The European network on cultural management and policy


Foreword and Introduction i How Does Marketing Work Online? 7 A Short History of Social Media 12 The Big Social Networks: What Makes Them Unique? 16 What is Social Capital? 30 How to Build Capital in a Social Network 34 How to Tell Good Stories Online 43 Using Online Data to Understand Your Audience 61 The Six Most Frequently Asked Questions 68 Credits 76 FOREWORD

Nowadays, audience development organisations adapt to the need to is on top of the agenda of several engage in new and innovative organisations and networks acting ways with audience both to retain in the field of arts and culture in them, to build new audience, Europe and beyond. Audience diversify audiences including development helps European reaching current “non audience”, artistic and cultural professionals and to improve the experience and their work to reach as many for both existing and future people as possible across Europe audience and deepen the and all over the world and extend relationship with them. access to culture works to underrepresented groups. It also However, how to develop, reach seeks to help artistic and cultural and attract new audiences?

Introduction i

Upstream by involving them in ENCATC joined as associated at the occasion of our online programming, creation or partner the European consortium survey on the utlisation of social crowd-funding. In the process of of the Study on Audience media. This work has allowed us to participatory art. Downstream Development – How to place gather insights on the current through a two-ways dialogue audiences at the centre of cultural practices in Europe in the made possible by several means organisations utilisation of social media and including the use of social media. on the future research and In 2016, ENCATC has training needs. Since 2013, as part of its commissioned to the University of commitment to make the cultural Goldsmiths and in particular to And finally, we want to express our sector more sustainable, ENCATC Chris Hogg, a well knwown gratitude to the European has decided to join forces with specialist in the innovative use of Commission and in particular to several of its members to develop social media, the drafting of an the programme Creative Europe, and implement innovative ENCATC guide on social media. for its contribution to make the projects in the field of audience This document includes also tips seminars and this guide financially development. In addition, to o er and best practices collected at possible. cultural managers and operators the occasion of a series of better skills and competences in ENCATC events lead by Chris My personal wish is that this new the utilisation of social media, Hogg and organised by ENCATC ENCATC guide will help you to since 2014, ENCATC has in Brussels during the years 2015 better understand the peculiar implemented several initiatives and 2016. With this new utilisation of the di erent social and published several articles in publication, ENCATC aim is to media available nowadays to its Journal and Scholars on this o er to cultural managers and increase the audience of your specific topic. operators and easy instrument organisation and that you will that could help them in their daily continue to share your experience For instance, in 2013, ENCATC was work ans thus to improve their and thoughts … on our facebook invited to join the project capacity to communicate with and page!! Audience Developer. Skills and their followers. Training in Europe, ADESTE. Yours truly, Funded by the European ENCATC want to sincerely express programme Erasmus+, ADESTE its gratitude to the University of GiannaLia Cogliandro Beyens aims to develop together with Goldsmiths, and in particular to Secretary General ENCATC several ENCATC members, the our member Gerald Lidstone, for June, 2017 first ever training programme on its generosity in joining force with Audience Development. In us to publish this guide. Our addition, 2016, ENCATC has also special thanks go also to Amanda joined both, the consortium of the Windle, from our member, the project European funded project university of London, for her CONNECT. This innovative project enthusiasm in drafting the aims to test a multidisciplinary introduction of the guide and training modules mixing formal contribute to its finalisation. and informal learning methodologies and digital We also thank all the professionals resources. Finally, in 2016, who have shared their experience Nowadays, audience development organisations adapt to the need to is on top of the agenda of several engage in new and innovative organisations and networks acting ways with audience both to retain in the field of arts and culture in them, to build new audience, Europe and beyond. Audience diversify audiences including development helps European reaching current “non audience”, artistic and cultural professionals and to improve the experience and their work to reach as many for both existing and future people as possible across Europe audience and deepen the and all over the world and extend relationship with them. access to culture works to underrepresented groups. It also However, how to develop, reach seeks to help artistic and cultural and attract new audiences?

Upstream by involving them in ENCATC joined as associated at the occasion of our online programming, creation or partner the European consortium survey on the utlisation of social crowd-funding. In the process of of the Study on Audience media. This work has allowed us to participatory art. Downstream Development – How to place gather insights on the current through a two-ways dialogue audiences at the centre of cultural practices in Europe in the made possible by several means organisations utilisation of social media and including the use of social media. on the future research and In 2016, ENCATC has training needs. Since 2013, as part of its commissioned to the University of commitment to make the cultural Goldsmiths and in particular to And finally, we want to express our sector more sustainable, ENCATC Chris Hogg, a well knwown gratitude to the European has decided to join forces with specialist in the innovative use of Commission and in particular to several of its members to develop social media, the drafting of an the programme Creative Europe, and implement innovative ENCATC guide on social media. for its contribution to make the projects in the field of audience This document includes also tips seminars and this guide financially development. In addition, to o er and best practices collected at possible. cultural managers and operators the occasion of a series of better skills and competences in ENCATC events lead by Chris My personal wish is that this new the utilisation of social media, Hogg and organised by ENCATC ENCATC guide will help you to since 2014, ENCATC has in Brussels during the years 2015 better understand the peculiar implemented several initiatives and 2016. With this new utilisation of the di erent social and published several articles in publication, ENCATC aim. is to media available nowadays to its Journal and Scholars on this o er to cultural managers and increase the audience of your specific topic. operators and easy instrument organisation and that you will that could help them in their daily continue to share your experience For instance, in 2013, ENCATC was work ans thus to improve their and thoughts … on our facebook invited to join the project capacity to communicate with and twitter page!! Audience Developer. Skills and their followers. Training in Europe, ADESTE. Yours truly, Funded by the European ENCATC want to sincerely express programme Erasmus+, ADESTE its gratitude to the University of GiannaLia Cogliandro Beyens aims to develop together with Goldsmiths, and in particular to Secretary General ENCATC several ENCATC members, the our member Gerald Lidstone, for June, 2017 first ever training programme on its generosity in joining force with Audience Development. In us to publish this guide. Our addition, 2016, ENCATC has also special thanks go also to Amanda joined both, the consortium of the Windle, from our member, the project European funded project university of London, for her CONNECT. This innovative project enthusiasm in drafting the aims to test a multidisciplinary introduction of the guide and training modules mixing formal contribute to its finalisation. and informal learning methodologies and digital We also thank all the professionals resources. Finally, in 2016, who have shared their experience

Social Media Toolkit for Cultural Managers Introduction iii Introduction from Amanda across them all. Key social media Windle, University of the Arts, jargon is simply explained so that London anyone reading this document can INTRODUCTION decipher a ‘click-rate’ from a This social media manual ‘click-bait’. The guide also has approaches useful hints and tips useful time guides, explaining how which have been drawn together much time each section may take from a series of workshops that to read and digest. took place in June 2016 by Christopher Hogg and colleagues. The guide does so by considering Aimed at arts and culture online branding in the context of organisations throughout the EU, other forms of media like television this manual will help to explore and the internet. This helpful how companies can expand their summary opens into a series of online brand so as to push both useful step-by-step activities the reach and significance of their which are open-ended guides for current e orts. For some it may be taking the first steps into a review of the workshops you coordinating a social media attended, for others more marketing and advertising experienced this will be a read strategy. These can be used requiring reflection on current individually or as discussion points practices and strategies, and for within organisations. A series of others moving into this area with a exercises aimed at understanding new aim or interest then it may the ‘ins and outs’ of advertising provide you with practical advice and marketing strategies which and discussion points. are included. These cover a range of topics like exploring gaining Starting with click-through rates and maintaining a ‘voice’ in social Social media poses a challenge to what we are doing? What if, by this summary will help a marketer media, whether that’s for yourself all cultural and artistic institutions, learning to concentrate on finding in the arts and culture into a range or your organization, through to no matter what the size. Keeping the ‘human’ in technology, we of social media tools. It’s not just storytelling and exploring what is the world informed about what we provided something of real value? about choosing the right platform considered here as ‘social capital’. do across four or five digital plat- A way of developing audiences to use but introducing some of the forms is overwhelming, especially closer to the art is the aim of this tools to manage those platforms Dr Amanda Windle when resources are limited. Social ICCE guide. To bring people closer which are just as important. This Head of the Grad School and media can feel like a never-ending together and to learn the art of guide includes a few, so as to DigiLab Fellow performance, a never-ending social media without it becoming know-how and when to use ‘Klout’ London College of search for more likes and shares exhausting. rather than ‘Hootsuite’. The range Communication and tweets and comments. If it of media explored includes: University of the Arts were a real relationship, it would Gerald Lidstone Twitter, Facebook, Linked-in, London, SE1 6SB be like a never-ending round. of Director of the Institute for YouTube, Instagram, and +. applause and soon feel absurd. Creative and Cultural While this list may grow or shrink What if there was a di erent way? Entrepreneurship in the future there are some key What if we could take control of at Goldsmiths premises discussed that cuts those timelines and really know

Social Media Toolkit for Cultural Managers Introduction v About the author I am lucky enough to teach the two-day social media course at Goldsmiths. It is taught with the HOW DOES amazing Adah Parris, Meg Mosley and Chasity Johnson. The course is aimed at artists and cultural entrepreneurs; people with an MARKETING WORK interest in building up an online brand in a solid and human way. We are often surprised at how ONLINE? creatively social media is being used by the students. We would also like to thank all previous students for helping us constantly Please feel free to get in touch if HOW IS ONLINE to improve what we do. The course you would like or join our online quite rightly has a great reputation community on Facebook. Just and the hands-on nature of the search for: Goldsmiths Social teaching means that everyone Media For Artists, Institutions & DIFFERENT FROM leaves surprised by something new Cultural Entrepreneurs.

this spirit we have tried to capture Or email Chris Hogg: in this guide. We would also like to [email protected] OTHER MEDIA? thank Alisa Oleva for passing on her online wisdom in the form of a case study.

Institute for Creative and Cultural WHAT WILL I LEARN BY READING THIS? and Entrepreneurship You will learn the history of internet marketing and the role it plays in the development of social media. Goldsmiths College University of London WHAT SKILLS WILL I LEARN? New Cross, London You will understand the basics of internet engagement data. SE14 6NW UK ESTIMATED READ: 15 minutes. Phone: +44 (0)20 7296 4255 Email: [email protected]

6 Social Media Toolkit for Cultural Managers How does branding work online? 7 Since 1996, advertising has been Because it was possible to measure if you are searching for a flat on The formula for the Post-Click an integral part of the internet. how many people saw an ad, how a property website, you’ll be less Conversation Rate is: The first digital ads were in many people clicked on an ad likely to click on an ad than if you Hotwired magazine (now Wired and how many people landed on were, say, browsing on Facebook). See ad + click on ad = buy product! magazine). They were for Club the advertiser’s website, online The responsibility for a click rate is In maths this would be: Med, AT&T and a now-lost alcopop advertising reaped the huge thus jointly owned by the creative called Zima. Think of internet benefit of being the first truly and 1,000,000 see ad team behind the message of the ­­­­——————————— x 1 0 0 = % c l i c k r a t e ( 7. 0 7 8 %) advertising as the oil that keeps instantly measurable advertising ad and the publisher who places 10,784 clicks the whole thing going: every click medium. Early internet marketers the ad. Agencies often blame on every ad makes a fraction of a made much of these statistics. online publishers for bad results. If 10,784 people click on the ad, penny for whoever hosted the ad. Publishers often blame agencies then 384 people buy the product. Then: These days, Google and Facebook for bad campaign creatives. Usually and Twitter and the like take 70 384 buy product Click Rate a poor campaign is the result of ­­­­—————————— x 100 = % Post-Click Conversion Rate per cent of all display advertising poor planning on both sides. 10,784 clicks budgets. The other sites fight for The first and most basic was the click rate. The formula for the click the rest. Finally, some people just don’t Therefore 10,784 click on ad (3.56%) rate goes like this. click on anything, some people The first-ever internet ad for AT&T click a little and some people click looks like this: Number of clicks on an ad ­­­­———————————————— x 1 0 0 = c l i c k t h r o u g h r a t e % a lot. Generally, the younger you Number of ads seen are or the more new you are to the “Follow That Ad!” technology, the more you click. By the same token, the more time you A good analogy for remembering how post- The click rate is still used today. In click and post-view advertising works is to In the context of the early net, have, the more you click. fact, people generally get stuck imagine a London taxi-cab. London taxis online ads were just as interesting with it and hung up about it. A high After the click rate was mastered, often have ads on the side. However, people as the web itself. People clicked on click rate is surely a great thing: it two more important measures don’t often flag down a taxi, get inside and everything. People were exploring. means lots of sales, right? came to the fore: post-click rates ask the driver to take them to the place There was hardly any negativity and post-view rates. advertised on the side of the cab so that associated with online advertising Only sometimes. they can buy that advertised product. What’s and consequently, response rates much more likely is that they’ll remember to advertising were phenomenal. The click-through rate is a chemical the ad and go to the shop at a moment of This didn’t last. reaction between the viewer, the Post-Click Rate viewability of the ad, the size of convenience. The same is true of online The post-click conversion rate the ad, the offer and how busy that display advertising. measures those people who person viewing was at the time. bought a product after clicking If the ad is served below the through to a website. viewable part of the page, it can’t Early internet marketers realised an be clicked on. If the ad is small, it amazing thing. By using cookies can be ignored. If the creative isn’t it was possible to see how many attractive, it will put people off. If people saw an ad, didn’t click, yet the offer of the ad isn’t impressive, still went on to buy a product. This people won’t click. If the person is The internet’s click-through rate declined is the holy grail of advertising. If The gap between ad sighting and product purchase rapidly from 2000 to 2012 busy, they will ignore the ad (eg. doesn’t mean the ad wasn’t remembered

