settle tha nationwide in privacy with a friegadly, about 7 am, yesterday, and re­ dlfpatebo -hoTOtp ar» aUo r— rro4 don't talk about It for two possible Gettysburg Country Club at 8:15 the negotiations in spite of the thorne St. He waa born Aug. 4 at Manchester Memorial Hos­ graphic example to all boat op­ Springfield. Norwich. WlliimsnUc PREFERRED FINANCE steel strike resume this afternoon ceived minor, riil.s and bruises a.m. real labor itateamanahtp of tha capable HFC managar. pital. His maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mra. Conrad Hah, erators. and Columbia were present. A hot ll aernoa cileat el N. E A. reasons. One may be that they have with the two top negotiators ab­ which were treated s i Windham e % c * After some practice shots, Eisen­ union negotlatione," McDonald H e’s an "expert” in ar­ Bronx. N. Y., and his paternal grandparenla are Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Robert C. Terwilliger, 43, dog roesl snd danrlng was fea­ 'iSibU^ara RepreseoiatiTea: rbe some eense. The other is that, un­ sent. ^ TAKE Community Memorial Hospital. hower '■ and Robinson started said. ranging loans for any Henry Meier, Bronx. He has s brother, Richard Walter. ,4. narrowly escaped serious injury, tured, - Jullua MatAama Spatial iBcjr — Ne* der the Russian system, subordi­ Joseph F. Finnegan, director of Creighton was alone driving **”__ Boaton. Boaton- ___ around tha course while David Industry officlala, h e , eald, good purpoee, from 120 * • * • * and possibly death, when her boat PersonaU BTTRBAU Ol the Federal Mediation and Cr«« east on Rt. 6A Just west of Co­ nate officials don't pop off In fsvor took a golf lesson from Art Kan- "want more sweat from the work­ to 1600. Y o u ’ll choose Jamea David, son of Mr. snd Mra. William Amiot Sr., Kings- was str • ahd run down by one Mrs. Robbie Knofla snd her son, CHOICEST MEATS IN TOWN en cou tn u N S ciliation Service, said yesterday; " i lumbia Center. Traveling down of policies they would like to tee nel, the club's assistant pro. Joins Staff er! and a greater speedup of work ALONG. your own repayment bur.v Ave., Rockville. He was horn Aug. 3 at Rockville City operated by Pussell Catalano, Charles Mullsney of Sunnysiopes, have seen no indication of any hill. the. car went out of control, ;Ooliimbls Lake, have had as their subscription r a te s adopted in place of the pronounced ■nila was the first golf for Eisan- to pile up greater profits. We re­ plan. You’ll leave with * Hospital. His maternal grandfather is Home Petit, Moodus. Going to Visit Friends Parabla ta Advaaea change since the talks recessed last and as it spun shout, sldcswlped 'guests. Mrs. Mary Lou Cleary and hower since ■ Friday— afternoon A new reference librarian. Miss fuse to let our workere be hired, feeling of confidence and hla paternal grandmother ia Mrs. Rose Amiot. Toliand. He Mrs. Terwilliger was ro'wing a Tear ...... »S |b policies of ths Kremlin. week.” ' several fence posts. A passerby i ds'ighters. Elizabeth and Gigi. snd [ M0-*itlia r w when he got in’ nine holes. Rain Harriet Kemp of Shelburne'Falls, fired and paid at the whims of ANHFC because you’ve done haa two brothers, William Jr., fi. and Robert, 3; and two siatcra, from her home on the south west SPECIAL TUESDAY ONLY M O f l t l M • • • a aa a a s s a • • • • • • • • • There Is, in this country, an of­ kept him off the course Saturday The negotiations between the end of the lake, over to visit took him to the hospital. Slate po­ s friend, Gloria Rollins, of Vero aaaaaaaaaaaaa Mass., has ‘been appointed to the management." businees with America’s Betty Jean, 7. and Anne Marie. 4, ______toatb a a a a ficial faction which has never ap' and yesterday. United Steelworkers of America « a ■ * • friends on the east shore. She had liceman Thomas Gauthier nf Col­ Beach. Fla. The Clear.vs are former WOOkljf ...eaaaaaaaaa staff of the Mary Cheney Li­ Cooper and other 1 n d u s t r .v oldest consumer loan RIB FOR H tlU | [tO C o p y • a a a aa a a Inclusion of Bonn on his sched­ and the Industry wsre adjourned passed the Community Beach and chester Barracks gave him a sum­ Columbia re.ridents. The four LOIN ;S proved the idea of any cessation of brary. spokesman could not be reached company. I-iBiirie Jean, daughter of Mr. and Mra. Harold Amsden. 1.52 ule moved up Eisenhower's de­ last Friday until today. VACATION South St.. Rockville. She waa born Aug. 2 at Rockville City Hoa- was midway between it and her mons for speeding and he is in ap­ women have just returned to the LAMB STEW Tba Harald Pnattai O om ^y, 1 ^ nuclear testing, and which fought, Miss Kemp was coordinator of immediately Tor comment on parture for Europe by one day — Absent from today's talks were A loan of ItOfl coats IM.SO whan pear in Trial .luslice Court Aug, ■United States after 10 months In LAMB CHOPS LAMB CHOPS aaauinooaaaumaa do niimiNnanelal reaponalblllty lor the branch librariee of the bor­ statements n>aake. David Forbes was first In would like to. It is to be hoped that North Atlantic Treaty Organiza­ turned to New York to work m industries have been made idle. unusual factors. Including steel Houm" 10 to 4 Moo., T w „ TMirt.— 10 le I Wod., W. standing football player. Pepin has clude a visit to West Germany and To Make Voters boat a glancing blow, putting a the Eisenhower decision, snd the tion. He has no plans to meet with a reference and young people's li­ Finnegan conferred with Secre stockpiling by industries In antlc- completed his second year of study WILL RE CLOSED hole right through the side and Chancellor Adenauer in his forth­ all the heads of the NATO govern­ brarian. then went to Portland, tary of Labor James P. Mitchell in ipation of the strike. at Connecticut State Teachers Col­ official policy, which was to enter There will be only two regular breaking it down right where she OVER 200 coming European trip is to be wel­ ments. Maine, for two years to be In lege in New Britain. He t.4 the old­ FOR VACATION these negotiations in good faith voter-making ses-sions this year ae- had been sitting; the right oar Hagerty .said Eisenhower will re­ charge of the circulation depart­ est rhild of Mr. and Mrs. Alexis PRESCRIPTIONS comed. It is the honest, straight­ still standi, and that It includes no cording to State law. which she had been using whs main in Paris for several days, but ment. 5 MAIN ST. - OPEN 9 TO Si.lO - THURSDAYS AND FRIDAYS TO 9 P.M. - CLOSED MONDAYS - MI 3-5171| Pepin. i AUGUST .3 TO CHINA forward course. The alternative The first meeting of the Board broken off in two places. The larg- i free Delivery decision to rush into new nuclear added no exact date has been set Following her work In Maine About Town would have heen an attempt to by­ for Admission of Elertor.s will be er_ _ \ boat_____ a ______ranH . right - . over the 4top - ^ of ' AUGUST 16 testings the moment we come out for hla .return to this country. she returned to New York City Joyee Marie, daughter of Mr. pass the West German leader snd held on Aug. 29 and the seeond on and Mrs. Robert Simmons nf Twin the bow of the row boat. LIGGEn DRUG PATTERNS from under our one year renuncia­ Khruihchev la due in Washington to work In branch libraries for six Sept, 12. Both are scheduled for OPEN AUGUST 17 hla ob\-tou8 opposition both to the S«pt. 15. years in Manhattan, the Bronx, Hill Dr., Coventry, was baptized Her one hope. Mrs. Terwilliger SHOPPING PARKADE tion. A continuation of that re­ Saturdays. yesterday at St. Maurice Church. said, from this brush with death is process of high direct diplomacy Eisenhower is known to have and Staten Island. A third .se.s.sinn on Oct. 3 l.s nunciation would be better policy James L. Rogers of Bolton Cen­ which is now opening between Rus­ set no date for his return visit to She was then offered work in ; strictly limited.by law to those who for us, and for the world children ter Rd. entered Crestfield Con- Russia. Instead, he is keeping his western Massachusetts to experi­ were not qualified for previou.s ses­ sia snd America and to its poten­ vale.scent Hospital Friday. Rogers, CHOICE UNLIMITED of tomorrow. schedule flexible through next ment with a regional library serv-! sions but will he qualified before tial positive results. who ha-s lived in Bolton for more January to attend any East-West ing several 'small towns. the biennial town elerlion on Oct. 5. The stakes are so high. In Eisen­ summit meeting that may be ar­ On her return to New York City than 20 years, is a former resident Waiting For The Polls puts you to Citizens must be 21 yeara of age, AT. hower's decision to make his cur-, ranged. There is some thought this two years later she was made Ad­ s resident of the stale for one^year of Manrhester where ,-he was a Governor Rockefeller has, we mail carrier. rent effort for peace, as to demand could develop from Khrushchev's ministrative assistant in the circu­ WATKINS and of the town for six months, in suspect, been guilty of weakening visit here, although the odds are lation department, a poet she .held rublle Reenrds plain snd honest dealing with our addition to these qualifications, na­ Why his own chances for the presidency against it. for three years until she became j Warrantee Deed: Ellerip T, and allies. Adenauer must not be al­ turalized citizens pi’tki presont F.laine R. Baker to William J, Jr.. I whatever they might otherwise A summit meeting could be ar­ coordinator of branches in the their eitizen.ship papers. lowed to stand, for any special ranged, it Is understood, without borough of Richmond, then aseiat- SEMI-ANNUAL sleep on a and Maureen A. Houle, property on No need to scurry obout Fiann Realty Wins have been, by his admission that ant chief of the circulation depart­ reasons of his own, in the way of major concessions from the Rus­ The Fian J Really tear.i ha.s won Bolton Center Rd. looking. We have them all! he will look to the public opinion ment for all New York Public U - ' Quitclaim Deed: John D. Ave'yj r n o r e r any honorable East-West settle­ sians, but not without some as- the town championship in the Bol­ polls for guidance as to whether or auranca they would agree to some­ brarles. ' HOME FURNISHING to Town nf Bolton, easement for ment. Neither, on the other hand, Miss Kemp plana to make h e r; ton Junior Baseball program. They drainage on Plymouth I-Ane. ^ not to become a candidate. thing to promote peace. defeated Sheridan's Oarage, first LINOX should he be circumvented. It is home in Manchester. She succeeds ! sofa-bed.. at a If, in November, the public Eisenhower is thinking in terms round winner, 4-1 in a single game PRANCISCAN best that he hear what the Presi­ of a five or six-day visit to the former reference librarian Leroy | MaiieheKter Evening Herald Bol­ opinion polls show him doing run­ Provins, who is now head of the 1 Saturday. ton rorres|M>ndent, Doris M. Shop GRAND UNION ROYAL DOULTON dent has in mind directly from the Soviet Union, with possible visits Walt Ravier, pitching for Piano, ning ahead of Vice President Nix­ Washington County Free Library n'llalla. telephone Mitchell .1-5.54.5. FRANCONIA President, even though the meet­ to war-bettered Stalingrad and in Hagerstown,'Md. struck out eight men and walked on as a against various to Kuibyshev, the temporary Rus­ SALE aVRACUSR ing involved may well be the great big saving! none. Lee William.son wr.s catcher regularly and SAVE! Democratic possibilities, then he sian capital during World War II. Duke H"tchin.son and Willard Tr.v French 5Vay FLINTRIDOK toughest and most difficult of all w-ill make a fight for the nomina­ But that trip is not likely Vo be Sliplley Bill Backed Warren were the battery for .Sher­ ROORNTHAL the meetings now In prospect for made until some weeks after Add s tion. But If, in November, the polls idan's. Di r had seven strilie-ouU Biscuit the French way CONTINRNTAt Eisenhower. Khrushchev visits here, and after Hartford, Aug. 10 I* —The Con­ snd walked three. Three were hit tittle sugar to a regular baking- showing Nixon doing a better job W hat does your home need CAaTLRTON JlWIlftS -SltVMSUirNS The surface assurances Ade­ Eisenhower has had a chance to necticut Labor Council. AFL-CIO, by pitched halls. powder bi.scuil recipe. agidnst the various Democratic report to- the western Allies oa has declared itself in favor of the 95* M A IN ST., M ANCH ESTFB nauer says he wants, the things he to make it more comfortable: Players have been asked to re­ possibilities, he will relax, and his Washington talks with Khrush­ Shelley bill, one of three labor con­ turn their cleaned uniforms to THE KNOWN NAME, can talk about in public, are all trol bills up for debate tomorrow more attractive? O r, are«you leave Nixon's path to the presiden­ chev. their managers thi.s week. A meet­ easy and automatic. The President Eisenhower's vi.slt to Bonn late , in , the U.8. House of Representa- starting from scratch and require Helps You Overeoma THE KNOWN QUAUTY SINCE 1900 tial nomination free and clear. ing of the managers will be held does not intend to sell out'Berlin, this month will be his first there 1 Friday at 8 p.m. at the Commu­ If we read this, and were then The endpraement was announced everything? You'll find he does not Intend to abandon since he became president in nity Hall where all uniforms and FALSE TEETH approached hy a pollster, we 1953. He last was there, when he Saturday by the stale labor group’s home furnishings of Watkins the democracy of West Germany or gear will he eollecteri for winter made a good-bye tour of NATO legislative committee. The bill has Looseness and Worry would have some slight instinct to the backing of the national AFL- sterling Famous Simmons Nevertheless, if President Eisen- With their leaden, George Pe- sult of a minor o? serious cash outlays, you’ll find that IN S T A N T tlon, which was to try to balance ■ hpwer is now determined to make a denon and Howard Shumway, the M ONEY-the Connecticut Bank and Trust MELONS condition. Pain is just one the state's budget and pay for |pUmmKWIIWklilllMtl!Wil|IMMmWlttmri8HiW'FllhuiWHHMbifilinMMUWUIIlB)ill!iirtiJ1inuiltmM|F)WHnMLi«haiaanw^ supreme effort toward peace, it is boya put their canoes into the of many other^symptoms to Company’s continuing credit plan-oflfers you new programs by raising taxes. water a week ago Saturday at luxurious Hide-A-Beds A Picture Book Patio ^ght and honest that he should a really practical way to pay now for the 6 O Z .j His success up to this point Wells River, Vt. At night they be studiedlf a cure ia to re­ deal with his first great potenUal things- you need, and repay in convenient cans would seem to be one which has camped in tents carried in a sta­ sult. Do"Hot wait till pain WE BUILT OURSELVES ' roadblock directly, and not try to tion wagon by one of the leaders monthly' payments that your budget can read­ ORANGE JUICE 5 been achieved without reliance up­ grows sharp and sickness detour around it; Such direct hon­ who kept ahead of the canoers. ily handle. on public opinion polls. And our rag^s. Consult your physi­ To do it yourself . . . see The W, (i. CIcnney (^ . They’ll advise on every esty may also ".prove the best One night they alept In a covered Mail the cotipqn now for your application 29 oz. own continuing public opinion poll bridge at Haverhill, N. H. cian immediately to prevent reg. $279.00 detail from construe! ion site, lo groundj^yeHng, to proper selection of eourse, simply because Adenauer and full information'-or phone or call at any BEVERAGES rnicnw 4 bots. still shows that the American pub­ They took their crafts out of the other pain-filled days and base and surface materials. Construclioifadvicc is free. cannot directly and openly defend Connectifiit Rank and Trust Company office. lic is waiting and eager for men water at Holyoke and Friday possible serious sickness. hla real concerns. night camped on top of Mount Y'oii do NOT have to be a depositor to qualify CLIP THIS BONUS COUPON All these materials to build a 10' x 12-ft. patio with canopy and a picnie w'ho don't act as if they had to Tom. It was the first time, they for INSTANT MONEY. know what the poll* say before thought, that anyone had taken A Watkins exclusive and limited to our stock on hand. for entertaining 9^* each table . . . Bomb Faction Fights On they know what they themselves five canoea to the top of this YOUR PHYSICIAN Hid*-A-Beds of a button-back Lawson design with only S i ^ . 