
FALL YOU I A f f l k A newV season for l l hhealth ( and style. Nevada N Ih four-Ot wliwin;' I llll II I mil Y.A4 I I ______^ ______SPORTS.!rs.B l __

Good Morning - r r \ ^ MONDAY Low 42 October 15,2007 Sunny and mikl. 75 cents O0t8QcB4 im ( WS ll ------“ Ma^Vakyxom rr-n IBLIC LAND MANAGEMENT M T ATRIEE FOB^ d a l eEMIUM C(k)ngFesss weighs\ ildemes»sbiU

the bill and accuse Easternm posal m ay affect politicians of meddling Infn Western affairs. n e a rirly l; 1 0 m i l l i o n Sen. Max Baucus, D-Monl..I.. has opposed die bill in thele 5S i n I d a h o pa;past. Barrett Kaiser, Baucus's' spokesman,sp« said the senator3r rerremains opposed to peoplele BrMattCttClrtsteBsea from fro die East Coast dictating Tlme»Wet-Wewi writer______public pu land management in McMontana. controversialcoi bill that Rep. 1 Denny Rehberg, R-I- I designate millions of Mont., Mc also opposes NREPA.\. I Idaho> 1 acres as wilderness Sweeping Sw measures oul ofJf areas will be discussed Washington Wa are not die best5t Thursdaiday by a congressional way wa; to manage public lands,S, subcomiimmiltee. he lie said In an e-mail. Nearlyirly 10 million acrcs In Idaho 1< politidans have beenn centralal and nordiern Idalio, relatively reli quiet on the propos­s- and aboiboul 13 million acres in al, al, perhaps bccause severalli I. odier UWestern stales, could have ha> iniroduced wilderness•S becomene protected wildemess plans pla of dieir own. Rep. Mike;e A areas uunder the Nordiern Simpson Sin and Sen. Mike Crapo,3, K Rocklcsos Ecosystem Protecdon bodi bot Idaho Republicans, havee K k Act, proproposed legislation near* sponsored spc wilderness billsIs E . ly yea/ears in die making. The Uiat tiia have recendy stalled. act ould closc most of the Simpson’s S bill, the Centralll wlldemcmess areas to motorized Idaho Idal Economic Development limitlln timber harvest and and anc Recreation Act, remainsIS ' mininglg and call for the controversial. cor It proposes to0 rem o\^i^ of 6,000 roads. give glvi some federal lands to0 NRFP/2PA. which has wide coundes cou and ddes for eco­I- Sindy Hiebado, left, tn b n c H Kay MIBer rt a dtdkttlM MfMMivny SSo^ay noniini at Imraacuiate Cence)nceptloa dinitli In Buia. HadwlTtabtiped erpnin a bipariisslisan support, is co- nomic not development, keepp am oM fer IOPtf% too, Dtle, iriKMm(k body » u fomd In a TMfl FaB*aBtfaraieSapL U . . sponsorcored by 114 rcpresenta- many mai areas open to die timber;r tives ancand is being carried by and and mining industries and cre­ Carolyn Maloney, D- ate ate permanent areas forir York, and Christopher motorized mo recreation. Youth grou]Lip dedicates;s memorial[to t slaying V]/ictim S.i, R-Conn. Many Western lawmakeikers, however, oppose Please see LANDS, Page A33 ByMeBsuDsvtio "it’s such1 a Ibeautiful gesture, iust beau-• Ing. intelligent young miman who was Ttme»Ntw* QOW—pondent______aful,*saidPc{P c ^ Lemmons, Dule'tgrand-- always laughing and- wholo met people mother. witli a hug Instead of a handshake.hc He _ BUML — Kny Miller stlU11] s:smiles when Tlie groupup had already planned thec loved cartoons, video gamimes and board C811incer rate low for nanative Americans she talks about h er son Dole.lie. garden as a icommunity scr\'ice projectI games. Anewow study roports ovoraU concor IncMncMortco is kwor lor Arrwrican "He loved people. Hc; lovedIc doing before Dale'se's ideath, said &mdy Machado,I, Hc had a soft spot for oranimals, Peggy Indianan and Atoskan notlvos thon amongong other races In mo U.S. things for somebody else,’Ise," she said, the organlzciIzer of Life Teens, llie niglitt said, and often rescued anlrlimalsinneed. d m t rato p«r 100,000 poopio foror alall titot. 2000K)4 'Anything that needed helpeip — he was beforc theyty s started working on It, thes 'H e Just had dull kindI cof hean," she 297 there." group heardird about Dale's death. ’Iliey/ said. Amorinortoin ImJlaiVAIasko natlvo J 5M H M 243 She said she wishes people)ple could look decided toI plantpl a Uce In the middle off Kay said she still strugglesles. AsiorVPodflc islandor ■ ■m ■ m■ m m m m 338 post the drcunisianccs of[ hi:his deatli and the garden1 to honor Dale, wiio hnd beenI "Today, right now, I’m doioing good.'she mm mmm 270 get to know the real Dale,e, whosev body acdvcly involvolved in Ufe Teens t\vo yearss said. 'Ibn minutes from no\low, I might not ^ — — — M e n H BJocKSSS■■■■■■■■1384 was found in a barrel Sept.It. 112 in a TWin before. be.” Falls garage. 'W ejustwwanted a to do something in his5 John Henry McEliiincy’ aand Cameron omon H H HtopAnIc liis Tamlly was able to temi:mporariiy for- honor in the cenier (of the garden),”' Watts arc both chargcd widid ) first-degree Kpn-Hlsponlc 5 J 5 S get the grim details of hfsI dcdcadi Sunday Machado said«ild. The garden will eventual-• kidnapping and nrst*degrcjrec murder in morning at Immaculatee Conception( ly have a statitatue of the Virgin Mary and a1 Miller's death. Autopsy resusuits are pend- Whilo J 5 5■ J i".' ' . . . ^ Church In Buhl. urc'H icns,i, a lii^I i school plaque wldih Dale’sE nam e on it s’o people; ing. s6uRCE:A AP ___ w u tli group, planted a honeyney locust tree wiii remembeiberhis family when they pray, Her son mode mistakes.>. ]Kay said, but______In Dale’s honor In a gardenen beiiind tiie she said, that doesn't changc how mnu i ch she loves y - i church. After the morningg churchcJ serv- After thele ccremony, Dale’s familyr him. ‘He was human. He3 hadI his good I O t 1 ice. Dale's family gathered1 wlwldi die con- exchanged mimemories of him with smiles> points] and his bad points,i, Ibut the good . . V J Uincer l deathh rates are grcgatJon for a dedication ccnccremony. and tears. TlitTliey described him as a car- >definitely outweiglic^ the bad."bt — MUing fastenf than ever

a a N w iu n l 'io. No. 2 canccr killer, deadis am! Council t(to review ddecision orinsubdlvission ^ itod Press writer______dro[Iropping faster Ior colorectalI cam:ancer than for any otherr Byiv«iS.Hopkin upheld a Planningg ond die proposal. Then,n, i on that Smith, an engineer ci at WASHlIHINGTON — Good malinaiignancy by almost 5i Tlroe»Kawt witter ' Zoning Commission didenial night, they couldd r m ake a lUedcsei Englneeeering. news onon the cancer front: perclercent a year , among menI for Umbcrlake Village! SiSubdi- decision, 'A movie theleater is still Death rates r ore dropping ind and 4.5 percent among! The law of ihc land1 Is vision on nearly fivee iacres City Attorney;y Fritz kind of up in diiihe oir,” Smldi foster handiai ever, thanks to new wonvomen. sometimes as confusing; as soudi ofMarie Street andmd east Wonderlich saidId such said.'He’s got to;o split die par- progressss ogabisi colorectal O Oi ne reoson Is thot colorec- the land itself. . , ■ and-w est-of die 100 to 200 appeals typically / I happen cel Into two pleoeces, and then cancer. talai cancer< Is striking fewer The IWln inside1 blocks of McadowviewLV Lone, about once a year. he’s going to flgiu^ it o u t" A turnimlng point came In peojleople. the report found. ... The vote was 3-3. Odier Items on dieihe agenda The City CouncndlineetsatS 2002, scientists s< condude New4ew diagnoses are downI Sincii S A complete Councilm an Don Hallall wos includc consideraiioilion of a p.m. at 305 Thrh ird Ave. E. M ondayly in 1 the armuol 'Report rou{o u ^ y 2.5 percent a year for dcclde lonlghl schedule' olOf absent Those who upupheld conveyance piat — -di the split- Meetings are o;open to the to the! Nation" ( on cancer, botlloth men and women, whether h this week'sk'S the earlier decision1 citedi ling of property Ininto two public. Betvreen:Ul 2002 and 2004, deadi diarhanks to screening t|^sts that: government concern uriih parkingng and pieces — of about 13131 acrcs at At 6 p.m. thee council will rates droptopped by an average of canian spot precanccrous polyps safety at the proposed1 ajapart- the northwest concorner of hold a publicc hearing to 2.1 percercentayear. in d -"““""es. n dmc to remove them andI * * ment complex, whichch was Madrona Street Nor^orth and increase the punimch-cardraie That mayn not sound like thushus prevent canccr from, nary plat after pmg^Ao2 expected to be subsidsidlzed Cheney Drive. from $100 to S12!25atdiedt/s much, butbu beiween 1993 and fomormlng. th e developers housing. The developer. Byro;yronKludi Municipal Golf Course.C 2001, dealleadis rates dropped on Sdll. Stl only about half die peo- appealed a decisioa madeide The developer wantmis to of Montana, is undundecided At 3:30 p.m.m. the City averageB 1.11. percent a y ^ . ile pie who need screening — earlier this month, becauseuse give it anodier go, accorcording about whedier he I wiwants lo C oundl will hoilold a special The bigbig changc was a two- cvcrvcryone over age 50 ~ gets. one councilman was absentent to a staff report ll's a two- develop the land or>r s< sell it A meedng to discuss d the prongedd gain{ a^inst colorec- chechecked. for the vote. step proceiis; TonightIt they movie theater remain]ainsa pos- 'nansporiadon MasterN Plan. tal cancerM t. On Oct 1, the Qty Counciiicii could set a date to recontonsider slbility, accordingg to Val It is open lo the! public.p I Whileeit it remains die nadon's Please PI see CANCCR, Page AS / Critics says{ ConAgraa Foods misishandledpoOt pie recall andoqiosedalia key weakness in alert TUeauesday afternoon and The Th recall, which also I wttar thenadonlsrooiK>d safety system: asked stostores nadonwlde to induidudes beef pot pics to avoid 6 — I ------:— voluntary recalla lli'/ stopselUmUng Banquet and store- confonfiislon. affects all varledes 4 '. OMAHA.Neb.-C-Cridcs say "IA dear diatlattblsrecallwas* brand dilidilcken and turkey pot soklDid under the store brands 4 ConAgra Food* Ioc.li3c.1i delay In n't well haQdletled. and die out- pies, butItt idie com pany didn't AlbeiIbensonli, HUi Counny Fare, 3 : recalling Mt'-plesI llidced lir to a ' break m ay weiveU grow," said recall dwlie pies untO T hunday Fbodood UoQ, GreatVUue (sold at naiion^^ae salmonilonella out* Caroline Smithth DeWuL direc* evening.'i. The company and Wal-:ral-Mart stores), Kirkwood, '2,';.; break Increaaed Uwdie chance toroTdteCenteIter for Sdence ih federal olofficials w arned cus- Krogroger, Meljer and Westem .1' . ' that more peopleiple would thePublicInlenerestS food safety tometanon ot to eat the p ot pies Famiuoily. become sick. opene

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■ , v TkN»«m,MiFiai,Uib<* A2 Me^0dikvis,2007

T ODAY'S FORECAa s T ______\"\\ I I \ \ \ ^ ! \ iU/k0uir Morn4ING] Today TtTtonlght TUesdsday 1 .^ 1 , # S.# t 5'I^ ■ Ono mofo sunny FairOir 10li cloar skios IncomingI BM m flay. T O D A Y IN^ HI IS T O R Y H igh 71 LoLow 42 60 / < kind between vice-presi- pleaded pi guilty In New York in ' ^ Today U Momlonday, Oct. 15, first comm'mcrclal fli^t across its kir the biotech company's Insiderler (hc 288th day^ of 2007. There the Atlantictic. dentiaitial nominees, Democrat, th Iter F. Mondale and trading tn scandal. (He was laterler ^ H | H Dxc 77 days leftIt Inin the year. In 193937, the Ernest Waltei sentenced to more than sevenen /ay novel "To Have Hepublubllcan Bob Dole faced ofi" se Today's ■ Hl{Highlight In Hemlngwa; years in prison.) Iraqis turnedcd Today: Scattered clouds.i. KHighs, upper 60s, ! Not" was first pub- In Hlouston. ot History: and Hove ^ out for a national referendumim T onight: Partly cloudy. LowLows, upper 30s. • In1 2003,: 11 people were 01 On Ocl. 15.5. 1917, Dutch lished. on whether Saddam Hussein!ln Tomorrow: Increasing clou(louds wilh a few shov/ors movini cd when a Staten Island or ^‘"9 danccr Mota HaI lari, convictcd In 1945,i, tliet form er prem ier killed should remain tlielr president:nt 3s. France, Pierre i-aval. ferryy slammed s into a mainte- sh Ihfough. Highs, lower 60s. o f spying for thcChc Germans, was of Vichy, Fr for another seven years;rs: cxccutcd by a FrcnchI firing wascxecuujted for treason. nanccice pier. cn years ago: British Royal SaddamSe won wilh a reporteded > B 4 squad outside: Pa:Paris.. In 1946,5, Nazi war criminal Ten 100 pcrccnt of thc votes cast.I. Complete weathcther report See page E I Goerlng fatally poi- Air Forcc Fc pilot Andy Green 1C On this date:K Hermann C One year ago: A strongng nself hours before hc tvrice:e drove i a jet-powered car In 1860, ll-yel-ycor-old Grace soned hlms earthquake struck the Big iVe been executed. in the thc Nevada desert faster ei »g Bedell of Westflelifleld. N.Y., wrote was to have Island of Hawaii damaging T ODAY'S HAPPENENINGS }, it was announced thann tiie d speed of sound, ofll- Is. ng a letter to presldssldendol candl- In 1964, buildings and roads. Thrccee let leader Nikita S. dallyly shattering thc world's bi dale Abrahamn ILincoln, sug- that Sovlei members of Duke University'sy's lev had been iand-sd-speed record. NASA’s m gcsilng hc couldluld improve his Khrushche lacrosse team appeared on3n eE u s i H ^ fromollice. . .. plutorlonlum-powcred Cassini la by growing a .removedfrt CBS’ ‘6 0 -M ln u t^’- to- deny "Dlscowr th e Trickt of tiwth< Trade," professional make- h peace demonscm- spaccccccra/f focketed flawlessly Cl ny MP In 1969. roping a woman who hadid artist Krista Embry sharesires beauty secrets and techniq'niques, , 9 , 4. u ;ed activities across towardard Saturn. Six scientists, ra the Clayton tors staged been hired to perform as a 7:30 p.m.. The Ballroom.n. J205 Shoshone St. N., TWinn Ffells, Antitrust Act wasvm signed into thc countrjtry, including a can* three•e of t them American, won bc )cl Prizes in chemistry and stripper sti (Collin Flnncrty, $9,420^893 for tickets.'ts.— law by PresldeiIdem Woodrow dlellghc march m around thc Nobel ty- ’slcsforceilularandatomlc Reade Rc Sellgmann and D a^did Wlison. W hite Hotouse, as part of a physic um against thc rescanjarch. i). (MDORGANgATMlHS In 1928, thc; GermanGi dirigi- m oratorlur Pope Benedict XVI named2d c m B M War. Fivelve years ago: ImClone Pc u,iii ‘’•c Graf ZeppeLpelin landed in ViemamWc four new saints. Tha Burlay Music Club monthlymo meeting, Shanan Astoston will u k ch u rst, N.I.,1., completingo its In 1976,, inii the first debate of Systenlems founder Sam Waksal fo direct her thlrd^rade studitudents in the peiformance of)f theirtl . , composition of the operaira '•Cinderella,’ noon, at the LDSLD Church, 5 3 0 Villa Ave., Heybum,He open to the public,,878- S: 7325 or 678-5482. T H IS W E EEKATCSI K MGOVERHMEHT WEEK Union 189.3. Evergnirgreen A25. A24.^ Twin Fails Coursty commisinissloners, 8:30 a.m., courthoLhouse, Je parento luncheon, noon, Huggla Hu Bears chapter, NarcoticaiS CSI library is openpen 7:30 a.ni. to CSI StudentntAmbassadorameet- Single 1 425 Shoshone St. N., 7364068.73( Shields 108. Studerdent Union 247. Anonymoua *i meeting, 7 p.m.. Cassia County commlssloisioners, 9 a.m.. courthouse, 141459 10 throug-h TlThursday; 7:30 lf>g.lp.m., Desert 113. Friday; and 10* ■ ' 'CSI. Waho StateSt NursM CSIPhi Phi Theta Kappa meeting. 0 a.m. to.6 p.m, Rlfl CSI Japanese Club meeting. 6:30}0 Overland. 878-7302. Saturd^ and ' ' ‘ AsaoclatJonoh meeting', 1 p.m.,. noon,:in. Student Unlor* 232. CS p.m.. Shields 106. Jeroma County commissioisioners, 9 a.m., courthouse,, 3003( N. ® ' Aspen 195.5 . . Middledie Snake Regional Water p. -HubNeVWon,-7p.m.: Lincoln, 644-2700. 3 Education CSI Ski andiid SnowbeanI Club Rasouiwuree Commission mayors *H , CSI Adult B nic Ed -Anthems of Ghoulish Delight- IWln Falls City Council., 3:303;: p.m., council cham bers,: 18 a.m. to 4:30 meeting, 1 p.m..1 Shields 106. meetlreting, 1 to 4 p.m., Taylor ‘f Canter is open 8 £ Halloween show. 8:15 p.m.; andid Third Ave. E., 735-7274.4. ay; 8 a.m. to 9:30 CSl Math ClubCli meeting, 4 p.m., 276.3. H; p.m., also iMday; { ‘Altrsgeous Rock,” 9:15 p.m., College of Southern IdahoIho Board, 5:30 p.m.. Studentnt UnionI p.m. Tuesday throihrough Thursday, Shields 20303. StyxI Narcotic Nl Anonymous meet- “J , 7 p.m.. Desert 113. i^ulkner Fe Planetarium. Room 248, Taylor AdminisInlstration building, 315 fellsi Ave..Av Meyertioeffor buildlulidina second CSl J a a Clullubjam, 5:30 p.m.. ' lng. 7 Herrett FOnim presents Or. 1Wln faWs, 732-6261. floor. Fine Arts lobby.lok The Ka: I tha Jungle' live rep- Eric: Smith, Si 'Detecting Nuclear SATURDAY Ketchum Ctty Council, 5:305:3 p.m.. City Hall. 480 E. Ave.Av« N.. CSI Tatting Cantarntarlsopen8 “MlnglaJntt I.m. through tile revue,, 6 p.m., Herrett Center Terroriirorism: Preventing the 726-3841. a.m. to 9:30 p.m. Internal Revenue Sarvlca and 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. rain forest.t. Unthinhlnkable at U.S. Borders,* . AARP ^ tax-alde volunteer train­ Hallay Planning and Zonjninlng Commission, 6:30 p.m.. ccourt- Thursday: and 8 a. Friday. MeyerhoefftMffer building sec- Idaho SmallIII Buslneu - 7:300 p.m., p Herrett Cenier, Rick ing, . 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.. Evergreenn house, 206 Rrst Ave. SS., .,: 788-5570. in Community Room (free and ,o w ond floor. • Davalopmarlent Center “Buying a Allen C 093. r p.m.. City Hall, 308 FltthAve. Qoodlng City Council, 7 p. CSI Hortlcutturaa ClClub com maze, Bualnau"• workshop,v 6 p.m., open)n to t' the public). Boy^ Scout leader training, all 934-5669. »i« 5 to 9 p.m.,north\jrthwest comer of Taylor 276.5. day. Shields building. Hansen School Board, 7 p.m.,p districl office. 550 Mainam, 42J- campus, through8hHallov«en($2 H “HubblaVUlilalon,“ 7 p.m.: THURSDAY Homa quilting and aawing openI 5158. for adults, $1 for sstudents). ‘Antbama. of0 Qhoullsh Delight' 10 Small J Buslnass house hc and workshops, 9 a.m. to0 Jeroma County Planningg CCommission, 7 p.m., courthoihouse, Halloween1 show,s 8:15 p.m.: and reiopment Center business 3 3p.m.. Evergreen atrium and 300 N. Uncoln, 324-9116L16. .... TODA)DAY -AHragaoutua Rock,* 9:15 p.m., ntoring luncheon. 11:30 rooms ro AOS and A06. Faulkner Pla Minidoka County School>1 Board,B 7 p.m., distrlcLofflce.:e.633— cs, oo|ijan,a«Iaa, 1., Desert 113. Twin Tw FSIIs Famiara Market, 9 .cSIAnlmaC.Club meeting. 7 p.m.. a.m. to 1 p.m.. North College Remont. Rupert. 5 3 ij4ttoi, 1 0 . ' • . !,'(uncheon/,nobhi TbTaylor 277. •, , Shields 208 10 Native Plant Society meet- a. Jeroma County PlaniiiltfrC .0 onvriM on. 7 -p'.m.,:courtlftiHoUie.'■ . ,c 8 iB o«4 W TrMti 08- ' • • J, « 7 p.m.. 7 Taylor 256. Road R< across from Eldon Evans mtaaa^meetingi 'ch l Alpha m.meeting. 8 pjn., ® Expo& Center. 300 N. Lincoln. 3 2 4 i l l 6 5:30 p.m.‘, StudanIdant U n io n ^ . student Unli Inlon second floor, Idaho Academy of Phyalclan Bliss School Board,;7:30|0 p.m.,'schoolf library, 6 0 1 EI City of Twin f tllsIla lTransportation jg^n Kllimu I* u te r art exhibit, Assistant, 10 a.m. to 2:30 Highway 30,352-4445. . Plan public meatirwtlng,7to9 Herrett Centmter Jean B. King CSlEqtEquestrian Team . p.m., Taylor 276. p.m., Student Union 248. Gallery (throirough Saturday). Intarci ‘The.5; Dinosaur Chronlclaa," 2 day.; EldonEl( Evans Expo Center p.m.: “Joumey to the Edge of HEftLTHTHAHD RECOVERY TUESDm i WVEDNESDAy l ough Sunday). Spaca e| and Tima" and a live sky rmouirtaln conference of f ' y College of Southern Idaho'iho’s Over 60 and Getting FHIt pro-p Harratt Cantar for. R^tonilTMlmlcI tour, 4 p.m.; ‘ HubUa VHlon,’ 71 „ AdvmwIRi gish ss a Second Language ' grams, a guided vralklnglg workoutw wiUi stretching andd gentleg Scianca is open>n 91309 a.m. to 9 Education C p.m.;‘Anthems of Qhoullsh '‘“ 'iSlS'"'"'- t.£h,chers. all ^lay, Taylor and t resistance training, 9 to0 101 a.m. at several Magic Vali/alley p-m., also Friday.sy- ■ lng, 6:45 a.i Delight* Halloween show, 8:15 ! Center. Collaja of Southart h a m i ^ a n d Regional »c^ ^erhoeffer buildings (through p.m.; and ‘Altragaoua Rock,* locations: CSI gym, Goodliodlng ISDB gym, Jerome Rec C( ordey). ^ Shoshone High (old gym),m), Rupert LDS church gym (tentempo- North Idaho Collaioiiagajolnt meeting. 99 a.m. { to 4 p.m., Taylor 9:15 p.m., ftulkner Planetarium.n. admlnlstnrtlonimaatlngs.allday, ma 277. :o Emergency Technology Maglchorda barbarahop concert,t, rary location), Blaine Counounty Campus Gym and Rier ninar, 8:30 e.m. to 12:30 7! -«i /*««_ all campus, inter for Arta and 7:30 p.m., Rne Arts Auditorium.1. Elementary; 10:30 to 11::Ll:30 a.m. at Buhl High School . . . . . Hairatt Cant 1., Canyon 101. ool (tem- CSl Nuraat Chflttlirlatlan fellowship, science iscs open 9:30 a.m. to ) porary location: LDS churclurch on Main); and 11:30 a.m. Is CIsrk College recniHIng noon, Taylor 258. 4:30p.m..«,. also Thursday.______------i2r30-p;mrat-GSI-Burley--2030. TWln TW Fills County commission- Shoup Ave. W. (west entraitrance), TWin fells, no cost, 25< ara, 8:30 a.m.,., COcourthouse, era. 8:30 a.m.,a. courthouse, Wendelidell School Board, 7 p.m., ara, «i 8:30 a.m„ courthouse, 4255 5676. 425 Shoshonei St. N.. 736- 425 Shoshcihone St. N., 736- high1 school si library, 750 E. Shoshone si SL N., 7364068. ■Abuso Is th e Training for.for Addiction," video training foi , 4068. 4068. Main.!in. 5366318. Sun su Valley Ctty CoencU, 3 p.m. anger and ccKfependency'icy management. Dr. Sharon CuCuster - ca tila County commlulonara,con Blaine Coumjnty commlaalonara, 9 Rierr City Cl Council, 7:30 p.m. City ci Hall,81Qkhom Road, 622-I facilitating, 6 p.m., MiracKacle valley Ministry Center. 213:13.Thlrd 9 a.m., courthousiouse, 1459 . a.m., courtJirthouse. 206 Rrst counciincil chambers. 300 Main, 4438.44 Ave. E., TWin fells, donatioatlons, 734-9603. . Overland. 878-73C•7302. Ave. S.. Halllalley, 788-5500. 326-5C5-5000. Mlnldoki Ml County Ptannlng and Recovery for Ufa: “FindI Help,H< Discover H^pe, Experlerrienca Jaroma County' coicommlsalonara, Jaroma CourKinty commissioners, ZonlngCommlaaton.4pjn.,2i Healing,” Includes Divorce>rce Care, Grief Share. Co a tvMM «««in N CominggtomoiTow house, 300 N.UnUncoln, 324- ••**-"ftiTrTiinii.ii.iiiriiiiirn 9 U e. la W fl...... TIMW ------he. I eiW ri el I* Lw w i. Pwedw iiMSw...... 2 J S PMMlNM^TMMeM.Oaeielttt Tim etoslilne MlnMeka CountytySelwol I Beard, * 2 2 1 2 5 ...... ir«MMM>MH...... m4e]i.Hi • Vk. 7 p.m„ distrtetI offofflca, 633 S i t rt j t m ...... nuMS 5 3 2 ...... in^ei] <1M, am Ce*. nwM« a iMH Me«NM Rremont, Rupert,rt, 531-4101,I fell brings out tree Blaine County eommltslenaca.eon 9 ■.MiMLMtfMlaUUtWMW- b ...... riMMI f*** MMe len BC n Sc StfclM M1.IMM true colors.. a.m., courthouse.tse. 206 Rrst »m m *amm k M lUOl \ Avt. Urwoln. 324-1124-9116. rntwlmm■HMiwirw...,t»MMr ' M eateheol Boardsard, 7:30 p.m., ■ ■ N « M «M IM M*W UO W. CM T u e sd a y inN IWNtlaiWWiMM school library, 6601 0 1 E. Highway Mm ...... nMSJi.«} IL mL Vol.102 , COUNTRY ROAIIADS 30.-3M4445. ^vtOMeHwv ...nstnr 'mMHMthMUMI m ....nnjir No. 288 ' K , 4 < 1 • ' TW>*iwv1WhFdh,iaB FROM PAGE ONEE______MoodiKOctolMrl5,2007 A3 X Cancer_ ___ Landds______cC ra ig to file ap ppeal e today over CarikndfrenpvAl among men, Certwedfcwapi■ m u defeatedd (unce, in 1994. and is i r improving faster an to w ithdraw pleai a “If we'rc seeing such:h igreat witli drops in dcat:cath rates of Simpson1 couldt not be likely tortI receive fierce opposi- judge’s J ^ Fefusd to Impact even at 50 p pci ercent 2.6 perccnl a yearar compared reached forr thisth story. tion fronsm special interests, screening rales, wc think thli it with 1.8 percentt oa year for Musiciann andai Suinlcy*aren includingng motorized users. HOISE I (Ai’) — Sen. Uirr>’ dniin ■ for a few'ni()nieni.s," siisiie could be much greaterer ifI wc women, resident CiriZaroie King, who ’niat’s no:iot fazing King, who Cniig Cn: says lie will ftlenn appealI lold NBC's Mall f.iuer. could get more of the popuia*po| • Lung cancerer explains opposes Simpson's Sim wilder- expecus didiebilltogetdiroiich ' today tod over a jiulge's refusal to1 Sen. Cmig lold l.juieril wasiisa tion tesietl." said Dr. Elizallzabeth much of the gendmder differ- ness plan, saidsale she’ll testify in Congnss.ss. . allow alk iiini lu iviiluiraw his. “loiigli call" not to leil anyonm e Ward of tlie American1 CanccrCo ence. Male death111 rates are favor of NRE'JREPA beforc die 'T herere i are people that sup- guilty gui plea siumniing fmin hisi alKiut the incident. “1 didndn’t Society, who co*wroteote the dropping aboul 2 percent a subcommitteelliee diis week to port the• wilderness who low arrest am in an aiqwrl haihmom1 want ' 10 enilKimiss my wifedfe. report with governmentcm sci- yearwhile'femalede death rates refute critics[cs oi f the bill who this bill I bbill say ll will never sex sex Sling. my : kids, Idaho and mmy entists. finally arc holdingsigsieadyafier say il woulr colonc down about one-ln•■half a per- “What I've beenbei trying to gel NREPA’A would designate Republican. Rej "I'w already pro- his 1 relationship willriih canccr. Tbday, there artare sbc cenfayear. across to pcopeople Is dial the witdernesless areas in Idaho, vided vid for idaiiii certainty llial itepuhlican I presidenti.il. canan* more, giving patients aI vavariety • New breasi carcancer diag- long-term economic cci health Washing!'gton. ' Oregon. Idaho Ida needed — I'm not nin- clidaie < Mitt HomiiLy Cmig w\«is' of chemotherapy cocktal(tails lo noses are droppingng about 3.5 of communiunities is. better Montanala and V\Yoming. nlng nin for re-elecllon. I'm nii1 .ScnaicI liaiscm for Romney';•y's . try to hoid their tumornors in percent a year, a ipreviously when they’re:y’re adjacent to Includinglg 3 million acrcs in longer loli in the way. I am piirsu- campaign,1 a posi he aban111 - check, said Dr. Louis Weiner,We reported decline duedui either to wilderness> areas.ai I say to ' Yeilowsiotlone. Grand Teton and ing ing my consiiiuiional Hgliis.' doned < wlien the scandal camlaiyourlongstand* other wiliwilderness proposals, wfe, wif Siu’^uine.said ihesenaicir "1 was ver>' proud of my m; Cancer Center ond a colc:olorec- py o r to fewer geitieiting mam- ing antipatliydiy toward w ider- NREPA ignores political didn't did leil her about liie arrest association ; wilh Millilt tal cancer specialist. mograms. ness areas is hurtingh you eco- boundaritries and instead des- until unt the stnry v\'as alHuii ini Himiney," I Cmig lold liiuer. ".. “I can tell you tlie oITImcesd of The report inciutlludes a spe- nomlcally." ignates wilderness areas lireak lire in ilie media. '1 Tl’Ii like And / he luit only threw mime gastrointestinal oncoloiDlogists cial focus o n cancincer among Anglers spentspc $28 miiliun hiise tcelinologics av.iilabic now CootkMMifroinp«tAl tem,” Rep. Rosa DJcLauiosnid el CALL TODADAY to schedule your and in tho futuro ihMihai can help provoni ciiMStcrs. - Even tliough the poto t pies about tlie pot pie rec , Winter Safetjfety Inspection ■ made by ConAgra have'C beent Earlier this year, yt the . , linked to at ieasi 174 cose;oses of Connecticut Democrat I andservlcc soimonella In 32 states,es. the helped introduce2 legislationli K U.S. D epartm ent of lhal would give !hethe FDA the . | j i l :k Allen Community Room of the Agriculture did not haveivc the power to order mandatory m ^ . • It® Located on authority to require thec ocom* recalls of adultera!ratcd food H errett C enter h m w i • North Colleqe Road pany to recall the pol pies,les. The products, plus estabtobllsh fines # ' H 1 for^^^dSdenceB in Twin Palls federal Centers for DlstMsease for companies that th don'l , 261 LOC.ocust street South •.734-5725 i |_ i Control and Prevention)n :said promptly report contamlnat*cor at least 33 people hovee b been ed products, hospitalized os pan o of f the “h Is a voluntaryy recall,« so it ongoing outbreak, but; so far is up lo lhc industry," 1: no deatlis have been rcporported. DeLauro said, ConAgra spokesworvoman ConAgra sliui dowown the pot Melissa Baron said Fridaylay that pic production line lin at its tlie company still didn't't kiknow Marshall. Mo., plantant. bul the any morc about Ihe probroblem rest of the plantant, which widi its pol pies than1 il did employs about 650350 people, \vlien the alert was issued,ed. She has continued operacrating. said recalling the productjct was "No other product; a prccaulion. ing Marie Callender's pot pies. "We want to make absolisolute* are in question," Baron Ba ly certain that consumersicrs are The Marie Callender’ safe, and while the invest'estiga* arc m ade at a differ lion inlo llie matter conconiin- in Council Bluffs. lou ues, we wanted to reinftInforce i i i — that consumers shouldId not I ISBl eat these products," BaBaron said. USDA spokeswvoman or Amanda Eamich said ! W p ConAgra m ade the declsio: i I recall the pot pies on ils.fcT o SHOE SA USDA Invesiigotors wcrcsre still FINAL DAY working to find the sourciurce of MONDAY, O a OOBER B 15 the salmonella coniamlimlna* 1------c O U P O ^ tion, she sold. )N ------' Bill Marler, a lawyer fi Seattle-based firm 'm Ma S O u rG iH T"oYou o Clark, said If anyone bonbought T he letters a re usually aboio ut our WaMu Free ChcckiC


I UmJtl«wwidlhf.lnflnlle I K control. The th e cm l ihe« l u m in e t t : ConUct Ul loday.to fM«juil ju PrtvacyShnre how ityliih your doonland «i w indow Cin be.

> C ( ( S

JS u>c«|/ii/>*.Wi lol t, H u ml a s r D o u g l a s <1*4 kr At M (HOIW. IM. Ot^xit •! roicixti MONDW A4 MAGKCVALL. f i Y OCToeSi 15,2007 TIMESNEWS ■ INTINTERIM CITY EDITOR DAVIIVID COOPER: 735-3246

FILER “I t ’s j u s t g r e a t te aichers c doing tl:h e jo b . T h a t ’s1 w\ hat it com es;s dow n to.” Three vi(ie -Klmb«riyHl9hS«hoollool Principal Mchard Brulotl)tte for city council M(tiretlhammea^surin«up) seats T ByiofioE.Sirayze . Tlme»f H ' I ; lire hciiiK chnilcnRC'd byr cai ; dale Hidianl Dunn. Umimers, 55. wliolO ra n iinchallcngcd for n two*; lemi on die City Counciincil in 20()f>. suld she sees publiclie s ice as a personal responslli lo •iiipport the commiiniiy. cura'nily serves ns councilicii son on die Filer Public LibLibrary Hoard and council rcprese live at ciiy rocreadon (ilsdistrict meelliiRS. “City business can beB prettypi coinplicjiied andlbere's a l< So. especinlly when il comcs i(> planning zoning I feel like I need more lime lo ^ain needed W o ll^M ■ e x p e rie n c e ,” I slie si'iid. “And Ummer I'd like to sc>e ; die new sewer I StndMts cnmdi nunnumben In clau Friday afternoon aII t DaiinDi Connies, a math teacher at1 iOmberiyH Hi{b Sctiool, (hrei a ceeoiMetiyleuon. system project ^ H [ | | • tliroiiRli lo ' com]iIeiinn." I.aminers, B applauds1 KimberlyI IHighScho( )olformeetBtingNCLB I who gradiial- p: State ed from Filer - Iligti School in t bolds u Lcademicgooals,ma&ng'additiorinal yearly^growth’ " bhchelor's lJ ; degree In edu- SbiAUnManl the ; calion from AadruQites alwoys d oone m well on the High School,Sc that category bcciccomc m orc difficult. Kimberly could burgeon thi • Idaho Stale Universityty and Tlme»-New» wittai(tter stale assesiscssmcnl tests, was matlatb. “The "1 benchmarks keepI ;size of the town's schools.J. 1If - achieved Nallonal D(Doard w hich mcasicasurc Adequate Bruloilotte said students goinoing up. We’ve been foriu-■ passed, the b ond would crc:tc- i Ceriiflcadon in rendingng nnd W hile m anyy schoolssi Strug- Yearly Progregress. This is man* improveved by nround 21 per- noteote. We've m et those expec- ate four classrooms at ththe : language arts. Ueforc retirirtiring In glc to rcach risi:ising academ ic dated by federal fee No Child cent mon the math portion of laticulons.” Brulotte said. • high school, six classroomims : 20()(i. her career spannetned 32 goals scl by NoNi Child Left Left Behindid provisions. p the stai igiiOs li yearly growth."I." com es dowrjwn to," Brulotte also broroughi on bonrd n year groiroups along racial lines, as> a lO'pcrccnl growth rates Inli and mid l{)J)()s, she servetrved as The Idaho State Su Board of said, ngo, whi/hlch may have atlrlb- well'ell as wllh respect to stu*• the last five yeors. and its it • pa-sideni. vice presidentrnt and E ducation distinguished dl Five othcthcr schools in uted tolo the school's addl* dements with limited EnglishI buildings arc “full” accordird- • lead ncKQliator for leacteacher Kim berly lligh>h for that feat Idaho wererc recognized by tionai yearlyyc growth, hc said, proiroflciency, economic dls- Ing lo Inform alion from lhIhe • salary contnicts. Thursday durlnring a meeting tne ibui: for for making adlli- ThenSBETs-scrloTimbTJur-ndvi ii dvflmiiBcnnnniisabTiines^—school ; (]lstrict~ ! "My roots are in Filerler and In Lewiston, tlonal yearly yc: growth, cclcbrat‘ating succcss at the The Tl dlstricl, middlet If passed, the bond issusue : diis LS a way for me lo giveveback I And. on thee heelsI of that Schools hat that garnered that high schchool. schcchool or elem entary school1 would create a tax incrcasase ; to die community," Uimmer^ m r accolade, the;he Kimberly recognitionin h ad to m ake “Thesiesc schools represent In1 Kimberlyh did not make^ ofi $18 per monlh for a homme • said. School Districtlet Is readying adequateyearly yea progress for the best»i of the best... They AYPYP last school year. Neitherr valued at $150,000 for lhthe ■ Darin Stoddard, ,‘12.2. was for a m ulllmmillion l dollar two consccuccuilvc years and arc ihihe leaders and It id did the state of Idaho,. 20-year life o f the bond, dislis* ! appointed to the Filerer making n: AYP. Atidrca Calcs can bbe Tenipleman who was elected etci which has <14646 students in assessmentIt tests li drill. Medinang adequate yearly The Tt proposed $10.25 mil-■ reached at 735-3380. or o . mayor in 2005. Thishis is grades nine thnhrough 12, has In th e case cas of Kimberly progrcs:SSS will coniinue to lionon school bond issue InI Andrea. Caics&ec. ncl. ; Stoddanl's first clecUon bicbid for . afoiir->x'artemi. : T d like lo continue worlvorkinB ■ to help balance city progns : the areas of housing, taxes Buhl ; commerce, so we don't Former;rT.F. resident ppromoted totbrigadier genfleral ; (nx'nvhelmed,” Stoddonlrd ssaid. I Among his many ncaden • "And wc definitely needeed to ByJoimE.Sn]fa m ; t ■ make sure this remains aafomi- & Tlme»Wewt coft» I professional nccomplishm'mir," Broaddway project ; ly-orienied community." I a 1986*B7 tour o f duuty t) w ith 1 Stoddard has some school-sch Lancc Davidb'ld U ndhjem has I the Thundcrbirds ing in city planning andnd cur-< always set goali}als and worked to k^ H | k 1 Demonstrntion Team „r„"[ o craMsIs to a close rently serves on die dlyls pplan* m ake them a rcireality. iaw»g j Nellis Air Force Base inI Nevada.N ning and zoning nnd rutnlxnleco- < In luly, afterr ramorc than 30 years j While part of the leamI in 1987, ^BUrKsck noniic development comiommit* of service In ththe U.S. Air Force, | g | M | 1 the Tliundcrblrds werc thelh ccn* Tinw»Wews corrt 1 tcx*s. the form er TVvlnrin Falls High School terpicce of an air show ho!tioslcd by Me attended UtahI SState graduate rccclvclved a promotion M ountain Home Air Forccircc Base. BUHL — DayDay after 'day, as O aober qulcklddy University and. indudingling his thnt few officer:ers in the military ' IWin Falls residents turnedted out in slips manyy in in liuhl arc wonclering when dieth current posilion as managilagcrof • ever achlevc} —• the rank of >‘v- ' ' droves to witness the skill ski and beautificationn projcct p on Broadway Avcnunuc Wal-Mart in Burley, has 25 brigadier generaoral. ’•/<' V precision o f the nation'si bestbe avi- wiU be finished.cd. ycon cxpericncti In thele rretail An officialll pin ceremony, ators. When Debcobco Construction, an Oroflncno------' , a u cad cd.by.2S0 “I constantly deal \vithbihbudg- iiy members,*s, was held in the stress of G*forccs can ca tear diy forecasteded die renovaUon of bolh the th CIS. and my cxpcricnccM! wldi i Seplember onn ithe Wigwam Golf 'bodies apart, sdccicd pUou pU fly nonh and soud:md) ends of Broadway would[be b finances has been uscfuleful in C ourse In Phoenwnbt- - - _ vrith th e team for a maxlnd m um o f Qnlshcd before>re the com harvest peaked. ButBi leveraging pay Increasesdcs for His mother,, ViVirginia Undhjem, - iMCtDnlitarU UaOiiiM fenMrTMa F all two years. Undhjem has8 thetl dis* the p ro jea hlit it some : snags and expoioueced city employees.’ hc said,ld.*We says that waichlchlng the ccrem ony ntUMt,t,pkM pl iNrtial987.itfTida tlncUon .of being the onl;>nly pilot delays, were able to give a 3-pcrpcrccni was an ovcrwlrwhelming ^pcri* MyialMMTvUitiN from Idaho cyqrchoscnas'as R team Additional daysdaj were added for the projectKt^ member. • lncrea.se hust year and a1 7*;7*pcr- cnce. Aarial D aainrtrrtaa Taaai complcdon, and Buhl offldals were optimist!dde *li didn't actu;tually dawn on me "Lance's 1987 team isI alsool the that ^oss woul cent increase lliLs year." M b Mr Fares Bast la Nevada. rould be replanted on properterty Stoddard said he hopes