8 Social Media Toolkit for Cultural Managers How does branding work online? 9 people were seeing the ad, not pop-up blockers. This then led to the clicking and then buying a product, Cappucino to Go creation of anti-anti-pop-up blockers! Ghostery in The Machine then it meant that the brand was Eventually, advertisers realised being remembered; that those If your product or service or event is online- that associating the advertiser’s There’s a video on YouTube by a company small internet ads were effective in based, there is no better place to advertise product with an annoying consumer called Ghostery that explains how the cookie creating brand recall. Previously, than online. experience probably wasn’t the best process works and how you can take control of your cookies. Search for the video on advertisers had had to wait up to The ‘cappuccino-priced decision’ is an idea. That marked the end of the Google by using the following terms: three months after a sales drive to online, often impulse, decision made by the pop-up. see if a campaign had worked or ‘Ghostery: Knowledge + Control = Privacy’ consumer that will cost them around £2.50. As response rates in digital marketing not. Now they could see the results or by typing in: declined, the annoying pop-up within 24 hours. tendency returned. This time it has drastically increased. If you Marketers realised that as many came in the form of data. Marketers wish to buy all the ad words on permission to store and retrieve as 25 per cent of sales came from began using more and more data Google relating to credit cards for data about your browsing habits. people who saw but never clicked. to make sure their ads reached the one month, it will cost you £3m. This was amazing: it meant (as had right person at the right time. It was This is what a cookie looks like. It’s always been suspected) that there Though the internet was still less annoying than the pop-up, yet pretty sneaky. was something happening called expanding incredibly quickly, somehow more intrusive. Marketers ‘the branding effect’. people began to click on fewer ads. called this behavioural targeting. This was only natural. As a result, Some people are worried about internet marketers began using the use of online cookies, used more intrusive methods to gain Television vs Online Marketing extensively by marketers to try and people’s attention. The years 2000– Naturally, marketers began to help them sell products online. 06 were ‘the age of the pop-up’: the Some people are worried about compare online marketing activity annoying self-loading window that the use of online cookies. They are with what had gone before: popped up in the middle of your used extensively by marketers to television. It soon became apparent screen. (Some porn sites still use “Mmm… Me Want Cookies!” try and help them sell products that spending £250,000 online this method but they are now called So, what are cookies? Cookies are online. They are very rarely linked and £250,000 on TV would get ‘pop-unders,’ because they appear simple text files that you can read to you as a person, but they are very different results. On TV, underneath the content). using the Notebook programme on linked to your computer. If five this is a small campaign budget. your own computer. Typically, they people use the same computer, it Online, it was very large. It soon With pop-ups the click-rates soared contain two pieces of information: will think they are the same person. became obvious that it was more once again – and how advertisers a site name and unique user ID. The economical to establish a new cheered! However, the more diligent website that you’re visiting drops brand online than on TV. The early marketers knew deep down that this text file onto your computer online brands thus established these ads were annoying their Things to Think About and then it always ‘knows,’ should themselves in a powerful new way. consumers. Actually, the click- you revisit that website, that you • What do you find annoying about through rate for pop-ups was internet advertising? However, the internet is an ever- probably a measure of nothing more have been there before. This is expanding canvas upon which to than people desperately trying to useful to that company so they can • Yes – it is okay to find those advertise, meaning the amount of close down the ad unit but failing. It vary your user experience. factors annoying! money needed to spend online led to the advent of pop-up blockers, EU law requires all sites that use to have the same impact as in the • That gut feeling is what will turn which then led to the advent of anti- cookies to seek your express early days of the worldwide web you into a great digital marketer.

10 Social Media Toolkit for Cultural Managers How does branding work online? 11 Social media is now a big part of everyday life but it stemmed The First Network from humble beginnings. Before In spite of CompuServe’s early A SHORT likes, shares, follows and tweets, claim, many people consider people socialised online in myriad AOL to be the first true social different ways. Even in the 1980s, network. AOL featured member- the web had plenty to offer on the created communities that HISTORY OF social media front. included member profiles, and forums. This was still a long way from what we The Bulletin Board understand to be a social network today but with the 1990s internet SOCIAL MEDIA It all started with the bulletin boom just around the corner, AOL board system, or BBS. The BBS had set the precedent. was an online meeting place that allowed users to download and SOCIAL share files and games and to post messages to other users. Most of these bulletin boards were run by hobbyists and catered to niche NETWORKS interest or, because of the slow internet speeds at the time, to local users only. They were often linked to a specific academic institution or FROM 1983 government organisation. Eventually, similar bulletin boards began to link together, forming a very basic, early form of the online social network. One of the first services to offer full-scale email WHAT WILL I LEARN BY READING THIS? CompuServe’s ads tapped into the messaging and discussion forums online early-adopter market You will learn how social networks developed from 1983-2013 and why was CompuServe. Facebook became so big. WHAT SKILLS WILL I LEARN? You’ll be better able to place future evolutions in online marketing within a context. ESTIMATED READ: 20 minutes.

CompuServe offered full email messaging and forums

12 Social Media Toolkit for Cultural Managers A short history of social media 13 The first site that we might spam service. After the turn of the saw phenomenal growth and by The success of Facebook paved recognise as the precursor to millennium, SixDegrees shut down. 2007 it had a user base of 227m: the way for many other social modern social media network equivalent to the population of networks that are widely used arrived in the 1990s with Russia. MySpace now has a user today, such as Twitter, Instagram Social Networking Sites base of only 1m and there are and Google+. And as social many reasons for this decline. You networks were normalised, more Then in 2002, social media could say that the party had moved people started moving more of really started to take off with elsewhere – but the main reason their lives online. This created a the launch of social networking was Facebook. unique opportunity for advertisers, site, Friendster. Using a similar with social networks providing a Founded in 2004, Facebook totally concept to SixDegrees, Friendster space that was perfect for highly changed the social media game. dubbed theirs ‘the circle of targeted advertising and for The secret to Facebook’s success friends’ and promoted the idea connecting with consumers, as is debatable but many point to its that a rich online community can people added more detail to their ease of use, multitude of features exist between people who have profiles, such as age, marital status true common bonds. Friendster’s and its memorable name (originally precursor to the modern and favourite films and bands. phenomenon of social media networking purpose was to provide a way of ‘thefacebook’) and advertising discovering those bonds. model, which used the content As mobile technology improved, is named after created by its users to create it was natural social media would a theory that everyone on Earth A year later, two key players in billions of pages containing highly- grow with it. Apple led the way with can connect within six steps to social networking launched: engaging content. This created the release of the iPhone. It was anyone else – later known as MySpace and LinkedIn. such promising early revenues as now possible for people to make the Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon LinkedIn aimed for a more niche, to quickly make its development contact with brands from anywhere game, originally created by three professionals-only market and programme far bigger than those – not just online on their home and students who were inspired by a their focus on that key market has of its competitors. work computers but also on the Kevin Bacon interview, where the computer in their pockets – and kept them going strong to this day. Facebook’s trick? To make people actor said that he’s worked with this meant marketers had to evolve Their aim is to bring together the sharing the minutiae of their ‘everyone in Hollywood’ or with too. It was possible to buy products world’s 600m ‘knowledge workers’ personal lives okay. Micro-blogging someone who’s worked with them. from a park bench or the top deck – people who use their knowledge was now simple and attractive and, of a bus. was launched to make their living – and help since this coincided with reality in 1997 and was one of the first professionals swerve the wastage TV’s boom, Facebook successfully Since a brand’s relationship with websites that allowed users to caused when the wrong people are surfed a seismic cultural shift. a customer could start anywhere create profiles, organise groups in the wrong job. at any time of day, marketing has and browse other user profiles. MySpace, whose focus was music clearly had to evolve. SixDegrees was also one of the first and music videos, was for some social sites that encouraged users time the English-speaking world’s to invite other users. number one social network. The Unfortunately, in the early days of layout worked in the same way the internet, this was considered that a teenager’s bedroom wall somewhat invasive and many might, which helped it appeal Facebook cleverly made ‘oversharing’ the norm felt SixDegrees was becoming a to a cool youth demographic. It rather than an embarrassment

14 Social Media Toolkit for Cultural Managers A short history of social media 15 Each social network strives While global use of smartphones is to make it as easy as possible now at record levels, it is important to share our lives via mobile to note how uncomfortable some THE BIG SOCIAL and tablet technology. But no people still feel sharing online. To matter how good the technology reach the entirety of your digital actually is, social media would audience, you will have to use not have taken off if we weren’t some traditional ad methods too. NETWORKS comfortable with sharing what we share in such a public way. From the mid-1990s people were The Social Media Bosses very careful with their online To understand what makes a social WHAT MAKES identity, as lampooned by Peter media platform unique, it’s best Steiner’s classic cartoon, published to hear it direct from the online by The New Yorker, 5 July, 1993. company’s CEO. THEM UNIQUE? YouTube is used to store videos. It has so much content that it is the second-largest search engine in the world after Google. People go to YouTube when they want something explained to them in a visual way. It is possible to create your own channel on YouTube but there’s no guarantee that, just because you store content there, people will watch it. An incredible 100 hours of video is uploaded every single minute. Imagine a TV station with 6m channels: it’s like Online identity’s myriad issues of promotion, protection and perversion were yet to come that. You need to know how you’re WHAT WILL I LEARN BY READING THIS? going to distribute your content. You will learn what makes each of the Big Five social networks: YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn – unique. Interview Links With The Social Media Bosses You will learn each one’s specific character and type of user. Network SEO Monthly Users Interview Link

WHAT SKILLS WILL I LEARN? YouTube Susan Wojcicki 1bn You will know which social network suits you and your business best LinkedIn Jeff Weiner 600m and the optimal time to use it. Facebook Mark Zuckerberg 1.65bn ESTIMATED READ: 20 minutes. Twitter Jack Dorsey 317m

Instagram Kevin Systrom 500m

16 Social Media Toolkit for Cultural Managers The big social networks 17 Although people often associate guilty of operating a ‘top-down’ YouTube with the thrill of ‘going YouTube policy and try to get involved WhoTube? viral’, only about five per cent of One of the reasons that content with and reflect culture without How many of these have you video content ever gets shared. remains unwatched on YouTube is really ‘getting it’. This results in big heard of? The rest gets distributed using because people uploading haven’t hitters getting the tone of their paid advertising or social media built a community of followers. communication wrong. • PewDiePie campaigns. To do well on YouTube you need 39.3 million total subscribers to actively communicate and Influencer Marketing this is what some teenagers do • HolaSoyGerman Sometimes, brands find it difficult so successfully; actively trying 31 million total subscribers Social Media and Search to get the right tone of voice on to get their content viewed. YouTube, so they’ll often turn • Smosh Engine 0ptimisation Night after night they contact to YouTube followers for help. 21.1 million total subscribers people who make content like Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) YouTubers are exceptionally good themselves to share and build a • JennaMarbles is the art of making the content at creating short-form content following. It’s a slow process but 15.5 million total subscribers of your website friendly to search with a ‘human’ tone that generates once your channel’s subscriber engines – which in turn means positive feeling. They’re usually less • Nigahiga number is high enough, YouTube it will pop up when people are good at long-form content. 15.2 million total subscribers looking for that type of content. will automatically recommend In 2014 Google started indexing your content more often on the • VanosGaming How do you know if someone is social media content. This meant sidebar. This subscriber number 14 million total subscribers is around 20,000 followers. It’s an influencer or not? that for the first time, what you There are many types of influencer. In smaller also important on YouTube to did on social media could have The tech company Klout says industries they’d be journalists, academics, keep uploading videos regularly. an impact on how your site was there is an 85 per cent correlation industry analysts or professional advisors. Would you watch a TV that didn’t perceived by Google. between any content provider’s The one thing they all have in common is broadcast any new programmes? number of followers and their they turn information into knowledge. This Companies with long-established online influence. However, you is a key point. With so much information out brands tend to find YouTube don’t know how many ‘active’ there and an ever-expanding ‘universe’ of an expensive social network followers they have. The followers content, those internet users who seek to option. They’ll often use the could all come from a number of make sense of it for others are the ones who same production values that they years ago and their influence no have most influence. would use on TV but then find longer as strong as it once was. that, just because something is How do I get to know an well-made and looks incredible, • Listen carefully to the influencer? doesn’t mean it’ll be shared any conversations that the more often. In fact, big brands are It can take a long time to develop influencer has online. sometimes oddly at a disadvantage a relationship with an influencer; • Understand the rules of the to younger, more DIY start-ups. they are careful with the integrity conversation. What gets shared more often is of their brand and it has to be the originality and an authentic voice. right fit for both parties. The bases • Understand the used Limited production budgets force for starting a conversation with an within the conversation: each originality. Sometimes brands are influencer are: industry has its own hashtags.

