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TUBSPAY, MARCH A IM l* Avsr|ge Dafly Net Preaa Ron fiisrt'.TWlSLTii HioWfioUtfir 1-1 T': ; Foir Um W m k BW M F sn oasl ol U. 1. Waathar S a n M M orchS. UeSv^ H ■ ' !■■■'. I ... ■ ■■ I , i iiiy i^ M Mostty oloady. aiad saUan Marine Pvt. Junes A. Morianos, sucfsoo, hs swltohod to 13,949 tonight with a few soattonsd inosr About T own son of Mr. and MM. James,Mori­ Equalized Grand List Idea DK EisenUerg in 1980, sad q t a c M ^ Utl^tB-TILT flnrries. Low 25 to 30. TtaiMay anos of 1.5 LUley St., completed in this 4n piivfito pnwfiioe. During a l u m i Mu m w i n d o w s r of tt# Amm recruit training at the ^Marine his siinar csrsw, and moat of his mt Oraalsttoe Do o m J. GUmmoo, son o f Mr. PubUe Eteatth )9ervtoa oareor, he Maneheater^A City of Vifiage Charm and Mra. JmmM H. Oleuon, S8 N. Corps Recruit Depot, Parris Is­ land, S. C., last month. Gains Popularity^ Says Fay WillAddress eoncentratod on research in tho $ 10.75 Mwi SU acphomoro at Oettys- Held o f heart dlaessee jn d oanoer., TEL. I d 9-8091 iMirc (P*) aM>«ftrod in Reservation.s for Chapman The equalized grand Hat idea, aa^per pupU to each town ■wHh lena \ In bis present ciqiaolty. Dr. Minimum 9 Windows TOL. LXXXn, NO. 182 (TWENTY-POUR PAGB&irlN TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, MARCH «, 1968 (dMriflMl AdvMllriBg M Pag* M) PRICE VIYE CENTS ■‘Klunoccrofl,’’ a presentation by Court’s fifth annual smorgasbord Cancer Group the college dramatic group, the a basis for determining atate aid than 35,000, aaseaaed vahiatlon. • t Bbsenbeig's activitte «xe. eapo- Saturday at the Masonic Temple dally in the field of resAarch in Owl and Nightingale, recenUy. to education, is gaining popular­ The niodem aystem -of atiite aid from 5 to 7 pm. are being accept­ began In 1947, maid-Dr. F>y, with Dr. Henry Eisenberg' of the epidemiology of coronary heart Me ia an EngUah major, and a ed by Mrs. Gustaf Anderson, 710 ity, a State Department of Blduca- State Department Of Health will member end social chairman of many Of the old grsints dissolved dlaqasea and cancer. • x x W. Middle Tpke.; Mrs. William ,tion official said last night. and othera conaolidated. speak tomorroiw at 8 p.m. at a public is invited. Coal Strike State News Alpha Chi Rho fraternity. MOrrison.. ’ 247 Summit St., and meeting'of ihe'Manchester Branch U,S, Wants Check Dr. Fay aaid the ’differences in Mrs. Charles Lambert, Hemlock Although he wouldn’t predict RUG and DcMn Chapter, RAM, will hear percentages .of state aid were: In of the American Cancer Society Dr^^i'Vernoh. whether proposals' implementing at Mott’s Community Hall. His Ma annual reports and bold elec-' the measure would be passed in 1917, about 17 per cent; in 1947, Mothers Unit Led' I n 6th Day, Roundup tion of o ffe r s tomorrow at 1963 legislation. Dr. Raymond J. about 35 per cent; in 1953, about UPHOLSTERY 7:30 pJn. at the Masonic Temple. Our Lady o t Fatima Mother* Or- 16 per cent in 1965, about ^ per On Secret N-Tests cle will meet tomorrow at 8:30 Fay said, "W e’re closer to achieve­ By Mi'S. Murphy t Refreshments end a social hour p.m. at the home of Mrs. Louis ments In this area than we ever cent; in 1957, about 29 per-cent— wtH follow. Sulats, 98 Columbus St. have been.’’ the highest amount; and in 1961; CLEANING Fields Calm Dr. Fay, director o r the depart­ the current figure of about 28 per Mrs. Raymond Murphy, 83 Doro­ WASHENOTON (AP)‘—PrssidcntOshocka and those caused by earth- Schools to Close Kehler Circle of South Method- cent. The Alpina Society will meet to­ ment’s division of administrative thy Rd., was elected leader of the TEL. Ml 9-1752 Kennedy aaid today the United quakes. let Church will meet tonight at PARIS (AP)—The French But the perfection of detection On Election Days morrow at 7:30 p.m at the Italian services, discussed pending state Motherhood of Mary Motheri) Cir­ or *8tatee wUl Insist on a nuclear test 7:45 a t' Susannah Wesley Hall. American Club, Elldridge St. strike weiit into its sixth techniques, the Presidait said, Mrs. Forrest Howell, Mrs. Barle aid bills in a talk to about 30 cle at a meeting lest night at the eoal teachers and school officials. Ml 3-5747 day today with no indication ban treaty with inspection safe- has not reached the point where Howard and Mrs. PhiHp Lees will Polic^ Arrests home of Mra. Leo Hogan, 85 He- on-site Inspections can be dis­ HARTFORD (AP) — The The DAV Auxiliary will nomin­ Brown Studio He said the equalized grand list guards that would assure detec- bo hoetesses. of the miners weakening or of uon of any series of secret weap­ pensed with. State Education Department ate officers at its meeting tomor­ idea dates from 1944 and was laine Rd. row at 7:30 p.m. at the 'VFW Breakfast Guest Raymond Moricz, 23, of 152 Hol­ Others elected were Mrs. ^Jd- the government cracking ons test by the Soviet Union. has informed school superin­ Alfred P. Werbner of 40 Marion Home. Past commanders of the first proposed, and, defeated, by Garner's down on labor’s first major The President was asked a3 his De., an Air Force Reserve major Sister Mary Constance, Sister of the 1945 Legislature. lister St., yesterday afternoon was ward Koaak, oo-leader; Mra Har­ A aka Clarification tendents that schools may be unit will be entertained at 6:30. Mercy of Mt. St. Joseph Academy, charged with evading responsi­ 8 l> S I stand against President news conference whether he LONDON (AM —Britain urged and adjut^t of Flight B, Selective It would establish comparable ry Carr, secretary: Mrs. Gerard agrees with thS view—advanced used for voting purposes only Service Squadron, Hartford, has West Hartford, will speak Sunday bility. He posted a 3150 bond while Wi‘ liiVt' liftl’M SUuiijiH the Soviet Union today to define' An Irish Tea will be sponsored values for all towns in the state, awaiting appearance In Circuit O’Hara, treasurer; Mrs. A. R. Van Charles de Gaulle’s 4V2-yeai’- by one of his advleers—that Sven when not in ■ session. This Rain Eases; completed ' a two-weeks tour of j at a Communion Breakfast of the regardlps of the percentage of de Meulebrocke, Ubrarien; Mrs. Moscow’s concept of on-site in­ by the Ladies Home Leag;ue of the ; Guild of Our Lady of St. Barthol- Court 12; Manchester, March 18. old regime. if the Soviet Union tested secretly spections for a nuclear test ban. means that schools used for duty with the New Hampshii^ fair market values by which each Kenneth Lappen, welfare; Mrs. The 200,000 atrikere, aeeking Salvation Army Thursday, March ■ omew's Church at the K of C The arrest stemmed from a police it could not upset the U.S.-Soviet Without such a definition. Minis­ balloting will have to suspend Stata Selective Service Headquar­ 14. from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. at the town computes its grand list, he Leo' Hogan and Mrs. Bernard higher, wages and a 40-hour week, balance of power. ters in Concord. While on duty, I Home. Her topic will be "Union investigation into a' three-car hit- ter of State Joseph P. Godber said Youth Center. Mrs. Annie Russell said. run accident on private property McDonnell, representatives; Mrs. refused to bow to De Gaulle’s This armmeiit, put forth by classes on election day. South H it Werbner participated in the solu­ with Christ in the Bles.sed Sacra­ in a statement. It is Impossible to The Buperintendents are advised and Miss Edith ackson are co- ment." Members and guests will The new figures wouldn’t affect at the rear of Walsh’s Ehso Sta­ Vincent Popeleskl, publicity; Mrs. draft orders to return to the gov­ Deputy Duarmament Chief Ad- tell whether ' the Russians will tion of .manpower problems af­ chairman. Luncheon will be serv­ the towns’ assessment values, but Leo Fischer, contact chairman; SPRING SPECIAL at ernment-operated pits. By defjdng rain Fisher, has become bitterly that school calendars should be fecting the State of New Hamp­ receive corporate Communion at tion at 323 Center St. on Feb. 16. agree to any form of meaninful ed, and a bake sale conducted. would be used solely as a for­ BYancis J. Rurka Jr., 20, East and Mrs. Edward Goss, banquet the draft, the miners made them- controverrial in Congress. planned to exclude election day. shire Selective Service System. the 9 a.m Ma.ss, Breakfast will be TIOGA YARN SHOP inspection. He has been leading The advice is contained in a letter By Twister The public is invited. served after the Mass mula for computing state educa­ Hartford, yesterday at 5 p.m. was chairman for Combined Mothers aelves liable to dlsmiasal, fines or The United States, Kennedy COVENTRY, CONN. the British delegation at the test from Willis H. Umberger, chief of Sister Constance is a tion grants, said Dr. Fay. charged writh disregarding a traf­ 3 ^ . Ordea. Imprisonment, but there was no said, "will insist on a test ban ban talks in Geneva. The Kaffee Klatsche Group will He said the State Department report of any government action treaty that gives us assurance the Bureau of Federal-State-Local meet at the Community T tomor- of Saint Joseph College and Provi­ fic signal. The arrest stemmed Dr. Henry Elsenberg The Soviet Union has offered- to By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS of Education is proposing an from an onsight violation when .the Tioga 100% wool 3-ply against the men. that it any country conducted a Relations. ,,row at 9:30 a.m. to work on Blaster Werner Pupils dence College Sisters School of allow two to three annual on-slte Umberger said he sent the let­ Theology. She is secretary of the "equalized educational support youth was observed by police driv­ topic will deal with the State A possible indication of a series of tests that series would Inspections a year but has not ex­ Floods which have driven decorations. Members are remind­ plan" which would cost 310,600,- Tumor Registry, and his attend­ fingering yevn 2 oi. be detected." ter after consultation with the ed to bring their own lunch; cof­ Perform Sunday Teaching Sisters and Brothers ing through a red light. Rurka was government compromise came in plained how those checks should thousands of persons from 000. ordered to appear, in Circuit Court ance at an International Cancer skein 59c. sm editorial today in the Gaulliet Negotiations with the Soviets offices of the secretary of state fee will be served. Committee of the Archdiocese of be organized. and attorney genertd. their homes and caused wide­ Hartford Confraternity of Chris­ Instead of retaining the current 12, Manchester, March 18. Congre.sp in Moscow, Russia, In CAR LEASING newspaper La Nation. still have a considerable distance spread property damage and Thirty pupils of the Werner amount of state support figure of July 1962. (In Most Colors) "We have never ceased to af­ to go, Kennedy said. It is pot only Questions about school sessions Studio will be presented in a mid­ tian Doctrine. She conducts train­ at the time of elections were ing courses for catechists on the 27.8 per cent of the total cost of GIRL TAKES LIFE Also At Low Prices) firm that men, clearly victims of a question of the number of on' inconvenience to millions in season recital Sunday at 3 p.m. Dr. Elsenberg 1s chief of the raised by some superintendents on high school level, and for laymen public elementary ahd secondary HARTFORD (A P )—A 17-year- chronic disease control section, and RENTALS an injustice, must be listened to site Inspections but also of the four states appeared e^ing in the chapel of South Methodist schools, minus transportation e 100% Wool Knitting Worsted whole range of inspection arrange­ Laborites Ra^e election day last November, Um­ on the formation of parish execu­ old girl, despondent over the and director of the Cancer Regis­ First In Manchester. New oars, e 50% Nylon, 50% Wool and the maximum done for in some areas today. Church. costs, the plaji would fix the death of an East Hartford youth, thdm," the paper said. ments to Insure adequate safe­ berger said. tive boards in the Confraternity try of the State Department of full maintenance, fully Insured Knitting W orsts It is now common practice in However, the threat of further Frederic E. Werner and Mrs. program. amount at 30'per cent, he said. has committed suicide. Health, Hartford. to reduce your proUenis and Reports from the vast northern guards. overflows remained in many sec- ' Louise Recknagel, instructors of e Mohair, Solids and . Kennedy supported the argu­ Over Bidault^s Connecticut to continue school ses- Mrs. Geno J. Andreini heads a Every town would receive more Gale Pritchard of 21 Curcumbe He has been with the State worries. For foil infotmatlon Multi-Color coal mines near the Belgian bor- tions of the flood-stricken regions piano and organ, have announced -der and from the pits in the Lor­ ment advanced by Fisher in a rions while voting is in progress. IT DOESN’T breakfast committee, assisted by aid than it is at present, accord­ St. shot herself ^n the chest yester­ Health Department since 1954. call # Baby Yam and . Umberger based his opinion, of Ohio, West Virginia. Pennsyl­ that this is the first in a series of Mrs. Rosswell Sprague, co-chair­ raine region near the West Ger­ public statement last weekend ing to an "index of need,” deter- day. Police said she left a note Before that time he spent 12 years Knitting AccesMries Britain Visit checked with the attorney gen­ vania and Indiana. Cities in Ken­ concerts for this season.^ man; Mrs Jo.seph Phalin, Mrs. mmed by dividing each town's man hoF'der said that only mine that the United States has made lamenting the death of Chad- In Federal Service, four years in Paul Dodg* Pontlae eral’s office, baaed on'a 1915 law. tucky along the surging Ohio Among the students that will Kenneth Grobow, Mrs. John Mc­ equalized grand list per pupil into bofume L. Willis, 21, of 41 Brewer Open 9 A.M. to 6 P.M. security workers were on duty. considerable progress in detecing River were possible danger spots. participate are beginners, and the army, and eight years in Pub­ INC. considerable progress in detecting By ANIKONY WHITE He also stated that boards of MAKE SENSE Namara, Mrs. Joseph LaVoe and the highest equalized grand list of St., East Hartford. lic Health Service, after having a Phone MI 9-2881 Mon. thru Sat. The floodwaters from rivers and those who have studied for a few Mrs. John Lucas. Mrs. Lucas will the state’s 169 towms. (OontlBued on Page Six) and distinguishing between such LONDON (AP)—the opposition education have exclusive authority Willis died earlier in the day in private practice In New York City. 878 MAIN STREET TEL. 742-7288 over use of schools after buildings streams swollen by heavy rains years. serve as mistress of ceremonies. Another bill, which would cost an East Hartford auto accident. After completing training as a Labor party and some British and melting snow were blamed Parents and friends are invited Reservations close tomorrow have been dedicated to school dis­ 36,250,000, would provide state aid newspapers lashed the Conserva­ for at least seven deaths, includ­ You would be amazed at the to attend. and may be made with any mem­ on an “excess pupils” idea — the tricts. ing three In West Virginia and two tive government and the security Three should be no difficulty In number o f people who purchase ber of the committee. Tickets will number of pupils beyond what the 120 Kinds Identified each in Ohio and Indiana. Outside not be sold Sunday. .formula says a to-wn can support. services today for letting former arranging school calendars so that there may be the tegally-required the major flood belt, one man common stocks haphazardly .. A third would set a “ gfrand list French Premier Georges Bidault drowned in a rain-swollen 'river in Tall Cedars Slate slip in and out of England. 180 days of eehool exclusive of who invest on the basis of noth­ per pupil median,” a suggestion Blue Cross Report To 1,311,000 M em bers election day; the state official McMinvllle, in central Tennessee. Bidault, hunted by France as Hundreds of roads throughout that would Immediately eliminate Evolving Viruses Seen said. / ing more than exciting talk... Special Eveuts Skating Report 85 towms. Of those remaining, each chief of the anti-De Gaulle ter­ the four-state area were closed. rorist organization, . appeared Many towns were isolated. Schools who never investigate a company town would get an Increase of 32 Sunday will be Tall Cedars Sun­ per pupil fdr each 4,000 pupils it Monday on a taped television pro­ Biahop Threatened and Industrial plants were closed before committing their dollars day for members of Nutmeg For­ is below the median. Bringing New Miseries gram on the British Broadcasting BRIDGEPORT (AP) — At least in some communities. Train and est, Tall Cedars of Lebanon. Corporation. The government s»td bus service was delayed and in to it The true investor. . . and The cost of the measure would three persons are under suspicion Grand Tall Cedar William Ste­ be 31,500,000. Tuesday he apparently had left to connection with an extortion some places halted. Britain. he’s usually the one who prospers venson announces that Tall Cedars A foiarth bill would give every * R ecord -H igh Of $41,222,118 By ALTON BLAKE8LEE «from time to time. With more plot in which the life 'of the Most National Guard troops, civil de­ will attend the 10:30 a.m. service towm an increase o f 35 per pupil. Associated Press Science Writer than three billion people in the De Gaulle’s officials, who tightly fense groups and Red Cross dis­ in the loog run. . . buys syscem- control the French government Rev. Walter W. Curtis, Bishop of Ed Tolbert uses a tractor to clear mud and debris away from his home, which was flooded yester­ at Concordia Lutheran Church, State aid increases about 20 per NEW YORK (AP)—Is there a world now, the chances could be Bridgeport, was threatened, day by rising waters from Big Wheeling Creek. The cleanup in the Pleasanton section of Wheel­ aster units Joined to aiding the and the Rev. Paul Kaiser, pastor, No skating is the word from Paid For Care In 1962 new virus around? greater that a new virus could radio and television service, im' flood victims. uically on die basis of facts, and cent each year, said Dr. Fay. For >lied that Prime Minister Itorold Charles E. Weeks, special agent in ing, W. Va., is going on today while residenfts remain on the alert in sections near the rising Ohio w'ill deliver the sermon. the park department in regards to every 31 spent in a town for educa­ It surely seeme so to thousands appear, Heubner explains. charge of the FBI to Connecticut, River. (AP Photofax). The chief bright spot in the seeks professional opinion before Forest members will meet In all public ice skating areas in Man­ of persons hit this winter by funny There’s no way yet to prove Hacmillsm’s government should dreary flood picture was the tap­ tion, 27.8 cents is provided by the have kept the interview from said today In New Haven. making his investments. Anyone front of the church at 10:15 a.m.,, chester. aches and pains and upsets, in­ this. Peculiar illnesses this year It was believed one or more of ering off of the heavy rains which state. could well be due to some old being aired. wearing pyramids. Coasting is still permitted dally The speaker said the first state cluding bloody noses blamed on the suspects now are inmates of have pounded the region for sev­ desiring to embark on a program Tall Cedar Week Is March 17 from 8:30 to dark in Center "the bloody vlriw." virus that hadn’t been active in British wrath spared the 'virtual­ Quads Named President’s News Conference eral days. grant 'was paid in 1871, 50 cents Rates To Hold Tlirougli 1964 recent ypars in your locality. ly independent BBC and concen­ either the Fairfield State Jail of o f systematic purchase is always through 24. Ladies Night of the Springs Park, and the ski tow at for each child between the ages of Perhaps It’s true that brand the Wethresfleld State Prison. A and severe wind­ Forest will be Saturday, March 16, This year, for example, in 9om e trated on the security services, al­ Mt. Nebo will be in operation to­ 4 and 16. From 1897-1947, the new vlrusee have popped up, and A letter reportedly was smug­ storms swept across areas to Al­ welcome in our offices. at the Garden Grove. night starting at 6:30. might even start appearing at a eastern otuee many people m t ready under heavy fire because Susan*^ Anna, abama and Georgia Tuesday. A state paid 32.25 per pupil to all bloody noses, beyond t ^ expecta­ three Soviet spies have turned up gled out of the Fairfield State Jail towns. A supplementary grant in farter rate, says Dr. Robert Hueb- twister which struck the Birming­ ner of the National Institute of Al­ tion of slight hleedipg due to in< to government service to the past a«Mressed to the post office in­ JFK Wants Troops 1903 allocated an additional 325 ham, Ala., area damaged about XniiiMf Cttuudicui 5 t y»aM. lergy and Infectious Diseases. Jury to nasal m em btwes by colds, 19 months. spector for dellirery to Governor B it a and Julia 85 buildings to nearby Bessemer Scientists only recently identi­ perhaps abetted by low humidity The Labor shadow cabinet called Dempsey and the FBI. and other suburban areas. Several in heated hpuhes. a special meeting tonight to draft ' Thla letter,'Weeks said, demand­ fied most of 190 or more viruses LIMA, Ohio (AP) — Lima’s persons were injured. Property PUTNAM AMERICAN LEGION known to cause colds, fevers, Yhese people got real noee- a demand for an'^ unequivocal ed the release of John Pullen, now Out of Cubif Faster damage was expected to run Into YOUR muscular aches and pains, diar­ bleeda, sometimes sdong with statement by the government on an inmate of the Wethersfield pri- quadruplets were named today, in the millions of dollars. Two per­ Benefits Paid P op M e m b e rs its port to the affair. & C O . rgHfflkiL BEST rhea, coughs and runny noses—a copghs, muscular aches and to the order of their birth—Susan sons were injured and several great vsuiety of mostly minor ali­ testtoal upsets. One nose and (Ckmttoued on Page Three) WASHINGTON (AP)—President'^any information on how many S o houses damaged in a violent wind Connecticut Blue Cross paid $41,222,118.71 to hoqiibrib last year for (Oentinned on Page Six) Marie, Anna Marie, Rita Marie n A amrat n., MANcxiniR BUY ments. throat specialist called it "the and Julia Marie. Kennedy said today that he is not vlet troops have been removed storm in Cave ■ Springs, Ga. M l 3 - m i care ^received by members. This reoord-hig^ payment (eaecee^ng Man. is their target, and man bloody 'Virus.’ ’ The parents, Barbara and Phil­ satisfied with the rate of with­ from Cuba, whether he is satisfied About 1,(XX) families were made has evolved and multiplied over Rember "Virus X ," and "34 drawal of Soviet troops from with the rate of withdrawal and temporarily homeless by the surg­ AUinlara N«w fori Sibck Exehangt lip Axe, said the "Marie” in the ALCOA 1961 payments by more than $3 million) r^xesented 9L 4 cents of thousands of years. hour virus’’ and other nsunes? names was selected, in part, be­ Cuba. whether the Soviet promise to pull ing waters in West Vlrj^la, Ohio These are easy designations for out troops permitted verification. ALUMINUM SIDING each membership dollar received by Uie Plan in 1962. Biologically ' speaking, viruses Pu hlisher^ 100, Feels cause that is the name of both Kennedy -also left open a ques­ and Pennsylvania. An estimated BINGO SPECIAL SPRING had to evolve also—"They weren’t infections when doctors and pa­ the maternal and paternal grand­ tion of whether four American fli­ Replying to all three parts to­ 500 persons have been forced to . Open' 9 to 5 Daily EVERY WEDNESDAY NIGHT PRICES all present the day man was tients don’t go to the trouble— mothers. ers killed in the 1961 Bay of Pigs gether, Kennedy said: “ The an­ leave their homes to Indiana. and expense—of laboratory tests swer would be. really, no.” Open 8:30 to 9 ’Thurs. Eve. We will gladly give you an kicked out of paradise,” says Dr.' Axe, an advertising executive invasion of Cuba were employed In Athens, Ohio, about 800 stu­ Open 9 to 12 Saturdays 8 O'CLOCK— LEGION HOME, LEONARD ST. Huebner, director of the institute’s to identify the exact virus making W o Account’ Off Job on the Lima Citizen, planned to by the U.S. government or its Secretary of Defense Robert S. dents were evacuated from four estimate and explain the many Operating Bxpense a playground of your body. McNamara estimated Jan. 30 that other advantages of Alcoa laboratory of infectious diseases pass out the traditional cigars to­ Central Intelligence Agency. He dormitories at Ohio University In Bethe^a, Md. Virus researchers' have gone there were 17,000 Soviet troops In aluminum siding from Home day—all donated by a local cigar said that the men were serving Tuesday night as the Hocking Only 4.7 cents of each membership dollar received was needed for Influenza viruses change or ntu- deeprt and are well along to clas­ corporation. their country but dodged a direct Cuba. River overflowed lowlying areas Specialties. tate fairly frequently. Any flu sifying 10 dozen or more 'viruses By REMEB TYSON i How does he expect to spend the Subsequently, the Soviet Union administrative expense. This was the second sm a ll^ percentage of th e Valdosta Times next 100. years? Meanwhile, the children’s pedi­ reply on g;rounds it would not be of the campus. Several dozen vaccine has to Incorporate the Into types and families — some­ atrician, Dr. C. J. Stechschulte, helpful to the natimial interest to promised to take a substantial families also w'ere forced to leave nElffBIDABLE8BUIUBYD0DGE!l HOME strain of 'virus blazing up into an times overlapping—known as echo VALDOSTA, Ga. (AP)—“ I ain’t " r u let them take care of number of troops from the Carib­ premium income ever used to operate the Plan imd is below die been no account fort two months,” themselves,’’ sparred Turner. said the qua'ds "are generally in go into details. their homes. Athens, a town of epidemic. virus, RS or respiratory syncty- Kennedy rejected any applica­ bean island by mid-March. But in­ 16,470 in southeastern Ohio, was grumbled E. L. Turner, the oldest Until his recent illness, the pub­ good condition today.’’ He added SPECIALTIES tional average for all Blue Cross Plans. Other respiratory and intestinal tlal, adeno, i-hino, entero, coryza, to a medical report: "There has tion of a blockade to shut off the formed sources say the withdraw­ completely cut off from other 89 PURNELL PLACE ARD, and ERC viruses. daily newspaper publisher to the lisher went almost daily to his als are going along slowly. 'viruses also might be mutating country, who marks his 100th been an expected weight lo^s to supply of oil /to Cuba. He said communities, with all highways MI 3-2856 during chain-reaction epidemics, They also are working out the newspaper office — except when there should be no mistaking that As for the fliers killed at the and the Baltimore & Ohio Rail­ birthday today. vacationing in Miami. all the children, but certainly not reproducing more viruses In each story—still Incomplete — of Just excessive.” a blockade is an act ol war. ^ time of the 1961 invasion fiasco, road tracks inundated. what symptoms each type pro­ Turner, publisher of the Valdosta He has been with the Times Blue Cross Reserves... Benefits To Members person. Daily Times, was lamenting a re­ Susan Marie and Anna Marie “ At this time, we do not believe there has been widespread spec­ In Warren County, to southern Something could go amiss in the duces. These 'Viruses cause vary- since 1889, when the paper was LONG WEARING cent two-week stay to the hospital. weighed 4 pounds 2^ ounces when war in the Caribbean is to the na­ ulation that they were on the pay­ Ohio, the number of evacuees to­ SOIL-RESISTANT FOR THE genetic assembly line so that a published twice a week. He turned tional advantage,” he said. roll of the CIA. 'ITie National Broad­ taled more than 400 families. INTERIOR WHOLE FAMILY An operating gain of 1.7 million dollars for 1962, plus additional in­ He is recuperating at home from they were bom Monday afternoon. slightly different virus Is produced (Oontinned on Page Fourteen) it into a daily in 19(Mi. Susan Marie now weighs 3 pounds On a key domestic matter—tax­ casting Co., in a report from In West Virg;lnia, the Ohio River sui internal disorder. - The publisher is slight, about 6-6 the come of approximately one million dollars from investments, enabled The hospital encoimtered a ma­ es—the President srtd that it Is Washington by Martin Agronsky, rose to flood stage from Wheeling to hei^t. His mustache and hair (Oonttoued on Page Nine) his Judgment that Ck>ngress will put said Tuesday night the fliers def­ southward into Kentucky, In Cin­ Blue Cross to add 2.7 million dollars to your Reserves. jor problem and relativeis. had to have turned shining white. THE SIX station an attendant to Turner’s through a bill which will lower initely were employed by CIA and cinnati the big river was expected WITH THE MUSCIE He complains about hot being taxes and also proidde for what that their widows each are receiv­ to crest sometime Saturday at 67 OF. AN EIGHT •arijf bird... room to solve, it. I^ecause of this sound financial position, present membership rates fqr Railroads, Labor Give The peppery patient kept hop­ able to see well but usually reads he calls tax reforms. That, he ing 3226 from CIA funds every two all Blue Cross members 'will remain the same through 1964. It ii ping out of bed every time backs several newspapers each day 'with GOP Seeks Cut said, is what he wants. weeks. (Continued on Page Eleven) sets the were turned. the aid of silver-rimmed specta­ But at a presidential news con­ “ Let me say about these four anticipated 1963 will be a “break-even” year in terms of hospitaliza­ This wasn’t his first trip to the cles. He sometimes wears a make­ ference, more questions focused men: They were serving .their Featherbedding Views hospital. His tonsUs were removed shift eyeshade—a g;reen baseball Of $5 BiUion arounil Cuba than oh any other country,” = Kennedy said. "The news and tion expense, and projections indicate piue Cross faces a deficit in at 87. cap with the top cut out. topic. flight that cost them their lives Since he began nearing the cen­ Turner takes pleasure in rock­ With respect to the Soviet troops was a voluntary flight and that 1964. Any loss at that time will be taken from Reserves, enabling rates aspect of the troubled Cuban situ­ while because of the nature of Bulletins CHICAGO (AP)—'Ihe nation’sObecause he doesn’t shovel coal," tury , he has been asked fre­ ing, chewing tobacco, and reminis­ From B u d g e t weather! to be held without increase for the year. quently how it feels to be 98, 90 or, cing. ation, a three-part question was their work It has not been a mat- Culled from AP Wires ,T0RS10N-BAR railroads and the unions repre' a union spokesman says. "But his fired at the President. tenting train crew -members are presence is needed as supervisor as today, 1(X). About ISO friends and relatives ■ISPENSION Turner has a stock reply: from throughout the South have By JACK BELL He was asked whether he has (Ootitiiiiied on Page Eleven) RRAD THE INSIDE STORY . . . It’s Hartford’s first com­ locked to a critical battle. The of power; he supervises the dies­ WASHINGTON (AP) — Congres­ plete news and weather outcome will affect the Jobs of el equipment and does engtoeroom 'Damn good. If I weren’t, I’d be accepted tottiiationB to a surprise PBIRON REAPPEARS dead.” birthday party for him. sional Republicans have charted a every morning Monday thru •perhaps 66,(XX) men. work while Uie train is en' route." three - year hUdget - cutting cam­ MADRID, Spain (A P )—Juan Saturday. What Is the fight all about? 3. An overhaul of the wage paign which Sen. Everett M. D. Peron reappeared at his Mad­ The rail lines demand revisions structure, with pay geared to ■ COP Presidential Prospects rid home today less than 24 5:06-6:05 AAL — WINF Dirksen hopes will yield ah initial to atelish what they call feather­ combination of time and mileage. 36 billion saving. hours after reports that be had News bedding. This is a practice at This is calculated to result to pay HOW MEMBERSHIP D U ^ WERE U S E ^ BALANCE SHEET Dirksen. the Senate Republican left Spain for the first time . 5:06-5:10 A.M. — WINE forced work which they claim raises for 75 per cent of the work­ leader, said in an interview Ptesl- since taking'political refuge Weather direct from DURING 1962 December 31, 1962 costs them 3600 million a year. J. ers while others could make up dent Kennedy and Democratic con­ Political Woods Filled here In I960. The husky ex-dlc- E. Wolfe, chairman of the Nation­ for pay. cuts, to part, by putting gressional chieftains. are "off the tator of Argentina played with Northeast Weather ■ Service. ASSETS al Railway Labor Confcirence, In more hours and ridtog more beam” in Contending there is a his dogs- to the'garden of his lux- ■ays the railroads are ready to milesi GOP move to slash; ^ n d in g by Membership Dues Were:...... $45,l i .-.IS Cash ...... With Shrinking Violets uriouH residence. Members of his $ 2,556,35^.00 conclude an agreement vtithto the Management bolds the present 316 billion in the fiscal'year start­ household said Tuesday Peron Investments* ...... 33,890.529.07 framework of . recommendations pay rtruciure to be a relic of a ing July 1. and his wife, Isabel, left Feb. 27 This Money Was Used Fon made a year ago by a presidential slaw-movtog era when a 100-mile “ We have put no price tag on Accounts Receivable ...... 412,068.87 By JAMES MiUlLOWtLUlLO ^emblazoned with attacks on the “ for Paris and possibly to visit Members’ hospital bills paid railroad commission. trip was regarded as the equl'va- our economy program,” Dirksen Other European countries.’* Home Office Building...... 748,787.19 H. E. Gilbert, president ,of the lent of a full day’s work. said. “ We are trjdng to go about Associated Press 5^wsNews Analyst Kennedy administration, is almost during the year...... 41,222,118.71 WASHINGTON (AP)VP) —- This is breathless from running. Brotherhood of Locomotive Fire­ The unions challepge the com­ it as scientifically as possible to WAS EXAMPlJG All administrative expenses 2,125,949.67 Accrued interest...... 245,108.87 men and . Etogtoemen, has termed the t(me—with the presidential At this time he seems_ to have mission finding and contend make some substantial reductions PHILADELPHIA (AP) — A Prepaid Expense ...... the commission report "harsh, in­ wages actually would be cut and race still to the future—when the the inside lane but even Rocke­ 28,903.47 to the budget over the next three 16-year-old youth, intly to­ $43,348,068.38 humane and retrogresslye.” The hours would be lengthened by the years.’’ political woods are full of violets, feller hasn’t said he’s after the TOTAL _____ $37,881,753.47 the shrinking kind. The .supply nomination. But he hasn't denied troducied to a oong nal sub- brotherhoods claim their proposals proposed changes. "It’s hardly a Dirksen said that by paring es­ committee as an ex of how ON THE BIG COMPACT THAT’S SELLING BIG to modernize the wage and rides pay increase,” a union ofticlid looks inexhaustible. it. He’s Just riffining and not a *Bondt at Amortized Value tablished .functions somewhat and a Youth Conservatto Corps ■tructin'e have been Ignored. said. '"It would .amount to a by fighting against some of the The two best-known reluctant week passes without a new attack Net Operating Gain...... $ 1,755,947.80 Here are the, comimsslon’s six to piay as much as SO per presidential candidates in recent oh the Democrats. keeps teen-agers out trouble. new- programs Kennedy Is propos­ has been charged with glary. Other Income...... 1,016,127.71 LIABILITIES V main recommendations and the for locomotive engineers." ing, 4he Republicans . hope to years—judged on what they said In 1960 he acted like a man before being nominated in 1952— who pulled out of the race too Last Feb. 20, Michael 'ord ap> views of each rtde: , . 3. Railroads should have unlim­ cut appropriations substantially peared before a House Ednca* Excess of income over expense $ 2,772,075.51 Unearned Premiums ...... $' 3,636,133.20 I. No new firemen would be ited rig^t to Introduce new equip­ enough to reflect a 35 billion sav­ were Dwight D. Eisenhower and soon. By Christmas 1959,' Vice Adlal E. Stevenson. President Richard M. Nixon had ttcm and Labor subcommittee to Accounts Payable ...... 442,886.63 Irir^ lor diesel locomotives to ment and modernize operatUms. ing to actual expenditures. tell about PhUadel|toia's Youth freight or yard service. The 37,000 Workers vdio lost Jobs as a result As an example, he $aid Repub­ Now three well-knovm Republi­ so many Republican big-wigs on There’s a big story behind 's success in the compact field. For Hospital Bills Outstanding 6,119,524.91 cans, ail mentioned .as prospects his. side that Rockefeller withdrew Conservation Corps. The boy firemen .irith at least 10 years would receive protection at rail­ licans will kick off their drive to was charged in the burgta^ of .Roominess is a large part of it. Here’s family-size room, king-size Reserve for Materpity Cases .. 2.430,875.00 ■enimrtty would continue working road expense. toe Senate ’Diursday with opposi­ to 1964, have just denied any in­ from the conte.st.. terest in the White House. This is Then late In May 1960, Just a bakery to which about $1,600 NEW COMPACT Reserve for Contingencies ...'. until eliminated by natural attri­ Wolfe commented "very gener­ tion to a blllHo provide for coordi­ was trt..>dMf,.Wr.w»M,« Hikk kw k«a MnkM k MtMMM. takmh n ii*« k «M MW H j S! a w io m O M W OM m i INFORMATION STATION orlty to rehlrtof and two years of chores tor their trains. Road toe bucket until it runs over, v we As of nhw thel^' lack of presi- will have accomplished an objec- dential ambition can be taken asfRomney said “ I am not a candi­ Jority BepahUoaa party, who vetratotog. — cretoi should do switching and voted against the governor, said Management contends: "You. station work vdiere yard crews ,tive.’’ ' a very firm attitude which. would date for the presidency and I will ean’t run a-m odern ..railroad on are not on duty. Yard crews Dirksen said the second target probably bec6me , even firmer if not be a candidate in, 1964.” they wanted to srt up a statai Hie i|Hallty oondltions. set up years ago." | should be sboUahed to places of Republican attack wlU be a someone else, like New York's Scrantoq said "Pennsylvania Supreme Coilrt test of hOrs# CHORCHES MOTORS, Inc. The unions, call toe firemen a:where work ivdiume is low. youth employment measure ex­ Goy. Nelson A. Rockefeller, had has no candidate for the ptertdqn- race betting. Smylto i oailsd tho legialature’s action a Hrava nda- m n d diesel helper and say he’s needed Management clainu ‘.‘flagrant pected to 'b e brought' hefora the the nomination sewed up. ' cy unless Sen. Hugh Scott wants 80 OAKLAND STREET—MANCHESTER Gormecticut Blue Cross ior greater. safety on trains. Gil- fe a to e r^ d to g " haa psrststsd in Senate later to the month. This Nothing diasplves reluctance ao to run." Scott didn’t hav^ any- takck saying this kiad of gaaa- bactf says 190 train amployss Ittioso arsaa. a . Tuinar, a t liM ysMofila (Oa.)^ Dtdto H o m s, a its up a youth eonser-' fast as aoma avldenM at a raiti thing to say. TUs dpso not aosm la New HaveiL Conneotieut . NM htliod In whsso until a reoanit fitosasMS ho oairiod on change'for the nomination. Right *. NBGTV. CHECK YOUR LOCAL LISTING.- DIAL 1231 1 n k w nsana-lirsini gr. m a 100 yeam oM today. « p h n m gM y DOW Roekafeller, Ua trarti aoR * * » ’p * '

