r .... ,,.. r .,.( ,,, /' ---- L - R : Yeo Wee Pin, Tong Wen Leong, Peter Ching, Ang Meng Siang, Shawn Chua, Galvin Sch, Bryan Tay, Shawn Ng.

Teacher Advisors : Mr Mohd Azmi Mrs Teo Swee Chin Mrs Dawn Tan

This year, we bade farewell to our Principal of over 18 years, Mr Harry Tan, who was given a new posting.

St Andrew's now in very good hands under Ms Priscilla Krempl and the strong team of Heads of Department and dedicated teachers, are working in full force to lead the school "Up and On" with an "ethos of excellence".

We have now a new vision and a new perspective but also have in Ms P. Krempl, the stability of the traditions of the school. With new innovative ideas woven into the fabric of the school, a new and stronger mesh will emerge - we will sail with it and ride the winds of change to bring St Andrew's to the shores of excellence in this new age.

The Editorial Board wishes to thank the advertisers for their generous support without which this magazine would not be possible. To all those who have helped us in one way or another, we say a big thank you.

We thank the Junior School Principal, Ms Jacqueline Oehlers for taking charge of the Junior School Section.

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Seated (L - R) Mr Gerald Lim, Ms Jacqueline Oehlers, Mr Harry Elias, Bishop Dr Moses Tay, Ms Priscilla Krempl, Mr Tan Sao Kiang, Mr John Teo.

2nd Row Revd. Tony Tan, Prof. Tan Chee Hong, Revd. Kingsley Ponniah, Mr James Lee, Dr Chan Shaw Yan, Mr Lim Teik Hock, Mr John Yap, Mr Phua Kia Wang, Mr Yee Teck Peng. w Not in picture Revd. Samuel Sia, Canon Dr James Wong. ST ANDREW'S OLD BOYS' ASS()CIATl()N

L- R(Seated) : Ms Eunice Koh, Capt. Leonard Mc Cully, Mr Donald Teo, Mr Harry Elias, Ms Priscilla Krempl (Princpal, Secondary School), Ms Jacqueline Oehlers (Principal, JunMJr School), Mr John Lee. L -R (Standing) : Mr Tan Boon Thye, Mr Goh Chong Hiang, Mr Lim Teik Hock, Maj. Ramjanam Misra, Mr Tony Heng, Mr Ronnie Chen. Not in picture : Mr Wilson Lim , Mr Tang Kwok Wah, Mr Tan Soc Kiang (Sec. School Supervisor), Mr Gerald Lim (Junior School Supervisor)

(A] SAOBA 1995/1996 Management Committee

The President and members of the SAOBA 1994/1995 Management Committee welcomed those members who took time off to attend the 61 st AGM held on 27 May 1995 at 2 .30 pm at the RKS Adams Auditorium, St Andrew's Secondary School. The following members were elected to the Management Committee 1995/1996:- President Mr Harry Elias Vice President Mr Donald Teo Vice President Mr Wilson Lim Honorary Secretary Mr Tang Kwok Wah Asst. Honorary Secretary Mr Tan Boon Thye Honorary Treasurer Mr John Lee Mong Wah Asst. Honorary Treasurer Mr Lim Teik Hock Committee Members Maj Ramjanam Misra Mr Tony Heng Mr Leonard McCully Mr Ronnie Chen Mr Goh Chong Hiang

[BJ SAOBA Representatives of the Board of Governors of St. Andrew's School

Mr Lawrence Teo and Mr Lim Teik Hock are the SAOBA representatives on the Board of Gover­ nors of St Andrew's School for the term of office 1995/1996. However, some mid-way through the term of office, Mr Lawrence Teo requested to step down due to this heavy work commitment. He was replaced by Mr Yee Teck Peng.

[CJ SAOBA Scholars 1995

The following Secondary 4 students were awarded the 1995 SAOBA Scholarships:-

Gold Award Albert Lo Silver Award Tiew Chong Ren Bronze Award Yap Yoong Lok Our heartiest congratulations - Up and On!



"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him and he will make your paths straight" Proverbs 3 : 5, 6 The Past year has been another year of blessing for us at St Andrew's Junior School. Our new school building is nearing completion and with eager anticipation we look forward to our move to new premises in the new year. God has indeed been faithful as seen in His provision for us in countless ways. As we reflect on the Lord's faithfulness to us, let us respond, as the above portion of Scriptures encourages us to, in two ways. Firstly, let us resolve to trust the Lord with all our hearts. In the midst of challenges, obstacles and disappointments let us remember that our confidence and trust in a faithful God will never be in vain. While we can never fully understand the ways of God, we can always be certain of His constant love and concern for us. Secondly, let us take note of the call to acknowledge the Lord in all our ways. This requires the surrender of our lives to the Lord and a willing obedience to His World. For if God is faithful, then it makes good sense to entrust our lives to Him and submit to His leading. In the face of the many uncertainties in life, the Lord can and will be our true source of security. So, as we rejoice at God's faithfulness to us, let us endeavour in all our lives, to trust Him with all our hearts and to acknowledge Him in all our ways. Rev Kingsley Ponniah SENIOR SCHOOL Living in between your ears ! Think future ! Live each day with God's strength and wisdom and you'll look back with much satisfaction. To the boys from Secondary 4 and 5 who will be leaving School and friends soon, may you build up the memories of your time with us and be thankful to God for his goodness and mercy always. May I take the opportunity to thank the teachers and pastoral staff, Joseph Chean & Andy Wee, who helped me during the chapel periods over the past years, the Boy's Brigade members and officers for their friendship and fellowship, the principal, Ms P. Krempl, and the teaching staff for being my co­ workers in pastoral care. As from 1st September 1995, the Revd. Tony Tan will be the new chaplain of the school. I commend him to your prayers and support. May the Lord be with us always. Revd. Tan Piah


The Principal, Staff and Students would always remember Revd. Tan for his prayers, guidance and counsel during morning assem­ blies and chapel lessons. It was with a tinge of sadness that we bade farewell to him. Through the years Revd. Tan has been with us, he has given special interest to staff and pupil welfare. He has spent time counselling, teaching and helping the staff handle difficult situations and his cheerful and calm presence will surely be missed. He is truly a Man of God who goes where he is sent and in all that he does, he gives his best to the Master.


L -R Seated : Mrs Gan Sim Ser, Ms Priscilla Krempt, Mrs Leow Chor Heah, Mr John Yap, Mr Sim Teow Hong, Mr Phua Kia Wang, Mr Robert Ng. L - R Standing: Mr Heng Kiang Poh, Mr Andrew Koh Keng Er, Dr V.N.Chelvam Sabapathy, Dr lmran Nawaz, Mr Chan Chen Ning, Mrs Rosalind Tan, Mrs Elsie Chan, Mrs Peggy Tay. Not in picture : Mr Victor Cheung, Mr Chan Heng Toong, Ms Jacqueline Oehlers. The 1995/1996 Executive Committee of SAPTA is headed by Mr John Yap , the newly elected Chairman. Three new faces joined the Committee as well viz. Mrs Gan Sim Ser, Mr Chan Heng Toon and Dr lmran Nawaz. SAPTA continues to serve as a support group to both St Andrew's Junior School and St Andrew's Secondary School, giving support to their Schools' activities and projects aimed at educating and motivating the boys to excel academically and to mould them into upright gentlemen. This year we sponsored several of the Secondary School's projects viz. the Christian Mission Trip to , the Caulfield Exchange Programme and the 8th Asian Workshop on Child and Adolescent Devel­ opment. The talk organised by SAPTA on 29 July 1985 on 'How to change undesirable Adoles­ cent Behaviour' by Jim Moran was well-attended by parents who found it informative. The Projects sub-committee is currently planning a video presentation and discussion with participation from teachers and parents. SAPTA also sponsored both Schools in their Teachers' Day celebrations and will be holding a sumptuous dinner for the teachers and parents at the SAFRA Resort and Country Club to show our appreciation to the teachers for their dedication. With a view to help improve the School's ranking, SAPTA has set up a Scholarship Fund. It has donated $10,000/- towards awards to top Primary Six Students who opt in 1986 to enrol and continue their secondary school education at St Andrew's Secondary School. The details of the Scholarships are being worked out by the Scholarship Sub-Committee and will be made known to the students soon. SAPTA will therefore be organising several projects to raise funds for their Scholarship Fund, and will start with a marathon in February/March 1996.

We are encouraged by the increased participation by parents who are willing to give of their time and financial support to SAPTA and look forward to your continued interest.


Parents and Staff members attend the ACM.

10 Who says I can't spin a pen? - Jasper, Philipines.

Arifur from . -"A cup of coffee a day, makes Arifur awake all day.

The Chow brothers from the British Colony of Hong Kong.

12 -• •• •• • ••••an• I nc IVIA"Unl I '

The Malaysians posing eagerly. -Brotherly love when East meets West.

The ever-hungry Indonesians. -Big-ah?, fah-ah? rich-ah?

Singaporeans: Can't live with'em, Can't live without 'em. ... -Joseph Tan & Collin Wong

13 A grand welcome for our Guest-of­ Honour, Mr Goh Chong Chia, President, Institute ofArchitects .

School Captain, Jonathan Anthonius and his team of Prefects leading our special guests to Shaw Hall to witness the Prize­ Giving Ceremony. Ms P. Krempl with her opening address and School Report.

Inspection of the Boys' Brigade, Guard-of-Honour. Our distinguished guests for a very special occasion. From left: Mr John Yap (PTA Chairman), Mr Tan Soo Kiang (Sec. School Supervisor), Ms P. Krempl (Sec. School Principal), Mr Goh, Bishop Moses Tay, Mrs Goh and Ms J. Oehlers (Junior Sch. Principal).

Guest-of-Honour, Mr Goh Chong Chia delivers his speech.

An occasion graced by distinguished guests, parellts, well-wishers, staff and past and presellt Saints.

Bishop Moses Tay addresses the School. 14 Mr Chan You Meng receives the Long Service Award from Mr Goh.

After the prize­ giving ceremony, Mr Goh and Bishop Moses Tay making their way to the Reception. A token of appreciation for Mr Goh presented by the Schoql Captain.

Light refreshment for our distinguished guests. 15 FOUNDER'S DAY SPEECH 2 SEPTEMBER 1995 by Ms Priscilla Krempl

Lord Bishop, our guest of honour, Mr Goh Chong Chia , mem­ bers of the Board, Mrs Goh Hwee Choo, our Senior Inspector, honoured guests, parents, teachers and pupils of St.Andrew's, welcome to St.Andrew's to our 133rd Founder's Day. The School report has been printed for your easy reference. It records our successes in our external examinations and extra­ curricular activities, it celebrates the achievements of individu­ als both students and staff and highlights the strategies which will keep us on course. But what of the future ? When I was a student here at St.Andrew's, the school was just passing its centenary. It was a time for celebrating the past success and wondering about the future. We are now in that future and the school has progressed well. New property and buildings and the change to a single-session school are obvious changes but other more important changes have happened too. Like many ex-students, I remember school days with great affection. I am sure I recall only all the good things and forget the bad - it's human nature to do so. However, being intimately involved with the education at St.Andrew's, I can, of course, notice the changes in education that have occurred over those years. Society has changed, Singapore has changed, the world has changed and educational practice has changed and all these trends have been quite correctly reflected in our education programmes at St. Andrew's. Is the school better or worse than it was in my day ? The answer is that it is necessarily different and that comparing the two era is really an unfruitful effort unless you simul­ taneously compare the social settings, the national goals and the world position of those two times. Having said that I would dare to look into the future with a definite measure of confidence and would attempt to suggest where St.Andrew's will be heading in the future. The first point is that St.Andrew's is an academic school and it will remain so. Academic competition has become more intense, particularly since school ranking became public knowledge. It is a fact that St.Andrew's has not fared quite as well as we have expected as our standards and expectations are high although subjects like Design and Technology and Biology both have high distinction rates and others like Mathematics, Geography, Art and Tamil still command distinction rates above National average. But already programmes are in place to address this issue and to recover lost ground. Special programmes for gifted students and strategies for ensuring we attract such students have been introduced. For example, we have available scholarships for the top ten PSLE pupils from the Junior School enrolling in the secondary school. Out of the ten, the best will receive the RKS Adam's Scholarship which is over and above the Edusave scholarship. To help pupils academically, we have remedial and special programmes. We conduct peer tutoring and courses in English and Chinese composition writing skills, a learning and study skills programme, among a host of others. In addition assessment procedures have been examined and will be altered to provide a reliable means of measuring our improvement. So in future, I see St.Andrew's continuing to be a highly successful, attractive academic school achieving a place in the top twenty-five schools in Singapore. This must be achieved by producing extraordinary outcomes from ordinary inputs. St.Andrew's does not wish and has never wished to be exclusive or elitist, our aim is to produce the best in our pupils. The school has always been a leader in science and technology. This must continue. The world will need more science-minded and literate citizens in the future. Here again, St. Andrew's is quickly catching up with the rest of the field. Computers must become a natural part of the fabric of learning. The future will see St.Andrew's regain its place in the lead but considerable capital expense and professional development for staff will be required. This process is already underway and staff are quickly embracing a new view of education. The ranking process, where emphasis has been placed solely on academic results pegged against the PSLE performance, can threaten to unbalance the basic educational premise. But the new value-added component adds a new dimension to measuring academic standards. St.Andrew's has been and will 20 encourage pupils to do their personal best and aim for excellence not only in the academics but also in other facets of their lives. There is much more to education than academic achievement. St.Andrew's prides itself on producing fine future citizens and contributing members of the community. Sound values, self-esteem, a love of learning and so on may not be so visibly measured but they are at least as equally important as the academic focus in producing young people of quality. The St.Andrew's of the future will be a people's place where individuals are valued and nurtured, where each voice is a voice to be heard and where personal triumphs are celebrated. Overall statistics must not be allowed to cloud individual success. Each person should be encouraged to achieve his personal best in all endeavour. At this point, I would like to commend Mohd lswan, Teo Wee Tee and Wee Lee, Ivan Goh, Leon Boey and Nigel Eng for achieving their personal best in their ECA's . Care and respect for others must also be a natural part of the school atmosphere. The pastoral care and discipline systems must change to meet the future. Encouragement to succeed rather than discouragement of failure must become the philosophy. Our team of teacher counsellors are very aware of this basic tenet. After all , punishment is often too late; the wrong has been committed. We must in essence develop proactive ways to make pupils perform their best in all things, to become innovative thinkers and risk takers, to be life-long learners. School should be a place of enjoyment and pleasure, of encouragement and support and of mutual respect and selfless service. This will be the St.Andrew's of the future and it is taking form already. The school is unashamedly a Christian Anglican school. Pupils must be encouraged to explore spiritual pathways, they must be guided in developing moral values for life, they must be provided with avenues for service. The Gospel message must not only be heard it must be evident in the life of the school. St.Andrew's must be a beacon to set students on the right path through an increasingly materialistic and amoral world. This too is already happening. Our recent mission to Malaysia shows that pupils are willing to hold acceptable values and share them and put them into practice. One area we ex-students have also seen through rose-tinted glasses is sport and extra-curricular activ­ ity. It seems to be always better back then. I was indeed surprised that our rugby side which came in second this year, was seen as below par. The criticism of some was ridiculous as it was damaging. Competition is great and we must strive to be the best but there is more to sports than this, surely. Teamwork, sportsmanship and the joys of physical activity must not be sullied by unbridled lust for winning . Our aim is to produce champion teams rather than teams of champions. We will surprise our competition by delivering extraordinary results from apparently ordinary players. We are developing young people and that must be seen as the broader goal than just winning. Of course, St.Andrew's will continue to win gold medals and accolades in the future as they have in the various Extra Curricular activities like the Indoor Band Competition, Waterpolo and Junior School and Hockey but our sportsmen should be the best in the competition in other ways too. St.Andrew's will become an outward-looking school. We will become more involved in community serv­ ice and thus develop more understanding of community needs. Pupils must be trained as future citizens of Singapore and the world; they should become individuals who are fully aware of the rights and responsibilities that are involved in such serious commitments. In this respect, old boys and parents who are already active participants in society, can help to open this world to pupils. The St.Andrew's of tomorrow must have an active and vital PTA and SAOBA who work readily with the principal to achieve the school's goals. It is important that these groups continue to be seen as supportive and innovative. Parents and old boys can give invaluable services to the school. This will be the hallmark of the St.Andrew's of the future. This teamwork is already happening and I thank the PTA and the SAOBA for their significant contribution to the life of the school. I have yet to mention the staff. To those who have never taught, teaching can appear to be a simple task but it is anything but that. The demands on teachers' time outside the classroom has never been greater and in addition teachers are required to hone their skills continually to keep pace with the rapid changes happening in the profession. At St.Andrew's we have an excellent and dedicated staff who give freely of their time and expertise. There is a genuine willingness to help the pupils in their care while meeting pressing demands placed upon them. I acknowledge the outstanding contribution of my col­ leagues. I take this opportunity to thank my predecessor, Mr Harry Tan for his contribution to the school. Mr Tan gave St.Andrew's eighteen years of dedicated service. He was instrumental in the building of the new secondary school and its annexes which allowed the school to go single-session. I would also like to thank Rev Tan Piah who will be leaving us, for his spiritual leadership in the life of the school. I thank them and the teachers for their unstinting service and I commend them for their achievements. The future will be no easier. The pace of changes is unlikely to slacken and academic and social demands will become even greater. St.Andrew's must continue to have a special staff and the school must support them as much as possible. Decent staff amenities and resources and fair recog­ nition of teachers' work must be placed on very high priority.

St.Andrew's is, and will continue to be a great school. It will be a school whose values set the 21 standards for other schools, it will be a school whose care for the individual is the envy of other schools, it will be a school whose achievements are remarkable, whose students are remarkable and whose reputation is unassailable. It will be a school in which the ordinary becomes extraordinary, where expectations are exceeded and where superlative are commonplace, in short, it is a school where lives are in the making, hearts are in the waking and there is mighty undertaking - where history is in the making. History has it that our Guest of Honour, Mr Goh Chong Chia was, when at school, sorry for the revelation, was not an extraordinary student. He was shy and somewhat reticent. But he listened to everything his teachers taught him, and kept within his heart a quiet courage, which he only chose to show at the right time. He was in the medicine class when doing his "A" levels but then he decided to make a switch; he pursued architecture instead of medicine. He dared to be different. Today, he is a highly respected President of the Singapore Institute of Architects. He can't beat too many people at golf. But he is an excellent snow skier who has challenged the Alpine slopes. Ladies and gentlemen, the qualities Mr Goh has are the qualities of a Saint, spelt with a capital "S" . Now it gives me great pleasure to call upon our Guest-of-Honour, Mr Goh Chong Chia to address us. SPEECH BY GUEST-OF HONOUR - MR GOH CHONG CHIA My Lord Bishop Moses Tay The School Supervisors, Mr Tan Sao Kiang and Mr Gerald Lim Members of the Board of Governors Principals of the School Representatives from the Old Boy's Association Distinguished Guests Parents, Staff and Fellow Saints

When I was asked to be the Guest of Honour for this 133rd Founder's Day, I looked at the role of Honour on the walls of the hall and told myself that I was neither an academic dux nor did I excel in athletic endeavour while at school. It is therefore a great honour to be asked by one's alma mater to address the School as my only credential is simply that of being an old boy.

I asked myself what could I tell you and what message I could pass on to you today. I will tell you what the school was like, how we got here, what lessons we learnt along the way and what St.Andrew's has meant to me.

Education is a great social institution and St Andrew's going back 133 years is a tribute to this process. The school is not simply a place but a lifestyle. We arrived as bright-eyed seven year olds, a little frightened of the world and emerged moulded by this process into street-wise teenagers ten years later.

I remember the great excitement of being promoted to the 'big school'. It was a big step for a child from kindergarten to take. I remember clearly the huge pink building with its tower and its fish-scale motifs on the walls. The approach to the school was through a narrow stony lane with a steep incline, making the sense of arrival even more imposing.