18 Social Media Toolkit for Cultural Managers The big social networks 19 • Re-tweet and share the posts Since the end of 2015, Instagram, The Instagram Difference that you believe are important. Facebook and Twitter have all experimented with the experience Instagram Facebook The Instagram Difference • Always add a personal comment of ‘live video’. This is where you to what you share. You can only upload photos You can upload from phone Keeps blogging ‘in the moment’ can broadcast to your followers from mobile app. and desktop. and high quality. Fresh content.

Following these rules often results something that is happening Filters create great pictures. No filters. Mostly beautiful images. in the influencer following you. live. This can be a very powerful Users are careful about the Blend of real news and friend The focus on images means tool, and when we look at digital photos they share since news. Many opinions on Instagram has less opinion on storytelling later on we will go into they’re taking a moment out outside issues. A place of ‘issues’ and hence is largely HTML5, Video and Social Media the idea of ‘story-doing’ rather than of their lives to be artistic. debate and sometimes major a more simple and positive ‘story-telling’. There is minimal negativity negativity, as algorithms experience. HTML5 is the new language of the or over-shared memes. concentrate on shareability. internet and is very helpful to the Thoughtfully selected So much content, there is There is often a deeper sense development of video. It means Live Social Video pictures give an immediate heavy use of algorithms to of positive community on that the internet is moving from a sense of what is going on in curate it, which creates a Instagram than Facebook. medium dominated by words to a Live video is considered very someone’s life. It’s intimate. more fragmented sense of medium dominated by video (and much the future of social media. community. video and social media go together One way of looking at high levels very well). Here are some statistics of smartphone penetration is that to bring that point home. millions of people now have a colour television in their pocket. everyone has a camera and • 8 billion videos are watched While the Big Five (YouTube, computer in their pocket. He also every day on Facebook. Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, knew that the process of uploading photos to a website to share with • By mid-2016 there had been Facebook) aren’t creating live content like on TV just yet, Twitter your friends was a time-consuming 200 million broadcasts on the pain – the pictures had to be Twitter app Periscope. regularly partners with live sports events like America’s NFL, while uploaded onto a desktop computer • Video gets 15-20% engagement (sixth contender) Snapchat and then transferred to a picture- rates; more than any other form increasingly looks like a social- sharing site. of digital advertising. media reality TV show. Systrom decided he’d concentrate • Only around 25% of people ever on making photo-upload as get to the end of an online video instantaneous as possible. On Instagram is about telling stories so keep your content between Instagram Instagram, the moment a picture in a visual way. It suits people who is taken it is being uploaded to prefer photos and pictures as their 15-30 seconds. It is easy to think of Instagram as the network, meaning that people primary source of information. the place where hipsters go to • Facebook, Twitter and can within moments. It is The people who use Instagram to take show-off pictures of wacky Instagram have amazing, a satisfying experience. In 2012 best advantage are those who take meal choices. But no: the skill simple-to-use video distribution Instagram was bought by Facebook great care in the pictures that they of Instagram is more interesting capabilities and in-depth for $1 billion and it now has over post. They use each shot to inform than that. Instagram CEO Kevin targeting. When you want to get 600 million users. To understand and educate as well as entertain or Systrom was the first big hitter an important message to your the power of Instagram it’s useful nourish artistically. to monopolise on the fact that fans and followers, use video. to compare it with Facebook.

20 Social Media Toolkit for Cultural Managers The big social networks 21 140-Character Rule #SSIR Stanford Social Innovation of them as anchors in cyberspace Twitter Review. to past conversations. It used to be good journalistic Twitter is the social network that practice to write all the key #i4c Internet for change. people find, initially, the most information of an entire newspaper difficult to engage with. A lot of article in the first paragraph – often How Do I Find Out My Industry’s people find it terrifying. people read no further and so the Hashtags? This is down to three things: first paragraph was everything. With Twitter, the 140-character rule There are a number of tools you Click on #mysuperpower for the full story • Pressure to be concise because means it’s good practice to try and can use to try and understand The Golden Rule of Twitter of the 140-character limit. tell the whole story in a headline. which hashtags are important to If it is relevant enough people will your audience. Here is a simple one The most important thing to • Not understanding how to use: hashtags (#) work. click on the link to find out more. remember when composing a tweet is to have a specific person • Trolling (online bullying). The # Your Personality in mind to whom you’re sending the tweet. This will make the To add even more pressure, Twitter The second function of the hashtag A hashtag fulfills two functions on tweet sound more ‘real’ and draw itself recommends that to hold is to express your personality in the Twitter. Firstly, it is a label that you a greater number of people. The social influence, tweets must: form of an afterthought or subtext, give to the conversation you’re most dramatic thing that you can having with your followers. Some like the example below. This is a 1. Demonstrate insight. technique often used in comedy. do to increase engagement is to of these labels are set in stone and include an image, a GIF or a video. 2. Share valuable information. are used by an entire industry. If A comedian will have a thought you use them, you’ll be adding your and then have an afterthought that 3. Display a great personality. Daily Hashtags tweet to that fast-moving industry contradicts and clarifies the original How on Earth do you do that in discussion. For example, here are thought. Humour and comedy is Over time, Twitter has developed 140 characters?! Well, let’s break it the hashtags associated with social a great way of showing online that its own unique personality. One down into simple elements. enterprise. you are ‘human’. It separates you of these is the ‘daily hashtag’ and from those brands and companies each day of the week has a specific #SocEnt Social entrepreneur and using social media simply as a hashtag associated with it. The What is a Tweet? entrepreneurship. marketing tool. aim is to have fun. They are a great This picture breaks down a tweet #SocEntChat Monthly social way of showing off the character into smaller portions: entrepreneur chat by Ashoka UK. of your organisation or brand and engaging with your followers. #socialentrepreneur For those who don’t know about #SocEnt. NB. These hashtags are used on both Instagram and Twitter. #Prize4SC A prize for social Hashtags drive home ‘knowing’ humour change. Hashtags’ other great use is they What Makes Twitter a Unique #4change ‘For change’. help search engines. If you search Social Network? Google for a specific hashtag you #BoP Base/bottom of the pyramid. There has been much criticism of will find a record of the very latest Twitter in the press, especially from #nonprofit Non-profit. tweets on that subject, even those Wall Street. They didn’t think that published in the last minute. Think Image courtesy of Hootsuite #nptech Non-profit technology. Twitter was growing fast enough,

22 Social Media Toolkit for Cultural Managers The big social networks 23 Daily Hashtag Twitter and Instagram Meaning and when to use LinkedIn make money in three ways by helping companies to: Monday #MondayBlues Post anything that helps people cope with being back at work. Where do You Sit Online? • Hire LinkedIn Talent Solutions #MotivationMonday Your aim is to inspire: use quotations, fitness tips and life lessons. Type in your name into Google. What comes #MondayMotivation (cloud recruitment software) up first? Twitter? Facebook? Instagram? Your Tuesday #TipTuesday If you’ve industry advice you’d like to share on a Tuesday, use this hashtag. = 60% global revenue. website? Managing the order in which people Wednesday #WonderfulWednesday Staying positive midweek is the key here. Share something to be grateful for • Market LinkedIn Marketing see them will help you clarify your intention. or post a photo of a memorable Wednesday moment. Solutions (ads to a targeted #WednesdayWisdom A good hashtag among thought leaders and business experts. It’s a great professional audience) way to join in and share your industry knowledge. = 20% global revenue. Your Profile Thursday #ThrowbackThursday Used on nearly all social media networks and very popular. Users post old images; typically of themselves during a different period in their lives. When It is worth spending time making #TBT companies use this hashtag they come across in a more human way. • Sell LinkedIn Sales Solutions (cloud sales software sure that your profile is as complete Friday #FollowFriday, #FF A Twitter trend where you recommend people follow one or more accounts (a person; a brand) that you admire. Make sure you give a reason why. including Sales Navigator) as you can make it. It’s also worth = 20% global revenue. getting everyone in your institution or company to do the same particularly when compared with creating opportunity for every What is LinkedIn Good For? because it’s a very visible way to Facebook. This is a bit like being member of the global workforce. show you are an open company. LinkedIn is incredibly useful – so angry about a lemon not being an LinkedIn won’t be satisfied until Each profile that points to your useful that you can think of it as orange. From a B2B perspective, they’ve helped 2-3 billion people company is valuable to you in much more of a business tool than Twitter’s value lies in its having develop their career opportunity. terms of the way Google analyses a social network. From a small created a worldwide map of They have extremely big plans. But your company website. The more business or government institution businesses: what company now until that day, LinkedIn is a social links pointing towards it, the more perspective, the website can: doesn’t have a Twitter account? network for the world’s 600 million valuable Google sees your content. ‘knowledge workers’. • Set up a company page for free. This means it’s easy to create B2B A profile lets people contact you marketing campaigns that targets Knowledge workers are workers • Post updates for free in your and your company easily. A really the right audience. Twitter doesn’t whose main capital is knowledge. company page. good profile actually encourages allow you to target followers of a Examples would be software people to contact you. Right at the • Deliver basic ads or sponsored competitor directly. However, it engineers, scientists, lawyers and bottom of each personal profile is a updates. does allow you to target followers academics: professions that have visual record of your reputation and skills, as endorsed by your LinkedIn who are ‘like’ those of a competitor. an emphasis on creative thinking. • Publish to the platform for business peers. This system builds This is very powerful. I’d say that free. The LinkedIn Influencer Long-term, LinkedIn is interested trust directly and personally. Twitter has the most in-depth B2B programme is invitation-only but in promoting education around the marketing system in the world – all members have the access to world. They purchased When people keep their profiles even more in-depth than LinkedIn. publish long-form content to all an educational tool that contains updated, LinkedIn acts as an LinkedIn members. thousands of video tutorials by extremely useful up-to-date contacts book. LinkedIn industry experts on topics from From a personal branding photography and graphic design to perspective, the power comes from When you’re a first-degree LinkedIn is so much more than business and computer skills. Think the control of how you appear in connection with someone, LinkedIn your CV online. For a start, it has of as a video library for Google search results. provides you with that person’s the express and dynamic aim of upgrading work skills. email address and allows you to

24 Social Media Toolkit for Cultural Managers The big social networks 25 send a message to them directly. from your ‘company page’ but one You might, however, have this email Contacting a ‘Dream’ Influencer way to bypass this is to choose five Facebook already. It also gives you to access employees or peers who publish The success of Facebook is Like Twitter, LinkedIn is great at giving you to people outside your network. articles on your behalf. staggering: a quick look at the This is usually done through what is direct access to people who, in real life, are Whatever you publish is kept numbers in 2016 (shown below) called InMail and there is a charge surrounded by gatekeepers. Here’s how: as part of your personal profile shows you the success they’ve had to use it. If you have a mutual friend, ask the friend for and helps further establish your in getting us to change the way we an introduction. This way you’ll automatically professional status. Articles are think about sharing our lives. Tips Contacting an Influencer be trusted more by your target influencer. also shared in your followers’ Via LinkedIn: If that isn’t an option, try this: news feeds. Your long-form post is • Do some research on them. • Step 1 Visit the profile page of your searchable on and off LinkedIn. • If you admire that person, let ‘dream’ connection. If you need help establishing them know. • Step 2 Scroll down their profile to see a LinkedIn publishing strategy which LinkedIn groups they’ve joined. here’s a link to an excellent • Keep the conversation on an presentation: slideshare. industry topic. • Step 3 Join one of their groups or click net/LImarketingsolutions/ • Don’t ask for a job! on a group you share. linkedin-corporate-publishing- playbook-37698996 • Some people ask not to be • Step 4 In the top navigation bar of the Monthly Active Users contacted directly. Respect this. groups, click on ‘members’. • Step 5 Beneath the group member’s SlideShare LinkedIn Groups profile, click on ‘send message’. If you ask people what they like In 2015, LinkedIn acquired most about Facebook they’ll point Creating a well-organised LinkedIn professional-content sharing to the fact that it helps people to group will repay you many times platform SlideShare for $119m. stay connected with their friends. over. It is a great place to display What YouTube is for video, The scale of Facebook growth also how much you care for your email with your own design but it is Slideshare is for PowerPoint allowed you to find friends you’d industry. You pay into the group by still immensely useful. presentations. It’s a great place lost. What’s not to like about that? sharing quality industry knowledge for business research. Since you and responding to industry Should I Create a Company Page create great presentations, why Facebook is very careful about questions and concerns. The aim of on LinkedIn? don’t you make them public? You’ll what it does and doesn’t allow the group should always be to give be surprised how much good you to know. It also tries very hard Yup. Just do it. It isn’t hard and your people something of value such traffic they generate. to help keep the peace between as job leads, referrals and good efforts will be rewarded. people. Consequently: content. This will turn the mass of • There’s no dislike or ‘down vote’ information out there into relatable, Long-Form Content: LinkedIn button, as on Quora or YouTube. targeted knowledge for your peers. Publisher Platform • There’s no ‘report this post’ Once you have created it, you’ll be LinkedIn has created a publisher button. able to contact the group directly platform that lets you distribute using the weekly email function. longer pieces of content. Presently • You won’t receive notification You won’t be able to brand the it isn’t possible to publish updates for un-friend or un-follow actions against you.