. I’ r . • ■ 1 .'J 1 '■■■'Ai


f - < - Directors Settle denied their group eanction and and ht^rveet time and how she tried In this Democratic senate Ih 1969 necticut tvoke in favor of estab- "clearanoe." to teach Engltoh to the Oros chil­ and In 1961. In the 1959 seselon^ Itohlng a' branch to their area Claim of $T^71 State pupton, wboee appointment oa dren. -. the bill came to the Senate from' most of them aal4 selection of a ■lewBrt O inhipir^er AngeM director sent the citUtohs’ group Under crose-examlhatioii, she de­ a Democratic-oontrolled 'house. site eould well wait 'until later. Dorr AWA»I As You Like It Into dtofavor with the regular par­ nied ever remarking to her hus­ (Uraeton iMt nlfM MIUJBR AFFBAUI "Sodom mid •omorrdi" * By ^PITB AHEARN ty organization, said work will be- band In front of two FBI agents, ‘I Or^e VConn Branch Isttil piieBtjr el vlr^r left I* ttkd for |l,87i>S0 A (tebn Routi ^ Immediately to. set up citizens told you you would getlA tremble.” BRIDGEPORT (AP)—Another lyour ehoM t^he* jro* have taraufM tiia town by M n. la eelor—A* SAS units throughout the state. _ _ HARTFORD (AP)—Legislators appeal, this time to the State Su­ 1 them rebdflt I* a profeeele*-1 and other residents of southeast­ Dofto. U u in . 17 WwldaU Rd., u He said early results will bs an­ Patty Lever Bill preme Court of Errora, been n^nUr Map, . ALL| The Trinilgr College Jesters will give two (OontlBued from Page Ooe) . ern Connecticut told the legisla­ filed fOr i^arlto Miller, the Nor­ ORK GUARANTEED! Open Daily 10 to 10 tiM rMMlt o< • fall on lee and anew eaniAW gOiniNirir**->f s4S nounced after hto return from a HARTPORt) (AP) The op­ one-act' plays tomorrow and Saturday in Florida vacation at the end of the ture’s Education Committee today walk handyman convicted, of first lairt; KaMh t. son and payment of 150,000 on the tional party lever bill to heading their area urgently needs a branch ICrs. lalHun had aaM aha kwt A lum ni Hall a t 8 p.m. One is ."Hold on Hor- month. degree murder Feb. 9. Mill^s* threat of death to a "prominent toward a Democratlc-controlled of the University of Connecticut. lawyer, Herbwt J. Buhdoick, .IUm «caa ahd Inourrad ntadloojLMna terure” by Georges Courteline, and the other The central committee meeting SAM YULYES Neitoi Ona oompleto mraidM: Bridgeport person,." Senate where it met its death in Numerous bllis to establish such the appeal yesterday, a d ^ fief ore Ample Free Parking «ftar braaktoif her left 'elbow In abow atari*. 7il0—Oeora optn to 'miree Actor* and attracted a full turn-out to the two earlier oeesions of the legis­ a branch are in the hands of the Some tede As Watidne Newln^n restaurant where it the deadline. Miller sentenced the fall In fitmt of 50 Pine St. Vniat." by Michel DeOhelecodfe the BUahneU Sunday at 8:80 p.m., The natne of the person was lature. committee. to life bnprtoonm ^ in Superior 28 DAK STREET Town Oounael Irving AronaOn 7>M. The playe ore being dlreoted by was held. Lupton, Reed, and sponsored by the Hartford Cteellc not given tn the. letters, but it The Republicw-ruled House There are also bills to expand Court for the atr'angling of Mrs. recommended the eettloment, aay^ •tudente. ' Football Club. QDP State Chairman A. Searle Isabel A. SiUah in her Westport All First Quality was reported that additional let­ Plnney provid^ the highlights. adopted the controversial bill the branches in Waterbury and ing the town was at fault , by not ''Hoitenee" to a eaUre on Parto Oiyftosls, the UiUve^ty of Oon- ters prepared for mailinjg^from the home. The lower court had denied plowing the area carefully after a The voice vote denying the group yesterday by a vote of 249-27. Torrhigton and study the possi­ bureavioiMy.'buok paaetng and the nectlcut modem dance troupe, wiU state ail, but not smuggled ouL. of bility of putting a branch in Mid­ a motfon to set aside the verdict. SELF-SERVICE DEPT. STORE anowatorm aaveral day* before the like. Directing It to Donate Stram- perform tomorrow and FWday the central committee’s sanction Seventy of the aye votes came COMING— MARCH 9 the Jail, mentioned Bishop Curtis. from Democrats, but so did all 27 dlesex Coupty. But the biggest falL mlelio of Hartford. nlghta In Harriet >^JOBLBSS CLAIMS RISE "Three Actora" to a epoof on Theater at 8:16. . Finney, in his statement t o . the HARTFORD (AP)—Unemploy­ octore who try to separate their said they confened with the otetoi which has the support, of Gov. was for a southeastern Connecti­ Marendaz ^ ^'Alic9 in The Greater Hartford Youth Or­ op after the letter was discovered committee, said a group such os cut branch.. ment compensation claims rose by stage IWes from their private lives.' chestra, conducted by Alfred Akon, the citizen* committee "should be John.N. Dempsey, a Democrat. 8PB01A1, FAMILT SHOW and offereo'him police protection, The bill would make use of the "The need for a branch haa been 2,424—from 41,553 to 43,977—dur­ Bruce Jay of Mamaroneck, N. T., wUI give He first concert of the operated in a professional manner ing the past week in Connecticut, TRAVEL AGENCY BAT. l:tO—SUN. t TM , but he declined. party lever on voting machines op­ determined," said Sen. Peter P, to directing. season Saturday at 8:.15 p.m. in without forays into philosophy, it was announced today. Wonderland'* Oomlng Up In Mancheetcr The. FBI agent said when his tional. Marianl, R-Oroton, ■ "I think we Authorized Agents For All i the auditorium o f Weaver High investigation is completed a re- and this despite the finest inten­ aught to move forward and estab­ State Labor Ojmmissioner Ren- and Ends atOM "Alice In. wonderland" will be Some Demoorats fear that the Rail, Air and Steamship School, Hartford. I>6rt will be submitted to U.S. At­ tions, would be extremely difficult lish a braoich.'” ato E. Rlcciuti said the rise was performed Saturday at Manchee- Tenor saxophonist Stan Getz if its leader were completely iden­ bill would hurt them next year Tany Cortia Bobby D a ^ torney Robert C. Zampano for his Marlani noted that a special due in part to the full week fol­ Lines ter High School at 1:30, 3:30 and will be at the Bushnell Memorial tified with an extreme viewpoint." when President Kennedy to ex­ lowing the shorter Wa.shington Thl Brynner Stealey. V Monehostor High School 7:45 p.m. by the ChUdren’e Wing action. committee was appointed in 1961 18 Asylum St., Hartffkrd Kramer’a Thursday, March 14, at 8:30 p.m. Lupton Is a Republican conser­ pected to lead the Democratic ^ the Governor to study the need, holiday week. At this time last "TARAS by ObUdran'a Thaatr* W ing of the Tittle Theater of Manches­ With hitn will be folk a 1 n g e rs vative. I ticket. year, claims rose from 46,880 to Tel. 247-5857 ter. "nils committee recently reported 'Trsssurt Steve Addiss and Bill Crofut. Getz Hospitals Overcrowded But others cite statistics they 47,536. iULRA" npkata AvailaUa at Boar. "Boocaoclo 70" opens at the that the need was clearly there, HAROLD EELLS popularized the boesa nova. say show that the party lever does and recommended a site in Nor- ITie Bridgeport office. Including Point" State Theater today. BRIDGEPORT cAP) — Park Shackney Trial MI 9-7442 Teak. 8:06 6t8 A McAuley Lecture will 1» giv­ City Hospital today advised police not hinder voters from splitting YVich. Milford, led with 6,233. Hartford The New York Concert Trio will NEW HAVEN (AP) — The de­ was second with 5,650, followed Manchester Agent perform the third and last concert en at St. Joseph College tomorrow and the city's amibulanoe team their tickets if they wished. Although more than a dozen fense Is expected to continue its legislators from eotitheastem Con­ by New Haven with 4,844. of the Manchester Community night at 8 o’clock by the Rev. Wll that it cannot handle In-patient case today as the peonage trial Optional party lever bills died Concert Series this year Sunday, Uam Wallace on "St. Thomas ana emergency cases until further no­ of David Shackney nears its end. March 17, at 8 p.m, in Bailey Au­ the Pull of Gravity.” tice as the pressure on bed space Mrs. Shackney took the stand In ditorium of Manchester High The AUoro Chamber Concert will mounted in the city’s three hos' her husband's defense as the trial School. give a performance Monday at pitals. entered its fifth week yesterday. Worthy of Note 8:16 p.m. In the Town and Coun­ Park City Hospital officials She testified that relations be­ OPEN 6 DAYS FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE! STATEB try Club, Hartford. said overcrowded conditions will Kiraten Borteberg, a 19-year-old tween her and the Mexican family pianist from Darien, wUl give a re­ The Korean Orphan Choir will not permit the hospital to accept that was allegedly held against t i € * U h ' s MONDAY Thru SATURDAY 9:00 to 5:30— -THURSDAYS TILL 9:00 P.M. jQssmi cital at the University of Con­ perform Tuesday at 8 p.m. in the "on a day-to-day basis” emergency their will on the Shackney farm Tm iN E Bushnell. patients who will need beds. The SHOWN necticut tomorrow night at 8:l5 tn were tender. hoB^tal is filled to beyond its 64 She described the full meal she AT Von der Mehden Recital Hall. bed capacity, officials said. 5:40 "The Fourth Pig” Is being pre- prepared for the family of Luis WALL-TO-WALL SEATING Everything Way Below King’s Regular Discount Prices! Open Polio Oinics Officials at St. Vincent’s and Humberto Oros When they arrived AND ■enited lay the University Players Bridgeport Hospitals today also 8:36 of ttie University of Hartford In on the Mlddlefield chicken farm 100% Foam Sofas Slated March 20 reported crowded hospital condi­ in 1961. Auerbach Hall at 8:15 p.m. through tions. Clarence Bushnell, adminis­ ON THICK FOAM AND Final Clearance! Everything at Fantastic Savings to Make Room for New Easter Mdse! Sunday. She'Said the family’s departure trator at Bridgeport Hospital, from the farm brought tears and The Hajrtford Symphony Orches­ On March 20, preschool children said the census at the hospital to­ Corner Table tra peiforme tonight at 8:16 In the and adults may receive oral polio that Mrs. Oros and her four daugh­ day shows 834 medical and surgi­ ters had hugged and kissed her In Unique Bushnell Memorial. vaccine. Types n and in , at any cal patients, 14 over normal ca­ The Clancy Brothers and Tom­ one of seven Manchester schools. when they left. SPACE­ pacity and the largest total In the Shackney, charged with one my Makem ^11 give a concert at 'The polio clinics, scheduled be­ history of the hospital. He said SAVING tween 3 and 6 p.m., will be at the count of peonage and six of invol­ bods have been put in places not untary servitude, has denied the DESIGN following schools: normally used for bed space, in­ Bennet Junior High School, 1161 family suffered hardships on his cluding the center area of the farm and was held against their Main St. large wards. win. Bowers School, 141 Princeton St. A spokesman at St. Vincent’s DeSiu loniwiiuHuianwnsi^ Buckley School, 260 Vernon St. Mrs. Shackney testified to the BLOUSES dinett Hospital said medical and surgi­ family’s good times at. Christmas T y b m & D jn ii Manchester High School, 134 E. cal beds are filled to capacity and AMIAEKBEIG lOHTSCHNQHt Middle Tpke. the hospital has a waiting list on For Person# Over 18 Year# of Age. ■ EASTMANOOtOII___ Robertson School, 46 N. School "elective surgeries." rtlN t “^ ^ ’e C3ot The Aotton”lid “'^««ilerfiU'T^ Be.Ydhng*" St. St. Vincent’s and Bridgeport CANDY Verplanck School, 126 OQcott Hospitals said they would continue Rip Van Winkle St. to accept emergency cases. Waddell School, 163 Broad St. Park City officials said its pa­ 9 M I $2.00 Type n i vaccine will not be ad­ tient total has increased 100 per Couldn't Sleep mth KITCHEN ministered to adults over 30 years cent since the coeiatructlon of the BIAKERS OF FINE CANDIES old. Conn. Tpke., which passes within NaggingBackache On March 19, both types of vac­ two blocks of the hospital. Kowl You ean g«t th« fMtrwlkf joan««d SEATS 6 Famous for Old cine will be given to all elemen­ from DMnrinff baekaeh«» hMtdaeho and tary school clrtldren during nor- muMuIar aches and paina that often cause Lupton Unit in Gear restless nights and miserable tired-out SLEEPS 2 Fashioned Goodness moil school hours. SMORGASBORD HARTFORD (AP) — The Re- feelings. When these discomforts come on Junior and senior high school with oYsr-ezertion or stress and strain FOR ALA. I pupils were given the vaccine yee- publioan dUzens Committee in­ •"YOU want relief—want {t fasti Anothsr S 8TORJBS TO SERVE YOU! disturbance may be mild bladder irritation TOI>ilGHT terday. tends to move cdiead with plans to following wrong food and drink—of ten set­ 8 PIECES Your Choice of rebuild GOP strength in Ckmnecti- ting up a restlese uncomfortable feeling. AND CVCRY WDNESOAY MANCHESTER 42 TO 48 cut’s large ritles despite a resound­ Doan's Pills work fast in 8 separate PLUS 990 ways: l.byspeedypain-rclieYlngaction to $ SHOPPING PARKADE HARTFORD (A P )—The State ing rebi5f at the hands of the par­ ease torment of nagging backache* head­ GREEN 3 Styles of Motor Vehicle Department's daily ty’s State Central Committee. aches. muscular aches and paina. 2. by ROUTE 6, BOLTON Neither JOhn M. Lupton, direc­ sootin g effect on bladder irritation. 8. by LENTEN SPECIAL-$2.50 record of automobile fatalities as m'Ud diuretic action tending to increase STAMPS LA D fir of last midnight and the totals on tor of the new group, nor Gordon outout of the 15 miles of kidney tubes. 9 9 Headboards Featuring: Lobster Newburg, , Sea Food BoaL OPEN EVERY SUN. the same date last year: Reed of Greenwich, its key backer, Enjoy a good night'a sleep and the Blither sleep-sofa slips under the comer same happy relief millions have for oyer ^ « H ( o S g r Meatless Salad in addition to bur asual Sntorgasbord 1962 1963 gwve any signs o f rereatlng last 00 years. For eonyenienee, ask for tbs table to save space. A clever idea -. . . and Menu! Killed ...... 48 42 night after the oentral oommittee large siss. Get Doan's Pills tedayl we've never seen a better buy. FOAM com­ fort everywhere . . . even the bolsters are 100% foam. The plastic-top comer table NYIOHS SLACKS 7 SKIRTS was designed especially for it. All exposed wood to warm walnut finished. 0 ^ 1 0 $ 3 .2 7 OlifilioRif *0 10.97 Conn. Golf Land For 1963, you’ll find that K’s STEAK BAR $ 0 8 8 ROUTE 83— TALCOTTVILLE s s r * ’ ” 77* WALL NOTION BOX

4 drawers, tam­ bour door bln. Hand painted. Overall size 6% ” LET'S HAVE X 9 '/,’’.

\ A PARTY! 2 and 3-P1BC1 $ Bn joy Your GRESto bo driving a Plymouth 1 HOILVWOOD Party Here GASH AND footstes DUSTERS CARRY SUITS Take our word for it, youll enjoy those big party Limit 2 Per BED GROUPS dinners better if you reserve a private room or Customer large table here. We can accommodate parties of all sizes! Of Famous Bond) Quality! Tel. Ml 8-1416 For Reservations The beauty and charm you You Get 600 Stamps SUNDAY DINNERS SERVED have wanted for your home IS NOON to 8 PAL . . . plus the restful luxury of finer “Gold Bond” bedding. $ .95 Choice of stunning head- “ FOOD FOR boards, with firm innerspring EVERY MpOt>” mattress featuring quality 59 AVEY’S tickings,- pre-built borders. TERMS $5 MONTHLY Ckonplete with matching Box •k Choice of Styles * Washable Plastic Spring on legs. * Decorator’s Brass ★ Maple Poster ®S[]2g*SH0« This la tho year that “^.44 summers \ SHIRTS Thayer Lift-Out LAMPS W ith spring around the cor­ Carriage Your choice of four Let's Get Together ner, bring new This Jolly Jitney does triple-duty! decorative styles. life and light to and Dine Out" The lift off gear makes it a CAR­ your home. RIAGE, BASSINET and CAR Next time you’re plan­ You Get 129 'll^ an "evening, out” BED-—all in one. The body and Stamps wiu frirads, suggest gear are securely locked together. meeting here for dinner, M or a leisurely luncheon. You Get ^ ^ Good friends enjoy get­ 369 ^ ting together in our re­ Stamps ^ It on tho move. a • laxed atmosphere for nyMOiiTH 5 6 ®“ fine food, graciously You Get 240 Stelmpe HOOT served. EUegant W e w e l c o m e w e d d i n g s and On the move with completely new, contemporary design, WE GIVE Blumination for $ Prestme STACK PARTIES FOR ALL OCCASIONS it’s every bit as beautiful inside as out. And Plymouth I STAMPS Most unusual offer of decorator-designei (Similar to lUnstratloBS) 68 not only feels great from behind the w;heel; it’s also lampal Each one a - stunning beauty DANCE TO THE INIMITABLE With Every Dime You Spend Skillfully crafted In ceramic and brass You will find the proper lamps for OFF as trouble-free as a car can be. Come see! And you’ll Perfectly-designed matching shades TINY QUINN GROUF EVERY Your choice—traditional or modem! every room in the house! agree. It’s great to be driving a Plymouth this yearl SATURDAY NIGHT FREE MAIN STREET PARKING OR IN OUR LOT NEXT TO STORE • Set K today ati and a«lMr en iB t eards thra YOU HAVE CHOICE OF Natlowd C M t Oard' Serr. « 4 CREDIT PLAjNS . . . \ ■ lee, 'Carte Blanche Dliiaers, (1) 80-Day Regular Charge m ih f itrrt tturv RESTAURANT (8) S0-60-90-Day 4-Payment Charge M l S-IS48 PLYMOUTH, Inc. Plan m . t M d 4dA—aCHJIOM PIKE, TALCX)TTVILLE, CONN. (8) Up To Two Yaare To Pay M ^NCHESITR (4) Young Homemakan Lay-Away 1 II MAIN ST. '■'4.... ' I

.• I «iy"in5hi»

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'iw '* ;"...... ' T' * MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONNw WEDNESDAY, MARCH 6, 1968 P A O l f t g F 6 U B MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN^ WEDNESDAYrifARCH A IMS Hawkshaw Hawkins ahd Cowboy current services, $68,204.3,7 for F r a ^ m u Reservoirs Gain Oopas and the pilot, Randy Hughes Tax Collections ' miscellaneous revenues, $35,133.80 Variety Show Set snumi unmiiit Local Stocks who was Miss Cline's manager, for fines, licenses and. permits, and In ^ater Storage and a son-in-law of Oopas. $9fli,904 in Month $10,338.55 for other town agencies. By Couples Club TIOOA YARN SHOP Itth Year on Job T he. slhgle-engine plane was re­ TTie liarHlng meter fund, with an turning- the recording artists to expected Income of $31,400, has COVENTRY, CONN. TV-Radio Tonight ronrialied by Town reservoirs nbowed • 12.27 Aa of the end of February, tiie A variety show will be the fea­ l>0f Wiuitei 149. Ike&talm luu Nashville after benefit Mrform- received $14,476.91 so far, includ­ aideball Film irb MMdlehroek. Inc. town has received $7,887,904.66 of ture of a meeting of the Couples bom le#poinUd,to big ptmt axiA mlUlon gallon gain stnee F^b. l, ances at Kansas City, JCan. It ing $241.31 In receipts during Feb­ Baifc Btoeka w ^ the cUrrem total steimge at stopped at Dyersburg, near Mem- the expected total of $8,120,240 Club of Center Congregational Tfoqa 100% wool 3-ply wUl bagla hte 17tll year o f a«rvtc« Bid Asked that it will take in during the cur­ ruary. Meters -were removed in 424,000,000 n d k te ^ is , early Tuesday night to re­ January. Church Saturay ait 8 p.m. in W‘ t Set Tomorrow April i. Th« ftppotntnient la med* Otonn. Biuik and Truol ‘iW totid lower ; than totals rent fiscal year.. fingering yarn 2 oi fuel. Hugnee tcleidioaed hla wife Woodruff Hall. Mr. and Afrit. Television by PoUoa Oilaf JuuM M. Rm t - Co...... recorded 79; at the same time during Paul Cendni, collector of re­ ‘•"I ■ — In Nashville to say they would be DISAPPEARING BOOKS Lloyd Gustafson are p i^ ia m skolii 59e. . 4 Ail liOTMii IntaraatMl m btoe- t;W (3)'Bis 1 ThMUer (la protscH) ' (__3-12) Tm JT w a Aflar luikl don, the third police chief under Hartford National the past ftiur y e a ^ venue, reports that $90,280.67 of (In. Most Colors) home soon. The plane never ar­ BERIJN (AP)—For two years chairmen, and have requested,,that iM l M « invited to Me a film, "Bat­ (22) Movi* at 6 (M prosTM) :00 ( 24) Bruah Painting whom Frecchia haa served. Bank and 'Trust Co. 68 624 Rainfall during ^bruary totaled rived. that total was received during (30-10) Early Show (in progreai) :S0 ( 8^0413) (}otiig Hyy Way FIra Insurance Companies 2.81 inches, colnted special advisor to the di- (24) Probability (24) Desegregation time one and Fraochia receivee Aetna l i f e ...... 1254 1384 ond largest total of receipts, $896,- dals. * Mrs. Ronald Hecmeier. Knitting Acoessoriea (53) New ( 8-4(m) Our Mgn Blgglnn Conn. General ...... 198 140 While both Globe Hollow and laotan of the Ooventiy Boys Base- (40) Sbeena feaa for hle^aerylce. Fraochia aUb Roaring Brook reservoirs are at Ship to Be Hotel 623.29, of an expected total of $1,- So niany have been .stolen that All couDle.s of the church are (;4t ( 2) Walter Cronklte 10:00 (8-4(V53) Naked City holda a part-time salaried job aa Htfd. Steam Boiler . .116 128 271.072. district post offices have run out Invited. F"or reHervation-s call Open 0 A.M. to 6 P.M. < teU Aasoitetion. Officials are (10-22-30) Hunlley-Brinkley (10-22-30) Eleventh Hour Travelers ...... 164 172 . capacity, the Porter and ' Howard ( 3-12) Steel Hour 7 a MfaUdunan for the water depart­ Total receipts to date in- other of new directories and have to put Mr. and Mrs. Frank Clark. 286 Mon. thru Sat. tekt anotfaar fitan, "How 7;0(j (8-12-22-3(M0) New. Bporta and Public Crillties resiervoirs are lower than they have HAMBURG Germany — ftam- TEL. 742-7208 Sb Be a Better EOtter," narrated Weather. (24) 45 yrs. with Fitzpatrick ment . propertiee. been'at this time during the fast categories inclnde $73,893.11 for old ones in the booths. Cooper. Hill ftt. (24) Herltafe 11:00 ( 3-S-10-12-23-30-4 Won-ahlh, a for SriB be m charge. Mrs. George E. Lawrence and Mrs. 6:30 Alex Drier 1:00 News and Sign (5(f. mer member of the ruling mill, m s o s ik Robert W. Chave. 6:40 Sports W FO r—14M I h e ohwch ehotr will meet at 6:60 Bob Coseidine 6:00 Joey Revnolda tary Jimta, has been arrested on Directors Back 1:45 p m tonaorrow in the sanctu- Mrs. Adam Rhcxles, Fellowship 7:00 Edward P Morgaa 10:00 Bill Hughes charges linked with financial president, will conduct a business 7:16 Connecticut P M 1:00 Johnny Argo acandalg that rocked South Korea. •«ir. meeting before the program. 7:30 Dick’a Den WIMF—UM Split Vote Bill TIsres Piaetloe Teach 10:30 Tonlfrht at My Place 6:00 News. Wan Street Mai. Oen. Kim Jai-choon, new A-lines flare with flair Three local young people are The Grace Group will serve re­ WTlt^—Iggg 6:16 Showcase director of the Korean Central In­ freshments. 8:0t Newt,. Sporie and Weather 6:6b Ixiwell Tbamaa Town directors voted unani­ 77 upperdasamen at the (:3fl Financial Report 7:00 Showcase telligence Ageny announced today mously laat night to go on record Univeisity of Conoecticirt. now do­ The program is open to all wom­ 4:35 Album of the Day 8:00 The WorM Tonight the arrest of Yoo and 15 others en of Center Church. 6:45 Three Star Extra 8:30 Sbowcasa Oo favoring tlhe proposed optional ing six weeks practice teaching at 7:06 Conversation Piece U;00 News Including former finance minister party lever on voting machines In j|9. scbools in the state. Chun Byung-kyoo. the state. „ Oonaki Gehiing of Grant Hill Miss Lawton Is an assistant leader Yoo resigned from the Jimta aft­ In a resolution proposed by 11.99 ltd, is teswJiing agriculture at in the Baa A Cackle 4-H C31ub of er a financial collapse forced the Democrat Ted Powell, they de­ Woodrow Wilscm High School in which Mlnicuctd is a member. stock exchange to close for cided to infonn Gov. John Demp­ Middletown; Diana F. Williams of The 4-H Town Committee will month last spring. sey, State Sen. Fred Doocy of ttoe Bi. 31 is teaching Engliah at meet at 8 p.m. tomorrow at Booth- Fourth District and other mem­ BY ALISON AYRES. A Casual flair highlights the A-Rne of our three Stafford High S

s e t s t t i6

news and 1963 MERCURY- waather! Only

It’s Hartford’s Brat com­ Once a Year plete news and weather S-22 BUCKET SEAT CONVERTIBLE every morning Monday IJlira .tldfiteliflrilooi Saturday. A Special 6:06-5:05 AM. — WINF Newa Like Tbis! 6:06^:10 A.M. — WINF ' Weather direct from Not Quite A or B? Northeast Weather Service, P e te r P a n —Hidden TrMEure*