^ \ (

TM tan, IM F*, Mito OBITUARIES ______Mowtiy, 0^ 1 5 .2 0 0M7 7 ilS

For obituary rates and informatlnation, call 735-3266 l^onday Ihroiirougli L a w r e n c e L I ‘L any’ Lillibriil i d g e Jam es W.Mill Regional drove a bI bus for thc Sun Valley [ f S tie with can- loving sisters. Doris Do Hall of Mcdical Ccntcinter. He was bom Sioge Co, for 20 years, writing I pick ^inem l Twin Falls, Idaho.10, and Carol Ocl. 5.1929.I, die di son of Alonzo poetry ababout Ills m any experi- k Larry was Brawn ofSallLokekcCity. and Clara May,lay Adams Mlllerat cnces ov()ver the years. He wos a ESS'ft m i n g for prcccdcd in K S H Friends and famamiiy are cor- Norton. do. Mo. m em ber2r of St. Edward’s the ■ death by his BU BH dially invited to celcbratc Hc was edu-lu- Confessosor Catliolic Church. K 'T o d aa y . . .aiiH 'Tom orrowP p a r e n t s , Larry's life from1 3 to 7 p.m. cated In in . H F ' SurviveIvors in addition to ills W h'uiifnil Srrvias • CnmalioHC * Moitunifirs Lawrcncc L. T\icsday. Oct. 16.i. atal their faml- . Kansas nd and K wife, JeiJean, of TWln Falls, ‘Jim’ and- ly home, where La:Larry loved to during lhe Includes his son: Robert Pn-Funiini FunFuneral P/ann tf I'rusri • A I'jivaicly Owned andd 0|O penteJ G)mmumfy Uii«inc« L a P r e 1 i W M entertain. For thojhose desiring, years of )5i1951 (Barbara)ro) Miller of Las Vegas : ThlfJ 6i Fillmore Jcx.inc.inc. Idaho • (208) J.N-t.SS5 UlUbridgc of ' 3 memorial contribiibuilons may ihrougli 1953>53 and onele grandson, T.|. MiUcr. TWin Falls. '------■ ------' b c m o d e in Larry’s/’s nameI to the hc servedhis his He was F> preceded In death by ) ■ Idaho. Hc is survived!d byI his American ‘ Canccicer Society country Inthe thc his parcnents, Alonzo and Clara s loving wife of 33 years.:s. Esllicr:E at 1-000-227-27-2345 or U.S. Armymy May. MUllllcr, his step-father,' son, Phil;' daughtcr-ij.T-in-law, www.cancer.org. during thc;hc u w c il SiSterling, ortd broiher: ^ Korean Conflictiflici. On Aprfl 7. CaWn SkSicriing. 1955, hemarricirried Jean Jcreczck A celebcbration of Jomes's life I r iis s Atlell D ennis • ot Winona,. Minn., M at which- wilibchcheld 2 p.m. Wednesday. H lime thc cou:ouple moved to Oct. 17.7, 2007. at Reynolds 9 Iris Adeli Dennis, ageIge 79, of Saints and hass 1held m any TWin Falls toa be bc closer to faml- • Funeral1 CChapel, 2466 Addison mB p?HEgRiN5^ INvin Fails, passedd away positions o f servicrvice over tlie ly. They were•re married for 52 Ave. E., ., with Father Ronald H Sfei--;-1?;;'::- Friday. Oct. years. She and her hc husband years. Wekcrle,e, celebrant. WK at have resided in T\^TWin Falls for James loved'cd traveling, i cspc- Inurnm e(lent will follow ul p i I her home sur- the past 10 year:lars. She was dally drivinglg hish RV and see- Sunset MMcmorlol Park. Should ...... H.li rounded by |H |H beloved by all whoh o m et her. lng all thc sights slgl around the friends ddesire, contributions ; her loving In addition to hcher husband, country. Hc! enjoyeder hunting, may be Jj ^ven to a charily of IWt*!k > ^ 8 T 8 - 7 6 0 0 734-29000 family. She ^ William, of TWinn IFalls, she Is fishing, tlic out-of-doors ou and tlicir cholloice. 1301E. 16th S tr..t.B u r l.y SeoFalltAvfTWInFiI Falls was bom )an. WWT'iS survived by herler chiidrcn; ., UnMeFcmm tm m nu Building)ig) (Aaosi from CSI)) 28, 1928, at H kiM s M - Barfara-Hali of Layton,La] Utah; — ------O ak lan d . and son; Larry•ry (Pamelo) I . , . Calif.. th c I H H Dennis of Klmberi>erty. one sis- ustiena Schuldt &J c h r e n k I T daughter of '— ter: Eva Skinnener o f San Alfred Lawrcncc and FloFlorence Lorenzo, Calif.. 10 grandchil- BURLEY—— Justlena Ji Schuldt World WcWar II. While they had 4ctioyi W lison Clayden. She waswa: edu- dren and 13 greatjat-grandchil- Schrcnk. 91.I. ofc Burley, died no childrdrcn of th d r own, she cated at Oakland and1 onor May dren. She was pipreceded In Tiiursday. Oct. Oct 11, 2007, at raised arand guided many as 19,1946. she married] WWilliam death by her parenrents. Parke Viewcw Care and bolh a tctcacher and an ount. and Justiena lived In m im Dennis, who survives,es. They Funeral services:cs will bc at Rehabililotlonlon Center In Harvey a T h ro u g h N o v em b er 4I were later sealed for limlime and 11 a.m. Wednesdaylay. Oct. 17. at Burley Justieniiena vras born on Weslem n Oregon for mosl of _ all eternity in th e OalOakland Reynolds Funeraeral C h ap d , luly 24. 1916.16, ati Roy to John their manarrled lives. Justieno IMONDAY, OCT. 15, 6:00pmr SATlJRDAY,6cT20.TUOO*iDam LDS Temple in I96S. 2466 Addison Av 1923. in TWin Falls to lo Louie She was precedexled in death Schrcnk follo\illowing his dis- 620 Sbcth:th St., P .a Box 2G38, '!M.T. Nelson Farms, Twin Falls ‘ WEDNESDAY, OCT.24,n:OOiW0am and Sadie Magoffin. She Slu was by her husband. Edwin,Ed \vhom charge from1 thc thi mililary after Boise, IDD 83701. .J.JTractors • Loaders • liacklioe the middle of five chlldrcIdrcn. she married In November Nc of Niel Jon Farm Retirement. Rodlanland CombineC. • Trucks • Farm l:q Tractors • Criiwiers • T ruckcks - She was a longtimeI re:resident 1976; her brothers.:rs, Horold and Ad: 77mej-/veivj 10-16 o f Gooding and was knovnow nfor Leroy Magoffin: r Pickups • Farm Lq • .Shop>P MMASTERS AUCTION SERVICE Ad: nmes-/Vews 10-22 her lovc of flowers, espcspecially sons. Davcy Tobii S s r t D e a t hNOTICES: www.mastersauction.com iris's and her beautifulful yard. Brian Mays; andnd a great- L US AUCTION www.us-ouctlonccrs.com if the Iris granddauglilcr. An^ SATURDAY, CCT. 20, 11K)0am She was a member of th IS.T ed’ Hafer I Society for many years•ars. She A memorial servS S L Aaron!nTadlock Clelll Young &Young UquldatJoa Rupert« SATURDAY, NOV. 3 , 11:OOai had a green diumb. and any* held on Saiurday.; 0 0 c t.2 0 ,a tll BUHL —AaronTHdlock. Aar IB. Ocll S. “Ttd" Hafcr, 02, of C812 a.m. loday at Rost Funeral Fu funeral at 4 p.np.m. today at thc Ethyl (Bemie)(E Randolph of AtAUCTION SALES REP: Jill Hollon,:on, 73S-3222«Jhollont*maglcvalley.cor Home. McMunrey Cha{:hapel In lam es F. Toless JJr. o f .Buhl. LDS Chapel.. 82482 Caswell Ave. TWin Foiloils, graveside service ______M ountain Home; visit’isltation memorial servicccc at 2 p.m. W. In TWln1 Foils; Fi visitation ai2 p .m .1i.T\iesday at TWin Falls ------froiir9:30‘a;in. untiltit|-timc-of— today—ot—Farmemer-Funeral— from-3-t&4-p:n-p:mrtodQy-Ql-the— Gem eierj>Fy— (Parko^s— Magic— Ihe service loday at thc Chapel in BuhL church; dinnerner for family and Volley Fut'uneral Home). chapcL friends at 6:30:30 p.m. today ot Marjorie Brass>ss H ciss of the churchI {Parke's (1 Magic TedVlciIctor Samples of T\vln “Fm hea]iring my JoAnna Lee (SchiIchmldt) Keichum and foform criy o f Valley Funeralral Home). 1 Falls, furuneral al 1:30 p.m. Swetland of Boise and anc for- Jerome, celebrailorlon of life at 3 T\iesday/ atj Sunset Memorial merly ofTWin Falls, funcuneral at p.m. today at thee PPresbyterian W aller C. C.Edwards . of Park In TTWin Falls; visltadon wife a lc[ot b etter 1:30 p.m . today at thc Church ofo f th c Jerome, m emornorial service at 7 from A t'to 8 p.m. loday at Meridian Friends Church. Ch Bigwood (Woo'ood River p.m. today’ at a Fornsworth White Molortuary in TWln Falls. and shee likes AIM leaaderVernnonBellec‘court die3sat75 th at a lc.o w t t” # - E(l Marlin. Wendc.ddi "I service at Professional Hearin]ng ByStmKanmnU Indian rights group>up. based in Mlnnenneapolis. Leonard 1F Peltier, who was con- A«wd«ted Pret» wrtterir Just before h c wne would move IH I but no damage has occ TVvin Falls Buriey beMUBe they orenl|. ddone.' blUty, Bybee said,I. some pavementlent or something. | • • i Bybeo uld . "Right now,w, Vwo are 'Some areas nee

1 /

MOfNtOMY October3ER1: 5 ,2 0 0 7 JA6 Op ON TIMES-NEWS m• SECTION EDITOR i STEVE/E CRUMP: 7 3 5 -3 2 2 3 EorroRiAL __ Repilublican]Party duueless^ruudderlessS

Icrilamlltonwas I What ha]sppens befoi) r e y v an ombiliibitious young « ^ X ^ L striv c r..andhucrcatcd am ihl^C ancconomywhcwhere people like /IHG TO s p e n d )owerinIdat lUm could riseeandsuccccd. ar lie ' ' ' - . ' ' ' i I'MLEAVIHI nuclear pc E t i m e w i t h tiscd govcmmcnnent to rouse the .(flOREl S l \ \ f a m il y .... i om etim es, the conservative Republicana n s w ho energies ofthele merchantm class, ru n Idaho bch3chave like dow nri^t populi>ullsts '0 widen the cWcircle ofpropcrty D dissolve tlie con- Gov. B utchh OC tter this m o n th told th e IIdaho owners and to di immerceand B oard ofE nvirivironm cntal Q uality th a t thi sh o u ld stay' oou u t o f a fe d e r^ m crcury ca( trad e programh effectively , w hich ci m ean s n o coal-1il-flrcd r^B S^ pow er plan tsbuilt will In b eIdaho bul anytim e soon, T hat decisione 14 c am m o e n thI- s a fter O tter’s pjredcccs- rc Ssor, Jim Risch, m ad e theth e sam e decision. > Back in 2006, R isch-I — the current lieutenantI govcr-gc ■' BROOKS I p n o r w ho w an ts very m uuch to b cco m c Idaho's next U.iU.S. se n a to r O U F V l6le \v K . 'W' — w as reacting to a 2002006 grassroots • i^cValiey uOV.;^M er movement In the Ma^c incoln was anotl)- against Sempra Generaleradon's pro- " niacle-ith cr ambitious youyoung striven As a y ' posal to b uild a 600*mc; a ll in ' young pollUclm,lan. he champi- flred power plant near ]> 2;".,:; oned roads, conaanals and bonks Sempra changed its mirm ind In th e ^ k ^ p i oJg k ' ' • ' so enterprisinglg fafarm bcjys iUce face of public oppositloitlon, b u t th e I-i'U himself couldI ascascend and pros- ff" Idaho Legislature slappray- Otter's motives are mtmurkicrUian liercury MHa could enrich and develop. It parents wliviio are die bnci^oiic Dn On Iliursday, il \vasa lax to I profit from die ^obal econcn o -’ Risch's, a l t h o u ^ th e governorsgo' and-tiad passed the Landmd GrantI College oftlieGOn)n credllrdlt for college. Earlier in die my i action is consistent witl.Iftasorlesof •; No Republican would desigiign inl, but Act.sotlieambitIibitious would Sometimimes the candidates week,«k. Clinton offered a plan to ^ .... green-friendly decision- ^ . liQve acccss to0 knowledge.kr It secmed.mcmore concerned with givcf:■e families down Uie income asset-building : plans die way a n n o u n c e d b y his ofHccn ee since last hlS S tJteo ^ passed railroadid Icleglsladon to rnassagfnglg the pleasure buttons scaleileacccsslo-lOKkJ-siyle • ain i to n does. No Republican1 " she summer. A day after he wrote the /sUDDOltlit f o r open vistas forir Ultlie young and of the Clubjb for Growth Uian plans,ins. Itiglit now, 75 million would ' pay for Uiem die way sl' letter to BEQ chalrwomo m an Joan ; r T aspiring. addressinglg die real concerns of workcirkers have no employee- does. i Bul at least she has a micnid- C loonan s h u n n in g cap-ap-and-trade, i'hUCledr-Jf. Margaret Thatchatclicr was die middlelie dass. Tliey talked sponsansored pension accounts. dic-class i agenda. Righl now, ll geneial dccdon campaign O tter told a m e e d n g o f Idaho’sI col- icii't lc another youngigstriver. st Wlien far more ababout cutdng corpo- Tliee way w our tax code is stmc- | tid. people up die Income looks 1 as if it's going to be a lege p resid en ts th a t h[le e isu p p o rts . she becamc primirime minister, she rate taxes,s. fori example, Uian tured. sh working class about a chi;hlld tax credit for laddciIderget big lax Incentives to replay i ofUicSCMIP debate. TTiThe’ nu clear e n e rg y — a s opposedop; to '^.near-;tir-te rm ' gave die British w i ' acccss to homesies andI property struggling!g families. savc.i/e. while working people, Democrats I propose someUdnjIng, wlndand solar— to me "■eetftc pSDlfflon;in.. so that they wouimuid bccome At odierjr iUmes, diey sounded wlio10 have li Uie most trouble sav- and i the Republicans have no0 ■" state's energy needs. ^ d b more industriouslous and Inde- as if tliey w-crew running for a lng,gi5, get the smallest incentives, altemadve. i F a ire n o u g h rb u t If AlternateAlt W hatdi ceremonialial post. The person Jnder Un< the Clinton plan, ifa Wlien llamllion was alive, Energy Holdings — the hink? tiiink thutliut in this and who is elec:ected president wili faniiljnily making up to $60,000 a big I landowners stifled compelled- company that wants to cveiy election,1. tlieth Republicans need concricrcte propos.-ils, bul yearvputSi.OOOintoane^v p tion i and economic dynamism:m. nuclear power plant in O( w yhee W eW elCtilCOmfi would want toa continueco this the GOP cocontenders scarcely <101(1^1 do account, ihey would gel 1 1lainillon created nadonal capap- C o u n ty — m eets its self j_ . tradition. You'd'd tl;tliink diat diey’d have diem,m. Mike MuckJibec lias aSI.O1,000 mulching lax credil. ital i markets to smasli local oli­.11- ■ risi' deadline of breaking grc ' ^ O lJln n iS start every electicictlon by putdng some sketc:tciiy plans. Jolin lliee plan p would create millions garchies. f Wlien Lincoln was ris new Investors. Struggling ing i vast dlsiances retarded ' 2008, It could b e as longong as eight fro m OUIiiir . themselves at: tlictlie kliclien tables McCain an;mswcrcd one element ofne\ >cl.xu anxiety on faniiliiiilies could choose mutual trade. I TlieVVliigs, and later y ears b efore th e facilityItylsacuaUy ^ 3 ^ - , ofmiddic-clossrass families witli of middle-c i s o n ambitious kids.Is.'nielrfirstcjiies- T ^^lursday\^I wilh liLs new iicalth- fundid options c and parddpalc in Republicans, I championed ' o n line. . J tions would be:e: V^Wliat are die carc plan.I. OthersC seem to have the^capilal ca markets. Tlicy'd be iniemal I improvements lo buliiilid That's a long time forfornoncw thlS and barriers to Ihelrjlr mobility?n VVliat dcclded coi;oncreie proposiils are encoucouraged to move away nadonal i markets. Today, Uie major commercial eneri Issues. concrete help do tliese people for geeks, fromim a mondvio-mondi men- global j informadon economyf " m c n t a t all in th e G emS fei ';''"””- .other iss need to realizee tlielrtlv dreams? In tills w;way. die Republican taliiyity to i a saving-for-Uie-futurc makes i il hard for people widi­h-': Before 2016, of courscirse, Idaho Yet at the i^epucpublican eco- I’arty liasI alabandoned Uie menuinialiiy out ( human capitd 10 prosper;r"' could opt back Into cap:ap -an d -trad e, a federal progrogram nomlc debate! inlin Michigan tliis Mamilioniaiian ground. It lias lost Clin:ilnton's plan poaches on and t pardcipatc. that limits the amountnt (of mercury each state cana n e m it, wcrek, there wasas nno talk of that. intimate cocontact with the work- econoinomlc values dial used to • Tlierc arc poleniial b u t p erm its states belovslow th e cap to trade th eir emls-en The candidatesss ddeclared their ing-classdidreamer wlio longs to beassociated ass \viUi the Republican 1 responses to Uils.s. • s: ’ slo n s allow ances to oth«)ther states. If, of course, theh e cap- fealty to generalral principles:j. free make good3d. Rcpulpublican I^ iy . Moreover, it But I riglil now die message is: dermines die populist ProposaisTWe 1 don'l need noI an d -tra d e survives a federalfed co u rt law suit th a t couldco trade, lower taxesixes and reduced Instead,i,Uils i ground is.belng under spending. Theyti^taikedaiot selzedbya’ a Democrat. Over Uie world'ridview Uiat is building on sdnidn' : proposals! derail It. ,ntnr about tlie line-ite(•item veto and past few mimonUis, I'liliary the! left Id of her pany. Instead of Prudently, the govemt;mor wants the Department the Chinese cumum:ncy. Bat there Clinton haslas Issued a string of railingling against globalization David Brooks is a coluinnliiiit. Environmental Qualityity toi look in to th e effects o f ; iversub- "«>»'n'os.no,hlithing that specillc pollolicy programs aimed andJ llie tl: economic royalists. forJ the New York Times. b o rn e m crcu ry in Idahoiho; the state already rcccivc stontlol m crcu ry dosescs 1from a c c m e n t p lan t o n tl: Oregon side of the Snaklak e River a n d from gold refi in n o rth e a ste rn Nevadaida. ^“"8 LettersRSTOTHEEPn'Cm B ut in th e m eantimne, e, w e're c o n cern ed a b o u t th e lack of energy planning. It'st's byI n o m ean s certain a t AEH'sAE S p areath o u g»ght iT far your pre-and |«post-op care, give ourr clients cli (a special diank you well-<]uaiined \ teadiers and Owyhee County plantIt willvu ever bccom e a reality, £ on and do treaiment.s. —you yoi know who you arc!). s laiytechniclan lab technicians: we llie[liesc tiUes and morc make My liusband and 1 now haviave; Idaho Power's hydro polpotential Is ju st a b o u t tappciX t . if Oct. i-J througli run urinalytlyscs. fccols, blood- upa a veterinary v technidan. So cliildrcn c in Kimberly If wind, coal a n d so larir aare off the table for the fon'orcsee- llic week orO( lonalVeterinary work, idcntmUfy parasites and duriii{ring National Veterinary Elementary. I One of die rcasonora headed for increasing depen a b le future, Idaho is hea endence °5,S uS °"' lanuadiologlstsjuui____ Ikchn;hniciaaitok,^opJ?mJ.'i:____ wi e clecidedtO-seulcJn_____ 1 on out-ot-state sources. Realizing notot nmany people caregivers:s: we comfort all ani- vcteriierinary hospital, say Id and iCimbcrly 1 is becausc of die rcpW: That means, Inevltabl;ably, h igher pow er bills, , arc aware of thisills Ior what my mals whilele in our carc so diey givee a a well wish to vet tedis uiables^oolsystem.Tlie i " W e'd like to h e a r m ore a b o u t th e details o f OtteiIters profession does,ics, 1I diouglit 1 wili know/ diald dicy nre loved andi people pi wlio work Uierc; school s board and communitylty- vision for Idaho energygy jpro d u ctio n over th e nextxt would take thislls oopportunity to even when•n Uielr family can't be theyy take tj sudi greal carc of members r have put a lol of dmime decade. The governorr apaj p o in ted th e state's flrstt energyei explain. there. yourcjr children. and c researdi into assessing dieUi czar, P ublic U tilities CorCommission member PaulI • • The professioniionhascomoa Wearcteteadicrs;wehelp MIC^ICHELLELEWIS . present r andfuturc needs of UiUie .. Kjcilander, e arlier thiss mn: onth. P art o f Kjellander'sir's b rief long way over• thithe years, dianks educate diediems on ailments TWii^vin Falls students. s Edllor's iioic: Michelle Lewis As die community condnucues should be assessing in-sn-state power generation . totheiielpoforgorganizations diat dieir belovedbi pet may or (Edi have, on parasites dial is ar ceriijicd ce. veterinary tecltni- 10 l' grow, die need for addidoniinal prospects apart fromI—or — leading u p to ~ onyf comct - National Assc\ssociaUon of may not ha Veterinary TbchnI:hniciansof areindicatlitlve to Uie area, on cinnH at a Magic Valley Veterinary student s space is neccskuy. mercial nuclcar plant.t. America, our statestat' diaptcr, zoonotic diseases,di: on pel dial Uosphspiial.) Supporting S die bond will O tter m ad e th e rightIt callc o n cap-and-tradc. But Idaho Society ofofVcterinary \ will lit into;o idieir family, diets ensurcc hi^-quallty educadonon w hat's next? ■nxhniclonsand;nd Assistance, andbehaviiivior issues, just to SuppCpporting bond will help by t keeping dass sizes small. > ______and die Americarican Veterinary name a few Hire quality education llie] new running track, middlidlck :iatlon.Weare Wearere^S:op,ionte.we ^ school lunch room and oUicr:r ' lucl^ln our arearea becauscI we schedule oppointments,ar sur- Iwould wo like to voice my sup- proposed p addidons will alsoibe b les-News have tiie only accaccredited col- geries. etc.\We arc ianitors; wc porttfor fc the school bond dec- benefidal b lo die students. lege {College ofS

nfcctlon Preventionn ------'■ I providen, thcco! community, ihgmethocods to keep heallh Memom orlal Hospital. •Cough or sneeze into ", Week Is Oct. 14-20. Ttl and even lavwnaimakers, regard- carc safer,r. Redi:educiIon of health-care- your y sleeve or clean your nationally rccognizcdzed RlEADERe ing hand hy^emlene, cough etl» APIC alstIso provides a certi- acquit[uirod Infections is a goal hands h after coughing or ------wemg?enisidirto-ra!3i!* orinfecti^itprTven-" "that'al —sncezing-lntDTUurliandsr^ aw areness a b o u t th e Imp d biotertorism lion, whichch assures the skill ona a continual ci basis. When even e if tissue is used. Don'tI tancc of Infectlon-prcvcii PalPatricia recognition. level of allII Infecllon-preven-I youI are ar receive carc from one reuse r dssue. tion practices throughou •Researching!ng practices to tion profcs:cssionalsn ofhe the M a^c Valley health- • Slay home from work orir hoalth care. iwain protect patients.Its, visitors and lamanunurse whose fuil- careB providers, p: you can be school S' when you are sick. In health care. InfcctlonJon* I health-carc stafflafffromlnfec- time Job isIs dedicatedi to the assureured that an infection pre- • Use sanitary pracdces preventionI programs oreire (the tlous diseases,I. oversight olofthe infection- veniioItion nurse is available when v preparing meals. job of many dUTcrcnt pro!irofes- serves os a mentorf tc to others. The Assoclado:idon of prevendonm program at St. andI servlngas sc a resource to • Keep up to date on slonals, Indudlng nurses,ies, Some tasks of thclic Infec* Professionals in 1Infection Luke's Magiigic Valley Regional reduceuce your risk of Infection, immunizadons. h Yes, even medical lab technicians,IS, tion-preventlon prolirofessional Control and Prev*revendon Is an Mcdical Cc::cnier. Rememember, infection prc- adulls a need certain vaccina­a- pharmacists, doctors andmd ore: organization thaithat vrorks with This essescndal job function ventiotion also Indudesoctlvi- tions. i| others. These professional)nals •Callectlngdataaa and ana- the Centers for)r DDisease is also perfirformed by JoDec tiesperformed pc each day by If you have infccdon pre*. perform iheir duties mosttostly lyzlng Infection dataata Control and otheIther exports to Alversonata t St. Luke's Wood men,n, wom \ en and children. vendon v quostlons or con* ' behind the scenes. Manyny • Looking for Impriprove* provldo sclence-lce-basededu- River Mcdiidical Centcn Alma Thlrhlngs that you can do to ccms, c please coniact your ; hospitals have dedicateded istaff ments that can bems made to cation to Infecdocdon-preven* BlakesleeI ata Cassia Regional reduccuce the risk of Infection local lc Infecdon prevendon p^orm ing these ninctlortions. reduce Ihe risk of Inlinfections tion professionalmals,' Medical Co^ontcRCellnda are: nnurse or visit www.apic.org-r ■ ’ in sm aller facilities, it mo)may be • Providing adviceIca to day- This expertiseise IIs B\/ailable Silvas at St. Bonedicis Family 'MMainialn t cloon hands o o r www.cdc.gov. * >• a health'Core provider whowhi care centers, doctonors' offlces. to coiuumers.I. hehealUt-caro Medical CoContor; RoZan Egan andI expect ex Iho same trom learns about InfecUon-pn■pn- even businesses onin >ways to professionals antand even law* atM inldok>ka M emorial youir rhhealth-care provider. It's Patricia H e a th o ^ m tsaa ventlon issues in additionlon 10 reduce infections, makers. This infoInformation Is Hospital oran d Judy Stockham OK 10to ask . them . *Dld you regUtertdn nuru uHih etrtlflca-a* other lespqnsibUltles andind •Educating healditldi-ctre often utlUzedwhwhen develop* at Goodingng County cleanin your ] hands?" lionii In lr\fiKtion controL

. V tt MeBdiROctot*fl5.2007 « O p i n i o n KJ

LETTERS TO UTHE EDITOR Candidate wanb to makeike nallomil cconomy Isnis not like o. Therefore. I can gossipgo: about lie con underer^tand what household budget, mamanager!- others with a free% co o f ^ c n c e '7 can d id a te staitands for and thdr dty a great place to Ihre ally, as they claim It;is.And is. Theonlyperfcac a p e rso n I view s o n thIC e political| and eco- M . A . I've enjoyed the privilegergeof i they’re in bed widi IndustryInd know about is look!Mkingatus nomlcolcondnditloiis we arc saving you and our commiimu- (die American Medicaical from heaven. , c o nfronted wwith. Voters would n(fy on the TVvin Foils Q tyy Assodadon induded).!d). P O aV B IC KH E T n d ie n b e m oreirc infonnctl and - Council for (lie post four Perennially, diey destr(Stroy thclr Jerome able CO vote; IntelligentlyIi bused _ _ _ years. I am running for re-B- objectivity, o n th e facts,5, p.itrioti.sinf and I i L clcciion and I osk for yourir American Industry V Experts w31 addredress WateTf qu.''1incatlansin.s Iiisiead of fiction support. never ^ve up the bad j ..„,nnrliim ‘ind half-ttutl ii,e„,bsiii ' llielXvin Falls area hass called minimum wageSS.vor aii^rissnesal!at symposium t imponant thing prospered during my firstit of reolisUcally livablele Vwages. It Next year is shap:laping up to thnt every AnUiiuricun should (crm on the coundl. Robustlust and its polidcal cronlenles are be a cridcal timecfor fo the Snake rcniembcrtoto do Is their patri- residential and commercial:ial full of Invalid, dirow-av-away River Aquifer. TIiclie 20072 water - otic duty andid vote. (icvetopmenl continues to10 ' argum ents the averageage citizen year was among5 diedii driest on lACKSTREREETER bring new amenities andI is innocenUy loo Ignoinorant lo rccord. Due to this,his, rcservoiis M ountainn 1Home opportunities to our commtim u- recognize. One relatedted reality on die Snake Riverver arc almost m itt IBS nity, enliancing our qualityity of< is that American socioclo-cco- totally depleted.. AndAn sdU, cach life. As a councilman. I'vee nom ic^and polidcalll goalsg year we pull out morethonmc BhBSBD been mindful of tlic Impactact (political economics)s)arc t .500.000 acrc feettofwaterfrom of growth has on our infrastruttrue- largely sociallsUc. Tliothat’s realls- die aquifer dian1 Is rreplenished •k Kid IW T:00.»:M SIUS lure — streets, water andI dc and socially necessiessary. In a normal year.r. HowHi we got W ffw u/uli i .p o silio n , nnd sewer systems, public safetyfety. Social Security, workerker’s com- ourselves in diis po The W ood River Vallo)lley's O na & Onlyl public parks. Tlirougli newJW pensatlon, among odii}diers, are what arc possibleIc meansn o f Tho SeoiMkor.-C T30-V4S and existing policies andI examples. correcdng die probroblem lsthe • 3:10 toI YiYuma >*. ' 00' > M mindful planning, we are:find> fir Millions of Americaican work- subject of a symposiposium to be S a l e D• a a t e s : inga balance to ensure newlew crs and rcUrees do notnot, and h d d OcL 16 at thehe FishI and TtJnKKia^ Fri. Oct. 19,, 1 2 - 7 p m (lex-elopmcnt pays its fairr never will, have the in.7is.»as Sun. Oct. 21, 1 0 - 1 p m nity to rcplacc outdated InfrInfra- lucrative redremeni,I, dollar-d< Canal Co., die GrouroundW oter structure — improvementsIts for-doUar, dieir predccleccssors Pumpers and die Id k that would have been needceded recdved. And never' wlvblll Indi- Department of Wativir mm regardless of growth. vldually. Previous rcdnidrees Rcsourccs. Also,Dr. Dr. Charles ^vidl- aren't on Easy Streettin in most Brockwayshallpro\irw id c a n ' ThiKingOc I also understand that ^vill < Chuck c>, 7 30 • S 45 out this growth and contlnuInued cases but did fare beitiettcr. overview of how; *the c a , u i f c r jCOCki<]i7 30-945 support from die city, ourr So insurance compaipanics works, and Rep. Ber Mdim community wU| suffer. A corcom- alone can't solve the; piproblem. Stevenson wiii tell= uh h ™ .h c 'uma ID, 7.00-9 30 nmunity ihat is not grovtringigis i* Socialized medicine,!, however,h administradveandindlcglslodve CimoPiii>lin.*ai 7 00-930 dying. IWin Palls is (oo vibrabrant can be simpllsilcallyyfunneled fti brandies of govcmiEm m entare pint*»oic«niMinlbMntlWerldi End National Ouard t • addressing Uic Issui5SUe. 10,730 a communily not to embracirace ihrough them. 701 ^ihAve. Sogtli, our fu(ure and continue 10(o T^ix-based economicnics, a Ic is reponed diathatifwehavc iirtlnellon 7.30-B«: ker (PCI 7 00-9.15 JlAduh-ChiW™fiUns^FREEl' foster (he posidve and pro­0- polidco-economic myinyth adrywin(er,upto5to 500,000 VhltxiJi 700-91S leri- (necessity wise) compinplicates acres-oflrrigatcdHand lar could gressive growth we've experi lUnt Book Clut) (131 p, rfday, Oct. 18, 3-7 pm enced recently all (above) unnecessarisarily. hovedielrgroundwidwater cur- r700-9 O' 15 Public Ch«ck-In itstniThurfd •Sunday 12-2 pm ..,1 am actively involved inin oour Medical, dental, Icgacgal and tailed. Also, manyly ddesd and Mict»a«i CUyUylOIKB) 7.10-945 I M ttrchandita Pick-up • Si community, both professionlion- cducadonal servicess benefitbi Industries will beeofi'ectcd.A af ally and personally. I live here,het sodety morc dian Indiidlviduals. cunoilment of such ou to these Edward Jones r Supporting Education. top, and want lo ensure TWii[Win They should, consdtuttudonally, proportions will olTi [ r i i ^ les Representatives for Sl ludi-ccntnil f F^ls is a great placc in wtildi hid ■ be socialized. to'llve and do business. Instead, more wdfarIfare? Idaho, lb addressIS dithe problem, Bccausc of my active involve□Ivc- Dollars wonh more diondu lives? it is crldcal diat cvcieveryone be mcm in bo(h professionalUand ai BiaWOODFlNIR.R. 'aw orcofhow theaqc aquifer volunteer roles. I'm uniqueljuely Eden works and understarstand the suited to foster cooperationion impaa of proposedsedsoludons. among private citizens, pri­•rl- Gossip is good fbr maU ng Attendance at diele s]symposium vate business, and public canbeaviuilfirstsist step In mak- agcncies and organizations. headlines and heaita Ing dlls happen, Ibgedier, wc \vill succeedIto to . IdUnklt!saboutUm(ime diat Again, die sympo:iposium will find common goals for diele wc look at the total acdacdons of begin at 7 p.m. Oct.)ct. 1 6atdie common good. Sen. Craig. Why focusIS con one Fish and Game odlcidlce on , J would appreciate yourir acdon and not the tota:□talpcr- Hi^way93. support in my run for re-eleidec- son? Only gossIp-mon{ongeredo SCOTTMCCLURlURE lion. I osk for your vote aiI ththe that. lerome polls Nov. 6. And I ask youUlo lc There arc so many/people pi encourage your friends, who live th d r lives toh0 hear gos* Perfups candldatclate neighbors and business assoisso- sip and make ii d id r lU ads should be DndQmtted dates to support m c and po:posi- Washington, D.C., and live growth of IWln Falls. Valley locals arc alikee IrIn diis This great republlublic was SHAWN BARIGAR rcspect. founded usingjudcLidco-Chrisdan IWlnFalls Wake up and lookat; at die ediics. It now appeapears no mac- total person, not justtone oi iso- (crlfKIsaDemocn a Whafs wrong \riUi lated Issue. AU It docs» lsl! Republican or a third-partydiir destroy a good m an (pi(person’s) candidate; the onenc who\ gets socialized heaKh cate? rcputadon. Gossip hiulasno die nominadon toto runr for i'm responding to Nicolelie rcspectforjusUce.Itis: is 0 way president o f die UnitedUni States Crawford’s-SCHIP is a stepcp tomalmwridioutklUlniUng. It wUlbediconevi4iob4io spends die ■ toward socialized heaih corerare" breaks hearts and ruin:diis lives. most money on radio,rad (devi- letter (Oct. 7]. Gossip Is cunning andnd Igadicrs slon. newspapers,s, periocUcalsp I respect and appredatee strength wldi age. Thehc Imorc it and odier medUt, advcnising.it od R e tire>es e N e e d R e g u la r- aand n The Potential FoiFor RIsing-Ihcome It is quoted, the more Ulsit 1: docs not mean hcole or she is die your concerns, Nicolc, but n tln u e rising year by year, must constructively point(out oi believed. The vicdmsIS aare help- most qudlficd pcrsicrsonfotlhc T n a lllllikelihood, (he priccs of goo;oods n nd services wiU contli l’re working, bccausc your afew dc(alls that poUdcal1 less.Onceareputadon(on is tar- job. I Ih is mmay no( be too m uch o f a prcproblem for you when you’re tuadonwc ^salary J retire, you may find that leaders misinform the publiiibllc nished, it is never dielesame. s This Is a sad situa 7 Is probably also going u p overc tim e. But w h en you rc ^and (^ sslp makes peopleleery c in find ourselves in..Have Hi you got Infladonn Ibecom es a bigger conccrn teed to take steps to help tUuTui. bodi Inadvenendyan trn - a n d th at's w hy you neei ------dclibcratdy:------...... thdr pUiowsrcven theirtMiame------B■^o^udon•fo^dli^b piproblcm?------provide sc some investment sources tiiadiat have the potential lor risi ,,} preface die following withwiti gossip hisses. It makes;es head- Perhaps thereshoul jntyears. triple majors (business lines and heartaches,s. maximum amountr r p i o S d C cs I am an Independement adverdsing allowed/ed widi more Of course, re conservatively than you adminlstradon, economics :e, os a retiree, you may feel thithot you need to Invest morec and corporate accounting)g) diinker and voter. ThistUs is com- debates so die Amcimcricanpub- did when ^ no longer dm w ing o poy- n you w ere working. After all,all you m ay think, y ou’re nc and triple minors m y Qrstt Ing from my hean. notlot polides. ^mmmmmm check, sooyoucan'treaUyaffordtotakc ) ts that constantly fluctuate time th r o u g collcge. At thath a t -Grow up, you gossip- ake chances on investments d LP UJITH in valued .C Conscqiiendy, you m ay be i led-inconie vehicles, siich dme, I was also a business geis, and evaluate die t N«DHCU>I le inclined to sdcic w ith fixed- IS When you purchase these m anager. So I'll tell it like It Is.1: person. How many of y tment-grade bonds and certlfrtlficates of deposll (CDs). Wh QUICKBOCo o m — Ipal will b e p reserved and ' Few leaders, nadonal or?"> *? I ju st S6I4.00 In 10 years. » in retirement • a dcflnlte I a S e c o n d U vehicles. That's w hy you n ee n ts th at provide y ou w ith ‘tmakeadythinkin I Incom e vc iced to consider investm ents L breakfast regular incomc, but the poten hat’s whyyou may want to about all the people ^ 1^ - - I notjustrei tential for rising incomc. That pie i ^ ^ P oor , lunch at jys—Mustbt ^ considerr dividend-payingd stocks, vaptictortesi I who are going to lustrles. Including financial ^ ! iio Main St. I 3-0466 Youcannonow find dividend-paying stocl;ocks In a wide variety of Indust services,, foodfl producers, consumer p: ils, technology, publishing -|sendmebeg^g‘g r products, pharmaceuticals, i a n d o thcrs. er But In seardiing for stoc mds, it’s Im p o rtan t n o t to locks that pay good dividend m to be paying the highest letters—I can seeee - 3 be'short-it-Bighted” an d ju st go afrer th'those companies that seem t< ''s earnings are sufflcienUy hh.. ' dividendsis at the m om ent You needi to be sure thata company's e them lining up now. 3 support Its dividend payout e weak. It m ay weU cu t Its — BrKUh author Dor>orls > j 3Uts. If a firm's earnings arc w • •• uiricigoh thV]tT3:iiM 'lir Infffm t ttn?"*" ^ g some research, you con fin e actually Increased their cash iward th«'ll racthc d v t > 2* Bydolngi find m any stocks th a t have a erform ance Is n ot a n Indi- aiwlnMrortbtNob Arts&CtaftSh Uvlden^. no matter how good Shows Oct. 27-9am-. tyto Increase, decrease or tott paymenu atanytimewith- someone is given at MVEvdngellcalFrM totally eUminate dividend pay ■ N o v .lO rlce can and will fluctuate 821EAve.H.Jerolerome , out noticece. And second, they are stodocks. which means their pricc evening like this, ^ ' WoodriverH osslbie to lose some or oU of) unount. •H.S, is-20 Vendors'SilententAuctlon , soltlspot ofyour Initial Investment amc they're way too dealsad ; NOV.23&24 our po^oUo during your lutbesure ' in short,. ddlvldend-psylng stocks can« n b e a valuable p a rt o f yom , Burley High Scl“ h o c ' loverrunent securities and to say thank yoa" < ratiremeniint years • but you should alsislso indude bonds,-CDs. gov( vestm ^n^. By m aking th e rigl : to stay ah ead of Inflation -C «M dU n BlOjrCnnU n t a c t events publlshe( right moves, you c an w ork to ; For Info, cont : S S i u mtaking on an exceulve degrei nning combination. KoptliigtlMlOthaMW JacldeatI t Call Karenen at , ^ ;ree of risk. And that’s a wlnni MackTVndnPflitfi 208-670-06(660 735-327(m # T t m e S ' N e mugltnll*assa: m[b Nevyspg>aper in Eciducation - U t l M l M m 1 - - - - - M H0i^0(Uwl5,2a07 ______AlAROUND TH E WORLC.D ______to

ISRAEL CAL1F0R>INIA , iRAq\ Q ' B B I Ricestniggnngto Fieiy pileup coniiniinues Car Iximb strikeik e s S h n t e overcome hurdles in t o liin d e r tra ffic w o rs h ip p e rs idllikilling nine SANTA C U I i r i A-W - 11 ith th e HAGIIDAD — A l In a latest peace mission work week fast appro,jroaching, parked car struck w : Ji-H U S M ^ — Secretaryry of< aulhorilies scrambled■d SundayI - heading to a Shiithiitc mosque H ilH H III I Slate Cbndolcczza Klcnice to (Ind ways to moveive tmnic Sunday In Baglidaddad, killing at opened on inteasc roundid i of around a major ariery:>ry oul of least nine peoplee as as Iraqis cel- ' TQxA'rw:, Midcast shuttle diplomacnacy that was wa shut cbrated a Muslinslim holiday. Sunday; siruggling lo briti)rltig down by a fiery Iniersi.i'State lun- while the death lollloll rose to 18 _ IsraclU and Palestinians closclose nel pileup. in a coordlnated.suI suicide truck ' cnoURh to make a ptannemed Interstale 5 was shuhut down bombing and ambuibusb north of U.S.*ho9lcd peacc confcrcnccnce In both directions iirotirotind the lhe capital, worthwliile. crash site, snarling traffic tra on Helaiivesaridresc•escue workers Thc two sides arc at biiu)llter surrounding roads,j, ‘ where pulled bodies from>m i under piles J odds over an outline of a pcacleacc drivers lotiked for alieiliernatlve of concrete i)ricksks :and rubble ^ aBTCcmcnt that would bc prcpre* routes after I-ridiiy nigbIgbt s pile- in the Sunni city:y oof Samarra, Mil sented at next month’s confeinfer- up crash more than twt::wo d o m i wbcre a suicide truitruck bomber 2007 ence. and Ricc souglit to lowcower inicks and other vehiehicles in detonated his expliixplosives lale ^ expectations her raissioision rtames. . ' • Saturday.'Guardss hihad opened |k,' If your biisincs.s is makinIdng pcopic fed would finalize preparationsIS forfo Commuters wiio deplepend on fire before he could>uld reach llie llic gathcrin;;. (he sirelch of freeway,ay, which largeled police heailleadquaners. |j||k blbetter, sign up now forr a booth at Magic Underscoring her less-thanban- carries about 223,0000 vvehicles G unm en drove)vc up and optimistic assessment, israeiraell a day, faced the prospispi-ct of a fouglil wllh'policece ii immediate- W ley Health Fair 20077 hhappening on Friday, and Palestinians traded slioiihots niglnm arecom inute to> commitmernent “We’re doing everytliything we ilirougli nearljy bubuildings. Al i(> peace even os siic arrived,-d iiin c a n ... and we'll continuinue lo re- least lii pcopic werevere killed and Ulunder one roof includinijing: the reRion. During her fouiFour- evaluate our alternaieale traffic 27 wounded, policellcc suid. day visit, she will bouncjnce routes,’' said Warrenll Stanley, Nobody claimedicd responsi- ___ between Isracljind the WesWest Qillfornia I lig h mly ^ Patrol billiy for the attacks.cks. i : • Clinical U b WoiX^ork Bnnk'; s«W hg”a c b n x n s u s). T ■ ' a.5sfsfarit chTc/T ■—frbmibmiriresenko ^'v : • Ru Shots • PneumoniaVaccilCCine (w jc re«fktJon..ipp»)0. • ’ i Free Carotid Art\rtery Screening

If you can't make it to th

Heaidi Fair Date: Friday, 0Octobcr 26"’ TbTime: 7AM - i :30PM M[am £ m ogram . Locatioa: Fairgroimds inIn Flier1 I a mid P ap test,r a Free Parking&Admissiosion. I r eiai e lifesav ers ■ j j H To reserve b o o thh and: advertising space, call Rebec<2c c a a t 735-3211, D ia12-1-1 l; to see if you quau alify for aR FREE ] exam ination #SlLukie!B - , S t . B lN ID X C T t l iiiiiily .MciIkmI C cisti'r I*# llonhh Check is iTK SEiSi?^ ' It and corvicat ** «ano«rici’ ■crooniiiK progrom M * flw inllV ai ’•inc»mo. unlnKurpct ‘ Cc(Cann<

a A e xledicAc i ^ d t o . •V

j I sS a f ^i d l i v a ttc h - M M i p j y ^

' Y o u r c a r m lyanrpolilfcpliroigRmdanibpboeo e t o p b T ?