26 Social Media Toolkit for Cultural Managers The big social networks 27 • There is no notification if someone shares your post as a Things to Think About Private Lives private message. Companies understand the need A social network couldn’t exist if you • You won’t know who stalks you – to be on social media. There’s also a sense that you have to be on insisted on being private. Share a photo on at least not directly. (Though you a social network and you give permission to can find stalkers as you will see social media constantly to make a success of it. In a way, social media Facebook to share that photo as widely and them in ‘the people you might as often as it likes. If you leave Facebook want to follow’ list. is telling a never-ending story. How can we make this easier? then that’s no longer the case, but while you 85 per cent of Facebook revenue still have an account open you can’t prevent comes from skilfully showing your content being shared. ads that use your data to target themselves. The other 15 per cent comes from revenue earned top of this it adds decision-making through games that are played on that chooses which news is going the platform. to be most interesting to the most number of people. Edge Rank looks Should a company use Facebook? for similar content to that which you have ‘liked’. It also randomises Most companies have a duty to some content to test your reaction protect the information of their to serendipity. employees. Before embarking on a social media strategy that involves All this means you can’t simply use Facebook it is worth checking what Facebook as a broadcast medium. your responsibilities are, especially It isn’t like an email service that you if people leave. You might have to use to keep people up to date. It is delete posts, for instance. a social network where the efforts that you put in to be social have a Do I reach all my Facebook big impact on how many people followers with a single post? are affected and respond. The only way to increase the reach of your No. On Facebook, the number posts on Facebook is to try and of people who see your posts create good content – and the only is dependent on how people way to reach everyone with a post have been interacting with you. is to pay for the privilege. Facebook use an algorithm called Edge Rank. This methodology looks at all the interactions that you have with Facebook – from status updates to ‘liking’ something to sharing content – and uses this information to curate what it puts into your newsfeed. However, on

28 Social Media Toolkit for Cultural Managers The big social networks 29 What is Social Capital? Social Search vs Explicit Search “Social capital is the aggregate Social networks and smartphones have of the actual potential resources WHAT IS SOCIAL fuelled what is called ‘social search’. For that are linked to possession of a example, you might ask Google an explicit durable network of more or less question like: ‘What are the cheapest flights institutionalised relationships to New York?’ However, you might ask your of mutual acquaintance or CAPITAL? social network something more like: recognition.” Bourdieu, 1986. ‘What’s the best camera to take to New “Social capital is the expected York?’ This second type of search is social collective or economic benefit search and the number of replies you AND ITS derived from the preferential receive will be dependent on how social treatment of and co-operation you’ve been and how much you’ve ‘paid in’ between individuals and groups.” to your social network. By the way, you’d Wikipedia 2016 almost certainly take the advice you’ve been IMPORTANCE given about the camera because it comes From a social-media perspective, from people you trust. social capital is that combined value of the resources that are held IN A SOCIAL within your social networks. From a personal perspective it’s simply: is done in those places. Much Who do you know and how might economic backwardness in certain they help you? parts of the globe can be explained through lack of trust. It discourages NETWORK It is helpful to think of a social innovation because so much time network as the bank that is taken up with problems related contains the combined value to the lack of trust. The benefits of of your network of friends and trust are manifest: connections. Like a bank, before you can take out from your social • You need fewer contracts. WHAT CONCEPTS WILL I LEARN BY READING THIS? network you must ‘pay in’. You do • You don’t constantly have so through interaction and actively to monitor employees or You will learn about the concept of social capital. You will learn about the helping your community. role that trust plays in social networking. You will learn the role that both contractors. these concepts plays in telling social media stories. • You are less involved in litigation. WHAT SKILLS WILL I LEARN? ‘Trust’ as a Concept • You spend fewer resources You will learn the skill of being ‘human’ in an online environment. It is easy to take the concept of protecting yourself, whether ESTIMATED READ: trust for granted but there are that’s through insurance, private 30 minutes. many places in the world where security or even bribes. trust can’t be taken for granted and this has an impact on how business

30 Social Media Toolkit for Cultural Managers What is social capital? 31 content online that we need quick Trust in Social Media ways of sorting what information is Clickbait and Internet Chum Trust is invisible glue that holds our important to us and what is not. Fragments of information are often designed social media experience together. “In an information-rich world, to cause reactions within us that are big Think about how you experience the wealth of information means enough for us to click on them. The more content on social media: it comes a dearth of something else: a we react, the more we click. The more we at you in fragments; small packets scarcity of whatever it is that click, the more money we earn the website of easily understood information. information consumes. What we’ve clicked on. If you have time, read These fragments often come information consumes is rather the following article about how these ads without full context. We don’t know obvious: it consumes the attention are designed: what came just before or came just of its recipients. Hence a wealth taxonomy-of-internet-chum-de0b7a070a2d after. For the most part we simply of information creates a poverty trust it. of attention and a need to allocate For example, on the right is a ‘viral’ that attention efficiently among – or very widely shared – internet the overabundance of information picture that shows MPs debating on sources that might consume it.” two separate issues. The captions Herbert A. Simon, US political say that the first (empty House) scientist, economist, sociologist, psychologist, and computer photograph shows a debate about Warning: some of the pictures are disturbing. scientist, 1971. disability rights, the second (full All these ‘stories’ are designed freak you out House), a vote about MPs’ pay. We have little choice but to just enough to click. However, Isabel Hardman of The develop the kind of reading where This lie was uncovered by Isabel Hardman of we scan for important information. Spectator’s research discovered The Spectator. ( that the second photograph the-menace-of-memes-how-pictures-can-paint-a- Since trust is a key factor in the was not showing a debate about thousand-lies/) decision-making process, one pay but a busy Prime Minister’s of the ways we choose which Conclusion Questions, taken almost a year The Attention Economy information is important to us is to before. see who sent the information. In When you realise that attention is “Attention is a resource: a person short, trust is one of the ways we a scarce resource, a responsibility Often we believe a piece of content has only so much of it”. Matthew decide which information is good is placed on you to make your because of who it came from. If Crawford, Writer and Research and which is bad. On sites such as communications relevant the sender is a friend or a known Fellow, Institute for Advanced Twitter, where these fragments are and valuable. In the attention brand, this lends the fragment of Studies in Culture at the University placed into a cascading waterfall of economy, brands that are not content the credibility that allows of Virginia. information, this process becomes relevant are ignored. us to trust it. especially important; on Facebook, Why are fragments so popular? To where your timeline is curated answer this, we have to look at an by how much time you spend idea called the attention economy. interacting with other people, this This theory states that human ‘scanning’ process is done for you. attention is a scarce commodity. Firstly, there is simply so much

32 Social Media Toolkit for Cultural Managers What is social capital? 33 The Tastemaker Social Media Identities You know what you like and your audience likes it too. You know HOW TO BUILD Klout is a company that tries to what’s on trend but you aren’t one measure the influence of people to follow the crowd. You walk your in social media. It seeks to define own path and have earned your our online identities. Have a read network’s respect. and then when you’ve finished, CAPITAL IN A answer the questions. The Celebrity You are the height of influence for better or worse. People hang SOCIAL NETWORK The Curator on your every word and share You find the most interesting your content like no other. You are information and share it widely. probably famous in real life and Filtering through masses of your fans can’t get enough. content, you surface with the AND HOW nuggets that your audience The Thought Leader truly cares about. In turn, they People look to you to help them appreciate your hard work. understand the day’s developments TO BUILD A in your industry. Sharing relevant The Broadcaster news and opinions, you know You broadcast great content what’s important and your that spreads quickly because audience values that. it’s information essential to your PERSONAL BRAND industry. Your audience is wide and The Pundit diverse. It values your choices. You don’t just share the news, you create the news. Your opinions are The Syndicator widespread and highly trusted. You You keep tabs on who and what are a leader in your industry. When is hot and important to watch. you speak, people listen. WHAT CONCEPTS WILL I LEARN BY READING THIS? Focusing on a specific topic or You will learn about the different roles that people take on within a social targeted audience, you share The Dabbler network and how different people create value in different ways. You will the best trending info and save You are just starting out with the also learn the idea that we all have a social media identity. followers from having to keep up social web or you are simply not on their own. WHAT SKILLS WILL I LEARN? that ‘into’ it. You will understand your social media usage in more depth. You will learn that a secure knowledge in what we are doing on social networks will lead The Feeder The Conversationalist to more authentic and engaging content. Your audience relies on your steady You love to connect and have the flow of focused info. Your audience inside scoop. Good conversation is ESTIMATED READ: 20 minutes. is hooked on your industry and its an art. You’re witty; your followers topical updates and secretly can’t hang on your every word. live without them.

34 Social Media Toolkit for Cultural Managers How to build capital in a social network 35 The Observer The Specialist You don’t share much but you You might not be a celebrity but in Can I Have a Personal Brand? Your Personal Trust Fund follow the social web more than your area of expertise, your opinion “Yes!” A useful definition of a brand is that it is you let on. This could be just your is second to none. Your content When it comes to social media, the a trust marker; a symbol encapsulating style or you are checking it out is likely focused toward a specific idea of having ‘a personal brand’ the values that we stand for. It’s a mix of before jumping on in, full force. topic or industry. Your audience is seems possible. Whether we like it personality and trust and a structure around also focused and highly engaged. or not, when we use social media which accumulates the intangible and The Explorer Categories courtesy of Klout 2014 we leave a digital vapour-trail of abstract notion of trust. You’re constantly trying to find out pictures and comments that people new ways to interact and network. can view easily with a simple You’re exploring the social web and Questions to Answer Google search. making it work for you. Your activity and engagement shows you ‘get it’ Q. Which social media type “Yes!” Your Brand Looks Like… The direct connection between and will probably soon be moving matches your own character and CEO of Amazon Jeff Bezos makes our ideas and thoughts and a up the social media ladder. preferences? two very clear points when talking broadcast medium (the internet) about personal branding: Q. What social media role would has resulted in people becoming The Socializer you like? more comfortable than they’ve ever You’re the hub of the social “A brand for a company is like a been before with having a public scene and people count on you Q. Which skills link all of these reputation for a person. You earn persona and broadcast voice. to find out what is happening. roles? reputation by trying to do hard You connect people and readily things well.” A. One common theme of all of “No!” share your social savvy. Followers these roles is that they seek to do The identity we present online is “Your brand is what people say appreciate your network and something useful. They seek to turn merely a highly curated version of about you when you’re not in generosity. information, of which there is ourselves: a commercial construct the room.” a lot, into knowledge, of which where we merely present the The Networker highlights of our lives in return for What’s interesting about the there is less. All of these roles second statement is that it is less You connect to the right people create value in a digital economy a meaningless digital currency of and generously share your network ‘likes’ and peer approval. about what you say while you’re that is attention-led. Consequently, in the room and more to do with to help followers. You know which these category captains are content is important to your the feeling with which you leave considered influencers. people. As Carl W Buehner of The influential audience and have high Whatever your view, there has been Church of The Latterday Saints put levels of engagement. a collapse of public and private it (and which many others have across many aspects of society. paraphrased): “We don’t remember The Activist From the work of whistleblowing what people say to us. However, You’ve got an idea or cause to share website WikiLeaks to the fashion for we do remember how they made with the world. You’ve found the personal over-sharing, we seem to us feel.” perfect medium for your message have changed as a society. We are and your audience counts on you definitely more comfortable with So your personal digital brand is actively to champion your cause. having a public persona. about what you make people feel online. This is why authenticity online is so important. With so

36 Social Media Toolkit for Cultural Managers How to build capital in a social network 37 much information in the attention- Playwright I love engaging deeply based economy, we are finely Your Personal Brand with the questions that I feel are tuned to what is fake. We know Part One running through society’s mind but instinctively when we’re walking on for which there are not yet words. AstroTurf and when we’re walking For this activity you’ll need a pen Comedian I love standing in front on grass. and eight blank playing cards or of a crowd and making them laugh. Personal branding expert and sticky notes. Academic I love sharing Goldsmiths’ Social Media Short knowledge and experience. Course co-teacher Adah Parris Stage One suggests that a good way of Starbucks’ #racetogether Take the eight cards. On the top of Entrepreneur I am excited by the understanding your personal brand each card, write about a specific thought that helping to solve the is to think in terms of ‘personae’. and The Authenticity Deficit role that you have in life. These world’s problems could make me First, try to see the connections can be professional and personal. a millionaire. between the different personae you In March 2015, Starbucks USA asked all their Using Adah’s exercise and myself, present to the world. Then look for baristas to write the hashtag #racetogether Chris Hogg, as the test study, my Traveller I am excited by engaging patterns and combine what excites on every cup of coffee that they served. eight roles would be: in artistic collaboration with you about each of those personae. Why? They wanted to initiate conversations different cultures. Once you’ve done so, you start of race and diversity between their • Father to have a better understanding of customers. The result was a social-media • Husband Stage Two what makes you who you are in backlash. From a marketing perspective, • Brother Look at the cards and ask yourself your current stage of life. the #racetogether gimmick combined poor • Playwright these questions: brand alignment and an authenticity deficit. • Comedian Can you see any similarities After this, look at the needs and The brand had never been associated with • Academic between the different cards? desires of the people you have a racial diversity. Starbucks, in fact, were • Entrepreneur relationship with. If you’re a brand, more closely associated in the minds of • Traveller Which themes emerge about what then they are your customers. their customers with gentrification of cities. you like and what you are like? You are now working from a more The ultimate blow to their credibility was Now, next to each role, write down empathetic standpoint. You’ll be #racetogether’s actual tweets: no people of a sentence about what excites you Can you see any differences able to gain a better sense of colour were included in the campaign! regarding each of your life roles. between what you give to your how you can add value to those It helps to start each sentence work roles and what you give to relationships, which in turn will with the words.... “X excites me personal roles? affect the way that people interact because..” or “I am excited when…” Which skills do you assign to your and feel about you – whether or not So, mine would run: work life that you don’t give your you’re in the room. Father I am excited to show my son personal life? Adah offers a two-part exercise to the world. Which skills do you assign your pull these personae out of you. Husband I love and am excited by personal life that you don’t give having someone to laugh with who your work life? knows me. Are there ways you approach your Brother I love having a witness to work life that could be used in a my childhood sharing my life. situation in your personal life?

