Dimensions of Work Ability. Results of the Health 2000 Survey]
Jorma Järvisalo and Seppo Koskinen, editors Jorma Järvisalo and Seppo Koskinen, Ilmarinen, Juhani Raija Gould, Dimensions of Helsinki 2008 Helsinki Work Ability Results of the Health 2000 Survey Raija Gould, Juhani Ilmarinen, Jorma Järvisalo and Seppo Koskinen, editors Work ability is an essential prerequisite for well-being Ability Dimensions of Work and employment. This book describes the work ability of working-aged Finns on the basis of material from the extensive Health 2000 Survey. It focuses on the multidimensionality of work ability. How are health, work, expertise, and attitudes related to perceived work ability? Are the unemployed able to work, and does the work ability of older workers suffice for lengthening their careers? Furthermore, has the work ability of the Finnish population changed over the last few decades? By shedding light on these questions, the book provides a comprehensive information basis for everyone who is interested in the contents and promotion of work ability. Dimensions of Work Ability Results of the Health 2000 Survey Raija Gould, Juhani Ilmarinen, Jorma Järvisalo and Seppo Koskinen, editors Helsinki 2008 Publishers Finnish Centre for Pensions (ETK) FI-00065 Eläketurvakeskus, Finland www.etk.fi The Social Insurance Institution (Kela) PL 450, FI-00101 Helsinki, Finland www.kela.fi National Public Health Institute (KTL) Mannerheimintie 166, FI-00300 Helsinki, Finland www.ktl.fi Finnish Institute of Occupational Health (FIOH) Topeliuksenkatu 41aA, FI-00250 Helsinki, Finland www.ttl.fi Graphic design Katri Saarteinen Layout Merja Raunis Figures Heidi Nyman ISBN 978-951-691-096-6 (printed book) ISBN 978-951-691-097-3 (PDF) Waasa Graphics Oy, Vaasa 2008 Dimensions_of_Work_Ability.indb 2 23.4.2008 13:18:49 Preface The focus on the population’s work ability has changed over the years due to changes in working life, public health, population structure, culture and societal norms.
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