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FEDERAL LABEL Naturally a eonyer.tibla by Comet looks racy and jaurity. The S-22^has bucket seats, $3087 whitewall tires, Mercomatic transmission, SALE PRICE radio, heater, tinted windshield, podded Hidden Treasure-was designed to make up th* dash, rfmoto Control outside rear view mir* difference faibtweeii the not quite A or B and the To help you discover Satura’s potent beauty ror. Stock No. 3-C-I52 in Pink Frost. Car- perfect A or 6 ! It fulfills you beautifully without factors that lead to a truly younger-looking Tie's a Ford Motor Car Company warr«^nty excess padding. -.You no longer have to suffer you. Hormones plump up cells. Lines seem DELIVERED IH to disappear.(Special moisturizers mist yoqr wearing E too-tight or too-looee bra. Hidden E.t, of 24 months or 24,000 miles. Fun-test this skin while Vitamin A helps rough spots vanish. 2-oz. Satura Cream with Hormones, WINF MANCHESTER Treasure makes ywi lierfeei^ proportioned, ao> *63 Comet soon! reg. $3.50, now only $2.50. HARTFORD'S sntiy, eomfprtably. ZeFhaire batiste, drip-dry. ttoOOMARQN STATION $195 DOWN—36 MONTHS TO fAY—LOW BANK RATES / .Other outstanding Satuin savings: 8-oi. Op«n Satura Creajn with Hormones, reg. $8.50, Thursday 3.50 now $6.00. Satura Lotion witly Hormones: $8.50 size^ now $2.50; $.5.00 size only $3.50. Simply Say Charge It! till MORIARTY BROTHERS OPEN NIQHTTILLf D o r o t h y G m y 301.316 CDITiR 6TREiT-tMI 3 .5 l3 5 r - ^ iN KYlHINIkS


HoiiM FVir Burning? iiili I '■' Rockviil^V ernon Coal Strike ihv.x lillij $8 Million ■ 5. ■' You slclt o f your house? You looking for a way to stop WINNING PLAY t W « t ------Fire District that leaky faucet, solve that iii::at! New Total of MAY LOOK BOVR In 6th Day, By ALFRED SfUilNWOlA Both lidca TutiMthbto sagging roof line, avoid the MOKTH problem of rewiring? liiiii I used to play tennis with peo­ ple who Would rather jhlt the ball A A Q To Check on Hje Vpmon volunteer firemen Grand List V 3 VI are looking for houses to bum, Fields' p- Calm roperly” , than win the' point, ^ ■ D K J 10 « e same kind of person, when as part of a fire fighting course The net grand list, after reval- « A 7 4 3 Siren System he plays bridge, tries to make they’re taking. uaUon, totals $8,045,156. This is WEST EAST (Contlrued from Page One) the "proper” play even If it’s The 35 fnen will have worked an Increase over the previous list 4 J 10 9174 AX59 their way up to the lesson on sure to'Jose. ^ e communications committee The first 'violence in connection o f $1,829,186. . A A © J 10 I ^ controlling house firesi in about West dealer of the Vernon Fire District Com­ night, and it was negligible. Be- Sixemptlons for veterans and the OAQ 0$7S4S six or eight weeks. Both sides ■vulnerable mission ia going to track down with the Strike came Tuesday blind, of which there are 293, total i 10 5 4b 9 S TTiey would be most grateful Opening lekd—Jack of Spades »everal slrena around town. now. tween 1,000 and 2,000 students $293,169. There are 28 farm ex­ ’ SOUTH to anyone who would donate West opened the jack of spades, .unused, to see' whether they can a paraded in Paris in support of the iiiiil emptions totaling $126,930. Eleven 4b 6 2 l>e put back into service. Object. I TODAY and ""the finesse lost to East’s © ^ 0 7 < miners. Police scatter^ theAdem- items including church,' town and A t the commission meeting last ost to East’s onstratorS and later scuffled 'With TO D A Y A T iii |i NORTH state-owned property which are Bight, several firemen said they king. Back came a spade to the Joseph Shinn, Mrs, Robert Beer- about 200 students. Three police exempt total $536,950. couldn’t hear- the present sirens, NORTH !pii ace. WmI North ZmI Sobrth worth, Mrs. William Taylor. Mrs. TOLLAND The revised grand list will be an­ and suggest^ that the old ones men suffered minor cuts. iiili Declarer led a trump from dum­ 1 bh Pzu Ptu 2 © William Craft, Mrs. Raymond Pa- In the coal fields riot forces mo­ nounced after the board of tax. re­ also be used. ■' i Iii::: my, East played low, and South Pass 4 © A ll Pus One man suggested mountmg a loze), . Mrs. Stanley Clark, Mrs, bilized by the government stayed TOLLAND view hearings are completed this put up the queen. This was the Eklmond t^ ry. Mrs. Frank De- couple of sirens on Co.. 1 house. If discreetly out of sight. The Catho­ A Beautiful New Grants week. The postponed annual town "proper” play, but it was sure Tolia, Mrs. John Harvey and Mrs. lic. Sociaii.st and Communist meeting will be held March 13 at —even a silly play. You liilght the sirens don't work out, he said, A Beautiful NeW» Grants MANCHESTER to lose. West took his two red the, firehouse will have the wiring Eldward Moser. unions also maiiitained solid dis­ Yeomans Hall at 8 p.m. aces, and East eventually won a Just as w ell be hanged for a goat Child models are Beth Rams- m 'a n c h e s t e r ready, and new sirens can be "pur­ cipline among their ranks. In the . ‘Rec’ Council Elects trump trick with the jack to de­ as a sheep. dell, Susan Beerworth, Debbie Forbach area of eastern France, The Recreation Council elected feat the contract. Daily Question chased. Smith, Janice White, Linda Pilver, Sirens could be bought second idle miners shopped with their iii|! officers Monday night as follows: South’s play was sure to lose Partner opens With 1 NT (U to Colleen Walsh, Gail Sands, Lorrie wives, bowled or congregated;, in 18 points), and the next player hand from the Civil Defense au­ TRI-CITY i 'i Oo-chalrmen, Wallace Lohr and because West surely had the ace Brown, Laurie Osgood, Penny bars. r^ow AT passes. You hold! Spades, 6-2; thorities. another man proposed, I ! Mrs. Grace Pringle; 'vice chairman, of hearts. although these would probably be O’Leary, Steven Heavisides. Wil­ Small groups of pickets went to NOW AT TRI-CITY Joseph Armstrong: secretary. Miss Winning Play Hearts, K-Q-9-7-6; Diamonds, 9-8; liam Liswell and Hugh Collins Jr. small horsepower sirens. mine entrances at the start of Jean Natsch; treasurer, Leo Go- The winning play is to fine.sse aubs K-Q-6-2. The Civil Defense has tested the Car Skids on Ice each shift to make sure the strike hen; and executive committee, with the nine of hearts on the What do you say? present sirens, said John Williams, A car driven by Mrs. Agnes M. order was obeyed. John Pringle and William Bum- first round of trumps. Normally, Answer: Bid three hearts. Tho chairman of the commission, and Girard, 39, of 14 Dailey Circle, Contact between the unions and SHOPPING PLAZA ham. this is a ridiculous play; but in combined count is 26 to 28 points, has ruled favorably on their posi­ Rockville, skidded on Ice on West the government reportedly was Doran Shumway will attend ac- this hand it is South’s only which should be enough for game. tion and loudness. Rd. in Vernon last night, and being maintained. But Labor Min­ SHOPPING PLAZA quatlc school in order to prepare chance. Your jump offers partner his He directed the communications crashed through a fvire fence into ister Gilbert Grandval .said talks South is sure to lose two trump choice between three notrump ROCKVILLE for his duties as swim instructor committee to investigate the pos­ a tree. could not be started until produc­ this summer. Doran holds a sen­ tricks if West has the ten or Jack and four hearts. sibility of having supplementary Vernon Constable Robert Zon- tion was resumed. ior life saving certificate and is a of hearts, and the way to do so The miners contend they have ghetti said that extensive damage ROCKVILLE member of the I>olphin Club at is to finesse with the nine of For Sheinwold’s 86-page book­ sirens. been left out of the prosperity On another matter related to was done to the car. although there Windham High School where he i.s hearts. let, "A Pocket Guide to Bridge,” which has come to much of HARTFORD send 60 cents to Bridge Book, equipment. Commissioner Bruce were no injuries to the occupants. Vernon Circle a senior. Andrea Stamson will be As it happens, this deep finesse French indu.stry. They demand an Bengston questioned the wisddm of The accident happened around 8 HARTFORD his assistant. drives out the ace of trumps. The The Manchester Evening Herald, o'clock, he said, as Mrs. Girard was 11 per cent pay hike. The govern­ Vernon Circle Box 3318, Grand Central Sta., N.Y. using a clear dome instead of a trumps then break favorably, and ment has offered 5.77 per cent Mr. and Mrs. William Murphy red dome on the warning light on driving north. are planning a canoe regatta to be South has no further problems. 17, N.Y. spread over the next year. The ALL ROADS LEAD TO NEW GRANTS Copyright 1963 top of a tank truck. Arrests NEW GRANTS . held June 30. Details will be an­ When there’s no other hope, be Robert Cianci, 19, of 26 Djane miners average about $36 for a ALL ROADS LEAD TO ready to make an unusual play General Features Cotp. Assistant Chief Bill Johnson said 46-hour week. I* j nounced at a later date. the use'of a clear dome is becom­ Dr., Vernon, was arrested last liilllil'' f lion s Meet ing increasingly popular west of night pn Rt. 30 and charged with ■^ Henry Beck, president of the Meikle of Hunt Rd. is the maternal the Connecticut River. improper passing and failure to Lions Club, has called a special grandmother. Ice Float Splits But Commissioner Bengston said carry registration. Constable Ray­ meeting of the club tomorrow et Bowser Ballet the public has just become edu­ mond Berube made the arrest Laborites Rage Yeomans Hall at 7:30. Beck urges The Nathan Hale Dog Obedience Naval Station cated to the meaning of a red about 7:15. Cianci is scheduled to FIVE YEAR SERVICE GUARANTEED members to attend as the matters Class ■will put on a show for the warning light on a fire truck. To appear in 12th Circuit Court, to be discussed are urgent. Re­ Columbia Grange meeting today CHRISTCHURCH, New Zealand Rockville session, March 26. Over Bidault’s use a white one is to cause confu­ hearsals for the Llobs show will at Yeomans Hall at 8 p.m. The (A P )—A piece of Antarctica has sion, he said, Paul Connell, 27, of High Man­ begin after this meeting. Those highlight of the evening will be a. or Trailer Park, Vernon, was ar­ broken off and floated away, Uk- " It means nothing," he said. who have been given parts are ask­ square dance performed by the ing part of an unmanned Ameri­ Commissioner Williams said that rested last night at 6:45 and Britain Visit Tlarmt IJau. Can. JhiLit ed to be on hand, Com^nittees for dogs and their owners. Mrs. Maude can Ice station with it, the U.S. charged with breach of peace on the installation of Llie clea'r dome the show are; Stanhope, the trainer, will put the Navy said today. on the truck without authorization complaint of his wife. Rockville (Continued from Page One) General committee, Eugene dogs through their paces including Patrolman Francis Barvero made The naval icebreaker Edlsto front the commission is "one of G^NTS OWN BRAND BY FAMOUS MAKERS AT DOWN TO EARTH PRICES! Dente, William Burnham, Merton novice amd open work, drills, broad discovered the l,600-by-600-foot those things that happen because the arre.st. Connell was relea.sed The Laborities want to know Wolff, Roland Laramie, Paul Mer­ jumping and high jumping. Mrs. Under $50 bond for his appear­ exactly how Bidault slipped into chunk of Ice 300 miles northwest o f a lack o f rules and regulations, rick; properties, Layton Mo.seley, Louise Smith is president of the of where it should have been— which we are drawing up.” The ance in Circuit Court March 26. Britain under the noses of security STOCKINGS George Peters, Gunnar Olsen, Ivan club which meeU Thursdays at the Three Practice Teach men. how he got away again, why attached to the Ross ice shelf. rules will be drafted in two more Wlllette, Emil Sadlon, Wallace Wllllmantic Armory. The break had bisected the sta­ meetings, he said. Three local young people are detectives didn’t track him down, Lohr, Emil Malek, David Rand; and why officials apparently paid tion, exposing the interiors of two On other matters, the commis­ among 77 upperclassmen at the program, William Thompson, Manchester Evening Herald Co­ no attention to persistent press re buildings. Canned supplies still sion learned that the heads on the University of Connecticut now do- Peter Nichols; tickets, Merton lumbia correspondent Virginia M. ing six weeks practice teaching in ‘ ports last January that Bidault stood on their shelves. oxygen tanks may have to be W olff, Sol Binder, Joseph Miller; Carlson telephone 228-9224. The station Is believed to be Lit­ changed for $2.95 apiece; that the 49 schools in the state. i was in London. children's acts, George Evans; re­ Barbara A. Martin of 120 High I The Labor move did not imply tle America 3, built In 1940-41 and cost of the cab and chassis of the freshments, Henry Beck, Myron New Services Sought out of use for many years, out a St„ Rockville, is teaching social; any criticism of the right of the •SAinN Berkowltx, William Murphy, Carl new brush truck is $2,966, and spokesman said It could be Little studies at Manchester High BBC to televise the interview that bids are about to he invited 14.88 Cu. FI. (nal) Lewis, Nathan Rosen; publicity, America 4, which was built in 1947 School; Irene H. Lee of 14 Park Most sections of the press solid­ tlons, faced with cars that are In­ to equip the truck for the fire de­ That’s why Grants leads in h o s ii^ . ■ • you find the lat­ Total capacity George Peters. i and Is known to have broken PI., Rockville, is teaching French ly defended .the BBC's right lo Briefs creasingly maintenance-free, are partment. present news as It thought fit, but est fashUn ihadea in all popular atylea —with aeama I \ experimenting with affU'ated res­ I away in 1952. The amount of taxes collected at Rockville High School; and George Peters, Rt. 87, has ob­ the newspapers were asking the or teamless — from ultra sheer to practical senlce taurants, banks, laundries, and Is $79,876, as of Feb. 1, reported Nancy R. Wiitanen of Box Moun­ tained a permit to build a house tain Dr„ Vernon, is teaching so­ same questions the Labor shadow sheera. I’sis unique picture packages help you lelect behind his home. No permits were high-sped car washes to increase Lion Tamer Needed Glenn Linton, tax collector. This Trus zero freezer MOSIIREE cabinet was asking. business, the publication, Credit is 96 per cent of the estimated cial studies at Sykes Junior. High the right nylons for your needs. The package is your issued in January. School in Rockville. The Daily said Bidault hold* 187 Ibt. of food Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Harris of World, reports. TAMPA, Fla. (AP) — Army re­ amount, he said, leaving $2,830 to has three forged passports under guide for easy Identification of your favorite styles.. • be collected for -the current fiscal Hospital Notes l| Glastonbury, announce the birth cruiters in Tampa are trying to A d m i 11 e d yesterday: Henry different names and that this in­ priced far helow nationally advertised brands. YouHl CUSTOM 2-DOOR of a son, Mark Tow>nsend, March ARRESTED FOR LYING find a lion Umer interested In a year, and $1,350 to be collected in formation has been passed to all LIMA, Peru (AP)—Officiate in back taxes. Wells, 32 Florence St.; Mrs. Betty want to midce Grants your hosiery headquarters too! 6, at Hartford Hospital. Mrs. Har­ hitch In the Army. Adams, 3 Windsor Ave. ports and airports in Britain an

MANCHESTER EVENING ^ERA i ^ , MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, MARCH 6, 1968 PAGE N M KANCHfiSTER irrUNlNO HERALb. J^GHESTEE, OONN^ WEDNESDAY, MARCH 6, 1968 Pikoa BIOHT tervlew two more neoct Monday responded to 61 fire catls, with 8* psr osnt, or, *67, wsrs'fH «d ky Ftpemen Get 38 of them affecting dwettlngs and 11 Wiimerg Selected civUlsed leader, to see him in th* the Mtinmte about geeae, , triple-tilt . Andover, night. Six Rnns reapondad to let-, GOP Presidential Prospects wometa. Qiiad» Named BOY SCOVT te n mailed -out by the building In BtOTM'. There have been 18 role of would-be assassin. ^ ere are already 1,000,000 'o f GOP Seeks Cut a l u m in u m w i n d o w s false alarms and 64 calls for emear- In Scout Di§play 80mNmST MM _ , oommlttet, 'but two ouhaequently February CaMs P H ItC O And it was something of a re­ them at work on cotton alone. By NoteM andNewi vrithdrew due to other commit- genoy' equipment. EnettUtQ Ifpralik selecting that brand of farming DEUTVBR'^ (AP) Dr. Susan^ Anna, Cciok Choice Winnen Of the Soout .Werit'4^in- lief when,, shortly before the last Of $5 Billion Whits Cohn. 60, a chemistry pro­ $10.75 menu. During the month of February BSN D iX natlonU vote hi' which the pres­ whir' really begins to get back to Pdlitical ...Woods 'Filled fessor at Denver University and TBIL. m i 9-8001 Theodore C. Wright last week the Town Fir# Department re- Envoy Recalled dow displays,, Blackledge DizWet, OO.. IMCi nature one might be joining a kOiilmum 6 IVtadows TIu annual Blue and Gold pot: rteijpMd his post oa chairman of I BtMMll StrMt tige, and leadership of de Gaulle

