THE KENYA GAZETTE 16Th April, 1981

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THE KENYA GAZETTE 16Th April, 1981 t :** eL > ' / j < > >* F- ) f I i A M a B > l : e TH E KEN YA G A ZETTE Pubnshed by JkafhoHty ol f:e Repubie ot 'lenra (Rezstered as a Newspàper at th. e G.P.O.) Vol. LXX No. 17 NM RO BI, 16th Aprll, 1981 Price Sh- 3 . .J .....'....'. ' ' - CO E : GAZEW E NOTICES GUm'rB NoTlcF.s--.kC'onld.l Pzse PAO: 'rhe Land Control Act- Appointments . 548-555 Liquor Licdflsing' 578 Thc Trade Disptltes Act-rollection of Trade Union Probate and Admfnfltration. 578-579 I7ues . 555 ' The Companies Act-Dissolutjon . 579 The Public Trustee ActvAppointment of Assistant Public Trustees . 555 The Societies Rules--Registrations, etc. 579-580 Tlle Bankruptcy Act- Appointment of Deputy Oëcial 4rhe African Christian M arriage and Divorce Act-- Receiver . 555 W ithdrawal of Cancellation of Licence to Celebrate ' M arriages . ' . 580' 'rhe Oaths and Statutory Declarations Act-romrnissions 555 ' ' The Co-operative Societies Act-rlosure of Liquidation, The Registratlon of Titles Act--lssue of ' Provisional etc. 580-581 Certificates . ' . 556 ' ' . Loss of Policies . 581-542 The Parliamentaa and Presidential Elections Regulations . - Appointments . 556 Local Government .'Notices . 582-58' 3 High Court of Kenya- Kakamega Cause List . 556-557 Tenders . 583-585 Vacancies . 557-558 Customs and Excise-sale by Auction . .' 586-589 I'he M edical Practitioners and Dentists Act-Approved * The W ater Act- Registration of Dam Contractors, etc. 589-591 Institutions . 559-571 ' Change of Names . 585, 591 The Land Acquisition Act- - - . Civil Aviation Board-Application t . Notice of Intention 571 ' Notice of Inquiry 571 ; n e Government Lands Act- ' SUPPLEM ENT No. 18 Nyahururu ' Residential Plots . Legislative Supplement Notice of Intention w . 573-574 . LBGAL No'ncE No. PAGB The ' Registered Land Act- lssue of New Land Certïcatzs . ' . 574-575 - 58--171e Land Adjudication (Application) t'Kilifi District) Order, 1981 . 67 . Transport Licensing-Approvals . 576-577 . 59-The Local Government (County of Kakamega) Industrial Court Award . -' . 577 (Amendment) (No. 3) Order, 1981 . (>7 J48 THE KENYA GAZETTE 16th April, 1981 CORRIGENDUM H Rntq.> tconld.l l'N Gazette Notice Nos. 1134 and' 1135 of 10th Apdl, 1981. W BSTBRN PltovlNcB substitute Hon. Samwel Ng'eny and W illiam Cherop . Murgor First Colunln second Column jor Samwel Ng'eny and W illiam Cherop Mutwol rospectively. Prokincial Commissioner . Western Provincial Director of Agriculture . Western GAZETTS No'rlcB No. 1196 Provincial Land Registrar . Western ' Councillor Epainito W anyamâ W estern THB LAND ,C ONTROL ACT John M adete . W estern (Cap. 302) . Jonatilan M asinde . W estern . IN EXERCISE of powers conferred by section 5 of the Land Control Act, the M inister of State responsible for mattcrs re ja t. Ibrahim Ogola Cheka W estern ing to land appoints the persons named in the Schodule to be xvaszw pRovjxcs members of the respective land control boards specilied in the . ' Second Column for tiw period ending 31st M arch, 1985. ProYincial Commissioner . Nyanza SCHEDULE P rovincial Land Registrar/lnspector Nyanza N Provincial Land Adjudication. Omcer Nyanzn AIROBI PROVINCB ' First Column . Second Coiumn Paul Oruya . Nyanza Provincial Commissioner Nairobi Aifred Aguko Omoro Nyanza District Agricultural Oëcer . Nairobi Jotham Okumu Ounga Nyarlza Senior Chief Boniface W aweru. xairobi Nashon Ouko . Nyanzà Chid Planning Oëcer xairobi Solomon Joseph Okach Nyanza Councillor Zakaria M aina Nairobi RIFT VALLEY Pkovlxcs samwel M buru . Nairobi Provincial Commissioner . Rift Valley Francis John Kahumbu Nairobi Provincial Director of Agliculture Rift Valley samuel Kibiku . Nairobi Provincial Land Registrar . Rift Valley John Njenga Nairoéi Kimani Njangiru . Rift Valley James Kamere . Nairobi Job M oika Lalampaa Rlft Valley provincial Commissionor Dagoretti Ernest Rosha . Rift Valley District Agricultural Oflicer . Dagogtti Biwot Koros . m ft Valley . senior Chief John Kinuthia W apyee Dagoretti Leposo o1e Sauli . Rift Valley Haji Salim Nganga . Dagoretti coas.r pRovlxcs M orris Gitau Nganga . Dagoretti p vjncial Commissioner ro . Coast Daniel Kinuthia M ugia Dagoretti provincial Director of Agriculture . Coast Joremiah Kaire Kimotho . Dagoretti xrea settlement Controller , Coast . Coast charles Karao Thandi . Dagoretti sjward Musamuli Coast councillor James Wambu M ukiri . Dagoretti xjuguna wakaba Coast councillor Geoftrey Mwangi Ndirangu Dagoretti Joseph Musembi coast Dated the 18th M arch, 1981. Nebert Mwachoni Coast G. G. KARIUKI, Ud M inister t7/ State. a Kom ora . Coast CENTRAL PROVINCB Provincial Commissioner . Ceritral GAZETTE N oTlcE No. 1197 provjncial Director of Agriculture . Central THB LAND CONTROL ACT Provincial Director of Livestock Development Central (Cap. 302) Perminus M wangi . i Central fN EXERCISE o f powers conferred by sectfon 10 of the Land Robinson Wangome . ' Central ' control Act, the M iniste' r of State responsible for matters relat- ' y'tancis Karua ing to land appoints the per' sons named in tlze Schedule to be . central members of the respective land control appeals boaTds speci fie (j Kanyua Gathungura Central in the Second Column for the period ending 31s.t 'M arch, 1985. Edward Kairu Kinyua . Central SCHEDULE ' ' Dated the 18th M arch, 1981. N . o. o. vapjuul, xlaosl PRovlxcs - Mînister oj state Fîrst column second Column . larovincial Commissioner . x airobi . Provincial Co-operative Omcer . Nairobi GAZE'I'I'B NOTICB No. 1.198 District veterinary Omcer, Nairobi Nairobi ' Tl'lE LAND CONTROL ACT Odeny Oduong . Nairobi Mark W am bugu Kaigwa N airobi W aP. 302) IN EXERCISE of powers conferred by section 5 of the Land zqkaria Gakunju Nairobi control 'Act, the Minister of State responsible for matters relat- EASTER.N ikovlxcB . ing to land appoints the persons named in the Schedule to be . members of the respective land control boards specified in the provincial Commissioner . Eastern second column for the period ending 31st M arch, 1985. Provincial Director of Agriculture . East>rn * SCHEDULE Provincial Co-operative Oëcer Eastern cows,r pRowxcs Daniel M 'Iringo Eastern u O mJlasu pistact - Justus Mulandi Eastern Fîrst Column second Column Njagi Rurima . Eastern District Commissioner M ombasa Christopher Kimwathi Eastern District Agricultural Oëcer . M ombasa Josphét Malombe Maso Eastern 1 Town Clerk, Mombasa Municipal Council Mombasa 14th Jkprg, 