“In a family”

2021 “Family is the place of education and belonging and The 2021 Calendar edition sees us all as main This year, the chefs of the 26th edition are also it is within the family that the sense of belonging characters “in a family”: month by month our joining “the family” : Mauro della Marca, Vincenzo turns into freedom: belonging is the true freedom.” family’s lifetime is marked by lovingly elaborated Grassi, Raimondo Mautone, Giovanni Moselli, dishes, as evidence of a commitment made of Alfonso Porpora, Giuseppe Ricciardi, Francesco Luigi Giussani passion, skills and creativity. As a matter of fact, the Romano, Fabio Sodano and Francesco Tullio historical time that we are now living - marked by along with their tips will contribute to your “year moments of obvious global vulnerability - sees us of fine dining”. We send to all of them our heartfelt being frightened, worried and almost powerless. thanks for the expertise and passion they have The call of family is overpowering, necessary and poured into the making of this project. persuasive. We take the chance to remind you that the This edition is dedicated to all the families and servings reported for each recipe are for four in particular to our family, starting from our people. progenitors - our grandparents Oscar and Maria - with their children: Rosa, Andrea, Fortuna, Iolanda, Furthermore, we would like to thank those who in Antonio, Giuseppina, Salvatore and Mario Leonessa, various ways have contributed to the realisation who have represented and still represent great of this edition: Michele Calocero, Nino Carpentieri, examples to look up to. Consiglia, Luisa Del Sorbo, Valentina Di Mauro, As usual, every year, we benefit from the Giuseppe Durante, Pietro Ferraro, the Fiorenza collaboration of chefs who - through their family, Giulia, Rosalba Lombardi, Federico Pisciotta, acknowledged professionality - manage to Fabio Zingone. enhance the quality of our pasta that is as ever the unexcelled leader of the best moments spent at your dining table. 53 1 Ven 17 Dom S. Maria Madre di Dio S. Antonio Abate, S. Alba, S. Nadia, S. Iolanda

2 Sab 03 18 Lun SS. Nome del Signore, S. Basilio S. Liberata 3 Dom 2021 19 Mar S. Genove˜a Gennaio S. Mario martire 01 4 L u n 20 Mer S. Ermete S. Sebastiano 5 Mar Bufala Panciotti with Cod 21 Gio S. Amelia on a Rapini cream S. Agnese 6 Mer Chef Raimondo Mautone 22 Ven Epifania di N. S. S. Vincenzo martire

7 Gio 600gr Leonessa Panciotti, 800gr Desalted cod, 4 clean 23 Sab S. Luciano, S. Raimondo Rapini bunches, 1 Potato, Garlic, Oil, Salt, Chilli pepper, S. Emerenziana, S. Armando Sliced stale bread, Oregano, Basil, 4 Cherry tomatoes, Grated 8 Ven Parmesan cheese, breadcrumbs. 24 Dom Battesimo del Signore S. Francesco di Sales Let the garlic turn golden in a pan with 2 tablespoons of extra virgin 9 Sab olive oil. Add the breadcrumbs, a pinch of salt and oregano and let 04 25 Lun S. Giuliano martire, S. Alessia everything toast; make sure the breadcrumbs do not burn in the pro- Conversione di S. Paolo, S. Savino, S. Sabino cess. Set aside. 10 Dom Bring a large pan to heat and pour 4 tablespoons of oil. Add half a 26 Mar S. Aldo eremita garlic clove (sliced beforehand), potato cubes, a sprinkle of chilli and SS. Tito e Timoteo then add the Rapini. Cover with a lid and let cook for about 20 minu- 02 11 Lun tes. Season with salt and blend the mixture with the help of a mixer. 27 Mer S. Igino Papa Allow the water to boil in a large pan and add a pinch of salt. Take a S. Angela Merici half of the cod and cut into 8 pieces. Let them stir in a non-stick pan 12 Mar with 5 tablespoons of olive oil; once the pieces become golden, set 28 Gio S. Modesto S. Tommaso d’Aquino, S. Valerio aside. In the same oil, add half a garlic clove which should be finely chopped. Cut what is left of the cod into small pieces and pour it in 13 Mer the pan. Let cook at high heat for 3 minutes. 29 Ven S. Ilario S. Costanzo Add a ladle of cooking water and allow the cod to cook for an addi- tional 2 minutes. 14 Gio Cook the Panciotti and add them to the pan containing the cod. Stir 30 Sab S. Felice martire S. Martina with Parmesan. The Panciotti will be served on a bed of Rapini cream. 15 Ven Garnish with the cod pieces and seasoned breadcrumbs. 31 Dom S. Mauro Abate, S. Ida S. Giovanni Bosco 16 Sab S. Marcello Papa

Cercola (Na) Via Don Minzoni, 231 tel +39 081 5551107 Senza Glutine Via Don Minzoni, 268 tel +39 081 7333681 San Giorgio a Cremano (Na) Via Manzoni, 54/56 tel +39 081 7714146 Via Bruno Buozzi, 15 (P. Municipio) tel +39 081 488300 Nola (Na) Pastabar Interporto Campano, Lotto C tel +39 081 8269357 www.pastaleonessa.it 05 1 Lun 17 Mer S. Verdiana S. Donato martire Le Ceneri 2 Mar 18 Gio Pres. del Signore Candelora S. Simone vescovo 3 Mer 2021 19 Ven S. Biagio, S. Oscar, S. Cinzia S. Mansueto, S. Tullio 4 Gio Febbraio 20 Sab S. Gilberto S. Silvano, S. Eleuterio 5 Ven Gnocchi filled with , almonds 21 Dom S. Agata and chestnut honey served on a Gorgonzo- S. Pier Damiani, S. Eleonora I di Quaresima la fondue 6 Sab 08 22 Lun S. Paolo Miki Chef Francesco Romano S. Margherita