0 0 per month A fter the Russians at the Ge­ think. mountain, where they could not CAN PHONE Beautyrest daytime seating epmfort and innerspring *10 possibly be used. They took them (Reg. $14.95). Handiest thing ever, these 18 x 18- neva conference on cessation of nu­ Mitchell 3-6321 mattre.ss luxury for night time, are tops in style and clear testing had made natural use for safety's sake. inch chow tables that can be grouped in various T h e No. L grade Quarry Run Vermont WHEN YOU NEED comfort. We bought thfim in i group of discontinued B ric k o f the statement of Senator Clin­ Downey Kin Die* The boys had all portages ways; separate .when you serve luncheons or. re­ 5 0 FREE Flagstone through the cities, for the dams A MEDICINE earth-tone, fabrics from Simmons popular Colorama ton Anderson predicting that the freshments. Finished in a warm, mellow nutmeg Piberglas Patio Canopy Wallingford, Aug. 10 (/P)—The they had to go-around were all lo­ Connecticut Banlc^ Redwood to build a 6' x 8' United States would resume test­ Cover Collection. No more when they’re gone . . . .so brown maple. ailing grandmother of Communist cated in them. This was one rea­ hurry. TRIPLE-S BLUE STAMPS Cement picnic (able and benches. * ing bombs after Oct. 31, and that China prisoner John Downey of son the itation wagon went along AND TRUST tOMPANV Material for a privacy fence to carry heavy equipment and other nations would follow our ex­ New Britain, died at her home Pick up your prescrip­ This cerfi'ficate entitles you to 50 TRIPLE-S BLUE STAMPS yeeterdey. . travel along down the route by tion if ahopping ne%r ua, or In Manchester Phone MI 3-1171 FREE for your TRIPLE-S STAMP SAVER B O O K with the pur- FINANCING ample, our delegate to Geneva, highway. Mrs. Elizabeth Downey, well for light chase of $2.50 or more. James Wadsworth, had to light Wilbur Fletcher, acoutmaater, let ua" deliver promptly When you open your account, state the amount qf monthly payment you into her 80s. had been sick for a hack by pointing out that Senator without extra charge. A You pay low bank rertos oiily en the amount of Limit I Coupon Per Adult. long time. John Downey’s mother who has a first hand knowledge of for bdoks wish to make and your total credit will be ten times that amount. the river, said the section in which great many people entrust Instant Money credit you’re actually uiing .. . Th’» offe? aspires on Wednesday, Aug. 12th. Anderson, even though he i*' chair­ recently asked Red Oh 1 n e a e they traveled was mostly like man of the Congressional Atomic authorities to let her son come us with the responsibility 9 ” and you have up to 24 months to ropoyl lakes and paddling constantly was 24-95 Our New Hours Are: Energy Committee, is not the of­ home to see his grandmother be- of filling their prescrip­ necessary. There was no current Reg. $12.50 Modern lamps are 7:30 A.M. fill 5:00 P.M.— Mandoy thru Thursday ficial voice for America, and was before she died. But the request for "a free ride" said he. tions. May we compound was denied. The Connecticut Bonk and Trust Company , merely advancing his personal .yours? 38Vi inches tall; fabric-over- 7:30 A.M. tiH 8:30 P.M— Friday Downey, 29, was captured Ut Manchester Evening Herald Co- Danish-styled walnut- opaline shades; aqua or,mocha INSTANT MONEY, Main St. views. Wadsworth emphasized, too, 1952 after an Air Force plane 7:30 A.M. till Noon— Saturday that Anderson was basing his pre­ ■mnhin oorrespendent Mrs. Donald finished bookcases come textures. Manchester, Conn. DOUBLE T. STAMPS crashed on a flight from Japan to R. 'Tuttle, telephone AOademy' diction on his assumption that the Korea-. He and ^chard F ect^u of S-S4S6. in three’ popular sizes. ' Please send full information and on INSTANT ■ Geneva conference would fail be­ Lynn, Mast., both clViUans, were Reg. $29.60 ,‘io-inch size, MONEY application form. I undersfond it. costs me EVERY WEDNESDAY! "Your Guarantee-..-Our 38 cause of Russian tactics there. charged with eepionage. Downey PURPLE HEARTS ELECT Shown to left. nothing to open on INSTANT MONEY oecounf. waa given a life aenteiice and Fec- -jdneutiiHEy.. Hartford, Aug. 10 (flV-The Con­ (ffMcftCii Years Of .Dependable' Nonetheless, Wadsworth had to teau 20 years. Reg. $26.00 24-inch necticut Department of the Mil­ Prescription Pharmacy N o m e ...... - ...... Service” fight hla way out of a strategic Mrs. Downey’s exact age. waa itary Order orf the Purple Heart size ...... 19.95 410 Middle Tpk. not made available. She was born 901 Main Street Reg. $34.50 36-inch BUILDING MATERIALS propaganda hole, not only because has elected Dominic cmofrlo of 336 NORTH MAIN ST. s f the unofficial Anderson speech, In Middletown and has been peald- New -Ha 'en ar lU commander; size ...... 29.95 West •Quotation by Heater Thrale — Zeno $lala MANCHESTER Ing In Wallingford more than 80 LUMBER FUEL kut also because of the more of- Noll Ryan of Ansonla, was elect­ Take care of you^ books! Prieea Bffeettve at ear Maadieoter Store tlira W e d .. Auf. Utii We Reeerra The Bight Te Limit Qoaatlllee TEL. MI 9-525S ^ yeara. She was tha widow of- John ed eenlor vice commander at the (1739-1821) O F MANCHESTER flelal taetlB^y of John keCone, Copyright 1959 ( 7W4) F. Qpwnsy. group's meeting yeaterday. t ■ h PAGK SfVlN MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHES'TER. CONN, MONDAY, AT’GT;st 10, 19S9 MANCHEimCR EVENINO HERALD. MANCHB8TEB, CONN.. MONDAY. AUGUST 10. 19B9 P A O i s n They asked for an order reetralnlng DAILY CR0H8W0RD PUZZLE Unlikely ReauH, Hoover Say$ the board from using the pupil- Extended ForcciiJifSafe Drivers BUGS BUNNY OUR BOARDING UOU8I 'with MAJOR HOOFLE Faubu8 Delays placement law, on grminda that It denied the Negro students benefits Temperaturas In Connecticut for of previous court decrees in connec­ the next five days. Tuesday To Get Cut in Antwar to PfvlBUB Pmrio Moves in War tion with the court-approved plan through Baturday, will average IWE m (5R S A TJ>£ 5AR^ , Khrushchev Could Win < intcjfratlon here from normal to about 3 degrees be­ SEEM M HANE^ 6MUL6 Musicol Inttrludf No dale waa sft for action on the low normal with little day to day Auto Insurance I?SMIND ME- YJ6T M HO RESPECTFOir Qn Integration motion. changes expected. TO m u AW "V- ______' ./ Meanwhile, anti-integration poet- The normal mean temperattire UBirTcJDiijk'CDKI TOMB^THE A60NV OF Al Imortality with Peace (Continned from F*t* 'Ym ? HEAD 5HRlNK6K^OOESUPHA5l|--j«|jg5i SOLViBU? AOBOM lUualeal era appeared in the Dollarway Dis­ Inatrumant (Continiieti fmin Page One) Ih tha Hartford arts dtiring this X ViON'T BE- ^ TO i n -----Stick!" trict near Pine Bluff. 40 miles BMeaauraa pierlod Is 73 dagreas ranging from driving, for example, wmiM eount NEEDIN(9 M lSyyuOW M ^^T^i QfliygTv^ uy flijD WAR ■ "------cBthe (Ootitimied from Page One) assigned to Horace Mann High for southeast of here. The district re­ BDance Ind), House Republican leader, an average high of S4 to' a low of five points. i Negroes. cently waa ordered hv a federal 81 R!B| ” f Eloquant defend herself aucceaefully If ne- said "I don't believe anything's The two underwriter groups t h in g s t h a t A c ^ a / r ^ l incapacitated f CUihlon going to be given away. .At the Buyer’s fUrlkea Planneti court to admit three Jlegroea to a Bcattered ahowera ara expertad speaker reaeary. But h# also saw room for white high achoo). repreaent more than 250 different N08AewA«( NU««T S3 Small child Sovltt Union 45 Sounder than all others, and that is the thing about stopping Integrstlon. Ankara Turkey's Preaiderttlal DON'T rTHft, V CN* AAVTULLV MUJrVS •'^A miuuon; mMJ tally Interested In retaining aegregstion 34 Entity 38 Dock worker IS Sooner lag in our training of the beat Newspaper estimates of the but segregation leaders denied Philharmonic Society has a con­ £In B8 Kftf I KNOW TOR TWAT ) STOOKtP \ WRI6H1P Unuaual 38 Conatnned 48 German king And recruiting posters for the Ku rKAfTIN- matter X MORSI .' / \ A TON y 37 brains we have in the United damage ranged from $12',4 million knowledge of it.' tinuous history of nearly ISO y 'A 39 Bearinf Klux Klan were found lacked on 1 I TO Twe States, the creation of enough to $20 million. Damage to rice and Faubus yesterday had no com­ telephone poles and posts south of years. It was attached to the WAAON.' I 33 Keep r r scientists and engineers to carry sugar cane fields was extensive. ment on new court action aimed at court of the Ottoman Turkish 34 Take 1 r } r r 8 9 I-lttle Rock. T)EWtS The (Id^ waters were receding making the school board a^mit to sultans and later moved to An­ I 'I ' j/ ' vansaanca our productive system forward. w in some areas but many commu­ white high schools sny Negroes kara when Turkey became, a re­ SB RriticUnt r 1? "The Russians are outnumbering According to legend. Kill I>evll nities were still cut off. More than living In attendance areas of those public in 192.3. The orchestra gives ' 37 Bull’! eye li us about live to one in those pro­ Hill. N, C., site of the first alr- r 14 fessions which we are solely de­ 1.000 students and the faculty of schools. pl.ane flight, got Its name from a weekly concerts during its eight- SB Be fpupl Attorneys for the National Asso­ S t a lw a V' 39 renMlet pendent upon for our defense and the Christian Tunghai University,' brand nf nim so potent that It month aesaon am' also broadcasts ‘Ac t s o p a f t e ? ■T iH ciation for the Advancement of tndera (ab.) iT for our progress and well-being . . . in the . uturLv. of Taichung, were could "kill the devil." over Radio Ankara. A NISHT OUT= • 4 Colored People filed the action in 42 "Tha-----of r I think we ought to reorganize the marooned. A ir drops of food were a Perfect high schools of the United States, planned to them. Some ,.500 pas­ U.S. District Court Saturday. z T Day" r r W r r . . . where we have a system which sengers were stranded on a train 44 Inaeeta Iscks entirely in discipline and in near Changhua. An emergency de­ CARNIVAL RY DICK TURNER 4B Proclalmi }! effective training , . li r> of food was planned for W |]A *«* * 49 Broof parti T Talk nr Fight tl.em also. Sciience Shrinks Piles BSOvtr r You either talk to the Russians There was some flood damage E. A JOHNSON B4Motharhood w 'll or eventually you are going to to U.S. insU.lIations and equipment BY AL VERMEER SB Gimp (ilani) fight them. Vice President Richard in the Tainan area otf southern New Way Without Surgery PKISaLLA*S POP 17 Paaaafe in M. Nixon has told American tele­ Formo.sa. But officials said it was tha hraln V 1" PAINT 00. 1 PELL OFP A RIPPED MY WADE^^ SE^MS FUNNY vision audiences. "not too serious." .C U T M Y k n e e , L O ^ J n e x t w i n t e r 68 Dash r Stops Itch—Relieves Pain ROCK AND ^ K "The alternative, to me, is un­ Oen. Leander L>. Doan, senior “ __ .. - I • I . 111.- ae«»l1. m y b e s t J ’LL REMEMBER 89 Poem 723 MAIN ST. S ~ T.rk, X. T. l) - For tho aatonlahing autementa like "FIlea MORIARTY B U S T E D I PIPE! acceptable, not only for us. but to U.S. Army commander in For­ hart ceaaM to be a problem!" M V N EW ■THIS AS A 60 Not one r mosa. lent two helicopters and a first tinio science has found a new r them, and for the world general­ healing aubitanca with the aaton- The leeret la a naw haaling snb- r o d ; ^WONDERFUL I l i s m i i S i i 81 Plexus , plane for relief operations. Two .TIME' % r w ly," Nixon said yesterday. lahing ability to ahrink hetnor- •tanea (Bio-Dyna»)-diicorery of BROTHERS DOWN Nixon expressed his views on the helicopters of the U.S. 7th Fleet rhoida, atop itching, and relier# a world-famoua raaaareh iaatitute. Cl This aobatanea la now avail abla 1 Throw at dice lA If exchange of visits by top 'Cr.S. and were also taking part in the relief Has pain — without lurgery. 301 CENTER ST. w In casa after caee, while gently in mppotitory or ointmtnt form I Wish Soviet officials while narrating work. under the name /’reporaftea M.* Plans we.e made to doctors relieeing pain, actual reduction CBS and NBC telecasts of films (ohrinkagei took place. At your druggist, Monay back Ml 3.S13S made during his recent visit to and medicine, to the flood areas to “RUST-OLEUM” Mo«t amaiingof all- results were guarantaa. help prevent epidemics. •Sec. II. 8. Pat. Og. BY FRANK O’NEAL Russia. S O thorough that fufferera mad# SHORT RIBS His opinions on the exchange Peiping Radio meanwhile re­ visits were in reply to the criticism ported heavy rains around the Red Bcry, LOOK that his trip and the scheduled ex­ Chinese capital. It said 20'j inches AT IT9W N ! change of visits by Khrushchev fell there in the past 37 days and and President Elsenhower are that ue era! million peasants were hypocritical and immoral. battling floods. Nixon said he considered it es­ Typhoon Ellen swept out to sea sential, in recognizing the dif­ last night after diminishing to a mere 44 miles an hour. It caused BY A L CAPP and BOB LUBBERS ferences between the United States LONG SAM snd Ruasia, that they not be dis­ 10 deaths, injured 10 persons and cussed by trading insults 5,000 flooded 4,00n nomes on the south­ miles apart. ern Japanese island" of Kyushu. "What we should do," Nixon said, "Is to sH down around the &S j 9 conference table, where we can, so 5 Persons Hurl '' that there will be no miscalcula­ tion on the part of either side as to In Auto Crash ri /« WT ‘1-^r r' >» fw i Stik /'TH E WINDS \ the strength or the will that either I Am Excited, Really! side possesses." New Ha^en, Aug. 10 l/P A Although he doesn't .show it, Frank Collidge, 11. of Church St., Nixon gave these impressions of one-car accident on the Connecti­ Hebron, was doubly elated Saturday. Here he holds a 2-week-old Khrushchev; cut Turnpike yesterday put three Holstein heifer he won at the Hebron 4-H Town Fair, awarded to He can do pretty much as he young people from Rhode Island him by Kenneth Porter, past master of the Grange. An 11- wants, he is sensitive about public in the hospital and caused less month-old Holstein heifer Frank is raising as hi.s project in the opinion outside the Soviet 'Union, serious injuries to two others. "Milk Drips" 4-H Club won the grand champion award at the he likes to do the unexpected, he State Police said the car, driven T.M. Ih. lU. M. M. fair, doubling Frank's delight. The calf he holds is a direct de­ 8-/0 e IHt kr « « •w.riat'W. is an articulate defender of h's by Mi.ss Judy Guidone, 20, of scendant of the first calf awarded at the 19.52 Hebron 4-H Fair point of view, he knows how to John.ston, R. I., .swerved and hit a to Joyce Kinney in a "calf-chain " arrangement through which 2Today we’re(fito putting the apotJIght46 on sofns, chairs!l and “Ho’ b abtorbod by ocionco! Appliti It to ovorything— grab the headlines and he doesn't center guard rail, bounced away, the Grange helps maintain youth interest in agriculture. Frank sections. Rut that doesn't mean that the Angnst flala JUDD SAXON BY REN BALD and JERRY BRONDFIELD getting the car. upping hii allowanca . . . I” like to concede anything. and then hit again. has been a member of his 4-H club less than a year. (Herald Is limited to npholstered furniture, MADE IN OUR Several members of Congress, in All five occupants were .taken Photo by Pinto). OWN FACTORY. Not in the least! This Is a store- youvtORKroRMt, BUT WOULD KXI to Grace-New Haven Community JUW. WU OON'T B E... MORE statements and interviews over wide sale! EVERYTHING Is Included: Red'rormis, din­ HAVB ID QRNOE TO ATTRACTED TO the weekend, also expressed their Hospital. After treatment in the ing rcHuns, kitchen sets, tables, desks, bookcases, wrall JESSICA IF PESfiY views about the visits. emergency room. Miss Ann Tenag- MY OWJOHTCR'S BY ROUSON units, lamps, mirrors . . . well, you name It; wefve got ■ V TUNE... UNLESS, 6RESS WEREN'T,,, LITTLE SPORTS Rep. John W. McCormack ID- lia, 19, Providence, and John Mac- It . . . and at real Important savings! Come hrswss vrilj WANT TO ' IN THE PICTURE...? i I AtvimaiNa a 4im c y Mass), House Democratic leader, carone, 20, Warwick, were re­ around . . . rome with the family . . . If you decide to called the Khrushchev visit an un­ leased. ' )«KUI buy (and we don't see how you can resist) do It on qualified mistake. He said the late Miss Guidone was admitted for Say the word onr liberal budget plan. Secretary of State John Foster treatment of a possible kidney Dulles would not have approved of rupture. Miss June Spreoka, 24, it. Providence, and Richard Caycedo, Sen. Allen J. Ellender (D-La) 20, Cranston, were admitted also. said the exchange Is desirable to Caycedo suffered a concussion and B iggest VatuenCMng ease tensions. To ignore "Mr. Miss Sprecka a po.ssible concus­ Khrushchev and his henchmen," sion. the hospital reported. Ca4g.’9«5w>''Uat>g«tew». Ellender said, would not make Slate Police said a reckless driving charge will be brought Spent Of The Year! them any less dangerous. against Mi.ss Guidone. B. C. BY JOHNNY HART Sen. John Marshall Butler ( R- You’re always welcome at BENE^CIAL J Md) said "However painful it BQZINI BROS. Bills piling up? Beneficial's Summer Money P lan gives SAWYER BY ROY CRANE —n o w THBtY TWITTER t h e y p r o b a b l v & o r Y o u c e r t a in l y h a v e might be, we must remember that AN D f l i t t e r t h e W A Y A BADCASB OF NERVBS. A KNACK FOR Premier Khrushchev" will only be you cash for left-over bills . . . plus cash for vacation . . . '” 'pc. Foam Rubber Sectional. 0HE 9ilXXinOF MEAOS M t lM MRWIR •friends’ with Communist com­ AUTO plus International Credit Card to get extra cash wKerever Choo.se from arm-end, armless and (aOflpUKK.VO^ ^ OFFTMCMMRWNKS... th e-t' ext r CRUMMIN& UP A POBTIC- AAOOD : rades, and such 'friendship' at BODY you go— at any of 1150 loan offices. Phone today! bumper-end unit.s. Square and surh a price Is unacceptable to OLLIE'S rTHtSaUPOH-nERAPAR curved corner sections. ^ ' IS PKOMBLY YDURTSMir America." ★ WELDING Loam $20 to $000 — Loans lile-lnsured at low coat; SECTIONALS ■UZ. OUR BOYS HAYI BKN Rep. Charles A. Halleck (R- KECPINSANtfBONIT. ★ AUTO BODY and t06 MAIN ST., Over Woolworth’s, MANCHESTER REG. $299 to $529 now as low as . » ITS KEPT" FENDER REPAIRS Mitchell 3-4156 • Ask for the YES MANager 1MB SAME “ t f i i i r OPEN THURSDAY EVENINGS UNTIt 8 P.M. POSntONIW ic COMPLETE CAR / T tl. Ml 9-9814 A t*M •! $100 ctifi $20.40 when prtoiptlr roHiO hi 48----- PAINTING IS cMiMaftItP* oiMitNlY imttlliiiMito ef $10.0S moIl Full-.siz.e piece.s. .some over 8 feet long! FOR PRESCRIPTION Manv convert to double beds'with innerspring mattresses! I.AI.QUER and ENAM EL B im i PINE PHARMACY TEL. MI 9-S02B SOFAS BENEFICIAL now as low as ^ in DELIVERY 281 ADAMS ST. FINANCE CO. REG. $179 to $599 »ws. «!.* «m • I Nt e os*. BENCFICIAL riNANCE CO. IIOR'IY MEEKLE BY DICK C A V A L L l tlLBET OH.IDONT Kverything from ncca.siorial pull-up styles THieMTOC KNOW... to big comfortable loungers and recliners. MICKEY BY LANK LEONARD HOTTEST DR/ OF TOE'CAR GOOOtCM.'TWS K THAT mas MY FIRST ^ e-GooPotief/i-ive CHAIRS WCNCCXnJL.' B-BUT THOUCHT, TOO, FLOSSIE.’ PULLBP SOUeTH/N’, ~ SHOULD HE PLAY, BUT HE JUST LAU6HED -SURC! REG. $49.95 to $249.95 now as low as MRS. FINN-SO SOON -AND WENT RIGHT OUT AFTBHIS OPERATION? CUMUJ Beautiful woods, graceful styling and fine detailing make them welcome ad­ ditions to any home! Provincial, mod­ BEDROOMS ern, Colonial, Danish, contemporary, ^REG. $199.95 to $680 " now as low as

