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1900. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- SENA'r.E. 5259 SENATE,. A bill (B. R. 4.276) granting an increase of pension to· John R. Eggeman; TUESDAY, May 8, 1900. A bill (H. R. 4368) granting a pension to Flora B. Binds; A bill (H. R. 6784) granting an increase of pension to Harry H. Prayer by the Chaplain, Rev. W.R. MILBURN. D. D. ' Neff; The Secretary proceeded to read tlie Journal of yestru.'days pro A bill (H. R. 7022.} granting a pension to Rhoda A. Patman; ceedings, wh.en1 on request of 1\Ir. PRITCHARD, and by unanimous A bill (H. R. 80/'-9) granting a pension to BerlhaM.Jordan; and coment, the. further reading was dispensed with. A bill (H. R. 84.05) granting a,. pension fo Sophrooia Seely. The PRESIDENT pro tern.pore. The Journal, without objec The message further announced that the.House had agreed to tion, stands approved. the concun-ent re.solution of the Senate requesting the President to return to the Senate the4hl11 (S. 2332) granting an increase of IlECLAMA TION OF ARID LA~DS. pension to Margaret H. Kent. The PRESIDENT pro tempore before the Senate- a com- The message also announced' that the House had ag1·eed to the mnnication from the Secretary of the Interior, transmitting, in reportsof the committees of conference on the disa .~reeing votes· response to a,. r esolution of the 30th ultimo, a letter from the of the two Houses on the amendments of the House to the follow Direetor of the Geological S.ur.vey inclosing a statement of the ing bills: operations of the United States Geological Survey relative to A bill (S. 1905) granting an increase of pension to Lillian the in\estiga.tions beinO' of the water resources of the United Capron; and States, particularly of the arid regions etc.; which, on motion of A bill (S. 1906) granting an increase of pension to Agnes K. Mr. CARTER, was, with the accompanying papers, refeTred to the Capron. Committee on Irrigation and Reclamation of Arid Lands, and 'l'he message further ani;toun?ed that the House. insists upon its ordered to be printed. ~amendments to the followm~ bills, agrees to the asked for by the Senate on th~ disagreeing votes of the two Houses ARKANSAS RIVER RESERVOIR. SITES. thereon, and had appointed Mr. LOUDENSLAGER,-Ml· BROMWELL, 1 • - ! arul Mr.. STANLEY w. DA VEl\"'J>ORT mauagers at the Tespecfue Th~ P~ESIDENT pro tempore- l~ud befor~ tne Sena~e ~-co~- conferences on the part of the Honse: mnmcation from the ~ecretary of tih~ Intenor, transmitting, m A bill (S. 207) granting an incrnase of pension to Margaret E. respon e to a resolution of the 1st mst.ant, a letter from the Van Horn. Director ?f the Ge<?logical S~rvey relative to the flow of the Ar* A bilf (B. 517) granting a pension to Nancy E. Neely; kansas River, especially at pomts near the Kansas-Colorado State A bill (S 1489} granting an increase· of pension to Robert C. lines, etc.; which, on motion of Mr. HARRIS,, with the accom- . Roaers·. and pa;nyi~g paper8: referred to the Committee on ~rrigation and Rec- A bid (S. 2650) granting a.n increase of pension-to Kath21rine lamation of Ar1dLaruls, and ordered to be prmted. ' Taylor Dodge. · INSULAR SURVEYS. 'l'he message- also announced that the House had passed a. bill (ll. R. 2916) to. gr-ant rl.ghts of way ovei: Go.vernment lands for a The PRESIDENT pro tempore laid before the Senate a commu pipe line for the conveyance of water to Flagstaff, Ariz.: in \Vhich nication frbm the Secretary of the Navy, transmitting a; report by it requested the concurrence of the Senate. the Chief of Bu:reau of Equipment, Navy Department, stating what surveys of the islands recentlyacqntred by the United States E.~LL .ED BILL SIGNED. have bee1:1made1?Y the.Navy Deparlmen~, withcertainadditional The message fnrther announced-that the Speaker of the House mformation;. which, W1th the ac~ompanymg papers, was. referred . had signed the enrolled bill (S. 1127) granting an·inereaBe" of pen to the Comnnttee on Naval Affairs-, and ordered to be prmted. si-On ,to- Hannah G. Streng; and it was thereupon signed by the EXPRESS CHARGES ON MEDICAL M~D HOSPITAL PROPEP..1'-Y, : Pi·esident pro tempore. PRESIDENT pro temp.ore laid before the Sena-ts a commu PETITIO.·g A....'fD MIDIORIALS. nication from the Secretary of War, transmitting a fetter from the Surgeon-General of the Army, together with signed memoran Mr. KYLE presented the petition of Charles W. Peas~ee and dum, concerning the transportation of medical and hospital prop sundry other druggists, of Redfield, S.-Dak.,·J>raying for the re erty by express, etc.; which, with the accompanying papers, was peal of the stamp tax upon proprietary medicines, perfumeries, referred to the Committee on Military Affairs, and' ordered to be 'and cosmetics;· which. was referred to the Committee on ]finance. Mr. TURL:g.Y presented a petition of Lagrange Lodge, No. 81, printed. J Ancient Free and Accepted Masons, of Fayette County, Tenn., CIVIIrSERVICE EXAMINATIO:N PAPERS. 