7 Dom 600gr Mozzarella filled gnocchi, 250gr , 200 23 Mar S. Teodoro martire ml Milk, 200ml Heavy cream, 40gr Butter, 100gr Shelled S. Renzo almonds, 1 tablespoon Chestnut honey, 1 bunch Sage. 06 8 Lun 24 Mer S. Girolamo Em. Pour the milk in a pan and allow to boil. Add the gorgonzola and S. Edilberto Re, S. Mattia let it melt in the warm milk. Finally, pour the heavy cream, stir 9 Mar and sieve. 25 Gio S. Apollonia In another non-stick pan roast the sliced almonds on a low heat S. Cesario, S. Vittorino and add butter, sage and honey. 10 Mer Pour water in a large pan and let boil, then pour the gnocchi and 26 Ven SS. Arnaldo e Scolastica allow them to cook 1 to 2 minutes. Dry them and stir them in S. Romeo the pan with the almonds. If needed, add some cooking water. 11 Gio Pour the gorgonzola fondue at the bottom of a dish and lay the 27 Sab B. V. di Lourdes, S. Dante gnocchi on top. Garnish with sage and almonds. S. Leandro 12 Ven 28 Dom S. Eulalia S. Romano abate II di Quaresima 13 Sab S. Maura Cercola (Na) Via Don Minzoni, 231 tel +39 081 5551107 Senza Glutine Via Don Minzoni, 268 tel +39 081 7333681 14 Dom San Giorgio a Cremano (Na) S. Valentino martire Festa degli innamorati Via Manzoni, 54/56 tel +39 081 7714146 Via Bruno Buozzi, 15 (P. Municipio) tel +39 081 488300 Nola (Na) Pastabar Interporto Campano, Lotto C 07 15 Lun tel +39 081 8269357 S. Faustino www.pastaleonessa.it 16 Mar S. Giuliana vergine Martedì Grasso 09 1 Lun 17 Mer S. Albino, S. Alba, S. Ugo S. Patrizio 2 Mar 18 Gio S. Basileo martire S. Salvatore, S. Cirillo 3 Mer 2021 19 Ven S. Cunegonda S. Giuseppe Festa del Papà 4 Gio Marzo 20 Sab S. Casimiro, S. Lucio S. Alessandra martire, S. Claudia 5 Ven Mafaldelle with Chickpeas and Clams and 21 Dom S. Adriano diced “peasants” bread with Rosemary S. Benedetto V di Quaresima flavour 6 Sab 12 22 Lun S. Giordano, S. Marciano Chef Fabio Sodano S. Lea

7 Dom 320gr Leonessa Mafaldelle, 500gr Clams, 250gr dry Chickpeas, 23 Mar S. Felicita, S. Perpetua III di Quaresima 1 slice stale Bread, 40cl Extra Virgin olive oil, 2 Garlic cloves, S. Turibio di M. Salt, freshly crushed Black Pepper, Rosemary, Parsley, 2 cherry 10 8 Lun Tomatoes. 24 Mer S. Giovanni di Dio Festa della Donna S. Romolo Soak the chickpeas in water beforehand for at least 12 hours. After 9 Mar draining them and washing them under running water, put them in 25 Gio S. Francesca R. a pan soaked in cold water and let cook for about 3 hours. Annunc. del Signore Meanwhile, in a separate pan, let 1 garlic clove turn golden in half 10 Mer the quantity of oil, add the cherry tomatoes cut in two along with 26 Ven S. Simplicio Papa parsley and let cook for a couple minutes. Pour the sauté in the chi- S. Teodoro, S. Romolo, S. Emanuele ckpeas pan, season with salt and complete the cooking. Blend some 11 Gio of the chickpeas within the same pan with the help of an immersion 27 Sab S. Costantino blender. S. Augusto Let the diced bread toast in a non-stick pan by adding olive oil and 12 Ven rosemary. 28 Dom S. Massimiliano While the Mafaldelle pasta cooks in a large pan, allow the other garlic S. Sisto III Papa Le Palme clove (remove the sprout) to turn golden in the remaining olive oil. 13 Sab Remove the garlic after a couple minutes and add the clams to the 13 29 Lun S. Arrigo, S. Eufrasia same pan and a ladle of pasta cooking water. Cover with a lid and S. Secondo martire allow to cook. Once the clams are open, set a dozen of unshelled 14 Dom clams aside as we will use them to garnish the dish. Shell the rest of 30 Mar S. Matilde Regina IV di Quaresima the clams and put them back in their cooking pan. Finally, add the S. Amedeo Mafaldelle, the chickpeas and stir. 11 15 Lun Serve by garnishing with toasted bread, unshelled clams and a ro- 31 Mer S. Longino, S. Luisa semary sprig. S. Beniamino Martire 16 Mar S. Eriberto Vescovo

Cercola (Na) Via Don Minzoni, 231 tel +39 081 5551107 Senza Glutine Via Don Minzoni, 268 tel +39 081 7333681 San Giorgio a Cremano (Na) Via Manzoni, 54/56 tel +39 081 7714146 Via Bruno Buozzi, 15 (P. Municipio) tel +39 081 488300 Nola (Na) Pastabar Interporto Campano, Lotto C tel +39 081 8269357 www.pastaleonessa.it 13 1 Gio 17 Sab S. Ugo Vescovo S. Aniceto Papa 2 Ven 18 Dom S. Francesco di Paola S. Galdino Vescovo 2021 3 Sab 16 19 Lun S. Riccardo vescovo S. Ermogene martire 4 Dom Aprile 20 Mar S. Isidoro Vescovo Pasqua di Resurrezione S. Adalgisa vergine, S. Sara 5 Lun Vallesaccarda Trilli with fava beans, crispy 21 Mer S. Vincenzo Ferrer Lunedì dell’Angelo Pancetta and Sardo sheets S. Anselmo, S. Silvio Chef Giuseppe Riccardi 14 6 Mar 22 Gio S. Guglielmo, S. Diogene S. Caio

