“Comfort Women”: Historical Agony and Practical Tasks
S/N Korean Humanities, Volume 3 Issue 1 (March 2017) https://doi.org/10.17783/IHU.2017.3.1.15 pp.15~30∣ISSN 2384-0668 / E-ISSN 2384-0692 ⓒ 2017 IHU S/N Korean Humanities Volume3 Issue1 “Comfort Women”: Historical Agony and Practical Tasks 1) Xu Mingzhe* Yanbian University Abstract While more than seventy years have passed since liberation from Japanese colonial rule, the problems rooted in Japanese wartime aggression, including the issue of “comfort women,” remain unsettled due to the misperceived historical notion on the part of the Japanese government. The existence of the “comfort women” system has been commonly acknowledged as a fact by many and while the Japanese government acknowledged the existence of comfort women and comfort stations in the “Kono Statement,” the current administration of Shinzo Abe is denying Japan’s liability and compensation. First, we must contemplate again the meaning of the comfort women issue and the significance of resolving the issue. At the same time, we must endeavor not to leave imperial Japan’s inhumane activities and crime against humanity in the past and approach the comfort women issue to protect peace and justice and serve it as a warning to Japanese militarism which is currently on the rise. If we continue to fail in solving issues caused by the war, building a correct perception of history and securing peace in the region will be an arduous task. We must urge the Japanese government for a heartfelt apology, repentance and compensation so that the victims can pass away without any resentment. Key Words: Comfort women, Kono Statement, Comfort stations, Coercion * [email protected] Received January 10, 2017; Revised version received February 06, 2017; Accepted March 02, 2017 S/N Korean Humanities, Volume 3 Issue 1 15 Feature Articles : The Comfort Women Issue in East Asian Memory 1.
Benjamin Daniels - English Translations of the Shiji 史記 Juan 卷 Juan Title Subject (including William Burton Other Translations Number (Zhonghua some famous Nienhauser1 Watson2 shuju page episodes) numbers) Benji 本紀 (Basic Annals) 1 (Benji #1) 五帝本紀第一 Huang Di 黃帝, Vol. I, The Basic Watson, “Basic Annals of (1)3 Zhuan Xu 顓頊, Di Annals of Pre-Han the Five Emperors” Ku 帝嚳, Yao 堯, and China, “The Five (excerpt from juan 1, Emperors, Basic 183-184).4 Shun 舜. Annals One” (1). Herbert J. Allen, “Original Record of the Five Gods” (269–295).5 1 The translations in this column come from the set edited by William Nienhauser, Jr, The Grand Scribe’s Records. Volumes I, II,V (Part I), VII, XIII, and IX. For publisher and dates, see Bibliography below. All page numbers in this column only show the starting page. 2 The translations in this column come from the three Revised editions, Burton Watson, Records of the Grand Historian: Qin Dynasty (New York: Columbia University Press, 1993); Burton Watson, Records of the Grand Historian: Han Dynasty I, Revised Edition (New York: Columbia University Press, 1993); and Burton Watson, Records of the Grand Historian: Han Dynasty II, Revised Edition Edition (New York: Columbia University Press, 1993). Other Burton Watson translations can be found in the last column, but only those translations that do not also appear in the revised editions. There are many editions of translations of the Shiji by Burton Watson and for the sake of space it was necessary to leave out every version. All page numbers in this column only show the starting page.
Ep 222: Confidence and Curly Hair Full Episode Transcript Jody Moore
Ep 222: Confidence and Curly Hair Full Episode Transcript With Your Host Jody Moore Better Than Happy with Jody Moore Ep 222: Confidence and Curly Hair I'm Jody Moore and this is Better Than Happy, episode 222, Confidence and Curly Hair. This podcast is for people who know that living an extraordinary life is not easy or comfortable. It's so much better than that. This is Better Than Happy, and I'm your host, Jody Moore. What’s happening, 222, isn’t that supposed to mean something when all the numbers line up like that, if you’re superstitious? I don’t know what it means, but I’m excited to be talking with you guys today. Let me give you an update in what’s happening in my life. At the time I record this, it’s the end of September, so kids are back in school, weather’s getting cold. In fact, it’s supposed to snow this weekend in Spokane. Not sure how I feel about that. Last week, I was in Utah, we did Better Than Happy Live, two days of it. So amazing. I love all of you who were there, thanks for coming. And then I met with my team for the day. I call them my team, but they’re pretty much all part time contractors, but I just claim them as my own. And we had an amazing day and we have so many fun things that we’re working on for you guys. So stay tuned because we have lots of goodies coming, lots of free classes, lots of kind of fun things that you might want to get in the mail.