, to trades and industries will also pro­ being long-lived creatures who are birthdays . . . Father’s Day and THURSDAYS duce some new opportunities. good for 25 years work, they can FREE other gift occasions. Buy ’em by Eventually, therej may have to be boarded over for next year’s th* box , . . and SAVE 1 FRIDAYS be drastic adjusb^ents, like a crop. And it costs cmly about 80 PICKUP and DELIVERY greater division of the amount of cents a year to feed a goose what work available, through a much a goose needs beyMid weeds. They LIFETIME GUARANTEE shorter work w e ^ , at no decline don’t wander much, being easily hi wage, which none of us can satined, and too heavy to well MUFFLERS FII^AL CLEARANCE «|ult« visualize at the moment, and anyway. Their only fault Is that, which, may require some entirely now and then, on a real-hot day, INSTALLED FREE WASHABLE ORLON new rules for our whole living. But they will take a siesta off in the Ottafsnteed against ail failure I OR 100% W OOL PLAID one. thing is for sure, we. cannot | somewhere. This to us seems I aa kmg aa you own your oar. aUher build or merely encounter a civilized and appropriate part of No se^oe charge on leplaoo-1 tomorrow on the basis of hiring mepit under gnnmntee. PONCHOS the process of life on a fafm. If SWEATERS people to shovel coal which Isn’t you have capital galore, you can Hipmdeoma eweaters bearing the famous •ven there. The Supreme Court de- start farming by buying your own nimiiT you'll reeognize as QUALiirY. R«9. $9.95 S atslnn proclaims an era In which weeder 'geese, at $3.00 a head. If TASTES BETTERI NOURISHES PETTERI AND THERE'S LOTS OF ITI Slinri; strong, comfortable! W* try to solve the problem, not you are starting fropi scratch, so and $W.95 ^ The good rich things of the fann make Daffodil Farm Hread not only tastea . Hera's bread with old-fashioned flavor VdifM to $12.95 Ign on K . to ^>eak, you can ' rent a good 5 82-inch love seat and. chair Wooden pieces better,, it^ nouriabee better, too. Con- baked in an old-fa^oned sise! Areally weeder goose for $1.50 a season. Daffodil’s gfeat taste: fineet flour, rich OUTUST to match all pieces, are tnina more complete protein than big, hearty loaf—the sue Grandma Beyond all .these obvious entice­ milk nourishment and, at the heart of OROnURY ma(ie with Image construe-' ta complement Bidault Makei BBC used to bdte for her big family. Now ments and advantages, it also de- the flavor, loads of pure, creamery the bread most women use. Daffodil MUFFURS TOGGLE COATS tion . . . Polifoam cemented For a time, Georges Bidault, vel<^i that the weeder geese, butter . . . so lavishly used you can see Farm contains the “” milk in­ Daffodil bakes a great big knflpecially to the molded fibre shells OBoe o a e of France’s most enllght- your being especially deft in their work­ its sunny glow, smell its sweet aroma, gredient lactalbumin. Get the great fair your big, wonderful famfly. It's *67 Broad Bto Manoheater and foam latex rubber sekt •ned sod appealing post-war ing of toe soil while they get at MI 8-2444 R « 9 . cushions. tarte its goldoa goodness. taste and nutrition of Daffodil Farm. thin-slioad—poefset for sfdadwidMs! $25 $ ttatasmen, devoted hls career in the weeds roots and aU, repre­ O p en Mon.-Tnee. 8-61SO You’ll Wknt handoome wood pioco* Mk* Mif-iinpoaed exile to leadership of sent a h o ^ y and fruitful compro­ W eed., d . Ttars., Fri. 8-8 16 Variations on a theme these to complemant your modarn up- a movement which aimed openly mise between the too great dis' Sat. S-4 iiolsteries. T h e/re to rich t o b a c c o > r ^ at the apaaSsinaUon' of President' turbance of the soil Involved In C h ev ro n Gasoline 8-19 Voliiasfo$7.95— WhlfaorColorad 1. Same basic pieces as shown only without walnut with oiMike lacquer finish. The Charles ds OsuUe. ^ e aim of toe me O v c rc M M ’nie'.'Rar, John J. Delaney was Floods Still Threaten of disputes intervehticHi that hit a Obituaty 'John W. I*orter, son of Mr. and dramatic peak when Arthur J. pants, from President Kennedy on major labor disputes in an extra- law have been. InvoXed only 21 manufacturing. The steel con­ otiebrant; aMsted by the Rev. Stanley E. HaatUlo, deacon, and Mrs. L. Morgan Porter of 70 'West­ ShrinkiBg Econom ic Pie Goldberg, now a Supreme Court down, including city mayoirs and legal sort ,of way. Without, specific times in the M years ainca the tracts m reopenable on w arn, FALSE TEETH Insurance, minster Rd., is a Unlverstfy of justice, served as Kennedy’s labor law was' enacted; pension* 'and Insurance benefits. the R ev.' Dennis R. Hussey, aub- a fed,eral judge, t r y ^ at one time sanction of law, and merely stat­ Loof tiMtf aad WMrry deaoon. Mrs. Raymond Murphy Five Midwest States Hartford delegate to the'CJonnecti- secretary. or another to settle the recent ing Intervention is "in the public The Taft-Hartley strike emer­ The year MM; a presidentlto cut Intercollegii).le Student Ijeg- of gency procedure and the compan­ cam paln year, is also potentially No loaset be sjanofed or feel IU playdon Dies, was ornnlat and solotat. Burial Pension G)st Some second thoughts are being .dock strike. interest," the govehiment sudden­ m m beMUM rt Ioom. wobbto fSiM was In Buekland Cemetery. Father Islature tomorrow through Satur* Causes All-Out Strikes given, however, on how. to make Hinting . that government inter­ ly will create a foetal board or ion strike delaying procedures of chock full ■ of labw strife. Some . teem. PASTinH, an itoprored aUu« (Oanttmied from Page Oner) day at the State Capitol. ‘ line (Bon-eold) powder.jnriakleaM HaatUlo rbad the eommlttal Mrv- BINGO v»- federal intervention work better. ’the Railway Labor Act have been of the biggest labor-management JF^ 'Wante Troops vention moves may not always -send id a special mediator to rec­ TOUT ptetM holds them 4nitrso4liey Mill Official toe. feet, five feet above flood stage. General Manager Richard Mar­ 0 . Secretary Wirtz—a busy man have been wisely -carried out, ommend a laboh dispute . compro­ useful as a big stick; contracts will fully run out then, feel more oomfoctable. AvoW ember* tin disqussed the town’s Insuranos The Rev. K. Ejnar Rask, pas­ including James R. Hoffa’s major Bearers were Michael fiwetaes, It also appeared head^ 16r crests ■OrrOR’i n o t e : a new and* Whether labor laws are revised riding henl on the troubled labor Wirtz says they wer? undei'taken mise. ’The recommendations nave As paralyzing as some recent rssemtnt eeueed-bf Ioom pletee. Oet Out of Cuba Faster tor of Trinity Covenant Church, Every Friday Night At S PM. strikes have. bMn, there are even Teamsters trucking pacts, Walter PABTiNTB at enr.drus oountor. John Smith, John Diiqueeta, WU- above flood stage hi Huntington, and pension budgets with mem­ Inportant iamw has cropped up or not, the government is doing scene in the five months since he not only because the public, de­ no legal force but they usually liam R. Oirry, Harold L, Henne- W- Va„ Ashland, K y„ and Mays- (Cohttnned from Pag* One) will be guest pastor tiohight at have, or at least seek to have, ntore ominous clouds gathering on R euthe^ agreem^ts with the top suddenly last bers'of the Insurance Advisory IB collacUvc bargaining between sbme soul-searching on its own succeeded Goldberg—frankly ad­ manded something be done but to berry and Andrew H. MasM. vllle, Ky,, within the next three 7:30 at a-Quiet Hour at Emanuel KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS HOME mits the government has been “.prevent collective bargaining the powerful backing of_ public the labor- relations horizon. New auto finns, and David J. McDon­ jiight aJt his home. He wee v(oe Oonunittee and Pension Bodrd at Lutheran Churc+i. John Poffin- labor and management in this role in the labor relations arena. e.sldent of the Aldon Spinning days. - ter of public record, as it might Tiar e( troubled labor relations. There doesn’t seem to be any dis- improvising. from committing suicide." opinion. storms could break out in IMS in ald’s contracts with the b ^ gtsel Earl A. Burbeck be in the c$sc of soldiers or sail- a hearing at the Mtinlolpal Build­ barger. Intern at Emanuel Lu­ 138 MAIN STRECT- - MANCHfSTER The emergency provisions of the a number of industries, including companies. 11, Teloottville. Flood conditions in western Bora, in the first of four special l^itlon to reduce the frequency Wirtz recently noted wryly there ’The White House and Labor De- Read. Herald AdvSe Fuiteral aervices for Earl A. Bur- Pennsylvania appeared generally orZ, I can any that ■ t}iay were ing this'‘(homing; theran Church, will conduct mid­ Mr. Playdon was bom July 6, week service.* at Trinity Church articles, la an analysis' of some 1896, In Methuen, Maas., a eon beck of 48 Sumnllt 8t, were held Improving. The crest of the serving their country” At -slake were the budget re­ 0< the reasons both profits and Kennedy was smiling slightly tonight at 7;.10. the late Alfred and Mkry HiH ■terday afternoon at the Holmes Monongahela River passed Brad- quests for pensions for town em­ wage boosts aiw, harder to come Playdon. He was a member of neral Home, 400 Main 8t. The dock and was expected to pass when he walked Into the State De- pnrtiinent auditoriuni for his ses­ ployes, with $78,000 requested, br today- ^ a t Cheer Lodge of Masona, Rev. Clifford O. Simpson, pastor of Pittsburgh without major over­ and for the town’s various Insur­ Providence, R. I. Center Congregational Church, of­ flows. sion with newsmen—the first In I By NfmMAN WAUCER the morning in nearly a year. And ance policies, which will require a Survivors Include hie wife, Mrs, ficiated. Burial was In Soldier’s In Indiana, many rivers and total of $129,220, :a smaller AP labor Affairs Writer AWa Repetto Playdon; a son, Field at East Cemetery. Military streams headed toward expected he got In on a wave of laughter near the end when somebody want­ amount than 'was allocated last ' WASHINGTON (AP)—The latest Norman Adame, and a daughter, honors were accorded at gtaveslde crests above flood stage but the year. by members of the American Le­ end of heavy rains eased the ed to know how he evaluated the spasm 'Of labor strikes, terrible as j/Um Carolyn Adame, both at The Advisory Oommlttes has gion. \ threat of major overflows. changes In the Soviet Union sim e Ik has been, is a s)rmptom of home; three brothers, Howard the death of Joseph SUlin a dec­ suggested changes In the town’s Playdon of Salem Dep^, N. H., Bearers Were Anthony O'Bright, Some flooding was reported In policies tlial could save money on something worse—a bad case of ade ago. 3yron Haydon and Frederick Robert Mongell, Michael Totten Maryland, with about 26 house* the town’s, fiie Insurance cover­ real and fancied economic jitters. playdon, both of Methuen, and a and George Totten. damaged in Crellln, In the west­ The President said it would take half an hour of television time to age and on boiler insurance. The symptoms are devastating slater, Mm. Helen Worsman of ern part of the state, after the Bobort M. Johnson Youghlogeny River spilled over its answer that, so he didn't. The new fire In-surance cover­ enough. The recent S4-.day Kast- Franklin, Maes. age would require an updating of Fimeral Nrvloee will be held Funeral aervices for Robert M. banks. Many highways in the But on other points: Oulf Coast docks strike '‘ crippled Keimedy said that the United the town’s pre.sent policies to cov­ the natlcm's foreign commerce and Friday at 1 pm. et St. Mary’s Johnson of 98 Barry Rd. were held area were Inundated. Outside the "flood areas, rain States would not accept’ a nuclear er 90 per cent of the total value cost an estimated $800 million in Bplsoopal Church. The Rev. yesterday afternoon at Watklns- of town buildings. At pre.senl the Weet Fimeral Home. fell in Georigia, the Carolinan and test ban “ which difi not give us lost.business and wages. That is George F. Nostrand, rector, will every assurance that we could de­ coverage extend to about 70 per a dollar figiu'e the federal govern­ offlciaite. Burial will be In Grove The Rev. Alistair Sellers of Fort Virginia and moved eastward. An­ Worth, Fla., officiated. Frederic other belt of rain extended from tect a series of tests under­ cent. ment would be proud to claim as Hill Ometery. Rockville. The town would then switch to prizef-winning fashion blooms by Friends may call at the Holmee E. Werner was organist. the Ohio Valley eastward to the ground.” a budget surplus . He voiced a hope that other Public and Institutional Policy Newspaper strikes in New York Fimeral Home, 400 'Main St., to Burial was in East Oemetery. Atlantic CkMist. Freezing rain Bearers were Evert Johnson, mixed with snow pelted New Eng­ American republics will work with referred to as PIP which would smd Cleveland have cut off whole morrow from 2 to 5 and 7 to broaden the town’s covering and Youngland, lovingly nutured at The Fair Creighton.and Alan Shoor invite you to take advantage of their Anniversary Sale. •VMMCnW Arnold Johnson, Donald Talne, land. Gale warnings were posted the United Stales in trying to Uo- cities from their daily papers for SONa p.m. lata communism in Cuba. at the same time effect at least a long periods, damaged community Donn Mendelt, Calvin Stelneker along the coast. and C3arl Anderson. 2.6 per cent saving, according to business and posed a question You will find hundreds of items reduced throughout the store . . . Buy now for Mrs. Rose E, Converse the committee. ' whether some publications can Mrs. Rose E, Converse,}65, of 02 The new policy would include, I :i survive. Easter, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day or for yourself. Be early. OharlM H. Jones Wadsworth St., died this morning Funeral services for CHiaries H. Rule Bars Town Employes b«8ide.s covering a higher percent- | Big space-missile firms have re­ at Manchester Memorial Hospital, age of town building value, dam -! ;; cently barely escaped shutdowns. Jones of 117 Deepwood Dr. were ghe was the wldo-vy; of Lawrence held yesterday afternoon at the age resulting from sprinkler fall-1 ;; Walkout threats lie ahead ih a Converse Sr. tire, and vandali.sm. number of key Industries. The SALE STARTS TOMORROW AT 9 A.M. Holmee Funeral Home, 400 Main From Any Political Activity Mrs. Converse was born April g, 8,t. The Rev. John D. Hughes, rec­ To update the policy, the first ; . railroads, for example, lace a 1897, In Hartford, a daughter of labor crisis in the next few months tor of St. Mary’s Episcopal (Church, Personnel rules for town em-»approved, on the order of business step in conversion to the new svs- j : Mr. and Mrs. Joseph LiiUon, and officiated. Burial was In East for directors’ meetings. teni, will i-equire an additional ; and nobody seems to be doing lived in Manchester for 50 years. ployas and rules of procedure for much about it. Cemetery. The revision provides that the $12,000 expenditure this year. j ; She was a member of Second Bearers were George Barber Sr. the board of directors brought usual item 4, the opening of the The town’s boiler policy current-: ; Too often strikes are chaotic, Congregational Church, the Order wasteful, brutal and inconsiderate George Barber Jr., Charles Luce, oonsiderable discussion from resi­ meeting to public hearing on any ly covers the depreciated cost of ■ of Eastern Star, and a member and Fred Luce, WUllam Sullivan and questions within the jurisdiction town boilers. I ^ of the public interest. past president of the Spanish dents and directors last night. Morris Cooms. The personnel rules were amend­ of the dirwtor, is split into two A new policy, suggested by the ; Too^ often, also, more attenticm American War Ifeterans Auxil­ board, would pay the full cost of a : is focused on cures for the strike ed to read that any to'wn employe hearlng.s. iary. Mrs. Hattie L. BUlings The first is a hearing early in new boiler, at an initial additional : symptoms than on cures for the Survivora taicludo two sons, Law­ "shall not solicit any person to Funeral services for Mrs. HatUs vote at any town or distrlot politi­ the meeting for voters to speak on cost of about $1,000. 4 |- basic economic disease that some­ rence A. Converse Jr. of Bolton The new expense would be made . how goads labor-management pro­ L. BUlings of 12L Bluefleld Dr. cal primary, caucus or election.” any item on the agenda, and the and (3eorge N. Converse of Man­ were held yesterday afternoon at second, at the end of the agenda, up in about three years, reflecting tagonists into trying to kill off chester; two daughters, Mrs. Eld- Republican EHreclor Francis Del- the Holmes Puperal Home. 400 laFera .said he felt the directors is for voters to bring up auiy other the town’s good record with their ; e i ^ other at the public's expense. mund Wrubel of Manchester and boiler Installations. Behind the turbulent labor rela- Main St. The Rev. Truman Wood­ were “being inconsistent In keep­ questions. I Mrs. George French Jr. of Say- ward, former pastor of First Con­ General Manager Martin also re­ tkms scene, management and la­ brook; two Bisters, Mrs. Arthur ing municipal employee from par Director DellaFera contended gregational Church, East Hartford, that many townspeople come to a quested information on costa for j bor are in a giant squeeze Worgan of Manchester. and Mrs. ticipating in polltioal action.’’ major medical Insurance for all Each is puzzled and piqued be­ officiated. He attempted, in a move sup­ directors’ meeting only to speak Max Ahnort of Rockville; four Burial will be in Wapping Ceme­ to'wn employes, either partly or] cause increases in profits and brothers. William Lutton of De­ ported by RepubUcan Hsirlan Tay­ on some problem that’s bothering fully paid for by the town, and ] wages don’t come so easy any tery at the eonvenieiice of the lor to defeat the rule, but was de­ tham, often, something not on the troit, Mich., Arthur Lutton of famUy. asked the Adidsory Committe* toj more. The economic pie they cut­ Ramsey, N. J., Joseph Lutton of feated in the vote when only Tay­ agenda. It is unfair to ask them look Into road and sidewalk lia­ up isn’t growing as much as it Vernon and Francis Lutton o f lor voted with him. . to wait until late In the evening, bility Insurance. once did. Each side is feeling a WUUani J. Tedford He abetained when the laeue was tw said. Danielson; 12 grandchildren and Funeral services for William J. The committee is also Investlgat- j pinch. put up to a vote as flnaUy ap­ Mayor Francia Mahoney said Ing a state requirement that the' Fierce new sales competition— six great-grandchildren. Tedford of 179 Fern St. were held Funeral services will be held proved. the revision was aimed at allow­ town have special Insurance to at home as well as abroad—has 5CK each yesterday afternoon at St. Mary’s Republican Director Harold A. ing the directors to finish their made It even more compelling for Friday at 2 p.m. at Second Con­ Episcopal <3huroh. The Rev. John cxrv'er liability for Main St. from Turkington, who was absent last business before they have become the Oenter to the Terminus. wnployers to automate, stresimline gregational Church. The Rev. Felix D. Hughes, aenior assistant at St. night because of Ulness, had taken I M. Davis, pastor, will officiate. too tired, after Bitting through The Insurance is required by th e; the production process, and cut Mary’s officiated. Sydney MacAl- iasue with the rule when the board long hearings on Issues on which costs. Raising prices has become But hurry. . . eem Vn m TMbIt Servinf Spoom Burial will he In East Cemetery. pine 'was organist. Burial' was In state becau.se the town is perform-1 discuseed It Jan. 29. At that time they are not expected to act that ing the snow' clearance operations, increasingly difficult. hi 1847 Roger* Brae. Stalnleee will coet you Friends may call at the Holmee E3ast Cemetery. he said town employes shouldn’t Funeral Home, 400 Main St., to- Bearers were Fred Tedford, night. which are a slate responsibility. A resulting shortage of jobs in fl.B0 eech. be forbidden participation in town it provides three chances for the a constantly expanding work force monew from 7 to 9 p.m. Frederick Uttle, George Tedford, The Pension Board is currently ] We make this offer to ecquaint you with 1847 politics so long as board o f educa people to be heard. Instead of the leaves workers girimly intent on WUllam Topping, OJvin Sargent asking $2,000, in addition to the j tion employes are permitted it. present two, said the mayor, the hanging on to the ones they have. Rogers Bros. Stainless. A nemo for genera* Mrs. Oecar F. Anderson and Gordon 'Tedford. And when he was asked then if $76,000 for the plan, to cover ad- i They worriedly seek higher pay tkms was found only on luxurious silvarplata. Mrs. Alice Johnson Anderson, Headquarters O o „ 169th Infan­ he thought the ruling on town em­ third in advertised hearinga. mlnistrative costs that W'ould re-1 and job safeguards against the Today, K’s yours in hixurloua American-made 87, of 956 Maple St., Rocky Hill, try, Connecticut National Guard, ployes should be rescinded, he sak' Dr. A. B. Moran in the public .suit from the adoption of changes future. ’They sullenly complain stainless steel I mother of' Waller E. Anderson of conducted a mUitary service at yes. adding, "I think a little bit hearing also objected to the new in the peiision system. about the boss’ suddenly taut 19 Gardner St., died last night at graveside. of political activity, on the part of rule. At present the town pays about purse string. HiUtop Oofi’vsIescenit Home, Rocky town employes doesn’t do a Mt of In the final vote, which ap­ 4.4 per cent on its payroll toward a raoDucT or ihc aniawnoinL atuna ttm u n It obvlousiy would be much Hill. Clambakes were originated by harm.” , proved that ohange and other mi­ pensions, with an additional .8 per simpler for an employer to trim Survivora, beaides her son m the Indians who Inhabited tha New Director DellaFera last nigh nor ones. Tavldr and DellaFera cent to catch up on salary' In­ obsolete manpower, or "feather- Mancheater, Inclndc her himband, England coastal areas. Also Objected to a revision, finally voted negatively. creases and other contingencies. bedders," from his payroll if a three eons, a daughter. 8 grand­ full employment economy provid­ children and 12-great-grandchll- ed jobs elsewhere. dren. ’The underlyhig economic tur­ Funeral eervlcea will be moil has created new tensions in Friday at 2 p.m. at the Rose Hill labor-management relations. It ONLY $5.95 Funeral Home, Dim St., Rocky helps explain why, although the REG. $8.50 Fad.T«xblta Kffl. Burial will be in Rose Hill number of strikes hasn’t inVeased Memorial Park. . significantly, the walkouts that do There will be no calling hours. develop are far more desperate and irreconcilable. Mrs. Edward 8. Jordan This is not a satisfying explana­ tion for the New York subway WAPPING — Mr.s. Catherine rider grumbling over the absence Reisel Jordan, 52, of 70 Sunset Ter. died Monday at Manchester Me­ of his favorite daily newspapers. (above) Youngland'.s shirt-waist Nor is it a solace to an old morial Hospital. Mrs. Jordan, who formerly lived friend of this writer who, return­ cotton adorably printed with ing from a long foreign service \ \ \ 1 I / / / / In Hartford, was born In that city. She is survived by her husband, duly tour for the government, per­ ‘‘watering girl among the sonally had to lug 26 pieces of Edward B. Jordan; a daughter. A lovely hostess,) Mrs. CJharles Argenta, also of 70 luggage off an ocean liner during flowers.” Roll sleeves, nylon the recent docks strike. or bhtiiday gift at a bard. Simset Tor.; her mother, Mae Church Rei.scl of Honeoyq, Falls, Secretary of Labor W. Willard for this petticoat, solid belt with Wirtz has said, "The public reacts So-beat price. Grecefol N.Y.; three brothers. Earl Reisel of Nlantic, Edward Relsei; of more vehemently to a kick in the lovely styffng oompNmenls eg brass links and catch. Multi- Shins than to an attack of eco­ Poughkeepsie, N.Y. and Phillip r r - + Reisel of Honeoye Falls, and five nomic arthritis.” COMPOTE decor. Diem. 7^*^ . eolors on white, 7-12. Wirtz acknowledged the en- grandchildren. ry is fed up with the shin .... king i Ht, 8 % - ’The funeral will be .held tomor­ 7.98 it has been getting lately—and is 1 row at 9 a.m. at the Thomas F. about ready, should another ma- I Farley Funeral Home, 96 Webster Jor labor crisis come along, t o : St., Hartford. Burial will be'In Rose support compulsory arbitration, or ^ Hill Memorial Park, Rocky Hill. some other tougher method for | Friends may call 'at the funeral home today from 7 to 0 p.m. ,-dealing with big strikes than ig■ MADE AND OUARANTEEO BY THE INTERNATIONAL SILVER COMPANY presently authorized. ' If labor and management fail Roland N. Andrews Sr. to make the collective bargaining Roland N. Andrews Sr., 69. of system work better.. Congress may E-X-P-A-N-S-I-O-N Weet Hartford, died Monday at accommodate a protesting public mWM.ROGERS^SILVERPLATE Hartford Hospital. Ho was the with dra.stic new shackles on r - brother of Harry T. Andrews of either side or both. •tAVSR COMeAMV 92 TaJeott -Ave:,-Rockville. President Kennedy seems dis­ Mr. 'Andrews, owner of the An­ (above) White .pettipoint posed to ride out the storm. There WATCH 3 piece RELISH SET in drews Greenhouses In West Hart­ was no mention of the labor prob­ ford, was bom in Broad Brook on pique with blue trim and lem in his messages to the new Ww. ROCERS & S(Ht SILVERPLA’TE Sept. 26, 1893, and had; lived hi Congress. Instead, he has posed PRICE Early Shoppers * West Hartford since 1920. posies on big bei tlja; col­ hU lax re-vision bill as an antidote ' Besifiea his brother, he la sur- BANDS \ M atdung veKah epoon i| n d pickle forit paired with lar. Nylon petticoat]. 3-6x. for over-all economic Ills. ■ vi-vad |>y hla wife. Josephine Kopf George Meany, top man in the REG. $3.95 to $12.95— NOW $1.98 to $6.50 A n^or Hocking preeept crystal divided diah...a Andrews; a son, a sister, and five labor movement as president of smart eerving combini^On to use with assorted grand .-iri'

it. I :■ y .

. •• f

Section 9 \ d o WEDNESDAY, MARCH 6, 1968 WEDNESDAY, MARCH 6, 1968 . Pages 13 to 24 BIANCHESTER EVENIN6 h e r a l d , MANCHESTER, CONN^ WEDNESDAY. MARCH 6, 1968 iianrliVBtrr lEurtting tWELVB Bolton About Town I' / ’..-■ Board Appropriates $S3fi00 Members of Daughters of Lib­ erty, No. 138, will rehearse for a For Litchfield-Portland Drain Finance Unit Predicts oandMlght service Sunday at 3:80 p.m. at Orange Hall. The service will be conducted at a 00th anni- A |63,00<) allocation for stormy William Buckley, chairman at am oelebration Tuesday at 8 sewer work in Litchfield-Portland the library board, told tlM -dlrec* lASIEST CREDIT ★ ★ NO PAYMENTS UNTIL MAY ★ ★ FREE PARKING Tax Hike of One Mill p.11}. At Orange Hall. Sts., Including corrective work in tors that only $460 was left in tha nearby streeta, was one of four utilities account at Mary Cheney The board o f finanoa, atudylnf A ' s p e c if meeting has beei) special appropriatlMis voted last Libraiw at the end of last mohui ttie town’s financial situation last called for tonight at 7:80 for mem­ nlgtit by the bpard of directors. and the additm al appropriation night, concluded It be neces- Pole Hits Car bers o f the Eighth District Fire The appropriation, to come out was needed. stuy to ast a tax rate of S5 mills, Department by Chief Francis Lim­ of the general funds capital Im­ The directors also set the April provements reserve fund, includes 9 meeting as the date for .a public at a special meeting for that pur# A telephone pole .bit a car erick, to be held at the firehouse pose next week. The current rate on Main St. Riefreshments will be $45,000 for. the major sewer and hearing on a petition for sidewalks yi^erday afternoon. the remainder for work In Bridge, on the north side of Eldridge St., M 8 i mOls. 'I]|s pole was turning right served after the meeting. Bldwell and Wetherell Sts. Gen­ between house numberi 17^ In the meantime board members Int^M w ter Bt. from Center through 91. expect to confer with other town .when it struck Die right fsnder\ The American Institute of Int eral Manager Richard Martin said officials about investnunt of tlm and rig^t side of the windshield diistrlal Engineers, Central Con­ the other work is necessary and 1800.000 realised from the si^e w on a car belim driven by necticut Chapter, will sponsor a would cewt more If put off. the h M school bond issue a week Jacqueline A. Lombardo, 3S, workshop Monday from 7 to 9 p.m. Utchfleld St. residents had ask­ Emanuel Women ago. Revenue realised from such Plymouth Lane. at Centennial Hall, Pratt and ed for the sewer to relieve flood­ investment would help offset the The windshield broke; the Whitney Co., West Hartfonl. The ing of their lawns arid basements, Explain Hobbies PRICES 113.000 Interest payment due on pole was undamaged. workshop will cover the "Rating particularly after heavy rain. DOWN the bonds before the close of the John B. Bnrhardt, 41, of Ver­ Clinic," and will be conducted by Martin said a dry well in the area More than 100 members and current fiscal year. non, was driving the truck John V. Carney, chief Industrial is ndt working to correct the prob­ guests of Emanuel Church Wom­ The board of finance expects which was towing the pole. As engineer at Allen Manufacturing lem. en attended a meeting and hobby also "that the adjusted grand list, he turned, Miss Lombardo, Co., Hartford. Members and non- The sewer was originally esti­ show last night at Luther Hall In as corrected by the boanl of tax whose Car was following the members may make reservations mated by the general manager to the church. review, will be available by next truck, pulled to the left to pass, with R, Delpino, 44 Darien Dr., cost $20,000. However, $33,000 was A display of arts, crafts and col­ Tuesday for their dellberaUona on and misjudged. Windsor Locks. added when the town’s engineer­ lections wa sexhiblted, and flva the tax rate. There were no injuries and ing department learned that the members explained their hobbies. no arrest. A tentitave date of M arch' 26 Herbert F. Zepp HI, son'of Mr. drain must go through Bldwell The show Included oil and waters was set for a meeting to dlscusa and Mrs. Herbert F. Zepp Jr., 750 St. to Wetherell St. and to Hop color painting, vrivet painting, with other town officials the re­ aix-weeka of practios teaching in Center St., has pledged Theta Chi, Brook. needlepoint, Norwegian weaving, sults of the first year's experience 48 schools in the state. national social fraternity, at Buck- The directors also appropriated cake decorating, crewel embroid­ with automatic daita processing. Siga-np Sci nell University in Lewisburg, Pa. $4,000 from the same fund to pay ery, stenciling, tinsel and china The grand Ust, rate book and tax Town baseball commissioner for alterations to the West Side painting, fibre flowers, hooked Recreation Building. bills are being compUed hy elec­ Frands Mannlse reports applica­ Five Manchester students at rugs, collections of antique glass tronic computers for the first tlm» tions for pairticipation In the base­ Morse College in Haitford are on The other appropriations will be and art from China and Scandi­ TWEUTE SHORT HOUBSH this year. The board wlU ask the ball program this summer have the dean’s list for outEltanding financed' Yrom an insurance pre­ navia. , first selectman, town treasurer, been left at the school for distiibU' work in business eduoetlon. They mium rebate. Mrs. Rudolph Heck, eduoatica Norman’ s Hundreds Of Big tax oollector, assessor and board tlon. Boys who wish to play In are Brian Vibberts, 46 Delmont They are $10,000 to the General chairman, arranged the program. CAN EL Exhibit LoanedMuseum Refreshments were served. Low Warehouse Many Famous 12 HOURS ONLY TONIGHT 6 P.M. to 9 P.M. of tax review to dlscusa their re- the town Isagus should turn hi St.; Sandra Jean Robinson, 22 Cole Fund for insurance and $2,150 to aotiohs. their Mgned applications and in St,; Linda E. Smith, 829 Main St.; Mary Cheney Library for increased Appliance and TV cost of utilities. Overhead Means Brands Included In Credit Terms Picking up a suggestion relayed auranoe fee in either of i two se» Nancy Snow, 203 Ferguson Rd.; Lemuel Miller of 52 Bruce Rd.,'i^March and April by United Alr-ai oollector which attracts sun rays slons slated at the Community EUid Marion Gale Thomson, 605 N. The town asked an additional InformaUy by School Supt Philip left, lead artist for United Air­ craft Corp; ^ ' to be stored and utilized as power. Personal Notices and THURSDAY 12 NOON to 9 P.M. C. Llguorl, the board expressed In­ Hall. They wUl be held on March Main St. Also, a large drawing of a SNAP- $10,000 in payments on public lia­ This 12-Hour Sale Buys At Store The engine is Still In the experi­ bility and workmen’s compensa­ Big Savings To You Easiest In Town terest In the proposal that the 23 and 30 from 0 a.m. until noon. craft Research Leboratorles, East mental Stages at the research lab­ 50 space power plant to be useo tion Insurance, because the size-of town Investigate the possibility TTia town baseball organization Mrs. J. F. Wallet, rehabilitation Hartford, imd Richard S. Greene, oratories. Because the propellant for deep space travel with a dia­ Card Of Thanks We went through our is planning a May 16 to Labor Day the payroll has increased since the At Norman’s, block long, This is definitely NOT a Thousands of thrifty that it may qualify for federal aid chEilrmaLn, and Mrs. Wilber T. Lit­ of Essex, assistant projects engi­ is ionized by electron bombard­ gram showing how it works. We wish to thank all of our selsb - seimon this year. initial payments were made on an bora, friends and relatives for their clear-out of older furni­ Connecticut families have stocks at the appliance on the high school building project. tle, president of the Legion Aux­ ment, this engine will operate 2 story, furniture ware­ Briefs neer at CANEL, division of Unit­ Walter Doll of 72o Spring St., estimated basis. kindness and sympathy shown us In ture— or floor samples— discovered how easy and The board will write Liguori Mk- iliary, represented the unit yester­ with any material which can be general mansiger of CANEL divi­ our recent bereavement. Also the house you won’t see any NORMAN'S FACTORY FURNITURE WAREHOUSE store at 445 Hartford Bolton ~tlremen will hold their ed Aircraft Corp., Middletown, are The insurance Is paid on a per­ Arm y-Navy Club, team mates and aU Ing for an indloaitlon of board of day on its auuiuEil visitation to setting up an oscillating-electron introduced Into the source in gase­ sion, arranged the exhibit. Russell fancy fixtures or exi^en- although, there are won­ pleasant it is to buy on Road, Manchester, and cut regular meeting tonight at 8 p.m. Rocky Hill Veterans Hospital. Cig­ centage of the total salaries paid those who sent beautiful floral trib­ education sentiment on the pro­ ion engine at Lutz Junior Mu­ ous form, even human breath. 'Trottman of South Windsor, as­ to town employes. Funds totaling utes. sive displays of any kind! derful buys in these stocks credit at Norman’s. Come prices to the bone on en­ posal before taking further acUon. at the firehouse. arettes and stationery were dis­ The board o f education will meet seum. 'The engine is to be usee The display also includes a large sistant director of Ulnited Aircraft about $35,477 were recently re­ Mrs. Peter Rowe, wife But you will see plenty of — but we have also in­ and APPLIANCE, TV , STERO STORE in, make your selection tire stock. Over 200 major BB Charleston tributed to 375 patients. Repre­ shows and exhibits, assisted in set­ tonight at 8 in the school library. sentatives from Naugatuck and for deep space travel.... liagram showing the operation of turned in insurance premium re­ Albert Rowe, son furniture — in styles to cluded every piece of and let us arrange budget Seven performers billed as "Bol­ ting up the display. (Herald photo bates, the result of the town’s Leo. William, and Qeorge Rowe, appliances and more than Seymour auxlllarys were Included ’Ihis is part of an aerospace ex­ solar power, along with a model brothers brand new furniture that payments to suit your ton Beauties” may provlde.,serlous hibit loaned to the museum for fuel cell, and a model of a solar by Satemis.) good claims record. please every taste and 150 small appliances re­ comipietltion for the miUe hula stu­ Manchester Kvenlng Herald Bol' In the vlsltatlqn. ^ Alice Rowe» sister priced to please every bud­ has just been received convenience. As long as duced for quick sell-out I dents In the St. Maurice Church ton correspondent, Grace D. Mo- Dermott, tdepbone Mitchell 8-6666. get! Thanks to Norman’s from many famous mak­ 3 years to pay. Practically every famous bhow Friday and Saturday, when The Manchester Junior Square low overhead warehouse ers throughout the coun­ the girls give their version of the Dance Club will meet Friday at brand to go at sacrifice Charleston. VerplEUick School. Dancing will be operation — YOU save try. We’ve cut prices on prices. Whatever you do, LAY-AWAY PLAN Appearing in the n g e dance of Driver Uninjured from 7:45 to 10:15 p.m. Refresh­ more! Make this sale your EVERYTHING to give don’t miss out on this ihe '20s will be Blva Morra, Angle ments will be served. FREE S’TORAGE opportunity to get ac­ you guaranteed savings spectacular 12 Hour Sale Armentano, Mary LeFebvre, Mar­ UNTIL WANTED As Car Hits Tree Wsiriidngtqn Lodge wlU meet N O W I BIG CHANCE FOR BIG SAVINGS I quainted with re^ furni­ that can’t be equaled any­ at Norman’s! garet Maneggla, Maryanne Mas- where in Connecticut. solinl, Joanne Fox emd Pauline Friday at Orange Hedl at 8 p.m. ture value! Labbe. A car driven by William Cow­ The first degree will be exempli­ Helen Flanagan’s "Rockettes" hey, 22, Ekud Windsor, skidded on fied. iwlll Etlso appear on the program, Bucklutd St., struck a tree and as will the "Top Hats,” a widely- spun aroimd last night. Hie Hartford County Chapter Oisplay Models Reduced known bEuibershop quartet. Cowhey was driving south on of MuscuIm , Dystrophy Associa Living Room Buys FURNITURE WAREHOUSE APPLIANCE STORE Praettoe Teadilng Buckland St. when the accident tlons of America will jneet Mon­ Pine Corner Forest Street, Manchester 44S Hartford Road, Manchester Stewart S. MdDonough of Bol­ occurred about a half mile from day at 8 pm. at the Board Room, ton Center Is practice teaching at Tolland Tpke. Cowhey was treat 66 Wethersfield Ave., Hartford. Chooso from 35 Refrigerators and Freezers Lyman Memorial High School In ed at Manchester Memorial HoS' pital for scalp cuts and then re 7-Piece Convertible Living Room Ensemble Lebanon in agrioulture. He is one Adveitlsement— Example: Refrigerator-Freezer, of 77 uppercMaemen at the Uni. leased. The front end of his car For 12 hours only you can get a Big Markdowns On Entire Stock At Norman's famous Westinghouse family size. $137 veralty of Oonneotlcut now doing was damaged. Don’t stop; juidt dlow down. The buy like this: 100% foam hi-pile Patrolman Albert Scabies made DRIVE-IN TELiLBR WINDOWS fabric sofa, matching chair, S $10066 no arrest. at CONNECTICUT BANK AND marproof tables, 2 decorator TRUBT CCMPANY provide swift, lamps. Choice of popular colors. Warehouse And Store In Manchester Choose from 30 Gos and Electric Ranges WINSOR and NEWTON *Hard* h Its Name satisfying service at North Mein Street Etnd the Parkade branches. Example: Deluxe Gas or Electric Range We went over our warehouse and store stocks and "MARK­ Remember— this sale is for 12 hours only— so don’t miss ART SUPPUES BURLINClTON, Vt.— Acer, the Without getting out of your car, $289.95 King Siie 3-Piece Sectional Sofa you can transact all your bEmk- ED DOWN PRICES to give you savings of 30% to 60%! the values of the year at NORMAN’S in Manchester. No with Clock. Now only $137 scientific neune for the maple fam­ Payment till May! DEWEY-RICHMAN ily, means ’ ’h«u'd” in Latin. The ing business convendeniUy, while Deluxe features! Top grade deco­ Come— Look and Save!, 787 BIAIN ST. ancient flomans uasd maple for keeping a watchful eye <8i your pre-schoolers, your puppy and lin!ER(MISI!i(3i rator fabrics, zipper foam cush­ Choose from 36 Washers and Dryers Just Sontli Of State Theater pikes and lances a« well as furni­ ions. ture. your packages. 188 Example; Norge 2 speed, 2 cycle, 3 water HERPS WHY YOU CAN REALLY SAVE COLD CASH ON A NEW 1%3 FORD NOW! (1) OUR NEW CAR Bedroom Bargains temp, washer to go at $157 $139.95 2-Piece Colonial Living Room Rug ahd Carpet Sale PRICES ARE LOWER IN THE WINTER! (2) WE'RE OFFERING SIZZLING DEALS TO HEAT UP SALES. Example: Kelvinator 8 ,Temp. Porcelain When it Comes to Steaks^ Don’t Settle for Half Long wearing, Early American Drum Electric Dryer. Now $117 the Quality. . Get a Full Measure of Value in Prop’ (3) YOUR PRESENT CAR MAY COVER YOUR DOWN PAYMENT-AND WE'RE OFFERING EXTRA-HIGH ■tyle fabrics, full foam constnic- $129.95 4-Piece Bedroom Groups rr $ 0 7 9 0 V erly aged Sirloins and Porterhouse at tlon. Choice of popular colors. Your Q roice! 12x12,12x15,12x18 And n TRADES NOW! (4) YOU CAN ENJOY NEW-CAR COMFORT AND DEPENDABILITY NOW-TRADE IN YOUR Seafoam gray finish. Includes Choose from 85 Stereos and Phonos L ' C/i'O^V bookcase bed, chest, dresser and 12x21 Foot Rugs mirror. Just 4 sets to go at this Some With Radios— Some With TV and Radio |f PJNEHURST MARCH OLDOAR WINTER WORRIES. (5) 1% 3 IS A VINTAGE YEAR-THESE ARE THE BEST-BUILT FORDS EVER! Famous Makers' Sample Living Room Groups low, low price. Example: Philco Multi-Speaker Stereo Hi-Fi 100% wools, 100% nylons. Built-in foam padding. Factory seconds. with AM/FM Radio. •, • ^ l (6) THIS SPECIAL WINTER aEARANCE SALE WONT LAST FOREVER-SO COME IN RIGHT AWAYl Factories you know and trust. Choice of colors. Choice of 2-piece suites in nylon $179.95 4-Piece Modem Walnut Bedroom boucles with full foam cushioning. $10045 Exan^ile: General Electric 4 Speed Just 8 to sell. High styled double dresser, mir­ Portable Phono. S t e a k S a l e BIG SAVINGS ON ’63 8x10 Foot Oval Braided Rugs ror, chest and bookcase bed. Gleaming brass hardware. Now SUPER TORQUE FORDS! N reduced to only Choose from 15 Dishwashers Traditional Early American de­ 117 Choose from over a dozen big, luxuriou$ sign. Choice of colors. Reversible. $ 7 0 8 8 Portable and Undercounter Models Super Torque Fords and enjoy a new Bedding Values $299.95 Nathan Hale Solid Maple Bedroom Example: Kitchen Aid Built-In Undercounter fund of ride that’s pure velvet all the way “Superba” Dishv/asher— Top of the line. - ' ^ 0 0 7 ^qrd'sfam ous$10 Million Ride! Choice Gorgeous plastic top double dress­ For only of seveqereat engines with options up to 9x12 Foot Linoleum Rugs er, wood frame mirror, large chest $89.95 Full Foam Mattress and Box Spring On Legs and spindle bed. All 4 pieces to go a thundehflg 425 hp! And when it cornea at just to upkeep, remember Ford was first with Heavy plastic finish. Large selec­ Choose from 80 television Sets Real foam construction that will 219 twice-a-year or^OQO-mile maintenance. tion of patterns. Quantity limited give you years of satisfying serv­ Cash and carry! One to a custom­ Example: G-E 19” Portable TV. ice. Twin size only. Complete com­ er. $258.95 Danish Modem Bedroom bination now reduced to To go at $117 BIG SAVI^ King size double dresser, mirror, roomy chest and bed. All 4 pieces $ Example: Westinghouse 23” Full Cqpsole 'TV ^ l d t 7 ’63 FAIRtANES! , $79.95 Hotel-Motel Quality Hollywood Beds to go at with UHF/VHF, To go at only ^ I W / Get a red-hot buy on the hot new middle­ -weight! Get big-car advantages at a Includes Jumbo Headboard.- twin Three-Room Outfit Example; RCA Victor Color Consolette 'TV ■Ize mnerspring mattress and box inoney-saving price! Nine to choose from with UHF/VHF. Now priced from ' apting on legs. Complete for just $447 —hardtops, sedans, and new wagons that Complete Living Room, Dinette Bargains carry like the big ones hut Cost like com­ Choose from 70 Clock and Table Radios pacts! Performance options include hew $49.95 Famous Blue-Bell, or Simmons Bedroom, Dinette Group Some With AM and FM 271-hp V-8 engine . . . 4-speed stick Innerspring Mattress Box Spring 7-Piece King Size Dinettes PINEHURST shift.* Twice-a-year maintenance fea­ Example: Westinghouse Clock Radio 4 ^ 1 A 0 7 TENDER SIZZLING PORTERHOUSE tures are standard! origin^ly offered at $16.97. Now only ^ I -OfttoMl «M W t Mb Top quality! Good firm construc­ 3 YEA RS Choice of chrome or bronzetone. tion. Button free design for added ALL Newest ■ decorator top tables. SIRLOIN STEAKS comfort. Quality limited! Hurrj'! FOR TO PAY Large heavy padded chairs. NEW YORK CUT Only STEAKS BIG SAVIiIbS on ' 274 Choose from 90 Househoid Appliances to Go '.OR ' ..-j Example: Electric Hair Dryers. Originally HIP SIRLOINS '63 FALCONS! 7-PC. CONVERTIBLE LIVING ROOM—Complete' with 2 lamp Extension Dinette Group | Complete 8-Piece Maple Bunk Bed Outfit offered at $18.44. Now only $12.22 76. Wow! Nineteen different Falcons to pick tables, cocktail table and 2 decorator type table lamps, 10-piece Ih. bedroom ensemble—bed, chest, dresser, mirror, famous make from! And each a true compact in han­ W v m mellow maple. Includes 2 Marproof top table with vinyl up­ Example: Lady Cosco 4-Slice Pop-up Electric Toaster. twin maple beds, 2 mattresses, 2 $ ^ A 9 9 mattress, box spring, 2 bed pillows and 2 boudOir lamps. 2I-plece $ 7 0 8 8 dling and in cost-especially with Falcon’s holstered chairs. Originally offered at $13.95. Properly Aged... Plnehurst Properly Aged, fprings, guard rail and ladder dinette grouping—Includes 5-piece chrome or bronzetone dinette OO Prt^terty Trlimnad Properly Trimmed new twice-a-year maintenance** fea^ and glorious 21-piece set of dinnerware. All new, all guaranteed. Now reduced to only ^ 0 * 7 7 ttires! New hardtop models, as well M sedans, convertibles, and wagons! And you can get V-8** power in any model U RpE SIZE ROCKINGHAM you choose! So hurry in and save! Flash! Flash! Flash! Flash! Flash! Flash! Flash! Flash! -Cic.pt Malteii Md Ctuk W itM. AMUSTABLE STUDENT ODD CH EST INNERSPRING SEALY DANISH 5-Pe. FAMILY SIZE HOOVER TWIN BRUSH O.E. STEAM AND RECUNER DESKS O F DRAW ERS MAHRESSES LOUNGER WITH DINETTE SETS FLOOR POLISHERS DRY IRO N S CORNISH CAME HENS - BOLSTER Two medium or one extra lam'MrvIng. . . . ThM U. 8; Grade A donilah w el^ 1 $ $38.88 $19.97 , $5.49 lb..10 0*. to 1 IS OM. Diagplaired next to lee.erexm eaae along with Butterball Tur­ 22.88 $22.00 $17.88 $17.00 $38.88 keys They average 80o to d9e each. Boy aomfi for today. . .p u t 6 or IS In your freezer. Floor oample! H«avy fabric Motel quality. Twin size.| Hurry Floor sample. All foam, durable Formica top table. Choice at OrigiluiUy (tffered at $32.90. OrltrlnaUy offered at |7.B9. Now Large size. Well made. Just 4 Walnut or gray finish. Quantity reduced for quick adlout. with piaotlc trjm. to go at this price.- limited. Come early! ' —Quantity is limited! ^ covering. Bronzetone or Chrome. Out they go to r fast sellout. \ Pork le a good v a lu e ... 48e lor eoOibtoetloii whole BtrS» with 8 to 10 ehop# and ------» ■ 1 3 roasla . . . Corned Beef . . . very lean tendercure . . . on aale at TOc aM 88o Ib. w on­ derfully tender bonelesa Chuck Roasts 79e td 80e and Lean Stewing Beef featiured at IIGHT LONG, 89c lb. . and SERVICE, Inc ALL APPLIANCES. TV AND STEREOS ' ■ t ALL FURNITURE AND RUGS EASY . Bt9f] ' ^c JLm p b e l l ’8 - - ON S a l e a t *ON sale at TSRMS MO’TTS 21c APPLESAUCE TOMATO $OUP ...... ^eah JOe ^URSDAY • i v 4 GLASS JABS 319 MAIN MANCHBSYIR CONN, GLADLY BUMBLE BEE TUKA . . 8 o m s $1XK) INC • A p p l i a n c e , s t e r e o & t v c e n t e r I Neon hi ‘ I • FACTORY FURNITURE WAREHOUSE NORMAN’S a r r a n g r d ; f f M PINE CORNER FOREST ST.. MANCHESTER 445 HARTFORD RD., MANCHESTER ■'! ..■V - ...