7 Mer 320gr Vallesaccarda Trilli, 200gr Pancetta cut into strips, 2kg 23 Ven S. Ermanno fresh Fava beans, 80gr flakes, 8 Piennolo S. Giorgio martire, Venilde cherry tomatoes, 1 Garlic clove, Oregano, Thyme, Icing 8 Gio sugar, Salt (as required. 24 Sab S. Alberto Dionigi, S. Walter S. Fedele, S. Gastone Cut the cherry tomatoes in a half and place them in a baking tray 9 Ven covered with baking paper. Season them with a little oil, garlic, 25 Dom S. Maria Cleofe oregano, thyme and a pinch of icing sugar. Put in the oven for S. Marco evangelista Anniv. della Liberazione about 2 hours at 120°C. 10 Sab Therefore, prepare the fava beans by making an incision on the 17 26 Lun S. Terenzio martire bean shells surface with the help of a knife. Gently push the fava S. Cleto, S. Marcellino m. beans out of their shell with the help of your hands. 11 Dom As the Trilli pasta cooks, in a separate non-stick pan pour some 27 Mar S. Stanislao Vescovo Domenica in Albis olive oil and add an unpeeled garlic and the pancetta. As soon as S. Zita the garlic will turn golden and the pancetta will be crispy enough, 15 12 Lun remove the garlic and keep a couple strips of pancetta for the 28 Mer S. Giulio Papa final decoration. At this stage, add the fava beans and let them S. Valeria, S. Pietro Chanel cook for a few minutes with 2 ladles of pasta cooking oil and let 13 Mar cook for 10 minutes. As you allow the fava beans to cook, crush 29 Gio S. Martino Papa, S. Ida them from time to time with the help of a slotted spoon. S. Caterina da Siena Drain the pasta while al dente and stir the ingredients while ad- 14 Mer ding pecorino. Serve garnishing with crispy pancetta, cherry to- 30 Ven S. Abbondio matoes and Pecorino flakes. S. Pio V Papa, S. Mariano 15 Gio S. Annibale Cercola (Na) Via Don Minzoni, 231 tel +39 081 5551107 Senza Glutine Via Don Minzoni, 268 tel +39 081 7333681 San Giorgio a Cremano (Na) 16 Ven Via Manzoni, 54/56 tel +39 081 7714146 S. Lamberto Via Bruno Buozzi, 15 (P. Municipio) tel +39 081 488300 Nola (Na) Pastabar Interporto Campano, Lotto C tel +39 081 8269357 www.pastaleonessa.it 17 1 Sab 20 17 Lun S. Giuseppe artigiano Festa dei Lavoratori S. Pasquale Baylon 2 Dom 18 Mar S. Cesare, S. Atanasio S. Giovanni I Papa 2021 18 3 Lun 19 Mer S. Filippo, S. Giacomo S. Pietro di M. 4 Mar Maggio 20 Gio S. Silvano, S. Nereo S. Bernardino da S. 5 Mer Spicy Tagliatelle with Lamb Genovese 21 Ven S. Pellegrino martire Chef Raimondo Mautone S. Vittorio martire 6 Gio 22 Sab S. Giuditta martire 400gr spicy Tagliatelle, 300gr Boneless lamb leg, 4 Lamb S. Rita da Cascia ribs, 1kg Copper skinned onions, 300gr Stale bread, 200ml 7 Ven Milk, 1 Egg, 100ml Tomato pulp, 100gr Grated pecorino, 23 Dom S. Flavia, S. Fulvio Fresh rosemary, Celery, Carrot, Exra Virgin olive oil, Nutmeg, S. Desiderio Vescovo Pentecoste Salt, black pepper. 8 Sab Let the bread soften in the milk and add 20gr of Pecorino, 1 egg, 21 24 Lun S. Vittore salt, black pepper, chopped rosemary and a pinch of nutmeg; stir B. V. Maria Ausiliatrice the mixture and shape it into patties of 4-5 centimetres of diame- 9 Dom ter. Coat the meatballs in flour and fry them in a non-stick pan by 25 Mar S. Gregorio V Festa della Mamma S. Gregorio VII Papa adding 3 tablespoons of olive oil. Set aside. In a separate pan, pour 4 tablespoons of olive oil, half carrot and 19 10 Lun half celery stalk (both cut into small cubes) and let them stir-fry 26 Mer S. Antonino, S. Cataldo S. Filippo Neri for a couple minutes. Add the onions cut into slices and put a lid on the pan. Allow to cook for about 1 hour and add the meatballs 11 Mar with their cooking oil and the tomato pulp. Let cook for an addi- 27 Gio S. Fabio martire S. Agostino tional 30 minutes. Add salt as required. Let the ribs cook for about 15 minutes in a non-stick pan with 2 12 Mer tablespoons of oil, a pinch of salt and pepper. In the meantime, 28 Ven S. Rossana S. Emilio martire, S. Ercole cook tagliatelle in abundant salty water. Drain them while al den- 13 Gio te and add them to the Genovese. Stir with Pecorino. Serve by 29 Sab S. Emma garnishing with the ribs in sight. S. Massimino vescovo . 14 Ven 30 Dom S. Mattia Apostolo S. Felice I Papa, S. Ferdinando SS. Trinità 15 Sab 22 31 Lun S. Torquato, S. Achille Visitaz. B. V. Maria

16 Dom Cercola (Na) Via Don Minzoni, 231 tel +39 081 5551107 S. Ubaldo Vescovo Ascensione del Signore Senza Glutine Via Don Minzoni, 268 tel +39 081 7333681 San Giorgio a Cremano (Na) Via Manzoni, 54/56 tel +39 081 7714146 Via Bruno Buozzi, 15 (P. Municipio) tel +39 081 488300 Nola (Na) Pastabar Interporto Campano, Lotto C tel +39 081 8269357 www.pastaleonessa.it 22 1 Mar 17 Gio S. Giustino martire S. Adolfo, S. Gregorio B. 2 Mer 18 Ven S. Marcellino Festa della repubblica S. Marina, S. Marinella 3 Gio 2021 19 Sab S. Carlo L. List S. Gervasio, S. Romualdo Ab. 4 Ven Giugno 20 Dom S. Quirino Vescovo S. Silverio Papa, S. Ettore Calamarata filled with whipped potato, 5 Sab 25 21 Lun S. Bonifacio Vescovo basil pesto, lobster morsel and dehydrated S. Luigi Gonzaga 6 Dom zucchini flowers 22 Mar S. Norberto Vescovo Corpus Domini Chef Francesco Tullio S. Paolino da Nola

