s Arcragc Daily Net Preee Ron The Weather For tba Week Boded Firu—B of O. a. WmOmr »m m May tSrd, l»Se Fartly elmidy wtth little idiaoe In temperature tonlekli Lmo dk^ 12,925 TWaMlay muaideraMe lilwiidtweaa, Member of tho Audit ' little warmer. Hlcti near IM. Bureau of OIreulatlon Mnnche»ter——A City of Village Charm VOL. LXXVIII, NO. 2«4 (TWBLVE PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN„ MONDAY, AUGUST 10, 1950 (<;iaeetfled AdrertMAg aa Pago I#) PRICE nV B CENTS Formosa Flood Strike Hits Ike Will Visit K en n ecott Bonn First on Cuba Awaits Castro’s European Trip Deaths at 773 Operations OettysburK. Pa., Abg. 10 (/P) | ^highway and railroad were Impas­ — President Eisenhower has i By 8PENC5ER MOOAA Salt Uke City, Aug. 10 sable for 70 or 80 miles. (IP) shifted his European .schedule | Taipei, Formosa, Aug. 10 — Picket lines went up this <JP)— The death toll from the In the Central Formosan town of to make Bonn his first call. Miaoli, 76 persons died and 750 morning around Kennecott One pos.sible purpose is to allay Invasion, Plot Report century’s worst floods on.this houses were washed away. Copper Corp. operations in West German fears of being left in Nationalist Chinese island Nearly 24% inches of rain fell Utah, Arizona, New Mexico the lurch by Elsenhower's forth­ in 36 hours in Taichung, and water rose today to 773 by official and Nevada as the Interna­ coming talks with Soviet Premier count. Another 241 persons stood six feet deep in places. Nikita Khrushchev, although Eis­ At Changhua seven feet of water tional Union of Mine, Mill and were listed aa missing. enhower reportedly feels the w ut- covered the railway station. Smelter Workers (Ind) and ern Allies need no such a.ssuianre. The official casualty list also re­ Five hamletjS with a total of Paper Reveals 1,000 ported 1,09.? Injured and 169.173 United Steel Workers struck Announcement here and in Bonn 5.000 inhabitants were marooned yesterday that Eisenhower will homeless. The flo'ods destroyed 15.- near Chiayi. Troops rescued about the nation’s biggest domestic 178 houses and damaged 11.890 copper producer. confer with Chancellor Konrad 1.000 villaiEera with boats and rub­ Adenauer In Bonn on Aug. 27 cam# more, the government reported. ber rafts. Company officials here said the Batista Aides Jailed Most of the damage occurred in strike amouiited to a complete as a surprise in diplomatic circles. President Chiang Kai-shek told While it has been stated all along isolated communities hit by flash the ai;my to give all possible help shutdown. Picket lines were order­ floods that followed the Island's ly and no incidents were reported. that Eisenhower would see Aden­ R.v ROBERT BERRE1XE7. to thfe flood victims and instruct­ auer while abroad, observers had heaviest rains in 62 years. ed the cabinet to get a relief pro­ Three-year contracts expired Havarm. A ur. 10 (IP)—fiiOanx lookpd tixlay to Prime Minis­ The torrential rains fell on Cen­ June 30 except for the USW whose been und^r Uy impression the gram under way immediately. Gen. chancellor would go to Ijondon or ter Fidel Castro to clear up the welter of rumors of armed tral and Smith Formosa Friday as Chow Chih-jou, governor of For­ agreements went out on July 31. Work jiad continued on a day- Paris rather than having Eisen­ invaflion and domeatic conspiracy that attended sweepinff ar- typhoon Ellen bore down on Japan mosa, made an inspection flight hower go to Bonn, atfer bypassing northern Formosa ovej- the stricken area, and rice to-day extension of contracts. reata over the we*lkpnd. earlier in the week. B>it local supplies were rushed to the flood Kennecott employs about 11,.500 White House press secietary While a Rovernment blacknut. obscured many details, Ha­ JameS'C. Haggerty came here to weathermen said the rains on sufferers. persons in its western operations vana newspapera said Castro will report to the nation by radio Formosa resulted from a storm in The government estimated there in Utah (6,*29), Nevada (1,1421, Eisenhower's vacation headquar­ the South China Sea, not from was enough food on hand to cope Arizona (l.OCO) and New Mexico ters yesterday to tell reporters Eis­ and TV at an opportune moment. They didn’t say when that Ellen. with the crisis and threatened (1,4361.- enhower had accepted Adenauer's might be. Taipei, the capital and home of severe punishment for anyone Last year the division produced invitation. An official source said Sunday up to 200 men— civilians and most Americans stationed on the boosting food prices. 