38 Social Media Toolkit for Cultural Managers How to build capital in a social network 39 For example, imagine you have 2. Understand your customers’ hopes and aspirations a conflict with a work colleague. Get Personal! Approach this from a functional, social and / or emotional standpoint. Think about how you’d approach the situation if it was a conflict with Let your ‘brand’ protect you! Next time you’re debating whether to take on a project, take a family member and use the same My Roles My Customers Customer Hopes and Aspirations tactics, skills and levels of empathy out your cards. Is there a match between the Father Son Learn about the world to approach the work issue. things that excite you and the things on the Husband Wife Teach improvisation cards? If not… pass. Brother Sister Develop an acting agency Stage Three Playwright Artistic directors Programme society’s most relevant stories This is where we get really creative. Comedian Comedy club Create a great comedy experience for the audience promoter It’s been said that it is possible Your Personal Brand Academic Head of department/ Create a good highest-level learning experience for to express any film plot in one students students; manage everyone sentence, eg. “An alien falls to Part Two Digital Media Consultant Clients Communicate well digitally planet Earth, meets a group of Just as important as having a sense Artistic Traveller Artistic collaborators Make great art youngsters who learn to love and of who you are, what you do and appreciate him and they then what you love, it’s important to help him return home.” This is, of understand who your personal 3. Understand how to help your customers achieve their aims course, E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial. brand’s ‘customers’ are. In the Again, approach this from a functional, social and / or emotional standpoint. Now write a sentence that sums cards you just created, these up your story. See if you can customers are the people you have combine what is on your cards into relationships with. It’s important My Role My Customers Customer Hopes and Aspirations How Can I Help? something complete. This is how to understand what they’re trying I define my personal brand: to achieve and the problems Father Son Learn about the world Create a stable environment in which my they face. A brand often sees its son’s natural desire to learn about the “Entrepreneurial showman-teacher world can flourish. Teach him about the function as the alleviation of those world in manageable portions. who tells digital stories that travel.” problems. For a personal brand, the Husband Wife Teach improvisation Help her find teaching opportunities. Teach her social media marketing skills. It’s not perfect but it is me! I use same logic applies. Brother Sister Develop an acting agency Help her find clients. Teach her social this sentence on my Twitter profile. media marketing skills. You have now completed Part One 1. Map your customers Playwright Artistic directors Programme society’s most relevant stories Write good plays that explore the of your personal brand creation. questions society is asking. Your Roles Your Customers Comedian Comedy club Create a great comedy experience for Have a comedy routine so bulletproof Father Son promoter the audience it works anywhere, meaning zero risk of Husband Wife audience displeasure. Brother Sister Academic Head of Create a good highest-level learning Make sure I’m up to date on the latest department/ experience for students; manage everyone research and that I’m available to offer Playwright Artistic directors and audience students industry and teaching insights. Comedian Club promoters and audience Digital Media Clients Communicate well digitally Make sure I’m up to date on the latest Academic Head of department and students Consultant research and available to offer actionable digital media insights. Digital Media Consultant Clients and accountant Artistic Artistic Make great art Make sure I devote adequate time to Artistic Traveller Artistic collaborators Traveller collaborators projects. If, say, the project involves collaboration with Korea, communicate as clearly as I can to mitigate against cultural miscommunication.

40 Social Media Toolkit for Cultural Managers How to build capital in a social network 41 It certainly feels somewhat odd to think about your friends and family Conclusion in this way: as ‘customers’. It even • We all have roles that we present comes across as tasteless and and develop online. HOW TO TELL ‘corporate’. The aim, however, is to think about all of our relationships • In today’s ‘attention economy’, in a different light. it’s a key skill to turn information into knowledge. If your personal brand is, as Jeff GOOD STORIES Bezos says, “what people say about • Your personal online brand is you when you’re not in the room”, a combination of expressing the then refining the things you do for things you love and the ways you other people will have much more help others achieve their aims. ONLINE effect upon your personal brand’s impact than concentrating on – as we tend to on social media – the things that you say about yourself. HOW SOCIAL This strategy is also a vital antidote to the tendency towards narcissism that’s rife on social media. MEDIA KNITS TOGETHER

WHAT CONCEPTS WILL I LEARN BY READING THIS? You will learn how fragments of social media knit together to tell a story. You will be introduced to media theorist Professor Douglas Rushkoff and hear about The Seven Graces of Marketing by Lynda Serafinn. WHAT SKILLS WILL I LEARN? You will learn the skills of blogging in long form and short form, how to curate a social media festival and how to sell online in a ‘human’ way. ESTIMATED READ: 20 minutes.

42 Social Media Toolkit for Cultural Managers How to tell good stories online 43 “We tend to live in the distracted • We are less able to remember present, where the forces of the and recall information for The Six-Second Rule The Distraction Economy periphery are magnified and ourselves as we crowd-source When YouTube were developing The apps on our phones often try and keep those of in front of us ignored. Our answers using social media advertising packages, they found us hooked. Want to find out how and why ability to create, plan – much less friends and search engines. something interesting. If they they do it? Google Tristam Harris: How follow through on – is undermined invited users to watch a seven- • We are less able to concentrate Technology Hijacks People’s Minds : From by our need to be able to second ad before watching the if we have been distracted by a a Magician and Google’s Design Ethicist improvise our way through any content they had originally clicked message on our phones and we number of infernal impacts that on, the majority of viewers didn’t haven’t answered it. technology-hijacks-peoples-minds-from- stand to derail us at any moment.” bother waiting for and then • What we term ‘multi-tasking’ is a-magician-and-google-s-design-ethicist- Extract from Present Shock by watching the content; the ad had actually often merely distracted 56d62ef5edf3#.p752wepgu Douglas Rushkoff, 2015 put them off. However, if the ad ‘task-switching’, whereby we are was six seconds, then the majority derailed by moving over to a of people did watch the content. In data takes a long time to download newer piece of information. the attention-based economy, six on low connection speeds, it was The Distraction Economy seconds is therefore important: it important to keep the experience • Constant digital media represents the upper-limit amount a fast-moving one for the user. The aesthetics of online content are distraction hinders our ability of risk people are prepared to take Secondly, data costs money on partly created by the need to be to process memories and store before they reward themselves mobile phone networks, so limiting direct in an attention-led economy them long-term. but also by the constraints and with the content they chose. Six the amount of data being used also demands of the technology itself. Our posts and social media seconds of their time? Affordable. made sense. Being able to create content that updates have to vie for attention Seven seconds? Too long. Technology therefore mediates works well within these limitations in this world. You can liken it This is why YouTube created the not only how we tell a story but is a digital skill. As we said earlier, to shouting to your friend in a ‘skipable’ ad. If advertisers want to also how we understand that a newspaper journalist’s key skill hurricane. make viewers watch a whole ad, story. According to the great is creating a summary of an entire The choices open to the storyteller the advertisers has to pay. With media theorist Walter J Ong, in all story in the first paragraph. These are clear: skipable ads, if the viewer clicks spoken of communication there is days, perhaps the key skill of a ‘skip’ before the allotted time, the a certain amount of what is called writer is creating the entire story in • We can shout louder. advertiser delivering the ad that ‘redundancy’: a certain amount just the headline. of information that is lost in the • We can shout more often. has been skipped doesn’t pay. The skills of telling a good story process of transmission. This With the now-defunct social on social media go beyond • We can go out and grab people, affects the way the story is told. network platform Vine, we saw a this insight. Social media and take them somewhere sheltered similar six-second rule. Vine was a Certain key pieces of information smartphones are restructuring the and speak to them normally short-form video-hosting service are repeated to help us remember way we experience information. It while helping them fix their hair. where users could share six- and to differentiate one character might take several hundred years Okay, I’ve extended the analogy second-long looping video clips. from another. For example, in The for this to play out fully but early too far – but the point is, don’t add Odyssey, Homer talks about the studies are being conducted and to the force of the hurricane. Be With Vine, the six-second restraint wise goddess Athena as ‘Flashing- the more we understand how relevant to peoples lives. Above all, was also to do with the fact Eyed Athene’. Everytime she is digital stories work, the better be human! that the majority of content was mentioned, she isn’t called just storytellers we can become. consumed on smartphones. Since Athena, but ‘Flashing-Eyed Athene’

44 Social Media Toolkit for Cultural Managers How to tell good stories online 45 This epithet helps the listener to being told. Narrative is operating visualise and anchor the character A Clear Identity Collapsed Narrative more like a computer game – a in the story. Rushkoff also proposes a theory world to be explored – as opposed Look at this stick of Blackpool Rock. No that he called Collapsed Narrative. to a journey to be followed. On social media, where your story matter where you snap it, it always reads The theory goes like this: there has is placed within a timeline of many Blackpool Rock. The same needs to be Within a ‘collapsed narrative’ it isn’t never been any society that has not other competing stories, then this true of your social media personal brand. so much about a character winning told stories. Stories are the way in is also true. To get a story across, Wherever people join your story, a clear or losing, it is more a creative which we hand down knowledge it might need to be repeated. To identity – a quintessential ‘you’ that people exercise in how long we can keep and cultural values from one get a story across you might need recognise and relate to – must emerge. the game or the story going. to anchor it with specific hashtags generation to the next. Stories The same is true of social media that you use consistently. are comforting and orienting. storytelling. It isn’t a story with a They “help smooth out obstacles beginning, middle and an end – it’s Twitter themselves suggest that to and impediments, recasting them a story that keeps going. In fact, reach the majority of your followers as bumps along the road to some you might call it a never-ending in a day you will need to post the better place,” as Douglas Rushkoff story that is also a creative game. same information a minimum of writes in Present Shock. The real storytelling skill here is three times. The skill here is in to keep the content sufficiently varying the message. For many this The theory examines narrative interesting for a prolonged amount will feel like that they are talking in the context of an ‘always on’ of time. It’s the difference between too much, repeating themselves digital world. Traditional narrative writing a play and a soap opera. or ‘over-sharing’. This is to assume techniques in drama take a that you will reach all your followers character with whom we identify, Social media networks are also with a single update. Don’t worry: What Makes People Lose Interest put them in some kind of danger, making video core to their ideas of this is unlikely to be the case. in a Story? heighten that tension, then a create development. Snapchat, Facebook a climax followed by a speedy and Twitter are all focusing on the Think about it the next time you We often feel it’s boredom that makes resolution, or: “Get a man up a tree, notion of ‘live’ stories: the ability to change channels, fast forward an people stop listening to the story. Douglas throw rocks at him, get him down broadcast what is happening live ad-break or un-friend someone. Rushkoff suggests it’s more likely to be from the tree.” from where you are. What made you do that? It may be because they are angry: because the ad made you angry On TV, often these moments of with information that you don’t like “You don’t click the remote to change tension will be relieved by an ad- or don’t agree with. You choose a channels because you are bored but break and the products themselves different story. While we’re on it, because you are mad. Someone you don’t will be associated with the positive when was the last time you picked trust is attempting to make you anxious.” emotional release. This narrative up a newspaper you knew you’d Douglas Rushkoff, ‘Present Shock’. arc has a beginning, a middle and disagree with? an end. In social media, this ‘someone’ who is trying to make you anxious is usually an advertiser Digital narratives, especially those selling you something that you don’t want in in social media, do not have a Facebook’s Live Video button sits left of a Facebook profile under ‘Explore’ header an inauthentic way. traditional beginning, middle and end. Not only are they experienced This Facebook Live map shows live in fragmentary form but it is possible broadcasts happening at 7.17am to click off and follow links in other in Europe on 29 January 2017. directions even while the story is