We were forty strangers when we met in Primary 1 for the first time. Ten years later, we left as friends, sharing a common past. We have grown up together and have gone through the trials and tribulations of success and failures. We had befriended each other for no other reason than pure friendship and these friends will last a life-time. Unlike later life friendships, these relationships will be simple and uncomplicated by other hidden motives.

There was a deep depression where the Flyover now stands and this was one of our two school fields. We waited for the recess bell to ring as this signalled a temporary reprieve from formal classes. The escarpment of the playfield became imaginary castle walls and battle fields. At the highest point of the hill was a great Bunyan tree which was central to the lives of the students. Unfortunately, it has since been chopped down. Perhaps we should replant another within the new school compound.

This Bunyan tree was very much a symbol of the school with its numerous roots holding up and feeding the entire tree. The fruits it bore became the ammunition for the battles that were played out on this escarpment. The battle lines shifted between waves of attack and defence. This was our equivalent of today's Great Workout. Unfortunately, the field has since been filled in and turned into an efficient

22 motorway with its accompanying noise. I suppose this is part of progress that we must live with. Games and sports are part of the growing-up process as through them we learn to be social beings. We had no computer games or the sophisticated gadgetry that you now have. Games were simpler and more innovative and we made up the rules as we went along. Marble and gasing were the order of the day. Numerous holes and circles were dug meticulously and drawn ceremoniously on the red clay. These games were seasonal and took on the fervour of a league championship. The regular rugby matches between us and Raffles Institution were a central part of the sports calendar. In those days, we won more often and our sportsmanship was sometimes tested to the limit.

The of old was subject to constant flooding after every heavy downpour, bringing in a stream of refugees using the school hall as their refuge. It reminded us of the less fortunate as well as the constant battle with nature. Boys played doctors and first-aiders. Perhaps it is from this batch that a few went on to become doctors and social workers.

Potong Pasir has changed beyond all recognition over the last 30 years. What was once vegetable farmland has now become high-rise flats. While the school was once in the midst of a rural setting, today we are a part of a new town. These constant changes will always be a part of the lifestyle of Singapore.

Changes have also taken place in the celebration of National Day. The spectacular National Day display at the Padang this year was vastly different from the one I participated in 1 959 when we achieved self­ government. It was a simple, less sophisticated display but with no less national fervour than what we experience today. The sophisticated laser display somehow reminds us of how far we have come.

In 1962, we celebrated the schools' Centenary. We spent weeks scrubbing the school clean, repainting the walls and hanging up the bunting. I remember making geographical models of the process of erosion. I have always wondered what happened to these models, whether they were ever used again for classes that came after us. The great event was held in the Quadrangle and Canon Adams came back to celebrate with us.

There had been many changes over the last 30 years. While we studied British Colonial History and world Geography, today we look at ourselves and the region in greater depth. We have developed greater self-confidence in the way we do things. We have become more affluent and more aware of the things that define a better quality of life.

We are in the last years of the 20th Century and on the threshold of a new Millennium. While we once measured ourselves within the confines of the island of Singapore, today we look outwards to the region and the rest of the world. Your jobs and work places may not be in Singapore but far a field. You must develop a world outlook.

The world has shifted to Asia and the 21st Century will be Asia's century. Great opportunities will be opened to all of you . Both the moral and academic education that you receive here will you to be useful and responsible members of society. Tomorrow belongs to you. You must have the guts to have your dreams and visions and to define tomorrow's Singapore as we had to define today's Singapore. We must remember that life is not simply made for material ends. Today's dreams will be tomorrow's realities.

Central to the school are the teachers. They are the vital software in the system. They pass on to you their knowledge and experiences. We know how much they cared for us, how proud they were of us when we succeeded and how much sadness they felt within themselves when we did not do too well. Let me on behalf of all of us here thank our teachers. Education is the greatest gift a parent can give to his child, for which we must also thank our parents.

To the students in your final year at t he school, may I leave this thought with you . When you leave the classroom for the last time after your 'O' levels, remember that this may be the last time that you will be together as one class in one place. You had come to school daily and had assumed that this arrange­ ment would last forever. As you go your separate ways, you will realise that this day will be a unique day in your life.

May I congratulate all t he students who will be receiving prizes today and thank again the school for invit ing me here. Just 30 years ago, I left St Andrew's to study architecture in England. Perhaps, in 30 years' time, one of you will be up here and if God permits, I assure you I will be here even if I have to come on crutches or in a wheelchair to listen to your speech. Thank you.

23 .. " • • . ~ ~··' • .. SERVICE FOR fflE LAYING OF ,. ~ ') .. , .. THE FOUNDATION STONE FOR THE ~ ~ .. • NEW ST ANDREW'S JUNIOR SCHQOL • • • I• • .. • .. . ~ •• • Except.the LORD builds the houle, • • its builders labour in vain. • ~ • ·fl " • Psalm 127.1 • J • • It was a beautiful evening on the 12 Novim- .,, ber 1994 as the Saints, both past and present gath- • ered in the grounds of our new site at Woodsville for •• • the laying of'the foundation stone of qur new Junior - School by our Lord Bishop ai;id Chairman of. our Board of Governors, the Rt Rev Dr Moses Tay .

• The Bishop reminded all present that that was the site where the Holy S,iirit fell upon the boys of .. St Andrew's many years ago, even as they huddled •· .. to.9ether and prayed for revival in OULlard. He re­ marked that the laring of the foundation stone II • l • ' . marked a new chapter in the illustriottt.history •of St .·, Andr'i'/S and paved the way for a greater move- •• ment bf the Lord in the years to come . .... • \(' With these reminders and words of faith, together with prayers and worship, the foundatio~ .. • ,stone was laid with thanksgiving and the words of Zechariah, the prophe,w-inging in our ear~. "Not by might nor by power, but by My Spffit", says the Lord of Hosts. • ......

,i· •


t · , ·. .... ,t • , • " .. •

'• ·- ... ·•. - (\ • • • .. " • • ru PRIMARY SCHOOL STAFF CD

L to RSeated : Mrs Emily Teo (HOD Maths), Mr Wong Shin Chee (HOD Language), Mrs Aw Kum Jin (HOD English), Rev Kinsley Ponniah (Chaplain), Ms Jacqueline Oehlers (Principal), Mr Phua Kia Wang (Vice­ Principal), Mr Dennis Tan (Pupil-Counsellor), Mr Teo Chew Theng (HOD Science), Mr Koh Kim Teng (HOD PE & ECA).

1st Row : Mrs Rosalind Tay, Mrs Esther Morales, Miss Elizabeth Jacobs, Mrs Sarjit Singh, Miss Tan Poh Ling, Mdm Ng Ah Huang, Mdm Wee Boh Wah, Mrs Angeline Fong, Mrs Rosalind Tan, Mrs Angela Lim, Mrs Cher Hai Siam, Miss Sim Sock Hiang, Miss Gwendoline Chow, Mrs Sim Chor Siang, Mrs June Lim.

2nd Row: Mrs Lim Wee Leng, Mrs Lim Chee Jew, Mdm Chua Kim Shan, Mdm Chng Bee Kiam, Mrs Leela Ismail, Mdm Lee Geok Lian, Mrs Ling Teng Mui Kim, Mrs Teo Wan Woon, Miss Mary Mah, Mrs Pang Chye Leng, Mrs Susan Thomas.

3rd Row : Mr Yeo Eng Lam, Mr M. Silan, Mr Abdul Aziz b Talib, Mr Teo Seng Huat, Mr Ten Che Von, Mr Tng Hock Soon, Mr Aman b Adam, Mr D P Rajamoney, Mr Phua Kia Ming, Mr Chia Cheng Hiang, Mr Stanley Wong, Mr Kwok Pin Lien, Mr Mohd b Ahmad, Mr Kong Khiang Fook. STAFF NOTES WELCOME

Mrs Angela Lim as EL teacher on 3 Jan 95. Mrs Ling-Teng Mui Kim as CL teacher on 3 Jan 95 Mdm Wee Boh Wah as CL teacher on 3 Jan 95. Mr Gerald Ang as PE teacher on 26 Jun 95. Miss D Lokambal as TL teacher on 26 Jun 95.


Mrs Helen Tan 1 Jan 92 - 31 Dec 94 (Transferred) Mr Ismail Bin Isa 2 Jan 74 - 31 Dec 94 (Transferred) Mr Loh Chong Siang 4 Jan 88 - 31 Dec 94 (Transferred) Mr Kong Tuck Seng 2 Jan 87 - 24 Jan 94 (Retired) Mr Seet Pee Ann 2 Jan 85 - 1 May 95 (Retired) Miss Eng Cheng Noi 27 Jun 88 - 31 Jan 95 (Resigned)


Mdm Chua Kim Shan on the passing away of her father on 15 Nov.94 Mr Teo Seng Huat on the passing away of his mother on 28 Jan 95. Mrs Pang Chye Leng on the passing away of her father on 9 Feb 95. Mr Adam Bin Aman on the passing away of his father-in-law on 16 Feb 95. Mrs Rosalind Tan on the passing away of her father-in-law on 23 Aug 95.


Dental Therapist: Mdm Janet Sng


Lto R Mdm Faridah Bibi M.I., Mdm Salmah bte Ahmad, Miss lsmawati bte Samad, Mr Niam Sawon, Mdm Saroja w/o Visvanathan, Miss Amsaton bte Ahmad

29 L to R Seated : Mohd Shahid b lsahak, Lim Zhi Qin, Yang Jianwu, Gabriel Chen Min Wei , Kingsley Lu Xianyang, Miss Elizabeth Jacobs, Jason Goh Mingyun, Cheung Ngai Kay, Wong Zeng Hao, Marcus Ng Hua Meng, Harpreet Singh, Liemhecharat Somchaya.

2nd Row : Tang Yan Kit, Kamal Nasir A Haja, Low Wen Wei , Kenny Chan Taikun, Ang Qimou, Victor Lee Dehao, Nigel Tan Tze Min, Tan Jun Wen , Chou Shixian.

3rd Row : Teo Hong Chun, Andrew Sang Shang You , Darryl Heng Hee Chuan, Raymond Ng Weilun, Marcellus Chan Yoke Sing , Timothy Ang Pei Zheng, Yap Wee Kok, Eugene Lum Yik Wei, Vishnu s/o Amurthalingan , Daniel Goh Kai Yuan, Paul Wang Xingkai.

L to R Seated : James Ee, Buvendraraj Douglas, Wong Cheng Jun, Alexander Quek, Daniel Lim, Lionel Wong, Mrs E.Morales, Yeo Guang Wei , Justin Yeo, Wee Liang Kiang, Kenneth Chan, Zhang Zishao, Chia Yong Wei.

Middle Row : Cai Zicong, Jonathan Chen, Adrian How, Melvin Tang, Dominic Heng, Shaun Quek, Pravin Menon, Edward Oh, Goh Ing Jya, Tay Ku ming, Tan Toh Hsiang, David Sashi John, Melvin Yeo , Nicholas Ang, Bay Gann Boon, Marcus Tan .

Back Row : Chen Qinfeng, Pang Zhi Yu , Ng Shijie, Timothy Kwang, Perry Chen Shen Jiandong, Goh Junyi Melvin Wong , Low Yiming , Christopher Eng , Sim Shen-Ii, Timothy Loh, Lin Weicong, Chin Weihao, John Weng.

33 Front Row L - R : Wong Chian Zhi, Lien Jianyao, Lim Shao Quan Terry, Poon Wei-Chieh Edric, Yeo Heng Giap, Chadramohan, Subash, Mr Phua Kia Ming, Wai Chin Seng, Quek Kia Keem Aylwin, Ang Shee Yeow Daniel, She Shuzhong Kelvin, Koh Cheng Heng Andy, Chen Zhenxin.

Middle Row L - R : Lim Jiarong Sherman, Kang Chong Tao , Chan Zhiquan, Lai Yilin Norman, Lee Keong Fei Ben, Kan Yow Chuan, Leo Yan Liang Jared, Choy Shengwei Daniel, Tan Yizun Benjamin, Yeo Li Ren James, Ang Weili Willie, Kang Eng Peng, Matius Anthon, Ng Zhen Chai Ivan, Quah Yun Luo Steven.

Back Row L - R : Seah JunYi Brian, Wong Ke Shun Andy, Xie Deshao Luke, Sudesh s/o Krishnan Nair, Taswinder Singh, Mak Yue Weng, Chong Zhan Tao, Leow Hsien Hsiung, Chia Jin Lin , Chen Kaiqing Adrian, Soh Cheng Keong Kenny, Pardeep Singh Khosa, Firdaus Kintamani Prawira, Lim Rui Sen , Ho Wei Kang Cliffestian.

Back Row : Muhd Rifaee, Jeremie Tay, Yan Weijian, Steven Sio, Ibrahim Mohd lskandar, Foo Chih Liang, Sai Eswaran, Chia Weile, Wong Yoon Sheng, Chan Ping Chung, Chee Ming De, Muhd Najib, Andrew Tan , Chia Wee Yee, Chan Wai Hon

Middle Row : Jasper Koh , Fook Wei Hong, Tay Shen Loong, Denny Poon, Andy Chen, Nicholas Yap, Brendan Chew, Gabriel Yap, Lua Wei Hon, Tan Huang Theng, Chen Guowei, Keira Singh, Quah Han Luo, Danieswaran

Front Row : Low Chong Ann, Tan Gee Chiang, Bradley Lim , Ang Jian Shun, Collin Ng, Kenneth Wong, Mr Stanley Wong , Narwani Deepak, Karan Singh, Isaac Bennett, Armand Hendrawan, Chan Seng Teck, Leon Leow Sitting L - R: Ng Aik Chao, Teo Weichuan Timothy, Goh Woon Peng , Vieu Hann Shen, Xu Weihua Jonathan, Mrs Lim C.J ., Hong King Swee, Tuan Fu Han, Yam Chung Cai, Qian Xianghao, Tay Yee Seng.

Middle L - R: Zeng Weiwen Thomas, Lin Weilaing, Lin Chan Fai , Tan Kim San , Tan Boon Tat Desmond, Lee Chun Beng Amos, Soh Chee Wee, Hapreet S Singh, Ong Chee Soon Alvin, Lim Chee Seng Edwin.

Standing L - R Huang Daoyi, Tan Shiuan Yu Leonard, Mohd Zainor, Guo Hongye, Leow Zhi Siang Robin, Foo Yong'en, Murugaraj s/o M, Oh Wen Ching Eric, Hussin b Ismail, Khoh Shuo Wen , Lim Chiat, Goh Guofa Terrance .

• • • • .JI • . ••••••••••••••. •••• <:cliii1STIAN FELLOWSHIP.~ ..... ·---•- • •- . -.-••••. . -...... •...... •"'T"'•- . .... This year Christian Fellowship meetings were held from 10.45 a.m. to 12.15 p.m. on Saturdays. The meetings were held later so that pupils who were involved in other activities held earlier could join Christian Fellowship.

There are about 30 members and the majority of them are from Primary four.

Lessons on 'Patience' and 'How To Overcome Fear' were held. The boys were tested on the Christian Fellowship Award System test items and were also encour­ aged to borrow books from the Church of the Ascension Library.

In order to cater to the varied inter­ ests of the boys, they were allowed to play badminton, soccer and indoor games.

The boys also went on outings which included the Singapore Zoological Gardens.

All these activities were carried out with the assistance of Mr Dennis Tan , the Ascension Church pastoral staff.

Teacher-in-charge : Miss Elizabeth Jacobs



36 @refects' Commendation Service. 24 February 1995

26 MAY 1995

37 PE 8t TAF Workshop For Teach~ a a a 28.1.95 & 4.2.95 a a a NUTRITION AND PHYSICAL FITNESS AWARENESS CAMP

The Annual Nutrition and Physical Fitness Camp for this year was held on 11 & 12 March at the school premises. It was a overnight camp for members of the TAF programme. With the support of our parents, 40 pupils took part in this camp.

The camp was part of our Saint Fit-for Life Programme, as such, the objectives of it were :

1. To educate pupils in how exercises and proper nutrition can contribute to health and well being, both in weight and in physical fitness.

2. To create an awareness of the benefit of an active and healthy lifestyle.

The programme of this camp included low impact aerobics, talk on exercise and our health, health quiz, games, talk on nutrition, hike to etc. All activities were conducted by our teachers and our aerobic instructors.


You will never regret going but be pre­ At Blue Water Holes, we had a resupply pared. That was the advice given to me when I and redistribution of food and an equipment was selected for the Classic Challenge Course drop. I found that many things which I carried in Outward Bound Australia. My friends and col­ were not necessary and learnt to give up some leagues were most helpful in reminding me to luxuries such as shampoo and face cream. prepare myself physically and mentally for the Travelling light is very important as you do not trip and they kept me in their prayers. want to tire yourself out unnecessarily, and be­ come a burden to your group. After a briefing, The Classic Challenge Course was based we went caving at one cave formed by a stream in the Brindabella Ranges in Australia Capital entering half way down a hill and then exiting Territory (A.C.T.), and Koscuiko National Park through the base. Emerged two hours lateral! in New South Wales (N.S.W.). The participants wet, muddy, and shivering with cold. The tem­ were divided into five groups with an instructor perature inside the cave was about 8°C ! We each. My group was given the name "Cotter'', then explored a second cave without an instruc­ in memory of a pioneer who developed the ar­ tor. It was both fun and frightening, especially eas we were trekking through. when our batteries were running low and we risked having to find our way in total darkness in an unfamiliar environment. We managed to find our way out after about 2 hours. Some of us cried as the experience strained us both emo­ tionally and physically. Next was a hike across Gurrangorambla Range towards Rules Point. Along the way, we took time to appreciate the history of the area by stopping at some histori­ cal mountain huts to enjoy the picturesque high plains of Cooleman Valley and the headwaters of the Murrimbidgee River.

At Rusk Point, we took a change of pace by canoeing down the Murrumbidgee River. It The first three days of initial training be­ was fun canoeing down the river as we learnt to gan each morning at 5.00 am with stretches, a negotiate through exposed rocks and portaged 1-km run and a swim in the river. It took a lot of through rapids. After two days of paddling some . pushing to make us go into the river as the wa­ ten kilometres, we reached Tantangara Dam . ter was very cold. We learnt to read maps, pre­ pared rations for the expedition. We developed a sense of trust and co-operation and practised efficient personal management skills. Through­ out the training ; we were constantly reminded that physical prowess alone would not ensure success. Determination, perseverance and concentration played major roles along with commitment and courage. Activities such as rope and log obstacles, were organised to dem­ onstrate the need for group cohesion and co­ operation.

The major expedition began with a four Dry clothes, finally! We then trekked for one day hike to Blue Water Holes. It proved to be day to Mount Morgan for our solo expedition. It an experience I would never forget. We had to rained the whole day. We arrived at Mount carry a twenty-five kilogram backpack and Morgan cold and miserable. We were glad to trekked through some rough terrains. The first get our solo supplies and retired into our tents. two days were a battle of wills against the seem­ It was the start of three days and nights of be­ ingly unconquerable steep slopes.It was also my ing alone to do self-reflection and to review the first experience in bush navigation in a heavily course. With minimal food and water, a small timbered country without tracks or other man­ shelter and no reading material apart from my made features. journal, I was left to contemplate my experi-

40 each which proved to be fool-hardy. Unknown to us, the rivers and streams which were present on the map were just grassy depressions on land as NSW was experiencing drought. With only half a bottle of water each, we trekked from morning to late afternoon before finding a water source. Thank God none of us suffered dehy­ dration. At Naas River, we spent time nursing our blisters and consolidating our experiences into useful understandings.