23 7 Lun 200 gr Leonessa Calamarata, 1 Lobster, 1 Boiled potatoes, 23 Mer S. Roberto Vescovo Chives (as required), 1 Egg white, 1 Bunch celery, 1 Carrot, 1 S. Lanfranco Vescovo Onion, 6 Datterini tomatoes, ½ Class white wine, 15gr Flour, 20 8 Mar gr Basil leaves, 4 ice cubes, 60 gr Extra virgin olive oil , 1 Garlic 24 Gio S. Medardo Vescovo clove, 1 Bunch parsley, 15 gr Sliced roasted almonds, Salt (as Natività di S. Giovanni Battista 9 Mer required), 4 Zucchini flowers, 20 gr Maizena, 40 gr Water. 25 Ven S. Primo, S. Efrem Mash the potatoes in a potato masher. Place them in a bowl and S. Guglielmo Ab. add 1 egg white, salt and chopped chives. Mount the mixture with 10 Gio the help of an electric whip for 5 minutes. Put the batter in a pastry 26 Sab S. Diana, S. Marcella bag and fill the calamarata, which should be blanched for 6 minutes S. Vigilio Vescovo beforehand and allowed to cool. Skew the lobster with a skewer and 11 Ven allow to blanch for 8 minutes. When ready, start shelling the lobster; 27 Dom S. Barnaba Apostolo cut the tail long side in two and afterwards in pieces. Refrigerate. S. Cirillo d’Aless. Pour the extra virgin olive oil in a pan and add an unpeeled garlic 12 Sab clove together with celery, 1 carrot and the onion which have been 26 28 Lun S. Guido, S. Onofrio previously chopped. Once all the ingredients have turned golden, S. Attilio remove the garlic and add datterini tomatoes, a few basil leaves, 13 Dom parsley and the minced lobster. Allow all to cook for 3 to 4 minu- 29 Mar S. Antonio da Padova SS. Pietro e Paolo tes and then pour the glass of white wine in the pan and let it boil down. Finally, add the flour and cover the lobster with water to a 24 14 Lun depth of two fingers. Allow to cook until the broth will be reduced 30 Mer S. Eliseo Santi Protomartiri Romani to one third of the original volume. Strain through a sieve after re- Mar moving the pan from the heat and set aside. 15 Prepare the pesto by blending the basil, ice cubes and previously Cercola (Na) Via Don Minzoni, 231 tel +39 081 5551107 S. Germano, S. Vito Senza Glutine Via Don Minzoni, 268 tel +39 081 7333681 toasted sliced almonds. Add 60gr of extra virgin olive oil little by litt- San Giorgio a Cremano (Na) 16 Mer le as you blend the ingredients together. Clean and wash the zuc- Via Manzoni, 54/56 tel +39 081 7714146 S. Aureliano chini flowers and get rid of the pistils. Cut the flowers long side in Via Bruno Buozzi, 15 (P. Municipio) tel +39 081 488300 two and add them in the batter obtained by mixing together mai- Nola (Na) Pastabar Interporto Campano, Lotto C zena and water. Fry the zucchini flowers in seed oil and let them tel +39 081 8269357 www.pastaleonessa.it dry on an absorbent paper. Get a dish and brush the bottom of it with basil pesto. At this stage, place the calamarata – which has been heated for 6 minutes in the oven at 180°C beforehand – on top of the pesto. Stir-fry the lobster morsels in a non-stick pan and add it to the calamarata. Dress the calamarata with the filtered lobster sauce and finally decorate it with zucchini flowers chips and a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil. 26 1 Gio 17 Sab S. Teobaldo eremita S. Alessio Conf., S. Tiziana 2 Ven 18 Dom S. Ottone S. Calogero, S. Federico V. 2021 3 Sab 29 19 Lun S. Tommaso Apostolo S. Giusta, S. Simmaco 4 Dom Luglio 20 Mar S. Elisabetta, S. Rossella S. Margherita, S. Elia Prof. Cacio e Pepe Spaghettoni with Prawn 27 5 Lun 21 Mer S. Antonio M. Z. Tartare S. Lorenzo da B. 6 Mar Chef Giovanni Moselli 22 Gio S. Maria Goretti S. Maria Maddalena

7 Mer 320gr Leonessa Spaghettoni, 300gr Red prawns, 125gr 23 Ven S. Edda, S. Claudio Butter, 110gr , 60gr Cheese, S. Brigida 8 Gio Peppercorns (as required). . 24 Sab S. Adriano, S. Priscilla Clean the shrimps and make sure the intestine sac on their back S. Cristina is removed. Dice them finely and set them aside. Boil some sli- 9 Ven ghtly salty water in a large pot; pour the spaghettoni and allow 25 Dom S. Armando, S. Letizia to cook. In the meantime, let the butter melt with crushed pep- S. Giacomo Apostolo per in a large pan and add a ladle of pasta cooking water. Drain 10 Sab the spaghettoni – which need to be al dente – and stir them in 30 26 Lun S. Felicita, S. Silvana melted butter and pepper for a couple minutes. Turn o˜ the sto- SS. Anna e Gioacchino ve and add pecorino, grana cheese and stir until creamy. Serve 11 Dom the dish by laying the prawn tartare on top of the spaghettoni. 27 Mar S. Benedetto, S. Olga, S. Fabrizio S. Liliana, S. Aurelio