The Spring and Autumn Period & the Warring States Period
http://www.purpleculture.net CHINESE MUSIC Pentatonic scale friend Zhong Ziqi by Playing “Sanfen Sunyi” method It is the collective name of This was one of the ancient five musical scales: do, re, mi, the Qin have their roots in this Chinese Lü generation sol and la. All the traditional methods. Guan Zhong in the Chinese scale forms included period, which fully reflects the Spring and Autumn Period the said five scales. Various improved musical instrument invented the Sanfen Sunyi modes might be formed Method that was used to based on each tone that is playing and composing skills figure out the length of Lü considered the principal tone for the pentatonic scale. The in a sequence of music tones and the enhanced music same or similar Lü generation consisting of the pentatonic methods also appeared in scale. According to the scale appreciation skills as well. As for ancient Greek and Arabic names of the principal tones, countries. Based on length modes could fall into different playing the ancient qin, ancient of the vibrating bodies, categories, such as do-mode, qin players also attributed the Sanfen Sunyi method re-mode, mi-mode, sol-mode included two aspects: “sanfen and la-mode. superb qin performance to true sunyi” and “sanfen yiyi.” Cutting one-third from a and deep feelings. According certain chord meant “sanfen sunyi,” which could result in to historical records, the singing of famous musician the upper fifth of the chord Qin Qing in the Zhou Dynasty could “shock the trees tone; And increasing the chord by one-third meant and stop clouds from moving,” and the singing of the “sanfen yiyi,” which generated the lower quarter of the folk singer Han E could “linger in the mind for a long chord tone.
THE ST. JdfflJS NEWS. VOLUME XVIU—Na 38. THE ST. JOHNS ^NEWS, THURSDAY AFTERNOON. Maj 2. PAGES. ONE DOUJM A TBAB. BURIED LAST FRIDAY IMV M me SOCIAL EVENTS mSTALUTNW BONN lDMRi m I Hl VimKR.\i« HKRVIC’ES <IF l^\TIC NAI>PE:NIN€4H tiE THE WEEK IN MELD TFKSDAY BY 'THE NATIUK- I IE MlUi. .RARV Mc<liKK. IN HT. 4€»HNH WMTETl'. FUKIlin .AL PRflTKCTYVK UBOfON. lit*. Mftry A. McKee, whose death \l4»Hk ON THE CHAPMAN P.YC- MUs Anna Kyan and Miss MInnis AIMIII. KNDN BTITN THt^NDMR The new officers of the local lodge YKAK IMY WWUi MB OD April It. was related In last week's Harrinston entertained the teachers of National ProtectIre Laglon were C'RliUNAL AND CIVIL MA*] 111 m. JOHNS. laana, buried Friday. The fun- 1(;||Y TO BE ItCMHEII. of the city schiMds PrUlay evenInK In NWIRM AND PRRieBE. Installed Tuesday eeenlng by suite OP THE PART WEB erml aanrfces were conducted at the a ver>' pleasant an«l nx»vel manner. deputy J. It. Wyckoff of Grand Rap raaUMlce of her eon K. M> K«*e by At 7:10 the guests all In costume as ids as follows: Raw. O. 8. Northrop, the Iniermeni be- sembled at the home of Ml«s Ityan. Past president. Gserge O. Wilson: READY m THE HDUDAYS Um m*de In the Victor cemetery be- BY THE FIRST OF HIRE corner of Ottawa gnd Baldwin streets, THE COLDEST IN » YEARS pres.. Rosetta M. Drake; rice pram., it. NNSm B OONNi OVBt akla her husl»and who |uiee«-«l swax where they were ushered Into a room Herton K, Clark; eec'y.