^ 3 Tnnerspring Mattre.ss, » ww w ««« 1*- TA m., icx Nt oe.1 «v o multi-coil inner construction! Handles and (APIA IN EASY BY I.ESLIE TURNER

THkT, 1 HhVB NOT Y B T LBARN 7^M0> J. BEDDING '/du COULDN'T DO WORSt , THERE1 NOW IF YOU Y WHVi VOU ONE MIN ibioTi ^ T D P th is; HOW TO 001 BUT 1 CM L B / t ^ MIO! HAVE RIDE ALL YOU IDIIASTBRl I AM REG. $59.95 to $99.95 now as low as MR. ABERNATHY BY RAI.STON JONES and FRANK RIDGEWAY ------CAR.M»»ThMTLyi — y WI*H( IBIP VOU ADI05! DRIVlNa VOU TO 1MU»T OVERTAK* A / JA ILt HAMUTTHAT I'DIOVETO, ' / THATlS NO PROBLEM, BE SURE TO THANK ------^ BUT I CANT YOU GO (?ET W UR TOE WARDEN FOR. US. Tt-ttf e raaL 7 pc. -Kitchen Set. SO UNTIL I HATANDCCATAND CRECrSD Table .16” x 48" x 60’ PNISH ALL V LET ME TAKE CARE OOHPLSTC THIS WORK/ ------OF IT. KITCHEN SETS on t)owr lot Of daKversd pte-panalsd REG. $129.95 to $169.95 now as low as ferMt<| DO'IT'YOURSBLP

Finished in NO MONEY DOWN -5 YEARS TO PAY glowing Salem maple. |®J BRST PAYMENT JAN. 11)60 KNEEHOLE DESKS Do bviineM wkh dw leader. Buy direct from REG. $59.95 to $119.95 now as low as Cooit — Ihe loroetl sMaufaetwrer of piw-fab- a JEFF COBB BY PETE HOFFMAN THE STORY OP MARTHA WAYNE BY WILSON J3CRUGGS ricated gordo** in America. f R O M T m ...m7WNTOAOm.yUTATn:WHBR£ THAUK YOU, Ml?4. PCKTEP. I ONLY AND FLAT she'll MAMAfiti look:, Mr. TOKTee, SHE'S •DM.y eUARUAN^" THE STILLNESS IS ABRUPTLY WANTED TO TELL YOU THAT DOMNA BiaoKE,r MOT COMIM6 BACK TO YOU UMTILYOU -«■ 0U3INeS6LK£ ON, 7MS TRUB. NEWS- SHATTERED BY..... CALL COLLECT! UNiversity 5-1181 HAS LOST HEK JOB AT THE BEAUTY SUPPOSE/] CHAN6E YOUR FAPER SVXY... OR SIND FOR FRII CATALOG salon. she's VERYUMMAPPV, MIND ABOIJT,^.. 0*109 PlMM rEKK IMmBwiiGd sc CoGRi K»etory«n«nt G«r«irM«



-tv ' T . MANCHESTER KV'ENING HERALD. MAN(’HESTER. CONN. MONDAY, AUGUST 10, 1959 M i NINE PAGB EIGHT MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN. MONDAY, AUGUST 10, 1959 Players Acquired in Trades Helping Giants THE Herald Angle Moore Fit, Ready to Defend Title Wednesday •y M a ie r m s u Sanford^ Jones L * EARL YOST Yvon Durell^ Football ;Leader*ss= Bparte BdIter Dow Finsterwald B olster Staff A In Top Shape AmericMi Lmipie Sunday I^work Is always neat, well worded Figures Batting—Kuenn. Detroit, .346; and to the point. . . . In Pennant Bid Woodling.' Baltimore, .330; K*Iine, Beautiful weather on the first Cleveland Champ For Rematch Detroit, .326; Fox. Chicago, .323; day ef the week end first Sunday Wednraday in Auguat. .. Gathered my family New York, Ang. H> (/T)— Forest Hills. N. Y. (NEA) Runnels. Boston, .313. Football season Isn’t loo many Montreal, Aug. 10 (/P)— An­ NatlnniO I.engue Runs Yost, Detroit. 85; Power, and we attended an early Mass weeks away. This was a certainty Cleveland. Aug. 10 (/P)— Dapper Dow Fin.Aterwald. with The New York Giant,ague tailef] Pat Suzuki, a hit in the theater, i.s tryinpr to stop tion of each week-end’s ac­ again when he took his line bogey ♦ver before,” said OoMman. "He 4.h> Dodgers, wh beaten R-7 13: Power. Cleveland, Yost and ball League play were made with and dined at the Ruppert Brewery on the closing hole, where, he town Cricket Club yesterday with qpuarterbacks hoping for the number one spot with the New York Giants. They are, left isn't s fancy Dan. neVef was, Yealerdav’s Results opponents from hitting in the Broadway Softball Show tivity. tryouts in the near future. Wlth- by file Braves, Pittsburgh defeated Kaline, Detroit and Thittle, Kansas before the game. Speaking of nick­ blasted a trap shot far over the a aoggy but refreshing doubles lo right, Charley Conerly, Frank Gifford, Don Heinrich and George Shaw. Still an­ never will be. But when T t4Mlt him Chicag«i> Ciilvs 5-3 in 10 innings Chicago 4-9. Wa.shinglon 3-0 I-«ague. a ty, 9. nilt any question the PAF Assn, names, Opalach, a fine baseball green. But his challengeri failed victory. sponsors more teams than any over he was woefully weak OB a for F.lroV-^'ace's 1.5th triumph Baltimore 4, Cleveland 3 Pitching Lown, Chicago, 8-2, and basketball player, was called, to take advantage of the lapse and The reigning Wimbledon cham­ other, I.ee Grosscup of Utah, joina the aquad after the All-Star Game at Soldier Field few fundamentals. v.'Uhoiit a defeat. It at-'” the Detroit 7. Boston 3 .800; Shaw, Chicago, 11-3, .786; other individual in Manchester and at times, Streaky, Stosh and Dow picked up the $3,500 top pions, Neale Framer and Roy in Chicago, Aug. 14. ______"He reminded me of Rocky Mar­ Pirates' l.Mh vi^opy In 16 over­ New York 4-3, Kansas Ci*v .8-2 McLish, Cleveland, 13-5, .722; have been a tremendous help In Sparkey, to list jiuit a few ..Real­ prize, a bonus of $5,000 for repeat­ elmeraon. fought back after drop­ ciano (former world heavyweight time games this sea.aop, (I4|, ( 11 ) Pappas, Baltimore, 12-5. .706; keeping the athletic program go­ tor I-«fly Bray, operating on a busy ing hla 1956 victory and $300 in ping the opening set to beat champ I when I first was given the ‘1 SAID YOII’RE THRotjGH !'— I’late Umpire Kenny Standings ing at full speed with their as­ schedule these past few weeks, Burkhart makes the apyrojn-iate (iiiKuut K‘*'^liire as he Philadelphia's la.st pla>e-Phillies Sh^ntz, New York, 7-3, .700. appearance money. Italy's Nicola Pietrangell and Or­ Job of making a fighter out of the swept a doiibleheafter frofn^St. W. L Pel. G.B Strikeouts ■ Wynn, Chicago, sistance and guidance, plus fl- stopped off for a few minutes to For a 28-year-old whose dad lando Sirola 3-6, 11-9, 6-3. (-5. moat clumsy and Inept boxer Tv# tells Fred Haney he’s had it in the se\enth inning of the I>oiiis, 8-3 an. 4-2, Chicago ...... 66 42 .611 - . 138; Score. Cleveland. 137; Pas- nsncisl help.. .Main St. Patrolman talk baseball. For years he was s wanted him to stud.v law, Finater- Afterwards, Hopman announced Pro Football Elevens ever seen Durelle was by no Cleveland ...6 4 46 ,.582 Newt Taggart asked, "What hap­ familiar figure at h()me games of Milwaukee-lxis AnReles game M^sterday. 'I’he Bi-aves' • * 3 Sox Lead by Three, cual. Washington, 129; Biinning, wald hag I’ound golf a gold mme. he would quit experimenting with means that bad when I startad to Baltlrnore . .. . 56 .55 .505 11', Detroit, 124; Lary, Detroit, 1L5. pened to the Red Sox?" If I knew. the Red Sox at Fenway, but lil.e manager, who appears surprised at his sentence, was (ilANT.S 4. KKI>S S Sanford, many others, his trips to Boston Since taking the tour seriously In combinations and would stick with coach him. As It Is he has im­ V ho missed nearly three weeks of New York . . . . 5.5 54 .505 11', National I^eagiie I'd gladly send my thoughts along 1955, when he came out of the hla winning pair ------a team ha (^ar for First Action proved anoiigh and has the stami­ continuing the argument liegun liy .lohnny Logan, Detroit ^ . 54 58 ,482 14 lo owner Tom Yawkey. If he would have been few this sea.son ..Office thrown out for protfesting a third strike a moment be­ action in June becaii.se of a hand Batting Aaron, Milwaukee. wag made an announcement late military aervice, he has picked up considers hla aca in the hole in na, punch, determination and cour­ injury, pitched his third straight KatiR.is Cit\ V-.52 .58 .473 15 listen. Taggart has. like a number $157,713 In tournament winnings. the Challenge Round at Forest age to whip Moore this week.’’ fore. Despite the misconduet. .Milwaukee won 8-7. (.AP Boston ...... 50 60 .4.55 17 .366; Cunningham, St. Louis, 340; of men I know, been a Red Sox in the day which took fellow staff­ complete garni as the Giants took Temple, Cincinnati, ,322; Cepeda, ers by surprise. "The Yankees," he Add to that his income from his Hills, N. Y., Aug. 28-30. New York, Aug. 10 (JF)— Juat what the headlines of win­ Moore seemed to worry about Photofax) Washington ..44 68 .393 24 fan for years. "I'm not giving upj’ ^ golf shop at Tequeata, endorse­ hla own temper than Durelle. the rubber of the three-game San Francisco, .317; Pinson, Cin- Taggart said. "They w i l l c o S ^ 8° up. Parting today^ The Ausslea,—3-0 over Italy ning the National Football I>eague title last December did series from the Reds. He walked Toda.v's Schexliile Win 28 by One Run cinati, ,314. - • ■ . ) ^i-hTliddCd. Note, Yankees lost to De- ments, televised matches, exhibi­ with two meaningless singles He said he lost his temper at a 1 4-0 two and fanned five.. Np\y York at Boston (N) I-4ir- back."., .Volleyball on a cool night tions and as a representative of matches to be played today, now to the Baltimore Colt.s will be known Friday night when they fighter named Len Moorow once Rung Pinson, Cincinnati, 89; occupied the first two hours after trqjl hours later.1. .City Editor Hal Cepeda's homer, his 23rd of the sen (6-6) vs Sullivan (6-7) Aaron. Milwaukee, 81; Neal. Los T,!Hrkiflgton forwarded a ticket to athletic .and apparel concerns and go to Brookline, Mass., for the play the College All-Stara at Chicago’s Soldier Field and hit him ao hard he had a brain New York, Aug. 10 (JP)— bv defeating the Boston Red Sox.- broke a 3-3 tie in the seventh on dinner and then I "watched the last year enabled the Giants In defeat ! Cleveland nl Kansas Cilv (Nl Angeles and Mays, San Franeiaeo, the desk, good for one seat on Ihe he's a popular guy with the Inter­ Inter-zone finals against India Country Club The Detroit Lions, 1957 NPL^ concusalon. Don Newcombe for the first time. MrLiah (13-5) v.x Herbert. (10-8) Ability to win the close ones is 7-3. a two-out single by Joe Ginsberg, hsif of the All-Star baseball game nal Revenue Bureau. quired tackle Ken Rusaell In Mc­ "That scared me, taught me * * * 80; Mathews, Milwaukee, 79.' 50-yard line for the Baltlmore-Col- next' weekend. But Hopman con­ MEN’S DIVISION Champa, were Just another team The big righthander has whipped Only Games a walk to Boh Bo.yd and third from I-iOi Angeles on teevee. Being lege All-Star football game on Frl- siders this one cut-and-dried. Cormick’s spot. Russell was ob­ never to lose my temper," he said. what makes championship WHITE SOX 4-9. .SENATORS haaeman George Strirkland's error Runs Batted In Banks, Chira­ an American League fan 1 was BEST BALL FOURSOMES when Head Coach Otto Graham's Stengel Hints them four times this season and Tomorrow's Heheritda go, 102; Robinson, Cincinnati and dsy night. Aug. 14 my birthday. "If Naresh Kumar hadn't been tained fron Green Bay last Satur­ ’The Montreal Athtetlf Conunis- clubs and the Chicago White Stars lambasted them 35-19 last I holds a 10-6 career record against New York at Boston .8-0 — Wynn became the Ameri­ of Brook.s Robinson's grounder. glad with the outcome, a 5-3 deci­ The ticket was for TV use only .. Two-Thlrda HaiKHcnp day for a future draft choice. Wil­ slon la expected to name the ref­ Sox have won 28 of the .‘1.3 can I-eagup's biggest winner when Aarqtj^, Ij^llwaukee, 90; Bell, Cin­ called home we might have wor­ year. The Liens never recovered , them. The Reds forced the game Cleveland at Kansas City (N) Jim Perry lost his fourth of 12 de­ cinnati and Cepeda, San Francisco, sion for Casey Stengel and his Rainy evening and it gave me a Legion, Moriarty Saturda.v lie Davia and Flo.vd Peters will eree. for Wednesday's fight today he blanked the .Benatora on three cisions. crew. ried,” the Australian chieftain Lan Glglio, Ray DellaFera, Cass and finlahed fifth in the Western ! into overtime when Jerry Lynch Chirago pit Detroit. (Nl one-run games they’ve played 76. chance to catch up on rending. said. "We know Ramanathan Oonfarenot with a 4-7-1 record. also be given a Miot at the tackle or tomorrow. 'The commission Is Onl.v Games Srheduled. hits in the nightcap for his I5lh • « * Pacyna, Paul Hunt, 68-9-59; Art also to daclde whether alx or eight I smacked a game-lying home run this season. Hits Aaron, Milwaukee. 1.59; Games Postponed Krlshnan is very formidable. But Tha Colta •’avt. had only Intra- spot, as ^ytll rookies Francis with one out in the ninth. triumph. The veteran righthander, THIERS 7, RED SOX .8—A T ursday Friday Stevena, Del. St.-John, Al Cowles, O'Brien of Michigan State and ounce gloves will be used. Therein lies the reason why AI who gained the 264th triumph of Pinson. Cincinnati, 144; Temple, with a new and inexperienced squad crinunagee—one of which a H e 11 Be Back « * • four-run ninth, featured by Har­ Cincinnati. 140; Cepeda, San Fran­ School teacher-to-be Jim Mori- Rain forced postponement of Maurice Willey, 67-8-,59; Bob John Wot ten of Colorado • when Lopez' da.ahing Pale Hose-are in his major league career, posted his vey Kuenn's run-scoring single Although the sign wasn't up, player such at Premjlt Lai, India Boyce, Bundi Tarca, Jim Prior, attracted over 50,000 to Balti­ RR.\VK.S 8. DOmiERS 7 — The fir.st place in the American League cisco, 136; Blaslngame, St. I,kuila, arty who plays a lot of first base yesterday's ach^iiled Farming- shouldn't cause us too much they report from the All-8tari Pei 'ez Keeps Title fourth shutout of the season and and Glia Zernial'a single that drove, this was Visitor’s Dsy, and among with Moriarty’" baseball team, re­ Henry Gryk, 67-8-69, Paul Me more's Memorial Stadium. The Braves gave Bob Buhl an early 8-' today enjoying a three-game lead 133. the welcomed callers were Tiger ton Valley Baseball I>eague game trouble." Camp. . Ne«- York. Aiir. 10 i/Ti yesterday's vintorles. T h e y 41sl of his career. Wynn also in two more, gave Detroit's Don ported the Gan Housers were slat­ Namara, Bill Benglaon, Jerry Stars defeated the Chicago Bears Football Practice 0 lead, with six runs in the third over runner-up Cleveland. Doiiblea Aaron, Milwatikee, 38; John Wlet, Jack Stephens and Don between Moriarty Bros, and Un- Fraser and Blmerson didn't look 7-6 last week in a scrimmage that The Steelers underwent their Crspv .StpnRpl hinlPd rvpr sn were hy the old-timers and re­ banged a double and single In the Mossi his lllh triumph against ed for 12 gamer in IS days Big Beaulieu. Bill Davia, 67-8-59. and two more in the fourth. But he In Dull 15-Rouiifler The While Sox swept a double- White Sox' 11-hit attack. five defeats. CimoH. St. Louis. 36: Pinson, Cin­ Cowles. Wlet, executive secretary ionville at Mt. Nebo and the open­ unbeatable against the Italians, eliminated kickoffs snd handled only echediried Sunday drill under minded even Stengel of the" ___V __ cinnati, 34; Mays. San Franri.sco, Jim will join the Manchester High ing game between Manchester and SEX.ECTED NINE Starts Tomorrow IndiiPrtly today that he'll he couldn't stand prosperity. The vet­ header from haple.ss Wa.shington Chicago won the opener in the • • • of the Mancheater Chamber of who hate the grass surface, but every punt under the fair catch Coach Buddy Parker. Halfback o 1 d-t i ni e Yanks take ad­ eran righthander gave hack all hut Tokyo, Aug. 10 iJPi Pa.srual 30; Temple. Cincinnati. 28. faculty in September . . . One of host West Hartford in the final One-Half Handicap Dewey Bohllng, a rookie from bark as manaRei of the New vantage . of' the breaks and ye.sterday, winning the first game ninth. A poor throw by Roy Sie- YANKS 4-.8—.\'a .8-2—Gil Mr- Commerce, talked volleyball and the quietest fellows In town this '’4h*y showed enough to make Class A — Paul McNamara 30- system. York Yankees acain next year. one nf the runs and finally gave Perez, mighty little bull of the 4-3 on the superb relief pitching of vera on an easy rnller allowed Jim Triples Neal. Los Angeles, said that he would start getting series of the annual State Amerl Australia a top-heavy favorite for Bowling Grten (Ohio) rejoined TTie fifth eeaaon o f the Man­ blast the opposition with the Argentine retained hi.s world fly­ Dougald'a bases-loaded single in Mathews, Milwaukee and While. .season when it come, to dlscus.slng can Legion .Junior Tournament. 3-27. The New York Giants, 1968 the team after spending several chester MIdgat Football Leafua The Yanks. rirtinR a foiir- long hall. way to Don McMahon in the ninth 39-ycar-old Gerry Staley and add­ Landis to score the winning run. In shape shortly for the Indoor the doubles point against any after Duke Snider's two-run hom­ weight boxing title Monday night the 14th inning of the opener and St. Louis, 8; Pinson. Cincinnati and p ajor league baseball Is Walt No date has been set for the Class B — Ray DellaFera 31-5- Eastern Division champs, and top days In a hospital recovering from wlH get underway adth raglatra- jfame winninc streak after They won the first game in ing the second game 9-(1 on the I^ndis had singled for his third Elston Howard's home run in the league season at the Rec. . . Ste­ Gru.sha at the rriiat Co., a long­ untried American duo. 26, Jim Madore 32-6-26. Ea.stern contender Cleveland also er had narrowed Milwaukee's mar­ hy outpointing Japan's Kenji .shutout pitching of another 39- 1 hit of the game, and advanced to Blasingame, SI, Louis. 