Eleven Yachts Across The
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I J 4- I g I 8 THE FUN ffiThTfi V APRIL 2 1905i t sod UP their 1 difficulty wax to have the cup given to the thh engine it- the water line 27 feet 4 beam and I boat titmaSti and U hU own I a b I I BEST KEEP OUT OF VENEZUELA KnUerllcher Yacht Club and have a com- ¬ we out that U feet 0 inches Inch I A The TbUtle a steel e asel built from t point went to Rive tel C U 160 I 1 4 t mittee on this side of the Atlantic look ale the race boat and handsomely equipped design by H She t t44 and stein lo or one of too vexrcls The Apache owne Ran- ov r 110 feeL on the water line 28 after the detail of the race hers Then tlui shoals when i I near approaching draught She wa p i- gt dolph of the auxiliaries that will feet and U rot ron ronEiaxEn TO any American might tile loo I bam ir5 iiinn yarhtsman nter land on Hii other and to uso built The can fast too I Emperors a big amount of canvas when the UKT A Eleven YacHts boat and there would be mi trouble caused HttKUII 10 Itll nil Of Now however wind U She In a bark Coming up from Newport News on one of I XATirir nil I Attracts etween two of tho leading clubs of thUt It N iiil a thai must boat toni wn tIme While Heather I in a of wind the remove tholr propoller but unity I dinmen made 61 knots In 4 which Is to Race British country That Is how the matter lion carry Her net tonnage 107i and her Anti Those Who Are In have Made them on dock Hlomt 178 feet 0 tactics on the water line good going TItle hour Is now nearly firm Gorman finally been arranged the are Very Uncomfortable In Year < > and and lotnmltteo Ill rflfo will he the mOt Interesting of Its over nil 28 feet 2 Inches beam and to comml lon She will the lat fet i I Across the American on thU side U Commander Hitbblnghaus IU kInd ever willed been It Inch draught She was built In an ordinary schoonnrrigwlthaboomon the- They Have llrrn Athlilnc Inch Other I tIns Time A can square yachtsmen naval attach at the German Embassy throe rare acron ocean 1800 J Co Port Mr oj be a to Quilt Ttrfore Ihe Explosion I len it wind favors tiLe Came Allison V Armour C rietta Flawing anti vesta willed In Randolph purchased her Inst year and sail when the sets Ocean and I F Robinson I I Time studding thIs I The Henrietta won and- 1 her to other side said raflee and sail and under The present crisis In Venezuela no aur r Last December Commander Hebblnghaus i i Dauntless ivillod In IH70 and tho that with A fair wind this boat can log 18 of canvas a nice sailing broere prtte to those who are at all familiar f4it the contest I good L J announced conditions of the i won The Coronet and DnuuU Killed knota an and with a ady will make n record across the the way things have been going forwit which are as follow 1HS8 won well she will dangerous- ocean I In and the Coronet aft be In land of frequent revolu- H engaged WU last year that I Kals In tin coining raco thorn will be all sort Henry Rfldmond the yowl Cant Barr ha been to sail rllchr Yacht Club loojThe ocean At- ¬ I i M race U son three ma ted tion cup presented by II I M Ofrman Km- of of boat The alhalla h Intends to tl ocean for prizes who has had n lot todo with sporting scheme the A a- > The race aero thn rigged the Sunbeam i thre masted- I regattas at end In British waters dur lantic ThU boat year did Run ao early as last Aigust t t i I P ror I lIt > fl1 pro- well In races made b- t offered br he Gorman Empernr will b In which the German Emperor Is Interested The race In detail to be arranged br the topsail schooner the ttowana is a three The ilsa Is a Fife her to have foreigners told friends who happened to J Wa phenomenal sreud With all her kite the most Interesting contest of It II kind He was told of the race nnd asked to try Imperial Yacht Club at Rid mash schooner rigged auxiliary tho duction and was built for Jrcla In the country that If they had nothIng l I in 1805 Tnglis Glasgow She was- spread nearly 200UO square II thi race closed to Induce the Emperor to enter the Meteor Open to yachts of all nation and Apache hark a yawl at they liTer wiled The entriea for cruttlne i originally cutter and was ra d with a I feet of enn van and ttaere are many particular to keep them had enrolled In I others nn wboonetn a theN eleven bouts representing and get some other Gorman yachts into the reooirnlrtd yacht rlubr I she will win The prolong yesterday and The hlnip n l > ont in the race the Val- ¬ amount of success Mr Redmond think that the race bettor not their bul 4 country England and Germany urn contort lord Lon dal who U a shrewd Yacht mutt b of too tons American Cu Karl of Crawford had her brought to thl country three Alantlo was buit from designs by Gardner ness men who had gone to spy out the this oO halla owned b the She < torn House measurement or of