Timeline / 1300 to 2000 /

Date Country | Description

1304 A.D. Morocco

The great geographer Ibn Battuta, born in Tangiers, begins a 25-year journey that would take him to China in Asia and Timbuktu in Africa.

1349 A.D. Morocco

Sultan Abu Inan founds the library of the Qarawiyin Mosque in Fez.

1350 A.D. Morocco

Abu Inan builds the Buinaniya madrasa in Fez, where Marinid decorative arts find their full aesthetic expression.

1380 A.D. Morocco

Ibn Marzuq, celebrated historian of the Marinid Sultan Abu al-Hassan, dies in Fez.

1415 A.D. Morocco

The Portuguese take the town of Sebta.

1458 A.D. Morocco

The Portuguese take the town of Qsar al-Saghir.

1489 A.D. Morocco

A Portuguese column infiltrates Moroccan lands and begin work on the Graciosa fortress on the Loukkos River.

1497 A.D. Morocco

The Duke of Medina-Sidonia takes the town of .

1505 A.D. Morocco

The Portuguese found the fortress of Santa Cruz de Aguer near to the village of Founti.

1529 A.D. Morocco

Ibn Askar, author of the hagiographic dictionary Dawhat al-Nachir. is born in Chefchaouen.

1549 A.D. Morocco

The Sa‘dids crush the last Wattasids and enter Fez amid much ceremony. Date Country | Description

1552 A.D. Morocco

Death of the great geographer al-Hassan al-Wazzan (Leo Africanus), whose works, written in Latin, illuminated many aspects of civilisation in the Maghreb.

1578 A.D. Morocco

The Sa‘dids win the Battle of Oued al-Makhazin (Battle of the Three Kings – resulting in the death of ‘Abd al-Malik, Don Sebastian, King of Portugal and al- Mutawakkil) and the coronation of Ahmad al-Mansur al-Dhahabi (‘the golden’).

1578 - 1579 A.D. Morocco

Ahmad al-Mansur starts work on the al-Badi Palace (the Incomparable) in Marrakesh and reorganises sugar production in Chichaoua, Darâ and Essaouira regions.

1609 A.D. Morocco

Muslims and Jews expelled from Castile, La Mancha and Extemadura, Andalusia, Catalonia and Murcia begin to settle in Morocco and other countries in the Maghreb.

1631 A.D. Morocco

‘Alawid Sharif Mulay Ali al-Sharif is proclaimed Sultan of Morocco.

1672 A.D. Morocco

Mulay Isma‘ïl makes Meknes the capital of the kingdom and starts work on his royal fortress complete with palaces, granaries, lakes and stables. It is reminiscent of the Topkapi Sarayi Citadel in Istanbul.

1682 A.D. Morocco

Mulay Isma‘ïl takes the town of Mamora back from the Spanish and it is renamed al-Mahdiya.

1757 A.D. Morocco

Sultan Sidi Muhammad Ibn ‘Abdallah succeeds his father, opens up trading relations with Europe and undertakes a huge programme of construction and fortification of the Atlantic towns.

1765 A.D. Morocco

Sidi Muhammad ibn ‘Abdallah founds the port town of Essaouira and begin the economic reorganisation of the kingdom.

1844 A.D. Morocco Date Country | Description

Defeat of the Moroccan army by the occupying French forces in Algeria at the Battle of Isly.

1851 A.D. Morocco

French ships bombard the town of Salé.

1906 A.D. Morocco

The colonial powers sign the Act of Algeciras, proclaiming the independence of the Sultan of Morocco, the integrity of the empire and the economic equality of the colonial powers.

1912 A.D. Morocco

Mulay Hafid signs the treaty for the French protectorate in Morocco

1921 A.D. Morocco

Moroccan resistance fighters win the Battle of Annual in the Rif, defeating the .