Day twenty-one, the last day began early ences, successes, failures and future. It was a with an eleven kilometres run back to the Na­ fruitful session as I renewed my faith in God and tional Base. The remainder of the day was spent appreciated what He had provided for me. cleaning up our equipment and doing a final review of the course. We discussed our per­ Rock climbing and abseiling began imme­ ceptions about ourselves and the group. That diately after solo. With the guidance of our in­ night we were treated to a sumptuous dinner structors, we went through some basic climb­ followed by a certificate presentation. The Blue ing skills and then took part in some major climbs Peter badge - a small replica of the flag "Papa" and abseils up to thirty metres high. It was a flown by ships that are outward bound from har­ test of our physical and emotional endurance. bour - was given to participants who had hon­ By the end of the day, we had swollen fingers oured the motto - "To serve, to strive and not to but lots of fun sharing with each other the unique yield". sensation of being at the top of the world. I learnt a lot about myself during this trip, The final expedition was the next major like how to keep going when the going is tough. challenge of the journey. We had to complete it Most important of all was God's provision and without the presence of an instructor. Faced protection over me. It took me out of my com­ with high temperatures and dry conditions along fort zone and taught me that I was capable of the Booth and Billy Ranges, we were given three much more. Life is just like the many moun­ days to reach our final destination on Naas River tains we had had to climb and the backpack, in one piece. In our bid to lighten our load, my the burdens we carry with us through life. Many group decided to carry one bottle less of water things which we put in our backpack are unnec­ essary luxuries ; if only we could give them up so as not to tire ourselves out in life's journey. I realised the need to give constant encourage­ ment and help to the people around me. It was an experience I would never forget. I would like to take this opportunity to thank Ms J. Oehlers, SAPTA and SAOBA for their support and en­ couragement and for allowing me to have this experience of a lifetime. I would like to encour­ age my fellow colleagues to take up this course, and like what I was told - you will never regret going, but be prepared.



Camp Eureka for the Primary Five boys was held from 5 September to 7 September 1994 at Sarimbun Campsite. It was a 3 day and 2 nights stay. 89 pupils turned up for this camp. 18 teachers accompanied the boys.

The objectives of this camp :

1. To instill a higher self-confidence within the participants via life skill games.

2. To teach the importance of teamwork and communication both as a life skill and as a learning skill.

3. To impart basic learning skill of mind mapping which is a simple and effective method of note-making and revision.

Our boys arrived at the campsite at 9.30 a.m. on 5 September 1994. They were put into 8 groups, each group had an elected group leader.

Communication skills, mind mapping, obstacle course, goal setting course, Adventure, Pulau Ubin Adventure, games were conducted during the camp.

All campers left the campsite at 5.00 p.m. on 7 September 1994. Most of our boys felt that Camp Eureka was a useful and interesting camp...... ~ ,I. .. . •·. I ' : ...... • I, •' •. . .. 995 .. •. ·Co~erp:rimari S.eort~: 8AtiQust .1 ~ ..

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The National Inter-Primary Schools Under 12, 10-a-Side Mini-Rugby Championship held on Saturday, 2 September 1995, commenced at 8.00 a.m at the SCC Padang.

8 teams from 7 schools participated in this Championship. They were ACS (Barker Road), Chua Chu Kang Primary School, Damai Primary School, Haig Boys' School, Princess Elizabeth Primary School, Primary School and St Andrew's Junior School (A&B).

Both of our teams qualified for the Semi-Finals and Team A was the Champion in Group A.

The Final of the tournament was a hard-fought affair. The Saints fought"tooth and nail" throughout the match, emerging victorious eventually. We beat ACS with the score of 26 - O, and clinched the tittle of "Mini-Rugby Champion 95".

The Final Results of the Championship were as follows:

Champion St Andrew's Junior School A Runner-up ACS (Barker Road} 3rd Damai Primary School 4th St Andrew's Junior School B

44 un Time at the Singapore Youth Festival of Songs.

We are at the Singapore 'Disneyland'

Awaiting for the fun to begin Putting Mathentatics to the Test

234 pupils frim Pr 3 to Pr 6 participated in the July International Competitions for Schools organised by the Educational Testing Centre, the University of New South Wales. 3 students which received High Distinction awards were Shane Soo (3P4), Timothy Tan (3P2) and Tan Qingjun Melvin (5P1 ).

25 students received Certificates of Distinction and 55 recived Certificates of Credit. A total of 240000 students from 4100 schools participated in this competition.

Participants of the Singapore Mathematical Olympiad organised by The Chinese High School.

Left to right : Marcus Ng, Timothy Ang and Wong Zeng Hao

4 5 CWate1t CARNIVAL

Our 2nd Water Carnival was held on Saturday, 22 April 1995 at Basin Swim­ ming Complex. It started at 8.00 a.m. and ended at 12.00 noon.

Our Guest-of-Honour was M Priscilla Krempl, Principal of St Andrew's Secondary School.

270 pupils from P4s, PSs and P6s participated in the 18 event water carnival. The . participants enjoyed the water games. SCIENCE ACTIVITIES

From left to right: Ang Pei Zheng of 6A1, Tay Kunming of 6A2 and Lee Dehao Victor of 6A1 represented the School at the 5th R1/BP Science Quiz for Primary Schools on 8 July, 1995. Lee Dehao, Victor was awarded a merit prize in the Preliminary Round.

Science Club members doing routine maintenance of aquariums and hydroponics.

Our 'young scientists' putting their process skills to the test during a Science hands-on session.


The TAF Programme - Saint Fit - for life was started last year. The programme was carried out again this year.

25 overweight pupils from P3 to P6 classes are attending the aerobic class which is con­ ducted by an aerobic instructor. They have their activities on Mondays and Saturdays in the main hall. On Monday, P3 and P5 pupils have their activities at 11.15 a.m. - 12.15 p.m. and P4 and P6 pupils at 1.15 p.m. - 2.15 p.m. On Saturday, all members have their activities at 10.45 a.m. - 11.45 a.m.

P1, P2 and other levels overweight pupils who are not in the aerobic class have 1 O minute exercises on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays during recess. The activities include skipping, jogging, circuit training, games etc.

1O minutes mass exercise for all levels are carried out every Friday after the assembly.

An overnight camp for overweight pupils was held on 11 - 12 March 1995. The campers hiked to Mount Faber on 12 March 1995.

Teachers-in-charge : Mr Kwok Pin Lien Mr Mohd Ahmad

Saints Work-Out • •J •••••. ••• ~- <:ART CLUB:) •"a •""'r•·. • ..- ... • •...-. • • •

There are 1O members from both sessions in the Art Club. The mem­ bers meet every Saturday from 9.00 a.m. to 10.30 a.m.

The main objective of the Art Club is to allow pupils to learn more about art outside curriculum time. The mem­ bers are taught different skills such as copper tooling, clay moulding, kite mak­ ing and many others.

In April, the members participated in the Art Competition, "Easter Eggs" organised by the Singapore Bird Park. The Club also organised an inter-class Art Competition for all levels. The themes were : "Road Safety" for Pr. 1 - 2, "Keep Our School Clean" for Pri. 3 - 4 and "Healthy Lifestyle" for Pr. 5 - 6 . ....,. _• • • •• • • • • • • • • ...... ,,. (a_THLETICp ...... - . .-.-.•.

14 boys were selected to take part in the 36th National Inter-Primary Schools Track and Field Champion­ ships 1995. Two of our Primary six pupils, Yong En and Jonathan in the 1OOm made it to the Finals. The rest of the boys came in either first or second in their heats.

There were 2 invitation relays by San Shan Primary and May Primary, in which our pupils received a bronze trophy for the 4x1 OOm relay.

Teachers-in-charge : Mrs Rosalind Tay Miss Gwendoline Chow

Lto R Front Row : Veerappan, Shaobin, Fuliang, Wong Cheng Jun, Qiyao, Noorhisham, Danny.

Back Row : Derek, Kenneth Chan, Jonathan Chen , Tan Jun Wen, Yap Wee Kok, Andrew Sang, Shawn, Miss Gwendoline Chow.

49 c:··,··· -·-11ADMiNTO N· · ···~·:, ...... - .,.-.-••·

,,,..-- --.., The badminton club consists of twenty-two , . ' ,I' \ boys from Primary 5 and Primary 6 who meet regu­ I \ I \ larly on Saturday mornings from 9.00 a.m. to 10.30 I a.m. The boys are taught some basic skills and , techniques of the game. Inter-Class Tournaments I ' for Primary 5 and 6 boys are held annually after the l' End of Year Examinations. I f I Teacher-in-charge : Mrs Angeline Fong ' I-

L to R Standing: Gaston Chen, Clarence Lo, Mark Panicker, Eugene Yong, Justin Keh and Jeremy Eio

Seated: Samuel Chong, Marcus Ng, Low Wenwei, Mrs A. Fong, Huang Zhengcai, Eugene Lum and Paul Wang ••••••••••••••••••

The boys were taught the use of PrintShop for printing birthday cards, cal­ endars, posters and notices and WordPerfect, a word processor. The boys are slow in their typing as they have not mastered the keyboard skill.

It is hoped that in the new school where a bigger computer laboratory and better facilities are provided, more can be taught to the members.

Teachers-in-charge : Mr Stanley Wong Mrs Lim Chee Jew .. .,,...... c·LmRARY cLUIJ°) ··-- •... . .-.- ...... • , .

The Library Club of St. Andrew's Junior School has 20 members. Library related activities are carried out on Saturdays from 10.15 a.m. - 12.00 noon.

The following activities are carried out during the Library Club meetings :

1) Keying in of new books into the Library computer. 2) Condemning of books and dis­ tribution of these books to the various classes. 3) Book talks. 4) Scrabble competitions/games. 5) Posters design/book mark competition to make posters for the library. 6) Book reviews. 7) Book related activities. 8) Excursions - Term II - An ex­ cursion to the Fire Station was organised to make the boys more aware of the hazards of fire and to know how the fire station is run. 9) Selection of new books for the Central Library. Boys are given a hand in the selection of books as they will be the ultimate readers of these books. 10) Stocktaking (Annual)

Teachers-in-charge : Mrs S Singh Mrs Esther Morales

51 CL c:::tJiiNES••••••••••·E·••••••••. u:a::>

Chinese Club started in 1993 with the objectives: to arouse pupil's interest in learning the Chinese language and promote Chinese culture.

Club sessions resume every Saturday from 10.30 am to 12 noon, with activities such as general knowledge quizzes, riddles, recitations of Chinese poems, and Chinese calligraphy for members. Recently, on the 15th of July, the club organized an educational outing to Park to enhance their general knowledge. All four teachers-in-charge and thirty pupil participants had an enriching and fun-filled day at the park.

At present, the total strength of the club is fifty with four teacher advisors, including Mdm Chng Bee Kiam, Mr Teo Seng Huat, Mrs Cher Hai Siam, and Mdm Wee Boh Hwa.

Guess who will reach the top first ?

Yes ! I just solved the riddle.


- ~--~ - The Science Club recruited a total of 40 boys from Primary 4 to Primary 6 this year. These boys are divided into groups and they take turns to be responsible in the maintenance of the aquariums and the new hydrophonic project.

For the hydroponic project, the boys first visited a hydroponic farm to find out first hand what it is like and to learn how to start and maintain a mini hydroponic garden. Back in school, a group of boys started their project. They met with some successes and failures. They found difficulties in taking care of the young plants and subsequently took steps to ensure that they grow well in the future. They also learnt to problem solve when their "young charges" were not growing as well as expected.

Every member in the Science Club took part in the Young Scientist Badge Awards this year. The Primary Four boys took the Botanist Award and the Primary Five and Six boys took either the Zoologist Award or Chemist Award. The projects produced by the boys will be displayed at the Young Scientist Award Exhibition later this year. The boys had a lot of fun doing the projects and some boys even learnt how to transfer what they had learnt during their Science lessons to the projects they were doing, for example, in the planning of an experiment to find out the amount of salt in sea water.

The Science Club welcomes Mrs Teo Wan Woon, who joined the Club in July.

Teachers-in-charge : Mr Yeo Eng Lam Mrs Teo Wan Woon Miss Pauline Tan

53 The School Choir would like to bid a warm welcome to Mrs Angela Lim who joined the School this year. Her experience will surely bring the School Choir to a greater height.

Our Choir boys participated in this year's Singapore Youth Festival Music and Dance Com­ petition which is a bi-annual event. The Central Judging was held on 1st April, 1995 at the Singa­ pore Conference Hall. The two songs presented were

(1) 'Humoreske' a two-part song by Antoni Dvorak (2) 'Morning Song' a Czech Folk Song

On 12th April, 1995, 27 Choir boys from the afternoon session attended the Chanticleer Students' Concert at the Victoria Concert Hall. They had an enjoyable time listening to the melo­ dious rendition of the Choir.

Teachers-in-charge : Mrs Lim Wee Leng Mrs Angela Lim Adopting the approach of our coach, Mr Gerard Danker, of not rejecting anybody interested to know and learn the game, we have a high membership this year.

Membership of the group rose to as high as 49 players. However, we have boys quitting due to parental objections or when they have found that Hockey is not their forte. Spirits remain high as we have almost as many boys coming in as members after the initial recruitment. These boys became interested when they have seen the game and the enthusiasm their hockey friends or classmates have.

This year, we had a group of highly enthusiastic Primary 4 boys joining the Junior Division. Despite the fact that they were re­ cruited much later than the Primary 5 boys, they were on par with the Primary boys. Our Primary 6 boys worked equally hard and a remarkable im­ provement was seen in many of them.

Our school par­ ticipated in the "Youth Development Hockey 6-A-Side Tour­ nament" organised by the National Hockey Federation this year. Due to our large membership, we were able to send 5 teams to participate in the whole day affair. We ended up with being the school with the largest number of boy's team participating in the tournament.

4 teams were sent for the Kallang District Tournament this year. Our school experienced great victory with both our Junior and Senior boys clinching the title of the "Kallang District Mini­ Hockey Champion" for both the Junior and Senior Division. The second teams of both our Junior and Senior Division were as victorious being the 2nd runners-up.

This is the 4th consecutive year our Junior boys had clinched the title of being the Champion of their division.

True to their spirit, our boys continued to train hard during the June Holidays at the School of Physical Education and Delta Sports Complex, preparing for the National Mini-Hockey Tourna­ ment due in July. We shared the same training grounds with Xishan Primary School and had a friendly match with them at the Delta Stadium.

We are looking forward to the game with much enthusiasm.

Teachers-in-charge : Miss Mary Mah Mr M. Si/an

55 ..., ·-- ·· s WiMMiN Ci. ·· · ···:, •••Te • • • • • • • • • •••••••••• .-.,e•• We had our weekly practices for the beginners and intermediate pupils at the Kallang Basin Pool from February to May 1995. At the end of the courses, 21 pupils were awarded Certificate of Achievement for the Beginners' Course and 12 pupils were awarded for the Intermediate Course. At present, 15 pupils from the afternoon session and 18 pupils from the morning session are under going an advanced course in competitive swimming at the Kallang Basin Pool. This is to prepare them for participation in the District and National Swimming Championships next year.

58TH ANNUAL SWIMMING MEET ON 7 JULY 1995 At this meet organised by the Senior School at Kallang Basin Pool, 32 of our pupils partici­ pated in six individual events and one team event.

KA LLANG DISTRICT PRIMARY SCHOOL SWIMMING CHAMPIONSHIPS Twenty swimmers represented our school at the meet which was held on 24 and 28 April 1995. We did not have any outstanding swimmer but we managed to win a medal tally of 6 silvers and 2 bronzes. Our congratulations go to the following boys : Alex Hueus C Division 1OOm Freestyle - Silver 4x50m Freestyle Relay - Silver Pang Yang Jun C Division 50m Freestyle - Bronze 4x50m Freestyle Relay - Silver Dominic Heng B Division 50m Freestyle - Silver 4x50m Freestyle Relay - Silver 50m Breaststroke - Silver Lim Weian D Division 50m Freestyle - Bronze Jasper Koh B Division 4x50m Freestyle Relay - Silver Yang Chong Cai B Division 4x50m Freestyle Relay - Silver Aloysius Chee B Division 4x50m Freestyle Relay - Silver Chen Qing Jun C Division 4x50m Freestyle Relay - Silver Yeo Chin Fu C Division 4x50m Freestyle Relay - Silver Cheak Liang Zheng D Division 4x50m Freestyle Relay - Silver Robin Goh D Division 4x50m Freestyle Relay - Silver Three of our swimmers represented our school at the 36th National Inter-Primary Schools Swimming Championships 1995.

Teachers-in-charge : Mr Tng Hock Soon Mrs Pang Chye Leng Mdm Lee Geok Lian Miss Sim Sock Hiang

Lto R Sitting: Yan Chong Cai, Douglas Ng, Chew Xun Yao, Alex Cheong, Cheok Liang Zheng, Tang Yu Cai, Gabriel Ho, Pang Yang Jun, Lim Weian, Tan Litong, Melvin Tan Standing : Mr Tng Hock Soon, Edwin Tan, Sherman Lim, Benjamin Tan, Nicholas Yap, Dominic Heng, Aloysius Chee, Chia Jin Lin, Clarence Lo, Mdm Lee Geok Lian, Mrs Pang Chye

56 Training for the present team started in April 1994. An initial group of 40 boys was finally cut down to a team of 18 by August. Three promising players were identified and selected to play for the school in the National Championship 1994. These three players were Kamal Nasir, Foo Yong En and Mohd Rifaee Rahmat. The exposure did these boys a great deal of good and they formed the strive-force of the 1995 team which emerged champion in the Kallang District Football Tourna­ ment.

Attendance on Saturdays was very good.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank St Andrew's Secondary School for allowing us to use their field on Saturdays. Without their co-operation, we don't think we could have achieved what we had achieved.

Results 24.3.95 beat Towner Primary School 9 - O 29.3.95 beat San Shan Primary School 3 - O 03.4.95 beat May Primary School 4 - O

Emerged Group A Champion without conceding a goal.

Semi-Finals 05.4.95 beat Beng Wan Primary School 2 - O Final 12.4.95 beat May Primary School 2 - 1

Teachers-in-charge : Mr Phua Kia Ming Mr Chia Cheng Hiang


L to R Front Row : She Shuzhong Kelvin, Xu Weihua Jonathan, Justin Yeo, Xie Weiyi, Mr Chia Cheng Hiang, Chen Huanteng, A. Vishnu, Mohd Rifaee b Rahmat, Wu Wenbing

Back Row : Kamal Nasir, Harpreet Singh, Mohd Shahid, Chittichatelaon Yomthai, Keira Singh, Foo Yong En, Ibrahim Mohd lskandar, Luo Wei Hong

57 c::::···MINi-"i~••••••••••••••liG:ifY··:::>••••••••••

Mini-Rugby is one of the main games in our school. At present, we have about forty boys in training. They are from P4 to P6. Training sessions are held on Saturdays from 9.00 a.m. to 1.45 a.m. at St Andrew's Secondary School pitch.

Our school team gave a demonstration match against Junior School at the SCC Padang on March 12th 1995.

On April 29th and May 27th 1995, our boys played friendly matches against United World College at their school pitch.

On May the 1st 1995, Mr Seet Pee An, the teacher-in-charge of Mini-Rugby since it was implemented in primary schools in 1988 retired from the teaching profession. We would like to thank him for his invaluable service.

On 1st July 1995, our school organised our first Under-12 10-a-Side Mini-Rugby Carnival at St Andrew's Secondary School pitch. Schools with Mini-Rugby teams were invited to participate in this joyful event. The participating schools were Tanglin Junior School, Anglo-Chinese School (Barker Road), Princess Elizabeth Primary School, Damai Primary School, Yio Chu Kang Primary School, Chua Chu Kang Primary School and St Andrew's Junior School. Mrs Judy Kong, Secre­ tary of Singapore Primary Schools Sports Council was the Guest-of-Honour.

Our Boys played well but lost to Tanglin Junior School in the Final.

At present, we are preparing for the National Inter-Primary Schools Championship to be held on 2 September 1995 at sec Padang. Mdm Oehlers is the convenor of this Championship. This will be the 4th consecutive year our school is the convening school.

