Microlepidoptera.hu 8: 29–42. (2015) 29 New findings of case-bearing moth species of Goniodoma and Coleophora genera from the Balkans (Lepidoptera: Coleophoridae) Ignác Richter & Gabriel Pastorális Abstract: During our research of Coleophoridae distribution in the Balkans, we have identified several moth species as new ones for some of the Balkan countries. There were identified 13 new moth species in Croatia, further 30 in Macedonia, 25 in Montenegro and 15 in Bulgaria. At the same time we may state, that 11 of the all identified species were identified as new for the Balkans, and one of these species (Coleophora amasiella) is considered a new member of the lepidopteran fauna of Europe. Furthermore, we suc- ceeded to record and describe a female of Coleophora parvicuprella BALDIZZONE & TABELL 2006, that has not been known to the science, yet. Its detailed description and quality photographs are presented herein after. Keywords: Lepidoptera, Coleophoridae, Goniodoma, Coleophora, Croatia, Macedonia, Mon- tenegro, Bulgaria, new records, Coleophora parvicuprella, female description. Author’s addresses: Ignác Richter | 971 01 Malá Čausa 289 | Slovakia | E-mail:
[email protected] Gabriel Pastorális | Košická 22/39 | 945 01 Komárno | Slovakia | E-mail:
[email protected] Introduction In this article we summarise results of our surveys, during which we have focused our attention to the presence and distribution of Goniodoma and Coleophora genera members in some of the Balkan countries. Surveys were executed sporadically by the (with a few exception) first author, in period from 2010 to 2014, in different localities of Croatia, Montenegro, Macedonia and Bulgaria. After proper determi- nation of the collected specimens, we have compared the historically known dis- tribution data of the species, with the actual ones, listed at the Fauna Europaea website (www.faunaeuropaea.org.).