46 Social Media Toolkit for Cultural Managers How to tell good stories online 47 While watching the video, people A quick Google search will give you pre-take-off demos we all know. can and will interact with each instructions on how to broadcast Except now, it explained how to be ‘broadcaster’, whether they’re live effectively to your audience. a true Benfica fan. broadcasting a war zone in action, a busker (as per Facebook’s 2016 ad premise to sell the concept of Story-doing, Not Storytelling ‘live’) or a cat playing with string in their kitchen. Twitter has its own version of a just so many things going on and live tool called Periscope but it is because we are so distracted, it Snapchat that’s most successful can be easy to forget all the things thanks to their encouragement of we do and have done. We forget Wit and wisdom from Emirates and Benfica young people to using video. ourselves. So our social networks The way that Snapchat thinks about As well as being moving, what is have started to create stories for us. video is to encourage you to create interesting is that so many people In 2016 Facebook created Friends a narrative of the last 24 hours of were recording the event on Day, which, if you as a Facebook your life. This narrative is called ‘a their phones. They could either user decide to activate it, delivers story’ and is deleted after it has broadcast the event live, or indeed a personalised Friends Day video been viewed. keep it to show their friends later, to you on your timeline. These The ‘live’ tool has been used and so the reach for this very small videos are stitched together special to great effect by Greenpeace Remember: everyone now has a action could have been many moments from your timeline. When demonstrating against British video camera in their pocket that hundreds of thousands. they are ready, you can shared Petroleum (BP) and its association can broadcast live. If you create them. This idea displayed so many with the British Museum, London’s an event exciting or different To watch, go you YouTube and things about what makes a good Sunken Cities exhibition in 2016. enough that people want to share and google Benfica Safety video / social media story. Activists climbed pillars to unfurl it, it’s likely people will broadcast Emirates Airline. protest banners that highlighted it live, which in turn amplifies your jAF2hZxdFRE • It’s authentic. Facebook is all the damage BP have wreaked event and grows your audience. about friends. globally through their gas and oil This is story-doing as opposed to • It makes you feel good. It’s a excavations. storytelling. Narrative From Fragments, AKA celebration. It’s early days but the direction ‘Facebook Friends Day’ • It stitches together a narrative is clear: Social media and TV that reminds us of ourselves and will merge. Consequently, all Emirates Go Live These stills are from my Facebook Friends Day video, 2017. Dancing our lives. social media networks are in an In 2015 the Emirates airline fragments of my photographic experimental stage with all forms of orchestrated a very powerful However, is it memorable or do library are returned into a video and it’s possible to broadcast live event. Emirates Sponsor the we need a real narrative for that to narrative using an amorphous your events live. Even if your Portuguese football team Benfica. be the case? This is an important human form. https://www. audience is small, it sends a clear With no warning, and in front question. and positive message to your fans of 65,000 fans, a group of very videos/10155905169138569/ The skill of digital storytelling is to and followers that they matter and smartly dressed airline hostesses be able to curate ‘moments’ into a that you want to reach out to them. came onto to pitch to give a safety In a distracted world, a world of narrative that is useful to us, we can That they can also interact with demonstration. The demonstration many social media fragments, with learn from and we want to share. other viewers is key. was a pastiche of the well-worn

48 Social Media Toolkit for Cultural Managers How to tell good stories online 49 Social Media: a Digital Festival Whatever type of organization you People Places Objects Experiences Contact is King are, ask yourself in what ways can Artistic Director Space Costumes and Performances you guide people to becoming Sets For seven days each year 200,000 Find and follow the Twitter account of an closer to what you do or the Leadership Homes Collections Rehearsal people congregate in a field in artistic institution you admire. Out of ten, things that matter to you. In what Somerset in the UK for Glastonbury mark them on to how close let you get to the ways can you give your followers Curators and Costumes and Ephemera Backstage Festival: the biggest mixed arts art. Mark them on how much you feel they Artists Sets something exclusive? festival in the world. are ‘selling’ to you. Mark them on strongly Collaborators Collections Research Previews much it feels like there’s a real person behind For example, if you are a theatre Member Rehearsal Tickets (Priority) Announcements Organisations the content. company, opposite is a list of things Celebrities Member Discounts Recognition that you might use as inspiration People often as the question: “How hard rganisations around which to create interesting should I sell myself and my business via Board Members Recordings Master Classes stories. Power Brokers Archives Special Events social media?” The answer is, “Nothing – Potential Friends Others’ Objects Anniversaries until you’ve connected with your audience.” There’s a wealth of possibilities; all Member Organisations Remember Rushkoff’s modern social-media you need is a little imagination to mantra: “Content isn’t king, contact is king.” curate a social media experience Devos Institute of Arts Management that is enjoyable experience for your ‘family’ of fans. Note all the different tents and If this fact makes you think that stages. If you were the curator of social media has become even Glastonbury, you wouldn’t put the more work, don’t worry. Even The Seven Graces of Marketing same band on every single stage though social media is always on, Lynn Serafinn is an ethical marketer. at the same time: the audiences you don’t have to be. A number She believes that marketing tactics would be completely different. of very prominent social media don’t make us feel good. This led accounts are simply open during her to develop a set of principals to The same is true of your social office hours and proud of it. (An change the way we sell. media. One of the biggest errors example would be @pactcoffee) people make about social media A good social media strategy is When you look at the lists together is they think it’s all one single manageable long-term. it is starkly apparent how toxic audience. It’s not. Your content selling has become. Would you be simply can’t simply be copied, cut Have two or three key moments in friends with a person who made and pasted into each one – the your year and plan around those. you feel any of the things in the data evidence is very clear on this. Think of these events as a digital first list? How many times are Your Twitter audience is not the festival that you curate. There is we encouraged to make swifter same as your Instagram audience, so much culture out there, make a decisions to part with our money or which is again different to your choice to be a guide. The key-word speed up our purchases because Facebook audience. There will here is contact. When you treat tickets ‘are about to run out’. (ie. be overlaps, sure, but they are contact as more important than scarcity). How much nicer to be also different groups who like content, the content becomes far told that there’s plenty of room to be communicated with in easier to create. for everyone or politely warned of different ways. a need to make a choice. There

50 Social Media Toolkit for Cultural Managers How to tell good stories online 51 are two important takeaways from Lynn Serafinn’s concept. Selling in a ‘Human’ Way Attraction is more important than promotion and in the process For a moment, think about what happens of selling, it is important to have when you go to a real market. You choose WE ARE ALL human contact. a stall because you like the look of what they are selling. As you walk closer, the stall holder decides how much they like you. Conclusion You also decide how much you like the stall MEGASTARS holder. If they like you, they can decide to In the digital age being a genuine accept a lower price. If you like them, you human is perhaps the biggest skill can decide to pay a higher price. You get of all. Being a genuine human cuts better deals by connecting in a human way. (ONLINE) through the noise. It’s that simple. The same applies to selling products on social media. MEGASTAR AND ALISA OLEVA

WHAT CONCEPTS WILL I LEARN BY READING THIS? You will learn how to find your unique story and communicate it online. How to live your brand by ‘story-doing’ not just ‘storytelling’. Pop-culture, cultural trends from below (people doing the right thing, naturally) and liberation from normal identity. How to take negative online behaviours and twist them to be positive. Beauty, femininity and self alongside the joy of oversharing. The story of a small town, re-branding and how to showcase them through online storytelling. WHAT SKILLS WILL I LEARN? You will learn how to identify your unique story and reason for being online and how to mobilise the power of the internet. ESTIMATED READ: 20 minutes.

52 Social Media Toolkit for Cultural Managers Using online data to understand your audience 53 else: Megastar? And what if I didn’t live in Trowbridge but actually lived in ‘Trow Vegas’; the ironic name that locals give my town for its lack of glitz? These thoughts didn’t spring from nowhere. Like many other small- town girls, I was absorbing and mirroring celebrity behaviours. Social media was a way we Trends, Celebrities and Online ‘civilians’ could access celebrity and make it our own. Now we all Behaviours feel like celebrities by performing Social media is a narcissistic kid and kids are the centre of their for monitoring reactions for popular own universes; they are playful and The Megastar Story selfie expressions. they absorb what they see. Their attention jumps from idea to idea in I see myself as a semiotics surfer So, yes, she’s learned quite a bit a free and easy way. Social media and visual storyteller with funny since I brought her into being. bones. My work focuses on the learns from the celebs. Observe I am going to unravel everything famous people’s online behaviours impact of contemporary culture on online to audiences bigger than our I’ve learned from these experiences and use what you learn. Be ironic, a female sense of self and the ways small-town demographic. in which women create identity. and tell you how I went from an be chilled and try out personae. observer of social media to actively From about 2006 onwards, the I created a persona: ‘Megastar’ living it out and playing creatively smartphone selfie was becoming –an avatar I bought to life. She is and publicly online. I’m going How Megastar Did It ubiquitous. I started to play out a ‘selfie-facing’ selfie-obsessive explain how I went from internet freely the ideas, behaviours and internet mermaid who lives online, novice to successful marketeer. At the beginning of social media feelings I had studied on the feeds on memes and whose I was observing the emergence internet. I realised that we all want identity is fluid. Megastar’s selfies of new ways in which people to feel like pop stars and manifest have featured in the National documented themselves online glamorous lives online like reality Portrait Gallery, she was selected and I quickly identified patterns TV stars and further, be our own by Selfridges concept team for “In a digital age of fluid in their behaviours. I was living in paparazzi. their biggest-ever beauty campaign identity, memes and a small town called Trowbridge in #beautyproject. She has been mythology I swam the Wiltshire, and the internet became As Megastar I bought out a music commissioned to produce her video called Part Of Me and an streams of the worldwide an escape. In the same way, in the own tween selfie app for Windsor small dull towns, I observed the online reality TV series, #mylife (see web with the freedom of & Royal Borough Museum and has girls dressed up more. Identity all video works here worked with neuroscientist Doctor an internet mermaid” was a way to express that we are megmosley). I performed live on James Kilner at UCL to develop the Meg Mosley, AKA Megastar beyond and above our everyday stage to my lip-sync music video first electromyography experiment lives. I was fascinated. What if I was at the Rio Cinema, London. I won not ‘Meg’ but became someone an emerging artist grant and a

54 Social Media Toolkit for Cultural Managers Using online data to understand your audience 55 solo show at Jerwood Gallery for called ‘earned media’. Remember Megastar and #mylife TV episodes that you can move these audiences screened in the gallery. to events. I recruited my town through social media channels and Lurk Moar: Observe and listen they came to my red-carpet event. until you understand, then make it Twitter, Instagram, Facebook... your own. The whole town took on roles! The Lurk Moar is a phrase used by internet has a creative carnival vibe image board and forums posters and so can IRL: let it reflect the to inform other users they need to Megastar’s Trow Vegas sign, made by a fan playfulness of the internet. post less and study the community before posting again. Learning inspiring my influencers to feel part of the movement by having them Build trust in your audience’s actively attend events and gigs and marketer. Do this by tone of ‘voice’ Immersive Trow Vegas red-carpet event at Trowbridge Town Hall Megastar and Trow Vegas: contributing online and IRL (in real and consistency. Create IRL Engaging your audience life) in the story. events for your audiences. These you listen and observe a lot then can form innovative and creative you don’t need a huge social A story that is real and is told with Recruit people by ‘sip pitching’ marketing campaigns like the following in order to have impact. enthusiasm is your unique selling a quick idea of what you’re up moving, witty and successful My own social media following point. When you work out your to. Can you tell them what you’re campaign of Emirates inspiring is not huge but people were reason for being online you have a doing in the time it takes to sip a the Benfica football stadium with engaged. Engagement is golden solid basis on which to build your drink once or twice? Think of it as their ‘story-doing’ approach. and the opportunities flowed. I brand. This ‘why’ and ‘what’ gives cocktail party of concepts. People focused more on my story and an your brand momentum. Reasoning can then ask for more information enthusiastic sense of adventure, it through is worth the effort. It pays if they’re interested. Make use of and people were willing to engage off because it will give you clarity of this trust curve. Social media with soul and help me. This success can’t purpose. Let’s bring this back to your be quantified by simple ‘like’s and marketing campaigns. Marketing Megastar Using the hashtag follows. Build something with your at its heart is good storytelling and #trowvegas, I recruited a big crew Online and IRL (In Real Life) brand rather solely garner a large social media is storytelling with of eager supporters for my Trow You don’t have to live out your number of ‘liker’s. Don’t forget to pictures. However, everyone suffers Vegas project. I recruited my whole story exclusively online. Megastar make stories human. digital lethargy and the storytelling town. Everyone has around 300 starred in a fake reality series in must be genuine and good. All Through my work as Megastar I friends on Facebook and many reality! digital agencies do is follow became the Director of a digital contacts on Twitter so ideas spread I inspired a whole procedures based around the five agency and taught at Goldsmiths. like memes. A meme is an idea Megastar town to get involved in the ‘Trow ‘W’s (who, what, where, why, when). Today I market for brands wanting passed from one person to another. Vegas’ brand. We had real events They just use apps and scheduling to bring communities together. In marketing terms these are called with real people having a really devices to boost and enhance. This truly exemplifies how artistic your influencers – and brand great time. This is ‘story-doing’ passion can be turned into ambassadors – who will speak on Megastar Before you embark on not ‘storytelling’. If the event you successful brand stories. Megastar behalf of you and your brand. I got similar activities get to the heart create is engaging, people will helped me become a marketing loads of help with the project by of your story, I’ve learned that if actually market it for you. This is expert and taught me how to give