28 12 Lun 28 Mer S. Fortunato martire S. Nazzario, S. Innocenzo 13 Mar 29 Gio S. Enrico Imp. S. Marta 14 Mer 30 Ven S. Camillo de Lellis S. Pietro Crisologo 15 Gio 31 Sab S. Bonaventura S. Ignazio di Loyola 16 Ven N. S. del Carmelo

Cercola (Na) Via Don Minzoni, 231 tel +39 081 5551107 Senza Glutine Via Don Minzoni, 268 tel +39 081 7333681 San Giorgio a Cremano (Na) Via Manzoni, 54/56 tel +39 081 7714146 Via Bruno Buozzi, 15 (P. Municipio) tel +39 081 488300 Nola (Na) Pastabar Interporto Campano, Lotto C tel +39 081 8269357 www.pastaleonessa.it 30 1 Dom 17 Mar S. Alfonso S. Giacinto

31 2 Lun 18 Mer S. Eusebio, S. Gustavo S. Elena Imp. 3 Mar 2021 19 Gio S. Lidia S. Ludovico, S. Italo, S. Sara 4 Mer Agosto 20 Ven S. Nicodemo, S. Giovanni M. V. S. Bernardo Abate 5 Gio Paccheri “allo Scarpariello” 21 Sab S. Osvaldo Chef Francesco Romano S. Pio X Papa 6 Ven 22 Dom Trasfigurazione di N. S. 400gr Leonessa Paccheri, 500gr PDO San Marzano Peeled S. Maria Regina tomatoes, 300gr PDO Piennolo cherry tomatoes, 10cl Extra 7 Sab Virgin olive oil, 20gr Butter, 1 Garlic clove. As required: Chilli 34 23 Lun S. Gaetano da T. Pepper, Parsley, Basil, Parmigiano Reggiano, Salt. . S. Rosa da Lima 8 Dom Pour olive oil in a large pan and let the garlic and chilli stir-fry. As 24 Mar S. Domenico Conf. the garlic browns, add parsley, basil and peeled tomatoes. Allow S. Bartolomeo Apostolo everything to cook for 10 minutes and season with salt. Blend 32 9 Lun and sieve the mixture and pour it back in the pan. At this stage, 25 Mer S. Romano, S. Fermo add the Piennolo tomatoes cut in half and let it all cook for an S. Ludovico additional 5 minutes. 10 Mar Cook the paccheri in abundant salty water, drain them while 26 Gio S. Lorenzo martire they are al dente and stir with the two types of tomato sauce. S. Alessandro martire 11 Mer Add grated parmigiano, butter and basil. Serve while hot. 27 Ven S. Chiara S. Monica, S. Anita 12 Gio 28 Sab S. Giuliano, S. Euplio S. Agostino 13 Ven 29 Dom S. Ippolito, S. Ponziano, S. Filomena Martirio S. Giovanni Batt.

14 Sab 35 30 Lun S. Alfredo S. Faustina, S. Rosa, S. Tecla 15 Dom 31 Mar Assunzione di Maria Vergine Ferragosto S. Aristide martire

33 16 Lun Cercola (Na) Via Don Minzoni, 231 tel +39 081 5551107 S. Rocco, S. Serena Senza Glutine Via Don Minzoni, 268 tel +39 081 7333681 San Giorgio a Cremano (Na) Via Manzoni, 54/56 tel +39 081 7714146 Via Bruno Buozzi, 15 (P. Municipio) tel +39 081 488300 Nola (Na) Pastabar Interporto Campano, Lotto C tel +39 081 8269357 www.pastaleonessa.it 35 1 Mer 17 Ven S. Egidio Abate S. Roberto Bellarmino 2 Gio 18 Sab S. Elpidio Vescovo S. Sofia martire 3 Ven 2021 19 Dom S. Gregorio M. Settembre S. Gennaro Vescovo 4 Sab 38 20 Lun S. Rosalia S. Eustachio, S. Candida 5 Dom Spaghetti alla Chitarra with Moscardini 21 Mar S. Vittorino Vescovo and Escarole S. Matteo Apostolo Chef Alfonso Porpora 36 6 Lun 22 Mer S. Petronio, S. Umberto S. Maurizio martire

7 Mar 350gr Leonessa “Spaghetti alla Chitarra”, 800gr Moscardini, 23 Gio S. Regina 1 Garlic clove, 1 Lemon, 2 Heads of escaroles, 1 Indivia S. Pio da Pietrelcina scarola full heart, 30gr Black olives, 30gr desalted Capers, 8 Mer 5 Anchovies filets, 1 Rosemary sprig, Extra virgin olive oil, 24 Ven Natività B. V. Maria Marine salt (as required), Black pepper (as required). S. Pacifico 9 Gio Blanch the moscardini at high heat in a pan with rosemary and 25 Sab S. Sergio Papa oil. Remove the rosemary sprig, let the moscardini water dry, S. Aurelia pour white wine and allow to boil down. Add 800gr of water 10 Ven in the pan and let cook for 50 mins. Add lemon peel in the last 26 Dom S. Nicola da Tolentino 10 cooking minutes. Let the mixture rest for 30 mins and blend SS. Cosma e Damiano everything with a mixer until the mixture becomes smooth and 11 Sab creamy. Make sure to set a couple tentacles for the final deco- 39 27 Lun S. Diomede martire rations. S. Vincenzo de’Paoli Prepare a sauté to allow the anchovies to melt in olive oil and 12 Dom add the black olives and capers. Let them stir-fry for a few mi- 28 Mar SS. Nome di Maria, S. Guido nutes. Add the escaroles – which must be blanched beforehand S. Venceslao martire – and let cook for 10 minutes. Blend the mixture and strain it 37 13 Lun through a sieve. 29 Mer S. Maurilio, S. Giovanni Cris. Cook the pasta in abundant salty water, drain it al dente and stir SS. Michele, Gabriele e Ra˜aele in the moscardini sauce and finally add a few dollops of indivia 14 Mar scarola hearts and a couple drops of lemon juice. 30 Gio Esaltazione S. Croce Serve and garnish (as pleased) with escaroles cream which has S. Girolamo 15 Mer been brought to heat beforehand. B. V. Maria Addolorata 16 Gio SS. Cornelio e Cipriano