198$ THE KENYA GAZETTE 54$ SCHEDULE-VV/?I/J-) SCHBDULE-VVJ/Ifd.) First Cö/umn Second Column C Kwale District ouncillor Khalif Ahmed Salim . M ombasa yirst column second ctlzl/rnn Councillor Shuwekha Saidi Rashid (Mrs.) M ombasa okstrict Commissioner M atuga Mohamed Ali M wàchikuvwi M ombasa Assjstant Agricultural Olcer o . M atuga Seif Salim M ombasa prjncjpalMatuga District Developmenthcentre 'Matuga , Ngiri Marigu . M ombasa councillor Hamisî Juma Madzitsa Matuga M ohamed Mwenyiyai Mombasa councillor Suleiman Omari M airi Matuga Samwel Edhnund Fondo Mombasa Raslzid .M bwana M atuga Ali (Jmar Kimwaga Mombasa AIi Aji K:nyu . M atuga Juma Mzee Mombasa Mohamod Bakarï Ropîa Matuga Lamu District Bakari Juma Kizuka M atuga District Commissioner Lamu District Commiskioner Hinterland Diptrict Agriculturgl Ofcer . Lamu Assistant Agricultural Oflicer Hinterland District Livestock Ofliccr Letmu Assistant Range Ofiicer Hinterland Councillor Mohamed Farah Lamu Councillor Isaiah Chakaya Hinterland Councillor Ali Hashim Lamu Coundllof Rocky M chinga Hinterland Ali Ahamed Kulo Lamu Harrison Jefwa Hinterland Aboud Abdalla Baobad Lamu Mwadogo Ndaro Hinterland Twalib Mzee . Lamu Steptten M kalla Hinterland Joshua Munene Lamu Johnson Mwero Hinterland Fadhil M aawiya tzamu Edward Jeupe . Hinterland Omar Atik Lamu Bekama Toya Hinterland Kilis District Disi Kirorezi Hinterland District Commissioner Central District Commissioner . southern District Agrioulturzl Oëcer Central Assistant Agricultural Oëcer southern District Settlement Omcer Central District Settlement Oëcer . southern Salimin Mbinyo Centraj councillor Mzee M wamiru Kasirani southern LM.o uncillor Mauriye Kazungu Mangi Central Coullcillor Ali Ringi Southern Councillor Shariff Alwi Central Swaleh Hamisi Kuzi . Southern Shosi M ohamed Central Hamadi Mwagumbo . southern Salim M ote Ali Kiponda Ganzari soutbern . Central Benjamin Kenga Shah Central M attam e M tengo . southern Sheikh Abdalla Mohamed Suleman Central Kassim Omari Masemo . Southern Joseph M tksomlbi Central Ex-chief Kea Boi Mwandei soutlaern District Commissioner M alindi Francis Tsuma Rai southern District Agricultural Omcer District Commissioner Kubo . Malindi District Settlement Omcer M ajjyjtjj Assistant Agricaltural Ogker Kubo Councillor Joshua lha District Livestock Oïcer . Kubo . M alindi Councillor Henry Thoya Baya M alindi Councillor John Nthenge M uteti Kubo Joseph Menza Shangiya M alindi Councillor Salimu Mwabando Mwagute Kubo Saliriz Mohamed M alindi Joh.n M ulli . Kubo William Kadenge M alindi James Ndambuki syuki Kpbo Mansur Naji Saidi M alindi M uteti Nzimu . Kubo Charo Kombo Joshua Kavoi Kubo . M alindi District Commissioner Kaloleni Ali Abdalla Koi Kubo District Agricultural Oëcer Kaloleni Mwavumbo Mbwaaa Chattgoma . Kubo District Land Adjudication Oëcer Kaloleni Salimu Ndoro Kubo Councillor Danièl Runya Gamba Kaloleni Taita-yaveta District Councillor Kahindi Jogolo Kaloleni ojstrict Commissioner W undanyi Johnstone Muramba Kàloleni oistrict Agricultural OEcer . W undanyi Japhet n vuku Kaloleni oistrict Livestock Development O/cer W undanyi Chrisptls Jando Kaloleni councillor Geoflrey Kildta . W undanyi HStephen M akonde Kaloleni
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