56 Social Media Toolkit for Cultural Managers Using online data to understand your audience 57 social media soul. Most of all, it and what projects I am involved taught me the power of play. The Alisa Oleva Story in. It would be curious one day to Alisa I do not remember when I create a portrait of myself through first joined Facebook or Instagram. those remote Facebook friends’ Tips impressions and descriptions. • Don’t forget that marketing is Facebook lets me to flick between good storytelling and we all all my possible identities. Some are suffering digital lethargy, so people think I’m a photographer. make your story genuine. I did rifle-shooting, so some believed I’m in the military. I dance • Real passion is key. Live your the lindy hop and travel for it a story, live your brand. I have lot, so some people think I’m a gone full circle and now dancer. I often travel to remote offer marketing that brings about whether they are good or places, so some people think I communities together. In an era interesting – for me it is more like am a geographer. And I enjoy that of digital connections we still breathing, something essential confusion and I usually play with need each other! and natural. Then I noticed people it, as I am constantly flickering in • Online is not so very different to becoming almost curators of my my art practice and in the medium real life. Use it to unite ideas and My use of social media has always photos. They began to comment, I decide to use. I prefer to actually memes and remember to offer been extremely unconscious “Oh, you used to have more self- exist somewhere in between. portraits and now you are more your audience opportunities for and I did not pursue any clear I also confuse Facebook spatially. interested in empty spaces.” I interacting with and influencing agenda. This freedom has allowed I say ‘going’ to all sort of events; I would never have been aware of it; your directions. me to have an almost mirror-like post pictures from places I have relationship with it. My use of it other people were. • Don’t talk at your audiences, sometimes tells me something but engage them in dialogues I have more than 4,000 friends on about myself and where I am at the Facebook. Again, that was never an and involve them in your brand moment in my art practice. missions. intention. It just happened naturally. I produce confusion in my timeline. Some of them I have never met, • I never forget that behind the I share all sort of things. I initially some I’ve encountered perhaps marketing statistics are real started sharing things just to get once, some of them I danced with people. We all need each other; back to them and read later, so at festivals, some of them are my we all desire to belong – and sharing was a kind of bookmark. best friends, some of them are my digital storytelling is one way colleagues, some of them are my that we can learn to unite Then, surprisingly, my shares blood relatives. creatively in the digital territories started to form my friends’ we discover together. impression of me. They would see And so, after a while, all those the sort of things I was interested people whom I almost don’t know form a certain impression of me. in and they would send me the been to three years ago and then And when we meet by chance links they thought I might find the next day from five days ago. some years later, they talk as if useful. Often, I did. I also share Friends constantly write to me: they know me rather well and a lot of photos, although I am “Ah! You’re in Vienna!”, when those not a photographer. I don’t think know where I have been recently

58 Social Media Toolkit for Cultural Managers Using online data to understand your audience 59 as a reference, knowing that they will probably be confused, but being fine with that. Recently I discovered the beauty USING of using hashtags creatively. They are an ambiguous and confusing archive in the world of Facebook. I turn big phrases and whole ONLINE DATA sentences into hashtags, allowing them to anchor in the stream of Facebook. I write long list of them, sometimes more than 50 hashtags TO UNDERSTAND grouped together. Sometimes, pictures were taken last year and this links my pictures with other I’m actually currently in London. people’s in a very unexpected way. Something that is assumed to be I don’t often look back and reflect YOUR AUDIENCE about external control, I believe, on my use of Facebook as an artist. can be escaped by just aggressive However, I would definitely advise unconscious use of it, which is you to try to look at Facebook as probably my technique. some sort of flickering reflection. And because my art is about It is not ‘you’ but it can tell the the space and where we are world something about you and and where we are not; about unexpectedly become the art itself. psychogeography and drifting; about maps and locations, this WHAT CONCEPTS WILL I LEARN BY READING THIS? blends well with the feeling of You will learn about the role of data in social media and marketing and spatial confusion that Facebook how you can also use data to learn about your audience. Learn about paid can contribute to and create. social media marketing campaigns and become aware of useful tools for managing your social media. It is impossible to find anything on Facebook. Its entire nature is non- WHAT SKILLS WILL I LEARN? archival. It is like stream of water. You will learn how to use Followerwonk and how to analyse data. The And I love it. I like that there is no targeting options in ‘Paid-For’ Social Media Advertising. destination. It is for me a way to impress myself on the virtual world; ESTIMATED READ: 20 minutes. to manifest my presence. It is not about who I am or where I am but it does hint at my presence. I do not have a website so when I meet someone I give them my Facebook

60 Social Media Toolkit for Cultural Managers Using online data to understand your audience 61 Q. Which of these forms of data What Are We Doing On Our Data or Creativity? do you think is most effective? Phones All Day? Most people don’t update their What is more important data or creativity? profiles very often on Facebook. In his seminal book on social That’s the big question that every single ad Is it still useful? media: Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook, agency is facing at the moment. You see Gary Vaynerchuk makes the point nearly every single ad agency in the world This graphic on the right shows that the majority of the apps on uses Google Technology and consequently the different targeting options on our smartphones fall into three the data that Google have is profound. Ad Facebook. You get a sense of how categories. agencies feel threatened by the fact that adept Facebook has become in Google could become a better ad agency using data. We are: than them. They are faced with a choice. The social network that is most Do they become more like Google, and open with our data is Twitter. For • Connecting with life via social become absolute experts in data? Or do they media. around £36,000 a month you can continue down the path of creativity – an have access to every public tweet • Escaping from life with games area that Google has yet to colonise? that has ever been written. and music. • Managing our lives with apps. Analysing Twitter Data For Free Whatever we do on social media it’s clear we’re leaving a trail of data What is Advertising Data? One of those companies is – the digital vapour-trail – wherever, which analyses One social media network revenue we go. It’s probably a good idea if Twitter data. Followerwonk allows stream is to sell information about we try and understand about data us to analyse our followers and their users (us) to their advertisers. It’s in social media. helps us to understand the way in the price we pay to use their services. which we communicate with them. There are two types of data used to It gives us a sense of our ‘social target social media advertising: authority’. Uniquely, it also allows Declared Data: Information willingly us to do the same to any other shared. Filling in your social media Twitter account user who hasn’t profile when you first join a network is barred this type of capture via their an example of your creating a profile privacy settings. based on declared data. Inferred Data: Information that is not necessarily willingly shared but used none the less. An example would be a newspaper site keeping a record of the articles that you read and the links that you click on as a way of making an intelligent guess about what interests you.

Courtesy of

62 Social Media Toolkit for Cultural Managers Using online data to understand your audience 63 about where you might want to When you start the process of host future live events and it may social capital), it shows the extent trying to improve your social media have an impact on your strategy to which ENCATC is talking about To understand how Followerwonk presence, make a note of your regarding who joins your events itself and it shows the proportion works, let’s analyse the Twitter current social authority. Then log using remote video technology. of time the company spent having account @ENCATC, commissioner in again in every three months and Either way, it helps you to get to one-to-one conversations with its of this document. notice the changes in your social know your audience better. Twitter followers. authority each time. @ENCATC has Amazingly, you can assess any a social media score of 41/100. Twitter account and make a This is good for an institution its judgement on their social media size (although it can always be policy and preferred terms of improved!). Let’s see what else we engagement. For instance, imagine can find out. @ENCATC’s followers’ Twitter habits if the @ contacts (in light green here) were at 89 per cent. You’d This picture shows us something then know that this company was This is @ENCATC’s Twitter home page remarkable: the aggregate times using Twitter to administer their that all @ENCATC followers are Step 1: Open customer services, as opposed to and click on the ‘analyze’ tab that’s online and using Twitter. There doing so via phone or email. They’d top centre. Type a Twitter handle are peaks at 9am, 11am and 2pm. therefore be running their social (in this case, @ENCATC) into the This is an important insight. media network more like a café The international distribution of People spend time online when dialogue box. Then change the @ENCATC’s followers than a soap-box: they’re not talking drop-down toggle on the right to they have breaks and they have about themselves, they’re using ‘analyze their followers’. This map shows us geographical time to be online. @ENCATC’s social media more like a customer- distribution of @ENCATC’s audience clearly spend their Twitter focused drop-in. followers around the world. engagement time at 9am, 11am and The international reach of an 2pm. @ENCATC will therefore focus This information allows you to organisation or individual is often their efforts in communicating with know immediately if you’re being Open Followerwonk and ‘analyze’ surprising. It can help you think their audience most fruitfully at unbalanced in your use of social Step 2: When the results arrive, these specific times. media. Essentially, are you talking you’ll notice how rich the report is. too much about yourself? All the next screenshots are from the same report. First check the What Is Social Authority? ‘social authority’ metric. Social authority is a statistic aimed to help you understand your own or someone’s influence. These @ENCATC’s Twitter online moments other people can be your customer or @ENCATC’s most-used words, via Followerwonk. This picture shows us something com’s report your competitor. This person or company even more remarkable. It shows generally has a large number of followers. This picture is from the same us the times that @ENCATC itself When they are online, they have a high Followerwonk report. It looks at is on Twitter – and by this I mean engagement rate. the combined word clouds in the @ENCATC’s office in Brussels, ENCATC’s Twitter profile laid bare biographies of your followers. It’s comprising a team of four. It shows useful to look at the smaller words: the level of retweets (building they’ll give you content ideas.

64 Social Media Toolkit for Cultural Managers Using online data to understand your audience 65 Competitor Analysis In this image compare the social media strategy of each Should I Buy Followers on Twitter? You can also use Followerwonk to institution. They seem similar but compare your followers with those Cinquantenaire posts more links If you’ve spent time making great content, of similar institutions or persons. about itself (URL per centage) and preparing for an event or if you don’t yet is therefore probably more actively have many followers (fewer than 500) then: @ENCATC’s social authority The following picture compares two art galleries in Brussels. Go to ‘selling’. Cross-check this via yes. Go to Twitter’s advertising section This picture looks in great detail the ‘compare users’ tab and type in Cinquantenaire’s Twitter feed. linked to your account and explore ‘follower at the ‘social authority’ of our two or three handles. campaign’ options. If you are forensic about followers. It shows us that 40 per your targeting you can affordably speed up cent of our followers are simply Other Useful Analytic Tools for the growth of your influence. on Twitter to read news. They don’t like interacting; these are the Audience Research people who have a social authority There are so many useful tools for of 1-10 out of 100. This isn’t a bad analysing social media and you’re Conclusion thing, it’s simply a style of using usually able to try them for free. Social-media targeting is the social media. Followerwonk’s competitor analysis Here is a list of a few of them and most accurate, detailed form of To the right, we see the same There are two useful things to what they allow you to do. advertising – more so than TV, information in a bar chart. If you radio, print media and billboards. understand from this picture. Nuzzle: Competitor analysis. Nuzzle click on any of the blue links, you Firstly, there are 805 followers of reveals the most shared content Social-media marketing goes are taken deeper into the followers. both institutions, represented by among followers of a specific directly to everyone’s phones: In the picture that follows we have the Venn diagram’s intersect. We Twitter account, assisting you as the hub where the modern world clicked on @ENCATC’s followers, might call them Brussels art gallery to what content resonates with organises itself. who have a social authority of superfans! Secondly, we can see that audience. It’s powerful when between 40 and 50 each (a good to what extent the followers of analyzing a competitor’s follower. It’s easy to use social media rating for each individual). Cinquantenaire Museum enjoy data tools to get closer to your the work of Magritte, almost like BuzzSumo: A tool that allows to audience. looking at a subset. Strategists find what content is most liked and at either of these galleries could shared. Type in any subject and Paid-for advertising on social media then use this analysis to start it will take you to the articles that is a very helpful thing. conversations, either in-house or have had most impact, telling you mutually, about future exhibitions. which website wrote the content that was most shared, for example,

Social authority of @ENCATC’s followers about Beyonce’s pregnancy.

By mousing over the names, Bluenod: Visualisation of social it is possible to examine each networks, Bluenod shows you the biography in detail and really get to strength of relationships between know our audience. We can make members of a Twitter account. See how much they communicate a call on whether we would like to Brussels galleries’ social media strategies cultivate them, or take the social directly with each other. media relation into the real world.

66 Social Media Toolkit for Cultural Managers Using online data to understand your audience 1.How can I get more social 2.When’s the best time to post media followers? content online? THE SIX MOST More isn’t actually more. Everyone People engage with content when wants more followers: followers they have time to engage with make us feel popular, make us look content. Each social network has good and we can reach a wider a different demographic so it isn’t FREQUENTLY audience. The number one rule, all at the same time. Here are some however, is that it is better to have interesting facts about social media a thousand engaged followers than demographics. a million unengaged ones. If you • The only mainstream social ASKED QUESTIONS have an engaged set of followers, network that has more men on it they will do a lot for you and your than women is LinkedIn. business such as recommend you in real life, come to your events • Women interact more with ABOUT and shut down trolls. An engaged brands than men do on social online community is much more media networks. powerful assistance to you in the real world than an unengaged one. • Women consume more news SOCIAL MEDIA than men do on social media. Be patient. A teenager on YouTube spends day after day, week after • Out of all the social media week watching other people’s sites, the highest-value product content and commenting on it in purchases are made after a order to build his audience. At a session on Pinterest. certain point, this audience starts Here’s an interesting statistic: when to grow of its own accord but in the it comes to Twitter and Facebook, early stages and over the first two the engagement rate for a post will years, a commitment to creating decline sharply after 18 minutes. social media content will promote This means that you might have WHAT CONCEPTS WILL I LEARN BY READING THIS? excellent audience growth. to share the same update two or You will learn the skills of blogging in long form. three or four times to get it to the You will learn about lurkers and how to engage with them. Buy followers. It’s not cynical to buy followers and people looking at majority of your followers. The WHAT SKILLS WILL I LEARN? your profile want the reassurance engagement rate on YouTube will You will learn the skills of blogging in long form. that a significant number of last much longer because that is You will learn how to increase your number social media followers. followers bring. It is important to used as a ‘how to’ video library. ESTIMATED READ: 20 minutes. use only the tools offered by each social network rather than external, independent companies. Only this way can you ensure you have not broken any privacy laws.