/'takesa. " Each more)re than 200.000 chiidrcn goJ toIr U.S, hospital emergencyy rcroom.s with injuries as- • j l sociatcd with playgroundpi equipment. Mostst injuriesi occur when a childId ffalls from the equipment l o t o u t y j onto the groundnd. o f y o u r HIDMHS0 j W 4 | | ^ H U.SC tiit.s simple'le chcckiist to help make sureire your local community or .school.scl playground is a safe * place to play.

M A S H i iSs: I l v * " * ® * s M h Christian School E r a ® ■ ■ — 'bMfl ^V ^Sidfa^C bIMiWwilgr w m & Child Care Center 1* Make sure suisurfaces around IRtflnint^Vpu^ playground equiiuipmcm have a t ------■utoI Iban.wltiv'" i least 12inchesos of wood chips, Safe Leaming En'Enviromcnt mutch, sond. or>r ]pea gravel, or Developmentallyy AppropriateA FPionMr Ftdiral' - ^ mats made o f sasafety-tested rubber Large Fenced PlaPlayground Cndit< Union or nJbber-like mmaterials. ^ Check that pnprotective surfac- IR II M1\ orrison St. • Twinin Falls* 733-3694 • ■ndvra'llgl\rayou I ing extends at leleast 6 feet in all aI 1% directions fromn Iplay equipment. For swings, be5 sures surfacing ex------tends, in back arand front, twice the [iiiaiSKaBM BViSHli height o f the sususpending bar, • 'A-ry Make sure plaJlay structures more than inchesI high ore spaced at ■ ■ ■ ■ least 9 aponirt. . • iPM?Ull»l.g>.nM trap children, suisuch os openings in guardrails orir between lad* der rungs, isure less than 3,5 • ■ • «'_>v.y inches or more5 tlthan 9 inches. Check for shaharppolnuor iAskfor>

' . •> IN S tD E : Latete Saturday ba< B Indians platene seven in Ilth to toppleto MONDAY Boston, B3 SP( October 15, 2007 TIMES^EWS ■ SPORT3RT )RTS EDITOR MIKE CHRISTEN:ENSEN: 735-3239

INSIDE: N F U B 2 I MSS, AL B3 I Scoreboard,d,B3 I GoK&Weattier,ir ,B 4 Confeijrence Vlw lleybalill actioln h its fliuliswinjlg today

By Bradley Golre Cbss4AGRatBit B a s h W est players will neetliced aggressive net ence ch;ihnmplons and will b m a s .'T - Tlnw»Naw» witter______play and atwcksicks to get past'the recclvea a first-round bye. Tlic M l Tlie Burley Bobczbeats are In a Wolverines. Tigers will/ill play the winner of More Dlstricl IV voile'ollcyboll prime posidon toI wiwin their Qrst Whatever tcancam docs advance Corey andId host Dietrich. If Uie , c p s ' (oumaiiicnts get und(nderway Great Basin Confeiiference West will likely facec CenturyC< from the Tigers canm get to die state tour* ‘ ; • today, \vlih one In Burlciirlcy and tournament dtla andan( It's been a East, as Prestoniton and Pocatello • nament, manyn of them \vlll try oneinDiciridi. long time comingiig since the have not provii•ovidcd exuemcly for theirsecond so state title In tlie No. 1 Durlcy will hoshost the Bobcats have clolmc[med one. The diallenging matenatchcs ali season, calendar• )TMr, y as many players . ' Great Basin Confcrcnceice West lost camc in 1993.(3. back \\4icn T he BobcatsRts will open the vwaepartot ofthe 2006-07 lA state mat a No/1 Buriv V8.-.Nb. :4.'0' h Monday against basketball111 Utle i squad. Mititeb. 5 toumomeot, wiih the; winnerw die District IVWestJst and District totm iam cni Mi 2:'No..2 Jenme.vs; No. 3/>v;i and runncr-up getting a0 shotsi at V East combinedi fifor a single cross-river rivalival Minico. and Also reccfcdvlngobyewillbedie “JJJ ’• M )od.^,-.5 the Grcat Basin Conforenoence East postseason toumamament. Jerome will faceice tliei Wolverines. Shoshoneic Indians. The Indians ; •me S: U.V«i iai-7pjn.. w champ and nmner-up1 forfo tlie Tlicn there's VAxnbod River, the The tournamentient Is a short dou- missed out ou on the Nonhslde ®*||| W M 4:.W 1 V8.'Vtl2i:7jMli; i, 'i three coveicd spots at tiieantiie ss defending WestI champion, ble-elimination□n formatf that will championjnship last year after • • ■Itoaiaih»li,giin«e^::Tij;'-i':,( 4A state toitfnamcnt. wliicli is not aboutut tot ^ve it to wrap up on TUesdayTlit with the some rebcbuildlng, losing the WM.fc'Wa.Vfc U h4 1 he Class the Bobcats witliout;lutaOght. championship,ip, The' East-West majority of o the ^ from tlie "J® Dietrich will host ilie ^ ft.W 4 V9, lA Mogic Valley Norilorthsldc “They’re very smart, st very piayofflsThursdjirsdny back-to.biibnck chompionshlp ' Conference. Tlie winnerner and stiategjc,” Burley co; of 2004 and 2005. runner-up will play against og Green said. “TTiey ho' Class lA Hlagic af Valley sho^onic will play the Comas ; their counterparts inIn ihe tight defense we h. Community School .hav=,og« Northside Coi o n fe re n c e Southsidc for seeding; Inin pool post." play of the Ooss lA stateBtetour- ThekeyforBurleyIcy will be attl- Norm Rock^* FnichDeld -ngm Ths Northsldc-Soutlislde ^ nam ent. tude. as Green saicsaid that her are looking to> rcjrepeat as cor^'er- playoff isI'lhursday 71 rVysS y . ' Brady, W(\Zielkerupstc the No. 8:81s as Pats)win \ y \Wldi ^ N ’WAI ' . C n By Jaime Aroa off to their best sttstart since ______A w clated Pre»» writerr 1983 and were eogcoger to see how they stackedI u(up against | | i u | | | | ^ ^ H | IRVING, Texos — Nowlow the the league’s elite. YeYci it was* D allas Cowboys kiknow n’l as easy os the sct? T he Cowboys (5-1) W'were encd again. In the first overtime, ov Luke 58. for aa tctouchdown and Thorp hit Please | see BRONCOS. Page B4 ;

| B | | n TorrealbalHRhasRot)ckies thinlsJdng sweep3 . : try to sweep thec didn’t register on the stadi-dl- Torrcolba, who hod jusust . ByAniaStapiatM \Diamondbacks on1 um scoreboard radar. c l^ t home runs In the regCg^ _____ -KasssfX6TtasYn«a------“1 Monaay— mjHt— wHcFnT”i Attcr a tiu mplTbenuer.leF ulur season. Franklini Morales faces5 that he fought o^ for' 0a MVP hopeful Matatt DENVERI — No more /Arizonans Micah Owings in1 foul, Tbrrealba hit a fast-SI- HoUldoy also homered offof siuslumbering lumber for the a i matchup of rookies who) ball 402 feet into the left-!ft- Hernandez, who fell to 7-37-: CoColorado Roddes, who are 1have never faced each1 neld seats, then raceded UfcUme In die pIoyofEs. HeHi onone win oway from roaring others ( teams. around die bases pump-ip. allowed four earned runins rigright Into their Qrst World Tho Diamondbacks arei Ing his fists and hootingng on eight hits in 5 J-3 2-: Series. 1hoping to join th e 2004I and hollering. innings. Holliday’s homler e With a cold rain ftilllng, IBoston Red Sox, who ral­ Tbrrealba, w ho Is B-for-or- In die first inning was Ihethe Josh Fogg shut down 1lied post th e New York( 21* in the playoffs wiihilh flrst by cidier team in thLhi? : Arizona^ bats In his first \Vbnkeeis, as the only teamsI seven RBIs, n e ^ y hod1 a a scries. postseason start ondVorvlt tto overcome a 3-0 hole to) home run In tho thirdIrd Fogg, who won Game : Tbrrealba hit a tlebreaklng \win a best-of-seven post­- when hc doubted off ho tho of the divisional scriei three-run homer to fuel tseason series.' center-fldd wall. The sta-ta- over Philadelphia In rcllelief the . Rockies’ 4-1 victory Tbrrealba connected inI dium^ pyrotechnics' oper-cr- of Morales, scatterect5d Sunday night In Gome 3 of tthe sUth Inning, three9 alor thought it was ^neno seven hits, Indudlngrook}k. the NL championship rpitches after wototlng onei and set off som e Qreworksrks le Mark Reynolds' soUilo • M series. ge, cof U van Hernandez'sI as Tbrrealba pulled inloIto hom e run In the founh,In Ir M ania MdMMWNrVmKIiKtanakamiaMipiWaWalh ilbaMbyfrailpMaai) The i Rollin’ RocUes took ttradeinark ”ce|^htis'' offer­. second base.- sU stellar Innings, Ho didId- ifM totagairiiihW vhaaMHS«lttaNUS«MtiM ] a a2 3-0 lead with thdr 20th Iings poke acrou the plate> ' The real fireworka camene n't walk a baiter ancnd MnMHaMNMtaliDamrmr at kiiai; baaar pnP N lh alaaU N aM ilii. wliwin In 21 games. They will Ifor a strike — so alow Itt throe Innings later fromim struck out three.

, i B2 MariiKOcMwl9,2007 ______SPORTS

Saints gett first win i ilafonal a Football Leasague AFC______" VlMngt 34. B t r » 31 “ Psctors 17, Radridtw 14 H«v»ns22.Rams3 F P* Horn* AWJ UC NFC On, UMMaeia r 7 T 11 - 3434 WaaMngUn 7 T 0 0 -. 14 n u u * 0 0 10—1 . 17 DaMmer* 3 10 3 t - 22 « 0 0 KW3 MO0 W9 WO IM W . 1.-M I-M5 Chicago 7 7 0 17 - 3131 Ora*nB*y 7 0 10 0 - 17 ' at SeatSe’si’s expense 0 FVttOuanar nmOiia>t*r FViiOuWMr 1 ■& 0 U 0 0.-H*Ma. W puM f*wn (CkxAd Utt).jc»). 00-W»*inJ«»(C«*eF|iUe»l.»11 EiU-F0S»^43.14e iMn 0 e 0 OX i« Wm-JCmtvM 8 rui (Suanwn kB,,.Uct). l.een«r47.t374 U<%-WJUrr«on CO saa* Inni J*»aon Di^iWaM*8tvor*tkck|.4 13 Orleans Snlnts finally' floaicd a kick dtat just Ham ' w L T Pd .PfF Pk n m Any AFC NFC ON' OonffMi kckl. 00 W* T>«rd»(ana» thc win column. cicarcd i the crossbar for PHUayaK 4 1 0 *» ia < 0 lamndOuanar uVaa-Coowy 14 paw tnm JCamcM OMrrm 4 J 0 U' _IIO0.100, 10 3J>0, 17-0, 3^_' l>7fl° C»-0*>n*n 30 p«M (fOtn On**« (OauH IStMTiarnkjctl. 1.11, 0*t-F0ao«'73.l211. A standout night fromI his I longest pro fleld OMUnJ J 3 0 «0 1«7' 1« ThMOuarwr S8.-fO WAM 32,844, HfKRjL* Bash was only aI goal. i Cramti I > 0 XC t» I'j Un-f>*l*non «7 run (lo«ff»*« kje»).a, QO~nOvDtit.),M4a. 1131 Fni«D«’« It 13 F PA H«mt Aa>y AFC NFC ON TcwrMVvtt 304 22i I David I'ailen hud eight Foreman's 1 club-record Jl CJ.-FQ OauB 13. a 37. ^ • 274' 31-77 3,3 0, 100 ,13? II n Un—<>alarwn 33 rixi (longMi uct).Kt). » » ! catches for 113 yards';■ oft 200 yards rushing set 0 133 71.0 1-7fl 77-0 1-1-0 W . Pau.^ 210 ■ l» P«a«^ In 1976. ? 3 0 400 tto 1? Siinday nlglii to lift thc I 0 Ut/wnmaO 31 pAM I'O'n On*t* F\/inaei/na i-4 8-7 ; 3 0 400 J 130 I) 12« 1-1-0 7-30 ■ 0«fl 1I-0 KiMFFWwna 4-109 3^43 3 ^ KOujlinrtr* 6-112 1-W ; Sjiints to Iheir first vie- (GouU uol. 218 j . nw*caraFW 14 S4i 41 mry, 2fM 7 over BUCS13,Tn)WS10 NFC CN—«*ti*> at paia lr»n 0>wt* (Ooukl kwcatWia fWc. 2-lt 3,J 1-0 COTOAaw l*3«5 lt-30-1VI , UU). 1.1* Corrp-AaM 2107-1 19-377 'I'lpi’y, , TAMPA. Fla. — Cm) W L T' Pci PfF PA P Hem Amy AFC NFC DN Satt*0-TvaaLe« >7 M9 2-19 SaC«'f*«»Lx.i '4-11 2-.3 SeJiliJiwks- / Tennessee lost Vince Un-FO Uooff«* «. 00. PkTO 7440 S-909 J A-«2.174 Pkf« 1-408 8431 ll was il brea/out day Young, ’ then watched FKTUnUal 4-2 44 fui®»*U»l M M for New Orifiins (1-4), thc 1 game slip away, too. _ P*na*M.Yarda 7-Sl 449 ^ Tmoipoaaauon 3248 2712 Trw« Pe»a»tt«*i 7907 MMM whicii hadn't scored Matt Bryant's 43-yard F PA Horn* AmiT AFC NfC ON inure liian 14 points in field 1 goal with 11 sec­ > IcUirMIVtrat 444, 4il »®IV100ALtTATBTX3 WOIVIDUAI STATSTtCS S 1 0 *33 14^ 10 3 fWM-yMt 43-311 2443 nU»HW0-WaUwvWvP0.t*20W.5.»- flUSMHO-a tom. I.l«» 740, Lawunl four dispiriting losses onds i rem aining won It. CwvDit 3 2 0 «a Iir 15 3 Pa«^ 133 374 „ ■ l7•1e.Plr!TanS-11,Fr»fee.l ^Ha94na^ lhai l)rt>iiKlil hacic chill­ Tennessee had a flvc- UniMca 7 3 0 4M 101 » «nM4,D*(a3'lO.C«TOM24.ktaa1.^ (iT^ 4| Daiunora. McCaUM ««l.«1, Cnugo 7 4 0 iU tl«t I* 1-7fl l ’« ‘ma '1.74 0 ar**nD*y. W^o 13J7. Mor«ic»4-1l, (V:aar 34. M Smm 3-S UcOan I-l.VxMr-3ar- ing memories of the gamc | road winning ’ KcWKAawm MU O-tSO FattaM Aints of days past. In streak ! halted after the F PA Harm Awty AFC NFC , vaMKMianM 24 00 PASlMa-MkU>^CainDat3l-lM. P*S5B«-9.LOi«.Fr»roM1M«-5«» Diw. thc Salni3 had 2006 : NFL Offensive } 110 •<•«> ,»'-9 ,4-l-e_?;10,, Coi^:^l^«...... »-2« 2fr4i-2 ;i7. OwnlbK IM7-M» ) s«M»Ywau*> 1-1 '•< 14 RIC£IVWO-W»ahrg»n. Cool>r 9-109. DaRnm.Bi)aarlM»1,lt4 three (ouchdowns t>y Rookie 1 of thc Year i i ' i i i ’i- iii ) Pirt* *-*2J MU ntCOVmO-aLoul,HaganiS-74,(>rfl«r« Pe>« 3-23. Smi 3-21. FM* El 2-M. 444,Hol4-U.tacrwd3.31,UcM(Mat2-*3- tiie middle of thc sec* limped 1 off thc field In Utin I ' 4 0 JOO 091 10>100 M4 ) FuTMiiW 14 2-2 McCanM 240. VMM 1-S. Sal*n t-1. Olid quarter. thc I third quonct. ' PA Hom* Amy AFC NFC CN PmaMa-YanM 2-10 4-2*» 0«*nD*»;D«»M8.Uor*ner>-31.t** w I. T PR Pf n TmaolPsaaMaian IMO 2141 4S, "Wli did pop that can JefTGarcia threw a 69- iflBM . 3 3 8 .SCO 1?#1 tJB tj< 7-t-O 1-7-0 M-0 274 7-14 *' 1-7J, Jannrgi 1-20, Hal2-14. Winn Ml’ ’ M Sm«3-18. S>t'WMU2'10 tjpeij, jusi n little bit," yard] touchdown pass to I IM 2-1.0 1.7-0 M-0 77-0 1-1-0 WUeO FIC1000AIS-0»«1 Dar. Cn» IMSCOnUDOOALS-StUnn.WiUn I la t JO M-0 0-7-0 M-0 7-1-01 MOmOUAl STATISTICS t>,4aiwj.3e(WL) said Hrees. who is trying Joey j Galloway less dian I 1» 030 0-30 »I4 0-M 0-24 to iielp tiie Saints five 1 m inuies after Young T»,«M2I Sl.R H>mA3l Carolina 3 3 1 It — » HMOnawi 7 71 0 0 - M Oe>yii»» Tvrca tUr u 0*n( 11 >ni PASUNO-Mmuiu. Jaction 0^71-0-10- Anema 0 7 1 0 — 10 playoffs after an 0-4 CHIEFS 27, BENQALS 20 jK»ia^.<«37. MouJKn 17 ACirutl IM &lHra. I1*m 138 CrKago.aiww7e-4S'7-»l Flral Ouarlaf Flrat Ouartar Sian. ~ll()pefuiiy, there’s KANSAS crry . M o.— Cln«un]4l,M«n3l •iHouscn. 11 *m niCeiVING-Un»K>ta. Waoa 3-10.•10. Cai-FQKaUy33,3 4a Unmoa 34. Cr»w 31 Awtf«tiW«nr7>so. 11 NO-Prnoma> S 'i^ a Wum lUaraara tnoriMocomc." Tony Gonzalez set the nM*9Kin4 la. NT Jra 0 V/aamHn240. FarTMx 2-1J. Rc* M3.■>1- S*eend Ouariat Uttl. 17ia hMC>q<4rx)>IUm.1Um Ptwoonl-O CNca»j.O«nan5-71-Own Ntiw, it’s th e NFL 1 rccord for touch­ D*tre™».C» LCM.3 (U'wo'fMOtMe.iiam wn C*>-rOKaam*t23n»(nack*<«Uc>|. 7.10'® NO-JohMon 3 p»i Irom 0-»«» |War* CtMnEUy 17. WuM\i»i 14 •iNTO.m.llam rMa2-U.QanKn2'18. Dana 3-12. Hml*>w ThlrdOuanaf miistgodirecilybaclcto end i und thc Chiefs Kv* kxk). S11 tlie drawing board after rolled i up an impressive 0mii}7 NYj»a»iC»ic«inj».2«p(T. S«)l4 9 La»*lS**!M.7.13pm An—FQ FUckart SO. 3 20 Sta-CCOTianw 17pati IrcmKaiwSvtt a second slraight — • for them — 354 total HmOr*r«a•'** NO-Ce»tcn 2 pan Irom 0>an lUaia pnthellc efforl — this j UtWUriOMM Pstrtots 46, Cowftoys 27 — lpaulr0mT»M«r0*l.».«I.J40 corning a week after a 'The first sign that Paei«^itO«w.aiSpm Utt). 30 Opwi: IMUo. ho»n»Pi*». Pnmuv.V ManaafOct g M.ei>B>an0' 07. FounnOuinK on( oifcnsc for thc Chiefs FlrttOuartar A-44403 S«*-Outi*Mn 22 pan Irom Ho 13, tO I Chkif27.B«ifl.l«M------. NE-Wo4> 8 pan lrek0MUkie».7 41. A-«82f8 - - f N£-W«Ba» 3J pa» Irom TOratfifU, rnsODxit 14 10 10 IjiDninian 'Ibmlitison Frusiruied I Pro Bowler TtmpiDi/ 0 1 7 ) - 1]J KMiaatdy 19 10 0 7 — 2T |00»l>«MUk>cli|.2.14 ToUNtlYim 374 297 M matclied his carccr hi{^ Larry I Johnson gained 9 «Mond Own*r Sacond Ouartat nuiMa-yaraa 30-ltl 78-901-08 Fol0««. 22 !b will) Tour touchdowns, yards. > Just one short of TO-ra 23.<07 KC-FO IUyna< 37.»3« Oal-fOFofc3e.1231. Paung 103 '» 1» toulNWYarOl 387 471 Thiffl Own** C-'-»o»rt»mafta»*a.h 42 pa>( l.e«i' 0a>-Haicn*f2»lk/n(M'*>u'n|FokUc>).„ Puf*n*»-m» 445 4-21‘•21 •• nuin**7ars> 33-121 2102 rushing Tor 19R yards on die i team's entire embar­ Trv-POO.-en..4»7a P*»T'»ilO'i«an)iuc«|. 739 KcMfWum 2-31 7-100'00 Pau^D 741 113 24 carries jmd leading rassing r rushing total the TO-OWe..r 89 WM I'O-n C»'Wla KC-Oon;Mt3p*u1'«nH.dr«inarn- NE-W«lk«r 12 Mta Iron TO'atfy l\rt nakna 00 7 23 tlie Chargers to Iheir week v before. ♦ikOl.il |OoUkOwMUc»).3}4. Corrp-Aa-M 2M14 14-2MM KcttflflMm M7 9-11919 elglilh siniigitt win over Gonzalez, the eight* FouRh Outntr SacondOuarMr Dat-Omni 12 pau tram nomo |Fo>^^ Sattat)-Yard* lou 2-11 2-211-21 kwiKXcra flM 18 04 T«n-WM«Jfunift’enii »<»).,' 17 KC-l. Mnntn a nri |R«,n*< U»l. tir. kick). 4« ISI Corrc-»a« _ TS-IM 2443-1 ihel3]. lime li Pro Bowler, caught FuTOaa-loU 00 4-2 SaOad'Yvda uu 00 S-n Damon Huord's 3-yard TD-FQD/yV-Cra)iai 1 pau Irom no>r«>MUe>).4M »«VWJAL8TAT»T>CS TVn* ol Pou»uo< 3244 3M8 Hiiatins for fifth on ihc Sharpe's S NFL rccord of FnlCUww JO 111 wk-Hou»hm*f«J.«>.i. 30 Irom FogfthOuanat Fooar 17-43. SmBi MS. Haf«a 1-2.. Arv nOmOUAI. STATISTICS ' ' Avith IOC. for fl dght ends. njinn-,«si 33M IS-X> PaVTWiO-anamlell.lM NE-SUMnn 89 paaa Irom TD>aOy. Kn*.Jan«a2240.Dr*uionM0.naBivaav BUSHWO-N*. Onaa-.. 0«W 10 97, .L.T. scorcd for the PlMing 731 3U 2-S,T4r«ni4 a*tt««l-17. Moor* 1-7, 0OH40, Karrwy ' C«-F0 0'tna'n3a..ie I0e«k0miuucai,l22l. kM- 14 S*a!M.WMNw340.M>ian3*r I4-3S. Qnal lime wilh 2:43 left, JAGUARS 37, TEXANS 17 PuvnMn }.lt 3-12I A-7tt4t. Da»-fQ Folc 23.1003 PAUna-CanM. Tno^wo* 2&.1M- Ksw*n«ui« 4« 1-u 2C4Annna.niaay 1224-3-190. Viknar«r3- 2- >Uu*0»»2'l3 UvmM.Piaturnawt. iritjcii 10 thc deligln of JACKSONVILLE, Fla. I NC-FO OoMkOMU 23.3 U. 2-MI. — David Garrard dircw MareNMnrw. (M !■<■«)I Cki KC NE—Eckal 1 run lOotBonU Uck). :10. fteCtrWO-CarcarM. Sm«i 10-138. a*-Col- PASS«Mn>. Oram K-»0-4- the Kaiders-haiing - CcrrcMUlM 2I«-1 »01-0 A-41.H4 cniwtl. two t’ touchdown passes 1 FniOmnt 72 20 bM13-29. Cartar 2-17. Krg 2-12. FoaW,r2- 2- 248 SMO..Moi.batt?fr4l.l-302 LM 3-24 W)> TottlN«Y.«rt 373 JM 8. HooMt 14 Aiuena. FuganM M7. ftECEIVWO-N*« Onuni. Paswi B-113.13. and Maurice Joncs- Pin> s-tsa »-ua> nuww»-,«« it'7a 14-12I MC Dll** 0r»J»naen4-29,TSn*24,Uiti*«1-42.1-42. Dum 8-u. Mocra MS. UOo 7 28. JcFn- PAN1HERS2S^CI«iWS10 DrewI h ad 260 all*pur* FxTiMti Law 2^2 1-1I Paufq 2M 213 ^ P»«'-l ion2'12. Sattar 2-10. Kvnay 14. Ca B-4» 4.» ■ DMMflVarO* 44a 263° Msseo FOLS OOALS-CaroMi. Kaaayaaay 1-2. SM»a. Cn^an 0120 DuWi 841.13. njanaa^am . 29-73 iS-07 Viiiny Tesinverde hit Jaguars ji won their fourth » 4S)m, cecnarv, 4-72, Wa^r 4.93. Pcaarti 2213. * KKW«n*tKTa 4-7J 24S Paw^ 373 188 SWa«acal.» Steve Smith for a 6S- straight. s m*e*twnan*i 00 2-21 Purinamma M7 044 _--- UtSED F1IL0 OOALS-SaaWa.«. yard touchdown pass, lacksonviUc (4-1) got Hovnuu STAnsncs Corp-Aan T4-437 7i4« KAcARM/na 8-149 7-17777 Charaw»2a.RaJ<»f«14 __ JOO>W*1*4(OK) nUSMtNO-T»Ym«^, WM* 75^, SKua-vvaiuu <-79 Ml M»e«Mnan« 1-S 04 DeAngelo Williams ran a a rare rout against die C Oroon vtvq M TtffM a*V. 0>>- OaUM 0 7 0 7 — 14 team that has caused it Pim »-»J2 7-*ae 11-lM 1M0-I•' SanOlago 14 0 7 7 - 28 lor 121 yards and a t< )wnl>2».awti«2<1. Sact«4-Yan>liM 1-1S 3-13 ** Sunday'a Individual Bw ts ~ d^e m ost heaaaches in FlralOuarW iniiclidown in a game tl PmiNa-T*mM»M. Com 10-704- PwaM-run »4S * SD-To>rl^ kick).10,, Tom(V»i»,.NC aiOal-M#>»n».31-ol- quarterbacks. John Jones-Drew mnho 7* 2M1«274 Pvianat-ran)* MO 12-«a« 841. 4e,91D» iOtsiiy klckcd four field' yardy TD rim early InW ReCEIVIHO-T*mtM*. UouUt e-49. monnOUALSTATISTKS Tnw ol ftjaa*ia«A laiS 2149 DrunCnaM.CN n kln-311 laroi.20-«■ goals for Carolina. fourthi period, making it nWAm M4. 0 442. ScMt 3^1^ ftUSHINO-Cramtt. WitMn 1341. Oak—Hooard M inlarc*pl«n raium VM* 2-8. Hwnock Mt EUf. (V*- nOVIOUALSTATSnCS (JanMBtktuc)iJ.aS4 CarMn Panwr. C« al X C —320 |«m. 20-«■ ______Willlains helped Icc 23-9. 2 Paul Spicer sacked *' njorraon 4-8. Pttw 1-7. Kanaas CBy._ ■jtiaHMtbima.flWiBi-fAiftja.-aL. ______U15NW 31-1IS. 0«w« 7-3. 1- ihe game with a late 75- Matt R Schaub on the AttM U3. Cttvn'2'U. Sn«< MS Mcm lO-U. coal 34-TEVaOy 3-9. Oalaa.aa. SD-Tomwtton 13 run (Kaadmg kOu*na> 170 KanuaCir,.l* > 343. 20Cam«,3TDt UOmm TorrMiM. SO. n. Oak.-l«a JwktemrlM 0 10 • ai'— *7 t->. Kama* Ciy, 0«>uiM'»-r02, 24. aa»«y M a. K Sraor 1-1. VHMi 1.»» A-«7J23. - • rinlOwotw y*nN.24cam*i.4IDt WMS 7-71. Dom 444. LJmcn 2-74, . DaUa.Oi>«« 848. Ctt)lcnM8. Weanil- 1- PACKERS 17, REDSKINS 14 RAVENS 22, RAMS 3 H«f-FOKOi»«n 70.1074 47. D«V*' 1112-12: Faaano 1-28. JJonM 1-1. Oak SO „ T)«maaJ»»*.KYJ v» n«-lX»«d*.I*. GIlI-liN BAY, Wis. — BALnMORE - T h c 2 rnaaoora 11 18 ” 24ean« Cliarles Woodson Ravens P forced Rams QB UaSCDFieiAOOALS-l«n* TcMMYanH 244 362 ^ Uautti Jy»a-1>... jae v> ltM-123 Heu-rOXOr53 »208 jM-WntMlw I PtM •'Vn |C«I' — Paiarq 191 181 f. DaAnga»V«wT«.CaraiA>i-121yarda.la. yards for the go-uhcad turnovers ti and Matt B.flto«ie,jot.8 ------Browns 41, OoipfttM 31 _ PulFteajT* 04 1-20 „ 10c«ma*.1TO touchdown In soggy Siovcr S kicked five Hdd JW-FO Cvnrf 37, M RlCtlVWO ThMOuwIM PMaO*lphla 7 9 t 0 - ta coiidilions ai Lambeau goals. g ^ RY.Jati J 3 0 1 - t 0*«Mnd 14 13 0 14 — 41I, HaocMnaRai 141 J4 2-0 WW i-iel(t. Wllils McGahee had a nr«tOu*n*r FlralOuanat Corre^-W 24-374 I441-I UoUMI. a 17. Corey Williams 6-yaid 6 touchdown run NV-FO NwQWiI M. II 47. CM->I.Wneni ruilDawaonUO). 12.41.14, Satta»Yantilsal M7 ” 0-0 TJ HoutNnarOtaoah O a> KC-149>9 l*on40.IM ^ QmaSMM>«.NE.alOd-t3ay«0*.7 thc first dm e this season 77 KrtM t«mm Oa—EMt«a 24 pau Irom AnoaiMn Woodson picked up the ti NY-fONuJ*«21.1243 »e«W>UAl*tAW)C8 '• ball and ran to tlic end Baldmorc E (4-2) won by bck), 8 U Utt). 8.13 VMWakar.NE aiOal-124^ 11 ThMOuwlar Uo-Alann 14 pau irom Lamon (F*a)y^ miSHWO OMiini».Jar0>ii>4j.Fargaa more than seven points. Jm—JonM-0>*w S? tvi |Ciw ThMOutnat AnVtM.Onol-lrrawtl despite un off day from PASSMO-OatM. CJpw" 3447-2-, , >«•- lhe league's lop passing EAST RUTHERFORD. *-«).71J NV-FOM«9*nllO,»a 5 nn (F*a*y ue*). 7.S7. VM W*k*r. NC.« Oai-11 oacnaa. i24M A-Tr,i» Ua-Uman 1 nxi IFady Uct).2 44. 23Q.SanO«ge.l»>«tl4-3M-1i4. yarot.2TT)a ufTensc nnd Brcit Favre, N.J. ^ — Donovan UCOVWO-OMand, Cury 1.73. Man 9*MSntVi.Cai alAA-tOcaKnai. 138M who becam e thc NFLs McNobb N direw for 278 Hm Jw Cl*-E#nnia t pau Irom Afxtanon 144. UW>«na MS. Ponw Me. uaa>'*• 3- ,«.1T0 career intcrcepiion king yards, y including a 75* 17. Hggra M^ Fargaa t-ll. San Oago.>9^ CmiCoa*)i;WM.*lQD-«caea-««l 22-»1 11-2M rMdom 2* 24* T>m»0.«Mt SaiM»Ywi»Ui*l 3-lt 1-lt ItMfMyMB 38S 164 1l*a«ghWaakt Peterson showed the against o; thc Jets (1*5). Aah»yMl »1I0 K-140 UAOWOaCOMRS FifitMMM 2-2 M ' HOSTPOHTS Bears why he was the P«i*».YWdi Mt Ml 'FiftMaami 0« 00 Paaa«« 34« 244* ai.PM>MCFMn.Omifta BROWNS 41tD0iPMNS 31 PMtnikm MO MO 2& Dmm, UM « Vf-J, an n H, 0 lg, 0 first runiiing back taken B mwdPewwen 3040 2*30 |IVia>a»YaW» M4 04 ' t1.ClMM«l.CMWMIVIt ■V.12P0 in lills year’s draft with CLEVELAND — 'Ihe TVratfPcaaaaMti 3)it 2tO« MM . selling rushing per*. Dolphins C (0*6] a Iran- WIIWMO.MCMieri. Om» 1M4. QMS, tannowrrAntnc*< . 0 40t yMl. PM1W, Ol al 0*.. ani, 01.>■ SatkM-VMilM MO M' 4^0Mgs«CtoN«r1V7 t0,40t.lH.2H) Tormancc and three chlse-record cl nindi con­ «.llScnM2-«.nawMiM.VMM>1. RUlMMa-PMaMVN.I WaWMM 20- PM 3-«U MIS 12a 8utMM> HtH 14. UeMS }■ tONOSST touchdow ns. Still, Ihe secutive s< loss. (n u tl JMOSMt. Jon»OrM l^ < FtfK«a»U« M M1 o,SN»«PMw^i»r 71, AMamn. CM« •» SM. MO. (UM Vikhtgs needed a 55- Tho Browns (3-3) . ]HVJW.TjBna*24.l3aCe0»Vl-1<. P»i*W*V>di MO O^Hmrwll ILHMnr^on 24. e >Mn I-4. TiiaalPeatMMsn » l t XH yard field goal from scored s< on diree of their t lOTkLVAns rVittftfl I M'l nan tcTM tMM.JM. '4-t Haal llyan LongweU on tho Orst 0: four possessions to iteM>«Mii-t2«4}.jKaoMa.a«iiM I MOMXULtTKmnC* IM. OMM W. CMM sn • NPfemdhitUihlohs fUiol play. go gl up 17*3 before Leigh 22«M1 itn. MY. I1-2I-MJ* >" t3a,mM«M«0weiMJ After ailcagoli Brian Bodden B Intercepted MCSVMa-HeuMsn. IMI&, • mcfnnHO-mMWM R»«M Ma, 44. CMM. IM*. Hmen »■1- ui.oo*«atia*«M*ii WaaMi MLCMI l-iri. C«M M4. t7.Awmant.tS, Wm l-7.6tM M* t01.MM<«.ftla«M0- UOSTTCHia Gricsc hit Devin Hester a C e o Lemon^i pass. 0VNkt.7t.0ikMmMMl.DMMa, > MiSMfr-UWM. Umen 2443-3-2M Derek Anderson 0M>>M.0Mi}4.0MMnl4.LMcr< I t 4tLNa«b(ltM«MMBWI 1 a (4 Ma* M NanOrarM OtMal fur ua Hl-yord ’TD pass OanlM. AMman 1 M»Mtt Nmal UAtMOMSSnS lo lie th c g ^ e w ith 1:38 turned tii It into a 24*yard . jMi.c««rMa.cei**i. iw m w e -f^ »ew M t Ow» 27. TJon** Ml, LVlMMitlen l.t. l44.CMaltlMiaMVDntV7 HOSTVIUM loft. I'ctorson come touchdown to throw to (hw^WhMcuiMl UJ«in>lt. i Mn »n. MO. UMn S.I1.I. ii4.s«««iPMk(»q Wi|h*f1.l.T»,WIW«2) I MWM>t40.laM«iM7.JWV«Maa liT.iwwlayaiWweiaiOT LONOCST returned th e oniuing ni IMStO WVO 00M.1 *AMn 41 (ML 41 m HV JM. H««« L IHSUWIWOMiM •t. NM. DM M PM. H3, n Mama.k klckoir 53 yards to the *44IVW) IKSMFmMHlWMaOO HanW

• t « • ltad«KOciotMrl5,200717 B3 TtaM^MFA,U*e ______STOKTS

SplitsvilHe: Indian:IS tired butIt tied afte3r marath(i o n

CLEVELAND (AP) — Ecjually Stephen King, from lhcthe hotel to attend an option- ociras at home en route to0 wwinning exhausted ancl cxhllaratorated, the “It was draininning, emotionally and al workoirkout, offered some perspec* dieir first Worid Series sinceice Gcvclancl Indians stumblenblcd home physically,'' saidLid Indians (list base- dva Manager Ttrry Tnincon P R ' - 3 ^ ^ looking for tliclr postscasorison plllenvs. m an Rynn Garko,rko, sporting a facc full "It's; just Ju: a loss,” rookie sccond asked if a ousliing los.s couldiild h m 'n Sleep \vas at a premiumlum Sunday of stubble andind the same dress basemannan Dustin Pedrola said. ”l lingering effect. after a' latc. Intc night out)ut in nippy clothes he wore-ore on the flight to know wcwe went into extra innings "Tlierc had better not be a New England. Qcveland. T b)bcsitdnghcreonan bi and diey[Mjy scored a bunch there. Wc ryover," Fnmcona said, "nini Tlie Indians were tired,d, fcfor sure. off day, down 2-G2-0 , would have been lost diele game.g It's 1-1 In the series. be a horrible mistake oji our ■ncdlnthcALCS.toa tougli.” Vk^e still;ill hawI die same mind-set. Fraiiconn also snuffed o \Vltli a record-setting,•. se\-en-nin sc Instead, the5 IndiansIr felt relieved Just bcobccause wc lost lhc game, diougiu of bringing back Game C rally in the 11th inning utu t'Game 2, — and perhapsps a little lucky — as nobody'sJy's hitting tlic panic button." siarter Josh Uc-cketi on ihrclirce the Indioa^ despite getting;iiignact-to- ilit7 prepare to host Game 3 on Maybeybc not anyone in tiie Boston rcst in Game .1, no liclp from tlieir top two:wo pitchers Monday, ilie firstirst of direc straight (it .clubhousouse. Dut back in Newton, “Wliat we'rc ir)iiig to do0 is up inside unforgiving Fenwinway Park, Jacobs Field, whitirfiich hasn’t hosted nn Wakefiehflcld and Lowell, Mass., our rotation so wc can win[1 a beat tl)c Red Sox 13-G in die wee ALCS gome sinccncc 1990. prcclnctsicts inside i^cd Sox Nation Francona said. “Sonietinies) j a m / K B E E •hour! Sunday morning to10 eieven their Cleveland V\vill start Jake may bele aa little ulormcd. get shortslgliied If the ncneed for i ; , , . — i- jainst Boston rookie 'Ililsw;s was die type ofgamc ilie Red panic arises — perceived1 panic. p If best-of-seven series. Westbrook agaii a i d At IJ7a.m ., a 5-hour,', 14-minutc14 Dolsukc Matsuzauzaka.wJio lasted just Soxusualiually win In October. In fact. It you losc a couple games, ewL-vxTybody i ,- ri Boston baseball mamtlioriion ended 4 2-3 innings in Ills playofT debut was thele flrstfi: lime Boston had lost an wonts yoii ip Immediately!ly ctanEi!< franlilln f,i, Cutierrti hit* i three-nin hor'■ome after morc than 40010 pitchcs, against tlie LossAngclesAngcls. A cxira-innlinning game in die postsea- wliat you've set up. I Sox pUchtr Jon Lester In the Uth "Tlie rcason we set it upI Ilk'like nils Is momcnttmi swings andnd enough The Red Sox.t \nwell, at least die fc\v son afterFter going 7-0-1 in its previous )f the ALCS eirijf Sundiy morning at spine-tingling October rnotmoments to sleep-deprivedd cones who skipped eiglit. becausc \vc diink It give usIS ilthe t e l Innlntta Clift 2 «l Illl Fenwiy Pirli. 'The IndiansIndij won 13-6 In 11 innings. shiver even clic-hanl Redled Sox fan afternoon naps)s aand wandered over In 200-1lOO-J. llie Red Sox went 3-0 in diancciowinaseries." SC(:OREBQlARD __ . m NR 1? 'jEc'TTiar BASEBALL n S S S S " J !2 .'iNR m««K^.ftnT2 Sunue 7. Wn»(5^ NnMfwit imoHS •onh LtrMOcMt lM74»C«-};0.»O.ll CMM)U«Mr«ft«i “OO"® ^ H gr»“s£ ssfe r‘ JWWMX «Ut.7M>SI35.J3 FtaiMS.T««*i*,4 IbnUM 1& JUrtun. U VdM rvwl 12 talAPvk «Mi'7M7S'l]5-U PO«Mpl«,WB4 • Coreyvs. OioWch.2o.m k sovmpmtiMfi fU7:~3ni3S .12 PMMOtful.NT.WMOtl S LO C A L _ Cooimuflity School vs. Comos ■ S5SS.W Si»:B!t.5UUJ; 070«-JJS-10I-IO CjlMft7.»Utf-lll.4 0 ------HiainCHOOL-...... J.IO C^<•r3J CttUU.OT BssiisffiKsi ! County WteiHrtl. K iiSrSi "! .) Coli,r!\»irtl NUgn«l 1 0 1 IDOnU* * VOUfYBAtl RidMd vs. CanvOwtnch wrrer 1 7 V4WH1 PlatfiJ HdwkAO 1 OMftmn) * Class 4A Olslnct N toumamcni 2 « t: Xrifn^O OnHn.e.NnM<. Carey-Oieinch loser vs. Game 4 J OnMNm M$7»7}-3S4. 4 J bonif 611 «JU«)U 4 0 iofome vs. Wood River, 5 p.m. ' iSF'" Is I J U S tS t . MlnleoBuilcy inltwer vs. Jctomo-me- loser } -2 Imru It S i m S « ^ u < •:.] [Vlr>lltir«^«cffl.Spm S S S S S i O Wood RIvef winner. 7 p.m. <0 SAUn) IWKOTM U7073 7S-291J •] .J Un»w»f»*«aw.Spm “ T s T - i■« Minlco-Buficy loscf vs. Jetoirw- T V SCHEDULE 5 . U»)iun }M»r&74-»] w-gw y j|,a|D^^iu^ i 5 ^ - l i ! 7 7>7»7771~70S>U :*■ Wood RIvef loser. 7 p,m, ~MAJ0R'aAQUrBA5EBXnr' i SHOUHMTt 7M17«-76-107>l> Iley 5 p.m. T e n n is .(U Class lA EHStnct IV Mojle Valley Iiss™ ,. fiSis WfATour PTT Bangkok Opepen ^ Soymsido Toumamont (al FOX — Ployons.Amencan UntMtTKii frlLUS 12§ (aiamploftsTouf 10 Hatisen) ' League Championship Series, U.nnu iJUM uu AMrtfaffSmd Busmen (3ass3assic MU.NMoAdTM&tlotnMeMT , Murtaufh vs. Magic Valley game 3. Boston ot Cleveioiv] UKml 701^ U 0 OirtsUan.4p.m. 8:15 p.m. IT.Mkuul frlLOU 11 “ y H i i'\ Htmsofl vs. Oakley. 5:30 g.m. TBS — PloyoHs, Nalional jjtoWjWW 1 “ 0 g “ 0 “ Murlsus^vMaglc Valley Crviitlan League ChamploosWp Series,, S s s 1 I n«. » winrwf vs. Castleford. 7 p.m. M BmMrttaitn'W: S245W-191 game 4. Antono ot Colorado M HMOMttfi e7«44S-l»-17 J HonseivOBkley»rfnr»fvs. i k i s r s s s NFlFOOTBAa 2lCMlmiB MU9 17 TwIM t«M>-200'!9 ATP-WTAToufKremllnCup^ip 0 UShtnouso ChrisUan. 8:30 p.m. M 340 UW UiKut t»«M7-JOJ-14 lj ' 6:30 p.m. « UmtlMlun- «747«-JOJ.l4 & i g g J S 2 Class lA Olstrtct IV Mafllc Valley onm MmtwaMU HM’Pmi SUM m. i'l) WWiffsL lWI r . l K a s “ PlMfeen 3 1 0 0 1 1 Northside Toumamonl (Al ^ ESPN — NX Giants al Ailonta ■ra* 1S6: moitt lU Rudnt 4S. KmiS i . s s s . s s s n s ; s ctfMLO-i IJ 1 } } 1 J : Diemen; ail maiches Imtnedi-1. NHL HOCKEY SUU 47: Uw SUM 4L MMmt S4: nmt»W BmCimm 70*W»-«3-O|:l| OwUM «i »ngwug 5 p.m. StfdwCMMMaM I atefyfollowlnjcndofpdor S'iESSK BA^ r ^ '}5 • “ moich) VERSUS — Toronto at Dulfato !:li ^ MMV,OKU JffTSWniflSE Mw 'U OMtWttun 73W 7-»S Sl OA.W«M< »«S«t-20S'U5 ;ll uISu^ astasiw ?!&Im ., F _ G o l f C7«Bm1> «S«»«>OOS'US'U oJrttMRMB I'U [)tf<«Dtm(«iftt.Ru>ua.i)?S}OSi “ s f e r ' 11w»CS»wnffiata*»yd»ryrt|^tl<« HaklMi U7}«S-3CS :}J WxMceM I “ “ • ' f e r = I S . i •}J ISiiwSi »70 oljoa! m Rjrtffitt i7l. ^ ~ T i s r S s i l i ’ j I Uw> Cm eM»7>70-474 -U s s r ‘s ? i5 IMNn <»«4-n'70-47< K-U SranFMiMi * PWM^Ni . _ ___ JOO W C4iT«tVMl W42-73-71-27I H.U W«MtFtnMa( 707M4-M?> -* ATP BfrCATsnnls Trophyhy - _ MU4 MOM 717»^S 12 } ^ MWrntSUOMl HakWkta ,g 12 tolwRwItre 6770 3 ^ ) . T^?S F j" s S i - S i i “- ‘■ a p ^ i MMMM M10» :§ HOCKEY UXMM tUOSS :}} NaUo'ii«H^^Uagufl NiaM.llw«iHry.Ciil t I i i s g s a . f i s s - is.«nw* MiM S7.704*.71-277'U NLCSto m Sm 1 ^ H 02M hitmtlml eM»724M7t -9 TRANSACTIONNS 1 HaKoOmca SSI0740-27I 24 0 r"l7” Kemi bm iwW t MIomTm* ousi » .M a ^ oom I S s a ____ PWLUi^fM'pwU^ Mm “o -**— lm>cIiuW>>.RKIi0u6H.p>uri)n|eMcMivWt I ii? I nonpux. Mt»| coKh Oon Icon. IM- a = £ ! ! » ■ ! 5 T LOttoSUM 23 2S IS IS 5 U l b ? » , s l p , S j i n s ! i s Utt atcK Sim V-rx iriMbm toKit 1 lUtMU 0 Q ^ ZSMAFMdt » M 29 2S M 4 UomM 1 S 10 Rimen HrMnwn. M»ra uMc M MchIch 4 loMo 1 S 22 ut(fJr7fr-ITt 44 UIdi,______0 4 19 ■■Hi Sr ! s i lE T ii lasI „ 8i1mDM 70«*'7M«-2rt 44 MUMAB 'w ~i'arm~g~~cr at. IanpMita.Jr. IMfr7>73-271 4 3= “ »«,!SigKL«. . (t4»7»73-37S 44 CMku 4 1 9 21 U COlOlNSIlTlWWnon-WtMdFCiclMkM I F i S T a - i i i SMlMOT 4 10 Pmi ! _ ! = . _____ ! , .{!! : I J iSK S ! ! S 1! IS12 ___ «W ItMn RaaBtMoa.a. ____ T -ss— r^-'rg-~23 wimM ! ET f f l i j------fooim s s s i ^ I'T-*! - :! a»mi .»_LB,.TCS S : ntK DSSn4>lui^M:Mg.SlnML 1 :! a . ! ! S ■! T s s f «;! JSH SSS. ! ! !! ! MANf4FMa<^Wi^D(loth IUM.1W4. p H R n a le Worid Match Play ______a 4 17 IS,! S«ntdUt'MimbmtrafflMprKiiaM s J i , ____ WBMwa" w~rin~PB~g~~w~ ______HMMMJ 0 10 U 4 Udm ...... 11 MlWkWimBnJMvmtBSfn^ljMH MiteSrSl 0 0 0 2, J 5 }> miR>ub«CAe«SclnMrto s a .* " I liii i l “Z a s w l , . - f » J .i |- | n — 1I4MU f e I LPGATour SwtaH : i S 10 U ^i IIWSIIBICJWU* ^ I SanrninlWegC TamptoMhlpship PtaT 0 4 u n14 jgiSSM aisffi"' I m n Sm ^i^ cS I ^ L2^'^Nc. 2. MOM|M 2LT«Ml«ft fr 212 m

n Bucke}yes No. D iid ar^D.2inAIP poll aand BCS

NEWYORK — Ohio StatState has risen— all the Bohtohls of the Austin-Amerlcan SUStatesman, who of his seasons,;, butbi owner George Stcinbrcnnm er wny to Nol. vote■oted USF No. 1. T hat's why I1 putpi USF one.! V ffti I M r O told 77ic liccontrr/ (on Oct. G tliui he didn't thlilink A day after the lop two0 teamste in the AP Ib p 25 thinhink you have to look at theB wholew body of f f he'd bring hackick the niimager if tlie Yiinkcikees mis Shoi failed in tidvnncance to the AL cham pioiishdiip lost, the Duckcycs Jumped>ed two spots Sundi^ in worirt)rk." lhc media poll and bccamcim e the third school this . BC^ B( workmanlike 27.14 victor season toJiold the No^l rarranking. Don)ame helped get the Eagles oneS fin p“E ; S S Natioranal and Magic Valley briefsbi Cleveland titcnItcn diniinated New York in foifour The last year three team;ams held the N a 1 spot NalO-yearcontract. lach a season In which 10 ronkonk^ teams have been U|HInga leads BYU to win at tu U NIV BYU oututgalned UNLV 441-217 andnd had 11 New York alsoIso must ngurc out iis npproac beaten by unninked team»uns, just avoiding the more Qrstt ddowns. wilh closer Mariilariano Rivera and catcher J

