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Ms: Mathematics, Universidad de Valladolid, 1976. Ph.D.: Mathematics, Universidade de Santiago, 1984. Current position: Professor, since 1992. Institution: Universidade de Vigo. School: School of Telecommunications. Department: Signal Theory and Communications.

Professional Experience

• 8/06—12/06: Visiting Scholar, University of New Mexico.

• 6/98—6/06: President, Universidade de Vigo.

• 4/04—6/06: President, Technical Education Committee, Consejo de Coordinacióon Universitaria.

• 6/02—6/06: President, CRUE European Higher Education Space Group.

• 7/98—12/04: President, Galician IndustryUniversity Foundation.

• 6/02—6/03: Member, CRUE Board.

• 7/01—8/02: President, CRUE R&D Comision.

• 9/96—9/00: Member, COST #254 action representing .

• 4/97—6/98: Department Head, Communication Technologies Department.

• 8/95—12/95: Visiting Scholar, University of New Mexico. 4/91—6/95: Department Head, Communication Technologies Department.

• 1/90—12/94: Member, COST #229 action representing Spain.

• 2/90—6/90: Visiting Scholar, University of New Mexico. • 5/88—2/90: Dean, School of Telecommunications, Universidade de Vigo.

• 01/87—09/87: Visiting Scholar, Telecommunication School, Universidad Politécnica de .

It is worth pointing out my contribution to the launching of two, nowadays nationally and internationally well respected, academic units at the University of Vigo: the Telecommunications School, in which I was part of the board of directors since the very first day of its activities back in 1985, and the Communication Technologies Department, nowadays split in two new Departments (Signal Theory and Communications and Telematics Engineering) which count with more than 50 Electrical Engineering Ph.Ds.

As far as the international projection is concerned, besides the presence in European projects and initiatives, I am particularly proud of my involvement in launching the ISTEC Consortium in 1990; as of today, ISTEC counts among its members more than 100 Universities from the US, Spain and the Americas, and IT industrial firms such as Sun Microsystems, Motorola, Nortel and Microsoft.

As a President of the University of Vigo, I am particularly proud of the impulse given to the project of the new University Campus developed by the architect Enric Miralles. With an outstanding innovative component, this campus has received international (portrait of Global Architecture in 2004) as well as national recognition, Special Prize FAD 2004.

I would also like to mention the launching of the Scientific Park of the Galician Universities, and the agreement with the Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología to manage the funds awarded to the research teams in charge of studying the effects of the last oil spill in .

Teaching Experience

Biostatistics, Calculus, Statistics, Linear Systems, Analog Signals and Systems, Discrete Signals and Systems, Digital Signal Processing, Spectral Analysis, Chaos and Fractals Approximation

Research Experience

Game and Decision, Theory Adaptive, Algorithms, Spectral Analysis, Linear and non Linear Prediction, Digital Signal Processing, Chaos and Fractals Constructive Approximation, Robust Stability, Statistical Learning, Education in the Information and Knowledge Society.

Evaluation Experience

• National TIC Research Program (1997–98) • Project evaluation for CICYT (Spanish NSF) (1992–2003) • New Telecommunication Program Universidad de Granada (2001) • Research Awards Committee Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (President of the Engineering Section) (2001-06) • Postgraduate Programs, C.A. de Castilla y Le´on (2006–) • New Bachelor Programs Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, President TIC section, 2006. • Quality Assessment Commission AQU Catalunya, (2007–)

Professional Distinctions

• Honorary Member of the Galician Telecommunication Engineering Association, 1998 • Emeritus Professor, Universidad Tecnológica Equinocial, Quito, Ecuador, 2000. • Antón Losada Diéguez Research 2003 prize for the book “Tecnoloxías da Información e as Comunicacións: unha visión desde Galicia”. • First Gold Medal awarded by the “Consejos Sociales” of Spanish Universities, 2006


• Signal Processing (Elsevier) • IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing • SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics • IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks • IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control Automatica • Journal of Computer Science and Technology, Editorial Board Member • Grial, Revista Galega de Cultura, Editorial Board Member

I would also point out the publication of 10 books and more than 25 articles in journals or chapters. Besides I have participated in more than 50 national or international seminars or congresses with over 50 papers and technical reports. Since 2001 I have publicated more than 20 Bologna Process Reports which are available at˜ddocampo/ONLINE or Bologna Process Press articles, available at˜ddocampo/XORNAIS