7. phens, head of the Kacey baseball Moriarty-Unionville contest al­ Captain Perry Jones of the U.H. a head Injury. tlon and drill ’Tuesday nigttt start­ riroppinp the Kansas Chly .\'s the 14th. Mickey Mantle walk­ Yonekiira in a dull l.Vroiind bout. 11th Inning of the nightcap gavel Home Runs Banks. Chicago. time Yankee fan. Russ Hathaway, though it is expected the game Class C — Frank Spileckt 31-7- see their first action this week ing at 6 o’clock at Charter Oak twire. 4-.S and 3-2. in a double- gin to one iTin. yeai -nld "greybeard," Early Wynn. ! second on a wild pitch by reliever committee this year, reported 75 team still hopes for a miracle in, T7»e Giants meet the Philadel­ ed. Preston Ward let Yogi Ber­ the Yankees a double triumph j 32; Mathews, Milwaukee, 31; Vin Ingraharr. and Tom Rollason, will be made up at the conclusion 24, Tom Perry 33-8-25, Maurice while the Bears get their first toet phia Eagles at Hershey, Pa. Sat­ Park. header yesterday, are far from ra's grounder go through his Joe Adcock highlighted Mil­ It was a unanimous deri.sion. Dick Hyde. nf the 500 tickets are still avail- doubles but changes are he VNII waukee's six-run rally by smash­ Most one run games ever won over Kansas City and stretched I Aaron. Milwaukee, 29; Robinson, Wall's co-workers, or executives of the regular .season If it has any Willey 33-8-25. of NFL competition. urday night. Detroit and the Chi­ The program, spenaored by Hie the exit of Stenpel’a dophou.se, legs amt Mantle went to third. Perez, who spotted hi.s opponent Staley, third Chicago pitcher, their w'inning streak to four | able for the Yankee-Red Sox twin- wind up with Alex Olmedo and the ing his 14th home run with two on eight years and more than four by sn American I.,eague club i.s 38 Cincinnati, 24; Cepeda, San Fran­ if you prefer, all related that this bearing on the final standings. BEST IS HOLES Cleveland, while trying to plug cago Cardinals both of whom aaw Fire A Police Junior A-A., will be though. Marv Throneberry was passed halted a Washington rally In the straight, longest since they won ! hill Sunday, Aug. 16. . . . Mailman has been a qriei, year at the bank slow-footed but hard-serving Bar­ Full Handicap base. Eddie Mathews hit his 31st pounds, knocked the young, inex­ by the 1943 New 5’oik Yankees. fifth and pitched one-hit, rimless cisco. 23. Cowles, who doubles ss director of The Oilers will travel to Collins­ the offanalve right tactfle spot va­ action last week, meet at Norman open to all boys 10 thru 12. Mini­ Some of the yotinger playets intentionally and Tom Stur­ The u'ay the White Sox sre shad­ five in a row in June. The defeats Pitching Face, Pillsbiirgh, 15- regarding baseball conversations ville next Sunday afternoon for a ry MacKay. Sunday cated when Captain Mike McCor­ have him aore because they home run with a man on in the perienced challenger down for a ball thereafter to pick up his the Rec and Dusty Softball Olmedo, the lend-leaae Peruvian Okla., while the Bears meet Green mum weight Is 70 pounds and ths divant took over for Bob Grim. ing I heir opponents they could ran the A's losing streak to six in : 0. 1.000; Antonelll. San Francisro. . . . Ray Go-slee expressed pleasure second meeting with the trotible- Clase A — Jim Horvath 65-5-60. mick damaged a knee, meets the maximum. 111'. haven't been playing heads-\ip He fanned .Norm Seibern and fourth. Snider, who had gone 0 for count of seven in the second round fourth victory. One of Washing­ a row. I Leagues, stopped to report doings who won the Davis Cup almost Bay St Milwaukee. AH are Satur­ 33 against Buhl since July 12, beat that . 16-6, ,727; Drysdale, Log Angeles. in watching tiie 'Tigers beat the some Axes. Class B — Wally Parclak 67-9- Pittsburgh Eteelera in Plttaburgh day night games. Harold (Pinky) Pohl wlH eon- ball and he was grated all the Hank Bauer forced Mantle at and had him bleeding from the ton’s runs came on Harmon Kille- Yogi Berra kept the Yankees, in the Dusty loop, the schedule aingleheaded las»t year and who 19.56, had a double besides his hom­ right eye from the sixth round. 15-6, ,714; Ijsw. Pittsburgh. 12-7, Yanks Thursday in New York, The Manchester-West Hartford 58. tomorrow night. Detroit and Los Angeles played duct the opening drill*. Condition­ more wheri some of the ex- the plate. But Gil McDougald The 5'ankeps won two uphill brew’s 35th homer of the year. alive in the second game,^ hitting | being revived due to one team 4-0, in loss than two ho)irs. Games later captured Wimbledon, Is a er to extend his hitting streak It was Perez' eighth successful .632; Neweomhe, Cincinnati, 10-6, best-of-three-game series was Class C Bill Davis 76-19-57, Coach Paul Brown had his 19.58 a 20-20 tie Saturday at Boulder, ing and fundamentals will be Yankees on hand for the Old singled home Berra for the haltlca from Kan.sas City, 4-3 in a home run with two out in the .625. getting expelled. During the visit nowadays Ust anywhere from two good bet for two singles vic­ Timers game Saturday pointed through 12 games. title defense nf the 112-pnund 14 innings and 3-2 In 11 In climb ORIOLES 4. INDIANS . — Milt Cowles reported that the casualty schedttled to onen this afternoon Eastern Division runner-ups in Colo, in the only weekend NFL ex­ stressed. winning run. 8 ninth to tie the game at 2-2. It Strikeouts Dryadale, I.,os An­ and one-hr.K to three hours. with a 4:30 tilt at Sterling Field tories but the question remains: out blunders to him. The second game was even * * • he won from .lapan'.s YoshI into a third place tie with Balti­ Pappas, Baltimore's 20-year-old I li.sl among postal workers who Merrill Anderson aced the 157- a drill yesterday with newly ac­ hibition action. ReityresentaLvee of the sponsor­ Shirai in Tokyo in 1954, was his 16th of the sea.son and . geles, 182; S. .Jones. San Francism, in West Hartford. The second Where does America get the third yard hole yesterday, using a ing ^ ou p n'kl be at tht field t o . "I'm going to rhange all that simpler. With two out in the PIRATES li, CUBS .8 _ Dick more although the Orioles defeated righthander, limited the Indians to 300th of his career. He is the onlvj played softball this- season was Saturday firth Perez weighed 107 pounds, .150; AntonelliT'SIsTt Francisro, 124, game remained set for tomorrow point? No. 7 Iron. Hie playing partners answer any questions regaedlng in ramp next spring. ’ he said ninth and the Yanks trailing Groat's scoring single in the 10th 4 the Indian.s. 4-3. Detroit moved six hits for his 12th victory! cateher among the 16 players with ' still mounting. "John Bengston," I I had planned to motor to- Yan­ Certainly he is unlikely to field while waiting for the srheduled broke a 3-3 tie and gave the Pir­ Yonekiira 111 past the Athletics Into fifth place against five defeats. The Orioles i Haddix. Pitlahiirgh, 122: Spahn. Cowles said, "asked Tom Martin afternoon at 4:30 at Mt. Nebo. were Maurice Willey,'Ed McNa­ the program. 2-1. Berra homered to tie it. 300 or more homers. |Milwaukee, 104. kee Stadium for the annual Old A third and final contest, if neces­ a doubles team as good as last night game against the Boston Then in the 11th.— Jtnward ates their second overtime victory not 'to start a football team." mara and Bill Bengtson. Timei-s Day relebration but as my sary. will he played under the year's Olmedo and Ham Richard­ WOMEN’S DIVISION Giants’ Coach Howell Smiles, Red Sox. ‘'We re going to work caught hold of one and it was over the Cubs in two days. The Several mailmen are still bothered request for tickets was late the only son. The latter is busy in Wash­ on those things and if we ran't all over. lights at Muzzy Field in Bristol SELECTED 12 •HOLES No Opein Play Pirates scored two in the ninth to by Injuries received In softball avgUable seats were out where I Thursday. ^ ington and not available. Most of do it one waj’, we'll find an­ "But some 'of these young tie the score at 3-3. pla.v. . . Special mention should he One-Half Handicap BasehaWs Crumbling Empire could shake hands with the bleach- Up until deadline this morning the experimental combinations Mancheeter Country (8ab eouree other." fellows." Stengel said, "don't Face, -who relieved Vern Law Jn Giants Could Make Fans Mad made for the fine work turned in erites I remained on home beach.. Saturday Q u arterback Practice Stars That doesn't .sound like talk no word had been forthcoming have proved ineffective. Bernard First low net-Evelyn Loreptzen will be eloeed Friday to aU except like to listen to the old gu.vs. the aighth. gave up an unealned during the golf season by Anne Weather was warm and my family whether the early rain had left Bartzen and Earl Buchholz are from a manager who might he They could get a $10,000 raise run in three innings and was re­ McBride on Women's Division joined me (or an afternoon of 51-8-43. those in toumameot play. ’The Cen­ thinking of taking the aide if they'd listen." By Winning Flag This Season Sterling Field In playstble condi­ the other members of the U.8. Second low net-Edna Hilinski Winooski, 'Vt., Aug. 10 (>P) —.-^.seealon.. Scott made coniiktent tral Oonnentleiit win utiure a One- warded with his 20th straight vic­ ♦vents at the Country Club. Her ■ Swimming and boating. tion. door out. The Yanks. de.spite Then, flushed by the rare tory since May 31, 19,58, He is now Minors in Bad Shape, team announced over the week­ 51-7-44, Cele Perry 55-11-44. Matching 40-yard touchdown gains as a pass receiver and ball Day Tournament here on tba^ date their latest skein, are I I ’ j winning .stteak. he blurted: end. carrier. for male playeni. onl.v four behind Rube Marqiiard'.s By MI KIIAY OI.DERMAN • hill Is a radio tower which lights paseea by Charlie Conerly and games off the pare, and Just "If they'd make the 'plays single season record of 19 con.secii- Stolen Bases—Mays, San Fran- Fraser is the big gun of the Ellington Ridge San Franri.sco (NEA) - The j lip when Ihf Giants win and Australian aide. Against the Itali­ George Shaw had Coach Jim Lee 2 '*, out of the second division. the way they should, they could Jive victories, and the same num­ ci.sco, 20; Cepeda, San Francisco, MEMBER-GUEST TOURNEY The youngsters he was talk­ lick the whole world." be.st thing the GianU could do this I ahrinka into darkneas when they Only 21 Now Operating 18; T. Taylor, Chicago, 17; Pinson, ans, ■ he didn't drop a service. Howell amlling about the new ber behind Carl Hubhell's Iwo-.sea- I lose. Two-Year-Olds in Another Try Saturday ing shout had little to do with He hasn't given up yet. •son record of 24 straight. year i.s not win the pennant, if Cincinnati, 16; Gilliam and Neal, He won six of his services with­ York Football Giants’ quarUrback ------they want to make San Francis­ ' Eventually it is (ilanned that five Willie Oleksinski and Elnar Ijor- * * s Los Angeles and Blaslngame, St. out losing a point and exploded entzen defeated Andy Ferreira and picture today. cans happy. I diffei'cnt access roads be hiiill (This is Ihe first of a series on minor league ha.sehairs nine service aces. PHIUS 8-4, CAROS .8-2 — Gene But tor a .Series in the fall (liere To Uncover Leading Con tender Loula, 14. Art Wilkie, 1-up; S^an and Walt The boy* connected on- their Conle.v and Jim Owen.s pitched Oh, they ought to try to make rrumhIinK empire—and what the game’s biggest names think Markowski turned back Harry Rich it entertaining up to the last would only he that Gilman . S I . ap­ ■ I / scoring strikes during the third Philadelphia to its double win over proach. Navigating that is like Irv­ about if.F s and Doc McKee 1-up.' period of a full scale scriinmage ! the Cards who had beaten them week with the triple-Willie iMc- New York, Aug. 10 (>Ti The 2-«other Saturday stakes with Round KICKERS Covey, Mays and Kirkland i wham­ ing to route battleships through an year-olds make another attempt Table running third hack of Better Saturday at their training aita on eight straight limes. Conley, now alley in Venice. Columliu.s, Ohio. Aug. 10 (/P)— Minor I.eagup ha.sehall. onre I Paul Klapprodt, Larry .Scranton, the St. Michael's College campus. my they pul on pitchers. today to uncover an outstanding j Bee ($18.20) and Pelleati Chief In Dr. Merrill Rublnow, 78s: Stan 11-7. pitched a steady seven-hitter Once in the park the cuslomera a .sprawling empire which reached into the nation'.s ever.v the $.56,500 Equipoise Mile at «Ar- Prior to the opening of prac­ and'droye in what proved to be the But what a foul-up if they play title contender when 15 equine Davis, DaVe Harrigan, 72s. a World Series in their new Can­ would be conilortahle. San Pran- nook and crann.v, i.s tdboggan-houhd to no one know.s where. llngton Park and Amerigo losing tice, the defending E a a t e r n winning run in the opener. Owens, cisco, which has football weather luvenlles, at least four of whom, MEMBERS - GUESTS TOURNEY dlestick Park, with its freshly- In the la.st 10 years the minors have dwindled from .59 leagiie.s hold championship cK,edehtials. the $68,100 Whitney at Saratoga by Sunday Champion Giants of the National FREE! now 8-9, got a hig assi.st from when the rest of the coiintrv is to 21. TSa-o of the loops aie recentl.v-*------—------^______a head to Plion ($15.10). Football League were looking for Dave Philley, whose pinch single in sodded grass and freshly-wafted meet In the 47th running of the Oleksinski and E. Lorentzen de­ odors from the dumps acro.ss ■sweltering, now has a sladiiim with organized rookie circuits In which Although losing his eighth race in more strength at quarterback. the ninth broke a 2-2 tie. j radiant heating to keep the leagues, is down to 13. Canada's $25,000 added Sanford at Saratoga feated Stan and Walt Markowski, Bayslrire Highway! onl.v untested talent niay perform. Springs, N. Y. It starts over an off track. Round Conerly ia in hie mld-thirtlea. COLOR PRINTS e f ANTIQUE tootsies warm from the cold In the same decade the number 60-clty total hss skidded to four. Table added $7,.500 lo his earnings 1-up. We know. We went, and saw, I breezes w>hich blow in off the bay. The 13 states now teamless, with The Sanford is a six-furlong af- FIRST ri-IOHT Halfback Frank Gifford (a being and amelled. of clubs has skidded from 446 to falr. probably best known for Its (oi^a total of $1,460,1,89. Under.top given a crack at the algrtal call­ The architect, whom we uh^r- 150, only 139 of whlrh are In the the cities each has had in leagues: weight of 1.82 pounds he spotted Yump Johnson ;and Klapprodt The only happy guy in the joint stand never befoi ' designed a base- Arkansas 24, Connecticut 15, 1919 renewal when Man O' War defeated Stan Davis and Otto Lor­ ing post. might be Johnny Anlonelli, who United States. Attendance in 1949 Better Bee 17 and Belleau Chief 22. hall park, must have been going Delaware 6, Maiqe 7, Maryland 14, was handed the only defeat of his Elsewhere Saturday, King Ara entzen, 2 and 1. Recently the GianU picked up objects to the way the breezes was over 41 million. Last .year it lllustrioua career by the aptly to football games.with binoculars. fell In under 13 million. Michigan 35, Mississippi 19, Mis- ($8.60) won the La Jolla Mile at SECXIND FUGHT ShaW'who aaked to, be let go by STEAMBOAT? blow to leftfield in Seals Stadium, The stands are so far from the in­ ■souri 23, New Hampshire 8. New named Upaet. Swan and Jack O'Brien upended Baltimore after John Unites won j And . V comes the Continental Del Mar and The,Crack ($7.80) the where the Giants currently have field a slew-footed catcher like 10 Jersey 13. Rhode Island 6, Vermont Mrs. Wallace Gilroy’s Greek Pelham Handicap at Rockingham Al Haas and Joe Macaiona, 1-up, the starting Job last fall. Rntting—Yogi Rerra and Elston tenanc.v. League. Almirtg to be a third ma­ Page, with Eddie Arcaro slated to .Smoky Burgess might have to ii.se 2, W'ynming 1, Park. 20 holes. Shaw pitched to end Bob Howard. Yankees—After Berra had At Candlestick, the day we vis­ a pinch-runner to chase down foul jor league and already training .4looreboard ride. Is the expected favorite off Atlantic City opens its 14th sea­ BEATEN EIGHT hit a ninth Inning home run lo Me ited, the wind blew in from left- flies. its sights on siich rich minor an Impreaslv*' winning perform­ Schnelker Saturday while Coner­ In the other 35 states, here are son today with tha $20,000 Margate Harrigan and Lowe dafaated ly connected with halfback Don the sernnd game at 2-2. Howard lef. The pervading aroma, which In the mezzanine, thst' shouldn't league cities as Toronto, Denver. the cltiea onre in baseball and Ihoae ance In last Monday's Flash Stakes Walt Ferguson and Al Santinella, blasted a four-bagger In the lllh 4o Handicap featuring the card. Mile. Maynard. has railsed people from Oakland, bother the customers. If a fog ob­ Mtnneapoll.s, St. Paul, and Hous­ now enrolled: under 122 pounds. He'D have two Dianne, beaten in her last outing S and 2. win .8-2, The Yankees also won the on the mainland, to dub it Can- scures the playing site, they ran ton. — Alabama 33-5, Arizona 9-1, Cal­ lass to carry In the Sanford. as the odds-on-favorite in the Marv - KICKERS Howell Hated offeneive halfback 0|>ener from Kayaae Glty, 4-3, In 14 dlestink Point, was subdued. Since seven leagues organized Bridgeport. Conn., as one of the innings, always repair to their private quar­ Quick Stfirt^ ifornia .55-7, Coloiipdo 3-1, Florida Walter Jefford'a Merganser, un­ Dyer at Narragaiiiett, heads a field Low neta-—Stillman Keith 87-14- Route to Park ters. These are by far the plushiest the National Association of Pro­ 3lrll, Georgia 35-3, Idaho 5-4, II- beaten In two starts Including the of nine named for the aeven-fur-. 