Siji'v 'Vi' ''' '


-time I got to the counter only big Hehron Decade > After Stalinas Death sizes were left.” Railroads, ’ Labor Give I asked him how he could af­ ford shoes on, his sklary. "I get good Ups. My wife works School Board MANCHESTER and I don’t pay' much rent.” Featherbedding Views wr ^ t. ■ . This ■ Is one of the secrets be­ Votes to Sign hind Soviet f&mily budgets. ’ woiicers and their families would With 99 per cent of the apart­ (Onatewad from Fage One Now in Popular Reach ments nationalized, a two-room be ^rooted. apartment'often rents for as little Bus Contract Hie unlona point out road serv­ 0. ' Changes Id sizes of train crews should be arbitrated after as $7 a month. ice workwa get the mileage ba­ EDITORS NOTB5—Ten years ago$>plenty o t them in Soviet apart- Food prices are high, too. tiM lI•))i^on School Board has sxirveys and negotiations. Em­ sis, which they say Is incentive ployes let oiit In such cases would Pulltxer prize-winning AP corres­ ments. Butter—$1.80 a pound. voted to approve the reconunetidar pay, vdille yard service workers receive unemployment • compensa­ pondent Ekldy Gilmore sat the Returning here for the first time Steak with bone Included—$2.20 For those who put Performance FIRST 6 a pound. tton o i the transportatioo oonuntt- are paid on an hourly basis. tion financed by theJUrala lines. death watch for Joseph Stalin. in 10 years, my wife and I went ‘Tn many cases,A manage­ Now, a decade later, he has 'Ire- to an apartment we knew very Ham—$1.87 a pound. te a .to eoatlhua with Ha present 5. Lengths of runs should be smI- Cheese—$1.06 a pound. justed to modem operating capa­ ment spokesman says, "we have tumed to the Soviet Union to ob­ well. It was a two-room flat with ■ o b ^ hna con tract, ^Ms means STEREO serve what Stalin's death- has a cCmmunal kitchen and bath­ Eggs—not always easy to get— GRAND bilities. Such a change would too many trainmen and yard teat the town wiB not try out the knock out certain requiremmts brakemen.” F Kl III 1 brought to the U.S.8.R. And what room. A decade ago it was oc­ $1.71 a, dozen for the best quality. proposed plan o t ownlng and oper- for crew changes. New rules "The railroad industry Is still >nly P H I LC O T changes.have been rung. cupied by four adults. Bread—16 cents for a good-sized 'Today one person occupies the tasty loaf. atbiff Its own buses. would provide for binding settle­ one of the most hazardous to life ment of disputes over interdlvl- and limb In our nation." says Gil­ By EDDY GILMORE apartment and as she went about Potatoes—19 cents... a , poxind. Baymond Burt, ehairman of the can give you the fabulous PATENTED MOSCOW (AP)—Joseph Stalin preparing our dinner she said to Yet I saw long lines of buyers ■ tzanqMrtatlon ehaving; breakers and duce human misery from these As for refrigerators: Ten years got in line." WASHINGTON—The body die* a Shafem sometimes having to be viruses, this research has even On Suspense List ago they were almost as rare as "Did you get a pair?” bit every day, studies of aging in­ ousted from the bus and given the greater Implications. STEREO Kentucky bourbon in the Kremlin "N o," he said, "(ny basic sal­ dicate. And the decline in capacity privilege of walking to school or One is the growing suspicion and those that existed refused to ary is 48 rubles (about $88) a Hie transfer to a suspense Ust 23 INCH and function of old people ta said home. that garden-vau-iety types of vi­ work in hot weather. Still not easy month. The shoes cost 46 rubles. to be directly relate to the pro­ expose Bill ruses may be implicated somehow of $13,688.02 In imcollectible RIOT PRICE to get, there are, nevertheless. But that wasn’t the point. By the gressive loss of body tissues. taxes from 1967-61 was author­ State Reps. Douglas M. Fellows in causing certain human cancers, says Dr. Maurice R. Hilleman t>f ized by the board of directors last and Karl H. Links of Hehron stood night. out agnin^ a bill proposed at a the Merck Institute for Therapeu­ bearing at the State Capitol which tic Research in West Point. Pa. General Manager Richard Mar­ All Channel would put ambulances of the state Two adeno viruses—which cause tin told the board that most of The Bank that gives you PACKAGED SAVINGS under State control. Both claim respiratory troubles in humans— the taxes were for automobiles that this proposal would result have been found capable of pro­ owned by residents who moved out BecHitiful contemporary merely In increasing the cost to ducing malignancies in animals, of town between the October levy taxpayers and that the present tae points out. Ing and the due dtate the following Lowboy ityHng ^stem is wholly satisfactory. The research for vaccines July. He said $10,358.48 of the WOOD Hebron nowr belongs to the In­ against fairly ordinary viral dis­ total appeared cn ttae 1961 tax list. Newest, finest RCA This is National Safe Deposit Week tercounty Ambulance Association, eases may help In defining causes He said many of the assessments trtilch has fts ambulance housed at of human cancer and applying appeared on several lists slnc^ Victor color TV chassis the Colchester State Police Bar­ similar techniques for protection. 1967. racks, the town paying for use Dr. Hilleman says. Collector of Revenue Paul Cer- Glare-proof high-fideHty at 15 cents per capita. For a vaccine against colds, v4nl had recommended the trans­ CONSOLE color tube Fellows is also reported as fa­ says HUlmnan, the first task Is to fer to improve bookkeeping. voring a bill wMch would allow Super-powerful "new towns to make their own decis­ Delivered With 90-Day Servfee ions regarding private lakes In 20 WATT and Manufacturer's Warranty vista" tuner their area. b - It costs only a day HARDWOOD Dependable spoce age Bfaacbester Evening Herali) He­ bron correspondent. Miss Smaa sealed circuifry B. Pendleiton, telephone A cad­ DANISH emy 8-3454. WALNUT Twin duo-cone speaker Athena* Coins Otvlish AM-FM RADIO ATHENS —Athens’ silver tetra- MULTIPLEX ^ OVER to rent an SBM drachms were ambng the worid’s first coins with a head for the de­ sign. Hie representation was that STEREO of a faintly smiling Athena, the CHEVROLET goddess who was the city’s patron-; SAFE DEPOSIT BOX MULTIPU VITAMINS BM. On the other side was a chub-' REG. $319.95 by little owl with wide-open eyes Avolkibla At the Main Office— 923 Main St. —the seal of Athens and the sy m - RIOT PRICE bol p f wisdom. ! ! ! .Tliiiitnl fnmiirhj ft i rtitt ditei 2-t2 yuan of ogo.M rigkl loboralofy teste os- suro top qwMly! OiiMpwi HOW GOOD love lliM & ensw tiwm --- -L-1 TBAD€-m ALLOWEB TRADE-IN ON h m oonciypi w n M tabes two keys to open yonr A DEAL safe deposit box. You have' one YOUR PRf T key that fits the customer’s lock, the batik haa the other hey that Can You Get OPERATING SCT fits the second lock. No one at RCA VICTOR the bank ean open your safe, de­ posit box without you and yonr P H IL G Q key. AiUBSIDIARrOFi ALL CHANNEL PpR tA B LE MARK 8 COUIITV You'll Never Know /S t e r e o 3 SPEAKERS t takes only two cents a day to protect the possessions that you just 4 SPEEDS PORTABLE TV I can’t afford to lose . . . like your will, deeds, titles, insurance policies, Till You See and tax returns. REALLY protect them in a safe deposit box. Excellent Tone UHF-VHF TUNING Properly sheltered in a bank vault, your valuables are in ONE place ELECTRIC RANGjES . . . a place safe from fire, theft and loss. AND they’ll be there when you LIGHTWEIGHT want them! Come in this week and ask the teller for your two cents DWORIN worth. What can you get for a couple of pennies a day? Protection, of . POWERHOUSE PERFORMANCE NEW—SO" course, AND peace of mind! CHEVROLET ELECTRIC RANGE, Rent a Safe Deposit Box 476 Conn. Boulevard e Automatic Medtimer . Thursday or Friday this Week • Spillguard T t^ . East Hartford e Inffaiite-IIaat Controls e Cabinot-Mnte Doeign Phone 289-3441 Modd 8058 MDIO RIOT Available For Lowest Price Ever h off 6 TraRsislor IRM Immediate DeUvery! ST i Im IIm m MIIJI Tirli8|MakerM2ljli With AecH>tablo Trade MWLTIMS VITAMMS # IMPALAS M A N C H fS n t on First Year Rental FOR THE SNTWI FAMILT Couipars ionu fa —oompof 9 STING-RAYS Member of Federal TURNPIKE poteiwyl-Ilwo om mo fmm ■nietwri—>7 MANCHESTER Depoalt Inauranoe Oorp. # BEL^AIRS FACTORY ^ • 1 Mod dtetaiy Mp- ’ for Ae whoU fcteHy # CHEVY lls* BUDGET AT # CORVAIRS TERMS U t t k e avines mank ofjji anchester KXTs Glazier*8 BROAD SERVICE MAIN OFFICE EAST BRANCH W£Sr BRANCH CORSET «nd UNIFORM # BISCAYNES UP TO 285 [ait Center St. Manchester Parkade F^i!, t:l ■> 9 2 3 Main 5 t . SHOP Cor. Iinox St. West Middle Ternpike 36 MONTHS OrCN THURSDAY •H MAIN S T ^ M I .S-4M0 IN MOST MODELS and COLORS TURNPIKE M BROAD IVININGS 6 )o 8 BOTH BRANCHES OPEN FRIDAYS to 8 p.m. u J>

1. KANCHESTERrEVENINO HERALP* MANCH^TBB, CONN^ WEDNESDAY, MARCH 6, 196S PAGE ^EVENTEIM FAOB SIXTEEN MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANGHES^R, CONN^ WEDNESDAY, MARiCH Lutheran, girls should attend the George .BplSo4l. girls 'will meet ing time now," but that “ If we way to eoihpel arbitration. The Edmund Peresluha the are going to waste time, I’m newspapers -have offered' to arbi­ sorry one fcr Uterary immortals. sarvlcs at .l6:S0. , toi Headway , in Talks YMC A Discusses guaranteeing “ marvelous success production of consumer goods ridden, jammed northeast. * The Girl Scauts Attend Church Service at 10:16; United Methodist, going to take the. Hext atep." trate this situation; the printers The Monday production of Ger­ Science Fair Set . M o g i c H e r b i a m d t h e T w U t In matters of love and mohey.” also helped stunt the contraband people here live on the edge of Competition On For Second. Congregational girls will meet Mrs. Robert Dixon will not arbitrate. the- vast, cpmpvstlvely empty trude Stein's “ Yas Is For a Very Church, ^ ris should ^ eet .with Seen by Wagner ,, By thaf he referred to his offer Plans for Town Belem's fortunes reached a market. - . for, the service at 9:30; St. Mau­ of days ago to undertake a You can still pick up good Amazon reaches—the new fiw itier Young Mian’ ’ succumbed aftisi' one At East Catholic iLw. James Beckwith to attend the. 11 peak at the turn of the century For Worst Show As Girl Scout Week Sturts rice,. girls will meet with Mrs. third-party role as impartial um­ Plans for YM C A work In Man­ when natural rubber was king. scotch at ts a fifth and American which the-govemment’a ambitious performance. "A Wilde Evening 10 service. .At 8t. John’s Polish NEW YORK (Ai») — Mayor Board Discusses WltH Shaw’’ squashes Its 19th cen­ Gastrin Morra, Mrs. Weldon Min­ pire and lay down his own non- chester wore dlbouMMa tu t night This .was Brazil's queen city. Its cigarettes at less than 20 cents ‘a northeast development program By WILLIAM GLOVER The East Catholic^ H ifb School National Churrii, girls will meet er and Mrs. John Costanzo for Robert F. Wagner said today “we City^on Amazon Mixes tury giants almost beyond recogni­ O M Scouts in , Msnchestsr andfrenos Dunn, and at St. Bartholo­ Mhdinding settlement terms. at a Captp Woodstock Rally at tho customs house was the richest,- Its pack. ■ - hopes to convert into a bread­ 'Assqidikted Press Drama Orttie wUl present lU first sQisnee fair with Mrs. Peter Lalashuis to at­ g:80 Mass.'. A t St.. Maurice, the are moving toward the polnt,_when College BrocHure Community Y. E ail Robinson, as-' aristocrats among the most afflu­ But as diflicult to g,et here m basket for Brazil's''exploding pop­ tion. - , BoHcn wlU obsbrvs Girl Scout mew's with htes. Harry Carr. AD tend Maas at 8:80. A t Presbyterian Bertram A. Powers., president of NEW YO RK (A P )—The compa- tomorrow In th f tchofrf gym n *-‘ Maas 'Will be followed by a com­ I hope there can be a fair settle- social^ secretary of Hartford ent in the hemisphere. ' anywhere in Brazil are .Brazil ulation. Sunday M a «* 10 by attending the CathoUe Girl Bcouta are. invited Church, girls will-attend ttw serv­ striking Local 6 of "the AFL-CIO B&on t6r worat show o f the season munion breakfast, which is being m enf’ in the contract dispute be­ International T 3^grap h ical Union The board of educa^n tonight County YMCA, Indicated that nuts. Belem is the home of this is flourishing. *' 53 Mfllibii in Germuiy slum.. Cihurohea M their faith on that ice at 10:46. A t' Brnamiel Lutheran Modernity, Prehistory Among the latter were those to attend, a communion hreakfsM sponsorAl by the Ladies of St. said on a taped television pro­ will discuss the. brochure for the Father and Son Y-lhdl«m Guides dark, hard-shelled, nut. Through Parents of the studentq and day. Sunday marka the beginning Church, girls nuiy attend either tween striking printers and pub­ who built their nest eggs in the Key$ No Good. Add now “A Wilde Evening at St. James' School Immediately Maurice and the Holy Name So­ gram Monday night: “ there is no proposed Manchester community and Hi-Y Club progranu for high . here moves an i annual crop of be­ NN ^ 1510 German Federal of National Girl Scout Week, the 9 or the 10:80 service. lishers of the eight New York . V ■ quicker, if riskier, business of'eon- With Shaw” that blundered forth 9 0 friends ms:' view about 100 ax> following the Masses at the var­ ciety. solution, in our opinion, to hand­ college and other recommenda­ school youth were being coiisld- tween 30.000 and 35,000 tons—-50 Tuesday night on the stage of the Republic now has a.population of which wjU be celebrated all over A t South Methodist Church, City newspapers that have not By KOBERt BEftRElXEZ '#Trenton-on-Amazon with palms traband that thrived W tills once- RACINE, Wis. (APj^i'A prison­ blbits .between 7 and 9 p.m. ious churches. This breakfast is Bolton Congregational Church ing over to a third party the re­ tions to lead to a September open­ ered for this town. He also acted isolated p'art of the world:' Until per cent to the United States, 45 er who broke out of. the Racine 4lat Street Playhouse. 53,^5,000, a 12 per cent gain in the U nltw plates March 10 to 16. girls may attend cither the 9 or printed in 89 days, as master of ceremonies and led and mangoes, The judges will be Gsorge Pot- being sponsored by the Combined w ill observe Girl Scout Sunday on sponsibility that belongs to us ing of the school. BELEM, Braall (Af) — Put a year ago. smuggling wa.s. one of per cent to Europe and the re­ County jail Feb. 24, mdiled the Richard Gray and Mayo Lpi- IT yean. W est Germany is almost ThO following la a list of the Mothers Circles and the Gibbons uie 10:46 service. A t Center Con­ Wagner, mediator In the dispute g^-oiip singing. Belem also Is old and., retains terton and Louis Vlsmontas of March 17, at the 10 service with (the' printers union) and 'to the The meeting will begin at 7:30 away thoae notions that life In the Belem's big money-making opera­ mainder for Brazil. keys he used in his escape to seau, a youthful pair who hay^ as popuh i now as all Germany. churches and Che services which Assembly o f'' the Ladies of Co­ gregational Church, Brownies will since Jan. 26, made the statement I^-wis A. Knox, camp executive much of the African infliience.s Manchester High School, Hrs. Mrs.. Robert Young. publishers (sic) to find a mutual In the board room of Bennet Jun­ tions. "The Brazil nut is too rich for Sheriff Rudolph Spleker Tuesday. been jimketlng the hinterlands tai was in 1939 — partly as a result the girls should sittend. A t many lumbus. attend Sunday School apd Girl after another round of day and and general .secretary of Hartford HQuatorial tropics is just one that" enrich its rhythms, dress and Mary Jan- Wllaon of Bast jHartr agreement." ior High School. “ ■you could get a big television | a hot 'climata and that accounts What griped the sheriff most tandem' theatricals for several dt immigration from East Ger­ o f the churches Girl SoouU will be At Trinity Covenant Congrega­ Scouts will meet In the Robbins night talks elided at 1:46 a.m. County YMCA.

•» ' b* 1 BAYON/NYLON DACRON FILLED COTTOM B LIiSi 1 B L A N K IT B COMFORTERS BID5BRIAD5. 1 7»- X mzB 5 . 9 9 3 . 9 , 9 KRAND 1 Extra warmth for cool spring nights! Cotton print. 100% Dupont whit# virgin Colorful oasy-core spreads for spring rascMAWorSOLID WHITl WAY long & 1 Extra sxtra wide with satin dacron filled. . Non-allergenic, odorless, & summor! fMchIne washable...no iron- 1 binding! Washable! Ass’t solid colors! 3 10Z- C A A M A T IO II lightwilght. size 72 x 84. iitg! Solids In pink, white, green, yellow ^ TUNA MiH |» & blue or gay rose printi — — — — — —«sm—(wr Bff. thru Sal., March Bth Oaiit On. CoupMTPOT^CiiitMM^^^ BOBBY BOBDIR FLAim iL BACKID ACRYLIC PILLOWS WITH THW COHDOH b, BATH TOWKLS TABU CLOTHS nmuTiiPU-t BIBI it M M SB" X 44" MZB 1 . 3 9 2 For 3 . 9 9 WITH 7M PURCHASE OF Slight irregulars from famous mitll - Lovaly nrotoction for your table! ANY QUART OR MORE OF Thick n' thirsty cott-^n in 10 excit- 100% acrylic filled. . . . bouncy, non- H.OOK rOUBli OK W AX Washable, atain-rasistont plastic allergenie, washable, odorless, resilient. ing solid colors! in many beioutlful patternsi Efi’. thru Sat., March 9th 54rn sizo...... •■f* ILImit On. Cmpsn ftk Cvstataw 9VE191 SPLIT-QUARTERED-CUT-UP CHICKEN 5 0 Z^TH E nmcMM* I W A Y r 90MEMNL. amNCMBB. BMAWW1.R—. OWC «|iNM.V UO*»C. A QUART CYBRIBf •AR D IN B : m ClIRMt BAAAP CAMPBELL’S : GRAND-WAY S:i ., liarcti 0th SEM I-B O N ELES S HAMS.TSliEr 5 9 I LMnirOnf Ciipen'P.r C.no.iw { TOMATO SOUP psLisAOi snAwe PAPER NAPKINS EXTRA TMPU-S SLICED BACON 3 9 ‘ 5 0 ■M l STAMPS . IGRANO riS B IN I DISCOVNTS M SE U LL DISCOUNTS tMiKiMC Hwaimt or AN)r 10'. 07. TOP OVALITYI tPBHUNO LOW PRICES MAJOR LEAOUE QUALITYi MBIOR LEAGUE PRICES ' WRY s w m ’s pnsMiMS PKG. OF 3 CUTB. C4N B EEF L IV E R 4 4 : 250 Bff. thru Sat., March 9th -9o J ■ODBIT ROD FAMOUS MARK RODS A RIILf ALL LiAYHIR HVenSM. AIA MIST PtWEr-WMSlsI A KIRI.' BAMBALL RITZ SKINLESS FRANKS 4 Y GRAND-WAY IRAND OLOVIR ; T Little'Laopee YOOR OHOIOE bet with noturel THINK nsH SHARP CHEDDAR wbita fthishi PEBSHllAuBiT" CRACKERS Ass't player BOLOGNA OR LIVERWURS t 4 9 eamasi 39"le BAY SCJIUOPS T G la C H E E S E ,^ , 32" sizeci S k. . P R IS E OUT r a y wtRSii p n o o w g OMsIal PSEMF L. NADDOaC nU IT S S u . 2 5 ' wood LHHs UMS ^ Lssgss RsM LSSCSS iM f P lEiH GARDEN CALIFORNIA 1.77 99^ fTANDARD OYfTI 6 8 ‘t.

GINGER ALE AND GRAND-WAY GRAND-W AY LIQUID SEA PAK FROZEN ^ fcetfs Irm9 riESNOAKIE .1 M m * ALL FRUIT FLAVORS 4 P f L 4 9 l l FACIAl TISSUE D E n R G E N T HUSH PUPPIES h.FN Plivir F is M ^ s B I m BEVERAGES OT. PLASTIC 3 0 X E S CONT. 1 2 7 9 6 OF 500 3 9 BltltNTfMlIRU M...uoaP CQSL OF 25 I 51 Pricot •ffocthra tkrotifli SatarAay. Msroli 9fii.


