UNOFFICIAL ENGLISH TRANSLATION FOR REFERENCE (T AMSL Lawyers Via Zambianchi, 3 - Bergamo Tel. 035 212175 Fax 035 271110 O
[email protected] COURT OF MILAN APPEARANCE AND ANSWER CONTAINING PRELIMINARY MOTIONS PURSUANT TO ART. 183, COMMA 6, C.P.C . (PROC. N. 50660/2019 R.G. - DOCTOR BORONI) In the interest of defandants LINDSEY SCHUYLER, residing in ________________, New York (U.S.A.), n. passport _____________, and TONY LIU, residing in ____________, New York (U.S.A.), n. passport _____________, represented and defended by attorneys Marco Amorese (CF MRLC77A10A794B) (email:
[email protected] - fax 035271110) and Anna Orofino (CF RFNNA89A63A794N)(email:
[email protected] - fax 035271110), (both of the Foro di Bergamo and with offices in Bergamo (BG), via Zambianchi n. 3, and electively domiciled office of the same, with the right power of attorney attached to this action, - defendants - AGAINST plaintiffs DOLCE & GABBANA S.R.L . (C.F. and P.IVA 09297890155), DOLCE & GABBANA TRADEMARKS S.R.L. (C.F. and- actorsP.IVA - 05817370967) and STEFANO GABBANA (C.F. GBBSFN62S14F205S), with attorneys C. Ferdinando Emanuele and Francesca Gesualdi - plaintiffs - 1 1. THEDIETSODA LL.C. is the company founded by Tony Liu and Lindsey Schuyler that manages the website and the Instagram account @DietPrada. 2. Diet Prada was born in 2014 with the idea of being a forum for commenting on the lack of originality in the world of fashion. It quickly becomes a new media-brand known for its frank approach in dealing with important issues in the sector and beyond. 3. Diet Prada soon stands out for its ability to highlight themes such as racism, cultural appropriation, misogyny, sexual harassment, and any topic affecting the fashion sector and its role in society.