tons Thames > Vigi- ¬ A Cox In 1003 She 14 all 1SS i to on MAY 18 of the Han 1y pre agent for the Emperor Instead of U entered from the Royal Yacht Squadron ago raced an Inut Itt feet over land with a view to the Investment of capital sehedtik4 tirt measurement and upward 29 3 I ¬ ¬ won some good races She ii 89 feet on the water line feet Inches beam Hook Lightship and nice aero the A- doing this cabled to the Emperor suggest- nod will Ix the mOt lant and returned with them report that tho riUhonettly Auxlllarr vrsurl are eligible but before i l on line ISO feet 0 Inches and IS feet draught This worn a cup ¬ tho fleet of rao r rlggd and feet the water I to line off the Lirard on the ing that he should offer for a trans- U of of tIme Government and Its hostility to for- tlantic Ocean a starting mutt remove their propellers from H the only ship rigged yacht afloat Her over all U 8 inches briim anti 16 feet change have een In the ballast England The length atlantic race and got a reply at once saying frt In Lead has on any kind southwest mast of the shafts tonnage 04779 nat < JTfl feet a Sis will be oliarcn of the boat been bolted the tt eigners were such as to render COO SlOW The tOO Inch It U thought long 3 he would give one to the York race to be on May U ¬ in Kane which will aid her in her of this courre U a little more than that sailed I incite lent measured between perpen- the race and Grenvilto of foreign enterprise In Venezuela unsafe such a course only Yacht Club and that he would suggest and to be from Sandy Hook Lightship to the 17 feet beam and JO feet and Paul Eve Stephenson will make the Journey returning nautibal miles but tan dicular Phila- ¬ I Since then every timelier has of Commodores of tlzard IUhthome The start will be at 7 Inches She was built by Ramage across ocean In her The will represent the be called with a fair wind all the way over that a committee the I brought a tale of discontent earl iinrett and 3 oclock In the afternoon of that date Ferguson Lelth In 1892 Allan L a fast craft under all conditions delphia Corinthian This bout will be Increased according to the way leading American English German and l and at Yacht bv Edward R Coleman and was a constant expectation of something going- It I Three yachts to or no race world first owner She sailed over the New York charge th- start over the tier Cub Wilmington 1807 the wind draws ahead of the racers Austrian clubs take and that The race will be tailed according wa Laycock and he used to take course off the Hook In three hours built at in from designs to happen The popular Impression over to the Mr boy A R She Is an able a Of the eleven boata entered two the race be made aa international as possible International rules of the road at sen on crulsos to learn seamanship U a record The Allsa has been thoroughly there was that war with 1885 overhauled and put In the but boat and has made many extended cruises Valhalla and Sunbeam represent England i To do this however it wa neoemry The owner or his representative to bo a Valhalla visited thl port In Lord p waa Ilkelv to noon During the winter many arrests have l been made on the charge of complicity In revolutIonary plots and citizens and ON signers have been harassed nnd annoyed- In numberless ways In October a month alter the adoption of a new school l w I modelled on that of France forty of the few schools In the country were clcKvvi for lack of funds to carry them on and tho i number of teacher was reduced in thC others I The customs regulations have become I extremely exacting as a safeguard Importation of arms And am ¬ munition as an to the depleted I urOWANA treasury of tho TIme en- ¬ actment in this department requires thafl THISrLI 1 ENOYMION every one country fur an inventory of the contents of Mi at her trunks on meturnimmg shah be liablvl for duty on everything not contained In this Fear of the Importation of lit so that a loa of photo- graphic materials sent to an American reel ¬ at Chri was tukou for nn Infernal machine It was Inspected by tho cuMonm officer before it was to leave the It was then taken to the custom- house and carefully examined again The use Iost Olflu of Venezuela ait an adjunct to time Scret Service Bureau H notorious Ewry tray eller leaving time country carries from SCINBEA to a letters to jest after I reaching England Germany or Inlteil- PHE States an time ai ThU U u> make sure that no accident happens to the Hamburg Is entered by a German to get Sir Thom these missives- syndicate and the AlIas Dtowana Apache Lipton to A New York man some tlrnd Thistle A Hildegarde Endyinion- his otter In favor of In Venezuela last received no letter several and Fleur Ito are owned by Ameri- ¬ the Emperor as It was from hU sweetheart for months This ought to have satisfied any cans Of these though the Thistle