- r '■ ^ n a « o M


MANCHESTER EVENING, HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN^ V^DNESPAY, MARtJH 6, 1963 INI^iriCIQHTEEN MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN„ WEDNESDAY, MARCH 6,1&68; ■ -.ijug,^^; ,iii,'i..,,ii,_.. —■ D a i l y c r o s s w o r d ' p u z z u b v UiTLE SPORTS^ BY ROUSON OUR BOARDING HOUSE with MAJOR HOOPLE Gingham Cobbler! M anchester Parhade Stores • Busy Place tYon D«B‘t Nss« • ‘Orsea XtaeK tB s a s a s i— - There are happy coming>,,and ' Pick a lush bouauet o f buds, aad Bargains goings s f " K N m f e t ’S WiMUiD’’ blossoms and full-tflowa bsautles 6HH ?'N0T a 30UNO, MA-SOfT^rivtouj" YOU A n tw r <0 Frwteup Fwate « » where Women icome to select from of ARTmCIAL FLORAL AR­ DISR. r e c a l l t h a t I WAG a b o u t t o a wide variety of yams including RANGEMENTS at GRAND CHoSiifl^ •WftN TH E PAPERS. FOR PRODUCTION CiP Birds Imported "Reynolde” of wool and WAY. Bo colorful and'real-look­ MYGASOuNe plLLS7 wa-L,X fiiOTWORD tOCAY Listed b y m d ^ r fo|T cUcklng tip into heav­ ing you’U bend down to sniff AWPF-. I THAT THE DEAL IS ALL SET IN A CITY UP ’ 4 ACROSS OWlngwl , enly sweatere. From Prance them. They make wonderful, un­ 5P0TT* NORTH.' BUT T'M SORE THIS PLACE IS WATCHED WNorth _ u a SST oomee “Unger” yam, with dyed- usual and welcome gifts for.many T T — ^ ALL D A Y.' « 0 -CM LEAVING NOW— THEN l l U to-match all wool fabric for creat­ occaslona. How they brlghUn apd I PICK UP TRAVEL aiNDS WHEN THE BANK OPENS • SSrtW ing a etriking ensemble. "KNIT­ cheer a room these bleak March ¥ ~ 1 WHuzzAry AND BE ON MY WAY/TeLLYOOR.iKER,AH— . UIUpriJitMfrW - TER’S WORLD” has a complete days. Why not choose one for the ? l , CHARNMNS WIFE THAT MIE'LL NAVE A REAL . selection of "SChwand'a” buttons mantel, or your cMfee table, buf­ — X, CELEBRAmON |KI A PEW DAYS ' (toggle, leather, wciolen).' OPB3I BUGGS BUNNY Other Stores Around Totvn fet or entrance hall. Some are cen­ Main Street Stores All-Tim* Favorii* Tiiursday and Friday evenings to tered on brass trays. 111 willow 0 for your shopping convenience. ‘Part of Me Must Go’ Full of Ufe baskets, ’’growing*’ in. coconut ^1 HAVE A FEW VEAH, A LOAN or l e u i r A shipment of RUG . YARNS, ITCniitelieiM Am«Tlc»n - Don’ t Stop: JUai Slow Down « Easter Coats and Hats At this time of year moat of THE PET SHOP of LltUe and palm boats, or hob nail vases, OUTSTANPINO UH-HUH. MODERATE 88 Ydknr birds BSTmttofy ttbj RUG PACKS and CANVAS has priced 09c to $7.99. Combine them ISOKtM bird country 4SSpiadto Th« DRTv B-IN t e l l e r WIN- With the Easter bunny liopping us express an earnest wish' to McKinney, at DEPOT SQUARE is PROPORTIONS X 2 6 Scraech owl arrived at "KNITTER’S WORLD." SOShrflliltmi M^rightUnM jjgdSrtRy DOira at OONNECnCUT BANK closer, MARI-MAD’s, 601 Main loose a few inches or ounces -here the lively,' chirping headquarters with an assortment of ARTIFI­ WOULD take; err 21 Wool im u u rt 27 Laaming a n d t r u s t (30MPANY provide CIAL FRUITS, so juicy-ripe look­ B u e s y ls 2BIncreaaat 40 Slniatural u SiluaoM StreeL has. 1063 spring (X)ATS and there as we plaq an Easter for canaries, parakeets, hamsters, CARE OF me/ TH . SaNolM section 40Irtland swift, satisfying strvice at North AND HA’TS ready for your flrat- Hosiery for the Family ing, youll pinch them to b e .sure. NICELY... ypii rURC! SSCharmlnf •’ 20 Capa 47 Bird’s bOBW outfit, a sportswear and swim­ white .nice, tropical fish, puppies. 91 Tbeatar bos 41 Weatber Main 8|reet and the Parkade come-bbat-eeleoLion choice. Sunny In stock you’ll find WILD BIRD Designed to bring out the Spring has arrived at GRAND {M Cf SSSmaU bud forecast dSVantUtte ming wardrobe. LEINOX PHAR­ WAY, you’U agree when you see LOAN 50 Top bn M (tb.. branches. Without getting out of yellow the hdgh-faShiion color this MACY, 299 East Center Street, SEED and all Pet Supplies. The beauty of your legs are the first 1 IT IT your car, you can transact all the EASTER BASKETS, the CO. 51 Dead the pan 1“ 3“ r ~ I r r 1 year is very evident at MARI- has all the encouragement you care and companionship of a live quaUty . SEAMLESS NYLONS, 32 Knnlan river your banking business convenient­ MAD's In the apparel for girts up pet will benefit growing young­ now sale-priced two pair for $1.00 STUFFED TOYS and the apring ’ S SA M died (ab.) 14 need for helping yourself to a FASHIONS here, ready to lift 12 IS ly, while keeping a watchful eye to size 14. ’These quality CQA’TS prettier, slimmer "you.” “SEX30”, sters. Bring the kiddles in Just to at W. T. GRANT COMPANY, t w m M H n t your spirits, to gladden some ones SB Town In Utah on your pre-schoolers, your puppy FOR SPRING arc handsonaely the liquid DIET F(X)D offers look. What fun they’ll have. You’re stock up on socks for your BOYS 18 IT heart, to greet a glorious new sea­ ISBFeathera r r y and your packages. tailored of Ane fabrics.. Many warm, sociable H<5T SOUP FLA­ always welcome. and GIRLS. Packaged three palr- SSCurl ' have the popular feature of add in-a-package, regularly $1.00 now son heading our 'way. See you at ri" 1 VORS (Cream of Cailcken also 39 Beverage March and the a-year hems that lengthen like 77c a package. These are long- GRAND WAY. >40 Three (Roman) Cream of Tomato) as well as the From Coast to Coast 41 Look cloatly IT TVeariii’-of-Uie-Green! ■- magic for extra season’s wear. rich-tasting soda fountain flavors The most popular request over wearing and machine washable, % S . You’ll notice touches of velvet at for men, the STTIETCH SOCKS, Ever use leftover cooked rice In 44 Bird'i belly It a a For St. Patrick’s Day, a gala (chocolate, vanilla, orange, ba­ the counter is: "Make mine dough­ . 6UTN0TAT 48Eniulnl IT array of greeting cards, party collar, or a detachable overcollar reg. 79c, now 66c combine com­ a salad? Make sure the rice grains HOOPLE nana, chocola^ malt) for 29c a nuts and coffee.” When you enjoy TnSH&te,« S -t 4»Bra goo^ , decorations and sealg are of crisp linen. The belted look can of 225 calories each. VFhile “ MR. DONUT” goodies and cof­ fort and worthwhile savings now are firm and separate, then mix MANOR* 80 Tempt SO is "in” . SPRING HAT’S of straw during this HOSIERY SALE FOR with French dressing plu3 minced S l SMeld bearing ' at HARRISON’S. Also bright new you’re buying "SBGO” eCt LEN­ fee, the combination couldn’t be note papers tor the coming of or fabric, are sugared with bows W l THE FAMILY at W. T. GRANT sweet onion, minced parsley and a A L L Y O O P BY V. T. HAMLIN B2 liaiculina name OX, pick up the coupon for on more satisfying. This bright, warm SSGoddenot Spring to write your thank you and blossoms. Part of the joy INOHES-OFF PATTEHIN, 50c, and friendly "MR. DONUT” shop ONE SIZE CO. sprinkling of paprika. diacord of Easter Is seeing little girls de­ 8327 JUST 6EE! Tm tBG W O K w messages Or friendship notes, 10-20 designed for "SBGO" enabling you at 265 West Middle Tpke., OPEN S 4 S m d bird IE lightfully outfitted the MARI- (14-16-18) HAND nFFERENTNOW, CARNIVAL BY DICK TURNER priced from B9c a box at HARRI­ to sew a summer’s woi-th of fash­ 24 HOURS A DAY. Monday BS Pound SON’S, the quality STATIONERS MAD's way. It costs no more to EM TO THANK HEWENSr / CANTURN 7 ^ ? BBPoated ion with one pattern. Pamper through Sunday, prepares 44 VARI- Like Sugsir in Your Tea? Take the Stairway to Beauty MEI TDfDReonsi I HOLYM l7 in the heart of Main Street. You have first choice of the peak se­ SCHULTZ BEAUTY SALON, DOWN IT t r 44 yourself like a queen with "Prince TTES dally. Plan to take home an 2822-H You’ll need a SWEATER In HAD o n ; t r can charge It. HARRISON’S also- lection. Use the LAY AWAY 1 Britiah (ab.) Matchabelll” ABANO BA’TH OIL, assortment regularly. They'll be your spring wardrobe. We mean 983 Main Street, calls your atten­ ' 1 8A delivers. j . offer. delicious for after-school snacks, Here's a simple-to-sew, one- tion to the fact that tqirifigtime is 2 Bulgarian colni JT at a special $2.00 introductory piece gingham cobbler that is a very special sweater that you 3 Prepoiltlon size, Uiat smooths your dry skin for evening refreshments, for meal­ just 14 days away. Before you X. 82 8S quickly trimmed with cross-stitch mELke yourself with materials from 4 Wandering s r Hat Cleaning Special From Bavaria ' and keeps it velvety all over. time desserts, for party fkre. Now YOUR YARN SHOP on the down- shop for a new hat, cdme In for a B Exhiustea To YOUR GIFT GALLBRY on pansy embroidery! It opens out nice new hair-shaping and perma­ 6 Maple genui K" 84 *Look at your husband’s halt. You'll want "Spring Fancy” fra­ you can buy, to brew at home, the stEdrs floor of House & Hale. 5T t the main floor of Watkins come famous “ MR. DONUT” blend i/ 883 MAIN STREET HOUR DRY CLEANING plants ed, why not let the UPHOLSTERY and OFF-- For ment flf t h e popular SHIFT PAINT, the miracle flat finish at 20 East Center Street and 299 DRESSES, plug skirts and with vinyl that dries In about 30 SHOP here do all the work for TARTAR .SAUCE West Middle Tpke. can take their you for only $145, which Includes B E N C A S E Y BRIDE and BRIDESMAIDS blouses. Do see the smart spring minutes, rain or shine, hot or cold. m AND ACCESSORIES share of credit for keeping a large material; labor, pick-up and deliv­ ON $ALE THURSDAY, FRIDAY & SATURDAY suits, .including an orchlrf wool "RYPLEIX” PAINT from PAUL’S and growing number of Manches­ • Appointments Available • has no offensive odor. ,lt brushes ery, for a 3-pc. set. A smooth-fit­ if suit labeled "V e r a Maxwell” . ter's population so h'Opdsomely ting SLIPCOVER, Is effective first- I MUST HAVE SOMETHING TUSH, MY BOV. THEY RBUUiRHJ A GENUINE ) There are two handsome ‘TWEED on smoothly with no piiU or drag, well-groomed. The "MARTIN- aid for a tired-looking set. The la­ YOUR FRIENDLY SHAKESPEAREAN ACTOR, AND 1 MERELY^. WALKING SUITS, one of which is leaving no brush mark.s or tattle­ nZNG” TWO HOUR SHIRT SUfiGKTEP THAT >OU MIGHT BE AVAItABtE^ fur-trimmed. If you’ve been yearn­ tale overlaps. "RYPLEX” stays bor is $39.95 for slipcovering a SERVK7E keeps the men in the 3-pc. Set. Why bother making your NOW...PON'TCAU. ing for a FUR CAPE or.SirOLE or bright and fresh month after family looking their best, which 7W6M,THEY'U.CALL perhaps a black Broadfeil cape, monH, because you can wash off own DRAPERIES, when the Ni«*r l•hr^ M U>4 Fd<*4{ helps them perform effectively on DRAPERY SHOP here will profes­ L you/ / M FmM —FUN rmMww4{ come to the "WAS-NU” SHOP, or finger marks, grease and stains the job (and that’s the way pro- call Mitchell 3-9407. easily. Clean up the painting tools sionally tailor for $1.50 per panel, lons are earned). G^t ac- either lined or unlined. MILL FAB­ with cold tap water and soap. It’s nted with “ MARTINIZING.” 3 *0 THIS ISAFIRMtXMTRACT fim and it's fast and easy with RICS SALESROOM is blossoming Picture Frames S’ll wish you had done so soon­ with color and beauty and fashion FOR VtXnO PtAY M»?CUTIO. “ RYPLE3C” PAINT from PAUL’S Both FAIRWAYS have a com­ er. excitement. SIR RALPHE ACTS ROMEO, plete selection of wooden also PAINT SUPPLY CO. Matching S H O R T R IB S BY FRANK O’NEAL ANP tAIY VIVIENNE PIAVS metal FRAMES for pictures, pho­ semi-gloss finishes available. JULIET. REHBtRSALS tos or certificates. You’ll find all You'll feel better In a room alive ^ HOW COME IN A ELACK AND > START NEXT WEEK. sizes, ready-to-hang on a wall, or with fresh color. Try It. Planning to Invest? Will Wonders Never Cease? YOUfRE VlEARI^iaDASK6lASm! felt-backed with, easel stands, In ‘ CX)BURN & MIDDLE)BR

■' -.I

- # "I. ICANCHESTER E V E ^ G HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN„ WElDNESDAY. MARCH 6, 1998 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, ^ARCH 6; 1938 page ...... Ralstonfs Rebound Just Before Buziser Protides Margin of Victory^ 52^51 Aaron Checks in and ‘Homers’ Twice Win over Ridgefield

qAMB n o t e s —e sv sa ' buses m N E W y 6 r K ( A P ) — DontM*.®W contract makes him the#- Pitcher Bob Bolin reported to NEW H ^ E N (A P )— Yale chose 86-y«ar-old John Pont fornian won 26 games, most in the Ridgefield got untracked. The scored 19, Carbonl 13 and Santind B r pts. maiors, and lod bqUi leagues In a line drive during baiting prac­ a-day fine for any > further tardi­ the third time last season with an in honor of his great record thara the net as the final buzzer summary "It was one man’s de­ Jansen and Carbon! traded hoops Santinl ...... 48-8 u sounded and gave the Knights cision and it was a judgment call. score WM tied twice in the first 11 for Ridgefield. 8-7 19 strikeouts with 282, He.^as named tice but was not seriously hurt. ness. Pitcher Earl Wilson of the 8-1-1 record that included a 10-7 Pont was given the unanimous to continue the one-point spre^. Pierandrl ...... 7 Reliever ElRoy Face ot the Pitts- Boston Red Sox was hit on the triumph over Purdue, a Big Ten a 52-51 win which touched off He made it as he saw fit and With about 45 seconds to play period, dnce in the second and Outscored from the floor by Nye ...... Od 3 . 4 winner of the Cy Youhk Award vote of a seven-man screening Carbonl ...... 5 3-3 18 er In but-gh Pirates worked 18 minutes right shoulder with a line drive, opponent. a wild two-pronged display of ex­ that’s that. I’m sure he called it Ellington had the ball and moved again in tha third. four hoops, Ridgefield stayed in 3-2 3 emblematic of the best committee and Yale’s Board of Poluerari ...... 0 the ma*jors of batting practice and appeared and although the injury appeared Yale has given him a free hand Athletic Control. He is married citement that shook the very as he saw it.’’ it well killing time down to the It was in thd third seasion that contention with a brilliant 13 for Hudson ...... 1 OO 3 not to be serious, he was taken to fotmdation of Yale’s staid Payne ' The second half of the semifinal 10-second mark. Then in losing the Knights had ttoe^r only other 15 foul line performance. Elling­ Howe ...... 0 00 ^0 I.OS Angeles rewarded Drysdale fully recovered from the ankle In- to select his staff. Pont met the and the father of three children. wlth a heafy salary raise and his ( jury that sidelined him Monday. a hospital for X-rays. sports writers here today and Whitney Gym. twinbill saw Durham edge St. An­ possession, Carl Carlson fouled trying momenta. Ahead 33-26, ton canned rfx of 12 from the Totals ...... d9 18-16 81 Olivar’s resignation which came In fact, Ridgefield Coach Dick thony’s of Bristol, 38-36, In a dull Dick Polverari. they saw Ridgefield count seven in charity stripe. Score at half 27-21 Ellington. In Rec probably will name his aides at as a somewhat of a surprise, ended that time. an 11-year tenure at Yale and the The 6-7, 167-pound Pont, a, na­ most successful since the immor­ Firing in the 12th annual Recreation Department sponsored Big Year Could Mean Pefmant Civitan Victors tive of Canton, Ohio, U an advo­ tal Walter (3amp. Pont is Yale’s Men’s Duckpin Bowling Tournament starts Friday night at cate of what he calls an open T- 31st coach since 1872. the Y lanes with another large field, expected. Norm Vittner, formation for a flanker out and Wilt. Stops Brawl, In Rec Volleyball end splits. Although eclipsed by Yale’s rec­ tourney director, reports 78 men have signed up to date, an Freese Makes Special Request, He began hie career as a player ord as a Citadel of football Indication that more than 100 will^ at Miami by returning the open­ coaches. Miami’s long lipt Includes be in the quaMfylng field Friday After losing the first of their s u n n y d a y s — This Eau-1 (Red) Blalk, Paul Dletzel, Un Jr., Al (Pirkey, Jack Vittner, Wants Fans to Forget Injury Important thre«-game aet with fan needs the hat and ing kickoff 94 yards for a touch­ Bight and laturday.. down In his first appearance as a Stuart Holcomb, Woody Hayes and Turns Peacemaker Three-Ume champion Larry Bill Chapman, Lanky Waickowski, Watkins for first place in the summer clothing as she Parseghian. Bert Davis, Smokey Smoluk, B40 American Volleyball league Redskin. He couldn’t be stopped Bates leads the list of entrants. watches the Los Angeles after that. For three years he was The Yale Screening Committee The top 15 scores in the two-day Wayne Jensen, Roy McGuire, Jim TAMPA. Fla. (AP) — Gene^ weights all winter to keep in last plght, Clritan Club stormed N EW YORK (A P )— Wilt the Stilt is Wilt the peacemaker Bell, John Morton, Burt Claugh- Freese, hard-hitting third baffe- .shaoe. back to win the next two Angels train in’ 80 degree an All-Conference halfback and consisted of Kiphuth; Gib Holgate, qualifyuig test will move into games. T h e triumph prac­ the top scorer in Miami’s history. assistant director of Athletics; today and if that’s peace, a couple of bruised fellows named head-to-head oon^etitlon the fol- aey, Walt Arcand, Bill Rau, Rocco man of the Cincin .ati Reds who "Dave Bristol, our conditioner, plus temperature at Palm Lupacchlno, Red Molumphy, Don is attempting a comeback after i.x giving me drills with the l.so- tically assured the Clvltans of Pont was drafted by the Green William DeVane, dean of Yale col­ Bailey Howell and Walter Dukes want no part of it. lowing weekend.- Springs, Calif. lege; Jerry Roscoe and Bob (Dud) Wilt Chamberlain, the 7-foot-l,'^ Dm ndlng ctMunpton Charlie Simmons. nil.^slng moK'. of la-et yeer with s jnetric rope,” Gene reported. ” My the circuit after be'ng Bay Packers of the National Foot nn’ite is still swollen and for that runner-up the past three yea-s Parker of the Yale football com­ 250-pound scoring machine of the Whalen has been seeded. Each Also, Dick Stratton, BUI Thuns- broken right ankle, makes a ball League In 1952, but was re­ San Francisco Warriors, turned ton, Joe Rosietto, Lou Damato, special plea, He wants the fans to matter will always be a little to Watkins for regular season Here's a good substitute when leased before the season started mittee: Prof. Elias Clark and Prof. contestaat will roll six games. swollen. But many other fel­ I peacemaker according to all on- Dick ThuFston, runnerup in both Joe Scata, Pete Aceto, Brv Rue- forget that he ever was Injured. ohamnlonship honors. small grass shrimp are not avail- because he was "too small” for John Blum. lows have played a long time that The length of the contract and the-spot battleground testimony 1960 and laat year, will be back coni, John Rleder, Tony Salvatore, “ I couldn’t stand any symoa- Civitan has one match left, aDle for use as chum to attract the professionals. He shifted to the Howie Hampton, Terry Kloter, way, so I’m not worried.” during a brawling National Bas- as well as many of Manchester’s thy,” Freese said today. “ That against last place Center Con­ weakfish: Oatmeal flakes in sar­ Toronto Argonauts where he fin its terms were not announced Im­ ■ ketball Association game between Issdiiig small pinners. Man to John Naretto, At Atkins, Charlie Would be the worst thing for me "The Reds are watching Freese go, while Watkins has com­ dine oil. Ished the campaign. mediately. San Francisco and the Detroit Pls- Harris, Rlc'; Lovett, Roland Irish, psychologically. I just know . that closely. He Is one of their key pleted Its slate. Clritan has watch will be Howie Hampton, Nick Twerdy, Art Bell, Ed E)ou- I tons at Madison Square Garden vrinner of $1,000 first prize in the first time I, miss a ball at men. A big year by Gene could a 30-12 record, Watkins 32-13. Tuesday night. cette, Ken Montie, Don Carpenter, third base, someone will shake mean a pennant. Willlmantic play last weekend. Walt Hllinski, Benny Paganl, Cy He pilayed it like a barroom Entries will be accepted until his head and say, 'too bad, if it Freese not only is optimistic Giorgettt, Bill McMullan. hadn’t been for the bum ankle, bouncer, tossing 6-foot-7 Howell Y JUNIORS Friday night by Vittner at the Y. over his own ability to come back, halfway across the court and There ere openings on Friday he would have caught It easy.’ he also Is confident that the Reds Tuesday's Fights Bolton Pharmacy blew a seven- That’s exactly what I don’t VITAL DECISION— Referee Frank Corkin is on his way throwing Dukes, a 7-footer, into a night at 6 o'clock and Saturday on State Basketball I can win the National League point halftime lead last night and want.” to the scorer’s table with news that Doug Ralston’s hoop group of fans at the sidelines. the 12:15, 8:30 and 10 p.m. shifts. ' championship. NEfiV YORK—Isaac Logart, "I thought he was ' fighting,” lost a 36-29 decision to Miller’s Gene believes it would help him Pharmacy. A scoreless third pe­ Entered are Wendell Jacobs, Fairfield huffed and puffed but ’’The reason Is simple,” he said. 148, Cuba, outpointed Walter Dan­ was good! Unidentified Ridgefield player holds ball after said Dave DeBusschere of the Frank Bedell, Earl Moore, Dave couldn’t blow down the Friars of most If he were treated like any ’ ’We’re the best team in the iels, 146’/4i Pittoburgh, 10. hoop that gave Ellington its victory. The Knights’ Bruce Pistons. “But then 1 realized he riod killed Bolton’s hopes after they had erected a 21-14 lead at DeMerchont, Dick Truman, Ed NIT-bound Providence College In other player. league.” FRESNO, CaUf. — Bobby Hancock is at the left. (Herald Photo by Ofiara.) broke It up,” he added, referring t Werner, Hugo Carlson, Don Fla- a game at Fairfield. Providence ” My leg 1.S fine. I feel good and Scanlon, 141)4, Saoremento, Calif., to the fight, not to the section of intermission. Barry Baskervllle (10) topped Miller’s while Bob vell, Red Osikman, Zig Oibert, won 85-65 for its 11th victory in I’m sure I can play as well as I defeated Ben . Medina, 141 3-4, the Garden floor where Howell Harry Buckminster, Hank Frey, a row.—In NAIA elimination used to without any favors. I’m John Hay Whitney’s Royal Rai­ Fresno, Calif., 10. « and Dukes Icmded. Constantine (10) was high for Bol­ ment, ridden by Johnny Gilbert ton. Ed Tomkiel, Stan Matteson, Ray rounds. Central Connecticut kept only 29.” LONDON—Terry Downes. lOiS "He was a real peacemaker out DellaFera, Norm Clark, Al Gay- up its winning ways, downing Freese came to camp with the won the first race ever run over there,” said Detroit’s Ray Scott in [ batterymen, a week ahead of the the Keeneland race course at Lex­ 1-4, EJngland, stopped Jimmy Bea- Y MIDGETS son, Larry JemaiUs, Don Stonehill, 99-76. Quinnlpiac beat oham. 155 3-4, Mianal, Fla., 9. Boomer Lowers Boom admiration. Mathlews, Jim Woodcock, Nick Gorham of Maine 72-64. rest of the squad. He lifted ington, Ky,. On Oct, 16, 1936. Tension High With only seconds remaining, Nicola, Ted Lawrence, Jim Dra- The fight begap In the olcwlng Wyman Fuel got a hoop that gave ghl, Ralph Satterfield, John Dy- them a 27-26 win over Hilltop Mo­ seconds of the thlM quarter of the ment. But Red Wings Triumph game between two teams slug­ tors. In the second game, Tedford’s Restaurant edged the Elks, 24-20. Also, Ronnie Pizzanello, Hank ging it out down the sttetch for Oriyb, Stan Orzyb,” Al Rubacha, the third and last playoff berth Bobby Brown led the Ftielmen in the opener whUe Tom Crockett AI Bujauclus, Pete Brazltts, Sam DETROIT (A P )— Bemie (Boom Boom) Geoffrion of the In the League's Western Division. Little, Fred McCurry, George was high for the losers. With the Montreal Canadiens lost his temper but his team won an im­ Although the Warriors and WUt Bensche, Ed Bujeucius, Carl Bo- I might have won the fight, the Pis- win Wyman’s moved into three- ^ e O O D > ^ E A R portant game from the Detroit Red Wings. j tons won the game 111-102 and way Ue for third place. Ben Gryzb Canadiens, fired up by"^ (11) sparked Tedford’8 victory S A L E ! BRAND NEW The ’ took a one-length lead over San Geoffrion’s attack on Referee Vern Geoffrion stood up in the bench rrancisco. Detroit has five games while Gary Klein (10) took scor­ Cross Gains Finals, TUBE-TYPE and TUBELESS Buffey, allied to beat the Wings and threw his stick like a spear left, San Francisco seven. ing honors for the Elks. 4-S Tuesday night in a game that at Buffey 25 feet away. 'Then The trouble waa triggered by A1 Defeats Hartford, had 18 penalties.. For the fourth Geoffrion threw both of his gloves AtUes of ■ San Francisco, a close W EST SIDE MIDGETS time in the laat few weeks the Red at Buffey and one of them W the W HEW , THAT WAS CLOSE!— Doug Ralston (11) buddy o f Chamberlain’s, and Bob Coming from behind in the SRC- Nets 31 Foul Tries Wings were thwarted in their bid referee on the chest. mops hi* brow and Coach Bob Healy whistles vdth re­ Ferry of 'Detroit, who lost a mid- ond half, the Herald Angels scored fior third place in tiic National a 32->22 triumph .over H e m ’s H <^ Geoffrion drew a game misooa- lief in locker room after Ellington’s thrilling victory. court points decision to Chamber- FROM DOWN SOUTH— Carl Carlson is set to let go a Hockey League. duot peiMlty which oall^ for an ItUn in a fight in San Francisco by Shop in last night’s opening Wilbur tiroes, thanks to spme TIRES *>«. T U FSY N 'down south’ underhand shot around Ridgefield’s Julie deadly foul-ehootlng, is poised bo Geoffrion'a tantnun occurred automatic $50 fine, posamle fur­ (Herald Photo by Ofiara.) earlier this season. Ferry grabbed game. Norman’s, led by Ray and GOdDYEAR'S RUGGED. NEW NYLON ALL-WEATHER "42* late in the first period tvhen Buf- ther fine and suspension. Atties or AtUes tackled Ferry, de­ Barry London, tom>ed GOb’b Grind­ Santihi (30). Looking on are Dick Polverari (20) and repeat as perennial champion of frey penalized goalie Jacques, pending on which one you talked ers, 33-23, m the nightcap. Norm Jansen. (Herald Photo by Ofiara.) the CIAC Claaa A Division. The. New Haven Governors Plante for slashing Detroit bad- BAKERSFIELD, Cahf. — Dea­ H oca on r a t a o l a n o e Bob Friend of the Pirates and to. Both agreed timt AtUes George Washbjurii scored 20 maii Howie Young and gave the con (Dean) Bogany, 183 1-4, American LeagtM Bob Gibson of the Cardinals both flipped Ferry over his Miouldeir, points to spark''^e Angels' vic­ moved into the finals Tuesday Canadiens a bench p e n ^ y for Fresno, Calif., defeated Dave Buffalo 8, Quebec 2. turned in five National League and jumped on him. tory. John w d Joe Quaglia had •— College Baskethall Roundup night by defeating defending protesting. Furch, 207Vi, Phoenix, Ariz., 10. Baltimore 8, Pittaburgh S. shutouts in 1962. 'I shoved Howell out of- the seven each for the losers. Ray Lon­ ----- champion Hartford Public 71-49 in way,” said Chamberlain. "Then I don flipped in 13 points, two more a game at Storrs. Whitewalls broke up that thing between than ms brother, to pace Nor­ Winners in three of four earlier Blackwalls Dukes ai^ Wayne.-. Hightower. I man’s. Andy Kearns of Gus's had Six Pieces Left in Pie CIAC competitions. Wilbur Cross had to get to my boy A1 before game honors with 14. will meet the winner of tonight’s he killed Ferry.” Hlllhouse-Falrfleld Prep game In * Both benches emptied but INTERMEDIATE IXAOUE the finale Saturday night. * COMET MARCH ANNOUNCEMENT tween Chamherlain and the. I^ar- Standings With Dozen After Cut The win over the Owls was ac- den’s special police, arder^iHnaJly W. L. Pot. eompUshed by hitting on 81 of 88 was restored. . Tttane ...... 8 8 .727 free throws, Including 18 of 19 in From the Warriofs’ point of Seniors ...... 6 4 .600 N EW YORK (A P )— There are six pieces left in college the first half. 4 .600 view, ChamberlaiiV'Waa altogether BandUs ...... 6 basketball’s post-season pi*— with 12 teams still looking for ■Wilbur Qross hav.vlng a showdown Saturihty string at 14 games and ruined the water eevearal tnnw a WMk. NO. 5727. REG. $5.65. six-inning 4-4 standoff. Morehead for the winners. Jack McAdam Longhorns’ drive for a . perfect who was 10-9 with Seattle lost (12) and Randy Smith (11) topped nii^t at San Francisco. Prior .tp NWyott eon have all the he€ SPEQ AL ...... the losers. taxing on Santa Clara, the Dons Southwest Coherence record in a season, walked two and struck out 66-48 upset at Waco. ’Texas finished water you need et one dme for three. Another right-hander, Jerry have a home game tonight with Mtv • diV- TUnk of it— San Joee State. with it 18-1 conference mmk. Stephenson, allowed two hits tai BIIMXNI, Bahama — Tama Ba­ «atF9)tf««da(Fl BRASS OR CHROME hla three Innings and aleq fanned OHIO VALLEY—With East Ten­ In other Tuesday night games— il L d o w n hama, 161, Btanlnl, stopped Hairy nessee out of It, Morehead and T m , to Mobilheet— three. Monroe, 160, Augusta, Ga, 7. Rice 78, Texas AAM 70; Arkansas 7.50x14 TUBELESS Tennessee Tech are left alone, at 104, Texas Christian 94; Southern and an oll-irad |x»t water beater r.s o x i4 t u Ib e le s s HALL LIGHT FIXTURE the top with 8-4 Records. The co- Methodist 88, TeXa^ Tech 87; Okla- ofeocrect capacity—your fan^y can take care o f aU their washing New V-8 engine...so hot you’ll think it’s July! champions will have a playoff, th e: hoina 70, Oklahptria State 65; Sy- •Add 2.00 If Your Old H r* Is Not Recappabic NO. 504. REG. $1.90. No. 544L REG. $22.20. O Q cqnference’s fourth in the past | racuse 100, Colgate 78; Pepper- needs at one time; ^ E C I A L ...... ^ 1 0 * 7 0 Smooth, responsive, thrilling: that's Comet's new Cyclone 260 V-8. This top performer adds eight years. ,dlne 73, Loyola of Los Angeles 6S. ' Mom can do the family wash. SPECIAL ...... Sis con do the dishes at the some new fire to Comet’s fun-and-sun line. It^s available in t^iy Comet fun-car— racy now Msm Junior takes his bath, aad NO MONEY DOWN BLACK Want A Secure Future? you enjoy a abower. BRASS Sportster hardtops, jaunty new convertibles, sedans with Comet's classic roof, roomy station Are you uncertain r^arding qualiflcationa, course coatoat, I Pender’s Middleweight Empire DoaH daisy—phanaaa today. tuition cpsts, length of training, whether day or evening, place­ HALL LIGHT CEILING FIXTURE wagons like the elegant Villager. For an ex^a-sporty touch, pick one of Comet's dashing ment service ? . H ad out htnr aaagr ft is to awitdi taallbbailat4ndwat«rbaat> FREE MOUNTING Expanded Due to GiUrt Order NO. 350. REG. $5.90. NO. 1365. REG. $8.20. 8 -2 2 bucket-seatefs. O f bourse, every Com et\givestlgives you service- 'I *63 MERCURY These are only a few of the questions that we will be very happy SPECIAL ...... SPECTAL ...... savers like self-adjusting brakes... and the best record for resale to answer for you If you would care to either drop in or call. Just *1 Weekly Or ^ ,Q Q Monthly There is still time.to enroll for the Spring Term in ' either our NEW YORK (AP)—Paul Pen-4 Utle ' within the preecrlbed eix- value in its class. Sound worth trying? See^your Mercury dealer. COMET Day or Evening Divisions in . . . deris middlewelgbt empit’e has month period and awarded lU been expanded—by court order. re ce p tio n to Tiger, than the l’ COMCr • riCKM • »4Ci)CUi>r’.'.. products of Q t e l D motor company. .. LMCOLN-MEROmr DIVISION y World Boxing Association cham­ SPECIAL ELECTRONICS ~ TELEVISION ^ SERVICINO The AfiieUate Dlvtaion ot the FOR ao YEARS THE SYIWOL OF DEPENOABU PNOOUCn ' pion. Other boxing groups fol. W E GIVE ayfC ..A AIR-CONDITIONING — REFRIGERATION HMv York State SiqMreme Court lowed New Ydtk’c lead, leaving EOEBWMUIBtE ONLY XT NERCURT DEALERS! EXCLUSIVE ARNOLD fWJ4£R (SOU^ NtSTBUC»OH MBUM- .B E C ^ ^ nuMlSed TXieeday tlM State Ath- Pender with only Maaaachusetts GREEN STAMPS • 1 6 " SERVICING — POWER OIL RURNERS letlo Ootnmieaton’a action In s t r ^ for k kingdom. lAMP POST lANTERN ping Pender of championahlji rec­ Pender went to court to-get INSTALLATION AND SERVICING eption last November.. back recognition in New York and 8 6 how ,tbe ex-llreman is mld- Tuesday'a acUop resulted. l|ur Act New*-;To Belsure dlewbti^t tiUeholder in New York The Appellate Division said that M ORIM ITy OPEN THURSDAY and in hi* home state of Massa- under cbmmUslon rules/ after a- SERVICE STORE • AJU. to * PAL MORIARTY BROTHERS, Inc. ctausetU. Elsewhere throughout champibn falls- bo make k. defense FRI. and SAT. MANCHESTER PLUMBING I SUPPIYXO. 801-315 CENTER &TRE£T—MANCHESTERi CONN. the world, Dick Tiger of Ntg«ria within tlx mbnths, ■ challenge by BROTHERS 718 SLAIN STREET 8:80 A M .^:80 P SL- NEW EN6UND TEOHMOAL INSTITUTE i« IMiid M obampion. ' * suitable may be mad* s a e-OMB Sfl »-t623 877 MAIN STREET Ml > 4 4 | l 54 UNION PLACE. HARTFORD, 525-3W El November, the State Com- through* the commiaelbn and tbs Ml 3-5135 BLANCHESTER f«D d ir of out agree to meat «h* |eiJ(8 Color St..