73, Leon Browne 91-18-73 and Don Scott of the Univereity of PlU’hIng—Early Wynn, While Sox The onl.v way you can reach boxes ba.seball has ever boasted, fit Fialtimore ha.a a remark- fessional Baseball Leagues in 1901, llnoi.s ,51-2, Indiana 2.5-3, Iowa 27-8, Dover at Delaware Park, is among long dash. Wines 94-16-78. moat Impresaiva ./tjeklea in the — The .89-yearold righthander the park right now is to gel off to out-snob the Yankees' Stadium al)le 20-year-olfi pitcli-er tile gane has survived wars, de- Kansas 43-1, Kentucky 30-1, Lou­ the entries. So la the Oreentree pitched a three-hitter in the While pre-s. ions, floods and fighu with the Bayshore Highway at Third Club. in JeiT.v Walker. He is the 4 isiana 21-2, Mas-sachusetts 22-1, Stable’i Tom Fool colt. Weather- Sox' 9-0 triumph over Washington Among the 'frustrating things the majors. But thi-s ne.v attend­ wise, a 10-length winner in his de­ In the sernnd game of the donbln- St. and take Gilman, a little side Minnesota 15-3. Montana 6-3, Ne­ Week^s Boxing Roundup street, a couple of blocks to the aliout Horace Stoneham's new em­ .vouiiKest hurler ever to ance drop, most disastrous In the braska 22-8, Nevada 2-1, New but last Monday. C. V. Whitney Paquette Honored header for his fourth shutout of the porium are the stairs. You can't stai't and win All-Star sport’s history, has come while the also has entered Tomplon, an­ year and 41st of his career. Tl-e park. Mexico 7-4, New York .55-11, North — Trucks have, been taking it, day take them one at a time and the.'y're Game. national economy has soared to Carolina 69-9, North Dakota 10-3, other off-jpring of Tom Fool who By Spon.sor, Fans victory was his 1.8th of the seasoif hot quite wide enough to arcom- record heights. Title Bout H ead lin es Slate, GET THEM FROM CITIES SERVICE STATIONS NOW! and made him the biggest wbiner and night, lugging new equipment Ohio 39-1, Oklahoma 37-1, Oregon gained quite a reputation on the to the park and carting away modate two footsteps. Temporary Relief 8-3, Pennsylvania 65-6, South West Coast. Rain and wet grounds washed In the American I>eague. The White Climbing them Is almost as an­ Sox aJso won the opener, 4-S. loads of dirt. Which fs why the .Siiiiday'a H om ers Promotion campaign.*, franchise Carolina 13-1, South Dakota 10-1, Both Failed out Moriarty's sc4ieduled basebaH The romantic era of the riverboat, when the paddle- natives are re.slless. Their se- noying as Dying to avoid touching Tennessee 25-6, Texas 99-12, Utah game with Unionville here yester­ Moore-Durelle Bout on Video the lines on a city aidewalk. (.Season’s Totals In Parenthses) shifts, league !eallgn(nents and Either Bally Ache from the wheelera brought beauty and progress to Early America, rluaion has been disturbed. .American I.esgue money transfusions fron the ma­ 5-1, Virginia 41-4, Washington 21- Edgehlll Farm or the Kennedy- day but it wasn't ». total loss for So far. half of a hill has been Killebrew, Senators (35) jors have brought only temporary 5. West Virginia 17-2, Wisconsin Veale Stable'a "Vital Force' could the players. has been recaptured in fine quality, authentically trucked sway, which makes it looh Baltimore I NEA) — One jock­ Aparicio, White Sox ( ) 17-4. Team .aoonaor Matt Moriarty New York. Aug. 10 (Afi — Haa>while training. An emergency 6 rejjef lo the ailing patient. have put in a strong bid for the 2-' operation on Mrs. Moore in Sen , detailed, color prints. 30-MINUTE FREE a little like Yosemite's famed Half ey was responsible for the, biggest Kaline, Tigers (19) No matter what Is tried, the Foreign dom.iins affiliated with year-old title In last Baturdey’s staged a party at his Coventry Archie Moore had it? Can Yvon NQISV Dome, dirt style. A glacier ac­ daily double payoff in more than Jensen, Red Sox (24) cr’mblirg goes-on. the National Assn. show. $139,670 Sapling Stakejrat Mon­ Lake cotta ;e last night in honor Durelle finish off the ancient one Diego brought Archie on the fly to ; Get a aetof three of these handsome prints for fram­ California and the second ppst INSTALLATION counted for Half Dome. Yon can 75 years at Pimlico. Bennie Berra, Yankees (16) Some baseball uien blai'.te big Canada 60-4, Cuba 1-1, Mexirn mouth Park. But both failed as of RIc.k Papuette, his nephew, who the second time around ? -1 WER STEERIN6 ing in your home or office, and they are yours absolutely blame Charley Harney, the eon- Sorensen won on Joymaker and Howard. Yankees (14) 16-6, will join the renks of the bene­ Fight fans have been waiting for ponement was arranged. This time league telecaata for the dwindling 'Vllliam Hells, Jr.'s Sky Clipper they say It certainly will be held. free-a gift from your neighborly Cities Service Dealer. traclor, for Candlestick. Advice for a $5,932.20 miitiiel, Dec. National league gates. Others point a finger at Next: AVhaIr does Commissioner picked up $82,617 for hla New dicts shortly. He*resldes In Yuma, the answer since the two Tight amoiing mw Still atop the Bayview district 1, 195,5. • Bouchee, Phillies (13) public apathy huge~Major league Ford Frick think of the minor's Drleans-Jobstown, #1. J. owner and Ariz., but summers in Manchester, heavyweight! staged their sensa­ Moat of the country will see this | Drive in today, ask for your free prints and fill up White, Cardinr'x (9) plight? I honiiaes to untried rookies, the paid his scattered backers $70.60 has been one of the standout mem­ tional scrap last „Dec. 10 at one (ABC television) but Canada ; SEALER ond CONDITIONER with one of the- luxury driving, true econoniv, Cities Banks, Cubs (32) farm system and working agree­ for $2. bers of the Gas House Gang on Montreal. and some of the U.S. border cities M.irshall, Cubs (8) ments. Some say leadership in both Bqlly Ache,, winner of five atakea the dla oor j. Hi.s honiP run last The twice-postponed light heavy near Montreal will be blacked out. • tt»p t l••Nt in sttarln't Service Gasolenes. 5 ^ unit. Km m powDf ttMrlnt Bell. Reds (15) the majors anJ minors is wanting. Tickets al The Herald And Deafen only by a neck by an­ week against Hamilton was one oif title rematch will be held Wednes­ If Moore disposes of Durelle, you Lynch, Reds (45) Matt aoft ana pliabla. F ft« F ree Installation Everyone has a reason for the other outsider T, V. I.*rk, in the the longest ever hit at Colt’s Park, day night at the Montreal Forum can expect to hear him. yelling loud v«nta and atapt laalca dua ta. LADIES' DAY Cepeda, Giants (23l big decline few have a Cure. Tickets for the benefit baseball rscent Arlington Futurity, bowed Hartford. where Archie once again will be and clear for a shot at Ingemsr dryinp, hardanlngt ahrinkinf. Adcock.. Braves (14) EVERY WEDNESDAY Over the years America has had game .between the Hartford Twi­ by a nose. Vital Force, the favorite Steak, prepared by the Garden favored to defend succesafully the Johahaaon. Hla manager. Jack • Far puiat aparatian aU yaar* CITIES SERVICE Mathews, Brave." (31) light League All-Stars and New off five vlctorlea and two seconds Grove Caterers, was the main croWn he h u worn since 1952. Kearns, never was, one to hide his fRtducta baaring platan and SENT C0UER5 9 A..M. to 5 P.M. .Snyder, Dodgers ( 171 218 minor leagues embracing valva noiMi. makaa ataaring CENTER 1.223 cities in ever,v state in the York Yankee Rookies Wednesday jn seven atari* including" trlumpha course. Players anc their wives or- If you recall' that chill December light under a bushel. guiat and ameath avan In aald* union. Time has erased 197 leagues night at Dillon Stadium In Hart­ m the Christiana and Tremont girl friends and friend; of the evening of last winter, Archie was Hovir old is Archie; Take your aat waatkar. KD. BARRACI^IKFK • CTHUIM'H 80FTBALI LflAGIE Stakea, trailed by some six lengths hM W. MIditIf TpliA.—Cnmer Adatna St, and 1.073, teams. ford may be purchased today and»“ Moriarty family attended. The Fishing Not Bad All Over down four times befort he finally pick. Some say 42. others say 43 CONN. GOLF LAND W. L. Pet. tomorrow In The. Herald's Sports Jn sixth place. players, as a whole, proved to be polished off the fighting fisherman and a fiew insist he Is qlose to 50. FULLY aUARANTIIDl New Englanti, where 60 teams Measuring eight feet, eight inches and •weighing 100 T R IP L E ^ JUNCTION ROUTE 15 and 83— EXIT 96 North Methodist...... 12 4 .7.50 once thrived, now has one. Thirteen Department. The contest will be Sky Clipper, a son of Citation interesting speakers. from Bale 8te. Anne, N. B. in the The old boy has fought 205 pro­ 3 Yi-I FROM HARTFORD AT TALCOTTVILI.E Temple B eth...... 'lO 6 .625 states, once represented by 173 played tinder the lights starting at. Who cost Hells $30,000 at the 1958 Paquette will iharry Mias Mari­ pounds, gutted. Captain Ken Behrend, left, of 103 Cedar 11th rouBtl, It didn’t eeem that fessional bouts for a 175-24-6 rec­ HOWARD OIL CO. Civltan ...... 10 7 ..588 8 o'clock. .. Saratoga Yearling Auctions, had MSTRIIUTCD lY KPECIAI. FEE 75c FOR 18 HOLES clubs, now have none. Ohio and lyn Fishe on Aug. 22. St., prpudly displays the white he caught last Moore ever wac going to get up ord- His 127 knockout* are an all- IM Oaidaad S t—Onmar Selinol St! S T O R E S ^ K of C ...... 9 7 .563 its border states—Michigan, ln-'|< onjy aMO-length victory In hla de- from the flrat knockdown but he time ifecord. CLUBS and BALLS FURNISHED St. Mary's ...... hut to show for three other starts— week with First Mate Joe Butler, right, of 183 Oak St. Freo Inatnietfonii— Snack Bnr ind Loiinf* 9 8 .529 diana. Kentucky, West Virginia Willie Shoemaker wgn with 6 WEEK END FIGHT did. Durelle, a crude free-swlnger j MANCHESTER AUTO PARTS M l MAIN 8T.—MI 1-8771 Center Congos ...... 7 10 .412 All $t Moilmouth. Under Bill Har- The catch was made from Behrend’s boat, S6a Hawk, Originally scheduled for July 15, with a big punch in his right and Pennsylvania—once a minor of hii 8 mount! at Hollywood JhAts ha atepped the alx sloppy fur­ Hollywood — Johnny Gonsalves, Community Baptist .. 1 16 .059 loop hotbed with 211 citlee in Park on June 20, 1966. 18914, Oakland, outpointed Ray about 30 miles Southeast of Block Island. (Herald Photo Moore pushed the return back to hand, has a 77-20-2 record plus 270 MtOAD ST. — 9^S2t longs in 1:11 V$ ' by Pinto) July 29 whan he Buffered an injury one no eonteat bout In lOO^starta. Favorravorltes also bowed 1» two Rlojas, 13514, Fort Worth, Tex. »1 • / / , S'

MANCHESTER tVENING^HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN.. MONDAY. AUr.U5!T in. 1959 PAGE ELEVEN UANCHESPTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN. MONDAY, AUGUST 10, 1959 PAGE TEN Household Goods SI Aportnenta— FUts— House for Sale 72 Houses for Sale 72' .Ho u s m for Sale 72 Houses for Sale 721 BY FAGALT gnd BUOimiN Building Matcrialu 47 MotorcycleiH-BleyclM 11 rHKKE OUGHTA BB A I.AW Tencmentfl 63 A WHOLE HOUSE SPLIT LEVEL, 7 roome, four bed­ SIX ROOM CAPE, four «n ‘**he«l i PublicRet-DrfisI Govemor Doubles I WEEKLY SAVINGS LIST OF FURNITURE rooms, modem kitchen, large liv­ room* with S »hed dormer, pits- posing 7 room Colonial home In a t h r e e ROOM apartment for rent very desirabl# neighborhood, large Warrantee Deed* 1»4* HARLEY In Kood condlUon. FOR ONLY 8449 ing room, dining room, large lot, NEW U.STTNG-— Bowers School tered wall* and oak floors, con­ Western Framing, Including heat, hot water, gas for living roonv- (Hunnonch, modem William J Maguire to Theodore CLASSIFIED Call M I B-6S18. iT-KKTt-Uf-MPT. ■» ' loads $114 per M' ON THE EASIEST TERMS cooking, electric refrigeretor snd 2 year old. one-car garage, 826.900'. area'-6 finished room*. Cape Cod. venient location In deairable sec­ kitchen w'llh breakfast nook,. L and Helen C. Fairbanks, prop- CLAUCTQSANDmOftA Dutch Dbora, from 828.75 ea. IN THE WORLD ga* stove, 886 per month. Call MI Shown bv appointment Phllbrirk Shed dormers, completely re­ tion of town. Near bus line. Thia Gttsoait paneled recreation room. 2-car ga-, *rty on Oak 8t Polio Shois Funds -OGETHEa Pi ^ Agency, 361 Main St., \U 9-8464, modeled kitchen, attached garage. house is 8 years old but in like Temp, Pegboard I2c ft. 3 Complete 9-4071 from 5-7 p.m. only. rage, combination windows, plus ■ J A. McCarthy Inr , to John and Busineas SenrIcM Offered 13 SMAu Time for M«hbg. wu* VNa Plywoodinywood 18c ft. Rooms of Brand New _____ . . - beautifully landscaped lot. R^—F- - new condition. Come see and you ADVERTISING VEAM'MOTMiNG 'WWIUIVK LINCOLN STREET—Cape Cod. 4;t)jmock Co., Realtor. MI 9-5245, will buy. For appointmeht call fnany other features, Rroperty | Hazel Deme; property on Vernon CombTnatlc Doors, from 814.95 ea. FURNITURE Call RISLEY REALTY ♦ uses, the Governor claimed that HAROLD * SONS RubMih Remov COULP 9EPA9A'* 'GrrAkOTken, rooms finished but room for 2|„,. / Robert Murdock Ml 3-8472, Iximas A Ncttleton Co. all day now vacant and available for im -! SI. (Iinattiuted from Pago One) ,d 0 »' Ebcoctic Wi Paneling, Beautiful Westlnghouse Refrlg. For appointment to see 3Va room mediate occupancy. Robert J Theodore ,r. RIvsrd to Edward ■ snv remarks he made in Puerto CLASSIFIED ADVERTISMENT DEPT. HOURS al—Paper and aahaa. Cal) Ml ■WEM,' from 24c ft. moie on second Hoor. Tile bath. Barbara Woods ,MI 9-7702 Sunday or evening*. Mr. Handler. _ . ^ ••4084. Blond Bedroom *8ulte spartment In Rockville. 4 apart­ Fireplace. Hot water heat with MI 9-'781S, Mr. Gaffev, JA 8-0166' 8mllh, Inc., 963 Main 8t. MI J. and Dorothy r Agnew, propertythe governora attending their an-* Rico concerning highwayi were In Knotty Pin* Paneling 14c ft. 8:15 A.M^ to 4 :30 P.M. Handsome Living Room Suite ments in each new building Ideal oil burner. Quiet street but only a II or Mr. Booth. AD 8-844t. ' “9-5241. on Spring St. hii*i ,-onferenee. the resolution ap- relation to. the whole national RADIO-TV REPAIRS, any m ake- Celling Tile H e ft. Heat Proof Dinette Set for newlywed*. Just 15 minute*: short distance to Center Street. William WV Wellon Jr., and pealed to Congress to provide highway program Cedar CToset Unlng 1914c /t. Beautiful "Deluxe” Range from Hartford Bridge on Wilbur i COPY CLOSING TIMfe FOR CLASSIFIED ADVT. cars, amplifiers, phonographs - nd (MI-S No. 11281, Price 813,800. ' MANCHESTER—Five room Ranch 814.900-6*4 ROOM aingle home, ex Alyce M. Wellon to .lohn A. and funds for continuing the federal' This came about in ^ * changers. Over 47 year* total ex­ Disappearing Stairway* $23.99 ea. Instead of Westlnghouse Eleefrio Cross Highway. IN TOWN Valda F. Mclvesn, property on , highway aid program. question as to hoi*- he felt about MOVOAT Thni m iD A Y 10;#0 A.M.—SATURDAY t A.M. Earle S. Rohan, Realtor Ml only three years old. Three 1 cellent location, oil heat, 8 extra perience, 90 day* (fuaranlee on all Refrigerator If you prefer Ml 9-4824 3-74.3.3, rooms. Combination triple track lots Included In this low, low Barry Rd. Speaking then in his cspscily as remarks attributed recently to NOBODY —BUT NOBODY Rugs, Lamps, Tables, Linoleum work. Potterton'a. Ml 9-4ft,l7. UNDERSELLS NATIONAL aluminum storms and screens. Ga­ price. S. A. Beechler, Realtor. MI Inviting 5 room home in country' b . M. Pitkin to Seymour ihalrman of the conference resolu-; State Rep. Robert T Cairna of PLEASE READ YOUR AD and a Few Other Article* 4*i ROOM, fully furnished apart­ MANCHESTER — Green Road. rage. Amesile driveway Immacu­ 3 6969. setting on approximately one acre, p and Constance E. Kaplan.'prop-1 ttons committee. Rihlroff said it! Madison that the Governor has TAM KIR TREE Removal - land NATIONAL LUMBER. INC. Everything ONLY 8849 ment centrally located, heat in­ 1 Spic and apan, well built 6 room late condition Handy location Call Bam. 2-car garage, new hot water „ „ Adelaide Rd. would be a serious mistake if Con-' made contradictory statements re- cleared, firewood cot. Insured. Free storage until wanted. Free cluded, 890. Call M I 9-6808. I ranch, fireplace, hot water heat. R. F. Oimock, Ml 9-5245 Harbara BEAUTIFUL 7-room Colonial In oil...... healing^ ayatem w)th haaeboard Attachment ' gieas closed this session without 1 garding whether such diversion CU m IAmI or "Winit Ado" *rr tokrn over thr phono no • ron- Call MI 8-8742. Paul A. Ellison. A t LONG LAST 881 STATE STREET delivery. Free set up by our own one-car garage, nice level lot. Woods...... MI 9-7702. Robert Murdock, realdential zone. Must be seen to ' w a ter.'tit.000 Hartford National Bank and action on this matter 1 should be temporary or perma- vonlwico Tho ndvertlHOr ohould rond hl» nd fho FIRST DAY IT T«>f MlTTNt NORTH HAVEN, CONN. THREE ROOM apartment at "The j Sensibly priced at 815.500. Allre Mps-ii'ffo be appreciated J. D. Realty, MI ^ FLOUR SANDING and reflnlstilng reliable men. , Connectlciit's half-billion dollar nent APPEARS nnd REPORT ERRORS In tlm« for fh» noxt Innor- •IG'OME.'TWE'/ CHestnut 8-2147 Gables," 118 Main St. Spaci'dis, Clampet. Realtor, Ml 9-4543. tlon. Tho Homid I* rrnponxiblo for only ONE Inrorroct or omittrd SpeLialltlng In old floors. Ml MONTHLY PAYMENTS 9-8075, MI 9-3640. MADELINE SMITH. Realtor M^dare”' l5eVm projertron C.mp highway constriiMion program Cairns, ranking Republiran FiNAuw GOT rr 816.79 grounds Ml 9-5229. 