MELILLA PERSPECTIVES ON A BORDER TOWN Michaela Pelican and Sofie Steinberger (eds.) Kölner Arbeitspapiere zur Ethnologie / Cologne Working Papers in Cultural and Social Anthropology (KAE) No. 6 Printed with support of the Global South Studies Center (GSSC) of the University of Cologne Kölner Arbeitspapiere zur Ethnologie No. 6 Cologne Working Papers in Cultural and Social Anthropology No. 6 Köln / Cologne 2017 ISSN 1864-7766 Editor INSTITUT FÜR ETHNOLOGIE, UNIVERSITÄT ZU KÖLN DEPARTMENT OF CULTURAL AND SOCIAL ANTHROPOLOGY, UNIVERSITY OF COLOGNE Address Albertus Magnus Platz D 50923 Köln Phone 0049 (0) 221/470 – 2274 Fax 0049 (0) 221/470 – 5117 Email
[email protected] URL MELILLA PERSPECTIVES ON A BORDER TOWN Special issue edited by Michaela Pelican and Sofie Steinberger Cologne Working Papers in Cultural and Social Anthropology No. 6 University of Cologne 2017 4 5 EDITORIAL his special issue deals with the complex tory art and action project Kahina. We also situation of Melilla as a border town thank the Centro de las Culturas de Melilla that links Spain and Morocco, Europe for supporting the project that has led to this T and Africa. It addresses this subject collaboration. from a historical and contemporary perspec- tive and integrates various forms of reflection, This publication was made possible with the including academic, personal, and photo- generous support of the Global South Studies graphic accounts. Center (GSSC) of the University of Cologne. Our thanks also go to Constanze Alpen for the The contributions in this volume shed light professional layout and design as well as to on the city‘s historical, political, and social Carola Jacobs for editorial support.