Beauty Trends 2015 HAIR CARE EDITION (U.S.) The image The image cannot be cannot be displayed. displayed. Your Your computer computer may not have may not have enough enough memory to memory to Intro open the open the With every query typed into a search bar, we are given a glimpse into user considerations or intentions. By compiling top searches, we are able to render a strong representation of the United States’ population and gain insight into this specific population’s behavior. In our Google Beauty Trends report, we are excited to bring forth the power of big data into the hands of the marketers, product developers, stylists, trendsetters and tastemakers. The goal of this report is to share useful data for planning purposes accompanied by curated styles of what we believe can make for impactful trends. We are proud to share this iteration and look forward to hearing back from you. Flynn Matthews | Principal Industry Analyst, Beauty Olivier Zimmer | Trends Data Scientist Yarden Horwitz | Trends Brand Strategist Photo Credit: Blind Barber (Men’s Hair), Meladee Shea Gammelseter (Women’s Hair), Andrea Grabher/Christian Anwander (Colored Hair), Catface Hair (Box & Twist Braids), Maria Valentino/MCV photo (Goddess Braid) Proprietary + Confidential Methodology QUERY To compile a list of accurate trends within the Jan-13 Aug-13 Jan-14 Aug-14 Jan-15 Aug-15 beauty industry, we pulled top volume queries related to the beauty category and looked at their monthly volume from January 2013 to August 2015. We first removed any seasonal effect, and DE-SEASONALIZED QUERY then measured the year-over-year growth, velocity, and acceleration for each search query.
Whose History and by Whom: an Analysis of the History of Taiwan In
WHOSE HISTORY AND BY WHOM: AN ANALYSIS OF THE HISTORY OF TAIWAN IN CHILDREN’S LITERATURE PUBLISHED IN THE POSTWAR ERA by LIN-MIAO LU (Under the Direction of Joel Taxel) ABSTRACT Guided by the tenet of sociology of school knowledge, this study examines 38 Taiwanese children’s trade books that share an overarching theme of the history of Taiwan published after World War II to uncover whether the seemingly innocent texts for children convey particular messages, perspectives, and ideologies selected, preserved, and perpetuated by particular groups of people at specific historical time periods. By adopting the concept of selective tradition and theories of ideology and hegemony along with the analytic strategies of constant comparative analysis and iconography, the written texts and visual images of the children’s literature are relationally analyzed to determine what aspects of the history and whose ideologies and perspectives were selected (or neglected) and distributed in the literary format. Central to this analysis is the investigation and analysis of the interrelations between literary content and the issue of power. Closely related to the discussion of ideological peculiarities, historians’ research on the development of Taiwanese historiography also is considered in order to examine and analyze whether the literary products fall into two paradigms: the Chinese-centric paradigm (Chinese-centricism) and the Taiwanese-centric paradigm (Taiwanese-centricism). Analysis suggests a power-and-knowledge nexus that reflects contemporary ruling groups’ control in the domain of children’s narratives in which subordinate groups’ perspectives are minimalized, whereas powerful groups’ assumptions and beliefs prevail and are perpetuated as legitimized knowledge in society.
Images of Women in Chinese Literature. Volume 1. REPORT NO ISBN-1-880938-008 PUB DATE 94 NOTE 240P
DOCUMENT RESUME ED 385 489 SO 025 360 AUTHOR Yu-ning, Li, Ed. TITLE Images of Women in Chinese Literature. Volume 1. REPORT NO ISBN-1-880938-008 PUB DATE 94 NOTE 240p. AVAILABLE FROM Johnson & Associates, 257 East South St., Franklin, IN 46131-2422 (paperback: $25; clothbound: ISBN-1-880938-008, $39; shipping: $3 first copy, $0.50 each additional copy). PUB TYPE Books (010) Reports Descriptive (141) EDRS PRICE MF01/PC10 Plus Postage. DESCRIPTORS *Chinese Culture; *Cultural Images; Females; Folk Culture; Foreign Countries; Legends; Mythology; Role Perception; Sexism in Language; Sex Role; *Sex Stereotypes; Sexual Identity; *Womens Studies; World History; *World Literature IDENTIFIERS *Asian Culture; China; '`Chinese Literature ABSTRACT This book examines the ways in which Chinese literature offers a vast array of prospects, new interpretations, new fields of study, and new themes for the study of women. As a result of the global movement toward greater recognition of gender equality and human dignity, the study of women as portrayed in Chinese literature has a long and rich history. A single volume cannot cover the enormous field but offers volume is a starting point for further research. Several renowned Chinese writers and researchers contributed to the book. The volume includes the following: (1) Introduction (Li Yu- Wing);(2) Concepts of Redemption and Fall through Woman as Reflected in Chinese Literature (Tsung Su);(3) The Poems of Li Qingzhao (1084-1141) (Kai-yu Hsu); (4) Images of Women in Yuan Drama (Fan Pen Chen);(5) The Vanguards--The Truncated Stage (The Women of Lu Yin, Bing Xin, and Ding Ling) (Liu Nienling); (6) New Woman vs.
