Promoting the Social Inclusion of Roma

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Promoting the Social Inclusion of Roma EU NETWORK OF INDEPENDENT EXPERTS ON SOCIAL INCLUSION PROMOTING THE SOCIAL INCLUSION OF ROMA HUGH FRAZER AND ERIC MARLIER (NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF IRELAND MAYNOOTH, CEPS/INSTEAD) DECEMBER 2011 SYNTHESIS REPORT On behalf of the Disclaimer: This report reflects the views of its authors European Commission and these are not necessarily those of either the DG Employment, Social Affairs European Commission or the Member States. and Inclusion The original language of the report is English. EU NETWORK OF INDEPENDENT EXPERTS ON SOCIAL INCLUSION PROMOTING THE SOCIAL INCLUSION OF ROMA HUGH FRAZER AND ERIC MARLIER (NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF IRELAND MAYNOOTH, CEPS/INSTEAD) DECEMBER 2011 SYNTHESIS REPORT Overview based on the national reports prepared by the EU Network of Independent Experts on Social Inclusion Disclaimer: This report reflects the views of its authors and these are not necessarily those of either the European Commission or the Member States. The original language of the report is English. On behalf of the European Commission DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion SYNTHESIS REPORT Contents Preface 3 Summary, conclusions and suggestions 4 A. Summary 4 A.1 Overview of the situation of the Roma in the European Union (EU) 4 A.2 Assessment of existing policy and governance frameworks and identification of key policy priorities to be addressed in national Roma integration strategies 6 B. Conclusions and suggestions 12 1. Overview of the Situation of the Roma in the EU 16 1.1 Roma population across the EU 16 1.2 Geographical variations within countries 20 1.3 Poverty and social exclusion of Roma 22 1.3.1 Income poverty and deprivation 23 1.3.2 Educational disadvantage 24 1.3.3 Employment disadvantage 27 1.3.4 Poor health 30 1.3.5 Inadequate housing and environment 32 1.3.6 Limited access to sport, recreation and culture 34 1.4 Widespread discrimination and racism 35 1.5 Gender discrimination 38 1.6 Extensive data gaps 39 2. Assessment of existing policy and governance frameworks 42 2.1 Overall policy frameworks 43 2.2 Targets 47 2.3 National Reform Programmes (NRPs) and the Roma 48 2.4 Main strengths and weaknesses of policies 49 2.4.1 Income (tax and welfare policies) 50 2.4.2 Education 52 2.4.3 Employment 55 2.4.4 Health 57 2.4.5 Housing and environment 59 2.4.6 Personal social services 60 2.4.7 Sport, recreation, culture 61 2.4.8 Anti-discrimination 62 2.4.9 Gender equality 64 2.5 Use of EU Structural Funds 64 2.6 Role of civil society organisations and international organisations 67 1 SYNTHESIS REPORT 3. Key policy priorities for Member States 71 3.1 Key elements to include in Roma integration strategies 71 3.1.1 Overall elements 72 3.1.2 Access to education 74 3.1.3 Employment 78 3.1.4 Healthcare 82 3.1.5 Social and day-care services 84 3.1.6 Housing and environment 85 3.1.7 Income support 88 3.1.8 Transport 89 3.1.9 Sport/recreation/cultural activities 89 3.1.10 Anti-discrimination 89 3.1.11 Gender equality 92 3.2 Strengthening data collection, monitoring and evaluation 92 3.3 Strengthening cooperation and dialogue 94 3.4 Enhancing use of EU Structural Funds 97 3.5 Integrating Roma into Europe 2020 98 3.5.1 Integrating Roma into Europe 2020 targets 98 3.5.2 Integrating Roma into NRPs 99 2 SYNTHESIS REPORT Preface In a Communication issued in April 2011, the European Commission presented a European Union (EU) Framework for National Roma Integration Strategies up to 20201. This Framework seeks to ensure a more efficient monitoring of, and support to national and EU efforts with regard to Roma integration. This EU Framework should help guide national Roma policies and mobilise funds available at EU level to support Roma inclusion efforts. The Framework focuses on four pillars: access to education, jobs, healthcare and housing. Member States are expected to set individual national Roma integration goals in proportion to the Roma population on their territory and depending on their starting point. They have to submit national Roma strategies by the end of 2011 specifying how they will contribute to the achievement of these goals. These national strategies should pursue a targeted approach in line with the Common Basic Principles on Roma Inclusion2. In this context, the members of the EU Network of Independent Experts on Social Inclusion were asked, in their second 2011 country reports, to prepare country reports on the social inclusion of Roma. These reports are intended to contribute to the EU’s work on economic and social inclusion of Roma, following up the 2011 Commission’s Communication. Network experts from non-EU countries have also provided thematic