J. M M«;OcM«lS,3«r71 ,IMa

4 U!IUIIiUIDIB B D S f l H H i B 9 TolM':'7;S4'U|-S«nMlrIJ« PM'bnut*.Ctodetperiubi' 9 S > 3 j TK*wMin*rwarwattaywaMlorwtMMrday. Mowly . awMc.MMi.awMts*MjiBNfM, ■.• v " ' wnny iUm «•« • i«iip«c)*a A «low movtng coW Irom « Wl— .afeiiHa-HMMiMMWlr«DM*-r. Wl'iV^MMryMrrui ,,, ,M wlfy and W«dn«M*y. bringing In cooler ..tCdlhrovi^Spm^Mn]., Moon Phasesies Moonrise ...... a V JN D E X « and u« Moon U»l Ou.>u. W>wMeen mov* tctoft Ult tfl* ininki la. ■ pilling cold Ironl. II Mill ilio lum Ttdrr Toaiwte*Kte« WidAiMiy Tedty I; 1» n m tala.tt. v Clly HI Le W HI Lo0 W HI U « CUT HI LOr.?."S'7c„ M hW. 1 cii, M'*a.n«>...oaMo . . >*r.74(B..M M NORTHERN UTAhAH fcf..., s s s r s E S " S S S j ■ssscr -ssE'^si•-! S h Enloy Ihl tun ana lt>« SSrSE ■ s s; •>•7. site AuOMra’-'.' 01 SI Ml HHMn.M MWR n«nMl ' ! ^ mild Itil limp*rilu>«* KE S5KSS5!5! s r s s . s s r s mI S '2 'S m' p5S«.U£' ' 5 ‘S pe I J7 97 DC Ct>9M U 74 r W £2 loday. ScBliortd. HQht)ht Isil Cww^Aiene ai M ^ U » Wlw 4a S7 Ol IHIIV WI •• ipe^«a H.*i-.M«i-. mmni . “ JjSpe ; • W W K B ihoweti will ralurn on I U 33 li OcaKx «6 4«spe PC 03 44 pe naidO>f M 37 raS S< 'S S ■H!' " ‘ S S S S r M 44-r OManao . ^ • |''* r MUpe u73MMinm ,-•#»» «»po g ^ l^ g j^ T u itO iy •• a eoia Ironl™ s s l s s L•n S9 37 »h OwMUn.WV SI U pc UUpeSarMgs 03 4| r 73 4rpe Qnei 07 » w ai at m M»tB aii^- . .. « « « « « «Ml ' g-M Sr ' -ss?:;’! £ -.n 5 '.io cc .47-11 -----»• «* *>-*».:*» 2-S>?^-—'S M r. s s PC_.nt ------Ina.«».a* ill w W cm*.;;.- 4M ■ r-a ^ t).! .-. .om auB :J0.S7.se;.-nt. I ■'* 4#f■'!c »4 4S> KiMtOv «r rape h ^ 5 ? f S '£ 2 S pe' a s . - - ' ' s s s s ' s sr s l ? s 4 s s-5-gs"iass°^~g^;ys; ^ assffssrsr s s^ff sss” =s-B r Mt 4a’2a.Pn I; ^ tssiw ‘ as^ss-SElh SI 37 (A ai aS m ) .10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 PorUnl.OR SS <7'r S7 41 r t s « r SSS*....SSS gMBan— — — cr/.-a Ml M 3» in umM ra ain. m s a K S E S S Stn ^ u PC i^vi^ M atn i f SSS.™ !!3'k,1SSU' / f t l a2nen «7 39 m o» aa MiMl. U 93 ni M— I ' .aa. 'M.Mi . S^l SM ulx Coy. UTflg 44 $u «t 43 me u Z i ecean*.W>( at 94 ee wwcwnt / a a MI £ n . .« » « 'MwWy^ tIM* CiMmnniM:7lilOcM Low; »MCUm S S 5 , : i J S S S S SITU 40 M 6 owwiiow « « n wMihOT^! hiMuM toouor.o u OI r .h*«Mrr lu nua. i« ^ im. in ■O'V'O*. lU-fcrt^.^ y»lk»rtlot)». MT JJ J4 PC 4« JB mi | l -Tiih y ■ • ^=g»^TCygHM | . s e e m ry neineke'z ^ n tam n a « F iaa»«, Villdleepjn.ted*y Id P H I ^ c aarcare r center Spe '** » ?“ ■ vSoST*" 57'4« t ' '53 40 in VitUfdty't HtUonil Efin 5-8296 uranv. ati I ■a.'ffi'Sfia.*'; W«1tOOPM I «r « a s a s E Broncos_ CoRtbNdfranpvSl Everybody knows; the th scenario, know a Utde soisomcdilng morc happy abcbout dial. They finally noI IdeaId how we were going lo> just answered die qucsUon,.can cc Kacpcmick rolled rightght and it vras Just so back( andai forth. Al about oursclvc;lives and wc'rc took the leadlc; on us and \ve had reactic t Last year's team did i t We! dlls year's team doit ioa" was sackcd by Hm Brady,ly, a Jun* times, you're like, •1‘1 can’tc belic\-e lor Unebackcr complinpletcly dils.' It just come bback to our exhausted. defense. They modi llic play Boise Stale 69, Nevadaa 67.67 when tht7 needed to Ih c entire team rushedhcd the Tharp made soniome serious field and Bmdy bccamc a hero.hi plays to a Hc wasI 2i26-for-35 for ^ ^ V p l / n “I almost suflbcated,"," Brady B 320yards,fourlouchichdownsond |. said. 'I was already out ofbi)fbrcath a pick thrown stmi^o i^ t into Uic I 1 and Mike Al tlcri threw me1C toti die arms of defensive cndMundniccm I ground. My responsibilityJity was Olfton laic In the secsecond quar- to play the ocasc; to be honesthor I ici: I h o u ^ t they wcro golnioing lo Thcrcls just so monym. things bring il ai us. It ended up) beingbel a we did wdl tonight,”'t,”'Iharpsald. roll my way." "You can't describe)c diei feeling 1 1 \ Tliat one play was oneme of a when the “D" mokeakes die ploy 1 1 dozen tliat could have beerKcn die and you gct io nmin across die play ofthe game. Held like that. ThatIt is die Flcsio T h a t was dcflnilely thelecrazl- c Bowi cxdlcmenL" Sjl cst game I have ever beeninapart a The two teams coicombined for of, but there are those momlomcnts 1,256 yards (BSU 627627-Ncv 639). diat take you down lo tliedie ploy TheWblfpacknmforfor 396 yards. on earth,’’ Thaip said. “We'Wc ]usl Ion Johnson ran1 fcfor 205 and competed our (uills) off tontonight two louchdowns,, IncludingIr Q The overtime Is so funny,uiy. You 72-yord scampcr inithcfitsthalf. th think cMsry time you arc thedicre.lf “We feel Uke we sheshould aftcra you score you are going; to10 win. great game,” Jolmsors o n s a l± ”Wc

JOB. ^

...... ' €6 - 0 - L - F ------

O choa defijfends Sam si

W a m p i o n s h i p

PALM DESERT, Calif.if. — share of $720,000 onon 0 bcaud- Lorena Ochoa cUnchcdcd her ful, clear day In die didesert after sccond straight LPGA\ TTbur strong wind ployedla a big factor player of the year owardI wliwidi a In Saturday in a toitournament runaway victory SundoyI* In die dial fco tu r^ not orone Samsung WcWorld playerin the fleld. OiomplonshJp. McNeill, who last DecemberI Successfully defendingng her won Q*school by fivefiv strokes. title in the elite event, Ochoa Oci was coming off roundindsof66,64 shot a 6-undcr 66 for a ftfour- and 67. stroke victory. The title waswisher , ,, seventh of Ihe year and>di6ih 1 Linger ties recot» n l overall. She finished at | L | ^ a | | N £ ~ ^ under 270 and earned $250. wHhAdmlnlstafff f t r i n to push her rccord totalotol to SPRING. Ibxas — Bemhord $3310,421. Longer motchec the Ml Hyun Kim closed widiwji a Champions Tburir scoring 69 to finish sccond. An(Angela records for a 54-hohole event, Park, this year^ rookie of the closing widi on 8-uniunder 64 for e year, and Jeong Jang shot1 70s70 to on el^t-su t)k c vlctoctory In die Halloween Costume de for third at 13 under. AdminlstafT Small, Business Contest! ______Ochoa, the Mexicann ! star Qassic. Monday October29tti •nDmn;------rwrGcmramran Fdlowiiu Pumpkin began the day tied at dieLhe top his fourth Chompliiploris Tbur Patch Cash Drawing w ith Norway's Suu>u2onn event since turninggSOonAug. 5 1 Pcttcrsen. who beaten herlerlna I 27.biTdledthefintitl:ithree holes stpiize$1.000. playoff 8 week earlearlier, to flnlsh at 25-undeider 2nd prize $500, Fettersen finished withII a 72 m atch die scoring ; rcrecords for . 3rdpri^S250 this time d u t left her in fiftlfifth ot reladon to par andd lilow score. t- . MUST BE IN COSTUME 12 tmder. He opened vridi rouiounds o f 62 Altpanidpants and 65. receive prizes! M c M w in s t i n t ^ EJtttkMlMrid tUkitFiyixom OpM^ aM— ' ___ LAS VEGAS — Geo3eorge iM lCn PWy CTOWI McNeill won his flrst career cai VIRGINIA WATER,2R. England PGA Ibur title in comma:mand- — Bmie Els won1 his K lecofd ing fashioni ihootingI a 5- seventh Worid Muvfatch Play under 67 for a 23>under:[er 264 Championship tide,de. beating total and a fouMiroke vicivictory Angel Cabrera 6 and a 4 at over D.I. Ttahan , inn the Wentworth for his firstfir victory Frys.com Open. Of2007, McNdll eamKi dM^wlnnrlnning N d M P r M I • > I ■* McodtK October U , 2007. TlmiiWiw,TWlBFMs,Mitoe TIai Cl

t n d , Liin-

D031s E xt^lnpeneiis iifffj e n ® 1 3 2 f a l r f l e l de 1SLnrinfans U r T a p b i M a dIsf t can 00817334! « eiorm sltB saiiannneiBiiniiM M nagllalcvailayxom HanrsiM -fS:8 : 0 0 a m t o 5 : 3 0 pim m

W r •‘ts g p ®W - a rv"--: ■ B B Q Professssional . : Clericulivj :/ Cim stradlbnl / I c e s ; CLERICAL CONSTRUCTION F TRUSTEES SALE PUBUC10 NOTICENl ■ ■ ~ DenUI Receptlonlsiinlstr Qambrel Construction NOTICE OFTF Ills is hiring Exp'd T.S. NO.; ID-113113-C Loan No,:,: 74133609S9 A.P.N. RP10S16Eia;i63020A Actions planned and lalitnisliti by your govemmeni Bankruptcy:y (Chapter 7 Busy Twin Falls Nolico is haroby givon Ihot. Firstrst ^American Tltlo Insurance Compaipony tho aro contained In publiclie nonolicos. Thoy are part of Quoranteeiiteed lowest Denial omce; emphas)hasis Conereta Flnlehera a duly oppolfllod Succossor TrustM.tee. will on 12/26/2007 oM 1:00 AMM (rocog>(< your right lo know andnd to1c bo infonned ol what price for altcoliomey rep- on leiephone, peopleople' Laborere. Pay DOE. nlzod local tlmo), At tho ontroncoinco to the First American Title ComponyCor your govommon! is doin(doing. As self-government resentatkjn.on. Wa ara a and clerical skills,<1IIS. Call 208-731-9230 LcqX debt telleflief agency. Exp wtth scheduilns Bulkllno, 260 3rd Avonuo Nottti,1, TvTwin Falls, ID., will soil ot pubilcc ouaion.ai chorgos all dllzons lo be infonned. this news- " , , CONSTRUCTION 10 Iho highest blddor, lor cosh,. in lawful money of Iho United StotStotos, all papor urges ovory citizen ctao to road and study Lest&Found “ FrMConstinultalion insurance billing, CvdsclThinita Cmll1-M64l6486-2309. computer skills a Steel Erector*, payablo ot itw llmo ol sals, IhoIho ifollowing described reol propertuerty and ifioso noiicos. Wo aiWisaiMse those dllzons who 'OZ » n raoundary ol said LolLol 11; thence due South 140.00 (oetoot to Iho •oral : Customer . point of beginning. Except the WeWestoriy 25 loot lor road purpose: EU Community EveflU IMEDICAL computer skills, Excel/Exq ■: ' y. 0 doys prkw to publica- [»5_Cc» ' ' Help needeoded ASAPI Word. Knowledgegeof c oGTVlCe Trusloo has no kno-.v1odgo ol aJ mimore particular description ol Iho i isday lor Sunday, noon on (or purposes ol compliance with? S lo'’- fwof* 0" Wodnotday - i n i - -- CNA.CMA.4A. or equiv. Ag ris a plus. 1. . . . - roforencod real property, but lor i Thursdoy lor Monday, noinoon on Friday tor Tues- T '■ • ellts. CUSTOMER SERVICE 60-113 Idaho Codo, iho Trusteetoo has boon informed Ihat tho ad i • i exp.$12A»2/hr 6onv Competitivo bonellts . . S ‘“‘y Wednesday,ly, n noon on Monday lor i idaysMrtc. PayDOE Fleet Manager someilflios associated with saidd roreal propeny is: 3696 North 3300300 bast Thursday and noon on30 TiTuesday for Frkiay and st and Found 9«m.5 n -o s - , IDAHO, IN AND FORIOR THE COUNTY OF ;, black and whHe ■:'..->r?CySl|! ^ l 8 ; f r J Exp'd Legal Secretar•“ T;. vacalions. hoolth . records ol Twin FaDs County. Ida)Idaho, the benofidal interest in whwhk:h is TWIN FALLS MAQIS1OISTRATE DIVISION ‘ " needed. Exc. oav lor spoilsItled. near south- ■ - insurance, and 401k prosontiy held by Deutsche BankIk NationalN Trust company as TrustoistooFKA CasoNo.CV07-»l16 iikmun I Bankers Tnist Company, e s Trustsustee. by: Residential Funding Com^ p s n y . SUMMONS e astcIt ol Hanson. OILPAJff atmosphere. 'Call:IH206-731-7964 Study Tradi Call 208-934-4451 LLC, attomey In fact Tho aboveove Grantors are named lo compi)nply wtth PATRICIA WIERSMA, ” Send resum e to section 45-1506(4)(A), Idoho Codoode. No representallon Is mode thottha they Plaintlll. SIS FoilNCND chain saw be- tS rta SmilhatS rt OAD Transportation aro. or are noi, presently rosponsUonslble lor this obligation. Tho Delaielault lor vs tween *•* 1735 Main SL which this salo Is to bo mado is1 thetho lallura lo poy whon duo, undor IS®, The Artist's iot Dood JIM WIERSMA, Paulj| Hwy. Call lo CnII 734-3 PO B .x54e Gooding. ID 83330 of Trust and Nolo dated J s/smWl. 0 i. The monthly Installments tor prindpal.prir Oofondant. ntify. 431-5897. mii734-alo-juuj. I p jii^ ip J33QJ Interest, and Impounds (If oppHcableablo) ol $1327.60, due por month fi \MT,Jlm Wtorsmo: JdenW ekunttO th for the NOTICE TO DEFENDANT, ddtransportatlon.com months of S/I/2007 through 12/262/26/2007. end all subsequent poyiKiymenls You havo boon suedKl by b the above-named FOUNCND dog. Bichon. Ftfaii.-Se-HOii'BuyK"” " RECEPTIONIST until the date ol solo or roinsiatemctomenl. The prindpal balance oviring■ing as ol pioinilll; the court mayly enteron ludgemont against on Oancy O Stroel in Ctaefcdi73Min o n i a i t s Dental Receptionistnlst. • . : 205 . this dale on tho obiigotion aocurodjrod by said Dood ol Trust Is S66,015,014.54. you withoul lunhor wUce noUct unless you respond Twinn Foils on Friday = ^ " " — FT, dental oxp, com plus accruing interest al Iho ralelo ol l 13.625% per annum Irom 4/I/20C*2007. All wiihin 20 doys. 10«5.05. Coll 736-6740. puter skills, insurancS;. : Dairy - dollnquont amounts oro now duo,0, lologethor with accruing lalo chargoirgos, ond READ THE INFORMATIONTION BELOW: T r r r z MCk- = : . Inlorost. unpaid and accruirtg■g (taxos. assessmonts, trusioo'st's loos. You ore haroby noillkid)d lhalUi In order to detond ND Dog, large Prodi DAIRY attorney’s fees, and any amountsts oiodvancod lo protect Iho securityy a:assod- this lawsuit, an opproprliroprlato writton response c h ocoiale » cokired, sharing & rotlromonTienl Dairy Manager/ atod with this loroclosuro. The) BeBonelidary elects lo sell or cousouse the musl bo lilod wHh tho10 sbove-designaledat Murt le. Found South I* . . n D offered. 20B-636-644-6441 Herdsman. Musl have trust proporty lo bo sold to satisfysfy o; (714) PialnilH in tho Complaint'll"*- FOUNC 259-7650 ASAPI 692040 A copy ol tho Complaini)l4lnl is sewed with Ihls , U y o u r » SendrMumeto' Summons. II you wishhtosookthoadvtoeol.or to i “rod ' breed,' Blade 201 Acecunting ‘ 21S3Hwy26 PUBLISH: (October 15,22.29 andt NoNoven^or 5.2007 Ooodlng. ID 83330 coprosoniailon by an anomoyanon In this motter. you hndvty with■ while neck 202 (Sericai ------should do so promptlypUy so Ihot your written S '%ool. , brown spots. 203 toistnjctton AD NOTICE OFF PlPUBUC HEARING response, il any. mayI be lilodI In llmo ond olhor DAIRY collor. Cell lo kfen- 204 CustsRierSe Looking for person oxp. Novembimber 8,2007 legal rights protected. TIMES-NEWS An opproprloto writton iMp 260-1047. 20s U ki NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN lhal.1 o0 1Public Hearing will be held OeloieloTo Iho anco Wilh Rule 10(o)(t) a ____ - 208 OOM .p . matemlty & hospital <(t) and other Idaho Rules r ~ E ^ „ CUSSIFIED:U • trealmenb. T«^n FaUs Couniy Planning and ZorZoning Commission upon said requciquosts: of Civil Procedure andItnall ifta olso Inciudo: 1»MM ^ b 207 Education Calie-SpmMon-Sat A CONDITIONAL USE by DarylI WiWert on pn»orty consisting ol opiopproxi- i.Tho lltio ond numbaroittrol this case. h Q 200 Fsmi mataly lour point seven (4.7) */• a a e s locatod In Action 13. Townsimship 12 2. |{ your response li li on Answor to Iho 209 (W»nl DEPARTMENl:N T at 208-423-4252 South. Range 16 East 8. M. andind addressed approximately 261414 North Complaint, il must containm admlsskins or M j 210 MwssHiwn IQQ ciAssined't. For people 3626 East. Hansen. Idaho in thohe f Rural Residential Zone. % e Intondod inte denlols ol Ihe separaliorate ollegations ol tho K { 211 Medical™“ 208-734-5538 uso Is to build a now garage, stomgiirage, and personal ofltoe. everywhere. 733-0931 Complaint and olhor delorjelonsos you may dalm. | K 212 MlseelmAraout A CONOmONAL USE U N O 0CVI8tVtStON by Everett Messner on propertypre 3, Your signature, maiUnging address a and telephono consisting ol approximaioty oneI huihundred imeen (115.0) */• o a e ss locatodlo numbor, or the slgnatuie,ituie, mailing address and 213 Pnfenioral«*l CLERICAL in Section 19, Township 11 Soulh,ulh, Rango 17 East B. M. ond addreJdressod leiephone numborolyoorIjJwAnomey. FOUNIIND grey c a t Ap- ? ? ? Eastem Idaho) R•6627.______! - ’ 200’ addressed approximatoly 3516) NiNorth 2000 East. Filer. Idaho0 Inli Iho DATED this r day ol Septaieptomber. 2007. duties; malerial Agricultural Zone. The Intendedd utuso is lo divide olf approximate!)Itely one Kristina Glascock, Clerk IV niG Bt" typl^S' deliverIvering and/or posting k foundND Pit Bun. 8-12 . . ^ p l O.r— y i ...... J documents. 6-mi^-mall. crew hauling, and p^nt throe (1.3) */• with on existingting ihomo. By Deputy Clerk weeks>k!i nbl hns hlnrJc 'T A PUNNED UNIT DEVELOPMENTINT 1^ Cotlonvrood Heights Dovokipikipmont ooiiarsr. Call to Idanttfy ■ M H H n dispatching. Musllust have computer skills. ond Jell and Angela Agundoz onrt pnproperty consisting of opproximoleialely two PUBUSH: Sepl 24. Oct11,Sand 1,8 15.2007 JOS-X-324-4866 o r 208- PUBUCSERVICE SEI particularly In ExcelExc and Word. Attention polnt^Bve ocres forn nlnotcMn point»lnt ■hvo (19.2) */■ ocres locatod IniSodion S< ______...... ■ .0840 MESSAtSAGE ' to detail a mustiust. Must bo accuraie in______e n a - e a a - aM.-nnd -umiiusw d-uiJuppiu*- I ------fflonitonngTflirc!ircarerbiiifn{rcostomcjfS“ imale^ 3435 East 3100 North, KimKlmboriy. Idaho In the Agrtcultural:a’ Zone. FOUND!4D puppy, mbced Federa tust be either efficient In or Jd. In tho Emereon Employmlyment payroll, f^ust The Intended uso Is to amendId tlthe Cottonwood Heights Subdhbdlvislon * / r a7 " * i y * breed. willing to loaneam railroad software, Pbnned Unll Devolopment IromI twctwenty three (23) kils to twenty tourloui (24) 'I'M «">iL Tri-colorod and information I dodcod tall. CaO Renwmbor,nr 1 V/e Offer an 0XC6ixcellent benefit package lots. w rm : ^ 9s, but is not limited to. A CONDmONAL USE by Jam ess RiRay (Oeslinalion Polnl SubdivisloiIslon) on r<3\W» 676-»•3*74.______con promlso that Includes. I properly conslsling ol approximate)lately seventy three poinl lour (73.< Modfcal/Dentalltai Insurance, pakl Ufe PEOPLE: FOFOR P E T S ‘-OSTr Border Collie f«»or»IJob.Fb . F o ^ Insurance, 401k,Ilk, and 7 paid holidays, acres located In Section 17. Townshmshfp 10 South, Rango 16 East B. M r Ctovor Settod ■ inlormation addressed approxlmaloly 3869 NorthNor 3500 East, Kimberty, Idahoto Inli the 4 ^ Victory Ave.e. P b B o x l1 6 3 I Please vlalt burtrwebsftoforaeomptele w Rural Rosldenllal Zone. Tho intend I in Rktr. While lederaljol^Jws. deecflptloh of 01 :endod use Is to creole an epproximiximaieiy 738-223-2299 with c I our benefits, ali of our sixty (60) lol subdivision. ono blade oyo. Call Cart 'els, Idaho onswewers to Jessie. Amerlci nitlea and to submit an A PREUMINARY P U T by JomesIS RRay (Destination Poinl SubdivlsioiIsion) on TwinFsls, ie application. 73.4) ♦/- MIsalniling since 0 9 « 8 .7 £ property consisttng ol approximalotlalely seventy three point lour (73.^ FOUND r ok) boy missing www.watcoccocompanie«.com, acres localod In Soctlon 17. Townshnship 10 South. Range 18 East 8. M 1. Black U b , lomaio.lie. puc p . Albertsons her^clCall 328-5490. 476-757-3 addressed approximately 3869 NorthNor 3500 East. Kimberty. Idaho li or call C hrlaSpSpear at 620-235-7362 Parking Lot Rural Residential Zone. The Intendended uso is to create an approxiir r Border Collie, 1 sixty (60) iotsubdlviskia 2.PHX.black&whilollilo lom ale, up Rock ""yf^Iid "•i™ " ACCOUNT!'4TINQ A CONOmONAL USE by Dan Minektiiier (Rivere Edge Subdivision) on prop-i Creok noutortored male at > erty corwlstlng ol approxlmaloly thirtthiny four point two (34.2) V* acres I *M:'°Sd 3 - H m Iw X, blac* specspockted, fem ale relere Oasis. 423- ' ed In Section 10, Township 09 South. Range 15 East B. M: D or 539-3106 addressed opprexlmalely 1B31 East Easi 4625 North. Buhl. Idaho, in thehe RuralI 4. Border Collie, blacklade & while, m alo Times-Nefews Residonlial Zone. The Intended use is to create an approximalely lourteentou 5 . Yellow Labmetriavi1averX,male. «-OCTr U b . feniaje (14) lol subdivision. k Lab puppy. 6 m a g h v a l l e y . t o m A PREUMINAny P U T t^y Oan Mlll«Miller (Rivero Edge Subdlviskin) onnnnrof*. i 6, TetTler X, Shoshono>“0 Dr - ma okok). Lost south ol erty consisting ol opproximately Ihirtthirty lour pdnt tm (34.2) W- acresn iraTI 7. Springer Spaniel,>1, bibrown & w hite. Kimbetberiy. Pleasa call ed In Section 10. Township 09 South, Rango 15 East 8. M. and lomalo. Orchard 423-84 Asslstant.Contrctrailer/ addressed approximalely 1&31 Eos)East 4625 North. BdhI Idaho in IheM RuralI a . Dalmatlon, TwinI FoilsFol City P a rk L08T-Mr>Mn Pinscher, Resldenllal Zone. T?w intondod usouse iis to creole an approximately lou Business Mananager lourteen g. | j b X. black & wKIO(hilo. m alo. Locust »lata In the Ru- (14) lot subdivision. area. Artsware to Other Itema: 10. Mini Pinscher, blaclilack & brown. Sm iths 5 e » £ nmes-News has a full-time openirenlng for an assistant NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN lhalIt a Public1 Hearing wHl bo hekl belorslora the 52530 Twin Fails County Planning andI ZoningZoi Commission at the hour of i tiller/buslness , manager to Join our management team pm on the 6ih day ol Novemberir 22007 at the Marvin Hempleman i c r r n PIOUP in Twin FaFaDs. This position supervisest threethi accounting derks Fans County Oflice BuUding MeetingIling Room. 248 Third Avenue East.Ut. Twin 1 • Border Collie X pup:pups, beautiful, gray . M nd has regional management responsibilitiesres{ wM Fans, Idaho upon said requests. & white, m ala & (emaliimalo M m Ullll!) ro addttionel dally newspapers: anda n two weeklies. NOTICE 18 HEREBY QtVEN that a workwi sesskxi will be held on Novetwern^r 2, Border CoHle X, blaiblack & white, fem ale I i n n M o r s 6.2007 at the hour ol 12:00 Noonion at< the Marvin Hemplenian TNvin TTieI susuccessful candklate will havee a solkl accounting County Offlce Building Meeting Roortoom, 248 TTiird Avenue East. Twinrin Fails.I PiJPS jnd, computer experience wKhI Excel,Ex and management Idaho. The Planning aitd ZorilngI CommisaJonCo wid review Ihe applicaJicaiions 3. S har Pel, black, lomilomale pup pi iRSS i amR a background once. A degree In m ounting with at least fh/e years of that are 10 be heard at Ihe Novembeinbers. 2007 PuWfe Haatina. _ _ _ 4iYtimwUb.fflmalfl|a lap u p ------y - j Jr , a l l S - H S s ^ “ A compieta” descripUon oi eacn request reqi h on lil^BTtfw OlfEo'o 'eferr»d^€endkla^ee^fHlel ------Planning and ZonlnB AdmlnlslnUoritor iand available upon requesi. AnySUMSd 5. Border Collie Xpupipuppies, male and f Rin ble lo lead a team In a fast-paced,Md, deadHne-oriented all parsons may register their comrrimments, p r o te ^ or agreementss onoi Ihe lem ale i n M c r o r s ient. Strong organlzatkinal andd timetlr management ekills subjects being considered. Wrttterrtiten materials or commenu musnust be 6. Collie X, Iri colored,ed,aduH i H i needeiIded and tha ablltty to work withIhessc^ates ee of all levels. submitted by the dose ol businessM INovember l. 2007 to the dfflee c 7.HuekyLabX,malefalep u p n Ptannlra and Zoning Adminisiraiertor ati 248 Third Avenue East, I nventory system and 1 CIIIIlIiiIS This positionpoi maintains new^rint Inve Idaho. Arv parson needng spedaldal iacconmodattons lo partteipalel a li i n Z 8. Collie U b . femalelie ppup ^ C l i « Induding review of Joumal entrlintries. physical inventoiy XHitad Twin FaBs County Planning V lWn,i~ul^ JM pcocesseeif above nottoed hearing should conti Jng and 8. Lab, adult, female\9 I n)I r L m L lO r S count# ndand usage repotting. Aiso manageages accounts recehrable Zo(*w Offlce by November 1,2007.«7. 10. Heeler/PIIX. adult,lull, fem ale M f i processesles indudlnii credit and oollactloniions, dally cash postinga. Dated M s 10lh «it profHofHaharfng. empkiyee Houra::*4on-FfL fto Mm •k purchase pim. and hoUaiIdays and vacation. » 0 7 PUBUSH: Manday.Oeteberi5,8om ______10:00 anrf;n v s a o p m I fffTnilHflllP ThaTlmemaa-Nawa is pait of Lm Entsfpfl)fpflaaa.apubUciyheW 8ltUf({lluRiay . y coTMriaad of 51 daUaa with a JointJo Intaratl in another •9 daliaa. an.EqtjJ ^ig ^ n lty Empioyar 10:00 «m<2:m<2XX}pm mgm CloMdSundiy*■yandHoikitya Wa can onty keepp ww) )lm a lt4 « houra, P l t t M a p p ly O nllifi M i l l they are than aoUotuoroesmoYeo. wtii>wJMiply»to.coin/Job{# M 1 8 0 4 W _ ^ ' P leM >ch>o»l»oh

-"t" ~ ~ ~ C2 TlBWiNwri,TiifciM»,fcts,ldrte Mo«d^0ctcfcerl5.2007)7 z » - -rs*;<'i V-: Gaierai- : AGaMralm mwr. ORWEH DlDRIVERS ------— I GENERAL 3ENERAL .Earn Extran$ lr-3.— ... I Drivaf wanud for WMk- fRead Brothers needs QENERBRAl.j lOENERAL B U Y m experlenoed Truck Evert J oli^ortunltyl Toffremporary phone book G E N ^ irerton Mattress K — S E L L m deUvoryhlheTwin Drivara lor bcal and Factory I / ^ T \ MustbeoUeloworti « paid reUrenwnl. regional. COL Full or>r PanP time laetory ( ^ ) w«h compuleis, public ^ , FalsarM. /M Can Haruy for Info ai / H hoallh/llfo mtursnco, required. Excelent. posltl payibaneflts. ^3ENERM. ,DDo o j you lito being a part of a fun Applylnpartonat Please apply at 401kOtkretlrament ServlceCanICwtter W IL L Sandrvaumato Highly experienced team«m atntosphere? Helping peoplelie Darwls I. Claric Ino 903 ( a m . BuhL klaho pskj>skj vacations. 5350 Hwy 9: Box 96634 WeldingZ, Shop Fore­ realize their dreams? Truck LaiM ft BIreti 81 oreall20S-54»-4306 < healtllaRh Insurance. Jerome. 1063: C /0 Tlmaa Newa *1' m an. SiBAtr to start u ,/e . . are the dominate leader In ourur Buhl, ID.20S-543-6473 — ipetltlva pay scale. 208-324-355 P0BOXS48 • ?Call2C«-»M659 Twin Fallf, ID 83303 “ iustiy. Founded in 1S55, Aaron’s■sis I T T T T T T T “ ”d3rug™, free poUcy. Ube/TIra o r 2 0 6 - 5 3 ^ _____ tnd raauma to Tech PosKlcJlJoo BUY m ie of the fastest growing retailers3 0l1 CLASSIFIEDS E9 Norfl) S treet ExperienceI nol nol req. S E L U m FW r s « h, B5y It:------3ENERAL branirand name FumTture. Appliances,as. 11 pay* to reed tho Rier.tor. Idaho 83326. pieoseopp^ _ CtaMMadL 7334631 M 2 The TN City ol Buhl has a Compimputers and Bedronics. Withovover "STI' line prinll Fax*!(•208-326-3416, In person position open fora 1,40000 storess nationwkJe and new stoiitores a-mall Hair FolUde Dru PubBcWorka ooeni)ening every week, this may be lhIhe Call Tne TImes-Nws S ’ ”” ' — to place your ad silonO qw eetnet required Dlractor. Inlerosted q^wrtunlty - i for you. Come join our ststaff ' B ut Dflvtra appllcanis may sond f our newest Ii^tlo n in Twin Fall!alls. Paid Training 208-733-0931 ‘ eict. 2 : ^ = W attam Stataa BUa AAAAAAA i M U C tm L 8 I I Inrwe I City of Buhl, Benefitsifits indude; C all 208-733-8003 ; BmTHDAY PHOTOS 203 North Broadway, ^ e vjver e r Open on Sundays Buht.ldaho63316or /PaJdl'lid Holidays DRIVERS ■■ . Have you •'Healtl)alth Insurance - ' BulkTranaport = ' K com thru OctM er ^ p «lidih Vacationv OrivarFortunaBOO orgoUen to pickup your bhihdihday 16".TheCltyolBuhl Claislfled^ nSf so n Equalopportunliy w e aare looking for Sales Staff andid company has CHS P r i v a t e . lotos? VJe have soma photostos we Mj l6 cunonily has P"Ot xJuct Technldans/Delivery Driversers. •P a rty A ds p.s?.s:’is js c . oponlngsfora 3re sure you donl want us to tc ur foil'tlro* Ortvar m i ZtniMHodelEtpapmiit SoluyDOE. Coll:'111: 71W 4 M 2 6 4 or e-mall your In KImbOfty Idaho. Requires These can be picked up at ^ tun>e to turlnccorpCyahoo.conom prftllcation. Major credil/ctobit Classified Dept lmmea-401K \ ^ 401 K.ssialy bonus, MANUFACTURINQ ondguarantaopay. card#, ond cosh iiianufacturer h as...... Tanker and doubles - - - Twin Falls Mai fTiSS:hmcian sitions available: exparlanca la -oJect Mutual Telephone Is seeking several positii pralarrad. A currant 733-0931 a x t 2 Pro]e Jng an u Q S e l l l l llS !i5 COLwHtitankar Tlmea>Nawa expexperienced Inttaiiation and Repi and run progressive dies on stanamp- 'I Tachnletan. T This posiiion wiliibe be ^ Press Qperaton Set up and andofsemant raqulrad. ^ ing press, perfonn routine malrnalntenance of press; perfonn rejregu- Contact Kanny O esponalble for Installing and repairi telephone. DSL, and cable televislcSb!or? PRODUCTION II lar l( quality inspections of producxiuct CKSUanaportatJon, Dble, 225 Ralnar _ Geridal . J services. The candidate shouldihave ha c< ichnlclan: Prepare, assemt ills relating to customer service,• Mtety.sa g n i j disassemble and maintain1 ccompound tooling dies, hama nd le skills L Q a g c o u w r p 99301(877)31 *0947! FcOENERAL teaiT]lam building, making logical dedslcdslons, mnMmm precision com ponents. Attermention to detail, good eye/hahand ccoordlnatton a m u st DISC VISRY and have the ability (0 learn andduse u: DRIVERS I ^...... varloarlous types oi lest equipment. SubSubmit Solo Cup Compn p a n y Is l h e la rg e s t M Mj a teria l H a n d le r; Maintain,aln, distribute, recehre, de-coilI aand COL. Class A. MUk re ssume u r and job applicaiion, availabkable al. manufacturer off slsingle use disposable sa s w raw material Inventory in orderc to ensure timely deihroryiry to Houlor. (ull-tlmo. Get a lump on wwtvww.pmt.org by October 24,20071)07lo: products lor theie food and beverage p p re sse s e n d Inventory controlitrols. Perfonn accurate compuputer CallTaylorTnicWng aummerfun and Jam ea Fife service Industrytry with over 12.000 entries e for Inventory control,ol, pull and restock raw materlsrlais 643-6044/31H030 atart aaming Outalde Piant Supervlaor employees woridwidvide. Our products rango using u forkllfts and stationaryiry mingI devices. Ability to retread, money todayl 204 434-7195 from a variety ofI p a p e r a n d p la stic c u p s , understand u and follow woric: orcorders as well as the ability to reread [d r iv e r s I ( hrOpmt.coop plates, food coniatiainers, plastic lids and blue b prints, ^ J g Day a Swing Shifty ■ ■ ' ' ■> straws. Our dededlcation to teamworic, Sc Support lhe operation ol the siniilngle * « T O P g u n p I quality and custom>mer s e r v ic e h a v e m o d e and a muttl-spindle scre^iriachlljchlne depts. by performing vario.rious BANJKINQ Kll lips, keeping area and equlpmiment Claaa -A“ COL •No Sales Invohedl m m Solo Cup the leadiniling force in the Industry. lasks ^ such as spinning chips ting condition, ensuring the pro;roper •Baso Pay Up To B W i dean and in proper operating MACHINEE OPERATOR Sflow of Info., materials and toetools. Will occasionaUy mn sai:aew 1 7 3 5 -6 6 5 6 Sll.OOonhourl ■ ■ jge and demonstrated skillss In •All Fold Troinlngl machines. Basic knowledge •Floxible Schedul- Arevre you ready to advance your caret Bnlly h iring lo r t h e nig h t m n echanics and m echanical procedurespro a must ' DRIVERS areer Solo Cup is curreni ollng Drivara needed In ing - You Pick tho wilhfilh a proven and progressive idahc n F a ils facility. H o u rs o l Grinding & Technician; Workfork with a team to fabricate tooll Builoy. Paul and Days You Wanl to comompany? D.L Evans Bank, Idaho'Jaho shift at our Twinm f rolating schedule. meeting n quality stwTards,I, uusing precision equipment and a Worki HorHometown Community Bank foraho's ov. vrork 6pm-6ams and responsibililles accurate a Interpretation of advaidvanced engineering dravringsi aand aosS'ACDLroSed. •Shift Siort Times 100100 years, has a position availablerover Essential dutiesIt £limited to: tond/operate blueprints. b Perform flat andJ {ormfo; grinding lor compound insRsett ^ul^^porni™^ Colndde with Twin Falls lor a Ible In include, but are notm li i-au lo m atic p ro d u c tio n tooling. tc School Schodulosi a automatic or semi'I various Production Sc > positions have the responsibilityIty of •Bonuses offorod Full-time Teller equipment Inckago v finished product ^ sales & customer service activitivities haulinB. homo ovory on monihly baslsl departments, packi>d p ro d u c tio n s t a n d a r d s . for f( an existing & prospocipoctive customer territory. Idrkvlev/ Ave. • DRIVERS I Box 370-B urley, Idaho STOR833 • * Twir' Port" I WaWast Transport. le . M aple St.. 11 th Ave'e - E. DURLEY;y-. 4 U.C based m ^ . Spring Lone ^ l*ncir»e Ethanol. Inc. Phone;208.678.9684 Dr., Pork Terrace Dr., PoPortw oy Dr. . Substllu Rupert. ID ia looUng • . Porkvlew D rttutes W onted $250-$5(500 ! lor CDU Doublaa. & it., Lynwood Dr.. Wolnuilut Sf. Tankar Drivara. h • Fremont St. e Haz-Mataphis. GENERAL r.. Altovlsfo Dr.. Sherry L ' . Delmor Dr.. RUPERT;iT: 4 To haul regtonaL Pine Dr., Anny Dr.. Cody Pay Is by mile. f • Northern Pli '*>' . SubsHIuHtutes W onted S250-S5C5 0 0 • Please call se Blvd.N 20843e-n00 ''^Come GROW 0 Dr.. Q ndy Dr., Sunrise Of 206012.4416 r ^ • Montevisto with us!!! CAREY:1^: . DRIVERS ” ■fmmodlate Opanings- • Motorir RRoute $1100 i f c i l t f r Localwotk. . Flat bacts, commodity . i tralara. be*y dumps. p ------OtearAfW f------Jackaen Tnieking lunitles and Advancement ^ C areer Opportur - i i ------20B424-3004- • aw ait you inin thtl e following areas; — • • • • • • • • • • aa a a a a a e a a a DRIVERS • < Local OrtvaraA OTR • Production • Entiy Level HVA( OW for m ore infomrm ofion obout routiutes In your oreo. drtvara for Dadtoatad MC f Call no Northwwt routes. • Operations • inventory Clerk Taama welcome. • Parts Room Mans]fiager * a Scheduled pay e Incraaaaa&days tonww*aUy.6% Some of ththc e M any B enefits: 1 Foils. . .735-C 34146 •OIract Dapoalt * ' Twin I n g S M S S ’- •P aM D oubla Tim a (S u nndayaftHelKiaya) d i MOIk jy, Rupert, P a u l... .678-2201 •12 h o u r a h m s: 3 daya on, 3 days off. 4 daya on 4 days ofl D u r i e y p ro fit ShariTfl^ ^ r a . , Trucking Ine •MwtlMl Inauranoe r 329 WeMNaxParoe •H oliday P ay berly, Jerom e, Buluhl. . .7 3 5 - 3 3 4 7 . a ■HM r K I m b i In Jaroma e r ean « ao»aa4.3Bii Cheese Company Jerome O) dIrig, Shoshone,, Hollley.\ . .735-323302 a 477 WV I 0 0 S . Good R e a d T h o Jeromene.!D 83338 208>324-8806 offlifflce 208-324-8892 fax Tinmes-News C lasalfieds ll/ resume; to: X • . Oaviscofoods.com______mIII agkvalhyfiom E v e r y D a y l JCCHR^Da t. • . a . • . • • • • • a • •• • • a«• •• •• .• •• ••* • * •» *a •• •< r' S K