We would like to thank our old boy Mr Wilson Lim for his invaluable assistance and support.

Teacher-in-charge : Mr Aman b Adam

Lto R Sitting : Arbind Tiwari, Andrew Sang Shang You, Ang Tze Shiew, Gabriel Chen Minwei, Mohd Rifaee, Darren Tan Chet Hua, Khairullah.

Standing : Jackson, Jonathan Chen, Kamal Nasir, Huang Teng, Edward Ho, Nicholas Yap, Murugaraj, Foo Yong En, Mohd Faiz, Mr Aman Adam

58 School Mini-Rugby Carnival 1 July 1995 at Secondary grounds

59 ••••••••••••••• <::».9Y.~: -~-~i_g?.ci.i::) 1995 was a bumper year for the Boys Brigade. We had a recruitment of 28 boys. This was double the number we had for the previous years. We had our enrolment service on the 2nd of April 1995. Mdm J.Oehlers attended the service and Mr Chua K.W. officiated the service.

The boys visited the Old Folks Home (St. John's) at Wan Tho Avenue on the 25th February. The boys donated some money with which we bought Kaya and for the residents. They entertained the old folks with some singing.

On April 29th the boys had an outing to Kidsport at Orchid Country Club in . The boys also went on a trip to Kluang in May. They visited a tea plantation and a farm in Kluang. The boys are looking forward to visiting Burger King's Kitchen on 29th July.

The Primary 6 boys will attend a camp at the end of the year to qualify for the Gold Medal Award. In conclusion, we would like on behalf of the boys and officers to thank the Senior boys for their help at our weekly meetings.

Officers-in-Charge : Mrs J. Lim Mrs A. Chow Mrs S. Thomas

Visit To St John's Home For The Aged.


60 ••••••••••••••• c::··tadet Scouts·::) •• • • • • • • • • • • • • ••••••

Due to the small number of recruits this year, only 51 cadets were registered. The investiture for the 11 recruits was held on the 22nd July.

In March, a group of cadets hiked up Mount Faber With the TAF members. The whole unit visited the Serangoon Fire Station to get an insight of how the firemen work. The cadets enjoyed the display of fire-fighting techniques and the close up view of the fire engines.

During the June holidays, the cadet scouts did very well for the Job Week. The cadets earned more than two thousand dollars. A word of thanks to the cadets who earned more than a hundred dollars each.

14 cadets passed the Crime Preven­ tion Proficiency Course. 15 cadets com­ pleted the Bronze Standard and 5 achieved the Silver Standard.

The Swimming Proficiency Badges were awarded to 4 cadets and 17 cadets who participated in the Road Safety Course held at the Road Safety Park will be awarded their badges.

The unit bids farewell to Miss Angeline Sim and welcomes Mr Gerald Ang who is an experienced Scout leader. Many thanks to Miss Sim for her help rendered to the unit. Cadet Scout Leader Mrs Sim Chor Siang

Investiture Ceremony 22 July 1995

Our Cadets On Duty

61 '-J ~ Ill

L-R Seated: Mr Lim Hwee Kiang, Mr Philip Yeo (Discipline Master), Mr Phoon Kok Kwong (Discipline Master), Mr Foo Yoong Seong (Discipline Master), Mr Goh Boon Pin (H.O.D. - Design & Technology), Mr Chan You Meng (H.O.D. Resources), Ms Priscilla Krempl (Principal), Mrs Lui Chor Gek (H.O.D. - Humanities), Mrs Ong Cheow Foon (H.O.D. - 2nd Lang.), Mrs Koh Siew Luan (H.O.D. - Science), Ms Lau Mui Lee (H.O.D. - English), Mrs Loke Guek Huang (H.O.D. - Maths), Mrs Goh Ai Lim.

1st Row: Mdm Soh Whee Bee, Ms Chua Sok Hoon, Ms Esther Lim, Mrs Rosalind Ho, Mdm Ng Yuet Mei, Ms Chua Sue Ann, Mrs V.George, Mrs Dawn Tan, Mrs Julia Huang, Mrs Susie Frederick, Mrs Manjit Singh, Mrs Deanna Wong, Mdm See Swee Tee, Ms Dora Ong, Mrs Elsie Chan.

2nd Row: Ms Soh Geok Peng, Mrs Yeo Yuen Chin, Mrs Lee Eng Lian, Mrs Gan Chwee Eng, Mrs Evelyn Tan, Mdm Wong Siew Har, Mrs Yeo See Wan, Mrs Lee Soke Fong, Ms Ng Lai Pheng, Ms Jacqueline Ngin, Mrs Tan Wai Ngan, Mdm Tan Kian Eng, Ms Elaine Low, Mrs Teo Swee Chin.

3rd Row : Mrs Loh Lay Kian, Mrs Janet Oh, Mr Khoo Kay Giap, Mr Keith Carey, Mr Ratinam, Mr Sim Poey Teck, Mr Ho Boon Kial, Mr Liu Wei Ping, Mr Koh Yong Mong, Mr Toh Weng Choy, Mr Noel Tan, Mr Mohamed Azmi, Mr Alex Ong, Mrs Carol Yap, Ms Chan Ee Mein.

4th Row : Mr Philip Koh, Mr Mahmood Zainol, Mr Ahmad Said, Mr Amir Noordin, Mr Ho Yeow Joo, Mr Michael Seel, Mr David La'Brooy, Mr Michael Lim, Mr Gordon Goh, Mr Gerard Fernandez, Mr Lee Song Seng, Mr Anton Pillai, Mr Lim Eng Hoe, Mr Quek Kwang Whay.

Not in Picture : Rev. Tan Piah (Chaplain), Mr Au Yeong Pak Lam (H.O.D. - E.C.A. & Aesthetics), Mrs Loh Suan Choo, Ms Angeline Thia, Mrs Jennifer Yew, Ms Kogilavani Veerappan. STAFF NOTES WELCOME:

The following teachers joined St Andrew's Secondary School in 1995 : Ms Kogilavani Veerapan Ms Angeline Thia Mrs Jennifer Yew Mr Ahmad Said


The following teachers left St Andrew's in 1 995 :

Ms Low Ee Nah - transferred Mr Ronald Tan transferred Mr James O'Boyle returned to the U.K. Ms Esther Lim resigned from service Mrs Janet Oh with son Wishing you God's blessings CONGRATULATIONS : Samuel and baby and a bright future, Esther. Christie. Mrs Janet Oh on the birth of her daughter Mr Alex Ong on the birth of his daughter Ms Wong Sake Fong on her marriage

The happy bride and her groom, Mr Derrick Lee. NON-TEACHING STAFF

ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE L-R: Ms Jane Anthony, Mr Khamis ]amain, Mrs Judy Chan

L-R : Mdm Kalyani, Mr Tommy Seet, Mr Ng Chong Kee, Mrs __...... _.. _ Hamidah Ahmad


Seated Mr Juljalal Md, Raja, Mr Jasmin Salleh, Mr Nordin Jain

Standing Mdm Pang Kum Yong, Mr Chow Yong Hak


Farewell Letter from Mr Tan (31st December 1994) : Dear staff, pupils and parents, This letter is written on the eve of New Year of 1995. It is also the eve of my departure from St Andrew's Secondary School (SASS) in order to take up my new appointment as the Principal of Whitley Secondary School which is a neighbourhood Government School in Bishan. After having served as Principal of my alma mater for a litter over 18 years, it is only natural that I leave SASS with sadness. How­ ever, I must be mindful that I am a senior Government Education Officer on loan to the Board of Governors of St Andrew's School since December 1976 and I could be recalled anytime and be given a new posting especially when there are so many vacancies to be filled. My new posting to administer in another school is therefore a positive indicator that all is well in SASS. Specifically, the school will be in very good hands under Ms Priscilla Krempl and the strong team of Heads of Department.

The building and physical development of SASS in our Potong Pasir campus had been successfully completed and we now have a 44-classroom single-session ultra modern school for the benefit of our staff and pupils. I am also able to say that I am leaving the school with surplus money for the new administration to use. For all these, I must thank God for His grace and guiding hand and for giving to me the strength and courage to face all odds to do only what is right and pleasing to Him. I must also thank Him for giving to me the many close friends and supporters, together with my entire staff, whose encouragement, loyalty and unstinting support went beyond all bounds. These people had made my work in SASS so much easier. Although I feel sad at having to leave SASS, I also feel relieved that I am going to a Government school where I shall hope to be less pressured because I will not be required to be responsible for building programmes, fund-raising and frequent meetings especially in the evenings. I anticipate therefore that I should have more time to spend with my loved ones and friends. This is God's answer to my prayers. As I end this letter, I will like to express the following wishes in writing : a. the new administration to continue to do what is proper and right, without fear or favour. We may not be able to please all the people all the time but we will certainly be pleasing to the Almighty at all times; b. the staff to continue to work hard for the boys and to support the administration; c. the pupils to work hard, be loyal and at all times to project the good image of the school; d. the supporters to continue to assist the school and be mindful not to (nor appear to) interfere with the running of the school which is under a very capable administration. Supporters are expected to give without counting the cost nor to expect reward not to demand recognition. We support the school because we love the school and not for any selfish reason(s). I now take this opportunity to wish one and all God's richest blessing on you. I trust that I have been a channel of blessing for you and I thank Him for the opportunity to serve in St Andrew's School - the school I love best. As I take over another school, I shall count it a privilege to be given a new mission field. I know I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me - so long as I am prepared to be led by Him. Finally, let us be reminded that we are to seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added unto us (Matt 6 : 33). With abiding good wishes, Yours in the Spirit of the Saints

HARRY TAN Principal

7 7 FAREWELL ASSEMBLY 13 January 1995

Mr Tan waving to Staff and Students of the school on his arrival.

The School Captain Jonathan, reading out the farewell speech.

Mr Tan obliging a student with his autograph.

Mr Tan receiving a bear hug from Mr Michael Seet. FAREWELL DINNER Alison Hotel

m~~:--T----, Ms Krempl, Mrs Tan and Mr Tan sharing a light-hearted moment.

A parting gift for Mr Harry Tan from members of the Staff.

Mr Tan chatting with members of the Staff.


Tonight we want to pay tribute to Mr Tan and recognise the years of devotion, commitment and love of this man to the School. Eighteen years and two weeks he has spent with the school. We remember how with God's help, he envisioned a new School in Potong Pasir, sold his dream to everybody around him and helped raise the funds for this project. I remember sometime 10 years ago he sang during one of the PTA dinners so that he could raise funds for the School. Old boys are called upon to help and many have been encouraged to give. Today the building in Potong Pasir is a testimony of God's faithfulness in using Mr Tan to bring God's school to completion. Not only that, Mr Tan is also instrumental in adding new wings to the School so that we can soar like eagles. Through his effort we have become a single session school. We salute you Mr Tan for your tireless devotion and your undying loyalty to the School.

The School is just an empty shell without the Students and Staff. We remember Mr Tan for his love and compassion shown to those around him. We often hear him appealing to poor students to approach him whenever they are in need. He is not ashamed of expressing his love for the whole School and treating the boys as a father would his children. Though he may constantly be admonishing them or even punishing them, we know how much he feels for each of them under his charge. Indeed it is an inevitable task caring for over 1 , 700 students. In spite of this he has never deviated from his no-nonsense approach to incorrigible and recalcitrant boys.

We remember how he used to spend time with the graduating classes; sharing with them his love for Mathematics and making them a big part of his life; the time and effort spent polishing them to get better grades.

We can never deny the love of Mr Tan for the boys and his desire to transform them into men of grace and polish.

We recall the times when Mr Tan held mass assemblies and met with the boys so that we teachers can have time to complete our heavy marking schedules. We also remember the times when he has helped in relief duties whenever there is a shortage of teachers. Thank you Mr Tan for your expression of love not in words but in deeds as well.

We know Mr Tan to be meticulous and I remember him keeping his deadlines, filing his income tax returns way beforehand, completing the minutes on the very day the Board of Governors meet and getting things on time. I will miss him and his car every morning when I turn into the School's compound for he is always the earliest in School. He has never taken a day's MC and indeed God has blessed him. If we recall the words in the School Hymn - we can identify Mr Tan as one of the servants whom our School was built of old .

We and other students will and continue to reap what Mr Tan has sown and many more others after us.

One family unbroken - though you may be away from us you will always continue to be a part of us because we join with one acclaim; One heart one voice uplifting to glorify God's name.

May God continue to guide and bless you in your new mission field and may His countenance continue to shine upon you. STAFF PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT TECHNOSAT Computer Appreciation Workshop (21 January '95)

l Mrs Krempl gives the green light to the staff to grab the Mr Phoon K.K. , our very own computer specialist, computer they want. showing the staff the latest software.

Totally engrossed. Mr Phoon lends a helping hand.

•• Mr Ho : He is typing a love letter. Mr Gerard : Come on, man. Who'd want to read it. I can do it better.

Mrs Koh Siew Luan, Science HOD, listening attentively to what Mr Gordon Goh another computer expert, has to say. ._..__.__..___ ...... -.-.-....-.-..

90 SELF AWARENESS SEMINAR R.K.Adams Auditorium (Feb '95)

Group work : writing down important points for the presentation.

Mr Lim Eng Hoe giving out lecture notes on In this game, all must stand straight. the theory and applications of the Myers - Briggs Tvpe Indicator

~)t '; '"\· .,s ~j It's like going back to the old school Mr Au-Yeong Pak Lam (third from days, thought Miss Ng Lai Peng, the left) : "Me, dominant but teacher in jeans and t-shirt. extroverted ? I can't believe it!"


Mr Philip Yeo giving Mr Koh Yong Mong some pointers while Ms Jacqueline Ngin and Ms Elaine Low looks on.

Mrs Evelyn Tan is so amused with the group's findings that she bursts out laughing. 91 Staff Seminar "Communication Skills and Team Building" 8 July 1995 NTUC Pasir Ris Resort

v??vv??vv??v•??vvv?vvv? ? v

Our very own St Andrews train - bonded by love

92 ENGLISH WORKSHOP by Dr Catherine Lim R.K. Adams Auditorium 26Aug '95

Miss Lau Mui Lee, the English HOD introducing Dr Catherine Lim to teachers.

Dr Catherine Lim giving some sound advice to teachers.

Dr Catherine Lim posing with Mrs Lui Chor Gek, Humanities HOD and Mrs Janet Oh during the tea-break.

Ms Krempl expressing her appreciation.

A warm get-together: St Andrews Junior and Secondary School Staff chatting with Dr Lim.

93 • /

L TO~ Seated Chua Cheong Hong, Kan Wah On, Ong Koo Chiang, Wilkinson Chew, Elden Wong, Mr Alex Ong, Terrence Tan , Tang Yew Chung, Xie Huixing, Lee Wei Kit, Chang Yeong Kiat.

2nd Row Chan Wai Chong, Tan Hong Pin , Ho Wei Keong , Leo Chin Choon, Kam Chuan Liang, Quek Ser Kiang , Lee Wei Ming, Alfred Chee, Tan Wee Wen, Tan Jit Houy, Chung Hoi Wat, Toh Huang Beng.

3rd Row Jonathan Koh , Sherwin Mah, Ang Yong Sheng, Terence Tan Han Yang, Derek Lee , Kevin Yao, Ong Soon Heng, Winson Ng, Terence Goh, Alvin Wee, Lim Cheong Kiat, Kelvin Goh, Jonathan Liau.

L TOR Seated Terence Chew Wei Hsiang, Ang Eu Jin, Wong Chee Howe, Menon Dev Christophe, Jonathan Satyabudi, Miss Elaine Low, Abraham Wong Cheng Kok, Chew Tee Toon , Paul Tan Wee Siong, Calvin Ng Wei Loong, Wong Sai Hong.

2nd Row Halim Citra Winata, Liu Chun Ho, Johnson Ng Soo Hong, Tan Ting Cheng, Whang Shih Chien, Tan Wei Hiong, Lee Chee Teik, Clement Choo Yew Heng, Victor Yiu Chiu Sun, Chong Yi-Chun, Chua Chon Thye, Lester Chan Lik Teck, Hendry Salim, Tan Swee Pin , Tiew Chong Ren .

3rd Row Goh Nai Lee, Tay Ban Chin, Buenas Daniel Joseph, Quek Boon Hwee, Yap Yoong Lok, Thanakorn Kitticharernkul, Lake Wing Fai , See Kuan Han, Albert Lo Su Nyen, Ong Chuon Yi , Justianto Widjaja, Benjamin Mathews, Winston Wong Choy Wah , Yip Yong Kin, Freddy Ong Teck Guan.

94 •

L TOR Seated Alton Teng Yeow Hong, Marcus Tan Lee Kiang, Edwin Low Chee Siong, Tan Woo Meng, Kelveen Soh Kee Boon, Mr Lim Eng Hoe, Tan Min Siong, Ng Hiok Hoe, Seow Pao Art, Chye Choon Hoang, Patrick Tan Kian Huat.

2nd Row Selvyn Low Hsiu Wern, Chan Wai Kheong, Lai Whung Yee, Soh Wee Hong, Soh Kian Meng, Low Jun Jek, Desmond Yeo Guan Ching, Yeo Wee Pin, Terence Puey Chee Kiang, Leon Boey Tze Shen, Low Kiam Loo, Leyau Wie Leng, Tan Gan He, Sng Boon Siang.

3rd Row Nicholas Tan Boon Teck, Ngan Ngiap Hwee, Tan Choon Seng, Tan Kian Peng, Chan Kwok Choy, Lee Ken Ming, Daron Ong Cheung Howe, Mok Wen Kwang, Oh Sern Siong, Lee Eng Loo, Ng Kheng Sheng, Sim Chun Kiat.

L TOR Seated Choo Chang Wen, Jason Ching Sing Wae, Peter Teoh Han Ming, Andrew Kwong Sze Ian, Miss Soh Geok Peng, Goh Siak Hong, Jack Koh Chiew Siong, Ng Wee Yong, Ardi B. Amir.

2nd Row Lee Chean Siang, Gilbert Goh Eng Liang, Stepney Teo Boon Hai, Chong Chit Kin, Lee Mun Leong, Jimmy Cheng Siang Wei, Tan Hwee Keong, Kathiravan s/o Velautham, Suresh Kumar S/0 Manikam, Chong Jin Yun, Lim Kwok Sheng.

3rd Row Quek Siak Hui, Kelvin Phang Kah Leong, Kevin Toi Kia Tzun, Chan Wai Ming, Andy Lim Han Khim, Gary Tan Hon Boon, Mervyn Lim Meng Yuan, Sunny Tan Chye Lee, Tan Ngiap Chuang, Jonny Setiawan, Shawn Ng Hai Weng.

95 L TOR Seated Lim Soo Kuan , See Wai Tat, Lee Khim Hua, Tan Eng Koon, Marcus Tan Wee Teck, Mrs Loh Lay Kian, Christopher Cheng Yew Whye, Nio Tarn Lui, Chia Sheng Chi , Teo Tong Chia, Kerry Teo Kai Yang .

2nd Row Yeo Kian Sin, Andrew Teo Cheon Heng, Toh Sun Lim , Wong Yew Fatt, Mark Ngui Tze Wu, Suryaningrat Nugroho, Saifuddin B. Rahmat, Oh Chun Yong , Marcus Poon Ern Chieh, Lee Yit Foong, Shivasharan s/o Arputhalingam, Cheong Yi Mun, Tan Wee Liat.

3rd Row Tan Wei Hao, Yeo Kok San, Kenneth Koh Kwan Kiat, Terence Lim Wee Teck, Sim Kwang Yong, Yeo Chin Hwee, Chew Kea Yao, Jeyaseelan Thomas Danny, Desmond Goh Chuin Yang , Jeffrey Lim Hiok Yang , Lee Chee Wei , Victor Ong Yeow Teck, Rawn Sim Pheng Leng, Darrel Hon Wai Yip.

