FALL YOU I A f f l k A newV season for l l hhealth ( and style. NevadaN Ih four-Ot wliwin;' I llll II I mil Y.A4I I ___________ ^ _____________________ SPORTS.!rs.B l __ Good Morning - r r \ ^ MONDAY Low 42 October 15,2007 Sunny and mikl. 75 cents O0t8QcB4 im ( WS ll ------- “ Ma^Vakyxom rr-n IBLIC LAND MMANAGEMENTT ATRIEE FOB^ d a l eEMIUM C(k)ngFesss weighs\ ildemes»sbiU the bill and accuse Easternm posal m ay affect politicians of meddling Infn Western affairs. n e a rirly l; 1 0 m i l l i o n Sen. Max Baucus, D-Monl..I.. has opposed die bill in thele 5S i n I d a h o pa;past. Barrett Kaiser, Baucus's' spokesman,sp« said the senator3r rerremains opposed to peoplele BrMattCttClrtsteBsea fromfro die East Coast dictating Tlme»Wet-Wewi writer___________ publicpu land management in McMontana. controversialcoi bill that Rep.1 Denny Rehberg, R-I- I designate millions of Mont.,Mc also opposes NREPA.\. I Idaho> 1acres as wilderness SweepingSw measures oul ofJf areas will be discussed WashingtonWa are not die best5t Thursdaiday by a congressional waywa; to manage public lands,S, subcomiimmiltee. helie said In an e-mail. Nearlyirly 10 million acrcs In Idaho1< politidans have beenn centralal and nordiern Idalio, relativelyreli quiet on the propos­s- and aboiboul 13 million acres in al,al, perhaps bccause severalli I. odier UWestern stales, could haveha> iniroduced wilderness•S becomene protected wildemess planspla of dieir own. Rep. Mike;e A areas uunder the Nordiern SimpsonSin and Sen. Mike Crapo,3, K Rocklcsos Ecosystem Protecdon bodibot Idaho Republicans, havee K k Act, proproposed legislation near* sponsoredspc wilderness billsIs E . ly yea/ears in die making. The Uiattiia have recendy stalled. act ould closc most of the Simpson’sS bill, the Centralll wlldemcmess areas to motorized IdahoIdal Economic Development limitlln timber harvest and andanc Recreation Act, remainsIS ' mininglg and call for the controversial.cor It proposes to0 rem o\^i^ of 6,000 roads. giveglvi some federal lands to0 NRFP/2PA. which has wide coundescou and ddes for eco­I- Sindy Hiebado, left, tn b n c H Kay MIBer rt a dtdkttlM MfMMivny SSo^ay noniini at Imraacuiate Cence)nceptloa dinitli In Buia. HadwlTtabtiped erpnin a bipariisslisan support, is co- nomicnot development, keepp am oM fer IOPtf% too, Dtle, iriKMm(k body » u fomd In a TMfl FaB*aBtfaraieSapL U . sponsorcored by 114 rcpresenta- manymai areas open to die timber;r tives ancand is being carried by andand mining industries and cre­ Carolyn Maloney, D- ateate permanent areas forir York, and Christopher motorizedmo recreation. Youth grou]Lip dedicates;s memorial[to t slaying V]/ictim S.i, R-Conn. Many Western lawmakeikers, however, oppose Please see LANDS, Page A33 ByMeBsuDsvtio "it’s such1 a Ibeautiful gesture, iust beau-• Ing. intelligent young miman who was Ttme»Ntw* QOW—pondent_____________ aful,*saidPc{P c ^ Lemmons, Dule'tgrand-- always laughing and- wholo met people mother. witli a hug Instead of a handshake.hc He _ BUML — Kny Miller stlU11] smiless: when Tlie groupup had already planned thec loved cartoons, video gamimes and board C811incer rate low for nanative Americans she talks about h er son Dole.lie. garden as a icommunity scr\'ice projectI games. Anewow study roports ovoraU concor IncMncMortco is kwor lor Arrwrican "He loved people. Hc; lovedIc doing before Dale'se's ideath, said &mdy Machado,I, Hc had a soft spot for oranimals, Peggy Indianan and Atoskan notlvos thon amongong other races In mo U.S. things for somebody else,’Ise," she said, the organlzciIzer of Life Teens, llie niglitt said, and often rescued anlrlimalsinneed. d m t rato p«r 100,000 poopio foror allal titot. 2000K)4 'Anything that needed helpeip — he was beforc theyty starteds working on It, thes 'H e Just had dull kindI ofc hean," she 297 there." group heardird about Dale's death. ’Iliey/ said. Amorinortoin ImJlaiVAIasko natlvo J 5M H M 243 She said she wishes people)ple could look decided toI plantpl a Uce In the middle off Kay said she still strugglesles. AsiorVPodflc islandor ■ ■m ■ m■ m m m m 338 post the drcunisianccs of[ hishi: deatli and the garden1 to honor Dale, wiio hnd beenI "Today, right now, I’m doioing good.'she mm mmm 270 get to know the real Dale,e, whosev body acdvcly involvolved in Ufe Teens t\vo yearss said. 'Ibn minutes from no\low, I might not ^ — — — M e n H BJocKSSS■■■■■■■■1384 was found in a barrel Sept.It. 121 in a TWin before. be.” Falls garage. 