•I Monday; October 15.2002007 TlmevNewi, TMn W a, Idaho> C3

K^r-r.m9T.rr.-. . 209; - : ' 3 0 4 ' s o z 502 so:5 0 2 5 0 2 GenCTai y ^ : G q lavestinaits Homes For Sale Honmes For Sale Homes5 FiFor Sale Homes For Sa

= 1 DRACO RLEH Buy or rent lo TwinIn Fallaf S139.900 3 TWIN'J FALLSF< I tWIN FALLS __ 17 HHAIR m S ! c a ^ ^ “ ovm. 3 bdmi. 1 bath, bdrm. INVESTMENT Irm., 2 bath, must Froo MLS:ILS Soarch IGENERAL s>TYHST r FulMlmaRNlof total romodol. S750 soolr>0 insldol 2200 sq.lt. »w »w utrwtvonrnriamn *■ Training Coonlordlnator tfyou-r*-r« nol M ming Hoep^fce VlaionsiQ^. CORP por month * dop. OR com;jmplotofy remod- Froo list ofllofodosuros lor S 1 6 /h o u r... inc. Poiltivoiwi)ri( wor CASH for Doods ol buy today lor olod, $ a - $ n envlronmenl,ml. Trust. Mortgages ond $114,900. Wll pay anorc your homo' NavElko Propeiliss Is soeseeking a dynamic ■ R ffl floxlbto scheduk)duki Roat Estate Contracts. closing costs. 400 ge32{(326862 vofUi? Nico 6 bdrm., 3 batsath. Training Coordinatortor 00. Red Uon Hotel & Casincsino, Gold Country •i^anPaI Payback solf-moUvolod. drm. 2 bath, up- ' Saloiy flovtews ">om orlontod. contuskxi. Make sure ------— 1 l025C entennlolDI Dr. Inn & Casino. High1 DDc esert Inn. and •Rog. Sal OfSOn reaMnwauflOorstand rados. foncod back I tw in fall Thundorbird Moloi.. aliail of which are •Comm,m &i Bonuses responsible perso ord, nttractivo land- ' »LLS _ . Homo Call 208-733-238S185 w wllh ot least twc your BdcOTpkHory, Spoil :ros soulh of li locatod In EII(o.Iko, NV. .Poid voi n out CkMtoa. 733001 B ; pi s'pcaplng. wiiod lor ^ _ V « ^ o I yeara olnurslnt Immaeulato twmo on i hot t dim. 2 balh. , •HoQith/0;hrt)entanns e W n c o .R e i i 1 oero SE ol Flier. 3 ■ ;'as"c"r , J rmatoty i 4,000 I I P ' i p ’i ; Tho idea] carKJldato foror ttthis position will .work;P PT T o rF f - oblo transportatic bdrni., 2 bath. don. < Rr(y, Two big j r . ^ 1 possess a domonslra'stratodabiiilyto .Mamigo,igemenl Opport. a musl. Solary largo oat-ln klidion, I d ^ i, 'goods a llttio develop consistent trainlnfinlng program s that .^ o s Ucenso req ^«»o<* °n dbl car garogo. ] 720.' .M w 'S n w :TWIN FALLS wili assist In tho deveicvelopmonl of our expaiionco. Wood & tilo floors, I' • • • - ur (inanco ------putcfiaso0 0 ovni nbi^ Sove Commissiononl loam motnbofs. andnd fpromote tho H lfllQ y E S a i M CH1208.735-0121 Ujo counter tops. , n • ' 3 bdrms w/hugo . growth of our propsroperties. EOE Park hko yard ^WtNIN FALLS I 2015 sq. . $289,900 . 4 bdrm 2.5 bath, i 208-316-iifi.iafiQ ' mnsior suiie. 4 otliolice. • Cali1735-1200 7: ^ ...... ' — w/spnnklors. Riding ^ , I loisofstorngo.Por,orgo- lawn mowor Iriclud- “V"'lilt ' in 200-1, ' - Tho successful CandidadidaleM U STbo (or aiconn^m co lol I MEDICAL ...... — I Iloors, 2 cor garngingo. od. 5169.900. bilingual in English andId SSpanish and bo ______^ «?^crK>o(li^^ :all'208^08-0703 . TWIN FALLSLLS ■ Ig bock pat« & yon'ord. Call 208-731-2154 _ 5 _ V Supof cul-do-soc comfortable speaking ir lE n s 402 MiBlcLeuonJ grpups of people. This ■ ✓ ' 2S8Wlldbruih This porson m ust L«bor«r GOODING r b d m .~ 2 I TWINVIN FALLS also bo self-motivatedd orond able to work Woipor E TWli^^FAI.I ■------V ' «J All for $184.500101 both, living room & , 3b 3bdrm. iboth. . . r ' ; Call 208-736-94333 ^ independently withoutJt c(constant direct me.. DBABAPfolesslonal ‘ 401 lamily room. 2100 sq, : l,5i 1,500 sq.n. Rent ' p i S A supervision. Ideal candandidate will bo Hoonri'aflng is hiring ft., split entry on 3* , or or Rent io Own. |l j proficient in MS Word.•d. EExcel, Powor latwrore»IODj*llr.l»o to L P N 's& R NN's, 's S c h o o l acres- Garago, auto | CuiCuto oldor homo. ^llTWlNFALLS~ Poinl, ond Outlook. All carcandidates MUST (oitow(»»a sprlnMere. now palnl,1 (ul lulty romodolod. I Vary doan 3 J conceptualization i®''®' 'obc w/appl. 206-934-5107 I COi Conirolly locatod. Immaculaiono 3 bdim, J I bod/oom, t laigo have experience in the co I n s m i c t i o n and fadlitation of trainingling programs Irom , or 208-356-3120 loncod lon bnchyord, loaiuring n I bnthioom. s a c s ■ c n a ;s ' covorod patio, nowly roromodolod’ I S o o o tlt6 5 tho ground up, os wellell o s p o sse ss the I tl3. posiuonlng unybnin GOODING Assumable ' PUBUC SERVICE loncod gnrdon kitchon ond on b.iih,. I Sunburst SL ability to evaluate cuncurrent training ° 2005 Monufoctuiod , ,Q. 01 nnd win- I 208-420-1323 Imo MESSAGE spoco. Low down Now root ( programs to provide recc•ecom m endalions towingS’S o t S S S F u,,= ,p.n.«™ homo, 3 bdrm. 2 both, | aoymont, olMorms conlrni AC I or 539-3204 ...... Jorenhoncemeem ents. — ...... maiocials . . . . . Big pmllis usually ..- . 5 7 6 .6 0 0 ..- Trlple--7..- ! f*"''- Iloxiblo.-...... and update.latod plumb- | l nndtotim SSSS'"' * ai”*’""™eooa. "' moon big risks. Realty 93<.fl200. j Motl Motivated sollorl ‘ng- 2/33 iaero (ot Applications shouldI su b m it re su m e unloadint -ones Boloreyoudo 208-735-1671 R4. Buy lor WENDELL HOME INSPECTIONS L. 2° ont or build Immod. Occupancy to: NavEIko Prop•ropertlss, Ulting ro< ,7 business with a www.ttwln«pN»onco.eccatodinBtalne or apply I n ^ ^ For Iroe inlormoilon Indudlng lull linlshod I , Id l 934-8200. >iy,lDarea)ob at Twin FallaIj'* oboul avoiding bosomont. 4 bdrm., 1 M jm L i a j j r p i . a T ■No oxperionce Cara CenterIQ . investment scoms. both, now kltchon, up- TWIN FALLS jd .-10posJtkjns datod plumbing, Yl ^ as laho wrllo to Iho Federal nho ^ ovallablolo fclor lomporary Twin Faiia, laano woodsiovo. sunroom, ] 3teSSfm. boo 1 Mm : J™ “ '^ ” 1 peakak load!< work ——— ^ Trade Commisston. dbl cornor lol w/mn- 1' carir garogo. g boautilul I . .. »»■ V." “s r s r g .. _____I 02A31/0BIA58-12/O1/O0. 213 Washington. O.C. ture londscapo. lorgo "owf)w hickory kltchon. . " si?^o o o applications lor tho ZOSMoroiinno shod, dbl carport, ; now,bl.ck.ppli.ncos. Dl. >g ------Apply . I t P r o f e s a o n a ______• Idaho C ZZL- Notl&nat Fraud 8145,000 420 E. Avo, , low now lighting, large ■ nogotioblo B ea a n d U t MENT Inlormatlon Contor G. 306-9994 Iv msg, ; yo^<*^-^ird. lois ol siorogo. • “ or n roady to movo In, : , atlon 1-BOO-876-7060 S119.500 , :hs, loblUtlni•1^ number to Appllcattonitk)n& JER0M^“ ""“ *T1 i A t Idaho Dl 3 bodroom, 3 both. : 12424 [Pheasant Rd. : ii I I ond two car garagoigo. job doscripiion avoll, 3 cor garago, only Calls811208-410-1981 ; I XTTMma fl Low monthly pay1- ^ ^ n b r i d g e W m S^SL 614 r s t . . Rupert.‘''rt'tO ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ >r 208-404-8202 i j . . I odiustoctod Minl-Cossla JuvonI 4 yoors okJ, 2400 sq, o r 2i w e have a F iaids CLASSIFIEDS It. Comos with 29 ■ ti L .c . I lo your Incomo. Probation Otflco. spotpook-tack-ular boIm , id e It pays to read Uio larm acros+ 30 fwriN iN iFALLS | f T lino print. shares ol wolor. ^ T h tn 1$ NO o p porturtunityforYOUl •Worn Lastr down paymontiI IdbyanEciual ||u-nn>«, ------~ 1 Call Timos-Nows Just minutos away nu, bdrms.,k, 1 both L Irom Downtown i ? J Funded by USDA EB(8 to placo your ad Complete TWIN FALLS H R N s o r L P N s “ MSS"vaUayED. 2 bath. . H C Nl A A ! S Qroundsmismon Foreman All reasonable floors! flO( Granite d , i >10 Loaso For Moro M omaliof•ion Full-time &Part*tltTMime, All Shlfti C M(0e-90a-2695 m OccupaUonallal offers aceeplad! COi ------Theraplat Call for appointment MovS i T S Op™Sn,wnor Carry, piooso Cnll 4ove in ready. Asking S223.000.S22 208-737-1470 Weorrerarch offers: HOUDAY JOBS ibtnotsflloorlng, “ ...... 501 " oinioas oppll- , M binelse ls w/granile tops and lile back In-Patient Rehab, full-limi-lime or part-tim e ’Floirtbto>k)ovonln0, i Full A part-time day andvl wookondV ! Magicvallaymalt.coii.com OpenHouse immedloto occuporicy icos. Walk-In splosh,, aii new tiled bathroom. New rool.Ol. ovoll. 1.250 sq.lt,. closeosois. Oulot new wfndondows. Gos lurnace, coverod reoi}or •In-Patlent Rehati MansfinaBor.lulHlmo •IS'Sti- ' 3 bodfoom.2 bath, nolghjighborliood. patio0 arand largo rear parking area. s n m h o u r outo sprinklors, 5,74 Ol working 1 1 * 3 0 6 5 J . I PUBUC SERVICE I 174.900. Call 208- S906 B roadw ay Avo •Speech Pathologist.. 1, lu M m » 0. garogo, AC. 5135,900. 35,>1-0882 ^ o r 208- A llt nment ' ------MESSAGE 324-2268 or 539-3613 35, ^ Ml th is for only $98,000! part-time •Montniy)Ily Intaiviewor ELECTRICIAN Selling Propony? J I call 206!06-539-6Q64- o r 208-308-6533 incaniivo:Ives Exp'd Joumaymanman Don't pay ony loos JEROME >1 Now con- ' ' •Clinical Secretary, part-'art-time •Aljsoiutoiutoly no salos ' Wanted. Bonentsftt** I until It's sold. For stnictlon. 1854 sq. I1..3-4 bdnn.. 2 bath. or solldllrdilno Compouttvo pay.JVj Iroo Information _____ J__ EoLapplicaiionsjdsiLQilltOUrWBbSile : To applyrt°p l y hyo.i> _CaM2W-53e-g^ Pricod Wow______www.idahoelksrehErehab.org otflce stioro and real Call 360-448-3000 Phono (208)489-89-4645 Maadows n estate scams. Fax applications to^208208)489-4062 In Twin F u t at aw write to: KIMBERLY H f s s ' f r r 3 bdrm, 2 balh ------— 7 $22.00nv + bonefll Federal Trodo commission. homo, ono lovol, ■ II RESTAURlURANT Pleaaofaxreaumei custom built In MECHANIC ...... - ...... NowlowhUing...... 30e-734-4339orm:>rmall Washington. D.C. -2005.- near.-gotl------Cool«ok* a to 1727 Harrlaonaon '■ '20580 or call th e " courso. Temllc vlow ^ . 8«r^jenrara Twin Falla, ID 63300301 Nattonol Fraud ol south hills on 1 j K ------InfomiQtlon Center. ocro. Now Prico 'M M ff " " " S MECHANIC n 5 0 L f l . c king [• 1-800-876-7060, | S314.900. Applyy KIn e rS S n ’ 3 bdrm, 2.5 both, Solo Sup Company is ith e largest B General Mechanic.into. .v-r ■■502-1 Newer home exc. manufacturer ol single) ususe disposf^ie BtuaUfcaa providod. Door plon, upstairs products for Ihe food an ------lools required.“ Homes For.Sale roc room, big back service industry with ov S i i rIRANT = beneflta ovallablo. yard. Now Prico / hiring for competitive wagei.gea. All Buyers and Sellers S1S9,900 employees worldwide. OurDurproducis range CMkToi 4 bdrm 3 batn, 2-sto- from a variety of paperra an n d plasiic cups. , Dlahwtaher call Qltlner'a 8hoi W • i H M teia 208-324^255x11)8 ry home. 1B27 sq, plates, lood containers,s. pplastic lids and * ^^33- ^e*^mpany ft, built in 2008. 3 V r / & ^ straws. Our dedicationion tot teamwork. -p,, Cafe ^SnrnS*T3b!rR5S3TPl!3TF» ------' cor garago. sprin- quality and customer servilervice have m ade 2221 AddiiM laonAvaE. dmlft«J» evoryaay,Y' ...... I klors, vinyl londng Soio Cup the lea $319,900. force in the indu:idustry. v r.7 ^ 2 1 Call Karen 306-4664 ,


Solo Cup is currently hirinjilring for our Twin ah advidvartlaing i d H Charming. 2 siory. 3 Fails fadllty. Essentialitiol duties and OJaet 10 lha responsibilities Include, but are not limited bdmi.2 bath.hard- ^ paper's wood, w/new: doors, to: performing maintenaisnance, service, sfonrt r windows, ftxturoB. 733-0404 ■ troubleshooting andfld irepairing ■ J " oppls. tlte, corpot... manufacturing equipmentn t Manulacturing 2 ® '" ^ - 301 BujmnOppoRunBe toomuchtomonltoni equipment Includes autonilomaUdlniecBon N UoneyTolom Features eavered RICHRELD R QoQn 2 molding machines, prod.roducthandllna ’T?,Jtam anghtto imi0 n«iis patio, lonced bock- bdrm, 2 both single- roboUcs arKl extrusiononequlpmenl. t **"“abbnntaM9 final fOuiNJIWIlweir ig s s floe. 9000 iq- ft, cen- Industrial trade such as: itancetiylW* ■ v * i ' , '= ± = M l Sir, auto sprin- m hydrauUcs. pneumatk»,.,electror^csand eli v«p«r. 17m Cooper NormoflA M klers, lg tenc«l yard. control sytiem s. Abliltytily to understand J22I2SIl 2 2 , hult trees. $137,600. BeaulHull ' 'schsm allraandexperien^ n c e with mills - iwtpapar J52?rJ22SJ2!SIS S L 302 8 . 1* W. 20S- and lathes a plu: wmM lUf e84•M6•or^1^240• Immscuiete 4 bed^ onMibUly Itor BUSINESSESs I I room, £76 bath Sok) offers a dean alr-con>condlttoned work m «MuSi;tnik//conMnf FOR SALEI n iE R home on qukat NE erjvironmenl WeoKsrcofcompetlUva salary e /ih tirsUradM ttmr Fer m e n Infonnstiotttlen Price reducedi Cul-de-saa Up- and a full range of benefinaftts to Include m«ai U t i ARbrtckheme, Qtia— Includes nwUcei. dental, vision,n,IH« IH Insurance, !______m___ 3 bdim., 2 bsth. hsrdwoed. deck, program. CARIQIVU sps, msMensnce and«f)1(k)pro( viM TWmFALUAutTr free exterfor-morel Csregiverssraofededlor pair bmlrwM wKh Sawteeth Kheoi. nmM«»inbt ,RommittsABSMad n«v m s, torun,^ ihi “a S To see anytime c s l . . CompstHvs snd oNlee equlpmsi woMiMitt Idaho CoCommaro* • S ' MiUnkmSL ewner739-4«7Z ■ ■ and 1 2 ^ 4 2 0 NorthhCoMgtRd C *2f5iSSVsrtousiMts. SM up en toesHe OpenHouse law M 7744S1 e r turn key business. < teUOeloberlS* |l || or SOLO CUP Con k ip e rs e n a l voreed toroed sal “ a ^ jT S s r IIHHsnd mooOMIsr M H O W M O e f IM p m . m C a p r t Drtve m S w c j o i . g o « > y. loams csiito»ti»4i>tm

T' \ C4 T1nM»«lm.TwtaM*.kb .ld te MondayOctcte 15.2007J7 ^ S 0 2 ". ."-V SZ l-;-,;..: TTT. >'• " - ;604V. : Homes Fw Sale M anobctiired itin^ibhed JLInl^rblsJ s u {do Ikuu :H6imes Htoiriaie s v ^ - om “ I TWIN FALLS doon ®© Puzzles by Pappocon’ IEROME I - a ■ I « ‘H ear the ii R Newer frWiN Fa 0 6 2 studio $325 and 1 1084 smglo wide man- bdnn $375. ufoourodtwmo.Mus m., 2 both, 2500 room. 1 batr fl.. brick ronch wiffi smoklr>g^ts. CaU 208-734-5483. 4 I 5 I be mowd. 2 bdrm.. 5^-«■;' “■ UurelPark i 9 1 ^ 1 EQUAL HOUSING 2 batfi. now outside 2 leres « « ond canyon mo. + dop. ITWINFALLS I OPPORTUNITIES point, newer carpol. vs. surrounded by ) C all20»63»9^Sizssj fTeJS^'st M real etiaia MMniv stove. Si2,000/o«er. 2° Newer 2&3bdrm., | l 6 3 V i 3 bdrm. Twin FoUs 734-4195. M20M2<-32i.-| "JJ.,r T o M t f ^ r d w ' TWIN FALLS 3 2 both uportmenis. _ _ Z T 2 ng r> m rwmpipef <9 age. Corral spaco ' 214 both, lomilyimily room - suOjoei 10 me F#» Houv — — Con*erol4th* TWIN FALLS Ownor !>■ for hofses/canle hoi nog. or formal diningnlng room. ^UHL t bodroom^ Madrona ng Act MMcn mak«t > I- ^ IW krtchon oportmenL $425 mo. 2 | | 5 ____ 4 ______legal to aiNertite •urf noncing ' with down. Inlemormot photos 0V0.I. litoploco. now k Storting ot $625 Apprn 1,600 sq. ft.. 4 r , tost, [o ond $500 cobinota. j granlto ■» dep. UtiUtles Ind. a month ♦deposit. pieftnenca limuton o> ‘ nogo. S950/mo. counlerlops.noi.n w c o r- Calt208>734-0817 *scnmruition bavxS on bodroom.\ . 2 bath, damag — Celt 206-861-1445 [| 19S6 modol In good 208-321-328-3320 or 208- POt & hardwood«od. 2 cor "i 5 : i 4 8 2 65 f»ee. eolof, rrtson, w .. ; 1-1488 garogo, lencodicod yord. GOOnNQ rund indudod, Weetslde Court Of naloAal ongin w an | I & olr. In Apta. 1447 Woho S t Tho FoUs AptsTPheas- nlonioo lo mako «ny ty. ' S26.900 or make ont Vk>w Townhomes ...... : 1 ' • 3 roosonable oHer. Coll « . Brond new jjesJroblo Cond- 62>/hondieopped/ Ujcn preleiencA Imiu- | 150, 4 bedroom. 2 lertdga, nq■Smoking, disoWod. All oppls., 1,2,&3bdnn. O' ana\mniUon. f>. Iiroploco ona 5^ ^ „ ,515 nog. AC, laundry room. No pots, $395-5525 TimiiiAl status nckxM J | V oppls. $1,100/ 51.000 + SI.OOi1,000 dep. cat)lo. Intemol 208-734-6600 9121 7 r 5 ! 1 uiildten urx>«r tne ao* I monttt?l?. 208-734^M5555 d days Of Rontbosodon (X IB l»v>g wim parenu ■ TWIN FALLS Vory niCo Coll1310-910-4992. 31 73t-3194 oftor!florSpm incomo. 934-4966 3 bdmi opl, 2 both. o> ojUMian; t>og- ■ I 1 4 r ^ l Momon Arvl peopls H JEROMOME 2 bodtoom, tWIN FALLS,;,3bdmi.. 3 , ^ AC. gorogo, woier/ vKurmg cusloctr o( enit Is new» corpet.a no smok- 2 both, 2 car g sower Indd. seso/mo. rl-or.ufl0« 16, E ing«>otVOtS, $600M»O. + 80^0 * $500 dop. 733-7816 dop.C>. Call 420-9460 • 5950 no smokin 6 5 9 7 KIMBERLY Urgo — 1 6 0 5 TIui rwKSpapOi wll rwt I OME 3 bodroom. 1 Call 206-735-0:>5-°^73. Basomoni opt. knownsV accept nny I JEROM f Rooms For h. on 1 ocro In jyvin FALLSS 3 3 bod- A" utilitlw. No smok- odvotusin'] lot real 601 & fuWfwl Homes T ' .' ; 8 i 6 1 ' 3 i ' t»vi wftch 11 ») vK)4a- 6, intry. call 208-420- 'T b o lh . Ilh 2 cor » po'®- 5389 +. *: Rent lon ol tho law. Our 602 , UnfurWhedHXM* io to C S l. Coll 206-734-9450. rea*H» are he«»ey in- 603 J fgm8n«ApW>uplei ^859f ______garogo. Ctoso t U\0 92 OME 3 bodroom. 2 ^0 OT^injj k l n g ^ ^ KIMBERLY Spoclous” TWIN FALLS \V. EASY • lormod trut OH 604 » UnfOirng 6 a torm 206-324- 1 ® bodroom hor and logic. Find the answ£>wers for todays puzzle on1 ■mpaireo t» 600-937> c610 Stmge/WvctmM Long i 5950/mo, , ll ,1 614 WHMTaRM 8903 0< ■ i 3'Loory | [RUPERT nl ITWINFALLSPreles-| page - C6. t oiloble. I { Senior Cliizon. sional setting. X-lg H 6t5 UcWeHewSpw SME 5 bdrm. 2 ' Dlslrict ovoilot privoto room w/bvm S 1 2 l616 i RDommtittWMltJ I ''bathI, 2300 sq. It. : Call 735-534-5342 ! : Hondfcoppedi se noor pork, gor- - ...... ------’ Disablod Housing. both, W/0, Uichon 6 1 8 •...... 7tc 0 1 . 7 0 3 ~ house Faims/Hanches/ us. $1050 monih. TWIN FALLS3 3 bod- I Nowtoklng uso etc., wlroktss & Mobile i i Homes L i v eBstock/ s i Horse anda ; 6 0 1 goous.1209-201-7797 room. 1 bolh.Oin. S675 : opplicolions cable, hot tub. I •" Dairies FlFurnished Homes loso Call (or 1or2bodroom mllo Irom town, rel- eroncos required. — ^ mouitiy: : Tack ...... JEROMI 3ME Now 2,373 2m -420-M 67^YI. I; oportmonls. | RICHFIELD ■ ^ ' fl.. 3 bdrm, 2 both. ------. . ! Honidoiormlnod $390mionlh * utils, p e i K BUCK PAINT maro. . bonus room. TWIN FALLS 3-4 735-1030 ELLEVUE SUFFOLK Dairy 240 ocros 1250 ,: cia8.in»d ' 3;*W rm, Income HUD Cheaper ihan buying RfVNNI EBob Wrwn SyoaroW.btoko.1(0. ' hoad pormii. olo cor garogo. 1 balh. gos fIro D e p a rtm e n t douoio J I wWdlzod QOS. Mobilo homo lowa brod.>rod. Call 208- or. Sollor moiKratod. Is. incl.. wator ond maturo Uoos. Ouiot neighborhood. : .606' J" 91 or 280-0228 208-316-1960 0 ■ Clossltlod Sales “PP’*-h pok). ' SIOOO mo. lots ol p( space ovoi. $350/mo. 733-4791 ( Call Hadden R«alty i , a69-9644or788-4013 ...... 20MS6>22B9or . .i HoptosoniottvosRflni/.«ntnth,/.ME Spacious 3 S IO IS ^ S l bdmi, 14'.wkJo, good D, rse ana ' 5 1 3 ' t I Monday -Friday JEROMI 4 bdrm. 2 Coll 206-436-1380 -Roommates > : .Tdi T a d c : ' ' Well broke to driiIrlve n. oppls. cor port. TWIN FALLS 4 b( oroa. $385 no pott. . ' rail 1 Coll our office »d yard. 5675 mo. both, 2 yra old,old. vory I! or 208-312-2899 | asatw im . Trail Acreage and Lots I Yfsattd: , u ,.,„ 7 wise, soddio brokeIke to I In Twin Foils lERLY 3 bdmi. nico. $950 mo.mo. * so- - ' ' — 208-328-5887 —• ■ APPAL009 KIM8ERLY l| l St IL . 5 ^ Shaflle, $5500 for■fthe tl jl 7M .093I.jl^ ) hookup, storage, curliy dep. 643643-6e44 TWIN FALLS 1 bdrm™ TWIN FALLS Nowly te- KIME LniQo rosWontUU toUw 9pm. opt for ront. No pols. IMBERLY Room- team (homett InchIdud I.------gashoj hool. $700 monih ovos before 9pm modeled 2 bdnn, 1 matmote needed to share 1 • ^ g f ® od)Pidur»savailiiiUobk) Mlo. Coll 423.4377 ' PAUS &wb- twin falls 4“ ador 7pm. ^ 602 TWIN F bath. WID. vory clean 33 bds 0 20B-86(M654______— $5,000 dowr 2 bolh. 200000 sq ll 734-4334 Sroen BUHL ,3 bodroom, 2 Only S lighlod sign, povod OUINE TWIN FALLS brick du- mont gets yoi home kKolodolod in 1300 Mmbofly Rd__ parking. ADA bolh- i Uno plox. ooch s/do 3 both «, mobllo homo. PfV"»lod. Buikl equity Woodland chiUron. 5400 wilhilh oil bdrm. 2 bath, appiox SSSO ,! mo. No pots- TWIN FALLS 2 bdrmTn rooms. I yoor loose ionol ownor li Estalos. 880-262 'S. and 2 months pok). 70, , S i r u c h a n tod(/olfor. Coil UnUndo. 2000 sq. It. $215,000. Long ^ lonn. — ------kitchon oppls, $475. 951-760-W94DOCIocto. 208-860-4654 _ Call 208-543-8342 '“ '’cinii'l™ TWIN FALLS1 4 ' or 5 no smoking/pots. Coll 306-1704. 7JJ I Im m lng — . ------timo.4 FALLS bdrm., 1 or 22 o olfeos, . Call 2a8-735-0473._ KIMBERLY olfico 703 1 m ^ . 5an 3 !handle all IWESTERli ST65CR]c ■ SIS “JBUHL Boiwoon Buhl & rWIN F) ur trimming SADDLE hand tooloolo< «m« loj.lh., WfloroM TWIN FALLS 2 bdrm., 1 8POCO for rent. Ovor 704 1 Rior. Lorgo 4 bdrm.. 2 2 twm needs. with paddod soot so Commercial jboth couniiy horrw. All Main )W rongo both duplex, corpon.,rt. 2000 sq. ft., w/poik- 705 I “ equ m. in. , lng oxcdiotrt locotion 756 1 rs exporlonco. brkllB. braost coil»ilar appls.. now gos bdrm.!"S. Eri'-&150)mo + loncod yord. Wotor in- 06-734-3978 stand & ropo. Ul All fot Property ! ^ 3 -9 8 6 8 Cld. S 5 ^ $500 dop. lutnoco, olr cond. No dining 01 ummarnutty Paul>8-356:3976 Sll | $699.731-4266 pots or smoking. SIdO’ i tija e e a 452 sunriso Blvd. Nr °j U208-TO1-^0 ^ 1 m potfoct to sub- or 961-0073 02 Otky enue & Supplies T rim i WHO can holp . J S8S0. Coll 487-2298. bdrm ( ------Coll 208-316-3858 TWIN FALLS 2 olflcos 709 I , leasa.M. Foncod yord jvnN FALLS 1 & worohouso 40x40. 71003 HoTMsSTKk1 W ecanh YOU sell your F inkier syslom n w 3 .bodrooffoom ""? TWIN FALLS 2 bdrm. 1 04 FWsindMSuppBes proporty? < C Bluo Lakes Soulh & 711 1 i ^ e t s ^• e t ' . u . . both homo innwondot- w< both, DW. W/O. AC, 05 FwnEqukntnt 3ERLY 4 bdm i: („! locoikin.?. llS d- wotor, irosh & yord Minidoka. 7,21 Wniming. " Si^pMfiS ClaasKleds \ kS no 208-733-8548 7,3 , 5 : ; r C anl h.- brand now re scopod ondd I loncod “ f® Indudod. no 733-0931 oxt. 2 aj.Prap.rty del. 01 117 Pino y ^ . no peUools no srnoklng/pots. 5600 ♦ TWIN FALLS 2 ollices 714 I AUSTRALIAN SHlSHEP- I UaraBM wnt 2SWliflht S500 dop. Avoil and bolhroom. Forklift 71s 1 08-738-1581 HERD. 6 monthss iold. FotMnt. IfS 53g .g ^ 4 10/16.208-839-90599 ond worohouso ovall. 7jg09 H»j.Cr«hSF««, V Z T T ^ ----- ' ■ — y rod Irt tnalo. Pretty Pn 10 CnwtffWdw 5 1 6 TWIN 0 FALLS rnor will corry for inlormotton.2H:______TWIN FALLS 2 bdrm..“ S350.306-1704. , IQ 12 yrs old. pup. 423-4918 pm.m. o 1948 Gronoda Dr 11 Cu*tomF«tnS«¥ies* H orsoS ] IC cq. t tMilh with oppllancos Vacatim Property/ «e 645 Oulncy Stroot ™ ! T - f* l5 - OS TWIN FALLS businoss AUSTRAUAN SHIiHEP- ’loose or * W/D. No smoking/>0/ olfico lor ront Exc to- 12 MitceimaaAo , andlY ir Times Shares 0 " dtlco space avoil- 13 FOTM/PiitOTRentsb 1 2 -fy s. rod BHONEJM,. SSi'',™n. ”? 3 Mmi. POtS. S525. 208-539-19- cotion, $400 por _ , 'X'lSS; sssir.-,0 Ws. abl6.227ManinSt. SHOSH 14 PntumWiMed E ] ^ e ri SUN VALLEY Cablrv "oR ontloO w nl ‘•bulo jd In yord. 0900 or 539-6913 month. Cell 738-2860. J l ' s v r s i s ,»-539- ; 15 FvniAudlon C a ll 20B- This sklo ol Qolot\a. 920 Z" Avo. W. f»ni h ^ r h o ^ . tw in FALLS 2 bdrm,. n.. TWIN FALLS olfeo 16 AgBuslnusS a n rido him, _H 55______Pioco ot paiodlso o " l99ASldnoySL QfM try spoco 700 sq. ft., all _ or bost oflor. AUSTRAUAN SHIIHEP- tuckod In 010 moun- o ^ 322 Momingsldo 9<>ra< b i . \ i hf^o , o o sli ''®'y Servke Oirtetsry QELDINQ 1 ■omodokJd with- >rt. ullliiioB induded. ploik- T TT Qroot 52 loor______HERDS 1 liner roirogls- tolns. Awosomo .vtow ^Or. (2 avail.) rom tyofpotking, who^rand^ Sg^!,a2f 10 Tvrsoael BUHL ««*■ 7 0 1 f S —- ; 2 bdrm.. 1 both. - ■*-o-BoiiutlturCusiom------"*»!»«Xiso, M u s rs o ^ ’" TWIN FALLS Fl — boo nines. ' RED nSH LAKE Prl- bum homo in Kona- Hoosiippredato. Vory painted with Its TWIN FALLS Olfklo 208Uveslock/ “f', . volo Foo simpio lol ^ 8-731-6i03 ' working poronts. 1 1 1ll- ka Rapids Roflch. apprt(,BOLq- Coll 208-862-3J-3251- 7 “ i i j. $SOO/nw. > utils. W/D. oil appliippls.. no tw in FALLS 3 bdrni.. Sm I. gram fod. Call ' ronch geUVDINNER ovos oflor 6pm. EDEN nk» 2 bedroom. pn«.last $ 8 dop. Call smoWng/pets. 2 bolh, 1500 sq ft.. 2 Incl. 208-734-6622 208-423-4010 or 208- oosy to 8^ Cotadomiiiiunis oppllancet. < W/D hook )*• Uu ■ I roll ot 539-4815 $950 ■»■ dop. 72672&6016 car garago Oil oppls . TWIN FALLS Olfico BUU5390108 Coll 208-7:^ AUSTRIAN SHIWEP. I up. Art:, no pets. Call a " Q Z r i NW. flreptoce, $62525 space. Okl Tovme. 2^ oW, S t ^ ^ HERD/BORDER ; I WENOELL Z*ro down J206-423-5104. 'ow<»n ______TON FALLS ULL Outstanding 4 yr IQELDINQ IS. -2 I flnaneing avtll. 3 n SHONE 3 bdrm., 2 family homo. Avo S. I lorgo opon Dkl che< Soler Bull, has year oM 1 I — ------1 SHOSHI lb- OITKO. 550 sq ft. uiUs «lsp bdrm 2 both condos, \ 2200 sq fl on 5 pointo. Now 44 b bdtm. 3 great colves, con be . slout. olhkAQHA oklor Co]l208-79t-271<718 solo or fonl. ownor w. Library, fomlly both. 2 car g. XS Indd. $500. 208-837- re Cl g ..- -e o n - deliver,- on ranch w 00 4532 or 208-358-3040 — wtll corry. adonis 3% • — m. now. $850. Coll S1,000/mo. •f' d< SI.200.775-691-0378 RULER'Dl.^ h ^ $ 5 0 0 BOSTON TERRIIRIER Todd 209-eS3-t777 •IrrrsfiSi >-874-0456. * smoMng/pots, ------^------FLIGHT C ^•fontuHiTT • 949-67 Call 208-731.9268 :;!6(08:;;;:. ' Hon sHOl- SHONE newer 3 206.720-578S_ ULL, grade. 2 yoors moke g< ' a r r ^ A AKC 5 1 8 Dkl, trtck & somon horse. $18 EQUAL HOUSINQ T... 2 both homo TWIN FALLS£■ lovely TWIN FALLS 3 bod-,0- Commerciiil jZ E TRAINING reg.fomok»,$550.50. Mobile Homes : , OPPORTONmES 5 Bcros. Close lo nevrer home.J. 4 4 bdmi. room, 2 balh 4-pie* by OARDINQ 20»83»-a3909___ pen floor CSl. Yord, garago. s e s ; „ . a "*■ nny's Country 2 both, open a 1 ^ ^ h Call 208-31^0479 HORSE A( RIER, QOODINQ 1972 Mobllo ro. $850 $1200 plan, appis. $90$900 mo. W/0 hook ups, paid , ™anths, ' ! op. 1005 wBler & gorboge. No KIMBERLY Shop ------A moro. vorylng, 5 yrs oW. n^STr Homo.Uplocodo.ro- OSit. 668-2289. ■ + $600 dop. U I WosL pots/smoklng. $625 -f4- rental w/oRIcos and fTCHERED l LAMBS great 1" ho plumbod. Nalurtl gos: ------Caswell Avo Wo Homo grown, groin Con 73! stovo, walor hootor, I FALLS 1 bdrm., Call 20».734-8i4-8714 dop. 81tW8^4881 bothrooms. Lota of « . S - i l r ' f f ' which makM ll Ule- TWIN Fi lood. Can 423-4818 un o t!g -n fumaco. Musi bo sol to adveilise ony fenc«j, — parking. Next to the !5or481-2391 BOXER pups, pure- pt Klmberty Walor Towor pm or 539-4815 » io I! moved Irom land AS­ ' dlscriminaUon based $425s S it io d?''' = = = = ^ ^ bred, 2 femsJes,. tolls t I ^ 2 1 M 6 7 8 TWIN FALLS N AP. $S.500/0fler. Con­ on roce, cotor, reli- Coll 20 ► in Downtown Kimber­ :TR«NINQ docked, dewdawsvs re- tact Oovin Lodor. 206- 7— 7 ------bedroom, 2>4ZVi bolh. TURN OFTHE ly. Drive by ond take 0 150 ------^1 '“SfilSlrhImmlng; yoor moved, $300. 539-0396. PloaM (FALLS with bonus rocroom in CENTURY CHARM4 look ot 234 Elm. Just * tmlning.keop Call 208-839-2028128 loavatnwMQfl. 322 Valencia. counliy. $1350150 mo. Laundry & storoge. hood lor lhe Walor t 10 e n orso in shape . s5j,"rs,s -il?8 3 bdrm.. 2 balh, nq ootsAmi/smoklng. Studio. 1 ♦ 2 bdrm. Towor. Ray Sabola 2( Jtlt roody by CHESAPEAKE Pups, Pu HAQERMAN Thou­ 375 sq. n . 2 car P u s l b l e ^ tIt to to own. apts. from $395. 206-539-3321. spring. AKC reg. 1* shots. sh( sand Springs. 14' ony such proleronco 1375age, relrig,. lencod CMMS8:733-32 limitation or disertnl- santga « 2 1 « 833 Shoshone N. iPjW m Mortenscn good bkwdlineB.. Both 8 wtdo 2 bdrm. roconi ord, landscoped. nation. 'Familial sla- VVd,non Trail. O'Leary IM N FALLSo Quirt 20M 20-8192 1418-1616 parents good water wi remodel. S1S.00CV0I- iajAiw,F«ni*n.| |1 SS tS ' = i doos. Father Is1 107 i ler. 206-837-9114 tus includes children OSchool r ^ OlstricL /neighborhood.5 3 2 b i5 ! , 1300 Klmberty Rood under Dw age of 18 20e*732>«OS9, or I room. 2 both.tl. lgIg 2 cor 1 163-12600 sq, a Sort e’Y t W J d I lbs. $200.825-507177^. IMng with parents or Jafl20l KIMBERLY rta71«-908.7575 U aroge. all api TWIN FALLS Greatiai. $500 DOWN 2x1 Vinyl knol custodian* Chrla tf, TWIN FALLS Shop- “““ -T h'S,?"'"- S. ______------WliUuwK Pwuu------• ■subdlvlsloa Groot to-to-— Worehbuse." 13,WXr ^ daws Floortng end moro. 1. nmv palntitarpei 7?k1B»5. 3 sq. ft. healed, sprtn- Fo llrst 5 * 5600 depost. ------cation noor Canyon. 3 20>.410-a33a oislody Of chiWren 00 Uered, 440 & . 240 i CaU underta. Kamson. ] • Call ™ r £ . r) *mon 1 bdrm.. 2 both. 1500 TWIN FALU 1500 sq. •ts, $380 sq. f t $875. No smok-,k- volts. 2-t4'x14' over------r 20e- •W048S4. S rd & i t^or " u ie l 208-43M 188or 2 IL 3 bdrm,. 2 b#m in T •osR. ing. 450 CanyonMl liMd doors. Avail, quai M31* This new«jap« wUI - 2I ^FALLS*2 bdrm, 1 call 20A>733'8i Nov. 1'. 738-8366 or J iS Counlryilde VlPage not knowlt>oV « • TWINFI I3-8921 C rw tO r.W . i S Z S T i S : . , Paints, Qekl' 2168 evenings. Sonlor Parte I. rtew paint/earpet . 2 206-735^658 420-1913 gen c«pl any advertising bam.S -fr» $600 deposL WENDELL 3 bd i w T S4&000tolter for real «siata Ca»l20M24^l0a0 Harrisoa* Call bath house. $80SaoOAno. TWIN FALLS large,5: >. lots whkh is In violation 172•6eo-4es4. I 1* & laat -f S40IS400Alep. dean, .1 bedroom. L s 1 tor TWIN FALLS MOVE IN o( the law. Our raad- 206-66I Call30a.217e. ' no smoking. $380 s , » * i X i S r2oe- j SPECtAL. ZERO •rs v e hereby in- TWIN fi U u i . . t 3 » a u m D0WN0NSB£CT2 formed that «B i hamath. garage, laree WENDCLL 3 bod UABO DONKETS. 1- f a S i Z dwMnQ adverttMd $523m mo. dep. amaB house,I, fi fenced *” •*” •**** Jack. 4 years Old. very Roans, Pa ™ «K K B R b pa h BEDROOM HOMES, = nLER 40*100 wsre- or anjoe- m«..iomon»,n 20M12<«6«4 h ihii t^ p « ITWINMLLS housa localed at Cur- lenOe, r i $200.3-Johns. irtgs, pa( ara avtlabi* on an call2il S t « 3 0 LOVeWHOiiYOU I100 ea. 1-Jenny wRh year okls,______1 colored, must ao go to c a « 2 0 i ^ equal opportunliy u v e i ' u'lrsiisa »R. ^ $250.543-4970. m , ARW BROOK Iwnw wfno kkls.^100 Sl bosi*. To complain TWW H aoM iSS CaHMWtMia. lalrt. 1 bdrm down 1 ^ 3 3 7 ^ 7 7 ^ laro* M. S08O mo. " ' ■------7 Call206-g: i t — ot dtierltnlnatfon c al uptfain »H>VOU I i?S,^bdSSS». lth. 2107 E J d rt^ . " N O c w 'h e lp I Cdl ao«>7sr>ONi or i CO CO fl SPANMIL TWIN FA U 8 2 c«n»- HUO 1 lea-IrM tata* i bath,9-»$S00dep.Ca> rwit your r«>u«r>lalT Carport, storaoo. 20»ao»o>oi CONNECT I MARSSIor phone numbar at teu-» uirm &S580.CI •(•.a lary lott available. -mnt. C\»nm9diMta mneac«nier. TWIN FALU 1500 iq ~ W l i n 7<«3 or Sl600«a.C«UphoiM <800-fl«0-9777, The 20»B4; '• * " and POOL saii>"S"S n wtti Mnaa oOioa. . C U S T O M E R S 6123. tale docM . did«w> 7 0 7 ^ 7 - W toU-lTM I telephone fW NI PALUp 2 bM- Canl li 7M*1M0 numbwto(lhehMr« n. 1 baih with L , 2(34 HighiwKi. »eeo. • • $200/ T»it^»r«beoiJtbMl I 1* & laal mo* ram 7:. WHO NEED MBAOOW mo Im p aM la; ink U M month. I ? - t^gaienww,in O a ie M s . ofaoMI»7OTM*ra8>1(•1M1 OuMM*. moui U aoe-»t2o-eee7. slI L caitaoewwi. s= I_____ ed»MT-«27». K j i i S S l S iu i ■ S 6 HV10E ; AdvwtiwlDttw stn. ti,a Bw»kwM4 e(iw.S4»-a ------1------1------— ^ ------1 » 73W W 1 yourdubeln( , i.i.» 11 S a caamoMi Monday, Octobw 15,2C5,2007 Tlm*»News, Twin FaDs, Idahota CS