Cercola (Na) Via Don Minzoni, 231 tel +39 081 5551107 Senza Glutine Via Don Minzoni, 268 tel +39 081 7333681 San Giorgio a Cremano (Na) Via Manzoni, 54/56 tel +39 081 7714146 Via Bruno Buozzi, 15 (P. Municipio) tel +39 081 488300 Nola (Na) Pastabar Interporto Campano, Lotto C tel +39 081 8269357 www.pastaleonessa.it 39 1 Ven 17 Dom S. Teresa del Bambin Gesù S. Rodolfo, S. Ignazio d’Antiochia

2 Sab 42 18 Lun SS. Angeli Custodi Festa dei Nonni S. Luca Evangelista 3 Dom 2021 19 Mar S. Gerardo Abate Ottobre S. Isacco martire, S. Laura 40 4 Lun 20 Mer S. Francesco d’Assisi S. Irene 5 Mar Squares of Cheese on Chestnuts 21 Gio S. Placido martire cream and Porcini mushrooms S. Orsola 6 Mer Chef Vincenzo Grassi 22 Ven S. Bruno Abate S. Donato V., S. Giovanni Paolo II

7 Gio 600gr Ricotta Cheese Squares, 100gr Pork Cheek cut 23 Sab N. S. del Rosario into strips, 100gr Podolico cheese, 2 Porcini S. Giovanni da Capestrano mushrooms, 200gr cleaned and boiled Chestnuts, 40gr 8 Ven Butter, 20gr Extra Virgin Olive Oil, 1 Garlic clove, 50gr Tropea 24 Dom S. Brigida onion, 1 Laurel leaf, Curly parsley, Salt. S. Antonio Maria Claret Vescovo Let’s begin by preparing the chestnuts cream: let the finely cut 9 Sab 43 25 Lun S. Dionigi, S. Ferruccio onion turn golden in a pan with half the quantity of oil and the S. Crispino World Pasta Day laurel leaf. Add the clean chestnuts along with a ladle of water 10 Dom and allow to cook for about 15 minutes. Add salt as required, 26 Mar S. Daniele remove the laurel leaf, blend everything with the help of a mixer S. Evaristo Papa and sieve until evenly creamy. In a large non-stick pan pour the 41 11 Lun remainder of the oil and let the unpeeled garlic and pork cheek 27 Mer S. Firmino Vescovo turn golden at low heat. As soon as the pork cheek is crispy S. Fiorenzo Vescovo enough, set it aside. Therefore, remove the garlic and add the 12 Mar mushrooms cut into strips into the same pan. Let them cook 28 Gio S. Serafino for 5 minutes and be careful not to break them as you stir them. S. Simone Once the ricotta cheese squares are ready, drain them and add 13 Mer them to the pan filled with porcini mushrooms. Add the butter, 29 Ven S. Edoardo Re the grated caciocavallo cheese and - if required - some pasta S. Ermelinda, S. Massimiliano cooking water. Stir and serve the squares laying them on the 14 Gio chestnuts cream , garnish with the crispy pork cheek, cacioca- 30 Sab S. Callisto I Papa, S. Fortuna vallo cheese and curly parsley. S. Germano Vescovo 15 Ven . 31 Dom S. Teresa d’Avila S. Lucilla, S. Quintino Halloween 16 Sab S. Edvige, S. Margherita

Cercola (Na) Via Don Minzoni, 231 tel +39 081 5551107 Senza Glutine Via Don Minzoni, 268 tel +39 081 7333681 San Giorgio a Cremano (Na) Via Manzoni, 54/56 tel +39 081 7714146 Via Bruno Buozzi, 15 (P. Municipio) tel +39 081 488300 Nola (Na) Pastabar Interporto Campano, Lotto C tel +39 081 8269357 www.pastaleonessa.it 44 1 Lun 17 Mer Tutti i Santi S. Elisabetta 2 Mar 18 Gio Commemorazione dei Defunti S. Oddone Abate 3 Mer 2021 19 Ven S. Martino, S. Silvia S. Fausto martire 4 Gio Novembre 20 Sab S. Carlo Borromeo S. Benigno 5 Ven Tortellini in Capon broth 21 Dom S. Zaccaria Chef Alfonso Porpora Presentazione B. V. Maria