reports on Roma (except Iceland). Experts for those Member States with very few Roma (i.e. LU, MT) did not prepare reports on Roma. Also the experts for Cyprus and Denmark, given the small numbers concerned, only produced short reports on Roma as part of wider reports on migrants and/or other ethnic minorities. This Synthesis Report draws on the experts’ reports covering 25 of the 27 EU Member States. It gives an overview of the situation of Roma in the EU, assesses existing policy and governance frameworks in Member States and identifies common themes among the key challenges that experts address to Member States in relation to their preparation of National Roma Integration Strategies. It also contains a series of suggestions for advancing future work at national and EU level on promoting the social inclusion of Roma. We want to emphasise that in this Synthesis Report, where the experience in one or more individual Member States is highlighted, this is either because the independent experts from these countries have emphasised the particular point or because we think they represent a good illustration of the issue under discussion. Consequently, the fact that a particular country is mentioned does not necessarily mean that the point being made does not apply to other countries. In producing their reports, experts cite many different sources and reports in support of their analysis. References to these have not been included in this report. Readers wishing to follow up the original sources are invited to go to the individual experts’ reports. 1 European Commission, An EU Framework for National Roma Integration Strategies up to 2020, COM (2011) 173 final, Brussels. It is available at: See also the press release launching the Framework which contains more links to the EU’s work on Roma: guiLanguage=en. 2 The 10 Common Basic Principles on Roma Inclusion were presented at the first Roma Platform meeting on 24 April 2009. They comprise: 1) constructive, pragmatic and non-discriminatory policies; 2) explicit but not exclusive targeting; 3) intercultural approach; 4) aiming for the mainstream; 5) awareness of the gender dimension; 6) transfer of evidence-based policies; 7) use of EU instruments; 8) involvement of regional and local authorities; 9) involvement of civil society; and 10) active participation of Roma. 3 SYNTHESIS REPORT Summary, conclusions and suggestions A. Summary A.1 Overview of the situation of the Roma in the European Union (EU)3 At the outset, it should be stressed that giving a good picture of the situation of Roma in the EU is seriously compromised by the lack of data. Data either do not exist or are out of date or are partial and incomplete. Qualitative studies or local studies on particular issues are more common than comprehensive quantitative national reports. In some countries, information gaps have been exacerbated with the recent arrival of European Roma from other EU countries and from outside the EU. The lack of data concerns a wide range of issues: lack of demographic data (population numbers, age, gender, geographical distribution, etc.); lack of data about income, wealth, poverty and social exclusion; lack of data about housing, health, education and employment outcomes; lack of administrative data (particularly in relation to access to services); lack of data about the extent to which Roma benefit from particular policies; lack of data about discrimination; etc. This lack of data has two very negative effects. First, it can serve to make the problems faced by Roma “invisible” and thus become an excuse for inaction. Secondly, it can undermine effective policy making and regular monitoring of the effectiveness of policies. Roma population across the EU There are no precise figures on the number of Roma in any Member State and national estimates vary widely. There is a very wide diversity across the EU ranging from those countries where the Roma make up between 5-8% of the total population to those where they are less than 0.5%. However, even in most of the countries where there are (relatively) small numbers of Roma, these numbers represent still a significant minority of people who very often experience high levels of poverty and social exclusion. Only in Cyprus, Luxembourg, Malta and, to some extent, Denmark and Lithuania, are the numbers so low as to be not very significant. The age profile of Roma in all Member States is much younger than the national average, with a much higher proportion of young people and a relatively small older population. The Roma in the EU are very heterogeneous and experts stress the diversity and complexity of Roma populations in their countries. There are “national” Roma who have been resident for many centuries but who may sub-divide into distinct groups.
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