L TOR Seated Chan Pai Hsiung, Chua Thiam Weng, Dennis Foo Wenlong, Tan Sze Lin , Marcus Chan Hoe Yin, Mr Toh Weng Choy, Nicholas Sim Kwang Ming, Pay Gang Yi , Kwon Jeng Chyn, Ken Wei Liang, Jeremy Ng Tzen Jan.

2nd Row Tan Loo Aun, Koh Kok Liang, Tan Wee Lip, Henry Phua Yong Xiang, Amos Hong Heng Cheong, Eugene Tan Tzer Yee, Peh Choon Whee, Lim Hing Yew, Norman Lim Liang Hua, Desmond Yong, Jimmy Gan Cher Wen, Chua Seow Ter, Danny Wong Sze Peng, David Kim Young Wook, Derek Han Joon How.

3rd Row Tham Chien Ping, Sung Ban Hock, Samuel Ng Xi Wei, Oh Kok Peng, Lim Yang Cherng, Derek Chong Wai khuin, Sin Chee Kong , Royston Ho Kuan Thye, Loy Guo Zhao, Cheng Khor Wui , Luke Teng Tuck Meng, Simon Mok Heng Cheon, Victor Chan Kah Mun, Adrian Ng Yik Song.

96 •

Lto R Seated Koh Tong Liang Ivan, Lau Wai Weng Dustin, Swu Daw Shing, Yeo Eng Yeow Edwin, Mrs Tan Wai Ngan, Chua Kah Wei Stanley, Ng Zu Liang, Lim Yuen Chen, Tan Kim Tat.

2nd Row Choy Keng Choong, Yip Wai Keet, Lau Aik Soon, Wee Liang Zee, Koh Hsien Ming, Kwong Tchsing Siang, Samuel Ong Zee Yee, Fong Sing Shing.

3rd Row Lim Ai Guan, Murugayan Tirukumar, Ng Kang Chyn, Chow Mun Fai Raymond, Sathiaseelan Mohanoraj, Lee Seng Chuan, Tee Yeow Wei, William Lim Tong Lee. •

Lto R Seated Adrian Tay Weng Heng, Tang Mun Kiat, Aldran Wong Kok leong, Heng , Alister Fong Mingyar:ig, Mrs Janet Oh, Tan Chun Shiong, Mak Yuh Hann, Alvin Tang Chung Ping, Glenn Wee Lu-Ming, Vinci Ma Huai En.

2nd Row Joseph Lee Kwong Meng, Zhuo Song Yuan, Lim Weiyang, Ng Chin Yeow, Fabian Chong Wei Chang, Jesse Tan Boon Kit, Alvin Lim Hong Ghuan, Sugianto Sutisma, Lionel Ng Wee Boon, Bernard Shen Chih Kang, Jonathen Sim Yu Oun, Tan Kar Keong.

3rd Row Joseph Tan Kah Hoe, Hercus Lo Ka Yiu, Ang Yue Shien, Foo Yang Siang, Jason Sam Voo Chee Kee, Ng Chee Quang, Chua Kia Wee, Tan Yu ain, Boo Han Joo, Billy Ong Swee Boon.

97 L to R Seated Daniel Tan Song Yang, Johann B. Johari, Marc Aw Kah Onn, Mardjuki Curran Shane, Annand Sathikumar, Mrs Loh Suan Choo, Loh Kai Yun, Justin Tan Tze Wun, Loke Tuck Chun, Khairul Hisham Misnal, Azmi B. Sa'at.

2nd Row Ng Jack Sen , Shawn Lai Mu Jung, Wilson Chan Mun Fei, Kenneth Tan Wei Seng, Fahmy B. Sidik, Chua Yit Chiang, Ong Yan Seng, Brian Fong Weng Sang, Jonathan Robert Lim Chong Shen, Robin Tan Tieng Wei, Previn Naidu, Heng Hee Tat, James Tiam Kah Wee.

3rd Row Eric King Chua, James Stephen Wong Liang Wei , Prithpal Singh, Tong Wen-Leong, Terenjit Singh Sevea, Rai Salish, Heng Tong Jin, Clement Yu Yang Hou, Sachin Rai s/o Jitendar Rai , Melvyn Tan Wee Heng, Edmund Tan Choen Tat, Lee Ri Rong.

L TOR Seated Dexter Wong Teck Guan, Shawn Chua Wei Yang, Rudy Setiawan, Shum Jin-Yang, Mr Keith Carey, Kevin Choo Chung Ing, Tossaworn Sessatid, Foo Suan Han, Julian Lim Thong Nan.

2nd Row Galvin Soh Boon Ming, Lee Keng Chung, Louiz Loh Yi Hsiang, Aaron Kao Jiun Feng, Ong Lye Seng, Damian Chu Kai Huei, Willie Lim Chin Leng.

3rd Row James Loo How Wee, Kevin Goh Wee Hau, K.Premananth Thevar, Hong Zheng Zi , Kelvin Tan Keng Swee, Chatchai Settavoraphan.

98 L TOR Seated Peter Chew Hon Leong, John Lee Kim Hwee, Ervin Long Chay Sang, Ivan Choong Nan Soon, Mr Khoo Kay Giap, Medora Kaizad Jamshid, Desmond Tan Gin Kiat, Edwin Phua Peng Khin, Andre Chee Ming Chiang.

2nd Row Bevis Yeo Wee Meng, Victor Tan Wei-Kai, Andrew Gan Kong Wei, Patrick Lim Tze Kiat, Tan Wei Kian, Jeremy Wong Wai Yan, Varien Thang-Toon Lim, Andrew Tan Wei Teck, Edmund Chan Kin Seng.

3rd Row Collin Lim Lian Teng, Jeremy Lee Yang, Kenneth Mun Jun Ho, Tan Poh Loon, Kelvin Tan Kuan Hui, Eugune Tai Lik Chian, Adrian Liew Tek-Min, Seetho Chiat Kang, Collin Wong Kia Sim

L TOR Seated Chow Moon Leong, Daniel Yip Shung Tuck, Tay Hong Chuan, Lim Min Soon, Mr La Brooy Peter David, Leck Han Choong, Lee Chung Hwee, Terence Goh Lu-Shang, Timothy Kho Thong You.

2nd Row Ong Shu Yong, Han Heng Juan, Jay Ong Kok Weng, Alvin Chia Kian Guan, Ng Ho Kit, Melvin Lim Cher Chin, Eu Chern Liang, Donny Low, Stephen Leung Koon Wai, Damien Chuan Wei Sheung, Frankie Chong Kak Woh.

99 L TOR Seated Au Tong Li Eddie, Ng Chun Kiat Danny, Lim Tian Ping Benjamin, Cheong Ing Jen, Mr Mohd Azmi, Yeo Yong Chong Dennis, Chia Mun Hon Jeremy, Lam Kei Koh Sze Chieh Ivan.

2nd Row You Chee Hoe, Boon Adrian, Nathaniel J.A.Caldwell, Yeo Suan Sherng, Yap Min En David Thomas, Tan Teck Yong Kevin, Tay Ping Hwee Andy, Chin Jin Han, Leong Hou Cheong Vincent.

3rd Row Teo Teck Loon Benjamin, Lien Wei Yao Darren, Ang Unn T'er Arthur, Ng Choen Wei, Morgan N.V., Choo Wei Meng Desmond, Vikramjit Singh s/o Randhir Singh, Tan Gee Keong, Gan Jinyi, Ong Shu Hann. -

L TOR Seated Felix Cheung Chun Yin, Evan Tan Li Shen, Mohammad Fadzly B. Sayarasi, Ivan Goh, Mrs Evelyn Tan, Das George Anand Prasad, Bernard Teo Teck Guan, Han Chong Wee, Han Yen Fong.

2nd Row Melvyn Ng Chin Yee , Paul Chew Boon Siang, Tay Teng Ming, Jasper Chiang Howe Kiat, Shahiddin B. Arshad, Daniel Quah Soon Kiat, Daren Koh Thong Tat, Tang Mun Kit.

3rd Row Stewart Ng Seong Chee, Kelvin Wong Chen Peng, Narentheran s/o Kanapati, Jeremy Cher Wei Kiat, Kelvin Seah Wei Hua, Ivan Lee Seng Chong, Andy Yap Kok Chon, Adrian Yeo Sung Sien.


100 •

L TOR Seated : Tan Wai Kee, Joshua Tan, Wong Wai Mun, Mr Gordon Goh, Mohd Faizal B. Khamis, Jon How, Dalen Chee.

2nd Row : Daryl Tan, Ng Yong Pang, Nicholas Chan, Daniel Chan, Leslie Goh, Alvin Peh, Vinay Kumar Pathak, Leong Kok Hoong, Anatha Raj.

~be fruit of tbe spirit ts lobe, jop, peace, patience, gentleness, goobness, faitbfulness, bumilitp anb self-control.

~alattans 5: 22,23

101 at the St Andrew's Cathedral 10 Feb '95

Bishop Moses Tay addresses the newly-elected school prefects.

Guests, parents and staff attend the solemn occasion. Ms Krempl witnessing the occasion. r

The Speaker for the Service, our Students of the school participating very own Mr Jeffrey Lim, School in this annual event at the St Captain of 1977. Andrew's Cathedral.


L TO R Seated : Philip Chamberlain, Tan Chun Shiong, Wong Cheng Kok Abraham, Kaizad J.Medora, Jonathan A.Satyabudi, Mr Foo Yoong Seang, Ms Priscilla Krempl, Mr Phoon Kok Kwong, Mr Philip Yeo, Alister Foong, Marcus Tan Wee Teck, Menon Dev Christophe, Lester Lee Chee Hoe.

2nd Row K.Eswaran, Ronny Tandun, Gerald Yeong, Kong Hou Kit, Michael, Nicholas Teo Ju-Chye, James Tan Khoon Song, William Wan Wei Yuan, Ong Guo Morng, Kenneth K.P., Jason Ang Chisen, Leroy F Ratnam, Howard Timothy Francis, Elden Wong Weng Mun, Lee Wee Sng, Gary Lee Min Yang, Edson Ng Li-Chun, Jason Koh Sing Wei, Low Swee Lin, Lim Xiang Hsien Merrill.

3rd Row Felix Tan, Hou Guo Jun, Jason Chia Chern Ee, Cheng Yong Joo, Edmund Ng, Russel M. Charles, ldroz Shah Baroocha, Sukhvinder Singh, Goh Zhi Sheng, Rikramjit Singh, George Das, Mohd Isham, Ekkachai Banluelap, Wilson Lem, Lee Chien Chen, Vijay Sabapathy, Fu Xiang Xun, Wong Pei Jun.

4th Row Johnson Chua, Soh Dan Wen, Li Weiliang, Tan Seng Chuan, Mok Chao Meng, Chong Kian Fei, Michael Moey, Eric Chia Yeow Ke, V.Jonathen, Leonard Ng Chee Khoon, Chew Xun Jian Mark, Walter Lu, Joshua Chew, David Lim Khoon Seng, Jonathan Tan, RR Vigneswaran.


Discipline Masters Mr Foo Yoong Seang Honorary Treasurer Marcus Tan Mr Phoon Kok Kwong Mr Philip Yeo Detention Class Seniors Abraham Wong Tan Chun Shiong

School Captain Jonathan A. Satyabudi Latecoming Senior Dev C. Menon

School V-Captain Alister Fong Public Relations Senior Philip A. Chamberlain

Honorary Secretary Kaizad J. Medora Lower Secondary Senior Lester Lee Chee Hoe


Wong Weng Mun William Wan Wilson Lem Soh Dan Wen K.Eswaran Jason Ang How Guo Jun R.R.Vigneswaran Leroy F. Ratnam Edson Ng Sukhvinder Singh Marc Chew Michael Howard T.F. Edmund Ng Johnson Chua Jason Chia Jason Koh ldros Shah Jonathan Tan Merrill Lim Ong Guo Hong Sabapathy V. Michael Moey Low Swee Lin Kenneth K.P Mohd Isham Li Weiliang Ronny Tandun James Tan Ekkachai B. Mok Chao Heng Nicholas Teo Jason Koh Goh Zhi Seng Joshua Choo Wong Pei Jun George Das Fu Xiang Xun Walter Lu Gerald Yeong Rikramjit Singh Felix Tan Tan Beng Chuan Lee Wee Sng Lee Chien Chen Chong Kian Fe V.Jonathen Kong Hou Kit Cheng Yong Sao David Lim Leonard Ng Gary Lee Russel Charles Chia Tien Hao Chia Yeow Ke


L TOR Seated Jonathan Ng, Andy Koh , Ang Ghim Phang, Mr Foo Yoong Seong, Mr Phoon Kok Kwong, Jassen Chun, Kelvin Poh, Paul Tan Wee Siong.

2nd Row Kelveen Soh, Kittisak Klongkitjakou, Gerald Yiu , Clement Chow, Anand s/o Sathikumar, Ivan Goh, Teo Han Ming, Jay Loh Sen Wee, Tan E-Jin Terrence, Chang How Ning, Eljin Tan.

3rd Row Shum Jin Yang , Marcus Chen, Jeffery Lim Choon How, Lim Min Soon, Wong Wai Min, Chris Cheng, Ivan Choong, Edwin Yeo, Jason Wong.


L TOR Seated S.Annamalail, Esmond Han Renfeng, Adrian Koo Jing Guo, Hee Yueh Turng, Mr Philip Yeo , Asywan Bin Bang, Johnatten Chan Han Rong, Seah Wei Lun Kenny, Samuel Chua Defu.

2nd Row Ee Soon Sen, Keith Chen, Luke How, Varinder Singh Bal , Alvin Ang Seng Huat, Almond Loh Weng Kwong, Thaw Aung, Ku Teng Wee, Henry Adi Sumarto.

108 1~ledto1fC111r-hourroo­ ano-playtn,sklli...-11111130a -lk.11npllll7 lyattttbe ... bon..blhaJ tl.neevft'}'dl)' lone proctN for Ben,P,l:llln, The Ana st- stYdent t.brHopen.tiOnaU1WU4!·bftl He WU l&U,tlt ~ to who MP!l'N to be a cb111'd1 who '!FU.,_ an Mat,ov,e­ h1-,f1&htlirt: walk, ••iin. -1. out jlpa• pianist and rnlaionary av~"studtnt-•nir• AtttthislMtopffltfon in puules, work out almp1e ~1 aiartt'd playing with Jiet 10 pjla hll tl'lll and 1993.he~tor'Cf'dtolltop !'llyrtghthll.rid,andwuatwe exaro.inaUons, a n,allty be IUncto.choolrwa~ to UM' m,y left band only bu come to tffml •Ith. becaiat the metal frarM ~~.;1r.~~= fflll<'h liter," Mid BenjatniD, bound arouiad hi.II i., made '°He took It all ln hi. l8,tnba.ltl.og: Engllab. da;r:J:~n:' :'~~ II dittkull ti.- him to -.lk. .arlde. Ht trwd to be ebeer &»l'e lheeu had to be en­ la thlit I try lll7 bNt; ald .. ~or that year, my lor­ ful mo9l ol' the Uroe. ('\1'n tarpd ..-ilh • pbotocop~. Bel1Jamln.. lPfi!I" clNamatH called me up A.ootbffSecoadlley)au­ at leut \~ tt- a wl!Nt :.i::-=~~~ "'""""Even DOW. there-.uu dtnt, UmSoon Joo, 17.alllo andtold metbeloptel that IIIN!r Cbong Yee Slew. U. maay brokM ~ lefl His ~IYl;'dtbeNnwaward WtttCOVfftd.ltllflllfudled LNm.lfll to ~D hi. pl,- &peffll ta llumod. Md hi.I Strlckhtwtthpolloabort- O!l lllYOWll,-ald Soosr, .Joo. RELEASE OF 1994 '~'LEVEL RESULTS

"When is my tum coming? Never gone through a more agonizing experience!" Ms P. Krempl addressing the students before the release of the results.

Congratulations, Alex, you have done well!

Mum lending her moral support. At last, the agony is over! MEET PARENTS Teachers meeting parents from Sec 1 to Sec 5 to issue report books after the Mid-Year Exami­ nations.

111 The aim of PCCG is to help develop each student to become a well-rounded individual to achieve his maximum potential. Various programmes are planned throughout the year to achieve this. The highlight for this year is the Orientation Camp for the Sec. Ones. The Orientation Camp is compulsory for all Sec One boys and is run by "A Few Good Men". These specially trained Camp Instructors together with the help of teachers, are there to instruct, inspire and to inculcate the true spirit of the Saints. The inaugural leadership enhancement course was conducted in November 1994 to select "A Few Good Men" to serve as Camp Instructors and mentors for the 1995 Sec One cohort. This specially designed course enabled them to fulfil their potential and to meet any challenge called upon by the school. To groom our boys to become gentlemen of grace and polish, the Sec Four boys attend a Social Etiquette Course. They are taught conversation skills, table manners and the art of fine dining. Career Forums are held after the Sec Four Preliminary examinations for all graduating students. Old boys from the various professions come to share with us. There is also a talk of Interviewee Skills covering all aspects of job interviews. Talks by Junior Colleges and Polytechnics are also held to help our boys make informed choices. Every boy in St. Andrew's is encouraged to do some form of community service. All Sec One boys are rostered to visit the St. John's Home for the Aged. They usually bring gifts or food items and bring cheer to the old folks. Food Fairs are held each term to raise funds for the needy students in the school. Proceeds from the Food Fairs go towards paying school fees, providing lunch money and bus stamps for students on financial aid. There is also a Food Distribution once a term for some needy families in the community. Essential items like cooking oil, milk, sugar and rice etc are given. Boys are also encouraged to participate in Flag Days to help raise funds for charitable organisations.

Other on-going programmes include the Class Cleanliness and Noticeboard Contests, Career Guidance and Counselling. Boys are encouraged to seek counsel should they need help in any area of their lives. Teach­ ers are always ready to lend a listening ear and to show that they care. Men of Grace and Polish......

Don't look at me please, I'm having Please allow me ..... difficulty with my "tools " too !

Trying to digest two things at \.._:,,',~~ the same time : What the Raising funds for charity during teachers cooked at home and food fairs: Mrs Susie Frederick what they taught in class. and Mrs Manjit Singh lend a nutritious chicken pies. you grill "you tiao". No helping hand. knowledge of Physics is required. 112 Career Forums ......


Old boys from various professions are invited to help our boys make Major Eugene Cheong, Head ofArmy informed career choices. Amongst them are Mr Cherian George Recruitment. (second from left), journalist with the Straits Times and Captain Seongfrom the Commando Unit of the SAF Ms Charlotte Lim from the Trade Dept, NZ talking about further studies in New Zealand.

Sharing their experiences in the legal and medical career are Mr Suresh Nair (left) and Dr lmran Nawaz.

Mrs Belinda Charles, Principal of St Andrews Junior College addressing the school. Sharing their experiences are Cyrus (second from left) and Shaam (extreme right), old boy and now a member of SAJC teaching staff.

Ms Krempl and Mr Noel Tan at the SAF Static Display.

Reception for our invited speakers. 113 Mathematics Peer Tutoring

With Big Brother behind me, I won't go wrong.

Let me help you with the calculation.

Your working must be clearly shown.


Leaming English the fun way.

114 REL IGIOU s EMPHASIS ··~------• ....••· WEEK (27 Feb - 2 March )

Past & Present Saints expressing their Joy in 'Free At Last'.

'Eternal Splashes' a performing Arts group with their item.

Testimony by Jeremy- Li

"None Like You" Song item by Joseph Chean & Co.

115 Caulfield's Return Visit (8th Jan - 22nd Jan '95)

Dinner at the school cafeteria.... only the finest of food.

I guess it's good-bye for now.

.o· , , I This is fun in the sun! - visit to Fantasy Island

It's a jungle out there - visit to an oil palm plantation.

Parting is such sweet sorrow but, forevr friends.

Shop till you drop ! To many more years offri endship. Saints visit Adelaide & Melbourne (30 May - 17 June '95)

At the Airport just before Having a taste offarming on the departure. tractor.