'W ejustwwanted a to do something in his5 John Henry McEliiincy’ anda Cameron omon H H HtopAnIc liis Tamlly was able to temi:mporariiy for- honor in the cenier (of the garden),”' Watts arc both chargcd widid ) first-degree Kpn-Hlsponlc 5 J 5 S get the grim details of hfsI dcadidc Sunday Machado said«ild. The garden will eventual-• kidnapping and nrst*degrcjrec murder in morning at Immaculatee Conception( ly have a statitatue of the Virgin Mary and a1 Miller's death. Autopsy resusuits are pend- Whilo J 5 5■ Ji".' ' . ^ Church In Buhl. urc'H icns,i, a lii^I i school plaque wldih Dale’sE nam e on it s’o people; ing. s6uRCE:A AP ___ w u tli group, planted a honeyney locust tree wiii remembeiberhis family when they pray, Her son mode mistakes.>. Kay] said, but_____________ In Dale’s honor In a gardenen beiiind tiie she said, that doesn't changc how mnu i ch she loves y - i church. After the morningg churchcJ serv- After thele ccremony, Dale’s familyr him. ‘He was human. He3 hadI his good I O t 1 ice. Dale's family gathered1 wldiwl die con- exchanged mimemories of him with smiles> points] and his bad points,i, Ibut the good . V J Uincer l deathh rates are grcgatJon for a dedication ccnccremony. and tears. TlitTliey described him as a car- definitely> outweiglic^ the bad."bt — MUing fastenf than ever a a N w iu n l 'io.No. 2 canccr killer, deadis am! Council t(to review ddecision orinsubdlvission ^ itod Press writer_______ dro[Iropping faster Ior colorectalI cam:ancer than for any otherr Byiv«iS.Hopkin upheld a Planningg ond die proposal. Then,n, i on that Smith, an engineerci at WASHlIHINGTON — Good malinaiignancy by almost 5i Tlroe»Kawt witter ' Zoning Commission didenial night, they couldd r m ake a lUedcsei Englneeeering. news onon the cancer front: perclercent a year , among menI for Umbcrlake Village! SiSubdi- decision, 'A movie theleater is still Death ratesr ore dropping indand 4.5 percent among! The law of ihc land1 Is vision on nearly fivee iacres City Attorney;y Fritz kind of up in diiihe oir,” Smldi foster handiai ever, thanks to new wonvomen. sometimes as confusing; as soudi ofMarie Street andmd east Wonderlich saidId such said.'He’s got to;o split die par- progressss ogabisi colorectal OOi ne reoson Is thot colorec- the land itself. , ■ and-w est-of die 100 to 200 appeals typically / I happen cel Into two pleoeces, and then cancer. talai cancer< Is striking fewer The IWln inside1 blocks of McadowviewLV Lone, about once a year. he’s going to flgiu^ it o u t" A turnimlng point came In peojleople. the report found. ... The vote was 3-3. Odier Items on dieihe agenda The City CouncndlineetsatS 2002, scientistss< condude New4ew diagnoses are downI Sincii S A complete Councilm an Don Hallall wos includc consideraiioilion of a p.m. at 305 Thrh ird Ave. E. M ondayly in 1 the armuol 'Report rou{o u ^ y 2.5 percent a year for dcclde lonlghl schedule' Ofol absent Those who upupheld conveyance piat —- di the split- Meetings are o;open to the to the! Nation"( on cancer, botlloth men and women, whether h this week'sk'S the earlier decision1 icited ling of property Ininto two public. Betvreen:Ul 2002 and 2004, deadi diarhanks to screening t|^sts that: government concern uriih parkingng and pieces — of about 13131 acrcs at At 6 p.m. thee council will rates droptopped by an average of canian spot precanccrous polyps safety at the proposed1 ajapart- the northwest concorner of hold a publicc hearing to 2.1 percercentayear. in d -"““""es. n dmc to remove them andI * * ment complex, whichch was Madrona Street Nor^orth and increase the punimch-cardraie That mayn not sound like thushus prevent canccr from, nary plat after pmg^Ao2 expected to be subsidsidlzed Cheney Drive. from $100 to S12!25atdiedt/s much, butbu beiween 1993 and fomormlng. th e developers housing. The developer. Byro;yronKludi Municipal Golf Course.C 2001, dealleadis rates dropped on Sdll.Stl only about half die peo- appealed a decisioa madeide The developer wantmis to of Montana, is undundecided At 3:30 p.m.m. the City averageB 1.11. percent a y ^ . ilepie who need screening — earlier this month, becauseuse give it anodier go, accorcording about whedier he I wiwants lo C oundl will hoilold a special The bigbig changc was a two- cvcrvcryone over age 50 ~ gets. one councilman was absentent to a staff report ll's a two- develop the land or>r s< sell it A meedng to discussd the prongedd gain{ a^inst colorec- chechecked. for the vote. step proceiis; TonightIt they movie theater remain]ainsa pos- 'nansporiadon MasterN Plan. tal cancerM t. On Oct 1, the Qty Counciiicii could set a date to recontonsider slbility, accordingg to Val It is open lo the! public.p I Whileeit it remains die nadon's PleasePI see CANCCR, Page AS / Critics says{ ConAgraa Foods misishandledpoOt pie recall andoqiosedalia key weakness in alert TUeauesday afternoon and TheTh recall, which also I wttar thenadonlsrooiK>d safety system: asked stostores nadonwlde to induidudes beef pot pics to avoid 6 — I -------------- :— voluntary recalla lli'/ stopselUmUng Banquet and store- confonfiislon.
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