7 0 4 7 0 4 7 0 0 4 ~ 7 0 9 T p J THAT SCRAMBLEDDWORD W GAME r -- ; . ' - ; P U l ^ w H*"'! "«aM Mike Arglrlon q jlMIKet lP P e t s ^ m PetsaDdPet P(Pets and Pet PetsaiiandPet HayGrainin applies . andFeedd Onacramblo thoso lour JumJunttes. ' — — aTOHeBes SiOTllg . S u p p l i e s ^ppKes Supi 000 lotlor to oach squaro.ro. Homr-b n j AKC rogis- ALFALFA GRASSs s ap- to tefm lour ofriinary wonte.«JS- p a n e l s DOQ KENNEL oxM DEE LaUHusklos mix SHIH TZU . COCKER SPAT ™ FREE English Sonof/ 4 males. l ” ptox 25 loo. r 3" cut- oglslored. largo. $200. I6ltxL* Brtttarv Spaniel, male supples,^ maki ond fo- torod. 4 rt foflts i^alo. Call 206-662- shots, cloCloan bill of ling, S125/ton. Good- G 1 YEDEK I I adorablo rodI andon bun !«•» £f" tti «' dog. to good homo. 3 J8-934- onts on 208-948-0807. 3660______hoolth, 22 t biowrVwhito tng CoJI 208- W — colors, paronts __ yoars oW. Good with _iS 2 iCkAvhito. S3S0- 5470 ovonings ' r : sHe. 20B-312-24:>•2431. f r e e black U b poro-o . kUs. Neods room to GERIERMAN SHEPHERD . I Q r — — — brod puppy, S-IO10 run and paliont own- 3UPS. pup 3 (omalos. first ALFALFA HAY~ S*fwL.lrj ^jiv. ^ 1 • COLLIE Lflsslo 18- ors. (206) 944-4211 Jhois, shoi Bwks okJ. Fun sHIH TZUJU pups,i puio- Quality 1" 4 22 '' ' purebred. ® 6 431-8172.______------and and loving, 200. Coll Qrod, AKCKC rog.. loody, cutimgs. S7 balealo. sable & tri c — FREE Goidon Lab, 1 yr <36-4145 43S pojonts} onon sito. Boau- 206-539^>20101____ I MUGMY I uto $350 f r e e Border Colllo. C J y hooJUiy & erto. *• old. spayod. voeclnot- i—- s s MIX TA and up. goe^ioe-308-S310 'a*™!®, I yoar M.” ■ ed, good w/kids. good GERMAN I M M frlSo"*" ALFALFA.GRASS ------Hording instincts, lotriovor. Needs room CT Straight grass. 2’ SIstiitig I y o a r, noods good homo. SHEPHEEIDS aos^ioe. Ho-''vy balos. eovcjvojod u l r { li . DOBERMAN I 10 run. 736-7246. 206 40< J iy red mole andn d 33 y a n r 436-2070 or 431-0399 Will sell smnllinll ' black lomalo, ■7 FREE Kittons ha» ^ M small. -5082 CLITIE ‘'^ ic h '^ 5 FREE Chocolalo Lab. 8 73____ . WHAT SHE C>e7SC .\O E O *250' oac Slomoso. 6 wkj okl. lylul. booutifully or 308-0073 ig S400 tokos ttothboth 208- "’®»- J, AKC rog.. . ^ WHEN THE shots, to good homo i30-693-51B3 A 5K EP _ « M S a 6 ------only. 208-312-3127 or 3 z n z z— I I POCTDR AS 539-3964 lv msg. " HER OU-H j r [Ef^QUSH POINTIilNTERSi 208-312-S127 Sllnrmouniain- STANDARD^RDS, TOYSa W '. - - J Roglstorod pupp FREE dog and 3 pop. •hopherdaxem TINY TOYOY POODLES - J « t o « i ^ » HINSIF orango/whtto. d ^ [FREl------L i ------Lrr.--z.-i AKC rog.>g. InIr Twin Falls . I Kitlons. 6 wooks old. ‘ qcqi onnrtgo tho drdrclod lotioro claws romovodivodond 732-5209 loovo ERMAN SHORT- SSOO-SSSO550. CASH ^ T ] to lorm Iho surprisoIso onswor. os llrst shots, roa «> 10 good homo only. 1 HAin u .i AKC. httor bom ONLY. CatCatl (200)737- B uying Call 206-2600901 | g,, JJ J. hw ^ yi Buggosiodbylhooboobovo cartooa. Ocl 11". iSTS40{ ______9/12/07. Gfoal 9244 orr-«04-‘»72S. 40. Non“ o«,C ® a. - « —n Call206-5®7.«7-8637 FREE dog. groat wolk-^ I cr206-734.25.64j humors ^un 4 famify pots. — ‘-— Winners S rofs. EE- STUD ShihJhih Tzu AKC ■ G'M " f'ay Y ^ orM»W-Mr-M 24 I Ing companion, modi- ack. whiio and Call Os al I Answer here: TO I ------um slro whHo molo!{L' FREE Pomoranlan. OAH-HOW o*" Farms. f«9. black. black, fomnlo. CKC call )o nog 208-280-0979 0so r (Answo nrrlor mix with somo brown, Coil 208.324-5082 Of 0 ^ /.'« « 117 ■»oni lomorrovvl FBEE (B) T»nl«woks old, Vory good disposHlon.,n. rogiatwod, 8 yoars 208-308-0073. joa Call 206-706-736-7179 208-825-5117 s; PROBE BUXOM R^IAL e message * 1 AL BROOCH S ' " ’ - " ™!ewormod. ”; good wKh other dogs08 old. Also, havo pup- ;ioOTNHEfRTEVER = ' " ' “ .T’ I s s r Wnol I tho woovor loti in hls^stoK own & and houso trained. pios, but not quiio ,0 0 L ,';V ecc------FALL/WINTER IPAS- “ block. brown roody yot. 212-8133. AKC j roQistotod . TOY MALT slalkr, AN-HEIR* LOOM ______blondo, 208-431431-6172 Coll 539-6038 pupplos. dow daws ■ AKC. malo (omovod and lirsi ’ SSOO-SiOO 34___ shots, only 2 shots. V/iil mates lort. roady : Twm Falls•alls aroa. 801- FEE0ERHAY4V,M tons 0au".5400. . ,867-4254•54 (Going Fastll S751on S300/10/tniius 0*11206-587.6637 U r/^ v -o n------A i all. 14'..4 mllo rollsills Bar- -bIdVs— «i,o-S4C;40/foll.------I yoor okJ. podI- call 208-543-5401408. \C 0 k apricoi, malo ______ACK RUSSEL groo. apr erul ERRIER Pups, Start- S300, (206[208)604<1936 HAY & STRAWJw t t POODLE pup 2oM ,|!^ 4 4 4 iD ir e c it o r y i “iwoodfa^.' 44 *.69mfg08-431-4*41 elS5:kod““ ago___ C a M M a T IInw n i s^law scfassaieilsi■sraprasaniatlm feronrnrlaw inaB ililyratas:7l?m931.exL2 r-L^jcVw”i jaciACK RUSSELL TER- rom ov^ ti 11 hay b y t h e b3ALE a RIERlERS7wook8oa.2 S4Q0 206-^08-404-2523 SOUTHERNN molos, 1 fomalo, WANTED:D IDachshund. IDAHO FEEDSDS $250.206-293.7161 lod botwoon a Non-Cortilioo S6.1»3.50 Huiroy^i R P a in t in g , AB- pups. AKC rog.. stondar^dId and mima- Coriiiiod SB.6969 black ijjb. Exc podi- houso liainod. SuawS379 groo. pofonis OFA. R ehofd.Sd. 543-5979 206-732-5270 HOTBSCLEUOKO CONCRETEn Ma< r e n t I CoTcnss? lJ ZOOM CONCEPTS T [ S i S f : sCERF. shols, do- ' 7 ^ 3yo*»«xp. Lot US ootI youryo W emowlL insured, residon- ] wormod, vvor dowciaws. — 7 0 s ------Dtlvowsrs. alAbs. VVoWood Storage . For Ihe best prieos' tial, eommerda], I groi F c U n i Hoy RolrlevintIng Mftg' i t ’s Fencing, p ======^ ^ = tutturos, eaJacobOwtn-. , si600.ini). International Bond«d & lAfund. clearing. ,,®‘ ons Landsc^iing. Pavingig Kimberly Gun rwnuccajiot 775-: Harveiirve*terS5. 7 1 6 733-7300 Twia Jack Ford “JJayoa»«.dli Sotadoni 625-3647 or 775-i , ,311.5 678-4040 Btirley itodoledwecui Wafi*piobIoi I I625-2809 I i : Cal1206-! AGBusinejless 208-420-0954 doth.. the Job Ior you. Ptee EsiimaM“ r -S'— - 44 years experience ^ Located 2/3 mi south ^ ice ■ ' - ■ /Vw’Vee £^(ima(esf Oddjobs. 'APILLON puppy, fo- COR^ hHEA^"^I “ dServK E aaxtB & B a n d s F RCT08316 remodeling, rer DITMP TRUCK & I „ ..j! molo. black & whiio. Now Hollolollond. odaplod D lT fiC tO'ry r^ BftCKHOESEKVICE CallCUDoti«420-lBlB ofdebris.T m a re 29a-24M AKC. fniolligont. groal to Caso Onrwti9tni»*e£«lmate»/ im u c h m o r PUMP HEADS ! H O G S F O F Haul in or out ins Texraxas « 208-539-9209 | RCTW9327^ j = L Pick-up 4 deUvory. Ic gas pump, { NoAniibioilciilcs S350. Grayish block. | ' up.’ nowor , Delivery Availailiable . Qoaning Services L P jj,n » on .!» . 208. •Residential r I C*U20B.732-0322 Or will trodo for | 208-312-212122 ‘ OUTHRIM I LA N D ^ or 206-420.4212 vin wnrkino oos ------— and Rental* . ElkVaUey i *APE ------okfof non C o ss tra c U o a LLC R Ea M a O D E L E R S • • Planting, grouiul ------1 POMOMERANIAN PUPS pumps. i.20 20e.72Q-S480 I------•H ard W oildng & ‘ ' — I cover, yard clean- IWHITEPIAMBINO Adorablo. AdC (1) block -■■■— Dependable r]ob«, little Job*, r z — . . . • Formal! now R e a d T h s r s a s ; Replace doors, &+ Jim aB T1 r e e up, mowing, hedge[0 For all your plumbing brindio brir (2) sobto. rog. IH 49 F« " h e C a ll J e u iy M oon ]Remodels. Additions voi t e e trimming and treee needs. Reasonabio Malos Mi^ S350. fomalos IHos. boliibattory. fan as- 208-420-7168 I snd Maintenance. wtcymndowa and S e rv ic e Rated New construc- S400. S4C Musl Sool sombly.ro New Construction. Itchen cablnels. Topping, remc C a U m ^ ^ 7 « lI lion remodels. ____206.734-6515 ulor, siorlo C l a s s i f i ee i d s owing, drywall, pnming. Bun 673-5588 or C A R P E T I Ueensed&lnsured. ndacape o r 208-324-2483 service work. OMERANIANSFoTjj^^l^ m d r o ^ g . st^ s M a n<^ 2,i304.Aibion._ .g v e iy -D s — ------t -CX iE&NINO ------C alL K yla------“ ) a v t l ------= r 208-308-8586'^^T^”'; SpMialK 208-731-2144 molos & 1 blockAan WANTED;d 1t o b uy lor •4 rooms SBS.90 20 year* exp. molo, S475 and up. cash Nowlow Holland pull •S o u & Love 8e«i RCT»MJ30 ■ 208-01-32! Also 0 block/whiio typo hoyay b bolos staekor ■I T e n parti lomalo. Plooso r t q . opo>oporalod modol H M in H lM M g BB.ed ] llxB eall 324-4475 Sorkxjs lOIOorIC •Aulo Intorior D«l«l H & S m e . V ir 1030 or 1032. ™ 5 2 “ “ ? 7 5 Inquires only. Wanted , S40/S80 ■ m ^ e n snd Baths S o r t ™ Sprinkler Blow Ouls. ------^CaUZOB-943-0599 ' " ' i ~ CoBcxateSer (Croup Diseounia) UQS'AKC'rooistorod Financing available. T .E adorablo, ployful pop^ PTO hay rako. ^ f S M i ' \ E . E l e c t r i c Driveways, Shnib TOmmlng 'J SAvrro o ra" ado d oklor small t t B Major CTMlIt cards Retntemodels, new Sidewalk. Ele FaU aeanU p sh k BT m e t a l pios,Pl<» all fawn, molos ' and fomalos. Roody jr ongino drivo K j t ^ • construction. Patio. FoundatiSi EndofSeason AC service and lior John Dooro • - 2oSS m 18 oubleahooiing. sndW alls. repair. Commercial now. $350. 208-542- 5“^ •“ 'or f , 247 or 2247 801 AflUouMaCoBecOKtitm RCEM28 Hot tub wiring fVee Estimatt 1 and Residential 9401 or208-569-8635 I Ucens issoy Forguson 602 AppiUnees ensed& Insured. « 6 -9 I6 9 o r4 ai ^ 206-733.2548 puQU08 beautiful 1 malo 124 or f N Now HoUand e03 BarsanSCrafB yn. experience. ru a a s p h s l t ” HENDBT and SONS ------: & 2 fomakts. Shots & ' 273 orr 27:275 or 276 or eo4 Builfllng MamisUls 108-308-9739 bt« n mES . w i o t I dowormod. 5325. Call 276 hay b nxjNO LandMaping TWINFALLS dw eOSEkstroics I&DAspIult SmaU Jobs, Inleilor _____E I A N D m n u 208-732-1140 or 208. lOSS ol COi 806 HoiTutaSPoois>is Soal costing, s^shsll And Exterior. - -ja-u ' T^W orswvlc■rvices. S p r in g Q e a n -U p>s s PLAN ROOM 212.1121 1“ ______208-324-a itoUUlng, Sprinkler work, lawnm lobs 10 bid for all J j i ------807 iSjiningSFun snd nptix*. Financing available, UGS Fawn males WANTEO•0 TTO BUY Id- eos ComtrttfS Jeha 20M 2M in Major credit cards ! H i W ak, post mowing, pruning J construction. PUG tglng & tree removal, Blue print copiea. and artd lomalos. Cuirom or 3 poiipolnl backhoo joj Boeg 208^0-iaiB accepted. S^Sl vocdnotlon ond do- otiochmon scTffeoaa 208-732-5618 services. and power raking. 734-PLHW (7526) { w BiOFumittnSCweiipet 116-0915 Wetortai/Paver* wormod, S300. hoo otia ? s s ’z^ n ^ ‘ n»eaumsfesj 206-544-7611 COnVOftrt ti to 3 point. JtbH sU ■■ 1 r sX j L L 'S n X IT ■ ■■■ '■■= , IWEDDmOSHOP] — _____^ I 82B.4IM4204611L l Rents & Sells Dresses PUQUGS Purobrod, no s o o n n o rioN ETD oiri a e s n u p s .w . s . “’£io‘'“r „ ; ii“ ver beds minMUjBf.ru fwjii' aify^ Bridesmaid Rentals paper*. PV 1 fawn malo. r to mount on 40 814 lj»ini(iirt*n OusUtrCnftsmsnshlp TC Kidjobs. ^ Shswls-Vells-aips 6 6 mo. I okJ. 3 biort 0 hp traclor. 815 Ettftte£quipmemru LMk&wlndrmtti eonstniction * ToUc mttk»*,3wook*,$300. J TMroa.irool handym sn. Co i/bush V Ouliweanera Dresses Kl 40 to 60 hp 616 MisaltneousFbi.For Sale neeEsrim aies. Pa IU Shoes and Sandals occ proforably with gi7 Uusic^instfwneimwtJ ^ tnvitsUon Discounts °wf2^«t934B « I^sstimsiaa H om a Whei oador for cash, aia otHea£iitda'Su»upoUes Ueensod snd InniM l ^ NapUns-Isle Runners sHAiHAR.pa Adorablo. Coll 208-3«-324-585B. SIbB T ^ 8CE31Be9 208-733-0434 20Ei0e-32«-B72B :> Umg& Round tablea “JL, CeU 208-280-3004 L = = wrinWaly puppios. vuaM TPni» TO BUY oW- 820 Toott S UlcNnsfiwy 208-280-2478 I Brown 61 whit* chair* $500.00 RCT# 19347 I E R U N lij X 210So«hMalB ^ m hond 8 hoy 821 Vaftetjiroodj^Sttvkss liitUer IWUrnianytlm.. \ ^206-541.3955. S lllT fjrappio .= to pk:fc B22 WanMToBuy1 Bzvnt Pettanon I Osragi ostments A r t* IHIHTZU up 8 M o t nwni SPACE w* «Ios of hoy with S23 MeOeatSvpciesies Conifemetio& system? CONTAIIRX. Smalopupptos. ironi trocliroclor Ioodor or S24 CunsSRilles CONSTItDCnOIf H' M ^ e rl 20-or 40r container*s [wSdowWaSing] ;AKCrog,, $150. oWorlrad M«wbomos.x«psln. HsulAwan tooknofunl iractof vtHlh larm 525 CBnphSfHunling».gE06-423- R e a d T h o dosaeota. ^eepodsllitngteall gsrdaatov 1 iQ O^toUon. ^ I M a ih e 2vaednaUora. b*au.| Mtils» 8p»iM J 431-624^ I 481 0 1 ^ 8 I im0140|.lMI RCTW lioi ‘ ------hAfUem

V « C9 n-»Wtwi,TWafti>,l«»,ldrto Moadsy; Octobor IS. 200797______

M onday, Oct. 15.2(•2 0 0 7 . - •r.ns.’; ■ — '-rrEX adSe-'r: fastnimenb YZ460T ’SST h. ” ™replle® THEACCES ON BRIIIDGE^ B o b b y WIVolff ol M A T T T t^^^a BOX.ixT PRO FORM 675 Qllptl. RAflANO Gamema: «rs ex- — — S99 Twin s e t Bror>drtd cal Exerciser w/heari upright, good 760 hur 1 quiQk now in plastic 420.20. rate monitor, bttlo uso, condition, c S300- wHhi12X 12: scope; shot new piastlcfl«s,Iike ' 6350. Con dolivor. S200/O«or. 324-4296 423-9263or731HD269 423 shoots* 14066 "She died becausese .she never N O R T H 7t S .^ 7 § “S ” MATTRESS SET S11019 ■ ------y i kn e w A 6 4 3 ▼▼▼▼▼TT *^732i52-8123 or YAMAHA *99 >2 YZ 2fi0 tun orthopedic, now inIn TREADMILL imogo ^ M Por. V K 4 20-9423. Greal B*o. Runs T h ese sim p le littleUe rules an d plastic. Con deliver.er. 14.0R. spoen sovor. CLCLASSIFIEDS ------* locay. $2050. ♦ Q J 9 3 Call 206.420-6350, lon, powor . inclino, , 09 fe w .’’ — 0.10 mph. Lfte rww it pays ^ to read the ;■ ■ r}r828 2 5 . 206-316-1809 •Ik 8 6 3 2 MATTnesS SET fine print. ra n m liig j — Hilaire Belloc ^ cond, S375/d!ler. Can ^ , I n 8 / % p i g - s o s t :; NASA MEMORYW 206-539-6800. . ColiSoli Tho Times-News Pnnfr ...... W ES S S T E A S T Foam.. Conforms to to pioco your a d ' . - ' B o ^ A biil d . J . AQQBI a 5 2 -2 , ■ S16‘ 208-733-0931 exL 2 SPORTSMA A J osod.UstSl499.Boc sMAN^PKG. Accessoiic W hile happilyly reporting dn V J 10 9 8 V. Q 6-5 ^ . nlico S499, Coil 206.S: MisceDaneoiis ^A A A A A A A ouT owown r conoo. m ' com plex plays frorrom world cham- 4 8 '7 4 2 ♦ KG5I 5 420.6350 Con deilvor. 'ASHBURN etoctric „ loiL,2fly«K»S, 2 fl; BOAT -60? :- 12- Aiu. F o r S a l e w as lton30-06wKh minum. 15hp Evon- E' pionships, perhapsps I have catered 4b Q 10 9 7 « J auKor, Idol Series. H®"»»ngtM SLEIGH flio 6 ^ lord caso. hardly 3PO.S1000 rudo motor - nodds nc insufHclenUy to thoihose readers tak> wood, brand now, stiii Bloyod, SeOO/offor. ^-934-6556 worii, no looksiLSI In­ SOUTH in box. List S69S, soil0 MinnoRCflAFT - ploy Shuro In-oor monitor WALL TEN motor, ing their first tentantative steps into $249. Con doiwer,” 12ft.aluminumflshlng| Shu ewlrod • 4 A K 10 7 boai whh trollor ; PSKPSM 400, w/2 ro- 81 sq .fl Si the world of duplieslicate bridge. One Coli 208-420-6350- ■ tiros. V A 7 3 — I $1.000 2(».410-7B33 :olvors. comos wim stovo ond p such pair was. receicently welcomed SOFA a LOVESEAT =4M“4 channcl per. Call 208-4 >•2284. ♦ A 10 or AIR COMPRESSOR son jllyann at the club and indinducted into the Motchlng. $300 or lonol monitor mixer, e r 280- *AK 5 4 best, ollor, Coli'203-8. with somo olr toois, 25 S70i5700/Offor, 539-5832 C t, Twin Fails. pairs toum am entIt tthat w as about 543-6785. gol.. SlSO/oHor. BBQ 8 2 8 , CRESTUNER 11970 — grlil. w/roost wiros. 8 2 0 _ to begin. They wei-vere against m e VulneInerable; East-W est > Mor. TABLE a CHAIRS.S. only 3 mos old, 126Ific SalesJoico ^ 5;i,200.,. ' when this deal cam(ime along. DeaUa l e r S o u t h S150. 5 pc bdrm sot.)t. Si50/ollor. Futon. 3 Tools & -gggi! South openedd twot no-trum p, 5500. Froozor, S75, mos okl. Sl20/offor, . .______TWIN FAUALLS Sot-Sun Choirs, $50, Cofloo10 Coil 208.212-3630. ' Macoinery IV o « 13.14..14. 7 AM. 4 WINTER 20' coWn- a and North raiseded to three. My Thebe b id d in g ; tabio, SIOO, Sowing ----- :— Pf^. Movin(ivingl Soiling 3 cnjlsor. kioal lomlly lo; a- BIKE BUGGY for 2. partner led the heeleart jack, which couti mochino. $50. Hldo-o- R COMPRESSOR nowor TVs, TVs furnlturo. boat MO. 165 Chohovro- uth West North EastI S t bod. $50. 324-6836 oror S7^. garden wagon, ^95 lorciso equip,. 'ot ongino. SS.C5.000. declarer took withLh dumi m y’s king. 125 CFM Joy. gos. skis, oxorci T Pass SNT AllIp pa aS S 731-4266______stooi, S50. balusters i1700 70( hours, doon a fum„ audioudlo and com- Coll 206.786.285858- to continue w ith a lowI( diam ond to WORK CENTER. L-[7 and handrail, wood- vrorVvwks woll, Trir mount putor partslarts, liros, oir .. . onLow Price pear. D eclarer ne>lext tried clubs, lure organizer S 5 0 ,1.I. comos with 4 chairs, ratini ices- ; Ith h o ld s ; Iting. S20, Hay | | i i | I U | ^ | Seioctfon. but the 4-1 break thereth< brought no Howlotl Packordd mattreaa aet. S60, chinlhinks. hay hooks. A 8 2 prtntorSSO. 420^18933 Call 208-734.2160 $ 10- 312.152S joy either. Hopingg forf a 3-3 spade 10- 12 lon hydraulic V J 5 4 loavo 0 mossogo or ick. $20. 5 HP Briggs ALPENLrrE-99 break, declarer’ playedpi on that 736-3932 hr mossogo.I' CELLAR POLES iJ"*'. Campor, 6W extenttndod. ♦ J943 , (100). 0-V24'. Cloon. * •Stratton ongino, suit, again withouiout success. He ood conditksn, $50, cob, soil containBined.. .♦ A9 6 2 811 con bo usod for flro- 206-423-4441 gos/ok)Ct rofrig., |gas: ended one down. wood, fonco, or oma- gt Headngand forced olr hoator,or, 3- Ith West North East mofltal. $12-50 ooch. SR. burner slove w/ov'ovon,; W hen the traveliieling score sheet South , Sofious inquires only. I A Pass 2 V » Air Condidoning , 082 1 902 hMonylMcylM bothroom. outsiitslde revealed a neat rovrow of plus 400s, 1 Call 208^38-2400 _ &Mo(ors shower, hot wnwal6r s 3 V Pass 3 A 'aricly Foods “ South asked, “WlW hat did I do ' BOILERS (2) Naturalir CLOTHES RACKS . n&SiwOs hoator. oxc. cocond. s 4 V A ll p a s s w r o n g ? I t o o k t h e finesse, fi just as gas or oii lirod, 3503 Oroat condltkin- ALAnd Services as >»>»«>HMMjfiRV, $7.200.208-320-34■3474 HP. good condition.1. S25 each. = =APPir»»niii ~ ™ S.O.W* CAMPER 77 Ovors^rshot; we’d been taught.” » Coil208.420-7774. Al . . lots ot extras, mako Trasm cloon. no toaks.ovoKoti? There are timemes when it is ANSW3WER; Leading unsupportO r t e d on oHor. Call 208- " R E m ? " * COMMERICAL TAN- AklAkiondOrchard. 908 UtUftyi>»ifeliiHen Ihlno works. $475.5. - s is rarely a good idea,l, butb 326-5940______right to take Snesseiises, but this was aces i — NING BED X)4 ETS 1826126 E. 4500 N. Buhl. ------Call 206-316.36616 i;" not one of them . EvEven if the king wheni!n the opponents have indied ic a t* ELECTRIC HEATER, Sunslar 332. low MostV)silypk:k your own, 9 0 ] 5000 watts, CAMPER ovorsh 1 source of tricks in two sui hours, will dollvor, BdtBring Containers A ''T *t had dropped doublebleton under the ed a S( works groat, S3800/oflor. Hoi r V c Cloon. no leds Hours 8am-6pm. / %* i - l $400/offer. Coll »208. ace, there would ha\have been no re- there-e isi a lot to be said for leadia d m g Coll 736-2077 775097-2639 o r Call^11206-543-6083 - ...... ' r 776.753.7664 Kl -05 650 ^31.581Sor^9.696945 entry to dummyy Ito enjoy the cliclub ace and then decidii d i n g RRE PLACE SCREEN B . , - - KAWASAKI . ENTERTAINMENT . j « « Brute 1x4, 4x4, comou* KIT 8' sikfo campnper. queen and jack. Ins[nstead, win the ther to play on diam ondsd s o r . Q'bss, black Iron, $45. Now energy saving 2> CENTER. onilquo Wanted a il To Buy j«jo «ilh ■ only 300 Everything worlrorkk heart lead in handnd, conserving clubss f o r e x t r a tr i c k s . Ilor grato S45. Splitt bod. kitchon itoms. lico mochino, $500,00. Ploaso' c so II. $5200. 206-404-1025 dum m y's king, thenen cash the dia- Firewood. 114 Quarts. and miscoilanoous. WANTNT TO BUY smaii novor uso I $235. Coil 734.5785. Call 206.736.0030. lawnwn care service Call 208-539539-0634, SHORTBED SHEi^el T mond ace, and —— key move — th commorciol ; FACIAL equipment. 0“^,. — .- I I ■ ii|‘ (6*1/2') *00 Raleakior RREPLACE Now lulp. Cali 539-0241, kit overtake the 10 andnd drive out the wood burning Hoat-n*. ovor sized solid $200/otfor. 420-213:132. king. The heart kin|ing is the entry Glow- EM42 w/giass wood bed. steamer. WANTINTED antique ook k-oulcl liku lo conlacl Ihibby Wolff, i-mali'I hlrhim at hot cabl. lamp. Call socroicroiary dosk. side to reunite you with1 tlthe w inning di- twbtTwoirr SyH gorr-; iDifn"min(b(>rin|{com. 50K blu. S I,150. Joan 01734-5001, by sido. 1 prolorrod a m o n d s . Co()yri|)yrl«ht 2007. UniUtl KoaluttiSynaicaio. iw.Irw. vvood burning slove. nrod gloss. 208- Motor Homes oid laohk>nod stylo, FREEAsptolt S8.4334 ; hr msg. KAWASAKI’ You houl. ,v:-'v8o r ■■ 8 0 3 8 0 4 8 1 0 - black w/drnato slhror ^ Proirio 300, . o. & Quoon Anno logs. Call2O0;731.9598 |wANT‘NTED for $3480. B a z ^ ^ Bulllildlng FuniitUTe& S300.543-6971 oflor 4:00 pm. 1 Antkiutkiuos and pottery, saeoo. 733- Icluros, horso lock, l - i ...... — ■^sroeTi^nSj£ Crafts , Mat!at^s Caipett PELLET STOVE Enviro* 'FREE Rii Dirt, contains I P‘«U' oxcollont condlllo modlCm ond iorgo 1 rugs, Indian itoms Fire, works groot. and estates. Lookinsln„ for II SiW0OUl.$29.500,0(» ■ rocks. u.lood and ) ^ ® Call 206-432-63544 0or 'LOOR 2.500. BEO^ KINO PILLCiLLOW* good condition. S650, haul. 206-670.0432 Call«II 206024~t721 or ATV BIRTHDAY [” B uy III eq. ft. sport TOP S239. moltros;Itrossa Call 206.42Q.2533. ______. _I 20206-639-4721. 1 V S 208-280-6675. Ovonoy easy bo* soL Novor us PHOTOS SeU Iti «>"«• Ov PflEWAY buUt-in Enor- ' 'GARAQE DOOR 16 It. ‘ ...... DODGE 7 8 Newportoner A Instailotlorition. S1.SOO. Focloiy warranty. C gorago door with WANT*f J iio beginner W i l G C 24-, Fully soil-cO Hovo you tofgotton A Call20e-t06.306.1704 dolivor. 420-63505'-'=“'' gy MIzor fireplaeo ____ S400. Fireplace Irv oponor, $200, oioctfcrctfonic piano or S saflsafie talned, good con<}ndi. 10 pick-up your TTimes-News il ...... Call 208-735-8200 koybaaboard. Cali 208. ^ tion, generator, Ickw 8 0 5 BEDROOM GRO;n o tiP Cast iron, tiro 8-2775, Chock us 0 birthttoy photos? Classified C 1 ^ 7 brick, dbl d r a blower miles, sleeps Wo tiovo lomo I "Ho'usEPmms ^ S3900A3fler. H ecn: t t o i i i c s )OV0ta)i $450,735.8256 for sale I4TED Booksi i pholo* wo aro suro t cash for oid i ' - - CallJlm 206-934-867W73' -. ' ■■ drawors, Brond n WOOD STOVE, brand Aloe Vera S5.S25 " l l Of208-639-1881.If. , you dom wont U9 Will nil every fDSSii'ATION 3 List S2500, soliI $6S899, now, with approxl- ^all206«^M ^ )ks. Wostom Hlsto. —aW * ~^ 10 losa. Ttioso eon need. bmnd now,I w/2 Coll 20e.420.63S0, Childron's. Utora* DOLLY TRAILER motoly 6 »L oJ triple >. LOS. Mlillory. bo pickod up ol ■ & oxtra con* . - „ i wail pipo. - and oil JUKEBOXeS,. ; r , n a B H lorcompoctcarlor'or. 5600. Doy 678. BEDROOM SET 6 U I trovoi to buy. salo. Qood tiros.L Tho TlmoS'Nows C.623-9124. Ighis 676-9243 solid wood, now no' oak cabinets, gun - 1 - ' Cail 324-5333 ■■ ■ Cla»9tflod Dopl. 201208-733-0931 ____ usod. Usi S1295,15 Wii V 206-490.1372 cabinet, old mission W A4TED ^E Fork llfl e x t 2 8 0 9 soli lor $499.. ' Coli C WOOD STOVE. Fisher « orf^erupppor — “ B m H I EUTE '69 34- Classw A '■ ' , 8 0 2 - 420-6350 Can doilvloiivor, $250, oak desk, record o'l®:,. ■03 Proda. reduced to SIO.OOi000/ or visit u s FIrev ------Coll ployors 4 misc Oid 'o'*'Ji' :, Vory lltilo olfor. 6.5 gonorotoator. i44)pliances unkjue Iloms ____ 20|20M29.5443 online a t CTBFwnnn= = ^ ^ = COUCH & ^OVE LO 208.666.7732. iOO. lovok>rs, backup coflam . lOD eul and sEAT booulilul, fioi and d^cor. WANTEn-EO goll corts Bo'20^73i■731-9776 ora AC. deluxe Into)itoil-: ELECTROLUX vacuum spin wood,x>d. $ 100/pick. like now. now: pri WOODSTOVE dual 436 Washington SL thatt nood n< fixing. Also : ' or 734-9569 cloarwrs ond sham- I— ------1 upload., SIS140 COrd. U. Si,200. soil for $595.S55 orCall20iW31^2«) 36 «voii it battory charg. ppLA m s -gfl mofttn wfth great sav* . '208.324.7697 clT nSS oSfS Coil 543.8839 des. PINE SHAVINGS II WANTCi r i o Irrigotion 474 mlios. ml. tngj. Wo llnartco. J 42 lb, bag oxponds onftlf Call 20S«43>S81fi , 4) FIREWOOD T S ^ 8 1 2 oil valves lor 8“ 4 - 1432 WInler Une, Lodgopolo° ° p?' COUCH a LO' lo 7 cubic foot, pipo.a. nood r 3, reoson. »oiod,Slooo c i i $125.000 308-1704 . Jerome. An Qori some RiSJ n / SEAT SoulhwostfliMtorn. A ctions/ S5.90 0 bog. obio# ploaso.pi' 543-5676 320-1514 forfor 1 info, HUNTERS DREAMiu ir iTENHORE El. Rongo, ; darH groon, good ce greal shapo. $es. Mndmode:suichories, cut ar>cJa splitt (small :------1991 fully soil ,cor Auctioni^s s s i FnrED i SUZUKI'99 Konmora FfWgo. «candles, mognot and large > _ toined 27’ Stansa -boards, old doors/ S io o a c o r - 2 0 ^ 2 3 77...... '••• ------•' ------208.678-6662- - — -tunklunkbanoflos______300 KlngQK jQ u^.--- -ClQSS-C'FonJ-35 - ...... g oo d -S h a p o .-S 12S, - cord, you picK ______i ihost dollar paid. 4x4, now tiros, CalMSi-pyw windows, much morol up (Holli!ollistor). Coil CUSTOM LOQ FURI J 0 S 3 0 m B u t l ^ Hlghoi ™ 5 '^ 0 0 . Econolino 460. ouis ...... OJRNI- Cail 733-0696. Con 208-467-167-2004. irnns. 4kw Onor : S 0 4 2QS-aet-i^ TURE 6 piocoI kllking D ow N 9 A ucT in ’.;j ion. ngFHIOERATOR, PRESSURE TANK W AT^IITED iorgo dog 9 0 2 ' bdrm. stovo. ovor/on. Stovo. dryer, washer, ' ' ] OD It's Thot sl20 bdrm seL $4,6C4,600, — w j a r ^ “ ^ Ilo, 8 WII-X.Trol PSI 40. HouaeISO. WANTED \ rolrig. Iroezer, show now, greol condflton. : Again:..,Plr« Usod 3 mos S75, Coil 'larno Id Cut. Sollt • 2 oxtonsiorisions. (208) 467-1712 10 12 ll ortideiai • M o t o r c y ^i e s , «r. "•« !. gS.Si; 0Pt0f$375, . 2iMaterials ,p 206i735.e256.. ChristnIstmos boo. Coil Shopo. Must sS( call 733-3705. ------3oitvorod V 'otal I Dor Cord Couch & love so [SCOOTER------[ 208-73•735-5085. HONOA ’033 CCR 85R $12,499, Call 62> EAMS. Old gloo lams, j j z £«•//««•/ r E ,a,i: 0479 after 6pm. - 8T0VE. olectric Q,E. ^ 8 0 7 or G'Wor «>clin Brand now | WANTEiTED now or usod flreol shopo. (17) Rosorvo Your w/otlomon. S550.}. CaliC. Jot 3 Ultra, novor nnlnt Used white wllh block. iB M ir 36‘ tong. (8) RosowoYour 209.3iB.W A ,1 booths. Will g S |2 0 6 %i®. 5 ,A U “ - PflOWLER ‘93 33'T" S Si25/o«of. Will dolivor 2^ _____ WartfJunction usod.Sl500/olfcr. ^ovo. 2^-3320, ^vhooi, 2 slide ouuUl£, ir*23* 36' long. (3) I Call208-82»4121 208 It noedod, 326-2206, 30' long. Groot f u e e ------DINING TABLE, njun 208-404-2210 HONDA 77 T &SlppraisaCs i . vipe. Call lor more cottonwood SEWING MACHINE WANTEITED complolo. run USED APPUANCES I i.ilormoUon. 731-2S73 [h!sK 2?Iwli«sTso, ^1Industrial Bomina 21g OldI gaagi pumpa or orts, m $895/ RV SPACE lor atoraoe 4a% 4 2 6 Call 206-736-2666 a station Itema. o»or. Soo Ci " s r n S s i ; ? ' sr 734.7728 aOB-JS iff__ Personal Proporty Zog. ; complolo with goaal I $ 2 0am om h.A tsr¥ tabio, broke a molor. Topip monoyn pakJ. Rokon2x2,42> 421.0808 groat lor b08ls.ete,- wflhwarrontlos. TmS5»luftg lor extra vscaiion POST A PO g Appraisals. t - POLE PEEL- DRESSER Anlk)uo Caii 208-324.3967. ' Tonyty 208.666^)2742 ._C^I206^20.8170 Appliance repairs. >wn«yoo«y7Th«ciaMinM« ER, Btun:(urd. ladory oak. 4 drawors with Auction Sonrico J 1 OeUveryavaPable. m h « lp y o u * « g ^ built swivol minor. $425. (208)6^253 I TIRES Tl (2) 235/B5R17 [ w ATED~^ ^ I Nice 0. bike, 44.500 THOR '06 Vortex. 29' 29 CaU20e-7334tt4 Um) 20M886-2369 Sa OFFEA Winter Cot studded. oktnkt mogozlnos. miles. S2000DO toy hauler, iike rtewsw, S I O '' ' Call 206-423.4426 $125, Shop fan, 29*. picturetures. pointings. 206Hew d ^ n ie c ------S-orAlUS ------$3ZD0/Ql(ofLXj k ------:------o H o F n M «n»c. M .jlc V .lly . items. II 206-3244411 InI good go shapo. 7346 or 324*21 Muat See. Bough! 3S8<1012lv2 |7 toq l a m p s Polr, aumontk I C ali2C ------Z— 1. wagon wtwol hub wli WOOD BURNING ■ i S S S S P S BED, $129129 QUEEN diamond wiltow u( STOVE $350, fire-' WAMTECrEO Iraadn^ll. great kklsds'” 'bLo° PtLLOWTOrrOP Mat* rights A r>ow shadei place screen. S50. deperpendable. pn». Jliootoffer. 2( Iress & boxx)x sot. Brand Storago C abints s KABOTA IShp Q u J nreplace lool set. S75. gramminm ableaingood 1336 fer InfaiLooldng for Now wllh'Ilh warroniy. maple, 2 shelt C cab U . U w n tradof. Hydro- gas ^ log set, $100. condHI 423-4865 ” gage.^ E low oase.SS' dean,''™ 2.200 Times-Nevews IlfMrfii to p/aM a tla a U h tn bunk.. ooirmodg. ^ Classified * 1 W A ffT ra BUY small S30o.3(».gu.iiu $ . Ma tIalau lo n il or Mtop by?Iff lawn ear* aarvlc* t J S ectio iis» ^ wJth commercial A Magic Valley Sc Log on to equip. C tf 639^)241. j j ^ H I Check us out • and log oni n to -wwvww.magievalley.com www.magicvalleiUey.com l. FindRi the ad ov/l button 9 ^ 3 | l IM L A A B 'U ' — PIANO ■ g g l nMKe0O.«xcalleni,,I. 2 . Click Spinet with bench ELECTR»m ic SCOOTER, S h b SS condition, 2900 USO. turns In In own tracka. Times-Nef e w s 33. Follovt/ the steps IRONMAN 630a aipU- Call3O6*790*7OOt < runsgr*i0«IStA)O.UIt n m n tio n I n f « I I I caL PlKM M d onOne r. U U bk». For more informi flf U,3aade