Outside the Old Parliament House, Adelaide.

Visit to the Heritage Museum Art Gallery in Adelaide. Wining & dining at the restaurant in Barossa Valley, Adelaide. Barossa Valley.

Guide dressed as a policeman demonstrating the use of a rifle during Panning for gold at a stream in the Ballarat Gold Mining Town. the pioneering days.

Dominic Poon holding his peace at Time to say good-bye- Melbourne . the Lookout Point, Mangler's Hill. International Airport

117 thletics eet

22 April '95 Toa Payoh Sports Stadium

;: ::;_: :: ::.; ~ :: :::: . Our guest-of-honour, ------~ Mrs Felice Isaac, accompanied by Ms Krempl and Mr Auyeong Pak Lam • ( extreme left).

Mrs Felice Isaac presenting a trophy to Mr Gerald Lim, the Junior School supervisor for the Old Boys' Walk.

""".r:______...... ;.... ___ The boys getting ready for the run. All the prefects cheering their teammates in unison.

See how far I can go. Mr Alex Ong and Mr Noel Tan passing the batons in the Teachers' Relay.

The final event of the day : Tug of War 5 B'th //nnua1 Swimming ehampionships 7th July 1995

Mr John Yap posing with Ivan Goh, who is holding the shield.

119 ~nnual lross lountry Championships MacRitchie Track 11 August 1995

Dr Krishnamorthy giving away the shield to the gold award winner. ~

·th enquiries. - hers are kep t busy wi House teac


The boys set up a band to play melodious music for the teachers. ~;~ .,,.....i:.....

Jonathan Liau and Kaizad Medora are comperes for the occasion.

Members of the Tamil LDDS entertaining us with a dance.

Nicholas Tan (4SE) A meaningful token for every With a "Jacky Cheung" number. teacher: Mr Chan You Meng receiving a token of appreciation from the prefect. Mr Michael Lim has an unusual present - must be something to do with Physics !


Ms Krempl and Guest of Honour, Lt. Col. Goh Chee Kong taking the pledge together with the School.

Boxing Tournament - one of the highlights of the day's celebrations.

Students Vs Staff Soccer Match.

Sepak Takraw Match organised by the Malay Lang. & Culture Society. St Andrew's Tie Design Competition.

Budding singer participating in Singing Contest organised by Chinese Language Society.

Lower Secondary Inter-Class Debate Finals- organised by English L.D.D.S.

Song & Dance Item by Christian Military Band entertaining with lively Fellowship. numbers.

Guest and Staff attend the Reception after the celebrations.



The year started with our 4x1 OOm 'B' team being finalists in the SPH Invitational Relays. In the Caltex Meet, we were finalists in the 1 OOm and 400mm Hurdle events. An electronically timed record was set in the 1 OOm Hurdle event. During the National Schools Track/Field Meet, we were finalists in the 1 OOm/400m Hurdle, 4x1 OOm , 3000m and Shot Put events. Finally, in the Western Australian Invitational, we won a bronze for the 1 OOm Hurdle, the only medal in the hurdling events for Singapore. Next year, we will still have the same crop of boys to create a much bigger impact in the Athletics arena in accordance with our motto 'Up & On' .

L - R Seated Chan Jan Ho, Zhou Han Wen, Clarence Bay, Mr Toh Weng Choy, Mr Alex Ong, Huang Bing Kai, Shalifi, Tay Kang Wei. 2nd Row Joseph Chan, Ronald Chan, Shawn Yeo, Kittisan Bunloi, Lim Meng Jin, Anand s/o Sathi Kumar, Eak Ming San, Chan Mun Wai. 3rd Row Andrew Teo, Melvin Lim, Jon How, Andrew Kwong, Chris Cheng, Ang Beng Huat, Nick Tan, Mohd lzwan Jamal.

This year the Saints are privileged to train twice a week under our new coach, Mr Zainal Abidin, who is currently the National Champion.

Our 'B' and 'C' boys were placed 5th in the National Squash Championships held in April this year.

Apart from the regular trainings, the club has also organised several Inter-level tournaments and friendly matches.

The club would like to thank their teachers-in-charge, Mr Au-Yeong Pak Lam and Ms Chan Ee Mein for their advice and guidance.

L - R Seated Eugene Goh, Seetoh Weihao, Tushar Bhandari, Nathanael Tan Shang Guang, Teacher-in-charge Miss Chan Ee Mein, Li Yuan Shun, Lin Dongchen, Leonard Lin Zhiming, Terence Wang Tianyi. 2nd Row Loo Tze Kuen ('C' Division Captain), Adrian Ong, Kok Jian Zeng, Chen Han Long, Kevin Ong Tien Hsu, Adrian Koo Jing Guo, Rudy Darwin Ko, Thomas Quah Seng Tat, Wisnu Sanjaya, Nicholas Thiang Daowei, Lakhjit Singh, Raymond Goh Jiun Tat, Joshua Wong Xian Hue. 3rd Row Jonny Setiawan ('B' Division Captain), Girish L.Sawlani, Guo Li Ren, Cornelius Lee Mun Chu, Terence Tan Han Yang, Martin Ho Chiew Yong, Benjamin Cheong Weng Kwong, Koo Cong Jin, Harbans Singh, Leonard Ng Chee Khoon, Polianto, Bryan Yeo. 126

------St Andrews' Cricket Teams are participating in three separate Leagues this year :­ The U-18, U-14 Div. 1 and U-14 Div. 2 'C' Division In the U-14 'Invitation' Category, where local and expatriate compete, we emerged Runners-Up in a field which included Australian, British, Indian and Pakistani boys based here.

The second-leg of the U-14 tournament is underway, with the Saints at the top of the Table with a good chance of becoming Champions this time. 'B' Division The U-18 tournament will come to a climax in September. The Saints are at the moment holding second place behind 'Oldham Hall', a team made up of expatriates, who, on the average, have a two-year advantage over our boys. We wish our teams all the best in their lofty endeavour.

L-R L- R Seated : Jonathan Ng, Melvin Lim, Sudarshan (Capt), Seated : Vickram Nair, Jebaraj Daniel, Joseph Chan, Leroy Ratnam (V.Capt), Vickram Singh, Michael Gomez, Vigneswaran, Derek Foo, Jonathan Chai, Andrew Ee. Mainuddin.

2nd Row Shahul Hamid, Fang Zuxin, Ashok Prasad, Ivan 2nd Row : Jonathan Foo, Vimalan (V.Capt), Henri Sumarto, Then, Mr Anton W. Pillai. Abdul Aleem, Ivan Then (Capt), Arun, Mr Anton Pillai (Teacher 1/C).


- _-l., _j

A record twenty-eight boxers took part in the National Day Boxing Tournament, which included two special bouts, where two of our most accomplished boxes, Team Captain Liang Shih Peow and Vice-Captain Ronald Chan took on "invited" boxers of club standard in the Welter-Weight and Light W eight categories respectively. Both vie.d for the "Best Boxer" title, with Liang Shih Peow just managing to beat Ronald Chan.

Our special thanks to National Coach Syed Kadir for training and grooming the boxers and to the referees Mr Eddie Smith, Mr Ng Liang Hua, Mr Dick Ong and Mr T.Prakasham for their services.

127 GOLF Response to join the Golf Club has been encouraging. The proximity of the Toa Payoh Driving Range is the major factor in the recruitment of members. At present there are 31 Lower Sec boys and 14 Upper Sec boys who are members.

Two golf professionals, Mr Karl Halsted of New Zealand and Mr Rob Richardson of Australia are engaged to coach our boys in basic skills of golf at t he Toa Payoh Driving Range.

Boys who wish to improve their skills and sit for the Proficiency Certificate Test can attend the Golf Programme conducted by Mr Rick Jones, Golf Professional at Green Fairways at the Singapore Turf Club.

L-R Seated : Norman Choo, Jonathan Foo Chuanhao, Marc Aw Kah Onn, Mr Ho Yeow Joo, Mrs Lee Eng Lian, Low Yihan, Mok Chaoheng, Aurelius Tan Kok Keong, Chen Weide.

2nd Row : Huang Weizhi, Jonathan Siew, Siew Kai Wee, Edwin Tan Ping Huang, Ng Vat Fei, Zachariah Goh Sheng Xiong, Theodore Seah Hock Ann, Ho Chin San, Aloysius Ting Poh Leong, Teo Wee Tee, Benjamin Seah Hock Soon.

3rd Row : Andrew Koh Jiahui, Daniel Lim Weiquan, Joseph Chan Wei, Alvin Tan Ruihao, Justin Ee Chye Hock, Polianto, Alvin Chen Shizhen, Jaye Wong Guocong, Liu Jianwei, Lim Bing Liang, Hanzel Ling Hansheng, Benjamin Sim Guanhui.

4th Row : Tan Wei Seng, Foo Tun Tshen, Mok Wen Kwang, Jason Wong, Tong Wen Leong, Tung Yung Chin, Kelvin Chua Cher Wei, Daniel J.Buenas, Rico Yao.

128 HOCKEY The Saints Hockey team, started preparing for the 1995 tournaments in late December 1994.

During the pre-competition period, the team trained twice a week and played friendly games with some of the top teams from various schools. This year, the intake of new players from secondary one was not as good as in the previous year. However our 'C' division team still managed to perform well in this year's tournament.

This season, our hockey team had a very good start by retaining our Championship title in the AJC Invitational Hard-court Hockey tournament which was held in November last year. The team beat Siling Secondary School with a prominent hockey team 3 - 0 in the finals. In the 6-a-side tourna­ ment which was held in April 1 995, our 'C' division team found their way to the semi-finals. Unfortunately, luck was not on our side as we lost to Raffles Institution in the penalty shoot-out after a goalless full-time. In the 3rd/4th placings match, our team beat Yuhua Secondary 3 - 0 to win the bronze.

Our 'B' division team was grouped together with top hockey teams from Yuhua Secondary, Raffles Institution and Anglo-Chinese School. Though our team put a very strong fight we were eliminated in the preliminary rounds.

L - R Seated Brandon Pang, Howard Tai, Shalifi B. Suleiman, Wong Wai Mun, Mr Ahmad Said, Mr Mahmod Zainol, S.Anantha Raj, Jonathan Zhang, Kelvin Tay, Liu XianHui.

2nd Row A Kumaran, Hoe Jun Min, Ivan Koh, Nareshwaran A, Roland Lee, Ng Rong Hwa, Kelvin Mo, K.Vijendran, lskandar.

3rd Row K.Jeyaraj, Kalaiselvan, Sunil s/o lndrajit, Balraj Singh Maan, Darvinpal Singh, Bjorn Jacobsen, Vikramjit Singh, Mohd lmtihaz, B.Vimalan, Varinder Singh, S.Sugenthirna. RUGBY B Division Preparations for the 1995 season began as early as December '94 with a warm-up tournament in . In the Malaysian Rugby Union Under -16 ten-aside tournament, our team put in thier good effort and won a place in the second round of the Champions League.

We started the season well by making it to the semi-finals of the SCC 'Ts'. We lost to the eventual champions, UWC. In the National Schools U-17 tournament, the boys played very well which enable them to beat the fancied ACS team in the semi-finals. Unfortunately, we lost to Greenridge Sec. School in the finals by 10 - 3.

Team captains Andrew Kwong and Freddy Ong were selected to represent Combined Schools in the SRU U-20 tournament. Special thanks to Mr Teo Han Chua for his valuable assistance and Mrs Krempl for her support.

C Division

The 'C' Division boys started training early in the year with twice weekly sessions. Mr Yee Teck Peng came in as the coach in the later part of May and training were stepped up to thrice weekly in preparation for the Goh Keng Swee Challenge Shield.

In the preliminary rounds of the tournament, SAS beat Greenridge S.S. convincingly but lost out to both ACS & RI.

In the semi-finals, the boys rose to the occasion but were beaten by RI with a score of 12 - 7. Despite the disappointment, the boys can take consolation in that they improved tremendously over the course of a few weeks to narrow the gap between themselves and R.I. and eventually received third placing.

Much appreciation must go to Mr Yee Teck Peng for his tireless efforts in grooming the boys' skills and fitness throughout the tournament

Rugby 'B' Team Rugby 'C' Team L - R L - R Seated : Andrew Tandau, Mark Ngui Tze Wu, Andrew Teo Seated Luo Shun Heng Gideon, Tan Chang Liang Choon Heng, Andrew Kwong Sze Ian, Mrs P. Jonathan, Tan Jian Xun, Quek Renhe Jethro, Krempl, Freddy Ong Teck Guan, Ang Yue Mr Phoon Kok Kwong, Mrs Priscilla Krempl, Shien, Lester Chan Lik Teck, George Oh. Justin Teo Zhiwei, Jiang Qing Feng Joel, Leonard Ng, Soh Dan Wan. 2nd Row : Derek Tan Yen Chiat, Tan Ting Cheng, Jay Ong, Albert Lo Su Nyen, Liau Yen San, Keith Lim 2nd Row Ferry Susanto Usman, Mohamad Nizam Bin Mohamad, Thian Zhanghui Stephen, Yap Boon Tien Jin, Kelveen Soh. Piow Cliff, Lim Chong Ghee, Tham Jia Wei, 3rd Row : Donny Tofani, See Boon Long, Lasmin Dihardjo, Elias Kenneth Joel, Teo Choon Seng Joel. Kevin Choo, Tan Seng Chuan, Russel Charles, 3rd Row Md Sani Zainal, Benjamin Seah, David Ranjeesh, Jonathan Leow Zi Wei. Chang Yicong, Sanjay S. Nathani, Thiam Siong Oon Daniel, Lune Kelvin, V.A Helan. 4th Row Qian Xiangrui Keith, Dhiraj Kumar, Lee Zhengkai, Eak Mingshan Samuel, Ang Seng HuatAlvin, Wong Shi Jie Benjamin, Heng Keng Siang David, Romi S. Vaswani, Yap Wee Xiong.

130 Rugby Matches

A case ,, oJ snatch and grab?

A tussle for the ball!

131 Fourteen members of the Sailing group [Sec 1 - 3) began the year by attending the preliminary Sailing Course at the Changi Point Commando Jetty Sailing Club. The boys were trained in Mirror Dinghies; two man boats which are made of glass-fibre or wood . Some boys were able to use the single-man optimist boats.

The boys learnt the point of sailing, over-board drill, trimming the sail, light wind sailing techniques and crewmanship. They put theory into practice in the classroom before taking to the boats. They were trained to 'rig-up' their own boats and to be responsible for them at all times.

The sailing conditions at Changi have been rather variable from fresh offshore winds to tedious becalmed doldrums. This variety of conditions has been appropriate training for our sailors, especially during becalmed weather which makes great demands upon the skills and teamsmanship of the two-men-crew. They really have to learn how to put their trust in each other.

The culmination of our course was to witness several of our boys enter the School's Sailing Championships which were held at the East Coast Sailing Centre in July 1995. Clement Tee, Teo Wee Lee and Teo Wee Tee performed especially well. Clement has helped the younger boys and has displayed good leadership skills. He has been especially supportive and although he did not manage to gain honours, he has, undoubtedly a very good sailing future ahead of him for he has all the essential qualities of commitment and courage. The brothers, Wee Tee and Wee Lee both performed extremely well during the National Schools Sailing Championships each bringing back a Silver Medal for 2nd place [B & C division) to complete the year's programme. Wee Lee was subsequently chosen to represent Singapore in the International Schools Sailing Championships which were held in Norway in August 1995 - Wee Lee entered the 'Optimist' Class and although not placed, learnt a great deal about sailing and dealing with world-class competition.

Our sailing activities have now come to a halt. Since Commando Jetty is temporarily out of service, we are busy looking for another venue until the jetty can be used again. We hope to resume as soon as possible and to continue a small but important 'growth' ECA at St Andrew's.

Up with the Sail and On with the Sou'wester !

L-R Seated Lendra Putra, Hansel Kwang, Teo Wee Lee, Mr Amir Noordin, Clement Chow, Wilson Cham.

2nd Row Chang Haw Ning, Hoe Mingjin, Goh Guo-Hua, Andy Fu, Joshua Ng, Edwin Tan .

Not in Picture Mr Keith Carey

132 Wee Lee rigging up the sail during one of the training sessions in Finland.

Representatives from Singapore for the Championship. Wee Lee is second from the right.

Wee Lee in action.

Other achievements on the high seas ....

%eLees' hr. recei.. · Other r,, vtno YYee J;. Cha171 . o a Shield ee, a/so rp,onsh · for the y, a keen . tp held in M outh E.xcha sa1for, 'Yan111ar. nge Saiztng· WATERPOLO 11 The year has been a momentous one far Saint Andrew's Waterpala, due no doubt ta its winning its second consecutive National Schools title.

After edging out three other schools in its group, the team made it ta the finals of the 20th National Schools Waterpala Championships. The finals were played against Angla Chinese Schaal, a school renowned far its prowess in swimming and waterpala. After a gruelling match, which saw St. Andrew's dawn 3-0 after the first quarter, we managed ta beat ACS 10-7. This was our second Gold title after 1 994's win aver Outram Secondary Schaal.

Two of our players, Lean Boey and Nigel Eng, went an ta represent Singapore Youth in a training trip ta Perth, Australia, during the June holidays. Ivan Goh, also captained a combined Singapore Amateur Swimming Association Waterpala Branch's trip ta Kuala Lumpur in December, 1994. All three also played far Singapore when the Australian and New Zealand Youth Teams visited Singapore in July.

The school team trains year round at the Toa Payah Swimming Complex three times a week, under the Singapore Amateur Swimming Association Toa Payah Branch. Lean Boey, Ivan Goh and Nigel Eng, all train under the National Youth team, and Lean and Nigel also attend trainings with the National team.

With hard work and determination, and with the bays continuing ta train hard, we will bring back another Gold medal in 1 996 !

L - R Seated Gan Jinyi, Vincent Leong, Loh Seng Yue, Mark Chew, Leon Boey, Mr Quek, Ivan Goh, David Lim, Derrick Seah, Nigel Eng, Marcus Poon.

2nd Row Lyndon Lee, Felix Lin, Kenny Choy, Tang , Benjamin Luo, Gerald Yeo, Lai Pingsheng, Li Zhiyang, Teo Low. SWIMMIN

L - R Seated Seah Shao Yu, Mark Chew, Alex Loh, David Lim, Nigel Eng.

2nd Row Leon Boey, Ivan Goh.


L-R Seated Chua Lieh Shan, Wong Wai Mun, Mr Mahmood Zainol, Chang Haw Ning.

2nd Row Terence Ong, Nathanael Tan, Alvin Pek, Goh Jiun Tat.



L TOR Seated Lee Ri Rong, Chong Wai Khuin Derek (Head Li­ brarian), Mrs Rosie Yong, Miss Low Ee Lang, Mdm Ng Yuet Mei, Mr RB Krishna, Tang Mun Kiat (Vice-Head Librarian), Chia Sheng Chi.

2nd Row Wong Yuan Sheng, Too Jie Sem, Augustus Chee, Tay Kang Wei, Laurence Lee, Lee Shuan Wee, Lo Chong Chiah, Loi Hui Min, Danny Neo.

3rd Row Tan Kar Kiong, Daniel Yip, Reguraman, Joshua Low, Andrew Goh, Ng Aik Kai, Kevin Tan , Alvin Yip, Chan Jin Wei. Library Report OFFICE BEARERS :

Head Librarian Chong Wai Khuin, Derek TEACHERS-IN-CHARGE Miss Elaine Low Vice-head Librarian Tang Mun Kiat Mdm Ng Yuet Mei Committee Members Chew Wei Hsiang, Terence Chia Sheng Chi LIBRARY OFFICERS Mr R.B.Krishna Koh Kuan Kiat, Kenneth Mrs Rosie Yong Chan Kah Mun, Victor Li Ri Rong


RECRUITMENT CAMPAIGN The recruitment campaign was successfully carried out in January and we now have 49 librarians on weekly duty.

