THE KENYA GAZETTE Published by Authority of the Republic of Kenya (Registered As a Newspaper at the G.P.O.) Vol
NATIONAL COUNCIL FOR LAW REPORTING SPECIAL ISSUE LIBRARY THE KENYA GAZETTE Published by Authority of the Republic of Kenya (Registered as a Newspaper at the G.P.O.) Vol. CXXII — No. 24 NAIROBI, 4th February, 2020 Price Sh. 60 GAZETTE NOTICE No. 786 THE MEDICAL PRACTITIONERS AND DENTISTS ACT (Cap. 253) THE MEDICAL PRACTITIONERS AND DENTISTS (MEDICAL INSTITUTIONS) (AMENDMENT) RULES, 2017 (LAT. 3 of 2017) CATEGORIZATION OF FACILITIES IT IS notified for the general information of the general public that in exercise of powers conferred by section 23 of the Medical Practitioners and Dentists Act, the Cabinet Secretary for Health, after consultation with the Medical Practitioners and Dentists Council, has categorized the following facilities under section 15 of the Act. Categorization Facility Description and services Level 1 Community Health facility that focuses on— Health Facility (a) ensuring individuals, households and communities carry out appropriate healthy behaviours; and (b) Recognition of signs and symptoms of conditions that need to be managed at other levels of the system. Level 2 1. Medical Clinic A health facility for — (a) treating outpatients; and (b) intended for use for not more than 12 hours to provide services including but not limited to— (i) basic outpatient services; (ii) emergency maternity services; (iii) basic laboratory services; (iv) minor surgical procedures; and (v) outreach services (2) Dental Clinic An outpatient faCility for the treatment of dental related problems. 3. Dispensary/ A health facility for— Faith