Ms Winifred Southcott, President No Aircraft Noise Party Inc P.O. Box 613 Petersham 2049 Email:
[email protected] Web site: Airport Regulation inquiry Productivity Commission Locked Bag 2 Collins Street East Victoria 8003 Dear Sir/ Madam, Written Submission Economic Regulation of Airports - Productivity Commission Draft (February 2019) This submission highlights that much of the information in the Draft Report is inadequate or incorrect which lead to invalid and socially unacceptable recommendations and conclusions of changing the environmental constraints and associated regulation on Sydney Airport without regard to impact on residents of Sydney. The absence of social and environmental objectives in the study (Draft Report, page 43-44) has lead to the unfair and incorrect conclusions as demonstrated by the inclusion of the aviation lobby issues (relaxing the Cap and Curfew) and not the issues nor the feedback of the community sector submissions which safeguard the quality of life in Sydney for over a million people. The equity objective which was only included in this review for regional NSW's access to Sydney Airport but was not included for the residents under the flight paths. This blatant omission of the equity objective for residents of Sydney has removed any objectivity in the conclusions and recommendations outlined in this report in regard to Sydney Airport. Rather the proposals and recommendations have been supplied by the aviation lobby. If you are going to place an airport in the centre of a city then social, environmental and equity objectives are paramount and MUST over-ride the efficiency objective. Release of this flawed Draft Report resulted in a number of media releases by the aviation lobby advocating for relaxing of the Sydney Airport Cap and Curfew for the benefit of airport efficiency and airline profits with the losers being the residents of Sydney.