The schooling of Roma children in Belgium The parents’ voice The schooling of Roma children in Belgium The parents’ voice COLOFON Schooling of Roma children in Belgium. The parents’ voice. Deze publicatie bestaat ook in het Nederlands onder de titel: Scholing van Romakinderen in België. Ouders aan het woord Cette publication est également disponible en français sous le titre: Scolarisation des enfants roms en Belgique. Paroles de parents A publication of the King Baudouin Foundation, rue Brederode 21, 1000 Brussels AUTHOR Iulia Hasdeu, doctor in antropology, Université de Genève EDITORIAL CONTRIBU- Ilke Adams, researcher, METICES-GERME, Institut de sociologie, ULB TION CHAPTER 5 TRANSLATION Liz Harrison COORDINATION Françoise Pissart, director KING BAUDOUIN FOUN- Stefanie Biesmans, project collaborator DATION Brigitte Kessel, project manager Nathalie Troupée, assistant Ann Vasseur, management assistant GRAPHIC CONCEPT PuPiL LAYOUT Tilt Factory PRINT ON DEMAND Manufast-ABP, a non-profit, special-employment enterprise This publication can be downloaded free of charge from A printed version of this electronic publication is available free of charge: order online from, by e-mail at
[email protected] or call King Baudouin Foundations’ Contact Center +32-70-233 728, fax + 32-70-233-727 Legal deposit: D/2893/2009/07 ISBN-13: 978-90-5130-641-5 EAN: 9789051306415 ORDER NUMBER: 1857 March 2009 With the support of the Belgian National Lottery FOREWORD Roma children… If ever there was a complex issue, conducive to controversy and prejudice, it is this. The cliché of parents exploiting their children by forcing them to beg dominates our perceptions.