CONTENT 1.MESSAGE FROM DIRECTOR …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 03 2.ORGANIZATION STRUCTURE …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 05 3.HIGHLIGHTS OF ACHIEVEMENTS …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 06 Coexistence of Conserve and Research----“The Germplasm Bank of Wild Species ” services biodiversity protection and socio-economic development ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 06 The Structure, Activity and New Drug Pre-Clinical Research of Monoterpene Indole Alkaloids ………………………………………… 09 Anti-Cancer Constituents in the Herb Medicine-Shengma (Cimicifuga L) ……………………………………………………………………………… 10 Floristic Study on the Seed Plants of Yaoshan Mountain in Northeast Yunnan …………………………………………………………………… 11 Higher Fungi Resources and Chemical Composition in Alpine and Sub-alpine Regions in Southwest China ……………………… 12 Research Progress on Natural Tobacco Mosaic Virus (TMV) Inhibitors…………………………………………………………………………………… 13 Predicting Global Change through Reconstruction Research of Paleoclimate………………………………………………………………………… 14 Chemical Composition of a traditional Chinese medicine-Swertia mileensis……………………………………………………………………………… 15 Mountain Ecosystem Research has Made New Progress ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 16 Plant Cyclic Peptide has Made Important Progress ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 17 Progresses in Computational Chemistry Research ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 18 New Progress in the Total Synthesis of Natural Products ………………………………………………………………………………………………………
ABSTRACT Liang Fa's Quanshi Liangyan and Its Impact on The
ABSTRACT Liang Fa’s Quanshi liangyan and Its Impact on the Taiping Movement Sukjoo Kim, Ph.D. Mentor: Rosalie Beck, Ph.D. Scholars of the Taiping Movement have assumed that Liang Fa’s Quanshi liangyan 勸世良言 (Good Words to Admonish the Age, being Nine Miscellaneous Christian Tracts) greatly influenced Hong Xiuquan, but very little has been written on the role of Liang’s work. The main reason is that even though hundreds of copies were distributed in the early nineteenth century, only four survived the destruction which followed the failure of the Taiping Movement. This dissertation therefore explores the extent of the Christian influence of Liang’s nine tracts on Hong and the Taiping Movement. This study begins with an introduction to China in the nineteenth century and the early missions of western countries in China. The second chapter focuses on the life and work of Liang. His religious background was in Confucianism and Buddhism, but when he encountered Robert Morrison and William Milne, he identified with Christianity. The third chapter discusses the story of Hong especially examining Hong’s acquisition of Liang’s Quanshi liangyan and Hong’s revelatory dream, both of which serve as motives for the establishment of the Society of God Worshippers and the Taiping Movement. The fourth chapter develops Liang’s key ideas from his Quanshi liangyan and compares them with Hong’s beliefs, as found in official documents of the Taipings. The fifth chapter describes Hong’s beliefs and the actual practices of the Taiping Movement and compares them with Liang’s key ideas.
{Jobs}1028jw/makeup/0470854243ffirs.3d The Last Empress The She-Dragon of China Keith Laidler {Jobs}1028jw/makeup/0470854243ffirs.3d {Jobs}1028jw/makeup/0470854243ffirs.3d The Last Empress {Jobs}1028jw/makeup/0470854243ffirs.3d {Jobs}1028jw/makeup/0470854243ffirs.3d The Last Empress The She-Dragon of China Keith Laidler {Jobs}1028jw/makeup/0470854243ffirs.3d Published in the UK in 2003 by JohnWiley & Sons Ltd,The Atrium, Southern Gate, Chichester,West Sussex PO19 8SQ, England Telephone (þ44) 1243 779777 Email (for orders and customer service enquiries): [email protected] Visit our Home Page on www.wileyeurope.com or www.wiley.com Copyright # 2003 Keith Laidler All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or byany means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, scanning or otherwise, except under the terms of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act1988 or under the terms of a licence issued by the Copyright Licensing Agency Ltd, 90 Tottenham Court Road, LondonW1T 4LP,UK, without the permission in writing of the Publisher. Requests to the Publisher should be addressed to the Permissions Department, JohnWiley & Sons Ltd,The Atrium, Southern Gate, Chichester,West Sussex PO19 8SQ, England,[email protected],orfaxedto(þ44) 1243770620. This publication is designed to provide accurate and authoritative information in regard to the subject matter covered. It is sold on the understanding that the Publisher is not engaged in rendering professional services. If professional advice or other expert assistance is required, the services of a competent professional should be sought. Keith Laidler has asserted his right under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act1988, to be identified as the author of this work.