9-5 p.m...... underway or on the drawing i member of Ihe I.cgillatiire'a Fi- Inor'rtlon for nny ndvrrtUrment and then only to the extent of a 9-8790 MAperso ____ ^______------PICTURESQUE 6 room Cape, at- in 814,900—SIX ROOM Cape Cod In field Rd, $900. “make (food” In'aertlon. Error* which do not Icnnen the value of Diamonds— Watches— Phone for appointment Ml 9-164i: Building Parmlta hoard* is Involved In the hassle nanre Committee, claimed that the, M A M RUBllISH Removal Serv TKETBurruP' THREE ROOM furnished apart- tached garage, recreation room ROCKLEDGE—New 6 room ranch. preferred Bowers School ares. Up- in Puerto the adverttaement «IH not be corrected by "make (food" Innertlon. Jewelry 48 SAMUEL ALBERT. HARTFORD ment. Conveniently located. West I awnings, aluminum storms, nice 'stairs bedrooms air-conditioned 1 Frank Gambolati for Rudolph I ►'♦'ween the national adminislrs- Governor, last week Ice. Pull time Residential com I 'j hatha, attached garage, very ' - ~ CongrBBB ov^r Rico, m tintBin^ 'fh A n k itir CH 7-0358 Side MI 3-6129. ; trees, very central. 81-3.200. Carl- nicely decorated, recently paintpd;XNnoVEfr^'rcx>m 'finished rape.'acJdlUon to hotiM al 420. and ConKreid over whet her'lo | Rico mainUinH dlverdi(>n waa merciai, industrial. Attics cellar*, See It Day Or Night large living room, 818,900. R. F. I hir^ ffdftnit ifBBoline lo dup-1 ' loj^icftl" Hnrl dhould not b# r*- YOITR COOPERATION WTIX yards lawn mowing, high grass OtHAHUOt C atM A fl, LEONARD W. YOST. Jeweler, re­ ----! ton W Hutchins MI 9-M.32. Dimock Co . Realtor, Ml 9-5245, exterior, R. A. Beechler, Realtor. basement hAnemont rArao'egarage ReachBeach and Inkelake Hilliard St.. SI.000. sii* i. muxwM, If you have no means of trans­ RO a 1.3x24 living room, 'ireplac* best offer I..awrence F. Fiano, I and partitioning at 358. 360 and A MOST unusual opportunity—yes, FOR SALE — Chihuahua female look around and compare prices! For your new Ranch, Split, or 'Co­ T a i l or, Dies made to said bank for payment j "* ’ ■ Llnnmore Dr., Man- ed. sold and serviced 479 E. with reasonable prices. Call MI- bulbs hybrid variety, 3 for 81- I fled ranch, 6 rooms, bath, garage, • Formal dining room Broker. Ml 3-2763. [ .362 W. Middle Tpke., $2,500 each Joaeph C. Doyle fid d le Turnpike. Ml 9-3477. Burton's, Manchester'* leading puppy, pedigreed. Must be sold No othei' piano store offers the t h r e e a n d 4 room apartments lonial R, F. Dimock Co . Realtor. and issuance of new book. 1 cheater.______3-4884. 9 Oakland St., MI 3-7927. for rent with heat, North M; .n finished basement recreation MI 9 .324,3, or Barbara Woods, MI * I.J»rge kitchen ------—■ 1 Clifton R. Sprague, alterations __ F'lineral services for Joseph C. apecialty shop, has a real oppor­ before August 30. MI 9-5403. kind of upright and prices that I room hot water oil heat, excellent' St 875 and 885. respectively. J. 9-7702, Robert Murdock. M l 3-6472. * City water andVewer to house at 20 Tower Rd , $050. lohn Oourle.v, 65, proprietor of Dovle. 2.34 Tolland Tpke., war* CONNIE S TV and Radio Service, PAINTING AND paperhanging. tunity for an aggressive, intelli­ can offer Open 9:.30 a.m. to 10 I condilion. 818.000. Occupancy Dec. • Minutes to Main St Resort Property for Sale 74 FOUND—Two puppies, brown a n d l. „ , ^ ^ available all hours. Satisfaction n. Realty, Ml 9-3640. the tailor shop at 84.3 Mam St, held at 8.30 this morning at hla black males. Call Lee Fracchia, half-ton Ford Good clean workmanship at rea- gent, and willing gal to start as, Household Goods 51 p.m.. Mondays through Saturdays, ! Isl. Owner MI 9-9,367. died suddenly yestardav He djed late home and at 9 o'clock In fit. (fuaranteed. Call MI 9-1315 VII ASHFORD I-AKE—Cleared water­ Dog Warden, MI 3-8594. V-8. 8800. Ml 3-5093. sohable rates. 30 yesrs In Man- or train as a buyer, depending Articl.es For Sale 45 255 Market St., Hartford. LAWRENCE F. FIANO while vlaltlng al the home of his Bridget , Church The Rev. John CROSLEY automatic Shelvador re­ front lot, sandy beach, driveWay. che.sfer., Raymond Fi.ske. Ml upon essential retail experience. . GREEN MANOR—6 room ranch, COVENTRY—4*2 room ranch with BROKERS 5U 3-2766 Hospital INotes son Kenneth Goiirlev. Barbour -I rielaney wa* th* celebrant, and 1951 BLACK Ford convertible, good METRO APPUANCE Service - frigerator. Modem dining set, FOUR ROOMS with heat Ca*l Marion E. Robertson, Broker. FOUND—Beagle Dog. Merrie Wood 9-9237, If retailing Is your future, here Is SUMMER SALE—on fertile itone- lights, second floor. MI 9-9904. attached garage, full basement, carport, beautifully landscaped lot, Paul P, Fiano MI 3-04.38 tires, fair condition, 8150. Mullin's Repairs all makes of refrigera Wanted— ^To Buy 58 electric stove, automatic washer, MI 3-5953. . Hill Rd., South Windsor. M*-« Haymond Murphy wa* or**n- Camp vicinity on Gardner St. Call a splendid chance to grow with a less loam. Also, sand stone, fireplace set Reasonable. Moving. ame.sitc drive, perfect condition. He had been proprietor of hi* *'* ****'' "oloist. The Rev Stanley, Service Station. 176 Tolland Tpke. tors, freer.ers, wa.shing machines, EXTERIOR and interior painting. M I 3-8248. electric dryer, dish washer, elec- Halting Hours; .Adults 1 In 8 Xn 9-8435. dryers, range oil. gas burners. store as modem as a trip to the gravel fill. Ml 3-8603. DESIRABLE 4 rooms, heal, R. E. Dimock Co., Realtor. Ml Ceilings refinished. Paperhanging. moon —liberal salary and bonus WANTED TO’BUY trlc refrigerator, aluminum BOLTON 7 ANDOVER — Two room cottage, j p.m.; MAlemll.v — t to 5 and 6:30 own tailor ahop, which he Hasnllo read ihe '■"'T."’ '''" ' * * 7 : MI 9-0883. All work gjiaranteed. water fiimished, $90. Call I 9-524.3 started ahorlly after coming to *'/ **' ’ho giave in . .81. Bridget ■ Wallpaper books. E.stlmates given. arrangement open. Call or write TOP SOIL—Possibly- the cleanest BENDDC automatic washing ma­ Good used resalable furniture, storms, fireplace fixtures. The aton« .'ireplace. Very private, I to 8 p.m.; Chlldren'a Ward S to 1952 CHEVROLET. 2-lone Bel Air. 9-1919 between 3 and 7. Manchester in '1930 He was born '"metpiv Penioimli Fully covered by Insurance. Cali Mr. Alan Berne, or Mrs, Barbara and most fertile delivered in this chine, used 4 years, with rasters, also small upright and spinet buy of the year. Can asaume 4Re­ Room Older home. 12x17 kitchen. deep in woods. Beautiful aelting. , 7 p.m. As 1.* 8125. Call MI SU893. Edward R. Price. MI 9-1003. 830. Good condition. MI 3-0927, VIII 1.3x26 living room. Two stone fire­ 2 acres on the bend of *he river. | - — Hoasehold Senflrw Harris, o 'o Burton'.*. 841 Main St., area this year. Place your order. pianos. MANCHESTER — I-arge 3 room mortgage. Sept 1st occupancy. in Ireland, ^e ThomaVsievVnson. "(paries U ic m ! VACUUM CLEANERS repaired In Manchester, Conn. 'Tel. MI 3-5177. I.,eonard L Giglio A Sons, Bolton. apartment, very convenient loca­ .1 D Realty Co.. MI 9-8075, MI places. Stucco barn. Three bay ga­ Owner will finance. Asking 84,500; Patients Toda.v: 181 OLDSMOBILE 1957 88 Holiday. PAINTING AND .paperhanging. l?NDER CONSTRUCTION. New 5»i my own home shop. Forty years Orfered 13-A Call MI 3-'7083. CHAMBERS FURNITURE Watkins Used Furniture tion, in good area, near shopping. 9-.3640 rage, over acre land. Partly till­ or best offei I.awrence F F’lano. j ADMITTED SATURDAY: Mia. Hydrpmatic, power brakes and First Class work. Available now. room ranch, basement garage, able. Terrific view both east and Broker. MI 3-2766. Paul P. Fiano, I Suaan I.«rrh, 37 F'ox Hill Drt; Roc' - Jo4$^ph Bf'rrrrq factory experience. All makes, low steering, radio, heater. Very good Exchanjfe For appointment call I-omas A Choice location, built-in stove and Goiirlev of Manchester; several WEAVING of bums, holes FTillv Insured. Call after 4 p.m. Help Wanted— Male 36 POWER MOWERS — Toro, Jacob SALE Nettleton Co. all day Sunday or A A 7-ONE. Chistom .3*2 room ranch, west. Reduced to 821.500. MI 3-0458. I Vllle; Mrs, Margaret Sullivan. brother* and__^sisters In Ireland, rates, free estimates, free 'pickup condition. MI 9-.7094. and tom clothing, hosiery runs, oven, ceramir til* bath, amesite Ml 9-6326. sen, Yazoo and Snapping Turtle 15 Oak Street evenings. Mr. Handler, Ml 9-7R13. builtins, recreation room, awn------j East Hartford: Helene McIntyre. and four grandchildren. j and delivery. Mr. Miller, -lA handbags repaired. zipper re­ 503 E. Middle Tpke. drive, completely landscaped lot. . LAWRENCE F. FIANO 2-8904. OLDSMOBILE 1953, 2-door 88. New TOWN OF MANCHESTER Reel and rotary. Also riding mow­ Mr Gaffev, JA 8-0166. or -Mr, ings porch, plastered ' $,g,o()0. R. F. Dimock Co. Realtor: c. . . _ , - - I East Hartford: Antoinette Janis- The funeral will he held at 2! placement. umbrellas repaired, ers. Parts and service. Capitol WE BUY and sell antique and used Saburban for sale 75 zew.ski .38 North SI.: Russell Gang*. Heavy Selling tires, brakes, battery, excellent GE vacuum cleaners furniture, china, glass, silver, pic­ Booth, AD 3-8441. Reasonably priced. Carlton "■ xfi q.*243 BROKERS Ml .3-2766 o’clock tomorrow afternoon at the - men's shirt collsrs reversed and Private Instructions 28 Equipment Co,, 38 Main St., Man­ Hulchins, MI 9-51.32. I ______' 29c WASH. 10c D R Y—Do It your condition. BU 9-5971. SENIOR ENGINEERING ture frames, guns, attic contents, Paul P, Fiano were, ,38 ( onway Rd ; Maureen ; Holme* Fiinersl Home. 400 Msin srtf. lucky Lady. Self-Service replaced. Marlow's Little Mend­ chester. M I 3-7958. NEW 4 room apartment in quiet Excellent selection of— whole estates. Furniture refln- IX room ranch fireplace, built-in .pim-in _ . - „ o. i v •■»SI Burial will be in F.a*t Ceme- Laundry, i l Maple St (across 1953 LINCOLN, 4-door, automatic ing ShOpj U S. CIVIL SERVICE TesU ! Men- neighborhood. New stove and re­ MANCHESTER - Sturdv,;.new six I ______Cuts Priees on AIDE — ?i4,065-$5,157 i.*hed and repaired. Furniture Re­ VERNON (Manchester Line) ov;en and riinge, dishwasher, oil from First National Store Parking transmissioh. all power, rebuilt women, 18-52. Start high as '805 IMITATION ivory and gold fir Breakfast sets frigerator furnished, heal and hot room (iflirison ColoTvifll, bslhs, > xya _itfam Qf**AA« i/\na Janet DICK'S WEATHERSTRIP Com­ pair Service and Sales, Talcott- hot water heat, full insulation i M ANCHESTER-M am Street loca- hot water heat, full basement, at- ‘q*. Friends may call at th# funeral Lot). motor Kleman Motor Sales. Ml week. Preparatory training until Applicants must have had exper­ place, electric stove, ga* heater water. 8100 per iiionlh MI 9-619.3 Mrs. pany doors and windows, custom vllle. * lion. Offered for first lime on the • 6 room Ranch horn# today from 3 to 5 and 7 to 9-4100, appointed. Thousands of jobs ience In office or field engineering and Woodstock typewriter. MI Table* plastered walls, fireplace, paneled tached garage, combination sonego ’ l99"\Ve"is’ l l ' • Mr*. Stock Market WANTED—Ride to Meriden from work guaranteed. Call collect Wtl- 9-6246. market, thia valuable site for either • Expandable attic dow. half acre, excellent location. ""hego, wens . 9 p.m. open. Experience usually unneces­ or college level training in civil en­ ■ MANTHFS'TFR .... wall, knotty pine cabineta. I-^rge or residential rentals. • Beautiful stone fireplai e Katherine Marchisotti, 869 Main Tolland Tpke., near Howard-.Iohn- 19,5.7 CHEVROLET BEL AIR, foiir llmantic HA 8-1198 Floor lyimps shade trees. Call owner and build- ‘ ' •'* 815.6oo for sale, 81.30 rent sary. Free Information on jobs, gineering. Application forms may WANTED — Used lawn mower Ideal for office building or com­ • Basement garage , St.; Mr*. Aileen Wsgner, 76 B's- aon. working hours 8-5 Ml 3-0647. door, powerglide, radio, heater; salaries, requirements. Write to­ LONG P L A Y records, all kinds and 3-4 ROOM ARART-MEN'IS er. MI 3-4860. month. Coventry PI 2-7584. MU* .Nadine M. Sullivan (ronttamed fmm Page One) TV SERVICE — Potterton’s, all be obtained at the Office of the Ll'vlng and bedroom sets motor. Call M l 3-0731. mercial use. Full price, 829,500. • Near parkwav ___i sell St. excellent condition. Kleman Motor day. Lincoln Service, Pekin 74, all guaranteed in virtually new Miia Nadine M. Sullivan, 41. 96 RPEKHAL—Electrolux, world's only makes. Highest quality guaranteed General Manager, Manchester, condition. Save over half, 2 lounge We furnish heal, hot waicr gas COVENTRY fJVKE — Two year- Call the R. E. Dimock Co . MI • Asking 814,900. NEAT 3 room cottage, front porch, i ADMITTED YE.STERDAY: Clar Sales. M I 9-4100. Illinois. The latest design Thayer and McKee St., died early yesterday were down around 5 apiece. Zenith fully automatic cleaner, guaran­ work and parts, over 47 yearn' ex­ Connecticut: the State Personnel chairs, one night stand. All new HAVE YOU any surplus store or for cooking, refrigerators, sun-e.! eotlages. Good Investment 9-.324.3 or Robert D. Murdock, Ml partial cellar. Combination gas- ! ence Mikoleit, 21 Woodland St ; Gem cribs. momlng“;t Manche“*’t;r Memorial; ebd M o ^ a a r^ d 4 Philco end teed world's finest, world's fast­ perience. Famous for service since Department, State Office Building. condition. , At sacrifice. Call MI restaurant equipment that you do storage .space. 882 to $9l property 88..300 for the 2. Call .3-6472 or Daniel Saunders. TR LAWRENCE F. FIANO coal Glenwood range, gaa w ater' Ruaaell T. Corcoran, 208 Charter 1931. Phone MI 9-4537 for best Hartford. Connecticut or the Hart­ not have any use for? I will buy heater, storms, screens, I » t Oak St.; Michael MinicuccI, 1781 Ho.*pital. after a short Illness i est home rug cleaner and washer. 1950 PACKARD, good condition, 3-0858 or M I 3-1394. All at substantial savings. Visit 5 to 7 11.ni. Call .MI !'-ln T t o r, Marian E. Robertson, Broker. MI 5-2828 or Barbara Woods, MI 5U 3-2766 service. Bond.s— Stocks Mortgages 31 ford and Manchester Offices of U,:! and pay cash. Call MI 9-0474. BROKERS .30x100, About 12 milea from Man- Oak St.: David DeMer*.jrivirrs. 180_High^ iw< nigii She wa* born in ^ahchester nlumme^d 7U Inon Free defhonstration. MI 3-6308, rea.sonable. Call M I 9-3751. our salesrooms dally 10-6. 7:30-". ------I ,3-.39,33. 9-7702. Connecticut State Employment 25 FLUORESCENT light fixtures, M I 9-5770 Chester, 85,800. At lesst half cash St.; Charles Ijinkford, FIJLT FINISH Holland window IMPROVE YOUR CREDH' A Paul P. F'iano Ml 3-0458 f '’' / ll r r 'd ” ! I^"" d I^"* O^ed Sul* i w s C a A^mco'^fiteel 5^ To W ILL GIVE individual ceramic In­ FORD. 1953 red convertible Fordo- Service. Completed appllcaticr'* 4 feet long, 2 bulbs, 47 per fixture. FOR SALE—Several smiill size CAPES and Ranches. 37 new homes X required. Mortgage arranged. Wal- St.: Francis Papa, East , ,q,r moiiBri i»m...... nn it 600 sharea and Younralo n shades, made to measure. All multitude of monthly oa Tnents Rooms Without Board 59 I V * “ ''■‘V**' . urLi^’ ; ' '>n H.600 share* and Youngslo n structions afternoons and even­ matlc, 8250. M I 9-9776 after 6:30 mu.*t bp filed in Office of General Also 10.2 feet long, 2 bulbs, 83.50 electric refrigerator*. Call MI, being started in Vernon bv J. E. ton W. Grant Agency, Realtor, MI John Fogarty, 19 High St.: Mrs. ; uvan, and she had been a lifelong i ^ ^ j jqg metal Venetian blinds at a new may be lumped into one second Rusinetw l-kicattons BOLTON (All Stone) ings. Marguerite Dorset, 122 Park p.m. Manager. Town Hall. Manchester, per fixture. In good condition. Call 3-5117. ROOM WITH kitchen privileges. McCarthy These homes will sell MANCHESTER—6 room Cape Cod, 3-11.3.3. i Lucille Meensell. South Coventry: ] resident. For a number of year* Allied Chemical aiid du Pont were low price. Keys made w'hlle you mortgage with payments of only Connecticut, on or before Aug. 31, .3 or 4 bedrooms, good condition, Bt. Ml 3-0815. MI 9-0474 Centrally located. Babies ac­ for Rent 64 for 81I.S90 Only 8360 down and • .3*4 room P-anch ------I Thomas Hunter 281 Center St.;|qhe was associated with the R«<1 d o t ^ ^ l ^ : 5 e ^ h . S S d v e "r wait Marlow's. 822.25 for each 81.000 vou need. 1959. ■888 monthly Including mortgage, excellent family home with large • 2 »tone fireplaces ---- — —— — „ z r Mr*. Katherine I-aiiff. 9 Avon St., ^prl White fruit stand. i around 4 RIDERS WANTED to Hartford, Dial CH 6-8897 and a.*k Frank WATKINS USED cepted. Mrs. Dorsey, 14 Arch St. ONE REFRIGERATOR, two 9x12 STORE FOR RENT excellciil 1 ■ taxes and fire insurance Y orr yard for children. Selling under • Plastered wall.* Wanted— Real Estate 77 Mrs, Irene Lm-kwood East Hart- 5,^* leaves three brothers. 1 'Jhe'automaker* were down Capitol Ave. vicinity. Working Tralleni «-A OIL BURNER Service—Oil burn­ Burke or Mrs. Carter how Con­ LATHE OPERATORS wool rugs, one 20" boy’s bicycle. PLEASANT large heated room, cation 500 square ft,, air-roiidi choice of a 5*4 room ranch with EHA appraisal. Priced at onlv I * Built in appliances ers, furnaces cleaned. 88.50 and necticut Mortgage Exchange. 15 FURNITURE EXCHANGE ?or , ■P'"*".**' « • T. _?nd M \ than a point except Btude- hours 8:15-4:45. I.