I T J Monday, October 15,2007J Thne»W«ws.T>«wTl 07T

> ACROSS p [o p p [o po" 11 112 113 = . 1 Coll. sports grp. iH e w y E m S K I -D O O ^ Summlt-X ^ f o r d ‘9S~extend^>ded 4 Give over for 5 9OOR. 151 truck, ax- TIRES goocood, UMd, S f , U £«• 2 0 6 ^ Cardinal caps 23 : T c a v t i ^ d l B ^ IWIII AvtitlcnA«i ...... , ,... FORD *97 F-350 Powor 14 Kind Of pit or ’ S i l2AubPW A«»(y CO NJ N N I E C T stroke, diesel, Cen- 24*“ 255 20 27 « « 2 0 ^ r iSAutHWsnted wr m r r u turtan camper shell^e"; paper L " i i i J ^ : ioo4An “ wpet ki|, 258K,58K, 15 Ontario City O M E R S new tro u lo l 06, 1005^SSSK S CUSTON ®®' 16 Little piggy WHON5 N E E D $8500.324-3186. I B H ^ ______— 17 Writer Umberto 31 32 , 3 3 | 33------p 36 37 i7TfuekP«ji YOUD U R FORD '99 F-250 Pow- 18 Waldorf'S 9 I V i r p orstroko, crow cab, ------L CAVAUER 1001 25- IDOe^ GE '69 050 4x4, N Pickup, eUtstraight, s immedlole ^ bodd Iengine, $600/ H cyl.4 8poe< CASH TODAYI neighbor destination KIT 71 oflor,o r,'64 1 050. neods I 20' rims, ^ 67 Pronounce 27 Clock face Comptrailor. headod naskot $ ^ 0/ I ^ 10. $4, Is 68 Freudian self 30 Contemptuous •• 16'.S1200. offer.er. Call 420.7346 In v o sto d . $4.0i r r , i.e»57..iz4a, Ii::all20S-35e-1574 or208-^08•324.218^ I olfor, 206-3a -I 69 Went to bed expression • KIT COMPANION 79 JEEP 70 AST part 31 Lie. to pull teethI I c IAIRI A[T]BrnNTc P CJS hardtop, CHEVY 7i ^- T F T T t V..* 25- sloops 5. $2500 or origlna!jinol top, w/doors & llatbod plckuf*up4x4, re- T T U d C P a w A Ood d 71 (tiilale offspring 3 2 of the blue tiost offor. ■ aiosss s windows, oxc bulll 3500 engine. ;W 72 Vibrating effectI 33 fi^ayberry aunt .0811208-731-6667 cond.JId. $700.643-2260 Stondord 1 transmis- = 73 Witness 35 Receding tide MONTANA'03 36 R. 5" PARTSITS FOR SALE ien 2^1046. STM WHEEL 5255 HkWon All rlQtits roMivod. yibeel, wtth all the transninsmisslons, trans- 36 Fixed charge bolls and whlstios. for cceases, englnoa, |cHEVY76 ' w/pump lor truck bedM DOWN 37 49-ers' 6- 'oasy glide low sot. ongino3ino ports, axles, $200. Four 16 Inch 1 Mr. T s outfit pointers 48 f\/line products 56 5i Ponselle and 546.950. 206-316- otC. ■20i 206-734.7090 U stud snow tiros $200. 1908/208.316.2626 731-5278 or 467.2115,15 2 Desert plants 40 Cleveland 50 Noisy sleeper Parks I TIRES;S Herojios — 3 Emulate Bing team, to fans 51 Landed S'57 Gladden PALOMINO -06 Puma P21S«1S/80R16 studdod, k M ^ I H FORD ‘86 1 lon. Tdoor 29FOS, LIKE NEWI 9I00I01 I bolted radlals, r t W f M dtosel. Hot bed. noodsods 4 Aliens, briefly 41 Jogging gait property 58 5i Author Arthur -03'. 2 slides, huge used.SKJ.SIOO/offer. h tonshortlort box 4x4 ongino work, good lor'w 5 __on your life! ! 44 Aphrodite's 52 Medicine C onan Dodroom. k)ts ol stor* 206206-543-9016 nowrobulttalilt 350 wllh pons. 733-5662 eves, ago. used onty 4 r ~ — .headers. 6 Chorus syllable3 C hild measures 60 6( Willowy limos. Hileh Includod. OTA L ^ d Cruiser ^Sh S o In'SIntako. now 1008- , 7 Kind of IRA '45 D eadpan comic 53 Architect Jones 6<64 Soldout sign S21,500/ol(or. '40 engine & Irons. 4 [ ^ ^ 1 wanivomwlnch. • Q IIV c ryl. 3 speed trons, ^ M x5x1250 1 8 Except if Bob 54 _ Hall 6!65 Sushi choice 000/Offer 326-4090 rygood ;'"s ■ ."i' ^ r 9 Dallas" 47 Falsehood University 66 6( Small ruckus Northwest Edition by - ,1 r n f t a - r - condition,I. $0 Contour SE MERCURY ‘02 So IwHoconnolpVOU oven. hood, kilchon runwoniedcars. Call 206^24-124-2605 mokes and modelsI- Bravodo Pioiinum xl cor. running 64.000 miloj, gi sink. $6,000. Coil Editton. Excellent con- loaded, ooll your cor? 19 ton, 1-601>574-1g46. V a a s 'S k )n..' serviced gos miloogo. toac a20.15l4forlnlo. CHEVY *69 —I dllion, whiio with sll- ly. $2600/olfor. oxtro studflod tfos.oiitiros Classifieds storxJord ca RQAO RANGER ‘83 all moke CHEVY'05 TrallBlozor2or vor trim, gray loolhor I A 11-2396 loamor, $7,200, i lakes arw mooeis. r 7 us KO seals, blue book val- ^ ” ■="" C a m iZVt ft., now propane 206-320.7001 201 " Loaded. Tow Pkg.. ------208-676-6938 i*® ,f ^ ? ; Sunroof. 6 CO, On- uo $8,620, will consid- H i - Z - ~ 733^1931 B*t. 2 Unk. bottery, rims ond . - ' 1 0 ( A l MOOO. Chov ''fuM MERCURY'98 Cai Ilros, good condilkKi. ...r-. *?.K Stor, XM, Tint, 4x2, Chock us out ® ‘*5^*1 ^ .8 0 0 . Coll 731-9726 S i Coll‘’^8 3 7 -6 ;M 2 '”or J s.Too^'u,',;,? a . ; T “ i . 7 J 206-42Q-4290. 1 ^ tralleV. 4 il O»T.a0ll-731^».3 i c h S 1 0 1 1 = r TOYOTA -07 FJ Cruis- r = ' ■ Call 206- SALEM '00 Sth Wheel isjs,"!5i.'sn 423-4665 I------I or, 11K miles, yollow. WANTED” VANSII — ------,T n MINI COOPER '04 Import And Soil your vohldo lor FORD 76 2 .slides. 2 TVs. ml- CHEVY ‘922 Silveradoi ■ looded, romolndor of Sports Cars crowove. Ilka new. ox- 9 ] lactory warranty. immodiolo '“I'. 2 ntw 4x4, K2500,» . ext cab. CASH TOOAYI or bosi iodi Z loo’*’®'' tros. Now $13,500. ■ M 2 1 $28,500.420-5504, '“<»y 'or m er c u ry '92 Copri a t, 5.7L. V tong Buying oil years, 4959loovciovomossogo, so“>s fun “"d $22500 'onsy Call 404-2650. bod. shell, to w n ie s, convertible, outo makes and models SANDPIPER ‘90 28 ft. H E | runs i WANTEO SUVSIt I Wf____ tfons.. PW. $1895. Sell your vohtolo lor |___^1-8OO-574-1240. FORD'9090 II Sth Wheel. Sikloout. Call 206-676-1 I Mustang, ) COII208-420-3011. 5K Immedioto f>g,5.0U10SS PLYMOUTH'00 AC. Awning, llko new CHEVY. T xS ! ” . ^ ? 7 o5K ISKonnow Broozo, SOK ml > 8llvera« ^ 1^,, $e500/offor.sr. CASK TODAYI milos, iUlfJj COOPER ^ '$11,500/offor. PIcku . n lS r. i!Bulll block + good miloago,I, outo. oi Coopor s. do/k silver 206-324-2605 c y lj , automatic I Coll 208-490-1685 Buying all yeors. 172K mitos, 1 I = ,J 1 mokes and modols A utos .. c*com. Inloko, AC. ce. poworal corn^ & whito. 31.400 low TERRY '00 27* S" on. 1-800-574-1246. = I.. exhaustijst ond much Hons, runs flfeal,« aora.S4,500 SS?-.,.. ■“ E*!”""!”. Fasti Need 10 fy & doan. 54.750/ $4.7 gallon, condi'ltonll wheel, AG, good con- MdJMOyoM Cll.l2M-rai.r33-8386 y goal, low pockogo,ao, '------' BUICIICK 'JS Coniury AT. Sid . ' ^ - ' ' l o i o a ^ — PW, $3S00/of(or oflor. 736-2359I------— Musl-Soe_S2J.00£Uw— :M 6^^4ew G22 OOOOE '9T~Rl 18-2M-5154 I tJOSi olfor. diSUi Vans and Buses 53 I w wSoel >«■ 208-733-6180 n o.«K» ta il/ Bonneville SE. whilo wh ' Calt 206-320-0714 WILDERNESS 7 9 5" CHEVYVY 'M corveiw. miS'r^.'^lSJ ■$5000! Cell or 206-736-6094. wheel, sell contained 350.I, a A t. mns grool t Von, Storline Moior------1505. Custom Sedan. 4 dr.. 30011 your vehicle lor $a475.20(208-420-4581 sU BliHirM ------cruise. PL 85,966. Immodiolo ___ lEMANS '65 ChaDonger,• utiulilltv bed O'*® CASH TODAYI HONDA'•nfe '05------n Outback, iimiled od complete car, V10,AT,AC,i,cSule “‘®“- wllh plywood. 8' 4* condiiton - Check II out. Buying all yoors. Insight,i . VH' m . 5 5 . t K Z T S»Xd S HIDP^^AUFF side 10 side, elect. Mds restoration, showroom a moitos and modols MPQ. 24 $4,600/Mfer. $14,900. CHcall 208: Call20»3D6-6634 bmkos, low miles, " 1-800-574-1248, silvor. 3 Bunrool.SB,!50/ 208-736-2480 )o«tta'60.runs 203-5667 ______JEEP 7 0 CJS runs— IHBI ■ ■ ■ « L l^ : I ported cc locking httcMnduded, ■nt. FORD-OOe-lSObus,! $3.990toffer.735-4553 0 * ^ ^ ' ^250, 4x4, good, looks great, lEVV ’liz Impslo with utility stock w/lots ol new "& i hoiKllcop equipped. rool carl Excollonl Call 206-4 Ml 3 wheel chairs. 17| CHARMAC-oa. 8V12'. Must1 sen,Mli make reason luto crane. «xtro parts. Must Seel jndition. Runs groot, or 206-4: WANTEO CARSt single axle, Interior able.offer. offi 318-1960 ^ o r s r o “».A ,“ T ,A C . $4,000toller. passengers. VIO. -* Sollyourvohiclela /• 511.900. 208.731-6539 duol olr. like new. '92 Accord LX Immodlaio nAC79FlrebW, $9900.293-5587 | Call ■SS’Si.K SSS', ^ V oraat ehaoa and Call.208-293-S0-5567 JEEP 7 9 Wranator outo. PW, PU CASH TODAYI 'Ott. cond. $2,500. bodygr now Ilros, Buying alt yeors, call 312-3333. I. Considorad a ras - ...... i ■ 1 Lots ol chrome, hard lEVY '61 ^ 1, sunroof, loothor ai- •J* FORD ■00 Windsior 4 tonpld(up.go6d 6 (olois. Point mokos and modol Ide car. $5,000. FORD '044 ■ ■ F-350 top. 3 SOU Of doors,« • seats 7. great lamlly CUSTOM 2000 UUUly 206-431-431-9413, Curtjy. Super Duty,Ity, 61 Utor $6.000.308-1704 project truck. ISOO/ chipped but 1-800-574-1246. _ voNde, CO ployer. P" snditlon. 166K " = Troiler Ral B ^ , = = Powerstroke « $4700. Can Chrtstto olfor. Nlaaan-90, = (BT003A. ATVo, Snow Mobiles, WANTED. w, cab. LorlatJ g j e e p ” -96. Cnerokee thllnder. bod motor, ™ IBB $2200 will Etc. $1,000731-6631 VEC I toottw ***• “Uto, SI 420-9496.______51600/Offer. l/ECHICLESII sunrool & i« 04-2616 or wnon purenosng i l^ rv o h ic la fo r. Brond neww b t t ' *2850toBar. FORD '03 Windstar s _ ' s s FCAT BED TRAILER ^ C*" 208-42MS04, 56K HWY mitos, oil olfialfer, 206-^1-2771 I _ 4 0 ^ 1 6188 8 lv. m so. vohldo, mako sur -o r, 6x10. wide side . Immwfiate*3 good that tho tltlo is intr :ASH TODAY! ' $19,000. ^ power, very nice. :mi» and drop down 2 ^ ^ 206-324«4S avaa. CHE\ '99 Accord LX, name ol the teltoi uyfaigalyeara. CaD20e-320- lEVY 7 8 Comoro, id„ 99K miles. Undor Idaho molo . gwe, $900.316-1160 ikas and modals f ed Editfon, toadedJd FORD'04 Freostar 74K « ^ c ;:. $ $6,995. Coll .vehide codo 0 ELAT,BED. JT W U B _____ 600-574.124e._ I c n a ft •wt g.-«j■350,sh o rty moon-rool.-^ow-pkgJ- |.g} g s______vatiidaxafaaLbi 30 ' tandam axle, o raat ' = JJ------sold unless Iho till ...... -.ir.irni-ni P03 82S0 hort bed. 6 al D -t Evans acrosd 22S2” 2------provtoo tho now ■ s & r ’ ^ Maar. 1360 hro.. f l done, 140K mitos, T T j: JJ^ d 'Jerome, ID. 737-8291 Of 731-22S6 n mkrhkia viMl CyT, B ^M . lUiyluty toadod Blockbuster 12-| EVY *90 Cavalier UNCOLNI ‘7 2 Conti- purchaserasigno 21 $3500A>ller. Mark IV. 2 biO ol sale showin It^Sd^pSlet »000-731-Si I Call 208-324.2804 ^na, needs work, nantai Ms SmalleyJJ^Srs WTILmr. TRAILEa SOOMIer. Con 206- door.$t50<:500, Coll 206- lheloOowlng;Fut rsmgl* axle, twd L $23.500^or. J7.2185 tv mso or 324-5656 ''sSdao, Jacks and tfof. ____ WW.1S4XL1 M h E H B | | h | j H M 206-M-686-7123. ■■ i i ^ ^ e f v e h i ^ r« o e .» 1.600 3 0 » 1 T 0 4 cHEVYnr '66 Dump I ml,P8.PB.P — LookJnkin* for Wentlflcation k, 3-6 yard. gaa. «3SOOMi i t n c number, amount W EU8CAROO Tmck. 3 I aaiiiried I Autl l O S paid and name(s] ".•ndooedim*. . and took* oood I Catl206-7ai> I PLYMOUTHVoy- ^ P r i v a t e _ _ I . agar. O aan family 1 - and addross ol thi “ lew.tmdwa 0030e>17tt« P a r t y A d * W h ^ I ^ 168K m ilar ' ■ C130B-12W JOHNI DEBR8C 1968 c ab , 97K Looking for I Runa good, aaata 7. I Raur 2 0 » 7 » 5 S a . OMngivaelTAAwfir new.tari, targt buckct i r ■-nsansT S B B a S a m 'B * Heard. 7. tr, low houra ^M onuUon. tocal tastssor^ FindH-ftrtlCBuyH.------Uaa nw OaaaifM a iT l m » » ^ I "SSS j S a s600.731-9889 . . wowTanWtP t 7 8 » 0 W fx t2 I L — OMilim, 7330031 ait 2 Tltii>Mlm,TWfciia>.ld«.Idaba Moadin0cto6«tis,2007 J., ...... r-:io9g-.^-* 1 0 9 9 1 0 9 9 :--";.-l099n.V '' • • i099-->:: Suldo|ki>|ku Answers: to Dealers Auto Dealealers AntoPealag Antp.Dealm AiAntoDeate; i T m ® | ± [ l | 6 ^ 2 i ~ HH arm s A uto I T1J6 3' 5 2 8 9 >7 S ales 8T5 FlY'fe 4i l 3 CHEVY‘00 2500. t«r- | ^ FORD '06 F-t50 XLT "Ar) 1 vlc« true*. 4x4. only CAT c hevy FOHDWCrewMb, ’ crew, short box, 5.4L 3 4 9_ t 8 712 6 • 60h nijlM.''excellwit $3.$3,995. ‘•^ 4*4.l4?5.^!^^CD. 4c ' stwrt bed. XLT. 4x44 Ve, 4x4. uned wtth big H- . tonneau cover. auio. olr. $3,995. condition. $t3,M 0. tires and wheels. DocFsal ; e Siock „ ■ loaded. $15,950: 6 1 5 2 4 3 18 199 ^ 324-0069 $26.995. Stock #4290 , ' I A s s i s t - g e Pontiac G6. tac- q ' O i . ^ 2611 So. Uneotn lory warronly ^ ^2 '8 7 6 3 5 4 { 1 -rAUroaeEQAfiK. JererT»,IO. 276 s. Idaho St.. = • c ^ sS13.450. Q {- I SlOCk#10t. O 1 O5 I 3 2 9 7 1 6 4 WandeC 206-S3frte00 t y Sm alieyJ}l^r8 206-733*5oS ,^'® ' 6 Dodge Grand c ' i > ' Caravon. SXT, foe- D 44:2 : jj'sTs ^:7 8 loiy . warranty. m ' i , ' 515.950. StOck#128 J ___7(_ ’9|4r8;6|2^3'55 9 VW Possot. GLS. “ ■■ Cummings. SLT. ( >8.950 SlOCk*t22. CHE 0 Oodge Durango. , L 0 9 9 . 1 0 9 9 Equinox. 4 (loor. LT CHEVY'O; FORD'OIToumsSE. crew, short box. SLT -dow . LS. ve. alloys, > V6. oulo, air. PW. PL. 3LT. loolhor. AUlOi DealersD AutoDealeiers -PW. CO. *7.980. pkg. k)odod w/Iow LS. PW, loothor, loodod super S6.S».950SlOCk#112. mlJ«f Only $15,995. •'ow PkQ. icoln Qikjy whools. Now' clofln, locol Irado, '055 Suzuki Rono, -Slock «531A . 2''1‘ 3n9.450. Stock#129. Qjj awTOj^SOM •001' S m a H c y lg>ers ^ M (O fCH tW RO irTl $9.4 “"<1 AT.r. CC, . H . MIDDLEKAOFP 1 MlliublshI Mon- ____ . . .T cossotto, roor olr. $23,995.)5. Slock oro. $1,750. H U j Q U H m j l Call 208-768-2223 s_____ , 2 t» ^ ^ 7 7 0 0 . 208-733‘-3033 ^SlOC>IOCk#123. ■ ^ e S i a i C3ievnDi.GTj I Subaru Logocy Cutback. $7,450. IH h >lock#12l. JE E P '06iUborty.4K4, Ub J-733-30M DODQE '04 Sirolus I Toyota Camry. 4 door, Sj ------Sodon. 4 dr.. 4 .E. $11,450. loot*od * * ^ /i 9*!oo6 itock#10S. MilesI Only3nly $16,995. %-:■■.■-___' 3 PW. crulso', S9.96£ ^ 2376 E 990 S Stock# 921:9212T. von. 7 passenger, ext cab. long box. Haze azelton, 10.63335 'Xtswrrw p o n tIa c t o o SSind aulo. olr. PW. PL. uii, u U H H roor oir. alloys. CO, . loaiher, loodod. spray 2( 4X4, 6,3 VofiM ve. cnjli 208-829-5000 Am QT. loaiher, s cnjlse.NowSe.086. ^ O i m I MIDD^^AUPfUpp S6.760. . Slock In bod liner, t o t s ------hoalod itBltwf. Oiv ----- #7T409B. I p w . ■ b f l CHEVY-Ofl moro, $26,995. Stock . - )»7e8-2225-1 ? « ? ----- CO. foo'- Only $8950- PI- f . Star, olkjy wftoolt. ^20^736-2480UO ■ tv i i g n n k v i i i w ' *4273______: now$ i i .m s . I2iniO O LC K A O FF K"«Mc( n “^ “£ f P V :n “ '*•3'-. AC 20»73»7700 RWD. SOS _fttri9,yao>MHACiCK. '■ MIDIMKAUIT = ~ iglHHI ■ n E S i l 275 S. Idaho SI..Sl„ |d iijjiiiijnii if m o p ? Wendell 206-536-19>1900 ; 20»733.7700 . P g ■ S NDA '01 Accord. H I ^ I K ^l:i.%^le, K S S S m cheviHEVY'061500.e« Trrr;-r,-^ jnum J.915, stock# W' ^ m cob. {W B tkv'-' CO. cmiso. poi seat. SI3,915. Sio

DODQE '05 Neon. 4 ■XT, 3rd saat. roar P tG ^ ^ I A trrom aoK llr, cruise. CO. low C ^ ^ T i PH n S a S Q I AC. WON equlppi Only $6,995. Sloe 275 S. IdaIdoho St., ■ ■ ■ | | | M Wondon 208--S JSt»22a3D” '-” “- CHEVVU^99Tahoo.4 9215C. Slock* F O W T K ^ E ^ ^ ^ ^ M N T l A W S Std f SLE. looiner, , ^si;n(»N _»So«» - q p = i j g ; s Am SE Coupo 20.:o. 4 m ; cyl., 2.3L, AT. FW nins boards, tow pkg.. lott* AT, FWO. AC, crulso. =W0, g p im “■“£.-04^069 » ' PW, PL $5,966. AC, crulso. $1,986.s. . CO.S16.99S. Jo. Lincoln Call 208-76»222S DA '04 Odyssey Slockf 22900. B RES. V6, trom & a 2 5 r?o'r"or. OVO/TV. 1 own- HIDDL^ U F Tr EBU T H IA ^ Sm alley]] MIDPt^KAlUT _ tocol irade. hard to MrrsUBISHI'( 100,000 mile Galonl, ES, C«J1206-733-577a f c ■ ^ f l 208-736-2480 9 Ida comllod wor- CO. cruisc y.N owSt9.986. $7,985. Slock# --— 52370. EVY ’06 Uplondor I B M K a B SXT. PW. PL. Pr XLT. oxtra cob. long MIDI: in. LS pkg, powor CHRYSLER': R ‘06 Town CO, cc. $9,95 bod. $5,950. ------g f J lT j H I * yl^^S 'o^hlng, vory doan 4 Counlry.fy. stow-n-flo. Slock# 5210D.5,955! FORD'02 Explorer, i 324-0069 206208-733-7700 nmUn.W inelo. Only power doo 4X4. V6, 69K mllos, 2811 So. Uncoln ;i:' .■ i : _____Call 208-733 ■733-6776 . 16.995. GM corllflod windowsT;5-ich'°^c‘‘^; 4 I i g U T O l i i vory cloon. only Jerom e, ID. -----T - r ------SATURN-06 Ion: IlhalOOKmlkipow- 25K mllos,3s, Iiko now, I A S’2.500. ^ PW. CHEVY‘04 1500.4x4. or' "train wnrranlyl $19500 Call 208-733-5776 Snu%JJl655r8 ^ — PL AM-FM. CO. laloc- crow cab, Z-71 pkg,. Slockock *04360 ___A s s i s t — ' tory waranly. NoNow loadad w/only 32.000 . s^wevnoLET) . A s s i ------_»UTO MOKKHAOC $10,986. . MUosI Only $22,995. ■ J>_' 275S.ldotwSL. Z ,Slockiie222T. '------— iSnSwAUjJ -''«T.on,"o» ■ B WendellZOB-536-'1900 't g JfSKSSP NIDDLEKAUPFF ■ CX)«/TT(M*80Mt 201 W ooJ.l.lo“ ‘ 3A '64 Accord MITSUBISHI;»H.WIVMI ------HOHD* ■" ” mus°1 msool $2,988. toro. $5,995.« . 208-733-7700 :■ % r * ^ OODGE'96 Cummins :■ Call 208-78»2225 ^ D'OMI SLT. 6 sp o « FORD '96 F-Wo’oxtra oxtro cab, 4x4. Mot cab, 4x4. long bod. ■ vory cloan. $7,950. !!!2E JM . • • m l Seol$13,950. 324-0069 20- i .'—' 324-0069 208-736-2480 B B r " = 3 S c h ev:VY'07 y 2500 crow. ■ S ^ B | 2611 So. LIneolo FORD '02 Rangor XL 2811 So, Uncoln SUBARU-02 Outbackek, I ^ H k shortort box. a.oL. ve. ■OOLanos. Jerome, ID. short bod, 4 cyl.. 2.3L. Jorome. ID. i : - . . - ^ 66K miles. AWO. votwry V. PI.F ciiilse, tow “ 5 spd.. 2W0. AC. clean. $13,900. 3.. 25K mllos, ■ SraalleyJHl^s cnjIso. PS. $7,986. S m a U e y ] ^ ^ B.99S, Slock *4275 I T i 'S f , IgSM _A ssi.st C» CHCVnOLCTl I t ki i k _Au r ojmoK»aACF.~ S i a l I'S « J NISSAN-05 Altl (uol mlloag«. Now I------! “ 77 MlOpiXKAlW ;■ )A '96 Accord, oulo, CO. alk)yIkiv wheels 275 S. Idaho St.. V6.' 4 door, sun- cruise. $SnM5 tl, Wondell206-536-190(>00 206-733*5033 ...... ^ 203-738-2480 g alloys, leather. Stock# 22570.225 FORD'97 F-150. oxt. MIDDLCKAUFF cab. Stop Side. 4x4, K a. B i l J T B suFwr clean, bod cov- g0B-TO^77C0 t e t j i^Sjjffi IhittUf , i«p Edd>o Souor, S.4L ■ |* K a v«,_{Mthof,-3=i-r«. 9 Q m H U Q B SI 733-5776 J l | A - FORD-03 Ranger, 4x4. :VY *07 AvalofKho dlosol. 4x2,?o ?“ *«>“'• 522,900. SIMI R e a d T h e LT., power poi everythtng, SLT. aulo. I SUBARU '04 OutbUkieiC' lomolfe $15,900.' ^ 275S.ldat»a.',' B m B AWO Wagon. - LLU promlui1 $5,080. ■ E B ^ H l l l l n l f l V«i** U ^ ____ llgjlllllll^^lll Call208-7e8-222» H WAKING NEWS on^^ilrnMrheels, $10,995. ■ ] | 1 1 U | U S 4W0, leather, OnStor, K k* 22740. H R ^ n ^ B very nlcel $15,980, M i l i r m i * D m | Stock *7T58eC. »r • im3i < Call 206208-733-8778 Lalrol power stroke H h | VW'05JeQaGU1.8 i 60K miles, UR. dres. R wheels, very sharpi ■ turbo, sunrool 33K3K $29,950. = mllea. very cleanan 324-0069 S3 PONTlACDIAzIA ztec leather. $16,950. 2811 So. Lincoln I H $7,895. 324-0069 ------Z811'So.'Uneolri— i ^ Cherokeokee. overland W f j ^ Jaronw JD . loaded,Id, leather,I sun M i j a i t Q BREAKING NEWS S n u i l ^ j ^ H : rool, low pi M C‘02Y ukon,4x4,4 ■ Stockl I dcor, extra nico w/IUi ■■■■ m Ml Only $19,995. B i U\ i m i _ n Stock# 9202T. tC ^aST«r . in » . iSSG? t08*733*S778 f VW‘oejena,4door. AT. 4WD, AC. PS, iM ttm . 34K mBes,X»"2<»-S36-10000 20S-73644M ^ •cSSEac, rP AXvou ------OMC^**la^eOoa^! CLASSIFIif ie d vSS,,, Tiines-News 3ot« sound tytlsm . W 22,005. Slock# ADf Sell your v M d e for , TIMES-NEVgws o/SffSSl*! CLASSIFIE DEPARTM«ISr E -ffifA rii. I a o » 7 » ‘3 o 5 ______c i i 2o»»»7B8-2225 208-734-6S.6 5 3 8 t ‘600-574»124a. ^ ------REMEMBER ^ TMUrtidar«lyeuptKsd var INSIDE: Frustnstrated wife finds con I with friend, D; ■ k ' ^ j SI j l I) 9 MONDAYlY ; M AGE OCTOSER 15. 20072C YOUR BODY • YOURR HEALTH*H YOUR STYL£ *• TIMES-NEWS • SECTIONM EDITOR El VIRGINIA HUTCHINS'IS: 735-3242

INSIeiDE; Comics, D2-3 I HoHoroscope, D2 I Todayf IIn hlstoiy, D3 I To doofor I you, 04

I t tI E F i U IWO;f r ICrisp amd colo: ith a Mtt o f c o mttfo rt-

ByAridHaDWD Tlme»NBw» wrtter I 5Shine it up : £ Blow ing w inds,:Is, falling leaves, em ptj) t y f i e l d s : 4 I it's Ihe rciuriin o:of lhc l9QUs this fnll. jls melallattic silver and goldkl appear on accessories froirom S u m m e r ’s g o n e!, , fi f o r s u r e ! licadbund.s (piciuIciua-d. Mnc>’’s, S18) lo liandbagags. •- “/Ml the big name W ith autum n uiupon us, fashion turnmsfi?omthe fl lines arc doing atl the hielallicsics." s.'ild Klndscy ThThylor, visual coorflinaior fcfor l i g h t a n d l o o s e tto o the vrarm and commforting. i I Macy's in l\vin1 I'arails, For glamour,r. gog \s-iih cosiuiiie jeivx-lry witvitli Thbu^thesuriiii is setting sobhCTea(3ich'hi^t, b ri^ t large, artificial stostones, mostly in fewei tones liklike ' teal, fuciisla an^in^i purple. "Glllicr, glllz is hig colors echo the chc h a n g i n g f o l i a g e a nd d k ! e e p s p i r i t s iR.” ’Ihyior said. Or adiadd fur irim to coats, boois, hailais u p . and scarves —- tlietl fur can be simulated fcfor shoppers withh conscientiousc objections oor Little luxuries help,he too: m aybe a cu|u p o f s t e a m - prico conccrnss (scarf(i pictured. Macy's, $40:40). ^ Other themes 1^;l^ylor has seen this fall? Reiled. i n g c i d e r o r a ftiiTm ]y s c a r f . B u t d o n ’t thl iij i n k t h a t . while, black aiulut pplaid on evorj’thing, and sma!iiall t h o s e h e a v y c o aI t t s a n d c o z y h a t s m e: a a t n y o u c a n clutch purses foror (ev ening. n e g l e c t y o u r s k iin— n • thediyair o f w i n t e r c a l l s fDr o n s o m e e x t r a 4 . drydrj out c a r e . You're not a-crenrrealing in the sun any- Here, tips on mn a k i n g t h e l e a p ^ | | morc-. so it's OK lo0 forgetfo your simscreen. ^ ^ ^ r ig h l7 W r o n g , said'lVisIVisil i!arson, manager nl i n t o f ^ . ^ ^ M a r o d Medical Spo in ’IWin Falls. "Even ^though we'rc noi ouisldtside, we're siill being exposed.’ Sunliglit comcs!S inir low througli wind- shields, and the rays can stillsiili damage your skin. And dry weather can lead.*ad to dry skin. "Our air at yourself is so dry ihat water hits theic surfacesi nnd it's imme- dlalely gone," Larson said,I. csespecially in southern .. When it's cliilly ou(oulslde, what more pcrfcct Idaho. luxury than a warmm ccup in your liands, Hlled -If. when you get donee ww,ishlng your skin, il wilh llieflovorsofnutilutumn? At'llie Divine Grind feels dry and il^ ii and uiuncomfortable," your in downtown ’Rvln I'all.s,Ta! ovmer Nicole Marona cleanser Is too harsh. Vourrskin sk should feel clean. has three treats to lurlure ony tasie bud. Her hot not abused. Cl\oose ti inol:noIsiurLwr wiih dime- spicctl cider is madede ffrom pressed apple cider, thiconc or cyclomelhlconeJne — or variants on not a powder, and sheshe'll add caramel or vanilla these Ingredients ~ to holdId moisturer In. "1110 sii- syrup for customersrs wwllh a swcei looili (S3 for icone-based products actlikllike a barrier, so your 16 ounccs). ^^skin is able lo stay moist1 morcnu easily.” “Hot chocolate iss good,g( but 1 alivoys feel so full after drinking it,"i,' MaronaN said. Cider, on lhc other liand. Isli^it. Por m orc decadenci:nce, try iicr Pumpkin Patch Mocha, which blendsids a savory pumpkin sauce with white chocolate,te, milki and espresso (S3 for Don’t sqisquash it down j 16 ounces). And kidsIs wwili want to try die Candy Com Frost, availablele hiiot or cold (prices vary). BE s^ s M Tired of Jack-o'-lanierns J: nnd jl Other coffee shopsIS 0offer iheir takes on tlie Ila- Tiianksglving pies)les?'nierenreiiiniiyother I vors of fall, witli pumfimpkin pie lattes advertised ways to get the: mme ost from fall pumpkins, on readcrboards arounoundl\vin Fails. Peppermint which are packees hnve a lot of fiber in it. out exercising, so don’ton'l sip too many extra caio- and a lot of anticntioxidanis as well," said ries! Melissa Sleight,. cliclinical nutritionist at Sl. Luke’s Magic VailValley Regional Medical Center. "By itselfIf it’sit pretty complete, the only thing it's lackiieking is a protein." Bake and top) witliw beans or meat, or Belt yourself in whip it into a soup.sot IHiree and udd to yogurt for a smoollooihie, o r mbc with pan- ______gomcJtisl cnkc halier fnr nLrirhhmakfnsi...... ric ...... and tlie trentrench coat is on that list And don't forgetrget die pumpkin seeds, Ori^nallyally designed for Drillsh soldierlers in the • Scoop directly out of tlie raw pumpkin. IBOOs, toda;3day^ m odem trenches are far fi from H rinse olf, loss wilhIll coil and spices nnd i)ake stondard'issMssue. Some have colorful llnin;lings, oth* H atl65degrceS'~lli- liien add to trail mbc, lop ers arc madilade from shiny satin or luxuricirious vei- ' ' ■ salads, or grind1 fcfor a ham burger filler. vet. White,;e, hbright or patterned, or a morlore tradi- ______■ ___ You'll be goinlnglrc;lron.zinc,.cssentiul fatty . tional blackick or khaJci, they're a' staple fortofprbfes-'' acids, potassium1 arand magnesium. sionols andnd foshlonislasI alike, Then again, tiiertlere's nothing wrong with "Tlie cuteruicst one tliai we have andI probablypi an old favorite. "Il doesn't have to be a the biggest>st sseller, it has a plaid lining andind brown sweet dessert, itil canc be used like nny on the ouuDUlsIde," (pictured, S40) saidId Christy< ■ ^ ^ ^ ^ o t h e r squash orr vegetable,"v( Sleight said, Lounsbury,,ry, department manager at ThTarget in "But courscjrse we all love pumpkin IWin Falls.s. i y " " " " ' 1 y By your bootsti'apap s? The m ost popular bo(boots this fali don't have straps,ips, they have zippers, "Our tall bools are sellselling out like crazy," said Chri:hrista Frazier, department mana]inagerat J.C. Penney inTXvin I j Falls. 'O u r black bootsIts orea selling o u t but brown is sellings well, too.” Mid*calfbootSworkwrk well under boot-cut Jeans, wl with a skinny Jean tucked In. ib e shape this season)n vvaries from pointed to squaiuare, with heel heights from 2 toti 3 inches. Boots can be tough (0 get into, but[ designersde: have a new way toI help—he the boots pictured ($4545 to1 S60 at Penney, depend- ing on the sale) haveI a zzipper just at the ankle, I I Beyond style and pricpricc, Frazier said, most customomers want to take a look at the tread. 'U iey usually say, 'W hat^ the best sale?'f thenih look for traction on thele bottom."b :5 i i ? 1

I Magic Valley\ Hifealth Failir coulc 6}q)and1 in secoand yearri; M erchants No. 1 and andavarietyoffreffrec or low-cost The nurum ber of booths wlllhaatl^com.pl :

/ • -4 I.:-' •

D2 M«diK0c(8tolS,a07007 Comics Mdw

B.C. By Johnny Hart Baby BliBlues By Rick Kirkman & Jerry ScottS( /'loiPiriVTii/.u’N I ” J ONSKDMOWOtW, / iT V c a s -■ t a t a r i e t Y&uc. u s r (zecouRs se e w u en J AWPlfATTfc6lft.- h ’MAUWl L v b i ^ ' S ) WU. PO. y P C ^Ee) L 'l^JOVp ^UM o u r C7F a a

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Dllbert £By Scott Adams Doonesbsbury By Garry Trude.deau ;>!««« ALICE 15 SPREADINiIING a t t h i s COnPi s s F l I ® IW jS FALSE RUTACRS ABOIlO U T IJE d o n t g e t ; TO a n a l ABOUT ‘ 7 " “ - w ME. SHE'S TRYING T( s a i d t h e ■‘^ 'V v *” verceucN- ______Hrriwr MAKE M E'O UIT.r DIFFERENCE BETI tS e e n f a iw ALLEGED HMnoNf FALSE RUMORSRS AND POA('OACHER OF i l M Q , v ACTUAL FACI“'C T S ' e nNDANGERED d # m R SPECIES. ' ^ ■ ' Y ■ S 'H— - I j g i l f f l I The Elderberries By Phil Frankink and■ Joe Trolse Fdr Bettete r or Fbr Worse By Lynn Johnstcston • C THArswHyirreet' MO ptewe&j SJi^s<>H(y»vy» f Kun aw3Y \ f Dnlv fime. . r-aw rreTw w ilhm t, luiJmillj Wti Uidrtnila... run is whtr S — - — l^fVjdiJsed ^

e IH q Frank and Ernest ByBobThavesE Luann By Greg Evan•ans • €V. WHEBE IS e\CRYO**» \ I friT»«v nGucEO CUT u e u.cae j lilUM. IGUESS\/ L00<’xH Ml u A rrcN ^o ^^jrJ ^ ^5CAMWH5 THE fmefi&treK.J ! \tO C i N W0R< IT V FOUNDNO • • I HAD to FROMJse ro ave 7 ____ _ ; C ff 6V 5CBU00WG II MVV ALL ■nt MCNSi BJiqc/gjve yoc//r'£ ^ : TOItfTS AT Fits /VBeC£l«ipt; I k i-iC —n— ------mwjbjoc.0(. I STATIONS^ y \ r — |< Tx ^ « * !5 i l ------' B / - o f g % F r ■■W f f >A X T H i f r n — ' ^ ..•A roovftft m A

Mallard Fillmore By Bruce Tinsley Pearls Beltefore Swine Gy Stephan Pastiistis

^^c<*'„.Tiwr'M - oviusp ; r .\ h Y NEW HAMSTERS. I STEVE^ U I H S IN \H«JCtfTE...MNT| IVV • ^ e . y / J ^ 6bAT..UH010 ORVai-E AMD HISUHUHfEl-Al-V VOOWMDER iplHen A C W 3 S ...T V.0R41UE /UUATGOESOM ^taK aep/pgw t OF iTTRlESTO/ INTMEIRnu [ i n M N A P .^ ^ W S T E R HEADS? y ^ ^ S - v W t 7 n P iSi ' CMY fi(lS7 /3 |^''ifX uivw ro

ON > M 6 K y ^ J

Pickles ByB: Brian Crane Rose Is Rjdy : : ------V00'V£-60T-A L£*}&-H-{7-7-VEAHr»-KN0U}.-^-fj?mk-TW«fr-)-A-ve&^— I F m i m r MAIR 6R0U]INa ON J m L 6 T n N S SOso? y / 1 WANT I A-3a^,A ,TH£ENP0PJX \ »*^00T1Hg^ S = H 1 0 5 ^ ^ 1 l E

^ - c r -----

.« Zits ^ By Jim I mrzTBorgman1 andan Jerry Scott Thi]inkoutsidle the boxIX, Gemini ??lVIN&fi5R1WCT' C S N t ^ SK'iJH w B 3 ^ IF O C r.I£15 IS YOUR BIRTH- I------Into your confidcnce and they )irtzENAtft'R?«nCN w Sn n y s i ^ i f DAY: B cttciter heolth. a more H O R O S C O P E may m' offer a valuable plccc of fl se re n e oullotlook and a peaceful . data in return. You m ay bebc . ' feeling o f jojoyous connectivity JeraJdlne S a u n d e n consideredt ‘ a hot item In dielie V tothcunlveirerse may develop In '------— ' ' romance ro. department thislls . 0 \ . ^ the coming;g year. Certain peo- unexpccpcctcd comers. evening. cw > ^ y s y ' p ic m ny be'become perm anent CAN(^C E R (June 21-Iuly 22): SAGITTARIUS : (Nov. 22-2- • EXAOL'TA m r a i S i L fixtures In ytyour life, especially Cupid'sId's arrows could bc set Oec. Oc 21): Dc prepared lo travelel In M arch ammd Apri] w hen your loose inE in many odd or unusual f foiar In seareh of your particularar trustworthlrilness is clear to dlrecdc:dons. A friend might Holy Hc Grail. To make the m oslSl everyone's c;eye. There Is a lot seem 1 r romantically attractive progress, pn you must followw o„ l.^h« o f cxciieraeiient In your life next or a ncnew acquaintance could through thi on whatever tweaksks Non So<|u)tur By Wiley Stranrange Braw Byj,ay jonn ueenng spring, bul u( don't let over- wish toto uike thc relationship a your yo passions. Chivalry willUl popularity go to fewsicfiteps funher. arouse art tender feelings. FINOIN& MwiOT r.'-.i'SlJKeep in touch with LEO0 (July 23-Aug. 22): CAPRICORN < (Dec. 22-Jan.It. : &t»,|K°MSBWP ____ T K )U B L & ^ , yoursplritUQual osplradons. Someorcone may push you to the 19); 19] Bargain your way to diele Vfarch^l-ApriM9)r"llnilisb' olof undunuicc, bur It was head nsi bf Uit* class. Be wiUIng to10 less energies can your chchoicc to paniclpate in negoUate nc] term s and don't for­ c ^ r g O r i c ^ PovQf a jof)t of ground. Your the fli first placc. Exercise get that your lime and energysy / w w '1 Interests arere broad and wide authoritority, bul d o n t feel obll- arc are valuable. Spend some sen­1- : In scopc. pro>roviding die neces- gated to1 to exploit others (n order sual sut hours with a specialII i sary knowletledge for an impor- to m ainlintoin thc upper hand. someone. sot r ' ~ | 5 researchch project VIROIGO (Aug. 23-S ept 22): AQUARIUS / (fan. 20-Feb.3. - V / > ^ ^ J TAURUS U(April 20-May 20): U iere elsIs no free ride. C uldvate- 18): 18) Good workers are worthh V'J6 s r ~ \. Rock on. Tho;loseyouareincon- asplrittril of fair play and sports- Uic Uielr hire. Pay to get die veryy : tact with onn a\ dally basis m ay manshi]ihip where Qnandol mat- best be: and don't Uy to cut cor­r- bo gripped i y m n r n t ] by on obsession ters areu« concemed so no one ners. net Those who lovc you diee . •; andirlggerytyburownpossions. IsdlsadtadvanUiged. mosi mo may Intuitively knowItf Yoiirpersona: lal magnetism may UBR/IRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): howho\ to please your everyy i a ^ f K ^ k dhiw othersrs near who have Put pracractlcal m atters flrst You whim whi tonight. f o s a s J ^ m business in rr mind. m ay preprefer to be an Impracii- PISCES p (Feb. 19-M ardl 20): (May 21-)une 20): caldreai )i earner, but k is nccessary Satisfy Sail die concept of supplyy. S tsiS cuS‘dI»3ellen should strive to p u tt yi your dreams to work in and one demand. You can only gel!l i M l S f t ® 10 think ouBJtside die box. Your viable> w ways. A favor may havo top dollar for skills and wares3 nccpts con stir thc a ' feww occeptable strings that tha are scarce or h l^ y desir­•• nd endiuslasms attachedled. able. abl Whai is right for youLl i , , of odicrs. YoiiTou m jght.be sur- SCOR] >M« 3RPI0 (OcL 23-Nov. 21): mu^i m u be beneficial for every­ COVMVMOjlltt , ------prised by cc cooperation from TVade msecrets. lUce someone one else.