3ia,‘?32 to IS of copper. The President is looking forward to the opporlunit.v to meet with the regular army men— had been arrested to smash a military Nationaiist island, suffered little Food Commissioner R. C. L,i ex­ Play rates ranged from 115.55 a plot against Castro’s revolutionary regime. from the storrn. Some low-lying pressed hope that the crops might day for laborers to $24.78 for chancellor and discuss with him streets were flooded Friday night, be saved if the waters recede skilled workers. "current problems of interest to the Today the newspaper Revolution, which frequently speti(S but there was little damage. quickly. Kennecott offered an 18-cent United States and the Federal Re­ for that regime, said possibly more than 1,000 persons were A spokesman for the tl.S. com­ Despite the threats and appeals package 'vhloh included a 5-cent public," Hagerty said. Eisenhower who came here Fri­ detain6lH i" connection with.C‘thp counterrevolutionary con­ mand on Formosa said there were to business leaders, prices of vege­ general hourl> wage increase each spiracy.” It reported they inopded several large landowners. no reports of American casualties. tables, fruits and meats rose in year to the steelworkers plus some day, goes to Washington late today Elsewhere, the floods wreaked Taipdi, which normall.v gets much provisions to meet union demands to keep some appointments. He will The.se were not named. haVoc, sweeping away roads, rail­ of such foods from South and Cen­ for suppleraentj.ry uneraiployment return here tomorrow' to begin a Both Revolution snd El Crisol way beds and telephone and power tral Formosa. compensation and elimination of denied without attribution reports Heavy Selling lines. geographical pay differentials. (Continued on Page Four) of abortive sea and air strikes at The island's main north-south (Continued on Page Seven) Mine-mill asked for a general the Isle of Pines, off Cuba's south­ wage ihcl'ease of 15 cents an hour west coast. plus other demands in a package Military sources aald most of Guts Prices on whose total cost was estimated at Faubus Delays the persons detained are held 45 cents. under-precautionary arrest or for further Investigation rather than Stock M arket Governor Doubles The USW, which represents about 2,300 employes, sought much Moves ill War on solid charge*. the sar..e as Mine-Mill which rep­ Castro leaders, they said, decided By ED MORAE resents alxiut 5,000. to make s clean sweep by detain­ (AP Business News Wrltar) Railroad Brotherhoods represent On Integration ing anyone within the armed New York, Aug. 10 i>p)—The Polio Shots Funds about 9.50 men and about 1,880 are forces who,might conceivably have sharpest atock msrrket correction in in craft unions, mainly the Inter Little Rock. Ark., Aug, 10 (>P)— had a part In the alleged con­ about two montha ataggeredjirlces national Association of Machin­ Gov. Orval E. Faubus has ap­ spiracy, then weed out and release early this afternoon. Trading was New Haven. Aug. 10 (ffi— Two -at the homeowners' group's sug­ active. ists. parently squelched persistent re­ thoae not implicated. new cases of polio were reported gestion, would have given the A conservative estimate of the A similar roundup was staged Key stocks took losses running here today, bringing the city State Health Department the ports that he would take a hand from fractions to 4 or 6 points. daily payroll for the 11,500 work- against approaching school inte­ last month just before the anniver­ total to 34. amount it sought. era is $200,000. At an average pro­ sary of Castro's 26th of July Rome of the Space Age issues The new cases brought to four l.«aming recently of the cut, the gration via a quick special leg­ were down aa much as 10 points at duction of 1.000 tons of copper a islative session. revolutionary movement. 'At that the number reported In the past association met with Sen. Alfano time military and civilian -de- times. 34 hours. None of the four had and it was his suggestion that the The governor said he still had Tha electronica-mis(slle-rocket fuel taken anti-polio shots. (Continued on Page Four) tentative plans to call a special fiaineea were estimated to total governor allocate money for vac­ 1.500. A majority of them were group which suffered a severe Miikr Meantime, city officials were cine during this polio emergency seesion "within the next one to six ing spell last week continued Itf re­ planning a series of inoculation months." But he said it would deal Puts All in Speech released quietly two days after the from the contff gency fund which celebration of the annlveraary. treat and was joined by steels, mo­ clinics, using mobile units. The was embodied hi the association Safe Drivers primarily "with industrial financ­ Gov.
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