«ave Center 7:30 MI 9-1042. free parking, on bua line. 146 tinned optional, Tel MI 3-1191 oven and range or a Cape Cod 812,600. R. E. Dimock Co., MI • Aluminum combination* a.m. Call MI 3-4921 after 6 p.m. 25 FOOT trailer, sleeps 5, gas stove up, MI 4-0095. Lewis St., Hartford. _ EXPERIENCED ONLY One 8-pc dining room set. 8126. Center St. MI 3-.5002. with 5 finished rooms. Model 9 .324,3 Barbara Woods, MI 9-7702 • Large screened-in porch and electric refrigerator with a FOR SALE Booka. Set of 12 do it COMMERCTAI- business or office or Robert Murdock, MI 3-6472. toilet. 8400. MI 3-7605, To those qualified wp offpr good homes will be ready about August • Basement garage. yourself encyclopedias, nev^r Five-piece Dinette Set. black and PLEASANT ROOM for a gentle­ space for rent. Up lii 6,30o squaie IRONING DONE In my home. MI pay with fringe benefits in pleas­ used, $5. Handy-man’s book, never 1, but now Is the time to pick your • Over 2 acres land AatomobflPB for Hale 4 Help Wanted— Fetnale 35 gold, decorated, coat new 8189*>now man, separate entrance. 14'4 feel. Will sub-divide Main Street lot. Beautiful high elevation "Take XVIII 3-4096. ant surroundings. used, 22 other fiction md non-fic­ • High elevation Hartford TWTXAv F .q A .' *•*'« John F. Tiem ey Funeral t mid. Westlnghouse Electric, Texaco 869. Hackmatack St. Call MI 9-1816 or I-ot lo si. James- Cemetery Sales and Service. 285 Main Saybrook, 9-7702. We also buy property for cash. Friends may call i t the funeral noon, evening appointments call Mr, full-time or part-time. Call Mr. Spinet Desk, 830. ' finished. Full shed dormer, Mrs. Ralph Kochenburger. Storr*. Street.- MI 9-4571. Open evenings, i carpentry ROUND M APLE lamp table, 2 LARGE PLEASANT light house­ Member Multiple IJsling home today and tomorrow from 2 . ------' Early, MI 9-8875, Shapiro. MI 9-4427, Tots A Teens. - TOOL OPERATORS cushion maple platfofm rocker. LARGE PLEASANT store, excel ' breezeway, garage. Emit, shade ANDOVER (Special) BIRTHS YESTERDAY: a aon net work done. Honest "no relia­ keeping room for working person. trees. City utilities. Near schools • I>aige 6 room Ranch STANLEY BRAY, Realtor to 5 snd 7 to 9:30 p.m. NEED A CAR and had your credit 956 Main St. Bathinctte as is, 3 piece Danbury lent for grocen-, TV, nr appliance BRAE-BURN REALTY lo Mr. and Mrs. Francis Thiel. 50 PREPARE FOR driver’s test: ble workmanship. Call Roscoe EXPERIENCED ONLY 15 OAK STREET Call MI 3-6951. . and church. Call owner after 4. turned down? Short on down pay­ winter coat set, size 4, like new. salesroom, etc. Good •■'ize front • .3 large bedrooms MI 3-627.3 Duval St.; a aon to Mr. and Mr*. Town Will Open Ages 16 lo 60. Driving ana class­ Tbompaon. MI 8-1895 for esti­ SALESLADIES wanted — full or Ml 9-8895. MANCHESTER- New 6 room Co­ • Formal dining room ment? Had a repossession? Don't | To those qualified wp offer good Call Ml 9-5104, windows. Call after 5 MI 9-1680 lonial, fireplace, built-in stove, oven Roger Schrjidt, West Willington: John Mc4!ann give up! See Douglas Motors, get room. Three instructions Nc wait­ mates part-time, experienced preferred Open Thurs. evenings until 9 138 • Basement garage ing. Manchester Driving Acade­ pay with fringe benefits in pleas­ FURNISHED room for rent. or MI 9-3549. 99 Summer St VERNrtN-MANCHEBTER line — and dishwasher. 817,900. R. F. THREE BEDROOM home in Man­ a son to Mr. and Mra. Robert Ran­ John McCsnn died early this P^quipment Bids the lowdown on the lowest down BIDWELL HOME Improvement but not necessary. Apply in per­ ant surroundings. USED WOODEN office desk, swivel Bissell St. .3 Aluminum combinations chester close to school and bua morning at the Veterans Hospital, my. PI 2-7249, Closed Mondays New 6 room ranches, 19x14 living Dimock Co.. Realtor. M l 9-5245. ' 1 acre on high elevation dall. 39 S. Hawthorne St.: a daugh­ and smallest payments anywhere. Co. Alterations, additions ga­ son. Tots 'n Teens. 956 Main St. posture chair. 820. Evenings MI /IB-CONDITIONED 3-ronm office, line. Occupancy Sept. 1st. Direct Rocky Hill, after a long lllneaa. room with fireplace, 3 spacious • 82 ,700 assumes money saving ter to Mr. and Mr*. Aldo Pa''an. „ „ u . I Bxls fo*" 'he finish hardware Not a small loan or finance com­ MORTLOCK'S Manchutsr’s lead­ rages. Roofing and siding experts. Apply in person 9-8785. CHEST OF drawers, apartment BEDROOM WITH connecting living 100% Main Street location Park­ from owner. State price and loca­ EXPERIENCED sewing machine room, also single room, attrac­ bedrooms, all modern kitchen with XXI 40 Portia. St. Mam-heater, toilet accessories for the pany plan. Douglas Motors. 333 ing driving school. Three skilled Aluminum clapboards a specialty. size General'TIlectric refrigerator. ing. Marlow'a. 867 Main St. mortgage tion. Write Box F, Herald. March IS. 1894. a son of the late End junior high school will Main St. operators, day shift, 8 a,m.-4:.30 DEAN tive. clean, quiet, near Center. built-ins Anderson x^indows. cit\ DISCHARGED SATt!RDAY: courteous Instructors. Class room Unexcelled workmanship. Easy p.m. Night shift 5 p.m -10 p.m. FARM ALL TRACTOR, hydraulic 78 High St., MI 9-0295. . water, $J6.600. Paul X Correnti, MANCHESTER--New 7 room Co­ Judith Moule, Warehouse Point; John and Mary Spellman McCann, p.m. in tJie budget terms. MI 9-6495 or TR loader, hay mower, harrow and MI 9-7410. lonial, 1*2 baths, breezeway two LAWRENCE F. FIANO SELLING? BUYING" Trading" We OLJ3ER CARS; mechanics spe­ Instructions for 16, 16. 17 year Apply Knklar Toy Co., 60 Hilliard MACHINE PRODUCTS, INC. 6.5 ,M! .3-.3,36.3: BROKERS Ml 3-2768 Edward Gorsky. 32 Orchard St., He was emplo,ved as s weaver at hearing room of the Municipal olds. Telephone Mr. Mortlock, 5-9109. trailer. PI 2-721L BRAND NEW General Electric Houses for Rent car attached garage. Bullt-ins. Im- are Just about sold out on listings lelske. Bro«. A vetenin of ^^rld j g c. cials, flxit yourself cars, always St, 165 Adams St. built-in oven, 30", blue. Never BEDROOM AND kitchen. Nice for ______---- Paul P Fiano Ml .3-0458 so call us. We w'oiild be glad lo Rockville; Mrs. Msry Belske. a g o ^ selection. Look behind our Director of Driver Education. young couple. Single bedroom. All FOR RENT in Bolton—Real pi " STOP I-OOtONG, If you have a mediate occupancy 822,900 R. E. South Windsor: Mrs. Violet Y iirk -1 Wii;; '■ The invitation to hid was orig- used. P I 2-8140. family and need 7 rooms, good ! Dimock Co Realtor, Ml 9-5245. call on you and talk things over. office. Douglas Motors. 333 Main. MI 9-7.798. PART-TIME work 82 an hour p a r T-TIME work $2 an hour guar- furnished. Call MI 9-6914 after 6. home of 8 rooms, 4 bedrooms, 2 i MANCHESTER CAPE .shot, 59 Russell -St.:L.: Mr*. Irene ; hp'her1 ***’'' ' ,nall-y advertised for Aug. 18, but RooflnK— Sidinii 16 FOR SALE Old coin collection. location, extra building lot in-! ~ — ------r;— Mitten can fix j'oiir needs like a guaranteed, Must be neat appear­ anteed' Must be neat appearing, FRIGIDAIRE refrigerator, all por­ hatha, basement recreation room; Shea, 25 Benton St .; Mrs. Nattia I .'i2- r!r.^* was ' moved up four days to ex- 1952 FORD coupe custom line. 2 LARSON'S Connecticut's first 11 ing, able to mee the public Avail­ Call MI 3-0737, eluded. All thia for 816,900. Act 1 '^^MES PARISH _ 8 room older glove. Call the Ellsworth Mitten R A Y ’S ROOFING CO., shingle and able to meet the public. Available celain good running condition, with fireplace. Beautiful lot. Com­ home, consisting of 3 rooms, plus • Six rooms Agenev. Realtors. Member MlJi. Pemir^NTrw^c^^J.ck^MU^^^^^^^ the preparation of shop door, equipped with radio, heater, censed driving sch6ol trained, able 2 Or 3 nights a week. Call ApartmenUs— Flats— pletely furnished, 8200 per month, | todnv, Philbrick Agency, MI • Plastered walls built-up roofs, gutter and- conduc-; m i‘"3.2942 or TR 5-2444 2 or 3 nights a week. Call MI WOODEN STORM windows and 836. P I 2-8030. ainkroom. lavatory, enclosed porch \n 3-69.30. Vernon Trailer Court; Mr*. Pa­ Fordomatlc, fairly good body. Al.so ; Certified and approved, is now of-i .3-2942 or TR 5'.2444. Tenements 6.1 Ideal situation for 3 or 4 s in g le ______9-8464 ______• Hot water heat good running condition. Call any ferlng classroom and behind tor. work: roof, chimney repairs.' screens, assorted sizes, Curtain down. .3 bedrooms, full bath up. tricia Forstrom, 151 Tanner St.; and the Zipser Club Ray Hagenow. MI 9-2214; Ray stretcher. Call MI 9-2720. R*'*'” "*'. Ml |coVP:NrRY- Route 44a 5 room Modern heating system, one-car • Fireplace Donr.a Johnaon. Hebron, Kenneth tin. time after 6:30. TR 5-3411. wheel instruction for teenagers. Hale to buck city and bridge traf­ SALES Manager wanted for Man­ GAS STOVE, gas refrigerator, FOUR ROOM ranch type duplex, • Breezeway and garage T.,esraT Notice He leaves hi* wife. Mr*. Grace MI 9-6075. Jackson. MI 3-8.325. fic? Who doesn't! oil heat. Electric range, basement, ______- ______- <''is’ u*Ti built ranch. I-arge living garage. In excellent condition. Perrone, 102 Summer St.: William ;,- * McCann' two dauehter* Dr i Notification of th* change ha* chester and vicinity. Spare time CANNING JARS pints and quarts, piano bench. PI 2-80,36. Price 816.900. Philbrick Agenc,', • Near bus and Parkway opportunity. Experience unneces­ laundry, private drive and yard. FOR RENT—Furnished 4 room; I.lqrOR PKR.MIT F.eister. 57 Washington St : Mrs. ‘ ^e Board of Dlrec- COUGHLIN ROOFINQ Company. ' Then wh.v not .see w h at glass tops. like new. Call MI MI 9-8464._ • 81-;.500 or beat offer sary. Manage and build own sales COMBINATION Prizer oil and gas Quiet. Adults, no pets. Call MI NOrirP OP APPI.K'ATION Helen Maroney, 54 Pleasant St.. Mr*. Edward Schweir of i t l ^ SchiwI Building Commit- Nicely Detailed Inc Aluminum siding, asphalt- SPENCER RUBBER CO. 4-8147 after 5. single home. Available .9epl 1.! 8a*''*K'' Thlj» i-« lo jfivp none/* that I .lOHX asbsstos roofing. Also aluminum, force. Liberal commissions, bonus stove with tank and pump. Call 9-1104 after 5, or Sat. or Sun. 1969 through June 30. i960. Par- Agency. M. 9-8464. 89,200—CUTE 2 bedroom ranch, LAWRENCE F. FIANO L. MUrry. of 134 the preml.«e« Math Rtreel, Lona Baxter, Talcottville: Mra. Funeral Home. 400 Main SI . and fr"!'' 'he mam hid for only. Must have car. Call MI cellent condition, 876, MI 4-"1239., Center Street plus garage ano 9S w n n n H R T n rv abor Dav Call 3 aures < hoire land. Sarnflre at oasis larpesi semnR Rockville: Mr.*. .loan O'Neill. 150 for an interview. available Aug . mivanor ua.\. Direct-from owner. MI m***u;f«'I*** ed homes in Connect!-; MANCHESTER-South Main St. 8 Qiiiilatlnn* rurnlshed t»j Walker St.: Mrs, Rochina Femmia, 3-0783. M '"heTd*'.tTo'!,>lock ^ Hc"’ had "been champion on the MI 8-6361 cut. Arbor Homes, leader* in do i t ’ J'oom, 5 bedroonfoonr home- in excel Coburn ft MIddlebrook. Inc. :t69 Woodbridge St.; Waldo Bol­ Manchester, was held at in o c 1 o. k ^ Thursday. During hi. s p e n c e r r u b b e r CO. Situations Wanted------9-6660 voursrlf home buildinR in Con- neiRhborhooo nmr country ' • SEPTIC TANKS CAN YOU USE ME fl re ling. Coventiy; Mr*. Angelin*. , »'■* '" ‘>'■'""8 St. James Ceme- , prdgram. he ac- Millinery Dressmaking 19 ’ Ofapel ,S<. Female .18 CLEANED and INSTALLED place boat Available last 2 weeks AUTUMN S T R E E T -6 room Cape, necticut offers chance for increase elub, town sxrtmming pool, atorts Bank Stocks WANTED IN YOUR BUSINESS? place, Doat. Avaiiaoie laai 4 weens io.^»= sales to-Vniildei s renlini-e or af ’ and schools, Reasonabl.v. priced at Keilh, 22 Hollister St : Mr* Su- ter> , ca a m ^ c'*wulaied $.300 in-prize monev. of August, month of September.! 1 unfinished. .3 bedrooms, laige *" 21! *^Pn” ots oi st ,,1 p-.., Esther Sdhwarz Bid Asked zanne Perron, Hartford . -Mrs. Gert- | Mr Rutledge. 84. died last Tues- contestants bid for a chance to AVON' HAND CREAM Have .vou RELIABLE -woman would like MI *-7149 I living room and fireplace, garage, filiates. Willingness to work and ^5,.3()o 4 an and ristner Mcnwarz, DRESSMAKING and alterations. • SEW ERS I W ont and Nood A JobI Conn. Bank and Trust rude Corcoran. Coventry; Frederick day at the home of hia son. identify a song after hearing only ever used it? Could you sell it? babysitting at any time.' MI Lubrication Men — ^______!______Amesile drive, must be sc n. 1 sales ability are most impoilant i >’■***!>’ . Co...... 40 42 Dooley. Wapping; Mrs. Katherine J- Rutledge, in I.-aCanadR, '-"''f. ■ Call M I 9-9U0. . Thousand* of repre*entatlves are, 3-8958. MACHINE CLEANED I'm a local .voting man; al­ ------r - $15,800, Paul J. Correnti. Ml assets required. For interview out­out-j o m T T T I w flM n C n P Hartford Nations Girstafson. 12.3 Glenwood St.; He was born m Manchester, and . j, resume*, along with all.. Avon's famous W a n ted to R en t 68' | lining Arbor Home plan and prov- oCM-SOUTH i r l WINDSOR \3 lix u n w r i for part-time work eve- though confined to a whe«I lining Arbor Home plan and prov­ Bank ft Trust Co. 35 37 Philip Falkowski. 68 AJ'un St.; had lived in Hartford for 55 years songs played in produrts. You, too, can earn extra • INSTALLATION en sales aid available write giv­ Moving— ^Tracking— niniis, also daytime. chair, I am willing to learn to Foster Si.---5 room Cape, large Fire Insurance Comiianies Mrs, Anna Kaezorowaky. Col­ ^fore moving to < allfornis in g^me, valued at $100. $200 income In your spare time! No ex­ Dors—Birds*— Pets 41 SPECIALIST do anything. W ill work an.v- 8-7 ROOM HOITSE not over 1100 VERNON 6 room finished Cape, ing details to Arbor Homes, Box Storage 20 wooded lot- 812,700, .. 70', 73’-, chester; Harold Helm. 25 Spruce 1949, He wa* a retired grocer and ! perience needed We give com. where, any hours In Manches­ Pe • month. Call MI 9-7423. 8 a.m.- lu baths, garage with small 191,3. Waterbury, Conn., or call Aetna Fire ...... plete training. Call now for inter­ ENGLISH SETTERS, pedigreed, Apply In Person . .182 192 :St.; -Mrs. Helen Brissette snd a retired einploye of the City of Haueieen u. the eon of Mr*. Mary AUSTIN A CHAMBERS Co. Local ter.' Phone or write 8:30 p.m. ! work shop spare. Vac ant. Biisi- Waterburv Pl-aza 6-46.37 Hartford F ire ...... view. JA 8-627.3. je a d y for fall training. Good hunt­ Town and Country A S H F O R D LAKE I'ational Fire ...... 122 1.30 j daughter. 1 Michael Dr.. Vernon: Hartford, where he worked a* s g Hauelsen of 118 Pine St. He is moving, packing, storage. 7jovi ...... ■ - •—~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ness opporlunitie.'. Asking $14,900. ing stock. Call PI 2-6720. _L Tongren, Broker, MI 3-6321. MANCHESTER- Quality built 3 . .horefront cottage, nlci Phoenix F 'ire...... , 77 80 I Mra. Rosemarie Hart and daugh- starter at the Keney Psrk Golf ,, district sales manager for the rates on Io m distance moves to WOMEN—85 an hour spare time. HERBERT TOMLINSON , Apartment Bulldinjfs bedroom ranch, garage, nice loca- inf » • . ' ter, Willimantic: Mr*. Janet Mince — .. . ( Ball Canning Co. of Pittsburgh, 48 states. Ml S-8187 Drainago Go. MORIARTY BROS. Life and Indemnity In*. Cos. Sensational new Apparel Party DACHSHUND PUPPIES — AKC 1.16 HIGHLAND ST. for Sale 69 VERNON Are you looking for a tion, full price 817,500. Short V .ay' i and daughter. 45 Schaller P,d.; Besides hi* son in California, he i Plan. We deliver, collect. Free Aetna Casualty .. . . .186 196 leaves another son. J. I.eonsrd I ' ______registered. Black and tans, affec­ M l 9-4143 301-.315 Center Street M I .1-6609 home to run your biisinesa from? out, 9 'i room e.state. 2',. batha, | Also several 2-3-5 acre plots, vi- Mrs, Edith Schieldge and son, Cov- MANCHESTER Moving and TVuck- sample line. Beeline Fashions, tionate pets. Call Coventry P I Aetna Life ...... 2.36 "'266 Rutledge of W.vnnewood Pa.: five , Ing Company. Local and *oni dis­ T h r e e and five room apartments, 6 room ranch, basement garage, amall barn, over one acre lar I, i cinity of Ashford I^ke— black top I entry; Mr*. Margaret Donovan Bensenville 168, Illinois. 2-8706. Conn. General ...... 380 395 tance moving, packing and stor- centrally located, 2 acres of beau­ many possibilities On busy full price $1.3,500. 6 room home— I road. 8300 -8500 full price. Term*, land aon. 7 Ashland St ; Mrs. grandchildren and two great- Faulty Fixture [Htfd. Steam Boiler . . 93 98 w e. Weekly van service to New tiful grounds, 8 room apartment Ihoroiighfare. Very clean. Asking garage, out buildings, four acres i j Angela Raffa and daughter, 17 grandchildren. 99 ■York Ml 3-8563. completely furniahed. J. D, Real­ 816,700. Tongren, Broker, MI land full price, 813,900. Expandable! ARTHUR A. KNOFLA, 1 Travelers ...... 96 I Huntington St. (lioiuls Station 8277 ty, MI 9-8075, MI 9-3640. .3-6321. Cape, garage, acre land, full price, Realtor Public m tn ttes' Thuiiiae J. .Maneggin MANCHESTER Package Delivery. $10,500. Lakefront cottage, garage, ’ F'lineral service* for Tkoniaa .1 l2'A-26'/j FOUR BEDROOM Cape, city utlli- Ml Q rnoo ^"'Kht * Power 23’., A fiiioiear ent lighting future Ught trucking and package deliv­ BOB OLIVER HAS 1 to settle estate, full nrice 87,000. M l '3-5440 M l 9-0938 : p;ariford Electric Lt. 67 House Unit Bars Maneggia. Rt. 6. Bolton, were held COLOR STAMP-ONS ery. Refrigerators, washers and ' / Houses for Sale 72 ties. immediate occupancy i Many more. Call The Ellsworth overheated and emitted clouds of '•6TH THf New Hartford Gas Co. 44 4 Saturday morning at 9:1.3 at the smoke in the WTNF radio station of- stove moving specialty. Folding $12,900. Seven room rambling i Mitten Agency, Realtors MI 3-6930 VERNON - Immaculate 6 r°ow | New'England John B^ Burke Funeral Home! Joh ^ Mik’d r - fr k r V e V - ‘ 1/ Treat .yourself to this pretty chaira for rent. MI 9-0752, *% ROOM Cape Cod, shed dormer, Cape, beautiful grounds, garage, | MI 9-5524. Hike in Gas Tax Wn-O-IAMA G R R M A N Y '5 ranch, attached garage, htli base- Teleohone 46 48 lowed by a solemn r^uienn high | ^ fn^ro^o reported, but "the aiiron that is so becoming and yet til* bath, fireplace, open stair­ excellent financing. Contemporary ------!