Topical Diagnosis in Neurology
V Preface In 2005 we publishedacomplete revision of Duus’ Although the book will be useful to advanced textbook of topical diagnosis in neurology,the first students, also physicians or neurobiologists inter- newedition since the death of its original author, estedinenriching their knowledge of neu- Professor PeterDuus, in 1994.Feedbackfromread- roanatomywith basic information in neurology,oR ers wasextremelypositive and the book wastrans- for revision of the basics of neuroanatomywill lated intonumerous languages, proving that the benefit even morefromit. conceptofthis book wasasuccessful one: combin- This book does notpretend to be atextbook of ing an integrated presentation of basic neu- clinical neurology.That would go beyond the scope roanatomywith the subject of neurological syn- of the book and also contradict the basic concept dromes, including modern imaging techniques. In described above.Firstand foremostwewant to de- this regard we thank our neuroradiology col- monstratehow,onthe basis of theoretical ana- leagues, and especiallyDr. Kueker,for providing us tomical knowledge and agood neurological exami- with images of very high quality. nation, it is possible to localize alesion in the In this fifthedition of “Duus,” we have preserved nervous system and come to adecision on further the remarkablyeffective didactic conceptofthe diagnostic steps. The cause of alesion is initially book,whichparticularly meets the needs of medi- irrelevant for the primarytopical diagnosis, and cal students. Modern medical curricula requirein- elucidation of the etiology takes place in asecond tegrative knowledge,and medical studentsshould stage. Our book contains acursoryoverviewofthe be taught howtoapplytheoretical knowledge in a major neurologicaldisorders, and it is notintended clinical settingand, on the other hand, to recognize to replace the systematic and comprehensive clinical symptoms by delving intotheir basic coverage offeredbystandardneurological text- knowledge of neuroanatomyand neurophysiology.
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