PRODUCTIVITY is never an accident. It is always the result of a COMMITMENT to excellence, intelligent planning and focused effort. — Paul J. Meyer Company INFORMATION Board of Directors As on June 30, 2014 1. Mr. Miffah Ismail, Chairman COMPANY SECRETARY (Non-executive Director) Fozo <apadia Raffay 2. Mr. Zuhalr SiddIgui (Executive Director) AUDITORS 3. Agha Sher Shah Mis Deloitte Yousuf Adil, (t-cleoendent. Non-executive Director) Chartered Accountants 4. Mr. Muhammad AM Hameed (ershvhile M. Yousuf Adil Saleern and Co., t.No^.oyeit D‘oc-ott Chartered Accountants) 5. Mirza Mahmood Ahmad (No--erecAve Deect0‘. REGISTERED OFFICE SSGC House. 6. Mr. Arshad Mb= Sir Shah Suleman Road, (Nor.-executive Director) Guishan-e-lqoal, Block 14, • Karachi - 75300, Pakistan. 7. Mr. Saleem Zamindar Non•execurrve Directcxi CONTACT DETAILS 8. Mr. Mobln Saulat Ph: 0092-21-9902-1000 (Non-executive Directo-) Fax: 0092-21-9923-1702 9. Nawabzada Rlaz Nosherwani Email:
[email protected] (Non-executive Ditectot) Web: ,,,, 10. Sardar Rizwan Kehar (Non-executive Directct) SHARES REGISTRAR 11. Ms. Azra Mujtaba Central Depository Company of Pakistan INon-execulve Director) CDC House, 99-B, Block 8, SMCHS, 12. Mr. AamIr Amin Main S-Larah-e-Faisal, !Non-executive Director) Karachi, Pakistan. 13. Mr. M. Raeesuddln Paracha LEGAL ADVISOR Non.croc_rive D,recton M/s Haidermota and Co., 14. Mr. Mohammad BIIaI Shelkh Barrister-at-Law and Corporate Counsels on-executive Director) 41,111111111.81* ""dh./Pg•) • 'tot Contents 05 Core Values 06 Thematic Values 09 Board