Ir Ml ^ A my

MAl^CHESTER EVENINO HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN., WEDNESDAY, ^ MARCH «, 1968 PAGE TWENTT-TREni MANCHESTE rN e V E N IN G h e r a l d , MANCHESTER, c o n n .* WEDNESDAY, MARiCH «, 1968 FAGS TWENTY‘TWO Apartmento— Flat*— Housaa For Sala Hdui^ For Sal* Lots For Sale ” Break at Boland’s Goods 51 Moaical Instmmcnts 5S Tenementa 63 Business Services Offered 13 THERE OUGHTA BE A LAW BY PAGALY and SHORTEN 9M HENRY Stlreet, Mancheater. OKBSTNUT . iBTREBT--’rwo fam- COVENTRY — N eir new high CABLB-NBLSON, wUnut Spinet TWO END tablw .r one eottM |?OR RENT—One * room apart­ Drive by and look at this 7 room 'Uy flat with the downstair* apart­ school, large building lota for NeU *100 Cash ISNOW PLOWINO, 24-hoiir service. nlano, rbg. »««0.. March W pjM , ment, one 4 room apartment,, Tel. ■ ranch with two full bath* ment vacant. Upstair* pay# *90 sale. Escott Agency, kD 9-7688. Call Ronald LeFeVre, MI 9-8342 or tabl6, one plant aland, mahog­ 575. Everett,, light chonT^Bito- any, $5 each. MI 9-0989 after 0.. JQ 8-a068, . . ^ W . garage, rec room, too, per month. Tw6 ssparats oil h*at- 289-2207. t piano, rcf. WH-i now *795^JJ1- ^ 'Rolloe are Inveatlgsiting' a break B u9IKIE«6 a t 'me LOMMtMM . *777. two flrejuacea. Warren B. How­ iag imiU. Good buy at only Wanted— Real Estate 77 at Boland. Motors. .369 Center St. AT ALBER'Ti USED DEPT. £ UBcd’Oosm Spinet organ , . . . . m IIOOM iqMtrtment, eompjat*- land, Realtor-Trader, MI 8-1108, ^ ,0 0 0 . T. J. Oroakstt, R*altor, UNfiERIE COMnMW « PmCtlCMUf Watkins Plano and Organ Studio. where tJOO In cash, four nfw tires, jy Mnovatad,, electricity fumlnah- 648-1577. DUE TO MANY recent sales, list­ Household Services AT A eTANDSnU.’. O tO IR S A t» USED — BUT ALL It Oak St.r MI »-5l71. •d, refrigerator, atove and dining cigarettes and small toola were Offered 13A 6CARCE AS DANDRUFF M-IDUPeCC IN GOOD SHAPE ings are needed for qualified buy­ stolen sometime Monday night,.. ■' aaV parkin* laclUUM, first flo advertiser shonld read; his ad the FIRST DAY IT Building— Contracting 14 B e TMATASIT YNTRS SUtV CNKR OUR MEADE,' WORMINO- CNBR- floor. Full basement. 2-oar gar­ GOLF SALE APPEARS and lUBTORT ERRORS In time for the nOxt Inser- A—L—B—E—R—T—’S Street. ranch with ceramic tiled bath, SHAIJ>IN«, WII.SON A.\n Mac'bBKfiOR flLl'BS AT SPKf’IAL PRICES! THE OREATl'^.ST VA- MAV.WHEN ‘ TIME.' CAIPT POMlOkT PROMIEE DELNERV 48-i6 ALLTN ST.. HARTFORD fD U R ROOMS newly redecorated, age with workshop. Seeing is be­ UoB. n ie Heiyrid Is responsible for only ONE incorrect or omitted FALI/JUT SHELTERS—Additions, FORATLCACT LONGJOMN O.E. stove and oven In birch ■ RIETl' WE HAVE EVER .A.SSEMBLED! I-ON«i CLVIVS FOR THE TALL MAN— SHORT CI.UB8 remodeling, bathrooms, tile work, ONE FINALLV LmeswE FORMAL WHITB coata, all aUea, adults, no pets, second floor cold cablneted kitchen. All c l t y lieving! *16,500. Madeline Smith. Board Appoints Eight bmertion for any advmilseinent and then only to the extent of a DOEECOME ' AMONTM.' c o .^ / O I^ EVERY NIGHT TUA. 9 *5; colored coats, *7. Call MI flat. MI 9-6928. facilities. Realtor, MI 9-1642. Ev4. Ml FOR THE SHORT MA.N—SAVE .AT ALLING’S! 'inake.AMd’' insertion. Errors which do not lessen the vahie of recreation rooms. Roofing, con­ MAV0ETWO.' crete work. Call Leon Cleszynski, NNERE'6 r x B a r m e 3-562S. 8^8139. Rie advetHsement will not be oorreoted by “make good’’ insertion. DIVAN WING chair, dining n e w , HEATED, 8 room efficien­ MI 9-4291. MOW IT^ TAMEN- room aet, set, studiosniaio couch,couen, goodgooa cy apartment, second floor, con­ MANCHESTER — 1954 home, 4 To Charter Study Unit A FABULOUS STOCK OF SPECIAL REMODELING — Charles Home ///// . ^ condition, AQ 8^271 after 5 p.m. Wanted—To Boy 68 venient location, $110 a month. Jarvis Realty Co, large rooms expandable to 6. Nice YOUR COOPERATION WUX |S| A I A il O O T 1 1 improvement. All kinds of re­ •H m kctir Warren B. Howland, Realtor MI lot, oil hot water heat, full cellar. LENGTH CLUBS AT S-A-L-E PRICES! DININO ROOM table, 4 chairs, WANTED — Used furniture top 8-1108. , ■ Aluminum combinations. Fire­ BE APPRECAA’nBD IVll II modeling, financing arranged. MI muoLO l?ovn.ef buffet, mahogany, *50. Oall MI REALTORS MLS APPRAISERS Eight of tbfe proposed nine members of a new charter re-1 9-4920. price paid. Ed’s Used Furniture, place. Convmlent to bus. Ideal S-4991. AD 8-5240 Or CH 9-0860.______vision coipniission were appointed last night h.v the board of 6PglHQFIBL^. a • MAIN ST. (rear)—'Three room, MI * 4112 MI 8-1028 for couple. Robert Wolverton, HOME AND attic remodeling, first floor apartment, excellent Realtor, MI 9-2813. directors; They include five Democrat.s, Atty. Sanford Plep-'| WANTED FRANK Is buying and selling good roofing, guttering and siding. Ac- condition, heat, hot water, $96. Ml 9-7314 MI 9-1300 l«fr, JoTome Nathan, Beldon Schaffer, Nichola.s Jack.iton and WILSON SAM SNEAD SIGNATURE coustical ceiling, porch enclosing, 3-G Someone to take over pajonents used furniture and antiques at 420 monthly. J. D, Realty, MI 8-6129. THIS LOVELY 6 room rambling I—> MdCtgM WtWI»Am of *7 weekly. Lake St. CaU and see what we’v* “ Vinton Fisher; and three Republi­ TROUBLE REACHING OUR ADVERTISER? and all kinds of. carpentry. Work­ Cape on a well landscaped good cans, Atty*. Thomas Bailey snd manship gpjaranteed. MI 9-0722. ON 8 COMPLETE ROOMS got. Open Sundays. AU 0-8880. sized lot, 3-car garage, Ig In an REGISTERED IRONS and WOODS Furnished Apartments 63-A Vincent Diana, and Donald Con­ OF WB^ BUY, SELL or trade sntlqu* VERNON — sommerciaj soned • area of beautiful established 12th Circuit rad. 24-Hour Answering Service CALL ME on your fomjica needs, room Cape. Oarage. Good pl«r . bars, counters, Xitchen cabinets, ELECTRIC refrigerated Jet-Spray slbllitlea. Growing area near Realtor-Trader. MI I-1108. as chairman pro tempore. vanltory units, table-tops and APPLIANCES silver, plctur* trkmss and Old oil heat, no pets, adults. Bus (x)urt Cases Ijeft hand 42” and 44” . machine, excellent condition, coins, d guns, hobby Circle. Tongren Agency MI Establishment of the oommia- I l.sland stands. MI 9-8936. BESET BY BILLS? Let Ua help OFFICE MANAGER for retail fur- The furniture is BRAND NEW line. Ml 9-7770. 3-6321. VERNPN—10 year old 5 room IRONS in length 38” , 381 j ” , 39” , 39l/2” ,»40i 2". Free to Heraid Readers you to a fresh start by consoli­ niture store in Manchester, some reasonable. MI 9-8088 before 7 ■ coUeotiona attic contsntaor whole .sion wae suggested recently at a p.m. and never left our store. Customer rtuich within walking distance to Left hand 38” and 39i-2. QUALITY CARPENTRY—Rooms dating the many debts that de­ credit Interviewing, 5-day| 40- is being transferred and willing to estates. Fumlturs Rspair Service, WANTED — Girl or Woman to TANNER STREET — Bowers bus and convenient to shopping ROCKVILLE SESSION directors’ meeting to consider the | Want InfoRiMUlon ^ (me of our classified adverttsementB T No basements refinished, huilt-lns, mand your attention Into one hour week. Many benefits. Will sacrifice. deposit,* as well as week­ TslcottvUe, Omn. Tal. AQ 5-744*. share a lovely new 4 room apart­ area. Hot water heat, fireplace part of the town charter which ' answer at tbs tetephone listed T Simply (»ll tlie w a l l p a p e r -p a in t Sale—Past­ School area. 7 room ,G(ionial, formica, tile, general rejlair. No easily paid monthly obligation. pay to $125 per week depending ed and regpliar, fully trimmed, ly payments already made. ment completely furnished Call twin sized bedrooms, garage, basement garage, 30-day occu­ The trial of a 18-year-old Rock­ governs the operation of the wa­ MARTY. FURGOL 44" WOODS SETS OF 2 $2,000 requires only 144.50 ...per upon qualifications. Send resume after 6, MI 3-0862. pancy, full price $18,800. Alice ter and sewer department's ex -, job too small. Call William. Rob­ plasUo coated. Ceiling paint, $2.89 T in s IS A R E A L BUY ! 1 1 R oom s Withoat Board 69 4%% mortgage, only, $17,200 ville boy accused of negligent hom­ FOR THAT TALL MAN bins Carpentry Service, MI month including repayment. If to Box B, Herald. Gallon. Morrison Paint Store, 385 YOU GET: Complete Uvlng room, Hayes Agency, Ml 8-4808. Clampet, Realtor, MI 9-4548 or icide and reckless driving in con­ ten.sion of mains, ' MANCHESTER ANSWERING SERVICE 9-3446. you have property equity, con­ MI 3-7367. A petition sponsored by the, Center St. sofa, chair, rocker, tables, lamps, NEAR A4AIN Street for genUe- Business Locations nection with the death Dec. 2 of tact Frank Burke, Connecticut rug and 'TEN accassories! COM­ man, private entrance, parking, SPLIT LEVEL—6 rooms, recrea­ Chtizena' Committee for Better: SETS OF 5 IRONS M l 9-0500 Mortgage Exchange, 15 Lewis LAWNMOWERS, garden tractors, For Rent 64 tion room, garage, veiy clean, IMMACtfLA'TE Cape, 4 down. 2 a 16-year-old Ellington girl was Government also ask-s for the , Roofing— Siding 16 EXPERIENCED PLETE BEDROOM: Bookcase 28 Pearl Street. AD 8-7286. St., Hartford. 246-8897. and tillers. Terms, trades, parts bed, chest, dresser and mirror. *15,900. 4%% mortgage, $87.78 unfinished up, fireplace, fenced continued yesterday to March 12 in commlasion to Inveetigate possible ' 39i" TO MATCH ■ad leave your meeaage. Yoo*U hear from oar advertiser la pg MODERN, air conditioned office monthly. Carlton W. Hutchins, yard, near shopping, school and changes in the form of town gov­ A. A. DION, ENC. ROoflng, siding, and service. Capitol Equipment, Gold Bond mattress and box spring Rockville Circuit Court. time wlthoat spending all evening at tiie telephone. FRONT ROOM centrally located, space, off street parking central MI 9-5182, Multiple Listing. .bus. Bel AJr Rm I Estate, MI ernment. painting. Carpentry. Alterations BRIDGEPORT 38 Main Street, Manchester. MI and SE3VEN accessories! COM­ Dale Sherman, Kingsbury Ave., Most ail our .’special length clubs are D.3 swing weight. A few are D2. Business Opportunities 32 3-7958. parking, 59 Birch 8t. AD 9-7129. location. Immediate occupancy 3-9332. is pleading innocent to the charge The committee, headed by John and additions. Ceilings. Workman­ PLETE KITCHEN: 7 piece. For­ Call or see John H. Lappen, Inc., mica top kitchen set snd utUlty 4>/4%—$88.60 MONTHLY. Attrae- of negligence in connection with the Hannon, subnriitted to the town ship guaranteed. 299 Autumn St. PACKAGE STORE in exceUent FLORENCE space heater. Duo- MI 9-5261. tlve 1-bedroom ranch, aluminum MANCHESTER—2 family 5-5 al­ clerk F’eb. 25 a petition signed by | WHY DON'T YOU PLAY WITH YOUR CORRECT LENGTH CLUBS AND THE Lost and Found Automobiles For Sale 4 MI 3-4860. OPERATORS table. most new, 8 bedrooms. Very death of Valerie Hubbard. Willimantlc location. Call owner ’Therm space heater. Heavy duty ROOM FOR woman, kitchen privi­ storms, cellar, amesite drive, Mi.ss Hubbard was a passenger in about 2.600 rehdenta requesting I SWING WEIGHT YOU NEED? 55-hour week floor Jack. Parts and bearing PLUS ALL THESE leges. Call after 6, AD 0-6138. tree*. Only $18,900. Carlton W. large rooms! Sewer, storms. Im­ a charter change to lead to reor- ] LOST—^black angora cat, double 1956 DODGE, excellent condition, ALL TYPES of roofs repaired or 423-1413. *45 NORTH MAIN-Stor*. Ml a car driven by James Lakso, Snip- clean. Must sell. Best offer. MI press. Armature tester. 'Time EXTRAS! Hutchins, Realtor, MI 9-5182. maculate! See 't o appreciate. ganization of town government. front paws, Min Street. MI replaced, specializing in Bonded LAUNDROMAT IN shopping cen­ HOLUS’TER STREET — reason­ 9-5229, 9-8, Owner *v*. MI 9-2582. sic View Heights. Rockville, with 3-6618. 9-WlS. built-up and shii^le roofing. clock, MI 9-0980. 21’* TV set. refrigerator range, which the car driven by Sherman The committee wants the town I GENE SARAZEN SAM SNEAD "100" ter, excellent opporti^ty for BUCKLAND dishes, pots and pans, silverware, able. Large, modem twin bed­ EIGHT ROOM Colonial. 4 bed­ to abandon Us oouncil-manager Coughlin Roofing Co., Manches­ room, private bath, parking. Rrf- 1200 SQUARE feet of office space. rooms, garage, centrally located, 8PACB3—SPACE—6 huge bed­ collided around midnight Dec. 1 at LOST — BUNCH of keys between ter, MI 8-7707. husband and wife ^ t h moderate glasses, toaster, steam Iron, per­ Main St. location, reasonable Mountain St. and Rt. 83 in Elling­ municipal setup in favor of a sys- j AUTOGRAPHED Investment, netting $7,500. yea r­ Building Materials 47 colator, etc. . •rences. AD 3-6913, 6-8 p.m. good condition, $17,600. Phllbrlck rooms, Colonial, nearly new, hot GOLF BALLS Porter Street and Memorial terms. Hayes Agency, MI 3-4808. Agenc^. MI 9-8464. water >-zone heat, 1'4 baths, ton. tern of repre.sentatives, one elected | Hospital. MI 8-4890. BIDWELL HOME Improvement ly which can be increased. J. D. Manufacturing Co. NO DOWN PAYMENT from MLch of the five voting dis- | LIQUID CENTER 10,000 S & H Realty, MI 3-5129. ROOM FOR RENT, gentleman priviwjy. Carlton W,’ Hutchins, MI Presiding Judge Nicholas Armen- GOLF BALLS Company—roofing, siding, altera­ IS NECESSARY MANCHESTER—E. Middle Turn- RANCH 82x58, beamed and panel­ 9-5132 tano levied a number of fines for tricta and two elected at large. | FOUND—FEMALE mongrel pup­ tions, additions and remodeling 131 Adams Street Buckland referred. 91 Foster Street, one GREEN STAMPS EXCLUSIVE GIFT shop, excel­ SPECIALS This furniture can be deUvered look from Alain. CaU AD 8-9192 pike. Desirable office* or office ed livipg room, 2 fireplaces (one various offenses In other cases yes­ The mayor, presentlv appointed j Reg. $7.95. 5 5 ^ 9 9 py, Can Bolton Dog Warden, MI of all tyi>es. Excellent workman­ immediately, or. can be stored free g space. MI 8-2223. MANCHESTER—Autumn St. Im­ b.v the board of directors, would be 9-7601. lent Main St. locaticm, priced for EXPERIENCED FURNTTURB between 6-8 p.m. In basement), 8 bedrooms, 2-car terday. ^6.99 ship. MI 9-6495. of chargq. FREE DELIVERY — garage, perfect condition, $28,900. maculate ranch, extra large an elected official. ! On any used car sold over quick sale as owner has other In­ delivery man, good pay, oall Mr. 24’’ Royal mUngles *18 per aq. BOL’TON—ROUTE 6— Store for Alan A. Crickmore, 19, of Lake- NOnCB la hereby given that terest. J. D. Realty, MI 3-5129. PettengUl, MI 3-1524. FREE SERVICE. 'Ihis complete f u r n is h ^ r o o m s . Inquire FTlillbrick Agency, MI 9-8464. kitchen, home completely redeco­ view Terrace, Coventry, was fined The new oommission is also rent *ultabie for beauty salon, rated, full basement, city water RECOVERED PaM Bodk No. 86109 issued by $500 now through March 21. Ceiling Tile—Odd Lots 9c sq. R. outfit oan be seen at: Scranton Motel between 6-7. AD I $3 for failure to carry a registra­ faced with several issue# held over ! HALF GOLF Roofing and Chimneys 16-A NA’ITONAL CONCERN has open­ barber * 1 ^ or ^ Ic e * . ample SIX ROOM colonial, 134 baths, ex­ and sewers, located in one of TTie Savings Banjt of Manches­ Just a few of our many selec­ GILBERT’S OF 9-0828. parking. Ml 9-0617. tion. $25 for operating an unreg- by the last oommission. One is the ; ROOFING—Speciallxtng repairing ing in sales route calling on es­ Louver Doors *4 ea. cellent condition throughout, A Manchester’s better areas. Only | question, ptxiposed by municipal . GOLF GOLF BAGS ter has been lost and application tions listed below: Help »Wanted— Female 35 NEW BRITAIN LARGE ATTRACTIVE room next real buy for the quick buyer. has been made to said bank for rooCi ofr all kUub, new roofs, gut- tablished customers. Average $450 down. $13,500, Schwartz 1 employas, of requiring town offi- ! At Plywood Paneling—Special 11 STANLEY ST to riiower, secemd floor parking, SMALL STORE near Main Street. Charles Lesperance, MI 9-7620. AD 6-1241 Mr A r-! lo>prop*r oi^registration plates. BALLS GLOVES payment of the amount of de- ter work, chimneys oleanaj, re­ CLERK-TYPIST *6,000, plus a year. F<^ Interview Suitable for' barber shop, office, Real Estate oiaLs to live In town; another is a Kele Prlcae I^one Manchester, AQ 4-0202. *3.50 per pc. BA 5-7778 gentleman. Tel. AD 9-8354. ruda. MI 8-6454 Aristide M. Rey, 17, of 14 Lau­ 3 FOR portt. 1968 Volvo 4-door Model 122S, 4 paired Aluminum siding. SO Permanent full-time position Open Dally 9-9, Saturday to 6:30 etc. Parking, Apply Marlow’s, WALKER ST.—Six room Cape, ga­ rel St., Rockville, was fined $35 suggested reorganization of the fi - , speed transmission, bucket yewieers’ experience. Free estimates. available for mature person In Dutch Doors *17.60 ea. On Route 71 near Route 72 bypass Inc., 887 Main. rage, very close to all schools, for breach of peace and $25 for nancnal organization. i seats. Just like new, $2,195 IMMEDIATE HELP needed. MOVE RIGHT IN—brick Cape, *1.64 C«dl' ' Howley. MI 3-6861. MI 8-0783. our Clerical Department. Di­ R(X>M FOR woman, aU* prl-vl- shopping and transportation abandoning a motor vehicle bi the Former Controller Jay lOtlinger Emh *4.99 Part-time delivery and customer RUGS, NEVER uaed, 9x12 beige SMALL OFFICE 100% Main 4 bedrooms, 1V4 baths, fireplace, Announcements versified duties include gener­ servlfce work. Must be courteous Knotty Pine Paneling 18c sq. ft. leges. AD 9-9488. $15,900, Phllbrlck Agency, MI plaster walls, screened ^rch , School St. parking area. . - asked the la.sl commission to con- I 99c FOR .ALL Up location. Apply Marlow’s, I 1962 Dodge Polara 500 2-door al clerical work and some (uid dependable. *1.75 hourly or broadloom, $30; 9x16 gold orien­ 9-8464. garage, shaded lot. Excellent The breach of peace Incident oo- sider a new type of financial sye- Radio-TV Repair Services 18 transcription requiring better Prehung Doors from *15 ea. tal $85; ’ 9x12 mink brown. Main. tem, with a financial director, ap- 1 / INCOME TAXES prepared In your hardtop, power steering, au­ commission. Call Atr White, AH value. Warren E. Howland, curred near W. T. Grants Feb. 18 hptne or by appointment. Elxper- tomatic, radio, heater, buck­ than average typing ability. 8-5241. 289^6955. Apartments— Flats— FOR SALE by owner—6 room brick Realtor-Trader MI 8-1108. pointed by the general manager GOI.F Golf CONNIES TV and Radio Service, Aluminum Glass Sliding Doors, DESIRABI^ RETAIL location ■when Rey was walking with Mrs. SHOF-H tenced tax work, 24 hour sendee. et seats, whitewall tires, 9,- avaUable all hours. Satisfaction High school education requir­ 6/0X6/8 *71.60 ea. Tenements 63 Cape, excellent condition, 147 Lily McKuslck. and was accostedj and approved by the board of dl- 85x100 awllable soon In down­ « _ a _ I- o v“ Or A HU.SH Umbrcllot Can MI 3-4728. 000 original miles. $2,195 guaranteed. Call MI 9-1815. ed. Excellent working condi­ SEWING AIACHINE, Singer re­ Autumn Street. Shown by ap­ VERNON—nearly new 5t4 room by Mrs. McKuslck* husband, rectors, in charge. tions and liberail employe bene­ conditioned portable, 'with new 118 AIAIN—Three rooms, heat, hot town heart of Mancheater. Large pointment, Call MI, 9-1988 after 6. PUPPIES Salesmen Wanted 36-A Caulking Guns 60c showroom windows, full ceiling ranch. Garage. Storms. Conveni­ Roger. Presently, the directors appoint | INCOME TAX returns prepared by FORAND’S TV and radio repair, fits. One week paid vacation if carrying case, new motor, con­ water, stove, refrigerator. *100, ent. Early occupancy. Tongren the town assessor, the general SI 2.95 space In basement, parking, air $16,900—SIX room ranch, so cute auditor. Bushiesa and Individual. 1962 Falcon 2-door, radio, heater, 6 p.m.-lO p.m, daUy. All day Sat­ employed before April 1. Call *18,000 IS NOT too much for the CASH ’N CARRY ONLY trol, and light. Only $30.95. Act AD 0-6229, 9-5. Agency, MI S-8321. Tbe COM against Mks. Papethanglng. fringe benefitis. For appointment MECHANICAL DESIGN hot water, heat, bus line, one »iln- ing 7 room Split level, pro­ breaking and witering -with crim­ Reg. $75.00 Reg. $150.00 Ceilings. Floors. Fully Insured on busy highway. Zoned for busi­ fessionally decorated, level Reg. $60.J^ Personals ANNEX, INC, for Interview call Mr. Matthews, DELUXE ALAPLE 4-poster bed, BALDWIN BARGAIN Bonanza. ute to schools and shopping, inal intent and larceny, and A candidate to represent the workmanshm guaranteed. Leo MI 3-1589. WILL DO Ironing In my home. including deluxe innersprlng ness. Approved for gas station. $16,900 Robert Wolverton, Real­ lot, 1-car garage. family Factory-spmisored sale, during HEAT TRANSFER Term*. Hayes Agency, MI 8-4808. charges of larceny and obtaining Manchester Duse-Mazzini Lodge I ELECTROLUX Sales and Sendee, Talcott Ave., Vernon Pelletier. MI 9-6326 U no answer, AD 9 S7JB4. mattress and box spring, adds up March only, of genuine Baldwin- tor, Mi 9-2818. - - room. 1V4 baths, laundry caU Ml ^9048. FOUNTAIN GIRL, over 18, night room, buHt-ln*. Convenient to money under false pretenses and in the statewide contest for Misa bonded representative, Alfred to *108.60 regularly, MarLOWs, built pianos. Why don’t you start STRUCTURES forgery, to March 12. Order Sons of Italy in America $ ^ O . S 8 $ Amell, 206 Henry St. Tel MI Division of L. P. Fitzgerald, Inc. work, good pay. Apply Holiday $79.50. 867 Main St. MANCHESTER — Near Bowers shopping, school*, buses, plen­ EXTERIOR and interior painting. CIjfiANING DONE by the hour. now ^ v in g your children a musi­ Houses For Sale 72 Also to Leonard Stamper, oper­ will be selected April 17. S-04S0. Tolland County’s Oldest Ford Lanes Luncheonette or call AH cal educatl/4 room older home, the evening and that notice of the g IRONS AND 8 WOOD* . *79.99 eeniiitada I George OuiUette, AD 9-1251. budget this easy Avon Way. Call 55 GAlL o n in k drums suttabte er lin es Installed— Cellar Wa­ PtaUbrick Agency, MI 9-8464. . age, 19 toot living room with pendancy of aaid application and of Romack tor the Ladies equij^d. Gordon’s. Atlantic Serv­ licensed driving school, trmned 289-4922. for trash barrels. Mancheatar THREE PIECE living room set, copper plumbing, hot water oil flraidace, oU hot water heat, 8 the Um« and ^aca or haaring thereon terproofing Done. AIRCRAR Warrsuitee Deeito ice, West Rd., Ellington, ’TR certified and approved," now of­ Evening Herald. excellent condition, reasonable. Div. of United Aircraft Gorp. ksMCHHISTBIR^Two-fainUy M . heat, reduced, rt.600. Andover — bedrooms. We recommend Ht ba giyan to all peraoiu Interested In 5-8392. fering classroom and behind CENTRAL SUPPLY Aide, High S3 Church St. Lake Road—summer eottage, phie •aid aatata by nau^lnff a copy to b« Russell I. Tomm and Lois 1. Electrkal Services 22 400 Main Street large lot, separate heatiiiig 93*- *15,900. Robert Wolverton, Real­ put»Uahad one* In •oma newspaper WILSON. CARY MIDDLECQFF wheel instruction for teen-agers. School graduate, willing to learn seven lots, *8.900. Chamber* Tomm. to Well* C. Dennison and 1960 FORD RANCH Wagon, good and able to assume responsibili­ WINTER IS atiU here, hot Spring McKINNEY BROS. IDaet Hartford. Conn. *ems. Detached Xmar gorMt*- tor. MI 9-2818. having a circulation in oald District MI 9-6075. FREjE ESTXAIATES. Prompt serv­ SMALL BOX trailer, *70. AD Central location. St. Jame# d m - Realty, MI 8-2325 or MI 8-6930. ^ d posted on the public sign-post in Robert C. Dennison, property on SIGNATURE REGISTERED CLUBS WILSON LADIES' WALKER CUP condition, automatic, $100 down, ty For 3-11 shift. Call Hospital, is coming up s(xm. Pick tm a said Town of Bolton, all at least five ice on all types of electrical wir­ 9-9658. Sewtroq* Disposal Co. An Equal Opportunity M l. No agents, r *92.500. Call SEVEN ROOM cape, could easily Birch Mountain Rd. low payments. Call Rudy CH AD 3-1141. Ext. 273, Mrs. Miller. bargain now on one of a kind FIRST OFFERING—Eight room days before the day set for said hF*ar- (DISCONTINUED MODEL) ing. LlcensM and Insured. Wilson 180-18* Pearl St.—AD 8-5808 Employer 648-4570, 649-8600. be five bedrooms. Upstair* 908{, Ing. The Chelsea Saving* Bank, to Sets of 5 Irons and 2 beautiful 5-6851. Business Services Offered 13 Electrical Co., Manchest^x'. AQ TRADE; New Win. M’94 30-80. floor sample sale of baby car­ home. 1'4 baths, fireplace, NORMAN J. PRF:USS; Judge SALESLADY FOR Saturdays and completed. Central location, The Federal Housing Commission­ wooda. Complete $ 3 9 . 9 9 9-4817. Glastonbuiy. AfE SrTtie. WXn T: Win. high or low waU riage* and BtroUers. See Mar­ 114,200—FIVE room ranch, 2-car porch", oil heat, garage, com wooded lot with brook in refir. A 178.00 SETS OF 3 WOODS’...... $r,r,M 1967 PLYMOUTH Convertible, l a w n m o w e r s sharpened snd Sundays. Apply at Munson’s er, property at 69 Frances Dr. single shot AD 3-4313. low’*, 867 Main Street. garage, ceUar,> aluminum storms Mnation window* and ^ doors, rec­ steal at only *14,500. Ha* a 1V4% ORDER OF HEARING fuUy equipped, A-1 ■’ condition. repaired sales and service, [dek Candy Kitchen, Bolton. reation room, wall to waU car' Stale of ConnncUcut Probate Court, Qulticlalm Deeds Price "$650. MI 8-8278- mortgage, *101.27 monthly State mortgage on It. T. J. Town of Andover. WatriFt of Andoyer, George T. Jones, Rose A. Jones, $104.00 SETS OF 4 W OODS...... $73.00 lA IlT B D g'TOCK up and delivery. Ice akatee sharp­ Floor Finishing 24 cSrltcn W. ^^ohfavi, MI 9-5189, i« , city utilities, near hue Ckockett, Realtor, MI'9-1B7T. February * . 19OT. and George F. Jonas to Gloria M. ened, precision ground. L b -H Multiple lith g . , abopping oentwr, Verplanek .Biatate of Clara H. Hoflner. late at $160.00 8ETS OF 8 IR O N S ...... $»».00 1968 THUNDERBIRD hardtop, Equipment Corporation, Route 88, FLOOR LAYING, sanding, refln- Help 'wanted— Male 36 C Andover, ki aeld PUtrlot. de«««e«d, Ooutu, property on dam son beautiful burgandy with black ishing our specialty. Get the best SchM and ctaiireh. Priced at Vernon, Copn. ‘n l 5-7608. Manches- SUBURBAN PLUMBING i a a m iiOOM (lanrlM» Oolonlal, only *1*,900. Chorte* Leepw— ee, TPreaent, Hon- Norman J. Prena*. Gloria M. Couiu, to Oeoigh F. Interior, ell th« Q>eci^ 'Thunder- for less. Call AQ 4-0601. HIGH SCHOOL jgradtmtes for ma­