------!------ment. paneled living room with " ...... (C-onliniied from Page One) A carefully tailored classic lij so comfortable! It's simple-lo-sew WE ARE HIRING! case. Hot water oil heat, recrea­ Colonial. Two-car garage, 6 acrea | MANCHESTER—I.jirge 8 year old. dining area, Swedish fireplace .Maniifartiiring Cempaniaa ' fire Was quukiv pm out half sizes with front tucking, handy tion room, porch. Shade trees, .and quiclt to-trim with luscious of land. Country living in town, .30-1 2 bedroom ranch, attached ga-1 combination storms and screens. Arrow. Hart. Heg. 72'j 75'., 1cut back to only $600 million and ,l^i'iev wa*"lhr(^‘elekrtnf'the^>r^^ ‘ ’" ' " 1'''"'*’’' '• pockets. gopd condition. Charles Icsper- - rose stamp-ons. Please state size, day accupancvp^23r:900. Beautiful rage, enclosed porch 12x22. beau-1 biiill-ins near schools, bus and As.sociated Spring 20'-., 22', 1 No. 8277 with Patt-O-Rama Is I Lathe Operators # Jig Bore Operators xnce. MI 9-7620. next year lo 81,400.000,000 _Siibse-' p Hannon the deacon, j i n d “'used"ai?exhmist SEPTIC TANKS 7 room ramdsT 42 Concord Road,, tifiilly landscajjed with-trees and. stjopping center. Excellent financ-i Bristol Brass . . . . 12>* qiient apportiimmenU would be re- ; Rev. Bernard McGurk the ' In sizes 12'a, 14',j, 16'i, 18'», Pattern No. 2638 has tissue — 13>, 1 AND This hou-se^A-A-woman's dreaih. i shnibbeiy, plastered walls, alu-1 i„g. Mav assume 4>,% VA mort-1 Collinsillim 75 85 ' dm ed proportionately in line wrth ' Charles Robbins w:ia ' 1,?" ,1 \ n ^ h » Heht J0)i. 22%, 24*4, 26*^. Bust 33 to size 36, 38, 40, 42 or 44; color DKW b u s in e s s SITE on East Center transfer: full directions. B Milling Machine Operators # Toolmakers St., 120 foo' frontage. Dius 6 room $29,900. Five apartments. 4 rooms, minimi screens anc} storms, largS gage. -' For appointment call Kath-lDurtham Bush . 8 'i 9 ', the 4-.vear additional spread m *oloisl and Mrs. Robbins '3'a» 'h^ rnl i . 47, Size 1435 bust. 4^ yards of each; Income $4,800 a year, 1 fireplace. One block from bua, erine Remkiewicz, Broker. M I ' Em-Hart ...... 15-inch. To order, send 26c in coins to :^ PLUGGED SEWERS 3 oquol 6 house, 4-car- garage with 58 feet 46’ -, 494 bulging, 'organist Father McGurk . ^ml T Z J **^we« 828,900. Glastonbury. Custom built I I^arge lot. For appointment caU .3-6766, I Fafnir, Bearing President Eisenhower has called Father Kelley read '.he committal , ■ ’ * * flames wera To order, send 35c In coins to:— Anne Cabot, The Manchester Eve­ Wore frontage. Carlton W Hutch­ 574 614 ins, MI 9-5182. 2-bedi;oorn brick ranch, over Man-1 the I-omaa'& Nettleton Co.. CH . Landers, Frarv, Clark '2121 23 for a 1'3-cenl a gallon lax in- service *1 the grave in St. James' visible. Sue Burnett, The Manchester Eve­ ning Herald, ' 1150 AVE OF Machine Cleaned # Ail Around Machinists BOWFIRS SCHOOI,-Custom 3 bed-, ^SONDERKLASSr Chester line, country club atmos­ 9-6211. Eveninga and Sundavs Mr. 29', crease for the next five, yeau* or *0 Cerhetei v. ning Herald, IJ5« AVE. OF AMERICAS, NEW YORK 86, Handler MI 9-7613. .Mr. Gaffey JA room ranch, fireplace, cellar, j ' 27 4 Septto Tanks, Dry Wells, Sewer $12,600—Immaculate 6 room Cape, phere,'. $26,000. Rockville, 5 room 37 40 to provide the additional funds Bearers were Peter .Maneggia. j AMEBICAS, NEW YORK 36. N.Y. N.Y. GOOD PAY . . . OVERTIME OPPORTUNITIES . . . FRINGE BENEFITS 3-0666. Mr. Booth AD 3-8441. beautiful condition, lovely lot with I Lines Installed—^ l l a r Water­ Of The Better OIoab ameaite drive, storms, cellar, Cape. 14 baths, basement garage, 16 18 needed lo continue construction George Maneggia, Thomas Maneg-1 For Ist-class mailing add 10c for For Oirt-clasa mailing add 10c $13,900. J. D Realty Co., M I 9-8075. trees, assume 4>.% mortgage. ^ Alx>ut Town proofing Done. huge wooded lot,' near bus, school, 27 30 The financial crisis is due in gia. Paul Maneggia, Norman Burke j •ach pattern. Print Name, Ajddres* for eaOh pattern. Print Name, Ad­ shopping. Carlton W. Hutchins, MI MI 9-3640. MANCHESTER—Cape Cod. 5 »in- Small cash. Onlv $15,500. Carlton i ---- ished roorns. sunporch. large lot, 474 50 4 part lo an anti-recession speedup and William Burke. , | with ^ n e , Style No. and Size. dress with Zoi : anc Pattern Num­ CENTER MOTOR SALES 9-6132 W. Hutchins, MI 9-5132.. , Stanley W orks .. Town of .Manchester F3re Com­ MeKINNEY BROS. MAL TOOL & ENGINEERING CO. OWNER MUST sell—family sized tool shed, ’ several fruit trees, ___ Terry Steam ... 40 44 . ordered by Congress last year, and Baaic Faihton, our complete pht- ber. panies t. 2 and 4 were called to tam book will delight every home home. 64 rooms, Just redecorated, many shrubs, fulpbasement, good ATTRACTIVE—6 room Cape Cod,' Ton ington 30', 324 lo increased construction cost* j John H. t.'amernn Jr. Have yo i the ’59 Album con­ Sewtrog* Disposal Co. 461, M AIN STREET ' 291 ADAMS STREET ANDOVER— Quiet and peaceful 6 Cooper and High Sts. at 8:45 lost draaimaker. The fall A winter '69 taining many lovely designs and new tile bath, new roof, copper heating aystem. House in excel­ in excellent condition. Aluminum Veeder R oot ____ 534 564 that hav* boosted th* overall fij- The funeral of .fohn H Cameron ISO-lSt Pearl 8 t — M 8-5308 ranch. Basement garage night by a false alarm turned, in adlUon la just S5c. 6 free pattjr.w? Only 25c a eopy! •hpHLa Y fk r* Old. Nice grounds. plumbing, garage, large’ yard, lent condition. Price $12,900. sidings, garage, well landscaped Th* above quoiatloik* ar* not to ure from a contemplated $26 Wl- Jr .V?9 Doane at., was 1)61'* 2 Tongren, Broker, MI $13,500. F ft D AnnuUl, M I 9-6544. lUlph Lipman, Broker,- M I S-1'860. lot. Price $11,600. Call M I g-8346. b* construed as actual aaarksts. lion to around $86 billions. o'clock Saturday afternoon at th* at box 26. t i 1 1 V_>1»

liattfliPHttr lEuftting Hfwalh MONDAY, AUGUST 10, 19R0 Ayerngg Dftily Net PrcM Run The WMthar PAOB TWELVI For the Week Ended ForeeMt obeon will be the caller. I I Frances Herron Council. 8un- Richsrd V. Pagan!, 23, has been Held for GHIs > ahina Girls, will meet tonight at charged with uaing a motor vehicle A.2.C. T honas C Fenn. son of , 7 o'clock In Odd Fellows h a l l . without the owner’! permission and Mr. and Mrs. Cecil A. Fenn. .W breach of the peace. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gill of 125 ANNOUNCEMENT Woodland St., has returned to Banner girls are requested rf» re- i port St a o clock. Money for Sun­ irhe latter charge resulted, po­ Walker St. were given a surprise Senate Group Votes Croic/cj Found Dead Bomey Air Force Base, San .Tuan. lice said, from Paganl’s objections farewell party Saturday night. Puerto RJeo. after a short visit at shine News must be In at this THE BARNES ; meeting. to going to Police Headquarters. They are leaving for Ormond-by- Ms home. Free under 1300 bond, Paganl Is the-sea in Florida, where they BOAT CO.. INC. The Army and Navy Auxiliiary due in court Aug. 24. have purchased a home. Gill is a For Overriding Ike’s lu His Hamden Hotne TTie aionlhly meeting of Hose i Castro’s Forces Fight will have a card party tonight at State Policeman 'iTiomaa Set- retired Pratt * Whitney Aircraft 1 MITOHEIJ. DRIVE Oo. No. 1. 8th Dlatiicl Fire De-. anna reported the arrest yesterday R o clock at the clubhouse. foreman. partment. will be held tonight at 1 of W alter L. Bartlett, 23. of Day- The party was given by their WILL BE CLOSED, Hamden, Aug. 11 (/P)— of ftrm. T. a . D. Jon-a Co. 8 o’clock at the firehouse. j y l ville, whom he a-rested for speed­ daughter, Mrs. 'W'inlfred Ogren of Seven weeks ago. hii.sine.s.s- Albert F, Rose, 11 SIrant Rt., ing and failure to drive to the tered hooy was found In the hotel j Joined the U.S Air Force on June .35 Pioneer Circle; and their daugh­ Veto of Housing Bill man .Joseph P. rrowlex' was Army Specialist 4. Ftank J. fright. ter-in-law, Mrs, Charles Gill Jr., WEEK OF AUG. 10 room th? two men shared. Blood Berk 32, son of Adam Berk. 2fl le. His address i« Airman Basic Scianna reported B artlett, cleared in a sensational Tokyo was on walls and curtains. Albert F. Rowe. A F. 118fr0408, Ml«a M argaret Foley MIsa Rlirabeth nieeson Mm. Marefa Krafjaek of 18 Margaret Rd, The outdoor K erry'81.. recently returned with driving op Rt. 15, remained In buffet was served In the backyard FOR VACATION Washimrton A iur 11 UP)__tiemerged from the weekly meeting trial of slaying hi.s brother-in- Crowley told" police- -and held to, hie unit to Its permanent loca­ Flight 1175, Box 1548, Lackland n nsimiglOIl, nug. JI t „.i*h , . ' r _ ____ f ...... the left lane for jt long distance be­ of the Gill Jr. home. A portable of GOP leaders with Elsenhower. law .son of a once f a m o u . s ^ the story-later in a manslaughter To Erase Conspiracy tion in Berlin after having com­ Air Force Base, Tex. The Senate Ranking Commit­ Three Nursing School fore pulling over In answer to hia radio was presented to the senior Sen, Everett M. Dirkaen of 11- i fi lira ' IftFtFKl nffarlv 12 months pleted annual Infantry training In signal. Bartlett la due in court tee in a surprise move voted iinoia. Senate Republican leader, Gills. *^Todav f>owlev hmiself lay dead. I . , WlldflecJ.en, Weat Germany. An Rt. M argaret's Circle. Daugh­ Aug. 24. 8-7 today to recommend that said the matter came up in the dis­ automatic lifieman In Co. A., Berk . ters of Isabella, will hold Its Three local girls were In the ough Rd.; Muw Fliaabeth Gleeson, Thomas the Apostle Church In Joseph Mackey, 64, of Poquo- cussion* with the President. W'lth- felled Blank In HI, Memory : haa also served In Iceland. | monthly meeting at the k of C West Hartford yesterday after­ nock, was arrested by State Police th(^ Senate override Piesident cause not nreciselv deleimineo. i ^ ^ *, . . group of-91 who graduated yester- daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Thomas INTERIOR and EXTERIOR * Eisenhower's veto of the out going into detail he expressed Authorities indicsle he may have, »* I')* P"*'' home tomorrow night at 8 o'clock. noon. Archbishop Henry J. O'Brien on Rt. 15 and was charged with Il­ an opinion that differences be­ More Held, rta from .St. Franria Hospital Gleeson, 201 Hilliard St.; and Mrs, M ark Solomon, son of Mr. and , Refreshments will be sen-ed presented the diplomas, and the legally croeelng a divided highway. L T. WOOD CO. PAINTING $1,375,000,000 housing bill. tween the cut-down subcommittee died from barbiturates. '’l-'a" "7 School of Nursing. .Marcia Albro Krafjaek, daughter He is due in court Aug* 24. Orowlev's body was found by s , "f- the mghl before, had done Mr*. 8. J. Solomon, IP Robert Rd . I Rev. William R. McGrath of the ICE PLANT The full committee had been ex­ bill and administration ideas could son yesterday on a bed in his home j Innking. and returned to senior student at the l^niverslty of They are Misa Margaret N of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Albro, .50 faculty of St. Thomas Seminary Other arrests, the charges and PAPERHANGING pected to accept a recommendation 81 BISSELL ST. be worked out. ' in Hamden, a New Haven suburb their hotel. What happened after 1 sciwt Winter St. court datea, are: made a week ago by its Housing Clashes in ■Pennsylvania, will as dele- ; Foley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. delivered the baccalaureate ad­ they got to the hotel was a blank, Hospital, Church The exercises were held In St. dress. Arthur F. Belaiiky, 20, of An­ SPRAY PAINTING BUbcommittee that the effort to Later at the Capitol. Dirkaen He wore trousers and a sweater. gate to the frith annual national Cornelius R. Foley. 46 .Rcarbor- Cuhet-Cruxhed-Blockn moie broadly indicated the admin­ m his memory, Crowley said cc ventlon of Fi Ijambda Phi fra­ chorage Rd., Vernon, paaaing In a override he dropped. -Authorities said he probably died QUAIJTY WORKMANSHIP istration might not accent the Sunday night while his family was The prosecutors cited the husky ternity to be hel< In Boston, Maas . Named in Will no-paaaing zone, Fridav. The subcommittee had written a Joseph R. Kitaon, 42, of Newing­ John KrieakI, 20, Clark St., Wap- AT FAIR PRICES pared-down,000 bill in ; n substitute bill as- written. He said at its summer home. Provinces Aug, *27 to 30. He Is president of Police Charge ton, passing In a no-pasalng zone. it* "imperfeclinn*'' were dia- tC'onttniied on Page Thirteen) the chapte.- at Pennsiiivania. etforl to meet the President'* ob­ .Autopsy inconclusive The Manchester Memorial Hos­ The court suspended Judgment cu.ssed at the White House. Coroner James Corrigan said an H«vana. Aug. 11 UP )—Pidel pital and the Zion Elvangelical Lu­ Gjurt Cases Fred C. Sturtovemt jection* to the original housing OuTier of Car against Charles J. Wesneski, 26, of 128 S. MAIN ST. legielation. Senate Democratic !>>ader autopsy revealed condition* “con­ ! r.a.Atrn'z hattjp against, the Mr and Mrs. Irven T. Kirpens. theran Church on Cooper St. will 53 Deepwood Dr., charged with in­ Lyndon R. .lohn*nn of Texas told sistent with barbituric acid or 13fi W. Center St . have returned However, two nemocratic Sena- first major mnspirac.v th r^ t- he the principal benefactors under decent exposure. Mental health au­ NOW! reporters the Hon.sing veto will be barbiturate poi.soning ' front a tour of the St Lawrence ' In Area Oash Earl C, Bieu. 32, of 19 North St., Td. Ml 9-2979 fora who led the move for a com- Worker Total the terms of the will of the late thorities recommended treatment promi»e bill m the aubiommittee brought up in the .Senate as 1>oon But the coroner said the autopsy ptiing his revolutionarj' r** Seaway and Ottawa Canada. was acquitted o'f a speeding charge Mrs. Mary Lang Roth w'ho died for Wesneski and the court placed reversed Ihemaelves today and a.-i arrangements can he made to w a, inconclusive. A toxicological gimp swppt into thp Cubftii A Manchester man, whn.v date in Town Court this morning be­ July 5. cause testimony, according to the him in their hands. ALL PERSONS voted for the attempt to override. full complement of members pre- i report expected today should clear I’ountr.vsiflp to4a>. New ar­ Miss Carolyn M. Mann, 27 Jen­ was driving his car, is scheduled Hits New High,: Exact amomil each will receive court, did not prove the charge The court found guilty but sus­ They shifted in view of the lack of sent to vote. j up the cau.se of death, he said; sen S t, a teacher at RHAM High to appear In East Hampton Town rests and armed clashes were Is not yet known as the will was beyond a reasonable doubt. pended imposition of sen ten ce 65 and OVER any word from the administration There were some indications the Police suspected no foul play, School, last Friday completed a only admitted to probate today. Court next Monday on a charge I reported in several places. Deputy .Iiidge I.eon Podrove against Adrian J. Thibodeau. 22. of that it would accept even the action might be taken tomorrow. I Police said-today that ' a half- Jobless Drops summer Institute in mathematics Judge John J. Walleft said, and the of failure to drive In the proper Coventry, improper use of the high­ C A N GET trimmed-down measure. i Officials claimed the plot WU found Bieu not guilt.v aUer a short The decision of the Democratic , ciuply hnitle of barbiturate., and a at Bowdoin College. Brunswick. estate has not been Inventoried. , lane. way I backing the wrong way on a Word of the banking committee half-emptv whiskey bottle were I ctjished. Unofficial reporti aald 9a Maine, Judge Wallett said the estate Robert Harriaon, 28, of Man­ trial in which the arresting patrol­ HOSPITAL- leadership to attempt to override Wa.shington. .•Vug, 11 t/T’)— ‘ manv as 1.500 person* had been 9r- 1-way street); and Neno D. Osella. action and of the reason aaaigned the veto was regarded as a strale- found near the body. They' said will probably amount to approxi­ chester, was held responsible for man, Emanuel Motola, testified he j rested up lo Iste vesterda.v. 28, of 4 Village St., failure to grant for the changeover by the two gic move to consolidate parly Ihiee and a half hours elap.sed I^mpl(i.\'mpnl hit another high lit. Lt. Robeji F. Kelley. U.S. mately J20.000. Of Ihla aum, four an accident which happened while had clocked the accused for four WATKINS- Democrat*. Sen* John Sparkman I A nulilsry communications blacll- the right of way. SURGICAL- forces for an attempt to pass the fiom the tune the bodv was found in .Itil.v. The nunihci' of .jotis' Air Force office formerly of 1,52 friend.s of Mrs. Roth's are to re­ the woman, Doris Kemper, 22.' of tenths of a mile on E. Center St. at Judgment was suspended against of Alabama and J. William Ful- and they received a call. i out in I-s* Villas Province— cjulMl'9. i well over the speed limit (.35 .substitute' measure. ro.sp alioiit one