1p1·aying for the- enactment of legislati-On for the relief -0f La- Mr. KYLE. A short time since I introduced a resolution ca11- grange SynodfoaJ. qollege, of ~a.grange, Tenn.; which was re- ing upon the Civil Service Commission for .certain information. ferr~d to tbe Committee on Cla,.1~. • yesterday the,response came, and I believe it was inad verten:tly M1. BARD presented a memoz:1al of t?e board of supervisors of 1 referred to the Committee on Civil Servie&and Retrenchment. I ?Iac~r County, C~l, remonstrating agam~t the enactmen~ of leg ask that that order be res cinded ~ arul that the papers be referred 1sla.t1on to estabhsh t?e Lake Tah9e National Park; which was to- the Committee on .Education and Labor. referred to the C0mnutte~ ~n Public Lands. The PRESIDENT pro tempore. Is there objection to rescind- He also pre~n!£d a petition of the. Presbytery of. L?s Angel.ea 1 ing the order by which the reply from the Civil Service Commis- Cal., and a petition of ~he congregation of the C~ISt1~11 Church sion was referred to the Committee on Civil Service and Retrench- , o~ ~edlands, C~..., pr~ym.g fo~ the e~actment of legislatiorrto-p;i-o 1 men t and referring the papers to. the Committee on Education and k h1bit the sale of mtox1catmg_ liquors m. ~my can~ens, etc.; which Labor? The Chair ~ars none and that ordei· is m.ade. were refeLTed to the Com.~1ttee on MilitarJ Affa1Ps. ' He also-presented a petition of Los Gatos Grange, No. 314, Pa- MESS.A.GE FROM THE HOUSE. trons of Husbandry, of Ca1iforni&, praying for the adoption of certain amendments to·commerce law; which was A message from the House of Representative , by Mr. W. J. ordered to lie on the table. 13ROW ~1~G, its Chief Clerk, announced that th0' House had ·paEsed _ He also presented a. petition of Los Gatos Grange, No. 314, Pa thfr following bills: trons of Husbandry, of California, praying for the enactment of A bill (S. 2-366 ) to authorize- ~he-establishment, at some point in legislation to secure the advantages of State contrnl of imitation North Carolina, of a station.for the investigation of problems con dairy products; which was referred to the Committee on Agri nected with marine fishery interests of the Middle and South A~ culture and Forestry. lantic coast; Mr. PRITCHARD presented the petition of the Ex-Slave Mutual A bill (8~ : 2499} to authorue needed repairs of the graveled or Relief, 13ounty, and Pension Association, .of Washington, N. 0.. macadamized road from the city of Newbern, N. C., to the na praying that all ex-Slaves be granted a pension; which was ordered tional cemetery near &aicicity~ and to lie on the table. · A bill (S. 3559) authorizing the Commissioner of Internal Rev Mr. ELKINS presented a petition of sundry citizens of Green enue to redeem or make allowance for internal-revenue.stamps. brier County, W. Va., praying for the enactment of legislati-on to The message also announced that the House had agreed to the secure the advantages of State control of imitation da1ry prod amendments of the Senate to the following bills: ucts; which was _referred to the Committee on Agriculture and A bill (H R. 1381) granting an increase of pension to J, J. FoI"estry • .Angel; .Mr. PENROSE _presented a petition of the State Legislative · A bill (H. R. 1737) granting a pension to Cora I. Cromwell; B-Oard of Railioad Employees of Pennsylvania, praying for the A bill (H. R. 4030) granting an increase of pension to Margarett enactment of1egislation requiring common carriers to report to L. Coleman; . · the Interstate Coln!118rce Commission, under oath, the details of 5260 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. MAY 8, - all injuries to employees; which was referred to the Committee of sundry pro-Boer c~tizens of Eau Claire, Wis., expressing sympa on Interstate Commerce. thy for the people of South Africa in their struggle for freedom; He also presented a petition of the State Legislative Board of which were referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations. Railroad Employees of Pennsylvania, praying for the enactment He also presented a petition of the Cumberland Presbyterian oflegislation to prevent the issuance of injunctions upon employees Young People's Society of Christian Endeavor, of Mount Vernon, restraining them from doing things that are not unlawtul and Ill., and a petition of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union giving them the right of trial by jury in cases of contempt; which of Potomac, 111., praying for the enactment of legislation to pro was referred to the Committee on the Judiciary.