6 Sab 47 22 Lun S. Leonardo Abate 400gr Leonessa Tortellini, 750gr Chopped capon meat S. Cecilia martire (thigh), 1 Capon’s neck, Capon’s feet and carcass, 100gr 7 Dom Chopped carrots, 100gr Chopped Leek, ½ Celery stalk in 23 Mar S. Ernesto Abate cubes, 1 Laurel leaf, 1 Egg white, 10gr Reggiano Parmesan S. Clemente Papa shavings (matured 28 months), 1 teaspoon Extra Virgin olive 45 8 Lun oil, Marine salt (as required), Black pepper (as required), 24 Mer S. Go˜redo Vescovo Mixed vegetables (as required: we used carrots, onion, Cristo Re, S. Flora celery, daikon, zucchini, fennels and tomatoes). 9 Mar Flame and wash the neck. Sauté the neck, the feet and the ca- 25 Gio S. Oreste, S. Ornella S. Caterina d’Aless. pon’s carcass in a pan with olive oil. Add the vegetables and laurel and pour 1.500gr of water. Allow to cook for 50 minutes. 10 Mer Remove from heat, seive finely and let it cool at room tempera- 26 Ven S. Leone Magno S. Corrado Vescovo ture. Put the egg white in a bowl, the chopped capon thigh and parmisan, stir and pour the mixture in the lukewarm broth. Put 11 Gio the pan back on the heater and allow to boil, stirring energetical- 27 Sab S. Martino di Tours S. Virgilio ly for a few minutes. Let simmer for 30 minutes, keeping in mind that the water must barely boil. After straining the broth through 12 Ven a woven fabric (etamine) and season with salt. 28 Dom S. Renato martire S. Lucio, S. Giacomo Franc. I di Avvento In a separate pan, dip the vegetables in water and salt (we have used carrots, onion, celery, daikon, zucchini, fennels and toma- 13 Sab 48 29 Lun S. Diego, S. Omobono toes). All the vegetables must be lightly blanched until crispy. S. Saturnino martire Split the consommé in two separate pans. Keep one pan warm 14 Dom and cook the tortellini for about 90 minutes in the other pan. 30 Mar S. Giocondo di Bologna Pour the hot consommé in a soup dish, drain the tortellini and S. Andrea Apostolo gently place them in the dishes. Add the crispy vegetables. Garnish with bean sprouts and herbs as required. 46 15 Lun S. Alberto m., S. Arturo Cercola (Na) Via Don Minzoni, 231 tel +39 081 5551107 Senza Glutine Via Don Minzoni, 268 tel +39 081 7333681 San Giorgio a Cremano (Na) 16 Mar Via Manzoni, 54/56 tel +39 081 7714146 S. Margherita di S. Via Bruno Buozzi, 15 (P. Municipio) tel +39 081 488300 Nola (Na) Pastabar Interporto Campano, Lotto C tel +39 081 8269357 www.pastaleonessa.it 48 1 Mer 17 Ven S. Ansano S. Lazzaro, S. Olimpia 2 Gio 18 Sab S. Savino, S. Bibiana S. Graziano vescovo 3 Ven 2021 19 Dom S. Francesco Saverio S. Dario, S. Fausta IV di Avvento 4 Sab Dicembre 20 Lun S. Barbara S. Liberato martire 5 Dom Lobster Linguini with Piennolo Tomatoes 21 Mar S. Giulio martire II di Avvento on a cream of “Corbara” yellow cherry S. Pietro Canisio tomatoes 49 6 Lun 22 Mer S. Nicola Vescovo Chef Mauro Della Marca S. Francesca Cabrini

7 Mar 320gr Leonessa Linguine, 4 small Lobsters, 200gr Piennolo 51 23 Gio S. Ambrogio Vescovo cherry tomatoes, 200gr Corbara yellow cherry tomatoes, S. Vittoria 2 Garlic cloves, 60gr Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Salt, 1 shot of 8 Mer Brandy. 24 Ven Immacolata Concezione S. Delfino, S. Adele Let’s begin by preparing the yellow cherry tomatoes cream: in 9 Gio a pan, let 1 whole garlic clove stir-fry within 20gr of olive oil. As 25 Sab S. Siro soon as it starts to turn golden, add the yellow cherry tomatoes Natale del Signore cut into quarters along with a pinch of salt. Cover with a lid and 10 Ven allow to cook at low heat for about 10 minutes. Finally, blend the 26 Dom B. V. Maria di Loreto mixture and sieve. S. Stefano protomartire Meanwhile, separate the lobsters heads from the tails and split 11 Sab them in two. Wash them under running water. 27 Lun S. Damaso I Papa In a large pan, let a whole garlic clove - finely chopped - sauté S. Giovanni Apostolo, S. Rachele with chilli pepper in the remaining olive oil. As soon as the garlic 12 Dom starts to turn golden, add the lobsters’ heads and let cook for a 28 Mar S. Amalia, S. Giovanna F. III di Avvento couple minutes. Therefore, pour a Brandy shot and let it evapo- SS. Martiri Innocenti, S. Iolanda rate. Finally, add the lobsters tails along with the cherry tomatoes 50 13 Lun cut in two and a pinch of salt. Cover with a lid and let cook for 29 Mer S. Lucia 10 - 15 minutes. Turn o˜ the heat. S. Tommaso Becket While the linguini pasta cooks, separate the lobsters from the 14 Mar sauce and with the help of scissors, extract the meat carefully, 52 30 Gio S. Giovanni della Croce making sure not to break the tails as they will be used to garnish S. Eugenio Vescovo later on. 15 Mer Drain the linguini al dente, add them to the sauce and stir. Serve 31 Ven S. Valeriano as reported in the picture along with basil pearls. S. Silvestro Papa 16 Gio S. Albina

Cercola (Na) Via Don Minzoni, 231 tel +39 081 5551107 Senza Glutine Via Don Minzoni, 268 tel +39 081 7333681 San Giorgio a Cremano (Na) Via Manzoni, 54/56 tel +39 081 7714146 Via Bruno Buozzi, 15 (P. Municipio) tel +39 081 488300 Nola (Na) Pastabar Interporto Campano, Lotto C tel +39 081 8269357 www.pastaleonessa.it Chef “In famiglia”