BOOK DISPLAYS : Book displays are held throughout the year. The theme of the display changes fortnightly taking into account the interests of our readers. Books on display are loaned out as soon as possible. The aim is to encourage the reading habit in school.

ACQUISITION OF NEW BOOKS : Acquisition trips are held periodically during the year. We have increased our existing collections of English, Chinese, Malay and Tamil books. Both senior and junior librarians participated in the book trips. The aim is to help them make book choices judiciously.

UPGRADING OF SCHOOL LIBRARY SYSTEM: The existing school library system version 3 .1 has been upgraded to version 3 .2 during the first semester. The new features help the library to run more efficiently. Students' details in the computer have also been updated.

FILM APPRECIATION : Two film appreciation sessions were held during the year. However. the re­ sponse was poor. It is hoped that with better publicity given for screening times, the response will be more encouraging in future.

VISIT : Nine librarians joined the AVA members of the school on a visit to Ping Yi Secondary School in July. They met librarians of Ping Yi Secondary School to share ideas on library management and activities. It is hoped that some of the ideas gathered during the visit will help in the running of the library in 1996.

THANKS : The library committee would like to thank all teachers and library officers for their guidance during the year.

Tang Mun Kiat Vice-Head Librarian, 1995

136 The club, formed 3 years ago, has received tremendous support from both students and teach­ ers. Members meet every Friday from 2 - 4 p.m. for various club activities. These activities are planned to stimulate interest for Art. They include hands-on sessions on pottery, plaster model­ ling and photo-frame making. An expert was invited to give a demonstration in the making of pop­ up cards. With a well-planned and interesting schedule, the club looks forward to an exciting and promising future.

Finally, we would like to express a big thank you to our teacher-in-charge, Miss Jacqueline Ngin for her inspiration and invaluable advice.

L To R Seater Selwyn Low, Laurence Lee, Jeffrey Lim, Mervin Aw Yong, Miss Jacqueline Ngin, Winson Ng, Edmund Heng, Low Jun Jek, Tan Chet Siang.

2nd Row Kelvin Poh, Benjamin Lim, Galvin Soh, Daren Koh, Melvyn Ng, Tang Mun Kit, Shawn Ng.

3rd Row Adrian Tee, Bernard Tan, Shawn Chua, Loi Heng Yang, Kelveen Soh, Joshoa Ng, Mohammad Fadzly, Lee Kuan Chen, Tay Aik Chong, Kuan Jin Chian.

4th Row Oh Chun Yong, Sherwin Mah, Arthur Ang, Loke Wing Fai, Adrian Aw, Derek Lee, Jeremy Ng, Tan Gan He, Lin Lian Hao.

138 <·A \TA. CLUlf) ••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ••

The PA. Crew provides efficient support for many school functions. Weekly maintenance of equipment is carried out to provide better service to both staff and pupils. This weekly mainte­ nance programme is also supported by the maintenance contract technician during scheduled visits.

Two major programmes were organised. Four boys attended a one-week course in sound-slide production at the Catholic Audio Visual Centre during the June holidays. AV members went on a field trip in July to Ping Yi Secondary School to study the Media Club . This proves to be an enlightening experience for our boys who were taught to operate many types of hi-tech A V equipment. They also learned useful services such as the "Core Draw". In August, the Club also held a Farewell Party to bid our senior members farewell.

We would like to show our gratitude and appreciation to our teachers-in-charge : Mr Chan You Meng, Mrs Deanna Wong, Mrs Julia Huang, Mrs Tan Wai Ngan, Mdm See Swee Tee, Miss Chua Sok Hoon.

L TOR Seated Lim Terk Hsin, Chua Choon Hong, Chan Wai Chong, Tan Wee Wen, Mrs Tan Wai Ngan, Mrs Deanna Wong, Miss Chua Sok Hoon, Loh Kai Yun, Jason Wong, Justin Teo.

2nd Row Edson Ng, Kevin Tan, Bernard Teo, Tham Chien Ping, Marcus Tan Wee Teck, Ng Kheng Sheng, Leong Kok Hong, Gary Lee.

3rd Row Lim Soo Kuan, Victor Chan Kah Mun, Yap Yoong Lok, Lim Ai Guan, Lam Kei, Ong Kuo Chiang.

139 <::cHRiSTiAN•'II ....- . • • • "FELLOWSHIP~>• • • • • . • .••••--. ....-......

Members of the Christian Fellowship meet regularly on Fridays during Hearbeat Hour for a time of fellowship, spiritual growth and fun. Throughout the year, the Heartbeat Hour has been blessed by God abundantly. Attendance is regular by the 35 students from the upper and lower second­ ary school. Committee members meet once a term to plan the activities of the Heartbeat Hour. The activities include Bible studies, games, an outing to Fantasy Island, talks and video pro­ grammes. The members also meet daily after school hours for prayer and fellowship.

During this year's Religious Emphasis Week, under the guidance of Chapel staff. Joseph Chean, our own members performed a few dance items to rap and jazz music. The response of the students to the gospel has been encouraging for a total number of 190 boys either accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as their personal saviour or rededicated their lives to Him. The senior commit­ tee members and the church staff served as counsellors.

We also had our first SASS Great Awakening Mission Team to Malaysia. This group consists of 16 students from SAS, 4 YF girls from Chapel of the Holy Spirit, 6 members from the Church and 2 teachers, Mr Noel Tan and Mrs Rosalind Ho. Under the leadership of Mr Joseph Chean, the group ministered to 4 different churches and at a mission school in Kuala Lumpur. Many lives were touched and challenged to a deeper commitment with Christ by the testimonies of our boys.

In addition, we also organised a concert on the eve of National Day. The mission team performed and shared testimonies. 25 students came forward for prayer and made a deeper commitment to God. Early in the morning on this day, a group of students got together to pray for the school and the nation.

We will be organising a camp in November and we believe that God will use us to reach out to His people. Finally, we would like to thank God for all His blessings upon us and the principal, Ms Krempl for her encouragement and strong support to the Christian Fellowship.

L TOR Seated Eugene Lee Kwee Ann, Joshua Goh Teck Wee, Benjamin Chong Cheung Yao, Andy Tan Hwa Hwa, Sabapathy Vijay, Mrs Rosalind Ho, Abraham Wong Cheng Kok, Edmund Wong Ching Wah, Derek Han Joon How, Timothy Loke, Edwin Phua Peng Khin.

2nd Row Arthur Ng Tze Xiang, Adrian Shen, Kenny Ong, Harsono Ronny, Joseph Chan, Derrick Fam, Athur, Eugene Tan, Jebaraj William.

3rd Row Romi Vaswani, Alvin Chen, Andrew Teo Choon Heng, Koo Congjin, Louis lu, Winston Wong Choy Wah, Collin Shum, Tan Wei Hao, Tan Wee Liat, Khong Wai Sum.

140 7IIE 9'REAT ~WAKENING KUALA LUMPUR TOUR 30th June - 3rd July 1995

Acting on God's command to "Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit." (Matt 28: 19), a group of Saints prepared themselves for their part in the Great Commission to bring the Good News to people in Kuala Lumpur.

This mission trip was distinctive in a few ways. Firstly, the gospel was to preach in song, dance, drama, mime and personal testimony. Some of the boys in the group had never danced before, and had to be introduced to jazz ballet, funk and hip-hop styles of dance during their training. Most impor­ tantly, many were not active Christians for a long time. Yet what bonded them to the missionaries of the past was their willingness to submit to God's command and instruction for Paclci,zg: " their life. l\lo,v lvhe redid/ Pttt !Jzy lf(fi All in all, the taxing practices and teaching sessions in shoe.?" June, culminated in a slick and professional performance each time they went on stage. In 5 performances at 4 locations in Kuala Lumpur, the message of the Gospel not only touched the congregations, but also prompted these churches to re­ evaluate their own relationship with God as individuals and as a whole church. Over 40 people responded in rededication and commitments to God, and at least 1 instance of miracu­ lous healing during the last performance.

For the team members, they learnt that in the giving of themselves, they also received a fresh touch from God on "Yes, ma 'am!": some final instructions from their lives. Many, once thought to be rejected and worthless, Ms Krempl. received a fresh start with a right relationship with God in Obedience and Trust. To God be the Glory !

~ - -, ~ ,. ...'' ri: ' ...... _

Afresh touch from God on their lives 141 ,:~ciiESS. CL Uit: ••- . - ff"' ...... ~ ......

We participated in the National Individual Chess Championship held during the March holidays. In this competition, the boys captured the 17th, 18th & 20th positions and we hope to do better the next time.

At the Inter-School National Team Chess Championship for the Tay Eng Soon Challenge Trophy, held during the June holidays, the upper secondary team comprising the Captain Lau Won Yung, Eric Tan Boon Hoe, Winston Lim Wei Kwan, Matthew Ong Yong Cheng, Jon Tan Kiang Heng and reserves Tan Hou Keat and Eugene Lee Kwok Chiang, captured the title beating traditional favour­ ites like Raffles Institution and Anglo-Chinese School (Independent]. This is the first time in the history of the school that we have won the Team Championship title.

L TOR Seated Alistair Fong, Mr Khoo Kay Giap, Lau Wan Yung, How Guo Jun.

2nd Row Jeffrey Lim, Ong Guo Horng, Tan Swee Keng, Matthew Ong Yong Cheng, Jon Tan Kiang Heng. .. _._.,,.,_..., ·-· ·-·-·-· .. · -·-· .· ~·. OMPUT.ER CLUB·:, il"e"r...... ,.,-. ··• -. . .. .-. -..- .-.-•. ~.-·. ...= - . • "'"'·-·--

The Saints' Computer Club has an enrolment of 56 members. Meetings are held on Wednesdays and Fridays from 2 .00pm onwards. The Club has been active in many inter-school events.

VI Comp, which was held by the Victoria Junior College was the first on our list. We sent in a team of three members and it was an enriching experience for us. We also participated in the 5th Inter-School Micromouse Competition organized by the Ngee Ann Polytechnic held at the Takashimaya Square in April. 22 of our fellow students sat for the 1st Australian Computer Studies Competition held in our school.

A team of 6 boys attended the JSIST [Japan-Singapore Institute of Soft Technology) C Program­ ming Language Workshop held during the June holidays, while another team of 3 was sent for the Automation Awareness Workshop held by St. Gabriel's Secondary School and the Mechanical Engineering Dept. of Ngee Ann Polytechnic. A total of 16 boys in 4 teams also took part in the Inter-School Robotic Competition held by Ngee Ann Polytechnic during the September holidays. We will also send boys for the JSIST Networking Awareness Workshop held during the November holidays.

The most enriching experience we had was doing the very first Computer Club Newsletter, Saints Bytes. Other than increasing our scope of computer knowledge through research, it allowed us to get to know one another better. A farewell party cum social gathering for the Sec 4s and other Computer Club members was held in September.

L TOR Seated Chua Ming Chiang, Devan Clarence, Ho Wei Siang, Huang Weizhi, Mrs Lee Soke Fong, Miss Ng Lai Pheng, Michael, B Arun, Choo Yew Chin, Victor Wee Heng Huat.

2nd Row Ng Ziming, Chen Weiming, Dinesh Kumar Rai , Ow Kian Yee , Wong Kok Leong, Koh Thong Boon, Lim Kim Yong, Vikram Singh, Kenneth Tan Huan Kiat, Darminder Singh, Yip Chung Kit, Sucianto Prasetio, Too Jie Sern, Navinder Singh.

3rd Row Kao Hsien Hsi, Tuan Fu Yong , Lee Ri Rong , Ng Chin Yeow, Yiu Chiu Sun, Loy Guozhao, Lee Seng Chuan, Tong Wen Leong, Lee Chee Teik, Ng Wee Boon, Hong Heng Cheong, Chan Si Chang, Goh Junwei, Sin Ker Han.

143 ··irAND YMANC "i~Ulr, ··-·· ...... ,......

There are altogether 22 Lower Secondary members and 13 Upper Secondary members.

Members were introduced to simple electrical and household repairs under strict supervision. They found the lessons (both theoretical and practical) very interesting and enriching. Further­ more, most of the members have completed making their projects and are looking forward to learning electronics. Our members are committed towards the club and we hope it will continue to flourish in the years ahead.

L TOR Seated Sim Yuze, Eugene Teo , Victor Loh, Jeffrey Teow, Mr Lim Eng Hoe, Lee Keng Chung, Derek Foo, Felix Lim, Low Juay Hong.

2nd Row Jack Goh, Godwin Tang, Aaron Heng, Daniel Lim , Chow Foo Xiang, Michael Tay, Tan Huang Loon, Tan Woo Meng, Benjamin Lim, Yeo Yong Kang , Hansel Lim, Tan Wen Bin.

3rd Row Benjamin Lim , Adrian Sim, Dominic Jin, Shaddin Bin Arshad, Ang Meng Siang, Lionel Wong, Ben Loke, Tay Bao Long, Eugene Teo, William Low, Stanley Teng .

144 ••••••••••••••• • • •••••••••••• • • •• • ••••••••••

The English LOOS has been active this year with regular meetings regarding the two major com­ mitments of the debating group. Firstly, we had to organise the school debates for secondary one to secondary four. The lively preliminary rounds took place during March and April, culminating in the finals which were held on National Day. The Winners were Sec 1 C, 28 and 3SA. The Runners-up were Sec 10, 2C and 3ST.

Recognition must be given to Satish Rai, Sachin Rai , Kenneth Tan and Terenjit Singh all from 4A 1 for their invaluable help in organising the debates and taking part as chairman and time-keepers during the finals. Thanks ought to go to the staff who judged the debates despite a very busy workload.

The second major event was the ELOOS participation, together with the History Dept, in prepar­ ing the boys for the Mock-UN Conference which was held at Raffles Junior College.

We were disappointed not to have been invited to participate in the British Council Debates or the Public-Speaking Awards this year. Members expressed concern over this and Mr Carey wrote to the respective authorities for clarification. The council was unable to hold the debates this year but will invite us in 1996.

L- R Seated Kenneth Tan, Tong Wen Loong, Mr Keith Carey, Khairul Hisham, Shane Mardjuki.

L-R Standing Anand s/o Sathikumar, Sachin Rai, Danny Thomas, Rai Salish, Terenjit Singh, Vikramjit Singh, Rikramjit Singh.

145 •••••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •••••• ( ······TAMIL LITERARY, DRAMA AND······) ·······.... DEBATING SOCIETY ...... • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ••• With capable and talented members and a supportive teacher, the TLDDS has enjoyed a very interesting and challenging second year in St Andrew's. 1995 was a very successful one as the Tamil Debating Team emerged runner up in the National Inter-School Debate '95. The team which was made up of strong and determined students and a very supportive teacher Mrs V.George went into the finals after winning six rounds in which forty schools took part. In fact, Mrs V.George was such a great motivator that without her, the team would not have made it to the finals. Although the Saints lost narrowly in the final, it was a great achievement for a society which had the scent of Tamil only for a year. The Secondary Threes and Fours attended two seminars on Career Options in S.I.A. in February and Information Technology in July. These seminars improved the pupils' knowledge and are now better informed about career options. One of our members. Thunaiarasan from Sec. One, took part in two Composition Writing Competitions, clinching the second prize at both the National Level and Ordinary Level. The Tamil LOOS also sent its lower secondary members to the Drama Centre to watch a play. Our boys performed an entertaining dance item for the Teachers' Day Celebrations. Singing, drama and speech contests at class level were organised. Members were also sent to schools to participate in a variety of contests aimed at giving confidence to the boys when they represent the school at national level competitions. A day's outing to . organised on 12th August for the Sec Twos and Threes, turned out to be hours of fun. All these would not have been possible if not for the Lord's blessings showered upon us and we would like to thank the Principal. all teachers and fellow students for their support and contribution.

L - R First Row L.Ashok, S.Thunaiarasan, R.Vicknesh, Jebaraj WD.

Standing 2nd Row K.Premananth, M.Suresh Kumar, S.K.lswaran, Mrs V.George, V.Devaraj, Siju, Thomas Danny.

Tamil L.D.D.S Debating Team with their trophy in the Ms Krempl congratulating the team on their success National Inter-School Debate'95. Second from left is Mrs V. George .. (L-R) : K.Premananth, M.Suresh Kumar, Mrs V. George (Teacher-In-Charge) Ms P. Krempl (Principal), Mrs Ong Cheow Foon (H.O .D.-2nd Lang), V.Devarajan, S,Mohanraj

146 '\~uSibP @ruffiffi1Ul(!PLO G'l~j:;a~rHHT~LO'' 12.8.95

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QPR UIJITm Qfl6i> 6\Sluii> 2A 1995 marked another fruitful year of achievement for the society. As usual, our many members had participated in several Chinese competitions like the Chinese Cross-talk competition organ­ ized by The Singapore Press Holding. But proudest of all is when one of our members, Chan Wai Kheong from 4SE came in second for the nation wide Chinese Festival Card Making Competition held by Jurong Junior College during the beginning of this year. His card turned out to be the best in the whole of Singapore as there wasn't any first prize winner in this competition.

To continue to promote the usage of the Chinese language, both the Chinese singing and essay writing competition were held again for the school. The number of participants had increased from last year. The society also made the effort of putting up interesting Chinese articles every week on the Chinese Language Notice Board for the pleasant reading of everyone in the school.

L TOR Seated Toh Kian Eng, Tay Wei Sheng, Shen Yang Wei , Tan Keat Heung, Jason Tan Tong Guan, Goh Zhi-Sheng, Mdm Soh Whee Bee, Mdm See Swee Tee , Kong Hou Kit, Lee Wei Liang, Yap Boon Piow, Tan Kok Keong , Zhang Kai Yang , Yeo Boon Keong.

2nd Row Tan Jiabin, Kweh Jeng Chyn, Godfrey Chan, Benny Goh Mong Hui, Chen Hong Han, Beh Lian Yong, Chan Wai Kheong, Teoh Han Ming, Kelvin Goh, Ong Shao Kai, Tan Wee Lip, Pay Gang Yi , Kelvin Cheng.

3rd Row Loo Tze Kuen, Koh Chiew Siong, Sim Nan Chee, Chong Jin Yun , Selwyn Low Hsiu Wen, Ng Hiok Hoe, Tan Eng Tek, Tan Ruihao, Zhu Jun Wei , Chan Weng Kit, Zhang Jianwen.

4th Row Lee Chee Wei , Lin Chuan Shau, Jeremy Wong Wai Yan , Xu Jun Hong, Leow Qing Siang, Tan Wen Teck, Lim Cheon How, Tan Kian Kok, Lo Liang, Lim Tze Kial, Darrel Hon. ~~-7~-;;;~l ? 7ftuiilffile


148 •••••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •••••• c···MALAY LANGUAGE & CULTURA.t:···) ····-·...... SOCIETY (P.B.B.M.) ...... • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

1995 has been a dynamic and successful year for the society. Under the leadership of a very talented and capable committee and the invaluable guidance of our two teachers-in-charge, Cikgu Amirnoordin and Cikgu Ahmad Said, our society has been able to accomplish many successes.

Members of the society attended a workshop on Planning Skills in February and a Forum on Sec Education in April, both organised by the Malay Youth Literary Association. During the work­ shops, we gained valuable tips on how to plan our time wisely in order to obtain a balanced time­ table of work and play. The forum provided us with accurate information on human sexuality and the Islamic perspective of human relationships in the context of today's cosmopolitan world. In April, two of our members competed in a Malay Poetry Recitation Competition. They were Henry Adi Sumarto of Sec 1 C and Mohamed Isham of Sec 3SA. Other members rallied behind them in their preparations. Lim Mengjin accompanied the contestants on his guitar. Henry qualified for the finals where he won a consolation prize. This was a good achievement as no one had any experience in poetry recitation and we depended solely on the guidance of Cikgu Amirnoordin.