68 Social Media Toolkit for Cultural Managers The six most frequently asked questions 69 Finally Benefit desisted but by now 3.How can I activate my audience? 4. What do I do if it all goes wrong? a new hashtag – #boycottBenefit As we saw with the @ENCATC – was trending globally, hitting The story of Benefit Cosmetics. followers graphic, there was a Benefit’s California head office. large number of people who didn’t A ‘Twitter storm’ can happen to The Head of First Impressions was engage: over 40 per cent of the the anyone – as evidenced by Jon forced to retract and apologise. total number of followers. This is Ronson in his 2015 book So You’ve not to say they aren’t interested in Been Publicly Shamed. Analysing communicating – they’re perhaps a Twitter storm is very useful and just community members who here is a good example. prefer reading to writing. These Benefit back down from the ‘fun’ position people can still gain satisfaction Benefit Cosmetics has a very large online community: more from being part of the group. The public backlash was swift What to do than 250,000 thousand people. There are three main reasons why The social media community Benefit reacted in a human tone Gini Dietrich is a specialist at online people choose not to get involved: manager is absolutely excellent: of voice. You can hear a tone of reputation management. In her she’s natural, fun and human. This voice. However, they also persisted important 2014 book, Spin Sucks, They don’t need to. There’s Director of First Impressions (her contributing to the online meme. Dietrich recommends the following actually no-one specific in the actual job title) really cared about strategy for when communications community they want to talk to or looking after her community. go wrong online: get information from. In July 2015 the hashtag • Find out who they are: this could #MakeAMovieAFatty trended. To They are new. They don’t know be a valid complaint. If it’s a troll, take part, you had to come up with how the group works – including don’t feed it. the technology, the type of film titles that were a ‘fat’ version language, how hashtags work, etc. of the original title. It was just • If you have built a community, wordplay. Benefit joined in. they will also protect you by They are worried. They don’t want commenting against trolls. to come across as stupid – more specifically, by asking a stupid • If it’s a genuine complaint, don’t question or giving a stupid answer. delete it. Most people just want to be heard and whitewashing The best way to engage these your timeline looks bad. people is to devote a week-long • If it is a troll, don’t engage, event designed for users who stay Benefit tried to brush it off as ‘a little fun’ in the shadows. Be extra friendly, delete their comments and ban ask simple questions, take your Benefit continued to defend the user. time with them. Go over the basics themselves online in a public way: • Explain to others followers why again. You will have the express that user was banned. purpose of making it feel safer for Benefit Cosmetics’ Twitter banter misfired these people to talk. In short, invite • If their complaint is real and collaboration and introduce your It didn’t take long for the Hashtag: #laughteristhebestcosmetic valid, reply with the following: members to each other, making Twitterverse to show their disgust. ‘We hear what you are saying. your space a safe space.

70 Social Media Toolkit for Cultural Managers The six most frequently asked questions 71 if you wouldn’t mind sending deep for your perfect customer even need to get a full-time job us your email address or phone 5.What about blogging? How can avatar and their description. again. To do so he needs to be number, we’re happy to talk to completely up to date with what is I become a good blogger? A bad customer avatar might read: you about this.’ going on in terms of modern online Blogging is a valuable online Our ideal customer uses our audience development. This approach has the advantage activity and every social media product to gain control of their As he learns about ENCATC, Adam of being personal, taking the issue post is a form of . finances. They want to be better is thinking that this could be the seriously and taking the discussion Venturing into longer forms: freelancers, so our tool is useful for tool that helps him to gain the and a potential argument offline. say, 1000-1500 words, can have helping them gain control of their necessary control over his career It’s damage limitation. significant impact. Blogging: income and expenses. and finances, giving him the Gini Dietrich’s number one piece confidence to embrace fatherhood • It increases search-engine A better customer avatar reads of advice is this: have an internal without financial fears. traffic because Google uses ‘the much more like a short story and policy regarding online complaints wisdom of crowds’ to decide really digs into the specifics: The moment that you imagine a prepared in advance. This way the quality and regularity of your real person reading your blog, the you’ll avoid a Twitter storm. She content. Adam is a 28-year-old freelance quality of your writing increases advises any organisation to: exhibition designer in Brussels. He dramatically. It becomes more • It humanises your brand. spends four hours a week reading • Make sure everyone in the human. Here are some examples of blog posts and following links on organisation knows the policy. • It creates content that might content ideas to get you started: be repurposed for other social Twitter. That’s where he found a link • Know which personnel will reply. media. pointing to ENCATC. • How-tos and tutorials Adam makes €30-40,000 a year as • Know the timeframe within • Lists, ie. ‘My Top Five…’ • It builds authority in your a designer, yet feels like he doesn’t which to send a reply (don’t industry by turning information have a good grasp on how much • Reviews necessarily reply immediately). into knowledge. he is going to make in the next • Controversial topics • Know what that person replying • It improves sales conversion year, so he’s not sure if he should will say. rates by increasing trust levels. hustle for more work or tell his • Infographics partner: “Yes, we can easily take • Helps generate inbound links that holiday”. • Interviews to your site that helps Search Adam spent four years working for • Guest posts Engine Optimisation (SEO). a large museum in town when he realized that he could do better on • A leadership idea that you • Increases leads because you his own. He has been freelancing champion. This is important in have ‘warmed up’ your audience for two years and is interested in that it prevents you from talking with good content. honing his business skills as well as about yourself. When you write your blog, have his curatorial skills. a specific person in mind. Some Adam is straight and has been people call this a ‘customer avatar’. married for four years. He’s starting This avatar is basically a profile to think seriously about having description of your ideal customer children. One of his concerns is and it’s as specific as possible. getting a good grip on his family’s You could use Followerwonk to dig finances and feeling control over his freelancing income. He might

72 Social Media Toolkit for Cultural Managers The six most frequently asked questions 73 drawn to. Here are examples using Help with design. 6.What tools are there to make Leonardo of Pisa’s Fibonacci spiral: Another much-loved graphic Other Smartphone Tips social media more manageable? design tool is CANVA. It has easy • Crop, don’t zoom in. templates that fit social media Help with running multiple social format sizes and allow you to be • Don’t use the flash. media accounts. more visual in what you send out. • Keep your lens clean. There are a number of tools on ( It is like a very light As a rule of thumb, if you post a picture, the market for making your social version of Photoshop. it should include some things to make it media easier to manage. Most interesting. Tag the people. Don’t just show of these bring all social media Help with personal branding. an exhibition, tell us something interesting. accounts into one single platform. Cloze ( is perhaps the Give us a nugget of knowledge. They also help you plan content The Fibonacci spiral, pleasing to the eye most interesting and innovative and analyse your audience. Two tool when it comes to managing well known ones are Buffer and your brand from a personal point of Hootsuite. There are simple, view. What makes this tool brilliant affordable versions of both. is that it uses machine learning to Leadership Ideas analyse your email history and then If you want a sure-fire way of not talking Help with content. establishes the strength of your about yourself too much on social media, Creative Commons is a great digital relationships. More than this then pick a ‘leadership idea’: something that source of royalty-free picture for it creates a daily action plan for is bigger than you that you champion. your blogs and posts. communication and sends it to you as an email. It also creates a daily digest of all the social media activity of your Conclusions friends and clients. It means that every time you ring a potential With care and focus, you can create content as good as that of Vermeer’s Girl With A Pearl Earring, courtesy of client, you know exactly what has Mauritshuis Museum been going on. There is nothing any big brand with a large budget. Go to more complimentary than being Digital tools are there to make well informed about someone’s your life easier: a small effort to Help taking pictures work. Often business is given to learn them will pay you back. the people who care the most. This Taking good pictures is clearly an tool makes it easy to care the most. Now you just have to schedule it important social media skill and This app wins you business. into your workday! a key part in good online stories. Composing a good picture help garner you more engagement. People often follow a ‘golden ratio’ when taking a picture. It places the New Year’s Eve Revellers, Manchester, 2016, by Joel Goodman. Courtesy of The Guardian and Roland most important part of the picture Hughes (@hughesroland). Hughes reposted the at points that the brain is naturally shot 1 January; a follower added the Fibonacci spiral and it went viral, becoming the first meme of 2016.

74 Social Media Toolkit for Cultural Managers The six most frequently asked questions 75 Co-Creators

Chasity Nao Meg Mosley Social Media Profile: Social Media Profile: 293165b4 Meg Mosley is a Creative Chief Blog Content Provider for Entrepreneur, Artist and Digital Energy Tech Start-Up Marketing Director. Meg has made social media an Start-Up Relations Manager at art form, exploring contemporary Friday Club London, Social Media culture and the creation of identity. Team on a groundbreaking 24-hour Meg is commissioned to produce Consultant, Founder of Haute After graduating with a Fine Art live streaming, blogging and social her own tween selfies app for Ecology. MA from Slade School of Art, Meg media project that garnered a the Windsor & Royal Borough has had a creative edge on social Chasity’s social media-marketing regional Emmy Award. Museum. She has worked with media and her finger on the pulse and digital marketing journey Neuroscientist Doctor James Chastity recently worked with of what’s new and trending. began whilst she was working Kilner at UCL, developing the first People for the Ethical Treatment of as a freelance entertainment Meg developed an online persona electromyography experiment Animals (PETA) ­­— the largest animal blogger for the Chicago Tribune. #megastar whom she describes as that monitors reactions to selfie rights organisation in the world ­­— Because bloggers were paid an internet mermaid and modern- expressions. as the youth content coordinator. by impressions, she intuitively day myth-maker who feeds on She launched their Instagram Meg exemplifies how artistic used social media as a means of memes and whose identity is account and penned passion can be transformed into driving traffic to her blog posts. fluid. In this guise Meg has built a ‘44 Accidentally Vegan Snack a successful business and how to As a result she organically grew powerful brand, being approached Foods’ for PETA UK, which is the create engagement via practical an online readership that was by head of the creative concept most popular blog on the website implementation of social media one of the highest on the site and team at Selfridges & Co. In 2014, to date. strategy in her role as Digital gained thousands of social media Meg travelled the country as Marketing Director of a dynamic followers. part of Selfridges’ biggest-ever web agency. beauty campaign with the online Other online publishers and social media hashtag campaign businesses took notice of her #beautyproject. digital success and contracted Chastity to help build their online audiences. She created the foundation for’s Facebook page, which now boasts more than one million followers and worked with the NBC5 Street

76 Social Media Toolkit for Cultural Managers Adah Parris Alisa Oleva Social Media Profile: Born 1989 in Moscow. Based in London. Co-founder of top London Her practice aims to offer an advertising school, the London alternative way to experience and School of Communication Arts. engage with the everyday urban life around us by merging the sense Short Course Lecturer: Social of real and imaginary within the Media Marketing for Artists, cityscape. She treats the city as her Artistic Institutions and Cultural studio and urban life as material, Entrepreneurs. to consider issues of private Since 2014 Adah is a speaker, and public, visible and invisible, workshop facilitator and consultant urban choreography and urban for clients such as The Startup archeology, traces and surfaces, Institute, The Hospital Club, the borders and inventories, voids and School of Communication Arts, silences. Her projects manifest the ArabNet Digital Conference in through participatory performance, Dubai, the British Council Digital urban interventions, walkshops, Europe Conference, Innovate audio walks and photography. Finance, The British Council, M&C Alisa works in permanent Saatchi PR and Next Day Better collaboration with Debbie Kent, London. She was also compere for know as The Demolition Project. Digital Shoreditch’s Connect Day in She also does solo work and works May 2016. collaboratively with other artists Through her workshops, talks and professionals on occasional and coaching sessions, Adah projects. helps businesses and individuals Alisa Oleva holds a BA and MA minimise the miscommunication from the Courtauld Institute of and misunderstanding of their Art and MA in Performance from brand stories and to understand Goldsmiths College, London. their individual and / or collective brand equity.

78 Social Media Toolkit for Cultural Managers Social Media Toolkit for Cultural Managers by Christopher Hogg, Adah Parris, Meg Moseley, Alisa Oleva


Social Media Toolkit for Cultural Managers Published by ENCATC, the European network on cultural management and policy

Printed in Belgium

ISBN 978-92-990036-6-4 D/2017/13.732//3

Cover photo: Designed by Jcomp / Freepik

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This publication should be mentioned as follows:

‘Social Media Toolkit for Cultural Managers’, ENCATC, Brussels, November 2017.

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The publisher has made every effort to secure permission to reproduce pictures protected by copyright. ENCATC will be pleased to make good any omissions brought The European Commission support for the production of this to its attention in future editions of this publication. publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which ENCATC may be made of the information contained therein. Avenue Maurice 1 B-1050 Brussels, Belgium [email protected]

80 Social Media Toolkit for Cultural Managers ENCATC is the European network on cultural management and policy. It is an independent membership organisation gathering over 100 higher education institutions and cultural organisations in over 40 countries. ENCATC was founded in 1992 to represent, advocate and promote cultural management and cultural policy education, professionalize the cultural sector to make it sustainable, and to create a platform of discussion and exchange at the European and international level. The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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ISBN 978-92-990036-6-4