DALÌ BISTROT SANTA CATERINA CASTLE DONNA GIULIA THE GARDENS OF VILLA GIULIA Artists of good taste in the shadow of Mount Elegance and exuberance are the features Gourmet Pizza and revisited traditional cuisi- Exclusive events surrounded by the green, Vesuvius. With his Bistrot Dalì in Volla, Tom- that have always characterised the Santa ne, great selection of meat and wine. Donna close to the Madonna dell’Arco Sanctuary. maso Leonessa - son of Mario Leonessa - has Caterina Castle led by Oscar Leonessa , son Giulia Restaurant in Sant’Anastasia was crea- These are the “ingredients” chosen by Sal- managed to conquer the finest palates through of Mario Leonessa. The castle, built in 1500, ted with attention to every detail by the young vatore Leonessa for the creation of The Gar- local flavors, going from a charcuterie board rises in Pollena Trocchia, in the heart of Ve- Carmine Leonessa (son of Salvatore Leonessa) dens of Villa Giulia, whose management is and cheeses that welcome those suvius National Park. The setting is fairy-ta- who - within the park at the back of the Ma- entrusted to the son, Carmine Leonessa. who step in the hall, continuing with the clima- le-like, among blooming flowerbeds, bridges donna dell’Arco Sanctuary - has managed to The creativity of chefs Mauro Della Marca tised wine cellar in plain sight enriched with hi- and secular trees. The walls of Santa Caterina create a warm and welcoming environment and Fabio Sodano contribute greatly to the gh-quality wines and regional labels. The tradi- Castle are bordered by trails of olive trees and where it is possible to take a walk as well as revisited traditional menus that successfully tional recipes find wide space within the menu vines. The atmosphere is ideal for events and enjoy the delicious dishes prepared by chefs conquer the most exigent palates of the pe- of chef Francesco Tullio, who accompanies with ceremonies. Vincenzo Grassi and Giuseppe Ricciardi. ople who choose this location to celebrate mastery the warm atmosphere of the Bistrot Kitchens are entrusted to chef Giovanni Mo- Salt cod, mozzarella and exquisite main cour- ceremonies and important moments of their and is able to enhance all flavors through his su- selli, who - through his sublime mastery - ses can be found among the menu delicacies. lives. The indoor dining room and outdoor perfine dishes. The wood oven, the grill and ki- ensures the singularity of any menu, giving The brasserie section is seducing for the accu- spaces are elegant and romantic and are tchen are all in plain sight and it is therefore pos- exclusivity to any kind of kermesse, from rate meat selection. The Gourmet Pizza con- perfect for exclusive events in the shadow of sible to observe the chefs attempting to handle mundane events to private ceremonies. quers any palate with PDO products, PGI and Mount Vesuvius. selected raw ingredients and transforming them slow food presidi: these genuine ingredients into unique dishes comparable to works of art. are chosen to delight all ages. chef chef chef chef Francesco Tullio Giovanni Moselli Vincenzo Grassi e Giuseppe Riccardi Mauro Della Marca e Fabio Sodano

Dalì Bistrot Santa Caterina Castle Ristorante Donna Giulia The Gardens Of Villa Giulia Via Ra˜aello Sanzio, Volla (Naples). Via Santa Caterina, 12 Via Romani, 19, 80048 Sant’Anastasia Via Sorrentino Raimondo Padre, 4 +39 081.773 1215 Pollena Trocchia-Naples +39 081 531 6187 (Naples) +39 081 530 4705 Sant’Anastasia (Naples). +39 081 530 7329 www.hotelleonessa.com/it/bistrot-dali www.castellosantacaterina.it www.facebook.com/donna.giulia.14/ www.igiardinidivillagiulia.com

LEONESSA PASTABAR LEONESSA ARTISANAL PASTA FACTORY DEL PINO RESTAURANT Born in 2015 from an idea of Leonessa brothers: Leonessa Artisanal Pasta Factory finds its ro- Friendly and warm hospitality and dining Oscar, Luigi and Diego from the Leonessa Ar- ots in 1974 in Cercola and San Giorgio a Cre- organisation all around. The Restaurant del tisanal Pasta Factory have given life to ground- mano. Antonio Leonessa is at the helm along Pino in Cercola - created and coordinated by breaking format - Leonessa Pastabar - head- with his children Oscar, Luigi and Diego. It is Mario Leonessa - is certainly symbolic for the quartered in the Interporto and Cis di Nola. a family owned organization company that world of catering that lies in the shadow of Leonessa Pastabar is a reality enclosing di˜erent pays great attention to the world of research Mount Vesuvius. Ever since 1961, the restau- facets, from self-service to take-away, from the and innovation. The pasta production (fresh, rant welcomes its customers with smiles and Design G. Durante bar to the elegant restaurant. From sweet to sa- dry, gluten-free, Fibrella and Fior di Grano quality through menus that tell all about the voury, each product is chosen by chef Alfonso 100% Campania) has always gone hand in flavors and traditions of a territory rich in spe- Porpora who, after a wide experience in starry hand with the gastronomic field, accompa- cialties: from the ricotta “di fuscella” to fresh facilities, strongly believed in the project propo- nied by an open kitchen, a wine cellar and seafood, from the gluten-free pizzas to the sed by the Leonessa brothers and is now leader a laboratory of gluten-free products within a recipes that recall the italian regional tradi- M. Calocero of a kitchen brigade composed of 15 people. walking distance that serves for a fast consu- tions in each season. Foto The management is assigned to Diego Leones- mption, take-away and catering. Francesco Through the years, Mario Leonessa has ma- sa who coordinates the various components of Romano is in the kitchen: he is an expert naged to set up a brigade - coordinated by the facility, from the meeting room that is able connoisseur of traditional dishes and faithful chef Raimondo Mautone - that instills a fa- to host 300 people, to the à la carte restaurant to family recipes. From the dessert to savory, mily-like love and passion for the gastrono- with 120 seats. The Pastabar boasts two bar each dish follows seasonality and festivities mic world. areas: one for fast consumption and the other which remind their own customers present characterized by a lounge bar service. and past’s flavors and emotions. chef chef chef Alfonso Porpora Francesco Romano Raimondo Mautone

Cercola (Na) Via Don Minzoni, 231 tel +39 081 5551107 Senza Glutine Via Don Minzoni, 268 tel +39 081 7333681 San Giorgio a Cremano (Na) Via Manzoni, 54/56 tel +39 081 7714146 Via Bruno Buozzi, 15 (P. Municipio) tel +39 081 488300 Nola (Na) Pastabar Interporto Campano, Lotto C tel +39 081 8269357 www.pastaleonessa.it Leonessa PastaBar Leonessa Artisanal Pasta Factory Del Pino Ristorante Interporto di Nola - C Plot- Nola (Naples) Via Don Minzoni, 231 Cercola (Naples) Via Don Minzoni, 225 Cercola (Naples) +39 081 826 9357 +39 081 555 1107 +39 081 733 1145 www.pastabarleonessa.it www.Pastaleonessa.it www.ristorantedelpino.it www.pastaleonessa.it

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