f ...... ■ '■!' w • , WBDNiSSDAY, MARCH 6; :| 9 6 l Average Daily Net Preea Ron Ths WMther : r-F O U R gte the W«sk BikM > ' SjpiftMt St U. i . WsatMf aiNS iianrljfPB&r ^ Mvchji, INS . \- Fsir swi m Mst tse^hsT. £(& A luitomagS aale, n>onsored _hy 30-SS. Friday fair with fprU iO ai Ofcolylyn A. Robinson of mepiber of Student Key, student of honor. St. Patrick’s Day deco­ The Ladlea of St. James’ will Memorial Templs, Pythian Sis­ 13^949 B a m , Idass., was elected secre­ hosting' organization. rations were used on a refreshment meet Monday at 8:10 p.m. in the ters, will hold a rummage sale S t Bridget's Rosary Society, eoCtlM AeSIt ctnwdlnsas dtwrioffliig iMriag M Toivii tary o f Clailc University (Wbrcea- table. About 30 members and school auditorium. Revisied by­ Friday, 10 a.m„ at Orange HalL be held Saturday at 10 a.ro. In w free deuvery a t OmrihitSwi day. High S5-40. t^ , Maae.) blotogy club. She is Mystic Review, Women’s Bener guests attended. laws will be presented for ap- Members having arUdes to be church basement ,70 Main S t M a n el^ ter^ A Ciiy. o f VUlago Cheahn provaL 'picked up may contact Mrs. Helen nations may be b to u ^ t to ■ the 9 A.M. !• t P.M. XjOdtfH Order o f Vaaa, tl\e daughter of Mrs. Anne G. Rob­ fit Association, met last night at JU tom orrow at 9 p.m. at inson, 5W Vernon St., and Albert Odd Fellows Hall. Mrs. Edward Principals lA' the cast o f "Alice Potyra, 668 Foster St„ Wapplng; basement p W y at 3 and. 7 p.m. HaB. SwedWi dancincr B. ROUnaon o f Newton, Maas, She Hood of Hartford, state field direc­ in Wonderland” will rehearse to­ Dr. Israel Gershanoff, 910 Main Mrs. Anita Alley,. 09 WasMngton Mrs. J / Edward MoKeever. 69 N. ARTHUR DRU TOL. LXXXn, NO. 188 (TWENTY PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, MARCH T, 1968 (CIsMifled Advertising en Page 18) RRiqE nVE CENtS ______i at 7. Rafreahmeota will la a Junior at the university, where tor, and Mrs. EMward Lally of night at 7 in the basement room St., has returned fr6m a two-week St.; or. Mrs. Marion Keegan, 48 School S t, may be CMiticted for 8 ; W w n ^ after the maeUa^. she la m ajoi^ g in biology and is a Hartford, state pianist, were guests at the old technical school. vacation in Miami Beach, Fla. Ardmore Rd. articles to be picked, up. Pope Meets MAIN ST., MANCHESTER Cuban Unrest PHONE MI 8-4128 ’ OPEN R ed Editor T sey to imiRSDAY Said Growing In P riv a te

V A 'n C A N CJITY ( A P ) - ^ j ' j tin* WA^Hli^GTON (AP) —^ slons and left Cuba to seek free­ Pope John X X n i unexpected­ dom abroad sinco the beginning of Becrstary of State D e^ Rusk this prssent regime would Indicate ly lummoned Soviet I^m ier said today there is growing that Cuba is not a satisfactory Khrushchev’s eon-in-Iaw to a discontent in Cubs and several place in which to live now. private audience today. They hundred thousand Cubans “ Our information is that several chatted for 18 minutes in the hundred thousands of these Cu­ have indicated they want to bans have indicated their desire pontiff’s library. flee Prime Minister Fidel Cas­ to leave the country if possible.’’ Alexei Adzhubei, who calls him­ DOUBLE tro’s regime. Rusk epoke in a recorded radio self a confirmed atheist, was ac­ Dam Burst, DAY “ The aconomla aituatlaa la Interview for an A F L d O pro­ companied by his wife, Rada, grim,” Rusk aald. “ There U avl- gram. dressed in black and wearing no dence of great and growing dis- He did not outline what specific makeup. Boiler Blast liiii; ecntent on that Island. further stepe might be taken It was the first meeting of a THURSDAY “ The tact that a couple of hun­ against Castro, beyond those al­ Roman Catholic pontiff and a lead­ dreds of thousands of CMbsns have ready disclosed—Buch ss Joint ac­ ing figure from the Communist GREEN tion with- other American repub­ S<^et Union. Adzhubei is .editor nvc given up all their material posses- Claims Five lics to 'cut down on subversion of the Soviet government paper, emanating from Cuba. IzvesUa. FRIDAY It was not learned what the Governor John N. Dempfley “ There is no question whatever Pope and the Adzhubeis talked GOP Leaders in my mind that the Cuban people canceled all appointments to­ about. Vatican custom Is not to day to go to flood-stricken will again be free,” he said. “ But disclose details of the Pope’s con­ we cannot be precise today about versations to private audiences. Norwich to determine what SATURDAY STAMPS To Spell Out Just how and when this wUl come But a Vatican source said the hdp the state could give to with all cash purchases about.” meeting was informal. Hs said the the city. Five persons perish­ Cost Cut Plan Rusk did not disclose ths basis Pope greeted the Adzhubeis at the ed and one is missing after a for his information that several door of the library and Adzhubei hundred thousand Cubans have in­ bowed his head and shook hands br(dcen da4ti tu m ^ flood WASHmaiON (AP) — House dicated they want to leave. De­ 'With the Pope. They then sat in waters- on a deadly RepuhUcaa leaders said today parture from Cuba has become In- chairs placed informally in a path through th)^ center of creuingly difficult as the Castro LIMITED TIME ONLY! 4-PIECE KING SIZE tiiey are accepting President' Ken­ comer of the room, rather ftian at the business distHct last NYLON TRICOT regime has tightened Its controls. the pontiff’s desk. nedy’s. challenge to spell out the Some Cubans have managed to - ’The Adzhubeis had come to the night. ' ^ SALE! places where uiey would cut hil- get exit permits, while others have Vatican along with 70 other news­ The water roared from a 15^bcra TV TRAY TABLES Ucna from his $B8.8 bilHon budget. men for a general audience in lake tm a hill overlooking the city..^ liiiH REVERE WARE “ We’U give them a blU of par­ (Oonttnoed o* Page Twelve) which the 81-year-o1d Roman (Cath­ and swept into a cord-maniifactur- '' ticulars when the time comes,’’ olic leader received the $51,000 ing plant, setting off a boiler ax- plosion. extra deep reg. 8.99 said GOP Leader Clharles A; Hal- Balzan Peace prize. There had i i i leck of Indiana, “ and we’U be re­ been no previous indication Adzhu Four workers on the night shift sponsible about it.” were killed. One wing of the three- SLIPS 2 ^ a r t Senate Probes bel would be granted the private Rep, Frank T. Bow of Ohio, audience. story building was demolished. head o f a Republican task force Pope John said the prize— Another worker is missing, stato reg. 3.99 on budget cutting, sidd the de­ Zuckert Memo praised by Premier Khrushchev— police said. tailed proposals for reduced honored the "constant action of Margaret Moody, a mother SAUCEPAN spending are already in the hands the Roman Catholic (Church and whose husband and three sons M the Republican members best On Boeing Bid the papacy for peace.” Popes and made their way to a rooftop from iHlii 4.99 placed to use them—the senior the Church, he said, were able to their overtumto car was canded reg. 8.25 minority members of the various away by the waters. Her body was WA8HINOTON (AP)—A Senate re co v e i^ today. 1 • this and 8 other patterns subcommittees considering appro^ (Oontlniied on Pago Nineteen) m to choose from DRESS STYLES prlatlons bills. investigator contends Secretary of ” 1 thought my wife was behind Kennedy, who defended what he the Air Force Ei^ene M. Zuckert us all the time,” Thomas Moody called his hard budget at his said. ” I don’t know what happened in worsted wool understsited by $29.0 million the :::iU 2.59 news conference Wednesday, also to her.” came in for some Republican amount the government stood to State News The roof collapsed. Moody said, 3.87 criticism for his latest statement save if it awarded the Boeing Co. and he put the boys—Thomas, 4; reg. to 17.99 on tax reduction and tax revision. a contract to develop the new Jamee, 4, and Shawn, 10 months— “They seem to blow hot and TFX warplane. into a tree to keep them out of the 2 for 5.00 cold,” Halleck commented. And, according to the Senate Roundup water. They were rescued after Rep. Thomas (Jurtls of Missouri, Investigations subcommittee, this about two hours. a member of the tax-writing Ways brings to a total of about $61 mil­ llie Moody boys and tiuree wom­ and Means Committee, said it lion the extent of apparent errors ThSolk toe blocks, esiiTied a half mile by flood waiters, choke a Rescue -workers extricate the body of one of five persona kiUed en who were rescued from the de- • proportioned sizes looks as though there are two Z ^ kert in eq u a tin g the (X)P Chiefs Shun NorwiOh street. A 30-fooit-hdgh dam ki a park ooUapeed, re­ when the Turner Stoniton Twine Mills collapsed under pressure mrilriied plant were hoepltalized. 11.90 grMQw in the admlHlstratlon tog­ t e. leasing a wall of weitM' Mto the oity< (AP Pbotofiax). of flood waters from a burst Norwich dam. (AP Fhotofax). The dam, a rock and earth ging the President in different Although Boeing was the low Bill to Aid NHRR structure 90 feet high, gave way • completely carefree wash and direotiens. bidder, the contract was given to about 0:80 p.m. The water covered wear Statements by Kennedy, 8ecre- the Qeneral Dynamics Ootp., of the mile to the downtown area to 2 for 21.00 tary of the 'S ciu S ^ ^ Dougliu DU- Fort Worth, Tex., and the Investl,'' HARTFORiD (AP)—R^bUcaa about 80 minutes. les> and others have a ^ : ^ that gations subcomihlttee is trying to- iqgialativa laaderS) aaylog _they K was about two and one-half • extra shadowproof panel an 4arly tax redaction is"deslrabls determine if favoritism playsd don’t think a trt-«tats transportar haurs befbra ft Mcedod^ toaaMf^'gri' • perma set crease And that H wotdd be best earrlsd any part in the award. Hon oommisrion la the answor to thin coating of mUd. eat in eonneetlon with revisions to the New Haven Railroad’s prob­ Many persons said they slept • plain or pleated fronts At issue Wednesday were asti- • perfect fit lems, have decided to take no im- through the night without knowing (Oeaftnaed on Page Itebs) (Contlnned on Page nine) mediaite action on a MU oreatlng what had struck the eastern (Con­ • olive, charcoal brown, oxford, black one. necticut city of 40,000. "We think the next appeopcisto City Health Officer Lewis Bears • white, 32 to 44 • waist sizes 29 to 50 step is probably for a responalb)e ordered typhoid serum and sug­ legislative group to sH down and gested timt residents take the • free alterations by our own tailors talk turkey with the trustees of shots as a precautionary meas- British Legislator Says the railro^,’’ House Speaker J. mre. Tyler Patterson Jr., R-Old Lyme, AU schools in the city were FAMOUS IMPERIAL MEASURED LENGTH MEN'S F4lMOUS l o n g SLEEVE MEN'S PURE IRISH LINEN said yesterday. . oiosed today. .As a ’ health meas­ CHARM HOUSE OAS Plans to Kill Her The legislative leadeni an­ ure, downtown merchants were BED PILLOWS nounced their poelUon after the permitted only to clean their SEAMLESS NYLONS PERCALE SPORT SHIRTS Senate Conservation Committee stores, but not to do any-selling. 100% DACRON FILLED HANDKERCHIEFS Harold Wall, public works £ - with rosebud ticking By ANTHONT RmTB ( A government spokesman de­ gave the MU a favorable report. LONDON (AP)-Scotland Yard Patterson eald they hoped Dem- rector, said there was no suspi­ compare to 1.15 0 SHEETS and CASES reg. 5.00 and 5.95 clined any more comment on the cion that the dam was weEd e silky smooth, fine hmvy French 'accent: squad) less efficient than Pano­ of three States and gi'ves us the at Hrflister yesterday, where several motorista were (Herald photo by Satemis.) “ You are on the OAS. (Secret rama in the locating of ex-patroits dent Kennedy, was reported to­ WINTER COATS combed reg. to 14.99 neceesary machinery for the ao- day to have decided to appoin$ • orlon acrylic and Army) list, and you have ' not wlioM .stock in trade is poUtlcat tton demanded by so msny people S 94% upland cotton, e solid navy, brown, black Undersecretary a t State (jMrga plain or fur trimmed re^ to 29.99 s all wool, cottons all wool much longer to live.” assassination.” during thle session o f the General 1 6% pima cotton “ I am convinced this vras tio Pimoriuna is the weekly BBC Rain and Snow O. McGhee, 51, as ambaasador to s ankle and longer lengths • cardigan and pullovers Assembly." Germany. McGhee would suc­ • 34 to 40 hoax—the man was definliety pirograni that interviewed Bidault. Alt Albany, N. T., a spokesman Waters Recede in Ohio Basin junior and misses’ sizes new elaaticized ends‘^ s lOVi to 13 ceed Ambassador Walter 01 Vz PRICE and LESS! s 2nd floor—sportswear fVench,” said Miss Bacon. “ I The Omadltui Broadcasting 4.88 fw Gov. Nelson A. RoOkefeUer Dowling who Is ill with a kidney Mug off at once and phoned Scot­ Corporation tele-yised excerpts Flood Roads, ailmtoit. Dowling ia under medi- land Yard.” from the Bidault Interview and (Ocmtlnaed so Page Twelve) By THE ASBodlATED PRESS Aabove 60 feet, which is expected^Firemen rescued 14 persons from Afterward there was another the French ambassador to (Can­ The threat of further major Sunday. Tributaries of the Ohio a nursing home on a partly flood­ cal treatment In New Yoik. DETECTO ROYAL QUEEN CASUAL telephone call, “ but when I took ada, Raymond Bosquet, issued a Cellars, Here flooding appeared lessening in the In the Cincinnati area are reced­ ed island between Clark’a Ferry Corning Ware ^ the receiver nobody spoke at statement saying he was “ pro- hard hit Ohio River Basin Region ing. and Amity Hall after a leak waq ABKS SILENCE OllR FAMOUS WASHINGTON (AP) — Tlie toe other end.” foimdly shocked.” Portions also Hea-vy rainfah and meltin|g snow today but heavy rains in several O>nditions in central Ohio also discovered in a large gasoline Scotland Yard put a guard out­ were shown in the United States, eastern and southern states in­ were reported improving. Flood tank. Ice jams along the Juniata chairman o f . tiie House Defense 111 PROPORTIONED LENGTH flooded nearly siU eectiohs m Man- AppropriatlonB subconunlttoe ride the door of Miss Bacon's but the tele'vlslon corporations News Tidbits cheeter yesterday, stalling oani creased the danger of overflows. waters were reported going down River in central Pennsylvania SPECIAL BATHROOM London apartmmt. there are private corporations, Flood waters in five states have sipwly In Athens, a city of 16,470 caused major flooding in lowland today denuuided an end to whnt fron the AP Wireg and forchig reridents to ball out areas from Newjwrt to Clark's he said ie "outrageous and intol- The poUticsl furor continued v ^ e the BBC an d. the CBC are their basements in the hard-hit been blamed for 12 deaths, includ­ in the southeastern part of the TOR-MAN qverver tthe taqied interview with K - Ferry. eraMe” damage to the UJ8. In- public agencies although indepen­ areas. ing four in Ohio, 8 in West Vir­ state which has been isolated oault. dent ginia, 2 each in Indiana and South since Tuesday j night by overflows The Ohio River, which reached teiilgenoe effort from too mnoh Smoking aimarently has no Both file departments^ the de­ t a l k ^ about it. In a Housn.. partment of public wprka, and the Carolina and 1 in Tennessee. from the Hocking River. 37.7 feet at Wheeling, W.Va., near­ oonneotfon 'wltli toroat oanoer, said In Pennsylvania, about 150 fami­ ly two feet above flood stage, was speech. Rep. George Mahon, O- SCALES St. Louis cancer specialist Dr. Jo­ highway department worked until As rivers and streams in the Tex., said too many people, la DRESS SAUCEPAN lies were evacuated from Dun- expected to crest at 42.5 feet, six V midnight pumping cellar.s and major flood belt of West Virginia, *Sleep, Boyg» Sleep* seph A. Ogura. . .Judy Garland cannon, a town of about 2,QOO above flood stage in Parkersburg. (Tongrees and in the executtva m reg. 5.99 and 7.99 oheered p t world premiere of her backyeuda and sandbagging to Ohio, Indiana and Pennaylvadia briuich of govemmeht, have been stave off the rising water. . The continued to recede, some faiml- population which was declared a However, Parkersbiu-g, a city of flrat movie singing rMc in eight state of emergency by the mayor. talking piibUoly about "mntteqi departments are still pumping to­ Ues returned to their homes. But 45,000, is mostly protected by a yean in London. . .Faculty bows flood wall as are the downstream which should only be dlsoussed SHIRTS SET Sleeping Students Learn More^ to demands of striking srchitectuiv day to finish clearing out Eu-eas thousands still remained home­ less. The Red Cross said that 'iii West Virginia cities of Point behind oiosed doors." al students at the University of Which were not critical enough to -t- pump OLtt last night. ' the Ohio River Basin alone some Germany Endorses Pleasant and Himlington. No ma­ Milan, for harder elasswork. . . jor damage was expected; BTEREOTYPERS IN STBIKK compare 4.2^, 5.00 Say Italians in Hypnosis Test Oongreas urged to repeal law re­ Chief W. CCUfford Maa(M) o f the 12,000 persons have been affected NEW YORK (AP)-^Looal 1 of Town Fire Department ' reports by the late winter flooding. Residents of lowlands along the quiring radio and TV stations to U.S. N-Fleet Plan Mississippi River in the-Memphis the A FLOIO Stoieotypers Un­ 3.99 I ------^ve equal time to opposing politi­ that one basement was pumped for High waters also have Mt areas ion hns Joined printers and mnll- area braced for high water but no BBROAMOi Bair i h T ) — six hours, but the -water -was "com ­ in Maryland,, the Catolinaa and After a few minutes ths boys cal candidates, by president of Na­ BONN, Germany (AP)—Defense -major or widespread overflows ers unions In striking agnhasl e 80% wool, 20% dacron gftor day, 80 ecboolbays here are began oronstog their arms on the tional Aasodation of Bnadaasten, ing in so fast We couldn’t stop it.' Tennessee and minor flooding waa Minister Kai-Uwe yon Hassel four 'New York newspapers.-In talked into sleeping in class. Their It was piunped down below three reported in sections of Maine, were indicated immediately. desks, lowering their heads and Leroy (Collins. . .Father and four strongly endorsed the U.S. plan ■ In North Carolina, where near­ addition to the four townpapeta e Borne fully lined !i toaobers nay they seem to learn sinking into sound sleep. of his children bum to death .qs feet but rose again rapidly. Kentucky and Southern Illinois. for a nuclear-armed surface fleet closed by strikes, four other !> n ore tiiat way. Sandbags stashed against cel­ Property damage in the ' flood ly five inches of rain drenched Then came the recorded lesson. Are sweeps their home in New for the North Atlantic Treaty Or­ Rosman in a 24-hour "Ijeriod, some newspapers retnnlned closed vol­ e solids, plaids, checks in A "learning through hypnosla” When it was over there was an­ Jersey. . .Prmvda oounton latest lar windows and in dijveways help­ zones was . estimated in the mil­ 2.99 ganization today but said the mat­ rivers passed flood stage. untarily. Mayor Robert F. Wag­ snpsclment is under way at Ban ed divert some of the water to pre­ lions of dollars. The floods have other BelUnl message: “ Wake up arguments from (Communist China ter, of coats must be decided. ner, mediator to the 8fl-day-«M Vlncenao’s, a Roman CatfaoUc now, boys, wake iq>.” fistin g peaceful coexlatenoe vent . pumping, but seme home- forced the closing of schools and Outside the flood sections, light boarding oehori to tots north Ths boys ya'wnsd, stretched and with capitalism is correct and his­ owners r^xirted two to three feet factories ia msuiy areas. Hun­ Livingston^ Merchant, President snow and flurries continued in the dispute, trid newsmen he wooM Italian ofty. straightened tq>. ‘ tory proves it. .Or. Robert Ed­ of water in their basements. dreds of roads were Impaaaable Kennedy’s special envoy ex­ northern Rockies, northern Plains, Inform botti sides todi^r at hto 3 for 8.75 reooeders niaeed on agoh The teacher ehose boys' at ran­ win Oomlsli, biochemist who gain­ CCom^alnts were received by oil and buB and train service was plained the plan to West German the Upper Misalsslppl Valley next stop. rega5.99 boy's dsali ars swnetasd oo. aa tba dom and ariced what they had ed national attention in 1930s by oompanlea today o f water in beme- delayed or halted. officiala Wednesday. He said ‘ the Great Lakes region and the North Isssm begins. The teacher gives laamsd. apparently bringing dead .dogs inent oil burners. Raiiw diminished to traces - in Germans would" have to spend Atlantic Coast states. A S K 18 BDJUION' OU T • wash and wear feds lecture. The ejQNulmmters r m rte d that back to Ufe, dies. . .Neri data Ernest Tureck, superintendent most of the m ajor'flood belt but well beyond their present plans if The snowstorm which hit New WASHINGTON (AP) — §«$, they wanted to join the nuclear York State Wednesday dozed A. Willis Bobsrtoon, D-Va, white broadcloth reg. 14.95 In one Uterature class, tas read each boy caUed on, b r i^ t and fnxn rix satellites to be rdvealed o f the highway department, said heavy rains and thunderstorma A poein and explained fts eignifl- slow students alike, recued the next week. . .Rep. Ancher Nelsen the biggest trouble was the fact pounded coastal ' areas of the force. I ’ roads in some areas in western urged today that Oongtass am and oxford sections. Winds up to6 5 miles per 86 bUUon from Freshlmt Ks»«i I •anee^and component themes. poem without missing a word and suggests how Democrat leadership that ths portable pumps cannot North and Middle Atlantic States Von Hasael made no mention of The boys, all to toslr sari^. explained to 'detail the meaning of of m House can rednee Presl- pump water below three Inches. Wednesday. Damaging winds this at a news conference, but hoim pounded Ruffalo. In Syracuse nedy*s 68JA-bUSa« hudgst. Onito> • neat stripes MPWf NtMattariisd aarphonss and the poetry. deal KmaeftFb 198 BriWaa bodget. Homes with about one Inch in lashed some areas. Strong Mrinda, estimated the international fleet the storm disrupted power lines, Wednsritoy Ki— sdy aaOad mi'' played toatbs tapes back. F Im earns Bebool otfleiala said It is sUU •ntesls on divlna ravsUtion their basements had to bq left. rain and snow hammered. New would coat about $5 billion to television transmission and tele­ budget a ' hard one and afenis' • collar styles: 3.99 A formula' siwied by Bri- too early for d s f^ to ooncluaiona. wtakli dlftdM last fril’a Roman There were seyeral waahouta York State. ^ build, spread over a period of lO phone service. Three traffic deaths langsd RapuUlaan arlttaa 9p tptE ' modified spread with high quality in i. 48. A hypaotlst But they aald ths boys are learn­ OaOsOMc E w nantoat OouncU n - In .roads'which are being repeiired In Cincinnati, the Ohio River, years. Ha said how these costs are were attributed to the stormy out whet* they would sot permanent stays, 12.88 'Oas, two, three sleep, boys, ing faster and more thoroug^y, viidft Mid -new draft approved by today, but no sccldenta or injuries passed the flood stage of 52 feet to be divided still is under dis­ weather in the state, sonmtblBg HouM GOP b Up to eight Inches of snow fell said they would do In dna button downs, snap tab rissp.. Four, five, six—relax, Mem quieter and more relaxN apeoiq) doBunlsaion . . united 'leported; A car stalled on Autumn Wednesday night and officials cussion. consistently accurate rria x Beven, eight, nine—rieep, during other / olaasroom seeslone, toatMl' .B b in es. Jaiian that ft haa Bt., but police towed it out Imme- lanhed to put ^up floodgates. Buqh -a fleet - would -give the in Michigan, mostly in northern Bobertoan, In n ^ .-.-W famous freeze, cook and Bouthwestern airMS. Th* apeaeh, want ' • sizes 14 to 17 aow rieep,'^rou^m ris^||^,” the end Appear to maater their lae- flMMd iiftWUe aatoBHs taacldag dlatojb^, aald 'Tureck Slowever, no unmediate danger of Weat Oarmana a riuura in thB uae and serve" ware! magnified dial sons ndher gbaa to absorb tosM riallnaritola tiadialla aad w w floodiiig waa tadioated aa damaga out whaao ha ewd«wto*F8M to oriF aainar'«nttl tbs ilvsr goes i . Ir

‘ ■ » . -If.,

i&v'?' M - -u^sr O f i a ' mptpm MS; 1^9