This year. we also organised, for the first time in St. Andrew's, the Sepak Takraw Competition. Competitors included society members and several non-members. The finals for the Lower and Upper Secondary boys were held on the eve of National Day. The matches were entertaining and drew a considerable crowd. We thank Mr Mahmud Zainal and Mr Au Yeong Pak Lam for their assistance. We plan to hold this competition annually as part of our aim to preserve our cultural heritage. The society also emerged champion in the school's Inter-Club Soccer Competition.

Finally, I hope that members and teachers would continue to give their fullest support to the society to enable it to grow from strength to strength.

L-R Seated Mohamad lzwan Jamal, (Pro) Khairul Hisham Misnal, (Treasurer) ldroz Shah Baroocha, Cikgu Amirnoordin, Cikgu Ahmad Said, (Secretary) Mohamad Isham Othman, Rikramjit Singh, Lim Meng Jin.

2nd Row Henry Adi Sumarto, Muhammad Fariz Zainal, Naz Muhammad Najmudin, Azrulnurisham Ramli, Muhammad Hidayat, Johann Johari, Fahmy Sidik.

3rd Row Indra Zareen, Mohd Faizal Khamis, Qamaruzaman Syed Ghani, Muhammad Nazri Hadi Saparin (Chairman), Nazryn Azhar, Muhd Shalifi Sulaiman, Azmi Saat.

149 c·~ATHS. so·c1ttv··-, ...... - ...... ·""'·--···

The various activities organized by the Maths Society include weekly enrichment lessons con­ ducted by Mr Lim or the committee members. These lessons last for about one hour. They are organized specially for Secondary One to Secondary Three students so as to train them to solve mathematical problems by using thinking skills that are imparted to them instead of working like machines in their quest to conquer Maths. The greatest achievement of the Maths Society by far is the organization and planning of the Inter­ School Primary Maths Competition, which was held on 15th April 1995. It was a big event with as many as 1 24 participants from 42 various primary schools vying for the trophy. Preparations for this event started as early as March and all the committee members were involved in the marking of the multiple choice questions under the strict supervision of the teachers. To enable fellow Saints to benefit from what the Maths Society could offer them, a Maths camp was organized from 30th May to 1st June. The camp programme included games which involved enrichment lessons, computer-based lessons, treasure hunts and puzzles. A talk was also given by Dr Chua, a lecturer from the NUS. Another event was the Australian Maths Competition in which the school did very well the previ­ ous year. Scoring distinctions were 5 boys and 43. 7% obtained certificates of merit out of 71 participants.

L-R Seated Lee Tee Tjin, Cornelius Lee Mun Chiew, Benjamin Ong Zee Yee, Mr Lim Hwee Kiang, Michael, Lester Chan Lik Teck, Wong Chee Howe.

2nd Row Wong Sze Hok, Chong Hoi Wai, Dominic Phoon Wei-Da, Albert Lo, Victor Yiu Chiu Sun, Goh Nai Lee.

S. Sundarshun (Sec 3 SA) who represented the school in the 1995 Mathematical Olympiad for Secondary School Receiving his certificate for a gold award from Prof essor Chong Chi Tat, President of the Singapore Mathematical Society.

150 ••••••••••••••••••••

<::s·c••••••••••1ENCE•••••••••••••••• SOCIETY.::::,

The Science Society has an enrolment of 600 members from Sec. One to Sec. Four.

The year started with a 'getting-to-know-you· gathering when members enjoyed an afternoon of fun and games. Meetings are held fortnightly and activities both in school and out-of-school are organised. In school, enrichment activities like viewing films. listening to talks and laboratory experiments are carried out. The members particularly enjoy out-of-school activities like the visit to the Science Centre. viewing Omnimax Movies and the visits to the Botanic Gardens and Hydro­ ponic farm. These have proved specially interesting and beneficial to the students.

It is hoped that members will continue to benefit from the enriching learning experiences. We place on record our gratitude to the Vice-Chairman. Michael, for his keen interest and initiative in organising the society's activities. We also thank our teacher-in-charge, Mrs Frederick Susie. for her guidance.

L- R Seated Edmund Liao, Goh Zhen Feng, Kevin Tan, Clement Chow, Kam Chuan Liang, Mrs Susie Fredrick (teacher-in­ charge), Michael (chairman), Yap Choe Yu , Tan Siak Chuan, Wong Yu Yong, Nathanael Chua.

2nd Row Cai Shaoliang, Lee Weicong, Derrick Phang Chee Woh, Tan Yong Hong, Lim Cheong Ghee, Chen Jiagui, Lim Zhiyang, Kan Wah Oh, Seng Chong Han, Mohammad Rashidan, Ding Lit Siong, Christopher Tan.

3rd Row See Wee Sheng, Woon Wei Zhong, Benjamin Sim, Dennis Tai, Tuan Fu Hao, Chanjan Ho, Shee Toh Wei Peng, Seah Kah Yi , Li Chuan Zhi, Aloysius Ting, Ng Hua Qin.

4th Row Henry Adi Sumarto, Andy Koh, Lee Wei Meng, Dick Lim, Toh Chongsiang, Lim Cheon How, Benjamin Luo, Jason Tan, Ding Lit Meng, Darminder Singh, Lin Yaowei.


Captain Mr Mah Mun Kong Treasurer Mr Philip Koh Officer Commanding Mr Noel Tan Training Officer Mr Winston Tan Admin Officer Mr Daryl Tan Christian Education Mr Joseph Chean Community Service Ms Amy Rajamoney Officer without Portfolio Mr Christopher Tan Logistics IC SSG Winston Lau CSM SGT Wong Liang Yew NCO Council Chairman SGT Robin Ang

The Senior Section of the Company stands at a strength of73 Boys, 6 SNCOs and 7 Officers this year. We kicked off the year with a non-traditional start, with 8 of our CPLs and SGTs participating as Orientation Camp Leaders to the Sec One cohort. They not only showed their distinctive BB mettle, but also emerged from the Camp as better leaders. This year, we intend to select from our present batch of Sec 2s and 3s to be part of this unique Saints' experience. Our Recruitment Exhibition once again was of a very high standard, but what is more important is, the amazing retention rate of our recruits. The 15 Recruits were enrolled into the Company in April at the Church of the Ascension . The key is that the BB Programme caters extensively for Boys' instincts for variety and adventure, yet also focused enough to lead each Boy into maturity. Our annual Leadership Training Camps 1 & 2 were held in the March vacation, primarily to develop and hone our leaders' abilities through our modular approach to leadership training. The ultimate challenge was for the Boys to undergo the 20 kilometre hike, beginning from Point to School, via Road and Eunos. All of them were in high spirits as they returned to School 14 hours after the exercise commenced. As part of our Adventure emphasis, we conducted Operation Endurance for 26 eager beavers on August 8th - 9th. The Boys signed up for a time of adventure and fun as they cycled through the BB Terrain Cycling Trail, aka Cytrak, in pouring rain, followed up by Canoeing off Point on the 9th. Plans are afoot to conduct an extended Canoeing Camp and an Adventure Weekend after the exams in November. Our Pre-University and Polytechnic SNCOs are also signing up for Instructor-level courses eg. People's Association Car.10eing Instructors' Course and the SAFRA Rock-climbing course, to assure training standards are kept up to date and at the fore­ front of excellence. The Company has continued to perform well in Brigade Competitions, with our Drill Team being the only Company to be placed on the Bronze Honour Roll in this year's National Drill Competition, attaining an overall 7th position. This was not easily gained without great effort, as the Team put in an average of 6 hours per day in the first 2 weeks of June, practising under the hot sun. Their ability was also clearly seen, as they put their best foot forward in our 135th Founder's Day Parade as Guard-of-Honour. All the above achievements would count as nothing, if they were not made possible by the Grace of God. Time and again, He has seen us through each event and activity, and each time, He has shown us that in all things we need to put Him first. At the end of every year, we make it a point to camp overseas for our Bible Camp. While in 1994, we camped in Cameron Highlands, this year, we will be having our camp on Aquarius in December. This promises to be a camp in which Lives will be transformed. In closing, the Officers wish to thank Rev Tan Piah, Mr Joseph Chean and Mr Andy Wee for their guidance and help with our Programme. As we move towards our Diamond Jubilee in 1997 and the future, the BB will continue to be "First for Boys". To God be the Glory ! 154 r THE BB IS ADVENTURE ! ! ! T

Standing head & shoulders over the rest ....

... From Mountain Biking in wet, muddy conditions ....

..... To Canoeing expedition.

Living off the land : Coconut juice au nature/ !

After all that action, it's time for food ....

.... and much needed rest! 155 The year 1995 has been an eventful one for the St. Andrew's Military Band under the baton of Mr David Glosz who has taken the band from strength to strength for the past 5 years.

The band has taken part in the Singapore Youth Festival Concert Band Competition which pro­ vided the most compelling incentive for achieving excellence and was again awarded a Gold. To showcase their music skills and experiences, a public concert entitled, 'A Musical Night' was held on 8 August 1995 at the Victoria Concert Hall. A lot of effort had been put in by our members and a one-week camp was organised in June to prepare for these two major events.

Frequent performances on various occasions have given the bandsmen the much needed expo­ sure. These included performances at the opening ceremony of the Singapore Malaysia Games organised by the Ministry of Health, Band Directors' Convention held in Singapore, Berita Harian Treasure Hunt organised by the Singapore Press Holdings in the World Trade Centre Amphithea­ tre. We were also the Guest band for St. Andrew's Junior College Band Concert. In December this year, the band will embark on a Musical Tour to Sarawak.

Involvement in the entire spectrum of school activities, namely National Day and Founders' Day Celebrations and Old Boys' Association Dinner is part of the duties of the band.

The primacy of group interest over self, the pursuit of a shared goal, the need for perseverance, good time-management to achieve academic excellence as well, were lessons for living learned by our bandsmen.

Early this year, the Southbank Parkland Marching Band and Corpus Christi College from the down under paid the school a goodwill visit. Together with Corpus Christi College and St. Patrick's School Military Band, the bands held a joint concert for the school, the residents of Potong Pasir and band members of other schools in the school hall. This one-day event did much to imprint an indelible image of a good Secondary Education and organisation of a Secondary School in the foreign counterparts.

Today, the band comprises 60 performing members. This year, the band attracted many enthu­ siastic Secondary Ones with only 38 of them were selected after our recruitment exercise in Term One. They then underwent a training programme under the guidance of our bandmaster, during the term one holidays.

With the strong support from the school, parents of the bandsmen and guidance from our Father in Heaven, the band will surely go "UP AND ON".

156 Performance at the opening of the renovated Fort Siloso, Sentosa.

Aspiring conductor: William At the World Trade Centre Amphi-theatre.

Jonathan Liau (extreme left) and heavy metal!


N.P.C.C. - Officers & Senior N.C.O.s

L to R Seated Chew Tee Toon, Toh Sun Lim , Lye Ngiap Chiang, Mr Koh Yong Mong, Mr Michael Lim, Andrew Tong Wing Cheong, Ng Kok Wah, Tan Sze Lin .

2nd Row Chye Choon Hoong, Goh Eng Liang, Oh Chun Yong, Leo Chin Choon, Chua Chan Thye, Fong Weng Sang, Marcus Chan Hoe Yin , Toh Huang Beng, Teo Tong Chia.

3rd Row Quek Ser Kiang, Sim Kwang Yong, Ng Chee Quang, Ngan Ngiap Hwee, Yeo Chin Hwee, Tan Kian Peng, Daron Ong Cheung Howe, Winson Ng Chin Yang , Lim Yang Cherng, Oh Sern Siong, Lim Chin Leng.

1995 has been a very successful year for the Saints NPCC. The year started off with a recruitment exercise and 33 Sec One students were selected out of 50 who signed up .

Saints NPCC participated in many activities organised by the NPCC HQ and the Area 1 5 schools. It won the Bronze medal in the Unit Overall Proficiency Award and represented the School at the NPCC Day Parade held at the Police Academy. The Unit's Soccer team also won the Area 15 Inter-Unit Soccer Competition.

There were times when the Officers and cadets went beyond the normal Saturday routine and had fun together under the sun . Hikes were organised and held around the neighbourhood as well as at Pulau Ubin. Our cadets also participated in Camps organised by the School and the NPCC HQ. The School organised the NCO modular course for selected Sec 3 NCOs from Area 15. The Sec Ones had their first experience of camping during their 2 days' stay in School. The Sec Threes also attended the Adventure Training course in Pulau Ubin which was organised by HQ NPCC.

This year, the Best Unit Cadet was awarded to S/Sgt Tan Sze Lin in recognition of his outstand­ ing contributions to the Unit. The Saints NPCC is grateful to all its Officers, Cadet Inspectors, extended NCOs, NCOs and cadets for their devotion and commitment to the Corps and for making 1 995 a truly memorable and enjoyable year for everyone in the Unit.


N.C.C. (N.C.Os)

Back row (L to R) : 2SGT Lee Eng Loo, 2SGT Victor Ong, 2SGT Chan Kwok Choy, 2SGT Abraham Wong, 2SGT Ong Lye Seng.

Front row (L to R) : 1 SGT Desmond Yeo, 1SGT Desmond Danker, MSGT Sunny Tan , SSGT You Chi Hoe, 1 SGT Low Jun Jek

Absentees : 2SGT Simon Cheong, 2SGT Fabian Chong, 2SGT Edwin Yeo, 2SGT Foo Yong Xiang, 2SGT James Loo, 2SGT Leong Shih Peow.

St. Andrew's National Cadet Corps (NCC Land/Air] had once again lived up to its expecta­ tions of carrying out its purpose of helping cadets discover their talents and leadership ability through both challenging and enriching courses. This will instill in them the discipline which will prepare them well for their National Service and thus, be able to serve the country and society well in future.

This year, our unit took another promising step into our 77th year by starting off a success­ ful recruitment campaign. More than fifty enthusiastic Sec 1 students were recruited for both Air and Land elements. The Sec 1 cadets have now successfully passed their Basic Military Training and have adjusted to the weekly rigours of training.

The annual training camp for the Part A cadets (Sec 1) was held at 3SIR reclaimed land during the June holidays. Individual Field Craft (IFCJ, building of tents and field cooking were taught during the camp. The Part B cadets have done our unit proud by taking part in the annual Orienteering Competition which was held in Pulau Tekong this August.

For the Part C cadets, they attended the 1st Specialist Course held in Maju Camp this year. Nine cadets who were enrolled for this course went through a gruelling one week where they were taught leadership skills and went through intensive revision on lessons learnt in the past two years. Their efforts were finally rewarded by passing out as 2nd Sergeants and earning the prestigious Army-NCC Badge.

This year's NCC Day Parade was held in Khatib Camp. Nine cadets were chosen to take part in the Mass Display item. Our unit will also be sending one Part C cadet to Mt. Ophir this year for the annual expedition. Both Sec 1 and Sec 2 cadets will also be sent to courses such as Energy Conservation, SANA and Basic Civil Defence course. These courses are both enriching and exciting and our cadets are sure to gain from such courses.

Activities conducted by both HQ NCC and the school have allowed our cadets to prove themselves and be acknowledged as possible leaders in the future.

In closing , all cadets would like to thank our officers and NCOs who lead our unit up and on. Let us continue to do our unit proud by following the spirit long ingrained in us by all our officers and former NCOs. Once again , thank you.


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(L to R) Seated David Wong, Alvin Cheng, Chen Guode, Ching Chuin Yiaw, Mr Lionel Ang, Mr Kelvin Kwek, Mr Vincent Lim, Mr Siva Kumar, Mr Adrian Pang, Mr Aung Kway Myo, Jason Lee, Edmund Huang, Victor Yen , Desmond Cheng.

2nd Row (L to R) : Lenon Chia, Terence Ong, Adrian Chng, Cai Dewei, Lendra Putra Nurezki, Elgin Teng, Justin Ho, Chia Tien­ Hao, Fedor Widjaja, Austustus Chee, Kenny Choy, Samuel Chua, Tan Detong, Das Isaiah Paul, Didi Farly Bandi, Lawrence Lim , S. Annamalaii, Johnson Chua.

3rd Row (L to R) : Eddie Au , Lake Yen-Hoe, Ong Hui Yung , Marcus Tang, Lim Wee Kiang, Ang Hon Huang, Shawn Yeo, Adrian Yang , Roger Ho , Darryl Lek, Vincent Yip, Loi Huimin, Jonathan Chen, Jeremy Ng.

4th Row (L to R) : Edmund Soh, Tan Chun Siong, Jimmy Gan, Danny Wong, Adrian Eu , Sze Guang Han, Yeo Wee Pin, Henry Phua, Ian Ong, Desmond Yong, Wee Liang Lee, Sim Chun Kiat.

The beginning of the year saw the absence of 8 scouts who, together with two adult leaders, were in Perth, Western Australia, as members of the Singapore Contingent in the 15th Asia­ Pacific/17th Australian Jamboree. Needless to say, all of them achieved their Jamboree awards and have no doubt done Singapore proud.

February heralded the approach of the Scouts' Founder's Day which was duly celebrated with Guides from Anglican High by doing community service at two Old Folks' Homes.

A Group cum Recruit Training Camp was held in March and another Group Camp in June. Both had succeeded in relieving the Scouts from the pressures of life in urbanised Singapore for a few days (and provided immense fun in the process].

The usually serene nights in the Junior School were disrupted on the 29th of July with fun when the Group held its Annual Campfire. Representatives from 8 schools, leaders and Cadet Scouts graced the occasion with their presence.

In Scouting circles, the Group did particularly well in churning out 26 Scout Standard and 7 Advanced Scout Standard holders. With this kind of performance, it is only apt to say that the standard of the Troop can only go UP and ON .

In closing, I would like to thank all those, past and present, who have made the Troop into what it is today and it will be in the future. This thank-you goes out especially to the late Raymond Ong, who, during his service with the Group, produced a record of 10 President Scout Award Winners in one year. The Group has indeed lost a great man but more importantly, a great friend. From all of us, we will continue working towards a good present and a better tomorrow based on a solid past.


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(L to R) Seated : SSGT Andre Chee, CL Lee Chee Teik, DO Michael Ong, Mr Vincent Tan , Mr Liu Wei Ping, DPO Lin Yong Xian, CL Bai GangYi, SSGT Adrian Foo.

2nd row (L to R) : PTE See Wee Sheng, PTE Wong Yew Tuck LCP Pang Wee Khai, LCP Adam Liew, PTE Henry Chan, PTE Chua Kian Kiang, CPL Wong Yuan Sheng, PTE Seah Kai Yi, PTE Ashton Quek, PTE Ng Hua Qin, PTE Phua Kok Hong.

3rd row (L to R) : PTE Yeo Thiong Joo, PTE Ngiam Seng Yi, LCP Ang Han Sheng, LCP Choong Chin Wing, LCP Tang Weikit, CPL Kelvin Seah, CPL Kong Houkit, CPL Goh Pei Horng, PTE Tan Fong Guan, PTE Aloysius Yap, PTE Zhou Guan Quan.

4th row (L to R) : CPL Varien Thang, SGT Ng Ho Kit, LCP Kenneth Mun, SGT Yip Yong Kin, CPL Zhou Manliang.

This year, our division steps into its 40th year in St Andrew's Secondary School. Many changes had taken place. Our division provides Adult First Aid courses for members 16 years and above. This year, our Secondary three members had also quccessfully passed their Adult First Aid Test together with St Andrew's Star Scout Group. Our new recruits have also passed out as privates.

Leadership and discipline qualities were upgraded when recruits participated in the St John's Annual Training Camp held during the March holidays. Last year, we held a SANA course to­ gether with Secondary School and a Civil Defence Course will also be held during September. This year, we will be sending Lower Secondary members to participate in the Junior First Aid Competition and Upper Secondary boys to take part in the Cadet First Aid Competition.

Lastly, St Andrew's Ambulance Cadet/Adult Division aims to contribute more for 'Service of Mankind' - Fro Utilitate Hominium.