Experiences of the Heinrich Böll Foundation Across the World Imprint
International Women’s Day in Karachi: Pakistani students demonstrate against violence against women Gender politics makes a difference experiences of the heinrich böll foundation across the world imprint Gender politics makes a difference experiences of the heinrich böll foundation across the world published by the heinrich böll foundation text: Renate wilke-launer (assisted by the heinrich böll foundation offices worldwide) cover photo: Asif hassan / AFP / Getty images photos: heinrich böll foundation archives and axel harneit-sievers (14), cyril Koky (16), damon lynch (17), tlo (18, 20), wclrf (19, 21), ursula Meissner / laif (24), amos schliack / laif (27 upper), debbie hill / upi / laif (27 lower), Marcos aragão (34 upper), paula de andrade (34 upper), criola (35), Krona (36), equipo consultor desarollo y Géne- ro (38), liz frank (41), rea / laif (54), Michael wolf/laif (55), Michael ende (56), dpa (63), and Jonkmann / laif (64). not all copyright holders could be found; they are invited to contact the heinrich-böll foundation. © heinrich-böll-stiftung design: blotto, berlin printed by: agit-druck, berlin editing: Barbara unmüßig, claudia rolf, susanne dittrich, bernd rheinberg, robert furlong english translation: Kate sturge information correct at: december, 2009 copies of this report are available free of charge from heinrich-böll-stiftung schumannstraße 8, 10117 berlin www.boell.de GENDER POLITICS MAKES A DIFFERENCE EXPERIENCES OF THE HEINRICH BÖLL FOUNDATION ACROSS THE WORLD Contents FOREWORD 3 MISSION STATEMENT 4 INTRODUCTION 5 { PORTRAIT: Ludmila Kabanowa } 8 I. GAINING POWER 10 Building political participation 11 Implementing women’s rights 16 Combating sexual discrimination 23 { PORTRAIT: Rukshanda Naz } 28 II. building A GENDER-EqUITABLE SOCIETy 30 Reshaping society 31 My image belongs to me 40 Resisting violence against women 42 { PORTRAIT: Ana Paula Assubuji } 50 III.
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