I C o m i c s MaedjT,Octob(rlS.2007 D3»

Beetle Bailey ______5 IILBAVfiVOU \ T 7 POR TWO _ w ■Sgj; r \ _ ( I USUALLY ( secoN PS V IT GOINSfS lh F r u !istratedinn third milamage, ANP V O U 'R E / ? > ^ \ V O N E ' J p — ' ie finds COjmfortwiiith MendI 3 B \ DEAR ABIBBY: 1 have been I feel 1 need to do .some­le- married ihrciree limes. The first F " - ^ ' thing aboiii this, bin I know)VV r S S D e a r , lim e wc werere both loo.young. ■ for fill ccrtain tliai loniing from>m My sccondid marriage wa.s a |> L ^ A b b y me. .... this will oifciul Su/.y givenen I stupid misiastake. Now I have a . ^ ' —fl I oilour history. She tlin-.n't actu­li­ i , £ J Jeanne ;,n Blondle. By Oean Young S husband, bul I feel ally work in the olfli c aiul hasas Z " “tiling i Ls missing in Jio undi'rst,’uiding of otflcece I U£X-S TO US P03 Wtf«f/je TV Phillips STHAT I I V n - S VOU? WIRE CALLa.LLiHG, III I |V)six-ycar age differ* treattrc in lieu of popcorn.) ence betwiween us — he’s DEAFyVR ABBY: I nianaKe a - BULIEVUS IN DLCO-J- I --—T=g== younger. smallI professionalp firm. Ii’s a RIJM, EUGENE, o u tE. . I had a hytiysicreciomy seven family-iiy-opcralcd business, »E/\R I HELIB'ES IN UECO-.)- years ago. SirSince then, my doc- and one oi of my relatives. RU.M: III If yon would he willing>g •^*;:::^‘‘* S g | cor and I hahave been working ”Suzy.’'y." helps out by ordering to to substitute some other treatat , logethcr togI get m e back In the our oflliiffice supplies. and an call it an '•ofllcc supply.’' The Bom Loser By Art San:Sansom, & Chip groove. Noththing has worked. Il Suzycy .and 1 haven’t had tlie yoiir yo ])rol)lc-ni isn’t the raicgo-o- r a \vedge into-our -best relationship rel in thc-pasi. -ro­r>’ lhc popcorn was placod In.n. ------...... ~^5irjusr«e.;. .;. 1 I '^ H A .V e r H E ^ C but thinllings have been good for It’s It’s wilh Su/:y. for not iiaving>g — ^ CeUE&RMIONS>&«OfAC K I turned 10 my f^rlfriend for the lasiisi few years, asked asl von first if il was per­ 7 ■ hCR£exaTINC.TH.TRfrNTKE advice and1 icomfort ihrou^i Forr reasonsr unknow n lo missible. mi ------)OWK*>?^ all of dlls arsLTSulng. Our friend- me, Suzy Su began ordering ManyI larger law firms tiianin ^ /f ship has growown, and I now find microw;owave popcorn as an yours yo allow employees to:o ------/ myself InvoU Dived in a passion* "officee supply."s Of course, the snack sni on microwave popcorn,II. ale sexual relationship r wilh employioyecs think tiiis is won- and ati< it does not oll'i-iul iheirir her. My husbisband has no idea dcrful.ll. clieiiielc. clii (ll iiuiy olleiul tin-if l^w~i ------about diis. Have M I just totally Howe'wever, i am a little both- neighliors ne if it’s left in tiiele \ complicatedid ray life, or have I ered — — not only hy ihe fact microwave mi loo long and thele f e ■ f l ^ ,^B _ _ _ lj found whatt hlias been missing? that she sl has unilaterally smoke sm alarms go oil', howev­ -C O N FU SED IN decidedled that food products er.) er.l 1 douhi the clietnele thinkik Qarfleld BBy Jim Davis ILUNOIS arc “oflijflice supplies" (we’re a twice twi alioui it — as long as ------1 DEAR CON)NFUSED: If you’re law firnirm) b u f because I feol tliey’re the oflcrc*! a share. ll FOR A PRBB UIFETIliTIME 1/ WHO V honest withh yourself, 1 think popcornorn is very unprofessiDii* I D eUPPtV OF UASA&^«>NA, ( I B I ^ Unless you want lo ite ihele »^ t^eaaoNe you alreadyf iknow Ihe answer al food.}d. The m inuie aiiyonc most me impopnlar person in thele ^ ‘0 *hai quest;stion. Vour friend- walks im o the office, the .smell «)fficr. «>ff my advice is to lel thisis shipvrfdiyoyour girlfriend did of popciipcorn wafts by. To me. go. go. Only if your iiosses com ­ not stan oui)ut as sexual, but ihls doc;oes not profcct a profcs- plain pla should you make anII rather evolveIved from a deep sionalI imagein to clients. issue issi of it.

tf5 = r "J > n L | ^ TODAyY’SBIRfflDAyS ‘C i m'i»Vf510t9\\-

Hagar th e Horrible Byy aChris Browne ” Jazz m usi- 65, SingInger-musician Kichard Singer Sin liric ["3151535 ^ cian Freddy Carpcnii:nicr is 61. Actor Victor Ilei 5Stl< ^ ...'T O 60 BACKKAMP66T^ fit P S jJ Colc is 76. Qanerjei•JeelsGl. H H I) y I h in - ^ -*S>^ 5 U P P U K tVHlLE TWI■WERE^T 1 f e - tt Singer Barry Tennisinis player Koscoe and-blucs a n r O f US PACB THB: ENI e n e ^ ■ ^ ^ iJ■ McGuircis72. Tanner;r is 5(>. Singer Tito singer sin; Cliiiu- i • , Actrcss Linda Jacksonon is 5t. Actor lere w wir ine is 37. i /V 'A / N ^ t '. Lavin is 70. Burns> IsI: 53. Actress Tanva Rliyilini-and- Rli\ * Actress-dlrec- Roberts-IS isi 52. ' blues blu singer ^ lo r Penny Britainain's Duchess of York, Keyshia Kc> Cole iW ■ Marshall is 65. Sarah i'erguson.lh is in. C hef is is ’lit;. Acior ! • Fcnuon Rock musi* HmerilII Lagasse I is III. Rock V'inceni Vin Mar- GInuwine cian Don musiciai:ian Mark Re/nicek is iclla tell. ("livery- Stevenson (N{Moby Grape) is -15. Actoi:tor Dominic West is 3J1, liody hod Hales Ciiris ”) is ir>.

HI and Lols By Char:hance Browne I------'IT — .....\ j [|it> " —I / I C A ti'V ^ ]/ wetWERE VolJ 'H)| T I p rN O...0DTI p i p s e e A '^111 I st-eep.' J f WATiVATOTiM© A I n TV T COfAA^eRCIAt ft3 R I MU I I thouc[GHT___■ sm 2" faa u x B l i n d s SCfiiiCAR/\»OVie } \ \ '•crtosferAAoM sreRtfim Enjoy Ihe look forIf 1/1/2 Ihe pfkel 1 ^ —Q L a A s a im ? i | H V "D o w halatyoucan, m l H 18d«lgnMcolct$iiiiod«JiodtL A jm A A t».un<.$^yiO O ™ th w h ailat you have, START1HGASL0WAS.VAS... W “ T EA' 5=^\!^ w h e re; y3 o u are.” SflloE -■ n ie oodore d Roosevelt, I o ~ president of the d F S tp ro ------= BLIND= , ^ “ " - P V ’" CP nrin^ li»i tAi-UllMfOi ' l U i ^ _____I United States S CLEANING Classic Peanuts By Charlesries M. SchuU (18S8-1919) I '31(>10 2nd Ave. E ast • TWin'fin Falls • 733-0674

i w ^ VDUTEa IF " \/''pMBAK.YIPHeSEEMSI ‘5™ l | | > A e AUOAVSWIj WONPKEI>\ I P 0 6 15 imRueeNT;MT ? J ( ^ BE CT O S ABOUT THINHIH6S. UIHATANNA. KAKARENINA A ^ ^ \ A V NOTICEEOF C PUBLIC HEARING \ U.S. 93, Junctloi:tlon 1-84 to Junction SH-25 Studyidy EVER SAUI IS a Jofoioromo County. Idaho V ^ N T VROK!O N S K Y ^^ I I S ^_f'^'' "A^

. __ WHAT:f: A public hoarlng9 to prosont and gather public tostiiDStimony regarding tho Environmental As;AssossmonI documont for Iho US-iUS-93 1-84 to SH-25 Study. Joroi County, Idaho. NHNH2390(134)KoyNo. 7800

W m A ^m ~ J: Tuesday, October3or 23,2007 from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. The wizard of Id By Brant Parker & JcJohnny Hart WHERE:IE: Idaho Dopartmentont of Fish ond Gamo District Oflic*iflico 318 South 417 Ea!East in Joromo (In tho U.S. 93 BusinessBus Parlt) [7 THAT/WAU5 CHAUlAUViNisT \ I “ 1 R0PN&Y5A1PAWCWAVWN B5UJN&S J r "— V. / ' i N v IT r iE \ PURPOJOSE: To present tho prcproforrod ollomativo concopt dosljloslgn for improvomonts to tho U FO R j 93 corrkfor fromn M1*84 to SH-25 and roceivo public)1ic testimony.t T t t ^ KITCHEN »+ . / A/IVT \ FORMAlIAT: Open house formalmai; anyono intorostod In tho projeroject Is encouraged lo attend Q^UV0H'1W\ , onytime betweenin 4A p.m. and7p,m ,' ?^TTEACttttI/W j J Displays ItlustratiniIting tho dosign of Iho proforrod alti jmpacts and olhorlor project Information wltl bn availivailablo for review at the hearing ® \^55(JN?y if J L 1 ^ lability Jeromo City Hall,ill, 1521 East Avo. A. Jerome Public UbrJbra 7 (lOtT'l^vo, East), Jeromo County' PliPlanning and Zoning offico In JorcJeromo (300 North Lincoln). By Hank Ketcham Idaho Depsftmentent of Fish and Gamo Oistrlcl Offlcd turn laneanes and Intersection Improvemennonts.

\ • MORE INFNFORMATION: Bob Johnsorson, fTD Project Manager al (208)08) 886-78J0 ^ [= ThaldahoTrafjanspoftstlon Department (ITO) Is ccommitted lo compliance withh TiUeTii VI of tho Civil Rights Act ( ~ A ^ ih r ^fU S p ^ J andaSrslattd:tdregulatkira and directives. rn>:n> aasurea thal no person slialiI on the grounds of race, color, r 7 oflsin, gtoder,r. tsI a or ditablllly be excluded frorfrom pafticipallon In. be denied the benefit of. or be olhenvise s lodltoiinlnttloitlon under any fTD seivice, proQTSgram or activity. The departmentmt aalso assures thal every effotl madatopravinrent disoMnaaon Ihrougli ttwI ImpactaIm of Its programs, polides.es. andi acUvities on minority am InconwpopuWfcDions. Inadtftk)athedapartnwitisnt wIB take reasonable steps lo0 provklepr meaningful access to personawithiith Limited English Proficiency. ForsCGommodatlona1 cacan (208) 334-4444: TTD (208)1)334-4458. 32

“ I’dI nrather text my reportiT T h a n l «Atefld6n - 81 usied quien la InfoniformacMn acerca de este proyectc»cto on Espanol, Kamaporfar (aver al (208) 334.4444. •MyTtAQl0ftH»u™»AWSilOKAN’ SI(EfiW> «<>“lu '' M n t h a f ta e ^ l i w w o r d t . ” A n m s c i m e i t mu. s c/W ^ O U TA tfi”

■> , . '1 '» . ' / M nmtv,M*trU,3m007 ______Image ______n w » w m .w s r *

TO DO FORRYOU ______I P l^ n g fo rlfhealth^ Leant beaulylipt Valley Regions)nal Medical Falls, Organiutizcrs say Aslan dlagno- Sand, toys contribut An "Im pact Yourir Im age' Center's Educatioition Center, 588 New parentrents and grandpar- sis is airunong die oldest medl- event will be held at17:30 7-: p.m. Addison Ave. W.Mn in TWin Falls. ’ ents can Icam,about leai Infant cii£^ lh the world and can to therapy. today at The Ballrooiroom, 205 The group Is'I opeii oj to newly CPR, chddng,ing, child safety and make yoyo^ aware of potential . . f Shoshone St. N. In TWinTM Falls, diagnosed andI longtime Ip can-' Injury preventrentlon. The dass Is hc(i]ihl«lu u es in the early stages. NEXTTOEK IN IMAGE IF Krista Emiy, a profeofesslonal cer survivors andid thdrfam i llies free. Proregiseglstration is not Psirtldpap w ts will leam how to |__ :wk makeup artist for men;3rc i th a n 20 and friends. ThoTie meeting Is required: 732-332-3148. Identify:.!y common health prob- years, said she has workioriced wllh free. Andy HoU: atat 737-2800 or icms usiiislhg the face, hands and ^ performers and cclebrcbriiies in SandyWIiIiealTB737-2441. Fitness h rrbniies bl fea, nmiid leamwhat colors indi- ^ 'H a t w u t l K/cuf H 'WeaUi. Stofte5 , . Hollywood and aerocross the . catc whchen'th^ appear on the 9 ^ Chtf MYmn FWfgioial EywitiOT,t m , Qtully ifahjrta & fVnoniliirf Smict country. She said she sh will Happy baUes' . : • In recognitijitio n of Nallonal skin andid what moles, dots and ' demonstrate tips and lech- PhysicolTheni:lenipy Month, physl- maiksmimc?an. M niques to guide womenlen to sim- "The Happiestst Ba^ on die cal therapistplsts at Primary Cost is i; S39. JiU Skeem wUl ^ b loutce will hold a Insimci.':l.To register: 732-6442 or pie beauty. Block” class wlUvill be offered Therapy Soui Septem berr 3 - October 15 , Tickets arc $9 at the door; from G:30 to 9 p.m).m. Wednesday "Let's All Gettiretting Moving' event onlineat at www.csI.edu/commu- 420-6893. In the lobby at St. Luke's Magic for familiess from fr I to 3 p.m. nityed. 2 0 % D i s c o u n t Valley R c^onal’sal’s downtown Saturday att diedie TWin FaUs High ‘Baby and Me’ campus. 660 ShosIloshonest. E in School practicictjce field, outside AboutcichOdbirtii S r o n d P r i z e (S S if f t Ceptlflcote Drawing TWin iWIs. die footballI stadium.sta « >gs; Qgolity ^i>et I e* Enrr<«ar 0iK«unl>.:k»i; No Mtmbur Fm. Ms.1 Or4tn. St. Benedicts PamllyIy NMedical Parents will Icorn lc how to The free eventcv will provide • Preparared chlfdblrth classcs Do«vnlownTWinFjltit»117Co7 Gooding Slitrt Wert « 208-733-7735 Center offers "Baby and ar Me" help babies sleep:ep longer and health and flincss flu information will be; offeredo from 630 to 9 dasses from 11 a.m.I. t'> support I * 2oa-7a3-oa7i*bii• b1aeUhe«pgeltenr.eom Recrcatlon OistrlItrlc t. '2032 S; Recreation DlDistrict, 2032 S. niques,, ccaie of die postpartum ■ , 1 SunBridge •, Carcrc and Uncoln.Thetopic)icwUlbiiIaboi;' Lincoln, modicrr sand carc of die newr ■ I. , You haven't been toD ththe Black Sheep Galleiy. Rchabiliustion Ceriterwjr will hold Including the startlanlng o f labor, . The free das;dass Is for expectant bora incinduding brcast•fcc^ding I j v w v w w w w an Alzheimer's Supportort Group dming and comfoifort measures, mothers, fathcithcrs and support ondbotditde feeding: and a video m eeting at 10:3030 a.m . Bring two pillow;3W5, a blanket people; flrst-tiit-time parents; and tour of ththe Women’s and Infant WM Wednesday at SunOrld(rldge, 640 und. If possible,, a support : per- m otliers who/ho feel their iast Center, FilerAve.W. in TWin roll!Falk son. breasifecdlngcngcxpcriencewnsn'l Wear ■c comfortable clothing: HB i l l V le s m i Tlie group is'openn tito TWin Suggested feeI Is $5 p er class, successful. ThThe class can be bring t\voivo pillows and, if possi- K Falls-arca residents whowh< have Toregistcr:324*li:I122,cxt.3361. taken as a rcfnrefresher course. To ble, a su;support pcison. Cost is H family memberss with register 324-431-4301. cjxt. 3361. SSO.Prertcr^stratlo n Is required: HB s x : Alzheimer’s. Sieve Jones Jor or Leam CPR for bababies 732-3140. Dawn Mcycr at 734-864J1645. AboutAsiandin diagnosis For An Infant safeiifety and car- "7b do,lo fo r you" is a iistingof BE m ™ Cuts, AbfOSlOFii/ons Cancer support dlopulmonary rrcsuscltatlon The Commiimunlty Educadon hcallh-rclrelated acdvities, ci/cnts M class will be ofTeredred from 630 to Center at the ll College of and cduilucation. Subm it infor- H Sore ThroafiatPaln Living Through (Canccr 9 p.m. Thursday’ in the lobby at Southem Idahidaho will offer die madon byb Tiiurutay for publl- H Support Group will1 m ccl at St. Luke's MaMagic Valley - class "Aslant Di.Diagnosis" from 7 cation ini 6:30 p.m. Wednesdayay in the Regional's downto'itown campus, lo9p.m. Ocl.:t. 2‘24 in Room 102 at Im a^ secxction. E -n ia U n a t^ ^ o B Sage Room at St. Luke'sIce's Magic 660 Shoshone St. E InTWIn CSl'sSWcIdsbus building. mmona@i&nutglcvalleyxom. H AUhailHthe hoodie, fashion's laatest blank: canvas | I Lot Angele* Tlmw ______• ll an art form,m, and Kari trousers. Andind for tpen, it's or pollslllshed trousers, and ^ Lagerfel^d blinged;ed It almost bridging thectcrritorybctween tci you’ve got '( a look that's ^ C o m m o n R 1 e t i r e m e n t LOS ANGELES — TheTie hood- b e ^ n d recognltloition in the lal- blazer and bobomber. Put one sophisticilcated enough for ie — that beloved, if ratty,ratt sta« cst Chanel resortt cccollection. over a classl(issIc w hite shirt, work, builut not as serious as a (______M i si t a k e s ______pie of the gym lockercr —- has This fall, thele hoodie — black necktieIcand a dark denim suit. ForF. many poople, relimrwni It noi«l tftfte t>r«M-free vocation from S. becomc fashion's latestest blank adorned, sionedd i or graphic; 0 ...... filfinonciol concornt ihot ihoy enviilomiioned. Sod planning i> often Ihe culprIprit. canvas. Il staned a fewfew years leather, .cashmerere o r silk — Is back, when the Juicy' Cnenl-og« indrviduolj offon mokmoke 0* ihey Iry to manoge iheir own stylish wardrobe essCT (OF INFLATION. A couple will ofterFten sucli as Bathing Ape\pe and waist A t • Hysteric Glamour covererered il »oy 'All w«n««di> $60,000 perIT yMr,ye For ihe next 20 yeors. Aiwminiling grafOd as a mean.<> of umimdcr- K,imberly Nu'reei a 4-pereenl inRolion rol« for the nexinext 10 year*, ihe couple would needk1 . ground expression. Losos lHI^-Tbe weslhef It gettins'cok olmoti S90.000 il rtwy wcnhxl toomoinloin m< their current liFetlyle. Yeor-»r- . A n g e lc 8- t o - P a r l9 ^ over>«or IncrooMt In th« price of pretcriptionp< drvgt ond medicol wpp transplant Rick hove for outpoced the infloKon roteate ey hohod structed it % Mnursery and eneck out our Wl s planned on toving or potilng on1 lo Iheir*. PivdenI (inanciol guidance made require! that you bctor in rfie 'reelDol ‘* volue oF your oitel growtfi and W«aUoiUo have soup^'salads and s a h ^ i I at 733-270S and We will fax you < ^mber to call In your order ft 1 thishis coupon Tibcriy N urseries g This series brought lo you by: $1.00 O r r any \6 o z . o r I; CAPRICOlCORN RNANCIAL STRATEGIES’S /alid onty at Moxie Java at Kimberl "PlanninB Income for Ufe" A y c ^ s t-.TWml 436 Addison Ave. Ea>tSuilcB ------_ _0 )T«i>ol| ------katsand tndib«wttliaatdjitdn,Hikt ~ CoffeeffeeHouseH^m^M ^^^" (208)736-1971 irititt otkI Adniory Smvkm Threuo^ tCbf(i,$910atAiitte u fc u Jf*B C Kutnn, CFP. CLU Comtaan'AiemKnIlh rmonckil Ni»Modi. M*mb*r ^ nBMctolConHiliMi FINWSI R ai. FREIW1 A/5IPC, o lUgHired InvnlmM AAn«r J I lnl M a a M1 0 ioin us in ourcecelebration of ourr

I w M sr!-- ______•Caramel Com $5*°/5“ /lb I (|y2 Q>ftllbB«g) I t a k ea , & refrBshmeiit; ------■•PeanDl -45?®/ — JHS r ii/2 ib a iD > M I 9 : 3 0 a ni m r to 5 p m Ot the foil]|low ing locations: •Sailed Fresh Roastedd Nnta^ 2 0 d 7 ^ SpedilHix $5”m / : : ' m m DdiditkCx $8'Vm • M onenday Octdt>er 15: Turwin Falls cshMhnMSb) DekuUii $ 11im” MM • T u e s« ^ day O c to b e r 16 : Twrw in Falls (Bb» Uto BM) Sp-kbPn.0.1 mm . • W ednJnesday O cto»» 17>7 t W endell auAos,.)'' 'r . Quhm $8 ”/ • T h uiirsday n O ^ b e c 18:t J«Jeromelkiinain) AUBiiedCkwiUlea • Frida;lay Octolwr 1% Buhlih lt M to W . - . UK.2.USlLlues ModtMikiOirShaplM

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199 H a m m SL L • 711-76}-7624 W B-»mHON-ffl'Oowd8Allao w N i S S L i - I f ■

S »\ OctolctolMr.2007 PubllthwitfthtVmeUTtnHtwi T W I N F A L L S

A K 'i;.\ < ii.\.M iii:K > OK < OM M KI.M •usi]nes:sBteatt A MONTHLY NElEWSLETTER FOR)RTHE BUSINESss COMMUNIT'TY

City Electionss Com ing No\t v e m b e r 6 t i i I n s i d e r ^ ^ B he election for ClCity Councils aroundid the valley is less thahan a m onth away...a. a n d It's your chance^ totc have a voice in wh;^ho will lead our comim m unities into the futt T he Twin Falls Arcf\rea Cham ber of Commmerce does not endorlorse political candidala te s . However, we do coordiidinate opportunitiess ffor the public and ouour m em bership to le:e a r n * ' ' you - New. Chaia m b e r M e m b e r s more about the Candidaidates and make cducacated decisions. The ChCham ber encourages > to attend the Public Poliolicy C om m ittee meetl2tlngs on Friday m ornin;lings at 7am to learn m>nore • Monthly*y C alendar of about local and state governmgo ental issues imir portant to businessIS anda the com m unity,y. Be Events a part of the process. Be an Inform ed voter,r. And above all - be surlure to exercise your ri|r i g h t and vote on Novembere r (6 .

t - 1 S S L ^‘ 9l iM

WV l E D E L I V E ^ ^

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T here’s3 no doubtt about it!I T itlcFuct, Inc. (hc old>ldc.st, locnlly o w n e d fu ll 5servicc cr title, escrow, and rcalJcal c.sta(c c^m pnny is plen:L‘nscd offer n k l l n TITLE INSISURANCETOT’TWIN FALLS, ------lEHOMilE-e-eOGDING-CB O U N T I E S ------W ei are proud to servr v e y o u ! " T c 3U R EXPERIEIE P sJC E WC/O RK FO R YOI: > v TITLL E FA CT, l IN C . e 4 e 1 6 3 Fofourth Avenue N.;; IWin1 F alls ------i i . c = 3 E « *“-ri53!E££r ( 2 0 88) ) 733-3821 • (800)I 7 3 3 - 3 8 5 0 ______iiilcfaet.c

H e a l t hhy y m outh, h



E a r n y o»ur i B acheloii r ' s

^ o r M a s tter's f degreeee n m^ w i t h o u t leaving Tww i n ! heaialthy employee HH Shawna earned her BaBachelor's degree in Humann Resource Training and Developn)pment through ISU-Twin Falls.Ils. • Regular, preveieventive dental care not only’ guaranteesgu a healthier smile,.it it S T A T ] can also meansan early detection and preventention oFserious m edical problenjlems. UNIVE^IT • G u m d is e a sse e mn a y In c r e a s e a n e m p lo y e e?’s ’s risk for heart disease, diabele:etes, oraprerlermm o r lo w -b lrth w e ig h t b a b y . We also offer classes!sin ir ------Psychology,------to v isit th e irr dentistd e for regular, preventivev e c a re . Nursing, Respiratory Therapy, Education, and More!

- Office l o c a t eI"' ' In the Evergreer» n To leam more•re oabout our quality, preventiveV dentalc plans at affordable rales, Building on thele please contact us or visit^t oiour website at: CSI cimpus. (to llfree) (800)71818-337^ or mwww.deltadentalid.coni ISU-TVvlA Falls ____ Coll 736.2101i or visit lsu.edu/tfctr O Mooday, October 15.15,2007 Twin Falli,lit, IIdaho Pa«e3

TWIN FALLS i m e n t 1Thc Twin Falls Areaa ChamC ber of Comnnncrcc Mission Statem 55 o rg a n iza tio n providhTtng members a strong v

11 w a n t to other eligible, prorofessional business peopl>ple, a n d decid c w h o you u It sales or blind meetings?s? FindI th a t A g A ppreciciation & Schihiolarship see a g ain . W h y wastew tim e w ith internet s "special someonele" you can do business wiw ith . B a n q u e t J uust A round ttl h e C o r n e r Here is what somime are saying about Speede d N c t: Each year, th c TVvin FaiFalls Area Chamber of Conommerce celebrates the suc-JC* leetlng everyone and I fellL,‘ll a con- ccss anci importancu; oof f A gribusiness w ith th ee fiAg Appreciation & Scholar-lar- "It ;vas a great attitmospherc. 1 enjoyed mce ship Banquet. This ycai/car’s event will be held onan Tiiursday, November 1st nectlon wltii somme people." Liira M., Bana n k ln g at the Twin Falis Couniunty Fairgrounds - Mcrchaihant’s Building «3 In Filer wiw ith lie fu st tim e!" M ark P., Saleiales no-host cocktails at 6:C6:00pm and dinner at 6:3030pm. This year's event will'ill "I was able to ho(ook up with someone the rccognlzc tiie rccipicntunts of $1000 scholarshipsps awarded to students wholO meet iicopic and nothinglg everi ciioose to enroll at anm IIdaho college or unlversi.Tsity w ith a n acad em ic focu«cus -<| I,avt; iisiiti diffeTcrent venues l)cfore to im en several numbers. Wc'li'li seej w h at in Agribusinesses. panned out. Witlith SpecdNet I liave gotten (1^. Iiappens." I’atJ.,j.. Marketing e cluick-wagon style banqiiquet will be presented by tin F.ntertalninent at tiie c it th e C h am b er office al 733-3074 731 Uuckliorii M ountain1 Boys.R< The l)and prides Itsiitself on playing traditional For more inform;nation, ct)titact Jessica at t based bluegrass musiciie Ibut has also developedd ItsI own unique sound. Thc o r em ail jesslca(i>'i(■<‘twinfallscham ber.com have Ijcen describedI as playing “traditional bitl)lucgrass music wilh an origl nal flair". F-acii m emiber be of thc BMB has spent;It years playing bluegrass aam n d helped them pcrfect their■Ir owni signature sound. Thc; that knowledge has he C i t y s h a p e th a t s o u n d b y/ blendingbl voices and instnstruments through smooth C h a m b eer S upports ( transitions, rapid-lirere iicks-andli stunning instruirumentals. Bluegrass Now l i n i n g magazine says, "tlielrIr musici Is new and shouldlid gain the band a great deaJeal TY anspoartation Plani nil System ” o f a tte n tio n ." "IhiNic iiivitfti 10■() proviilc, comnwiils tin the 'Twill Foils Trtinsiuirtoliiin . )utions frtJm local businesses Scholarships arc fundeided bv generous contribut T h e C ity o f T w inIn Falls invites city rcsldciiicnts to attend the lirsl nubnibllc work- lng levels: o n Plan. Sponsorsiiips are stillill available al tiie followln} siio p as part o f tlthc development of the.• TwinT Falls Transportation Scholarsiilp SSp ponsor - SIOOO (includeses 8 banquet tickets) villhchM oii Momloy. (k thc Toylorir //Uliiiiiiistrolion hhlx. Koon.w in H27(>. tickets for caciiea $250 In sponsorship)Ip) residents arc encouragedid lto attend tiie event to shshare their IS) • $50 each In terested area ri Banquet Spons:>nsor (minimum 6 tickets) c o n c e rn s for Twi,vin [^ills e x istin g a n d futuIture transportation systemL-m a n d learn Regular Tickete re'stem a n d id en tify rcco mn mir e n d e d why you feel they dcsiicserve this recognition am ;hrough thc im p ro v e m e n ts; tito meet user and transpoip o rtatio n system need s thr< ber officc!+ ide traffic year 2030. Somene of the issues to bc addndressed In thc plan Include ess needs, safety and congcigcsllon, bicycle and pcdcsJcstrlan needs, truck access atlon faclll- street malntenailance needs, and dcvelopirpmcnt ofnew transportatic isultant leam vorking O ppc» o r t u n i t y ties to a ccom odi-date th c C ity ’s g row th. The Th City has hired a consu N e w N e t w < [X)8. dand led by Civil Scieience. Inc. to complete thet\n study by spring of 2006 Last year we polled thcth membership to sec wliw h at o u r m em bers w an ted ai g response they said moree networkingt opportunities i rmatlon on the Twin Failslls T ra n sp o rta tio n P lan oir r tito provide with overwhelming r« For m ore Inforn^ Mike Pepper, 0 h e re it Is; a quick, easy anand free networking opporti co m m e n ts If yoiou can’t attend theupcono m in g m eetin g , c o n ta c t Mi small businesses. So h ig ln e e r at n ity for C h a m b e r mnem ci bers. KMP Planning; aat 734-6208, or Jackie Flc:'Iclds, TWln Falls City Engli ------;hamber office for SpeedRetT Jo in u s o n O cto b cr 18th 18 at 7:30am at the Cha r more onc-mlnute "dates"j" wv ith You will have an oppfpportunlty lo have ten or r i r H o u rs T o d a y* 'V/i in e ss^ M ■ i ^ e r 13, 2007 ^ 2 5 , 2 0 0 7 ■ '■ -i'- 7 p m - ' r t u u ' . f e ' - I isviM Bu*lnM*B4»t.T\tt.TMnFtl><, Idaho Monday. Octoberter IS,2007 Monday. Ortotef IS. 2007 fliatoaw Saaf, TWto fam . Idaho PafoS J...... — Congigratulafionss T S ' "V ■ - f ...... k-you-tothefollo'wi\'in g b u s in e s s e s f o r l o n y ot u u ] r n e w r e s t a u r a n t r t h e i r o n g o in g c o m i m itm ent to the ivo'ork ofthe Chamber'>erl 'Welcome to these new members af the Chamber Idaho National Laborat ______, \ \W t.'< \ v s . ratoiy i r> W a r s /lountaln States Wireless the organization recently. Take Josh Ruf, Inc. A bsolutely:ely H air b y N o m le • V isions o f HoHome Hospice Home Jelson • Jameson Inc. stop ht to see them and please do Q U r The Land Group Inc. H eavenI'enly T o u ch M assag e A lex an d er Cl Jorco W elding a n d S afety'S Su| u p p ly business with other Cham ber businesses! Lone Rummele • Clark Printing l ^ O R E , , BowJadrorro m e omereJle M ountain Resort Low e's T h e A utomn olo tiv e Clinic M i P u[ebiO. d Brockwaya y E ngin eerin g PLLC , Beams Qualii o a d W o rk A h e a d C on strur u ct c ti o n Phone Base Research In lality Flooring Inc. ^ E S T ADURANT U (TWinEalE^aOs) C o ld Ston

^ S e a r cc ] b t n g c t . / N o ’Oh but Hxhi ~ b th $29 ( f a r t l a e p e r f e c t V e m p l o dy calendar helpful in Id*idcnlifyiny importanl ChIhatnbcr activities. IMr a i ^nnnr,tw infall»ehamam bcr.com lo sec the C a r d ? ' Chamber’s toebsitc inclw m m smTm i mm ”1 Jllsl iL-llMSl-ll, h;tnk‘(in i I'Di'k j •t / > 10:(X)iun lUblxjii t Kll>l>.>Ixiii (^ itU iiu 1 O 7::M)um)uiii SiHTvdNct 1 7:tK>iini I’lih llc AfTalrrt “i n ...... 15 J . \ J Cutting .John IJccni:cre J. / Duvitii (1K40()(t-<»s i X O (C liiiriiiiiriii>cr o n ic e ) J . ^ Commlttcc (Cliajulmr f r ■* > ^ ’ ijUukIm:uik.-h C2()5:) Kirni>crly:rly 10:0(>iuii Ilcniillmitllicatlon (mice) H |xv...xxcckM>l-uuilirvl uolkv KK«l.) (ChiIChaiiilK-r) JJI W v ,,,, ■ 7:7:00j>in Cily OjuiicII l»::M)]>ni Klhtxiil.lx.n CulllnK Ail'otitic I'umiicss OC»ii-(!crs) OrtlioiHiudlcH ((! ■ S l. li.. S ( c . t»(K»I(X» ^ ini.-cfiuves I >upenur pnxlucu I ■UllimiUj ilKDCIK poKolial I McTCniCS>BcaZ CV 4:iu RiblHMiastt ~ 2 F :«tllnK OU KMI CultliiK i,....ii„.i„c™ A n„ y A ‘ 7,(Kiu.,.i‘,,i,uoArr„ir« 0 7 I SWiaroymiiownlMi'ine..! for MukIc Vnllcv Mi.KloV..lk-v(•(Vmnttcl. SH I'r Uoi.rM Coininittcc (ciiatsiiKT * I’Hiiiinf* (liRW A cJiUs . mi Akvc.vc. lv.) inj{, |; iij O coIc < jiliiiiI K« Hc-lrvat Ikiiil{.(2K)B liliic C om er (KMIU SlM.slj..nilllC) ( ) ’!. u n ,,U l ; ,l . uu, I Cull toduy for m ore intbrm ution 20»-7>4-7161 I 20»»0».«ni | wwwJWKyt.wyatboiw.cem

« > / ) :i;U<),.m K lh tx m C nnttln^ ttl O -f I1:(K)»ii ~ 2 H tc y l y 'llic C'litcrlnu l<iu 1 2 K)»iii K lhlxin O 7:0()mti IMhllc A nU im O 1— . iuH y C > i (UttlliiKliiK Slarlxiclw (toiuniiiicc (CIiaiiilK-r r) p N»Nurm-H r.ifc (Hy? M.iln Avv.V. \W.) <) n in e ljiUoe< iiU-d. N.) onicc) <):(N)]ini AKri'iltii•lltiHlncsN drxcvA ; Spedal Ever: n t s , ^k-liolarMlilf) IlaminclI>(iii (-ITC 0. UUSK? [nJCsJOTlaUUOMrliMSfSM P a r t i e s , I'liir^nKtndH) N o v . ' B a n q u e tt s s ------— y j 1):iM)um AtfribttHiiicsH______S_5iftQiuiiUilbboi;lun {'iinlntf. ______HI ______'• ' 7 :0 » uhi l^il.ll^Amiirn" .v •McctimnKinnHisrr------t/ (CJmnilHjfOllitlllicc) / I.INC (11H:> 1^1l^iHllatKl 5/ (Joiiiiiiltice (Cluunl>cr / f f ^ 208-733-244 1 7 Oloilicc) D r. N. S lo. C) C atering C orporate\te <£ ((il > S o c ia l E v e n ts sin c et m/! i

_ 1 2 «> Twill Falls 2 O T

I T j mI K ixchil E ^

^K A RiiiiiiN I ; lija 'iJiJi' -

I l i i i j j / ja a fZlapiSiliJiJ -iJV j j l I l f ' ' ' t m 'C Jijijjxiij 1^i L Q V S i x i a x i i

istim ates * FREE DeD e l i v e r y >LnE SHOWROOMM lurfoce, Engineered StiS t o n e & ate Countertops isis.C D in h E N 3 4 - 1 4 23 4 JIV J K L ix c l W in Figlls ATED ■ ★ FREE Esind Ave. W . '* Tw ______I Nt C O R^ P O R > ■ ★ COMPU I -k Solid Sur H L om inat

/T'» T d N ew s I S 7 3 mes-I 5 'S X 7 6 7 2 ni ( h m ® sb s ' m i agi< via lley.€ o nr t f ______

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S p e c i a l i s t 1 0 J Mondty, October!!f 15,2007 ScnfflOM BMt. TwHn Falli, Idaho P

t L eadership) O ff to a Gre

I session he Chamber':icr's M agic V alley A dult Lea-eadershlp program startedd wwith he Magic: Valley' Student Leadershiihip group held their first se College of D big bang5 onoi September ,12lh and1 i:13th. 34 participants spentnt the last montllth at the Magic Valley Clu:iiallenge Course 011 th e Co heir limits {inie gellingIlg acquainted with each otiierot and testing their persierson- Southern1 IdahoI Campus. More thahan 30 students tested thei ikllls and listening skills. aUllcs. Then, tiie groi;roup lieaded for the Magicgic Valley Challenge Coursese 1on and focused on1 tlielrI cnnimunicatlon skll llic College of Southithem Idaho campus. Tiie next session>11 , Business Day, will be heldlu on November I6lh1 inIn con- .eadershlp program. The: focusfo . Adull Leadership hoilolds a session encli monthlth. focusing on a differentIt ju n c tio n w ith th e M agic Valley A dult Lea ; introducing the studentsts tto th e aspect of our coinrnumunlty. By the end of lhee 1 10 sessions, p a rtic ip a n ts! wlwill will beon Intervrvlewlng skills as well as In In our community. If youu o r y o u r better know and undnderstand what the Magic{lc Valley has to offer. Tliey'lly'll unlimited busimness op|>ortunltles within lio n a b o u l M agic V alley StuS tu d en t also build valuable; leadershipie skills to applyly In1 both their personal andind business Is intcrt’rested In more informatlo w lo sponsor an event, |)lea•lease con* professional lives. Leadersiiip, iiowtw to get Involved or liow I tact Jessica at tinhe Chamber at 733.39744 orc email Jesslcaft'’iwlnfallsallsciinm - Upon graduation froifrom the program, partlcipirlpants assist with developnu)nient ber.com. of the programs for>r iin e x t y ear’s class. If y(Jti*rti*re Interested In lea rn in g mme ore about Magic Valleyy AAdull Leadersiiip, contaciact Bobbl al the Cliamber•a al t • 7 3 3 .3 9 7 4 o r em ail i)ct>obbiC'''twinrallscliamber.c ir.com. Currently we have''a a w ^ a it- Ic for tlie 2008.2009 sessloilon ■ so call soon! lng list of 25 people I i . ______r a M k M

Pfesidenl/CEO...... thashawn9lMrinlAlh(hamt)«r.com ShOVVJlown Barigar: “ PCoo. ... bobbi»twlnf>ll»h.mbcr.»mmfiobfei/VIe . Inlormatlon Coordl |udlt91wln(Allichamt>«f.

8 5 8 bBlue: Lakes Boulevard NovJorth fWIN FAILS - ' s . , T w inn Falls, ID 83 3 0 1 S J P h onc: n 208-733-3974 w V i J l F ax:2: 208-733-9216 rwh/dbAmOmb itaefoaniiationBiwidhgmenbenasinnsm ngtulnea ^ vaiKvUantnlhaM nomkiitel^anSqueilyetKtheuramxnvngr^.

^ f c vlslti iCibslngjbi* I ' ’"

H | OPEN 7 DAYS A \W EEK -9am to 5pm ^e+ youi* y

• S o u v e ni i r r s ^ ^ u1/ n i q u e

• V isitor IIInform ation ^ J d a Kk i o i \ ) a t g ceo t <; • E asy A ccccess to the / n o w p l a i c e s ! ^ C a n y o nI RI i m T r a i l _ i J . ' •* • ^* * 2 * . , • • ^ m * ■ ^ w »*

T his is thetl time of year thatat driver's need to taka k e e x t r a ■% ^ precaulution. The county roadsrc have farm equi] u i p m e n t i traveling asa: well as a lot of roioad construction in) s< s e v e r a l places.

I jipm ent t r a v e l i n g ontn our county ^ d h i g h w a y s can p o s>e e a hazard to ^ A ■>>if.. ' lot paying attention,. Farm equip- ' arge and travels at slo;low speeds. Use ^ Itio n when a p p r o a c:hing h i farm machin- lads and w hen approroaching field entrancn c e s . itin g ^n d ejflg ee

j well as other motorisrist during inclementIt w\ e a t h e r , 3ho Code 49-654, yo/ou can be cited forr travelingti >r current road condiiditions. For hfr i e e p a r e n t g u id e sbs'iita praveitftng underage drdrinking, visit ww\V w .fam il^lkq^ ^ e 2 r, nothing is worth ccrashing just to save/ e a f e w o r call 1-800-3■359-TALK. 7 M

Information co:ourtesy of the Twin Falls Countyty Sheriff's office

It.: -o you l.y avc a question about ananything you have readid in this r other traffic related issues,is: please feel freee tot co n - V iip il'^ Twin Falls County Sherieriff's Office Traffic Seele c tio n a t 7*4110. O r you can em;mail us with your commn m en ts o r Farm equiquestions at WWW.tMtwmfallscoso.com roads and driver's no ment is lar, extra cauti ery on roai

8 " s a 4 » This is also will becon- change, try time. Leav give yoursc road condi may need I safety as w Under Idah too fast for

Remember, minutes.

1 If you hav article or ( tact Ihe Tl f (208) 736-